• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 59,857 Views, 4,392 Comments

I'll Always be Here for You - The Abyss

After Rainbow finds Scootaloo trudging beneath her house in a vicious snowstorm, she takes her in, only to discover something shocking.

  • ...

The Cold War

An awkward silence quickly fell between the two of them. Twilight simply stared at Rainbow, her right ear twitching on its own. She moved her lips and tried to speak, but it felt as if her throat had seized up. She coughed a couple of times and shook her head before looking back up at Rainbow. “I’m sorry, what? I didn’t quite catch all of that.”

Rainbow giggled nervously. “Uh… you into me? ‘Cuz it really sorta seems to me like you are. And, uh… you know, it’s totally c-cool if you’re not,” Rainbow quickly stammered out, noticing Twilight’s perplexed expression.

Twilight cleared her throat as she tried to get her thoughts in order. Speaking in a somewhat rough voice, she slowly said, “Well… you’re one of my closest friends, if not my best friend, if that’s what you mean.” When Rainbow cocked her head to the side, she thought, Hold on… Surely there’s no way that she thinks that I think of her like that… “Um, wait… are you asking if I have serious feelings for you?”

“Well… yeah, sort of. You’ve let me come over, we snuggle, and then we fall asleep together. Heck, while we were waiting for Scootaloo to come back a little while ago, we held each other in our wings and you had your head on my shoulder. Even though I enjoyed it, it’s just something that regular friends don’t really do.” Rainbow started squirming, mainly because she was just expecting a yes or no answer, not this long, drawn-out process.

“Oh, uh… really? I did that because, um... I thought that’s what really good friends do,” Twilight said, biting her bottom lip.

“Not stuff like that…” Rainbow replied with a nervous chuckle, flicking a few stray hairs out of her face. “I just didn’t know what to expect, I guess.” She looked down, her shoulders slumping ever so slightly. “So, um… does that mean no more cuddling?” she asked wistfully as her ears folded back.

“Well, um… just because we aren’t together doesn’t mean that we can’t still cuddle and stuff.” Twilight felt herself blush as she glanced away, feeling Rainbow’s eyes bore into her face.

“Um… you sure? Those are things that special someponies do, ya know? And since we aren’t together, I don’t want to creep you out or anything. We’ve got such a nice thing going, after all.”

Twilight giggled softly. “Rainbow, you can’t creep me out! Trust me, I’ve enjoyed snuggling with you just as much as you have, and I definitely wouldn’t mind if we keep doing it, especially on nights as cold as these.”

“Heh, glad to hear it… And to answer your question… I’ll think about it,” Rainbow said rather shakily.

“Huh? What question?” Twilight cocked her head to the side.

“The one about me living with you and Scootaloo. Even though we aren’t together, I… I don’t know how that would work out. I don’t really want to give up my house, you know? I’ve put a lot of work into building it up, and I really like it.” She shrugged and looked back out the slit in the wall. After a few seconds, she looked back at Twilight. “Don’t get me wrong; there’s nothing wrong with the library. To be honest, I like it a lot, but I like my house a little bit more. It’s the one place that I can use to escape from everything and just relax, you know?”

Twilight took a few moments to think before she responded. “Yeah, I do, and Rainbow?” She waited until Rainbow looked back at her. “Since we’re gonna be taking care of Scootaloo, I want you to know you can stay at the library whenever you want. Scootaloo is going to depend on the both of us, and I know she’d love it if you were around a lot. Also, I guess that asking you to move in with me may have been a little too much to ask,” Twilight said with a small giggle. “Hmm… maybe we cou–” She paused when a deep horn sounded off in the distance right out in front of them, another one echoing its call from behind them.

“What the heck is going on?” Rainbow asked, her ears flicking forward as she tried to pinpoint exactly where the sounds were coming from. She turned her head and cocked it, pressing her ear right up to the slit in the wall. “There’s no way that that’s Pinkie…” Rainbow glanced at Twilight and raised an eyebrow. “Right?”

“Rainbow!” Scootaloo yelled out from the igloo on the other side of the fort. “There’s a lot of ponies heading our way!”

“Fire when you can hit ‘em, squirt!” Rainbow yelled back, her conversation with Twilight shoved to the back of her mind. She turned back around to face Twilight and paused, noticing the look of intense concentration on her face. “Uh… hey, egghead, you okay?”

“Yeah,” Twilight said as she lit her horn. “Listen, I’m gonna need you to be my eyes for this, alright? I can’t really look around when I’m doing this...”

“Uh… what exactly are you doing?” Rainbow asked slowly.

“Heh, just watch…” Twilight said with a sly grin. A few moments later, her purple aura surrounded most of the snowballs that Spike had made. As a low humming sound filled the air, they all rose into the air and formed a ten by ten block all floating on a single plane.

“Oh, I get it… You want me to tell you where to shoot, right?” Rainbow asked. “Alright then, let’s take a test shot.” She moved back to the slit in the wall and saw around ten ponies forming small walls to hide behind just thirty feet or so down the street. A few pegasi were hovering in the air just above Pinkie Pie, who was standing right behind not one, but two party cannons. She couldn’t place a hoof on it, but they looked a little different from the one that she usually used. Rainbow squinted as hard as she could, trying to make out what Pinkie was doing with them. She had the two of them connected, sitting on the bed of an empty cart. After watching the ponies outside the fort make their own little walls, Rainbow thought, Heh, this is for making me spill my hot cocoa! “Alright Twilight, shoot one forty feet dead ahead!” Twilight’s horn grew a bit brighter, and a snowball launched forward as if it was shot out of an invisible slingshot, hitting the ground just in front of Pinkie Pie. Dang! “Almost there, Twi! Raise your elevation by five-ish degrees, then fire when ready!”

“Got it!” With a small smile, Twilight not only shot one, but three snowballs on the new trajectory. As they neared their target, Rainbow’s smile grew wider and wider until all three hit Pinkie Pie square in the chest.

“You got ‘er, Twilight!” Rainbow exclaimed, thumping Twilight on the back. “Nice shot!” She turned her attention back to the slit in the wall and saw that Spike and Sweetie Belle were already engaging the enemy from their own little fort. For every snowball that came near their fort, Spike would turn it to water with a quick burst of fire, and Sweetie Belle would return fire with at least three snowballs.

“Ahem!” Pinkie said quite loudly as she tried to get everyone's attention, almost breaking Twilight’s concentration.

“What’s going on, Rainbow?” Twilight asked as she kept her eyes closed. She knew opening them might risk losing her magical grasp on her arsenal of snowballs, and she didn’t want to be unprepared for when Pinkie Pie and her forces attacked.

“Um… I dunno, something?” Rainbow replied with a soft voice, her eyes locked on Pinkie. “Shush, I think she’s about to say something.”

All was quiet for a few moments as everyone waited for Pinkie to say something. Turning her attention towards the fort standing strong before her, she called out in a strange accent, “Well… well… well… I was going to offer you the chance at a peaceful surrender to General Pinkie, but it seems that you have attacked us unprovoked.” She took a moment to brush the snow from her chest with a hoof. “I see that as a declaration of war, madams, and I will have you know that we are well prepared for a siege of the most epic proportions!” Pinkie stomped her hoof once and said something to the pony beside her that neither Rainbow or Twilight heard. Rainbow watched as a few of the ponies around Pinkie Pie started loading massive amounts of snow inside each of the cannons.

“Uh… so any idea why she’s talking like that?” Rainbow asked, casting a sideways glance at Twilight.

“Yeah, about that… I may have lent her some history books concerning the past few wars we’ve had, so… yeah. I think we’re gonna be in for one heck of a snowball fight!” Twilight said, her excitement apparent in her tone.

“Heh, I don’t think Pinkie’s here for a fight, Twilight. I think she’s here for war…”