• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 59,857 Views, 4,392 Comments

I'll Always be Here for You - The Abyss

After Rainbow finds Scootaloo trudging beneath her house in a vicious snowstorm, she takes her in, only to discover something shocking.

  • ...

The Confrontation

Rainbow groaned and slowly woke up. She shifted to a more comfortable position and pulled her pillow closer to her chest, smiling contentedly as its warmth slowly seeped back into her. She started to fall back asleep and let out a soft sigh as she dipped lightly into the world of dreams. She would have returned completely, but a cold draft blew across her, causing her to shiver. Dragging the covers up past her shoulders, she tucked them in around herself, blocking out the cold. Finally relaxing, she only got to enjoy her cocoon for a couple moments before the pillow she was snuggling with twitched, stealing some of her blankets back.

Rainbow let out a confused groan, cracking her eye open to see why her pillow was stealing the covers. Seeing a small tuft of purple mane coming from under the edge of the blanket, she slowly pushed it up with a wing, revealing not a pillow, but Scootaloo curled up against her. Remembering that she’d stayed the night with her, Rainbow cracked a smile as she watched Scootaloo’s barrel rise and fall with every small breath she took. Happy that the tormented filly could have at least one peaceful night of rest, she gently laid the covers back down over the two of them, doing her best to not wake the sleeping filly.

Just as she was about to lay her head down once more and get a few more hours of sleep, she heard a yawn emerge from underneath the sheets. Darn, I woke her up… Rainbow thought as she felt Scootaloo squirm again. Sitting up, she watched as Scootaloo rolled over onto her belly. She stayed silent as the filly pushed the covers off her and cast her tired eyes around the room, quickly becoming confused by the unfamiliar surroundings.

“What the…” Scootaloo started to say before the older pegasus gently spoke up from behind her.

“Hey squirt,” Rainbow said softly. “You slept over at my place, remember?”

Scootaloo’s head whipped around in shock at the sound of her voice. As soon as her gaze met the cyan coat, magenta eyes, and brilliant rainbow mane of her idol, she calmed down. Her fears near-instantly put to rest, she settled back down onto the bed.

“Oh, yeah… guess I kinda forgot, huh?” Scootaloo asked with a nervous laugh. Standing up and stretching her legs and wings, she let loose a loud yawn.

“So, um… how’s your head feeling?” Rainbow asked, gingerly plucking away a few strands of Scootaloo’s mane to get a better look.

“Pfft. I’m tough like you, remember?” Scootaloo asked. She winced as Rainbow touched her bruise, and she shot a very obviously false grin at her, trying to play cool. “Uh, heh… S–see?”

“Yeah, I guess it’s looking a bit better than yesterday…” Rainbow said, leaning in to get a closer look. The bruise wasn’t as big as it was last night, but it still bore the same angry purple color.

“Yeah, it doesn’t hurt that bad anymore. I can only feel it if somepony touches it,” she said as her stomach released a loud grumble.

“That’s good, I guess… Well, in any case, it sounds like somepony is hungry!” Rainbow teased, making the filly smile sheepishly. She flicked her head and asked, “Say, why don’t we grab something to eat over at Sugarcube Corner? I’m sure Pinkie can whip us up something yummy!”

Tossing the rest of the covers off herself, Dash slid out of bed and made her way towards her bedroom door. At the mention of food, she started to feel a bit hungry herself and wanted to get a move on. Not one to waste time, Rainbow looked back over her shoulder and found Scootaloo still sitting on the edge of the bed. “Uh, you coming?”

“Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about something,” Scootaloo said. Hopping off the bed, she trotted past Rainbow. “Waiting on you, Rainbow!” she yelled, looking over her shoulder with a sly grin. She bolted down the hallway, flapping her wings for extra speed. She neared the top of the staircase and was just about to run downstairs when a cyan blur rocketed past her, ruffling her feathers and mane.

Flaring her wings to slow down, Rainbow gracefully landed a few feet from her front door. She looked back at the top of the stairs, meeting Scootaloo’s slack-jawed gaze with a confident smirk. “Oh, I’m sorry, you say something, squirt?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m comin’,” she said as she trotted down the steps with a small smile on her face. Scootaloo reached the bottom of the staircase and made her way over to Rainbow, walking outside with her. The cold air bit at Scootaloo’s coat, making her shiver slightly. She tried to hide it, but Rainbow noticed that she was shaking a moment later.

“Hey squirt, you know I can grab you a scarf if you’re cold,” Rainbow said as she sat down beside Scootaloo, holding out a wing to block the cold wind. “You want one?”

“Nah, I’m good!” Scootaloo replied, puffing her chest out. She tried her hardest to stop shivering, and, to her relief, succeeded.

Well, it seems the tough little filly is back… I think that’s a good sign… “Alright. It’s not like we’re gonna be out here for a long time anyways; we’ll be at Sugarcube Corner in a minute,” Rainbow said as she bent forward to allow Scootaloo to climb onto her back.

As soon as Scootaloo had a good grip, Rainbow extended her wings and walked off the cloud, letting a draft of air support them as they glided away from the house. Tilting her left wing, she banked towards the direction of Ponyville and flapped her wings several times, propelling them away from the house. Stilling her wings, Rainbow found another draft of air and lazily glided on it. Playfully dodging a few clouds that were floating around, she targeted Sugarcube Corner and gave a few more strong flaps. The closer they got, the stronger the scents of cinnamon, sugar, and freshly baked pastries became. Flicking her ears back, she was just able to make out the sounds Scootaloo’s belly grumbling.

After flying a wide loop around the bakery to slow down, Rainbow flared her wings as she neared the ground. She touched down a moment later, the snow cushioning the impact. Coming to a halt, she folded her wings and knelt down, letting Scootaloo slide off of her. “Come on, let’s get outta the cold,” Rainbow said as she trotted forward towards the entrance of the bakery. She held the door open with a wing for the filly and followed her inside a moment later.

As the door shut behind them, Rainbow smelled all sorts of delectable scents overpowering her nostrils. The air inside the bakery was warm and smelled very sweet, like someone was making a fresh batch of honey-dipped pastries. Walking around the corner, she saw Pinkie Pie pulling a pan of muffins from the oven.

“Ow-ow-ow, that’s hot!” Pinkie exclaimed, dropping the hot pan onto the counter adjacent the oven. “One moment!” she called over her shoulder. She tossed the oven mitts onto the counter, and upon hearing Rainbow clear her throat, Pinkie looked up with a wide smile to greet them.

“Heya, Dashie!” Pinkie said happily as she propped her two front hooves on the counter. “Oh, one sec!” She turned and grabbed the tray of muffins, then placed it on the counter between them. “What can I get for ya?” She peered over the counter and looked down at Scootaloo, who was eyeing the steaming muffins. “Oh hey, you brought Scootaloo too! Oh my gosh, that totally rhymed!” Giggling at her little joke, she couldn’t help but snort as she lost herself in a small fit of laughter.

“Yeah, hey Pinks,” Rainbow said with a smile. “Whatcha got there?” She nodded towards the pan sitting between them on the counter, her stomach grumbling too as the scent from the muffins found its way into her nose.

“Oh, you mean these?” Pinkie asked, trying to stifle her giggles with a hoof. “These are chocolate chip and blueberry muffins fresh from the oven! You want some?”

“Yeah, they smell delicious!” Scootaloo piped up, making Rainbow chuckle at her little outburst.

“We’ll take two,” Rainbow said as she reached for her nonexistent saddlebag. Feeling around her croup, she frantically looked back and realized that she had left her money back at her place. Turning back around, she chuckled nervously and said, “Hey... I kinda forgot to bring some bits… Is it okay if I pay you back later?”

“Oh, don’t worry about it, you silly filly!” Pinkie exclaimed. “These are on the house!” She pulled two muffins out of the pan and slid them towards the pair on plates. “Let me know how they turned out; this was my first time making this recipe!”

“Thanks, will do!” Rainbow said, placing the two plates on her back. She opened her wings to keep the plates from falling off and trotted over to one of the many empty tables in the store. Grabbing one plate at a time, she set them down on the table and hopped up into a chair.

Scootaloo clambered onto the chair opposite her and pulled one of the plates towards her, her motions mirroring Rainbow’s. Licking her lips hungrily, she grabbed the culinary delicacy in her hooves and devoured it in a matter of seconds, scattering crumbs all over the place.

“Dang, Scoots! Did you eat it or inhale it?!” Rainbow exclaimed as Scootaloo placed the empty wrapper back down on the plate. “Were you starving or something? Sheesh…”

She picked up her own muffin and took a bite, but stopped when she noticed that Scootaloo was shifting nervously in her seat. The orange filly stared at the floor silently, avoiding Rainbow’s gaze while she played with her hooves. Setting her muffin down on her plate, Rainbow started to feel more and more uneasy as Scootaloo remained silent. Rainbow unfurled a wing and used it to gently guide Scootaloo’s face to look back towards her. “Scootaloo, don’t mess around here. When was the last time you ate?”

“I… I didn’t have anything to eat last night…” Scootaloo said as her stomach released another loud grumble. “Well, besides the hot chocolate you made us, that is...”

“Wait, what?” Rainbow asked in shock as she sat up straight. “Please tell me your parents at least fed you yesterday.”

Scootaloo poked her empty wrapper for a few seconds before she responded. “They, um… no, not really,” Scootaloo meekly said as she shuffled one of her forelegs. “I usually have to snatch something from the pantry or find something to eat at one of my friend’s houses.” She glanced up at Rainbow and recoiled at the mare’s angry expression.

“Woah woah woah, let me get this straight,” Rainbow said darkly, her tone heavy with a barely concealed rage. “Your parents don’t feed you?”

“Well… they do sometimes, but not really… They just spend most of their money on alcohol.”

Rainbow didn’t respond. Instead, she stared wide-eyed at the filly, her jaw tight. Her wings tried to flare out from the fire surging through her veins, but she kept them in check. As she struggled to figure out her response, she thought, What if she can’t fly because… NO! Oh no no no no... Rainbow couldn’t finish the thought; the answer was much too disturbing for her to even think about. There is no way that Scootaloo’s mom could have been that irresponsible...

It was common knowledge that if anypony drank alcohol while pregnant, their foal could be born with some serious defects. Earth pony foals could grow up to be weak, unicorn foals could have stunted magical abilities, and for pegasi, their foals could have underdeveloped wings. With that realization, everything suddenly clicked into place inside Rainbow’s mind. Her right eye started twitching, and she stared blankly at the wall behind Scootaloo. There was no way that she was going to stand by and do nothing. She had to do something about this.

Sliding out of her seat, Rainbow scarfed down the rest of her muffin before saying, “Come on, I want to have a word with your parents…” Grabbing another couple of muffins from the counter, she tossed them to Scootaloo, waiting as patiently as she could for Scootaloo to eat them. When she was finished, Rainbow gestured towards the door with a wing. “You ready to go, squirt?”

“Yeah, I guess…” Scootaloo said, sliding out of her seat.

“So... um, where do you live?” Rainbow asked as they exited the bakery. When Scootaloo didn’t respond right away, she sat down next to her and continued in a softer voice. “Listen, I promised you last night I wouldn’t hurt them. I just want to talk to them and figure things out, alright?”

“O… okay,” Scootaloo said, shaking snow off her hooves. “It’s this way.” She gestured in the direction that they were facing and started trotting forward.

All around them, ponies played in the thick snow from last night’s storm, but Rainbow was in no mood to join them. She was on a mission: she was going to set Scootaloo’s parents straight. She would have flown there with all of her speed, but she was forced to absently follow Scootaloo at her slow pace. After they left the outskirts of town, Rainbow started wondering how much further they had to go.

As if she was reading Rainbow’s thought’s, Scootaloo spoke up. “My place is just right around the corner…” And, true to her words, a minute later her house–if it could be called that–popped up from behind a thick grove of trees. Most of the windows were cracked and it looked as if the entire structure was on the verge of collapsing in on itself. The wooden fence surrounding the property seemed like nopony had tended to it in ages, and random pieces of debris littered the whole place.

As they neared the dilapidated structure, Rainbow winced as she looked about. Scootaloo lives here!? There’s no way… Her thoughts were rudely broken by a horrible stench invading her nostrils: the entire area smelled like garbage. Looking around, she grew more and more shocked by all the refuse scattered all over the place. There was enough trash that one could barely walk through it all. Cringing, Rainbow spotted several half eaten apples lying in a puddle of a mysterious pale green liquid that reeked of rot and decay near the front gate. Cocking an eyebrow, she glanced down at the filly and asked, “You’re joking, right?”

Scootaloo’s shoulders slumped a little before she responded. “No, I’m not… Come on, I’ll let us in…” The two of them climbed the two stairs that led to the front door, and she gently pushed it open.

As they closed the door behind them, Rainbow thought, Remember, Dash, don’t judge them until you actually meet them…

“About damn time you got back, you useless runt! I hope you know yer in big heaps o’ trouble for that damned little stunt you pulled yesterday!” came a rough, female voice from just around the corner.

“Umm, guys? We have a guest!” Scootaloo called back, her voice shaky and heavy with fear.

“What?! Who the hell is it?” the same voice called back angrily, this time a little louder.

Well, this is already off to a great start… Rainbow seethed as she hopped into the air, flying to land in front of Scootaloo. After glancing at her over her shoulder, Rainbow kept her anger in check as she rounded the corner. Two ponies, both pegasi, were sitting on separate couches. Scootaloo’s father, a brown pegasus, was laying on his side with a bottle of hard liquor and a magazine that was way beyond Scootaloo’s age range. He glanced up from his position, staring at her. Rainbow felt a little nervous from how he was looking at her, but she quelled her fears. A moment later, he took another swig from the bottle and closed his magazine.

Rainbow shot a look at who she assumed was Scootaloo’s mother. “So, uh... Scootaloo-”

“Who are you?” Scootaloo’s father roughly asked. He sat up and tossed his magazine on the coffee table.

“Hi... um, my name is Rainbow Dash and I let Scootaloo sleep at my house last night,” Rainbow said carefully. “I wanted to talk to you about how you treat her. She’s told me some pretty crazy things...” She sat down on her haunches and motioned for Scootaloo to sit next to her.

“Ugh… You want to handle this one?” Scootaloo’s father drawled as he looked over at his wife. His thick, drunken tone made it difficult for Rainbow to understand him, and he reeked of alcohol, making her nearly reel back in disgust. He had a rather large gut, and it looked like he hadn’t showered in days, maybe even weeks. Both his light blue mane and tail were unkempt and greasy-looking.

“Oh, you’re a useless piece of trash, you know that?” Scootaloo’s mother, a light green pegasus, replied haughtily from her position on her couch. When her husband didn’t respond, she got up and threw the book that she’d been reading at him, hitting him just under the ear. “You don’t do nothin’ ‘round here! All you do is drink and read yer dirty magazines!”

“Hey, I–” Rainbow Dash tried to say before Scootaloo’s mother glared at her, making her quiet.

“Oh, I’ll deal with you in a minute, missy!” The green pegasus yelled at Rainbow, making her take a step back in shock. Turning her attention back to her husband, she yelled, “I’ve asked you a hundred times to clean the damn yard! You haven’t cleared it in months!” She stood over him and stared at him until he spoke.

Scootaloo’s father took his time finishing his drink before he responded, “Oh, shut up you old hag. I’m gonna get another drink.” To his wife’s astonishment, he got up and shoved her aside. He walked past Rainbow and Scootaloo and trotted around the corner, further down the hallway.

With a disgruntled huff, Scootaloo’s mom finally turned to Rainbow Dash. “And just who might you be?” she asked in distaste.

Uh, I’m pretty sure I already said what my name was... “I’m Rainbow Dash, one of your daughter’s friends,” Rainbow said, slightly offended by the other pony’s attitude. She tensed up and laid a wing around Scootaloo’s shoulders, pulling her a little closer. She didn’t like the way she was being treated, which made her wonder what Scootaloo had to put up with on a daily basis. Scootaloo shifted closer to her, pushing herself up against her right hind leg.

“Our daughter? Oh, you mean that worthless, no good, flightless filly that’s always getting into all sorts of trouble?”

“She’s not worthless,” Rainbow shot back. “Just because she can’t fly now doesn’t mean that she won’t be able to later. Right, Scootaloo?” she asked, looking down at her. Scootaloo didn’t say a word, only giving her a nervous nod.

Scootaloo’s mother huffed. “Sure, I suppose that might happen, but I doubt it. At Scootaloo’s age, I had already been flying for nearly a year. If she’s not flying in the next couple of months, I doubt she’ll ever fly.” She turned around and straightened up the few pillows they had on the couch, then grabbed a duster. “Do you know what she did yesterday?” She grabbed a bottle of liquor on the coffee table and took a large swig from it. Coughing, she set it aside and shook her head in disgust. “Ugh… why do I even drink this trash?” she asked herself.

“Yeah, she told me after you guys attacked her and drove her out into one of the worst snow storms of the season ever!” Rainbow retorted through gritted teeth. “I found her crying under my bucking house in the middle of the night!”

“So?” the mother asked. “She can fend fo–”

“So? So? Do you even care about your daughter?” Rainbow screamed at Scootaloo’s mother. She felt Scootaloo grab her hind leg and squeeze, but that didn’t stop her from continuing her rant. “If I hadn’t found her, she could have gotten really sick! She could have died!”

“Well, we didn’t make her run away!” Scootaloo’s mother said defiantly as she slid off the couch. She walked up to Rainbow and sat down, rubbing her eyes with her hooves. “Look... I didn’t want her to run away, but she didn’t really give us a choice. My husband was drunk last night, and when he got up to fix himself another drink, I guess that’s when he saw Scootaloo pouring the drinks down the drain.” She rolled her eyes and cleared her throat. “All I heard was a bunch of glass smashing in the kitchen. I was upstairs cleaning, and by the time I got downstairs Scootaloo had already ran out the back door! I tried to find her outside, but she was gone.”

“Well, apparently you didn’t try hard enough,” Scootaloo’s father said as he walked back into the living room. “Do I assume correctly that she told you what she did to my stash last night?”

“Yeah, she did! Do you even know why she did that?” Rainbow growled as she stomped her front hooves on the floor.

“Yeah! She hates us!”

“No, she doesn’t! Scootaloo got rid of your drinks because she thinks that it ruined your family. All she wants is a happy family like the rest of her friends, but your obsession with drinking has completely ruined that for her!”

“Oh, give us a break! That stupid filly–” Scootaloo’s mother managed to say before Rainbow shoved her, making her fall on her side.

“Don’t call her that,” Rainbow said with an edge in her voice. She had only meant to push her back a few feet, but it seemed like Scootaloo’s mother had had too much to drink. Rainbow breathed heavily as she waited for Scootaloo’s mother to get up. She beat a hoof on the wooden floor as if she was about to charge at her, but Scootaloo suddenly tightened her grip on her leg.

“Rainbow, it’s… stop, please? You promised me you wouldn’t hurt them…” Scootaloo suddenly said, making sure not to make eye contact with her parents. “It’s okay, I can–”

“No, it’s not!” Rainbow said angrily, cutting the filly off. She turned her attention back to the stallion and said, “Scootaloo’s gonna live with me for a while. She deserves so much better than...” She gestured around the room. “This!”

“Oh, I don’t think so. What makes you think that I’m just gonna let my daughter leave with you?” Scootaloo’s mother asked haughtily. “She’s staying here with us, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it.” Turning her attention to Scootaloo, she barked, “Go up to your room. Your father will be up later to have a talk with you.”

“Uh-uh! Come on, Scoots, let’s get outta here. You’re coming with me!” Rainbow said as she turned around to leave, walking back towards the front door. Hearing a small sniffle, she looked back in concern and saw that Scootaloo wasn’t following her. In fact, she was going in the opposite direction, heading towards the stairs. “Uh… Scoots? Are y–you coming?” she asked, fearing the possibility that she might not go with her.

“I… I can’t,” Scootaloo sniffled, trying to hold back her tears. “Things would just get worse for me if I went with you…” She turned away from her and dejectedly started walking up the stairs towards her bedroom, her head hung low in defeat. Pausing halfway, she cast her gaze to the side and said, “Thanks for... Thanks for letting me stay with you last night…”

“Wha… Scoots?” Rainbow asked hesitantly as she watched her climb up the few remaining steps and walk around the corner.

“Now, I think it’s time for you to leave, you,” the green pegasus said, walking around the corner. She sidestepped Rainbow and opened the door, gesturing rudely for her to leave. But when she noticed Rainbow turning towards the stairs, she quickly jumped in front of her and started pushing her out the open door.

Remembering the promise she made Scootaloo, Rainbow didn’t fight back and allowed herself to be corralled out the door. If she had retaliated, though, Scootaloo’s parents would have been in for a world of hurt. But her promise meant a lot more than the satisfaction of teaching those two ponies a lesson did.

“I’ll be back later!” Rainbow yelled as she was roughly shoved out onto the front porch. “And if I find out that you laid a bucking hoof on her, I’ll beat you so hard nopony will be able to recognize you!”

“She’s mah daughter, I can do whatever I… whatever I want,” Scootaloo’s mother said in a menacing tone, swaying back and forth a bit. Walking back inside, she yelled, “And if I ever see you come back around here again, I’ll have you thrown in jail!” She slammed the front door with a resounding thud before Rainbow could respond.

“Nopony deserves the sort of crap you put her through. Nopony!” Rainbow yelled at the house. Flapping her wings, she angrily took off, making a beeline for the library. I gotta tell Twilight about this. Maybe she can help!

She didn’t see Scootaloo wave goodbye from her bedroom upstairs.