• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 59,855 Views, 4,392 Comments

I'll Always be Here for You - The Abyss

After Rainbow finds Scootaloo trudging beneath her house in a vicious snowstorm, she takes her in, only to discover something shocking.

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A Fluffy Surprise

Hearing the faint sounds of the morning birds merrily chirp outside her window, Twilight smiled and rolled over in her bed, fully intent on going back to sleep. After celebrating their victory at her parents' house a couple of nights ago, they had all gone back to Ponyville the next morning to get everything situated for Scootaloo’s new home. Upon arriving, they’d gone out and gotten her some basic necessities for her new room, then Rainbow had Twilight teleport her spare bed into her cloudhouse for their new adopted daughter.

After getting Scootaloo’s new room adorned with as much Wonderbolts memorabilia as possible, they had spent the next couple of days trying to figure out how to allow for Scootaloo to access the house. If she had it her way, Twilight would have had Scootaloo living at the library, just like she and Spike were, but much to her dismay, the courts had deemed her place of residence unsuitable.

Twilight had thought about asking Rainbow to think about the option of selling her house and buying one on the ground for Scootaloo, but she knew how much Rainbow cherished her house. She didn’t want to be the one to bring up such an option, so she had chosen to keep that idea to herself. Because of the deadline being only a few days away, she had gone over to Rainbow’s last night to discuss options with her, knowing full well that if they didn’t act within the next couple of days, they’d lose everything that they’d worked so hard to get.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight smiled and felt around for her feathery friend. She was getting a little chilly and wanted to cuddle, but she failed to find her. Disappointed, she cracked an eye open and looked around, only to find herself back in her bedroom, alone. Twilight bit her lip as she let her shoulders slump. She missed the comforting and warm embrace of her friend, especially when it was as cold as it was now.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Out of instinct, Twilight’s ears flicked towards the source of the noise. Throwing the warm sheets off of her, she rolled over and looked towards her balcony’s door. What she saw made her jaw drop in shock, and she just stared at the window for a few more moments before she shook her head, still not believing what she was seeing. Twilight slid out of bed and walked over to her balcony door, her jaw still hanging open wide.

Rainbow’s cloudhouse was floating right outside of her window.

Twilight grabbed a random scarf laying on her desk then wrapped it around her neck before opening the door, where Rainbow was tying a few ropes to her balcony, securing her house to hers. There was a hole in the railing right where Rainbow stood, the wood laying in bits and pieces at her hooves.

“R… Ra… Rainbow! What are you doing?” Twilight stammered out as she watched Rainbow tie the last rope to her balcony.

“Oh, hey Twi!” Rainbow exclaimed as she tested the strength of her knots. “How’s this look?” she asked with a confident smile. “Pretty nifty, right?”

“B– B– Bu–But you can’t just– The safety regulations say that you can’t–” Twilight said, her mouth moving a heck of a lot faster than her mind was. She took a couple of breaths before continuing. To her, it seemed Rainbow was paying her no mind, so she stomped on the deck to get her attention. “Rainbow! Are you even listening to me?”

“Twilight, relax!” Rainbow said, flitting over to where Twilight was pouting. “I got it covered, see?” She reached to the side where her saddlebag lay and pulled out an official-looking document. “I’m adding, and I quote, ‘a mobile home attachment!’ I already got the permits for it from the mayor herself first thing this morning, and she said so long as my house isn’t over anything, then we’re good!”

Twilight snatched the documents from Rainbow’s hooves. “But since your house is now connected to mine, doesn’t that make it part of the public building?” she asked as she flipped through the documents.

“Nope!” Rainbow happily flapped her wings once. “Since my house is not technically connected to yours, by law, it wouldn’t be part of it.”

“Um… but your house is clearly secured to mine with the ropes, Rainbow…” Twilight said dumbly, the effects of sleep still clouding her waking mind.

“Well, so are your birdhouses over there.” Rainbow gestured at them, smiling as she watched a bluejay alight on the little stick below the hole leading inside. “But that doesn’t make them part of the public building, now does it? If it did, then technically those birds wouldn’t be allowed to live there,” she finished with a confident smirk. She sat back and waited patiently as Twilight sifted through her documents, letting her tail flick about in excitement. “See? Two can play at that silly game!”

Her eyes flying over the sheets of parchment, Twilight sat down as a wide smile formed on her face. “Rainbow…” she started with a chuckle. “You’re a genius!” Tossing the sheets aside, she gave her friend a quick hug before she pulled back, a sheepish smile on her face.

“Heh, thanks…” Rainbow said with a blush, her ears folding back. Ruffling her wings, she said, “Don’t forget that Scootaloo still has to stay in my place, though. Also…” she trailed off with a nervous giggle, looking anywhere but Twilight. “Now that Scootaloo’s gonna be permanently living in my house, I was wondering if… oh, I don’t know, if you’d maybe want to move in with us?” Her blush deepened as she continued, images of the two of them cuddling in her bed flowing through her mind. “Because let’s be real, would you rather live in an old public building, or…” she trailed off with a flair before she gestured at her house a moment later. “Would you rather live in a big, awesome house with your best friend and Scootaloo? Besides, I’m sure Scootaloo would love to have you live with us!”

“Hey, I like my old public building!” Twilight playfully shot back with a giggle. “But yeah, I see your point. It would be pretty nice to actually live in a real house for a change…” She winked at Rainbow as she walked past her, levitating her friend’s bags behind her.

“So… is that a yes?” Rainbow asked as she followed her inside. She couldn’t help but let her gaze drift to her friend’s flank as she walked behind her, watching her tail sway back and forth in time with her hips enticingly. Hm… she’s pretty cute… Rainbow thought before she stopped, shaking her head.

“I don’t see why not!” Twilight said, breaking Rainbow from her thoughts. As she trotted past Rainbow’s open doorway she looked around, seeing Rainbow’s house in a new light. Laying her friend’s saddlebag off to the side, she reasoned that since Rainbow had just asked her to move in with her, she might as well do a little exploring. “But what about Spike? Do we have enough room for him?” She trotted upstairs and opened the first door on her left, instantly recognizing her old spare bed. “Ah, I take it this is Scootaloo’s new room?” she asked with a small smile as she saw all of the Wonderbolt posters lining the wall.

“Heh, you know it,” Rainbow said. “Come on, I’ll show you my room.” She led the two of them down the rest of the hallway and opened her door, revealing her bedroom. As they stepped inside, she saw Twilight’s face contort in confusion. “Uh, something wrong, Twi?”

“Not really, but I couldn’t help but notice that you only have two bedrooms. Where am I going to sleep? And where’s Spike going to sleep? I just gave him his own room, and since Scootaloo has the only other bedroom in the house…” she trailed off as she thought.

“Oh! Uh…” Rainbow looked around her room, trying to figure out if it was possible to fit Twilight’s bed inside her bedroom. “We can try and get your own bed in here somehow, but that’d take a lot of time rearranging my room, and I kinda like how it is right now… Or, you, um… hehe, you know, since we already snuggle most nights, how about we just share mine? It’s big enough for the two of us, and that way we wouldn’t have to worry about doing all of that extra work!” As Twilight cocked her head at her, Rainbow felt her heart beat just a little faster. “We might as well, right? Why have two beds in here when we usually just use one?” she asked, hoping that her logic would help her case.

Twilight shot Rainbow a sly smile as she flapped her wings. Landing on the bed, she looked down in amazement as her hooves sunk into the cloud mattress. “Woah…” she said under her breath. Laying down, she flopped onto her side with a gleeful giggle. “This is so soft! How come I don’t have one of these?” she asked, pointedly not answering Rainbow’s question for the moment.

Rainbow hopped on the bed and lay down next to her friend. “It’s soft because the mattress is a cloud, Twi, and that’s a good question.” Without waiting for a response, Rainbow laid her head on Twilight’s folded wing and laid a lazy hoof over her side. When she didn’t object, she smiled and looked up into her eyes. “So… whatcha say? Snuggle buddies?”

“Oh, is that what the foals are calling it nowadays?” Twilight asked, her tone dripping with friendly sarcasm.

“Ha ha ha.” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Come on, you know you’d like to…” I know I would…

“Hm…” Twilight looked up and away with a smile as she pretended to think. Rainbow was right about her wanting to snuggle, especially since they were doing so right now. “I don’t see why not, so… sure!”

Rainbow’s heart beat a little bit faster in excitement. “Really?” she asked, lifting her head from Twilight’s wing. She laid her head on the bed and closed her eyes as she let herself relax, letting her tail flick about in excitement as she prayed to whatever deities were out there that Twilight wasn’t messing around with her.

“Yep!” Twilight said as she sat up. As she did so, Rainbow’s hoof slipped lower and lower until it was resting on her rear. Twilight froze, her eyes going wide at her friend’s touch. She didn’t know if she was touching her flank on purpose or on accident, but she was willing to give the benefit of the doubt. “Um… Rainbow?”

“Yeah, Twi?” Rainbow lazily asked, simply enjoying the fact that Twilight had agreed to become snuggle buddies with her.

“Can you, um… stop touching me there?” she asked with a nervous giggle.

“Huh? What are you–” Rainbow cracked an eye open and saw exactly what Twilight was talking about. “Oh!” She yanked her hoof off of Twilight’s butt and sat up, her cheeks flushing from the severity of the situation. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to let that happen, honest! I don’t–” she said as quickly as she could, only to find Twilight’s hoof on her lips a moment later, stopping her.

“It’s fine, Rainbow,” Twilight said with a chuckle. “So long as it was an accident…” Rainbow nodded furiously. “Then there’s nothing to worry about. Anyways… since I’m gonna move into your house, you wanna help me move my stuff in? It’s not too much, really,” Twilight asked as she hopped from the bed, a small pep in her step as she trotted down the hallway.

“Yeah, sure, but I have to leave for Cloudsdale in a little bit. Big weather conference and whatnot,” Rainbow said as she followed Twilight. She spread her wings and glided in tight loops to the bottom of the stairs. “Also, I was gonna drop in on my parents and stay the night there so we could catch up and whatnot. I'm sure they’d rather find out about me adopting a foal in person rather than through a letter. You gonna be able to take care of Scootaloo for today?”

“Yeah, sure…” Twilight said, letting her shoulders slump ever so slightly. She’d been looking forward to snuggling with Rainbow on their bed, but it looked like she’d have to wait. “I guess that makes sense.” Trying to hide her disappointment, she shook her head and said, “Anyways, the faster we get this done, the sooner you can leave! We wouldn't want you to be late for your conference, right?” And the sooner you get back, the sooner we can cuddle…