• Published 25th Nov 2013
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Neo Fantasia: Rise of a New Evil - PrinceUniversa

As peace is returning to Equestria, A new evil has risen and it is up to the mane 6 and an unknown ally to settle the score once and for all

  • ...

Chapter 6: Infiltrating the Fortress

Chapter 6: Infiltrating the Fortress

Canterlot Castle
Nov. 1 7:30 A.M.

Applejack was finishing her story with the five and Celestia looking now much more concerned about Nicolas, "And that is all Ah got to say. Did y'all get the idea what is going on?" All looked at each other and nodded back at Applejack. She breathed a sigh of relief that at least they were able to understand where she was going.

Twilight was a little shocked to hear that from Applejack. She wasn't expecting that to happen to Apple Bloom when she left her. It was something that she would want to put behind for now yet Twilight couldn't fathom on how much did Apple Bloom had to go through. She wanted to apologize her when she got the chance.

Celestia was pleased with what they did for Nicolas. She decided to check up on the two while the others talk it out with each other, "All right then, I will be leaving you six be to choeck on Nicolas. I will call you back once I'm done." Celestia leaves the throne room and walks through the hall into her bedroom. She takes a little peek through the door. She sees that Luna is reading something out of the ordinary. She knocks on the door and enters, "Good day, Luna. How are you doing with uncle?" She looks at Nicolas to see that he was healing well from the curse albeit slowly. She breathes a sigh of relief that they were able to stop it at the moment.

Luna was into the book so much that she wasn't heeding what Celestia asked. She continues on reading the book until she stops at a chapter. She puts the book down on the table and stands up, "I'm sorry there sister, but what did you ask me?"

Celestia was expecting that from her considering that she was reading it fast and with excitement, "I asked if you are doing okay with out uncle." She gives her good smile to Luna and looks back at Nicolas.

Luna was feeling a little uneasy being around the both of them, but they were family after all, "I was fine with our uncle. I take that you are taking my shift?"

"Yes, Luna, I will keep watch of him. You can talk with them if you desire." Celestia sat down on her chair and decided to read what Luna was reading. Now that she was looking at the book, she begun to notice that it wasn't one of her books. Curious on where did Luna get this book, she ponders for a few seconds and decided to ask Luna about it, "Luna, where did you get this book?"

Luna stopped to turn around looking at the book Celestia mentioned about, "Oh, that was from our uncle. He bought the book by using a spell. You can read it sister if you wish to. It is a good book." She leaves the bedroom and walks to the throne room hoping to get the chance to talk with them in they haven't left.

Celestia was a little baffled by what Luna said, curiousity getting the better of her, she decided to read the book. She opened the book and notices a few things that Celestia wonder. Within the front of the book are pictures of things she never saw before. They looked young from their looks, but despite their looks, they seem to be old like Celestia and Luna. They also looked unique from one another assuming that each of them represent what they are. In fact, six of them remind her of the six bearers. She was wondering if it was a coincidence to see this, but nonetheless went on to read the book.

Luna walked to the throne room checking on other things while she was getting there. From the guards that are stationed here, to the garden, and finally to Snowdrop's chamber, everything was looking good for the day. She stops right in front of the throne room doors only to hear what sounds like fighting going on inside. She opens the door with great force and sees that the six are fighting amongs themselves. She stops all of them with a spell that binds them in their place.

The six notice that they are not able to move for some reason. They look around the room and notice Luna casting. They were a little confused as to why she did that at the time. Twilight was wondered what kind of spell was she using yet at the same time also wondering why she did it in the first place, "Um, princess, why did you stop us?"

Luna notices the tone in Twilight's voice making her wonder as well what were they doing, "I should be asking you Twilight, what are you doing fighting amongst yourselves?"

The six looked at each other in confusion wondering on what she meant. Twilight had an idea where Luna was getting, "You mean what we were doing in here? Well, that is kinda hard to explain."

"I am listening." Luna said with a serious tone in her voice. She releases them from the spell allowing them to move out of their uncomfortable positions.

Twilight moved parts of her body to adjust herself back to normal. As that was done, she takes a deep breath, "Um where do I start? Well, I guess I can start on where Rainbow Dash suggested that we do a little 'roughhousing'"

"Hey, I was bored there, and secondly, haven't all of you notice that 'he' hasn't done anything yet ever since out first fight against him?"

They look at each other noticing that Rainbow Dash was right there. They did wonder how, why, and when Oni was gonna strike the moment that Rainbow Dash bought it up. No one remembers how long ago did the fight take place, but it is very suspious for somepony to take that much time to prepare. Knowing that made them very worried at the time. What was going to make this fight a little harder is that Nicolas is out of the fight for the time being. His friends could help, but they seem to have trouble dealing with the demon themselves and they were busy training themselves and others that could fight leaving the princesses and the six to fight him. Twilight has done a bit of studying and training on her part during the time. With new spells learned by Nicolas she was able to hold possibly anything at her state.

Luna was beginning to see what was going when Rainbow Dash interrupted Twilight there, with good reasons to add. Luna then wondered what was the best course of action should he strike. She looked at the six again, "I see that Rainbow Dash does bring up a good point here. Twilight what do you think is the best course of action if he were to strike?"

"Wait you're asking me?" Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing, no less from Luna herself, "I thought you were making the plan."

"I am, I just want to hear your side and see if it is at least similar to my idea." Luna said being patience with Twilight.

"Um, okay then." Twilight ponders on what is the best course of action. Many ideas came up, some of them were a little reckless, putting others that can not fight in the danger was never a good idea. She was limited at the moment thinking very hard on what could they do. An idea struck and it was probably a good idea, "I got one, how about the six of us go ahead where Oni could possibly be hiding and we could preemtively strike at him? Does that sound good, I'm sorta running out of ideas. There might be a better one, but that's all I have." Most of them were in disagreement from the moment she bought it up, Luna on the other hand was the only one to agree to this.

The others were surprised to hear that Luna actually agreed to her idea. They were going to rant on her until they momentarily realized that they were yelling at the moon princess. They settled down for the moment, though they still asked why she agreed to this, "Princess, why do you agree on this? Cause to be honest, that is crazy there."

Luna explained as to why she agreed to this, "It is simple in logic, even with my uncle out of the fight, you six are able to possibly stand against him. I've begun to notice that the Elements of Harmony were drastically improved."

Upon Twilight hearing that, she was wondering if Nicolas ever told her about what happened after the fight with Trixie, "Um, princess, I have a question. When did you know about the Elements gaining a sudden boost of power? Did Nicolas ever tell you about it?"

Luna nodded no from the last question and answered the rest, "My sister and I are still connected to the Elements of Harmony, we may not be able to use them, but we can still feel what happens to them. In fact, that suden surge of energy from the Elements of Harmony did something to you and my uncle didn't it?" Twilight was shocked to hear that from her, she was now wondering what to do after that question. Luna notices the sudden facial expression from Twilight hinting at something did happen to them, "Well, are you going to tell us or not? You can not hide it Twilight Sparkle." Luna was firm on what she said and looked at her with curiousity.

Twilight was trying to think of a way to hide what both Nicolas and herself discovered, but with everypony eyeing her, she was running out of options at the moment, "All right, you got me." As Twilight said that, Nicolas comes in, his body still looking like a zombie though half of his body was cured from the curse. Twilight was wondering now what his reaction now that he knows what happened. She apologizes for in case she hurted his feelings, "Nicolas, I'm so sorry about this."

He raises a hoof to her mouth silencing her for the moment, "Don't worry, Celestia told me about it, you didn't break the promise we made." Nicolas goes into the center point of the throne room. He waves for Twilight to come near him. She responds and goes near him, "Now, I'll show what we discovered." He pulls out from his bag the seventh element. The five and Luna were dumbfounded by what he showed them.

Celestia had already expected this when she felt the sudden surge of energy from the Elements, but he said that wasn't what they had discovered, whatever they discovered, she is about to find out now.

Nicolas also pulled out the rest of the Elements of Harmony from his bag. He concentrated some of his magic on his Element and manages to release some of the power that the Elements were hiding. The Elements reacted and surrounded Twilight only. Due to the zombification he can not transform at the moment. The Elements start taking some of the energy from the other six bearers and fuse it with the magic within the Elements. After that, they begin to spin around Twilight at an alarming rate. The moment the rainbow aura surrounded Twilight, some of the physical changes happened already. Twilight's mane and tail turn into fire and she gains fire wings alongside her fur turning white like Rarity's coat. After the aura disappears and Twilight shows off her tranformation to the Royal Sisters and her friends, they realize that what they discovered proved almost too much for them to take in.

Celestia was the most shocked yet proudest of the others. She had envisioned her to be that special somepony that would defy all odds the moment she became her student. Seeing what she became now proved what she believed was true. Celestia looks on Twilight with delight on what she has acheived.

Nicolas looked first at Twilight from the transformation, and then to her friends who look upon her in awe. They run up to her in joy and scream cheers from seeing what Twilight now can do. Four of them were glad that she was able to pull this off at the moment. Rainbow Dash was the most jealous. She wanted one like hers only in her idea, and she was getting a little giddy from the idea. Nicolas couldn't help but chuckle a bit from Rainbow Dash, "Don't worry, all of you will have your own form like Twilight, but for now, you are gonna have to discover it yourself." They all looked at each other, jumping with excitement that they might be able to unlock their hiddden potential. As he was watching them jumping with joy, his body began to weaken again from the curse. Luna grabs him on the shoulder and helps support him, "Thank you Luna, guess I still haven't fully recovered from the zombification yet." Nicolas with the aid of Luna walks to the garden and allows himself to get a breather. Part of the curse was wearing off now making half of his body not zombified. He still would need to rest until the curse wore off. At that time, he returns back to the throne room only to find out that they already left. He smiled and was about to go back into Celestia's bedroom until he sees Snowdrop's chamber again. He decided that now would be a good time to do some praying. He goes into the chamber and kneels silently praying to himself.

Golden Oaks Library
Nov. 1 8:30 A.M.

Back at Ponyville, Twilight and the others returned back into their homes hoping to get some gear ready should Oni strike. While Twilight was prepping, she begun to notice that Trixie wasn't around the library. She stops to look for her. She looks around the library from the kitchen where she sees Spike cooking some food. She smiles to him and leaves him be. She goes upstairs and finds her at the balcony looking up at the sky. She walks up to her to check if she was okay. She notices that she was admiring a rainbow that was recently made from Cloudsdale. She goes next to her and also looks at the rainbow as well.

Trixie turns to the right and jumped upon noticing Twilight was next to her. She didn't overreact from seeing her, but it did give her a scare. She takes a few deep breaths to calm herself and decided to chat, "Hello Twilight, how are you doing at the moment?" She returns her gaze back at the rainbow.

Twilight was a little speechless from the beauty of the rainbow, but did mange to at least answer Trixie's question, "Oh I'm good, how about you?" Twilight looks at Trixie who was looking a little sullen.

"Trixie has been wondering. Do you really believe in Trixie that much?" She avert her eyes back at Twilight who was baffled by what she meant.

"What do you mean?" asked Twilight in confusion.

"Trixie was wondering why you started to trust me as a friend now. It has been bothering Trixie." Trixie went off the balcony and into the library to see if there was a book to read.

Twilight followed her wondering why would she ask that question. She answered her in a way that made Trixie almost shed a tear upon hearing it, "It's.. well... It's because like what Nicolas said, you are fighting for something you love. It shows me that there is something out there that you care for, that you would give your life away to protect them. Personally, it's the same for me as well I guess." Twilight goes into the kitchen to check on Spike to see if he was going well with the cooking.

Trixie was now pondering on what she really desired now that Twilight mentioned it. What does she want? All her life, she wanted to be the best of all the unicorns, even her family supported her from behind. Now, with newfound knowledge on not only Twilight, but Nicolas as well, she was ever more confused on what she truly desired. She putted the questions behind for now.

Nov. 1 10:24 A.M.

Everyone was doing their daily thing and training as well as time went on. Applejack had asked Big Macintosh to time her while she was bucking as this was her way of training. Rainbow was helping Fluttershy with her speed though it was not going so well. Fluttershy was trying to catch up with her speedy friend at times and although she has manage to catch up to her, Rainbow Dash would hasten her pace so that she would be ahead of her again. Shine, Dova, and Eagle were with the two pegasi with their training and since has then supported Fluttershy throughout the training. They manage to get accoustomed with their wings and also manage to at least able to match Rainbow Dash's normal speed. Rarity was with Rosette and Quintin for the magic training. She was adapting well with their magics although she was uncomfortable with Quintin's dark magics. Twilight and Trixie continued their training with Nicolas on his magics. Pinkie was doing something she considers training to her, though to her friends, they thought she was just doing crazy stuff. All continued their training for what seemed like forever continuing to cover each others weaknesses and boosting their strength up to their limits. Nicolas was taking a breather from the training and continued his painting of Ruby. With each passing second, he was putting more detail into the young filly alongside her friend Mitta who he just recently drew next to Ruby. He begins to wonder not if but when would Oni begin his assault. Considering how many days have without incident of him, he bets that tommorow will be his time of attack. He looks at his own body wondering how fast can he recover from the curse when that day comes. As nighttime falls, everypony heads back to their homes and sleeps for the night. Nicolas was also planning to get to bed until he feels a familiar presense around his home. He goes out to check on what it was and sees nothing. He shakes the feeling off for the time and returns back into his bedroom and goes into a deep sleep.

Nov. 2 8:57 A.M.

Nicolas was running as fast as he can from whatever he was running from. As he turns around to get a better look he sees his friends being consumed by an unusual manifestation. He stops and runs back to them to try to stop whatever it was from taking over them. Every time he tried to stop it, he would end in a failure. They would deliver a heart-breaking scream and plea for his help. He kept on trying to help them escape the things grasp, but no matter how hard he tried, they would slip through his hoof and eventually succumb to the darkness. Time and time again, he tries to rescue all of the ponies that were grabbed by it only for him to fail every time. He tries one last time on the last pony that was resisting. He makes to the last pony, it was Twilight and she was in full fear of the entity taking over her body. Hr tries to save her again, only ending in failure. Twilight delivers a heart-breaking scream loud enough to be heard a kilometer away. Seeing that he wasn't able to stop it and now it was trying to take him in its grasp, he runs for his dear life. With each passing second, the manifestation was getting closer and closer to Nicolas getting ready to take the fearful alicorn. Nicolas sees a light from the distance praying that he might be able to make it out alive, however, the manifestation manages to get ahead of the speedy alicorn and blocked his only way out. Nicolas turned around fast to try to escape it again only to realize that it surrounded him. He tries to fly out only for it to stop him in his escape. He looks around the wall of the thing hoping to find a way out or find a weakness in it. As he was looking desperately for a way out, the manifestation began to grab hid his hind foot and slowly pull him into a hole. He manages to pull this hind hoof off the thing only for it to grab all four legs. It pulls the panicking alicorn in managing to cover most of his body leaving his upper body remaining for the hopeless struggle that Nicolas was going against. He tries to cast magic on the thing, again, only increasing its speed once again. As it manages to get up to his neck, Nicolas was now panicking much more than ever trying to find a way to remove the malicious entity. As it finally covers much of his face, he takes one last look into the sky before his vision became completely blacked out by darkness. The alicorn was floating in a dark realm with his body covered by the malign entity. The entity takes control his body and moves it to get adjusted to the new body. Once it got adjusted to the body, it finally opened his eyes to reveal a demon's eyes, a red pupil with black surrounding the pupil.. Nicolas wakes from the nightmare screaming. He takes a few deep breathes from the haunting nightmare pondering on what and why did that nightmare occur. He looks at his body and sees that the curse was almost gone. Half of his body was still zombified, but was slowly fading. He wonders what the nightmare was all about. He has never had a nightmare that felt so real that he felt like he was actually succumbing to whatever was trying to take over his body. He decides to walk outside and breath in some fresh air to get the horrible dream out of his head. Dreams like that can only make him think of one thing, was it a premonition dream? As he was about to head outside, a letter popped out of thin air presumably from Spike. He picks up the letter and reads the contents.

Dear Nicolas

Come at the Canterlot Castle right away, your nemesis just struck the city from out of nowhere. All the citizens of Canterlot are okay. We manage to find out his location and are waiting for you to begin the meeting.


Nicolas red it just to be certain that he wasn't imagining it. After one thorough reading of the letter, he teleports from his house to Canterlot. Upon teleporting to Canterlot, the grand city was almost in utter ruins. Building have been partially destroyed, the castle looking dilapidated, and the citizens going on a panic from the attack. Nicolas gallops to the castle hoping that they are all right. Throughout the castle, most of the rooms were safe from the sudden attack by Oni. When he enters the throne room, everypony there including the two sisters were all right, "Sorry everypony, I didn't expect him to suddenly attack the city at this time."

Everypony looked at each other and smiled back at him. That made Nicolas feel a little better. Celestia stands up from her throne, "All right now that everypony is here, we can begin the meeting." Celestia pulls out the map of Equestria and pinpoints the location of Oni's new hideout, "I believe me and my sister manage to find Oni's new hideout right here." She points with her horn where she possibly found his hideout. Her horn was over the Everfree Forest but the tip of horn was on the old castle that both Celestia and Luna originally ruled on. Many looked at each other wondering whether she was right or not. Celestia casts a spell of the old castle of once she knows, "This was how it orginally looked like..." Celestia shows them now what it looks like, "Before he transformed it into a flying fortress." Celestia dispels it seeing everyponies's reaction to the new castle, "We recently discovered this fortress during his raid on Canterlot while we were gone. Thankfully, Twilight and her friends were there. Had they not been there, I wasn't so sure if Canterlot would still be able to stand." Celestia gives them a thank you gesture.

Everypony looked at the six and also congradulated them. Nicolas looks at the fortress that Celestia discovered. He was studying where all entrances and possible exits are. As expected from his nemesis, there was only one entrance and that was also their only was out. No windows, gates, anything that could be a way of escape was noticable but the obvious. As Nicolas was still studying the castle, everypony wondered who was going to go enter the fortress. Everypony was suggesting that the six would go enter the fortress. Hearing that from everypony made Nicolas go on the alert, "Wait, haven't you notice the outside of the fortress yet?" All looked at in confusion wondering what he meant. Nicolas turned the castle to the frontal view of the castle pointing at the only entrance available, "Notice that there is only one entrance? I faced Oni enough times to know that this fortress is probably a trap itself."

All looked at the entrance beginning to understanding where Nicolas was going. Though they understood what was at risk, the six were determined to infiltrate the fortress and stop him, "Nicolas, I know that you are worried about us, but I think that we are able to do this." Twilight looked back at her friends who were eager to get their hooves on Oni.

Nicolas looks at the eager bearers who looked like they were going to be on a frenzy if he should continue to hold them. He pondered about it for a few seconds, then looked at them with a smile, "All right then, I guess I can't keep you here for long. Please be careful though, I'll try to come with you as soon as this curse wears off because you are dealing with a enemy you have no history of." Nicolas shows them telepathically what happened through all the battle they had with each other.

As the six was watching all of the battles waged, they now begin to realize that once the fight starts, there was no going back. As the flashbacl of all the battles ended, they looked at each other one last time before looking at Nicolas who was worried for their safety. They bow to Nicolas as a sign of them leaving and Twilight teleports them all to the entrance of the castle.

Nicolas was deeply worried about them. Despite that, he putted in a lot of his faith on them succeeding on this quest. With that, he goes into the garden and watches them.

As they manage to teleport in front of the fortress, the fortress goes into full alert and resurrects chaosbringers to strike on the six. The six charge at the charging chaosbringers and fight to the bitter end. Twilight was casting multiple spells from time-inflicting spell, to damaging, and to support spells on the malign entities and her friends. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were teaming up pummeling the fiends down one by one while still having their fun competition, "How many did you get Applejack?"

"I got 125 and counting..." Applejack bucks a chaosbringer on the chin breaking the skull and launching it into the air, "How about you?"

"126, hah I'm one ahead of you." Rainbow goes sky high and does a Sonic Rainboom within close proximity of the ground making a rainbow explosion, "Now I got 150 and counting."

"Oh no, you are not gonna me Rainbow." Applejack hastens herself and continues hitting them while charging like a bull.

Rarity and Fluttershy teamed up as well using diverse tactics. Rarity was bringing gems from beneath the feet of the entities and launched them upward hitting them directly below the torso. Fluttershy was carrying Rarity while at the same time doing some aerodynamic shuffiling on some of the fiends that have no wings launching them high up into the air leaving Rainbow Dash to hit them while they are stranded in the air.

Pinkie Pie was helping everypony at random times doing things that almost broke reality. From pummeling enemies with what looks like a hammer twice the size of Celestia, to dancing around the chaosbringers wiht portals bought up by Twilight just to distract them, to calling multiple versions of herself with just a whistle. At one time, Pinkie grabbed Twilight from behind and carried her like a spear. She pointed her horn at the charging enemy and spun Twilight's tail like a wheel and shot multiple magical shots from her horn. She putted her down and continued her way of offense. She was almost an equivelent to Discord, maybe exceeding beyond his normal powers.

Twilight was casting support spell on her friends as well as herself easing the battle a bit. She has done on certain occasions healing spells to cure her friends. She never thought that she would be fighting something beyond Celestia's strength. He could resurrect these ancient beings and even the two princesses can't do a resurrection spell of that caliber. She was now wondering if they can beat him with one element short. She putted these thought behinds and continued her barrage of spells.

While the six were continuing the charge on the fortress, Celestia and Luna were preparing themselves for the worse should it come. Alongside Nicolas's friends, they casted a barrier strong enough to hold off a meteor shower. As they make ready themselves, Nicolas looked at himself noticing that the curse was almost gone. He prayed that once the curse finally wears off he can assist the six bearers. For now, he helped his friends and his former students with preparing the defence of the city.

Trixie was watching from the castle's spire the entire fight happening above the Everfree Forest. She was now wondering ever more on what to do now. She helped with training some of the guards with what Nicolas taught her. She had hoped to join in with Twilight on the assault of the fortress. She still has the hope of them surviving within her heart, but at the moment continued watching the battle with renewed hope.

Continuing their charge, the bearers were making a slow and steady progress almost making it to the center of the fortress. They continued beating the chaosbringers down while Twilight dispeled the resurrection circles placed all over the castle. As they were getting closer and closer to the main room, more chaosbringers were charging, and from the looks on them, they evolved from the immense power given to them by Oni. They beared fangs and wings from Oni himself and can now cast powerful dark magics. One of the chaosbringers begins casting and shoots a dense beam of dark energy at Twilight. Twilight casted a barrier in time before it made direct contact on her.

Rainbow Dash went first into the new chaosbringers only to get almost shot down by another one of those beams. She stayed behind Twilight for the moment to ponder on what to do even though she wasn't the smartest of them all.

Applejack went into the chaosbringers dodging the beams with near close calls when one of them almost touches her body. She gets close enough and delivers a powerful uppercut into the jaw on one of them launching it into the air.

Rarity saw an opportunity and casted a gemstorm from below the enemy. Some were able to block the intiial hit before it was complete, others were not so lucky and were hit with a barrage of sharp gems. Rarity decided to go into the frontlines and charges at the fiends. Fluttershy followed from behind and grabbed her on the frontal hooves lifting her into the air. Rarity telepathically gets some gems from her bags and shoots them at the entities hitting one of them directly on the head.

Twilight dispels the barrier and also follow Applejack's lead. She casts an ice spell creating an ice shard from below piercing the soon-to-be-dead chaosbringer. Rainbow Dash flew above one of the chaosbringers and grabbed the malicious thing. She tosses the entity into a wall breaking it from teh sheer impact and making it fall from high up with its wings broken.

Pinkie manages to do her thing and gets her party cannon out of her bag. She fills it up with presents that are booby-trapped and fires them at the remaining chaosbringers. When the presents were in close proximity of their bodies, Pinkie popped out of one of the presents and throws a pie at their face blinding them. She then proceeds to pull them into the present where sounds of a machine and drills were heard inside the present. The others looked at the present as it was sparadically moving around the one spot where it landed. As the present comes to a complete halt, Pinkie pops out of the present covered in blood.

Twilight casts a water spell to clean her of the blood that was covering her. All wondered what she was doing inside the present when she popped out, but at the moment decided to leave it behind their heads and continue their march. As they see some lights in the main room, more of them popped out of nowhere this time with drastic changes. They now looked like complete hellspawns in the image of Oni. They all casted spells on the six bearers.

All of them dodged the dark explosion targeted on them. Twilight casted a fire spell on them only for it to be completely nullified. Rarity tried to telepathically carry her gems, but her magic was not functioning right. Both looked at the demon spawns and noticed that one of them was nullifying both Rarity's and Twilight's magic leaving them to rely on their physical strength. Thankfully, for Twilight she trained on the physical strength so she could handle herself. Rarity on the other hand was almost completely defenceless, she did take lessons in karate when she was in Ponyville, but she still did not have an earth ponies strength's. Fluttershy supported Rarity with her flight and went straight with Rarity on the hellspawns.

Rainbow Dash tried to grab them from above but they were able to notice her without looking at her and shot a magical beam at her. Rainbow Dash barely dodged the incoming barrages of dark beams. She retreated behind Applejack who went galloping straight into the chaosbringers. Rainbow Dash followed her lead and went charging behind her. Both dodged the numerous beams launched from two of the demons.

Twilight was able to go even wwith one of them in combat but even she wasn't able to handle with two of them coming at her. She braces herself until Pinkie popped out of nowhere and hitted one of the chaosbringers leaving Twilight with the one that was disabling magic. She went galloping and rammed herself into the fiend stopping the magic that jammed theirs.

Noticing that her magic was back, Rarity pulled out her gems from her bags and telepathically shot them at the two that were shooting at them. Both dodged the gems being shot at them but were not expecting a barrage of them being shot. They get caught in the gemstorm. With the gems being sharp, some parts of their skin was being scratched. The barrage stopped and they were covered in wounds almost deep to the bone. With one last effort, Fluttershy tosses Rarity into the two wounded demons with full force, making Rarity a literal harpoon. She pierces through one of them so fast that no blood was on her the moment that she landed. The first one falls to the ground and disappears leaving behind a black cloud of dark energy. Fluttershy flies fast and delivers a powerful punch to the chest so hard that it launched the hellspawn right through multiple walls and finally becoming a black smoke cloud upon hitting the outer wall.

Rainbow Dash also flies fast and headbutts one of the remaining four chaosbringers. She breaks through the ceiling and continues rising high into the sky until she performs a Sonic Rainboom on the spawn itself. The demon instantenously became a black smoke as soon as the Sonic Rainboom was done.

Applejack also does the same thing as Rainbow Dash except after her headbutt, she delivers a kick on the face of the entity launching it right through where Fluttershy made the hole. Upon seeing daylight, the hellspawn turns into a black cloud leaving nothing behind.

Twilight now noticing that her magic was back telepactically carries the demon into the air. When it was high enough, she pulled the entity down into her hoof breaking the skull upon contact.

Pinkie grabbed the last one who was struggling to get out of the pink pony's grip. She tosses it into one of her unopened presents and enters it as well. As that was done, nothing outside the present was happening. No sound, no movement, nothing happened whatsoever making the others worried about Pinkie Pie. At the last second, the present opens coming out of it was a black smoke cloud and Pinkie wearing a gas mask. She takes off the gas mask and puts it in her bag. She looks at the others endearingly with a devious smile on her face. The devious smile made them cringe a little making them wonder what she was doing in the present. Nervertheless, they continued onward until they finally made it into the main room of the giant fortress. They see Oni messing with what looks like a skeleton of a pony.

Oni noticing that they finally made it into the fortress dropped the pony skeleton and looked at them with a devilish smile, "Why hello there my little Elements of Harmony. How was my fortress going? Did you have trouble getting here?" He couldn't help but chuckle a little bit from that hello.

Rainbow Dash stomped her hoof down getting ready to hit the demon, "No, it wasn't so hard. In fact..." She begins her charge, "I'm gonna smack that pony face." As she almost was in close proximity of Oni, she punches only to find a barrier surrounding Oni. She tried with brute force to break through the force field, but she gets pushed back by an unknown force.

Twilight tried to dispel the barrier around Oni, but her spell was failing to remove the barrier.

"Ah ah ah, you are not going to do that." Oni casts a spell that canceled all of the ponies specialties, from unicorn magic, to flight, and to the earth ponies's strength. As Oni was done with the spell, they begun to notice that they weren't able to their specialties. Oni then calls upon more choasbringers. They tried to run away from them, but Oni made preparations should they try to escape. He seals the door with an unbreakable magic. The chaosbringers manage to bind the six constricting them with their own bodies. Oni watches as they were strugglionh to escape their bonds, "It's no use trying to struggle out of those, you'll just end up making it tighter on yourself." Oni makes the bonds go tighter on them making them almost choke on the bonds. He loosen the bonds a bit and continues where he left off on his speech, "Now, where was I? Ah yes, now I remember." Oni stands from where he was and walks up to the ponies, "You six were very easy to almost make unconscious upon my first battle with you although these 'chaosbringers' did most of my work." Oni looks at each one of them. They glared at him making him a little satisfied, "Now question, where is Nicolas? He should have been with you six. Oh don't tell, he was afflicted with a zombification curse." Oni uttered a deep but happy laugh upon remembering about it.

"How did you know about it, we never told anyone about it!" asked Twilight in disbelief.

"Oh come now, are you that stupid? I red your minds upon you entering my fortress. I was a little surprised to see that he was afflicted with a curse like that. That must be a very strong curse if it were to do that to an angel." Oni returns to where he was sitting, "Now let us play a game shall we?" Oni opens a portal from below the six bearers and they fall inside the portals uttering a scream. Oni was going to delight himself once they make it to the dungeons. At that time, he would be able to do what he had planned to do once he saw them in the books. He enters a portal he made into the dungeons with a demonic smile.