• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 8,636 Views, 482 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight A's - PurpleProse

The Second Season of MPLT. Magical girls meet little ponies. The Wolkenritter appear!

  • ...

Chapter 8: The Calm Before The Storm

Orange sunlight leaked in through the window, casting a long band of light over the seated compatriots. Both Twilight Sparkle and Yuuno sat there on the carpeted floor, their eyes closed. Twilight’s mouth was a thin line as she concentrated, her brow tensed as she focused herself.

At least until a familiar voice whispered in her mind.

Can you hear me, Twilight?

Twilight nodded, smirking as she heard Yuuno’s telepathic message. Loud and clear, finally.

“Good. That‘s the last of it,” Yuuno smiled, shifting slightly in his cross-legged sitting position across from Twilight. The unicorn leaned down, glancing at her checklist, a white feather quill neatly scratching a check next to the box marked ‘telepathic communication.’

“It looks like my magic is back to its original levels now,” Twilight smirked, rolling the parchment up and setting it aside. “I was a little worried that I might have lost a few tricks after my Linker Core had been drained. Now all I need to do is wait for Raising Heart to be completed, and then I’ll be ready to take on anything.”

“Well, almost anything,” Yuuno amended.

“Well… true. I’ll be ready to take on the Wolkenritter again, at least.” Twilight climbed to her feet, stretching slowly and letting out a long, low groan. “Between your tutoring and my practice with Rainbow Dash, I think I might have a pretty good shot.”

“Let’s just hope that’s true.” Yuuno rose to his feet and stretched as well, arching his back as he glanced out the window at the setting sun. “It’s getting late. I can‘t believe we‘ve been at this nearly all day.”

“I can. Trust me, I’ve lost more than one day to intensive study sessions, believe me.” Twilight grimaced as her neck popped. “At least I’ve got all the kinks out of my system now.”

Yuuno chuckled. “That’s good. Though I’m still wondering why you have a mustache-growing spell.”

“Growing magic is an underused field of magic, Yuuno. Besides, I thought you looked nice with that handlebar mustache.”

“No thank you. Last thing I need is whiskers in my human form.” Yuuno slid his hands into his pockets. “So, what plans do you have for tonight? I mean, I’m sure you’ll be taking Fate home after her lesson with the Princess.”

“Actually, Fate’s going home early tonight.”


“Yes. She talked with Princess Luna and asked if she could take a break in her private lessons.”

“Huh.” Yuuno rubbed his chin at that. “I can’t say I blame her. From what I’ve seen, Fate looked like she could barely stand when you and Shining Armor took her home.”

“Yeah. It’s probably for the best. I mean, at least Princess Celestia gave me the weekends off. I should probably go and meet up with her now.”

“Sure…” Yuuno paused, then swallowed. “Hey, Twilight…”


“Do you think I could come with you? I mean, when you go to walk Fate home.”

Twilight blinked. “Um, sure, I don’t see why not. What brought this on Yuuno?”

“Well, we haven’t really had much of a chance to talk recently, outside of our little sessions. And to be honest, as lovely as the castle is, I’m starting to get a little stir-crazy.”

“I can’t blame you. Hey! This should be a pretty good time to introduce you to my parents!” Twilight giggled. “Just imagine their reaction when they find out I brought a boy home…”

“Twilight!” Yuuno blushed brightly.

“What?” Twilight blinked. “Is something the matter?”

Yuuno laughed nervously. “Well, I just… I didn’t think you thought of me like that... I think I‘m a little young…”

Twilight blinked, then slapped a hoof to her face as her own cheeks flushed a brilliant scarlet. “Gah! That… that didn’t come out right! I’m so sorry!”

There was a brief stretch of silence before the two of them broke out into laughter.

“Wow,” Twilight giggled, “I guess it has been a long day.”

“Heh… yeah. Come on, let’s go get the others… and maybe some dinner.”


Quiet conversation echoed off the walls of the Royal Galleria, forming a soft, susurrus-like counterpoint to the music being played by the quartet. Delicate glasses filled with expensive champagne clinked softly together as the various well-to-do ponies mingled amongst the various abstract sculptures.

Shamal felt out-of-place amongst the other ponies. She had been invited to the little soiree by Fancy Pants, but aside from that she seemed to have little in common with the other guests. Maybe it was the way she was dressed; her modest silver-and-jade-green dress clashed with the more tailored and expensive-looking ensembles the other mares were wearing. Maybe it was the fact that she knew little of the local gossip that the other ponies were chattering about. Or maybe it was the quiet snubs the mares were giving her. In any case, the Knight of the Lake felt decidedly unwelcome.

Maybe this was a mistake… Shamal thought to herself morosely as she stood by a sculpture made out of carefully stacked stone cubes of various sizes and colors. Her tail swished as she scanned the room for a certain gentlecolt.

“Ah, Swan! I had hoped you would show up.”

Shamal almost jumped as she heard Fancy Pants speak to her from behind, quickly turning around to face the gentlecolt. “M-mister Fancy! I… I didn’t notice you. I’m so sorry-”

“It’s quite alright,” the stallion smiled gently. “You’re looking quite lovely. I do like the dress.”

“Ah… th-thank you.”

“Are you enjoying yourself? I must admit, the invitation was sudden…”

“Oh… um…” Shamal scuffed the well-polished floor with one hoof. “It’s nice. I just…”

“Just what?” His merry demeanor shifted into a more concerned frown.

“I guess I’m not used to something like this. I’m not exactly high-class…”

“Ah.” Fancy Pants frowned, adjusting his monocle. “Do forgive me then. I had hoped you might enjoy this little art show.”

“It’s not the show, it’s…” Shamal glanced over her shoulder at the other guests. A few of them were glancing curiously in their direction, causing her to blush slightly and turn back to face Fancy.

He frowned, following her glance before exhaling softly. “Ah yes,” he murmured, “my fellow socialites can be a bit… elitist sometimes. Don‘t be too offended by their snobbery; they‘re not used to ponies outside their little social circles.”

“I guess I just don’t fit in very well with this crowd.” Shamal glanced down at the ground.


Her ears perked forwards as her head shot up, her eyes a little wide. “W-what?”

Fancy Pants smirked playfully, “I wouldn’t have invited you if you were just another upper-crust mare, my dear.”

“Y-you wouldn’t have-” Shamal stammered, blushing.

“Indeed.” Fancy Pants smiled slyly. “Though I must admit, I do have an ulterior motive. After all, who wouldn’t mind being in the company of a lovely young mare like yourself?”

Shamal blushed even brighter. “You flatter me…”

“Hardly.” Fancy Pants chuckled. “Why don’t I show you around the galleria? Perhaps I can introduce you to the artist. He’s a friend of a friend, a rather clever Earth pony called Graven Image. I believe he’s still in his ‘cubic’ phase right now.”

“I’d like that a lot.” Shamal giggled softly, drawing closer to Fancy Pants, her tail flicking upwards as they walked. She didn’t dare get any closer, though. His glossy coat smelled faintly of lavender and sandalwood oil, tickling her nostrils as she snuck a quick glance at his muscular legs.

Oh Kaiser, please don’t let this be a dream, Shamal thought to herself as she walked alongside Fancy Pants, blushing slightly as she felt every eye turn to inspect her, several of the mares turning away to whisper excitedly amongst themselves.


“More tea, Mr. Scrya?”

“Yes, please.“ Yuuno smiled nervously as he nodded, watching Twilight Twinkle levitate the kettle up and pour him another cup. Twilight had left him alone with her parents to help Fate with her homework. Shining Armor had wandered off to the kitchen, leaving him at the mercy of the older unicorns.

“So, Mr. Scrya,” Night Light smiled as Yuuno sipped his tea. “What is a young fellow like you doing out and about in Equestria?”

“Um, I was asked to come back because of the negotiations. Though honestly, I do feel a little out of place.”

“I can imagine,” Night Light chuckled as he regarded Yuuno. “Twinkle and I were never much for politics ourselves. I’d hate to drop someone of your age into all that mess.”

“Yeah, well…” Yuuno mumbled softly.

“So,” Twilight Twinkle interrupted. “Twilight said you’re an archeologist?”

“Oh! Yes!” Yuuno perked up a little. “Of a sort.”

“Is that so?” Night Light quirked an eyebrow. “How does that work? I’d imagine that the science might be a bit different for humans than ponies.”

“Indeed,” Yuuno smiled, “You see, there are a lot of worlds out there, many of which were abandoned or lost. My family, the Scrya Clan, is one of a few groups that travels around finding lost worlds and the relics of old civilizations.”

“That must be fascinating.” Twilight Twinkle leaned in. “Are there really so many worlds out there?”

“There are. I’m just glad I found this one,” Yuuno chuckled.

“We’re glad you found it too.” Night Light smiled, “Twilight speaks quite highly about you.”


“Of course. And we should thank you. Had it not been for your help, our daughter…” Night Light paused, shivering slightly.

“Well, I only did what I could, really. I can’t take all the credit.”

“Be that as it may,” Twilight Twinkle chimed in, “you can consider yourself welcome in our house any time. I’m surprised you haven’t come by sooner!”

“I would have,” Yuuno blushed, holding out his tea-cup for a refill. “But with everything that’s going on in the castle, there really wasn’t a whole lot of time. Besides, Canterlot isn’t Ponyville…”

“I suppose so.” Twilight Twinkle conceded. “It can be hard, being away from friendly faces. Canterlot is a lovely city, but the ponies here aren‘t exactly the most welcoming.”

“Yeah… so, Twilight told me on the way here that you’re both astronomers?”

“Mhmm!” Night Light mumbled from behind his teacup. “Both of us are registered members of the Royal Astronomer’s Association. I‘m a specialist in lunar topography, while Twilight here studied sub-stellar objects. Though we don‘t go out to the observatory much nowadays with our teaching duties. I wish we could, though.”

“That’s actually how we first met,” Twilight Twinkle giggled, leaning against her husband. “I was the assistant to Dr. Constellation at the Royal Observatory on Foal Mountain. It was the biggest one before they finished the one up near the Crystal Mountains in the north.”

“And I was a student fresh from Canterlot going there to study.” Night Light wrapped an arm gently about Twilight Twinkle, nuzzling her nose-to-nose as she giggled. “I remember asking you where we could find a nice place to drink down in Hollow Shades.”

“And after a too many few hard ciders, we spent that night just laying there on the grass, giggling like idiots and wondering what Orion‘s pants looked like…”

“Constellation read us the riot act after that.”

Yuuno blushed brightly. “Um…”

“Sorry Yuuno.” Twilight Twinkle grunted softly as she sat up. “I hope you don’t mind us being a bit lovey-dovey.”

“Not really.” Yuuno chuckled. “It’s actually quite nice, really. The love is almost palpable.”

“Well, we try to show our love as best we can,” Twilight Twinkle smiled. “Not just to each other, but our children as well.”

“I was wondering about that.” Yuuno set his teacup down. “How has Fate been doing? Has she been getting along well with you two?”

“Well,” Twilight Twinkle sighed, “We had a few… incidents when she first got here. It took her a while before she felt comfortable with us.”


“I‘d rather not say,” Twilight Twinkle frowned, idly playing with the spoon in the sugar bowl.

“Ah. Sorry.”

“We’re still careful not to bring up anything about her past,” Night Light added. “and we try to make sure she feels safe and secure.”

“Most of the time, she’s just the sweetest filly. An absolute darling. She’s just a bit… um…” Twilight Twinkle frowned, flicking one hoof as she searched for the word. “A bit…”


“Maybe. She tends to keep to herself a lot.”

“At least she’s got you two, Arf and Shining Armor, right?”

“That’s right,” Shining Armor chuckled as he walked in, the remains of a sandwich hovering beside his face.

“Sweet Celestia,” Night Light glanced at his son, “don’t tell me you’re still hungry after supper.”

“Relax. This is just dessert. Peanut butter and jelly. Just a little pick-me-up. We were talking about Fate?”

“I just wanted to know how she’s been doing.”

Shining Armor chewed for a moment before answering. “Well, she seems to be doing alright. She had a few rough spots when she first started classes, but she’s alright now.”

“Rough spots?”

“One of the older foals tried to bully her. It didn’t turn out well for the bully.”

“Ah. Is the other foal okay?”

“He’s fine. I had to have a talk with Fate though.”

“Like I said, most of the time Fate’s a sweetheart.” Twilight Twinkle smiled. “I honestly didn’t expect to have another little filly running around here at our age. But when Twilight told us about her, we both jumped to help.”

“Twilight and Fate are lucky to have such good ponies for parents,” Yuuno sighed softly, reclining back against the couch cushions. “I think I’m starting to get jealous.”

“Well, we could adopt you if you like!” Twilight Twinkle teased.

Um, uh…” Yuuno stammered slightly at that. “I think I’ll have to pass on that, I think. Thank you though…”


“Now now sweetie,” Night Light frowned, “I think three kids is more than enough.”

“Maybe if my older children would get around to having grandbabies, I wouldn’t be bringing this up. So, Shining,” Twilight Twinkle glanced at Shining playfully, “make any headway with your mysterious pen-pal?”

“Pen-pal?” Yuuno replied in confusion as the light-coated stallion turned a distinctive shade of pink.

“He didn’t tell you?” Twilight Twinkle giggled. “Shining’s been corresponding with some mysterious mare. He calls her ‘my love-song…’”

“Mother!” Shining Armor cried out.

“Oh come on. I think it’s adorable!”

“No, I didn’t know this,” Yuuno leaned forwards in curiosity. “How’d you find this out?”

“I read one of his letters when he was writing it.”

Shining huffed loudly as the pink gave way to red. “You promised you wouldn’t tell anypony.”

“I promised I wouldn’t tell Twilight about this mystery mare of yours.”

“She did say that son,” Night Light added. “I heard her.”

“Besides,” Twilight Twinkle grinned naughtily, “Yuuno here isn’t a pony, so…”

Shining Armor sighed, shaking his head. “You’re both terrible, you know that?”

“Know what?”

Shining Armor reared slightly as Twilight entered the room, followed closely by Spike. “T-twily! Spike! Um…”

“Sheesh Shining,” Spike looked at the brilliantly blushing stallion. “you look like you swallowed a bottle of hot sauce. What’s going on?”

“I was threatening to show Yuuno some of Shining’s baby pictures,” Twilight Twinkle replied smoothly.

“Oooh. That’s low mom,” Twilight giggled.

“See what I have to put up with?” Shining Armor glanced pitifully at Yuuno.

Yuuno couldn’t help but snicker a little bit before looking at Twilight. “Fate’s gone to bed, I suppose?”

“Yeah. Poor filly was exhausted. Arf’s curled up with her right now.”

“I suppose we should head back to the castle then,” Shining Armor replied.

“Not yet Shiny, I’ve got something planned for Yuuno.”

“Oh?” Yuuno and Shining Armor replied in unison.

“Yup. I’m taking him to Pony Joe’s.”

“Pony Joe’s?” Yuuno parroted back. “What’s-”

“It’s only the best, most awesome donut shop in all of Canterlot, if not all of Equestria” Spike grinned. “Twilight and I used to go there all the time for late-night snacks. Trust me, you‘ll love it.”

Shining Armor frowned. “Are you sure that’s a good idea Twilight? I mean-”

“You’re welcome to come, Shining.”

“I’d love to, but I have paperwork waiting for me. And you know my orders…”

“Aw, come on Shining,” Spike pleaded. “It’s not like it’s far from the castle.”

“Orders are orders, Spike. Princess Celestia hasn’t lifted the order to keep Twilight under guard yet. So either I have to be there, or at least two guards have to be there to keep an eye on things.”

“Then why can’t you just send some guards to keep watch while we‘re at the donut shop?” Twilight trotted closer to Shining as she spoke. “Besides, it’s not like I’m going to be on my own, Shiny. Yuuno and Spike will be there with me. And it‘s a public place.”

“And if something does happen,” Yuuno added, “I can teleport us back to the castle. And you of all ponies know how powerful my defense spells are.”

Shining Armor winced, “I suppose so…”

“And besides, Twilight is healthy now and has her magic back,” Spike added.

“I know, but…”

“Please, Shiny?” Twilight pouted. “I promise we won’t be there long.”

“Ugh… fine. I’ll send some of the night guards to keep an eye on you instead of their regular patrols.”

Twilight gave a little squeak and trotted over, hugging Shining. “Thank you!”

Shining rolled his eyes, ruffling Twilight‘s mane. “Just don’t do anything silly while I’m away… and give me a head start so I can get to the palace!”

“If you want, I could teleport you over to the palace,” Yuuno offered. “That way the guards could be waiting for us once we arrive.”

“I’d appreciate it.”

Yuuno climbed to his feet, nodding to Twilight’s parents. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Night Light, Twilight Twinkle.”

“And it was a pleasure to meet you too, young human.”

“You really should visit more often,” Twilight Twinkle smiled. “We’d love to have you.”

“I think I’ll take that offer.” Yuuno chuckled softly.

“Come on Yuuno,” Spike bounced. “The donuts are waiting!”


“…So you see, the cubes that make up the piece, as well as the piece itself is carefully sculpted so that each side is symmetrical! But the size of the individual cubes and their placement within the piece itself remains asymmetrical, creating a radical dichotomy for the viewer!”

“Fascinating,” Fancy Pants agreed, gently interrupting Graven Image’s stream of breathless chatter as he eyed the six-foot-square cube of carefully stacked stones. “I must say, I’m quite impressed. It must have taken a great deal of effort to get the individual pieces so smooth so that they fit together without mortar.”

Graven Image, a short, stocky stallion with a marbled gray-and-white coat and a tied-back scarlet mane and tail, puffed up his chest with pride. “It did, it did! Thankfully I live near a quarry, so I’m able to get a variety of stones easily! But still it takes a lot of effort to smooth and shape them to the proper dimensions! This piece alone took me three months to get everything just right!”

“And I appreciate it. It’s good to see that abstract work isn’t just being confined to the canvas. Don’t you think so, Swan?”

Shamal glanced to her companion, feeling more than a little mystified by the artist‘s monologue. “Um… I suppose so,” she replied softly.

“Oh yes! Oh yes!” Graven Image grinned eagerly as he leaned in, his intense, garnet-orange eyes focused on her as he drew close; close enough that she could smell his breath. “Classical styles are nice, but they’re so weighed down by the need for super-realism! Abstract art has so many more openings for interpretation on a personal level! Once you understand that Miss Lake I‘m sure-”

“I’m sure that the support of the Royal Galleria will more than help spread your message along,” Fancy Pants interrupted smoothly, carefully stepping in between Shamal and the artist as she shied back slightly. “If you don’t mind, Graven, Miss Lake and I haven’t yet finished looking at your other pieces. Perhaps we can continue this conversation later?”

“Sure! Sure! I was hoping to get some of those little canapés before they run out! Excuse me!” Graven Image turned and trotted off, humming a merry tune under his breath.

“He’s… rather intense, isn’t he?” Shamal breathed out slowly, as Fancy Pants chuckled.

“He is. Most artists tend to be a bit intense in one way or another. I hope he didn’t frighten you.”

“Oh, it takes more than that to frighten me, Fancy.” She replied, then blushed as the stallion quirked an eyebrow in curiousity.

“Is that so?”

“I mean, I’m used to intense ponies. I just… didn’t expect him to get close to me like that, that’s all.”

“He does tend to do that,” Fancy Pants sighed, rolling his eyes before he gestured a server over, levitating a glass of champagne from the hovering tray. “A drink, Swan?”

“I suppose so.” Shamal nodded politely to the serving unicorn and levitated her own drink off the tray. Fancy Pants smiled, touching glasses with her. The night, so far, had been quite pleasant.

“Um, Mr. Fancy Pants, sir?”

Fancy turned slightly to face a neatly suited, navy blue unicorn with a glacier blue mane and doleful cornflower blue eyes. “Yes? Mr. Blue Period, I believe it was?”

“Correct, sir. Old Master wishes to speak with you, sir.”

“Ah! Yes. I was wondering when the curator would arrive.” He smiled apologetically at Shamal. “I must apologize Swan, would you excuse me for a few minutes? Business must be attended to.”

“Um, sure.” Swan blushed slightly as he trotted off, sipping at her champagne. Perhaps the night would turn out well after all.

Just think… the two of us, alone on the balcony of the galleria under the stars. Maybe we’ve both had a bit too much champagne, and the bubbles have gone to our heads. He draws me close, his warm body pressing against mine…and then… and then…

She managed, barely, to suppress a small giggle True, that was unlikely to happen, but she could still fantasize.

“Excuse me.”

The smooth, overly-cultured voice pulled her out of her romantic fantasies. Shamal turned, blinking at the gray-brown stallion in pince-nez glasses and his pale yellow mare companion. “Um, yes?”

“Have you perhaps seen our host this evening?” The mare asked, a hoof gently primping her pale purple and white mane.

“Um, he just stepped away to speak with the curator.”

“Ah,” the stallion pouted slightly, “A pity. I had hoped we could talk to him.” His lips pulled up in a slight expression of distaste as he looked her over. “Though I must say, I didn’t realize Fancy Pants invited somepony like you to his little soiree.”

“Somepony like me? What do you mean?”

“Somepony so… unfashionable.” the mare snorted, “Why on earth are you dressed in that ghastly little number? Surely you realize most ponies would have better fashion sense than to show up here in a four-months-out-of-style bit of couture like that?”.

“I thought it looked nice,” Shamal replied defensively. “Besides, it was affordable-”

“Affordable? I didn’t think the Galleria allowed thrift-store riff-raff in here.”

“’Riff-raff?’” Shamal responded quizzically, a little bit of irritation creeping into her voice. “Who do you think I am?”

“Why don‘t you tell us?” The stallion snorted softly. “I haven‘t seen you at any of the local parties…”

“Perhaps she‘s one of those art students,” the mare suggested to her companion. “Why else would she be so unrefined?”

Shamal’s frown deepened and her eyes narrowed. There had been a time, long ago, that she would have accepted such abuse. She was used to far worse, given her long history of cruel, uncaring Masters. However, her current Mistress would have had none of this.

Unrefined? Riff-raff? Her Mistress wouldn’t take this sort of treatment, so why should she?

Shamal inhaled and drew herself up, puffing out her chest. “Actually, I’m his date,” she replied calmly.

That seemed to catch the pair off guard. “His date?!”

“Yes. His date,” Shamal continued. “Fancy wrote a letter to me, personally inviting me to this showing. What about you two?”

“Fancy?“ The pair of socialites stammered, slightly flustered as Shamal heard a familiar set of heavy hooves approach behind her.

“Ah, Jet Set, Upper Crust,” Fancy Pants stepped up beside Shamal, “I hadn’t expected you’d show up.”

Jet Set smiled, though there was a hint of desperation to it. “We only just arrived. We were having a little bit of conversation with this lovely young mare here. P-perhaps you could introduce us?”

“Mmm, yes.” Fancy Pants quirked an eyebrow slightly, then glanced to Shamal. “Do forgive me for not introducing you. Jet Set, Upper Crust, this is Swan Lake. Swan, this is Jet Set and Upper Crust, two of my… acquaintances.”

The pair of would-be aristocrats stiffened slightly at the heavy stress on that last word, Shamal noted with a bit of satisfaction. “How do you do?”

The couple stammered out a reply as Fancy Pants glanced at her with a bit of amusement. “I do apologize, Swan. The curator simply wanted me to introduce him to Graven Image.”

“It’s alright, I don’t mind,” Shamal smiled. “I was just having a nice conversation with these two ponies about where I got my dress.”

“And a lovely dress it is,” Upper Crust replied a little too quickly. “I do love the color of it. Very chic.”

“Say, Fancy Pants,” Jet Set grinned nervously, “Have we told you about our vacation to Baltimare yet? Upper Crust’s cousin has this fabulous new yacht that he took us out on the bay in…”

“Perhaps later,” Fancy Pants gave the other stallion a genial smile. “Unfortunately, I simply must introduce Swan to some of my other guests. Would you excuse us?”

Shamal nodded to the couple as she fell in beside Fancy Pants. “Thank you so much,” she whispered softly.

“For what?” He replied surreptitiously, a knowing smile on his lips. “I was merely returning from meeting with the curator, nothing more. From what I saw, you were handling things quite well.”

Shamal blushed a little, drawing closer as they meandered along. “Well…I suppose so. Maybe I‘m just thankful you returned.”

Fancy Pants chuckled slightly. “You’re welcome, then.”


“You know, I think you might be right, Spike. These are probably the best donuts I’ve ever had.”

Spike grinned as Yuuno bit down into another cruller, the thick rime of sugary icing fragmenting under his teeth. “Told you! And you doubted me, Spike the all-knowing!”

“I wouldn’t go that far, Spike,” Twilight teased, taking a drink of her hot cocoa. “But I do admit, I don’t think even Sugarcube Corner could make a better donut.”

“Hey Joe!” Spike leaned forwards on the counter, raising his mug. “Another cup of that double-chocolate hot chocolate and two more donuts, extra sprinkles.”

Pony Joe snickered, levitating the pot up. “Last time I heard you say that, Spike, you were half-way into a sugar coma during the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“Yeah, well this time I ain’t drowning my sorrows in pastry!” Spike grinned. “Come onnnn. I’m a growing dragon! Help a poor guy out, will ya?”

“Actually, could I try one of those éclairs?” Yuuno licked his fingers off, wiping them on a napkin.

“Sure bub. Just gimme a second.”

“You know, I’m actually surprised you’re not gawking at me,” Yuuno said as Pony Joe poured Spike more cocoa. “I mean, I don’t think anypony in Canterlot outside the palace has seen a human before.”

“Kid, I’m from Manehatten.” Pony Joe smirked, dropping an éclair on a napkin in front of Yuuno. “And ponies from Manehatten don’t ‘gawk.’ Besides, you’re not the weirdest thing that’s walked through my door looking for donuts and milk.”


“Sure! I’ve had Princess-freaking-Celestia in my shop. And last I checked, you don’t move the sun. So yeah, I ain‘t impressed with you.”

“Ouch,” Spike grinned. "I think he got you there, Yuuno."

"I think I'll survive." Yuuno replied with a small smile, biting into the éclair.

“You know, I’m actually curious about that,” Twilight tilted her head as Pony Joe trotted off, moving to go and speak with the pair of matching gray unicorns sitting at the table next to the entrance. “Why haven’t there been humans wandering around Canterlot?”

“Mmf, well,” Yuuno swallowed, doing his best not to get custard onto his shirt. “Most of the humans there are working for the Bureau, either for the investigation or the negotiations. From what I’ve heard, all Bureau personnel are, quote, ‘to refrain from leaving the palace grounds, as to prevent unnecessary incidents with the local populace,’ unquote.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Twilight replied. “If something did happen, it might reflect poorly on the Bureau. Or on Equestrian society as a whole.”

“Like what, a couple of snooty ponies making comments about their fashion sense?” Spike asked sarcastically before chomping down on a sprinkle-laden treat.

“Spike,” Twilight scolded.

“What?” Spike swallowed a chunk of pastry, his long tongue slurping up any stray crumbs. “You and I both know that’s what’d probably happen.”

“I know, but still; it’s not something to make light of,” Twilight grumped.

“Could we not get into that right now?” Yuuno asked. “I’d really like not to think about stuff like that.”

“But Yuuno…” Twilight looked at him.

“Let’s just enjoy ourselves.” Yuuno smiled slightly. “I mean, we haven’t had much of a chance to do anything without having to worry about something.”

“He’s got a point, you know,” Spike added as he tossed the remainder of his first donut into his mouth, chewing and swallowing. “You’ve both been crazy busy. It’s nice to just chill for once.”

“I guess that works.” Twilight nodded, looking to Yuuno. “So, um, how was your family? You said before you left you were going to check in with them when you left… gosh, almost a year ago. Tell me about them.”

Yuuno swallowed the rest of his milk to wash down the sweetness of the donut before he began. “Well…”


The show was drawing to a close, that much Shamal was certain of. Many of the socialites had already left, and those that hadn’t would likely be leaving soon.

Part of her was glad for that fact. The ponies that Fancy Pants introduced her to had been nice and polite, but Shamal knew courtiers when she saw them. It wasn’t hard to notice, considering they had hung on Fancy Pants’ every word as though they were commands from the Sankt Kaisers themselves. She’d been polite in return, but it was all so tiring.

When it had gotten to that point, she had politely excused herself. She felt a twinge of remorse at that thought. He’d been generous in inviting her, a fact that she was grateful for. Despite Fancy Pants’ efforts, she still felt like a stranger, an aberration among the polite ponies and their chattering about this and that. If it weren’t for Fancy Pants she wouldn’t have even come.

Now she was standing outside the Galleria, leaning against one of the cool stone walls as she looked skyward at the full, lambent moon.

I can see why Vita likes staring at the sky so much, Shamal thought to herself. It’s strange. It feels so calming…

“Lovely night, isn’t it?”

Shamal jerked out of her reverie as Fancy Pants stepped out of the doors, walking over to her. “Um… yes. It’s a lot different from Manehatten.”

“Indeed. The air up here is a lot clearer. Not to mention there isn’t as much light to block the glow of the stars,” Fancy Pants replied.

Shamal nodded, glancing at him. “Um, shouldn’t you be inside?”

“It’d hardly be polite for me to leave you out here all alone, Swan,” he replied as he stood beside her, looking skyward.

“But the other guests-”

“Will be fine,” he interrupted. “I’m more concerned about one guest in particular. One that didn’t seem to be enjoying herself. I wonder who that might be?”

Shamal started to speak, but couldn’t bring herself too.

“Yes indeed,” Fancy said rhetorically, “the sky is lovely tonight.”

The two of them stood there quietly, neither of them saying much. The silence was deafening to Shamal’s ears as she glanced nervously at Fancy Pants.

Her mind was all in a jumble. Should I say something? Should I do something? Should I apologize? Maybe I should let him talk first. Her face grew hotter. Oh Kaiser, what if he says something romantic? I don’t think I could take it if he said something romantic… It’d be right out of ‘Dawn’s Morning Light’ when Duke Daydream confesses his love to Rosy Dawn on the mountainside, and then they…

“Are you feeling alright, Swan?”

Shamal could feel the heat of her cheeks as she nodded, not trusting herself to reply.

Fancy Pants smiled faintly. “I only ask because you seem quite… flushed.”

“J-just thinking about something,” she stammered in reply.

“I won’t pry, then,” he replied, sighing softly. “It was a good showing.”

“It was?” Shamal blinked.

“Oh yes. Graven Image’s name is circulating amongst the well-to-do now. No doubt he’ll be quite well known before the week is out. We‘ll see how it goes from there, but all in all it‘s a positive outcome.”

“I suppose he has you to thank for that,” Shamal ventured.

“All I did was give him a bit of exposure,” Fancy replied modestly. “He’s the one who did all the work. I can’t really claim much credit.”

Shamal looked at him for a while. Her quiet gaze drew Fancy Pants’ attention to her. “Yes?”

Shamal glanced down bashfully. “I’m just… I’m wondering if you’re actually real. I mean, you’re so nice and sweet…”

Fancy laughed, his horn lighting up to support his monocle as his head dipped. “My dear Swan, you make it sound like I’m too good to be true!”

“Well, you are…”

“No, I’m not.” Fancy Pants replied.

Shamal pouted. “You‘re not?”

“Oh, no, Everypony has a few foibles, even me.” Fancy chuckled playfully. “I eat far too richly, I don’t exercise as often as I should, I’ve been known to get into the brandy some nights, and let’s not get into when I was younger and rowdier. I‘m hardly a shining beacon of perfection.”

“But still…”

“And then there‘s the fact that I‘m standing here with a lovely young mare under a beautiful full moon. Just the two of us, alone…” He laughed softly. “There would be some raised eyebrows over that.”

Her head ached slightly and her face still felt hot. Maybe she shouldn’t have drank so much champagne. Even with her unnatural metabolism, the alcohol must have had some minor effect. Or maybe it was just all in her head? “M-maybe.”

“Perhaps,” Fancy continued, “we could try something a little less formal for our next get together?”

Shamal blinked. “N-next get together?”

“Of course,” he replied. “Perhaps something where you’ll be more comfortable?”

“Y-you want to d-date me?”

That seemed to confuse him. “Why wouldn’t I?”

The Knight of the Lake’s brain swirled. He was asking her out on a date. A second date. With the stallion of her dreams. Visions of candle-lit dinners, of violin music and whispered words of love danced in her head as she leaned against the cool wall, pressing her cheek against it.

A second date. A second date might mean a third. Or a fourth. She was going to have a romance. She hadn’t been prepared for this. Nothing in her long, long history of service had prepared her for this.

Her service.

Shamal did her best to bite back her tears. Her service. Her duty. Her duty to her Mistress. Her duty to the Book. A duty she couldn’t ignore. A duty that was irreconcilable with those thoughts of romance. A duty that left her with blood on her hooves. If Fancy found out…

“I don‘t deserve it,” Shamal murmured bitterly, then froze as she felt Fancy’s eyes focus on her.

She had just made a mistake.

His azure eyes were concerned, his mouth turned down slightly in a small frown. “Why would you say something like that?”

“L-like what?”

“’I don’t deserve it.’ Isn’t that what you said, Swan?” He frowned further. “Why? Why do you look so sad?”

“F-forget it,” she stammered, starting to walk away, only to freeze as Fancy Pants stepped into her path.

“Swan.” Fancy Pants replied. “Swan… please. I want to know…”

“I don’t want to talk about it…”


“I said I don’t want to talk about it!”

“Swan, it’s al-” A hoof reached out to her.

Instinct took hold. “Get back!”

Her voice had came out in a sharp snap, her horn flaring a pale green as Fancy Pants stepped back, his eyes widening in shock.

“I…” Shamal’s ears folded back as she scuffed the ground with one front hoof, the light going out as she lowered her head, regretting her words instantly. She felt her mane swish down and hide her eyes. “I‘m sorry. I didn‘t mean to act like that…”

Fancy Pants continued to look at her, causing her to shy away. “It’s strange,” he noted quietly and thoughtfully. “You always seem so nervous. But there are moments, brief moments, when you seem so strong.”

Shamal squirmed, not daring to look at him.

“I think that’s what fascinates me,” he continued, his voice still quiet. “How much of your nervousness is a façade? All of it? If it is, then why the act? Why do you hide?”

“And those eyes,” his voice grew gentler. “Those eyes you just showed me, that glare... Those eyes don’t belong to a bird watcher or a theater manager. I’ve seen eyes like those once… it‘s not a look you forget.”

“I…” Shamal shuffled, sniffling slightly. “I’m not what you think I am Fancy…“


“I’m not a good pony, Fancy. I‘m not. I‘ve done so many bad things.” She swallowed, feeling her legs quiver. Warning bells were sounding in her head but she just didn’t care. “Horrible things. I don’t… I don‘t…”

Her voice froze in her throat as she felt him nuzzle her cheek.

“You don‘t what?” Fancy asked sotto-voiced.

Shamal drew away, tears in her eyes. “I don’t deserve somepony like you,” she whispered. “Please, just forget about-”


Shamal shivered as Fancy Pants’ horn lit up, levitating a handkerchief from his pocket and floating it over to her. The mare took it, wiping her eyes.

“I don’t care what secrets you’re hiding, Swan.” Fancy Pants continued determinedly. “It doesn’t matter to me.”


“No,” Fancy interrupted firmly. “It. Does. Not. Matter. From what I’ve seen of you, you are a good pony. A curious and mysterious pony, but good nonetheless. The fact that you worry so much about Trixie and the others proves it.”

Shamal looked up at him. His brow was narrowed and his eyes intense. “Are… are you sure?”

He nodded. She sniffled, then blew her nose ungracefully.

“I… I seem to have made a mess of your handkerchief,” she said weakly as she offered it back to him.

“That’s alright. What sort of gentlepony would I be if I got upset over a little mess?” He smiled. “Are you alright now?”

“I… I don’t think so.” Shamal sniffled again. “Could… could you walk me home, perhaps?”

“Miss Lake, it would be my honor to escort you.” He knelt forwards with a sweep of one hoof, then drew himself up and stood beside her. “Lean on me if you’re not feeling steady, alright?”

Shamal did so.


The next day…


“Right in here, Rainbow Dash.”

Shining Armor opened the door, letting the sky-blue pegasus enter the room first. Rainbow glanced around the room curiously. The room in question was quite large, the tall walls covered from floor to ceiling in shelves. The shelves were laden with all sorts of supplies, ranging from suits of Royal Guard armor to blankets to bottles of hoof polish. Various pegasi flitted up near the rafters like gray and white pigeons, quietly talking amongst themselves as they checked off lists and inspected supplies.

“What the hay kind of place is this?” Rainbow Dash craned her head back as she looked upwards.

“It’s the Royal Guard’s storage and supply depot,” Shining answered. “It’s where we store unneeded equipment and supplies for later use. I asked them to do some checking around to see if they could find you some protection. Hold on, let me get the Quartermaster’s attention.” Shining Armor inhaled, then shouted upwards. “Hey Supply Train! Get your feathery flank down here!”

“Hold onto your horn Armor, I’m coming!” A dark gray pegasus stallion dipped downwards into a dive, flaring his wings as he came in for a landing. His build was bulky for a pegasus, his muzzle a bit short and his eyes deep-set. He smirked at Rainbow Dash, looking her over with a approving eye. “This the pony you were telling me about?”

“Yeah. Rainbow Dash, this is Supply Train, the Royal Guard’s Quartermaster. Train, this is Rainbow Dash.”

“Nice to meet you.” Supply Train extended a hoof, which Rainbow shook. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Really?” Rainbow preened slightly, flaring her wings. “Anything about how ridiculously awesome I am? Not that the stories would ever match up to the real thing, ya know…”

“Ooh, I like this one Shining,” Supply Train grinned. “She’s got sass…”

“Hey, when you’re the fastest thing in the skies, you’re allowed to have ‘sass,’ buddy,” Rainbow replied.

“Oh, I bet you’re fast.” Supply Train grinned even wider. “I’d love for you to leave me in the dust…”

“Train,” Shining Armor rolled his eyes, “not now.”

“Oh sure, just ruin my fun.” Train snorted, leaning in to stage-whisper to Rainbow. “He’s such a wet blanket some times, you know?”

Rainbow giggled. “Really?”

“Your message said you found something that fit Rainbow’s specifications?” Shining continued with a heavy sigh, trying to get the pegasus back on track.

“Yeah. Found it in the pegasi equipment storehouse. Hold on, I’ll get the boys to bring it out. Hey! Check List, Packer, gimme a hoof, will ya?!”

“You two seem pretty buddy-buddy,” Rainbow smirked. “Any history there?”

“We were in the academy together,” Shining Armor sighed. “Shared a bunk. He’s a good pony, but sweet Celestia is he a playcolt.”


“You didn’t notice him eyeing you?” Shining Armor rolled his eyes.

“Huh, I thought all the guards were supposed to be serious all the time, you know,” Rainbow stood up straight and did her best to look stoic, “like this.”

Shining Armor chuckled. “That’s because most ponies see the Royal Guards on patrol or with the Princesses. When we’re not in public or on formal duty, we can be as goofy as the average pony.”

“Huh.” Rainbow rubbed her chin thoughtfully as she eyed the stallion. “So, uh… Shining? You’re, like, a big shot around here, right?”

“What gave it away?” Shining Armor smirked.

“Do you know the Wonderbolts?”

“I’ve met them.”

“You have!?”

Shining Armor took a slight step back as Rainbow grinned eagerly. “Seriously?! You’ve met the Wonderbolts? Do you hang out with them? What’re they like? Are-”

“Hey, hey, chill,” Shining held up a hoof to stop Rainbow mid-sentence. “It’s not like I’m best buddies with any of them. They’re just part of the Guard, that’s all. We‘ve met a few times, and they‘re all good ponies. Really professional.”

“Aw, come on,” Rainbow whined. “You make it sound so boring. These are the Wonderbolts we’re talking about here. The Wonderbolts. The greatest fliers in all of Equestria!”

“I know, though if you want to be technical their proper appellation is ‘Their Royal Majesties’ Aerobatic Exhibition Squadron.’” He paused as Rainbow made a face. “What?”

“You really are Twilight’s brother. I mean, I didn‘t have any doubts or anything, but only someone related to Twilight could say something that nerdy about something so cool.”

“You make that sound like a bad thing,” Shining Armor deadpanned.

“Well, it’s not,” Rainbow waved a hoof dismissively before continuing, “but anyway. Do you think you could put in a good word for me or something? I’m trying to join, but I haven’t had much luck. But if I had a personal recommendation from Captain Shining Armor, you know…” Rainbow leaned in, grinning hopefully.

Shining Armor snorted. “No.”

“Awww, come on!”

“Sorry Rainbow, but it wouldn’t be right for me to do that. Besides, I doubt it would help. Their candidate selection process is very hush-hush, so…” He shrugged.

“Horsefeathers,” Rainbow Dash muttered under her breath as a loud squeaking noise reached their ears. Supply Train and the two pegasi assisting him were wheeling out a mannequin on a small wheeled platform. The fake pony was dressed in a very tight-fitting suit, the dark blue material dull and matte even under the storeroom‘s lights. The legs terminated in metal shoes made of the same golden metal as the Royal Guard’s armor, the shoes coming up to the knees in front and to the pasterns in the back. The suit stopped just below the neck, merging into a thin chest-plate that circled around the front legs and rested on the mannequin’s withers.

“We found this while doing a check in the old equipment hanger,” Train said as Rainbow inspected the outfit. “According to the records on file, it was originally a prototype design for new pegasus guard armor that never got off the ground.”

“And something like that was just stowed away?” Shining Armor blinked.

“It was Deep Pocket’s idea. You now, the old Quartermaster? I swear, that old codger never threw anything away. Anyway, what do you think?”

“It’s cool…” Rainbow circled the mannequin slowly, inspecting it carefully. “What’s wrong with it though? I mean, you said it didn’t get off the ground…”

“Well, the ponies in charge decided not to go with it.” Train shrugged.

“Probably because it’s pretty light,” Shining Armor tapped a hoof on the chest plate. “Most guard armor is heavy by necessity.”

“Cost, too. That stuff’s Zebracan rubber. Enchanted Zebracan rubber at that. Pretty expensive,” Train rubbed his chin. “Though I heard they use a similar material for the Wonderbolt flight suits.”

“So, what do you think, Rainbow?”

“Hmmm… looks pretty cool…” Rainbow fluffed out her wings. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try it on.”

“Need any help? I could lend a hoof…” Train grinned and waggled his eyebrows, then winced as Shining prodded him in the ribs with a hoof. “Ow! What?”

“No pawing at the national heroine, Train.”


“And you wonder why I don‘t go to clubs with you.” Shining Armor shook his head as he walked over to Rainbow. “Here, let me help you with that.”

After much unbuckling and zipping and rustling, the suit was fully on. Rainbow shifted her hooves, feeling the foreign weight at the ends of her legs and listening to the slight creak of the suit’s fabric as she moved. “It’s a bit tight,” she noted.

“Where at?” Shining Armor asked.

“All over.” Rainbow stretched and grimaced as she inspected her range of movement. “I can move though, so there’s that at least.”

“It’s probably because the suit’s been in storage for a while,” Train replied. “We’ll do some maintenance and get it back up to spec. You know, get some unicorns to rework the spells, get everything checked out and all that. If it’s anything like the Wonderbolt suits, it should be resistant to electricity and heat, as well as high-speed impacts. Plus those armored shoes should keep your hooves from cracking.”

“Could we lose the chest piece though?” Rainbow tapped on the plate gently. “It’s not exactly my style…”

Shining Armor shook his head. “I’d advise against it. The armor’s there to keep you safe Rainbow. Style comes second.”

“Lame,” Rainbow grumbled. “Could at least put my cutie mark or something on it.”

“I guess we could get an engraver to put some designs on it if you want.” Train offered.

“You could? Awesome!”

“Back on topic,” Shining Armor interrupted, “why don’t you try taking off?”

“Okay, sure!” Rainbow flared her wings as she crouched.

Shining Armor stepped back as she took off, streaking up into the air with a whoosh of wind.

Train whistled approvingly as the mare dipped and swept about the room, deftly avoiding the guardsponies doing inventory. “She’s definitely something alright…”

“Yeah. Just hope she’s up to fighting…” Shining Armor added as Rainbow dipped down and landed.

“Not bad,” she inspected herself, stretching a bit more. “I’ll take it. Now can I get out of this thing? It’s starting to chafe a bit…”



Luna stood quietly in her workshop, her eyes narrowed slightly as the two Devices hovered before her, their cores glowing brilliantly in the dim light. Days and nights of constant, steady work had been rather rewarding as the staff and axe hovered before her.

The changes were noticeable on both Devices. Raising Heart’s C-shaped ring was thicker and broader, flaring out into thick ‘blades’ at the tips of the C. A white, wing-like blade protruded out from just below the ring where the shaft met the head, the neck broadening and widening before tapering downward to the white shaft. The butt of the staff now terminated in a solid rectangular prism of metal, thin creases along its sides suggesting a degree of segmentation to its body.

Bardiche was much more heavily modified: the head of the axe was no longer angular and blunt; rather, the striking edge curved into an elegant crescent. A ‘beard’ of three blades protruded from opposite the head like pinions on a pegasus’ wing. The head and neck was heavily reinforced, a thick cylinder of night-steel extending down the white shaft before tapering inwards. The handle no longer terminated a small spindle-like spike; rather, it ended in a wide, cylindrical cap and a gleaming golden spike like a unicorn’s horn.

Luna inspected her work as the two Devices finished their system checks.



“ALL SYSTEMS GREEN. STANDBY, READY.” Raising Heart noted with a hint of finality.

“GET SET,” Bardiche replied as well.

“Good,” Luna spoke as she rose to her feet. “I bid thee, restrain thy Full Drive forms until such a time as I give thee permission for release.

“ACKNOWLEDGED,” both Devices replied as one.

Luna exhaled, her horn glowing as she smoothed her mane. “Return to your Standby Forms for the time being.”

There was a flash of light as the two Devices dissolved back into their Standby Forms; Raising Heart into a marble-sized ruby sphere, Bardiche into a golden triangle only slightly bigger than a filly’s hoof. The two Devices floated over to Luna as the dark alicorn collected them, tucking them away into a safe spot for carrying. Luna spread her wings and, with a great flap, launched herself upwards towards the door at the top of her workshop.

She felt quite pleased with herself. It had been over a thousand years since she had last used her skills, and yet she remained as sharp as she had been during the age of the first diarchy. What few missteps she had made during her work had been quickly and easily remedied, and she was satisfied that her skill at the forge had not lessened during her exile.

The door sealed itself as she landed on the smooth stone floor, her eyes adjusting to the glow of the evening outside. It would soon be time to raise the moon, and then to attend to her and her sister’s apprentices.


The Princess of the Night smiled slightly as she heard Celestia’s telepathic whisper. Yes, sister?

I hope I’m not interrupting anything.

Nay. My work has concluded. I am now returning to my quarters to refresh myself. What is it you require?

Chrono’s returned.

Luna paused mid-step. Has he now?

Yes. I thought you would appreciate me telling you.

I do.

So… Celestia’s mind-voice trailed off. Do you want him sent to your room?

Luna considered it briefly, then shook her head. Not at this juncture. I will handle him soon enough. I would, however, like for you to send for Twilight. I have a gift for her.

Ah! So you’ve fixed them!

You sound surprised, sister, Luna noted with a bit of smugness. Were you doubting my skills?

No. I just thought you’d take longer. It’s good to see that you’re still as talented as ever. I’ll have one of the guards collect Twilight right away.

Thank you. Luna sighed as she mentally cut the connection.


There was a thunderous crash as the gigantic, saurian beast fell limp, its six eyes glazing over as it collapsed. Its thick, rock-like carapace was cratered in over a dozen spots, and one of its legs was bent at a decidedly unnatural angle.

Vita huffed softly, Graf Eisen venting steam as she caught her breath. The air was scorching hot and dry, the dual suns above pouring heat down onto the rocky ground below. Her skin was slick with perspiration, her Knight‘s Clothes starting to get unpleasantly damp. Her pigtails, usually neat, were starting to come loose.

“Begin collection,” Vita growled as she lifted the Book of Darkness into the air and let it float. The cover snapped open, a familiar chill filling the air as the tome drew the creature’s Linker Core out of its body and began draining it. The thing let out a pained moan as magic was sucked from the glowing spark, turning into the script that covered the book’s pages.

“That should teach you not to resist,” Vita shouted down at the unconscious beast, a hand wiping her forehead. She ignored the growling of her stomach as best she could as she reloaded Graf Eisen’s cartridges.

“Still moody, I see.”

The Knight of the Iron Hammer stopped, then turned and glowered in the direction of the voice. Zafira floated in the air, his arms crossed in front of him as he frowned at her.

“So what if I am?” Vita replied, reaching up and snapping the Book shut, the draining complete. “Did they ask you to come find me?”

Zafira nodded.

“Well tough! I don’t feel like dealing with you right now. How did you find me anyway?”

“It wasn’t hard.“ Zafira shrugged. “You‘re getting sloppy.”

“I’m not sloppy!”

Zafira gestured down at the ground below. “I disagree.”

Vita glanced down. The ground below was rather messed up; rock formations had been shattered into gravel and the hard-packed dirt pockmarked with craters. The toppled, unconscious and generally brutalized bodies of beasts lay strewn about the area like rag dolls, only adding to the atmosphere of devastation.

“A trail of carnage this large just makes it easier to track you,” Zafira continued. “I know you’re in a poor mood, but don‘t let it affect your work. We don’t want the Bureau to be on our tails…”

“Let ‘em come.” Vita huffed, resting Graf Eisen on her shoulder as she turned away. “I’ll pound them into the dirt, just like everything else.”

Vita started to fly off, only to stop as a hand grabbed her ankle. She glanced back at Zafira. The Guardian Beast did not seem particularly pleased.

“What are you doing?” Vita asked, her tone dangerously flat.

“Stopping you.”

“Let go Zafira,” Vita growled, her hand tightening on Graf Eisen‘s handle. “Let go right now, or I might do something you’ll regret.”

“Not until you calm down,” the Guardian Beast replied calmly.

“I said let go! That’s an order Zafira!” Vita snarled, kicking her leg violently.

“Unfortunately for you, I don’t have to listen to your orders.”

“Rrrgh!” Vita swung her hammer back, only to cry out as Zafira swung her about and tossed her away. The much smaller Knight spun and tumbled in mid-air before regaining her ‘footing,’ glaring at the large wolf-man. “What the hell’s your problem?!”

“I could ask you the same thing.” Zafira replied coolly as he floated closer. “You’ve been growing increasingly erratic and temperamental. The General is becoming concerned about your behavior.”

“Like she cares,” Vita growled under her breath.

“She’s not the only one. I’ve noticed it as well,” Zafira continued. “And then there was this morning…”


The four of them were gathered for breakfast. It was a mostly quiet affair. Nobody talked as they quietly ate their cereal (or in Zafira’s case, kibble) at the small table that served as their dining room.

At least until somepony spoke.

“I think I love him.”

A heavy, uncomfortable silence fell over the room as Shamal uttered those words, drawing the attention of the other three Wolkenritter. The Knight of the Lake blushed slightly as she pushed her spoon around in her bowl of cereal, the colorful bits making little swirling patterns in the milk. Her mane and tail were still a rumpled mess, which was rare for Shamal.

“What?” Signum’s voice was carefully neutral.

“I think I love him.” Shamal said again. She sighed softly, leaning forwards to stare into her cereal bowl.

“You just said that.” Signum noted, setting her spoon down. When Shamal didn‘t respond, she coughed softly and continued. “So I suppose last night went well?”

“I… guess so.” Shamal blushed. “He really seems to like me.”

“That‘s good.” Signum noted approvingly. “So the courtship is proceeding well?”

Shamal nodded. “We’re… we’re going on another date soon!”


“T-thanks. I just hope it’s something nice. Something private… just the two of us… alone…” Shamal quivered, a hoof going to her lips. “Nopony else… just me… and him… and…”

“And I think you might be getting a bit too worked up,” Signum interrupted. “I understand your enthusiasm, but don’t get ahead of yourself.”

“Sorry.” Shamal giggled softly. ” It’s just… I mean… he’s just perfect, isn’t he? He’s so warm and sweet and kind… I just want to hold onto that thick, muscular neck of his and let him-”

“Shut up!”

There was a loud clatter, followed by a splatter of milk and cereal that drew Signum and Shamal’s attention. Vita was glaring at Shamal, a careless hoof having knocked over her cereal bowl as she slammed both front hooves on the table.

“I can’t take this anymore! I’m sick of having to listen to you go on and on and ON about Fancy Pants! Just shut up already!”

“I-I’m sor-” Shamal stammered.

“Don’t give me that! Do you even listen to yourself? Oh, oh Fancy Pants,” Vita cooed mockingly, “hold me in those big strong arms of yours. Play with my mane. Take me to dinner. Oooh, Fancy Pants, Fancy Pants, FANCY PANTS! It‘s driving me crazy!”

“Vita, that’s enough.” Signum rose to her feet.

“No, it’s not! And you’re just as bad!” Vita snarled, pointing a hoof accusatorily at Signum. “You’re supposed to be our commander, and yet you’re encouraging her! You’re indulging her in all this frou-frou stuff when we should be focusing on what‘s really important!”

“We have had this conversation already, Vita,” Signum’s voice was icy. “Several times, in fact.”

“And you never listen!” Vita countered.

“And neither do you,” Signum replied, looming over the much smaller filly

“P-please,” Shamal stood up as well. “Could we all just calm down? Please?” The green mare’s eyes flickered between the two of them., the air thick with tension until Signum exhaled loudly and irritably.

“You’re right, Shamal. It would be best if we all calmed down before somepony says something they might regret.” Signum shot a telling glare at Vita “Do you agree, Knight of the Iron Hammer?”

“Sure. Fine. Whatever.” Vita huffed, turning away and marching towards the door.

“W-where are you going, Vita?”

“To do my job. Unlike some ponies,” Vita glared back at Shamal, “I know where my priorities lie.”

The wall rattled as Vita slammed the door behind her.


“I want to know why.“ Zafira set his eyes on Vita as they hovered in the hot, still air. “Why does Shamal’s relationship with Fancy Pants make you so angry?”

Vita didn’t reply at first. Her fingers were gripped tight around Graf Eisen’s handle, her teeth grinding together behind her grimace. She glared at Zafira, defiantly matching gazes with the Guardian Beast.

“And in case you’re wondering,” Zafira added, “if you don’t speak now, I’m just going to ask you again later. And no, I’m not going to leave you be until I get an answer.”

“So? You think I care?” Vita glared at him, ignoring the sweat on her brow.


“Well, I don’t. So go ahead and follow me all you like.”

Zafira sighed softly.



“What would Mistress say if she found out about us fighting like this?”

Ice ran down Vita’s back at those words. Her gaze wavered, then broke as she looked down, her bangs hiding her eyes. “She’d be mad…”

“Probably.” Zafira conceded.

“But that doesn’t make what Shamal’s doing right either!” Vita replied, raising her head and pointing Graf Eisen at Zafira.

“What is she doing?”

“She’s betraying our Mistress!” Vita’s shout echoed in the silent air. “She’s more concerned about this… this… this thing she’s doing with Fancy Pants than she is about saving Trixie! It’s selfish! It’s wrong! We’re not supposed to do things like that!”

Zafira didn’t reply, his ears folded back against his head as he listened.

“We’re not!” Vita insisted, taking Zafira’s silence for a reply. “We’re the Wolkenritter, the servants of our Mistress and the Book of Darkness! And Shamal, she… she’s not supposed to fall in love like that! And Signum’s not supposed to help her! It‘s like they don‘t care!”

“Do you really think Shamal would betray our Mistress?” Zafira asked pointedly.

“No…” Vita looked down, doing her best to hold back her tears. “It’s just… I don’t understand. Why should Shamal get to be happy when our Mistress is so sick?”

Vita sniffled softly, then went stiff as she felt Zafira’s hand on her head.

“Hand, please.”


Zafira reached down and took hold of her wrist, pulling the Book of Darkness from her grasp and replacing it with a thin cardboard box.

“What’s this?” Vita sniffed, tucking her hammer into her elbow as she opened it.

“Shamal told me to bring this to you. You’ve been gone most of the day in Equestria. She figured you skipped a meal or two.”

Vita sniffed, pulling out a sandwich from the box. “Boxed lunch. How cute. That’s just like that stupid, over-romantic Knight of the Lake…”

“I’d eat if I were you,” Zafira continued neutrally. “No reason to go hungry. There’s also some water in there if you‘re thirsty. By the way, Signum also wanted me to remind you that you’re not to stay out too much later.”

“Mmmf,” Vita grunted as she devoured the sandwich hungrily.

“Feel better?” Zafira quirked an eyebrow as Vita opened the bottle of water and chugged it.

“A bit,” Vita replied around a loud belch, wiping her forehead before finishing off the bottle. “Come on. Break’s over. There‘s another place I want to hit before we head back. You might as well give me a hand if you plan on following me.”

“Of course,” Zafira shrugged as he took off after her, the pair vanishing into streaks of red and blue-white light.


The moon was on its way upwards, the great, pale orb cresting lazily over the horizon like a lofted balloon. The stars of the night sky began to twinkle as the sun retreated, the air cooling from the day‘s warmth. A smile creased Luna’s lips as she stood on her balcony, satisfied that the celestial object was on its way.

“Princess Luna?”

Luna turned as a familiar voice called out to her. A flap of her wings blew the curtains open as she entered the bedroom from the balcony. A familiar purple unicorn stood near the door to her quarters, her eyes quickly pulled towards the dark princess’s form.

“Greetings, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said cordially. “We welcome you to our quarters. Has your day been well?”

“Yes, thank you.” Twilight nodded, glancing around the dimly lit room.

“Fate should arrive soon enough. Please, we ask that you make yourself comfortable.”


Luna smirked slightly as Twilight slowly walked around the room, inspecting it curiously. “Or if you prefer, you may examine the room…”

Twilight paused, then blushed slightly. “Sorry Princess. I’ve just never been in your room before. It‘s a lot different from Celestia‘s room. Oh!” Twilight gasped as she looked upwards towards the domed ceiling. “You… you have a star chart for a ceiling?”

“Of a sort,” Luna smiled as she approached Twilight. “’Tis a curious bit of ornamentation; a shifting chart of our sky made of jewels and lunargent silver. I am not much for such ostentatious displays, but Celestia insisted on it…”

“Lunargent silver? Wow… I’ve read about it, but I’ve never actually seen it. Actual moonsilver! I mean, I know it’s not really ‘silver’ but it’s a close enough for descriptive purposes! I was wondering where the room’s light was coming from, since there’s no lamps or other light sources here. So it really does emit magical light. Amazing!”

Luna nodded. “Indeed. Unfortunately, its luminescence is overwhelmed by sunlight. Only during the night can its light be truly appreci-.”

“I’d love to study it sometime!” Twilight interrupted, whirling to face the alicorn with an excited grin, causing the princess to flare her wings slightly and step back. “I mean; I did a report on it for Philosopher Stone’s Magical Minerals and Materials class when I was at school but we never actually got to look at some proper samples! Do you think you could spare me some for analysis? Just a tiny bit?”

“We’ll see.” Luna ruffled her wings slightly. She’d known Twilight was an eager scholar, but she’d forgotten precisely how eager she was. “However, that isn’t the matter for which I’ve called you here.”

A knock at the door drew Luna’s attention away from Twilight. “Enter!”

The door swung open, admitting Fate into the room. “Hello Teacher… ah! Twilight!”

Twilight smiled and trotted over to the slender filly, giving her a gentle hug. “Hi Fate.”

Fate blushed, leaning in against Twilight. “Hey sis. What‘re you doing here?”

“Princess Luna called me in.”

“I did indeed.” Luna added, drawing the sisters’ attention back to her. Luna’s horn lit up as she seemingly conjured a pair of black velvet boxes from the dark depths of the room. “I come bearing the most wondrous of gifts. I believe these are yours?”

There was a pair of clicks as Luna opened the cases, eliciting gasps from the pair of ponies.

“Raising Heart!”


Twilight and Fate levitated their Devices from the small cases. Twilight hovered Raising Heart close, slipping the golden chain about her neck carefully so that the Device rested against her chest. Fate, meanwhile, had taken a seat on the floor and held the golden triangle of Bardiche’s Standby Form against her like a long-lost friend.

“Can you hear me, Bardiche?” Fate closed her eyes, her ears perked up as she listened.

“YES SIR,” Bardiche replied stoically.

“It’s been a while, Raising Heart,” Twilight said to the jewel about her neck.

“INDEED, MY MASTER,” Raising Heart replied.

“They are quite stubborn,” Luna noted calmly. “Were they of lesser make, they would have been unsalvageable. It is only by dint of their design that they retain their programming and memory. They-”

Luna paused as Fate rose to her feet and walked over to her. The filly rose up on her hind legs and hugged Luna around the neck, burying her muzzle into the dark alicorn’s coat.

“Thank you, Teacher,” she whispered. “Thank you for this...”

Luna swallowed, then wrapped an arm gently around Fate. “You’re most welcome, my apprentice.”

Fate held on for a bit longer, then let go. The filly’s smile was genuine, even as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Ahem,” Luna coughed softly as Fate composed herself. “As I was saying… Your Devices have been fully rebuilt. I have taken some liberties when re-designing them, your notes on mana channeling and saturation were most insightful, Twilight.”

Twilight blushed. “Th-thank you, Princess.”

“You’re most welcome. Of course, combining Mid-Childan and Equestrian technology was a decidedly laborious task, but the result is, in my opinion, most satisfactory.”

“Equestrian technology?” Twilight blinked. “I didn’t know we had…”

“At one time, yes. Alas, much of it was lost,” Luna interrupted gently. “Or at least, what had been already made is now lost. However, I still possess much of the original knowledge…”

“You… Princess, that’s astonishing!” Twilight stared up at the alicorn. “You’re saying that there was a time when we had magical technology comparable to the Bureau‘s? Amazing!”

Luna nodded, wincing internally. She could only imagine how quickly that little bit of information would find it’s way into the hands of Twilight‘s human companions. “Indeed,” she interrupted. “But that was long, long ago. If I may continue?”

“Oh! Sorry, Princess Luna. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“Quite alright. Now, if you would allow me, I’d like to explain the new functions of your Devices…”


“Careful now! Careful! These instruments are very delicate. The last thing we need is to knock something loose while moving it.”

“I think we’ve got it, Enforcer Harlaown,” one of the unicorns replied as the work group levitated the large, conical piece of sensor equipment out of its containment boxes. A mix of ponies and Bureau personnel were hard at work unpacking the various components and equipment from the light-weight, but surprisingly sturdy crates they were contained in.

Chrono nodded, letting the unicorns hover the core component for the Mana Instability Detection Array over to its temporary resting spot. The young Enforcer picked his way along the outer perimeter of the workers, heading in Admiral Graham’s direction. The older man was quietly staring at a data pad, scanning along the manifest as he scrolled down the list.

“Everything check out so far, Enforcer Harlaown?” Gil flicked his eyes towards Chrono as he came within speaking distance.

“Yes sir,” Chrono replied promptly. “All mission critical equipment has been accounted for so far. Once everything’s been unpacked, the night crew should begin assembly. We should be operational by tomorrow morning, noon at the latest.”

“Good. Carry on then, Enforcer,” Gil replied firmly.

“Sir,” Chrono nodded, but didn’t move away immediately.

Gil glanced up. “Yes, Enforcer Harlaown?”

I should ask him, Chrono thought to himself. I need to talk to him eventually about his behavior… if for no other reason than to put my suspicions to rest.

His thoughts were interrupted by another voice. “He‘s right over there, sir.”

“Chrono,” a familiar voice called out to him. Chrono glanced aside at Yuuno as the young archeologist approached. “Oh! Um… sorry, Admiral, sir. I was just looking for Chrono. I had some important information about his case that I figured he might want to know. Immediately.”

“Not a problem,” Gil replied formally, glancing back to Chrono. “Was there something else, Enforcer Harlaown?”

“Nothing of importance, sir,” Chrono replied stiffly.

“Very well. I’ll handle things here, if you wish to speak with Mr. Scrya in private.”

“Sir,” Chrono nodded, then turned on his heel and began to walk off, gesturing for Yuuno to follow him.

Strange… I’d think that Admiral Graham would want to hear Yuuno’s report as well… Chrono frowned deeply. It was just one more little thing that didn’t seem quite right. Another to add to the list.

Chrono stepped out into the tower stairwell, climbing upwards at a quick clip until he reached his private room. “In here.”

“Sure,” Yuuno replied, stepping inside.

“So, you’ve got some information for me?” Chrono asked, closing the door behind him. He quickly walked over to the curtains and pulled them shut, blocking out the night sky.


“Do you have any proof the Princess Luna might be-”

“Not exactly…”

Chrono turned to face Yuuno. “What do you mean, ‘not exactly?’”

“Princess Luna knows about the investigation you’re doing on her.”

Chrono felt his mouth go a bit dry. “What?”

“Princess Celestia caught me going through the Royal Archives looking for information on Luna and an entity called Nightmare Moon. I guess she put two and two together. She confronted me. And then Princess Luna herself confronted me.”

“And you told her everything, I suppose?” Chrono covered his eyes with his hands.



“Because Princess Luna is terrifying,” Yuuno replied snippily, “And she would probably have had me thrown in a dungeon if I hadn’t.” .


“And now she knows. And she’s going to want to talk to you personally. And for the record, I‘m persona non grata at the Archives until further notice thanks to you.”

Chrono sighed, running both of his hands through his hair before giving Yuuno a level look. “Do you have any information that could be relevant, at least?”

“Yes, but I don’t think I should be the one to tell you about it. I don’t really feel like being on the Princesses’ bad side again.”

Chrono sighed again, letting his hands drop onto his lap. He glanced up at Yuuno, then shook his head. “Sorry Yuuno. I guess I screwed up. I didn‘t expect you‘d get in trouble that badly…”

“Yeah, well,” the archeologist uncrossed his arms, resting one hand on his hip and letting the other dangle at his side, “what’s done is done. Next time, don’t ask me to go snooping on someone like Princess Luna, alright?”

“Alright.” Chrono paused, then rubbed his chin. “Do they even have dungeons? I mean… Ponies? With dungeons?”

“How should I know?” Yuuno smirked wryly. “Maybe if you’re lucky enough, you’ll find out instead of me.”

“Very funny, ferret boy, very funny.”


Shamal stared quietly into the boiling pot, watching the contents bubble as the soup cooked, steam wafting up in flowing streamers into her face. The soupy mixture inside wasn’t particularly enticing to look at, a mixture of various vegetables and bits of produce and rice in a thin broth, but at least it would be filling.

She reached over and picked up the wooden spoon in her mouth, stirring it gently. Klarwind glinted on the chain around her neck as her horn lit up, levitating the pepper over..


“Eeek!” Shamal's concentration wavered, almost dropping the pepper shaker into the pot before she recovered. Zafira?

Please open a gate for us.

Sure! Sorry! Right away! Zafira had found Vita. True, it was well into nighttime, but at least they were returning. Shamal exhaled as she let the telepathic connection slide, her body glowing as she shifted into her human form. She didn't feel particularly comfortable using Klarwind without her fingers.

“Klarwind, if you would?”

“JA, PENDELFORM,” the Device replied, extending the jewels on her right hand and connecting them with thin wires. The wires lengthened outwards and formed into a wide loop, which rapidly filled with blue-green light. There was a soft hum as Zafira and Vita slowly stepped through the Mirror of Travels, the latter’s eyes focused firmly on the ground.

Klarwind’s pendulums retracted as Shamal exhaled. “Welcome back.”

“Thank you.” Zafira replied, then glanced down at the petite Knight beside him.

“Um…” Shamal shifted nervously.

Zafira coughed loudly, his tail flicking over and thumping against Vita’s side, causing the young girl to grumble and look up at Shamal.

“Um… I guess I’m… sorry for everything I said earlier.” Vita looked back down as she shuffled her feet, giving the floorboards a gentle kick.


“Don’t get me wrong,” Vita grumbled. “I still think you’re acting stupid. But… well… it’s not that bad for you to like somepony… I guess.”

Shamal smiled slightly. “I’ll… try not to be so stupid, then. Alright?”

“Whatever,” Vita replied, though her curt response did have a note of satisfaction. “Supper ready?”


“Good. I’m starving,” Vita deactivated Graf Eisen, her Knight Clothing dissolving into motes of light as she walked over to the couch, flopping onto it with a groan and a rustle of mundane fabric. “Call me when it’s done.”

Zafira sighed softly, looking at Shamal. “I suppose that’s all you’re going to get from her.”

“It’s enough,” Shamal replied, smoothing her skirt.

A soft click from the door caught the other Wolkenritter’s attention as Signum stepped into the room from the Mistress’s bedroom.

“Signum, you’re just-” Shamal’s voice died mid-phrase as she noticed Signum’s expression. The normally stoic looking Knight looked pale.

“I think we might have a problem…”