• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 59,857 Views, 4,392 Comments

I'll Always be Here for You - The Abyss

After Rainbow finds Scootaloo trudging beneath her house in a vicious snowstorm, she takes her in, only to discover something shocking.

  • ...

The War of The Princess

“Remember her party cannons? Yeah, well, she’s got two of them now, and they look a lot bigger than usual.” Rainbow gulped as she once again eyed Pinkie’s cannons.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Well, they sorta look like actual cannons now. Pinkie’s having them stuffed full of snow right now, so let’s strike now with everything we’ve got before she can get a shot off! Fire at the same coordinates, but shift aim three degrees to the left, fire ten snowballs there, then randomly fire the rest in a big circle around them!”

“Got it!” Twilight fired snowball after snowball at her new target, making everypony on the opposite side of their fort scramble for what little cover they had. As soon as she fired her last one, the enemy pegasi took to the air and started raining hell down upon them. She lit her horn, forming a shield over the top of the fort, preventing all but two snowballs from penetrating their defenses. A small bit of pain grew in the front of her head, forcing her to drop the shield. She panted heavily. Her vision grew blurry as her forelegs lost their strength. Twilight stumbled, her eyes going wide as she began to fall. She reached out with a hoof to stop herself from falling, and when she felt something warm, she wrapped her hoof around it as hard as she could, but it was not enough to stop her. A warm, heavy weight fell on top of her back, keeping her pinned down on the snow. “Is that you, Dash?” she asked, her words muffled by the large amounts of snow that surrounded her muzzle.

“Yeah, it’s me, Twilight,” Rainbow said with a giggle. “You okay?” she asked as she pushed herself off of her friend. She pushed her muzzle into the snow and used it to lift Twilight’s head up. “Yeesh, you’re pretty cold, but I guess that’s what happens when you want to snuggle snow, right?” She stood up all the way and used a hoof to help Twilight stand back up.

Twilight wiped the sweat from her brow and glanced up at Rainbow. “Yeah, but that’s where you come in. I think I’m gonna need you to snuggle with me tonight to make sure that all of this coldness is purged from my coat,” she said with a sly wink.

Phew! At least I know that she still wants to snuggle with me… Rainbow chuckled as she wiped some snow from Twilight’s breast. “Ya know, that sounds like a good idea. Too bad it’s the middle of the day, though… If Pinkie didn’t show up with half the townsponies, I probably could have shown you the best way to take a mid-morning nap!”

“Yeah…” Twilight’s ears flicked down, then she smiled back at Rainbow. “Looks like we’re just going to have to wait for night, then.”

“I guess so… I’m starting to wish that I didn’t show up at your place so late last night; we could have snuggled longer if I had just mared up and asked if you wanted to sleep together.” Twilight smirked at her, making her roll her eyes. “Oh, you know what I meant.”

The sound of snowballs hitting their fort broke Twilight’s concentration. “We might need some backup of our own, Rainbow!” She trotted to the ice tunnel that led to the igloo that Spike was in. “Spike! I need you to come with me right away!” she yelled at the top of her lungs, hoping it was loud enough for him to hear her.

“Okay!” Spike yelled back. He threw one more snowball, then his eyes widened as he saw Pinkie’s cannons slowly shift to aim right at his igloo. “Sweetie Belle, we gotta go!” he yelled as he pushed her into the ice tunnel. She scampered ahead of him, the ceiling just brushing the tip of his head as he followed her out. As soon as they reached the main wall, he heard Pinkie’s cannons fire with a tremendous bang. Not even a second later, he heard another sound almost as loud as her shots struck his igloo. He glanced over his shoulder, watching as the igloo collapsed in on itself, the ice shattering into lots of tiny shards that flew through the air. Spike raised his arm to protect himself, but a purple shield popped out of nowhere in front of the entrance, stopping every single last bit of the flying ice. He looked up at Twilight and said, “Woah… thanks Twi. Sweetie Belle, you okay?”

“Yeah, I think I’m okay,” Sweetie Belle said as she brushed some snow from her legs.

“Spike, I need you to do something for me.” Twilight lowered her head and whispered something into Spike’s ear. “Can you do that for me right now?”

Spike smirked at Twilight. “Totally! Haha, this is gonna be great!” he said as he scampered back into the library.

Perfect… Now for the second part… Twilight’s eyebrows furrowed in anger. She lit her horn and made a hole in the wall just big enough for her, then stomped out of the fort, her gaze locked on Pinkie Pie. Her upper lip curled up as she fought back the urge to snarl. Nopony dared to throw a snowball at her as she marched up to Pinkie, fearing that they might set her off.

“Ah, Twilight! Here to surrender to me?” Pinkie asked as she hopped off of her cart. “Keep loading the cannons, everypony! Their fort shall fall to our pow… uh, Twilight?”

Twilight lifted her head high as she stared down into Pinkie’s eyes. “Do you have any idea what you just did?” she asked, letting her voice show just how angry she was. “Do you?!” She pushed Pinkie’s chest with a hoof, making her take a step back.

“Uh… I demolished that igloo with just two shots? I think that counts as a minor victory in our war, wouldn’t you agree?” Pinkie asked, glancing around nervously.

Twilight frowned at that, and this time, she let a snarl escape her throat as she stared at Pinkie. After a few moments, she said, “Sweetie Belle and Spike were just in that igloo. When you shot it, tons of sharp ice shards came flying down the tunnel that they just barely escaped from. I made my fort with ice so it could stand up on its own, but for you to shoot ice balls at it? That’s reckless, and you could have easily hurt somepony!” Twilight stomped up to Pinkie again, making her wilt like a flower on fire. “Since you want to make this an actual war, I decided to call in a little backup of my own…” She heard two distinct pops come from just behind her. “So now not only do you have to deal with one alicorn, you have to deal with three!” She lit her horn and formed the biggest snowball she could manage. As her head began to ache again, she dropped it on top of Pinkie Pie and her cart, making the old wooden frame collapse from the weight of the snow. With the cannons rendered inoperable, Twilight turned around and trotted up to her old mentor. “I’m so glad you came, Celestia!” Twilight said, wrapping her forelegs around Celestia’s neck. She nuzzled the side of her neck, smelling faint hints of peppermint before she pulled back. “We need to get back to the fort on the double!”

Celestia chuckled once at that. “It is great to see you too, Twilight. Now, about that letter… you said you needed backup?” She nodded over towards her sister, who was spinning at least a hundred snowballs around in the air above them, shooting a few at anypony that dared look their way.

“Move your flanks, you two!” Luna yelled as she started backing towards the fort. “I do not know how much longer I can hold them off for!”

Twilight let a smirk slide on her face as she watched everypony on Pinkie’s side scramble for what little cover there was. Instead of running back to the fort, she and Celestia took their sweet time, knowing that nopony would dare attack royalty. Twilight glanced all around her, smirking at how everypony on Pinkie’s side stared in awe. “So Celestia, since you and Luna both have more combat experience than I do, how do you think we should defend our fort?” Twilight asked as she closed up the hole behind them. She noticed that everypony was bowing, which made her chuckle.

“Rise, my little ponies,” Celestia said slowly, a small smile on her face. “We cannot eliminate the enemy with your faces in the snow, after all.”

“Heh, yeah, I guess not, Princess,” Rainbow said as she stood up. “What will you have us do?” She pulled Scootaloo up against her side as she sat down, her wing covering her back.

“I think it would be most fun to let young Scootaloo be our leader for today, sister,” Luna said as she stepped forward. “After all, it is a very special day for a very special pony.”

“Really?!” Scootaloo gasped, her mouth hanging open. Her eyes went wide, and her right foreleg quivered. A wide grin grew on her face as many ideas formed in her head. “Okay then! Twilight, I need you on snowball making duty! With your magic, you can make a lot more than any of us can make by hoof. Princess Luna, can you do that spinning snowball thing again? That looked really cool, and you can use the snowballs that Twilight makes for us!” She hopped up onto one of the ledges beneath one of the slits in the wall. “Uh… Princess Celestia? Any chance you could make a beam of sunlight to block all incoming snowballs? I saw Spike melt some snowballs with his fire, so… could you sorta do the same thing?”

“I… think not, little one,” Celestia said with a chuckle. “We came to even the sides up a little; not completely overwhelm the town. Besides, if I did choose to do as you asked, all the snow would melt in the town.”

“Huh… yeah, that’d make it pretty hard to have a snowball fight…” Scootaloo rubbed her chin. “Can you use your magic to destroy any incoming snowballs then?”

Celestia nodded once. “Of course, little one. It shall be my pleasure.” A smirk slid on her face as she nodded at Luna. “Shall we have some fun, dearest sister?”

“Yes, I believe it is time for us to… let loose a little bit. Those darned tax laws have been driving me insane!” She followed Celestia down the wall of the fort, then lit her horn as she levitated many snowballs into the air, just like before.

“Hey, what about us?” Apple Bloom spoke up. “You didn’t give us anything to do!”

“That’s because I saved the best for last!” Scootaloo said as she hopped off of the ledge, landing before her friends. “I need you to run a very special mission for me…” She beckoned them closer and lowered her voice as her gaze switched between all three of them. “So here’s the plan. I want you to sneak out through the escape tunnel in the back and flank the enemy from behind. When they are scrambling for cover from Luna’s barrage, I want you to act like you’re on their side.” A wicked grin grew on Scootaloo’s face. “As far as I know, they don’t know you’re on our side, so they shouldn’t think twice when you show up. I’m going to call a cease fire for an hour so we can get some lunch, and an hour after that, we’re going to unleash the fury of three princesses against Ponyville. When you hear the screams, that’s when you make your move, okay?”

“Got it!” Spike said.

“Good! Now go! I’ll give you a few minutes to penetrate their defenses.” Scootaloo trotted up to Twilight. “Hey, can we call a cease fire for a lunch break? My tummy is already growling,” she said with a sheepish smile.

“Yeah, sure, that sounds like a wonderful idea!” Twilight opened another hole in the fort and yelled, “Hey Pinkie! Let’s all take an hour for lunch! The fillies are hungry, and I’m kinda low on food here.”

“Okay!” Pinkie yelled back. “Everypony, stand down! We’re getting lunch at Sugarcube Corner, and the first treat for every single one of you is on the house!” Everypony jumped up at that, leaving their tiny walls of snow that they had built as they made a mad dash towards the bakery, leaving Pinkie Pie standing all alone. A sole snowball flew through the air, landing right at Pinkie’s hooves. “Hey, who threw that?” she asked with a giggle.

“Sorry, couldn’t help myself!” Roseluck yelled as she darted past Pinkie. “Last one there’s a rotten egg!”

“Oh, you’re on!” Pinkie turned around and galloped after her.

With the battlefield empty, Twilight stepped out through the hole with Rainbow Dash. She bit her bottom lip as she fought to contain her smile, but couldn’t help letting it slide on her face as she looked at Rainbow. “So, uh… three, two, one, go!” she blurted out, galloping after Pinkie Pie as she giggled. Rainbow Dash flew past her with Scootaloo held against her belly, and the other princesses weren’t far behind. The rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders did their best to keep up, but ultimately failed to do so. As Twilight heard her fellow princesses catch up to her, she slowed down to a trot, then lit her horn. She focused her magic on Spike, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle, then levitated them in front of her as she once again broke out into a gallop. She neared, then passed Celestia and Luna right before they got to the bakery. Panting softly, she lowered the three of them on the doorstep and opened her wings wide, preventing anypony behind her from getting inside. After Spike and his friends walked inside, she folded her wings and turned around. “So like Roseluck said, last one inside is a rotten egg!” she said, closing her eyes as she started to grin. She heard a sudden whoosh sound, making her open her eyes to find nothing but an empty street in front of her. “Huh?” She glanced over her shoulder and saw Celestia and Luna already inside, waiting in line to get their promised sweets. “Drat… Shoulda known they would pull something like that…” she said with a small grin. Twilight walked up to the back of the line and nudged Luna’s side. “Cheater…” she said with a smirk.

“Hey, all is fair in love and war,” Luna said, shooting a grin back at her. “Besides, Pinkie Pie offered us some very delectable treats, and I cannot be known as a rotten egg. I am sure Celestia agrees with me in that regard.”

“Oh, but of course, Luna!” Celestia said. She unfolded a wing and placed it on Twilight’s rump, then pushed her in front of them. “You can go in front of us, little one; my treat.”

“Little one?” Twilight lifted an eyebrow as she peered up at her old mentor. “I think you would know by now that I’m an adult!” she said, shooting a cocky grin up at Celestia.

“While that may be the case, you will always be that precious little filly that always kept asking me so many questions…” Celestia leaned down and nuzzled Twilight’s cheek. “It is wonderful to spend some time relaxing with you, Twilight,” she whispered into Twilight’s ear. “Even though you asked for our help in your war,” she finished with a light chuckle. Celestia stepped back, noticing that Twilight was blushing and rubbing the back of her neck. Wait, did I have something important to tell her? Celestia bit her lip as she glanced away. Oh, I suppose it will come back to me sooner or later…

“Yeah, sorry about that… I’ve just been really busy, and I’ve been trying to find some time to go hang out with you two, but…”

“It is quite alright, Twilight,” Luna said, taking a few steps forward to keep up with the line. “I am sure you are well aware of how busy we are, so it was a welcome sight to see you asking for our help.” She levitated a rather big bag of bits out of her saddlebag. “It is not often that we get to partake in Ponyville’s delicacies! I brought enough bits to feed a family of five for a week, by the way…” she said, blushing a little bit as she leaned in to whisper in Twilight’s ear. “Celestia’s health advisor keeps her on a rather strict diet, so now is our only opportunity to really, well… pig out,” she said, keeping her voice soft enough for only Twilight to hear.

“I see,” Twilight said, followed by a giggle. She hid her growing smile with a hoof, then bit her tongue to help her hide her smile. “Well, your secret is safe with me!”

“I am glad to hear it,” Celestia said, her horn dimming.

“Did you just spy on us?” Luna asked, nudging Celestia’s shoulder with her own.

“Oh, maybe…” Celestia shrugged as she drew out that last word. She glanced away, failing to hide her grin.

“Alright, you two… ready for this?” Spike asked. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle nodded back at him. They were hiding behind a couple of bushes covered in snow, a large pile of snowballs at the ready. The sun was already starting its descent down towards the horizon. The battle had been delayed a little bit longer than expected, for many of the townsponies had gone to run errands or to hang out with their families before they returned. Even though most of the town was back, many of the townsfolk were working on making their forts better, some taking longer than others.

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle said in a hushed voice. She peeked over the edge of the bush and saw Luna’s magic making at least a couple hundred snowballs fly around the library, spinning so fast that they were almost a blur. “Woah… you see that, guys?”

Apple Bloom snuck a look past the side of the bush, her eyes going wide. “I’m glad that Princess Luna’s on our side!”

“Yeah, and let’s hope we don’t get hit by friendly fire.” Spike winced as he heard Pinkie blow her battle horn again. “Dang, that thing’s pretty loud.”

“We should shove some snow in it,” Apple Bloom said with a snicker. “If we’re sneaky enough, we could totally pull that off!”

“Alright, let’s do it!” Spike said. He glanced around, then stood up from behind cover and walked as normally as he could towards Pinkie Pie. She was standing beside her destroyed cart, talking to the pony to her left. Hiding behind the cart, Spike crept up on the right, his two friends right behind him. “Ready?” he whispered.

“Yeah! I’ll go distract her!” Apple Bloom turned around and trotted around the other side of the cart. “Hey Pinkie!” She touched the back of her leg, then yelled, “Tag! You’re it!” With a giggle, she galloped away in the opposite direction.

“Hey, get back here, you!” Pinkie yelled after her. She picked up a snowball and threw it at Apple Bloom, but it fell short. She took a few steps in her direction, but stopped as Apple Bloom disappeared around the corner.

“Now’s our chance!” Sweetie Belle said. She darted forward, then with Spike’s help, shoveled as much snow into Pinkie’s horn as they could. They darted back around the side of the cart right as Pinkie Pie turned back around, then moved around to the back.

“Okay! Everypony attack when I blow the horn!” Pinkie stepped behind it, used a hoof to pull the mouthpiece towards her, then blew into it as hard as she could.

Spike couldn’t help but snicker as he heard a muffled sound that sounded almost like a fart instead of the low sound that the horn normally made. “Come on, we need to get back to the fort before Pinkie sees us!” he said, pushing Sweetie Belle back the way they came. As Sweetie Belle galloped back to their bushes, he slipped, falling flat on his face. When he heard Pinkie gasp, Spike knew he had been spotted. With a sinking feeling in his gut, Spike glanced over his shoulder and saw Pinkie staring at him with wide eyes and an open mouth. “Uh oh…” he said to himself as he pushed himself back up. As he started to run back to the bush, he yelled, “Cover me!” Thankfully, Apple Bloom popped up on the other side of the bush and chucked snowball after snowball over his head, making Pinkie scramble for cover. They ran around the block, appearing at the secret tunnel at the back of the fort where Apple Bloom was waiting for them. “I can’t believe that worked!” Spike said as he high-fived the three of them. When he heard Pinkie Pie scream, “Attack!” he yelled, “Twilight! We’re back!” After the other two dove into the tunnel, he followed them in and waited for Twilight to open the door on the other side.

Twilight’s right ear flopped back and forth as she heard Spike yell something. She trotted around to the other side of the fort and pulled open the hatch made of ice, letting her three comrades in arms make it safely back inside. “How’d it go?” she asked, brushing the snow from each of them with her wings.

“It was great, Twilight!” Sweetie Belle said, hopping up and down. “Spike and I really did a number on Pinkie’s horn! She’s not gonna be able to use that thing for a long time!

Scootaloo trotted up from behind Twilight, a wide grin on her face. “Nice job, you guys! I watched what you guys did from Rainbow’s peephole! Pinkie Pie sure looks mad!”

“Thanks!” Sweetie Belle said, her voice cracking halfway through the word.

“Princess Luna!” Scootaloo yelled as she trotted back around towards the front. “I need you to shoot anything that moves out there, okay? Even if someone’s tail flicks out of cover, I want a mountain of snow on top of it!”

“Yes ma’am!” Luna replied with a short giggle. She spotted a pair of ponies about thirty feet in front of their fort, their snouts just barely poking out from over the top of their little wall. She took aim, then fired a flurry of snowballs at her target. As they flew through the air, the pony on the left stood up and spread his wings, trying to get away, but it was all for naught. Four snowballs splattered against his chest, so Luna heard him yell, “Hit!” before he walked away. The other pony was smart, for she had simply ducked behind cover, Luna’s snowballs flying right over her head. When Luna heard her laughing, she couldn’t help but snicker as a plan formed in her mind. As that pony’s laugh echoed throughout the battlefield, Luna closed her eyes and channeled as much power as she could into her horn, then lifted all of the snowballs in her magical grasp up above the pony she’d missed just seconds earlier. She collected all of the snowballs together into one large mass of snow, holding it twenty feet above the pony in question. When she heard her laughing suddenly stop, Luna let her horn dim, allowing the snow once held in her magical grasp to drop with a low thump. Luna opened her eyes and peeked out through one of the slits in the walls and saw her target push their head out of the top of the snow pile, shaking their head back and forth. Luna heard them yell, “Hit!” as she playfully shot a few new snowballs in her direction, though she intentionally missed.

“Your aim is as good as it once was, sister,” Celestia said as she sat down beside Luna.

“Sure seems like it!” Luna fired a trio of snowballs at three retreating stallions, hitting each right on their rump. She couldn’t help but giggle when she heard one of them yelp like a dog. “I am so glad we decided to come and help Twilight in her war. I have not had this much fun since the time we kicked out that stallion for calling us crotchety old bats in our throne room! It was such a pleasure to watch the guards drag him outside…”

“Did he ever come back?” Celestia asked as she used her magic to throw a couple of snowballs at Pinkie Pie, who dove behind cover. “Oh well, I tried!” she said with a light chuckle.

“Were you even trying, dearest sister? Because it sure seemed like your heart wasn’t really in it!” Luna lifted a hoof to her lips to hide her growing smile, then without looking, fired a single snowball at Pinkie’s position. Her smile turned into a playful smirk when she heard it splatter against the top of Pinkie’s head. “I do not even have to look to hit somepony! Can you do the same?” she asked, nudging Celestia’s shoulder with her own.

“Oh, I think I can, and I will prove to you why I am the better of us two. What would you say if I told you I can easily hit somepony with a snowball without using magic of any kind? I would not even have to look, too!” She leaned down and started forming a snowball with her magic.

“I… think that would be a rather impressive display of your skills, but I don’t think you would be able to hit anypony out there. Your chances of hitting somepony without magic with your eyes closed are so low that I am sure that even Twilight could not calculate the odds...” Luna said, eyeing potential targets out on the battlefield.

“I think it would be quite easy!” Celestia giggled as she lifted her left hoof to cover her eyes, then she held up the snowball in her right hoof. She faced Luna head-on, then asked, “Ready?” She peeked out from behind her hoof and saw her sister staring out through the peephole.

“Mhm…” Luna said, wondering who Celestia would target. The snowball she had made was much larger than a typical snowball would be, for it was at least six or seven times as big. She glanced at Celestia a moment before she saw the snowball flying towards her face. As her expression turned into an icy one, she heard Celestia start laughing at her.

“Told you!” Celestia said through her giggles. She saw Luna shake her head, the snow flying in all directions. “You still have a little right on your muzzle, dear,” she said, wiping Luna’s muzzle with the tip of her hoof. Before she could pull her hoof away, Luna’s horn lit up in a brilliant glow, and as her eyes went wide, Celestia saw all of the snowballs in their fort rise up in the air, humming with a terrifying sound. “Uh…” At that, Celestia lit her horn, made a hole in the fort’s wall, and bolted, laughing all the while. Luna darted after her, galloping as hard as she could as she threw snowball after snowball at her.

“Where are they going?” Rainbow asked, poking her head through the hole. She watched for incoming snowballs, but everypony was paying attention to the show that the two princesses were putting on instead.

“I think Luna is trying to get revenge for what Celestia did,” Twilight said with a giggle. “I’d probably do the same if she did that to me!”

“Yeah?” Rainbow snickered as she made a snowball. She hefted it in her hoof as she stared at Twilight. “You sure about that?”

“Do you really want to find out?” Twilight asked with a smirk. She lit her horn and made fifty snowballs rise up out of the snow all around them, then spread her wings wide as her snowballs started to spin in place.

“Um…” Rainbow’s ears flopped down as she wilted from the display of force. “Maybe another time.” She tossed her snowball onto the ground and chuckled. “I’d prefer to not to be bruised when we snuggle later.”

“Probably for the best,” Twilight replied. She let her horn’s light fade away, though not before she stacked her snowballs against the wall of the library for future use. She winced as she heard a loud explosion off in the distance, past the outskirts of Ponyville where open fields would be. “Yeesh, they’re really going at it, aren’t they?”

“Yeah…” Rainbow saw a large spout of snow rise into the air a long ways down the main road. “Oh my gosh… I’m kinda happy they’re doing that out there and not in here.” She listened as the sounds of an epic battle continued for another minute, then all was silent. “So… are they done?”

Twilight stepped out into the open, ignoring the single snowball that Pinkie tried to throw at her. The sun had already slipped halfway past the horizon, which made her say, “Yeah, I think they’re done. Why else would Celestia lower the sun?” She stepped back into the fort and closed the hole behind her.

Everyone in the fort remained alert for the next fifteen minutes, wondering if the fight was truly over. As the air grew colder, Spike got up from his position and walked around towards the front, spotting Twilight sitting right across from the front door. Without saying a word, he sat down next to her and pulled one of her wings around him, giving a sigh of relief as her warmth washed across his back. Just as Twilight pulled him closer, though, he felt a familiar feeling in his gut, a feeling that signaled he was about to burp up a letter. A moment later, he felt the magic travel up his throat, a scroll popping out of thin air in front of them. In his weary state, he failed to catch it in time before it landed on the snow.

“Don’t worry, I can get it,” Twilight said as she saw Spike bend down to pick it up. She lit her horn and picked it up, shaking the snow off of it in the process. “I’m sure this is just a simple letter saying ‘happy holidays’ or something like that from Princess Celestia. Why don’t you go inside and warm yourself up?”

“Yeah, that sounds pretty good to me. Tell you what; give me five minutes, and I’ll have a roaring fire and some hot cocoa for us to enjoy, okay?”

“Sounds good, little one…” Twilight said affectionately as she nuzzled the top of her assistant’s head. She watched him with a smile as he walked back inside, and as soon as the front door shut, she unfolded the letter and read it. Her eyes going wide, she reread the letter three times to make sure that she wasn’t misreading it. “Rainbow!” she called out, her voice full of worry, keeping the letter held up in front of her. “You need to see this!”

“What is it?” Rainbow called back from around the other side of the fort. She scanned the area right in front of her, then shot a glance over her shoulder at Twilight, spotting the letter held in her magical grasp. “That from Princess Celestia?”

Twilight nodded and held the letter up for her to see. Her curiosity rising, Rainbow trotted up to her and sat down next to her, taking the letter in her hooves. As she reached the bottom, she looked back up at Twilight, the letter drifting to the ground. “The trial is… only two days from now?” Rainbow asked. Even though she was tired, she felt her heart start beating a little faster. “Didn’t you say that Celestia told you it was gonna be in like, a couple weeks or something?”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah, she did…” She stomped on the ground out of frustration. “Ugh! I was going to use the next week to study up on court proceedings, but it looks like that’s not gonna happen now…”

“Heh, I guess not…” Rainbow giggled, but stopped when Twilight shot her an irritated glare. “Sorry. Anyways…” She picked the letter back up and folded it. Tucking it under her wing, she asked, “I’m sure you can study enough to help win this in a day, right?” She gave Twilight a playful nudge. “I mean, come on; we’re gonna win for sure! We got the princesses on our side, remember? And on top of that, we have the world’s biggest egghead on our side! How can we not win?” She smiled at Twilight, waiting for her response.

Twilight looked up into Rainbow’s eyes. “I… I guess you’re right, but still, I think–”

“No buts, Twilight!” Rainbow said, cutting her off. “Scootaloo has nothing to worry about, especially since the two of us are on her side!” Upon seeing the same unsure expression on Twilight’s face, she said, “Okay, seriously though, we’re gonna do fine! Who’s the jury gonna support? Two Elements of Harmony, one of them being a newly-crowned Princess of Equestria, or two drunkards who abused their own daughter? The court is going to side with us for sure, and Scootaloo’s parents will be put away for a very long time.”

“Someone call me?” Scootaloo asked as she walked up to the two of them, her friends following close behind. “Also, is the snowball fight over? I don’t see anypony out there.”

“Yeah, it looks like we’re done,” Twilight said. Looking at the other two fillies, she asked, “You two ready to go home, or do you want to stay for some hot cocoa? Spike’s making some right now!”

“Nah, I’m sure Applejack and Big Mac have some sorta big family dinner cookin’ right now,” Apple Bloom said.

“Hehe, yeah, about that… I was supposed to meet Rarity over at our parents’ house twenty minutes ago,” Sweetie Belle chimed in with a small giggle.

“Alright then, I hope you guys had fun,” Twilight said as she used her magic to make the fort collapse. She waved goodbye as Scootaloo’s two friends scampered away down the street, and as soon as they were out of sight, she felt somepony lean up against her. Breathing in through her nose, Twilight didn’t even have to look to know who it was, for she’d recognize that familiar smell of sweat mixed with the scent of morning dew shampoo anywhere. “Have fun today, Rainbow?” Twilight asked as she felt her snuggle a little closer to her.

“Heh, you know it…” Rainbow felt her cheeks flush as she prepared herself to say something that might compromise her tough, fearless appearance. She glanced around to make sure nopony would overhear her, and even then, she still lowered her voice. “But you know what the best p-part about today was?” She cast her eyes down to the ground as she gulped.

“Oh? What would that be, Rainbow?” Twilight asked as she laid a warm wing around her friend. The cold was finally starting to seep through her warm coat and scarf, and she was just about ready to go back inside for the night.

“W-waking up n-next to you…” Rainbow stammered out as she watched Scootaloo make snow angels in the remnants of their fort. “It’s just so awesome waking up next to someone that cares about you, you know? You’re always so warm and soft, your wings even more so, and I could literally spend all day cuddling in bed with you. Sleeping on a cloud doesn’t even come anywhere close when you have somepony to snuggle with...”

“Heh, yeah, I suppose I can say I know what you mean,” Twilight said. A few moments passed in silence before she felt Rainbow’s head on her shoulder, surprising her. Her eyes going wide, she was about to say something about it but decided against it, so instead, she laid her head against Rainbow’s and gave her a small nuzzle. A minute passed as they sat together in silence, simply enjoying the company of the other.

Finally feeling the cold snow seep through her own coat, Scootaloo sat down in between Rainbow’s forelegs to warm up and laid her head on Rainbow’s left leg, smiling when she felt her pull her closer. They all stared at the rising full moon for a minute before Twilight hesitantly broke the silence.

“So, Scootaloo… If you didn’t hear us talking about it a little bit ago, the trial concerning your custody was just moved up to a couple days from now,” Twilight said softly.

“Oh, um…” Scootaloo trailed off, snuggling closer to Rainbow’s warm belly. “My parents aren’t going to be there, right? I don’t really wanna see them again…”

“Well, yeah, they’re gonna be there, Scootaloo. This trial will determine if you can be transferred into our care… forever,” Rainbow said, giving the filly’s mane an affectionate tousle with a hoof. “Wouldn't that be so awesome? Ya know… living with us?”

“Yeah, for sure, but…” Scootaloo said with a short sigh. “Do we really have to see them again? Do I even have to be there?”

“I’m afraid so, little one,” Twilight said. “But first, we all need to get something to eat, and then we can worry about all of this tomorrow,” Twilight said, trying to end the conversation as shivers started to run down her back. “I’m sure Spike has a good ‘ol roaring fire all ready for us by now, so why don’t we go inside and warm up?”

“Yeah, sure, Twi,” Rainbow said as she stood up. She caught Twilight’s eye, the two of them sharing a small smile before she said, “It is getting pretty dang cold out, and we wouldn’t want the little squirt here to freeze, right?”

“Hey, I’m not little!” Scootaloo piped up, giving Rainbow a playful slug on the leg as they stood up.

“Yeah, yeah, I know, I was just teasin’!” Rainbow laughed as she guided Scootaloo to the library’s front door. After opening it with a push of her wing, she ushered Scootaloo inside and looked back, noticing that Twilight wasn’t moving. “Hey, you coming inside?” she asked softly.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry. I just zoned out for a few seconds there.” She nodded at the open door. “After you…” Rainbow smiled at her again then walked inside. Just before she walked inside, Twilight looked back over her shoulder at the moon, and for some strange reason, she felt that everything was going to be okay.