• Published 10th Aug 2013
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TD the Alicorn Princess - BronyWriter

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The Darker Side of the Job

Blueblood didn't bother me after that.

My guards cleaned him up and sent him packing, and I think he might have been secretly relieved to go. He wasn't even beginning to win the prank war. Why, once his lawyer made the mistake of breaking into my room yet again, and he triggered a trap spell that I had set for him. I walked in to see him frozen in place with a rope, two bottles of shaving cream, a few peaches, and a quill. Lord knows what he was going to do with that. I didn't bother to ask. I simply sat on my bed and read a book that Twilight had lent me on the history of Pegasopolis for four hours. He could only stand there in total silence while I did.

Cheerilee's class had a total blast during the tour, even after we totally destroyed Blueblood's resolve. They got to see the guard's training grounds, got a few lessons in snarcasm, got a more thorough look at my throne room, and even got to take turns sitting on my throne.

Overall, I think that they had the time of their lives, and I was more than happy to provide that for them. When they went back to the carriages at the end of the day to go back to Ponyville, I assured each and every one of them that they would have a job if they wanted to join the snarcasti-guard or something like that once they got old enough. They all cheered at the idea.

I smiled as I watched the carriages drive away towards the train station. Captain Blaze and Lieutenant Rapids were beside me, smiling as well. "It was a good day," I said happily.

"You did seem to enjoy yourself, Princess," Captain Blaze agreed. "They made you princess of foal services for a very good reason, it seems."

I chuckled and led the two of them back towards the castle. "Well, I was going to be an elementary school teacher before I came to Equestria. Even when I did come here, they were the one big bright spot in my life."

"I can tell." Captain Blaze trotted alongside me in silence for a few seconds before speaking up again. "I really like your mane."

I burst out into laughter at that.

* * * *

The next afternoon saw me in day court, listening to various questions about tax reforms in Baltimare and funding for various schools and the like. I was far more willing to fund schools and begin legislation to increase teacher pay than give tax breaks to the rich. Take it from a guy who has been in a classroom setting, teachers are way underpaid for the amount of work that they do. I was quite aware that I was rapidly gaining the support of teachers everywhere, something that pleased me to no end. I had heard tell that various classrooms had put up pictures of me a little higher than the ones of Princess Celestia. I can't imagine that Celestia was totally pleased with that.

Oh well for her, I guess.

I finished ruling that four hundred bits would be spent going to repair a slightly worn down building and turned to Captain Blaze. "Okay, send in the next one."

He inclined his head in a bow and motioned for the doors to open. They were, and I was pleased to see a filly trot into the room next to Lieutenant Rapids. This was not an unusual occurrence after Berry Bloom set the precedent, and it always made my day when a foal came to see me to ask me something. I smiled warmly at her and hopped off of my throne. She stopped in front of me and bowed low. I couldn't help but notice that her legs were shaking, something that made me frown a little. My warm smile returned by the time we made eye contact again, though.

"Hey there. What's your name?"

The filly flinched back and flattened her ears. "Uh... Sh-Shining Star, your majesty."

"Shining Star, huh?" I reached out and gently ruffled her mane. "What can I do for you, Ms. Star?"

Shining Star actually whimpered, something that completely removed the smile from my face. I looked up at Lieutenant Rapids who merely shrugged at me. I sat down in front of the foal and leaned down closer to her. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to do anything bad. You're completely safe here, I promise. Whatever you have to tell me is completely confidential if you want it to be, okay?"

Shining Star sniffled and wiped her eyes with a foreleg, but nodded. "O-ok-kay." She looked back up at me. "I h-have a friend named Dashing Wing a-and she's shown up to school the past few weeks with a few bruises."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped open.

Oh no.

"A-at first she told my teacher that she just tripped into a fence, but sh-she told me that... that..." Shining Star whimpered, buried her head in her forelegs, and began quietly sobbing.

Oh no. No, no, no.

My legs began shaking and my stomach tied itself into knots. All warmth was gone from my voice when I spoke next. "Is she being abused at home?"

Shining Star's sobs became louder, and to my complete horror, she nodded. "I... I wasn't sure what to do about it, so I went to her house today to talk about it... th-then I heard her crying for help!"

I bit my lip and got to my hooves. Captain Blaze came up behind me. "Princess? How do you want to handle this?"

"Where does your friend live?" I said sharply.

Shining Star sniffled and wiped her eyes. "One-two-six Cherry Lane."

I nodded and bolted out of the throne room, stopping briefly when I reached the door guard. "Have one of the servants take care of her until I get back. Get her something to eat or drink. Day court is postponed until further notice."

The guard saluted, and I walked out. There was an open window nearby, and I took wing and flew out of it towards Cherry Lane. I knew the place. As the princess in Baltimare, I had to get to know my city, so I spent my time memorizing where everything was. It wasn't far from the palace.

As I flew, a feeling that I had not felt in quite a while began building up inside of me. It was purer than what I had felt when I had discovered that I was a female pony that had to rule the nation, it was even more potent than what I had felt when I had been brought into Equestria to begin with.


Pure, unadulterated rage.

Foal abuse... no, I was not going to tolerate it. I wasn't going to even consider the notion for a moment. The idea that something like that was happening right on my doorstep and I didn't know about it hurt me, and this scumbag was going to pay in ways he or she couldn't even imagine for even thinking about hurting the foal. I clenched my teeth and my lips curled into a snarl as I saw the house in question in the distance. I put on more speed and flew right above it just as I heard the most horrifying noise imaginable.

A scream.

With a snarl I ignited my horn and engulfed the entire house in my magic. I tore the entire front off of the house, revealing the horrors inside. In a small room, a small filly was curled up into a ball, her forelegs over her head to protect her from the stallion standing above her. His hoof was raised over his head, but he stood frozen in place when he heard the sound of his house being ripped in half. I let out a guttural cry of pure rage and slammed the bit of house I was holding to the ground before casting a protective spell over the filly. The stallion seemed to realize what was going on and he bolted, but I wasn't letting him get away that easily. I shot a beam of magic at him, freezing him to the spot. His head and neck thrashed about, indicating that he was trying to escape from me, but there was no way I was letting this evil, evil pony go. I fired up my horn again and levitated him until he was snout-to-snout with me.

"How dare you," I growled, venom dripping from every syllable. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!"

The stallion whimpered and tried to flinch back, but I held him tight. His mouth flopped up and down like a fish out of water for a few seconds before he spoke. "I'm s-sorry. I w-won't h-hurt her again."

"Oh, you think that will cut it?!" I screeched. "You listen to me, you little punk: if I don't put your head on a freaking pike for this outside of my palace you had better consider yourself the luckiest stallion in all of Equestria!!"

I was vaguely aware that my guard was mobilizing around me, and that some residents of the street were beginning to come out of their homes to see what the issue was, but I only cared about the most evil thing in the entire universe since Nightmare Moon. "Now you listen to me. You are under arrest. You had better thank your lucky stars that I didn't do to you what I did to your house, is that understood?"

The stallion whimpered again, but managed a single nod.

"Good." I roughly set him on the ground and two of my guards dragged him away. I watched them put him in a police wagon for a moment, and then looked back to the foal. Captain Blaze was standing over her with a medic who was healing her bruises. Seeing her like that made my rage melt, and replaced it with pure sorrow. I took a deep breath and walked up to her. She opened her eyes when she heard me coming, and whimpered when she saw me. I smiled comfortingly at her and wrapped her in a gentle hug once the bruises were healed. I began rubbing her back. "Shh. You're okay now," I soothed. "I'm gonna protect you. I'm gonna make sure that you're okay."

The filly relaxed in my forelegs and leaned her head on my shoulder. I felt tears staining the fur, and I had to blink back some of my own. "You're gonna be okay. He can't hurt you anymore."

* * * *

The medics took Dashing Wing back to the palace and placed her in the medical wing until further notice. I notified Shining Star that she was there, so the two of them were together. With the foal taken care of, it was time to deal with that rat that dared to hurt her.

So many ways to go about that. Turn him to stone and start my own statue garden of foal abusers. Cut off the hoof that struck the foal. Beat him to a pulp; see how he likes it when he feels what it's like to be completely defenseless and at the total mercy of somebody stronger than he is. So many ways to punish him for daring to think about doing something so... evil is really the only word that I can think of to describe abusing a foal.

My guards locked him inside a private room, and I entered it with my officers by my side. He was there. That monster was there lying on the floor when I came in. He gasped when he heard me enter and shot to his hooves. He sank to his knees in a low bow, and I scoffed at him. "Spare me your groveling. It won't help you."

He quickly straightened up again and stared down at the floor. "Y-yes, your majesty."

"Now..." I tightened my jaw and began circling him like a shark. "Dashing Wing is your daughter?" He weakly nodded. "I see." I stopped in front of him and leaned down until I was snout-to-snout with him again. "You have ten seconds, I repeat: ten seconds, to explain just what the heck you have been doing. Don't say it was a one-time thing, I've been told that she's been coming to school with bruises for quite a while now."

He was caught, and he knew it. There was no way that he could pass this off as punishment for not doing her homework or something like that, this was flat-out foal abuse, and we both knew it. He gulped and, to my total surprise, put on a brave face. "P-Princess, I didn't hurt her that badly. If I didn't, then I don't think it's really your concern how I raise my daughter, is it?"

My eyes widened, and the simmering rage that had been flowing through my veins completely boiled over and I slammed my hoof into the side of his head. He flew back into the wall, but I didn't even give him time to hit the floor. I grabbed him in my magic and slammed him against the opposite wall. He was completely limp in my magical grasp, but that didn't even begin to stop me from bringing him closer to me and repeatedly slamming my hooves into ever single inch of him that I could reach. I screamed profanities at him that would make a sailor blush. The back of my mind told me that I was killing him, heck, he could already be dead, but I didn't care. This scumbag had to pay. It was what he freaking deserved.


No, that's not what I did.

It's what I wanted to do. It's what I wanted to do more than anything at the moment, but I withheld the urge to leave him as a bloody mess on the ground. Not to say that I didn't completely lose it, of course.


He flinched so violently that he fell backwards. I stood over him, my face inches from his.



My anger faded into shock, and I looked back to see who had yelled at me. I have to admit, I didn't think that Captain Blaze would have been so forward with me. Only the ponies I knew when I was a human called me by my human name.

I know that I could have fired him on the spot, but I wilted under his livid glare. He stomped up to me. "Take five, Princess. Let Lieutenant Rapids and I deal with him." I opened my mouth, but he cut me off with a wave of his hoof. "We're not going easy on him, but you are not in an emotional state where you can deal with this rationally, okay?"

I tightened my jaw and locked eyes with him for a minute before sighing and flattening my ears. Yeah, if I was having... well, I didn't want to call it a 'fantasy' of beating this guy senseless, but it wasn't healthy. I averted my eyes and lowered my head. "You're right. 'M sorry."

"Fine." Captain Blaze opened the door with his magic. "Let us handle this. I'll let you know what happened."

I inclined my head in a nod and trudged out of my room. The memories began replaying through my mind the second Lieutenant Rapids closed the door behind me, and I was left with nothing more than my thoughts. I walked down the empty halls of my palace, trying to force the nagging realization from my mind that I was close, really, really close, to snapping that guy's neck. It would have been really easy.

When I looked up next, I'm not sure how long it was later, I found myself in my throne room. I exhaled deeply and trudged over to my throne, but I didn't make it there. I turned around and sat down in front of it. My ethereal mane had had lost a little of its shine, and it now covered my eyes.

And so I sat there.

Alone with my thoughts and the realization of what I had just about done.

I wasn't a violent man by any stretch of the imagination. Sure I had punched Celestia a few times, but only after news so life-alteringly bad that I couldn't help myself. Besides, those could hardly be considered attacks. What I had just about done, though? That was... I didn't even want to think about it. All I did was sit.

I don't know how long it was before the door to my throne room opened again, but I could tell that the pony who walked in was far larger than Captain Blaze or Lieutenant Rapids. Man, she really didn't need to be there right then, but she would see it as her duty, wouldn't she?

I heard Celestia sigh as she sat down next to me. She draped a wing over my shoulders and put a hoof on my right foreleg. "I came to Baltimare as soon as I heard."

I didn't respond. I didn't really feel like it.

"Captain Blaze thought it prudent that I be told what had occurred." She squeezed me tighter with her wing. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I tried to stop my legs from shaking, I really did. Still, the memory of what I wanted to do to him, and what part of me still wanted to do, was fresh in my mind. Right next to the memory of Dashing Wing's face when I tore that house in half and her father was over her, ready to hit her again. Now Celestia was here trying to talk to me about it. Here she was trying to play the motherly figure again.

"It's okay to let it all out."

That time I graced her with a snort. "We're princesses. Aren't we legendary for our stoicism in hard times?"

"In public, perhaps," Celestia admitted, "but if you think that after times like this I have not gone back to my room and cried like a foal, you are sorely mistaken. Both Luna and I have done it many a time."

"I can't see that," I said with a humorless chuckle. "You're Princess Celestia: you don't--"

I was cut off when a sob welled up in my throat that I quickly forced back down. I couldn't do this in front of her. Yeah, I lost my temper at the Gala, but crying in front of Celestia wasn't something that I was comfortable with, particularly not when it was because of something like this.

"TD, it's okay. You are not a bad princess because of this. You are young yet. Don't be too hard on yourself."

"I almost killed him," I growled. "That's the kind of thing people feel bad about."

"TD, I have actually killed to protect my little ponies," said Celestia. She paused for a moment. "Some of those deaths were more... rash than others, but I have done it."

"Y-yeah we--" My voice cracked and I cleared my throat. "I... she..." This time a sob did escape my throat. "She looked so scared. He was over her and hitting her and about to hit her again and she was really scared. I saw that and, I dunno, I just kinda snapped. You know that when I first came to Equestria, the big thing that kept me sane was the foals. Teaching Cheerilee's class about my world, playing hide-and-go-seek tag with them, or even just hanging out with them; it gave me a reason to get up in the morning.

"When I saw her huddled in the corner, I didn't see Dashing Wing, I... I saw Sweetie Belle, I saw Scootaloo, I saw Dinky, I saw Featherwieght, and Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon, and all the rest of them huddled in the corner, hoping to whoever would listen that it would all be over soon. That somebody would come save them and that the nightmare would be over. Well, I did save her, and the nightmare is over." I raised a foreleg and wiped my eyes, but failed to stop a pair of tears from streaking down my face. "And I almost killed the nightmare."

Celestia rubbed my foreleg again. "It's okay to let it out, TD."

I scoffed and wiped more tears away. "Yeah, w-well..."

I couldn't help it. I didn't want to break down in front of her, but I felt her wrap her forelegs and other wing around my shoulders. After that, I couldn't do anything else. I buried my head in her shoulder and began sobbing.

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