• Published 27th Jul 2013
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The Commander of Shepherds - pchn00

An amnesiac Commander Shepard has been living and thriving in the Everfree Forest for several months. Saving the life of a passing pegasus sets a chain of events in motion that could change Equestria forever.

  • ...

Chapter 16: Ascendant

Chapter 16: Ascendant

"Do I not get a hug? Javik did you get a hug?"

The prothean looked unamused at Jack's question. "No. I did not get a hug. She did physically assault the krogan councillor however."

Jack looked contemplative a moment. "That's probably the closest thing Shepard gives to hugs." She glanced around the deck. From Elezzia then over the Equestrian's. "I thought ascendants were the rarest fucking thing in the galaxy?"

Javik nodded. "They are."

"There are two more right there."

"Very astute."

The woman's lips pursed and she was about to ask something else before Shepard cut in. "Wait, wait. Stop. Not that it's not nice to see you, Jack. It is. It really is. We can even hug it out if you want to. But how are you still alive?"

Now Jack smirked. "Didn't you hear? I'm a god."


The atmosphere in the small cruiser was tense to say the least. A sparse crew manned the craft while the two VIP N7 agents sat in the cockpit. "So..." Kal'Zorah started.

His longtime companion, Marees's brow plates drew together in a scowl. "I don't want to talk about it."

"We probably should talk about it Marees. Something happened to us on the Citadel. We both know it."

"I..." The hesitation in the normally unflappable turians voice made it clear enough that she felt the same.

"You shot that woman in the back." He couldn't quite bring himself to call her Shepard. "Her hands were up and she'd surrendered. Just like I shot that synthetic in the back. Neither of us would ever do that."

"So what are you saying? That we what? We didn't do that? We weren't in control of our actions?"

While she couldn't see his face, Marees had worked with Kal enough to read his expressions through his body movements, and she could tell he was frowning thoughtfully. "That's my theory, but the how of it is what I'm having trouble nailing down. One moment I was speaking to the synthetic then the next thing I was shooting her when she turned to leave."

Marees rested her chin in her hands nodding slowly. "The same. I had the Shepard clone in my scope in case she tried something then I just... just..." Her frown deepened as she trailed off. "What could do this? A misfire in an implant maybe?"

"I'm beginning to get an idea together but I don't have anything concrete. The synthetic mentioned outside forces manipulating us. What if she was correct?"

"Manipulating how? There's no such thing as mind control Kal."

"I know... I know. It's ridiculous but I just keep going around and around in my head. The only thing it sounds like is-"

Kal'Zorah was cut off as the VI chimed. "Nearing Planet Veris now."

Marees snorted in irritation. "This is a wild vorcha chase if I've ever been on one. We know those things aren't from Veris."

Kal offered her a shrug as he plotted a descent for the large mining colony on the desert world. "I'm well aware. But we are on thin ice with the council as it is, so when Councillor T'soni says we investigate-"

"We investigate." Marees finished for him. "Right, still that new species talking to Valin admitted she wasn't from Veris."

"True, but she got the name from somewhere."

"Probably the Commander."

She realized she'd pushed a bit to far when Kal'Zorah went rigid. "I am well aware of the ridiculousness of this situation, Marees. I am aware Commander T'soni likely gave them the name Veris as a flimsy cover. The finer details were never her forte. However we're here on the off chance there is some connection and because Veris is almost the edge of known space and she wants us away from the Citadel while they sort out all the mess. So can we please. PLEASE. Conduct an investigation in a thorough and professional manner?"

"Sorry, Kal." There was real regret in her voice. "This whole thing has me really out of sorts."

"I know, Marees. Me too. I apologize for snapping. Krom is gone, Valin and Elezzia are AWOL. It feels like our whole world is falling apart in the blink of an eye."

"Hey, you still got me."

The quarian chuckled softly as he brought their ship down on the landing pad. "I know and I'm glad to have you. You're my best friend. Now, let's go meet the foreman and get this nonsense over with."

The pair made their way toward the armory and geared up. Kal didn't miss Marees' grimace as she strapped on a basic model rifle. "I can't believe that thing stole my gun."

Kal couldn't suppress a chuckle as they stepped down the ramp to the planets surface. "I can't believe she choked you out with her bare legs."

"Laugh it up. That woman's got thighs made of steel. I bet she's a synthetic! Like her friend."

"Did they feel metallic?"

"...no they felt firm but supple."

"Mmhm." The pair spied a grizzled human male approaching, the foreman they assumed. Kal raised his hand in greeting then paused when he noticed the man wasn't looking at him, but something over his shoulder. Curious he turned to see what had caught his attention.

"Holy shit."

Marees' brow ridges raised. "Kal! Language! What's got you so..." She turned to look as well. "...holy shit."


"She is an ascendant." Javik stood before the crew of the newly liberated Normandy. All gathered in the mess hall save SADI who was listening in from the cockpit.

"Soooo... not a god?" Shepard asked.


"Pretty damn close though." Jack cut in.

Javik offered a brief shrug. "It depends upon your definition of a deity I suppose. It was a very rare but not unheard of occurrence among my people. If one became so powerful in their biotics they grew beyond the bounds of the rest of us and ascended to a higher state of existence. Escape from the ravages of age being one of the benefits."

Shepard blew out a heavy breath regarding her old squad mate. "So you're going to live forever?"

"Well unless something kills me. Good fucking luck with that though, right?" Jack barked a sharp laugh.

A laugh Shepard returned if not as forcefully. "You got that right." She felt her eyes getting misty again, something Jack picked up on.

"Jeez are you crying? Commander Shepard doesn't cry." Though Shepard saw a similar amount of liquid accumulating around the other woman's eyes.

"Heh, yeah I guess she didn't... but I'm not really the same person I used to be. It's been an uh..." Her eyes drifted to the Equestrian's sitting nearby watching silently. Though in Twilight Sparkle's case it seemed very reluctant silence. The poor mare was practically vibrating with excitement. "...it's been an interesting few months."

"Yeah no kidding. I've seen some weird shit but no cutesy talking horses. And what's the deal with the purple one? She's eye balling me hard."

Shepard coughed lightly. "That's Twilight Sparkle. She's uh... curious."

This brought a soft chuckle from Jack. "Well I don't mind answering a few questions if she-"

"Oh my gosh! I want to know so much! How do you travel through space?! What sort of magic can you do?! How old are you! What do all those symbols all over your everything mean! Are there other human alico-" Her mouth kept moving rapidly but no sound came out as a faint glow from Luna's horn whisked into being and surrounded Twilight's head.

"My fellow Princess is prone to fits of excitement particularly when erudite matters are concerned. I do have questions of my own however. Your energies are very similar to that of the alicorns of Equestria. Do you have an explanation for this Lady Jack? Master Javik?"

"It's just Jack. And nope. I've never met another ascendant, definitely not a talking horse one."

Javik gave a curt nod. "Powerful ascendants were capable of many impressive feats. I saw one and only from afar. She seemed ordinary enough at first glance but when one examined her aura it was obvious she was superior to those around her. Ascendants could theoretically do anything, the most capable of them able to bend and alter the fabric of reality."

"Sounds like magic t'me." Applejack finally spoke up.

"It does indeed Applejack. Tell me... er... Jack. What abilities do you boast? Can you teleport? Transmute? Conjure?"

Jack stared at Luna in silence a moment. "Uh... yes to the first one..." She glanced from Shepard to Javik.

The Prothean spoke up. "Transmuting is turning one thing into another, conjuring is summoning something from nothing. You would know these terms if you did indeed read all the extra net messages I have sent you."

Jack rubbed the back of her neck. "Oh well y'know... I skimmed some of the wordier parts. But no, I don't do that. Unless making a singularity counts as conjuring?"

Javik shook his head. "It does not."

Rainbow Dash scrunched her muzzle up in thought. "But wait like, everypony can do magic. Even earth ponies have their..." She waved a hoof searching for the right term. "...dirt magic."

Applejack's eyed narrowed and her brows drew together. "Well thanks sugar cube, what a nice way of puttin' it."

"If the reports I read are accurate the hornless and wingless tribe of 'pony' were the most powerful by far. The longest lived, capable of manipulating the world around them to a potentially devastating level. The horned caste could boast some impressive feats as well but the average hornless pony was believed to be far stronger than the average horned, and any winged."

"Ha! A fancy alien race just said earth ponies're better'n pegasus ponies. Think Ah could getcha t'put that in writing for me Mr. Javik?"

"Perhaps we can discuss an arrangement in the other room, and allow the Commander and Jack a chance to talk privately."

The others took the hint as they began to rise and file out of the room. Valin's omni-tool running constant scans over the still muted Twilight who was chattering silently non-stop as Luna dragged her from the room, leaving the two old friends alone to catch up.


The small cruiser broke atmosphere and made a direct course for the sun in Veris' system. "That thing can't be a ship."

Kal'Zorah sighed. "It's clearly a ship, Marees."

"It's big enough to create a blot on the sun from Veris! No ship is that big!"

"Well that's not exactly true. Some ships have been that big in the past. Though it's been centuries..."

The turian's eyes widened. "Don't be ridiculous. Those things were wiped out, everyone knows that."

Kal shrugged though it was clear he was as worried as she was. "There are several possibilities, it could be some new experimental warship or an old remnant from the war that a scavenger group got back together. Let's wait until we get confirmation before we start a galactic panic."

"We can just stick with a ship wide panic then I guess."

The VI pinged up over the console. "Warning, massive solar event in progress. Recommend immediate evacuation from system. Warning, massive solar event in progress. Recommend-"

Marees muted the VI as she and Kal frantically worked over the consoles. "Ancestors, the VI is right. Something's... I don't even know. Something's draining the sun? Is that a thing that can happen?"

Kal'Zorah shook his head silently as he studied the readings being taken of the system. Massive amounts of solar energy were being drained from the systems star into the ship. "We need to get closer."

"Closer? What do you mean closer? Closer seems like the exact opposite of where we need to go, Kal."

"Marees we need to know what's happening and get a more concrete report to bring back to the Citadel. Send an immediate evacuation notice to Veris just in case. If this thing keeps draining the star it could be catastrophic for the colonies."

With a growl of frustration Marees pounded the console. "The event is emitting system wide radiation, we're getting nothing but static over the comms."

"Keep trying. We have to warn them someho-Keelah!" Fingers dancing across the console Kal brought up the ship wide PA. "All hands to stations, prepare for enemy fire!"

Klaxons blared as the event occurring near the star reached a peak. Warnings of solar flares and catastrophic damage flashed across most of the screens on the ship as the systems star dimmed visibly. They were close enough now to see some sort of energy funnel drawing energy directly from the star and into the massive honeycomb-esque ship.

The ship itself seemed to be glowing brightly from various panels along its surface, all funneling toward a forward battery that glowed brighter and brighter, until a massive lance of light punched through space colliding with Veris. The planet barely held up for a second before fracturing and bursting in all directions into a massive debris field.

The N7 cruiser's systems flared and died from the immense solar radiation being unleashed as it was sent careening wildly away from the event bodily throwing about any crewmen not secured into their stations. Marees was thrown forward and smashed her face hard into the consoles, her body rag-dolling in her station.

Kal'Zorah, more securely fastened into his seat cracked his helmet against the panel by his head, cracking his mask. He felt blood running down one side of his face as he frantically attempted to regain some measure of control over the cruiser. He glanced toward Marees and hoped she was only unconscious.

The cruiser's wild flight was beginning to slow to a gentle drift. Struggling to maintain consciousness Kal managed to bring the ship's auxiliary systems online, before he finally succumbed to unconsciousness.


"So... just you and Grunt, huh?"

"Yup." Jack was casually rummaging through the cupboards in a poor attempt to hide her emotion, refusing to face Shepard.

"Most of them are pretty obvious, but how did Samara go?"

"Same as most everyone else. Old, in bed, surrounded by who knows how many friends, family, and well wishers."

"Including you?"

Jack was silent a moment. Slowly running her hand down the cupboard door before closing it. "I was there for all of them."

"Really? Even Miranda?"

This drew a chuckle from the other woman. "Yeah... even the cheerleader." She turned to face Shepard now, tears in her eyes again. "We never stopped hating each other y'know? But we both showed up every year for the reunion."


"Oh yeah, you kidding? Remember that party in your apartment? Think that but ten times the size. More than a few of us were arrested by C-sec those nights." She wore a wistful smile. "The last year was Sam, Grunt, Wrex, and Liara. The five of us got together for drinks. It was smaller but I guess we were all more mature y'know? Older. Wiser. All that shit."

"Even Grunt?"

"Ha... well barely. You should see him. Commander Grunt, one of the most decorated officers in the N7. It pisses them off that he won't let them promote him any higher. Told a few admirals right to their faces there wasn't a higher office than N7 Commander."

Shepard felt emotions flaring in her breast again, and her eyes burned with tears. "I hope I get a chance to see him again."

"Oh I'm sure you will. The second he hears you're cruising around again he'll come running don't worry about that."

Wiping her eyes Shepard took a deep breath. "Okay. So... how've you been Jack?"

"Man... it's so weird hearing that name again."

"What name? Jack? Isn't it YOUR name?"

"Nah, it's Jennifer. Liara dug up all kinds of shit for me, including that. Where I was born, official birth records and stuff."

"...Jennifer huh? So what everyone calls you that?"

Jack shrugged. "Everyone I like."

"Well you can just call me Eliza then."

Jack pursed her lips squinting at Shepard a long moment. "...can't do it."

This brought a laugh from Shepard. "I don't think I can call you 'Jenny' either."

"Not if you want to keep all your teeth in your head. You can just stick with Jack. I kinda like hearing it again honestly. As for how I've been? Good. I guess. I spend most of my time drifting, thinking y'know? I pop in on the rachni sometimes, their song is something else. I'm not allowed on the Citadel anymore so I hang out on Tuchanka or Khaje a lot if I want company."

"Do I want to know why you're not allowed on the Citadel?"

Jack offered a flippant shrug. "I did some damage to the museum."

Shepard chuckled softly. "Why did you do some damage to the museum, Jack?"

"Liara and I had a... disagreement about EDI. It got pretty heated, we almost came to blows over it but Wrex stepped in and calmed things down. She made it pretty clear she didn't want to see me again though, so fuck it right?"

Shepard's eyes fell to her lap as she folded her hands in her lap. "I guess, yeah. She's uh... not what I remember."

"It's those creepy fuckin' Ein is the problem. They're always hovering around her, always whispering in her ear. I can't stand em. And I'm not the only one. Wrex kicked them off Tuchanka and is trying to get other leaders to do the same on their own worlds. Some folks listen but for the most part people are just so grateful for all the shit they did after the war no one wants to ask questions."

"Javik sure isn't a fan."

"No, he's not. He booted their asses off Khaje as soon as he took power there. He never really gave a reason, just said it was his prerogative."

"Why don't you like them?"

Jack ran a hand through her hair as she worked out a response. "It's hard to explain exactly to someone who isn't uh... me. But I can see things different than other people if I want to. Like I'm not seeing the world everyone else sees but a different one. Like..."

Shepard's eyes widened slightly as Jack's eyes became solid white, giving off noticeable illumination. "...like I'm sitting right here, talking to you. But I'm not seeing the mess. I'm seeing a huge sea of stars and light. I can sort of... focus on you, or the others in the other room and see their I dunno... their auras? I guess? Like those Princesses are really fuckin' bright. The two little horses are brighter than the other people but nothing like the uh, alicorns?"

"Yeah, alicorns. So what's this got to do with the Ein?"

"Their aura's are wrong."


"Fuck. Like I said this is hard to explain. Like most people have colors, usually the same six colors and usually some of them are brighter from person to person. Like the little horses, one has a lot of red. One had a lot of orange. The Ein are like, muted. Their colors are dull and there's this blackness twisting through all of them. It's gross and makes my stomach turn every time I look at them."

Shepard considered Jack's words quietly for a few moments. Noticing that Jack's eyes hadn't stopped glowing and that she was staring at her. "So, what do you see when you look at me?"

Jack's lips quirked up in a faint smirk. The colors radiating within Shepard were nearly blinding. Just like they were in the alicorns, and in herself. Not quite at the same level, but an inner strength was waiting to explode from the woman. "Potential."

"Potential? What the hell does that mean?"

Jack blinked and her eyes were the normal blue again. "Nothing, don't worry about it. You're fine. A lot of red, a lot of pink and blue. It's good. Trust me. So. You talk to Elezzia?"

Shepard shrugged. "Sure, plenty. She didn't really believe who I was at first but I think I won her over eventually."

Jack quirked an eyebrow. "That's the gist of your conversation with her?"

"Well we talked a bit about what's been going on in the galaxy since I was gone but not much else, why?"

"Shepard, fuck. Come on man. She's your kid."

Shepard blinked once. "Oh."

Author's Note:

It's a bit short for one of my chapters but I felt like that was a good ending point.

This was a pretty emotional chapter for me to write, and one I've been wanting to get to since I started fleshing out the plot of this story. Jack was always my favorite character in the Mass Effect universe (and I love that she and I share a name in her real name), so I sorta wracked my brain on how I could justify her surviving and I got inspiration from M.A. Larson and Twilicorn, so thanks for that!

I'm trying to set aside an hour every evening to write now so ideally these will come at a more regular pace. No promises though, I don't want to give false hope. >_>

But I haven't forgotten this or any of my other fics, life's just gotten pretty hectic and it's been hard to find time. I do plan to focus on one at a time until they're done, and this is the first one. It's close to the end, maybe 3-5 more chapters I think.

Also also, sorry for any grammar or punctuation errors. I'm flyin free and loose with no editors!

P.P.S. How many folks have to go back and re-read the whole thing because they forgot so much? I sure did! All part of my master plan.