• Published 25th Nov 2013
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Neo Fantasia: Rise of a New Evil - PrinceUniversa

As peace is returning to Equestria, A new evil has risen and it is up to the mane 6 and an unknown ally to settle the score once and for all

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Chapter 2: Meeting the Mane 6

Chapter 2: Meeting the Mane 6

October 26, 2:00 P.M.

The chariot lands at Ponyville exactly 2:00 P.M. sharp. Nicolas was having good memories of this place flowing through his mind taking in all the fun times he had with Celestia and Luna here before Ponyville was built here, "So this is Ponyville huh, been awhile since I was last here. This use to be the place we would play each other." All of his old days here were outstanding, but now that it has made some changes to itself, he has to get use to the changes around the place.

"Yes, this is Ponyville, I told them to meet me at the library here, so they should be there. Let us go then," Celestia walks with Nicolas to the library. As they are passing by, the people bow down to Celestia as they would normally do to someone of royalty, but they were wondering about the other alicorn following her, "We're here, I wonder how Twilight is doing?"

"I have a strange feeling that things aren't going so well for her."

"How can you be so certain?" Celestia was concerned about what Nicolas just said about Twilight.

"Yeah, just get inside and you will see." Nicolas was making a somewhat funny joke when he said that, but he was serious about her having a bad time.

When Celestia was about to go inside, she can hear a ruckus going on in the library making her wonder if she is freaking out that she is coming on short notice. She enters the library and a pile of books were about to fall on her until Nicolas stopped the falling books with his levitation spell and putted them back where they came from in alphabetical order.

Twilight and the other six notices Celestia momentarily and bow to her. Twilight was the first one to speak, "Sorry Princess, we got a little bored from waiting for you. So where is your friend?"

"He is here, but what were you six doing while you were waiting?"

Applejack answered for her, "We were playing a game and Twilight went mad when someone here got into her nerves and she went a little bonkers, she told us about it as well, but, uh, we were all late y'all."

Rainbow Dash countered Applejack's argument, "Hey, it wasn't my fault that you almost bucked me in the face."

"That was because you were cheating, Rainbow Dash." Both of them look at each other coldly.

Nicolas was wondering he should leave them now or just wait until they settle their ordeal.

Rarity came in to answer, "Honestly, sometimes you two just fight sometimes to settle your differences. Sorry there, oh yes, we were surprised that you would want to hold a meeting at this hour, what is it all about? Do we get the chance to go to Canterlot, are you asking us to do something important? Tell us, please."

All of the others were a little embarrassed about all of this, well, with the exception of Pinkie, but either way, are excited to see Nicolas even though the library was about to crumble.

Celestia can tell that they were having a lot of trouble like Nicolas said but decided to put that behind for now, "It is all right my dear students. As you already know, an old friend of mine has returned and I wish to show you six him."

Rainbow was probably the most excited after hearing that and asked even though this question never came to her mind, "Oh, that is awesome, who is it, is he a pegesus 'cause if he is, I got myself a new flying buddy."

"Oh Rainbow, sorry for that, but is he a unicorn? If he is, I'd like to know what it learned." Twilight wanted to know as well, but something made her wonder, "By the way, I red the letter you sent, you really sure that he was gone for 5000 years?"

Hearing that made everyone shocked, a pony that is 5000 years old, that's older than Celestia or Luna. Twilight can guess the race that he is, "With that kind of age, I can guess that he is an alicorn like you?"

"Yes, my student, he is an alicorn, a very powerful and intelligent one as a matter of fact."

Just hearing the word "intelligent" made Twilight all the more excited to see him.

"All right then. Uncle, please come in, they would like to see you."

All of the ponies freaked out when they heard "uncle", "Wait, so if I heard correctly, he's a family member of yours?!"

"That is so cool, someone that's older than the princess here, and a lost family member, I can't wait to see him!" Rainbow couldn't hold the excitement for him

All the others wanted to see so badly, Nicolas was a little surprised to have this much attention to him. He doesn't like to get too much attention, and if he did get that much attention, he would be sweating like crazy. He decided to put it behind and meet them. As he enters, all of the ponies are in awe to see a majestic pony like him alive, most notably, Rarity. "Hello, good to see you all especially you, Twilight Sparkle."

All, again, are in sheer awe over Nicolas, they had so many questions to ask him, but they putted them on hold. Rainbow was about to introduce herself when Pinkie Pie came in, "Oh, hello, my name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, or Pinkie Pie for short if you like that, oh a new friend, tell me, what's your name? Do you like cupcakes? Have you been to Sugarcube Corner? Did you see the Everfree Forest? Have you taught princess Celestia and Luna before? Oh, so many questions, I can hardly pick which one to ask, haha."

"Okay, that was weird, alright I can answer your questions at your pace. *deep breathes* My name is Nicolas, I like cupcakes, I have never been to Sugarcube Corner before, I have seen the Everfree Forest before, and yes I have trained the two princesses before when they were just fillies." Nicolas was a bit surprised that Pinkie can say all that fast in one sentense, but, then again, he has seen more than one person do that before.

Applejack gets hold of his hand and shakes it like what she did when she first met Twilight, "Well howdy there, my names Applejack, and at Sweet Apple Acres, we make and grow the best apples in all of Equestria, we make the most delicious apple fritters, pies, juices, etc. if you know what Ah mean." She stops the hand shaking afterwards and gives Nicolas an apple pie.

Rarity was a little disgusted at Applejack for that, "Well if you be so kindly, dear Applejack, sorry about that there. My name is Rarity and I create dresses and suits for everyone in Ponyville. I always try to make them to perfection so my guest can be happy with the dress or suit they receive from me, haha."

Rainbow was finally ready to introduce when Twilight interrupted his introduction, "Uh hello, haha, excuse me, *breathes*. My name is Twilight Sparkle, but you already know that, I love to read and study, I have always trained on pony magics with Princess Celestia, and I have but one question, can you tell me all the things you know about?" Twilight was a little embarassed about it but had to put the introductions aside.

Nicolas was happy to know that her student was a learner like himself. "I would like to tell you all of the things I know Twilight but right now, can it be put on hold?"

"Oh, sure. You got all the time in the world to tell me all the stuff you have." Twilight was hiding her excitement when he said yes to her question.

He noticed Fluttershy and asks her, "Hello ma'am, my name is Nicolas, what is your name?"

Rainbow was getting really bored waiting for her turn and was about to go crazy until Twilight stops him from going mad.

Fluttershy was scared of seeing the new person. She was trying to avoid saying introductions, but since he found her, she decided to try to introduce herself. "Um, my name's Fluttershy."

Nicolas wasn't able to hear her right, "I'm sorry, could you speak up?"

"Um, my name is Fluttershy."

Nicolas still unable to hear her can probably tell that she was shy about this so he tries to comfort her, "I'm sorry to burden you, but you must speak louder. Please, I wish to know you well, if not, I can just leave."

Hearing that, Rainbow did not want him to leave so he tries to get Fluttershy to speak up, "COME ON, Fluttershy, speak louder so we can get this over with, I am getting tired of waiting."

"Rainbow!!!" Twilight was surprised that she could do that, then again, she does that all the time when she gets impatient. She was thankful that Nyx was at the CMC clubhouse at the time.

"Well, I'm sorry, it's that you guys keep on interrupting my intro and I had to wait until you girls got your intros done, and now we're stuck with Fluttershy doing what she does when she meet new people."

Nicolas can tell Rainbow well enough that although she is loyal to her friends, she can be somewhat of a bother, but she was right about one thing, he wanted to know Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, please continue your intro, that way, Rainbow here, can finally get to her introduction."

Fluttershy was feeling a little happy that this pony was a nice person so she tries to introduce herself once more, "Um, hello, my name's Fluttershy, I love animals and I take care of them."

Nicolas was relieved that she managed to introduce herself, now all that remains is Rainbow Dash, "All right, thank you Fluttershy. Now, you can get to your intro Rainbow."

Knock Knock

"Aw, who could that be?" Rainbow was getting really irritated from something interrupted him when he was about to give his speech.

The doors opens and enter Nyx, "Hi? I didn't expect everyone to be here."

"Hello Nyx, we're in a middle of a meeting right now, can you go upstairs for now?"

"Okay, hi Nicolas. How was your day?"

That probably shocked again all of them and especially Twilight, "Nyx, since when did you know Nicolas?"

"I can answer for him, but on another time, Rainbow Dash here is getting really impatient."

"Oh okay, I'll be upstairs then."

"All right then."

With Nyx heading upstairs, Rainbow was able to get her speech going, "Finally, My name's Rainbow Dash. I love to race against anyone and I'm the best flier in all of Ponyville, heck, probably the best flier in all of Equestria, I doubt you could beat me in a race. Oh I almost forgot that I love the Wonderbolts, they are the best flier squad I know of and I can wait to meet and train with them."

"Wait? Is that a challenge I hear?" Nicolas was getting pumped to hear that coming from the 'Best Flier' in all of Ponyville.

Twilight pulled Rainbow from the air, "Rainbow, are you crazy, you're going against a prince here, I don't know if you can beat him in a one-on-one race even if he does it fair."

"No, I'm not crazy, and yes, that was a challenge. I challenge you to a race on the skies to see which one of us is worthy of being called the 'Best Flier' which is me."

"Really, you're really sure you want to face against me?"

"Yeah, I am, are you?"

"Heck yes I am, you are on Rainbow Dash." Nicolas was getting even more excited to have a challenge. It had been awhile since he last had one.

Twilight and all the others cannot believe that this is actually happening right in front of them, a race to determine which one of them deserves the title of "Best Flier", Pinkie Pie on the other hand was excited about the race at hand.

"All right then, prince, where do you wish to race?"

"You're asking me where the race should be held? Alright then. Let's see, how about from here to Canterlot Castle on October 27, is that good enough of a challenge for you?"

"Heck yeah, you are so on." Rainbow Dash opens the door and flies out of the library with confidence in herself.

Celestia was a little surprised that the greetings went a little well than what she had in mind, "Well, that went a little better then expected, uncle, I shall return to Canterlot Castle. I hope you get along well with them."

"Do not worry, we shall get along pretty well."

Celestia leaves them alone with each other, "Haha, that's what I expected from the 'Guardian of the Universe', wonder how this race is going to affect my meeting I had schedule for tommorow." Celestia leaves on her chariot for Canterlot.

October 26, 7:00 P.M.

"Thanks for helping us out, hey, I am so sorry about Rainbow Dash, I told her not to be boastful about it." Twilight was agitated that Rainbow Dash did something she told him not to do.

"Yeah, sorry about that y'all, but you know her, once she starts talking about, there ain't no going back from that." Applejack was having trouble trying to put these heavy books back to where they came from, "Ugh, Rarity, aren't you gonna apologize to the prince here?"

Rarity was very busy putting all of them back and making them all spiffy while at it, "Huh, what, oh sorry there. Yes, I am very sorry about her, she tends to get a little competitive like that at times."

"A little!?" Twilight was still mad at Rainbow Dash for that sudden outburst.

"Okay, she is very competitive, but that doesn't worry you right, sir?

Nicolas was able to put all of the books on his side, easily, neatly, and made them clean in one casting of a spell, "No, that doesn't worry me at all, in fact, I'd like a competition against her."

"Oh thank goodness, I thought she ruined it for you."

"No, she didn't ruin it for me, she just doubled the fun for me that's for certain."

"Really, you're different from other alicorns I know of, being high and mighty and all, haha."

"Everyone says that a lot about me, so I can understand where you are getting. By the way, didn't you say you wanted me to tell you all the things I know?"

"YES, I did, could you please tell me about it?"

"No, not now, after the race with Rainbow, then I can tell all of you about all the things I know of, okay Twilight?"

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick my cupcake in my eye."

Nicolas was very baffled by that weird promise then remembered that was a Pinkie premise. He knows about it no thanks to the CMC but tries to act dumb, "Uh, what kind of promise is that?"

"That's a Pinkie promise, it's a promise made up by Pinkie Pie, Applejack broke it once, and what happened when she broke it. *shudders* Trust me, you do not want to break a Pinkie promise."

Nicolas was very baffled but from the sight of Twilight shuddering there, he doesn't want to know what would happen if he broke it, "Okay let me try it. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick my cupcake in my eye. Did I get it right?"

"Yeah, you got it there. All right don't break it, or else Pinkie will chase you to no end *shudders*."

"Why do you always shudder whenever you mention about it?" Nicolas couldn't shake off what all of that was suppose to mean. He might regret asking that question already.

"I really don't want to talk about it. Please, don't let me bring it up."

"Well, we're done, we're going to head back now."

"Have a good nights sleep Twilight."

"Aw, but I want to *yawns* keep on going."

"I think Pinkie deserves some sleep today, here I'll carry you." Fluttershy carries her out of the library back to Sugarcube Corner, "Have a good nights sleep Twilight."

"Good night to you all."

"You have really good friends Twilight.

"Thanks Nicolas, you might make a good family member of mine if you were one."

"How thoughtful of you. Oh, Twilight, Celestia told me all of the events that happened while I was gone and I wanted to say thank you. If you weren't there for me, I don't know if Celestia or Luna would be able to hold them off. I know they are strong, but even someone that strong has its limits"

Twilight was feeling a little happy to hear that from someone of royalty like Nicolas, but after a few seconds, something got to her. Did Celestia tell him all of the events that happened? She decided to ask him just in case if she did tell him all of it, "Did Princess Celestia tell you all of the events?"

"Yes, including the one involving your daughter, Nyx. She told me that you can finish off where she left off."

Twilight was a little shocked to know that Princess Celestia told him everything. He did mention that she left out some parts of her story, probably where she and Luna was banished to the moon. She decided to continue the story from there, "Yes, I'll continue the story from where she left off."

"Please, tell me."

While the guards and the princesses were looking for their secret hideout, I had already found it thanks to one of the member's locket. He was a butler of Spell Nexus, I don't remember his name but thanks to his locket, I manage to find the secret hideout. I sneaked around the place to find Nyx, well Nightmare Moon, and see if I can talk to her. I teleported around the secret castle from place to place avoiding some guards until I found what seems to be her bedroom. I got a mental image of it and teleported into the bedroom hoping to find her; however, she was not there. I was about to leave until I heard a voice, Spell Nexus's voice to be exact and hided. I saw him coming in and I thought that he was captured too. They took him down to what I thought they would take anyone to, the dungeon. I followed him and the guards. Only did they leave that I tried to rescue him, what I didn't had in mind was that he was working for Nightmare Moon and he knocked me out cold.

"YOU WENT IN ALONE!?" Nicolas wasn't seething with anger like he would be, instead he was utterly lost and baffled after what Twilight did. It was suicide to do something like that alone even if you are adept at magic, "Are you crazy Twilight, even I know how suicidal that would be to do that. Couldn't you have told the princesses that you found their hideout?"

"I know, but I just wanted to talk to her and see if I can get through to Nyx. If I did tell the princesses about this, they might have banished her and I'd never get the chance to talk to her." Twilight was in tears. She did not want to lose her no matter and would do anything to protect her even if she must fight against the princesses to protect him.

Now Nicolas can see what Celestia meant by their bond, this isn't a bond of a friend. This is a bond of a beloved family member, a dearly beloved, "I see now why Celestia was put in tears from this. Sorry if this is hurting you, you can stop now."

"No, the princesses left off where she was and I want to finish it." Twilight wiped the tears away and continued the story.

"You are very determined, I will acknowledge that."

I was in the dungeon, they did every kind of torture on me to make me talk but I refused to give in to the Children of Nightmare. They decided to show me to Nightmare Moon and once they did show me to her, they left by order of Nightmare Moon. I tried to persuade her to return back to me, but those were futile as she actually hated me for what I did with her and I couldn't bear to see her mad. I told her the truth about everything that has happened ever since that time and she was reluctant to believe in these stories. After that, she called Spell Nexus and told him to put me in the dungeon; however, she told him that I was to be healed in good condition, fed, be given good comfort, and given water. Spell Nexus was reluctant at first, but overtime did what she asked.

"So it looked like there is some part of Nyx still in there. That must made you happy to hear that huh?"

"Yes, it did made me happy, but not Spell Nexus."

I wasn't sure how long I was in the dungeon but over time, I heard three voices. Voices that I, all too well, recognize. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom came in the dungeon within my jail cell. I can tell from the look on Spell Nexus that he was not liking what was happening to Nightmare Moon and left in rage. I received a letter from Nyx telling me about why they were here.

"Wait, those three fillies were in the dungeon with you?! Holy moly, I really wished I was there to help you out Twilight, but it looks like you managed to take care of them well. And it looks like Nyx was coming back as well."

"Yes, but I was shocked to see them there. They told me why they did it and it made me happy to see that his friends cared for her still even as Nightmare Moon.

"Oh really, why did they come there then?" Nicolas couldn't hold the feeling that they didn't come to the castle just for them to reminisce.

"They told that they wanted to talk with him just for old time and also gave her a CMC cape they made. They made that as a gift to her. Can we return back to where we left off?"

"Okay, please continue."

I was proud to hear that from her and I had a sense of hope that she was still in there. After they released the three fillies back to their parents, Spell Nexus came to the dungeon enraged telling me that I was the cause of her not acting like what the real Nightmare Moon should be. I was happy to see that Nyx was doing nice after all. Spell Nexus was literally seething with anger when I said that she was doing something nice, then he had a sudden change of expression. That made me scared. He came at me and did something I wasn't so sure what was going on. An eerie cloud of smoke came out of his mouth and went into my mouth. I wasn't what was going on, but after that I lost all sense of what was happening around me. By the time I manage to get my mind to clear, I saw Nyx in front of me in the Canterlot Castle with a serious injury. She told me everything that happened while I was supposedly hypnotized. I was shocked to hear that I gave her that injury and that Spell Nexus did that to me. I felt saddened over it, but Nyx cheered me back up. She told me that she had something else to finish and flew off back into her Nigh Stone Castle.

"Interesting, well I think I can get the rest of the story down unless you want Nyx to continue where you left off."

Twilight did not want him to tell his side of the story but Nyx came and did it for his mother, "It's all right, I can do this. I'll go tell my part of the story."

"Good, tell me what you were doing at that time."

Where do I start? Oh yeah, I went back into the castle and sought to see Spell Nexus. He came and I asked him to see if he would like my 'blessings' once more. He gladly accepted it and I did what I needed to do. I used my mane to see within his brain like what I did with my mother and saw a huge splotch of that cloud thing. Except that it actually linked itself into the brain. I tried to pull it off of his brain but it was resisting me. I decided to use some magic and manage to pull it off the brain. By the time it was out of the body and out into the open, I felt it. The rage, the hatred, the jealousy, everything about Nightmare Moon within that cloud of smoke. It was the one part that was missing. I was wondering what to do with it, if I let it go into me, I could finally complete myself and become Nightmare Moon. Without thinking about it, I was about to be complete myself until my mind became clear and I stepped away from it. I yelled at the emotions of Nightmare Moon and I attacked it with an arcane lightning spell; however, as it was a part of me, I felt the pain it was feeling. With each lightning bolt I shot at it the pain felt much worse with each hit. The last one was the strongest one I have ever casted no thanks to the magic surge I had. After that, things went to normal for the time being.

"I see, I actually expected that to happen when you were telling me your side of the story. I wasn't so sure whether I was true or not. You are a very special filly Nyx and I am proud to say that."

Nyx was glad to hear that from another alicorn besides the two Royal Sisters, "Thank you sir, may I please continue?"

"Yes, you may continue."

After that last lightning bolt, I secluded myself from Equestria. If they saw me, they might run from me in fear and I would not want that, that is, until a zebra named Zecora came to my castle. She told me about the animals going on the rampage now that the two princesses are gone. As the spell takes awhile for them to be released, I had to go into Ponyville to save them. I manage to hold off most of the creatures, some I had help from the six you met now. I used a spell that allowed me to make multiple versions of myself; however, because of that spell, I was weaker and more prone to actually killing myself as I also spliced all of my power into each duplicate. After all of my duplicates manage to get all of them back into the Everfree Forest, we rejoined and what my mother saw was serious. I gained fatal injuries from all of the monsters I tried to bring back, then a howl came. It came from a Lupis Major, and it was getting ready to eat all of the citizens of Ponyville. I tried to stop it, but I was too weak from all the injuries I received. Out of nowhere, Twilight came in to try to protect me. I knew what she was doing was suicidal as she was not strong enough to defeat a Lupis Major. I used a teleportation spell on all of the citizens and teleported them all to my castle leaving me to deal with the ferocious beast. I was on the ground when he pounced on me and I was left with only one option to kill it, I used the lightning spell on it. After that intense spell hit the Lupis Major it received a minor wound, but it was strong enough for it to retreat back into the Everfree Forest. I was so injured from the beasts and that lightning. I slowly limped all the way to my castle. All of the citizens were there, I fell to the ground from overexerting myself. My mother came to my side and tried to persuade all the other ponies to help me. All of them were reluctant to help me and my mother at first, but over time, they decided to help me and all the other citizens that are injured from the rampage. After what seems like forever from recovering from my injuries, I manage to see my mother there with me. We talked with each and I was trying to hold back my emotions. I tried to hold back my emotions, but to no avail, I wept alongside Twilight and told her how sorry I was and how guilty I felt after what I had done to her. She forgave me after that ordeal and I was happy. She asked me if I was able to release the two princesses from their banishment. I was able to and we saw them. They were mad at me even though they don't look mad at me and was wondering what to do with me as a punishment. Twilight came in to protect me from the punishment that I was being taken upon. I stepped in front of her and I told them that I would take the punishment because I deserved it for what I did. They were planning to do it but they needed everyone's opinion for this. So Princess Luna left to talk to the five and see what they want to do with me. Princess Celestia stayed behind and helped me recover alongside Twilight for the rest of the time waiting for the answer that Princess Luna was getting. After what seems like days, they called me in and I was met with the two princesses alone. They asked me who I was, if I was Nyx or Nightmare Moon. I answered to them that I was neither Nightmare Moon or Nyx. I had Nightmare Moon's strength, but I also had Nyx's heart and mind. After that, Luna did a spell on me that I wasn't so sure what was happening to me. Twilight came in and saw me. She was shocked that I was in my young form and asked how did they do this to me. They didn't answer that question though with good reasons why. They told me what my punishment was and I was a little happy to hear it. My punishment was that Twilight take care of me and keep an eye on me. Twilight was wondering if this was a joke and they answered "No" to her. She was so delighted to have me back that I embraced back as well. After that we went back home and I went to rest.

"And that is my story as of today. There are other things after those events were over I want to talk about but I wanna put them on hold for now."

"It is all right Nyx." Nicolas was getting welled-up in tears from hearing this story, he was actually a little embarrassed to let them see him cry, "Sorry, it's just that this is a touching story you finished up you two. I wished I had that kind of bond with my family before I was gone. I'm just glad to see that you two are living together nicely."

"It's okay Nicolas, I can understand where you are going. It is getting a little late, we should be getting to bed."

"Agreed, may I sleep here for today Twilight? I got nowhere else to go for sleep."

"Of course, come on, I'll show you to your bed." Twilight took Nicolas and showed him the bed that he may sleep in, "Here's your bed for today, you can use it as much as you want."

"Thank you, good night Twilight and Nyx." Nicolas gets tucked in bed and goes into a deep sleep.

"Good night." Both Twilight and Nyx head for their beds and go into their deep sleep.

Inside Ifrit's Volcano
October 26, 12:00 P.M.

Within the semi-active volcano found, Nicolas's nemesis was preparing for the destruction of Equestria; however, he needed an army to destroy this world on a universal scale until he discovers some history about Equestria's past, "Chaosbringers? There is something worth putting into my army, Nicolas, once I strike on this pathetic world, you and your precious 'God' will feel my wrath. *evil laughter*. Wait a minute, didn't I know and said about this already? Damn it, I can't believe I forgotten about it." He prepared a resurrection spell of his own and wondered what to do with them once they are revived from their graves.

October 27, 8:00 A.M.

"*Yawns*. Wow, that was a good night sleep, wonder if the race track is ready." Nicolas goes out of the library and stretches out his body. He sees that Spike made breakfast for everyone, "Nice job Spike, I'm surprised you can cook at that age."

"Thanks, guessing the princesses told you about me?"

Nicolas nodded and heads into the dining room to eat some of Spike's cooking. He didn't expect them to actually be delicious on first bite. Spike sure is Twilight's number one assistant. After he was done eating he went into the restroom to brush his teeth. After that, he goes to find the race track. Searching high and low, he has no luck finding the race track.

"Hey Nicolas." Rainbow Dash waves hi to him.

"Oh, hello. Where is the race track, Rainbow?"

"You're kidding me right? It's on the clouds above us." Rainbow Dash shows Nicolas the track he prepared for them, "I had a little help preparing the course for this awesome race between you and I. Are you ready to do this, because a lot of people from both Canterlot and Ponyville are waiting for us at Canterlot Castle."

Nicolas flew up to the race track. He was a little surprised that it was well made and planned out, probably from Twilight's design of the race. He was getting himself psyche for this, he would get to see how fast she flies throughout the course and how well she prepared for this moment, "Of course, I was getting myself psyched for this." Nicolas and Rainbow are at their starting position getting ready to go.

Fluttershy was raising the flag telling them that it was almost time to go, "On your mark."

"Get set." Fluttershy stands tall and raises the flag up high. "GO!!!" Fluttershy gets spunned around like crazy until she regains her compomsure and watches the two go at their destination.

On Twilight's hot air balloon, Pinkie Pie and Spike are doing the announcement of the race, "Hello, people of Canterlot and Ponyville, this is Pinkie Pie speaking along with my right-hand dragon, Spike, tell me Spike, who do you think is going to win?"

"I honestly don't know who is going to win, both are going at it equal in speed and versatility, and I can't seem to keep track of where they are at."

"Oh I can, right now they are over the Everfree Forest, and are blazing through the forest like crazy."

"But they are not going through the forest, right?"

"Nope, just wanted to say that, don't ask me why, I just red it in the script."

"Script? What script, you know what, never mind."

Both had already past the halfway point and reaching Canterlot Castle almost in a blink of an eye. As they were getting closer and closer, both had broken the sound barrier, both, creating their version of the famous Sonic Rainboom at the process. except that Nicolas's version of it was that of a beautiful star. Both of them made everyone go in awe as they look at it. Rainbow Dash has never went into sonic speed longer than before. Normally, she would go a little fast, so that she at least was ahead of the other racers, but with Nicolas able to catch up to her as they both broke the sound barrier, she obviously needed some training for staying in the sonic speed long enough that she doesn't falter from it. Both were neck and neck with one another reaching to the goal fasting then what they had in mind. As they reached the finish line, both tied with each other. At that time that they finished the race, Nicolas felt his enemy's presence around Canterlot, "No, please tell me that you're not here."

"Hey Nicolas, you were awesome out there. I can't believe you actually caught up with me. I went to that kind of speed before, but I never thought that I would struggle trying to keep my form in place after that awesome Sonic Rainboom of yours. I didn't expect anyone to actually perform that besides me and yours isn't even a rainbow."

"Oh what, oh sorry, yeah. That was awesome, I learned that from a friend of mine. I'd like to call him the 'Blue Blur' at times. You know what I mean right?"

"I think so, you think I'll get the chance to meet the 'Blue Blur', whoever he is?"

"You might if I get him to come here. He is very hard to convince at times."

"All right, well at least we who gets the title of 'Best Flier'. That would be me."

"You are still rejecting that, aren't you. Oh well, the title does fit you well I guess."

"Thanks, say, aren't gonna tell Twilight all of the things she wanted to know about?"

Oh yes, I almost forgot about that. Well, good bye Rainbow Dash."

"Good luck to you too." Rainbow Dash leaves for Ponyville to check on Scootaloo and her friends just in case if they have to something do extreme.

After that whole ordeal, he goes to the library and enters the building only to find Twilight a little busy today, "Twilight, I see that you are busy today. What has gotten you to be a little, well, rushed?"

"Sorry Nicolas, it's just that things have gotten a little crazy today. If you were here to tell me those things, can it be put on hold just for today?"

"Sure, I was planning to talk all of the citizens anyway. Good luck on whatever you are doing." Nicolas leaves the library and planned to head to Sweet Apple Acres.

As he was about to go there, Ifrit's Volcano suddenly erupted and at the top of the volcano, Nicolas's enemy has finally shown his face, "Ah, finally, time to bring this pathetic world the destruction it deserves."

"You!!!" Nicolas was surprised to see him at this time, "Oni, what are you doing!?!"

"Like what I love to do, bring the chaos to all the worlds. *evil laughter*"