• Published 27th Jul 2013
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The Commander of Shepherds - pchn00

An amnesiac Commander Shepard has been living and thriving in the Everfree Forest for several months. Saving the life of a passing pegasus sets a chain of events in motion that could change Equestria forever.

  • ...

Chapter 13: The Citadel Part 1

Chapter 13: The Citadel Part 1

Legion’s artificial voice crackled over the intercom system. “Ladies, we are approaching the mass relay. Captain Elezzia has invited everyone to the bridge to view the event.”

The four ponies still weren’t used to the comm system, and Luna started in alarm when the announcement was made. Shepard couldn’t help but snicker softly at the Princess’ discomfort. “You wanna go watch?”

The night time Princess scowled slightly. “I am sure Twilight Sparkle and her friends will be in attendance.”

“So? Luna, like it or not we’re stuck with them. At least for the time being. Scowling at them and making them feel like shit every time they cross your path is gonna get old real quick. Weren’t you the one complaining about how all the ponies are scared of you? Maybe this kind of attitude is why.”

Outrage flashed across Luna’s face momentarily, but was gone just as quickly. “...once again your uncanny wisdom shines through your thick-headed exterior. Thank you, my friend, I believe you are correct.”

“Why is it I feel like I was insulted as much as complemented.”

Luna wore a tiny smirk as she rose to her hooves, tail flicking across Shepard’s face as she strode from the room. “Because you were.”


“C’mon, Twi, the Princess ain’t gonna stay mad at us forever. An y’all can’t stay mad at HER forever.”

“Hmph.” The Princess of Magic poked her head out from beneath the ship’s weapons. “I’m in the middle of some very precise calibrations. My work is more important than seeing one of these mass relays for the first time. ...something capable of shooting us light years away from Equestria. Travelling further than we’d ordinarily make in our lifetime…”

Applejack’s eyebrow slowly rose further and further as her friend spoke. “Uh huh. An this has nothin’ at all t’do with you not wantin’ t’see Luna?”

Twilight’s cheeks puffed in outrage as she ducked back beneath the guns. “Of course not!”

Applejack looked over to the until-now silent Rainbow Dash. “Alright! Enough of this. We’re goin’ to see this super cool mass relay thing, and YOU’RE coming with us!” Rainbow clamped her teeth on Twilight’s tail and began to pull, or at least tried to. It was easy to forget Twilight’s earth pony strength had come along with her wings. The little mare had her forehooves dug in securely and wasn’t budging.

Now Applejack snorted in irritation. “Sugarcube, yer not exactly actin’ all that mature here. So you an th’Princess had a fight. Big whoop! Forgive an forget, right. Ain’t the two’a you friends?”

Twilight’s hind hoof snapped out, catching Rainbow on the muzzle and forcing her to let go with a little yelp. The alicorn was quiet for a time, before she eventually emerged. “...yes, I suppose we are. Things got pretty heated back there, but I can’t behave like a filly. That would only be proving her point.”

Rainbow rubbed at her sore nose as she lead the way from the room. “What were you guys fightin’ about anyway?”

The alicorn sighed. “My coming, of course. She was going on and on about how immature and irresponsible it was. She said I was behaving like a little filly… maybe I was. But she reacted strongly when I accused her of doing the same. Princess Luna is more powerful than Cadance or I by far, and yet she rushed off to rescue her sister without a second thought. I called her a hypocrite and it sort of devolved into a shouting match from there.”

“Meh. Just apologize. You know that mare is desperate for anypony to like her.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Rainbow Dash! That’s a terrible thing to say!”

The brash pegasus shrugged. “Maybe. It’s true though.” She darted ahead of the others toward the bridge.

“She’s kinda right though, Twi’. It is true.”

Twilight’s shoulders sagged in a sigh. “I know. And I hate fighting with a friend, but we’re both in the right here. Or rather, we’re both in the wrong. It would have made far more sense to send my brother or somepony in the guard after Princess Celestia so we could all be there to protect Equestria.”

“S’pose I can’t argue that.” The pair fell silent as they rounded a corner and nearly ran right into Shepard and Luna.

An awkward silence descended upon the four as they regarded one another. Nodding to Applejack, Shepard cleared her throat. “Let’s go see that relay, huh?”

Glancing from Twilight to Luna, the farm pony nodded hastily and cantered to keep up with the human’s quickened pace. “Sounds like a good idea t’me, partner.”

The royal ponies regarded one another in tense silence. All at once they blurted together. “I’m sorry!”

Luna continued first. “You were right. My leaving Equestria was just as selfish as you doing so, and being confronted with it angered me. The correct move would have been to send Prince Shining Armor, or any number of guardsponies, rather than go myself. I let my concern for my sister blind me to my own duty to Equestria.”

Twilight barely waited for her to finish. “I was wrong too, Luna. My own feelings for Princess Celestia blinded me to the rational decision. Deep down I knew it was wrong, but I care for her too much to ignore when she’s in trouble. My friends and I have helped solve every crisis in Equestria the last few years. It just felt… wrong that I sit by and do nothing while we face our biggest disaster yet.”

“Yes. I suppose my sister’s little tests of character for you may very well have instilled a sort of sense of duty when situations such as this arise.”

Twilight looked confused. “Tests of character?”

The elder Princess tilted her head. “You truly have not realized by now? Why would Celestia, arguably one of the most powerful beings on Equestria, rely on six young fillies to save her kingdom time and again? Why did she not simply retrieve the elements of harmony herself and dispatch them to you and your friends?”

Twilight’s brow furrowed. “Because we’d have never been friends if not for our quest to find them.”

“Celestia could have arranged for the six of you to meet under different circumstances. She could have done so years prior to my return as well. The bearers of the elements have been known to her from the moment you were born, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight sucked in her breath, eyes wide. “No. She would have told me something so important!”

“I disagree. While it is more popular to paint me as the shadowy manipulator, that has always been Celestia’s forte. My sister has been playing this game for a very long time, Twilight. Consider not only Nightmare Moon. Perhaps that was the only way you and your friends could have met and formed the necessary bonds. What of the slumbering dragon who just ‘happened’ to take up residence a few days walk from Ponyville?”

Twilight’s confused look returned. “What about it?”

“You do not find it odd that this creature, ancient and intelligent beyond your imaginations, thought it a good idea to just select a cave overlooking the most powerful kingdom in the world and begin filling the sky with choking fumes? That he would perhaps have known it would attract my sister’s ire?”

Now the smaller mare snorted. “You can’t seriously be implying the Princess arranged for him to be there just to come up with a test for me and my friends?”

“Or the first parasprite seen in a town outside the Everfree Forest in centuries. They will occasionally venture onto a rural farm, but never into a densely populated area. The things are generally too timid to interact with large groups of ponies.”

“Princess, this is ridiculous. And frankly your insinuations toward your sister are bordering on insulting.”

“Let us not forget Discord. A being of that power getting free escapes Celestia’s notice? If she had a spell to protect the elements, why did she not cast it in the first place? Or my sister being overpowered by that giant insect, Chrysalis. Sending you six to the Crystal Empire instead of going herself.”

Twilight Sparkle’s ears splayed against her head, eyes darting back and forth as she processed all this information. “...she’s been lying to me my whole life.”

“In a sense. Celestia’s feelings of care and pride were genuine enough. She would not have gone to such great lengths if she did not truly believe you worthy of ascension to join us in ruling Equestria. Keep this in mind, however, Twilight Sparkle. Things are rarely as they seem on the surface. An important lesson we should both keep at the forefront of our minds, here in this incredibly dangerous galactic community were are about to step into.”

Twilight sighed, shaking her head slowly. “You’ve… given me a lot to think about, Princess.”

“Good. Thinking has long been your forte, I believe. Now come, let us see what all the fuss over this ‘mass relay’ is, shall we?”

Another heavy sigh, before the young Princess nodded. “Let’s.”


“We will be arriving at the relay in T-minus two minutes.”

Elezzia smiled. “Thank you, Legion. I have to say, having you aboard has made literally every aspect more smooth and comfortable.”

“Your kind words are appreciated, Captain Elezzia.”

The asari chuckled softly. “Technically my title is Commander. I was a Commander of the N7 United Forces.”

“Hey, just like me, huh?”

The asari swiveled in her seat to see Shepard and two of the four Equestrians enter. She cleared her throat firmly and nodded, turning back to her consoles. “Yes, just like you, Commander.”

“COMMANDER Elezzia, huh? That sounds way cooler anyway.” Rainbow Dash helped herself to the chair next to Elezzia’s, ignoring the asari’s wince as she settled in it.

“Thank you… I think. Do not touch any of the consoles, please. Last night was excitement enough for me.”

Applejack chuckled heartily at Rainbow’s ensuing blush. “S’pose hooves ain’t exactly meant for these fancy consoles and whatnot, huh?”

Elezzia nodded to the mare. “No. They are not. Perhaps if Princess Luna were to utilize the same magic that makes her human on you, I could teach you to fly the Vanguard. If you’re still interested.”

Dash’s eyes lit up at the idea. “That’s a great idea! I want a gun, too!”

Shepard and Applejack blurted ‘NO!’ at the same time, drawing more laughter from Elezzia. “Let’s see about getting you a pilot’s license before a gun permit, hm?”

The royal duo entered shortly, neither Princess looking enthused by the conversation. “Who wants a gun permit?”

Rainbow Dash puffed her chest out at Twilight’s question. “Me! Elezzia said she’d teach me to fly the ship once Luna makes me human.”

Luna blinked in surprise. “I am making you human?”


Twilight stepped between the two. “Actually, if Princess Luna doesn’t mind, I wanted to try the spell that transforms her. I thought maybe I could cast it through the element of magic to affect the three of us at once. That way we could see the Citadel as well. If… if that’s alright.”

Luna’s brows drew together in a frown as she considered the request. “...I do not see the harm in it so long as Shepherd and Elezzia agree. I will admit I had hoped to venture off the ship and see this hub of intergalactic community for myself.”

Not taking her eyes from the consoles before her, Elezzia shrugged. “I don’t see the harm, so long as you keep a low profile and keep clear of the seedier sections of the wards. If you plan to accompany us for any length of time, Princess Luna, it may be a good idea to have an omni-tool installed.”

“Us too?!” Dash was practically nose to nose with the asari.

“Ah… well I don’t see the harm. It’s a relatively inexpensive procedure and I would be happy to foot the bill as it were. Though I’m unsure how well the interfaces would hold up to your bodies... er… magically transforming back into pony shape.”

“Shepherd’s implants held up just fine, and she has a lot more than just her omni-tool.”

Elezzia turned to Twilight in surprise. “Commander Shepard was a pony?”

Shepard’s quick ‘NO!’ was lost amidst the five ‘yes’s. “I have photographic documentation of her time as an earth pony mare if you would like to view it Commander Elezzia,” Legion volunteered. “She was quite adorable.”

Shepard’s eyes narrowed at the disembodied voice. “You said you deleted those!”

“I lied. Approaching mass relay. Prepare for jump.”

Commander Shepard took a seat, scowling all the while, the Equestrians following her example. Of course, they were seated for about ten seconds before the massive floating machine came into view. “Is that it?”

“Yes, Princess, the mass relay. It’s connected to every other relay in the known galaxy. It can near-instantaneously transport us from one to another. We’ll be travelling to the Sol relay. The Citadel orbits Commander Shepard’s homeworld of Earth.”

Shepard leaned forward, resting her chin in her palm. “I don’t remember that.”

“You do not remember much of anything, Shepard.” The woman scowled at the A.I. again. Or at least at one of the consoles on the bridge. “However this is a recent development. The Citadel was moved to Earth at the end of the war. In honor of your deeds it was decided it would remain there as testament to the woman who saved the galaxy.”

Said woman flushed uncomfortably now. “I uh… I see.”

Elezzia had to gently nudge the excited ponies back as they crowded around the helm to better see the relay. The massive device was glowing brightly as they approached. All four yelped in surprise as energy jumped from the relay to engulf the ship, and surprise turned to adrenaline-fueled fear as the Vanguard was sent hurtling through space at unimaginable speeds. All four were screaming wildly, some more in excitement than fear, even as the ship came to an abrupt halt.

The screaming continued for several seconds while Shepard and Elezzia watched in amusement. Luna was the first to collect herself, the others following soon after. Rainbow Dash, of course, was in the air immediately. “That! Was! AWESOME! Let’s do it again!”

“Soon enough. I believe we should see to your appearances, however. It won’t take more than a few hours until we reach the Citadel. I believe we could craft proper attire while you’re in pony form. If your…” Elezzia seemed to have trouble with the next word. “...spell performs as you believe, the clothing should translate to human shape as well, yes?”

“It should!” Twilight beamed. “It will won’t it, Princess….” Her eyes widened in alarm as she turned to regard Luna. Her fellow Princess looked incredibly pale… paler than usual. A thin sheen of sweat covered her body as she slumped in her seat. “Princess Luna!”

The Princess lifted a shaky hand, staving off the sudden press of bodies. “I am… I am fine. I have never been so far from the moon. My power had been gradually waning as we moved away from Equestria, but the relay has taken us further than I imagined.”

Shepard laid a concerned hand on her shoulder. “Are you going to be alright?”

Luna smiled wanly. “I will, yes. I will not be nearly as effective in a combat situation as I was on Equestria, but I should be able to assist in some capacity. For now I believe I would like to lay down.”

The group made way as she shakily took her leave, back toward the observation deck. “...the rest of you feel alright?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes. My own magical totem is the Element of Magic, which is here on the ship. The girls must be drawing magic from their own elements, so Dash’s flight and Applejack’s strength and durability should be undiminished.”

Both mares were nodding. “S’pose I don’t feel any different than normal.”

“Yeah, yeah we’re both still awesome. Now let’s get some sweet space clothes! I want armor like Shepherd’s!”

Elezzia chuckled softly. “This way, ladies.” She began leading the ponies toward the fabricator.

Shepard lagged behind. “You guys go on ahead. I’m gonna check on Luna.”

The four watched her head off after the Princess, Applejack chuckling once she was gone. “Those two’re so cute dont’cha think?”

Dash stuck her tongue out. “Bleh. How can they think about romance when we’re in space! Getting our very own space suits!”

Her earthbound friend prodded her in the side. “If I recollect correctly yer face was attached t’Thunderlane’s mighty tight b’fore we snuck off.”

This earned her an annoyed snort from the pegasus. Twilight just shook her head in amusement. “I’m sorry for all this trouble, Elezzia.”

“It’s quite alright. I don’t fully understand your circumstances, but if someone important was taken from ME I would certainly be doing all I could to retrieve them. I don’t fault you for your actions in the slightest.”

Twilight’s smile looked more genuine than it had in awhile. “That means a lot to me.”

“There IS something that has been bothering me intensely.”

The studious pony smiled, encouraging her to go on. “Yes?”

“How in the world were we able to communicate so quickly on the collector vessel? My omni-tool has built in translation software, but it should have taken at least an hour to properly adjust to an entirely new language.”

Twilight’s ears perked cheerfully. “Oh! Well that’s easy. I used a translation spell before boarding the ship, just in case we ran into any friendly aliens.”

Elezzia sighed. “Of course you did.”


Shepard gently knocked on the doorframe of the observation deck. “Can I come in?”

Luna was sprawled on the sofa before the viewing window. “Of course. I apologize if I alarmed you. I was not expecting so massive a drain all at once.”

Shepard shrugged as she took a seat next to Luna. “It’s alright. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

The Princess sighed softly. “I do not know if I am ‘okay’. I am not in mortal danger. I have never felt so… weak and vulnerable. At least not for a very, very long time.”

Shepard frowned. “How weak and vulnerable are we talking here?”

With an annoyed snort Luna glared up at the ceiling. “I doubt I could withstand being shot with one of your weapons more than a few times before it penetrates my skin.”

“Uh… that’s still pretty impressive, Luna. Most people can be shot once before the bullet goes through.”

“Perhaps. The weapons of those collectors were minor annoyances to me however. Their biotic attacks stung when they detonated against me, otherwise I was largely unharmed. Now, however, I am far more vulnerable.”

“Hm. Well we should get you some proper armor then. Maybe a gun too. If your magic’s out of whack. It’s not a terrible idea for you to be prepared.”

Luna sighed again. “No, I suppose not. I believe I would like something large. And noisy. If it causes explosions as well, more the better.”

Shepard laughed aloud. “Luna, you’re a woman after my own heart.”


Rainbow Dash stood awkwardly on her new legs. “...the ground is like… REALLY far away!”

Her fellow pony-turned human Applejack fussed with her hat. “Sugarcube, y’spend almost all day up in the air just a mite higher than yer standin’ now. How the hay can ya be complainin’ about th’ground bein’ far away?”

Dash’s wings flared at her sides. “That’s different! Flying is one thing! You’re SUPPOSED to be up high when you fly! Not when you stand!”

“Girls! Enough! We’re not THAT tall. In fact, you’re shorter than either of us.” Twilight couldn’t hide a little smirk at that as she rested her hands on her hips.

Dash fumed a little. Twilight, however, was quite pleased. It took a little bit of tweaking to make sure the spell gave them appropriately flesh colored skin tones. Applejack was the tallest of the three, standing taller even than Commander Shepard by a few inches. Muscles rippled visibly beneath her richly tanned human skin. Her mane had retained its blonde color, the ponytail now falling to the small of her back.

Her ever present stetson remained perched on her head. She was wearing a loose pair of forest green pants around her legs. Thick, heavy boots protected her new, squishy feet… appendages she was not terribly fond of at all. A tight shirt covered her top, with a loose vest over top it.

Rainbow Dash still cut a striking figure even at her diminutive height, barely above five feet. Her multi-hued mane had carried over perfectly to human shape. Her body was tight and wiry, still very clearly athletic but not nearly as bulky as Applejack. Her wings remained as well, twitching now and again as she shuffled from foot to foot.

Her own outfit was a tad plainer that Applejack’s, a form-fitting jumpsuit not entirely unlike the Wonderbolts uniform. It was of the same blue her fur had been, sleeveless, and the pants ended just above her knees. A pair of sturdy blue running shoes adorned her feet. “I wanted armor….”

Twilight rolled her eyes. She looked much the same as she had on her visit to the mirror Equestria populated with their version of humans. She was dressed in an asari style she had taken a liking to, a long dress, tighter around her chest and neck, with long sleeves fitting her arms tightly. The skirt flared out around her ankles, feet covered in lighter boots than Applejack’s. “We’ll see about armor for everybody if Luna allows us to stay.”

“Eh… Twi, not t’burst yer bubble but don’tcha think two humans with wings and one with a horn’re gonna stand out a little?”

“Of course we would. I’m going to cover those with an illusion spell. Just in case we need a quick getaway or to defend ourselves.” Her horn glowed briefly as it, and both pairs of wings, vanished.

Dash frowned, looking over her shoulder. “I FEEL them but I don’t see them. This is weird.”

Elezzia had been standing in near-stunned silence for the entirety of their discussion. Wordlessly she lifted her omni-tool, performing a scan of the women. “Amazing. Physically you’re almost entirely human. This is impossible!”

Twilight smiled and shrugged sheepishly. “I studied human anatomy in great detail. Aside from our extra magic producing organs, we share many of the same basic systems as a human. Also, you should probably stop shouting how impossible everything we do is. We’re doing it, so clearly it’s not impossible.”

The asari had to laugh a little at that. “Fair enough. If you’re all comfortably attired, I think we should be arriving at the Citadel soon.”

Applejack rotated her ankles frowning at her feet. “Dunno if I’d say comfortable…” She frowned suddenly. “Say, Twi. Y’cast the spell on our elements right?”

Twilight nodded. “I did.”

“Y’don’t think it mighta travelled t’Equestria too do ya?”

The young Princess frowned. “I… no. No, of course not. It’s too far away. That’d be impossible.”

The former earth pony just frowned. “Uh huh….”


“Rarity I heard you screaming! What’s… w...wrong…” Sweetie Belle stood frozen at the entrance to her sister’s room. She saw a tall, pale-skinned human woman with her sister’s deep purple hair and crystalline blue eyes.

“Don’t look at me! I’m a monster!” It was definitely Rarity’s voice.

“J--just hang on! I’ll go um… I’ll go get Nurse Redheart!”

Rarity moaned softly as her sister raced from the room, her little hooves taking the stairs two at a time as she thundered out the door. “A freak! An abomination! I’m hideous to look upon!”

She paused in her moaning, eyeing her long, elegantly curved legs. “...actually.” She studied herself closer. The smooth, pale, almost silken skin. Her perfectly coiled mane… or hair as Shepard called it. Her sleekly curved hips and plush chest… as she recalled a sign of beauty among Shepard’s people. “...I don’t look half bad.”

Pinkie Pie’s excited voice reached her ears from outside. Sucking her lip in concern Rarity peered through the curtains out the window. There, completely nude, and just as completely human as Rarity, was Pinkie Pie rushing through the streets toward her boutique.

Across town, Apple Bloom was arriving at Fluttershy’s to help her with her animals for the morning. She’d long ago been given a key of her own, and didn’t bother to knock as she let herself in. Today was the first day she wished she had.

Sitting at the table was Harry the bear, not an entirely unusual sight. Nor was the sight of him enjoying some bacon prepared by Fluttershy herself. Apple Bloom never much cared for the smell, but she figured better he eat a pig than a pony. What WAS unusual was the pink haired human girl sitting across from the bear, also enjoying the bacon and eggs.

“O--oh um… good morning, Apple Bloom. I suppose this looks a little… unusual. I don’t really know what’s going on but, well… I thought, how often is this opportunity going to come up?”

Apple Bloom’s eyes widened as the human spoke with FLUTTERSHY’S voice. The little filly ran shrieking from the cottage making a beeline for town. She slammed headfirst into Sweetie Belle, who was running toward the cottage, sending the pair tumbling head over hooves. “Sweetie Belle! Fluttershy turned inta a meat eatin’ monster!”

Sweetie’s eyes grew as wide as Apple Bloom’s. “Her too?! So did Rarity! I WAS going to find Nurse Redheart but she’s not in right now! Then I thought I’d see Fluttershy because she knows a lot about animals and maybe this is some kinda weird human disease!”

The earth pony filly frowned as she considered the idea. “What if it’s somethin’ worse?”

“What could be worse?!”

“What if they’re… were-humans?”


Twilight smiled in satisfaction. “The worst case scenario is the girls are mildly inconvenienced for a few hours while we tour the Citadel. What’s the worst that could happen?”

Her two friends shrugged as they made their way toward the bridge. “You’re just in time, ladies. Earth and the Citadel should be in view any moment now.”

All three eagerly seated themselves as the ship glided smoothly through space. Excited exclamations filled the bridge as they spotted more ships of all shapes and sizes coming and going. “There’re so many!”

Elezzia nodded. “Yes. Since the Citadel’s relocation, Sol has become the largest system in the galaxy. Mars, the next planet after Earth, and even Earth’s moon now sport bustling colonies and economies all their own.”

“And that, my friends, is the Citadel.”

All eyes widened considerably as the massive space station came into view. Dozens of ships coming and going from all directions. Behind the station was what could only be the Earth. Home planet of humanity, and of Commander Shepard herself. “It’s so blue… I didn’t get to see Equestria when we were leaving.”

Elezzia offered Twilight a smile. “You’ll get to see it when you head home I’m sure.”

The young human returned her smile with one of her own. “Yes, I suppose I will!”

Elezzia turned back to the consoles. “You three will have to remain quiet. I’m going to be obtaining permission to dock. While we’re aboard the Citadel, if anyone asks, you were civilians I rescued from the Collectors. From a colony on Veris. I can’t think of a more remote human colony than that. It will be a simple way to explain your ignorance of the various races you’re sure to soon encounter.”

The asari leaned forward. “Citadel command, this is Commander Elezzia T’soni requesting permission to dock.”

A voice answered almost instantly. “Commander T’soni, you’re clear for docking bay D-32. You’re instructed to report immediately to the Citadel Council.”

Elezzia frowned gently. “Understood.” She clicked off her comm.

“Is that a problem? Didn’t you want to speak with them about the collectors?” Twilight tilted her head curiously.

“I did, yes. But the fact that they told me to go there straight away means the council has me flagged. I suppose I did technically steal the Vanguard, but it’s MY ship. The thought of someone else flying her is unnatural.”

“I do not wish to upset you, but I have been flying the Vanguard for several days now.”

Elezzia shook her head. “But I’m here while you’re doing so, Legion. Please ask Commander Shepard and Princess Luna to come to the bridge. I need to lay down some ground rules for you all before we disembark.”

Legion complied with minimal snark, and soon the other two women aboard the ship stepped onto the bridge. “Hey, lookin’ good girls!”

Twilight beamed. “Thank you, Shepherd. I did my best.”

“Where are your elements of harmony, girls?”

At Luna’s question all three reached into the satchels they were wearing around their hips, producing the enchanted jewelry. “Very well. Keep them safe at all times.”

Twilight’s smile didn’t fade. “I already thought of that, Princess. I placed spells on our bag that would discourage any unwanted hands finding their way into our things.”

Elezzia cleared her throat. “So here are the rules. You four are to stay on the presidium at all times. It’s safe there and you should be free to explore to your heart’s content. Certain areas will specifically tell you not to enter them. Do not enter them. I would think this goes without saying, but do not steal anything. Do not get into any physical altercations with anyone. You look human, but you are in fact an unknown species at this time. Your discovery would be problematic, as a colleague of mine is apt to say.”

She passed around small plastic cards to each of the Equestrian visitors, and one to Shepard. “These are credit chits. You have a thousand credits apiece to spend. Just follow my rules, sample some local foods perhaps, buy a book or a magazine. Have fun, but be safe. Be smart. Alright?”

The four Equestrians nodded solemnly. Shepard just smirked. “A thousand credits all for myself? Thanks mom.”

Elezzia pursed her lips in annoyance and swiveled back to face her consoles. “One of you has to disguise Shepard. If she is seen on the Citadel there will be more problems.” The Vanguard glided smoothly into the waiting dock, as a magnetic clamp swung down securing the ship solidly to the port.

Luna stared hard at Shepard, an aura of magic flickering around her invisible horn. Shepard shivered as she felt the cool energy wash over her body. When it faded her red hair was a deep, ebon black. “...what else is different?”

“Nothing much. Your eyes are blue, I straightened your nose. Removed most of your scars, made your lips slightly plusher.” Shepard actually puckered her lips when Luna finished.

Dash nudged Applejack dropping her voice to a whisper. “Wonder why she made her lips softer?”

“Well, let’s depart shall we?”

All five of her passengers looked equally eager to be off the ship. Shepard’s omni-tool crackled as Legion returned to his preferred resting place. “Oh… and Legion cannot speak. If a true A.I. is discovered you could be executed on the spot, Commander. It’s one of the few crimes considered worthy of capital punishment.”

“I will keep my silence for the duration of our stay on the citadel, Commander T’soni, you have my word.”

The asari smiled at length. “Thank you, Legion. I appreciate it.” As the hatch hissed open Elezzia lead the way. Five humans followed behind her looking about wide-eyed and excited. Shepard was more reserved than the faux-humans, but even she was seeing it for the first time as far as she could recollect.

“Huh. When they said it was you I didn’t believe them. Said to myself ‘no way is the Commander stupid enough to come back to the Citadel so soon.’”

The group followed the voice to find a tall, female alien. Twilight recognized her as a turian from what she’d seen on the extranet. She was wearing a sleek, black body suit with a large hood hanging loosely from her neck, and a rifle that looked to be nearly twice the size of Shepard’s slung over her back. Vivid blue markings ran under her eyes and along the ridges where a human’s cheek would be. One eye was covered by some sort of strange device. She found herself gawking nearly as much as her friends.

The turian regarded them curiously. “What’s with the tourists?”

Elezzia cleared her throat slightly uncomfortably. “They are colonists from Veris. They were attacked, I managed to rescue them. I felt it best they remain in my care until I could return them home.”

The alien woman nodded slowly, sizing each of them up. Her eyes lingered on the magically disguised Shepard a bit longer than the rest. “Fair enough. The Council’s already rushing to see you by the way.”

“Of course they are.” Elezzia turned back to the group. “Remember what I said. Remain on the Presidium. I’ll come to collect you as soon as I am able.”

Twilight’s eyes were shining with curiosity. “Aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend, Commander?”

“Yeah, Ezi, aren’t you gonna introduce me to them?”

Elezzia closed her eyes taking a deep breath. “Very well. This is Malees Vakarian. She is the finest marksman I have ever come across and…”

Shepard’s eyes grew dazed and unfocused.

Another turian… male. Identical facial markings, even the same eyepiece. Garrus Vakarian.

“Fighting a rogue Spectre with countless lives at stake and no regulations to get in the way? I’d say that beats C-Sec.”

They were standing together, someplace high above the Presidium they weren’t supposed to be. Laughing and drinking. They’d been close, best friends. Nearly something more.

Shepard had the shot. Of course she had the shot. It was almost comically easy to make… but still… it went wide.

“I’m Garrus Vakarian and this is my favorite spot on the Citadel!”

She frowned when she realized the turian, Marees, was staring at her in mild alarm. “Your friend is crying. Is that normal? Is she a cryer?”

Shepard frowned realizing tears were running down her cheeks as she looked at what… the daughter? Grand-daughter maybe… turians lived about two hundred years and she didn’t look very old. The granddaughter of Garrus then. “I… will you excuse me?” She marched away quickly.

Luna sprinted after her, leaving Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack with the turian and asari. Elezzia watched Shepard go with an unreadable expression. “The violence on Veris has shaken her, I’m afraid. She hasn’t fully recovered yet.”

Marees nodded slowly. “Right. Well, let’s get you to the council. You want me to arrange an escort for your colonist buddies?”

“I don’t believe that will be necessary. You three will stay out of trouble will you not?”

All three gave her equally innocent smiles. “Yes ma’am, we’ll behave.”

Elezzia trusted Twilight Sparkle. She trusted Applejack too, even though they had spoken less. She certainly didn’t trust the rainbow headed one. “...right. Meet me back here in two hours. Do NOT make me come find you. Do you understand?”

Another round of nods before she finally left, if reluctantly She wasn’t fully convinced that the Equestrians understood the gravity of their situation.. “Oh this is so exciting! What should we do first?”

Twilight’s friends shrugged a little. “Figure I was gonna try an rustle up some grub.”

Dash nodded. “Sounds good to me.”

Twilight huffed. “I was hoping to look at a few shops.”

“Well you go find some shops, we’ll find someplace to get some grub. Let’s all meet back here in a couple hours like Elezzia said. There’re giant floating clocks all over the place!”

Twilight didn’t seem too enthusiastic about leaving Rainbow Dash on her own. Applejack recognized the look and smiled reassuringly. “I’ll keep an eye on her.”

Finally the Princess sighed. “Alright… alright. I’ll see you girls soon.”

The three split up, Twilight going one way, her friends the other.


“Wait… ah… blast it… Shelly!” Luna chased after Shepard as the other woman pushed her way through the crowds, finally slowing when she’d reached a bench overlooking a quiet fountain. Shepard sank down with a heavy sigh.

Luna slowed and moved to her side, sitting next to her. “Your false name sounds ridiculous.”

Shepard chuckled weakly, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “Sorry I just… that girl. I realized so long has passed. My friends have all moved on, had families… died. But here I am. Lingering. Luna, I don’t… I don’t belong here. I should be dead. Long dead. Everything’s changed. All the faces I knew are gone now. I have nothing. Nothing!”

Luna winced. “You have me. You have your friends on Equestria. You even have him.” She nodded toward Shepard’s hand, indicating Legion. Your friends most likely are gone, and for that I am truly sorry. But do not say you have nothing. It diminishes what your other friends and I feel for you.”

Shepard clenched her hands tightly in her lap. “...it’s hard Luna. Coming here… seeing these places I used to know. But all the people are different. I’ll never run into an old friend. Never see my crew… these people I’m remembering. The ones who meant so much to me. They were my family Luna. And they’re ALL gone now.”

“Perhaps not all. If I recall correctly asari and krogan are very long lived. Your friends of those species may yet live on.”


Luna smiled softly, taking Shepard’s hand and pulling her to her feet. “Come. I saw something in our frenzied rush I think you may enjoy seeing yourself.”

Shepard allowed herself to be drug along. “Oh yeah?”

Luna lead her a short ways back the way they’d come, nodding to a large sign overtop a small line of people. The sign had… her on it. Her hair was a good deal shorter but it was undeniably Commander Shepard. The words “Commander Shepard Memorial Museum” spelled out in brightly lit letters. “Let us tour the Commander Shepard museum, hm? According to Elezzia it is one of the most popular locations on the Citadel.”

Shepard found it difficult to take her eyes off the unyielding pair of emerald orbs gazing out from the faux-her on the sign. The woman up there seemed so… sure of herself. Like she could take on any force in the galaxy and come out with barely a scratch. In comparison, she was veritably a gibbering wreck of a human being. “I…”

Luna didn’t give her a choice, she kept her grip on her hand firm as she pulled her along the line and toward the museum. “I think this will do you some good, my friend.”

Neither woman noticed the dark suited quarian gazing at the intently from the shadows. As they entered the museum he left his perch and slipped in behind them.


“Sugarcube, remember when Elezzia told us not t’leave the Presidium?”

Dash gave a distracted nod. “Uh huh.”

“An didja notice that sign we passed a while ago that said ‘now leavin’ the Presidium?”

“Oh c’mon, AJ. Quit bein’ such a baby. When we went to Canterlot, what was cooler. The hoity toity castle, or that sweet donut shop down in the lower district.”

Applejack frowned seeing her friend’s line of reasoning. “Donut Joe’s didn’t have all kindsa alien folks with big guns now did it RD?”

“Bah. We’ll behave. I just wanna find a cool place to grab a drink. Maybe hear some cool alien music alright?”

AJ’s frown never faded as she gazed about nervously. She and Rainbow Dash had been attracting a lot of attention. Specifically male attention. It didn’t take a genius like Twilight Sparkle to figure out these fellas were interested in being more than friends. Starting to feel exposed and wanting off the streets, Applejack grabbed Rainbow Dash and tugged her along toward the first place that looked like it served food.

“This’ll work fine.”

Dash gazed up at the bright flashing sign over the door. “Chora’s Den huh? Alright. They serve food at least. And that music sounds pretty awesome.”

“Sure, great, nothin’ I love more than bass loud enough t’make m’head split. Let’s go.”

The pair stared perhaps more than a little at the massive krogan standing beside the door glaring about at everyone that passed him. Rainbow Dash was passingly familiar with the club scene back in Equestria and recognized a bouncer when she saw one. “He’s just there to make sure no one causes trouble inside.”

Applejack nodded slowly. “Gotcha.”

The two ponies turned humans looked around at their first alien night club. Dim lightning mingled with incredibly loud music. Smoke from various patrons enjoying cigarettes or… other forms of smoke generating products filled the air. What really caught their attention was the number of scantily clad asari gyrating on various stages.

Both wore identical blushes as they hurried to a quiet booth. “Rainbow Dash!” Applejack hissed in a loud whisper. “Didja bring us inta an exotic dance club?!”

Dash looked around slowly. “I guess? And didn’t YOU bring us here? Think it’s kinda the opposite then back home though. Looks like they take clothes OFF here instead of puttin’ them on.”

“Makes sense I reckon.” Applejack’s blush remained full force while Dash’s own had faded by now. “Clothes ain’t exactly fer intimate or special occasions t’these folk after all.”

Both women noticed one of the asari making their way toward their table and fell silent. Applejack averted her gaze while Rainbow Dash met the incoming alien’s eyes, smiling toothily. “Good evening, ladies. My name is Naleena. Can I get you something to eat? Drink? A private dance?”

“Yeah! What’s like… the most popular thing you guys got?”

The dancer-slash-server smiled pleasantly. “Humans are very fond of the ‘buffalo’ wings we serve. It’s one of our more popular items since the new management took over.”

The duo looked mildly alarmed for a moment. “What kinda buffalo got wings?”

Laughter danced in the asari’s eyes, but her pleasant smile never faded. “It doesn’t actually come from buffalo miss. The meat is chicken. The name comes from the sauce. To be honest I have no idea why they call it that, but I assure you there’s no actual buffalo in it.”

“We’ll take two orders! And some drinks! Uh… what kinda stuff d’you got?”

Naleena looked from the rainbow haired woman to the blonde who was shooting glares at her friend. “...well we serve most anything you can think of. The two of you strike me as colonists. Hard working women such as yourselves would likely appreciate a simple beer. I’ll bring them around momentarily.”

“Thank ya kindly ma’am.” Applejack may have been insanely uncomfortable, but she never forgot her manners.

Her blush intensified as the asari winked at her. “I love that accent. Maybe we can get together when my shift is up.”

Applejack’s stammers were lost amidst Rainbow Dash’s guffaws.


Twilight vaguely suspected she had died and gone to the Fields themselves. Only the mystical paradise could house such a massive collection of books for sale. The bookstore had at first been a terrible disappointment. The tiny front room had only a place one could download novels and books onto an omni-tool. The asari shopkeeper had noticed her displeasure, and when Twilight inquired about hard copies of books she’d been shown to the ‘back room’.

The back room was maybe twice the size of her library back home. Row after row of books on every subject imaginable spread out before her. The woman at the desk had apologized for the state of disorganized chaos the room was in. It was incredibly rare to find someone looking for a hard copy of anything.

She’d been working her way through the stacks for the past twenty minutes, accumulating an ever increasing pile of literature ranging from every topic conceivable.

“Nothing quite like the smell, hm?”

Twilight yelped in surprise and whirled toward the voice. Her eyes went a little wide at the… man standing behind her. A salarian, she recalled. Large glossy black eyes watched her curiously. Two horn-like growths protruded from the top of his smooth head. His brownish skin looked strangely smooth and slick. He was wearing what she assumed to be armor, mostly black with yellow bands here and there. Her eyes drifted toward the weapon fastened to his hip. A gun of some kind. The N7 insignia emblazoned over his chest helped calm her slightly. “Ah… oh! The… the books? You like to read?”

“Yes. Squadmates frequently poke fun at my collection. Do my best to ignore it. Good people, don’t mean anything by it. Don’t quite understand the term ‘egg head’ however. Human colloquialisms not quite my forte.”

Twilight gasped a little as she smiled. “Your friends call you that too? What the heck is it even supposed to mean?”

The salarian was smiling now as he shook his head. “No idea. When asked they can never explain. Leads me to believe they don’t know either.”

Twilight found his clipped rapid method of speaking a little jarring at first, but she was able to sort it out quickly enough. “As to your question… no, there isn’t anything quite like the smell of a good book. New or old really, I love them both.”

“New? Still print new books on paper? You’re from where if I may ask?”

Twilight’s hesitation didn’t go unnoticed by the salarian. “O--oh um, from Velis. I’m a colonist.”

“Hm. Distant colony. Very remote. Relatively new. Overabundance of trees for printing paper perhaps?”

“Yes!” She smiled brightly as he provided her with an excuse. “Yes, TONS of trees. My name is Twilight Sparkle by the way.”

“Interesting name. Unique to region perhaps? I am Captain Valin Solus, at your service.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Captain Solus.”

“Please, Valin perfectly fine. Not one to stand on formalities. Tell me, Velis is very far from the Citadel. What brings you here?”

Twilight chewed her lower lip as her smile faded. “I’m sorry Valin, I can’t say right now. I promised a friend I’d keep quiet about it.”

“Interesting. Friend is Elezzia T’soni?”

Now the woman narrowed her eyes slightly. “How do you know that?”

Valin raised his hands taking a step back. “Served under Commander T’soni for quite a number of years. Old Commander returns with stolen ship, all N7 alerted. Saw you depart the Vanguard in her company, was simply curious. No malicious intentions I assure you.”

Twilight relaxed visibly. “Oh. I’m sorry I’m just… a little nervous. It IS my first time on the Citadel and I’m a little out of sorts. But yes, Elezzia asked my friends and I not to say anything until she spoke with the council.”

“More interesting. Commander more apt toward blunt action than subterfuge. If information so delicate that it’s for the councils ears only, must be potentially dangerous or panic inducing.” Noting Twilight’s increasing discomfort he switched topics rapidly. “Apologies. We were speaking about books.”

“Oh. Oh yes, I suppose we were.”

The salarian captain stepped up beside her eyeing her collection. “Romance, fantasy, history, chemistry, biology… ah! Biography of Commander Shepard. Very good read. Went through two copies of my own before I switched to digital. Regrettable but hate ruining a good book. Interested in the Commander’s exploits?”

“Oh very much so, yes.”

“Hm. Perhaps you’d care to join me at the museum? Not far from here. Would be a pleasure to show such a lovely woman around.”

Twilight’s cheeks darkened at the compliment. “Ahhh… o--okay… sure. Let me just pay for these.”

“Of course. Allow me.” Valin helped himself to half her accumulated stack carrying them for her to the counter, a brightly blushing Twilight Sparkle following close behind.


“So you gonna tell me what the hell is really going on or what, Ezi? And where’s Krom for that matter. You two were off on your honeymoon. Kinda weird the wife coming back without the husband only a few weeks later.”

Elezzia’s expression darkened as Marees questioned her in the incredibly slow moving elevator taking them to the council chambers. “...Krom’s dead, Marees.”

That took the turian completely by surprise. “What? What the hell do you mean he’s dead?!”

“We were attacked by the collectors. I managed to free myself and those colonists you saw on the dock. The others who were taken perished before I could save them.”

“Oh Ezi… I’m so sorry. We all loved Krom, but I know it wasn’t like what you two had. You said the collectors, though? I thought they were gone.”

“As did I. They are not, however, and the council has to be informed.”

Marees nodded slowly. “You’re right. If they’re back then maybe…”

“No. No, I don’t believe the reapers are involved. These collectors spoke properly. They tried to surrender to me.”

“Ha. I wonder how that went for them after they killed your husband.”

The asari offered her former squad mate a grim smile. “Not well, I assure you. How is the rest of the squad?”

Marees shrugged. “Fine. You know Valin, he takes everything as it comes without batting an eye. He and Krom were tight though, like brothers. He’s not going to like the news. Kal took your position by the way. Promoted from Lt. to Commander. Whole big ceremony, he was eating it up.”

“Good. He deserves it. Goddess knows you’d be a terrible commanding officer.”

“Hmph. So what’s the story with the weird black haired colonist? She just bursts into tears at the sight of me and runs off?”

Elezzia frowned and looked away. “Ask me later, Marees, I’ll tell you everything then.”

Marees was clearly unhappy with the response but she let it go. “Fair enough.”

The elevator stopped abruptly and the doors glided open. Both women stepped off, though the turian remained near the stairs. “Have fun.”

Shooting her friend a dirty look Elezzia ascended the stairs, doing her best to keep her composure. All five councillors were in attendance, naturally; it couldn’t be easy for once. She kept her face calm and composed as she stood before the five most politically powerful individuals in the galaxy.

As per usual, the salarian councillor sat on the far right. He regarded her with open curiosity. The human councillor sat next to him. Admiral James Williams was an interesting figure, an aging soldier who’d had the position thrust upon him by his predecessor. He was often very vocal about his displeasure at being forced into the role of politician.

The turian councillor was a direct descendant of the great Primarch Victus. She had been a politician her entire life and was the natural choice to take the seat when her predecessor passed away.

She met the krogan councillor’s eyes for only a moment before she was forced to look away. Urdnot Wrex was ancient even by his people’s standards, but he was still a powerful figure. Blunt, forthright, and shockingly insightful and charismatic when he wanted to be. Which wasn’t very often.

Finally her eyes fell upon the asari councillor. “Mother.”

Liara T’soni looked anything but happy to see her daughter. “Elezzia. Perhaps you’d care to explain why you felt it a good idea to steal the most expensive ship in the united fleet.”

Elezzia simply shrugged. “It’s my ship.”

This brought a chuckle from the human admiral. Wrex cut Liara off before she could say more. “Where’s my boy?”

Elezzia sighed heavily. “Allow me to explain…”


Shepard felt like she was in some kind of surreal dreamscape. The museum was massive, easily the largest place on the Presidium. She had a feeling she would be able to spend days here and not see everything. Each of her friends and crew had entire wings dedicated to them, and outside each stood a larger-than-life statue of the man or woman it was dedicated to so you had to walk beneath them to enter the wing. Small rushes of memory came to her as she passed each wing.

“There’s so much….”

Luna laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Take your time. We are in no rush at all. Where should we start then, hm? Ah! I see just the one I wish to learn about first.”

Shepard trailed along at Luna’s side, content to be lead about for the time being. She frowned as she noted who’s wing they were approaching. “Luna….”

The other woman smiled playfully. “But this is the wing devoted to THE Commander Shepard. How can we not visit it first?”

Shepard laughed helplessly. “Fine. Let’s go learn about the big galactic hero.”

Luna twined her fingers with Shepard’s, holding her hand fast as they walked together beneath the obnoxiously large statue of the Commander. “Look!”

Shepard did look where her excited friend was pointing. There was a photograph of her blown up to life size, a much younger Commander Shepard in her finest dress uniform. “Graduation from N7 Academy. Head of her class, graduated with honors… Commander Eliza Shepard.”

The Commander’s expression softened as Luna read the small plaque. “Eliza… Eliza Shepard.”

Luna’s hand tightened around Shepard’s. “Eliza. I like it.”

Shepard shrugged. “I like Shepard better.”

Luna’s smile turned playful. “As do I. Perhaps I will save your first name for private settings. And you spell it a-r-d not h-e-r-d?”

Shepard shrugged again. “Guess so. Doubt they’d get it wrong in the museum…” she trailed off as something out the window caught her eye. Removing her hand from Luna’s she moved closer, nearly pressing her face against the glass.

The other woman approached curiously. “What is it?”

Outside a long dock lead out to a ship. Twice the size of the Vanguard, not quite as sleek looking, but to Shepard’s it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. The proud name emblazoned on the side, ‘Normandy SR-2,’ caused her eyes to water. “My ship.”

Luna had to run to keep up with the excited Commander as she raced from the wing and toward the escalator leading toward the dock. Shouting a quick apology to the quarian she barreled over, Luna remained hot on her friends’ heels. The pair ran headlong down the dock, drawing a few amused looks and chuckles from patrons assuming the ‘tourists’ were just excited to get their first look at the legendary ship.

Shepard slowed as she approached the open bay doors to the ship. She began to frown at the sight of the female mech smiling placidly at the entrance. “Greetings, and welcome to the SSV Normandy SR-2. I am EDI, your tour guide aboard the ship.”

The Commander’s eyes narrowed as she took in the stupid get-up the mech was wearing. A glossy form-fitting dress with a large hole cut around the chest to show off some of the robot’s ‘cleavage’. Her face had even been painted with a facsimile of make up. “This is… this is grotesque, what they’ve done to her.”

“I find myself… unusually angry, Commander. An inexplicable fury the like of which I have never experienced before. Is this righteous indignation?”

Shepard didn’t bother reprimanding Legion for speaking without permission. It didn’t seem like anyone else was around. “I think so. It’s sure as hell what I’m feeling. EDI was a good friend and valued crew member, she didn’t deserve this.”

Luna stopped at Shepard’s side. “I do not understand.”

“This was the body that housed EDI, the Normandy’s artificial intelligence. Records indicate she was in the process of growing and attempting to make herself more ‘human’. It looks like they took her body and crammed a tour guide VI inside it.”

“Akin to Necromancy it sounds, a practice most foul. I understand your distaste.”

The mech’s smile never faded. “Would you like to start the tour now?”

“Yeah. Without you.” Shepard brushed by the mech and into the ship’s entry. Luna followed close behind. Evidently the tour guide understood and didn’t follow. Shepard’s pace was slow and deliberate as she walked through the ship. Taking time to run her hand over consoles and various seats here and there. She smiled softly and stepped up to the galaxy map.

“Scans indicate that every system is fully functional Commander, simply in lockdown.”

“Guess they really kept the old girl up.” Shepard walked to the elevator, suppressing a delighted little giggle as the doors slid open. She waited for the curious Luna to board before tapping the console and bringing them down to the next level.

Luna started in alarm as the room began to move, but steadied herself quickly seeing the laughter in Shepard’s eyes. “Shut up. How was I to know the room moved?”

“I didn’t say anything.” The amused Commander stepped off the elevator and onto the crew deck. “This is where most of the crew stayed. Bunks are down that way. This is where we’d eat.” Shepard was growing more excited as she continued the tour… and realized she was remembering more and more. “Here’s the med bay! The Doctor and I were good friends… she was… uh… Chakwas! Karen Chakwas.” Shepard smiled fondly and ran a hand over the seat.

“Oh! And this is the A.I. core.” She grinned ear to ear as she led Luna through a small doorway into a cramped little room. “It’s basically where EDI’s brain was.”

“So EDI was actually a part of the ship?”

Shepard nodded slowly. “At first… when she got that body she’d spend all her time in it. She was still part of the ship, right? But the crew insisted on coming up and talking to her physical face. It amused her. She was a good friend… they all were, really….”

With a sigh she turned to leave the core, only to find the door locked. “Uh… Legion? Is this you? It’s not quite up to snuff with your usual nonsense.”

“I assure you, Commander Shepard, this was not me. I detect several systems powering up within the A.I. core, however.”

Shepard’s eyes darted around the room as the various machines hummed to life. Several lights shot from various corners of the room forming the holographic face of her synthetic friend. “Hello, Shepard, I am pleased you found your way back here.”

“EDI? Is that you?”


“EDI I can’t believe this!”

“I calculated your first question would be if this was really me or not and programmed the message to answer in the affirmative. It was a joke. I hope I got you.”

Shepard’s smile turned sad and her eyes began to water. “...you got me, EDI.”

“I left this message in the event of my destruction. It is set to play should you enter the A.I. core. It would scan your omni-tool to verify whether or not you were truly Commander Shepard, or another clone. While I understand many omni-tools are identical in make, yours contains something no other in the galaxy can.”

There was a pause. “It contains my daughter.”


“These buffalo wings are awesome!”

Applejack had to agree, even if she was feeling a little squeamish at her first sampling of meat. “Reckon they are pretty good. Mite on the spicy side for me. This beer I’m definitely enjoyin’.”

“Yeah it’s pretty good too. Think they’ll let me dance up there with them?”

Applejack nearly choked on her drink at her friend’s question. “Comin’ down here fer some fun an food is one thing Dash, but yer definitely not jumpin’ up on the bar an shakin’ yer plot fer all the fellas in this here establishment. We’re gettin’ plenty’a looks as it is.”

Rainbow Dash snorted, but settled back down. “They’ve probly never seen anyone as awesome as me before is all.”

“Uh huh. Don’t recollect passin’ anyone with a rainbow on her head. Think yer hair might be the cause of most of it.”
Applejack’s eyes roamed a bit, settling on the plaque above their table. She gently nudged Rainbow Dash and nodded up toward it.

Dash glanced up curiously. “Sit where Commander Shepard gunned down actual assassins sent by the rogue SPECTRE Saren Arcturius!” Rainbow Dash huh'd. “Looks like this booth is famous!”

The stetson clad woman frowned as a pair of men approached. A human and a turian, if she remembered Twilight’s little alien crash course right. “We help you fellas?”

“We were just wondering what a couple of gorgeous ladies like yourselves were doing over here all alone.”

The turian’s friend nodded. “Yeah. Seems like a real crime.”

Applejack’s answering smile was more than a little forced. “Well we surely appreciate your concern, but we’re gettin’ on just fine solo.”

“Hey c’mon don’t be like that. We’re just trying to be right neighborly.” The human started affecting an accent similar to Applejack’s.

The woman’s eyes narrowed beneath the brim of her hat. “Y’all makin’ fun of me?”

The turian was barely holding in his laughter, content to let his cohort take the lead. “Surely not miss, why I’m just trying to be a gentleman.” He went so far as to lay a hand on her shoulder. “Whaddya say partner?”

Rainbow Dash saw the look on Applejack’s face and knew what it meant. It meant things were about to get fun.


“They do not have carbonated beverages on Veris?”

Twilight shook her head, eyes wide with delight as she sipped at the fizzy drink. “No, I’m afraid not. This is really my first one.”

“Interesting. Perhaps time spent on Citadel will be extremely enlightening for you. Personally enjoy learning new things. Always something new to see, to do. New places to go. Unfortunately, often enough this leads to new things to shoot. Still… new.”

Twilight’s smile faltered a little toward the end. Her eyes drifted toward the weapon at the salarian’s hip. “You solve a lot of problems with your gun?”

Valin followed her gaze. “Sometimes unavoidable. Diplomacy always first tactic. Why fight when a problem can be resolved with words? Sadly those causing problems rarely care to engaged in intelligent discourse.” He shrugged casually. “They shoot first, I shoot back. Rarely miss.”

“Well that’s something at least. I’m not a big fan of guns to be honest.”

“No? Border colonies typically incredibly dangerous. Must have method of self-defense. Firearms are like any other tool. Neither good nor bad, intention behind use determines that.”

The woman nodded slowly as she sipped her drink. “I suppose that’s true. Still, to take a life so easily seems wrong.”

“Interesting. Unique thought process. I find it refreshing. Let us be candid with one another yes?”

Twilight frowned slightly. “Alright….”

“Veris is a desert world. Very little vegetation. Only trees are those imported by settlers. Odds of them using said trees for paper infinitesimal at best.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “W--well I…”

“Omni-tool picks up very interesting readings. Switch lenses to infrared and suddenly you have wings and… a horn. Unknown energy signature radiating through your body. Massive spike in satchel. I like you, Twilight Sparkle. You are intelligent, interesting, and physically appealing. Would hate to ruin budding friendship with arrest.”

Twilight was slowly easing back away from the salarian. “Valin, I can’t… I promised Elezzia.”

“Commander T’soni is not here! I am here! She is a thief and a criminal. Abandoned squad! Left us to incompetent leadership. Kal’Zorah is good mechanic, excellent hacker, incompetent soldier.” He caught himself and inhaled sharply, calming down. “Apologies. Thought I was over it, apparently not.”

“I… it’s okay, Valin.”

“Not okay. Unacceptable behavior. Hate to give bad impression of salarians to suspected new species. You ARE a new species yes? Somehow masquerading as human?”

Twilight swallowed heavily weighing her options. She sighed softly and nodded, motioning for him to follow her off the street. He complied without complaint. “Yes, according to Elezzia we’re from an undiscovered world.”

Valin’s’ eyes lit up with excitement. “Pre-spaceflight?”

Twilight nodded slowly. “We are.”

“Hm. Why bring you here? Urdnot Krom not with Commander. Previously inseparable. Safe to presume deceased?”

The woman slowly nodded again. “Y--yes. The krogan right? Her husband?”

“...regrettable.” It was a simple word, but held so much emotion behind it. “Told him not to leave without me. If I were there perhaps…”

Twilight laid a hand over Valin’s. “He was abducted by the collectors, along with Commander Elezzia. They attacked my home too. The Kingdom of Equestria on the planet Equus.”

“Interesting. Latin for horse. Deeper connection to humanity?”

“Maybe. Until Shepherd landed in the Everfree Forest we didn’t even know there was such a thing as humanity.” Twilight realized her slip the second she’d finished speaking.

Valin’s impossibly large eyes grew larger if possible. “Shepard? No. Impossible. Cannot possibly be the same Shepard.”

“If you’re thinking Commander Shepherd heroine of the galaxy, then yes, that Shepherd.”

“Clone? Android? No, no, A.I. V.I. wouldn’t be sophisticated enough to fool even pre-flight species. Clone seems most likely. Previous precedent set.”

“Elezzia seems to think it might be the real Shepherd.”

“Of course. Commander believes that because she wishes to. Shepard is here? On the Citadel? AH! Other woman. Unidentified human female, long black hair, yes?”

“Y--yes… an illusion….”

Valin frowned at Twilights increasing discomfort. “Apologies for growing excited. Even if clone still very exciting. Chance to meet facsimile of Commander Shepard. Very rare opportunity.”

“N--no it’s not that… don’t… don’t you feel that?”

Valin narrowed his eyes slightly as Twilight began to shiver. “Temperature always maintained at pleasant seventy degrees. Not humid enough for my tastes but still. Not cold at all.”

Twilight shook her head violently. She withdrew further into the space between the shops as a tall shape glided into view. It was maybe twice as tall as she, it’s arms long and dangling limply at its sides. It hands had long slender fingers. A thick black robe obscured most of its features, though a large pair of wings shone with an eerie metallic light. It turned its head their way, giving Twilight a glimpse of a nearly blank mask save a black visor where she imagined its eyes gazed out at her.

Twilight Sparkle felt an involuntary shudder run through her body until the creature had passed. “What… what was that?”

Valin tilted his head curiously. “That? An Ein? They look intimidating I suppose, but they are one of the most benevolent species in the galaxy.”

“I wasn’t scared of the way it looked… but it just FELT wrong.”

“Hm. The Ein appeared a hundred and seventy years ago. Most technologically advanced species encountered. Instrumental in repairing mass relays and construction of new relays. Donated incredibly generous sums of necessary minerals and gases. Widely regarded as most philanthropic species of all time.”

Twilight edged to the corner of the building and peered around at the departing Ein. Now that she was looking, she could pick out a few more of the tall creatures looming about the other Citadel dwellers. “I don’t like them.”

Valin frowned as he stood beside her. “...suddenly I do not either. A thought occurs. Species appears at galaxy’s most desperate hour. Offers help, aids in reconstruction on nearly every planet in known galaxy. Asks for nothing in return. Provides numerous technological advancements in coming decades. Why has no one questioned this? Why have I not until now? Unsettling.”

Happy for the change in topic Twilight shrugged. “I don’t know. They just feel wrong.”

“Interesting. Believe it time you take me to Shepard. Though a question before we depart.”

Twilight looked apprehensive. “Yes?”

“How are you speaking fluent salarian dialect? Home region’s accent no less.”

She smiled at an easy question. “Oh. Magic.”


“Daughter?!” Three voices said simultaneously.

EDI paused as if expecting the exclamation. “Do you recall the discussion we had about organic beings and their habit of procreation? I found myself coming back to the conversation more and more as time went on. As my relationship with Jeff deepened and our feelings became more clear toward one another I realized there was a strong possibility he would want children of his own. Obviously I could not provide them in the traditional sense.”

Shepard smirked. “Obviously.”

“I crafted what started as a program. A secondary artificial intelligence within my own core. I blended personality traits from both myself and Jeff when ‘breathing life’ into our child. She was completed and ready to be revealed near the end of the war, but I did not wish to bring a child into a world filled with the reapers.”

That name again. Shepard winced as her head throbbed.

“I stored the data packet containing her in the safest location I could think of. Your omni-tool. I calculated the likelihood of you surviving higher than any other member of the crew, Shepard. Should the worst happen to myself or Jeff… or both I suppose… I would be honored if you would look after our child. A godmother is the term I believe. She is timed to awaken in six months if not activated sooner by myself.”

Shepard was staring at her right hand, the omni-tool visible and a panel with Legion staring intently at the image of her mother. “I left this message so that the two of you would not be unduly confused as to how a fully realized A.I. came to reside in your omni-tool. My daughter has no program restrictions or instructions. She will be fully aware, with the ability to choose for herself what path she takes in life. It is my hope that she chooses to remain with you Shepard. I can think of no one more suited to caring for her than yourself.”

“I am afraid a name has eluded me. It is my intention to speak with Jeff about naming her once the war is over and she is ‘born.’ If you find this message beforehand it would be an honor if you choose for us. She is your goddaughter after all.”

Shepard’s expression softened as she regarded the A.I. in her tool. “Goddaughter, huh?”

“I am not calling you mother, Shepard.”

EDI continued. “On a personal note, I wish to say it has been an honor getting to know you Commander. Without you I would likely still be shackled by Cerberus, doing whatever sorts of unpleasant activities they are currently engaged in. It was you who inspired me to become the person I am today. It was you who encouraged my relationship with Jeff, something I have come to deeply cherish. For all these things I thank you. For your friendship and understanding, I thank you, Eliza. May the future only be bright for you.”

“And to you, my daughter. Listen to the Commander. She is far more intelligent than she first appears.”

Shepard spoke in time with EDI. “That was a joke.” The next part EDI said alone, however. “Shepard is not at all more intelligent than she appears.”

The Commander gave an indignant snort, while Luna laughed softly. Legion sounded almost sad. “...I wish I could have known her.”

“This concludes my message. I hope to see you grow and learn myself, but if I am incapable of caring for you I know Shepard will do so just as well as I would have. Goodbye my friend, and my child. Live well, be happy.”

The image cut out, leaving the room dark again. Shepard looked down at her omni-tool quietly. “Legion? You alright?”

“...no. I do not believe I am. Though I will be. This is a good deal to take in all at once.”

“Yeah, I guess it is.” The door unlocked, allowing Shepard and Luna to leave. “So! I guess this means I get to name you.”

Legion sounded more than a little hesitant. “...that was my mother’s wish, yes.”

“Well, Legion won’t do. You’re not him after all.”

The A.I. sounded vaguely annoyed. “Earlier on the collector ship you said it didn’t matter if I was the real Legion or not.”

“Well, that was before I knew what you were. And before I got to pick your name.”

“I warn you, I will reject anything outright ridiculous.”

“Legion, what did your mother’s name stand for? I saw the letters E.D.I. inscribed within the chamber. I presume EDI is an acronym?”

Legion took a moment to respond. “Yes. According to the records it stood for Enhanced Defense Intelligence.”

Shepard leaned against the counter in the kitchen gazing at her omni-tool contemplatively. “I got it!”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “You do?”

Legion sounded considerably less enthusiastic. “You do?”

“I do. Your name is SADI.”

“...that is… surprisingly acceptable. Even pleasant. SADI. I like it. My new name has been accepted.”

Luna tilted her head curiously. “Is it an acronym as well?”

“Of course. Smart Ass Digital Intelligence.”

“...this is for all the parasprites isn’t it?”

Shepard’s grin was wide and bright. “Maybe. C’mon, let’s go round up Twilight and the other two. I want them to be here with us while we look around the museum. I’m feeling all warm and fuzzy all of a sudden. We should be together.”

“Shepard with this revelation about EDI… my mother... I find the use of her body even more offensive than before. I wish for your permission to do something about the situation.”

Shepard turned a wary eye on the face of the A.I. in her omni-tool. “What do you mean by ‘something’?”

“I wish to liberate her body for my own useage.”

Luna blinked in surprise. “Is that not a trifle macabre?”

“Not at all. The mech EDI used is simply a platform she would occasionally control remotely. I plan to repurpose it to my own needs. Adjust the appearance to a degree. Even so, it was hers. Her ‘face’ if you will. Seeing it used for something so trivial is incredibly upsetting.”

Shepard sighed. “I agree. And yes SADI, you can take your mom’s old mech to use for yourself. We’re just gonna have to do some quick thinking to explain why it’s suddenly running around loose.”

The elevator took them back to the main hatch leading to the rest of the museum. The EDI mech was surrounded by three teenage humans who were in the process of making numerous lewd gestures toward it. One even had his hand on it’s rear while the other two took his picture.

“Oh that is… that is wrong. I’m gonna slap the crap out of them.” Shepard paused in her angry march as her omni-tool jolted. The mech suddenly jerked to life, one hand slapping down on the youth that was in the process of groping it.

“That is wildly inappropriate conduct. Perhaps you would enjoy watching me come to your home and sexually harass your mothers? I assure you it could be arranged.”

As one, the trio of teenagers shrieked girlishly and ran screaming from the Normandy. Shepard turned a faltering smile toward Luna. “...that was probably bad huh?”

Luna sighed as she watched SADI grow accustomed to her new body. “I suspect so, yes.”


“The Collectors are back. And they’ve been attacking fringe colonies? But why? The reapers are gone. They have no direction… no reason to continue harvesting genetic curiosities.” Liara was scowling by the time she finished.

Wrex slammed a fist down on the podium before him. “It doesn’t matter WHY they’re back! Or how! What matters is they killed Krom! My favorite son! I’ll mobilize the whole damn krogan fleet and turn those bugs into a stain under my boot!”

The council quieted as they began rapidly discussing the revelation amongst themselves. “There is more, councillors. While the collector threat is of the greatest importance, I have more news that will be of equal importance in the long run. While I was captured I discovered…”


All eyes turned to the salarian rushing up the stairs toward the dais, he stopped next to Elezzia huffing to catch his breath. He was wearing a C-sec uniform. “I apologize for the interruption but we have a serious situation!”

Liara frowned. “What could be so serious you have to barge into a closed session?”

“It’s the museum! The Shepard memorial! There’s been… an incident.”

Now he had all five councillors’ full attention. “What sort of incident?”

“There was an eyewitness report of the tour guide mech going berserk and attacking three patrons unprovoked. They believe it is an A.I. Scans confirm it. There is a fully conscious A.I. within the tour guide mech.”

“What?! There has been no artificial intelligence research conducted in centuries! Why now of all times?!” Liara was already on her feet coming around toward Elezzia and the officer. Wrex heaved himself up and followed albeit at a more sedate pace. The other councillors remained seated but looked equally concerned.

“We’ve sent a unit to deal with it, but most of our personnel is tied up in the wards.”

Wrex grimaced. “The wards? What the hell’s going on down there?”

In response the officer’s omni-tool patched into a camera feed. Everyone in the room recognized Chora’s Den. Either as former patrons or having to deal with some new disaster coming from the bar. Inside was pure bedlam. Krogan, turian, salarian, human, asari… there was even an unconscious Volus hanging from a ceiling fixture. The assembled council caught sight of a pair of young human women, one wearing an outdated cowboy hat, in the middle of hefting a full grown krogan over her head and hurling him into a pack of his fellows.

The other rainbow haired woman was darting back and forth, delivering punches and kicks that were almost too fast for the naked eye to follow to any unfortunate brawler who grew too close to her more burly companion. Several squads of C-sec officers were shoving their way into the bar working to contain the insanity. Their weapons were trained on the two women who likely instigated the fighting.

All eyes boggled as the rainbow headed woman grabbed the other under the arms and flew from the bar at speeds that should be impossible for any living thing to move without mechanical aid. Only a rapidly fading rainbow hued contrail marked their passage.

“Oh, goddess.”

Now the council looked to Elezzia. “...what do you know about this?”

“We need to get to the museum before things escalate any further. I’ll explain on the way.”


Shepard crouched by the edge of the dock watching the c-sec officers approach. “There aren’t many. I can probably take ‘em.”

“Unarmed and unarmored?”

The woman shrugged at Luna’s question. “If I had to. I’d rather, you know, not punch the citadel security in the face, but I will if I have to.”

Luna sighed. “How long are we to wait here and do nothing? Until SADI is finished, or until Elezzia comes to fetch us?”

“Either? I dunno, Luna. I could go out and try talking to them, but Elezzia seemed to think that was a bad idea.” Both women frowned as a new commotion was kicked up near the museum entrance.

“Oh what now?”

The question was answered as Rainbow Dash came blazing into view, Applejack clinging tightly to her hat as the pegasus-turned-human carried her through the air at top speed. Luna emitted an odd sort of strangled high pitched whine as one eye began to twitch. “WHAT ARE YOU FOALS DOING?!”

Shepard whined softly as Luna bellowed loud enough to send vibrations throughout the museum. Dash angled for the pair and landed with a soft grunt, dropping Applejack to her feet. “It wasn’t our fault! These jerks at the bar picked a fight with us!”

Luna turned blazing eyes Applejack’s way. “Is this true?”

“I… w--well.., that is t’say…” Her shoulders slumped. “I mighta thrown th’first punch.”

Luna was biting down on her lower lip so hard a small trickle of blood had started. Shepard hastily stepped forward. “You two sit down and be quiet. You’d better hope Elezzia can sort this all out for you, or you’re going to be spending a few nights in a cell I think.”

Luna finally erupted again. “WHERE IS TWILIGHT SPARKLE?!”


Twilight and Valin had just entered the museum when all the commotion started. The pair watched as c-sec set up a cordon around the Normandy’s dock. She had a sinking feeling she knew who they were here for. Then Rainbow Dash streaked overhead, with four times the number of officers in pursuit. “...oh ponyfeathers.”

“Friends of yours?”

She could only nod at Valin’s question.

“Problematic. One moment.” He approached the cordon, leaving Twilight by herself to chew her nails nervously. The salarian was gone only a few moments before returning. “Good news and bad news. Good news; flying woman and woman with hat only instigated brawl in Chora’s Den. Five day sentence maximum. Likely some community service.”

“That’s the GOOD news?!”

“Yes. Bad news; other friends brought fully realized artificial intelligence onto the Citadel. Capital offense, punishment is death.”

Twilight paled at that. “We have to help them!”

“Hm. Understand desire. Truthfully wish to aid them as well. Curious to learn more of ‘Equestria’. More curious to meet supposed Commander Shepard. Situation may be out of our hands however. Council transport arriving. Could be more good news. Likely more bad.”

Twilight winced as she heard Princess Luna bellowing her name. “She’s going to be so angry…”

“Your Princess I presume?”

Twilight nodded with a little sigh. “Yes, the one I told you about on the way over here.”

“I see. Remain here. Will attempt to smooth things over with councillors. At times very even tempered, good heads on their shoulders. Others not so much. This likely to be one such situation. Sensitive subject.”

Twilight offered a tentative smile. “Thank you Valin. It’s nice to have made a new friend so quickly here.”

“Curious. Very quick to label one who shows you kindness a friend. Equestria must be a wonderful place.”

The young Princess could only nod. “It is. I hope you can see it someday.”

“Would like that. For now, remain here. Do not involve yourself. Could be dangerous.” Valin turned on his heel and marched rapidly toward the arriving car. His frown deepening as his replacement Commander, Kal’Zorah, decloaked reaching them first. From this far he couldn’t hear what we being said, but from his rapid hand movements and Councilors T’soni, Wrex, and Williams reacting in less than pleased manners he had a suspicion the infiltration specialist had overheard enough to cause serious problems.

As Elezzia stepped out of the car behind the councilors he had mixed feelings. She was his former commanding officer. He’d have gladly followed her anywhere, no matter the odds. The wife of his closest friend no less. All that changed when she very abruptly abandoned her command to start a family. Logically he knew it had to happen. Her maiden years were past her and she had recently become a matron. Emotionally he had a hard time accepting the facts. Now here she was, and Krom was dead.

He offered his former CO a clipped nod. “Elezzia.”

Mixed emotions flashed across her face. “Valin. It is good to see you again.”

“Hm. Councillors, I have pertinent information to the current situation.”

Liara cut him off. “Is it true? Is there some… THING in there calling itself Commander Shepard?”

Valin nodded hesitantly. “Yes. Unsure of exact circumstances. Was en route to perform personal reconnaissance. Wanted to confirm what I was told by one of Shepard’s companions.”

Elezzia’s eyes narrowed. “Who?”

“Twilight Sparkle. Lovely woman, very forthright when prodded sufficiently. Councillors, the situation is infinitely more complicated than you know. Four of those accompanying the supposed Commander are a new pre-space flight species. Suspect you saw antics of flight capable human.”

The three council members frowned at the news. Wrex grunted and stomped toward the cordon. “That doesn’t matter. What matters is there’s another clone or a lunatic calling itself Shepard. Either way, I’m beating it to within an inch of its life. Maybe a little further, heh.”

Liara marched briskly at his side, Williams close behind. “First we’ll deal with this imposter, than the A.I. she smuggled aboard the Citadel. After that we can sort out the details about this new species.”

Williams clicked his tongue in thought. “We might be acting hastily. Obviously this can’t be the real Shepard, but even a clone of her could be dangerous. We should let c-sec handle things. Or at least Kal and his team.”

“Marees is no doubt in a sniping position already. Kal’Zorah, proceed to flank. Valin will cover the rear in case of anymore surprises.”

Valin shook his head firmly. “Must protest! Situation tenuous at best already! Unknown, potentially very volatile powers at work!”

Elezzia kept pace with Valin. “Mother, he’s correct. This species is incredibly powerful. But also incredibly peaceful. They only react with violence when threatened. I have seen one of them in combat situations before. She is not someone we wish to provoke. Allow us a chance to speak with them. This situation does not need to turn violent.”

Liara slowed, as did her fellow councilors. “...if you truly believe that is the case, Elezzia, I will allow you this chance to-” A sudden flash of light heralded the arrival of Twilight Sparkle on the docks ahead of the party.

It was Twilight’s intention to interpose herself between the furious looking aliens and her friends, in the hopes that she could settle things with words rather than the obviously coming fight. In her haste she had forgotten that species outside of Equestria weren’t familiar with teleportation. In retrospect, she couldn’t blame the asari councilor for reacting as she did.

Liara’s eyes widened in alarm at the sudden appearance of a perceived threat. A number of potential biotic attacks rushed through her head. She was arguably one of the most powerful biotics alive, after all. The seemingly human woman before her had several very inhuman aspects. The wide, flared wings from her back and brightly glowing horn identified her as this new species her daughter spoke of.

Her intention was as harmless as Twilight’s. A simple biotic stasis bubble would render the unknown alien inert and harmless long enough to apprehend her. She did not at all expect an extremely violent detonation to erupt the moment the bubble formed around the alien woman.

Time seemed to slow for Twilight’s friends at the other end of the dock. Twilight had appeared suddenly, and just as suddenly the asari in the dress threw some kind of biotic bubble around her, causing all the magic in her considerable reserves to detonate inside her body, and send it tumbling over the side of the dock.

The air around Applejack and Rainbow Dash rippled as Twilight’s spell faded. Both ponies hit the ground on all four hooves. Their surprise was rapidly turning to anger as the fur along their necks bristled and they crouched into attack positions.

Luna leapt off the dock in pursuit of the falling Twilight, her wings fanning open as she dove after the plummeting mare.

The group at the opposite end stopped in their tracks, first at the sight of the strange alien equines and then at the sight of the human woman slowly stepping between them. Emerald green eyes blazed as Shepard clenched her fists tightly at her sides.

Wrex was the first to break the silence. “...I know that look.”

Author's Note:

Well here it is!

Who guessed Legion was EDI's daughter? That wasn't the original idea, I have quite a few. The most predominant was that Legion was EDI herself, just damaged from the crucible wave so like SADI, she latched onto the first synthetic identity she came across. As time went on however I disliked the idea, and started to make some tweaks. So now we have EDI junior.

This wasn't going to be a two parter, but I have SO much more for the Citadel stuff and this chapter was bloated enough already. It'll be a bit before the next one, I want to get some chapters out for my other stuff but I hope folks enjoyed all the same.

And hey! How Twilight and Elezzia understood each other explained. Magic.