• Published 10th Aug 2013
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TD the Alicorn Princess - BronyWriter

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TD the Alicorn Princess Trolls the Canterlot Nobility

I followed Princess Celestia and Princess Luna out of the secret room and into the main area of the throne room. Celestia extended a wing, stopping us just outside of the doors of the royal entrance to the throne room before turning to me. "TD, I know that this is not the best time to introduce you to the public. I am aware that you are not exactly one for big public demonstrations, though." Celestia folded her wing back at her side. "However, even with that it would be best if we didn't use your real name. Princess TD would not be fitting, I think."

I scowled at her. "You're pushing this on me and now you're taking my name?"

"How many ponies do you want to know that the human who struck me at the Gala is now a goddess?"

"Not many, but how else are you going to explain a new princess?"

Celestia glanced at the door and fluttered her wings. "Well, I think I will just say that through matters unforeseen, one of my subjects ascended." She waved a hoof to forestall my objections. "Yes I know you are not one of my subjects, but that is what must be said."

I narrowed my eyes, but decided to say nothing more on the matter. I grunted and tapped my hoof on the ground. "Okay, so what is my 'princessy' name?"

At this Celestia's mouth turned up into a doubtlessly unintentionally ominous smile. "Well, I have given it a thought, and I think that Princess Antares works. It is one of the four royal stars, and you are one of the four royals."

"Fair enough."

Oh I was so going to abuse my new godly authority. If I hadn't been going to before, and I was, that just sealed the deal. Princess Antares? Blegh. Still, it's not like I could have thought of a better one, and I really didn't want a lot of ponies to know that it was me right then. I didn't know how they would react.

I did look forward to them reacting to "Princess Antares'" personality, though. They've never had a royal quite like me.

I decided to respond with a single nod, something that was returned by Celestia. She ignited her horn and the door swung open. Trumpets blared as Celestia and I walked into the room. The throne room was packed with ponies, most of whom seemed to be nobility based on their clothing. To my absolute delight, I saw Prince Blueblood with his nose in the air in the middle of the line.

The universe kicked me down when I ascended, but it seemed to be trying to make up for it now.

Of course the fact that there was a new alicorn behind Celestia didn't go unnoticed. Neither did the fact that Princess Celestia told this new alicorn to sit on Princess Luna's throne. Hushed conversations and probably conspiracy theories were exchanged by the crowd, and I had to refrain from smiling. I kinda wished that I could use magic so that I could change my voice to sound like Luna's then tell them that there was an incident with coat dye. I'd blame Blueblood or something.

Alas, that wasn't the case. Celestia raised a foreleg and a wing and motioned for the crowd to be silent. They immediately complied, and Celestia stood up from her throne. "Mares and gentlecolts: I understand that you may be surprised to see another princess here in court with me today." Celestia pointed to me with her wing. "Her name is Princess Antares, and she will soon become the fourth Equestrian princess." A murmur ran through the crowd, and Celestia allowed it to go on for a few seconds before raising a wing to silence them again. "I cannot give you more details on this matter. She will be sitting in court today to get a feel for things. She will hold her own court at a later date." Celestia turned her head to me. "Do you have anything else to add?"

I shook my head. "I do not suppose I do," I said in my best imitation of Celestia's regal voice. "I hope to learn a lot from this court."

You all will probably learn a lot too.

* * * *

Day court was freaking boring.

I thought that it would be a bunch of stuck up nobles arguing about a ton of nonsense, but it was more like what that show that films congress when it's in session is like. It was more about tax reforms and land whatever than bickering nobles. Afterwards Celestia assured me that there were certainly those days, but ruling Equestria wasn't always like watching children. Occasionally I got to pipe in with my opinion, but I didn't really know what I was talking about on most issues.

It was a pity. I had been looking forward to adding some TDness to the day court. I'd imagined that there whole day would be nobles arguing about something stupid, and I'd be able to flex my muscles as the princess of snark and sarcasm. But no, instead they all might as well have been speaking Greek.

That's not to say that fate didn't present me with a chance to make up for the wretched time in day court.

After five hours of miserable boring talk, during which I had to sit up and pay attention, Celestia stood up and spread her wings. "The day court is adjourned for the day. If I did not get to you I wholeheartedly apologize, but there are other matters that I must attend to." She inclined her head to the gathered nobles. "I will see most of you for this evening's garden party in the castle gardens. Princess Antares will also attend."

Celestia and I walked out of the throne room, and I wasted no time in giving her the evil eye once we did. "I had to endure five hours of then and now you want me to go to some stuck-up garden party?" The two of us stopped after a few steps. "I don't do well with pony parties if the last Gala was any indication."

Celestia sighed and nodded. "I understand that, TD. However, I feel that it would be beneficial for you to meet your future subjects. Make a good impression on some of them."

I rolled my eyes. "Because the nobility and I mix very well." I stuck out my tongue. "Especially ponies like Blueblood."

"Blueblood is a special case," Celestia admitted. "I do not think that all of them will treat you as such." Celestia's expression turned a little more somber and she leaned in closer. "However, there will be ponies there that will try to take advantage of you. They see you as politically weak and easily manipulated. I shall be watching you to make sure that you can handle yourself."

"Ponies talking about tax reforms and whatnot I'm not sure I can do." My irritated expression was quickly replaced by a rather mischievous smile. "However, ponies that see me as a conquest... those I can handle."

"If you are sure."

"Pretty sure." My smile faded away into a frown. "But if you're so worried about me, why are you dumping me into the lion's den?"

Celestia motioned for us to begin walking again, and I began following her. "Partially because I believe that you can handle yourself, and partially because I think immersion into Canterlot life would do you some good. You can get some practice in, as it were." Celestia shrugged with her head. "If I feel that it is too much, you are excused. Luna or Cadance will take care of you from there."

I grimaced but refrained from speaking. She seemed insistent that I go, and the fact that most of them expected me wasn't exactly helping my reasons not to. If I had to rule, and I would go to all lengths to avoid that if I could, it would be good to go.

If any of them try to manipulate me, they will understand why I am the princess of snark and sarcasm. Oh yes indeed they will.

* * * *

The next few hours were spent preparing for the garden party. I absolutely refused to have anybody braid my mane or wear a dress or any of that nonsense, so Celestia and I compromised by having me wear a pair of her shoe things and one of her breastplates, both of which she switched colors to match my mane. She had wanted something to cover up the fact that I didn't have a cutie mark, but I vetoed that idea too.

If the nobility didn't like the fact that I didn't have a cutie mark, then they wouldn't get any favors from me.

I was adjusting my regalia, which was admittedly comfortable, when Luna walked into the room that Celestia had made up for me. "Good evening, TD, or should We say: Princess Antares?"

"No. No you should not," I replied. I turned around to face her with a scowl. "Celestia gave me that name and I only took it because I didn't have a better one. I'll grin and bear it in public for now, but I'm still TD, got it?"

Luna nodded. "Very well. TD it is, then." Luna walked to the center of the room with a tray on which rested a single apple. "Tis Our understanding that thou art unaware of how to perform magic of any kind, is this true?"

I grimaced and nodded. "I produced blue sparks the last time I tried."

"So We have heard." Luna placed the tray on the table closest to us. "We would like thee to levitate that apple over to thyself. T'would be prudent for thou to learn the ways of levitation at the very least before facing the garden party."

I disliked that Luna said 'facing' as it meant that she was aware that it wasn't an ideal situation. I couldn't argue that I needed to figure out how to use magic for as long as I was in this body. I steeled myself and faced the apple, glaring at it. It was going to lift into the air if I had to... well, I'm not sure what I had to do, but dang it, I was going to lift that darned apple.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried focusing on my horn. The unicorns I knew made it look so freaking easy; like they didn't even have to think about it.

"Tap into your energy, TD. Interact with the magic in the air, and you will lift the apple."

I almost made a quip about Yoda and the X-Wing, but she wouldn't have gotten it, which was a pity. I had a reputation for snark now.

I closed my eyes again and tried feeling the air around me. It was cool in the room, and it smelled slightly of oranges. That probably had something to do with the candles or something like that. However, I felt something else too. Something that I couldn't quite explain. It was like an energy source around me. A few feet ahead of me there was an anomaly of sorts, and I reached out to it with my mind. It sounds incredibly stupid, but when I opened my eyes again both my horn and the apple, which was in the air, were bathed in a dark blue glow.

"Huh." I moved the apple over to me. "Okay then."

Luna lightly chuckled. "Very well done, TD. We suppose that your natural ability is the result of your ascension, but soon you will be able to do more advanced magic than even Twilight Sparkle."

My more expressive ears drooped at Twilight's name, and I put the apple back down on the tray. "Yeah. Twilight."

Luna took a step towards me and placed her hoof on my shoulder. "We understand how thou feelest about your predicament. This should not have been your fate, but We know that thou did not choose this. Twilight Sparkle understands. Tia has told Us so."

"Great," I grumbled. "That only makes me feel slightly less bad."

"She knows that you would change it if you could," Luna assured me. "We feel that is enough for her. She does not resent you."

"We'll see," I mumbled.

The door opened up and Celestia walked inside. She had her serene smile back on her face. "It is time, TD. The guests are waiting."

I took a deep breath and glanced over at Luna who gave me a reassuring smile. I didn't even bother trying to return it, I just followed Celestia out into the castle grounds. As we entered, I saw that there were already dozens of nobles there. Most of them were chatting with each other or nibbling on bite sized food while a string quartet serenaded them with slow, restrained music, but all of that stopped the second the two of us entered the gardens. The nobles all began bowing low, and I heard a few mumbles of 'princess Celestia'. I did not doubt that they weren't bowing to me. It's not like I cared much, though. If I wanted their approval I would try harder to kiss their hooves.

But hoo boy I was going to do my darnedest to make sure that this one was one of the most interesting garden parties since the Mane Six showed up.

Well, Celestia had to address the crowd first. She smiled at the guests. "Good evening, mares and gentlecolts. Princess Antares and I are delighted that you could join us on this lovely evening."

At my name, the nobles all looked over at me. Some blatantly, others with just a quick glance. I inclined my head at the ones who were more direct.

"The two of us will be moving about the party," Celestia continued. "Please enjoy yourselves."

The crowd murmured praises or whatever, and Celestia turned back to me. "Do at least try to enjoy yourself. If I feel that you are overwhelmed, I will come over. If I haven't, please do not hesitate to contact me if you can."

I gave her a single nod and trotted over to the food table to see if there was anything edible for me. I, of course, wasn't really big into pony food, but if there was some pastry or other that I would take it. The few ponies by the table stopped their resumed conversations and looked directly at me as I approached. I nodded at them and bade them good evening.

I hoped that this wouldn't be as boring as day court. I prayed to... well, would it have been alright for me to pray to me since I was technically a goddess? Eh, who knows? Whatever the case may be, I hoped that they would give me an opportunity to make this interesting.

They totally did.

There wasn't much at the food table, but the second I turned around I found myself surrounded by no less than a dozen nobles, all staring straight at me. I gave them a curt nod and a one word greeting. "Hi."

"Good evening," said the mare closest to me. If I remember what Rarity said to me at the Gala well enough, her name was Upper Crust or something like that. "It's nice of you to join us, Princess Antares."


"Hmm." Upper Crust began idly examining her hoof. "I'm curious, Princess Antares, just where you are from. I must admit, it's more than a little surprising for a new princess to just suddenly appear."

"I'm sure it is," I conceded, "and I'd be happy to explain." I cleared my throat and forced a smile from my face. "I am from the space between spaces and the time beyond time. I came to be by writing new magic."

The crowd gasped and Upper Crust's jaw dropped. "N-new magic?! There hasn't been any new magic in millennium; not since Starswirl the Bearded!"

"I think you mean 'not since this morning," I corrected. "If you're going to get ahead in the world you have to stay updated on current events."

"B... uh..." Upper Crust blinked a few times and shook her head. "I must say that I am impressed. New magic is most rare."

"Are you going to stay here in Equestria as a ruling princess?" another noble asked.

I nodded and allowed myself a smile. "Yes. My residency will be Baltimare, but I will move around to other areas as well."

One of the nobles to my left flashed me a smile and took a few steps forward. "Baltimare? Well that is most fortunate for you. I have my residency in Baltimare myself." He chuckled. "You're going to need somepony intricately familiar with the city if you're going to be residing there, are you not?"

"I suppose that I will." I tapped my jaw with my hoof. "I'll have to get right on that once I get settled there."

"Marvelous!" The noble stomped his hooves on the ground in a manner that I had begun to associate with clapping. "My name is Count Vichy, your highness. I will have my ponies set up a meeting time for us at your earliest convenience, Princess."

"Wonderful." I inclined my head. "You'll have to suggest somebody that I can hire to get me familiar with Baltimare when we do."

Vichy's smile slid off of his face, and he stared at me unblinking for a few seconds. My smile never left my face, and I bit the inside of my lip to stop myself from bursting out laughing right there. Vichy did eventually force his smile to return, though, but it was considerably more strained. "W-well I thought that I might be suitable for the position."

I raised my eyebrow. "You? What are your qualifications?"

"As I said, my residence is in Baltimare!"

"Yes, yes, I got that," I said with a wave of my hoof, "but what makes you think that you are the best pony for the job?"

Vichy's confident smile returned. "Well I know all of the best spots that make Baltimare a wonderful city. I'm curious..." He leaned in closer to me. "Have you ever dined in The Mauvaise Nourriture? It has the most exquisite food you will ever experience."

Somehow I doubted that, but I couldn't quite figure out why.

"No, I can't say that I have. In fact, I have never been to Baltimare."

Vichy's smile turned condescendingly sympathetic. "All the more reason for you to bring me on to help you get settled." He bowed low to the ground. "It would be my honor, your majesty."

Brown. Noser.

If I sensed a hint of genuineness in his actions, I would have taken him up on the offer. He was quite right after all, I did need somebody to help me get accustomed to Baltimare. As it was, though, he had left me an opening too juicy to ignore.

"Well that sounds good. While you're here, would you mind telling me some good places where the commoners eat? Maybe a popular fast food joint?"

One of the nobles in the crowd had been sipping from a glass of red wine, and he spit-taked all over the yellow dress of the mare next to him. I could almost hear the pupils of the noble grovelling in front of me contract to pinpoints, and his forced smile returned. "F-fast food establishments, your majesty?"

I widened my smile and nodded. "Absolutely. Surely Baltimare isn't just a city of a hundred or so nobles, right? There are other ponies there too, right?"

"W... well yes."

"They eat somewhere, right?"

Vichy didn't even try to force a smile anymore. He just stared at me with a bewildered expression. "I suppose they do."

A more astute pony who wasn't totally shocked by what I was saying would have noticed that my smile was less serene and more mischievous, but the ponies around me likely had very little thought process right now. A princess eating with commoners? How dare she. Never mind the fact that Celestia did it herself. I guess fast food was a new one for them, though.

Still trying to withhold my laughter, I clapped Vichy on the back. "Very good! If you're going to be my guide, you and I will have to eat at places like that daily. I have to know my ponies, after all."

"E-eat th...?" Vichy tried stuttering out a few more eloquent words, but he couldn't even blink in surprise. "P-Princess Antares, eating at fast food establishments is not something that a princess should be doing."

I frowned at him. "How do you know? Are you an alicorn princess?"


"I see." My eyes narrowed and I took a step towards him. "Have you ever eaten at a fast food place?"

Vichy flattened his ears and raised a hoof as if to take a step backwards. "Well no..."

"Then how do you know if they're any good?" I harrumphed and raised my nose into the air. "If you cannot be open minded then I fail to see why we should be working together."

"I don't..."

I took an exaggerated deep breath and closed my eyes. "I hate to do this to one of my subjects, but I'm afraid that I have to fire you as my escort in Baltimare. I would prefer somepony who can get me acquainted with every one of my subjects. Not just the nobles." My eyes snapped open and I fixed him with the slightest of glares. "And I do not take kindly to attempts to get into my good graces by doing me favors that help you in the end." My expression turned more neutral. "Tell me, when you offered to get me acquainted with Baltimare, did you expect a court appointment in return? Maybe a few titles?"

Vichy's eyes widened. "N-no of course not, your majesty!"

"Really?" I cocked my head. "Maybe I misjudged you, then." The ghost of the noble's pompous air returned, and I smiled at him. "I look forward to seeing what fast food restaurants and movie theaters are best for me. Any good blockbusters come out recently?"

Yet again I said that just as a noble took a sip of wine. The same noble who had gotten wine on her yellow dress before gained a second coat of wine. Vichy's jaw dropped and his eye twitched. He didn't even try to stutter out some half-baked words that time. Indeed, a look around at the crowd of nobles revealed that his expression was pretty much par for the course. With another smile, I inclined my head and trotted away, leaving them staring into blank space.

I decided to take a walk around an area of the gardens where there weren't any ponies trying to get into my good graces. As I did, I passed by Princess Celestia. Her and I exchanged a glance, and she looked over at the group of stunned nobles. She scoffed quietly and gently shook her head. I did see a faint smile on her lips though, so I took it as a win.

I found that the only place where there weren't ponies was the castle maze. I walked for a few minutes before hitting a dead end. By that time, I couldn't keep it in anymore. I began laughing my new wings off.

Now, I've never liked people who try to kiss plot to get ahead in life. The fact that Vichy was doing it to me on top of proving that he saw ponies with less money than he had as lesser ponies only solidified to me that I had to set a precedent right then and there. I would not be manipulated, and if you tried, I would crack down on you in the most awesome way possible. Was I a little mean? Maybe, but I had no patience for ponies like him.

I laughed for a solid minute before realizing that I probably had to get back to it. There were other nobles that hadn't cornered me, and some of them might be okay. It would be good to get to know any respectable noble. Then I could gain the benefit of their knowledge combined with possibly gaining an adviser who wouldn't try to manipulate me for his own ends.

I took a deep breath, adjusted my regalia, and turned around to go back to the party. However, I found out that somepony was in my way. A very familiar somepony.

"Good evening, Blueblood."

Prince Blueblood himself was standing before me. His immaculate mane and his pompous smile were out in full force tonight, and I had no doubts that he wanted the same thing that Vichy did. The fact that he bowed low to the ground did nothing to ease that feeling.

"A most wonderful evening to you too, Princess Antares."


Blueblood got back to his hooves, his smile never having left his face. "I must say that I am most impressed with how you handled Count Vichy. You had him pegged right: he was certainly trying to manipulate you."

"I know." I gave Blueblood a subtle smile. "Is there anything you need?"

Blueblood chuckled. "I think it's less about what I need and more about what you need."

I frowned and cocked my head. "What do I need?"

"Why, you need a pony who knows the ins and outs of the nobility here in Canterlot." Blueblood took a few steps closer to me. "You need somepony who will be by your side every waking moment." Blueblood took a few more steps until he was right in front of me. "You need somepony who will teach you the ways of Canterlot." Once again Blueblood bowed low, but this time he kissed one of my shoes. "You need... me. I like a strong mare, and you need somepony who will compliment that strength."

"I see." I lowered my head until my nose was close to his mane and took a deep sniff. "You smell like apple pie."

Blueblood shot to his hooves and gave me an indignant look. "A-apple pie?! I assure you that my cologne is far more refined than that commoner's dish!"

"No, no, I smell apple pie on you." I wiped the shoe that Blueblood had kissed on the ground. "I know that the palace isn't big on apple pies, and if you don't like them then you wouldn't be around them if you could help it." My smile turned mischievous, and I regarded Blueblood the same way a spider would regard a fly it had just caught. "The only time I can remember you being around it was at the last Grand Galloping Gala." I leaned my head in closer to him. "When an apple pie got smashed in your face."

Blueblood squeaked and flinched back. "That was quite a while ago! I surely don't—"

"Why were you hitting on me?" I fixed him with a nice little glare. "Don't lie to me; you were basically proposing marriage."

"I was..." Blueblood flattened his ears and began looking around as though expecting to see an escape route straight out of the maze. "You see—"

"Do you know who I am?" I asked. I took a step forward for every step back he took. "I mean who I really am?"

"You are Princess Antares! Princess of..." Blueblood stopped in his tracks and frowned. "I do not actually know, now that I think on it."

"And yet you wanted to marry me," I snarked. I sighed and waved my hoof. "For future reference, I'm the princess of snark and sarcasm amongst other undetermined things." I scoffed and shook my head. "But that isn't quite right. I meant who I was before..." I motioned to me. "This."

"I have no idea!"

"Really?" Oh how I wish I had my laptop on me right now. It would make the whole reveal that much better, and I was really looking forward to seeing how he reacted. "Maybe this will jog your memory." I cleared my throat and began copying the dance at the Gala as best as I could with four legs instead of two. "Well I don't know why I came here tonight. I got the feelin' that somethin' ain't right.

That did it. It clicked in his mind who I really was. He squeaked again, and I stopped my dancing. I gave him the biggest smile that I had given all evening, and slowly nodded my head. "I think you might have got it, Bluey."

At my nickname for him, Blueblood let out an ear piercing shriek and bolted in the opposite direction.


Blueblood didn't quite see where he was going, and he slammed into one of the walls of the maze. He bounced off and lay sprawled on the ground for a moment before he shot to his hooves and ran through the maze. I heard Blueblood's whining fade into the distance as he ran from me.

"Oh how do I get out of this stupid maze?! AUNTIE TIA!"

Now, should I have done that? Maybe not because now the secret was out, but the look of utter shock and horror on his face more than made up for it. Chuckling to myself, I began skipping after him. I wasn't far enough into the maze that I had trouble getting out. I just followed the sound of his whining.

When I exited the maze I saw him at Celestia's hooves. His mane was disheveled, and he was babbling incoherent words. Celestia looked up when she saw me exit the maze. Blueblood turned his head around and when he saw me, he shrieked again and pointed at me. "GALA HUMAN!"

A gasp went through the onlookers, and all eyes were fixed on me. For my part, I was positively beaming. Celestia's expression had turned neutral again, but I suspected that I might be in a little bit of trouble. There wasn't really anything I could do about that at this point, though.

Celestia subtly shook her head and pulled her hoof out of Blueblood's grasp. "Princess Antares, may I have a few words with you in private?"

"I suppose you can."


Celestia beckoned for me to follow, and the two of us went back in the direction of the castle.

Author's Note:

I chose Princess Antares because Princess TD probably wouldn't fly in official court if they wanted to take him seriously. Worry not, though, that's just his public name. He's still TD to us.

Sorry this took so long to get out. I'm going through Resident Assistant training at my college and this is the first free day I've had in a while.

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