• Published 25th Nov 2013
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Neo Fantasia: Rise of a New Evil - PrinceUniversa

As peace is returning to Equestria, A new evil has risen and it is up to the mane 6 and an unknown ally to settle the score once and for all

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Chapter 9: Dawn of the End

Chapter 9: Dawn of the End

Twilight wakes herself in a middle of a forest. Wondering where she was, she walks through the forest hoping to find the way out. After only a few steps, the forest disappears and reveals where she truly was. She was in an apocalyptic world where the water itself was gone and replaced with blood, lava flowing through the entire field along with countless volcanic explosion, the forests beyond here were distorting and were dead, and there no signs of life anywhere, just the demons Oni summons forth. Twilight realizes that her fight was now within Oni's territory. Oni appeared, "Welcome Twilight to hell. To be honest I never bought anyone here. This is the first time I've done this." Oni looks upon the alicorn and unsheathe his scythe. Twilight prepares herself until a weapon appeared from out of nowhere. Nicolas's sword, The Heaven's Light, appeared in front of her bearing a message, "You are worthy of wielding this sword. Grab it and my power shall be granted." She wondered what it meant, but she grabbed it anyway with her telekinesis and goes into a battle stance. Suddenly, power surged through her granting powers of many seraphims. Oni seeing this, didn't hesitate and attack her while she was taking in the power. Twilight blocked the incoming attack and begins attacking Oni. With the newfound strength, she slashes away at Oni while blocks as well. As both weapons collide, the battle that will determine the fate of Equestria has begun.

While Twilight and Oni were fighting, the others helped Nicolas's friends defend the numerous demons spawning from hell. With each one of them taking five of the major cities, it would be long they end being tired and outnumbered. But despite that, they fought back not holding back anything.

At Ponyville, where Fluttershy and Pinkie were with Quintin and Rosette, defended the many citizens who were supporting the four. Rosette set vines everyone to squeeze the life out of the demons hoping to return them back. Quintin casted a barrage of spells at them from explosions to creating a dark pillar that extinguishes life within it. Pinkie and Fluttershy was within the charging armada beating down many of Oni's hellspawns. Rosette set up thorn shields around them activating them only when too many of them are around them. Pinkie, thanks to Nicolas, was casting spells that were beyond comprehension from creating miniature black holes strong enough to suck a part of the armada, to literally breaking a part of the universe only for a short duration. Fluttershy though used her animals and empowered them accordingly. For the bear, she gave it immense strength enough to shake Equestria. Many of her animal friends each gave it their all for their home.

At Clousdale, Rainbow Dash was shooting down lightning and calling upon severe winds to blow them all down. Most of the lightning bolts stunned them allowing for the winds to blow them away. Rainbow Dash along with the Bird Triplets, Eagle, Shine, and Dova, each had their share of the seemingly never-ending army. The two of the triplets, attacked the army head-on doing hit-and-run tactics hoping to lure them to Dova. Dova responded to them by healing the three who were fighting and doing many spells hitting enemies in a large group.

At Canterlot, Rarity was using many jewels buried underneath the city to cut through the enemy lines, each sharpened to a keen edge. Brave rode along some of the gems to do an overhead attack on the demons. He unsheathes his sword and slash at the many demons all the while defending himself. Rarity made jewel barriers around Brave sometimes to protect him. When it was time, she would make spikes come out from the shield and pierce the demons while Brave was attacking them with haste.

With the help of the Appleloosans and the Buffalo nation, Applejack fought against the incoming army. The Appleloosans with Braeburn as leader shoot barrels full of live ammunition to weaken the enemy. They never had these kinds of barrels until Applejack teleported some to the city. Applejack empowered herself and others around her with magic. She goes high up into the sky and slams the ground creating a ravine swallowing some of the demons. The Buffalos charged at them with the horns cleaved to pierce the skin. Each one managed to make a line of dead demons. Applejack dispels the ravine and continues the assault.

Back at the deaths of Hell, Twilight and Oni continued their vicious fight. Twilight shoot a magic beam at Oni. Oni deflected it barely with his scythe and did a downward slash at Twilight. She teleported out of the way and behind him slashing at him. Oni's wings take the hit and although hurt, shake of the pain. Oni creates a dark spell below Twilight and casts it while attacking her. Twilight barely dodged both Oni's spell and his scythe. She counter attacked with a meteor falling down on the battlefield. Both Oni and Twilight teleported out of the meteor's way. It crashes and creates an explosion shaking the battlefield. During the explosion, Twilight and Oni continued the fight within it ignoring the intense heat. Each time they get at each other, it would be their weapons clashing constantly. They tried constantly to get an opening for the finishing blow. When the explosion ended, both looked at each other hoping to settle this quickly, however, with their powers almost equal, the fight will take longer than expected, "So Oni, are you ready to face the fact that you can't beat me again?"

Oni can tell that she wasn't joking, whatever happened with her to reach the new power, it was enough to rival his own, "I don't know what Nicolas did to you, but I must admit, it is rather impressive." Oni created a black hole above them deciding to settle this once and for all. It was risky as this may end him as well, but too much time was wasted during his entrance here "This black hole is where I was sealed, if either one of us gets sucked into the black hole, this place will be the last thing we'll ever see. Now Twilight, welcome, to the endgame." Oni charged at her and performed an upward slash hoping to end it right now.

Twilight dodged the incoming attack and shoot a wave of energy from the sword. The wave made a direct hit and launched him into the air. Twilight chases him and tries to settle this quickly, but Oni anticipated this and countered her. She got caught and took a direct hit almost sending her into the black hole. She regains her balance midair and before knowing she was being sucked into the black hole. She teleported out of range before she could be sealed away forever. Twilight was looking around trying to find Oni. She felt the ground shake and dodged the unexpected attack. Twilight casted a fire spell on him hoping to avert his attention. After the intense fire ended, she turned invisible and ran away for now hoping to heal her injuries.

Oni was blinded from the fire that Twilight created. As he regained his sight, he sees that Twilight was nowhere to be seen. Seeing this tactic before, he was going to bet that she is trying to heal herself and keep some distance from him. This idea would be futile though because even should she be able to hide, in here, there was no hope of healing as healing spells do not function here, "Trying to keep some distance are you?" Oni went up into the air while keeping a safe distance from the black hole he created, "No matter what you try, you will feel death's embrace. So come on out of hiding!" Oni began the search for Twilight on ground and the air.

Twilight was hiding in the forest breathing heavily from running. She tried to heal herself but realization came to her when she found out that she can't heal herself in this place. Twilight was in trouble, without healing herself, she is much more vulnerable and unable to react fast before Oni makes move. Running out of options at the moment she had to end this battle quickly by sending him to the black hole and seal him away for good. She waited for the right moment for her to strike at her unexpected adversary. While waiting, she gets telepathic messages from her friends and their tone made her worried about the battle outside of here, "Twilight, can you hear us!? We're in big trouble here!"

Back at Equestria, the five alicorns were desperately holding their ground with Nicolas's friends, however, the demons were coming back faster than they can defeat them. It is to the point where they may end up being overrun with demons. Even with the many ponies assisting them, the fight was going to end up being a loss of many innocent lives, "These things are coming back faster than we kill them! I think we're going to end up being outnumbered here! Twilight, I know you're doing your fight but do something about this or else we're going down!"

Twilight was now feeling the pressure. Not only does she have to deal with Oni himself, but the outside threat as well. With not a lot of time at her side, she decided to deal with the threat at Equestria first. She casted an invisible spell on herself and tries to find hotspots where the demons might spawn at.

Oni was slightly annoyed that she was hiding from his line of sight. If he had learned anything from his many battles against Nicolas, it's that with friends, they can message each other despite the distance what goes on at two separate battlefields. He stayed at the seal where the demons enter. The one seal splits itself at her world into five separates gates targeting the most important cities. Destroying the seal would hinder all of his progress he made at Equestria.

Twilight sees the seal where her friends said that the demons were coming from. She was troubled about many things going on here. Oni was there to keep guard along with the incoming armada of demons. Considering how far the fight was going, she wasn't surprised that he would try to keep it safe from her. Still concealed in her spell, she cautiously went close to the seal hoping to close it. One problem to that is that she never learned anything about arcane magics especially of different worlds. She was worried that one slip-up could spell disaster to Equestria. As she got close to the seal, she felt the demonic energies emanating from it. The vile energies made her dizzy and almost lost her concentration. Everytime she got close to the seal hoping to close it, she had to back away from it as the energies were unbearable and it made her lose concentration. She looked at Oni wondering if he has noticed her yet. Oni was too busy looking for her allowing her to try once again to seal it. She slowly approached the seal not losing sight of it or Oni himself. As she was within her hoof, the energies began to overwhelm her as she tried to seal it. She tried to resist the energies as it slowly encroached her body. With each passing second, the energies slowly showed her flashbacks not belonging to her. The sight of these flashbacks made her cringe seeing each one of them individually. From the brutal murders from the many worlds that Nicolas and Oni fought in, to other crimes she never seen in her life, it made her cringer upon each one. One of the flashbacks however, showcased something she had asked before to Nicolas, what happened in his childhood.

Most of the details were blurred out, but from what she was seeing, his childhood happened while he was in a middle of a war. As the flashback continued showing her the capture of his parents. What she saw next made her understood why Nicolas didn't tell her about his past and made her shiver with all the gory details. She witnessed the execution of Nicolas's parents and the brutal killing of those said executioners by Nicolas himself. As the flashback ended at the screams of those dead, she reacted and touched the seal and said chanted words taught from Nicolas and managed to destroy the seal. Oni heard those same chants and seeing Twilight tried to stop her from breaking it. Twilight looked upon him, seeing the glint of steel from his scythe reacted and with the last bit of magic she teleported out of the hellish nightmare.

"No!" yelled Oni as he wasn't able to slice the alicorn's head off in time. He turns around and sees the seal breaking upon itself as all demons who entered it were forced to be called back. Everypony was cheering as all the demons were called back in a tornado of fire and everything was being restored almost instantly after the tornado disappears. However, not everypony knows that the fight is not over. The princesses and the bearers know well that the fight is far from over as they waited for the return of Twilight. As minutes passed, they begun to worry for the unicorn as she has not appeared from the ashes. The bearers decided to go to the old castle to check if she was there. With simple though of its location, each bearer teleported to the said location even though they never knew how to teleport, they didn't care about it. Each one makes it there and sees Twilight bruised up from her fight. They ran to her and embraced her with hugs delighted to see their friends once again, Twilight was reeling from the sudden pain but she didn't mind the embrace from her friends, "Can you girls loosen up a bit, injured unicorn here or alicorn as I am at the moment." They all backed from her somewhat embarrassed that they ruled out the possibility of her being injured. Twilight chuckled a bit from it, but suddenly changed expressions to a very serious attitude upon remembering the fight. She tried to stand up but fell down from the numerous injuries she received from that fight. Her friends assist her and upon seeing her attitude made them see that the fight was not over yet. Rainbow was the first one to respond to the realization, "He's still around isn't he?" Twilight nodded much to her dismay. Rarity used her magic and putted her on Applejack's back, "So we still have an unfinished business to attend to. This is quite a predicament, don't you think?" All were silent from her question but did understand what she means. They head back to the Canterlot Castle hoping end this charade now.

Back at the Underworld, Oni was now bent on getting that alicorn's head off himself when he meets with his old enemy face to face. He was stunned to see him back so early. However, to have come back now was better than nothing for he would enjoy fighting someone of his strength and of similarity than an unknown enemy, "So… It comes to this again."

Nicolas teleports the both of them into a separate location ready to settle this. As they reached their destination, Nicolas and Oni backed themselves up a bit. Oni wondered where was at. Nicolas unsheathes his sword and points it at his face a certain distance from him. Oni sees this and he too called upon his axe and points at him. Both stared at each other not wavering from the sight of their enemy. Each passing second, as numerous petals begin to fall from an empty space and be blown by the unseen wind touching the ground, their current form began to change slowly returning them back into their original forms. Two petals fall down slowly on their weapons as they returned back into their true forms. As the petals begin to touch upon both weapons, they move back and clash against each other. Each hit of their weapons shakes the very battle they are in.

Back at Equestria, those said hits are felt through small aftershocks. Though not noticeable, over time, everypony begins to notice them and a sense of panic was beginning to overwhelm them. The alicorns went to the castle bringing Twilight with them. As they fly to Canterlot, they wondered where these aftershocks were coming from. At first they though it was the after effects of that tornado, but they dismissed that quickly. As they make it to Canterlot, they feel the energy that once enveloped them left their body returning back into their original form. They carried her into the hospital where doctors take her in and try to recuperate her. The five went with her to see that Celestia and Luna were there waiting for them. As doctors putted Twilight in the same bed she was in, Celestia talks with the five outside, "I see that my student is doing fine. Thank the heavens." The five could only be happy from hearing that response from her, "I even saw a glimpse of the six of you as alicorns, I'd never thought that my uncle had the strength to do that." They had no idea how to respond to that either but to actually be one, it felt so satisfying to them. Aftershocks still ravage Equestria worrying both Celestia and Luna. They wondered what to do with these aftershocks and after much though decided to check out Equestria to see if there was something that was causing it.

At the unknown world, Nicolas and Oni were trying many times to get the finishing blow. With each anticipation of them getting there, it slips within their grasp until no more. They clashed again and the recoil from that sender them flying. Nicolas regains balance and chanted hoping to end this quickly. Oni did the same thing and chanted as well. As they finished their chanting they casted their spells immediately on each other. The spells collided struggling to beat the other. The collision of the spells was beginning to be a repeat of what happened, but this time, Nicolas wanted to end this now. He powered up himself and poured all of his strength into the spell. It begins to work as the spell begins to push away at Oni. Oni tries to power up but can't from being too tired from the last fight. He loses the struggle and dodges the spell narrowly before it hit him. As he was breathing heavily, he sees a seal under him. Realization came to him when he was being sealed away again by Nicolas who was chanting. He tried to get but his whole body couldn't move at all, "So this is how it ends again, you sealing me forever." Oni chuckled from this repeat, "But no matter how times you do this, I will always return." Nicolas looked at him not wavering from his nemesis, "And you know as well as I do that I'll always be ready when you escape." He chanted the last words formed his seal and Oni begins to fade from existence, "Heh, couldn't have said it myself." Oni returns back to where he was originally sealed and finally the fight was over for now. Nicolas begins to wonder if there will ever be a day where all these useless conflicts will ever come to an end. He knows there is a way to end this but until the time comes all he can do is wait. Nicolas teleports out of the dimension and into Canterlot. No one was there yet considering the ruckus going on. He reverted back into his ponysona of himself and walked out of the Canterlot Castle doors and begins checking on the innocents while walking to the hospital.

As the citizens from many cities began to calm down and rejoice, everything became nothing but memory never to be remembered. In the Canterlot hospital, where Twilight's friends are, they were chatting about this experience and how it felt. They giggled and scowled during the whole conversation while the princesses were checking. As they continued on, the two sisters returned having been worrying for nothing. The six laughed to their heart's content from them being worried too much. They laughed a little but nonetheless decided to join their chat. As they chatted about many things, a knock was heard at the door. Celestia opens the door and sees that Nicolas was at the door. She backed away from him much to her surprise, the others however, embraced him happy to see him alive. Nicolas returned the favor and gave a squeezing hug. The five hugging him were gasping for air as they struggled to brake free of his hold. Nicolas ,seeing what they were doing, releases them, blushing after that embarrassing moment. Having regained his composure, he returns his attention back at the six who were resting from the battles, "It's good to see you six faring well. Comparing that to me though…" Nicolas couldn't help but chuckle a bit, "Sorry, I'm just glad to see you girls well."
The six were happy to hear that from him, "We're just happy to see you again." Nicolas smiles warmly to them. Nicolas calls Luna and Celestia and tells them to begin the rebuilding of Equestria. They obliged and went off. Nicolas having seen that the fight was over for now helped as well in the reconstruction of Equestria. Seeing that this world is need of some assisting he decided to stay here and continue until the job is done. With that, he looks at the beautiful night sky one last time and disappears into the unknown.

Comments ( 1 )

Yeah, this is pretty good.

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