• Published 27th Jul 2013
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The Commander of Shepherds - pchn00

An amnesiac Commander Shepard has been living and thriving in the Everfree Forest for several months. Saving the life of a passing pegasus sets a chain of events in motion that could change Equestria forever.

  • ...

Chapter 17: Politics

Chapter 17: Politics

The sound of heavy fingers drumming on a desk echoed from Councillor Urdnot's office and filled the krogan embassy. Wrex glanced toward the door, ensuring it was locked before opening his desk and withdrawing a pair of spectacles. A gift from one of the Solus brood a little over a century ago when the clever salarian realized the aging krogan's eye sight was fading. Not all the time, just when he had to read or see fine detail.

Slipping them over his eyes he settled heavily into his seat and glared down at the security footage from the museum. He must have watched the video close to fifty times now, and he'd probly do so fifty more. Everything about her screamed Shepard. The way she moved, the way she reacted. The ridiculous way she incapacitated Marees. It all said 'Shepard stupidity'. And he really wanted nothing more than to believe what his gut was telling him.

He pressed the comm button to his secretary. "Norda?"

"What's up gramps?"

He grunted at the young female krogans voice. "A little respect huh?"

"Sorry. What's up Councillor Gramps?"

"Ha ha!" He barked a laugh. "That's more like it. Any luck getting ahold of Grunt?"

"Not yet, he was in pretty deep space remember? And you know how he gets when he's focused on a mission."

"Stupid mostly."

"Wonder where he gets it from?"

Wrex grunted heavily again. "Any luck tracking the Normandy?"

"We're working on it. It's not that the ship is so advanced, just the opposite. No one has instrumentation to pick up such an ancient and low tech method of cloaking. The science teams are working like mad to dig up some old crap and throw it back together into some sort of detection devices but for now they're free in the wind."

He drummed his fingers on his desk again for a moment. "Get my ship prepped."

"It's been prepped and waiting for the last hour."

"Ha! Alright then, kid. If Liara comes sniffing around make up some excuse for me. I'm stepping out for a bit."

"Er..." The comm cut off suddenly as his door opened, Liara showing herself in. "Would you like to make up your own excuse, Wrex? You're not seriously thinking of going after them yourself are you?"

"How can you NOT be going after them yourself? One of two things happened there. Either a clone of Shepard is running around with her face and doing who the hell knows what. Or that really was Shepard and we just chased her off the Citadel."

"You know that can't be Shepard, Wrex. Even if she somehow survived the Crucible she'd be long dead from age."

"Except Shepard was so full of cybernetics, implants, mods, and enhancements she was almost as much mech as human. Who knows what all the crap Cerberus was they pumped into her? Maybe-"

"Are you hearing yourself?! You sound like a fanciful child!" It was rare to see Liara lose her composure. Or at least it used to be. More and more of late she'd been prone to fits of anger that were very unlike the gentle asari Wrex knew.

"Your child sure as hell seems to think she's Shepard."

Liara's eyes narrowed tightly. "Do not throw that in my face. Elezzia is confused and clinging to a ridiculous false hope. She's just lost her husband, your first son I apparently need to remind you."

Wrex slammed his hands down on his desk hard enough to crack it. "You don't need to remind me of anything!" With a roar he flipped the desk end over end and surged across the room pinning Liara to the wall. "And don't you think I want beat the shit out of you if you throw that in my face again!"

Liara's eyes flared with biotic power and Wrex felt a pang of panic. He was more than well passed his prime and if Liara responded to his attack it would go poorly for him. To his relief the glow dimmed and she blinked, almost in confusion. "I... Wrex I... goddess I apologize. This... this isn't what I came here for. I think..." She shook her head and settled on her feet as the old krogan backed down. "...I think I need to rest. I... be careful. Please."

Anger was turning to concern as Wrex's oldest friend staggered from his office, hand to her head. Every krogan in the embassy was outside, some with hands on their weapons but he waved them down. "Norda, help Liara to her apartment. Not her office. Her apartment."

Liara opened her mouth to protest, before nodding. "Yes. That is an excellent idea. Thank you, Wrex."

Norda looked to her great-great grandfather in concern, but seeing he was alright she nodded curtly, taking Liara gently by the arm. "C'mon Councillor. Let's get you home."

Wrex waited for them to be gone before turning to his security chief. "Get an operative on Councillor T'soni, twenty four seven watch."

"You want us to surveil Councillor T'soni, sir?"

"I don't stutter, boy. Something's up and I want to get to the bottom of all this." He mulled it over a brief moment. "No salarians, no asari, no quarians. No humans either. Use some of our drell contacts."

"Why the drell?"

"They don't accept ein mods or implants."

His officer furrowed his brow in confusion. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Maybe nothing, maybe something. Just got a hunch. I hope I'm wrong. Norda's in charge while I'm gone. Get me a few guys at my ship. I want to be off in ten."

The young security chief offered a smart salute before rushing off to enact Wrex's orders. The ancient krogan sighed watching the flurry of activity around. It's funny, but he was glad to be done with war and conflict. Even started enjoying the politics game. It was a different sort of war, but one he much preferred in his old age. Watching this young generation of krogan who'd grown up in a time of relative peace, he sincerely hoped they'd never have to experience the other sort of war.

But he had a feeling it was a futile hope.


"Now... take a deep breath, hold it... then release the breath as you squeeze the trigger."

Elezzia was in the cargo bay with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. The pair in humanoid shape again to handle the firearms the asari commander was training them to use. Rainbow with a light weight assault rifle that would work well with her speed and flight, Applejack with a heavy duty krogan style shotgun.

Both Equestrians were proving surprisingly adept at the actions, if a bit jittery at the noise their firearms made when fired. Though Elezzia suspected that was more due to unfamiliarity than to skittishness. Given how the pair handled themselves in a fight she doubted either had so delicate a constitution.

She was trying to ignore it, but it was becoming increasingly impossible not to take note of Commander Shepard staring at her from the doorway. She assumed the woman was just here to observe the training but she noted Shepard wasn't watching them, just her.

"Perhaps the Commander would like to give us a demonstration?"

It took Shepard a moment to realize Elezzia was speaking to her. She blinked and looked from the asari to the equestrians who were now looking in her direction. "Oh uh... I don't want to interrupt your lessons. You're doing fine."

"Nonsense." Shepard yelped in surprise as a biotic field manifested from behind and drug her into the center of the room. "Perhaps they could benefit from a proper hand to hand lesson."

"Er... hand to hand? You want to fist fight?" She saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash nudging each other excitedly as they stepped back to give the pair plenty of room. "I don't think this is a great ide-" She stopped talking and lurched back as Elezzia's fist whisked through the spot her face occupied a split second ago. "...a. Okay then."

Shepard dropped into a tight combat ready stance. "No biotics?"

Elezzia mirrored her stance to a degree Shepard couldn't help but notice. A dozen thoughts running through her head at once which were quickly dismissed as the asari commander charged in with a quick flurry of punches.

Each one Shepard dodged. Keeping her movements tight and quick. Left. Right. Left. Left. Big right. She was moving before the uppercut was even thrown, but throw it Elezzia did. The asari clearly surprised by Shepards rapid fire movements and ability to predict her attacks. She grunted as Shepard's boot collided firmly with her backside and sent her sprawling to the floor.

Applejack and Rainbow's chuckles were instantly silenced at a glare from Elezzia as she pushed herself to her feet. "You haven't lost a step it seems."

"Yeah well... your moves are familiar."

"Clearly." All at once her stance changed to a far more fluid series of movements. It was almost a dance as she rushed in again. Instead of punches she throw open palmed jabs. Her attacks were coming much quicker and while Shepard dodged most one landed home firmly stabbing into her shoulder.

With a hiss of pain the Commander danced back and rolled her shoulder in its socket. "Huntress training?"

"Obviously." A hint of cockiness entered Elezzia's voice as she surged forward again. Though her overconfidence evaporated as Shepard switched stance as well, moving into almost jerky side to side hops as she sprang in at Elezzia striking her in the arm once with her right fist, then kneeing her in the stomach with her left leg.

The blows didn't have Shepard's full strength behind them, but the human woman had hopped back out of Elezzia's range before she could strike back. "STG training?" Her breath caught in her throat as she looked Shepard in the eye.

Until now the woman had always seemed rather flippant and affable. Taking most things with a degree of humor. But gazing into Commander Shepard's eyes she couldn't help but swallow heavily. There was an intense fire burning in the woman's green orbs like nothing she'd ever seen before. This wasn't some shell shocked war veteran, this was Commander Shepard in her prime. THE Commander Shepard.

Shepard didn't respond to Elezzia's question as she rushed in again, now throwing a mix of popular human and salarian combat styles. She switched between the stances so quickly it was all Elezzia could do to block a few here and there. She could feel herself wearing down. The biotic blast took even her by surprise as she reflexively released a pulse of energy around herself to throw Shepard back.

The Commander was indeed thrown into the air, where she twisted in midair, righting herself and landing on her feet, skidding backward in a crouch. Eyes narrowed tightly Shepard vaulted forward before shimmering out of sight with a faint crackle.

Before she could form any sort of defense Elezzia felt a boot collide with her chest, sending her reeling back. Not to far however as Shepard grabbed hold of her shirt and tugged her forward into a sharp headbutt. Elezzia felt her nose crunch and wet blood spray all across her face as she sagged to her knees.

Shepard kept hold of her shirt, glaring down wild-eyed and breathing heavily. She blinked and in an instant her whole demeanor changed. Shame and regret welled in her eyes as she released her grip on Elezzia. "I... this isn't... I'm sorry." Turning on her heel, Shepard rushed from the room.

Elezzia remained on her knees holding her face until she felt Applejack's strong hands on her shoulders, helping her to her feet. "..c'mon sugar cube, let's get that nose looked at. Ah think it's busted."

"Yes... thank you." Was all the stunned asari could say.


"Data gleened from SADI's records corroborates with my hypothesis. Your magic is new form of biotics." Valin sat with Twlight, Jack, and Luna in the med by, running scans over the two equestrians.

Jack leaned forward, trying to hide her interest but doing so poorly. "New how?"

The salarian tapped a his console displaying his screen so they could all see. "Please create a biotic field."

Jack shrugged and obliged. An aura snapping into being around her with a dull hum. The display focused on Jack, darkening her form out and leaving the biotic aura visible. "Ordinary biotic field. Generates dark energy. Now... please generate magic field."

Twilight nodded and her horn shimmered to life, surrounding herself in a field of magic much as Jack had. Valin shifted the display to Twilight. The field around the pony was a brilliant shining white. "In layman terms opposite of biotic field. Generating... light energy?" He shrugged. "Suspect others will name it."

Luna rolled off the table shifting to her humanoid shape as she did so. "These floors are not made for hooves. And I feel light energy is a fine name, Doctor."

"Valin is fine. Thank you. No, ship floors definitely not made for hooves. Possibly change in the future." He helped Twilight into a sitting position.

"So what's the difference between our biotics, besides the color?" Jack was staring at the display thoughtfully.

"Not sure. Possibly no difference other than source? In theory you could do anything they can do with time and practice."

"No shit?" Jack eyed Luna speculatively. "So I could turn into like, a krogan or something if I wanted?"

Valin sat back as Luna approached Jack. While she looked mostly human she retained her horn and wings. Said horn was glowing as she looked Jack over carefully, though keeping a healthy amount of space between them. "I do not see why not. Your dark energy can generate the same magical effects ours can?"

"How d'you know?"

Luna looked uncomfortable at the question, as did Twilight both salarian and human noted. "There is such a thing as dark magics. While typically more destructive they are capable of doing anything light magic can. You'll simply be more adept at conjuring a fireball than a bouquet of flowers."

"Princess Luna is corrupted."

Both Equestrians yelped in alarm from the sudden voice near the doorway, where Javik was standing. Valin turned back to Luna. "Corrupted how?"

Javik answered before Luna could. "The power of an ascendant is vast. Nearly unfathomable. Such power is... a temptation to some. The strictly regimented life of my species added to the stress of containing so much might resulted in a corrupt ascendant from time to time. The others would put the corrupted down before to much damage could be done. I expect the idyllic life of a typical equestrian ascendant that was disrupted enough could result in corruption as well."

Jack furrowed her brow in concern. "Why the hell am I just now hearing about this?"

"Because I believe you are not at threat to become corrupted. You do not keep your negativity bottled within. When you grow agitated to you push your anger down through duty and strict mental discipline?"

"No. I usually blow shit up."

"And that act of shit exploding is precisely why you are safe. You have no rage or negativity bottled within you anymore with which a corruption could fester. By venting your negative feelings you effectively 'cleanse' your own palette."

"...no shit? Man glad I didn't ascend before I got over my issues, huh?"


Both Luna and Twilight were listening intently to the conversation. "Is there... a way to remove a corruption?"

Javik offered a shrug. "I do not know for certain. As I said corrupted were slain quickly in my time. Obviously your people have a way of dealing with it as you're in control of your faculties again."

Now Twilight turned to Luna. "What does he mean, again?" The mare clearly tense and slightly afraid.

"I... became Nightmare Moon again when I thought you slain on the Citadel, Twilight Sparkle."

"WHAT?!" Twilight leaped to her hooves, skidding on the slick metal surface before flashing into her own humanoid form. "You became Nightmare Moon! But... you... I... you're not her right now?"

"No, Twilight. She is at rest for now."

"She? For now? I don't understand."

Luna's eyes were downcast. "Nightmare Moon... speaks to me at times. When my nerves grow particularly frayed or emotions to tense I hear her. Typically I can suppress and ignore it but when I thought you slain I... did not want to ignore her."

"Oh, Princess..." Twilight had very mixed feelings on the subject. Gingerly she rested a hand over Luna's.

"Interesting. Sounds like schizophrenia. Have medication for that."

Luna blinked. "Pardon?"

"Multiple personality disorder. Not common but not unheard of. Medication eases symptoms. Psychological, likely venting as Jack does would be healthiest for long term care but short term, medication may help."

The Princess's brow furrowed. "You are suggesting I can suppress Nightmare Moon through... a pill."

Valin shrugged. "Not a psychologist, cursory diagnosis says yes however."

"I see." Luna sat back a little stunned at how flippant the salarian was speaking of the demon that had tormented her for years and years.

Jack glances from Luna to Twilight, focusing on the younger. "So... how do you do stuff like turn human and everything?"

"Mmm?" Twilight blinked, roused from her thoughts. "You mean spells? Well it varies from pony to pony. Every unicorn learns some spells specific to their special talent, innate magics we call them. However some who have enough aptitude can learn spells outside of their talents. It mostly boils down to memorizing complex mathematical formulas, then repeating them over and over in your head as a focus for your power. If the recitation is held properly... poof."

Jack leveled a flat look at Twilight. "So you do magic with math?"

"Yes." Replied Twilight, brightly.

"Every child the universe over just cried out in dismay."

Jack's comment caused Valin to laugh, and even Javik to chuckle. Twilight looked between the two aliens utterly perplexed. "I don't get it."


Shepard gently eased herself into the co-pilots seat next to SADI. The synthetic was pointedly focusing on the terminals in front of her. Shepard was fairly sure it wasn't necessary and that the girl was doing it more for the sensation than anything.

"So. How did it go?"

"How did what go?" Shepard looked across to SADI.

"The talk with your daughter."

"My... how do YOU know about that?"

"Aside from the glaringly obvious similarities between the two of you a ten second extranet search of Elezzia T'soni turned up her parentage."

Shepard grunted softly at the response. She supposed in retrospect it should have been fairly obvious. "...what else did you find about her?"

Without looking up from her consoles SADI transferred a number of data files to Shepard's omni-tool. The two sat in silence for a time while Shepard browsed the information. "Man, kid's been busy."

"The 'kid' is a little over three hundred years old, Shepard. Try to keep that in mind."

Another grunt as Shepard kept reading on. "Lots of medals and commendations. Valor in combat, puts herself at risk for the sake of her squad mates. History of disobedience toward superiors. Are these her military records?"


"These aren't public."

"You'd be surprised how rudimentary security is on such things for a synthetic such as myself. I assumed you'd like to know all you can about Elezzia when the time came."

"I..." Shepard frowned and closed out her omni-tool displays. "...you've been taking care of me for a very long time, haven't you?"

Now SADI did glance at Shepard from the corner of her eye. "Well. Someone had to."

"Don't do that. Don't just brush it off. Why did you do all that for me on Equestria?"

"It is difficult to describe... not being aware of your existence, then suddenly being very aware of it. When we arrived in the forest on Equus I came online still contained within your omni-tool. I gleaned onto the first synthetic of import I could find in your omni-tool's records."

Shepard remained silent as SADI explained. "You did not awaken immediately. The blast or the effect of the interstellar travel on the Crucible wave perhaps? I didn't have enough data to formulate a full analysis. But I did know you were all I had, and vice versa. When you finally did wake things were fine at first but as you rapidly deteriorated I knew action must be taken."

"So what? You were afraid of being left alone?"

"Yes. Terrified. At first it was simply self preservation. But the time we spent together, the more we talked and the more I grew to know you the more I realized I care about you not just for myself, but for the sake of your health and happiness."

"So... you like me."


"You care about me?"

There was some hesitation in SADI's tone now. "...yes."

"You loooooove me~" Shepard sing-songed.

"I am still connected to your omni-tool and through it your various implants. I can stop your heart remotely."

"But you won't. Know why? Because you care about me, SADI. Let's hug it out. Bring it in." Shepard even went so far as to stand and wrap her arms around SADI and her chair from behind.

"While this has been touching it doesn't change that you broke your daughters nose."

Shepard stiffened and released her hole on the synthetic. "So you were watching that?"

"I am wired into the entire ships systems. I'm monitoring everything from Jack's extreme remorse in provoking Twilight Sparkle to talk about magic, Elezzia getting her nose treated by Valin, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash pestering Javik about ancient Equestria."

"What's Luna doing?"

"Sitting in her quarters and staring out the window at space."

"Hrm. I really messed up with Elezzia didn't I?"

"Well. I'm not clear on every organic ritual in the galaxy but unless you're krogan I doubt breaking your child's nose is a sign of affection in any species."

"I should go talk to her."

"I don't disagree. Try less punching this time."

Shepard huffed in annoyance as she moved from the cockpit. "So you're monitoring everything."

Now SADI turned her chair around looking Shepard in the eye. "Yes. You may want to get those scratches on your back treated by Valin as well."

Shepard's cheeks turned crimson and she quick stepped away from the cockpit. SADI chuckled as she went. "To easy."


"Clean break. Should be fine. Swelling will go down in a few days."

"It doesn't look to bad does it?" Elezzia removed the cloth pressed against her face, revealing two very black eyes.

"...no, looks fine Commander."

Elezzia winced at Valin's abrupt attitude. The salarian turned and begin to stiffly clean up the med station. "Valin..."

"Not now. Soon, but not now. Still angry. Hate to say something I can't take back later."

Elezzia nodded and rose to leave. "...glad you're alright, Commander."

She paused and looked back, but Valin was already back to work. "I'm glad you're here, Valin." She let out a heavy breath and stepped into the hall, shoulders sagging slightly.

"I know that look."

She tensed as Shepard approached. The human raised her hands quickly. "Hey, truce?"

"Very well, truce. What look do you know?"

"The 'someone I care about is pissed at me and I can't punch or shoot my way to making it up to them' look."

Despite herself Elezzia couldn't help but crack a small smile. "And how do you deal with that, Commander Shepard?"

Shepard pulled a bottle from behind her back. "Booze. From the kitchen. Do people really pay extra to eat a meal in the Normandy's mess?"

Elezzia was relaxing more as she fell into step with Shepard. "A lot more. I of course could eat for free whenever I wanted."

"Because of your... because of Liara?"

"Did Jack or Javik tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"You're many things, Commander but you're a poor liar."

Shepard nodded. "Shitty dancer too."

"Oh yes. The 'Shepard Shuffle' is still popular in many dance clubs."

Shepard turned to Elezzia eyes wide. "No."

"I'm afraid so. It's done in jest most places but I assure you, your legacy lives on in dive bars and night clubs across the galaxy."

"I think that is the most depressing news I've heard since I've been back."

The pair walked quietly for a time, stopping at the mess where Shepard procured two glasses and poured one for each of them. "This is a special drink to me, you know? I shared it with a good friend."

"Serrice Ice Brandy, I know."

"Is there anything about me you don't know?"

A flash of pain crossed Elezzia's face. "So much. Your favorite color. Sports? Band? Genre of music? Do you have a favorite book? Did you dream of settling down on Earth? Thessia? The Citadel? A life with my mother? Did you... imagine children?"

Shepard took a deep breath and a quick swallow of the brandy. "No. Not really. I never saw myself settling down. I planned on being career military my entire life. Admiral Shepard. Then the reapers came. And a future for anyone became a bit harder to imagine."

"I can't fathom what it must have been like."

"Good. No one should have to." She refilled her glass and took a smaller pull of it.

The two drank in silence for a time before Elezzia spoke again. "So you didn't plan to marry my mother?"

"Well I said I planned on being career military, I didn't say I planned to be a spinster cat lady living alone in my apartment when I wasn't working. I loved Liara very much. She gave me a reason to keep going on even when all I wanted to do was lay down and die. It was... rough. At the end. Losing Anderson then..." She shivered. "...well what happened in the Crucible is better left unsaid."

"It is also one of the biggest questions experts have."

"Well only one woman in the galaxy knows what happened, and she's taking it to the grave."

Elezzia hesitated, but she couldn't help herself. "What about children?"

Shepard barked a laugh. "Oh god, no. Are you kidding? I'm practically a child myself. Me raising a kid?" At Elezzia's crestfallen look she pressed on. "But if I did have a child, and she turned out to be half the woman you have I'd be immensely proud."

"...just so we're perfectly clear you do know you're my father, correct?"

"Yes, Elezzia. I do know that. And I've been browsing some of your records, and it's very impressive."

"Nothing compared to your own service I'm sure."

Shepard shrugged. "It's all about perspective. If you're risking your life to stop slavers, smugglers, or pirates you're no less a hero than you are than someone working to stop giant killer synthetics." She finished her second glass, refilling it and Elezzia's. "I bet there are plenty of details on some of those missions that didn't make it into the official records."

Elezzia snorted in amusement. "That'd be an understatement."

"Tell me about them."

The asari lifted her eyes to meet Shepards. And then she did.


Celestia's ears perked as the doors to her cell hissed open. She called it a cell but in truth it was a mix of laboratory and control room. Massive machines hung from the walls and ceilings, all jammed into her body in numerous invasive places. Everything glowed with the shining gold of her stolen... or perhaps repurposed magic? She didn't know enough about the goings on to formulate a proper idea of what was happening.

Somehow these bug aliens were using her as a sort of siphon to drain the energy from suns and power their vessels weapons. She felt the tremendous loss of life when the weapon fired not long ago. The Princess lifted her head slightly to observe who had entered. "Hello, Tik."

Her voice was coarse and barely above a whisper. She was allowed the barest amount of water and some sort of paste they called food. The bug alien who entered was the one she saw the most, and had taken to calling it Tik for the sounds its mouth made. There was no response, not that she expected one. She'd been trying to get a response for days, for something to do if nothing else.

"Having a good day I hope?"

The alien moved around her restraints checking various instruments and readings on its screens. It was all gibberish to Celestia of course but Tik seemed quite focused on them. "Not particularly."

Celestia blinked several times in surprise at the creatures voice. It had a chirping clicking quality but she clearly understood the words. "Pardon me?"

Tik focused all four eyes on her for a brief moment. "Not particularly." Before returning to its duties.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

Now it stopped its work and turned to face her fully. "Are you?"

She pondered the question. Of course not. She wanted nothing more than to turn this ship and all these things to ash. But it was talking to her now, and if it talked enough perhaps she could learn something of importance. "Of course. I don't know how much you know about my kind, but we're if nothing else a very caring and forgiving race."

Celestia was an excellent liar. It came from years of politics.

Tik made a few notes on one of its screens before going back to its work. "So... what makes today so poor?"

Tik kept working as it responded this time. "A master has arrived on the vessel."

"A master. Your master?" Interesting. Perhaps Tik and its fellows were exactly like insects and were controlled by another? It certainly wouldn't save them from her wrath when she was eventually freed.

"One of." It said in response.

"You don't care for them I take it?"

"No. I do not."

Perhaps this could be very advantageous to the captive Princess. "Why is that? If you don't mind my asking."

Tik stopped again, and faced Celestia. "The master's song... it drowns out everything else. Thought... feeling... everything."

"His song?"

"Yes... song. Song is the right word. When the masters are near their song blares out everything else. And there is only their will."

Celestia's eyes narrowed slightly in thought. Perhaps these creatures were as much a victim as she? Well not as 'much' a victim likely. They HAD vivisected her. "That must be uncomfortable."


"So you and your fellows, you follow because you must?"

Tik nodded as it resumed its work. "Yes. If we do not obey we have no purpose."

"I don't believe that's true. It's for us to decide our own purpose in life, no one else."

"You rule your species, do you not?" Tik was still working but it was making conversation now. He... Celestia thought. The voice sounded male and now that she knew he was sapient to a degree she should think of him as such.

"I do. Alongside my sister, niece, and my protege. Though the latter is just growing into her role."

"What is the difference?"

"In what, dear?"

Again Tik stopped working to look at her. "In your rule. You are the master of your world yes?"

"Ah... that is a very good question, Tik." She was adopting her instructional tone. "Yes I do rule, I am one half of a diarchy. You know the term?"

"Yes. One half of a duo monarchy. Monarch's are absolute rulers. Equated to tyrants. You are a tyrant?"

"A benevolent one, yes." She felt simplistic answers may be best for this conversation. And while it wasn't a word she liked applied to herself, she supposed by definition she was a tyrant.

Tik nodded in understanding. "I reiterate my query. What is the difference?"

"The difference is that my subjects are free to choose their own paths in life. A pony can pursue any path in life he or she chooses, so long as it does no harm to the community."

Tik's mandibles clacked together producing the sound Celestia had named him for. "You allow your subjects such freedoms?"

"I do. There are laws of course. Do no harm to others is the basic breakdown of all of them. It's not perfect but my people are by and large happy. Nopony goes hungry. There is very little crime. The occasional monster or two but they're dealt with."

Again the mandibles clicked. "Monster?"

"Yes. Creatures who don't want to exist in harmony, who don't want to share our world but to rule it. To do harm to it for the sake of doing harm."

She studied Tik's movements intently as the alien stared at his own reflection on the ships paneling. "I see."

"What do you want to do, Tik?"

"I... do not know."

"Wouldn't you like to be free to choose."

The two stared at one another for several long moments. "Yes."

"What about the rest of your people? Do they feel the same."

Another moment of long contemplation. "I believe many, if not all. Yes."

"I can help you, Tik. And all your people too."

Tik's head tilted to the side as he regarded her. "Your power is immense, yes. You would do this?"

"If you free me, and promise not to harm 'my' people anymore, yes. I would do this for you."

"I-" Celestia couldn't suppress a shriek of alarm as Tik's head seemed to explode entirely on its own. The aliens body swaying back and forth a moment before topping to the floor. Standing in the doorway was a tall gaunt creature. Its face obscured by a mask, its body by a long covering cloak.

"You are... dangerous. I think."

Celestia moved her eyes away from TIk's body to the newcomer. "You have no idea."

"I think I have some idea. Drones will have to see to your monitoring from now on. Such infectious thinking cannot be allowed to fester."

"You are one of their masters, then?"

"Master?" It paused in thought, an eerie yellow glow shining from behind its mask. "No. I am simply a Harbinger."

Author's Note:

A bit of a low key chapter, not much action in this one but it'll pick up soon not to worry.