• Published 10th Aug 2013
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TD the Alicorn Princess - BronyWriter

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Non-Canon Season 4 Episode 2 Bonus Chapter

Well I could really only stand there and smirk while Nightmare Moon did her best impression of a "Tickle Me Nightmare Moon"™ doll. Since this just a vision of the past, I couldn't really do anything to influence it. I just had to sit there and watch it unfold.

Well, Nightmare Moon stopped laughing and stomped her hoof on the ground with a glare. She ignited her horn and fired a beam of blue-green magic out of it and destroyed a nearby statue of Celestia. You go Nightmare Moon! She continued firing her magic at the ceiling, and it shattered, Several large pieces of ceiling came crashing down towards me, but I jumped out of the way just in time. I didn't know if it would actually hurt me, but why take the chance, right?

I landed right next to a pony who turned out to be Celestia. She's looking grimly at the being that used to be her sister. Cue Mortal Kombat theme.

Huh... or not.

She didn't actually begin fighting Nightmare Moon, which is what I'd be doing. I'd probably be screaming, too, like a little girl. Instead Celestia, the goddess of the sun, is just kind of standing there like she didn't really care to actually fight back, not even for the sake of her ponies.

The ceiling has completely collapsed now, revealing the moon high in the sky. Celestia landed behind me, a grim expression on her face. "Luna, I will not fight you!"

You won't? Well, all hail Queen Nightmare Moon, then.

"You must lower the moon; it is your duty!"

Ah, ah, ah, Celestia. You didn't say please. She'll never do anything for you like that unless you ask nicely.

Well, Luna found Celestia's wimpy order as ridiculous as I did, and she took a step forward. "Luna? I am Nightmare Moon! I have but one duty now..." Luna's horn ignited, charging up that sea foam green beam of magic. She flew into the air and fired. "To destroy you!"

Celestia flew out of the way of the attack and flew out of the hole in the ceiling. Nightmare Moon flew out after her, and I followed the two because if I don't then I'm just standing in a destroyed throne room. Besides, if I figured out what the vines are because of this, I didn't want to miss a moment. Nightmare Moon followed Celestia and repeatedly shot beams of combat magic out after her, destroying buildings and bridges. Yeah, Celestia could have kept this confined to the empty throne room where she could contain Nightmare Moon, but no. She had to fly around Canterlot, or wherever, and hope that some falling debris doesn't smash into somebody. Right.

Well eventually Darth Vader TIE Fighter Nightmare Moon scored a direct hit on Luke Skywalker X-Wing Celestia, and Celestia fell down back into the throne room with a scream of pain. Nightmare Moon started villain laughing again, and I flew down to see what Celestia was up to. She's lying on the ground completely out of it. Whatever Nightmare Moon hit her with sure as heck hurt.

Unfortunately for this cinematic experience, the fact that I'm seeing this as history means that I knew Celestia gets up, which she did. She looked really sad, but angry at the same time. "Oh dear sister, I'm sorry." Celestia turned her head back to an unassuming spot on the floor and illuminated her horn. A secret panel on the floor opened up, and a large pedestal rose from the secret opening. Five shining gems were floating on five extensions of the pedestal. The Elements of Harmony.

Gee, it's a good thing that Nightmare Moon was just kind of floating there while she got the Elements. I mean, sure she's fast and strong enough to completely destroy Celestia right out here and now, but yep... she's just kind of floating there and letting Celestia do this. Celestia is kind of lucky in that regard.

Yep. She's taking another twenty seconds to activate the Elements. What, did Nightmare Moon need to re-charge or something? Was she ordering victory take-out or something like that? Seriously, why hasn't she attacked yet?

Well the Elements began spinning around Celestia, enveloping her in a multi-colored halo of light. With a determined look on her face, she flew up to where Nightmare Moon was. Said evil goddess finally stopped watching the football game she was engrossed in and went back to defeat Celestia. Gee, I wonder what's going to happen.

Well, I flew up and landed on the roof of the castle to see the fireworks. Neither of the combatants say anything. Nightmare Moon just fired another beam at her sister while Celestia activated the Elements in a manner that looks like the Death Star firing its laser. Same result, too. Mostly. The two beams collided, and Celestia's easily pushed Nightmare Moon's back. Nightmare Moon noticed too late, and pure white light envelop her while she does her normal villain "noooo!"

The white light shot towards the moon, and the Mare in the Moon appeared.

Boom. Match to Celestia.

As soon as the Mare in the Moon appeared, history began fading away, and I saw nothing but white for a few moments. When it faded away, I found myself back in Ponyville. The weeds were still there, and I hadn't really found out anything important to speak of. I looked back over to the gathered group, all of whom were looking at me with confused expressions. I raised my eyebrow at them.


Applejack uneasily scratched the back of her neck. "Uh... well, you were mumblin' to yerself."

"Oh, and don't forget that big smirk you had on your face the entire time," Pinkie chimed in.

"Well I for one thought it was mediocre." I looked over at Discord who was reclining on one of the vines and frowning at me. "I really thought that you'd have a better reaction to what you saw than that, Antares."

I glared at him and pushed the potion in his direction. "Well, if you want a funny reaction to somebody drinking this, then you drink it and we'll film it."

Discord scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You're far too serious, Antares."

I gave a snort of my own. "At least I haven't been leashed by Celestia."


I smirked at the now irked god of chaos before turning back to the rest of the group. "Basically I saw what happened when Luna became Nightmare Moon and was banished to the moon by Celestia and the Elements."

Dibs on the band name.

Rarity raised her eyebrow and frowned at me. "And... what about that event made you smirk like that? You seemed highly amused."

I chuckled and shrugged. "There were some mistakes made on both ends. It was kind of amusing to see for somebody like me."

My smile faded when I saw Twilight glaring at me, so I shrugged and decided to change the subject. "Anyway, I didn't find out what's causing the weeds to grow like this." I glanced over at Zecora. "Though I'm still not sure why you have a potion that only responds to Alicorn magic that lets said Alicorns view the past."

Zecora flattened her ears and looked nervously out into the forest. Only for a few seconds, though. She was quick to change the subject by proffering the vial to me again. "Perhaps farther back still are the answers you seek. Another sip of the potion will give you a peek."

Well... okay, then. It's not like I really have a better idea. I took the potion from her and downed a little more. Discord appeared in a director's outfit and carrying a movie camera.

"Ooh, I do hope she breaks out into a song this time!" he squeed.

I glared at him. "I've got one for you: this is the song that never ends. Yes it goes on and on--" Once again I was surrounded by a white light that transported me back to the past. When it faded, the first thing that I noticed was fish flying around. Like actually flying. Further examination revealed that I was standing on a plush checkerboard ground. The atmosphere was pinkish-purple, and most of the sparse buildings seemed to be floating upside-down.

Just when I thought I left Discord behind...

I turned around and saw Celestia and Luna walking up to a throne situated on a hill. They both looked pissed, and based on who was sitting on the throne, I couldn't blame them exactly. There, on the throne, was Discord. As the sisters approached, the throne spun around and Discord began laughing at the two of them.

"Oho, this is so much fun!" He lifted up a familiar flowing tail and presented it to Celestia. "How about a game of Pin the Tail on the Pony?"

Celestia gasped and spread her wings when she saw that Discord was holding her tail and that it was no longer attached to her. She glared at him. "Playtime is over, Discord!"

Discord scoffed and began munching on a bag of black seeds that had appeared out of nowhere. "Oh I doubt that." He grabbed a huge handful of seeds and threw them into his mouth. He offered the bag to Celestia and Luna. "Hungry?" The seeds began bouncing off of them and when they didn't react, Discord withdrew the bag. "Suit yourselves."

As Discord continued munching on the seeds, Celestia ignited her horn and looked down to the saddlebag at her side. It opened up and, big shocker, the Elements of Harmony come out. Gee. Didn't see that one coming. It is interesting to note, however, that Celestia had magic, generosity, and kindness while Luna had honesty, laughter, and loyalty. Given the scene I just watched, there is probably irony in there somewhere.

Discord, for his part, merely looked amused. He dropped the bag of seeds and leaned in, rubbing his chin. "Oh. What have you got there?"

"The Elements of Harmony," Celestia retorted. Man, the way that she said that made me think that she would follow it up with a "biyatch." I should suggest that to her next time she solves a problem without shifting it over to the Elements.

"With them we shall defeat you!" said Luna as the familiar ball of light appeared around them as the Elements charged up. I sat on the ground next to them, a large grin on my face. After that whole "scepter trick," this was going to be awesome.

I let out a little giggle just as Discord began laughing rambunctiously. "You should see yourselves right now! The expression on your face; so intense, so sure of yourselves!"

I snorted and glanced over at the two princesses. I could not argue with Discord on that one. Seriously, can't they at least crack a smug smile at him or something? They looked angry for two ponies that were about to totally wipe the floor with a god of chaos who had oppressed the world for who knew how long.

The two princesses touched their glowing horns together, and a rainbow spiral shot out of the ball of light. It shot directly towards Discord who was still laughing his head off. I doubt he even understood what was happening as the rainbow beam turned him into stone. Of course, given that I knew he was aware even inside the statue, I imagine his first thoughts after being turned were something along the lines of "aw dude, not cool."

The scene before me faded away, and I expected to find myself back in Ponyville. I had some interesting words for Discord after I got back. However, I didn't find myself there where thorny vines were trying to destroy me. Instead I found myself in something that looked like a cave of some sort. The cave was not empty, though, in front of me was a glowing tree. My jaw dropped slightly when I stared at it. Even I had to admit that it was... amazing. I could see gems embedded in it that looked like the Elements of Harmony.

It wasn't long before Celestia and Luna appeared and walked up to the tree. Luna gasped when they reached it. "The Tree of Harmony," she said softly.

Wait... you didn't notice it until it was ten feet away from you? Shouldn't she have done that the second they turned a corner, or whatever, and saw it? I mean, I can see why she is impressed. I agreed that its majesty was overwhelming, but... delayed reaction much?

Upon further examination of the tree, I saw a symbol on it that looked like Twilight's cutie mark. I cocked my head with a frown as Celestia flew up closer to it. It also seemed to have Luna and Celestia's cutie mark on it too. I scanned the tree some more, but I didn't see my cutie mark on it. I wasn't sure what I thought about that. Did that mean that I wasn't mean to be a ruler of Equestria, or that I was never destined to wield any of the Elements? I mean, the current bearers... wouldn't last forever, so somebody needed to take over the job. Seemed that it wasn't going to be me.

Celestia fired a beam of magic into the tree right where Twilight's cutie mark was. The tree began glowing brightly, and I suspected that I would soon see exactly where the Elements had come from.

"Are you sure?" Luna said quietly. She flew up next to her sister who was, as it turns out, sure.

"We have discovered the only means by which we may defeat Discord and free the citizens of Equestria."

Ah, so Discord took over after the events of the Hearth's Warming Eve events. Good to know.

Celestia began talking the Elements off of the tree one by one. "Even without these Elements, the Tree of Harmony will possess a powerful magic."

Twilight's cutie mark symbol opened up and the Element of Magic floated out of the hole. The Elements began slowly spinning around the two princesses. "As long as that magic remains, it will continue to control and contain all that grows here."

So yeah, after that the princesses just kind of floated in place while the Elements spun around them. Yep. They didn't do anything, almost as if they knew somebody would be watching them while they looked cool. No immediate charge to Discord so they could save the ponies even faster. They just kind of flew in place.


I guess they know what they're doing. I mean, I'm not a princess like them, so I can't... oh wait, yes I am.

Whatever. The light flashed again, and this time I found myself back in Ponyville. The others were looking expectantly at me, save for Discord who was glaring.

"So, what did you see this time, TD?" Rarity asked. "You were grinning and giggling like a madpony for a while there."

"Then you looked like you saw something really cool!" said Pinkie. She began bouncing up and down and grinning at me. "What didja see? What didja see?"

I glanced over at Discord and smirked at him. "I saw the time Discord got turned to stone by Celestia, Luna, and the Elements. Kind of amusing, really." Discord rolled his eyes and tapped his claw on one of the vines. I think even he knew that he was being dumb while that was going on. I had too much ammunition to use against him, so he kept quiet. I shook my head and chuckled before looking back at the rest of them. "After that I saw Celestia and Luna get the Elements from something called the Tree of Harmony." I frowned and tapped my lower jaw. "Not sure how that relates to the vines, but I'm thinking it’s our best bet right now."

"Do you know where this tree is?" Twilight asked. "If we're going to start looking, it'd be prudent to know where to start."

I grimaced and looked in the direction of the Everfree Forest. I jerked my head towards it. "Where is anything of value that could help save the world?"

"Well alright then!" said Applejack, determination in her voice. "Let's go save a..." She faltered a moment when she realized how ridiculous she was about to sound. "Tree."

I smirked and rolled my eyes. "I'm hoping that Celestia and Luna will be there. If not, it's a good place to start."

Well, with nothing else for it, the Mane Six and I began walking into the forest. I glanced back at Discord who was floating upside down and saying something to Zecora. The zebra looked thoroughly unsettled by Discord, but I couldn't hear what he was saying to her. I shrugged and turned back towards the forest. He was reformed, so he wouldn't hurt her.

As we walked in, the vines kept trying to get at me. Twilight had to continue the shield spell so that I was safe, which would start straining her any moment now. I considered asking her how to cast one of my own, but I wasn't sure if I could grasp the concept. If worst came to worst, I'd just do that.

We continued walking for about ten minutes before we reached a river. It looked like it had seen better days as it was an acidic green color. I was going to go out on a limb and say that we didn't want to get ourselves wet here. Twilight walked up to the edge and pointed at some stones that led to the other side of the river. "We can use these to cross."

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Or the three of us with wings can carry the other four across the river." I flapped my wings and motioned to my back. "Rainbow and Fluttershy can carry one of you and I think I could take two. I'll drop off the two and carry the last pony across on my back." I shrugged. "Shouldn't take more than thirty seconds and it dramatically reduces the chance that we'll fall into the river if those stones can't hold our weight."

The six ponies looked at each other and shrugged. "Can't argue with that plan," said Applejack.

With that figured out, Fluttershy and Rainbow picked up Rarity while I allowed Applejack and Pinkie to climb onto my back. Twilight simply teleported to the other side, allowing the rest of us to simply fly over. Boom. Done.

We continued our journey in relative silence for a few more minutes. All the while the vines continued bashing against Twilight's shield. I could see that each time a vine hit, Twilight flinched. This was putting more of a strain on her than I would like. I walked up next to her and leaned my head down. "You okay, Twilight? I can see this is straining you."

Twilight grimaced as another vine slapped the shield. "I'm fine. As long as we can get to the tree we can stop this." Another vine hit the shield, and to my horror the shield started flickering. Twilight flattened her ears and bit her lip. "Okay, maybe we do need to figure something else out."

"Well, it seems to me that they're mainly after you, TD." Applejack walked up next to me and stared at the vines in contemplation. "Look, Ah know y'all might not exactly be keen on the idea, but maybe you'd better go back ta Ponyville and let us look fer the tree. We'll know it when we see it, Ah'm sure."

I raised my eyebrow at her. "You mean you don't want one of the most powerful ponies ever helping you? What happens if these vines start going after you next?"

"TD, Ah know you wanna help, but yer Equestria's last princess if the other two don't reappear after we fix the tree." Applejack put her hoof on my foreleg and gave me a small smile. "If you're gone too, Ah don't think Equestria could handle not having a princess."

I grimaced, but I couldn't exactly argue either. Of course, that left me with the responsibility of being the sole monarch of Equestria without even a sliver of the knowledge of what Celestia and Luna had when they ruled. There were undoubtedly secrets key to running the kingdom that they hadn't shared with me yet. Still, I was better than nothing, I suppose. I sighed and nodded. "Okay, I can see your point. We should be close anyway. Even so, if you need any help just fire sparks into the air and I'll come running."

"We know you want to help, TD, but Equestria couldn't survive a complete decapitation of our government." Rarity walked up and put her hoof on my other foreleg. "We saved the world from Nightmare Moon and Discord. We can handle things."

I nodded and spread my wings. "Okay. Just be care--"

Before I could finish my sentence, the vines broke through Twilight's shield. Twilight collapsed on the ground, rubbing the base of her horn. I let out a yelp and took off, but it was already too late. Two vines wrapped around my hind legs while another wrapped around my barrel, pinning my wings to my sides. I fell to the earth and hit the ground rather hard. I could hear the other ponies panicking around me, but none of them could really do anything with Twilight out for the count. More vines were wrapping around me every second, the thorns piercing my skin. I bit my lip and tried to ignite my horn to incinerate the vines around me, but one wrapped itself around my horn. The magic I was charging fizzled out. To make matters worse, I felt myself being pulled backwards into the darker parts of the forest.

Boy was I having a bad day.

Well, the Mane Six could only watch in horror as I was dragged away to whatever fate had befallen Celestia and Luna. I could only hope that if it was death that it was a quick affair and not a long, torturous one. At any rate, I blacked out right after I lost sight of the Elements.

* * * *

I awoke some time later in some sort of pod thing... I think. I was completely encased in it whatever it was. I tried charging up my horn again, but it didn't even spark.

"'Tis no use, TD Powell. We are trapped here."

My eyes widened when I realized who was speaking. "Luna? You there?"

I felt a pressure at the base of my horn that had nothing to do with the vines encasing me. I squeezed my eyes shut, and when I did, the pressure faded away. I opened my eyes and was surprised to see myself back where I was when I ascended. The place where all points converged. I frowned and looked around for anything that could help me. Nothing was around, but after a few seconds Celestia and Luna walked through the fog.

"So, the vines got you too." Celestia grimaced and shook her head. "Pity. I am not sure what Equestria will do now."

I shrugged. "Twilight and Co. are on their way to the Tree of Harmony. I'm sure they'll know what to do."

Both princesses gasped and rushed over to me. "You know about the Tree of Harmony?!"

"How is it that thou hast learned of its existence?"

I snorted. "Zecora had this weird potion. I hit it with dark magic and when I drank it I saw the past. That included when you got the Elements from the Tree."

Both princesses breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at me. "This is wonderful news, TD!" said Celestia. "All we have to do now is wait for them to restore the tree and we shall be freed."

I frowned and cocked my head. "So what do we do until then? Just kind of wait around for... whatever?"

Celestia chuckled and shook her head. "Of course not, TD. This is the place where all points converge, remember?"

Celestia ignited her horn and another flash of white light appeared because lord knows I hadn't had enough of those today. When this was over I was going to sit in a dark room for a week, I swear to me.

When the light faded we found ourselves back in the poker room at the palace. I turned my head to Celestia who was already sitting at her chair and shuffling the cards. "So... you could have come back to the palace at any time you wanted?" I scoffed. "What, was this a test for me or Twilight?"

"Oh no," Celestia said with a chuckle. "This place is an illusion. It is no more real than these cards I'm shuffling."

"'Tis better than just lying in the pod waiting to be rescued, TD Powell." Luna sat down at her spot and Celestia began dealing the cards. "Come and join us. We will not be harmed in the pods."

I stared at the two princesses in bewilderment, but... well, I couldn't really argue with them. I shrugged and sat down at my spot.

* * * *

"We shall raise thee three, TD Powell." Luna pushed three bits to the center of the table and smirked at me. "Thou shalt not beat us this time."

I snorted and called. "Great poker face, Luna." I glanced over at Celestia who also called. She had her usual serene smile on her face.

"Well, ladies, we have all called. I think it is time we showed our cards, yes?"

Luna eagerly slapped her cards down on the table. Full house threes and twos. She smirked at me. "Thou hast better come up with something better, TD Powell."

I snorted and placed my own cards down. Full house nines and sixes. Luna bared her teeth and slammed her hoof on the table. "Thou art cheating! Thou must be cheating!"

Celestia chuckled and looked down at her cards. "Well, it's not over until it's over, Luna. For you see, I have..."

Celestia was cut off when the room around us began glowing white. Her eyes widened and she quickly tried to slap her cards down on the table, but it was too late. They had already disappeared.

The world around us faded away, and I saw the Tree of Harmony appear before us. I looked down and saw that the vines trapping me were fading away. I stood up and stretched my wings out. Much better. I cracked my neck and turned around to see the Mane Six smiling at us. The first thing that I noticed was that their Element necklaces were bereft of the jewels that usually adorned them. So, the Elements of Harmony were gone. I can only guess that the Tree took them.

I looked over to Celestia and Luna and saw that they were on their hooves and smiling at Twilight. However, Celestia's smile was a little forced. I chuckled and leaned in next to her. "Good hand?"

"Four sevens," she whispered.

I snorted. "You can't prove that. I win."

"I know," she groused. She looked back to the Mane Six and smiled as Twilight approached her. Twilight threw her hooves around Celestia and Luna in a tight hug. "We know how difficult it must have been for you to give up the Elements."

Not as difficult as it will be for Equestria now that we've lost our best line of defense against gods.

"It took great courage to relinquish them," Celestia continued.

Oh what a happy moment. It made me want to roll my eyes, but eh, I let them have it without my commentary. It was a special moment, after all.

Having said that, it wasn't me that interrupted their hug. Yet another bright light emulated from the already shining Tree of Harmony, and we all turned around to see what it was doing. The Elements shone brighter than ever, and some sort of magic seeped from them into the Element of Magic. The magic seeped down the trunk and lit both Celestia and Luna's cutie marks in turn. The magic continued flowing until it reached one of the roots and a flower bloomed. Twilight slowly walked over to it and gently touched the bud. It opened up revealing a shining box of some sort.

"What's inside it?" Twilight questioned. "How am I supposed to open it?"

"Six locks, six keys." Luna and Twilight looked over to Celestia who shook her head.

"I do not know where they are." Her usual serene smile returned. "But I do know that it is not a mystery that you will be solving alone."

I walked up to the box and rubbed my lower jaw thoughtfully. "Hmm... keys." I peered at one of the key holes. "Well... now that I think on it, I did find a shining key in the basement of my palace in the same style as this box. I couldn't figure out what it was for so I threw it away."

"WHAT?!" Everybody shouted at once, all of them glaring at me.

I snorted and smirked at them. "Only kidding."

* * * *

Well, now that the plants weren't acting up anymore, we made it back through the forest with no trouble at all. The second we reached the edge a party horn sounded and confetti sprayed everywhere. Banners bearing our faces appeared out of thin air. I was displeased to note that mine face had derped eyes, leaving no doubt of who was behind this.

"Bravo, ladies, bravo!" said Discord, a large foam finger adorning his paw. "However did you save the day this time?" His voice turned mocking and he wiggled his fingers. "Blast the beastie with your magic necklaces, I presume?" Discord vanished and reappeared, smaller and dressed in rodeo gear, on Applejack's back. He leaned forward and examined her neck. "Where are those little trinkets of yours? You know, the ones you used to send me back to my extremely uncomfortable stone prison."

Applejack sighed and glared at Discord. "Gone."

Discord vanished and reappeared in front of us. "Gone?" He had an expression on his face that I didn't like. Once again he looked like he had been told that Christmas was coming early. His smile turned a little more evil, and he looked like he was plotting something. "Gone..."

"But our friendship remains," Fluttershy insisted. "And if you wanna remain friends, you'll stop thinking whatever you're thinking and help us clean up."

Discord literally began shrinking under Fluttershy's glare. I knew he was vaguely mocking her, but he didn't say anything. He vanished and reappeared wearing a maid's outfit.

Uh-oh. Here comes the Discord/Fluttershy fanfiction.

At any rate, Discord began walking back to town. "Fine. But I don't do windows."

The rest of us followed behind Discord into town. Applejack walked up beside me and Twilight. "One thing I don't get why'd all this happen now?"

"I have no idea." Discord tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Those seeds I planted should have sprouted up ages ago."

Oh of course. Of course Discord was behind it. I facehooved at him. "So you didn't think that we could have used this information a while ago?"

Discord clicked his tongue. "I don't know why you think that. I suppose I was still a little sore than my seeds didn't destroy the tree and capture Celestia and Luna ages ago." Discord grinned nastily at me. "Besides, you needed to learn a lesson about ruling and what it would be like if you were the sole ruler of Equestria." He appeared in front of me and ruffled my mane. "I'd say you did a bang up job except for the part where you got captured and had to rely on commoners to save you." Discord vanished and reappeared reclining in midair. "Oh well. It's not like Celestia and Luna are any different."

Well, as much as I didn't like Discord, I couldn't really argue with him there.

* * * *

The Summer Sun Celebration is here and for all of the ponies of Equestria what a treat it will be.

Celestia and Luna flew back to Canterlot as soon as they were freed to fix the sun and moon and calm everypony down. It worked, and when I few to Canterlot to do my part, the ponies were docile. They all bowed to me as I flew up to the platform to do my part for the Celebration. Celestia and Luna were there smiling at me as I landed next to them.

"Are you ready, TD?" Celestia asked. "This is no small responsibility."

I shrugged and took my place. "As ready as I'm going to be, I guess."

My two fellow princesses nodded at me and walked up to the platform. They spread their wings to highlight their majesty and smiled at the crowd.

"Citizens of Equestria. It is no longer with a heavy heart, but with great joy that I raise the summer sun." Well, I guess they had to find out sometime that you were highly depressed every time you raised the sun in years past, that every time these ponies say you raise the sun you were being torn apart inside despite the fact that you looked happy. People like it when politicians aren't honest with them about something that important. Might as well tell them that you went back to your room and drank yourself silly. "The Summer Sun Celebration now represents not the defeat of Nightmare Moon, but the return of my sister: Princess Luna."

So wait, every single year the whole point of the Summer Sun Celebration was to commemorate the defeat of Nightmare Moon, but everybody still thought she was a myth? I mean, Celestia said that the Celebration represented the defeat of Nightmare Moon, implying that it came up every year. Surely somebody asked her "hey, so are you really being serious when you say that this commemorates the defeat of Nightmare Moon? So the Mare in the Moon is really an evil goddess that's been trapped there?" For that matter, you'd think that a story that important with a still living participant would be passed down as a little more than just a myth, especially when it's tied to a national holiday. You'd think there would be a lot of books about the origins of the Summer Sun Celebration that would give the true story behind the Celebra...


Eh, screw it.

Luna flew into the air and ignited her horn. The moon slowly lowered in the sky. After a few seconds, Celestia copied her sister, and the sun began rising. My cue, I guess. I fired up my own horn and flew in between the two princesses. When I was exactly between the two, I cast the spell and my cutie mark appeared rainboom style. It spread out over all of Canterlot until it faded away. The three of us landed back on the platform and exchanged congratulatory nods. We looked out into the crowd of cheering ponies and smiled. Okay, that was kinda cool, I guess.

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