• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 59,857 Views, 4,392 Comments

I'll Always be Here for You - The Abyss

After Rainbow finds Scootaloo trudging beneath her house in a vicious snowstorm, she takes her in, only to discover something shocking.

  • ...

The Epilogue

“I still can’t believe that we’re in this dump,” Brick Lump muttered under his breath. He and his wife were waiting in line at the prison cafeteria to get some dinner with the rest of their fellow imprisoned degenerates. It had been three weeks since they had arrived at the Canterlot Penitentiary and every day had been hell. Instead of being thrown in the castle’s dungeons like he had feared, they had been sentenced to the prison on the edge of the city, right on the edge of the cliff overlooking the valley where they had once lived.

“Yeah, you’re tellin’ me...” Tranquil Breeze said. “Why did we even bother having a foal? Hell, we should’ve used protection if we had known... she would have given us this much trouble.”

Brick Lump limped forward, his empty tray balanced in his good hoof. As soon as word got out that they were foal beaters, the other inmates had taken it upon themselves to instill a little fear in them. They had quickly discovered that foal beaters were considered as bad as rapists and murderers. They had to constantly watch their backs for fear of another beating, hence the reason why he was limping.

As soon as he got in place to get some food, Brick held out his tray to the pony behind the counter. “I’d like a good ol’ fresh salad with all the trimmins’,” he said with a wry smile.

“Heh, not today,” the earth pony serving today’s meal replied as he threw a disgusting-looking white slop of whatever the chefs had put together. “We do, however, got some of da best chow on da block.”

“Thanks,” Brick said dryly as he grabbed his tray. He pushed it along the counter, letting each pony behind it place their portion on his tray. When he reached the end, he pulled it off the counter and balanced it on his back. He took a few steps forward, and before he knew what was happening, the stallion in front of him bucked his bad foreleg, making him drop his tray of food. He felt another blow hit his side, and just like his tray, he dropped like a rock. As he tried to get up to fight the one who attacked him, he felt another hoof impact his chest, knocking all the air from his lungs. He struggled to breathe, clutching his chest with what used to be his good hoof.

“That’s what you get, you piece of shit,” he heard somepony mutter. Brick couldn’t respond, for he was still trying to catch his breath. Somepony pushed his head down into the food that he dropped, making him groan and close his eyes. It took him several seconds before he could get air in his lungs, and as soon as he did so, he lifted his head to try and find his attackers. As much as he hated to admit it, they were always able to disappear back into the crowd before he discovered who they were. That hadn’t been the first attack, and he knew that wouldn’t be the last.

Brick picked himself up and wiped the worst of the mess from his face. The white goop that he’d been served stuck to his fur like a weak glue. He knew he wasn’t going to get anything else to eat, so he went and found an empty table. His wife sat down next to him a few seconds later with her tray full of food. He eyed it and her with envy, for he’d been the target of most of the attacks. Where she would just get pushed around a bit, he’d be subject to full beatings like the one he’d just taken. He hated going to bed hungry.

“Here, eat,” he heard his wife say, surprising him. She pushed her tray closer to him and dug in. “You’re going to need your strength for what we’re planning to do tonight...”

“Yeah, yeah... alright.” They mostly ate in silence, keeping their eyes on anypony who came close to them. The two of them finished just in time to hear the buzzer sound off, letting everypony know that dinner was over. Brick stepped into line with his wife in front of him, and under a guard’s order, they went back to their cells. As soon as they stepped back inside their small cell, the guard slammed the door shut then locked it with a quick flash from his horn.

They shared a cell in cell block A. Normally, each pony would get their own cell, but the warden thought it would be funny to lock the two of them up in a single cell. Their tiny room had one bed that hung from the wall, complete with a small pillow and blanket. There was a small toilet in the back next to the tiny window, hidden by a low wall that barely gave them enough privacy. Their door was nothing but several thick steel bars, giving them no privacy from the patrolling guards.

“Okay... you’re clear!” Tranquil Breeze whispered under her breath. The guard had just turned the corner. It would be at least another half hour before he came back around.

“Alright... and Breeze?”

“Hm?” She looked over her shoulder when she felt his hoof on her back.

“Thanks for the food back there,” he said softly, rubbing his wife’s shoulder. “That was pretty nice of you.” He cracked a hesitant smile, something he hadn’t done in the past month. Tranquil Breeze didn’t respond for a few moments, but she put her hoof over his and grasped it tightly.

“You’re welcome, dear...” She turned around and checked for the guards again. When she saw that they were clear, she released her husband’s hoof. “You should go see if you can finish. I’ll let you know if somepony is coming.”

“Okay then,” Brick said. “I’ll call if I get through...” He moved to the back of their cell, got a good grip on their toilet, and moved it aside, revealing a hole big enough for a pony to fit through. He didn’t make much noise, thankfully, so he lowered himself down and crawled down into the tunnel. It was a tight fit, and was just barely big enough for a pony. He crawled and pulled himself all the way through the darkness until he bumped his head on the wall he had stopped at the previous night.

“Crap... shoulda saw that comin’,” he groaned, rubbing his sore head. He found the spoons that his wife had stolen from the cafeteria weeks ago and started chipping away. Every five or so minutes, he tapped on the rock face with a hoof, trying to hear any differences in sound. Two hours later, it changed.

Instead of the dull thud he was used to hearing, he couldn’t believe his ears when he heard the pitch change. He chipped away at the rock frantically, and a couple minutes later, he broke through. Moonlight flooded the tunnel, momentarily shocking him. He used his hoof to push several bricks down the side of the mountain, then poked his head out of the tunnel.

Just as he had suspected, they were on the side of the prison that sat on the edge of the cliff, perfect for a pair of escaping convicts. Adrenaline flooding his veins, he threw himself out into the open air and flapped hard, stretching muscles that he hadn’t been allowed to use for weeks. He turned around and latched onto the mouth of the tunnel with his forelegs, then whispered as loud as he dared, “Breeze! I made it! We’re free!” He waited rather impatiently before he saw his wife crawl around the bend.

“Woah...” she whispered in disbelief. “You actually did it...” She poked her head out and looked around, then laid a small kiss on her husband’s cheek. “So... you gonna let me out or what?”

“Oh! Heh, sorry dear,” Brick said as he backed away, hovering several feet from the opening in the cliff. “We should get out of here soon; the guards should be coming back around anytime now.” Just as he finished his sentence, all of the lights in the prison flashed on above them. Alarms sounded off and the two of them heard numerous guards yelling. “Ready for part two?” he asked with a confident smirk, holding out a hoof for her.

“Part two?” Tranquil Breeze asked as she took flight. She eyed his hoof but didn’t take it; flying was pretty hard holding hooves and she didn’t want to jeopardize their escape by doing something so needless.

“Part one was escaping. Part two will be us getting our revenge on that... thing,” he spat with distaste. “that put us in the joint in the first place,” he said, a snarl distorting his face. “For now, we need to lay low and bide our time. And when the time is right...” he trailed off with a menacing smile.

“We strike.”

Author's Note:

Well, there you have it folks, this story is done.

It feels a little weird to finally have completed this story. I've spent the past year and a half pouring my heart and soul into this tale, and it was well worth all the long hours and the loss of sleep. I had a great time writing this, and I won't lie, I'm going to miss it. But don't fret! Even though this story may be done, the sequel is already in progress! CLICK HERE to go read it!

I want to thank you for taking the time to read this story. Reading all of your comments has made this quite the fun journey, and I am glad you all have stuck with me.

Now, before I wrap things up, there is one person that I would like to thank in particular.

Nobody47 has been there for me and this story since day one. For those of you who remember that this used to be a one shot, Nobody47 stepped up and offered to draw me the cover for the new story idea. He's an amazing artist and he keeps getting better with each picture that he uploads. Please, go show him some love, because he was one of the biggest driving forces behind me writing this story.

Once again, thank you all for this incredible experience!

Comments ( 387 )

The End.
Good show Abyss.

with an ending like that whats the estimate amount of time for til sequel?

What is this I smell? A possible Sequel?....... I approve!!!!!

They escaped! Look out Scoots!

5798574 Not sure yet. It depends on the level of work that I have. I'm a senior at college and the semester is starting to come to a close. I'm sure it won't be as long as the 3-4 month hiatus though. :heart:

5798580 Not just possible, confirmed!

Can anyone say sequel.

Worth the wait, I have a good feeling that the sequel will be too! Well done, Abyss!

*sniff, sniff* Smells like sequel...


What? They scape? Nooooo, they should dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

I'll wait here for the sequel like a good pony :pinkiehappy:

Ah, nice to see such intelligance from these two. I mean, its not like Celestia will find out and warn her student about this. And it's not like they'll have to face the wrath of the fastest pegasus in Equestria or an angry alicorn if the damage even one feather on Scootaloo's wings. And there is no way they will have an even worse experiance in prison if they get caught.

I love sarcasm.

Anyway's I just want to say that I love this story. The only problem I have is with the trail since we never got a reason why it was moved up or why Scootaloo's parents lawyer didn't even seem to try. Won't it be better for her career if she managed to get two guilty as sin ponies off? But other than that good job

5798591 Good to know. I'll be keeping an eye out for it.:twilightsmile:

I was afraid this was going to happen. And here I was almost feeling sorry for Brick Lump when he was getting beat up by the other inmates.


Nope... not gonna happen. Because this guy is going to hunt them down and tear them to pieces.

5798635 True, it would have been good for the parents' lawyer's career if she got them to win the trial, but the story was never focused on the lawyer. It also would not have fit in with the story idea that I had lined up.

5798591 Good to know and am looking forward to it.

Those idiots have no idea what they're about to get themselves into, do they?

I've been waiting for this moment ever since the story started

thank you Abyss you truly delivered
can't wait for the sequel.


dun dun dun. Can't wait for the sequel. You did an excellent job with this one and I can't wait to see what you have planned for the next one.

When I saw that this story had updated, I was so happy. :pinkiehappy:

Then I saw that the update was titled 'Epilogue'. :pinkiesad2:

And then...you announced the sequel! :pinkiegasp:

I'm so happy, I'm using emoticons!

we strike..............

they are an alochol poisoned pegasus and an earth pony so weak a foal could be him into submission with a stick. they would be torn apart without any conceivable effort at all.

Great story loved every minute of it. Also "obvious squeal making cliffhanger is obvious."


Sequel is coming! My life is good! Watch out Twilight, Dashie, and Scoots! You're in for 2 not so pleasant surprises!

Just when you think we seen the last of them, they've escaped from prison.....oh boy. :twilightoops:

Anyway, I enjoyed this story from the beginning to the end! I am looking forward to the sequel of this story!

Well done! :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Thomlight Sparkle 1 deleted Mar 29th, 2015

sorry for the harshness, but the plausiblity of them hurting someone connected to the six beings who outsmarted chaos beasts, healed fallen angels, and ousted vampiric fairy ponies, does not exactly put the odds in their favor.
in fact they would ahve an easier time beating a dragon in arm wrestling.

OMG that ending. :twilightangry2:

Cannot wait for the sequel. My body is ready.

5798806 Haha, you're completely right about that, but we'll just have to wait and see what happens. :twilightblush:

First off:


Second off: I really enjoyed this story. I can tell there's two plots going on-- the romance between Twilight and Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo's being rescued from her abusive parents.

Third off: Best of luck on your sequel!

...Why does this fill me with dread? Why do I also get the feeling something will happen that will involve Diamond Tiara wanting to make Scootaloo suffer from some perceived insult against her and helping these piles of crap? Oh Right, because I normally see no good in such a black hearted little monster and I am sure she'd get along with these two quite nicely.

This as I've probably said a million times, was the first pony fan fiction I ever read. And after being shot down a million times by my brother that writing fan fiction was, "Stupid" and liking my little pony was, "disgraceful" reading your story prompted me to shut his torments out of my mind and actually try writing pony fan fiction, which soon lead to me befriending my editor, AraBrony, which lead to this account and then lead to this comment.
Expect to see me in the future. You've earned yourself a dedicated follower.
Rock on...always.

My excitement is about to make me explode. New season, first off, and for some reason that makes me extremely excited for sequels from stories. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I knew i wasn't wrong in putting this in the "legendary" folder before it was done. Exelent story man, i cant wait to read the sequel.

Opinions follow. Read with an open mind.

I highly enjoyed this story. It was wonderful to see the development of not only Scootaloo, but of Rainbow Dash and Twilight, as we followed each of them through their trials. It's fitting that this takes place during the Winter season - such happy times provide a great backdrop to the emotions behind each character.

At the same time, the emotions and actions of the characters were really aggravating at times. I can understand the need to double-check your feelings for fear of having them hurt, but this entire process of finding love was literally placed into Rainbow's and Twilight's hooves...yet they continued to look away. For weeks. It got to the point where I was genuinely worried they would never overcome their own anxieties. Really, as much as I enjoy the romance between the two of them, this particular fic's relationship frustrated me.

Don't get me wrong, though. I still enjoyed the fic. It's just that the method in which the romance was handled was the worst of its sins. And, in hindsight, such waffling between Best Pony and Purplesmart has an endearing quality to it that makes it adorable. I suppose I just got fed up with them getting right up to the topic of love, and then awkwardly shuffling away from it. I won't even get into the matter of Cadence basically forcing them beyond their shells.

That said, the rest of the story was really good. Nice subplots with Scootaloo and her family, interesting scenes with the arrest and subsequent trial, and some nice quiet moments between the two leads. The pacing, in particular, was handled very well (awkward romance notwithstanding). And, I admit, I'm curious to see where you plan to go with Scootaloo's parents, now that they're fugitives. The father's behavior makes me think they are far more devious than they let on. Perhaps, when not leaving cells behind to drown, their brains can come up with some next-level "let's-ruin-a-family-picnic" heist.

This story was really good. I'll be on the lookout for what else there is to tell. Also, for the record: no, I am not calling Scootaloo's parents by their names, and yes, it is because of how they're portrayed (which is also done very well). Child-beaters can sit on it and spin.

Overall score: 8/10


I get that, believe me I do. It just would have made the trail a bit more supenceful if it just appeared like she was trying. That was all I was trying to say

Part two will be us getting our revenge on that... thing,” he spat with distaste. “that put us in the joint in the first place,” he said, a snarl distorting his face.

they plan on getting revenge on a Foal who is in the Custody of TWO Elements of Harmony, one of which is the PRINCESS OF FRIENDSHIP. in My Equestria, ANY sort of Violence against an Element of Harmony is AT LEAST 20 Years in Prison, and Any Violence towards a Princess is Grounds of "Conspiring Against the Crowns of Equestria" which carries the Sentence of IMMEDIATE BANISHMENT From Equestria!

Those devious bastards...Will be waiting for the sequel with bated breath. Loved this story.

So has the big man ordered, so I obey. Thank you, Nobody 47. This has been a great story. My only regret was that I didn't find it earlier.

I'll fucking kill both of them with my bare hands.

5799157 Heh, thanks. I just reworded that.

And here I thought for a moment that they'd actually, maybe started turning into better ponies. Oh well, I'll keep the Darwin Awards on standby.

Is it bad that I felt kind of sorry for Brick lump being the subject of numerous beatings?

Also, YAY!!! Sequel!!!

5799275 Yes that's bad and you should feel bad. Think of all of the beatings Scoots had to suffer through. Feel bad that Brick Lump didn't get worse if anything.
edit. Spellchecked

I saw that the story is now complete, and I felt :fluttershysad: caust it was that good. I didn't want it to ever end.
then I saw that there will be a sequel, and I was all :yay: cause now, I have that to look forward to! :pinkiehappy:

You know, I don't actually feel that sad about this story ending, mostly due to the promise of a sequel. I feel this ended really well, with Scootaloo well on the road to a happy life with her new family, and Twilight and Rainbow finally getting a chance to discuss their feelings for each other. I have this vision in my head of all three of them inside a heart-shaped picture frame, just smiling at the camera, and... oh, man. I've gotta watch out, or I might wind up like Ink Rose on YouTube and have my D'awww meter explode. :twilightsmile:

You've also set up a nice opportunity for recurring conflict with our two most hated foal beaters, especially if they actually learn to get over their mutual hatred of one another like this chapter suggests. I'm greatly looking forward to reading more from you, dear author. And thanks to you too, Nobody47 (I'm gonna assume that's a Kingdom Hearts reference). If what I'm reading in the author's notes is true, this story likely wouldn't have come to be what it is now without you, and I wouldn't be able to read such a great fic that gave me so many warm and fuzzy feelings inside. So thank you, both of you, and good luck in all your future endeavors!

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