• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 8,632 Views, 482 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight A's - PurpleProse

The Second Season of MPLT. Magical girls meet little ponies. The Wolkenritter appear!

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Chapter 9: Collision Course

The only sound in the bedroom was a gasping noise, like a swimmer straining desperately for air after surfacing from a deep dive. Trixie’s bony chest rose and fell with each breath, her coat glowing under the light emanating from Klarwind’s gems.

Shamal’s brow was furrowed in concentration, a pale green Belkan triangle slowly rotating under her feet as she strained, pushing as much of her energy as she dared into the healing spell. Vita sat opposite of her, her small hands clasped around one of Trixie’s shuddering hooves. Zafira slowly paced back and forth, his footsteps inaudible on the floor even with the armored coverings he wore on them. Signum stood near the curtain-covered window, her back turned slightly as she kept watch.

The raspy gasps began to slow as Trixie began to grow calmer, her tremors passing as she fell back into a quiet sleep, just as she had been for over a month. Shamal knelt down and leaned on the bed, the light surrounding her fading as she wiped her forehead.

“Is… is she alright now, Shamal?” Vita whispered, her eyes focused on Shamal as the Knight of the Lake nodded.

“I…” Shamal breathed in deeply. The healing spell had taken a lot out of her. “I managed to get her stabilized for now. I don’t know how long she’ll stay this way, though… we were lucky Signum spotted it.” She glanced towards Signum, who said nothing.

“It’s just like a month ago,” Vita whispered, “Isn’t it?”

“I… I think so.” Shamal slumped, looking through the open bedroom door towards the Book of Darkness. The tome sat there unassumingly on the couch, the golden cross on its cover glinting slightly in the light.


“Mistress! MISTRESS!!”

“Vita, help Shamal! Zafira, what happened?!”

“I… I tried… to warn… her…”

“Oh Kaiser, she’s barely breathing. Klarwind, help me!”

“Zafira, can you stand?”

“I failed…”


“Yes… General… Argh!”

“Lean on me. Now what happened?”

“The Book… I tried to warn her…about its defenses…”

“Shamal, what’s happening to her?!”

“I don’t know Signum! My healing spell isn’t work- Oh Kaiser, she’s seizing! Vita, roll her onto her side! Get something under her head! Hurry!”


“I’m trying, Vita, I‘m trying! Oh Kaiser, please let this work. Please let this work!”


“I don’t understand…” Shamal slowly rose to her feet. “We’ve filled nearly half of the Book’s pages, but she’s not improving. And now…”

“It’s getting worse.”

All eyes turned to Signum. The general slowly turned to face them, her eyes lowered.

“Whatever it is that’s keeping our Mistress stable is starting to fail,” Signum stated calmly. “If we don’t do something, the curse of the Book will claim her completely. We…” Signum paused, her stoic attitude wavering only briefly, her ears folding back against her head. “We cannot allow that to happen. We will not allow that to happen.”

“But what can we do?” Shamal replied. “Our options are limited, to say the least.”

“The Bureau’s looking for us,” Zafira said calmly. “And no doubt the Royal Guards are after us for what happened to Twilight Sparkle. It‘s unlikely there‘s any medical equipment we could steal that could help…”

“Our only recourse,” Signum looked up slowly, “is to complete the Book. Once it’s complete, Trixie will have full control over its functionality. The Book won’t attack its own Mistress… not once it‘s recognized her as its rightful controller.”

Signum looked to each of the Wolkenritter in turn, her eyes hard. “The completion of the Book is to be our number one priority now. Everything else comes second. We’re halfway there already… let’s make our remaining time count. Understood?”

“Understood,” came a unanimous response.


Trixie was floating in a strange black void; an endless, featureless and dark abyss.

She knew where she was. It was the same place she always rose up to, the place just before awakening. She’d been there many times before, but this time it felt different. The warmth was gone, replaced by an uncomfortable coolness.

She started to open her eyes, but froze as she felt a familiar presence. A sound came to her ears; a sound like pained breathing.

It wasn’t hers.

I’m sorry, the presence whispered. Trixie felt a gentle hoof touch her cheek. The labored breathing was close to her ears.

I’m sorry, it repeated.

It was apologizing. Why was it apologizing?

I am failing you. The voice sounded so sad. I cannot awaken you… nor can I release you from the darkness…and now…

Trixie strained. She felt the darkness pulse as she managed to crack one eye open. She caught a glimpse of a flowing silver mane. Silver mane, white horn, a brilliant red eye…

A gentle touch closed her eye.

You must return to the safety of sleep, the voice whispered. Forgive me…

Who…are you? Trixie managed to ask, her own mental voice faint. The presence seemed to pause at that question.

I am the last vestige of the Night Sky, though that is a name that has long been lost. No longer do I have a name to call my own… the presence sounded quite sorrowful. Ask no more… please, sleep. I shall watch over you until the time you can truly awaken.

And Trixie felt oblivion swallow her up once again.


“Is everything ready, Amy?” Chrono shifted slightly in his seat at the large, circular table that dominated the meeting room. Mid-morning sunlight trickled in through the windows on the left-hand wall, glittering off of the white stone wall and the deep purple carpet underneath the glossy wood of the table.

“Yup!” Amy tapped on her data pad, taking a seat at the meeting table as she did so. “I’ve got everything linked up. All of the files are right here on my data pad, and the projector‘s working just fine.”

“Good. Once everyone arrives, we’ll get started.”

As though in answer to Chrono’s statement, there was a knock at the door. The door opened as Twilight poked her head in. “Are we on time, Chrono?”

“You’re actually early. Please, come in.”

Twilight nodded, trotting into the room. She was followed closely by Spike and Yuuno, then Rainbow Dash. The sky-colored pegasus swept over the table and landed with a flap of her wings. “This better be important, Chrono. You’re cutting into my practice time.”

“I can assure you, Rainbow Dash, it is quite important.”

“Fate should be arriving with the others soon,” Twilight added as her Pegasus friend settled in. “Apparently Princess Celestia gave her permission to skip class to attend the meeting.”

“That’s good. I’d rather have everyone here so I don’t have to repeat myself.”

“Hehe. Isn‘t he so professional Aria?”

Chrono blinked as the Liese twins stepped into the room, Lotte bouncing along with each step as she trailed behind Aria. “Aria? Lotte? Where’s Admiral Graham?”

“Master Graham is currently in a private conference with headquarters,” Aria replied, making her way round the table with her more energetic twin. “He requested we attend the meeting in his stead. I hope that’s not a problem.”

“It shouldn’t be,” Chrono replied with a slight frown. “I would have thought he’d mention something like that to me…”

“It was rather urgent from our understanding,” Aria took her seat, her hands folded in her lap.

“Alright. I’ll have Amy prepare a packet for him with the highlights.”

“Thanks sweetie,” Lotte teased.

“Sweetie?” Twilight Sparkle arched an eyebrow at Chrono, causing him to sigh.

“It’s a long story. Twilight, meet the Liese Twins, Aria and Lotte. They were my personal instructors while I was training to be an Enforcer.”

“Oh! How do you do?” Twilight smiled, nodding her head. “It’s very nice to meet you. I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to before now.”

“It’s alright. Circumstances prevented it after all,” Aria shrugged.

“I was wondering where Chrono learned his magic. I don’t suppose you could share any information? I’d love to hear your approach to-”

“I’d be careful about that Twilight,” came a growl from the doorway. Arf stepped inside, glaring at the twin feline familiars, her ears folded back and her tail puffed up. “That perky one is evil…”

“Ooh!” Lotte grinned wickedly, her ears perking forwards as her tail swished. “Lookit Aria! It’s the puppy!”

“Who’re you calling a puppy, you mangy furball?!”

“Aw, what’s the matter Arffy?” Lotte pouted, her fingers curled and held together almost like paws. “Are you still mad at me?”

“Lotte,” Aria grumbled, “we talked about this, remember?”

“You wanna go another round?” Arf growled, her eyes shifting as her ears pulled tight against her skull, her hands balled up into fists. “We’ll see how long you’ll be laughing when-”

“Arf, stand down.”

Arf whined, looking over her shoulder as Fate walked inside. “But… but Master…”

Fate shook her head, nuzzling the wolf-girl‘s thigh gently. “You’re better than that. Now come sit with me, please?”

Arf whined, but nodded quietly and tucked her hands behind her back. Fate, meanwhile, glanced over at the Liese twins. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t try to provoke her.”

“It won’t happen again,” Aria replied firmly, reaching over and giving Lotte’s tail a firm yank. The cat-girl squalled slightly, shooting a dagger-eyed glance at her sister before sinking into her chair.

“Thank you.” Fate took her own seat, Arf sinking down into the chair right beside her.

“On second thought,” Twilight muttered as she glanced at Arf, the wolf-girl still quietly glaring at Lotte, “I think I’ll ask later…”

Chrono sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. At least they’re not at each other’s throats, he thought to himself.

Another knock at the door interrupted his thoughts as Sister Schach showed herself in, closely followed by Shining Armor. “Right on time, Sister, Captain. Please, have a seat if you would. Since we‘re all here-”

“Actually,” Shining Armor interrupted, “we’re not quite all here. There’s somepony else that’s joining us.”

Chrono blinked, then felt a chill run down his spine as a familiar presence darkened the door of the meeting room. Shining Armor bowed his head politely as Princess Luna strode through the doorway.

“Your Majesty,” Chrono rose quickly to his feet, as did the others.

“Be seated,” Luna took a seat at the table, positioned directly across from Chrono as Shining Armor shut the door. “Do forgive our intrusion, Enforcer Harlaown. We merely wish to add our own contribution to the briefing and planning of this mission.”

“It’s no problem, Princess Luna,” Chrono replied. “I just didn’t expect you to join us.”

“Because of the hour?” The alicorn quirked an eyebrow.

“Partially, yes.”

“We would be a poor leader indeed if we allowed a little thing like time to interfere in the execution of our duties,” Luna replied. “As the sword of Equestria, the execution of military duties upon our countries soil falls chiefly under our purview.” She leveled her gaze at Chrono, as though challenging him. “Do you wish to dispute this?”

“No, your Majesty,” Chrono replied, keeping his face carefully neutral. He noticed Yuuno glance at him, the archeologist’s mouth quirking slightly.

“Very well then.” Luna said, her voice raised to address the table as a whole. “Let us begin the meeting.”

“Yes,” Chrono replied calmly. “Let’s get started.”


“Is everything ready, Pennyworth?” Fancy Pants smiled as he made his way down the stairs towards his majordomo, his tail swishing jauntily with each step.

“Quite, sir.” Pennyworth replied in a basso profondo rumble, the expression on his blunt, blocky muzzle one of careful and professional detachment. The heavyset gray-and-white pinto-coated unicorn may have looked like he had be built out of concrete and cinderblock, but the stallion was worth every bit Fancy Pants paid him. His horn lit up in a silvery light as he hovered a royal blue sport coat over to his master. “Will you be returning this evening for dinner, sir?”

“I think not, Pennyworth,” Fancy Pants replied, allowing Pennyworth to dress him. “I’ve got a lot of things to tend to. I’ll likely return well into the night, assuming all goes well.”

“With a mare, sir?”

“Well… perhaps.” Fancy Pants hummed in thought, stroking his mustache slightly. “Unlikely, though… Continue business as normal while I‘m away.”

“I shall notify the staff then, sir.” Pennyworth replied calmly. The larger stallion levitated a handkerchief from the pocket of his jacket and dusted a few specks off of his master’s sport coat. “The best of luck to you.”

“Thank you, Pennyworth.” Fancy Pants smiled as Pennyworth opened the door for him. Fancy took a deep breath of the air outside, then set off.

His destination was the theater. With any luck, he would catch Trixie and have a discussion about further additions to her show. If he was very lucky, he might have a chance to steal Swan away for a few minutes.

She‘s so very unlike Fleur, he thought to himself. Fleur had been charming in her own way; certainly a lovely mare, but a bit of a coquette. He didn’t mind Fleur’s constant draping and leaning; it was just her way of showing affection. Swan, on the other hoof, was still a bit of an enigma.

I’ll have to be gentle with her. No large crowds. Perhaps something quiet. A bit private. She did seem uncomfortable during the showing at the galleria… perhaps a picnic in the Royal Gardens…

That was a thought. The Gardens would be nice and quiet. And hopefully, nopony would disturb them. He’d have ample opportunity to get to know her better then.

The spring in his step faltered slightly as he remembered the steel in her eyes, her desperate shout of ‘get back‘ as she flared her magic. He would have to be careful. Very careful. Whatever trauma Swan was hiding, it clearly made her upset when brought up… or even hinted at. It hadn’t been long since the galleria either. A gentle hoof would be required.

It didn’t take him very long to reach the theater. He paused at the entranceway and inhaled slowly, briefly checking himself to see if he was presentable before he opened the door.

The theater was oddly still and silent as Fancy Pants walked inside. The arena even more so. He felt slightly nervous as he made his way down the aisle.

“Hello? Trixie? Miss Lake? Miss Dancer? Miss Mallet?” He called out in a loud voice. “Is anypony here?”

Silence was the only response.

“Where the dickens is everypony? You’d think somepony would answer,” he mumbled to himself as he climbed up to the stage, passing through the back curtains to the backstage area. Perhaps they hadn’t heard him calling.

“Hello? Is anypony here?” His voice echoed as he entered the hallway backstage. “Hello?”

He paused mid-step when he noticed the light. A pale green radiance was seeping out from under the door that lead to the manager’s apartment. The lights color was familiar; he’d seen it emanating from Swan’s horn.

He approached the door cautiously, then reached a hoof up and knocked. “Miss Swan?”

There was a panicky noise, followed by what sounded like something like spilling bits. “F-Fancy Pants?”

“Yes, it’s me.” He called from his side of the door. “Are you alright? I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

“N-no! I’m fine, really!” There was a second flash of green light. “J-just a second!”

Fancy Pants frowned, his ears folding back. Swan sounded like she was panicking, which was not a good sign. “If you’re busy,” he called, “I can come another time.”

“No! No no, it’s okay! Just a second,” came the harried reply. There was a soft click as Swan cracked open the door and peeked out at him. “Y-yes?”

“Is everything alright, Swan?” Fancy Pants stepped back as she opened the door and stepped through, closing it behind her. There was a hint of bagginess under her eyes, and her tail was drooped down from her dock and swept along the floor. She swayed slightly; a stiff breeze would have tipped her over.

“Y-yes,” she smiled weakly. “E-everything’s fine.”

Fancy’s frown grew deeper. He knew a lie when he heard it. “Where is everypony? Where are the others? I would have thought they’d be here.”

“They’re out…”


“Out. Not here. Running…running errands.”

“And they left you in such a state? I would have thought they’d be better friends then that. Are you ill, my dear?”

“No… just…’ Swan paused, yawning deeply. “Just haven’t slept very well. I’m fine, really.”

“Nonsense. Look at you, you can barely stand…”

“I’m fine…” She repeated as she slowly sank down, taking a seat on top of her tail. “Was there… something you wanted?”

“I…” He paused, reaching out a hoof to steady her swaying. “I wanted to talk to you. About our next date.”

His ears folded back as she seemed to deflate, her head bowing. “Our… our next date,” she mumbled sadly.

“Swan, maybe it would be better if we go inside. You look utterly exhaust-”

“No!” Her head shot up, the look of fear in her eyes causing him to step back. “N-no! You can’t go inside!”


“You shouldn’t be here…” Swan whimpered softly. “I don’t want you to see. I don’t want you to…”

“Swan, I told you I didn’t care what secrets you were hiding from-” He reached out for her with one hoof, only for her to knock it away.

“This… this isn’t about me, Fancy Pants.” Her eyes locked on him. They were a soldier’s eyes now. “You can’t know. Please, just… just go. Leave. Forget about… about what we could have had.”

“Forget? I… I don’t understand, Swan.” Fancy Pants tried not to let his disappointment reach his voice. He failed. “What happened to you?”

“Nothing. Everything. Something important came up. My duty… I have a duty…”

“Okay, you have a duty,” Fancy conceded. “A duty to what? You’re not making any sense. What’s going on? Help me understand Swan.”

“Understand?!” Swan glared at him, stumbling to her hooves and taking a shaky step towards him. “You… you’d never understand! Please! Just go away! I’m begging you! If Signum-”

She froze mid-sentence, a hoof going to her mouth.

“Signum?” Fancy Pants stepped forward. “Who’s Signum? Swan, who’s Signum?”

“Oh no. No, no, no…’ She sank down, clutching her head with her hooves. “No, no, no.. I’ve said too much. Please, just go. Go now.”

“Swan, please. You can trust me. Is this ‘Signum’ after you? Are you being threatened?” Disappointment gave way to concern as Fancy drew closer. “I could alert the Guards if somepony is threatening you and the-”

“NO!” Despite her exhaustion, she lunged towards him. Her lighter bulk was still enough to make him stumble backwards, his back thumping against the wall opposite the door. “No! No! You can’t tell anypony!”

“Swan, what’s gotten into you?!”

The mare slumped against him, a weak sob reaching his ears. He sat there for a moment, then quietly wrapped his arms about her neck, holding her gently.

“Why? Why did we have to meet you?” Swan sobbed. “Why did I have to fall for you? She was right, I was so stupid…”

“Shh…” Fancy ran a hoof through her mane. “It’s alright Swan.”

“No. No, it’s not alright. It’s not going to be alright.” Her green eyes looked up at him, wet with tears. “It’s never going to be alright. If we can’t… if Trixie…” Her eyes went wide and her body went stiff. Her head turned back towards the door to the apartment. “Oh Kaiser, Trixie!”

“Swan? Swan!?” Fancy shouted as Swan yanked herself from his embrace, bolting through the door and knocking it open. He stumbled to his feet and followed cautiously. The apartment was in its usual state; a bit cluttered but big enough to fit several ponies.

A groan came from the door leading to the main bedroom. Fancy turned towards the door and blinked at the glow coming from the crack of the door.

“No, not now… not again,” he heard Swan groan. “Please, not now…”

“Swan?” He walked over to the door and pushed it open gently.

He froze in place at the sight before him. Swan stood before a bed, hunched over it as a strange, glyph-filled triangle slowly rotating beneath her hooves. Beyond her, laying half-covered in the sheets and looking decidedly unhealthy was Trixie, her prone form shivering violently. He'd recognize that blue coat and mane anywhere, disheveled though it was.

“Swan?” He swallowed. His mouth felt dry. “Swan, what’s going on? Is… is that..?”

He froze as another groan escaped Trixie’s mouth, her shivering growing worse. Swan’s body stiffened as her horn flared again, her body trembling with concentration. It didn’t last long, however, as her horn’s light began to strobe and dim.

“I… I don’t…” Swan swayed. Fancy’s hooves beat against the wooden floor as he rushed to her side, catching her weight against his body.

“I don’t… have enough magic… drained…”

“Swan,” he warned as the mare struggled back to her hooves, “we need to get her to a hospital. I don’t know what’s going on but…”

“No time… can’t do anything… I just need more… power.”

Fancy grimaced. “I don’t know what you’re doing, but I know magic when I see it. You’re trying to heal her, aren‘t you? Tell me what to do.”

“Fancy, you can’t…”

“Tell me. What. To do.”

Swan looked at him quietly, slowly getting to her hooves. “Close your eyes.”

“How is that-”


Fancy Pants frowned, then did as he was asked, shutting his eyes tight even as his brain whirled. What’s happening here? What happened to Trixie? How long have they been hiding this from me?

“Klarwind, guide me.”

Fancy felt his ears pull back as he heard an unfamiliar voice reply “JA. PENDELFORM.” What sort of language was that? He shivered as he felt something strange touch his muzzle.

“Fancy,” Swan replied, “I’m sorry I dragged you into this… I don’t have enough strength to stabilize my Mistress on my own… I’m drained dry… but if I had access to your Linker Core, I might be able to save her. But… oh Kaiser, I don’t want to hurt you-”

“Whatever…” Fancy shuddered, fear creeping into his heart, “Whatever it is you need to do, do it quickly. I’ll help however I can.”

“I’m sorry… but this is going to hurt.”

There was a soft chime, and then Fancy Pants felt pain. Pain like he’d never felt before. It was like someone had yanked the heart from his chest. His eyes snapped open on reflex to see a hand hover before him, fingers cupped around a brilliant golden-yellow star of light. The light pulsed as he began to weaken, his legs shuddering as he felt his strength being sapped away.

Beyond the light, he saw a human; or at least, something that looked like a human. He’d heard descriptions of them, but he’d never actually seen one before. But this one seemed familiar; the short golden hair, the green eyes…

“S…swan?” He croaked before he felt his lungs seize. He felt his eyes roll back as he fell into unconsciousness.


“As you all know,” Chrono rested his hands in his lap as he addressed the table, “our targets are the Book of Darkness, its Master, and the Book’s Guardians, the Wolkenritter. Some of you at this table know what the Book is, but for those not aware of the full scope of the danger, I’d like to cover it in detail. Amy, if you’d bring up the first graphic?”

Amy nodded and tapped on her data pad. The holographic projector, a shallow, dish-shaped disk in the center of the table, hummed to life and began to glow. A small ring of Mid-Childan script formed in mid-air, followed by an image of the brown-covered tome in question.

“This is the Book of Darkness. According to records at Headquarters, the Book is classified as a Class One Lost Logia, with a Hazard Ranking of S, the highest possible under Bureau standards. To put it in perspective, the Jewel Seeds have a Hazard Ranking of A as a whole.”

“The Book has existed since the height of the Belkan Empire, though it’s most likely that it predates that time period. It’s been theorized that the Book was originally some form of spell storage device, an archive of magical knowledge, if you will. The Book also possessed a powerful defense system, designed to safeguard the Book‘s contents.”

“However,” Chrono continued as Amy brought up a slowly scrolling list beside the original graphic of the book, “at some point, something corrupted the Book’s defense systems, mutating it into what we know now. Assuming our records are accurate, the Book has annihilated at least forty-nine separate worlds.”

Chrono kept his eyes on Princess Luna as he continued. Her expression remained cool and impassive, save for a narrowing of her eyes. “All life on each world, down to single-celled organisms and bacteria, were destroyed and the surfaces razed to the bedrock.”

“Hold up!” Rainbow raised a hoof. “Question! How in the hay can a book do that much damage? It’s a book!”

“It’s more than just a book, Rainbow Dash.” Chrono crossed his arms. “The Book of Darkness is a weapon. Its archives possess thousands of spells suited for all forms of combat, as well as a variety of utility spells, all of which can be accessed by the Book’s Defense System. When activated, however, the Defense System goes berserk and attacks anything that could be perceived as a threat to the Device. This is followed by a wide-area dimensional dislocation, which usually finishes the job. Afterwards, the Book re-forms in a different dimensional area, and the process repeats.”

“So why hasn’t Equestria been destroyed?” Shining Armor asked, resting a hoof on the table. “If something that powerful is here, then shouldn’t it have struck by now?

“Not necessarily, Captain. The Book itself requires activation by a Master. On its own, the Device remains inert and inactive until someone, usually a mage, links to it and activates it. Once it’s activated, the Book bonds to the Linker Core of its Master.”

“However, the Book does not fully activate at that time. The Book’s systems require vast amounts of mana, more than a single Linker Core can provide. As such, more magical energy must be fed into the system. This is where the Wolkenritter come in.”

Amy tapped on the data pad again, bringing up a new set of images. They were mostly stills of four familiar individuals clad in dark metal armor. There was a soft gasp from some at the table at the scenes depicted; fierce, bloody and decidedly one-sided combat between the four Knights and what looked like Bureau personnel. Even Rainbow, usually full of bravado, cringed away.

“The Wolkenritter,” Chrono continued, his voice taking on a harder edge, “are the servants of the Book and its Master. Their purpose is to gather Linker Cores to provide the Book of Darkness with power, and to protect its Master whatever the cost. The images here are from the previous incident involving the Book from eleven years ago.”

“Sweet Celestia,” Shining swallowed, glancing over towards the Princess seated at the table. “Sorry, your Majesty. Pardon my language.”

“Tis pardoned, Captain,” Luna replied, her eyes on the images. Chrono studied her expression. Like Celestia, Luna was good at controlling her expression, but not quite good enough. Her normal, stern expression had deepened slightly, and her eyes hinted at something a good deal more turbulent. There was anger in those eyes.

“They look different in these images,” Fate leaned in. “They’re not wearing the same clothing...”

“It looks like Ancient Belkan Knight Armor,” Yuuno added. “I’ve seen designs similar to it in my studies.”

“As have I,” Schach added as well. “The Saint Church has similar designs listed in its archive.”

“So why aren’t they wearing it now?” Fate glanced between Yuuno and Schach.

“Cost, perhaps? Knight Armor is more expensive to maintain, mana-wise, than Knight Clothing,” Schach supplied. “It provides much greater protection, but limits mana that could be used for, say, flight spells.”

“The Books master has some degree of control over the Wolkenritter’s appearance,” Chrono supplied. “It’s likely their current Master chose not to clothe them in armor, probably because he or she isn‘t familiar with Belkan magic, which points to an Equestrian master.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that,” Aria spoke up. “Are you certain that the Master is located here in Equestria?”

“Yeah,” Lotte leaned past her sister to look at Chrono. “For all we know, the Book could be in an adjacent dimension.”

“Aside from what I just mentioned?” Chrono glanced at Amy. “Bring up the incident map, please.”

“Sure.” Amy tapped on her pad again. The display shifted to a hovering, transparent cube filled with small spheres, each one labeled with different bits of Mid-Childan text. A large ’cloud’ of spheres were lit up a bright red. “This is a D-space map showing recent suspicious incidents which have involved sudden attacks by mysterious individuals. The attacks mostly consisted of raids on Linker Core bearing wildlife, small Bureau outposts, and non-Bureau magic users.”

“As you can see,” Chrono pointed as the map zoomed in, “the majority of these attacks took place on worlds relatively close to Equestrian dimensional space. Furthermore, the majority of these attacks took place after Twilight was attacked. Given the evidence, I‘m certain that the current Master of the Book is a Pony.”

“But how?” Rainbow frowned, looking at Chrono. “I mean, I’m not saying it’s not possible, but why would a pony get involved in something like the Book of Darkness?”

“You would be surprised, fair Rainbow Dash, of what a pony is capable of.”

All eyes shifted towards Princess Luna as she sighed. “While such a thought is deplorable, we must give it due consideration. One of our subjects may very well be the culprit.”

“You’d think somepony would have noticed three humans and a giant dog-guy wandering around,” Arf grumbled.

“Not really.” Spike piped up. “When Vita attacked Twilight and me, she came right up to our front door looking like a pony.”

“Which means that the Wolkenritter are hiding amongst the general population. Another reason to suspect the Master is Equestrian.”

“So it shouldn’t be too hard to find them, right?” Rainbow glanced around the table. “I mean, it shouldn’t be too hard to find a bunch of strange ponies, especially if they keep attacking ponies like they did to Twilight.”

“Actually,” Shining Armor frowned, “aside from Twilight, there hasn’t been any further cases of ponies being attacked.” He blinked as attention shifted to him. “Princess Celestia sent out a notice to all hospitals and major care facilities in Equestria. If anypony was brought in with symptoms similar to Twilight, they were to send a message to Canterlot immediately.”

“That’s assuming that the Wolkenritter left any ponies alive after they’ve been drained,” Chrono countered darkly.

“You think somepony wouldn‘t notice if somepony else didn‘t show up to work, Chrono?” Rainbow glared at the Enforcer. “Jeez, even I would know if somepony slacked off.”

“No offense Rainbow, but you’re not everypony,” Chrono replied flatly. “And given the situation, we have to assume the worst.”

“We assume, then, that you have a plan?” Luna asked.

“Of a sort. Captain?”

“Enforcer Chrono and I have planned an Equestria-wide recon pattern, your Majesty,” Shining Armor ‘s horn lit up as he levitated a scroll onto the table, unrolling it onto the table. “This map shows the areas that will be covered. It’ll be a joint exercise between the Royal Guard’s Pegasus division and the Bureau. Two pegasi will be partnered with each Bureau Enforcer during the flights.”

“The flight’s main purpose is to scan for anything that might clue us in to the Wolkenritter’s whereabouts and activities. The visual scans will complement the central MIDAR unit we’re setting up here in Canterlot.”

“MIDAR?” Twilight finally spoke up. “What’s MIDAR?”

“Mana Instability Detection Array,” Amy supplied, bringing up the schematic on the projector. “It’s a wide-area scanning device designed to detect subtle changes and fluctuations in mana density in the surrounding area. There’s no way the Wolkenritter will be able to hide from this bad boy… once we get it calibrated properly.” Amy blushed slightly as she looked at Luna. “There’s a lot of natural interference here in Canterlot, but we’ve got most of the kinks worked out.

“So what happens when we do find them?” Twilight asked calmly.

“We engage them.” Chrono replied firmly.

“Does that mean we fight them?” Rainbow quirked an eyebrow. “I mean, I’m cool with fighting, but after seeing those pics…”

“I understand your reluctance, but the eight of us are the best chance we have of taking the Wolkenritter down. Barring that, we should manage to capture them inside a barrier for interrogation. I assume that you’ve received your repaired Devices, Twilight? Fate?”

“We have,” Twilight replied as Fate nodded in agreement, “but we haven’t exactly practiced with them yet…”

“I’d suggest you focus on that,” Chrono replied before glancing around the table. “Now, if everybody doesn’t mind, I’d like to go over some general tactics…”

There was a soft mumble at the table as Chrono leaned forwards. He was acutely aware of not one, but two pairs of eyes focusing on him rather intently; Luna was still locked on him quite firmly, as though weighing and measuring his soul. Twilight, however, had joined in. Her expression was neutral, but Chrono could almost hear the gears whirring in her head.

Why do I get the feeling I’m going to be cornered after this meeting’s over with?


Everything hurt. That was the first thing Fancy Pants learned when he regained consciousness. His entire body, from the tips of his hooves to his throbbing head ached. His heart thudded sluggishly in his chest and echoed in his eardrums and his ribs ached as his lungs expanded with each inhaled breath.

Hardly ideal circumstances, but at least he was alive.

He shifted slightly, becoming aware of something soft under his head, his body covered with what felt like a sheet of some sort. Was he in bed, ill? No, his bed was far softer than what he was laying on. The pillow smelled familiar too…

Like Swan Lake.

Memories came back. The light, Swan asking for his help, the sight of the human, and then… blackness.

His thoughts were jumbled. What’s going on? What happened. Is Swan..?

He started to open his eyes when he felt something stroke his mane. He tried not to stiffen up as his mind tried to interpret the sensations. He felt long, slender digits tangle in his mane and run over one of his ears, the touch gentle and lingering. Some sort of paw, perhaps?

He heard a door open, followed by hoof-steps. No, not hoof-steps; the sounds were off…

“We came as quickly as we could, Shamal. Is Trixie-”

Sword Dancer? Fancy Pants thought in confusion as a sudden, deafening silence fell.

“Signum, I…”

“Shamal,” Sword Dancer interrupted firmly. “What is he doing here?”

Sword Dancer was Signum? That only made things more confusing. Swan… or was it Shamal… seemed afraid of ‘Signum.’ But if Signum was Sword Dancer, then why was she…

What was going on?

He felt a larger ’paw’ push against his barrel, then against his neck. The paw’s fingers were hard, like they were covered in metal. He tried to stay calm as he listened to the voices.

“Is he dead, Zafira?” That sounded like Mallet…

“Silence, Vita,” Sword Dancer snapped. “Explain, Shamal. Now.”

“I… I… he…” Swan stammered nervously. “After you… left on the collection run, I… I was doing some work here when he… I tried to tell him to leave, but Mistress… I’m sorry! I just… I panicked! I’m so sorry Signum!”

Fancy Pants couldn’t help but feel his heart shudder as he heard Swan descend into pitiful sobs. He slowly opened one eye, just a bit…

Only to find a dark-skinned, red-eyed human face looking down at him. He jerked away in panic, though he soon regretted the sudden sharp movement.

“He’s awake,” the human growled. Fancy could hear a hint of a canine snarl to his voice, even as he took note of the equally canine ears protruding from his head.

“Fancy!” Fancy mmfed softly as someone cradled his head. A new face came into his view; the same one he saw through the haze of light, though now her eyes were puffy and her cheeks wet with tears. “Oh thank goodness. Are you in pain? Can you move? Can you speak?”

“Swan?” His voice came out with a faint slur. “Swan, is that you? Why are… what’s… going on?”

“Yes, yes it’s me Fancy. I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” Her lower lip wobbled as she leaned in to nuzzle his nose. “I didn’t want to hurt you. I really didn’t. I just… there was no time to explain.”

“Trixie… is she…”

“She’s… she’s stable, for now.” The human with Swan’s voice wiped her face with one hand.

“Thank Celestia,” Fancy sighed, then looked up at the human with a frown. “Swan… what’s going on? What happened to Trixie? Why are you a human?”

“I,” she started, then looked up and away from him as another human approached, this one with long pink mane and a sword at her hip.

“It would be better if you didn’t know,” the new human said calmly.

“Sword Dancer?” Fancy Pants frowned as the pink-haired human’s lips twitched slightly. “It is you, isn’t it? Is Mallet here too?”

“Over here,” a crimson-maned girl stepped around the taller woman, arms folded before her. “And if you’re wondering, the big guy in blue is our dog.”

Fancy glanced over towards the dark-skinned man, eyes widening a bit. “Sapphire? That‘s Sapphire?!”

“I still think that name’s ridiculous,” the wolf-turned-man growled under his breath.

“This… this is insane.” Fancy tried to push himself up, only for his legs to give underneath him. ‘Swan’ quickly caught him, gingerly lowering him down to the floor.

“D-don’t get up yet. You’re still weak from…” she stammered mid-sentence, the continued in a softer tone of voice, “...from when I drained your magic.”

Fancy Pants didn’t reply immediately, letting his neck go limp and hit the pillow.

“You… should be okay in a few hours,” she continued in that same soft voice.

“Shamal? We need to speak,” ‘Sword Dancer’ said, jerking her head pointedly at the door. “Now.”

“Yes, General…” ‘Swan’ rose to her feet and dusted off her skirt, obediently following the pink-haired human out the door, closely followed by ‘Mallet’ and ‘Sapphire.’ The dark-skinned man pulled the door shut behind him as he left.

Fancy Pants inhaled slowly and shifted his weight, ears perking slightly as he strained to hear the conversation on the other side of the door.


Signum was… irritated.

The General of the Blazing Flame glowered down at Shamal. The Knight of the Lake slumped in dejection on the couch before her. Signum’s arms were crossed before her, almost like they were bound like a straightjacket. She wasn’t the sort to lash out physically against her subordinates, but at that moment in time she didn’t trust her judgment. Which was also why she had the arm of the couch between her and Shamal as well.

Signum’s right index finger tapped against her left bicep, the soft sound being the dominant noise in the tensely silent room. Vita perched on the arm cushion of the couch on Shamal’s right, opposite of Signum. Zafira, meanwhile, stood quietly in front of Shamal, his arms folded behind him.

Signum inhaled deeply. “I don’t think I need to inform you of how bad a situation this is, do I?”

Shamal nodded wordlessly.

“Good,” Signum shifted her weight slightly, looking at Shamal. “What do you intend to do about it?”

“I…” Shamal whispered. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” Signum quirked an eyebrow as Shamal shook her head, then sighed and glanced to the others. “Suggestions?”

“We could kill him, but I don’t think that’d work,” Vita deadpanned, causing Shamal’s eyes to snap to the young knight.

“Kaiser help you,” Shamal hissed, “if you so much as touch a hair on his-”

“Stand down Shamal!” Signum snapped, causing Shamal to blanch slightly.

“S…sorry, General,” her gaze sank again as Vita settled back onto her perch, though she scooted an inch or two away from Shamal.

“Nobody is planning on killing him,” Signum continued, attempting to reassure the Knight. “Fancy is a high-value target; too many would notice his disappearance. It would just bring suspicion down on us.”

“Which also means we can’t keep him here, either,” Zafira grumbled. “And if Shamal drained his Linker Core, then we can’t use the Book on him.”

Signum nodded. The Book wouldn’t accept a Linker Core that had already been tampered with. It was one of the reasons why they simply couldn’t drain a single target over and over. In a way, Shamal had protected him. A small mercy, perhaps.

“I can’t believe you actually drained his Linker Core, Shamal,” Vita leaned forward, resting her chin on her knees. “That must have been hard.”

“I… I didn’t want to… but…” Shamal whimpered softly as Signum sighed. She turned away as Vita moved down to sit beside Shamal, clumsily patting her on the shoulder.

What do we do? Signum closed her eyes as she thought. The situation as it is is suboptimal. And the longer Fancy Pants remains here, the more likely someone will come looking for him.

Unfortunately, he knows too much. He knows what our human faces look like, as well as our pony forms. We can’t risk him telling anybody about us. And even if we retreated, she opened her eyes and glanced at the bedroom door, we cannot risk relocating our Mistress in her condition.

There was another option, however. She was loath to try it, but there were no other clear options.

“Zafira,” Signum said aloud. “Fetch Fancy Pants, please.”

“Yes, General,” Zafira replied, turning on his heel and heading toward the door. Signum, meanwhile, lifted Laevantein from her belt and set the Device on the coffee table, taking a seat beside Shamal.

“General, what’re you-” Vita began, only to pause as Signum raised a hand. The floorboards creaked as Zafira walked inside, carrying the limp stallion in his arms.

“Set him there on the floor, if you could,” Signum gestured to the floor oppsite of the couch. Zafira knelt down, setting Fancy Pants on his haunches. The stallion swayed slightly, but spread his forelegs for balance before leaning against the coffee table, his hooves a few scant inches away from Signum’s sword.

Signum cleared her throat, then bowed slightly from her seated position. “Fancy Pants, sir. On behalf of our Mistress, the Great and Powerful Trixie, and my subordinates, I wish to apologize for our deception.”


The meeting had concluded with little fanfare, thankfully. Chono rubbed his eyes as Amy packed up the projector.

“I’m going to head upstairs to check on the MIDAR installation,” she glanced over at Chrono as she started to leave. “You going to be alright?”

“I’m fine Amy, really.” Chrono replied as he glanced around the table. Princess Luna and Fate had quietly stepped outside, and most of the others were filing out as well. Schach and Shining Armor were quietly talking to each other as they exited, and Yuuno, Arf and Rainbow Dash had already left, likely to go and practice or do… whatever it was they did. The Liese twins had scampered off to deliver their reports to Admiral Graham, which left only one individual in the room…


Chrono blinked and glanced over at Twilight as she trotted over, a concerned expression on her face. “Yes, Twilight?”

“Are you about to leave? I just wanted to talk to you about something, if you don’t mind.”

“Sure,” Chrono stretched his arms above his head, eyes closed as he did so. “I’ve got time, I think…”

“Are you alright?”

Chrono sighed. Why do people keep asking me that? “I think so. Why?”

“Well,” Twilight frowned, tapping one hoof to her lower lip in thought. “It’s just you seemed a bit… different when you started talking about the Wolkenritter during the meeting.”


“It wasn’t hard to notice,” Twilight replied. “I mean, I don’t want to pry, but you seem to have something against them. Something more than the whole ‘minions of the Book of Darkness’ thing.”

Chrono frowned and leveled a look at Twilight. His expression probably wasn’t pleasant, as Twilight shifted on her hooves nervously, a fore-hoof pawing the ground. “Sorry. Forget about it…”

“No,” Chrono sighed, rising to his feet and stretching his legs. “You’re right.”

“If it’s something personal, I didn’t mean to bring it up,” Twilight replied apologetically. “I just… I thought you might want to talk about it…”

“I’ve talked about it a lot, to be honest. Just not to you.” Chrono leaned one hip against the table as he faced Twilight. “You want to know what I’ve got against the Wolkenritter?”

Twilight nodded.

“The Wolkenritter are the reason my father died,” Chrono replied matter-of-factly, causing Twilight to bring a hoof to her mouth.

“Oh Chrono,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry! I-”

“Please don’t,” Chrono sighed. “I’m not made of glass, Twilight.”

“What… what happened?”

“My father, Admiral Clyde Harlaown,” Chrono glanced down, resting a hand on the glossy surface of the table, “was involved in the Book of Darkness incident eleven years ago. His ship, the Estia, was assigned to guard the convoy that was escorting the Book of Darkness and its current master. Somehow, though, the Book managed to escape the seals placed on it and re-activated.”

“The Wolkenritter,” he inhaled slowly, his hand clenching and his fingernails crawling over the tabletop, “were not kind to the crews of the ships. Their Linker Cores were fed whole to the Book, just enough to nearly complete it. My father was probably the last one left alive on the ship when they reached the bridge. Rather than risk it’s completion, my father… sacrificed his ship and himself to destroy the Book.”

“Oh… Oh Chrono, I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. My father did his duty. There’s no telling how many people he saved with his sacrifice.” Chrono replied. They were words he was used to repeating. “But I won’t forgive the Wolkenritter for what they’ve done.”

“Is… that why you became an Enforcer?”

“It helped,” Chrono replied, unclenching his hand slowly. “Look, I understand if you might not like my methods.”


“I know you don’t,” he interrupted, “I could tell from the way you were looking at me during the briefing.”

Twilight frowned. “It’s not that I don’t like it. It’s just… maybe we could try reasoning with them? You make them sound like they’re mindless killing machines, but they’re not. If we could-”

“I’m going to stop you right there, Twilight.” Chrono frowned down at the unicorn. “Because I can already tell what you’re going to say. It won’t work. The Wolkenritter aren’t like Fate. Love and companionship are meaningless to them. They have no mercy, no pity, and no remorse. Accept it.”

“Then why did Shamal apologize to me when she attacked me?” Twilight countered, causing Chrono to shift uncomfortably. “And what about the other victims? What happened to them?”

“Most of the victims,” Chrono replied grudgingly, “had their Linker Cores mostly drained.”

“If they were so merciless,” Twilight pressed, “then why did they leave them only mostly drained?”

“I don’t know. All I know is the information from the previous attacks suggests-”

“Chrono, I don’t want to be rude… but maybe you’re letting your personal feelings…”

“My personal feelings,” Chrono replied stiffly, “have nothing to do with the facts, Miss Sparkle. The Wolkenritter are murderers and monsters. You can’t reason with murderers and monsters. You can’t befriend murderers and monsters.”

“Doesn’t mean I won’t try,” Twilight replied with a bit of defiance.

“You’re more than welcome to try,” Chrono turned and starting to walk around the table away from Twilight. “Just don’t come crying to me when you end up on the wrong end of a sword.”

The door swung sharply as Chrono pushed it open, only to freeze mid-step at the sight of Princess Luna loitering in the hallway. “Your Majesty,” he replied with stiff deference.

“Enforcer,” she replied.

“Is there something you need?”


“Princess Luna?” Twilight poked her head around the door frame. “I didn’t know you were still here.”

“We did not advertise this fact,” Luna replied calmly. “But it matters not. We believe you have things to attend to, Twilight Sparkle?”

“Um… yes, your highness.” Twilight bowed her head slightly, then trotted off, leaving Chrono alone with the Princess of the Night.

“So, how much did you hear?” Chrono slipped his hands into his pockets.

“Enough,” Luna replied.

“I take it you want to speak with me?”

“We do.” Luna’s voice was even as she turned. “Come. Walk with us, Enforcer Harlaown.”

Chrono recognized a command when he heard one, even if it was phrased politely. He nodded and fell into step beside the alicorn, letting her lead the way.


“So you’re not actually ponies.”

Fancy Pants quietly watched the quartet as they sat there, his chin resting atop his crossed forearms. He hadn’t expected something like this to happen today, that much was certain.

“That’s correct, sir,” Signum replied.

“And Trixie is sick because of this ‘Book of Darkness’ thing, which you lot serve.”


“And you’ve been hunting creatures to feed their energy to the Book in order to save her.”

“Also correct.”

“And she’s been like this for a month.”

Signum nodded again, causing Fancy Pants to groan.

“This,” he rubbed his forehead gently, just under his horn, “is a lot to take in. If Trixie has been bedridden, then who’s been doing the performances?”

“I have,” Vita noted with a bit of pride. “Did I do a good job? I practiced the script for-”

“Vita,” Signum grumbled reproachfully.


“I see,” he sighed heavily, then rose up into a seated position as best he could. “So what happens now?”

“I’m afraid we don’t know,” Signum replied levelly. “We’re at an impasse.”

“I can tell. You can’t kill me -- and yes, I was listening,” Fancy Pants noted as the four glanced among each other, “and you can’t keep me here without arousing suspicion. But I know too much for you to feel safe in letting me loose. Am I correct?”

“I’m afraid so, sir.” Signum’s face was carefully neutral, her blue eyes focused on him like a hawk.

“This is indeed a problem. I’m guessing that, given your secrecy, you don’t want anypony to know your real identities. Am I right in assuming that you were behind the attack on Miss Twilight Sparkle?” When silence met his question, he sighed. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“How did-” Zafira started to ask.

“Miss Rarity told me that her friend was attacked by a group of mysterious individuals. After what happened to me, it wasn’t hard to put two and two together.” Fancy frowned as Shamal shrank inwards a little, hugging herself and ducking her chin against her chest. “At any rate, I understand if you don’t feel like trusting me. If you did, you’d have come clean a lot earlier instead of hiding. However…”

“However?” Signum frowned deeply.

“I’m willing to make you an offer. As things stand, Trixie is in poor condition. She needs medical attention. Round-the-clock, preferably, especially if you plan on doing this hunting business…”

“No hospitals,” Signum deadpanned firmly. “If word gets out about Trixie’s condition-”

“Alright,” Fancy Pants interrupted. “If you won’t take her to a hospital, then I can have her treated at my home. I know a few doctors whose discretion I can vouch for.”

“What about the act?”

“That’s up to you. If you can continue, that’s fine. Otherwise, I can just rotate a new act in to fill out a few weeks.”

“That’s putting you at a lot of risk,” Zafira crossed his arms and eyed the stallion. “We’re hardly the best company to keep.”

“It does. However, if the alternative is you four getting desperate enough to do something foalish, I’m willing to take the risk. Trust me, I‘ve been in worse company.”

“Why do I get the feeling there’s a catch?” Vita glanced at the others as they looked at her. “What? I can’t be the only one thinking that.”

“It’s true,” Fancy Pants reached up to smooth his mane. “There is a catch.”

“What is it?” Signum replied levelly, causing Fancy Pants to shift uncomfortably.

“Once this is all over, I want you to turn yourselves over to the Princesses. It’s only right…”

Fancy Pants braced himself slightly for what he was certain would be a blow-back, but it never came.


He cracked an eye open, then relaxed. “Alright?”

“We were going to turn ourselves in once the Book was complete,” Signum elaborated. “If only as penance for defying our Mistress.”

“We all agreed on that,” Zafira added, resting a hand on the back of the couch.

“I’m sure, if you explain things, the Princesses will be merciful,” Fancy Pants offered.

“Considering we attacked one of her subjects, I kinda doubt it,” Vita replied.

“We‘ll see when it happens. Until then,” Fancy blinked as Signum rose to her feet, “we should return to our hunting. Shamal, can you handle things here?”

Shamal nodded weakly as Signum picked up her sword and replaced it on her belt. There was a flash of blue-green light as Shamal weakly waved a hand, wires slipping from her hand as she opened a portal in mid-air for the three of them. Vita was the last to leave, glancing between Shamal and Fancy before stepping through the portal and disappearing.

Fancy grunted softly, lifting himself up and resting against the table as the portal faded away. “Um… I hate to be a bother, but could you help me up? I think my hind legs have fallen asleep.”

“You’d let me touch you, after what I did?” Shamal replied softly, not moving from her seat, causing Fancy to frown.

“Shamal is it? Or do you prefer Swan?” Shamal cringed a little. “May I call you Swan?”

“If you want to.”

“Swan, I don’t blame you for what you did. You had to help Trixie.” He shifted again and grunted. “And I’m quite serious. Could you please help me up?”

Shamal slowly rose to her feet and walked over, wrapping her arms under his barrel and lifting him to a standing position. Her arms were surprisingly strong despite looking so slender. She lifted him up easily and carried him over to the couch.

“Thank you. You can just set me there. I’ll stand and lean against the cushions.” He shifted his weight as Shamal lowered him to the ground, leaning against the couch in a standing position. He didn’t feel confident enough in his balance to walk quite yet.

“Do you want something to drink?” Shamal asked dully.

“Yes. Just some water, please…”


Chrono remained quiet as he walked along with Princess Luna, his hands tucked into his pockets. He’d been expecting something like this to happen ever since he talked with Yuuno. A confrontation with the alicorn was inevitable, but he hadn’t expected it to be so soon. Or during the daytime.

At least with his hands in his pockets, he could hide his slightly sweaty palms.

If Luna was angry, she was doing a good job of hiding it as she lead him along, walking out into the sunlight and up flights of stairs towards a pair of large double doors. They swung open with a push of Luna’s telekinesis, admitting the pair of them into a grand hallway lined with stained-glass windows. At the end of the hallway stood a pair of double doors with a circular relief in the center, like a great vault.

“Princess, where are we, exactly?”

“This is Canterlot Tower, Enforcer Harlaown,” Luna answered, the doors shutting behind them with a hollow boom.

“It’s certainly impressive,” Chrono mumbled under his breath as he glanced around the room.

“Ostentatious is a word which I would use to describe it,” Luna replied as she strode down the corridor, her starry mane fluttering in the wind before her. “My beloved sister is often given to such displays, particularly these windows. Do they not catch the eye?”

“They do, but what‘s…“ Chrono paused at one such window. It was a tall tower of purple, blue and green glass, depicting what appeared to be a dark blue alicorn being blasted by six familiar looking ponies.

Is that… Chrono thought as he stared at the glowing glass artwork.

“A memento,” Chrono jumped slightly as Luna came to a stop beside him, “of an important victory, and of redemption”

“Redemption?” Chrono blinked and glanced at Luna. The alicorn was studying the window.

“It is quite striking, is it not?”

“I guess. I’m not much for artwork… but Princess…”

“You no doubt wonder why I brought you here,” Luna turned to face Chrono.

“You know about my investigation.”

“Indeed. I find it curious, Chrono, why you suspect me so.”

Chrono inhaled. “You’re not very good at hiding when you lie, Princess. I knew something was wrong when you were speaking to us aboard the Arthra.”

“I see.” Luna smirked slightly. “What, then, was my falsehood?”

“You know about the Book of Darkness,” Chrono accused. “You know something, but I’m not sure what.”

Silence followed Chrono’s accusation. “Am I wrong?”

“Nay,” Luna sighed. “Nay indeed. You are quite correct. I do know of the Book of Darkness, but not as it exists now.”

Chrono nodded. “So, how do you know it?”

Luna didn’t answer, turning back to look at the window. “It is an old story. Old and long. Far too long to relate here and now… and incomplete as well, if you are seeking the whole and unvarnished truth. Tell me, Enforcer, what do you intend to do with the Book when you have it in your grasp?”

“I’d find some way to seal it away. Lock it up so that it would never hurt anyone ever again.”

Luna closed her eyes, her feathers fluffing. “And barring that?”

“Destroy it.”

“I see.”

“Does that bother you, Princess?”

“Nay. It was what I expected.” She turned to face him once again, the multi-colored light from the stained glass flowing over her dark blue coat. “Is there indeed no room for redemption in your heart?”

Chrono inhaled calmly and settled himself. “Princess, with all due respect, some things can’t be redeemed.”

“Like the Wolkenritter?” Luna sighed as he nodded and shook her head. “The convictions of a child are as firm as bedrock.”

“With all due respect, your highness,” Chrono growled, “I’m not exactly a child.”

“And with all due respect, Enforcer, that is exactly what you are.” Luna countered, then closed her eyes. “Once, I believed as you do now. That evil and wickedness deserved no quarter, no mercy. That swift revenge was preferable to caution. My sister counseled me in mercy, but I thought her soft-hearted… and soft-headed. But then, Equestria was a harder, crueler world, long wracked by strife that had only so freshly been quelled.”

Luna sighed, shaking herself like a dog freshly emerged from a bath. “Had my sister shared those views, I would likely not be here this day. Do not be so swift to indulge yourself in vengeance, Chrono Harlaown. You’ll find few true monsters deserving of it.”

Chrono frowned as Luna walked past him. “So, when are you going to tell me what I need to know about the Book of Darkness?”

“Speak with me at moonrise,” Luna replied as she walked towards the door. “We will give you the whole story then, and all your questions will be answered. But now, I must retire. I’m certain you know your way back to the tower.”

The doors boomed shut as Luna exited. Chrono glanced back at the stained glass window, the colorful light falling around him like a rainbow-hued puddle.

Redemption, huh?


Fancy had to admit, he‘d been in less pleasant situations than his current predicament. Shamal was kneeling beside him, her hands gently stroking his mane in between providing sips of water from a glass of water. It was soothing, really, though his mane stylist would likely have a fit when he saw her next.

However, it was the oppressive silence that made it disquieting. Shamal seemed to be running on auto-pilot, her expression vacant and gaze distant. She'd been that way for almost an hour...


“Yes?” She replied quietly, seeming to come out of her daze.

“Do you want to talk about… us? Maybe…” He paused as her expression became mournful, her hands dropping to her lap. “Swan?”

“Fancy, I…” she bowed her head, her dress clenched in her fingers as her shoulders shook. “I’m sorry. I knew this would happen eventually, but… Oh Kaiser, you must hate me.”

“Hate you? What’re you talking about?”

“I lied to you!” Fancy’s ears folded back as she exploded at him. “About everything! I’m not a pony! I’m not even a person! I’m just… just… I…” She sobbed weakly. “I’m just a big fat stupid liar.”


“And then I hurt you… I lied to you and hurt you! And now…”


She jerked as he shouted at her. He lifted a hoof carefully and rested it on one of her hands. “Swan, look at me.”

She slowly raised her eyes up, tears hanging from the corners as he met her gaze. “Do you have feelings for me, Swan?”


“Yes, feelings. Did you feel something that night at the galleria? You were blushing and nervous and… well, I don’t think it was the champagne going to your head. Do you feel anything for me?”

“I… I…” She stammered, then looked down. “Yes.”

“Were those feelings a lie?”

“No!” Her head shot up, eyes wide with shock. “No! No! Never! I’ve… that night… I’d never… No!”

“They weren’t?”

“No!” She shook her head violently, her free hand going up to wipe her nose.

“Do you think what I told you that night was a lie? That it didn’t matter what secrets you were hiding?”

“N-no. You’re a good pony, Fancy Pants, you always did well by us…”

“Then why would you think I’d hate you? Swan, what you did was for a good reason. There is good in you. I believe that whole-heartedly. It doesn’t matter if you’re a pony, or a human, or whatever else you are.”


“No. No buts.” He smiled gently. “No doubts, my dear Swan Lake.”

Shamal’s lip quivered before she lunged forwards, wrapping her arms about Fancy’s neck, her tears dripping onto his coat.

“There there,” he murmured gently, letting her cry into his neck. “There there Swan. Just let it out.”

It seemed like an age before her shudders calmed and she released him, a hand wiping her eyes. “I… I got your coat wet and messy.”

“Like I said before, what sort of gentlepony would I be if I got upset over a little mess?”

She half-laughed, half-sobbed at that. “Fancy… I’ve never… you’re the first person… I mean pony…”

“Hmm?” He blinked.

“I’ve never had someone before. Someone special. Anything special.” She sniffled, still wiping her eyes. “Until Trixie woke us, I was… I was just existing. We were just... things. Tools. But then we met her… and you… and then I felt things. I felt things. I’ve never felt like this in the hundreds and hundreds of years I’ve been alive. And I was so terrified… if you found out, then I wouldn‘t have a chance…”

She reached down and took one of his hooves, lifting it gently with both hands.

“I… I think I love you, Fancy Pants. I thought I’d never say that, but I love you!”

Fancy Pants smiled. “Then I’ll do my best to stay worthy of that love, Swan.”

Shamal shivered slightly, clasping his hoof tighter. Fancy Pants looked up as he felt the air in the room shake and ripple. A pale green glow began to spread upwards around Shamal’s body. “What… what in Equestria? Swan?”

“I… what’s going on? This feeling… this power…” Shamal’s eyes widened as she let go, looking downward at her hands. “Such power. Fancy… what’s happening?”

“I… I don’t know. I’ve never seen something like this before… Swan? Are you alright?”

“I feel better than alright…” She raised her hands up, staring at them in wonder. Fancy started slightly as that odd green triangle sprang into existence beneath her before she reached out, touching him gently. The jewels on her rings glowed brilliantly as he felt a sudden rush, like ice-water flowing over his skin and fire in his veins.

He stumbled back, shivering, only to realize he was standing up properly. His horn pulsed with a golden-orange light, though it was dwarfed by the peridot-hued radiance rolling off Shamal. “By the sun and moon,” he murmured, wide-eyed. “I… I think I’m better now.”

“Better? I healed you?” Shamal blinked, then went wide-eyed. “If I healed you… Trixie!”

“Swan? Swan!” He called out as Shamal sprang to her feet and knocked the half-empty water glass onto the floor, stumbling as she ran to the bedroom. Fancy clambered to his feet and gave chase, his horn glowing as he yanked the door open.

Once again, he found her at the side of the bed, her body still glowing with that pale green light. She smiled serenely at him, then reached down and laid a hand on Trixie’s brow. Green light filled the room as her magic took hold, forcing Fancy Pants to shield his eyes from the growing brilliance.


In the deep darkness, a nameless being stirred. She looked upwards, her red eyes widening in wonder as her horn ignited. Long-dormant protocols sprang into action as she felt power fill the void.

The being shivered, rising to its feet as it drank in the power, white wings unfurling as feathers began to reappear. It wasn’t much compared to the energy the darkness consumed, but the sweet power was enough to give her the strength to stand again.

Mistress, it whispered. It’s time…


“Alright everyone!” Amy called out from her station as she swiveled her chair, glancing around at the other stations. “Let’s see if we can get this thing working! How are we looking on power, Ford?”

“Power supply is stable, Miss Limietta,” Ensign Ford replied as he shut the breaker box. “No anomalies in the power grid. We’ll probably run a little hot if we run the dimensional transfer system simultaneously, but we’re within safe limits.”

“Good! That’s great!” Amy grinned as she tapped on her headset, glancing at the holographic screen hovering in front of her. “Hey Sebring,” she spoke into the headset’s mike, “everything looking good up there on top of the tower?”

“Everything’s in position Amy,” Ensign Sebring replied, her voice crackling slightly through the earpiece. “Just hope the Princess doesn’t mind the MIDAR emitter scratching up her fancy golden tower-cap-thingy.”

“I think the word you’re looking for is ‘minaret,’” Amy replied with a soft chuckle.

“Yeah, that.”

“Well, just make sure it doesn’t fall off.” Amy tapped on her headset as data began to flow in on her screen. “There we are Admiral Graham,” she glanced over her shoulder at the older officer. “Everything’s ready for activation. I’ll just have to input the adjustments for the naturally-occurring background mana density and everything should be set!”

“Excellent, Miss Limietta,” Admiral Graham smiled, resting a hand on the back of her chair. “I trust everything’s secure, then?”

“Yes sir. Standard security procedures as usual, though I doubt any of the Equestrians would hack into our systems.”

“I would certainly hope not,” an amused voice chimed in. The various Bureau personnel quickly rose to their feet as Princess Celestia walked into the monitoring room.

“P-princess Celestia!” Amy bowed slightly as the diarch approached. “What brings you here?”

“At ease everyone. There’s no need for you to bow Amy.” Celestia nodded politely to Admiral Graham before turning back to Amy. “I just had a few questions, that‘s all. You’ve completed work on your monitoring systems, correct?”

“Yes, your majesty.” Amy replied as she flicked the holographic monitor, turning it to face Celestia. “I just need to adjust for background mana density. It’s a bit different than scanning from the Arthra. We might have a shorter effective area, but we can get much more detailed scan data.”

“I see. And will this help you find the Book?”

“Hopefully, yes,” Amy replied. “I’ll be able to tell you more once everything’s fully operational. Until then… well, it’s the best we can do.” Amy sighed, running both hands through her hair. “I just wish there was a better way.”

Celestia smiled slightly. “There might be. Have you considered monitoring the barrier?”

“The barrier?” Amy blinked owlishly before the thought clicked, a blush creeping up her cheeks. “Oh! The one around Equestria.”

“Correct. If the Wolkenritter have been attacking other worlds, they still have to pass through the barrier to leave. I can’t monitor it constantly, and the Wolkenritter seem to be avoiding my senses. However…” Celestia let her voice trail off tellingly as Amy’s eyes went wide.

“Oh… oh! That’s perfect! Why didn’t I think of that?!” Amy quickly spun back to her console and tapped on her keyboard, her fingers flickering quickly along the keys. “It shouldn’t be too difficult. The MIDAR’s range extends just to the edge of an existing dimensional boundary, but if I had access to the a general map of the barrier’s energy read-outs we could tie the long-range scanning node to continuously monitor for fluctuations…”

“You mean something like this?” Celestia’s horn lit up as she unfurled a scroll, setting it on Amy’s keyboard. “I did my best to translate these old notes to Mid-Childan language. I do hope it helps.”

“Oh! Yes! Hey Ford, I need you to reroute the auxiliary power backup to Node A. Platz, get over here and help me with the matrix configurations…”

“She does seem quite energetic, doesn’t she Admiral?” Celestia glanced at Admiral Graham as he nodded.

“Young people often are. Then again, you’d know that far more than I. After all, I‘m young compared to you.” Gil replied, causing Celestia to smile.

“Why Admiral, if I didn’t know better, I’d almost think you were having a bit of fun at my expense.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it, your Majesty. I must wonder though. How did you know that the Wolkenritter were attacking other worlds?”

“Luna kept me updated on the briefing,” Celestia replied, “if you don’t mind, however, I’d like to borrow you for a while. I’ve yet to hear what the Bureau’s answer was to my requests.”

“Of course. Lead the way, your majesty.”


“You sure you’re up to this Twilight?”

Twilight nodded, Raising Heart swaying slightly around her neck as she did so. Schach stood a good twenty feet opposite her, the knight stretching her arms as she stood there. Rainbow and Arf stood off to the side with Yuuno, the young mage looking a little nervous.

“Don’t worry Yuuno, this is just practice” Twilight called back. “I wanted to test out a few things, that’s all. It‘s been a while since I‘ve actually used magic in the field.”

“If you say so. Just remember; the action stops when one of you gets hurt.”

“I know Yuuno.”

“Just relax fuzzy,” Rainbow chuckled, rubbing a hoof on Yuuno’s head. “Twilight’s got this in the bag.”

“Doesn’t mean I’m not worried,” Yuuno replied, causing Twilight to smile slightly. The mage straightened himself up and raised his hands up. “I’m going to set up the barrier now, alright?”

“Alright!” Twilight turned to face Schach as a brilliant green dome of light formed up around them, turning the world bright green before slowly becoming transparent to allow natural light in.

“I have to say, this should be interesting,” Schach smiled as Windenschaft sprang into being, her Knight Clothing forming onto her body in a whirlwind of light. “I haven’t actually seen you fight with magic yet.”

“Well, I hope I impress you, then.” Twilight grinned nervously.

“So, are you going to activate your Device?”

“Um, no, actually.” Twilight replied, causing Schach to quirk an eyebrow. “I’m actually going to assume, for the purpose of this exercise, that I’ve been denied access to my Device. That way, if Raising Heart does end up getting damaged again, I won’t be caught off guard.”

“I suppose that works. Though fighting you with a handicap does seem a bit unfair.”

“That didn’t stop you from sparring with Rainbow Dash, even though she didn’t have a Barrier Jacket.”

“Touche,” Schach smiled, then raised Windenschaft up in a defensive stance. “Ready?”


Schach sprang towards Twilight with a loud battle-cry as the unicorn focused, her horn lighting up. A nimbus of magenta light sprang up around Schach, bringing her to a sudden and very jarring stop several feet away from Twilight.

“Well, that works,” Twilight noted with a hint of satisfaction as she held Schach suspended in the air. “Optimal distance for a telekinetic capture on a charging opponent is… hmm… sixteen feet or so, given relative mass and velocity demonstrated. Sister Schach,” Twilight flicked her head, setting Schach back down on her original position, “could you do that again, but faster?”

“Um…” Schach seemed a bit nonplussed, then crouched slightly. “Sure. Here I come!”

Twilight’s magic flared as Schach shot towards Twilight like a bullet. She managed to gain another foot before Twilight’s magic took hold. The Knight’s tonfa-swords swung fruitlessly, cutting empty air as she floated weightlessly, outlined in magenta light..

“Hmm, still within limits.” Twilight rubbed under her chin. “But this is assuming optimal conditions. Could you try approaching me from an oblique angle of attack, Sister Schach?”

“I was under the impression that this was a mock battle,” Schach noted as Twilight set her down again.

“It is. You’re trying to hit me, and I’m trying to stop you.”

“I suppose, but you’re not attack-” Schach suddenly launched herself mid-sentence, causing Twilight to squeak in reaction. There was a flash of light as Schach found herself caught again, Windenschaft’s blades swinging a bare foot from Twilight’s head.

“Ah-hah! Whew! Almost got me there!” Twilight laughed, even though she could feel her heart pounding. “I-I guess I’ll have to assume a smaller margin of error for surprise attacks.”

“If you say so.” Schach replied, crossing her arms as she floated. “But is this it? You’re just going to try to grab me?”

“A unicorn’s telekinesis can be very effective, Sister Schach,” Twilight replied as she took a seat on the ground. “While I’ve started re-familiarizing myself with Raising Heart’s functions via psychic training, I can’t simply slack off on more basic tricks. Like you said, a mastery in the fundamentals is much more important than relying on fancy tricks. Now, let’s continue. I have about thirteen different scenarios I want to try before we move on to teleporting magic. Oh, this is going to be so informative! Aren’t you excited?”

“Absolutely. I’m giddy with anticipation,” Schach replied, a slight smirk taking some sting out of her sarcastic comment.

“Alright then. Are you paying attention, Raising Heart?”

“YES, MY MASTER,” the Device chimed, the AI bringing up a checklist in Twilight's mind. “OBJECTIVES HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED.”

“Great. Now let’s get to work!”


Day slowly faded into night. Equestria’s sky was painted in the hues of twilight. Chrono carefully made his way down the stairs of the tower, following the spiral with his fingers trailing gently along one wall.

For once, the young Enforcer was in a good mood. If Princess Luna was telling the truth, tonight he’d get answers. Important answers, at that. Her connection to the Book of Darkness was certain, but that was only part of it. If the alicorn knew about the Book, and what it could do, then maybe she knew a way to shut it down, or even destroy it for good…

At last we’re making progress, he thought to himself. Perhaps we can finally put the threat of the Book of Darkness to an end…

He paused at the doorway leading to the sensor room, then poked his head in through the door as he heard a loud yawn. Amy was at her console with her arms stretched upwards, a half-empty tea cup and a pot on the desk beside her keyboard.

“Looks like someone’s hard at work,” Chrono noted, walking up behind Amy and leaning on the headrest of Amy’s chair.

Amy glanced up at him and smiled slightly. “And someone isn’t.”

Chrono quirked an eyebrow and rested his chin on his forearms, peering over the edge at Amy. “I’ll have you know, Miss Limietta, that I’ve been doing some very important work recently. Things that don’t involve sitting at the keyboard.”

“When yo-,” Amy yawned and rubbed her eyes, “when you’ve spent all day getting a MIDAR unit to sync up with a dimensional barrier using foreign matrix formulas, and succeeding, then you can complain.”

“Who said I was complaining? You actually managed to get that to work?”

“Mhmm.” Amy tilted her chair back, forcing Chrono to stand up. She gestured towards the large holographic screen before her which showed a bird’s-eye view of Equestria overlaid with a branching grid of blue light. “See? With this, we can pin down where the Wolkenritter enter or leave Equestrian dimensional territory thanks to fluctuations in the barrier surrounding Equestria. Celestia’s notes really helped with that. It's not very precise, but overall…”

“Impressive. Well done Amy.”

“Ooh! A complement!” Amy turned in her chair to face him. “Chrono Harlaown, sourpuss extraordinaire, gave me a compliment! I’m touched.”

Chrono chuckled softly, crossing his arms. “What? I’m not allowed to be nice?”

“And he’s laughing! Who are you, and what have you done with my Chrono?”

“Maybe I’m just in a good mood for once?” Chrono smirked.

“Ooh! Did something good happen?”

“You could say that. We might be getting a break in the case soon, once I talk to Princess Luna tonight.”

“Ooh.“ Amy leaned forwards, resting her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands. “No wonder you’re so perky.”

“Perky?!” Chrono replied mock-seriously. “Amy, I’m many things, but I’m never perky. You’re perky. I’m… confident.”

“Sure you are.” She yawned, stretching again.

“How long has it been since you’ve had something other than tea in your system?” Chrono asked curiously.

“I… had a salad after we finished the meeting?”

Chrono rolled his eyes. “You really need to stop going without nothing but caffine for hours on end. I keep telling you to eat.”

“Hey, I eat. But you know how I am when I’m working on something!”

“Sure. Come on.” Chrono reached down and took hold of her wrists, pulling her to her feet. “Let’s see if we can’t get something. It‘s probably near dinnertime.”

“Sounds good.”

The pair paused as klaxons began to blare. The screen’s backdrop went red as a square on the map lit up in bright red.

“I think food’s going to have to wait, Chrono!” Amy slammed herself back into her seat and spun back to the keys, tapping commands into the computer as quickly as her fingers could move. “I knew it! There’s a spike in the barrier’s fluctuations in this sector here. Looks like it’s northeast of Canterlot, over… Neighagra Falls?”

“Can you get specific coordinates?”

“No. The best I can give you is a forty mile zone…”

“Good enough. Alert the teleport hub and give them the coordinates!”

“Chrono, what’re you going to do? You can’t just go out there-”

“Amy,” He growled as he summoned his Barrier Jacket, “If I don’t go out there now, they’ll get too far away from their arrival point for us to find them again!”

“Fine. Just be careful, alright?”

Chrono nodded, then turned and sprinted out of the room, taking the steps two at a time.

This is Enforcer Harlaown to all points, he ’shouted’ telepathically. The Wolkenritter have been located. Requesting the presence of Twilight Sparkle, Fate T. Sparkle, Yuuno, Arf… hell, EVERYONE and EVERYPONY at the teleport hub now!


The endless roar of Neighagra Falls filled the air with noise, thousands of gallons of water pouring down over the wide cliff face. A soft mist flew into the air from the basin below as the icy water landed and flowed away, off to meet the river to the south.

Signum, of course, was paying little attention to the natural wonder below her. She was more concerned with her current circumstances. It had been nearly twelve hours since their last communication with Shamal. It had been radio silence. That normally wouldn’t have been a problem, except when they had tried to contact her to open the Mirror of Travels.

There had been no answer.

That wasn’t a good sign. While the Wolkenritter could travel between dimensions with their own magic, they could still be detected. Dimensional travel was quite ‘loud’ in a magical sense, even when obscured by the magic of the Book of Darkness. Shamal’s Mirror of Travels spell allowed them to easily slip around barriers and magical detection. Without it...

What could have happened to her? Signum thought to herself. Could she have been captured? It’s possible… but she would have warned us if she was being pursued…

Signum’s thoughts were interrupted by a pair of noiseless flashes of light, one brilliant red, the other blue-white like lightning. Zafira and Vita ‘landed’ from their transit from d-space, neither of them looking particularly happy.

“Good, you’ve arrived,” Signum noted, turning to face her compatriots.

“Sorry we’re late. Ran into some resistance at the substation after you left” Vita snorted, rubbing the small laceration on her arm. “Have you tried contacting Shamal again?”

“Not yet.” Signum shook her head and glanced away, looking at the Royal Mountain in the distance, Canterlot’s spires a faint glint in one corner of the mountain. “I was waiting for you two to arrive.”

“Well, we’re here. Do you want to call her, or should I?”

“I’ll do it. You two keep watch.” Signum closed her eyes and focused herself. Shamal? Can you hear me?

Signum! Oh thank the Kaiser… can you hear me?

Yes. What happened? We tried to contact you while we were collecting, but there was no-

I know! I’m sorry, but Klarwind’s been offline all day! I’ve been doing my best to repair…

Repair Klarwind?! What in the Cradle’s name happened?!

There was… um… it’s hard to explain. There was a power surge after you three left. A powerful one. I managed to stabilize the Mistress!

You… Signum felt her jaw fall slack. How?! What did you do?

I don’t know! But… after that, Klarwind started malfunctioning. I…I think I might have overloaded the mana channels and forced a shut-down. I couldn’t use any of its functions, which is why I couldn’t contact you. Where are you? You’re in telepathy range…

We’re back in Equestria. We’ll return to Canterlot as soon as possible. Is the Mistress safe?

For now. Shamal sounded worried. Should we move her?

It may be best. Refrain from further-


The General of the Blazing Flame opened her eyes. “Zafira? What’s wrong?”

The Guardian Beast growled softly, his tail fluffed up and his ears pinned against his head. “We’re not alone.”

Signum? Signum, what’s wrong?

We may be… delayed. Signum replied as she drew Laevatein, the Device’s blade rasping as it emerged from its scabbard. “Can you tell where they are, Zafira?”

“Below us.” Zafira growled, then inhaled sharply as pinpoints of blue light began to spring into existence in the gloom and mist below, lighting up the haze like fireflies.

“Is that…” Vita blinked as more and more pinpoints appeared, spreading outwards in a rapidly widening cloud.

“Get behind me!“ Zafira flung his arms wide, pulling Signum and Vita back behind him. The pinpoints of light streaked upwards towards the Wolkenritter, changing from lights into blades of solid mana. Zafira thrust his hand downwards towards the incoming assault, his Panzerhidernis flared outwards in a spiraling, coruscating dome of white light.

The blades collided with the barrier like an onrushing tide, shattering into motes of light against the Guardian Beast’s defense. Signum shielded her face as the world turned into a kaleidoscope of white and blue. She clenched her teeth as she heard Zafira cry out in pain.

“Zafira!” Vita shouted as Signum lowered her arm. Zafira huffed softly, a few of the blades protruding from one arm and his left pectoral, blood welling up slowly from the wound.

“I’m fine,” he growled softly. He reached up slowly and pulled the blade from his chest with a hiss, crushing it in his hand. “I’ll heal.”

“I keep forgetting how resilient you are!” A familiar voice shouted. A young man darted upwards from the mist below, his black coat fluttering as he hovered at the same altitude as the Wolkenritter. “Did I get your attention?”

“You!” Vita shouted, drawing Graf Eisen as the Device shifted into Hammerform. “You’re that brat from Ponyville! Chrono Hardlawn or whatever.”

“Harlaown!” The boy shouted back, pushing his hair out of his face. “My name is Chrono Harlaown!”

“Whatever!” Vita snarled, starting to lunge forwards before Signum grabbed her shoulder.

“Wait, Vita…” her eyes narrowed.


“Something’s different.” She inspected the boy as he floated there, his staff leveled in the Wolkenritter’s direction, the dual black wings glinting in the evening light, the diamond-shaped tip at its head like a spear. His expression was determined and sure. Why?

“I see you’ve improved your Device,” Vita called out while Signum remained silent. “But it’s not going to be enough!”

“We’ll have to see, won’t we?” Chrono shouted back, whipping a hand forwards and pitching another blade of blue light towards them. The projectile scattered into motes of mana as Vita swung her hammer, swatting it aside.

“You’ve got some pretty big balls to confront us by yourself, kid!” Vita shouted, a grim smile on her face as she thumped Graf Eisen’s head against one hand. “I don’t care what sort of enhancements you’ve made to your Device. Me and Graf Eisen’ll just smash you like we did last time. Isn‘t that right, Signum?” Vita paused, turning to glance at her. “Signum?”

This is wrong… Signum frowned. Surely he’s not foolish enough to confront us on his own like this. Unless… Signum’s eyes went wide as realization dawned.


“We’re withdrawing Vita.” Signum hissed urgently. “Now!”

“What?!” Vita spun to face her. “But it’s just one kid!”

“That’s not the point! He’s delaying us! We need to escape now, before-”

Signum felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise up as the sky shifted. One moment, the sky was a deep violet abyss filled with glittering stars, the next it was a faint, glowing haze. It was like someone had drawn a curtain of silver fire over the world.

A barrier… someone’s activated a containment barrier around the area. An incredibly powerful one at that… Signum shivered as she looked up and around at the barrier. But this power… why does it feel so familiar?


Amy glanced up at the alicorn standing in the room. Luna’s eyes were closed, but there was a faint smirk on her lips. Her horn was burning a deep blue, and lambent flame crept out from behind her eyelids. The Moon Princess breathed slowly and steadily as she smiled.

“The barrier has been raised. You may continue, Miss Limietta.”

“Roger, your Majesty,” Amy adjusted her headset. “Chrono, can you hear me?”

“Loud and clear,” came the reply.

“I’m rerouting your telepathic signal through the systems here. Princess Luna’s established a containment barrier around the engagement zone. The Wolkenritter aren’t going anywhere.”

“Great. Though I don’t think they’re very happy about that. I could use some back up.” There was a pause before Chrono continued, this time sounding more stressed. “The sooner the better!”

Amy grinned, though she knew Chrono couldn’t see it. “Did you think I’d leave you hanging? Don’t worry, the cavalry is on its way.”


Everyone had gathered in the Eastern Tower’s teleport hub, prepared and girded for war. Shining Armor, clad in his armor, was buckling Rainbow Dash’s breastplate over her suit while Arf was stretching out and limbering up.

“Everybody ready?” Schach asked as she slipped some cartridges into Windenschaft, the chambers hissing shut as her re-loading finished.

“I think so,” Yuuno responded, tugging on his gloves as he glanced over towards Twilight and Fate. “You two should probably get set up. We’re about to mobilize.”

“We’ll go last,” Twilight replied. ”Princess Luna told us that it’d take a little longer than normal for our Devices to fully activate.”


Twilight nodded, glancing at Fate. “You ready?”

Fate nodded. “I think so. Just be careful, alright? I don’t want you getting hurt again.”

“Don’t worry Fate,” Twilight smiled, giving Fate a gentle nuzzle. “I’ve got all my friends with me now. And most importantly, I’ve got my little sister, the child of lightning, with me. There’s no way I’d fail now.”

Fate blushed and returned the nuzzle. “If you say so… sis.”

“Alright everyone,” the man at the console called out, “we’re about to start teleporting to the engagement zone. With the barrier up, we’ll be forced to teleport you in one-by-one. Mister Scrya, you’re up first.”

“That’s our cue, Fate.” Twilight smiled, levitating Raising Heart from its place around her neck.

Fate nodded, her horn lighting up as she drew Bardiche from its hiding place. “Ready when you are, Twilight.”

“Raising Heart!”




“SET UP,” both unicorns called out in unison.

There was a loud chime as their Devices answered. “DRIVE IGNITION!”

Pink light swirled up around Twilight, lifting her into the air as Raising Heart took control. Chunks of white metal and orichalcum sprang into being, rapidly forming the staff’s C-shaped central ring and the long shaft. A white wedge of a wing connected to the nape of the staff’s neck, segments of the surface sinking into place. Meanwhile, a deep purple body suit spread along Twilight’s skin, quickly covering her from the neck down. The suit was followed by segments of stiff white ‘cloth‘, less like a dress and more like a futuristic gambeson that formed over her body like armor. Gleaming golden boots formed on each of Twilight’s legs as a short white skirt with a pink and white star pattern formed around her hips.

Fate, meanwhile, was surrounded by a sphere of golden lightning. Static charges flew about as Bardiche assembled itself, the curve of the black ferrum noctem blade glinting ominously, the shaft extending with a mechanical, piston-like ‘clack.’ Fate reached out and caught the Device as her Barrier Jacket assembled itself; a crimson body suit spread quickly from her neck down, followed by black ‘cloth’ that seemed more like armor than clothing. A high-necked black cloak with a golden lining unfurled about her neck, a crescent-moon shaped brooch replacing the simpler bar that held it closed. A set of silver boots with a golden, triangular buckles completed the outfit, the plated armor gleaming against the lightning forming the barrier.

The sisters landed, their Devices hovering before them as the defensive barriers dropped..


“SELENE FORM, GET SET,” Bardiche intoned, the Device’s masculine voice echoing in the air. “BARRIER JACKET ‘STRIKE FORM’ COMPLETE.”

“Amazing…” Twilight glanced at Schach as she spoke. “I haven’t seen Barrier Jackets designed like those before…”

“Neither have I,” Twilight replied, lifting one leg and inspecting the make of her new defenses.

“Sister Schach, prepare for transport!”

“We can talk later,” the battle-nun replied as she readied herself. “See you on the battlefield, Twilight, Fate.”


Chrono knew he was outnumbered and outgunned. There was a loud crash as a metal sphere slammed into the cliff face just behind him, scattering stone shrapnel in all directions. A second and a third sphere crashed around him, just as he dodged out of the way of the fourth projectile, landing on a narrow outcropping.

He didn’t stay there long, as Signum dipped downwards and came straight at him. He crouched and leapt upwards, taking to the air as the Knight’s sword carved a deep horizontal groove into the stone where his head once was.

He landed on the top of the cliff beside the rushing river, spinning S4U into position as he steadied himself.

I hope they get here soon, he thought to himself. I can’t take on all three of them at once! This might not have been a good idea…

There was a loud shout as Vita shot down towards him, hammer gripped tight. Chrono swung a hand up, raising a shield to meet her. The Knight’s hammer slammed home against the Mid-Childan spell circle, the defense holding… at least until Signum’s sword struck as well, the blade cleaving the shield in half.

Before Chrono could react, a pair of very large metal boots slammed squarely into his chest, sending him flying backwards with the breath smashed out of him. He barely managed to flip himself upright and stab his staff’s spike-tipped butt into the ground to slow himself. He gasped for air, gripping hard onto S4U’s shaft as he leveled a defiant look at the Wolkenritter.

“Stubborn, isn’t he?” Zafira noted as he rose from his crouched position, dusting off his trousers as he did so.

“Quick, too,” Vita snorted, conjuring another Schwalbe Fliegen sphere into her hand, tossing it gently into the air.

“I suggest you surrender, child,” Signum called out to Chrono, her sword glinting ominously in the light coming from the barrier. “You’re more useful alive than dead, after all.”

“That‘s not…” Chrono coughed, pulling himself upright as he caught his wind. “That’s not an option for me… not against you guys.” He took a deep breath, then yanked S4U from the ground and brought it to bear on them. “I don’t plan on being your hostage.”

“Defiant to the end. You’d make an excellent Knight, young one,” Signum noted as Vita lofted the sphere in her hand into the air. The hammer’s voice announced the words “SCHWALBE FLIEGEN” as Vita swung, the sphere flashing red-hot before it streaked towards Chrono.

There was a flash of light as the sphere connected with a green shield. Red and green sparks sprayed outwards like a pinwheel firework as Yuuno clenched his fingers, the shield bending inward as he drew a hand back.

“And… REFLECT!” Yuuno shouted, thrusting his hand forwards. The iron sphere launched like it was fired from a slingshot, barely missing Vita as it whizzed past her.

“You alright, Chrono?” Yuuno raised his hands up, a slight breeze causing his cloak to flutter as he stood firm.

“Tolerable, ferret boy,” Chrono replied.

“You again!?” Vita shouted, glaring daggers towards Yuuno.

"Of course," Yuuno called back as Chrono stepped up beside him. "And I brought all our friends with me!"

There was another flash as Arf appeared beside Yuuno. The wolf-girl smirked and popped her knuckles, her tail swinging behind her. She was soon followed by Schach, the Knight already clad in her Knight Clothing with Windenschaft gripped tight in her hands. A flash overhead announced Rainbow Dash’s appearance, the silver light of the barrier glinting off the engraved lightning-bolt-and-cloud cutie mark emblazoned on her breastplate. Shining Armor, meanwhile, flickered into existence beside Chrono, his royal purple and gold armor gleaming and his helm firmly in place atop his head.

The last two teleports appeared in front of Chrono and Yuuno. As the light cleared, Twilight Sparkle and Fate Testarossa-Sparkle stood ready, manes and tails fluttering slightly in the wind.

“Sorry to keep you waiting Chrono,” Twilight said, her gaze focused on the trio of knights. “There was a bit of a line for the teleporter.”

“No way…” Vita growled. “Like this couldn’t get any worse.”

“Oh, it could get a lot worse,” Twilight noted, brandishing Raising Heart as the rest of the group formed up in a line on either side of her and Fate. “Now, do you feel like giving up?”