• Published 25th Nov 2013
  • 5,472 Views, 4 Comments

Neo Fantasia: Rise of a New Evil - PrinceUniversa

As peace is returning to Equestria, A new evil has risen and it is up to the mane 6 and an unknown ally to settle the score once and for all

  • ...

Chapter 7: Corruption of the Mind

Chapter 7: Corruption of the Mind

Fortress Dungeon
Nov 2, 11:46 A.M.

"Ugh, is everypony here?" Twilight manages to stands up from them crashing on the floor. When she manages to get up, everything around was silent. She was beginning to get worried when they don't call back. She calls them again, "Applejack? Rarity? Pinkie? Fluttershy? Rainbow Dash!?" Her calls echo through the dungeon, but they still do not respond back making her very worried. She illuminates the dungeon she is in and discovers that she is in a dungeon cell. She tries to break out of the cell with little success. Pondering on how to escape, the dungeon doors open by themselves. She was wondering why did the doors open much to her shock, but nonetheless exits the dungeon cell and searches for her friends. She hoped that they are safe and can meet up with each other, but unbeknownst to her, Oni has plans for the remaining five.

Applejack manages to regain her consciousness when they went into the portal. She gets and looks around to see if anypony was with her. She wasn't able to see anything through the pitch darkness. She tries using her sense of touch to find something that might be able to help. After some stumbling around the cell, she feels something on her hoof. She manages to pick it up with her mouth. Whatever she grabbed on, she might be able to use it as a torch. For a few seconds, she tries to find a match to light whatever she was holding with little luck. After what seemed like an hour lurking in the darkness the thing she was holding onto emitted an eerie green light. She was at least happy that the thing was able to glow without all the hassle of finding a match. When she turns around, the dungeon doors open. She goes out of the doors looking both ways debating on where to go. She goes to the left hopefully finding anypony while she is walking to unknown areas.

Rarity stands up from the collision she had to ordeal from the portal. She looks around and sees absolute darkness. She illuminates the place and see that she was in a dungeon cell. Normally she would freak out a bit from the unsanitary conditions that the dungeons have, but didn't because for some reason, the dungeon was clean. She goes to the door pondering on what to do. The doors opens suprisingly fast making her back up a bit from the sudden opening. She goes out of the cell and looks around. She tries to call for them by yelling their names out. Even with the echo going through, no pony responded back. She walks through the gigantic, everexpanding dungeons hoping to find something that might help her.

Rainbow Dash was among the only pony that was able to avoid crashing on the ground. She looks around the cell and sees a light from a distance. She walks there and sees that it was a torch. She grabs the torch and using the torch tries to find a way out. She finds the cell doors open already. She goes out and sees that the dungeon was a big maze. The size of the maze reminded her too much of what happened with Discord. She shrugs off the memory and continues walking through the dungeon.

Pinkie manages to regain consciousness in a matter of seconds after they landed. She looks and sees only pitch blackness. She was use to dark places like this and continued to hop forward accidently running into the cell doors while trying to go forward. She looks around the cell and sees a torch from the distance and hops over there to grab it. As soon as she grabs it, the dungeon doors open. Pinkie looks at the doors not thinking of what was beyond them and continues forward.

Fluttershy woke up from the incident only to see pitch darkness. She was about to scream her lungs out, but regained control of herself. She looks around the cell hopefully to find a light source. She sees a light from the distance and slowly walks over there. She sees the torch and grabs it. Like what happen with Pinkie, the moment she grabbed the torch, the doors opened suddenly. The big bang the doors emitted scared Fluttershy a little bit. She leaves the cell noticing that no one but her was there. She looks forward and sees four ways she can go. She ponders on where to go then decided to take the middle path not knowing what awaits her.

Oni was watching the ponies hopelessly wander through the mass dungeon. He specifically made it a maze so that it would be hard for them to actually find each other. He looks at one of the ponies and sees that she was heading to a dead end. Oni heads to where the dead end was to meet her face to face.

Applejack was looking around her hopefully finding any secrets that she may have missed. If there were any secrets, they were hidden very well. She continues forward until she runs into a dead end, "*sighs* Dead end." She was about to turn around until she heard something. She turns back to the wall only to see that it wasn't there anymore. She was baffled by that and though she might regret it, she continues forward. As soon as she passes through, the wall behind her closed. She reacted and tried to kick it out of her way. The wall was hard as metal. She scratches her head in confusion as to what was going on. She turns and looks directly into Oni's eyes. She jumped back a bit from the sudden surprise. She regains her composure and looks sternly at the demon. Upon trying to attack him, her feet weren't able to move. As she looked down she notices that she was binded on the spot where she was. She tries to struggle out of the bind only for it to fail. She stops and looks at Oni again.

"Well, looks like you are in a predicament." Oni walks closer to the cowgirl pony giving her the look again. She looks away from his eyes trying to avoid eye contact. Oni grabs her chin and pulls it to his direction, "Now, what am I going to with you?" Oni lets go of Applejack and walks back to where he was with his back turned.

Applejack wanted to pound the fella's skull, but with her hooves binded, she couldn't do a thing to him. She was furious about what he did, seperating her from her friends, "Y'all better me what happened to them, or so help me once get out of this Ah'll knock your skull out." Applejack was trying very hard to get out of the bind with little success.

Oni mockingly laughed at the threat he was given, "My my, you sure are a stubborn one..." He looks at her once again and begins to cast a spell on her, "But it's futile to try to escape." He casts a spell on her knocking her out cold and putting her into a deep sleep. He then walks slowly to her and proceeds to touch Applejack's head. She manages to link his mind to her's beginning what he desired to do on them.

Sweet Apple Acres
Nov 2, 11:56 A.M.

Applejack wakes up from her dream and notices that she is in Sweet Apple Acres. She gets out of her bed and sees her brother and sister playing on the field. She heads outside and upon stepping on the ground, everything began to change drastically. Her brother and little sister weren't where they were and the farm looked abandoned. She went into panic mode wondering as to what was going on. Out of the shadows came Oni who was smiling menacingly, "What did you do to my kinfolk?! Where are my siblings!?" Applejack went charging into Oni only for her to go through him.

Oni laughed at her. He was enjoying the pony's futile attempts to hit him. When she eventually realizes that she cannot hit him. He pulls out a filly skeleton out from his pocket and show it to Applejack, "See this skeleton?" Oni tosses the skeleton within close proximity to her legs, "It's your beloved grandmother Granny Smith."

Upon hearing that from Oni, Applejack was in utter shock as to what she was seeing. She tries to shake it off praying to Celestia that what she was looking at wasn't her beloved grandma. She quivered in fear after seeing what she was looking at.

Oni was enjoying every moment of her suffering like this. He pulls out another skeleton and tosses it at Applejack again, "There's your brother Big Macintosh..." He pulls one more thing from his pocket. He takes out a decapitated head of her sister and show it to Applejack.

Whe Applejack sees Apple Bloom's decapitated head in front of her, she was literally in tears. She was trying to convince herself that this was just a dream. She tries everything to believe that it wasn't true, but the nightmare was unbearable to her. She looks at Oni trying to hold the tears.

Oni notices the expression in her face. It was almost priceless seeing her face. It was full of anguish, sadness, almost all the negative emotions he can think of. It felt satisfying to see the pain, the misery, the thrill of seeing hie enemies's face. He looks back at her smiling with excitement, "Aw, what's the matter? Are you too scared to fight me now?" Oni was chuckling from the sheer amount of joy he was having, "You are pathetic, you are not a brave pony, you are a coward. A lonely, backstabbing coward," Oni looks at her one last time before he leaves her to her 'dead' family. He couldn't help but laugh one last time as he left although he wished that she putted up a better fight. He would have much more fun poking at everything she holds dear. He hoped that the others would put up a fair fight against their worst nightmares.

Applejack looked at her 'dead' family members. She was into so much shock and sadness that she wasn't thinking straight at all only able to utter a few words, "Why... Why did this have to happen to me!?" She uttered a heart-breaking scream while holding her beloved sister's decapitated skull to her chest. She let the tears run freely while again still holding her little sister's skull.

Fortress Dungeon
Nov 2, 12:04 A.M.

When Oni let go of his hold on Applejack's skull. He begins to like what he was doing. At this time, Applejack has gained drastic changes from herself. Her fur coat was a slight darker tone of her original fur color. When she opened her eyes, Oni was overjoyed at the new Applejack. Her eyes have green shadow flames, her feet changed to a black color and within her Element, the spirit of Applejack was entombed by her own Element. Oni was happy to see that he managed to corrupt one of the bearers. Now all that remained are the other five, "One down, five more to go." Oni creates a portal and tells Applejack to enter. She obeyed his command and entered the portal back into his throne room. He uses the walls to check on the other ponies that were hopelessly wandering around the dungeon. Four of them were getting lucky so far into not running into a dead end. However, he notices that the gem lover, Rarity, was heading into a dead end. He heads to that dead end and waits for his quarry to come.

Rarity was beginning to not like the predicament she was in. She had hoped not to be in this situation, but she was in it and there was no hope of getting out of it. She continues and sees a dead end. She was fuming a bit from running into a dead end, but upon closer examination of the wall, the wall disappeared and she was able to see what they were trying to defeat. Within a few meters away from her was Oni who was glancing at her with those soul-piercing eyes. She enters the room and hears a slam. She turns around and see that the entrance behind her was closed. Looking back Oni, she begins to telekinetically shoot gems from her bag.

Oni sidesteps each one of the gems being shot at him, "Really? Is that the best you can do?" Oni begins to move in on Rarity in almost in a blink of an eye.

Rarity manages to create a jewel barrier around herself before he could make contact. She makes the barrier create spikes around her and shoot those spikes at him as well. She looks through her peeping hole only for her to make eye contact with Oni's eyes. Rarity manages to look away from the eyes.

Oni dodges each shot of those gems while trying to find a way to remove the barrier around her. He manages to create a clone of himself with some magic and let's the clone take all the hits while he himeself becomes invisible. The gems hit the clone directly leaving behind a blood splatter on the wall. Now he waits for his quarry to remove the barrier waiting patiently like a hunter.

Rarity heard those gems made contact with the demon. She looks through her peephole just in case to check out if he was truly defeated. She looks through and sees a blood splatter on the wall. She dispels the barrier and sees Oni's clone believing that she bested the demon.

Oni sees that she hasn't noticed that the Oni she killed was a clone. He uses the opportunity to grab on the skull of Rarity. He dispels the invisibility spell upon getting close to her and grabs her head. Rarity was in shock when she saw him. She didn't have enough time to react and got caught in the demon's grip. Now Oni manages to make a link once again with Rarity's mind once again spreading his corruption.

Carousel Boutique
Nov. 2, 12:12 A.M.

Just like Applejack's, Rarity wakes up from her slumber on a design sheet that looked unfinished. She takes a look at the unfinished piece and realized it was one of the designs she scrapped. She looks at it for a minute, then leaves the table only for her to hear something out of place. She turns around and notices that the table disappeared from where it was and what was left from it was a black paper. She goes next to the thing not knowing what was going to happen and picks up the paper. She looks at the thing and sees nothing of importance on it, but upon closer examination of the paper, she sees something that almost made her puke right on it. She sees what would have been a zombified Nicolas. She tosses the paper away from her and tries to regain her composure. She looks at the paper again and sees that the paper was starting to move on its own. It was moving eeriely moving in to get closer to Rarity. Rarity went to the door and tried to escape. The moment she opened the door, she almost fell into a black abyss surrounding the boutique. She closes the door and looks at the paper to see that it was now became white with red markings on it. She wanted to stay away from the paper not wanting to read what it said, but her curiosity got the better of her and decided to read the paper. When she picks it up and reads what was written on it, it almost made her want to jump into the black abyss.

You're Next

Oni comes out from one of the closets in the boutique. He was being delighted in scaring her hoping that she might fare better then the last pony, "Well, were you scared?" Oni pulls out her gala dress and looks at it. The design, the beauty, the way it was done made Oni sick upon looking at it, "This was I believe to be your most favorite dress if I presume?"

Rarity was in a state of fear wanting to stop him from ripping her most precious as it reminded her too much of her first trip to the Grand Galloping Gala, "No, please don't shred that dress! That dress is important to me!"

"Oh really, well in that case..." Oni gets a torch from his pocket and brings it within close proximity of the dress not wanting to burn it yet, "I might burn it then." Rarity uttered a strong 'NO' and charged at Oni who sidesteped out of the angry unicorn's way. Oni putted the torch closer to the dress making Rarity more furious about not wanting to destroy it. She tried numerous times to stop the demon from burning the dress from charging at the monstrosity to casting even the dark magics taught by Quintin to prevent him from doing it. Oni was enjoying her anger, it felt satisfying to him. He decided to not wait any longer and burns the dress.

Rarity now was into an almost berserk state not thinking rationally at all, only wanting to hurt the fiend for burning the dress up. When she went to deliver the last charge at him, she manages to make direct contact with him lodged in her horn. When she looks at what was presumably Oni, what she saw momentarily scarred her life. Her horn was not lodged in who she was targeting, but her own little sister Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle was in shock from seeing that her own sister would do that to her. Rarity pulled out her horn and noticed that it hit her heart putting her in complete shock. She tried to tell her that it wasn't her fault, that she didn't want to do that to her. Sweetie wanted to believe her, but she succumbed to her injuries and dropped onto Rarity's hooves with a sullen expression on her face. Rarity was trying to not believe what she just did, but with everything she just witnessed herself, she went to the verge of tears.

Oni appears next to her reveling in the intense sadness that she was showing, "Aw, you killed your own sister. How delightful." Oni walked to where she met her eyes looking instead at the 'dead' corpse of her sister.

Rarity wouldn't look at the atrocity and uttered only a few words to him that made her realize that she was on the verge of going suicidal, "Buck you."

Upon hearing that from the generous Rarity, Oni realized that he struck a nerve on her. He was now seeing the anger on her face and it made Oni more anxious to inflict more pain on her, however, he decided to leave them alone, "Well, I didn't expect that from the genorous Rarity, but I'll leave you with your 'beloved' sister." Oni leaves out through the black abyss and continues walking through until he was out of Rarity's line of sight.

Rarity was left alone with her dead sister who was in her hooves. She wanted to not let this happen to her, but she was killed by her own sister making her feel guilty beyond words. She decided to do something that might make Twilight go absolutely rant on the 'Don't do this' ordeal. She goes upstairs and puts her sister down on her bed gently and begins to search for what she desired. She looks around the boutique trying to find something that may help ease her pain. When she enters the kitchen, she sees what she was looking for, a knife. She picks it up and goes to walk upstairs slowly. She sits next to Sweetie and contemplates on what she just did, "Sweetie Belle, you are the best sister I ever had. Nothing will ever change that." She then proceeds to stab herself on the heart with the knife. She pulls out the knife out seeing it cloaked with her blood. Before she falls next to her sister, she looks at her one last time. Her sister looked like she was at peace, she smiled and dies right next to sister with her foreleg over her sister.

Fortress Dungeon
Nov 2, 12:24 A.M.

Oni wasn't expecting her to have commited suicide when he entered her mind and played with it, but nonetheless was happy to have seen that. He was at least a little glad that she did putted up more of a challenge to corrupt than the bearer of the Element of Honesty. Oni steps away from her and sees that the transformation was already done. She gained a shadow flame from her purple, purple to be exact. Her feet became a little black. Her spirit was as usual, trapped inside her Element. Oni did begin to wonder why their spirits were trapped inside the Elements, but nonetheless was happy that they can still see through their Element. He creates a portal for Rarity to enter while he uses the wall to see if there is anypony heading for a dead end. Only Rainbow Dash was close to heading to a dead end. Considering that she represents loyalty, he has a few ideas on what to do. He heads to the dead end and waits for Rainbow Dash.

"Ugh, this is sssssoooooo boring," was all Rainbow Dash could say. She was in the dungeon for no one knows how long. She's been through many paths not finding a single path that leads out of the dungeon or finding her friends while looking for an exit. She did plan to just simply fly out of the dungeon, but the walls reach all the way to the ceiling preventing her from taking the easy way out, "Why do the bad guys always take out the easy way?" She kept on continuing despite her boredom trying to find the one way out of the dungeon. She goes through what she considers her last path and continues until she hits a dead end, "Aw come on! A dead end!?" Rainbow Dash takes a breather and decides to take a rest. She lays down on the floor and takes a nap hoping that someone else finds her here.

Oni wasn't expecting sompony to doze off in a dangerous place like his dungeon, especially somepony who has a lot of energy to actually take some time to slumber, "Huh, she just made this a little easier." Oni sneaks up on the pegasus slowly hoping to not alert her of his presense. Whenever Oni got closer and closer to the sleeping pegasus, his mind begins to alert him that something might go wrong should he mess this up and he was indeed worried about messing up. As he got within arms length of the pony, he begins to wonder if he should carry her into the room. Momentarily after thinking about how to carry him, he smacks his head for not realizing that he can just telekinetically carry her from where he was before. Nevertheless, he levitates her inside the room wothout a single sound being made. As soon as the pegasus was inside the room, Oni closed the door silently. To his surprise, the pegasus woke up unexpectedly and struggled to get out of the telekinesis. It was easy for Oni to keep hold, but the pony was struggling hard making it harder for him to concentrate. The moment he got to the center of the room, he lost his concentration and released the bearer.

Rainbow Dash flew up high to avoid getting grabbed on. She has an advantage over Oni from the fact that he is at least a part of the unicorn species while Rainbow Dash was a pegasus. Though she can't avoid the telekinesis, she was fast enough to prevent him from concentrating too hard on just the telekinesis. She begins the assault on Oni by first trying to gain some speed over the demon by ramming into him while dodging his spells.

Oni tried to get enough concentration to hit the fast pegasus, but with each time she tries to ram onto him, he has to stop concentrating and dodge her preventing him from doing any spell, "Annoying, pesky little cunt." Oni creates a rock barrier with a stomp hopefully making her run into the wall.

Rainbow Dash wasn't expecting the wall like that to appear with just a stomp, but she manages to avoid it with a sharp turn upward. Now knowing that Oni can do other things that don't require his magic, she goes into full alert and tries to hit him while avoiding anything that might harm her. As she was trying to hit him and avoid all of his traps and moves, she manages to gain some speed and momentum to do the Sonic Rainboom. As she was debating whether to do it or not, the demon almost grabbed her by the foot when she was thinking about it. She decided to do it despite knowing the risks of performing a Sonic Rainboom within a building as the sheer force may break the whole dungeon. She ascends up high where she almost made contact with the ceiling and descends downward at increasing speeds while locking on to her target.

Oni begins to notice that upon her making contact with the ceiling, that she was going to do something reckless yet powerful enough to actually hurt him. Within the time he has, he manages to create a barrier around before the rainbow pony strikes at him. As he was close to completing the spell, Rainbow Dash made contact with the ground and did a Sonic Rainboom within close proximity of the ground creating a rainbow-colored explosion. Everypony within the fortress felt the ground shaking from the explosion making them wonder if Rainbow Dash was fighting Oni or she was being reckless. Regardless, all of them decided to follow their instincts and pursued to the epicenter where that explosion.

As the smoke begins to clear, Rainbow Dash was heavily injured from doing the Sonic Rainboom that close to the ground. She slowly limps to the wall where she recalls the door closing and takes a breather there. She sits down and takes a look at the smoke. She wonders if she had beaten him. No one would have been able to survive an explosion that close even with a barrier around them. She was about to walk out until something within the smoke gets her atttention. When the smokes clears, she goes into shock.

Oni was completely unfazed from the explosion no thanks to the barrier although it did left him with a severe burn on one of his hooves. Nonetheless, he was able to shrug the explosion as nothing, "I have to admit, that was a bold move there." Oni concentrates on putting all of his dark energy into healing the severe burn, "Had I not made that barrier in time, I would have been burned and be nothing but an ash waiting to be blown away." As Oni manages to heal the burn slowly, the injured pegasus tried to stand up and run, but she was too weak to even move whatsoever giving Oni an easy chance to begin his corruption. Oni walks slowly up to the pony as she was trying desperately to get up and run.

As he was within arms range of Rainbow Dash, she begins to lose some hope of escaping. She decided to brace herself for whatever Oni was planning to, "Go on. Do your worst." Rainbow Dash said in utter digust to Oni

"Oh I will, you on the other hoff are going to regret saying that to me." Oni slowly brings his hoof over her head and makes contact on her head. Rainbow Dash was utterly dazed upon contact. Oni starts to look for her deepest fears through her head and finds what he was looking for. Now he begins the torture within her head.

Nov. 2 12:41 A.M.

Rainbow Dash wakes up from her coma and sees that she was in Cloudsdale. What she wasn't expecting was that Cloudsdale was in complete ruins. She stands up and walks around the now burning city in the sky. As she looks around the city, she sees many things that make her queasy. As she continues, she sees dead pegasi everywhere. The way thay are killed was almost indescribable to her. One of them looked to be Cloudchaser, her whole body was singed. The next one happen to be Flitter whose head looked like it was about to explode. Every time Rainbow Dash looked at the corpses of many of the pegasi, she was close to doing projectile vomiting as every corpse was worse then the last one. What seemed like forever, she felt like she was walking into a graveyard that held too many things to look at. At the end of it all was nothing but what was suppose to be a wasteland heading into nowhere. She sees Oni who was holding onto something. As she was getting closer, memories of her friends were coming to her, each ended with a grostesque sight of them beated mutilated by this monstrosity. She wanted all to go away, she knew she was supposedly the bravest of them all, but even she has a limit.

Oni never thought her worst fear was seeing her friends and all the pegasi in Cloudsdale die in the most gresome way possible. At the very least, he was enjoying the torment he was giving to her. She was expecting this fear to be bought with the purple unicorn, but not this one. This made tormenting her much more enjoyable, "How does it feel to see your friends die and all your kinfolk die by my han... er, hooves?" Oni was starting to really miss his human body already.

Rainbow Dash didn't answer his question back. She only manages to deliver a weak punch to his abdomen. After that she falls unconscious. Her life flashed before her eyes, memories of her friends and he numerous adventures they had. They felt so surreal that she wanted to be a part of it and just begone of this nightmare. After what felt like forever, her eyes close and she goes into a deep sleep.

Fortress Dungeon
Nov. 2 12:50 A.M.

"Tsk, yours was a little too short for my taste." Oni takes his hoof off the pegasus and looks at his transformation into the darkness, "But all's well, it ends well." Rainbow Dash's eyes gain an orange shadow flame. Her rainbow mane has a shade of black at the end of both her mane and tail, and her feet and wings was patterned from a deep red colorto orange and finally creating a flame-like pattern with her feet having black shoes. Best of all, like Applejack's and Rarity's, her spirit was trapped inside her Element preventing her from ever taking control of her body again. He creates a portal for her to enter and upon doing that, he hears footsteps coming from where Rainbow Dash just entered from. She goes to check and sees that Pinkie Pie was coming this way. Oni was confused with this one the most. How was she able to not be scared of anything, why is she always in a happy mood, and what does she do to be joyful. Those questions always ring through Oni's brain everytime this pony came up in mind. She is probably one of the few ponies he might actually have trouble trying to corrupt.

Pinkie Pie was hoping happily as usual trying to find a way out of the maze to which she considers fun. As she was wandering around aimlessly, she begins to wonder if the maze was moving on its own or that she was just imagining things. She takes a look around where she was standing and begins to turn to where Rainbow Dash went.

Oni sees her coming and sets everything up for her arrival. As she was getting closer to the dead end, he looks back and begins to notice that things might actually get more interesting with the hyperactive pony so long as she doesn't know this ahead of time.

Pinkie continues forward of the same path where Rainbow Dash went into not knowing that Oni was waiting for her. As she reaches the dead end, she pokes around the wall endlessly trying to find something intriguing. As she poked one last time, the walls open themselves granting her to a new room. She hops over to the center of the room and stops there.

As the wall closes behind her, Oni appears right next to her ready to grab Pinkie's head. Much to his surprise, Pinkie narrowly avoided the demon's touch. Oni casts a binding spell on her to prevent her from escaping him. Again to his surprise, she also dodges the spell. Oni was beginning to see that this one was indeed going to be a hard one to get his hooves on.

Thanks to her Pinkie Sense, she avoided two things from the demon. She turns around and sees that he was preparing a spell. She throws one of her presents towards Oni.

Oni dodges the present, "What the... Really?" As he looked at the present, he returns his gaze back at where he last saw Pinkie and see that she disappeared, "What in blazes!? Where did she go!?" As he looked around trying to find Pinkie, he looks at the present again. He notices that the present was moving slightly, he opens the present and out popped Pinkie as she delivers a solid hit to his face. The force from that punch was strong enough to push him close to the wall. Oni regain his composure, shocked to see that she was able to pop out of the present and hit him directly. Oni went on the defensive now knowing of what this pony was capable of. He was starting to like the idea of corrupting her as those kinds of techniques may prove her to be a worthy adversary and ally to Oni.

Pinkie was very excited to start this battle with a bang. Now she starts to go on the offensive by pulling out her party cannon from her bag. She fills it up with ammo and begins firing it at Oni.

Oni dodges each one of those presents each one of them having a different effect from the last one. One of the presents he dodged made an explosion strong enough to probably wake up someone from a mile away.

Pinkie Pie changes tactics and shoves herself into the cannon. As all the presents begin to decline in number, Pinkie pulls the trigger from her cannon and fires straight into Oni.

Oni hears another boom sound from the cannon. When he looks into the direction of the cannon he notices that Pinkie launched herself with the cannon. Oni creates a rock barrier in the hopes that it is strong enough to stop it. He then preceeds to create multiple versions of himself hopefully to baffle the pony.

As Pinkie manages to break the wall Oni created. She goes to a complete halt and notices that Oni wasn't behind the wall he made. As she looked around herself, she sees multiple versions of Oni. As she has been through this situation before back at the wedding, her Pinkie Sense manage to improve throughout her life. Her Pinkie Sense reacts upon the first of many Onis trying to strike at the pony. She ducks under the illusion of Oni and delivers a punch at the abdomen. As the others come at her simultaneously, she preps herself and begins firing off some confetti she got from her bag, blinding a few of them in the process. She moves away from them and begins her barrage. She places mines disguised as presents around the whole room. She enters one of the presents and closes it. One of the Onis come within close proximity of the mine and upon making contact with the mine, explodes with the present turning into smoke. Pinkie sees that through one of the presents and notices another coming to the one she is in. As that Oni opens it, it was met with a knife on its throat resulting in it going into smoke. Pinkie then went into a different present and reshuffled the other presents.

Oni was beginning to see the enjoyment in torturing and making her one of his slaves. While she was annoying to deal at the moment, corrupting her made this worth it. He did begin to wonder what was her worst fear. It might be something that may baffle him once he finds out. He told one of his clones to open one of the presents. That clone opens the one in the center of the room. As he opened it, he got pulled in the present by a powerful force. As he forcefully entered the persent, it closed and begun to move wildly. The real Oni wondered what was going on inside the present. The moment the present opened, smoke came out of the present. Oni was beginning to get really annoyed now and decided to cancel the clone spell.

When Pinkie saw that he was canceling his clone spell, she did not hesitate to strike at the demon. She popped out from the present behind him and went for the finishing blow.

Oni grabbed the pony right behind him. He smirked as he finally managed to get the slippery pony, "Thought you could attack me from behind." Oni gets his hoof close to her forehead as the poor soul was struggling to get out of the grip, "Sorry there, I've seen that trick numerous times for me to develop a keen sense of when somepony is gonna attack me from behind." Oni puts his hoof on her head, beginning the corruption. As he was beginning, the hyperactive pony was actually trying to resist his spell. This was indeed one of the few cases where someone, or somepony, was strong enough to resist the spell. He has had this happen before, but it wasn't long before he manages to get to Pinkie's deepest fears.

Sugarcube Corner
Nov. 2 1:02 P.M.

Pinkie awakens herself strapped on what appears to be a table. Next to the table are an assortment of tools. As she looked around herself trying to find out where she was, a bright light was emitting blinding her for a few moments. The light toned itself down revealing Oni right in front of her face. Pinkie struggled trying to get out of what was coming to her, however, the straps were too strong for her to escape.

Oni was enjoying her useless struggle. When he first looked into her mind trying to find her deepest fear, it was shocking to see that she has almost no fear whatsoever. As he continued getting deeper into her brain, he begins to notice that she has a big secret that made Oni almost a little wheezy and almost joyful at the same time. He decided to relive the secret she was hiding to her, "Why hello there Pinkie. Look around, know where you are and what you are strapped on?" Oni turns the light on at full strength allowing her to see the decapitated heads of her friends on the wall. Pinkie was in utter shock to see that happen to her friends and begun to realize that he was going to relive what she was hiding ever since she went into that state. She tried again to struggled out of the table, but the straps kept on getting tighter and tighter restricting her of movement.

Oni begins the torment by making an incision on the abdomen. As he was doing it, Pinkie's muffled screams echoed through the room. To Oni, it felt satisfying to do something like this to a pony. He stops making the incision as soon as he reached the lower parts of her body, "How does it feel to have that same torment you did to ponies to you?"

Pinkie was only able to say a few muffled words to him. She was trying to not shed a single tear from the pain she was feeling yet she knows this was just the beginning.

Oni noticed that she wasn't struggling at the moment. He wondered if she passed out already or she already realized that it was useless to struggle. Regardless, he did not want to let it end that easily, "Aw, don't fade out on me yet Pinkie." He makes another incision on her cutie mark. From that moment, Pinkie was woken from the pain and struggled to try to get out of the straps. Oni was reveling from all of this. Who knew a pony could get this maniacal to another? He did begin to wonder if he wanted to go further into the fun by going to rip open the incision he made on her abdomen so he can relish the organs of the pony. He decided to not go that far as that would distract him from his true goal. He stops making the cut on her cutie mark and sees that the pony was unconscious. Oni was very disappointed that this pony fell unconscious quickly like Rainbow Dash, but he didn't care at all.

Fortress Dungeon
Nov. 2 1:16 P.M.

Oni was enjoying every minute of torturing these ponies into corrupting. He'd never thought he would have this much fun doing all of this. Keeping track, he counted four he manage to corrupt so far leaving Twilight and Fluttershy as the last two he needs to finish. He looks at Pinkie and sees that her evolution transformation had already finished. She too had the shadow except it was blue like her eye. Her feet had became a slight darker tone of her coat, and of course, her spirit was trapped inside her Element. He creates a portal to the main room for her to enter. As she entered into the portal, he hears Fluttershy coming and from the sound of her, she sounded a bit scared. He goes to where Fluttershy was and waits for his prey to come.

Fluttershy was trying to hold herself together from the dungeon. Everytime she ran into something by accident, she was so close to screaming out loud. She continued flying through the dungeon hoping to find something that may help her. Despite her best efforts for finding the exit each way she goes, she feels like she is going around in circles. She was beginning to lose some hope when she reached a dead end. She laid down for now and dozed off hoping to get some things off her head. As she was close to dozing she hears an unusual sound coming from behind her. She wakes up and turns around to see the wall gone. She enters it despite her otherself telling that something seemed off there. As she passes where the wall supposedly was, the entrance shuts itself behind. The sheer booming sound it emitted made her jump a bit. She looks around the room she was in and saw absolutely nothing at the moment except a small candle. She was wondering whether she made a mistake to enter it or not. She goes to where the candle was expecting it to be nothing but a candle. As she was within the heat and light of the candle, the candle's orange color it emitted became a deep black color. Fluttershy stepped away from the candle as the shadow it made became a manifestation of her animal friends.

Oni comes out of the darkness and into the light of the black candle. He loooks at the manifestations of her beloved friends and looks back at Fluttershy, who was in deep fear of him, "Well, well, if it isn't Miss Fluttershy. How are you my fine vessel?" Oni transformed the manifestation into demonic entities. With only a thought while looking at her, the demonspawns attack the pony while it was traumatized.

Fluttershy stood there scared of the monsters that were going to attack. Oni was expecting this to probably be an easy thing compared to the others until she sees her do something unexpected.

Fluttershy kicked a demon with enough strength to break the bones in it. The recoil from the kick sended the monster skyhigh hitting the ceiling breaking more of the monster's bones. Fluttershy was for the first time not holding back on a fight using speed equal to Rainbow Dash's and strength almost close to Applejack's.

Oni was almost in utter shock to see somepony that is very timid and gentle be able to do all the feats he saw. Nevertheless, he summons more demons and orders all of them to attack Fluttershy. As they went into the attack, Oni hid himself while keeping them coming at her.

Fluttershy went into a counteroffensive stance, waiting for them to come at her. One of them tries to attack her from above, however, Fluttershy goes upward to the demon and delivered a powerful uppercut to its chin breaking its skull. Another one tried to attack her from behind. She meets the oncoming demon by kicking it on the face. Every moment when a demon tried to attack her, she would counter back, breaking a few bones in the process. Fluttershy kept up with the barrage of demons defeating them one by one. With time passing by, she begun to notice that they would continue to come until she reached her limit. She stopped and flew upward into the air. The demons possessed no wings on them allowing Fluttershy to take a moment to recover. Fluttershy was a little surprised to tap into her inner self and allow it to manifest her, yet at the same time, she had to do it. She soucts the area trying to find the elusive beast. As soon as she manages to recover, she hears a sound coming from behind. She turns around and sees Oni coming at her. She tried to dodge the demon but he managed to get her before she could dodge fast enough. She was pinned down with him looking coldly at her.

As Fluttershy was desperately struggling to get out of the fiend's hold, Oni puts his hoof on her without hesitation and begins to search through her mind. While he was trying to, he begun to notice that someone was trying to prevent him from getting any deeper. He decided to project his soul into Fluttershy and see what was preventing him from getting any deeper into her thoughts. He manages to insert his soul into Fluttershy and sees that another Fluttershy was blocking passage to her mind, "Another Fluttershy? There's no way she has a doppelganger in her pathetic body?"

The mysterious pony reacted to that in rage considering what he was doing, "Hey back off there. No one enters her mind without passing through me!" This version began to ready herself.

Oni was more baffled as to what was going on. With time, he begins to see what was blocking her way, "Ah now I see. You must be that twin that Fluttershy mentioned about. Fluttercruel, I presume? I though you two seperated from each other?"

Fluttercruel didn't listen to what Oni and only responded back to his question he asked, "We did, but that doesn't we aren't spiritually seperated. While we seperated physically, our spirit is still the same. So if anypony, I repeat, anypony tries to threaten Fluttershy and tries to enter her mind..." Fluttercruel stomps her foot on the ground with courage trying to prove her point, "They are going to be in a world of hurting!" Fluttercruel moved at blinding speeds and closed in on Oni very quickly.

Oni meets with the unexpected pony by creating a barrier just in time before she delivered a full-powered punch. Oni dispels the barrier and counterattacks the manifestation.

Fluttercruel blocks the oncoming hit, but the sheer force of the hit send her flying back to her mind. Her forelegs were in a lot of pain and she barely was able to keep them up, but she shruged off the pain and healed herself. Due to her being in the mind, she can perform feats that pegasi normally can't like using magic. She manages to regain her feeling in her arms and decided to use her terrain to her advantage. She imagines a dragon and tells the dragon to attack the demon.

Oni stood still while the dragon was charging at him. As it was within close proximity of the demon, Oni creates chains from his thoughts and wraps them around the dragon. As the chains manage to complete wrap it, he uses his magic to make it tighter on the beast hoping to make it suffocate. While he was at it, he creates more chains and points to their target. The chains move to towards Fluttercruel and try to bind her in place.

Fluttercruel runs from the chains trying to put some distance from them. She creates some walls to stop them from getting her, however, that proved futile as they were able to slip through the wall still stalking their target. Fluttercruel ascended hoping that they can't reach her up in the air. She sees them still chasing her and begins to fly away from them. She picked up speed and manages to get away from them. When she looks forward, she gets caught in the chains as they bind her preventing escape. She tries to get out of the chains only for them to get tighter as she tried to struggled.

Oni walks up to her, "Aw, well now that your out of the way, let's find out her deepest fear and secret shall we?" Oni goes ahead leaving Fluttercruel behind and enters the gateway to her deepest secrets.

Everfree Forest
Nov. 2 1:24 P.M.

Fluttershy wakes up a little dazed wondering where she was at the time. As her vision begins to recover from being a little blurry, she makes out some figures that looked familiar to her. She momentarily shakes her head to shake off the dizziness. When her vision returns back to normal, she goes into a petrified state of fear. The zombies from Sunny Town were looking at her with hate. They remember her from the Gaia incident that they could never forgive her for what she did after abandoning them. They went to show their hatred to her by trying to make her become one of them. Fluttershy without hesitation began to runaway from them. She wanted no part of what they were going to her and wanted out of this terrible nightmare. She went south away from where she believes was Sunny Town. Each turn she makes trying to get away from them, a zombie would be where she was blocking her way of escape.

Oni was enjoying the futile attempt from running away from the zombies. He'd never expected zombies to actually exist or even be mentioned in a place Like Equestria or that Fluttershy somehow became a princess to try to take away their pain. Now thinking about Fluttershy taking the pain away, that would have been too much for anyone to deal with, good or bad. Nevertheless, all he had to do was watch the show until Fluttershy makes for the cave he made just for her.

Fluttershy was running as fast as her legs can from her once-faithful servants. With each turn that seems to lead out of the Everfree Forest, they would always be one step ahead of her and block the exit preventing escape. Her legs were beginning to lose their strength to continue running and she was running out of options at the moment. She manages to find a clearing in teh Everfree Forest and heads into the clearing. As she makes her way into the clearing, the zombies now hasten themselves and try to get her. Fluttershy also picks up the pace and with all of her energy begins a gallop. From the distance, she sees a cave opening. Hoping that it will either lead her out of the Everfree Forest or at least hide her from the zombies, she races for the cave at full speed.

Oni was expecting her to foolishly try to enter the cave he made just for her. Oni teleports into the cave and waits for his prey to come. He does begin to ponder once again why would one pony like her would try to take in all the pain so that no one else but her can feel the pain. To Oni, that sounded ironic, suicidal, and absolutely crazy. No one would want to ordeal that much pain, heck, even an insane massochist wouldn't want all that to himself because in the end, all that pain would get the better of you.

Fluttershy was picking up the pace once again. As she turns around, a surge of zombies were coming to get her for betraying them after what they did for her. Fluttershy wouldn't care about them anymore even if they justed wanted to be friends, she just wanted out of this horrific nightmare. As she looks forward, zombies were again blocking the only path out of here. With full momentum, she hops over the zombies and flies over to the entrance where a cave-in occured blocking the entrance preventing the zombies from entering, Fluttershy was breathing fast trying to calm herself down after narrowly escaping an army of zombies. She turned around and begin to see a single light emulating from the cave. With a morbid curiousity, she walks to where the light slowly. She was beginning to fear what she was doing as each step she takes feels like you are walking to your inevitable doom. As she gets within close proximity of the light, it begins to emit a bright white glow and lighted the whole cave. She covered her eyes from the incoming flash. As the flash begins to fade, she looks around the cave and stops cold. She was looking at her past memories of her rule when she ruled Equestria as Princess Gaia. She wanted to not remember the pain, the suffering she went to ordeal at the time and looked away from them, but each time she tried to look away from the pics, more pics showcasing her rule popped everywhere she looked at. She shook her head, trying to shake off the memories once again. At the last memory of her, she sees the one pic that made her fear why she wanted to not remember it. The memory where she was a literal skeleton pony inside the monster's heart. She looked away from it and begins to get a straneg feeling. When she looks on her feet, she screams in fear. She was turning into the same thing that once pumped the monstrosity's heart. She wanted no part of the thing, but with each passing second, her whole body was beginning to rot away revealing only bones.

Oni pops in to see the result. Normally, he would love to be a part of what was going on, but her fear was beginning to consume her making this enjoyable to just simply watch, "Well, how does it feel to return back to what you once were, Princess Gaia?"

Fluttershy wasn't able to say a single as the process was already done. She found herself inside the fiend's heart and begins to lose all consciousness. The monster once again springs to life as it begins to rise from its grave. Fluttershy was all but a husk of the monster's heart as her consciousness was slowly being drained from her. All she could do was fall into a comatose state and be done with the nightmare. She goes unconscious and the monster begins its march to destroy all of Equestria.

Fortress Dungeon
Nov. 2 1:43 P.M.

Oni takes his hoof off of her head and takes a step back. With the corruption now done, her transformation had already taken its course. Her wings from the tip to the base became steeped in a dark pink coloring, she gains a pink shadow eyelining, her mane and tail have a black coloring at the end and her feet were dark pink as well. Of course, her spirit was trapped inside her own Element leaving just one more Element to corrupt. Oni creats a portal for Fluttershy to enter. As she enters, he hears footsteps telling him that the last bearer has finally arrived. He removes the walls that created the maze revealing himself to Twilight.

Twilight noticed that the walls went down in a blink of an eye. As they went into the ground, she doesn't see her friends anywhere. She was only able to see the fiend right in front of her giving her an impression that he did something to them. Witha buyrning hatred as to what happened to her friends, she boldly demanded what happened to her friends, "Oni! What happened to my friends! Where are they!?"

"That's a rather bold command there, Twilight Sparkle, I could just stand here and let you find out yourself." said the malicious entity.

Twilight was fuming from that answer. She wanted to know what happened to her friends and she wanted to know it now. With a hefty stomp, she demands once more about her friends's fates, "Oni, I won't hesitate to fight you if you don't answer my question. Tell me, what happened to my friends!?"

Oni was enjoying poking at her. He knew she would be one to anger easily if done right and he made her mad. He couldn't wait to get right to the point, "If you want to know so badly, I'll gladly show you them. Come out my servants."

"Servants? They would never serve someone cold-hearted like you!" Twilight would not believe even if it were to be true.

"Oh, but they are. In fact you might like the new looks I gave to them." Oni creates a portal allowing the five to come out of the portal.

When Twilight sees her friends in the state they were in, she was petrified in shock and fear as to what just happened to them. She didn't want ot believe what she was looking at, but she couldn't deny it either. Her friends and their Elements were corrupted right to their heart and soul. She even manages to see their spirits trapped inside their own Elements. She was trying to not believe what she is looking, yet she couldn't deny what she witnessed.

Oni was enjoying the shocked look on Twilight's face when she sees her friends corrupted. He creates a portal for them and orders them to wait for him in the throne room. They obeyed and entered the portal. He closes it leaving Twilight and Oni in the single giant room, "Well, how do you like the new looks on your friends?"

Twilight was silent and couldn't speak for a few seconds. When she snapped back into reality, she was fuming with rage after what she just saw. For the time, she could only think of brutally beating the daylights out of Oni. With a newfound reason as to why she needed to finally defeat him, she takes a battle stance and sternly looks at him, "How dare you do that to my friends." Her rage begins to peak and so did her hatred for the demon, "HOW DARE YOU!?" Twilight uttered a scream and charged at him with all of her might.

Oni was going to enjoy toying with her. He dodges the mad Twilight by simply sidesteping and tripping her in the process. Twilight manage to get up from that and went berserk not thinking rationally, only thinking of banishing him somewhere where he can not do anymore irreparrable harm. Twilight was going to charge at him again until something hit her. She stopped and realize that she was messing with her head. She knows that what she saw was true, no doubt about that, but she manages to regain her control and calmly stands against Oni, "What you did was impressive, but I'm not falling for the same trick again." She gets into a battle-ready stance waiting for Oni to make the first strike.

Oni was wondering what she was doing at first. When she gave him the look of determination, Oni was beginning to get the idea. He never had a fight before against any of them. He only used some defense tactics, but to fight someone that is said to have the strongest Element of them all, Oni felt like there might not be another opportunity like this again. Oni gets himself into a battle stance as well. Both look at each other waiting for them to make the first move. As what felt like hours past, both made their first move against each other determined to settle this fight once and for all.

Twilight charged at the demon with her horn blazing with magic as she got closer to him. Oni tried to land a punch on her when both were within close proximity of each other, Twilight however, dodged the incoming hit and counterattacked with a magic beam from her horn.

Oni teleports out of its line of sight and goes behind Twilight hoping to grab the bearer's head to end this quickly. Twilight anticipated it and created a barrier around. Twilight turns around at blazing speeds and manages to deliver a swift, single punch to the demon's groin. The force of the punch was strong enough to recoil herself a few distance from the fiend.

Oni managed to regain his balance from the initial hit clutching his groin in agony. He never thought that she was really putting her best effort to end this. With a renewed interest to corrupt her, he boosts himself up by releasing all of the strength he was holding back. With each passing second, he was gaining some drastic changes. His wings now have boney protusions coming out of them, his whole body becomes red as the colors of what hell looked like, his hooves are now demon claws and he gains a size increase to that of an alicorn.

Twilight seeing the transformation and feeling the immense strength he was holding back also transform into her ascended state. The Elements that once held the spirits of her friends begin to glow along her own.

Canterlot Castle
Nov. 2 2:09 P.M.

Nicolas was outside of the castle looking at the floating fortress. He was praying with all of his heart that they can succeed at the fight against his nemesis. As he looked at the fortress, he noticed a glow coming from his bag. He opens it and notices that the Element of Forgiveness was beginning to glow. The bright light that emitted from the Element begun to heal the curse that was afflicting Nicolas ever since the Everfree Forest incident. Noticing that it was healing him, he was beginning to feel better about the healing effect but did begin to wonder why was it glowing this brightly. After looking at the castle in the sky once again, he begun to realize that Twilight was tapping into the hidden strength of the Elements. Feeling very worried about this, he knew that what was going on in the castle was going to determine that fate of Equestria. He holds on to his Element and with all of his heart and soul gives Twilight the strength she needs to defeat him, "Twilight, with all of my heart and soul, I grant you all of my strength to defeat Oni. Please win this one for everypony here." He holds the Element high up into the air and sends all of his knowledge, strength, and magic into Twilight.

Fortress Dungeon
Nov. 2 2:11 P.M.

Twilight and Oni have managed to reach their next form exceeding both their expectations. Seeing their current states made Oni remember the times he fought against Nicolas every time he went into this state. He knew that utter chaos was going to ensue not just here but everywhere the moment they begin the fight. Without hesitation, both of them go for each other and begin their attack. Oni dodges some of Twilight punches from the ground. He backs away a bit and casts some dark spheres at Twilight who was charging at him. The moment they were within close proximity of Twilight, Oni made them explode hoping to get her.

Twilight having anticipated all of this created a magic barrier allowing her to not get damaged by the explosions. When Twilight gets close enough to hit Oni, he teleports out of her way. Twilight looks around to find nothing at the moment. When she looks up, she sees Oni suspended in the air staring down at her. Twilight fires a condense beam of magic at him. Oni teleports out of the way again outside of the castle. Twilight soon follows and the battle continues outside of the castle.

Outside of the castle, everypony from Ponyville sees the battle ensued over their heads. Twilight was casting multiple fire spells at Oni while dodging and trying to get close to him to try ti make a direct hit. Oni tried also to get a little physical with her. Though he has manage to do it a few times, she too also dodged them as well. With everyponies hopes pinned on Twilight, they prayed with all their hearts that she will succeed in defeating him. Twilight teleported a few times to try to get to him. So far, she has only manage to get some clean hits on him and a few spells manage to get him as well.

Oni was getting really agitated that she has been getting even with him. He'd never thought that somepony like Twilight would actually pose such a problem before it started. He probably should have gone and went for the head when she was berserk before this happened. Oni had just enough of this pnoy and went full on the offensive. He creates multiple copies of himself. While he was making copies of himself, those copies went in and charged at her.

Twilight went into a counteroffensive stance and hit back each and every one of those copies. With a surge of them coming of at all directions, she went back into the room hopefully to lure them all to where she was going. The idea was working and all of them were chasing her. As she made it to the room, she concentrated her magic into the horn and released a full-powered beam at them disintegrating them in almost an instant.

Oni saw a golden opportunity and teleported next to Twilight. Twilight heard the sound and tried to escape him, but proved futile as he has a grip on her forehead. Oni tried to do begin the corruption spell, but Twilight in her current state was resisting very well. Inside her mind, her subconsciousness was fighting back the corruption. Twilight would not want ot be a part of his plan without putting up a fight. Oni tried putting more of his energy and magic into making the spell stronger, but Twilight was also trying ever more harder to resist him. When Oni used up all of his excess power into the spell, he almost went into a comatose state from all the energy he used. With one last push, he used all his surplus energy and finally made pass her subconsciousness. Twilight was now in his hooves to corrupt, now that last bearer shall be consumed in the darkness.

Nov. 2 2:17 P.M.

Twilight awoken to find herself in a destroyed Canterlot. She shakes her head off wondering if what she was looking at was just a dream. She goes forward to see that the citizens are dead where they were. This almost made Twilight sick upon looking at, but she pressed on hoping to go outside of the Canterlot walls. When she made it outside the Canterlot walls, what she sees almost puts her in complete shock. Equestria now looks like an apocalyptic wasteland. The places where the towns used to be were now scorched to ashes. The whole Everfree Forest now looks like a dead yet haunted forest waiting to trap you. Ponyville where it originally has been was know a center of slavery. Her friends were there being tortured to do the fiend's biding and the young fillies and colts were forced to push a cog machine that powers up what seems to look like a device. Twilight was shocked that he was cruel enough to do this to them, even young ponies. This kind of cruelty was beyond word that even Twilight can't begin to think of.

Oni appeared behind Twilight who was gazing at the broken Equestria, "Well, how do you like the new Equestria? Quite fitting for me, don't you think?"

Twilight was holding back her grief for what he done, but she never held back her hatred. She turns around and tries to hit the fiend only for her to hit an illusion of him. As that illusion disappeared into the air, his voice began to ring in her head, "You're pathetic..." Twilight held her head trying to shake this off. She wasn't useless, she cared about her her friends more than ever. She returned her gaze back into the slave town and made a solumn promise to them, "I promise, I'll get you free."

"Aw, how noble of you to help your friends. Too bad that they lost their faith in you." Oni popped up in front of her and looks at her with glee with this kind of fear.

"Shut up, they haven't lost their faith in me!" Twilight charged to the monster once again hitting an illusion of him.

Oni was very much enjoying this. However, to really make her crack, he was saving the best for last should things become more interesting for him, "Are you sure? Tell me then, how can you tell if they haven't lost their faith in you?"

"I... I." Twilight wasn't so sure how to answer the question. She knows that they haven't lost it, but to answer it was something she never actually thought about.

"You must have seen it by now. The blind loyalty, the mysteries, all the questions you have are yet unanswered." Oni reveals himself next to Twilight and whispered something that made Twilight almost snapped, "Don't you think that maybe Celestia is just using you?"

Twilight tried to hit the malicious demon again, only again for her to hit an illusion. She was beginning to get annoyed of these illusions and Oni himself. With time, her anger almost reached its peak and she wanted no more than to get her hooves on him, "Show yourself Oni!"

"Another bold command there, but if you insist…" Oni reveals himself to Twilight. The temperament on Twilight's face made this much more enjoyable for him. "Well, I'm right here. What do you hopelessly plan to do?"

Twilight charged some magic and tried to fire a beam of magic at him, but for unknown reasons, she wasn't able to do it. She looked at the demon confused as to what was going on with her, "W-what did you do to me?"

"Oh that's easy, I disabled your magic. Probably should've done that on you the first time, but oh well." Oni turns around looking at the destroyed Everfree Forest. He begins to see that he might be getting to her, but there was one last thing he wanted to try one last attempt to make her break, "By the way, haven't you wondered where your daughter is?"

Twilight almost froze up upon hearing that question, "H-how did you know I have a daughter?"

"I red your mind, so I know almost all of your personal things." Oni turns around and gives a cold stare to Twilight who was now in fear of what he did to Nyx, "You probably realized that she's not there at the enslavement camp, right?"

Twilight was only able to nod to the answer as she was beginning to dread and fear what Oni has done to Nyx.

"Well, to put simply, she is under, oh how should I say, banishment?" Oni points his hoof at the moon where a silouette of a pony was found.

When Twilight sees the silouette, she froze in utter shock that she almost fell unconscious in a matter of seconds. Oni had banished her own daughter to the moon. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She stood still in shook, trying to not believe what she just saw, "No, no, I… I refuse to accept this." She tried to not believe that he would banish a young pony like Nyx into the moon, but every moment she keeps on denying it, the feeling gets worse, "Y-You wouldn't do that. No one is that cruel."

"Ah, but I did. Remember, she is an alicorn, if she were to ever grow into a grown alicorn, she would have been a threat to me. So I banished her to the moon, quite fitting don't you think?" Oni could see that he was able to get a permanent scar on her. Now all he had to do was wait until the moment he was waiting for.

Twilight went down to her knees crying for the merciful release of this horrifying nightmare. The wish she so desired now was not within her grasp as she continued weeping for the ill fate of her beloved daughter. At the last moments of her nightmare, she uttered a loud scream that was loud enough to be heard a mile away before surrounding herself in a magic barrier that prevented her from escaping her own Element. With that last scream, she fell unconscious and fell into the deep nightmare.

Canterlot Castle
Nov. 2 2:29 P.M.

Nicolas was very worried about them as each second passed. He was finally cured of the curse thanks to the Element of Forgiveness, but even that didn't help relieve his worries about the others. In fact, it only made his worries esculate. The Elements only emit a bright light if certain circumstances were met. One of them being Twilight able to transform. As he gazed at the floating fortress, he begins to get this bad feeling about what was going on up there. He pulls out his Element and begins to notice something that made his heart fall to the pits of his stomach. The Element's bright blue color became dull almost becoming black as the shadows. Seeing that made him realize that what he saw in his dream just became true. The bearers became corrupted with the dark energy of Oni. Almost without a warning, he putted his Element inside his bag and flew at almost unspeakable speeds heading to the fortress. Both Celestia and Luna notice that he took off instantly heading for the fortress. They get worried about him when they also get that bad feeling that Nicolas had and soon follow him as well though not as fast as he was. Nicolas was in dire worrries now, he was the only one equal to Oni now and the only one standing between the life and death of Equestria. Building up momentum, he quickens himself and races to the vast island in the sky.