• Published 27th Jul 2013
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The Commander of Shepherds - pchn00

An amnesiac Commander Shepard has been living and thriving in the Everfree Forest for several months. Saving the life of a passing pegasus sets a chain of events in motion that could change Equestria forever.

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Chapter 2: Tricks and Traps

Chapter 2: Tricks and Traps

“Stupid. That was so stupid! But she talks! She’s sentient! You heard her talking right?”

Her omni-tool flared to life around her arm, Legion’s face looking out from its usual screen. “I heard her making noise that may have been speech, then smiling at you like you were simple and rubbing her abdominal area.”

She shot the smug sounding A.I. a scathing glare as she marched back toward her camp. “She was talking Legion. Can’t you I dunno, translate it?”

One of the plates over it’s ‘face’ quirked upward. “Perhaps. I would need to listen to her speaking more in order to extrapolate a proper translation program. I suggest you seek her out.”

Shepard stopped in her tracks frowning down at the A.I. “Seek her out as in try and track her out of the forest you mean.”

“I imagine it would be difficult to seek her out otherwise Shepard-Commander, yes.”

Slowly the woman cast her gaze back to the clearing with the dead lizard monster to where Buttercup had run into the trees. She probably could track her. The little horse was rushing off on hooves at full speed, no way was she trying to hide her trail. Still… Leaving her forest… “No. No we’ll see if she comes back.”

Legion’s image made a gesture very suspiciously approaching an eye roll, the three rotating lights that made up its ‘eye’ rotated rapidly. “Off to find more fluffy insects to devour then?”

Shepard nodded once. “Yeah. That’s a good idea. Shooting enormous lizards works up an appetite you know?”

“I do not know, but I will take your word for it.”

“Good.” Carefully she detached a small sensor from her omni-tool, sliding it under some nearby brush. “Have this do constant motion scans. Give me an alert if something Buttercup’s size comes to the clearing.”

“You believe she may return early?”

Shepard shrugged as she melded back into the trees she’d come to call home. Her passing barely disturbed a single leaf or branch. “Maybe. She could be as curious about me as I am about her after all.”

“If I were to judge by her prior reaction Shepard-Commander, she is likely terrified of you and the probability of her early return is infinitesimal at best.”

“Just do the scans. Now quiet, I’m hunting.” Legion indeed fell silent. Shepard made her usual rounds, checking the various snares and traps she kept set up to catch her meals. She briefly considered going back for some of the lizard’s meat but the various reptiles she’d sampled so far hadn’t exactly been palatable. She could hear alarmed squealing coming from nearby. Grinning in anticipation she broke into a sprint, nimbly vaulting to the next tree where a rotund boar hung suspended by its hind legs, flailing its front ones uselessly.

Smoothly dropping the not-inconsiderable distance to the forest floor she landed with barely the faintest whisper of sound. Her smile faded as the animals shrieking ceased and it fixed her with a pointed stare. Drawing the wickedly sharp knife from its sheath at her hip she shrugged. “Sorry fella. I’m hungry.”

Slashing it across its throat she ended the boars’ life near instantaneously. She might be killing them for food but she’d be damned if she’d make these things suffer. Hefting the weighty animals’ carcass over her shoulder she set out for her main camp site. Located directly in the center of her territory was a large clearing surrounded by a thick copse of trees. A sizeable fire pit occupied the center, and several vines woven into a passingly comfortable hammock hung overhead, suspended well above the forest floor.

She was nearly finished skinning her catch when her omni-tool began to chime incessantly. “Yes Legion?”

“The sensor you left behind has detected movement Shepard-Commander. Six creatures each of Buttercups approximate shape and size.”

Shepard raised a brow curiously. “Six? So she brought friends?”

“That would be a safe assumption to make. I suggest proceeding cautiously. They could be armed.”

“Armed. Six adorable little horses?”

“Adorable little horses that are clearly some sort of sentient. Perhaps even the dominant life forms of this world. It is not outside the realm of possibility they possess a means to defend themselves Shepard-Commander. I simply advise stealth and caution.”

Shepard mulled it over at length before nodding slowly. “No, you’re right of course. Better safe than sorry right? That’d be pretty damn embarrassing if I survive everything this jungle throws at me only to be taken down by a bunch of horses.”

“Forest, Shepard-Commander.”

Snorting in annoyance she hung her future dinner off the forest floor and again took to the trees. “Whatever.” Both she and Legion fell silent as she came upon the clearing. Just as her A.I. speculated Buttercup had returned, and she’d brought friends.

“Divert all shield power to cloaking Legion.” She whispered softly. Her synthetic companion complied immediately. She winced as the shield that had saved her life more than once flickered away and died off before she activated her personal cloaking field. With her shield power diverted to the cloak she could remain unseen for nearly an hour. Ideally she could trail Buttercup and listen to the creatures’ converse amongst one another enough that Legion could throw together a translation program.

Sliding onto her belly in the tree she gently removed her rifle from her back laying it out before herself to get a closer look at the horses before she approached. There were six of them including Buttercup. All a dizzying array of colors, though each was roughly the same size. The first she noticed was of course the flying one. Her coat was a sky blue shade, while her hair and tail covered the full spectrum of the rainbow. Whistling under her breath she maneuvered her scope lower.

The four new ground bound horses were just as varied in their coloring as Buttercup and Rainbow. Three of them lacked wings that she could see, though the purple one with the three toned hair had wings and a prominent horn jutting from her forehead, the white one with the purple curls had just a horn. The final two seemed to have no unusual appendages. The bouncy pink one was just… VERY pink. The other ‘normal’ horse was perhaps the most unusual now that Shepard took another look. Her orange fur and blonde hair seemed ordinary enough, but perched atop the horses head was a very well worn, brown cowboy hat.

None of them carried weaponry or sensor devices of any kind, so the woman collapsed her rifle and dropped to the ground. Keeping low in the tall grass she slowly approached the group of colorful equines.


“Well… This is certainly a dead hydra.” Twilight Sparkle gingerly levitated one of the heads off the ground to get a closer look at the sizable hole that bored clear through one and out the other three. Rarity and Fluttershy both looked a little green as Twilight curiously examined the grisly remains. Rainbow Dash of course hovered closer looking from one head to the next.

“Jeez they go all the way through! Something really killed it in one shot huh?”

Fluttershy could only nod, doing her best to keep her attention away from the dead monster. Applejack tilted her head with a thoughtful frown. “Don’t s’pose y’know any magic that could do that Twi?”

Twilight shook her head, eyes wide. “No. Maybe one of the Princesses would have enough power in a magical lance to do this but definitely not an ordinary unicorn. I can’t do this much damage, that’s for sure.”

If possible Rarity paled beneath her alabaster coat. “Twilight darling, correct me if I’m misunderstanding you, but are you saying something as powerful as Princess Celestia is roaming about out here?”

Gently lowering the head to the forest floor Twilight nodded to her friends. “Yes I believe that may very well be the case. Remember though it did this to protect Fluttershy. And afterwards it attempted to earn her trust with a food offering.” Spying a small pile of plucked flowers Twilight gestured toward it. “Is that what it tried to feed you Fluttershy?”

Peeking out from the pink curtain of mane she’d taken shelter behind, Fluttershy looked to where Twilight was pointing. “Oh um… Yes Twilight.” The six ponies approached the pile of flowers staring at them curiously.

Applejack tilted her hat back regarding the deep set of boot prints in the grass. “Don’t think I’ve ever seen a critter leave tracks quite like these.”

Twilight ruffled her wings gently, frowning down at the tracks. “They seem… Familiar but I can’t place them. They disappear from here too. Just these two where she was standing still for a time I’d guess. She couldn’t fly could she Fluttershy?”

The pegasus in question shook her head. “I don’t think so. She didn’t have wings. I um… Heard her walking toward me too.”

Pinkie Pie, silent until now shook a forehoof while her tail twitched spastically. “Hm. Itchy hoof and shivery tail. That means somepony’s watching us!”

This caused the other five ponies to freeze up and look around rapidly. Rainbow Dash took to the air scouring the ground with a sharp eyed gaze carefully. “Looks all clear from up here!”

Twilight gently sent out a pulse of magic that encompassed the entire field. Frowning faintly she tilted her head toward a spot in the grass nearby. Approaching carefully she pushed the thick strands aside before releasing an ear piercing shriek and leaping into the air, her new wings flapping sporadically causing her to hover awkwardly.

A little brown bunny hopped from the grass at her shout bolting like a shot from the clearing, drawing more than a little laughter from her friends and causing the fledgling Princess to blush heavily. “It was just a bunny everypony. Nothing to get worked up over.”

Dash was laughing so hard she’d dropped out of the air in mid-guffaw. Rarity delicately wiped a tear away. “As fun as this all is perhaps we should get down to the business of actually finding this creature? I don’t fancy staying in this dreadful forest longer than I have to.”

Twilight gingerly folded her wings back against her sides and nodded to Rarity. “Rarity’s right. Let’s pair up and start searching. This creature is dangerous but seems friendly toward Fluttershy; it would be safe to assume it’s only a danger to the monsters of the forest. Applejack and Rainbow Dash will be one team. Rarity and Pinkie Pie the second. I’ll take Fluttershy with me. Nopony go too deep into the forest, just as far in as you feel comfortable. If we find anything we’ll send up a magic flare. Um… Dash if you find anything can you whip up a rainboom?”

With a cocky smirk the brash pegasus fired off a quick salute. “Can do!”

“Right then girls! Let’s get to it! We have a creature to find!”

Her friends all cheered in excitement as the teams split off, disappearing into the forest. Twilight offered Fluttershy an encouraging smile. “Come on Fluttershy, us too.”

Closing her eyes the timid pegasus pictured the creature as it smiled to her, doing its best to soothe her fear and befriend her. ‘Why had it run at her like it did? Thinking back on it she was smiling excitedly. Maybe she was just happy to learn she could talk? How long has it been out here in the Everfree all alone with nopony to talk to? That must be terribly lonely.’ Finally she opened her eyes meeting Twilight’s with unusual fire burning in her gentle teal orbs. “I’m ready.”

The pair exchanged determined nods and started off into the forest, Twilight taking the lead and heading directly opposite the direction the foot prints had been pointing when it faced Fluttershy in the hopes that they would find a sign of back tracking from it for them to follow.


“So think it talks? Fluttershy said she thought it tried to talk but she couldn’t understand it.”

Applejack sighed as Rainbow insisted on talking as loud as she could. “Reckon I don’t rightly know Dash. Think y’could maybe come on down an’ walk with me? You flyin’ around overhead might give us away don’tcha think?”

Grumbling to herself Rainbow Dash folded her wings and dropped to the ground beside her earth bound friend. “Fine, fine. Neither one of us blends in down here either y’know?”

“Maybe so, but at least down here we ain’t a flyin’ blue rainbow of noisy pony that anything could see from a mile off.”

Huffing softly, Rainbow mercifully fell silent as she trotted beside her friend. The silence didn’t last long of course. “So what kinda magic d’you think it did?”

Snorting out of exasperation Applejack shook her head. “Rainbow Dash I know exactly what YOU know about this thing. Which is ‘not a whole lot’. What we do know is it’s dangerous, an probly been livin’ out here a while. So maybe a little less talkin’ and a little more lookin’ would be a good idea.”

Giving the earth pony a dirty look Rainbow Dash harrumphed loudly. “Well excuse me for being curious.”

Heaving a long suffering sigh Applejack shook her head. “I’m not mad sugarcube, just concerned. This critter we’re lookin’ for could be dangerous t’more than just hydras an’ timberwolves.” She knew this was opening herself up for ridicule from her athletic rival but Applejack couldn’t help it. “I’m a little scared alright?”

To her surprise Dash just glanced back at her quietly. “Yeah I gotcha. Time to get serious right? Nothing’s gonna mess with US if it’s smart. We’re the toughest ponies in Ponyville.”

This brought a grin to Applejack’s face. “S’pose that’s true.” The pair smiled with renewed confidence as the trotted forward at a brisk pace. About ten more steps. Applejack’s ears folded back as her hind hoof stepped in well concealed vine hidden beneath a pile of leaves across the path. With a sharp SNAP it tightened around her hoof and yanked her into the air. She barely had time to yelp in alarm as she was rocketed skyward and left dangling by her hind leg. Grunting she thrashed and squirmed trying to free herself but it was for naught.

“Y’all just gonna stare at me or are ya gonna get me down?!”

Rainbow Dash shook her head rapidly to clear away the mental cobwebs that formed from the shock of seeing AJ snapped up in the snare. “R-right! Hang in there Applejack!” Crouching low she spread her wings and rocketed into the air toward her friend. Flying straight toward the earth pony dangling more than twenty feet in the air from the massive tree, she didn’t even see the second snare spread across the branches in the trees.

Dash registered the incoming net and tried to dart away but she was surrounded on all sides by the thick canopy of the tree. A net made of study vines weighted with heavy rocks snapped up and around her, the rocks spinning at the end and sealing it off tight. It bobbed up and down for a time before slowly settling at eye level with Applejack. “…real slick sugarcube.”

Wings and legs flailing wildly Rainbow strained futilely against the net. “Grrr! When I get my hooves on that… That…” She frowned at the wide-eyed stare Applejack was turning toward the ground. Following her friends gaze she saw their quarry staring up at them with a REALLY annoying smirk on its face. On her face she had to remind herself.

Slowly the strange creature knelt down and retrieve Applejack’s fallen hat, staring at it bemusedly before settling it on its own head. With one last look at the helpless ponies a strange orange light flared around one of its arms and the air around it shimmered before it disappeared from view. Slowly the two mares turned to regard one another. “It can turn invisible.”

“It stole m’hat!”


“Shepard-Commander, I do not think leaving two of Buttercup’s companions suspended in the air while you steal their headwear is the wisest course of action to earning her trust.”

Shepard glanced up at the faded brown Stetson now adorning her head. “They’re fine. Only those wood wolves come this way and they can’t climb. Besides I think the hat looks good on me.”

“Yes the archaic leather hat goes perfectly with your battle armor. It ties your look together perfectly.”

Shepard fixed the A.I. with a hot glare. “You said you can’t be sarcastic.”

“Who says I was being sarcastic just now?”

Shepard’s mouth opened and closed twice before she snorted. “Let’s go find some more of them. This is fun.”

“Yes proving your tactical superiority over a small group of colorful equinoid aliens must be the height of enjoyable activity throughout the galaxy.”

Shepard was about to retort when she heard high pitched warbling ahead. It definitely sounded like the noises the equines made when they talked to one another. “How’s that translation program coming?”

“Slowly. Their speech patterns are unlike anything the systems in your omni-tool have encountered. I am confident in time I can create a serviceable program but I need to listen to them speak more.”

“Gotcha. I’m going in.” Re-activating her cloak she took to the trees once more, scurrying from branch to branch in pursuit of the next pair of horses.


“Pinkie Pie I don’t mean to be a downer as it were, but perhaps a little less humming and bouncing? We ARE trying to be stealthy after all.” Rarity eyed the excitable earth pony bounding ahead of her with a faint frown. Usually Pinkie’s good cheer and upbeat attitude could put a smile on anypony’s face. But the idea of something in this dreadful forest being as powerful as Princess Celestia… Well that didn’t sit well with the fashionista at all.

“Oh Rarity, you worry too much! Twilight said she’s a FRIENDLY monster! She saved Fluttershy from that mean hydra after all!” Her bouncing slowed to a normal pace as a thoughtful look crossed her face. “Saved her from it by making its heads explode. Hm. Maybe she’s not so friendly after all?”

“Precisely darling. I’m simply suggesting we exercise caution. While we all owe it our thanks for saving Fluttershy we need to be careful. It might have saved her just to eat her itself after all.”

Pinkie frowned softly and slowed her pace to walk side by side with Rarity. “But if she wanted to eat her why’d she try and give her a snack?”

Casting a scathing glare at a particularly large clump of dirt in her path, Rarity gave it a wide berth before answering. “Perhaps it wanted to fatten her up before eating her?”

This brought a bubbly giggle from the pink mare. “Oh Rarity don’t be silly. If she wanted to fatten Fluttershy up she’d have given her cupcakes not flowers!”

Rarity couldn’t really argue with that logic. Not entirely because it was sound, but because one simply didn’t argue logic with Pinkie Pie. “I suppose that makes sense. Still a little caution isn’t entirely unwarranted. There are plenty of dangerous creatures in here without… Hydra head exploding monsters running about.”

Pinkie’s mouth opened to reply, when she froze. “Itchy hoof… Shivery tail…”

Rarity stopped as well, both ears perked and trained forward. “We’re being watched?”

Slowly Pinkie Pie nodded, her own ears alert and eyes scanning the tree tops overhead. “I don’t think it’s a bunny this time either.”

The mares shifted into a back to back position slowly scanning the forest about them. Rarity’s horn began to glow brightly as she called on her magic. “Whoever’s out there we just wish to speak with you! Nopony needs to get hurt!”

Pinkie did her best to put on a winning smile, even though her heart was hammering in her chest. “Yeah! Come on out and I promise you’ll get a big ‘Thanks for Saving Fluttershy’ party!”

Several tense minutes passed as the pair waited in silence. Both were starting to grow more nervous as the seconds ticked by. “Maybe it’s time to call Twilight and the others?”

Rarity nodded slowly. “Good idea. I need a clear place to send up my magic, or it will just get caught up in the trees.”

Both ponies craned their necks upward as they started forward once more, looking for a clear spot in the tree canopy. With both looking up, neither saw the pitfall trap beneath their hooves until the ground gave was in a shower of dirt and leaves. Pinkie and Rarity shrieked together as they plummeted to what both expected to be their doom. Instead they simply dropped about fifteen or twenty feet to the bottom of a well hidden pit in the path.

Slowly their screaming stopped and the pair opened their eyes. Shrieks of fear turned to frantic laughter as they realized they’d survived their fall. Rarity’s laughter was perhaps a touch more hysteric than Pinkie’s as she took in just how dirt encrusted her poor coat had become. Pinkie seemed to sense this and gave her friend a firm hug. “It’s alright Rarity. Why don’tcha float me out and I’ll throw something down to pull you up with?”

Doing her best to get her dirt-phobia under control Rarity closed her eyes and took a deep, steadying breath. Nodding firmly she enveloped Pinkie in her magic and delicately lifted the other mare up and out of the pit. Once she was on sturdy ground she released her hold. “D-do hurry darling… I’d really rather get out of here as quickly as possible!”

“Not to worry! Your good old Auntie Pinkie has it covered Rarity!” Rolling her eyes and muttering something about being older than her Rarity hunkered down to wait, doing her very best to avoid touching the walls of the pit.

Several minutes passed before Rarity heard a loud snap, then Pinkie squealing in alarm overhead. “Pinkie Pie! Pinkie Pie are you alright?!”

Her question was answered for her as Pinkie soon bobbed into view, suspended in midair with all four legs lashed together by a snare. “…good news is I found a vine!”

Rarity just sighed softly and shook her head. “Oh Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie offered her friend a thin smile. “Sorry! It looked very viney but when I picked it up whoosh! Up I went!” She was about to speak more when something out of Rarity’s field of view caught her eye.

“Pinkie? Pinkie what is i… Oh.” The creature they’d been hunting moved to the edge of the pit and peered down at her curiously. “I… I say! You had best let us out of these traps right this second if you know what’s good for you!”

Blinking slowly the creature looked from Rarity to Pinkie Pie. Rarity felt a stab of fear at the hat the creature wore atop its head. Applejack’s hat. “What did you do with Applejack!?”

Even Pinkie Pie was looking angry. “Yeah! You better not have hurt her or Rainbow Dash!”

Slowly she looked from Rarity to Pinkie. The whole time they’d been speaking she held her glowing arm toward them. Even though they were trapped and helpless it made no hostile moves toward them. She knelt by the edge of the pit holding her arm out with an expectant look on her face.

Rarity looked from the magical device about her arm to the thing’s face. Looking now she could see how Fluttershy assumed it was female. While her features were incredibly alien there was a softness to them. An obvious femininity. “…what? What do you want? I can’t reach your ah… Paw from here.”

She stood and smiled brightly before plucking Applejack’s hat from her head and dropping it into the hole with Rarity. “Frnd sef. Yo sty her.” With that rather garbled message the air around her shimmered and the creature vanished.

Pinkie simply sighed in relief. “Well that’s good to know!”

Gingerly Rarity plucked Applejack’s beloved hat off the ground. “What? What’s good to know?”

Rolling her eyes the pink party pony tsk’d softly at Rarity. “Weren’t you listening? She said our friend is safe and that we should stay here!”

Pursing her lips Rarity thought about asking Pinkie how she could have possible understood that garbled nonsense, but knew it would be futile. It was just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie after all. The sky overhead was still heavily obscured by the thick tree canopy so there was no way to send a message up to Twilight. With a dismal sigh the unicorn settled down to wait, resting her chin on her absent friends’ hat. “Be careful Twilight.”


“Shepard-Commander I assure you I detected no biotic fields being utilized. Whatever the equinoid did to move her companion out of the pit was decidedly not biotics.”

Shepard frowned as she loped through the trees toward the last pair. “So the ones with the horns can use some kind of… Telekinesis maybe?”

“Without more observation I cannot say with any certainty, though it seems probable that that is correct.”

“I think that makes the one with the horn and wings the most dangerous don’t you? She’s with Buttercup isn’t she?” Shepard paused in her movement to regard the face of Legion in her omni-tool.

“Another statement that is likely accurate Shepard-Commander. The translation program seems to be coming along well however. I believe they understood you at least partially.”

Shepard gave a satisfied nod to that. “Good. Keep working at it while we track down the last pair. The sooner we can communicate the better.”

“Agreed. They can lead you to their settlement as well.”

The woman frowned as she raced across the tree tops. “What makes you think they have a settlement? They could just roam across open plains or something like wild horses on… On…” She frowned. It was on the tip of her tongue. ‘Where did wild horses roam?’

“Simply the fact that they are capable of higher speech and thinking would indicate they engage in other sorts of civilized behavior. Locating a stable home and shelter is a primary building block of all civilized species.”

“Fine, fine you’re a genius and know everything. Come on I think I hear Buttercup and the other one.” Legion fell silent as Shepard re-engaged her cloak.


“See Fluttershy? This isn’t so bad right? It’s just a forest like White Tail Woods! Only bigger… And darker.”

Giving her royal friend a trembling smile Fluttershy nodded rapidly. “O-oh yes! Not bad at all! You don’t need to keep making me feel better!”

Twilight beamed brightly at having given her timid friend such courage. Of course she didn’t realize Fluttershy was only saying that so Twilight would stop talking. She meant well but her constant highlights of what NOT to be afraid of was only doing the opposite of calming her fears. “So is there anything else you can tell me about this creature?”

Fluttershy frowned thoughtfully as she walked beside her friend. “She seemed… Lonely. It was her eyes. They seemed very alone Twilight. It makes me a little sad remembering it.”

This caused Twilight to frown as well. “Well! She won’t be alone for much longer right? We’ll find her and… And figure something out.”

Fluttershy could just remember how desperate the creature seemed when it realized she could talk. ‘How long had she been all alone in the Everfree to have such a look of longing in her eyes at the prospect of somepony to talk to?’ She nodded to Twilight. “Yes. We’ll bring her back to Ponyville. To my cottage if she’s too uncomfortable in town.”

Twilight wasn’t sure which surprised her more. The steel in Fluttershy’s voice or the offer to have this unknown beast living with her. “Fluttershy what makes you think she wouldn’t like town?”

“Remember where we are Twilight. This is the Everfree Forest. I’m not entirely sure but I think she’s been living here in the wild with no contact from anypony for a long time. Even Zecora comes to town once or twice a week. If this creature has been living out here all alone for a long time, and I think she has, then she might be uncomfortable around crowds.”

Twilight Sparkle’s eyes widened as she realized how much sense Fluttershy was making. “I hadn’t even thought of that!”

Fluttershy gave her friend a small, but genuine smile. “Well dealing with animals is my special talent. She may be able to think and talk like we do but it might be best to assume she’ll behave like a wild critter. At first at least.”

Frowning thoughtfully Twilight scanned the area more attentively. “So based on that what do you think we can expect from her?”

“Well… She’s a powerful creature. When she smiled I saw incisors and canine teeth so I’d say she’s either a carnivore or an omnivore. She’s intelligent so she likely has an established territory of her own. In fact that’s probably where we are. In her territory.”

Twilight stiffened at that revelation. “What makes you say that?”

“The forest is almost silent. That means the animals are afraid of something nearby. We haven’t seen any sign of timber wolves or manticores. I think we’re very near her lair.”

Twilight felt an involuntary shiver go down her spine at the way Fluttershy phrased it. All ponies have an inherent fear of predators. Some tamed it more than others but she was no exception to the rule. “S-so what else?”

“Well she didn’t have fangs or claws but she did have some unusual things strapped to her shell. Maybe tools or weapons? Whatever she used to kill that hydra she was nowhere near me when she did it so she can attack her prey from a distance.”

Another shiver at the word prey. “W-well still she was friendly toward you right?”

Fluttershy nodded, smiling faintly. “Yes. Like I said I think she craves companionship. I don’t think we have anything to fear from her. But…”

Twilight didn’t like that. “…but?”

“But if this is her lair and she gets by with tools, there’s a very good chance she’s laid traps to snare prey and keep out other predators.”

Twilight’s pupils shrank to pin pricks at this news. “M-maybe we should find the girls and get back to Ponyville. This is starting to sound too dangerous.”

Fluttershy laid a gentle hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “I think it’s too late for that Twilight.”

“Wh-what? Why?!”

Silently the normally fearful pegasus pointed a hoof toward the woods ahead. Twilight turned to look where she was pointing. At first she saw nothing, and then she noticed what had caught Fluttershy’s attention. The air was shimmering oddly as if something using an invisibility spell was there. “…d-do you think it can turn invisible?”

Fluttershy just swallowed the lump in her throat. “I think she can.”


Shepard stared at the two ponies curiously. If she didn’t know better she’d think they were staring at her too. The two had been carrying on quite the conversation. The more Buttercup spoke the more the purple one seemed to grow afraid. Her surprise grew as Buttercup began unerringly walking toward her. Frowning now she glanced at the snare the winged horse was about to step in. Acting quickly Shepard let her cloak fall and she stepped forward. Buttercup’s wings snapped open in surprise and she halted her forward movement.

The purple one suddenly grew excited and started jabbering rapidly at Buttercup. Shepard wasn’t entirely sure but… “Legion did she say ‘human’?”

“I believe so Shepard-Commander. My translation program is not complete but it did sound distinctly like human.”

Shepard held a hand up indicating for the pair to stop, which they did. Slowly she approached, mindful this time of Buttercup’s normally timid nature and not wanting to send her running again. She knelt in front of the yellow horse and cleared some leaves away revealing the hidden snare. Rather than react with fear Buttercup smiled faintly and said something to her companion, who eyed the snare dubiously.

“She knew I laid traps. She’s clever.” Shepard regarded her with more respect suddenly.

“It would appear so. Perhaps she is some sort of overseer of this forest? A wildlife guide or conservationist familiar with the behavior of wild animals.”

Shepard scowled at Legion. “Are you calling me a wild animal?”

“Of course not Shepard-Commander. You are the picture of civility. As engaging as this discussion is, I suggest you return your attention to Buttercup and her companion. They are staring.”

Shepard shut her mouth with an audible snap and looked back to the two horses. These were the first sentient beings she’d met and she didn’t want this to go poorly. Though leaving four of their friends trapped in her snares and pits throughout her territory probably wasn’t going to win her any brownie points. Beckoning to the pair with a wave of her hand she set out through the woods toward the nearest trapped horses.


“I’m absolutely sure Fluttershy, she’s a human! Like those creatures from the other world I went to through the mirror. Though she’s a good deal more heavily armed than they were. And that black coating is armor, not a shell. Underneath she’s just as soft as we are. It must be how she protects herself.”

Fluttershy followed after the creature… The human curiously. “Where do you think she’s leading us?”

Twilight shook her head. “I was hoping you’d have some ideas?” The mares’ question was answered as they came upon Pinkie Pie hog tied and upside down hanging from a vine, in the midst of a game with an unseen Rarity. Twilight frowned as she realized the unicorns’ voice was coming from a nearby pit.

“Pinkie Pie, while I appreciate your attempts to pass the time, perhaps a game of eye spy while your fellow player is in the bottom of a deep hole is not the best game to play?”

“The answer was this ladybug on my nose by the way! Game’s over anyway. Twilight and Fluttershy are here!” Pinkie slowly rotated to face her friends, flashing them a smile even as the slow movement of the vine suspending her carried her face away.

Frowning gently Twilight trotted to the edge of the pit. “Hang on Rarity! I’ll have you out in a jiffy!” She cast a suspicious glance toward the human but she seemed content to hold her glowing orange arm out toward herself and her friends. Her magic first wrapped around Pinkie Pie, cutting the vine holding her in the air and slowly lowering her to the ground. Fluttershy swiftly helped the earth pony get untangled. Next the Princess turned to the pit levitating Rarity out and onto her hooves. The poor mare’s immaculate coat was caked in dirt. If she hadn’t heard her speaking she’d assume it was Applejack based on the hat atop her head.

“Rarity why do you have Applejack’s hat?”

It took Rarity a moment to answer; her focus was on ignoring the copious amounts of dirt marring her beautiful coat. Already she was envisioning the all-day spa trip she’d soon be in the middle of. “That ghastly BEAST dropped it into the hole after me.”

Whirling on the human standing in their midst Twilight leveled a heated look her way. “Where are our other friends?! Did you hurt them?!”

Pinkie stepped in quickly. “She said they were safe!”

Twilight stepped back, her horns glow fading. “She spoke to you? She hasn’t said a word to us.”

Sending a small wave of magic through her body Rarity was pushing away as much dirt as she could. “Speak would be a generous term darling, it was quite garbled.”

Frowning anew Twilight looked back to their silent companion. “Hello? Hello can you speak?”

The corners of the woman’s mouth tugged down in a faint frown and she put a hand to her ear, shaking her head. “Dn’t nderstnd.”

Twilight blinked. “She definitely spoke! It sounded like she said she doesn’t understand me. That’s strange, the humans I met before spoke perfect Equestrian.”

“This is a human is it? And you were one of them while in that other world?” Rarity cantered closer to the human, who watched her circle her with an amused look in her eye. “They certainly must have excellent balance to get about on just two long legs like that.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. That was an understatement. She hadn’t recounted just how much trouble she’d had adjusting to her sudden humanity. “Well we can worry about that after she takes us to find Applejack and Rainbow Dash.” Glancing up at the human she pointed to the hat atop Rarity’s head. “Applejack! Take. Us. To. Applejack!”

The humans’ eyes went from her hoof to the hat and recognition lit in them. Smiling she nodded and started loping through the forest, setting a quick pace with her long legged stride. “Follow her girls! But stick to the same path she takes, we don’t need to get caught up in anymore of her traps.”

Twilight and her friends took off hot on the heels of the running human. Their run wasn’t long, but the ponies had to come to an abrupt halt when the human had stopped them with a raised hand. About to question the action Twilight’s heart began to flutter as she heard the tell-tale snarling mixed with snapping and creaking branches that indicated timber wolves. Fearing for her missing friends’ safety she peered through the brush at the path ahead.

Six of the wooden monsters circled the ground beneath a dangling Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Both mares were well off the forest floor but the timber wolves leaps were getting uncomfortable close. “Twilight what do we do?! Those monsters are going to turn on us the second they notice us!”

Twilight didn’t have an answer for Rarity just yet. She and Fluttershy could fly but she wasn’t confident enough to try carrying somepony else. Timber wolves were notoriously resistant to magic and pulled themselves back together from most physical injury. ‘Maybe she could levitate them to safety then fly up to join them?’

Her musings ended as the human stepped out into the path. It barked something in its own language and the orange sleeve of magic reappeared over its arm. Twilight found herself screaming with alarm along with her friends as the human discharged a fireball right from her hand! It impacted with the nearest timber wolf reducing it to dust in a flash. The flames jumped to the rest of the pack likewise disintegrating them. The six ponies could only stare open mouthed as the human casually moved to the vines entrapping Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Pulling a knife from her armor she cut the pair down.

Rainbow Dash was on her hooves in a flash. “That! Was! Awesome!”

Applejack seemed a little less excited, carefully inching around her captor and savior toward her friends. “It was somethin’ alright. You girls ok?”

Rarity happily returned Applejacks hat to its rightful owner. “We’re just fine girls. We were worried about YOU.”

Rainbow puffed her chest up regarding Twilight. “I was just about to bust outta there! Then those stupid timber wolves showed up!”

Applejack rolled her eyes, regarding the human in their midst. “So y’all found her huh? Or she found you I s’pose?”

Twilight nodded, attention once more returning to the woman who again stared at them silently while her arm glowed brightly. ‘What sort of magic WAS that? It was like nothing she’d ever seen before.’ “She did. She’s a human like those things I met in the other world. How one came to be here, and why this one doesn’t speak Equestrian while all its fellows did I have no idea.”

Rarity tapped her muzzle in thought. “Perhaps she’s from another region of their world? After all camels and Saddle Arabians have their own language. Equestrian isn’t their native tongue. It could very well be the same with her.”

Twilight blinked. She hadn’t even thought of such a simple answer. “That must be it! I’m sure I have a translation spell back at the library. Why didn’t I think to bring it?!”

By far the boldest of the group, Rainbow Dash was circling the human giving her the occasional poke with a hoof. Each prod only seemed to amuse the woman more. “So what’s the deal? You didn’t say humans had shells.”

Twilight shook her head. “It’s not a shell. It’s a suit of armor. If you look closely enough you can see the seams. I’m sure she can remove it if she wants to.” Her eyes kept drifting to the things strapped to her hips and back. She hadn’t studied guns much, but she’d seen them mentioned in the occasional book she’d flipped through. They hadn’t looked quite like that but she was fairly certain she could pick out the trigger mechanisms.

This was an important event though. The six ponies had that fact slowly sink in. This was a creature from an entirely different world, and it was very likely they were the first Equestrian’s she’d encountered who weren’t out to make a snack of her. The six friends exchanged quiet looks as they came to sit before the watching human. Fluttershy approached her after Dash had finished her examinations, the pegasus smiling softly. “Thank you for saving me. Thank you?”

The human smiled and knelt down, extending her hand slowly. Gingerly Fluttershy raised a hoof and rested it against the strange appendage. The human seemed slightly amused, and gripped her hoof shaking gently. IT was almost like a hoof shake if ponies had those weird wiggling things like Spike did. Not quite claws but close.

Reclaiming her hoof Fluttershy cleared her throat. “Fluttershy. Fluuuuuuutter-shyyyyyy.” She tapped her chest. “My name is Flutter-shy.”

The human tilted her head looking from her arm to the pony before her, she cleared her throat. “Fluuuuuter-shhhhhy….?”

Fluttershy’s winged flared in excitement as she regarded her friends. “She understood me! She said my name!”

The others all chattered excitedly. “Go on Fluttershy.” Twilight urged. “See if you can get her to tell us hers.”

Fluttershy nodded firmly, turning her attention back to the human. “Fluttershy.” She tapped her own chest gently. “Fluttershy.” Then she tapped the humans’ chest ever so softly with a questioning look in her eyes.

The human looked down at her arm and started talking. The six ponies ears splayed and they looked about alarmed as the second, harsher voice piped up. The two voices conversed quickly before the human looked back at the pony. Again she cleared her throat and tapped her chest. “Shep-ard Cuh-maaaan-derrr.”

The six ponies again looked to one another excitedly. Rainbow Dash tilted her head in thought. “Shepherd Commander? So is she like, in charge of shepherds back home?”

Twilight nodded slowly. “She must be. That’s not terribly surprising. Every…uh…body on their world had names similar to ours as well. Her special talent must involve herding.”

Applejack tilted her hat back regarding the alien in their midst with new respect. “Well shucks she can’t be all bad if that’s true.”

Twilight cast a worried look Pinkie Pie’s way. The excitable mare was practically vibrating in place. “You’ve been doing a very good job not scaring her Pinkie. Just be patient a little more. Once we can communicate properly you can talk to her all you like alright? For now she seems to be responding well to Fluttershy. See if you can get her to follow us to town Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy nodded to her friends and turned a small smile back to the human, back to Shepherd Commander. “Shepherd Commander… Would you like to come with us?” She got to her hooves and trotted a little ways, motioning for the human to follow.

A small frown crossed the woman’s face as she regarded the ponies. Again she spoke to her arm which responded in that harsh voice. “She must have some sort of familiar or magical creature bound to her arm! How fascinating! The humans I met couldn’t use any magic at all. Oh I wish I knew what they were saying…”


“I think she wants me to follow her.”

“Well done Shepard-Commander. Your deductive skills are without peer.”

Shepard scowled in irritation at Legion before looking back to the colorful bunch before her. ‘Fluttershy, which she thought was even more adorable a name than Buttercup was waiting patiently. These things definitely weren’t out to hurt her. She felt safe in that assumption. If they didn’t attack after she’d snared the bulk of them they probably weren’t going to attack at all. Now it looked like they wanted to lead her somewhere. Probably out of her forest.’

At length she shook her head slowly. “Home. This is my home.” She spread her arms indicating the forest around herself. “I don’t want to leave my home.” She took a step back.

Even if they couldn’t completely understand her, it was safe to assume her message got through by the sudden frowns on their faces. The purple one began to talk rapidly to Fluttershy, and Shepard was beginning to assume she was their leader. Fluttershy frowned at the purple one and began to talk back. “How’s that translator coming on their end?”

“Poorly. I may be able to filter some of their speech to something recognizable. One moment.”

A faint static crackle sounded from her omni-tool and suddenly she could make out snippets of their conversation. “…..ared. …..alone…..time. ……ost comforta… old you….leave.”

Purple looked from Fluttershy to Shepard frowning now. At length she spoke to Fluttershy again, a touch too softly for Legion to pick up what was being said. Finally the others stood and turned to face her. Fluttershy moved to the head of her group. The little horse swept a hoof about to indicate their group. “….oing home. ….ome back….oon. Please….safe…” She smiled at the end.

It sounded like they were leaving, but intended to come back soon. Slowly Shepard nodded. “I’ll watch for you.” She indicated her eyes and pointed to the group.

At length Purple nodded and gently laid a hoof on Fluttershy’s back. “…on Fluttershy. …ime to….incess.”

With one last smile for Shepard, Fluttershy turned and joined her fellows as they made their way from her territory. Part of her sorely wanted to follow them. She had so many questions. Where had they come from? Where did they live? Why was that orange one wearing a cowboy hat? The other part of her felt a crippling fear at the idea of leaving her forest. It was all she knew on this strange world. It was all she had besides her armor and weapons. The thought of leaving her territory was akin to leaving a part of herself behind. She remained standing in place well after the horses had left, thoughts constantly drifting to might-haves and what-could-have-beens.

Author's Note:

Well here's chapter 2. I definitely hadn't planned on writing it so soon, but I also didn't expect this to get the reaction it did. Definitely not featured! Thanks to everyone who's been digging this so much, it's my first featured story and that feels pretty cool.

I'd initially just done the first chapter for a laugh. I was having trouble with my other stories and this was just a tiny idea rattling around in my head. I didn't even have much planned beyond "Shepard in the Everfree and she calls Fluttershy Buttercup."

I DO have some idea on how to continue this down the line. Chapter 3 will be up soon. Maybe not as soon as THIS one came up, but soon. XD