• Published 10th Aug 2013
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TD the Alicorn Princess - BronyWriter

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Game of Thrones

I admit it, I did not spring into action right away. I saw that the fort was on fire and I did not call my snarcasti-guards into action to put it out.


I froze.

No pun intended.

I stared in utter shock, my mouth hanging open at the blaze of wood before me. All of the evidence against Aepnet is burning in that blaze, and I'm just standing here, watching it go.

But only for a moment.

I closed my mouth and spread my wings, pointing to the fort. "Rapids, take Winters and Cyclone to the sky. Gather as many rainclouds as you can to put out the blaze!" Rapids saluted and the three pegasi took flight. "The rest of you: I want unicorn squadron A to control the blaze while unicorn squadron B keeps the building from collapsing!" I ignited my horn and opened the door to the fort, where the blaze had not yet reached. "Let's move!"

I'd like to say that it's a testament to how well I train them, but if we're being honest, almost all of what they know comes from the military ponies that the other three princesses lent me, so I can't really take credit for how fast the guard snapped into gear. By the time Lieutenant Rapids and the two privates came down with a gigantic storm cloud, the fire was already mostly contained, and I could tell that the fort would not suffer much structural damage at all. In fact, buy some new boards for a few areas and it would be ready for action once more. It seems that we arrived just in time to prevent any real damage, then. Whomever had set the fire must be close by if it was so small by the time we arrived that we had no trouble subduing it.

I shot a beam of magic out of my horn that called the attention of everypony to me. I raised one hoof to hold it. "Okay, I want the forest searched for whoever did this. The fire was relatively small, so it was set recently. Lieutenant Rapids, go back to the main group and get everypony that can be spared to help us. Aepnet won't give you trouble now."

Rapids smirked and saluted. "You never know, Princess Antares. Given his track record, he could have forgotten that he's in big trouble right now."

Unfortunately that pissed off Kathyrine who let out a snarl and took wing, spreading her full wingspan in front of Lieutenant Rapids. "That's my dad you're talking about, featherbrain!" She pointed a claw towards Rapids in a threatening manner. "Back off!"

Rather than do so, Lieutenant Rapids snorted and crossed her forelegs. "Yes, because that's going to cancel out the fact that we're all here. In case you didn't notice, princess..." Rapids cast a sideways glance my way. "Er... not you, Princess Antares. This one." She looked back at Kathyrine. "Your dear ol' dad is the reason we're all here. If he wasn't such a 'brilliant political mastermind' I wouldn't have to say those things about him."

"Oh yeah?! Where are these papers?" Kathyrine snarled. "We haven't found any yet! If there are no papers then Dad is innocent!"

"Yes, yes, and we'll all feel really awkward when that happens," Rapids said with a wave of her hoof. "For now we--"

"Enough! Both of you!" I snapped, flaring out my wings. "Lieutenant Rapids, I gave you an order that did not involve being snarcastic to Princess Kathyrine! Would you please go back to the main force and gather reinforcements, please and thank you?!"

Lieutenant Rapids continued locking eyes with Kathyrine, seemingly unfazed by the latter's glare. After a few seconds she saluted me and flew off. I rolled my eyes and shook my head before looking over to Kathyrine. "Sorry about her. She... well, that's just kind of something that my guard does. It's called the snarcasti-guard, after all."

Kathyrine gave an irritated scoff and waved a talon. "Fine. Whatever. Let's just find what we came here for so that we can exonerate my dad, okay?"

I gave her a single nod and motioned to my guard. "Okay, I want you all to spread out in groups of no less than four and search the entire compound for any trace of these letters that this Sinosis freak told us are here. Any trouble arises signal us at once."

I glanced over at Kathyrine who was glaring at the retreating form of my lieutenant, but she needed to get over it right now if we were going to get this done. I beckoned her and began walking towards Sinosis' quarters where the documents would most likely be. I also had a unicorn guard named Tracer Arrow follow us, on top of Kathyrine's griffins.

We walked into the quarters and Tracer Arrow took point. She levitated a piece of parchment over to her and scanned it with her bright orange aura. "Okay, now I figure that Princess Antares knows this, but to save some time, I'm going to be using my special tracing talents to see if there are any hidden compartments in this room." She put the parchment down but did not extinguish her horn. "Basically I scan an object and my magic directs me towards any similar objects nearby. If I can sense that there is parchment in the walls or under the ground we'll likely have our letters."

"If they're even here," Kathyrine grumbled.

Tracer Arrow shrugged. "If they're not I'll find that out too."

"What if there's some protective spell over any hidden compartments?!" Kathyrine snapped. "You could be completely wasting our times!"

Tracer Arrow snorted and a hint of a smug smile appeared on her lips. "Yeah, because I'd be a really good object tracker if all it took to block me was a simple protective spell." Tracer Arrow chuckled lightly and pointed her horn at the desk to scan it. "I'm pretty high level. It'd take a spell akin to one of the princesses or even Princess Celestia's student to cast one strong enough to block..." Tracer Arrow's smug smile faded, and it was replaced by a subtle frown. She sat down in front of the desk and knocked on the side. "Huh. Interesting."

I frowned and walked up to her. "What? Is there a problem?"

"Maybe." Tracer Arrow narrowed her eyes and licked her lips with the tip of her tongue. "It's just that I think I found what we're looking for, but I can't be sure. Inside this desk is a large stack of parchment that seems to be of some import, else it wouldn't be hidden, but therein lies the rub. It's not hidden very well, and it's the closest thing to hidden that any parchment is in this room. I specifically set my magic to trace parchment with writing on it, so it's not just a stack of spare writing paper." Tracer Arrow tapped her lower jaw thoughtfully. "Hmm. My only hesitation in breaking open this desk is that it seems... well, too easy. These documents could very well be the most important ones in Griffonia right now, and I'd wager that our dear friend Sinosis is aware of that fact. Somegriffin of his means could have hidden them a touch better, don't you think? Even a hole in the ground is better than this."

Now that she put it like that, this was a troublesome idea. I'd hate to find the documents only to have them destroyed and my guards possibly injured by some trap behind them. Having said that, Sinosis did see these as his insurance. If these were ruined by some trap he laid then all of his words about Aepnet are hearsay.

Sigh. As rude as Lieutenant Rapids had been in her conversation with Kathyrine about her father, I was in full agreement of her perspective on the matter. I'd rather be in court giving foals money for school plays or raising teacher pay. This, to me, is just stupid. Still, we have to get this done sooner rather than later. I ignited my horn and scanned for any magic. "I can't feel anything. It just seems like all it's protected by is some wood."

Tracer Arrow nodded and tapped the side of the desk again. "Yeah. It's too easy. It's almost like--"

"Oh for goodness sakes, you're taking all day with it!" Before I could do anything, Kathyrine shoved Tracer Arrow aside, balled her talons into a fist, and slammed it into the desk hard enough to leave a gaping hole where the letters were. Tracer Arrow squeaked and flinched back, covering her head with her forelegs as if expecting some kind of explosion, but... nothing happened.

No explosion, no cloud of poisonous gas, just... nothing.

Kathyrine snorted and began pulling the papers out of the desk. "You ponies are a bunch of weirdoes. Seriously, if there's no magic that you can detect then just go right in."

Kathyrine's barbs stung me a little, but I decided that it wasn't worth it to get into some big argument about it. I shook my head and ignited my horn, levitating the papers away from Kathyrine and towards me. Kathyrine was adverse to the idea and let out a loud roar and swiped at the papers, but I held them away from her.

"Give those to me, Antares!" Kathyrine stood up and spread her wings. "Those are not yours! How do I know this isn't some sort of frame job of my dad?!"

"Seriously?! What reason would I have to frame your dad in this elaborate of a fashion?" I moved the papers away as Kathyrine swiped at them again. "And if I may say so, you're not helping his case by trying to get them. How do I know you won't try to alter or destroy them? Maybe if your father was dumb enough to put his seal on one then you scratch it off or something?"

Kathyrine pawed at the ground, a snarl etched on her face. "You give those to me, Antares. I can take them if I have to."

"Hey!" Tracer Arrow ignited her horn and rushed in front of me. "You do not threaten Princess Antares. Ever."

"Get out of my way!" Kathyrine screeched.

This was not good. It was turning volatile faster than I would have liked. Kathyrine threatened me, which got Tracer Arrow on the defensive, which caused Kathyrine's guards to see that as a threat to her, and now they were closing in around us, their wings extended leaving no doubt that their wing blades were of good quality. I could last in a fight for a decent while with these guys, but for all of her skill, Tracer Arrow wouldn't be able to, and I couldn't take on all five griffins long enough for Tracer Arrow to escape. Not that she'd want to. She'd be right in the middle of the fight.

Well, it seemed to be fight or flight, and Kathyrine wasn't listening to reason right now. I put more power in my horn and engulfed both Tracer Arrow and myself in my aura. With a loud 'pop' we teleported out of Sinosis' quarters and into the main courtyard where more of my guard was gathered. Even Kathyrine wouldn't favor those kinds of odds. I had teleported far enough away that I would have a few seconds to scan the papers to see if they were legit before Kathyrine came barging out of the building to demand that I hoof them over. I quickly looked down at the topmost paper while Tracer Arrow recovered from the surprise teleportation.


My gaze flickered up in time to see Kathyrine barreling towards me as fast as she could, her guard flying straight behind her. My guard reacted quickly and formed a defensive perimeter around me. Unicorn horns were alight, pegasus wings were flared, their wing blades gleaming in the sunlight. If it came down to it I'd have to fight on the side of my guards. It would be a massacre.

Fortunately I had better ways to deal with charging griffins. I put the papers down on the ground, securing them with a hoof so that they didn't go anywhere, and ignited my horn. The charging griffins found themselves engulfed in my blue aura and they stopped like they had hit a brick wall. They had limited movement, but they weren't going anywhere.

Well, Kathyrine, for her part, was taking full advantage of the fact that she had limited movement, and was thrashing about like she was an animal trapped in a cage.

"Let me go, Antares! Let me go or I'll bring an army to march upon Baltimare like you've never seen! Framing my dad is an act of war and you know it!"

This wasn't going to be very fun.

Slowly I walked over to Kathyrine, a grim expression on my face. When I was close enough, I flipped the papers over and showed them to her. "That's your dad's seal on the bottom, right?"

"NO!" Kathyrine snarled. "No it's not!"

Even through the denial, the second her eyes landed on the seal I saw recognition in her eyes followed by a brief look of utter horror. She was fooling herself, and even she knew it.

"Kathyrine..." I flipped to another paper. "This is also his seal, is it not? This is his signature at the bottom?"

"Stop it!" Kathyrine screeched as she put her talons over her ear holes. "I'm not listening to these stupid feathering pony lies anymore!"

My aura faded away and the griffins gently fell to the ground. Kathyrine hardly noticed. She was too busy denying what was right in front of her. I for one wasn't going to make her listen anymore. She got the point. She knew as well as I did that Aepnet was behind all of this. I gave her a sympathetic look and put a hoof on her shoulder.

"Kathyrine, I'm sorry. I don't like this anymore than you do. Please believe me when I say that."

"Stop it!" Kathyrine batted away my hoof and for the first time I saw tears welling up in her eyes. "Stop feeding me these lies."


"SHUT UP!" Kathyrine flinched away from me and extended her foreleg as if to block my advance, a single sob escaping her throat. "Stop it! I don't want to be empress, Dad!" Kathyrine's eyes snapped open when she realized what she had said, and she looked up at me, her wide eyes brimming with tears. "I... I don't..."

I shifted uncomfortably and flattened my ears. "Uh... look, I won't... tell anybody, I guess. If it helps."

Kathyrine sighed and visibly deflated, her shoulder slumping and her head lowering. "Doesn't matter, does it? That proves Dad is behind it all. You're probably going to demand that he steps down or you're going to throw him in prison, meaning I have to lose my dad and become the feathering empress." Kathyrine let out another sob and rubbed her eyes to wipe away the tears. "I know the dukes. They're gonna want war because of this. They're gonna try to get the throne away from me. Maybe kill me for it. Dad may be dumb, but he has enough smarts that he can keep them at bay." I may have imagined it, but I thought that I saw a shudder go through Kathyrine. "I, however, don't really."

"Kathyrine, I can help you out. I know Celestia and Luna aren't going to want to see you murdered." I sat down in front of her, unsure of whether or not I should give her a wing hug or not. I opted for not, given what I knew of her temperament. Even so, Kathyrine didn't seem to be comforted.

"You think Griffonian affairs are any of your business? You think that just because Equestria is ruled by literal goddesses that you can just step in and play police whenever you want?" Kathyrine slowly shook her head. "No. I'm feathering on my own on this one. I know you can't just ignore what Dad did..." Kathyrine let out a low moan and put her head in her talons. "For feather's sake, why would you do this to me, Dad?!"

I didn't have an answer.

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