• Published 27th Jul 2013
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The Commander of Shepherds - pchn00

An amnesiac Commander Shepard has been living and thriving in the Everfree Forest for several months. Saving the life of a passing pegasus sets a chain of events in motion that could change Equestria forever.

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Chapter 6: Shepard's Special Talent

Chapter 6: Shepard’s Special Talent

Celestia frowned as she looked out at her sister’s tower from her office. Luna had been raising the moon each night, and Celestia could sense her younger sister was patrolling their subjects’ dreams, but she hadn’t seen her in the flesh for nearly two weeks now. “Noteworthy?”

As always, her personal aide was quick to respond. “Yes, Princess?”

“Has anypony seen Luna out of her tower in the past few days?”

“No, Princess. In fact, I was hoping to bring to your attention that she hasn’t been out of her tower since returning from Ponyville two weeks ago.”

With a soft sigh, Celestia rose from her seat. “Suspend my morning appointments please, Noteworthy. Make the proper apologies and assure everypony I’ll see to them soon. I need to speak with my sister, it seems.”

There were a few of the nobility who would no doubt be uppity, but Noteworthy had been doing this job for a few years now. She was capable of handling the occasional bellowing blue blood. “Of course, Princess. Should I have the kitchens send along a pot of tea?”

“No thank you, Noteworthy. Luna was never much for tea, I’m afraid.” The Princess of the Sun strode through the halls, outwardly calm, but inwardly she felt her worry growing with each step. Was Luna growing sullen and withdrawn again? Things had been going so well the past few years, she couldn’t imagine that the Nightmare was threatening to rear its head once more, but Luna was showing similar behavior to last time.

She was happy to give Luna her space for a time, but the longer it went, the more worried she had gotten. It always seemed as though somepony else needed her help for something or another, and her feelings for her sister had to be put aside again and again. Last time this happened, Luna became one of the greatest threats in Equestrian history. Celestia would not let that happen again.

Alarmed guards noted their beloved Princess’ steps quickening as she trotted in a rather unseemly manner through the castle halls. A few called out asking if she needed assistance, but she shook her head firmly each time. If it was the worst case scenario, her little ponies would only be in danger.

Taking the steps toward her sister’s chambers two at a time, Celestia practically knocked the doors off their hinges as she burst into Luna’s room. An alarmed bellow from the younger Princess within the room blew Celestia’s mane back and sent her skidding back out the door. “Celestia?! What do you think you are doing, barging into my chamber like this?! You nearly destroyed the door! ‘Tis an antique from our original castle, no less!”

Adrenaline was still raging through the elder sister’s body as she looked almost frantically about. “Are you alright? Why haven’t you left your room in so long?!”

At first Luna was completely taken aback by the frantic tone in her sister’s voice. It didn’t take long for the real source of her concern to click into place. “Tia! Do you truly think so little of me that you suspect I am slipping back into the nightmare?”

The hurt and outrage in her little sister’s voice worked to calm Celestia’s nerves. “I… I just worry, Lulu. First you’re prancing happily through the halls, and then you’re locking yourself away again. I suppose I let my fears run wild. In my defense, this is pretty close to what happened last time.”

Luna shot her a sullen glare, but couldn’t argue. Now that Celestia looked closer, her sister seemed exhausted. Noticeable bags hung under her eyes, her head held low, and even her mane had lost some of its fullness. “Luna, have you not been sleeping?”

Luna had in fact not been sleeping very much at all of late. Every time she closed her eyes, a cacophony of images flashed through her mind. All the things Legion had shown her—both the good and the bad—refused to relinquish their grip on her memory. Her eyes were constantly drawn to the star filled sky at night, wondering what was out there.

When Luna didn’t immediately answer, Celestia stepped inside, gently shutting the door behind herself. “Is this about the mare in the Everfree?” The way she stiffened told Celestia it was. “Sister, I think it’s time you told me of her.”

Closing her eyes, Luna took a deep breath. She was right, of course. If all she’d learned of the human visitor was true, then it was too big to keep to herself. “I apologize, Celestia, for I should have told you all about her sooner.”

Shaking her head with a gentle smile, Celestia lowered herself onto the cushions next to her sister. “No, you’re allowed your own private life and business, Luna. But if this mare is weighing so heavily on your mind that it interrupts your duties, then I think it a good idea that you let me in on what troubles you.”

Another deep breath, and Luna began. She held nothing back, telling her sister everything she had learned of the human woman from the Everfree, to the nearly impossible to imagine tale of dozens of races living amongst the stars. By the time she finished, the normally cool and composed Celestia was staring wide-eyed at her little sister.

“Luna, this human sounds incredibly dangerous. You should have brought this to my attention right away!”

“That’s just it, sister. She has a good heart, I know it. Shepherd is hurting terribly, and worst of all, she does not know why. I know a little of what it is like to lose oneself, Tia. Truly, it is a horrifying experience, and one I would not wish on another. Consider however, she is dangerous and powerful yes, but look at how she has interacted with the Elements of Harmony. Fluttershy has been sending messages to me nearly daily on the activities she and her friends have engaged in with the woman.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow as Luna levitated a small stack of letters before her. Accepting them with her own magic, she began to scan the first one. “These almost seem like Twilight’s old friendship reports.”

“Perhaps. Shepherd has had ample opportunity to do our subjects harm if she wished, and she certainly could cause great destruction with the tools at her disposal, I do not argue that. Yet she chooses not to. All the horrors she has experienced in her life, and she chooses to befriend these six young ponies. Some of these reports are rather humorous as well, sister. I believe you may like the woman if you give her a chance.”

Celestia was silent for a time as she read each report thoroughly. “Why do you keep your distance from her, Luna? It sounds as though you were building a rapport with her.”

A frown tugged at the corners of the younger alicorn’s mouth. “When I first appeared before her in the waking world, she reacted… poorly. It was my own fault. I should have eased into our meeting more gently instead of thrusting myself upon her. I had become something of a guardian angel to the woman in her mind. Seeing me in the flesh forced her to begin seeing her nightmares as real as well.”

Celestia didn’t respond for several long minutes as she read through each of the letters. Finally nodding as she finished the last letter, Celestia returned them to Luna. “I’m going to meet her.”

Luna’s eyes widened slightly. “Tia, if you bring a contingent of guards into her territory, she will assuredly see it as a threat and react poorly. You or she might be hurt.”

Chuckling softly, Celestia rose to her hooves. “Give me a little more credit than that, Lulu. I’ve had a thousand years to get better at this whole ‘Princess’ thing. I can be subtle when I wish. I simply want to meet her. I’ll handle this delicately, I promise.”

Frowning in concern, Luna finally nodded. “Very well. Just tread carefully, sister. She is a powerful warrior when roused to anger. Her weapons and abilities are not to be underestimated.”

Smiling brightly now, Celestia cantered to the doors. “Not to worry, sister. I’ll be the very picture of subtle.”

“Nightmare Moon, huh? Armor looks pretty impressive I guess. Hard to believe that’s Luna.” Shepard regarded the image in her omni-tool with a frown.

“By all accounts, she was driven temporarily mad with jealousy. I speculate that their emotions influence their magic, and this may be the source of her transformation. It is entirely likely it was not a willing change. I intend to ask Twilight to elaborate on the matter this afternoon.”

Dismissing the omni-tool interfaces with a thought, Shepard rose from the water, moving to her clothes and armor. The sunlight glinted brightly off the silk, diamond encrusted undergarments Rarity created for her. Still not entirely used to seeing the gaudy things, Shepard pulled them on carefully. “I still can’t believe these are real diamonds...” When the unicorn returned with her armor, Shepard had asked what happened to her original clothes. An accident involving ‘dragon fire’ was all she could get.

“Precious gemstones seem to be as common as ordinary rocks on this world. I heard Twilight Sparkle mention in passing that Pinkie Pie grew up on a ‘rock farm’ where earth ponies raised stones and gems like crops. I intend to ask her to elaborate on this as well.”

“Rock farm. Jeez, this place gets weirder and weirder. I like it though.” The woman grinned as she fastened her weapons to her still sparkling armor. “Not as goofy as cutie marks though.”

“I believe we will discover nothing as ‘goofy’ as cutie marks, Shepard-Commander. At least I sincerely hope so.”

Nodding at her digital companion’s comment, Shepard started along the path back to her main camp. “True enough. Still, pretty convenient way to find your place in the world, don’t you think? What d’you think mine would be?”

“Judging by your typical activity the past several months, either you stuffing poppers into your face,or lighting wooden wolves on fire. You seem to excel at both.”

Blowing out a heavy breath in annoyance, Shepard was about to shoot back a retort when an alert pinged on her omni-tool. “Something has tripped several proximity sensors and managed to elude the electrified barriers, Shepard-Commander. Rough size and shape suggest a pony.”

With a quick glance at the offered map, Shepard was in the tree tops, vaulting toward the intruder. “Maybe Fluttershy? I don’t think any of the others come into the Everfree if they can avoid it.” Of all the ridiculous names she’d been subjected to since regularly visiting Fluttershy, the Everfree Forest was by far the coolest, and most tolerable.

“Perhaps. Though I find it unlikely she would choose to run rather than fly.”

“Good point.” The sound of frantic hooves pounding on the ground soon reached her ears, followed by the excited snapping and snarling of the wood wolves… ‘Timberwolves’ she had to remind herself. Dropping from the trees, she got her first look at the intruding pony. A snowy white unicorn mare with bright pink mane and tail. Large violet eyes widened as Shepard appeared suddenly. The poor mare seemed torn between fleeing the wolves and fleeing this new creature.

Waving a hand frantically, Shepard motioned for the pony to move. “Get out of the way! Get off the path!”

Nodding wordlessly, the little pony zipped off the main path as the wolves bounded into view. It was almost funny the way they skidded to a halt and tripped over one another to flee the sudden appearance of Shepard. Not bothering with her guns, she discharged a glob of super-heated plasma into the lead wolf, nodding in satisfaction as it burst and spread to the others, leaving only ashes.

Dismissing her omni-tool, she turned to face the mare staring up at her and shivering in fear. Shepard smiled kindly and knelt lower to the ground. “Hey there. This forest is pretty dangerous. What’re you doing out here?”

Slowly it dawned on the pony that she wasn’t about to be cooked or eaten or something. She inched out of the bushes. “W— well I was g— g— gathering herbs in a field when those t— timberwolves jumped out at me. You saved my life! Thank you so much!”

Shepard’s eyes drifted toward the mare’s flank, noting the cheerfully smiling sun shaped cutie mark. Maybe some kind of weather pony? Weren’t those all pegasi? “It was nothing. Though you’re lucky you didn’t run into any of my traps. Damned lucky really. I have snares and nets all over the place.”

The pony’s eyes went wide with fear again as they darted all around. Chuckling a little, Shepard patted the air to calm her. “It’s ok. You’re safe now. Are you from Ponyville?”

Rapidly, the pony’s head bobbed in a nod. “Y— yes. Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Sunny Skies.”

Yup. Definitely weather pony. Shepard offered her a smile, very aware of the flinch Sunny Skies couldn’t suppress at seeing her teeth. It was the same reaction every pony had, really. “I’m Shepard Commander. Just Shepard is fine though. Come on; let’s get you back to town.”

The mare nodded gratefully, falling into step with her savior. She cast the smoldering remains of the timberwolves a quick look as they passed them. “What sort of creature are you? You must have very strong magic to kill the timberwolves.”

“I’m a human. And no magic, just technology. My omni-tool…” She called it into being around her arm. “...can release stored up energy every few minutes. It’s enough to put the timber wolves down for good.”

Sunny examined the offered arm curiously, looking over the shimmering orange images. “That’s amazing! What else can it do?”

Shepard shrugged as she carefully led the pony around the myriad of traps. “Pretty much anything, honestly. It’s how I’m speaking Equestrian, it’s a flashlight, a computer, a uh… a bunch of technical stuff you probably don’t have words for here.” The woman laughed, lightly rubbing the back of her head.

To her surprise, the mare simply nodded as if she understood everything. “Where are you from? Are there more humans in the Everfree?”

A frown formed now as Shepard shook her head. “No. I think I’m the only human in the forest. Maybe on the whole planet. I come from, uh… From the stars. Another world.”

“Whaaaaat? That’s impossible. How would you even get here?!”

Shepard smiled again at the pony’s reaction. “Ideally in a ship. I don’t know how I got here though. I lost my memory, maybe when I landed? I… I really don’t know.”

Sunny seemed to sense the woman’s growing distress. “Well lucky for me you landed in Equestria then, huh? If not for you, I’d be some timberwolves’ breakfast!”

The human’s smile returned at that. “Glad I was there to help then.” They’d come to the clearing with the hydra’s bones still lying there. Though a few were missing by now.

Sunny Skies eyed Shepard’s holstered pistol now. “What’s that?”

Glancing down at the weapon at her hip, she smoothly removed it and held it as it unfolded to its proper shape. “A gun. My pistol, I guess. I’m told it’s a ‘Carnifex Hand Cannon’.”

Sunny raised her eyebrows. “My, but that’s a very provocative name. What’s it do?”

Stepping in front of the hydra’s remains, Shepard raised the pistol. “Might wanna cover your ears.” Once the pony did so, she fired off a round into one of the skulls. It burst in a cloud of dust and bone splinters.

Shepard had expected surprise or fear on the pony’s face, not the calculating frown she had leveled her way. “That’s… quite a weapon. A hydra’s bone is as strong as most of the royal guards’ armor.”

Shepard quirked a wry grin. “Well guess I know I’m covered if the royal guard comes to arrest me for squatting in the woods.”

The mare’s brows immediately drew together in a frown. “Are you suggesting you would use such horrible weapons against a pony?”

Eyeing her pistol quietly, Shepard shrugged and refastened it to her hip. “I wouldn’t want to. So far I’ve only met a few ponies, but you’ve all been pretty kind and understanding. I’d much prefer settling a dispute with you guys with words over bullets. Taking the life of an animal is one thing. Taking the life of another person, that’s…” The woman’s eyes grew unfocused as a faraway look came to them.

The strange man drops from the ceiling. An alien. Green scaly skin. Large black eyes with two sets of lids. He shoots the blue woman in the chest before gently laying her out on her desk, folding her hands over her chest. His voice is gravelly, but not entirely unpleasant to the ear.
“I came a long way to talk to you.”

“One moment; prayers for the wicked must not be forsaken.”

“Do you really think she deserves it?”

“Not for her. For me.”

A hospital. It smells too clean and sterile. Shepard always hated them. The green being… The drell looks tired, but content.

“It's freeing to find no requirements placed on me. No responsibilities, no fears. It is a good end to a life.”

“Thane.” Her voice was barely a whisper. “Thane Krios.” Shepard dropped to her knees unsteadily as a concerned Sunny Skies rushed to her side.

“Miss Shepherd? Are you alright?”

Shaking her head slowly, she ignored the pony. “Legion! Do you have any data on a… a drell! A drell named Thane Krios?!”

Sunny slowly backed away as the omni-tool flared to life and a harsh male voice spoke. “Indeed, Shepard-Commander. That name is among the thousands recorded. One moment…” An image of the drell appeared in the omni-tool.

Shepard just stared at the image, smiling toothily. “Ha! I remember someone else! He was… An assassin? But… he had such quiet nobility. We were close. Good friends, I think.”

“You were friends with an assassin?”

Sunny Skies’ voice brought Shepard out of her happy moment. She looked from the image of Thane to the gently frowning pony. “Oh, uh… Well, yeah. He wasn’t just some killer for hire. He dealt with bad people.” She assumed.

“Still… He routinely took the life of others. Is that sort of thing normal where you’re from?”

Shepard briefly considered lying, but thought better of it. If the ponies were somehow introduced to the worlds outside Equestria, they’d be taken advantage of if they assumed everyone was as kind and honest as they were. “It’s not normal… But it does happen. The sad fact is, many governments and wealthy individuals are very corrupt. This corruption can cause them to hurt other people, sometimes a lot of other people. These were the kinds of people Thane dealt with.”

“And you? What kind of person are you, Miss Shepherd?”

Shepard regarded the little pony with a sad smile. “I wish I could tell you, Sunny Skies. I really do. For now, I know I’m the kind of person who saves ponies from hydras and timberwolves, and has diamond encrusted underwear made for her by a local fashion designer.”

Sunny smiled a little at the joke. “Well that doesn’t sound like the worst kind of person to be to me.”

Running a hand through her hair, Shepard got back to her feet. “Me either, Sunny... Me either.”

Shepard parted ways with Sunny Skies at the lane leading up to Fluttershy’s cottage. She watched the little mare trot into town before heading up to the cottage. She was about to knock when Fluttershy herself suddenly opened the door. The bandages were gone, and her fur was more or less completely grown back in. “Oh! Hello, Shepherd. I was just on my way to Sweet Apple Acres actually… Oh! Oh dear, I should have left you a note in case you came by. What if you knocked and I wasn’t home? I’m so sorry.”

Shaking her head with an amused grin, Shepard chuckled. “It’s alright. I thought I’d send Legion off to study with Twilight some more while we talked.”

Stepping fully out of her cottage, Fluttershy pulled the door closed behind herself. “Well all the girls are going to be at the farm today. It’s Applebuck season and we’re helping the Apple Family bring in their harvest. You’re more than welcome to come too if you like.”

A faint look of apprehension came to the woman’s face. “Oh I don’t know, Fluttershy. I don’t really want to go through the town and cause a big ruckus.”

“Hm. Well we can take the long way around. Sweet Apple Acres is a little ways outside of town. Further than my cottage, even. It’d just be me and the girls, plus Applejack’s brother.”

Shepard looked back at the looming Everfree for a moment before facing the pegasus again. “Know what? Sure. I need to see a little more of the town than just your cottage if I’m ever going to go in, right?”

Smiling softly now, Fluttershy set a leisurely pace down the path. “It couldn’t hurt.”

The pair walked in silence for a time. Shepard looked more nervous than Fluttershy as her eyes darted back and forth constantly. She was clearly uncomfortable being out in the open like this, a fact that Fluttershy noticed easily. “So do you remember any more animals from other worlds?”

Shepard’s eyes shifted back to her companion. “Afraid not. Just the pyjacks and the varren. I sort of remember these giant acid spitting worms… I can’t remember what they’re called. Either way, they probably wouldn’t be very fun to meet.”

Fluttershy giggled softly. “No, I suppose anything that spits acid would probably not be very friendly.”

“So! What’s apple buck season?”

“Well it’s when the biggest apple harvest has come in. Applejack and Big Mac knock apples out of the trees by bucking them. So, apple... buck.”

“Ha! That’s cute. I bet it’s something to see. So you guys all go and help out?”

“Mmhm.” Fluttershy smiled at some distant memory. “A few years ago, Applejack got a little in over her head and we helped out then. Every year after that we all go and just get to work. It’s hard, but fun. And Granny Smith makes us all really delicious food while we work.”

“Oh yeah? I’m always up for trying new food. She uh… She doesn’t mix hay or grass into it, does she?”

Fluttershy couldn’t suppress a giggle at the memory of Shepard trying homemade oatcakes for the first time. “No. I’ll make sure she doesn’t in your food, at least. Mostly apple dumplings, apple pie, apple fritters, apple cider, app—”

Shepard raised a hand, cutting her off. “I get it. They like apples. If the ones at your place come from Applejack’s farm, I like them too.”

“They do, as a matter of fact. Everything I buy is locally grown. I like to support my local businesses.”

“That’s nice of you.” Shepard was relaxing—if only a little—during the conversation. “So I guess being the town vet pays good?”

“Oh no, I’m not the veterinarian. I’m more of a caretaker than an actual doctor.”

Shepard frowned. “Where’s your money come from?”

Now it was Fluttershy’s turn to frown as she looked away. “Oh, um… Well… My family has a lot of money. I don’t really like to talk about it much. My great grandfather invented a machine that makes cloud making much faster and smoother.”

“Oh, well that’s pretty cool.” She meant it too. She had kinda freaked out the first time she saw Rainbow Dash make it rain.

The massive fields of Sweet Apple Acres soon came into view. Shepard admired the neat rows of lush apple trees stretching as far as the eye could see. “This place is enormous!”

Nodding a little, Fluttershy nudged the gate open. “The Apple family does very well. Everypony is probably up at the house getting ready to get started.”

Shepard followed her guide through the rows of trees up to a cheerful little farmhouse. A big red barn was off to the side, and she recognized five of the six ponies milling about the front yard. The sixth, a massive red stallion, had to be Big Mac.

“Howdy Fluttershy! An’ good mornin’ t’you Miss Shepherd. Welcome t’the farm.”

Shepard smiled at the farm mare’s kind welcome. “Thanks. I was just going to visit Fluttershy when she told me you were ‘apple bucking’ today.”

“Sure are! And I’m mighty glad t’see ya here. I have just the thing you can do if y’all were lookin’ t’pitch in.”

Shepard shrugged. She definitely didn’t have much going on with her days. Usually a visit for some tea and whatever edibles the pegasus had in her kitchen was how she filled her time. “Sure, I can lend a hand.”

She caught the huge stallion eyeing her carefully now and again. The massive pony’s muscles rippled visibly beneath his cherry red coat. She had little doubt that if he thought her a threat, he could do some real damage if he got in close. “Well c’mon ‘round this way then. Girls, why don’tcha all get started. I’ll catch up with ya soon.”

Cheerful affirmations came from the assembled mares as they set out into the fields to get to work. Mac cast one last warning look Shepard’s way before he too departed. Offering the human an apologetic smile, Applejack started waking the opposite direction from the rest. “Don’t mind Mac, he’ll warm up to ya. Just a little protective is all.”

Shrugging, Shepard fell into step with the mare. “I don’t mind. He’s just worried about you, I guess.”

“Reckon so, reckon so.” Shepard winced as Applejack whistled shrilly. Excited barking sounded from behind the house as an energetic brown and white dog came bounding out. It circled Shepard, alternating between sniffing and barking. “This here’s Winona. She’s gonna be yer helper for t’day.”

Kneeling down, Shepard offered the dog her hand, allowing it to get acquainted with her scent. “Hi there, Winona.”

The dog barked cheerfully before falling into step at Applejack’s side. “Truth be told, you bein here’s a bit of a blessin’ in disguise. Was afraid we were gonna have t’keep these poor fella’s penned up all day. Now that yer here though, I s’pose ah can’t think of anyone better suited for lookin’ after ‘em.”

Shepard’s curiosity was definitely piqued. “Who am I looking after?”

Beaming now, Applejack crested a small hill. Shepard followed and blinked at the large herd of sheep milling about in the pen before her. “Just get th’herd out a’the pasture. Let ‘em graze a little, then bring em on back. Easy stuff, I bet! Probably even show Winona a few tricks. She’s never been taught by a bonafide Commander of shepherds before!”

Shepard could only stare open mouthed as she slowly processed everything Applejack was saying. Giving her a firm clap on the back, Applejack set off to get to her own work for the day. A bright flash from her omni-tool drew her attention and an alarmed back from Winona. “Legion? What the hell was that?”

"I am taking a picture of the look on your face. While I could replay the moment over and over and over and over again with your omni-tool’s recording functions, this deserves to be preserved in photograph form.”

"Legion, she thinks I’m a sheep herder!”

"Consider the naming scheme of the typical pony, Shepard-Commander. Generally, they tend to fall in line with what their ‘special talent’ is. It is my understanding the humans Twilight Sparkle encountered were named identical to their pony counterparts of this world. When you introduced yourself as Shepard Commander to them, they heard it as ‘Shepherd’, as in the herder of sheep sort of shepherd. It is very likely they believe you to be some sort of leader among shepherds where you come from.”

Looking from the dog at her side to the sheep milling about the pen, Shepard rubbed the back of her neck. “What the hell am I supposed to do with sheep?”

“The intelligent course would be to find Applejack and explain the miscommunication. However, it is my experience that is rarely the course you choose, and I would postulate you are about to attempt to herd these sheep as she requested.”

Narrowing her eyes at the sheep, Shepard stomped forward. “I can herd sheep! How hard can it be?”

Legion was silent now, though most certainly recording every second for future review. Almost the second Shepard unlatched the gate, the herd as one swarmed her, slamming the doors to the pen open and bowling her onto her backside. Winona was running back and forth, barking furiously in her best effort to keep the animals in line, but they most definitely sensed Shepard’s hesitation.

Sputtering in rage, she surged to her feet. Her anger only grew when one of the wooly bastards stuck its tongue out at her. That meant they were smart enough to mock her, so they likely understood Equestrian. “Hey! Hey, knock it off! You need to go to the pasture!”

“Get lost!”

“Yeah, baaaAAAAaack off!”

They were even ignoring Winona. The poor dog was looking more beleaguered and worried by the second. Scowling at the errant animals now, Shepard’s hand drifted toward her hip.

Fluttershy landed beside Applejack, casting a worried glance in the direction of the grazing fields. “Do you think Shepherd is doing alright?”

“Don’t see why she wouldn’t be. If her special talent’s herdin’, she shouldn’t have any trouble at all, right? Plus, that gal’s tough as nails. Can’t see one little old flock of sheep givin’ her trouble.”

Both mare’s ears splayed at the sudden BOOM coming from the direction of the fields. They were soon joined by the others working in the orchard in racing toward the sound. The six mares and one stallion stood gaping at the scene before them.

Shepard was glaring around at the sheep, who had ordered themselves into three neat, single file rows. “That’s better! Now turn your wooly butts around and march! You will graze for two—count them—two hours! You will then return in an orderly manner to your pen! There will be no straying, no complaining, and no funny business! The first one to put one hoof out of line is volunteering to donate their wool to be my new blanket! Do I make myself clear!?”

“Maaaa’aaaam yes, maaaa’aaam!”

“Then march! Keep those lines tight! Move it! Move it! Move it!” Winona trotted happily beside the orderly columns of sheep, guiding them into their grazing pasture. Noticing the audience finally, Shepard cracked a smile. “Looks like I’m pretty good at this after all!”

Twilight Sparkle was the only pony to notice the small, smoking hole in the ground near where the biggest of the sheep had stood.

Luna paced nervously in her tower. She hadn’t slept all day, not after Celestia announced she intended to meet Shepard. It was growing late in the day however, and her sister still hadn’t returned. She whirled with wide eyes as the door to her chambers opened.

A small pink-maned unicorn mare entered. Casting the Princess a playful grin, she was enveloped in a golden glow, returning to her proper shape and size. “Well I met with your human from the stars.”

Luna swallowed nervously. “And?”

“And she’s very dangerous. She has enough destructive potential within her that I feel she cannot be allowed to run about unchecked for long.” Seeing Luna about to protest, Celestia raised a hoof. “However, I feel she does indeed have a good heart. She is simply lost, scared, and confused. What she needs right now are friends. Kind hearted individuals who have her best interests at heart.”

“So you… You do not intend to lock her away?”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “No, Luna. I don’t plan to arrest her. She hasn’t done anything wrong besides carrying those weapons of hers into a populated town. I’m not comfortable with such things around our subjects, Luna. I understand her need for them within the confines of the Everfree Forest, but I can’t help but dwell on what could happen if somepony got their hooves on one of those devices somehow. Imagine the damage that could be done by accident.” Slowly, she shook her head. “I would like you to speak with her again and invite her here, to Canterlot.”

Luna was conflicted. She was certainly glad Celestia approved of the human’s presence, but she doubted Shepard would come to the city. “She refuses to enter Ponyville proper due to its population size, sister. I sincerely doubt she would feel more comfortable in Canterlot.”

Celestia inclined her head, as if expecting that answer. “I’m aware of that, Luna. That’s why I’m tasking you with making her comfortable coming to Canterlot. The team from Canterlot University tells me their space camera will be ready in a month to launch. Perhaps that will pique her interest enough to lure her to the city?”

Luna looked out the window, toward the distant Everfree forest. “Very well, Celestia. I will do all I can.”

“I know you will, Luna. I have faith in you. My concern isn’t solely for our little ponies, you understand. I believe if we can speak with Shepherd at length, we may be able to help find her a way home. I’m certain the ‘Legion’ you mentioned can teach us many wondrous things as well. This could be a great benefit to us both. I do however feel that forcing the matter would cause her to react poorly. You were definitely right about that.”

Ruffling her wings, Luna stepped out onto the balcony. “I will go to her tonight then. With luck, she will react better to my appearance than last time.” Without another word, she sprang into the air.

Celestia watched her fly toward the forest with a gentle frown. “Be careful, Lulu.”

All around, Shepard had been having a pretty excellent day. Sheep herding went really smoothly. Afterwards, she’d helped the ponies with the apples. She wasn’t exactly equipped to buck them of course, but she surprised the lot by being able to haul the heavy baskets to the waiting cart. And further surprised them by being able to pull said cart. “Heh, the look on Big Mac’s face when I started hauling it.”

“I am sure you impressed the ponies with your wondrous cart hauling skills, Shepard-Commander. Perhaps tomorrow you can dazzle them by weeding their garden.”

“Whatever. So it’s something most of them can do anyway, it’s still fun. Can’t I have fun?”

“I apologize, Shepard-Commander. In truth, I could not be happier that your mood seems to be steadily improving. I believe these ponies are a positive influence on you. Your gradually recovering memory is heartening as well.”

Shepard smiled and leaned back in her hammock. “Fluttershy asked me to start sleeping at her cottage again. I think I might take her up on the offer. Sleeping in a real bed without having to keep my hand on my gun might be nice.”

“Would my saying it is a good idea influence your decision at all? While your accomplishments in wilderness survival are to be applauded, we remained here out of necessity, not knowing there was a better location to live so close by. I strongly encourage you to accept.”

Shepard eyed her A.I. companion with a wry smirk. “You just want me to be closer to the town so you and Twilight can nerd out all day and all night.”

“I will not even dignify that with a response. You— Alert! Intruder within the perimeter of the main campsite, Shepard-Commander!”

In a flash, she was sitting up, pistol in hand. “Where is it?”

“Reading is hazy, but there is another life sign nearby it… Directly beneath you, Shepard-Commander.”

Eyes wide, the woman looked to the ground beneath her high-strung hammock. A thick, twinkling purple mist was swirling about the forest floor. Slowly it coalesced to reveal… “Luna?!”

The tall pony blinked up at Shepard hanging from the hammock. “Greetings to you this night, Shepherd. I hope my presence is not quite so offensive as last we met.”

A pang of regret flashed across Shepard’s face as she dropped to the forest floor. “I think I owe you an apology, huh?”

“There is fault on both sides, I believe. I am sorry for appearing so suddenly before you. You are unwell, and I should have taken that into consideration.”

Shepard shifted uncomfortably. It was so weird hearing the gorgeous dream woman’s voice coming from this imposing midnight hued pony. “Well, I’m sorry for almost shooting you in the head.”

A little smile quirked on Luna’s face. “Well now that we have both apologized and been forgiven our trespasses, shall we begin anew?” Delicately, Luna seated herself on the ground, lifting a forehoof toward Shepard. “I am Luna Equestris, younger sister to Celestia, Princess of the Night and Vanguard of Dreams.”

Tentatively, Shepard took the accepted hoof. “Uh… Shepard Commander, eater of poppers and sleeper in of hammocks.”

Luna shook daintily. “A pleasure to meet you, Shepherd Commander.”

Slowly, Shepard returned her smile. “A pleasure to meet you too, Princess Luna.”

Author's Note:

Chapter 7: Blue Flowers Are the Worst should be off to the editor sometime this afternoon.

Also made a little adjustment to the a/n of chapter 3.