• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 8,632 Views, 482 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight A's - PurpleProse

The Second Season of MPLT. Magical girls meet little ponies. The Wolkenritter appear!

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Chapter 10: The Clash Over Neighagra Falls

Gil Graham watched as his subordinates scurried about, calling out and responding out loud with status updates. The room was dominated by multiple holographic monitors, each one showing a different individual of Chrono’s impromptu squad.

“Scrying and recording systems are online! We’ve got visuals on Twilight Sparkle, Fate, Enforcer Chrono and Sister Schach!”

“Can we get audio?”

“Negative Limietta. We’re doing well to get visuals through the barrier.”

“No trans-dimensional signals entering or exiting the containment barrier.”

“Get the other sensors up as quick as you can. The more data we can capture the better.”


Gil tuned out the constant chatter of the room as he heard Lotte chirp in his head. Yes, Lotte?

Me and Aria’ve got the coordinates for the combat zone. We’re waiting for your order.

Good. Both of you remain on stand-by. If something happens, I’ll have you intervene…

“Admiral Graham, sir? Do you wish to take command?”

Gil re-focused and smiled faintly at Amy. “Not at the moment. I think things are well in hand, Miss Limietta.”


This isn’t good, Signum thought to herself as she stood beside Vita and Zafira. The barrier that filled the sky above them and curved down to earth had effectively trapped the trio of knights; the sheer power of the silvery curtain of fire suggested that any attempt at escape would be fruitless. And to make matters worse, she and her allies were outnumbered two-to-one. She was used to overwhelming odds, true, but this was no collection of common soldiers.

No. This isn’t good at all. Her hand tightened on Laevatein, the sword’s purple wrapping comforting against her fingers.

“What do we do, Signum?” Vita whispered softly, Graf Eisen held before her defensively.

“Believe it or not,” Twilight Sparkle called out to them, drawing Signum’s attention to her, “I don’t really want to fight you. Not after last time.”

“Is that so?” Signum replied flatly.

“It is!” Twilight smiled nervously. “I’m sure you’ve got some logical reason for what you’ve been doing. If you just surrender peacefully and explain yourselves, things would go a lot smoother…”

“As much as I’d like to,” Signum replied, “surrender is not an option for us. Our goals are greatly at odds, and we have too much to lose right now.”

“Besides,” Vita smirked slightly, “an emissary of peace shouldn’t be carrying a spear, right Signum?”

Signum sighed heavily. “This really isn’t the time for those kinds of jokes, Vita.”

Vita blinked. “What? What‘re you talking about Signum?”

“I’ll explain it later,” Zafira grumbled under his breath. “Maybe when you’re older.”

“If you’re done chatting,” Chrono interrupted, stepping into the front of the group, “I’d like to repeat Miss Sparkle’s question. Are you going to surrender?”

Signum closed her eyes and shook her head. “There’s an old Belkan saying; ‘Eine kostenlose ratte fleht, eine gefangene ratte beißt.’

“’A free rat flees, a trapped rat bites,’” the pink-haired woman translated. “Am I correct?”

“Indeed,” Signum shifted her stance slightly and raised her sword. “Right now, you have us in a very lovely trap. We can’t escape, and we can’t surrender. Our only recourse is to show you how sharp our teeth are.”

“Then I guess we’ll have to bring you in after we’ve knocked you senseless.”

“It certainly seems so.”

“Good!” The rainbow-maned pegasus shouted, pounding one hoof against the other, her boots making a loud clang as she did so. “Because I owe you guys a face-full of pain for what you did to my friends. Nobody does what you did and gets away with it!”

“Get in line, Rainbow. I owe tall, dark and fluffy there a rematch,” Arf added, pointing towards Zafira. “And don’t think I’m going to play fair this time, you jerk!”

“You’re really not helping my case here, girls,” Twilight grumbled.

“Conflict is inevitable, Twilight Sparkle,” Signum responded.

“It doesn’t have to be. Surely you’d understand that the rational-”

“Sometimes the rational course isn’t the best course. We are the Wolkenritter, Knights of the Cloud. If you want to prove your point, prove it with strength.”

“That sounds familiar,” Fate sighed, shaking her head.

“Fine. You want to fight, we‘ll fight,” Twilight deadpanned. “If we win, you’ll surrender and come peacefully. And then we can discuss this like reasonable sentient beings. That suit you?”

“Perfectly,” Signum smiled slightly. True, the situation was looking bad, but some deep part of her welcomed the battle. A fight of this magnitude would properly challenge her for once…

Signum, what’s the plan? Vita’s telepathic whisper nudged her out of her eagerness and steadied her. She had the rest of her squad to worry about. Allies first, self gratification later.

We need to stay mobile, Signum replied. Take to the air first and establish control there… then we can concentrate on downing targets one by one. Vita, distract them with an Eisengehuel so we can get some space. Afterwards, follow my lead. Understood?

Zafira and Vita nodded slightly as Signum stepped forwards, standing in front of Vita. The opposing squad readied themselves in response, bringing their various weapons to bear or taking up combat stances.

“Laevatein,” she ordered, “Cartridge Load.”

“EXPLOSION,” the sword exclaimed, the artificial voice sounding eager. There was a loud crack as Laevatein fired the Cartridge, power surging into her body as a pink Belkan triangle sprang into existence beneath her.


Zafira and Signum took to the air as Vita swung her hammer downwards, a red and white sphere of mana forming before her. “EISENGEHEUL,” Graf Eisen’s voice boomed as Vita’s hammer connected with the sphere.

A loud, deafening boom and a brilliant flash of light filled the air as Signum streaked upwards, a pink-hued mach cone forming in front of her as she accelerated. She was soon joined by Zafira and Vita as they fell in beside her.

We won’t have much time, so listen carefully, Signum sent telepathically to the others. Our first target should likely be Twilight Sparkle. If Vita’s correct, her magic will give us the-

There was a brilliant flash as Vita vanished, cutting Signum’s words short.

“Vita?!” Her shout of surprise was unconscious as she looked around.

I’m fine! Vita shouted mentally. That purple pile of Scheiße just teleported me! How in the hell did she do that so fast?!

Signum risked a glance downwards. A reddish-purple dome slowly lowered, the white unicorn stallion’s horn glowing brilliantly as he looked upwards at them defiantly. Twilight and Chrono ran off to one side and took to the air, brilliant purple wings ringed with ribbon-like loops of light unfurling from Twilight‘s back.

A barrier, Signum hissed mentally. He blocked the Eisengeheul’s shockwave with a barrier!

There was a loud, familiar rustle of fabric. Signum spun around and raised her sword, Laevatein’s blade meeting a familiar black axe head. Fate hovered just above her, her cape fluttering and Bardiche’s head glittering in the silvery barrier’s light.

“Testarossa-Sparkle,” Signum greeted her foe, their weapons locked together.

“Signum,” Fate replied. “Incoming.”

Signum was about to respond as a metal-clad hoof sucker-punched her right in the jaw, sending her reeling back. A hand jumped to her chin as she recovered and glared at the rainbow-maned pegasus hovering beside Fate

“Two-on-one?” Signum rolled her jaw.

“Heck yeah! Oh, maybe I should introduce myself,” her assailant smirked. “I’m Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in all of Equestria. I’m going to be kicking your teeth in today. Nice to meet ya.”

A loud, angry shout caught Signum’s attention. She glanced past the two ponies to Zafira, who was currently surrounded by a nimbus of reddish-purple light and being rapidly reeled in at least four chains; two bright green, two bright orange.

Oh blessed Cradle of the Saints… they planned this!


“So what’s first, Chrono?” Schach asked, looking at the Enforcer from her spot at the meeting table.

“Divide and conquer,” Chrono answered, tapping his fingers on the table. “The Wolkenritter are a unit. If we let them work together, they’ll do their best take down the greatest threat. So we break them up; separate them by distance as much as possible.”

“I could probably teleport at least one of them away,” Twilight seemed a little uncomfortable about that.

“Me and Yuuno can chain one of them up… assuming they just don’t break out,” Arf offered. “Then what?”

“We’ve got numbers on our side,” Chrono answered. “We go two on one, force the individual members to focus on us. Twilight and I will focus on Vita…”


Vita flailed as she reappeared, pinkish light filling her view before suddenly returning to more normal levels. The sudden surge of cool air was a great relief, even as her feet skipped slightly along the surface of the river. One moment she had been flying straight upwards alongside Signum, and then the world had turned bright and scorching hot, like she’d been thrown through an incinerator. She coughed, sucking in air as she checked to see if she was still intact.

Nothing’s burned… nothing’s on fire… She tried to slow her breathing as she looked around. It had to be Sparkle… but how?

Signum’s shout interrupted her train of thought, pulling her attention upwards. Signum was far above her, well above the edge of the falls.

I’m fine, she shouted telepathically. That purple pile of Scheiße just teleported me! How in the hell did she do that so fast?!

However she did it didn’t matter. Vita clenched her hand tight around Graf Eisen’s handle as she summoned up her energy. She needed to get back up to the others…

Then she heard it; a familiar whistling, chirping noise. She swung around and raised a hand in defense as a darting ribbon of blue light sliced down towards her, colliding with her Panzerschild. Blue and red sparks sprayed as the ribbon bounced off of the triangular shield, only to arc back in and strike again like a particularly vicious snake. The cast-off mana sizzled as the sparks hit the water.

“Stupid… damn… spell…” Vita growled as the projectile swerved away, turning into a hovering spiral. That kid had to be nearby; she remembered that annoying little spell of his from the last time they fought.

Where is he? She looked around quickly, hammer held at the ready.

And then the world went magenta again as a hazy nimbus of light sprang up around her. Vita shouted as she was jerked like a rag-doll, some great unseen hand gripping her tight and holding her still even as she kicked and squirmed.

“Got her,” a familiar voice shouted. Vita found herself spun around as Twilight Sparkle and Chrono dove down, coming to a stop just above the water’s surface. Vita glared at the unicorn; the purple pony’s horn was burning bright, its aura matching the color of the energy holding her.

“Good. Keep a hold of her, Twilight,” Chrono replied, leveling his staff in Vita’s direction. “The last thing we need is her getting loose.”

“What’s the matter,” Vita taunted, “too scared to fight me one-on-one? Hey!” Vita shouted as blue bands of light snapped around her wrists and yanked them outwards, pinning her arms perpendicular to her body. “No fair!”

“You’re one to talk,” Chrono replied, his staff glowing as he maintained the bind. “I didn’t hear you objecting when it was three-on-one earlier.”

“That was different!” Vita grimaced as she yanked on the bindings. They felt a lot stronger than before. These wouldn’t be as easy to break as last time, she could tell. “Not like… nngh… it’s going to… rrrgh… matter when I get… nnngh… my hands on you two!”

“Vita,” Twilight floated closer, moving in front of Chrono to look at her, “this doesn’t have to be like this, you know. We don‘t have to be enemies. It’s just that… well…”

“Oh please,” Vita replied snippily, “don’t give me that. You really expect me to believe you? I may look like a little girl, but I’m not stupid, you pointy-headed purple idiot!”

“Pointy-headed purple idiot?!” Twilight replied incredulously, then shook her head. “Look, I’m being serious! I know you’re loyal to your Master, but even you should know that what you‘re doing is wrong! Don’t you care what’ll happen to our world when the Book of Darkness is completed?”

“Should I?” Vita growled, causing Twilight’s eyes to widen in horror.

“You… you don’t care if our entire world is destroyed?!”

It was Vita’s turn to be shocked. “Destroyed? What the hell are you talking about?”

“Don’t play dumb,” Chrono pushed Twilight aside with his staff as he approached, the wings of the unicorn’s flight spell flapping. “You know what happens when the Book of Darkness is completed. The list of worlds that have been reduced to barren chunks of rock by that thing is as long as my arm.”

“What… no…” Vita shook her head in confusion. “You’re lying. That’s not… that’s not what happens…”

“Vita,” Twilight’s voice was gentle. “I’ve seen the images. Chrono’s right. The Book-”

“S-shut up!” Vita snapped, causing Twilight to recoil slightly. “You’re both liars!”

“I told you they wouldn’t listen to reason, Miss Sparkle,” Chrono leveled his staff at Vita.

“Chrono, wait,” Twilight interrupted, turning her attention to the human. “Something’s not-”

“No, no waiting. We can interrogate her properly once she’s been subdued. S4U! Load Cartridge!”

“YES BOSS,” the Device replied as the head of the staff extended upwards, revealing a revolving cylinder. The cylinder rotated one step before the entire assembly slammed back into place, triggering the cartridge with a loud crack. Chrono visibly winced as blue-white light surged down his arm.

“Oh come ON,” Vita shouted in disbelief. “You’ve got a Cartridge System now?!”

“Yes, I do.” Chrono gripped his staff in both hands and swung it forwards like a sword, a blue Mid-Childan spell circle springing up beneath her feet. A bright blue sphere of light winked into existence at the tip of his staff, quickly growing and rippling with energy.

Vita’s eyes widened. She recognized a Bombardment-type spell when she saw it. That idiot’s going to use a spell like that at this range?!

“Chrono, what’re you doing?!” Twilight gaped.

“Subduing the target,” Chrono replied, the sphere of energy thrumming as a loop of blue glyphs surrounded it.

“FULL CHARGE,” S4U noted mechanically.

“G-Graf Eisen!” Vita shouted

“PANZERHIDERNIS!” Graf Eisen replied, a deep chime ringing out as a barrier swirled up before her, the dome-shaped defense between her and the Enforcer.

“Hold her steady Twilight. Blaze Cannon, Breaker Mode! FIRE!”

There was a loud boom as the sphere collapsed inwards, then blasted forth towards Vita in a surging shaft of blue energy. Vita winced and turned her head, squeezing her eyes shut as the spell collided with her barrier. She could feel the heat radiating through the barrier.

Her eyes shot open as she heard a noise like fracturing ice. Her barrier was failing. Beyond the barrier, she heard the distinct report of a cartridge being triggered.

Oh no, oh no, oh damn! I need to-

Her thoughts were interrupted as the barrier gave way, the full force of blast slamming into her. She screamed as she was sent flying, the bindings snapping from the stress as she was catapulted out of Twilight’s telekinetic grip. The world spun as she tumbled end-over-end and splashed down into the river.

Her breath rushed out in bubbles as her entire front burned. Her Knight Clothing had taken most of the blast, but it still hurt. It’d been a long time since she’d been blasted with something that powerful. She didn’t know when, but she was sure she’d been on the wrong end of a spell like that before. Once. Maybe. She couldn’t quite remember…

Her teeth clenched as she came to a halt in the water, her braids fluttering up as she swung her Device back. She could sort that out later. Better to focus on the ‘right now’ than worry about something like that. And right then, she had someone to beat to death.

Graf Eisen, she ordered telepathically. Cartridge Load.

“JA! EXPLOSION!” The Device’s reply was muffled by the water. Bubbles blasted outwards as the mechanism fired, triggering the cartridge with a flash of red light.


“Don’t you think that was a bit excessive?” Twilight glared at Chrono as the young Enforcer lowered his staff, the ‘wings’ of his staff expanding and releasing a great gout of mana-infused steam into the air.

“Not really,” Chrono replied, his teeth clenched as he shifted his grip. “The Wolkenritter are durable. She won‘t stay down long.”

“But a Bombardment spell at nearly point-blank range? Are you crazy?! And when did you get a Cartridge System?!”

“Had it installed while my Device was being repaired.” Chrono winced as he uncurled his fingers from around his Device’s shaft. Smoke curled up around his fingers as he held his hand up.

Twilight stared at the bright red skin of the young man‘s palm, feeling her anger evaporate. “Chrono, your hand…”

“It’s fine. Just feedback from the cartridge system. I’ll worry about it later…” Chrono winced as he readied his staff again.

“It’s fine? You’ve got to be-”

“We’ve got more important things to worry about right now Miss Sparkle.” Chrono turned away to look in the direction Vita was launched. “We need to find our target before she recovers…”

Water blasted upwards as Vita surged up from the depths, a deafening whine mixed with an angry scream announcing her presence. A plume of flame streamed out from behind her Device as she streaked upwards, then dove down towards Twilight and Chrono like a rocket.

There was a flicker of light as Twilight winked out, dragging Chrono along through the teleport as Vita got within striking range. Twilight flared her wings and spun as they reappeared several dozen feet downstream. She felt the shockwave from Vita’s swing as the hammer connected with the water’s surface, kicking up a wall of fluid and sending violent waves along the river.

“I think she’s recovered,” she quipped irritably as Raising Heart rose up before her, supported by a near-invisible aura of energy of it’s own creation. “Let me take the lead from here Chrono.”

“If you’re planning on trying to talk to her-”

“I’m more concerned about you burning your hands off,” Twilight snapped before turning her attention back to Vita, who had turned to face the pair. “Now get behind me!”

“I hope you know what you’re doing,” Chrono growled, drawing back as Twilight focused.

Raising Heart? How’s your new equipment looking?

Condition Green, the Device replied telepathically. All systems and subsystems are functioning at optimal efficiency.

What about the ENTD System?

Energy Neutral Thaumaturgy Drive System is online. Command is ‘Drive On.’

Alright, here goes nothing. Twilight inhaled, as she saw Vita‘s hammer ignite again. “Raising Heart! Drive On!”

“FRAME OPEN!” Raising Heart’s body lit up as the system engaged. The C-shaped portion of the staff’s head spread outwards, magenta light igniting from the seam that ran along the flat sides of the device. Meanwhile, Twilight’s Barrier Jacket expanded outwards, the plate-like segments of ‘cloth’ shifting slightly to reveal her under-suit. The deep purple gave way to magenta as the under-suit began to fluoresce, surrounding Twilight in a faint halo.

Twilight shuddered, feeling a surge of power well up inside her. Princess Luna had explained that the system worked by drawing ambient magical energy from the environment, much like her Starlight Breaker. Unlike the Starlight Breaker, the ENTD system concentrated the energy on the user, providing a pool of mana that Raising Heart could draw from, as opposed to her own Linker Core.

Drive is now engaged, Raising Heart reported. Overdrive Pool currently at five percent capacity. Radiant Form Defensive Collection system online.

“We have more important things to worry about!” Twilight shouted as Vita launched towards her, the spike of Graf Eisen’s Raketenform gleaming as the Knight boosted towards her. “Defense up!”

“CORONA WALL!” Text played across Raising Heart’s core as she announced the spell. There was a flash as Vita struck, a magenta Mid-Childan spell circle springing into existence to intercept. Hammer and shield clashed, sending sprays of red sparks in all directions. However, as the sparks sprayed away they began to arc around, swirling rapidly towards Twilight’s body.

“What the hell?!” Vita shouted over the din of her rocket engine. “What’s with the light show!?”

“Chrono’s not the only one who got an upgrade!” Twilight called back. “Let’s go Raising Heart! Launch now!”

“WALL LAUNCH!” There was a loud rustle as four wings, similar to Twilight’s old Flier Fin spell, unfurled from the edges the Corona Wall. The shield thrummed and then, with a loud rustle of feathers, launched itself forwards, slowly pushing Vita backwards even against the force of the jet.

“Rrrgh! Punch through Graf Eisen,” Vita shouted. “A stupid shield can’t stop us!”

“BEWEGUNG,” the hammer replied, the jet engine roaring as it kicked into high-gear.

Gotcha, Twilight thought as Raising Heart leveled itself at Vita. “Raising Heart, Corona Shooter.”

“READY,” the Device replied as the spell executed. Twilight felt the bolts phase in around her, orbiting perpendicular to her ribcage like a ring around a planet.


Twilight could see a look of dawning comprehension on Vita’s face as a dozen Corona Shots launched, streaking towards the shield she was trying to break down. The blasts surged inwards, then vanished just before connecting with Twilight’s Corona Wall. A second flash announced their re-emergence, flying inwards to pound Vita from every direction. The young Knight screamed as the blasts exploded around her, quickly filling the area with haze as the Corona Wall dissolved.

“Had enough, Vita?” Twilight called out. Her answer came as the cloud of smoke and mana was sundered by a swing of Vita’s hammer, the knight looking more than a little worse for the wear.

“It’s going… to take more than that… to stop me,” Vita panted, then swung Graf Eisen into position.

“I thought so,” Twilight replied, flaring the wings of her flight spell as she readied herself, the sound of a sonic boom going off high above punctuating her ready stance.


Chrono then turned to glance down the table at Fate and Rainbow Dash. “I’m assigning you two to engage Signum. She’s the field leader of the group, so it’s important we keep her from joining up with the others.”

“So you want us to intercept her?” Fate glanced over at Rainbow Dash.

“Exactly. The two of you are our fastest fliers. Keep Signum busy. Block her. If you can bring her down, so much the better.”

“I’ll do my best,” Fate replied.

“Relax pipsqueak,” Rainbow grinned, looping an arm around the much smaller filly. “You’ve got me as your wingpony! You’ve got nothing to worry about.”


Sparks flew as sword met axe-head, a distinct bell-like tone filling the air as Laevatein’s blade met Bardiche’s crescent edge. Signum’s eyes were narrow with concentration as she fended off her opponent’s jabs and chops. The young pony’s Device moved with lightning speed, keeping Signum on the defensive.

That fact on its own was rather unsettling. The last time they fought, Fate had struggled. Her attacks and parries had been quick, but fueled by panic rather than practice. She was talented, but young, inexperienced, unpolished. Signum had enjoyed the fight, but she knew the filly was outclassed.

Somehow, that had all changed. Now it was her turn to be on the defensive.

Signum dodged backwards as Fate’s strike swung wide, seemingly presenting an opening for the Knight. An opening Signum decided not to press; the last time she did so, Fate had retaliated by trying to disarm her with a violent yank of her telekinesis. Fate recovered quickly, breaking off her attack as well, her Device poised to strike if Signum attacked.

“How?” Signum asked, Laevatein gripped tight in both hands. “How did you become so skilled so quickly?”

“I have a very good teacher,” Fate replied, her eyes focused entirely on Signum.

Signum shook her head. “No. Not even the most skilled master of arms could teach you this quickly,” she countered. “Whatever your secret is, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you’re trying to keep us from escaping.”

“Do you think you can escape?” Fate replied as the knight began to circle around her, the filly turning to keep her gaze focused on her. “I mean, even if you do beat us, you can’t escape the barrier…”

“You would be surprised,” Signum replied. “And if not, we shall go down fighting. That is our way.”

And then the world spun as Signum was struck from behind, a very hard metal hoof smashing her on the back of the head as a seven-colored streak slashed by. Signum recovered, her vision swimming from the blow as she did so.

“You know,” Rainbow Dash snorted as she banked and came to a halt beside Fate, “that’s pretty stupid. You’re kinda out-numbered here Siggy.”

“Siggy?” Fate sounded incredulous as Signum glared at her assailant.

“That makes no difference,” Signum growled, raising her sword forwards in one hand, the other rubbing the back of her head. “If I had to, I would fight an army single-handedly. I would face down the Kaiser herself in the name of my Mistress.”

Rainbow’s eyes narrowed. “Your Mistress must be pretty impressive…”

“Not really.” Signum smiled thinly at that. “But she is my Mistress, and I serve her without regrets. But enough talk… have at you!”

Signum lunged across the intervening space, her form flickering with the sudden burst of speed. Her opponents were just as fast; they flashed away, leaving behind a golden and rainbow-colored streak as they did so. Signum’s sword bit empty air as she turned, following their contrails.

Rainbow Dash is too quick… I doubt I can catch her flying alone… but she has no projectiles from what I’ve seen. Best to focus on Testarossa-Sparkle for the time being…

Purple embers of mana trailed from Laevatein’s edge as Signum gave chase, shooting after Fate. Her quarry came to a stop several hundred feet ahead of her, a quartet of firing loops opening on either side of her. The empty rings of glyphs began to crackle as spheres of ball lightning formed inside them.

“Conduction Lancer, fire!” Fate swung her Device in a sharp downward arc as she shouted the command. The blasts surged towards Signum, crackling as they arced and converged towards Signum.

“STURMWIND!” Signum swung her sword outwards, launching a curtain of flame to intercept. Fire and lightning met and clashed, several of the projectiles fizzling out against the searing wave of heat and mana. One shot, however, managed to avoid the block and connected against Signum’s left arm. The Knight blinked; the projectile hadn’t even left a mark on her Knight’s Clothes, much less caused any harm.

And then Fate’s horn flashed. A bolt of golden lightning streaked out from the tip of the filly’s horn, leaping to the edge of her axe and then to Signum‘s arm, quicker than she could even react. Signum shouted in pain as her arm-muscles clenched, the electricity rolling over her Knight’s Clothing in a wash of yellow plasma. Signum yanked her arm back, but the tether of electricity remained, connecting the pair together.

Signum’s teeth clenched as she thrust her hand forwards, summoning a barrier. The pain ceased as the lightning was held back by the barrier, crackling and licking at the surface of her defense like the tongue of a serpent. Her left arm throbbed with pain as steam wafted off from the long scorch mark on her Knight’s Clothing.

“Let’s go, Bardiche!” Fate shouted, the line of lightning still connecting the pair together as her Device drew back.

“YES SIR. CRESCENT FORM.” There was a loud hiss as the Device’s crescent blade reoriented itself, moving upwards so that its point protruded at a ninety degree angle from the shaft. There was a thunderclap as a blade of lightning, easily as wide as its wielders body, exploded from the core and curved downwards, crackling with static as a second, shorter blade extended from the opposite side. The edge of the Device danced and ignited as well, golden St. Elmo’s fire crackling menacingly along the upturned edge.

Signum’s eyes went wide as her opponent shot towards her, the massive blade of lightning joining with the bolt lashing at her barrier. She drew Laevatein up and held it at the ready.

“CRESCENT ARC,” the black Device announced as Fate swung. The thick blade of the scythe struck Signum’s barrier, the colliding energies making a noise like metal dragging across metal. The barrier crackled, then fragmented as Fate’s Device sheered through it before Fate swung once again. Signum parried, the two weapons spraying sparks as her solid, flame-enveloped blade met Fate’s energy blade, deflecting it away from her body. The blade thrummed with power as it disconnected from Fate’s Device, rapidly forming into a spinning loop of plasma as Fate completed the swing.

Signum clenched her teeth as the hoop-shaped saw blade of energy chewed at Laevatein’s edge, pushing her backwards as it advanced. Thankfully, Laevatein’s blade was nigh-unbreakable; it would hardly do for a knight to have a fragile sword. Signum pressed one palm against the blunt side of her sword, the purple fire licking harmlessly around her fingers. All she had to do was cut through the spell…

A sudden rush of wind and an engine-like whine caught her attention. Signum looked up as Rainbow Dash streaked towards her in a sharp dive, one hoof pulled back. A pearlescent mach cone had formed in front of the pegasus and was rapidly stretching tighter.

And then she struck.


The world erupted into a rainbow-colored explosion as Rainbow Dash’s hoof connected with her chest. Signum found herself hurtling backwards, the breath driven from her lungs as she spun out of control. She could see a seven-colored shockwave spreading outwards from where she had likely been before.

Well, she thought idly to herself, that’s a rather lovely rainbow…

And then she landed. Hard.


Fate was spinning rapidly out of control, her ears ringing and her vision swamped with color. Wind whistled in her ears as she flailed, half-blind and nearly deaf. She had to get control back.

And then she felt a pair of arms wrap around her torso, stopping her mid-plummet. She blinked and squirmed, trying to get the colorful haze out of her vision.

“…oukayate?!” Someone was shouting, but it sounded muffled, like she was underwater.

“What?” Fate shouted, rubbing an ear with one hoof as the tinnitus faded enough that she could hear. Her eyes re-focused enough as the blooms of color faded. Rainbow Dash was looking down at her, her magenta eyes concerned as the pegasus held her tight.

“I asked if you were okay, pipsqueak,” Rainbow replied as Fate groaned, drawing up energy as she once again began to float. Bardiche, once again in Selene Form, hovered up beside her, the auto-suspension tethering him to her like a balloon on a string.

She dipped slightly, her balance still a bit wonky. Rainbow flitted closer, resting her hooves on Fate’s withers. “Woah there! Easy. You just took a heck of a blast…”

“I‘m fine. Just give me a moment.” Fate shook herself, then looked at her teammate. ”Rainbow, what in Equestria happened? I was about to attack Signum and then…”

“I punched her.”

Fate stared at Rainbow. “You punched her? That was a punch?!”

“Well,” Rainbow grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of her head. “I might have punched her the second I hit Sonic Rainboom…”

“Sonic… Rainboom?” That was the Sonic Rainboom? Admittedly, she’d only heard about it second-hoof from Twilight, but she never thought she’d actually see it. Or be at ground zero of it.

“Yeah. It’s kinda my signature thing. I build up speed, then boom!” Rainbow clapped her hooves together sharply, the metal boots clanging as she did so. “Rainbow and sonic boom all at once! Hits pretty hard! But, well…” she frowned, lowering her arms. “I guess you got hit by the blast wave too. Sorry about that. I just saw an opening and…”

“It‘s alright. ” Fate held her head for a second. “Just warn me next time. Don’t you know telepathy or something?”

“You mean that mental thingy you and the others do? Nah. It just makes my head hurt… You sure you‘re alright kiddo? I could go get fuzzy and see if he can‘t do a little magic on you.”

“I’m fine. Just need to shake it off. Not every day I’m that close to an explosion.”

“Sorry.“ Rainbow did indeed look apologetic. “I can’t exactly control where the shockwave goes. I made sure to catch you though…”

“Thanks.” Fate smiled thankfully. “And relax. I’m fine. Even if you didn’t catch me, I would have recovered…”

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Uh-uh. No way pipsqueak. What kind of wing-pony would I be if I let my teammate fall outta the sky? Besides, Twilight would never forgive me if something happened to you.”

Fate shook her head again, rubbing behind one ear. “We can worry about that later. Where’s Signum?”

“Um…” Rainbow turned and pointed a hoof off to the side and towards the ground. “Last I checked, she was going in the general direction of ‘that way’ really fast.”

Fate followed the hoof. If the slowly dwindling dust cloud upstream a mile from the falls was any indication, Signum had hit the ground like a meteor. “Maybe we should go down there and check on her.”

“Yeah. Probably a good idea. Come on Fate!”

“Rainbow!” Fate shouted as the pegasus blitzed off before she shook her head and followed. The cool air whipped through her mane as she followed after the much faster pony, skimming over the river’s surface before they landed at what looked like the crash site. The dirt and rock had been shattered, a cloud of dust hanging in the air like smoke from a volcano. Fate could barely make out the shape of a humanoid figure in the center of the impact crater.

“Wow,” Rainbow landed, folding her wings as she stopped hovering. “Looks like she‘s down for the count.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Fate replied.

“Oh come on Fate,” Rainbow scoffed. “She took a direct hit from a Sonic Rainboom! Do you see her… moving?”

Rainbow’s voice dropped as she heard the tell-tale clatter of debris moving. The dust cloud slowly began to settle as Signum stood up. Her breaths were slow and ragged as the knight reached up, wrenching her shoulder back into place with a loud groan of pain.

“Ow.” Signum’s voice was deadpan as she leveled an amused look towards Fate and Rainbow.

Rainbow gaped. “How…how the flying feather are you able to get up?!”

“I’m hardly fragile, Rainbow Dash.“ Signum chuckled dryly as she reached down, slowly picking up her sword and sheathing it, her long hair hiding her expression. “But I must admit, I’m quite surprised…the fact that you two are giving me such difficulty is very shocking. You have my full attention now.”

“Your attention, huh?” Rainbow Dash crouched slightly as Signum shifted her weight, raising her head to look directly at them. “Good. I hate being ignored.”

Fate felt worry creep up her spine as she saw Signum’s expression. She’d seen that thin smile before; the Knight had had a similar expression when Fate managed to land a blow when they fought over the library.

It meant Signum was enjoying herself.

Bardiche, she whispered telepathically to her Device, get ready to engage the ENTD.

Yes sir. ENTD System is prepared and ready.

“Then perhaps it’s time I show you what I can do. Laevatein, Cartridge Load.”


Bardiche floated up before Fate, the combat-handling programming integrated into its core feeding her data. “Bardiche,” she commanded, “Drive On!”

“FRAME OPEN!” There was a loud crackle of power as Bardiche engaged the ENTD System, her barrier jacket expanding to reveal Fate’s under-suit. The formerly black bodysuit underneath her armor fluoresced a bright gold, a rush of static crackling over her body as it did so. The sides of Bardiche’s blade spread open to reveal energy vents, golden light spilling outwards over the glittering black blade.

ENTD System engaged, Bardiche noted. Barrier Jacket Strike Form subrotines engaged.

“Hunt them down, Laevatein! Schlangebeißen!” Signum shouted. Her hand flashed to her sword’s handle, then arced outwards. There was a loud clatter, like chains being rattled together, as the sword flashed and segmented, the V-shaped sections of steel connected together by thin lines of purple light.

Fate went right and Rainbow went left, taking to the air as the long bladed whip slicing down on where they had been standing. Fate zigzagged through the air as she climbed, a static-filled contrail flickering behind her as she ascended.

Then she heard the rattle of chains again. Her eyes widened as she looked back, then rolled out of the way of the darting edge of the sword, the ribbon of blades and light nothing more than a rasping blur as it passed by her, slicing a neat hole through her black cloak. The leading point curved back towards her, darting at her like a vengeful snake. Fate winced as she barely dodged again, the sharp edge leaving a shallow cut on her cheek as it passed by.

It’s too fast to dodge normally, she thought to herself as she dodged. I need to up my speed. Bardiche!

“BLITZ RUSH,” Bardiche announced as the chain-blade wove around for another strike. There was a thunderclap as the spell kicked in, lightning streaking across her body as she darted out of the way. She caught sight of Rainbow as the pegasus darted upwards, quickly banking to catch up to her.

“We can’t stay still!” Fate shouted as she matched Rainbow’s speed.

“No duh! How long is that stupid chain anyway?!” Rainbow shouted back, glancing around with eyes wide with fear. There was a loud rasp as the chain-blade swirled up around them, chasing the pair of ponies even as they ascended. “What is she doing?!”

“I think she’s trying to hem us in! We need to-”

“Watch out!” Rainbow swerved and body checked Fate, then let out a scream as the blade-whip sliced along her side.

“Rainbow!” Fate shouted as she came to a halt, her horn lighting up as she pulled the pegasus away from the hissing ribbon-blade. Rainbow whinnied in pain, a hoof going to her barrel as blood welled up from the long gash running along her side, just below her left wing.

It cut right through her suit, Fate thought to herself as she saw the wound. If it had been any closer, it would have gone right through her…

“Nnngh… okay… yeah… that hurts…” Rainbow hissed. The pegasus glanced down, then looked at her crimson-covered hoof, her expression turning from one of pain to fear. “Uh…that’s… that’s a lot of blood…”

“Rainbow, go.” Fate turned in midair to glance downward. Signum was far below, no doubt guiding the blade in for another attack. “Get out of here. Find Yuuno and get yourself fixed up. I’ll keep Signum busy.”

“No way!” Rainbow panted softly, still pressing her hoof against the laceration. “I’m not leaving you to-”

“Twilight would never forgive me if anything happened to you. I can handle things. Besides, you won’t be much use to anypony if you collapse from blood loss.”

“Ugh… fine.” Rainbow frowned, then gently punched Fate on the wither. “Just stay safe, okay?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Fate, incoming!” Rainbow shouted. The yellow unicorn looked upwards as the blade came around, her red eyes narrowing as her horn crackled, a jagged golden aura flashing around it as mana surged into her from the ENTD system.

“STRIKE LIGHTNING!” Bardiche announced,

Fate slashed her head forwards. There was a loud crack as an arc of plasma manifested, catching and parrying the blade, knocking it off course.

“Go Rainbow,” Fate shouted as Bardiche’s head rotated back into Crescent Form. “Now!”

“Alright, I‘m going!” Rainbow replied, fluttering her wings as she flew off. “Just be careful!”

Fate didn’t reply as she tossed her head, drawing another bolt of lightning through the air to parry another incoming strike. Compared to Princess Luna’s blades, parrying the single attack was relatively easy, especially with the ENTD backing her up.

And then the ribbon began to retract. Fate blinked as the bladed whip swirled backwards, almost like a tape measure being rewound. Fate turned and looked downwards at Signum and charged, the great blade of her beam scythe at the ready. The intervening distance flashed by quickly for Fate.

Signum didn’t move. Her sword reformed with a clatter as Fate drew near. The knight dodged backwards as Fate swung, the burning yellow blade blackening the earth as it struck.

“Sending your friend away was unwise,” Signum noted, sheathing her sword as she crouched slightly, her muscles tensed like a coiled spring. “Now your numerical advantage is gone. Do you really think you can face me on even ground?”

“Better than have her bleed out,” Fate replied, raising Bardiche to the ready. “As for even ground… we won’t know until I try, will we?”

Signum nodded. “A fair point. Now… come at me child of lightning. Come at me with all your might.”

Fate’s eyes narrowed and her horn crackled with lightning.

Signum’s sword-hand tightened on Laevatein’s grip.

Fate lunged, her body suddenly flashing bright with lightning. There was a sound like a thousand matches catching fire as Signum drew her sword, purple flame blooming as she unsheathed it.

Lightning-blade and burning sword collided and filled the air with light, smoke and ozone as the Knight and the unicorn clashed weapons together.


“Meanwhile,” Chrono continued, “while you two are dealing with Signum, the others will be handling the familiar.”

“The proper term is Guardian Beast, actually,” Schach corrected.

“I stand corrected,” Chrono replied. “However, it still doesn’t change the situation. Zafira may be the easiest of the four to capture, since he lacks Signum and Vita’s cartridge system to provide any sudden boost of power. I assume you have an idea for a strategy?”

“Don’t worry,” Shining Armor chuckled. “I‘m pretty sure we can handle him. He won‘t be a problem between the four of us…”


Zafira snarled, his muscles tensing as he struggled against the forces that were dragging him downwards. His limbs were leashed and his vision awash in a reddish-purple haze of unicorn magic, the telekinetic aura tickling over his skin. He threw himself side-to-side, trying to escape the bonds, but they still held firm as they jerked him steadily towards the ground. Had it been a single spell, it would have been child’s play to break free. This many spells, however, made things a bit complicated. It didn’t help that at least one of the spells seemed to be suppressing his own magic.

The Guardian Beast shot an angry look down at his assailants; a white-coated unicorn stallion, the mage-child that had been with Twilight Sparkle and, most annoyingly, the orange-haired Guardian Beast he had fought before, accompanied by a pink-haired woman he didn’t recognize. All of them seemed quite focused on the task of bringing him to them.

“Did you miss me, big guy?” Arf shouted up at him, a wicked grin on her face as he landed belly-first on the ground with a heavy thud. The binding chains on his arms and legs pulled tight, forcing him into a spread-eagle, his muscles tensed tight as he tried to pull against them.

Zafira didn’t dignify that with a response, save for an irritated growl as he looked up.

“I don’t think he’s happy to see you, Arf,” the boy-mage noted, the green chains on his right arm and leg leading back to his magical circle.

“Considering we’ve got him chained up, I wouldn’t be surprised Yuuno,” the armor-clad unicorn noted, his horn-glow matching the nimbus surrounding Zafira. He turned his attention back to Zafira. “Zafira of the Wolkenritter, I am Captain Shining Armor of the Equestrian Royal Guard. I would like to request that you come peacefully for questioning related to the Book of Darkness.”

Zafira glared up at the unicorn from his position on the dirt. “And if I refuse?”

“We’ve been authorized to use force to bring you in, if necessary,” Shining Armor replied. “But then, that should be obvious.”

Zafira glanced from side to side, inspecting the magical chains on his arms, then back at Shning Armor as he weighed his options. “You expect me to go quietly?”

“I’d prefer it if you did,” Shining Armor admitted.

“Then you’re a fool.”

“If you say so.” the unicorn smiled faintly, though the smile didn’t reach his eyes.

“I don’t know about Shining Armor,” Arf growled, tail fluffed up and ears pinned back, “but I’m hoping you don’t go quietly.”

“Calm down, Arf,” the pink-haired human cautioned. “I know you’re eager to fight, but our first objective is to capture him.”

Arf growled irritably then sighed, causing Zafira to quirk an eyebrow. “Right, right. Sorry, Schach.”

“Taking orders from someone other than your Master, pup?” Zafira noted, drawing Arf’s attention back to him. “Where‘s your pride?”

“How about you shut up before I kick your teeth in?” Arf growled as she sharply yanked on the chains, tightening them around Zafira’s limbs. Despite the sting, he smiled. There was the weakness he needed.

“Strong words, coming from a lap-dog like you. Then again, the only way you could defeat me is if I was tied down like this.”

“What’d you call me?!”

“Arf, calm down,” Yuuno shouted, his chains still holding strong as Zafira growled under his breath. “He’s just trying to provoke you!”

Arf growled angrily. “But Yuuno…”

“It’s not like it’s hard,” Zafira looked over at Arf and gave a snort. “Why they’d allow a pup like you on the battlefield is beyond me.”

Arf growled louder, then stopped as Schach placed a hand on her shoulder. The knight’s face was stoic as she walked past the wolf-girl, bearing down on Zafira.

“I’m afraid, Guardian Beast Zafira,” Schach said coolly, rolling her shoulders as she came to a stop a few feet away, “that you’re not going to get away that easily.”

Zafira heard a sound like thunder as Schach brought her blade up, the sky above them glowing with rainbow colors. He glared at the knight defiantly as she swung the weapon down at his head, a loud rush of wind leaving behind a nearly-invisible contrail from the blade as she swung. There was a crack as the weapon made contact, the augmented strike blasting his hair flat from the sudden gust. His vision swam, keeping him from seeing the second blow coming.

The third hit knocked him unconscious.


“Miss Limietta, this is Sister Schach. We have subdued one of the targets. Requesting permission to return to base.”

“We read you Sister Schach,” Amy grinned, tapping on her console’s keys. “Good job! I’ll notify the crew to be ready to receive you.”

“Actually, Miss Limietta, I’ve already taken care of that.”

Amy glanced over her shoulder towards Gil Graham. The admiral smiled faintly. “I’ve got Aria and Lotte on standby at the gate. I figured that something like this would happen. They’ll take the Wolkenritter into custody.”

“Ah! Well, that certainly helps. Did you get that Sister Schach?”

“I did. Captain Shining Armor and I will be returning with the prisoner. Be ready to receive us.”

“Are you sure, Sister Schach? What about the others?” Gil frowned, resting a hand on Amy’s chair back.

“I can’t engage airborne targets sir, so I won’t be of much use unless we ground another target. As for the Captain, it’s his prerogative, since we’re housing the prisoners in Canterlot. It’d be better we return to keep an eye on the prisoner. Arf and Yuuno will aid the other two groups.”

Amy glanced up to look at Gil, noting the frown on his face. “Very well,” he replied after a few seconds of consideration. “I’ll have them waiting to receive you then.”


“Well, that’s one down,” Yuuno said, undoing the magic-suppressing chains of his Struggle Bind from the now-limp Zafira. He glanced over at Schach as the knight knelt beside the Guardian Beast, checking his body. “Is he going to be okay?”

“He’ll live, though I don’t think he’ll enjoy the migraine he’ll wake up with.” Schach stood up, dusting off her skirt with one free hand before drawing Windenschaft again. “Captain, do you mind carrying him for me? He’s a bit too heavy to sling over my shoulder.”

“Of course,” Shining Armor nodded, his horn lighting up as he levitated Zafira up off the ground.

“Are you sure I can’t clock him once, just to make sure he’s out?” Arf grimaced, glancing over at Schach.

The knight shook her head in irritation. “I see my talk of discipline still hasn‘t sunk in. You‘ll have to vent your anger some other way, Arf. He‘s our prisoner now.”

“Rrgh… fine.” Arf grimaced, kicking the ground. “Sorry. I just can‘t help it when people get under my skin like that.”

“You’re young. It’s understandable.” Schach gently rested a hand onto Arf’s shoulder. “But you still need to learn how to keep calm, especially in these situations.”

“Think you can handle things from here, Yuuno?” Shining glanced over his shoulder at the younger mage.

“Probably,” Yuuno nodded. “Just stick to the plan, right?”


“They’re ready for us Captain,” Schach interrupted. “We should probably get going.”

“Understood, Sister Schach. Yuuno?”


Shining Armor smiled as he walked over towards Schach. “Take care of my sister while I‘m not here, alright?”

Yuuno chuckled. “I don’t think you have to worry about that.”

“I’m her big brother. Of course I worry.”

Yuuno shook his head as the two disappeared in flash of light with Zafira, then turned to look at Arf. “I guess we should join the others?”

“Looks like it. Let’s just hope they’re doing- Yuuno,” Arf blinked, pointing upwards. “is that Rainbow Dash?”

Yuuno turned, looking upwards as a familiar blue pegasus drifted down towards them. Her flight pattern, however, gave Yuuno cause for concern; she drifted slightly to one side, her wing-flaps slow and infrequent, and she was losing altitude rapidly. The red stain running down the side of her barrel gave some indication to her condition.

“Oh damn. Rainbow! Hold on!” Yuuno dashed along the ground as Rainbow dipped sharply. He swung a hand outwards, summoning a spell-circle underneath Rainbow, a field of energy catching the Pegasus mid-plummet and lowering her to the ground gently.

Rainbow groaned as Yuuno crouched beside her. She opened one eye and smiled weakly. “Hey fuzzy…”

“Don’t move Rainbow,” Yuuno interrupted, his hands lighting up with green light as he activated a healing spell. “What happened?”

“Heh… got hit… what does it look like?” Rainbow winced as Yuuno ran his hands along the wound. “Give it to me, nnngh, straight doc. How bad is it?”

“Pretty bad,” Yuuno frowned. “The cut’s pretty deep, and it looks like you lost a lot of blood. I’m surprised you got as far as you did.”

“Can you fix her?” Arf knelt down beside Yuuno, ears pulled back.

“I can heal the wound, but there’s nothing I can do about the blood loss,” Yuuno sighed. “I’ll contact HQ and have them evacuate you.”

“No way!” Rainbow groaned, trying to sit up. “I can still…”

“I told you not to move!” Yuuno pressed his hands in, pushing Rainbow back down. “You’re in no condition to fight right now. I saw how you were flying; you all but dropped out of the sky. You’re going back to Canterlot, and that‘s final.”

Rainbow groaned, her ears pulling back. “Fine… at least I got one good hit in.”

“Wait…if you‘re here, then…” Arf’s eyes widened as her hackles raised, her hair poofing out. “You left Fate to fight on her own?!”

“Hey, she told me to get going. Besides, last I saw she was doing pretty good.”

“Dammit! Yuuno, stay here, I’m going to help. Master! I’m coming!”

“I was planning on doing that anyway. Just be careful!” Yuuno sighed as Arf sprang into the air, leaving an orange streak of light as she flew off at high speed. He turned back to look at Rainbow. “There she goes.”

“Hey, don’t be like that fuzzy,” Rainbow chuckled. “She’s just eager to protect someone she cares about. That’s what makes her a pretty cool pet.”

“I probably wouldn‘t call her a ‘pet.’ Now just relax. I’ll have you patched up in no time.”


Shining Armor blinked as he ‘landed’ back in the transport room, the bright light of the teleportation spell fading rapidly. I still don’t get how Twily can do that so many times, he thought to himself, it just feels…weird.

“Captain Shining Armor? Sister Schach?”

Shining Armor blinked a few more times before glancing at the person addressing him. The pair of cat-eared young women stood together, arms tucked behind them at attention, their identical brown eyes focused on him and Sister Schach. “Miss Aria, Miss Lotte. Good to see you arrived in time.”

“We were actually waiting for Papa’s orders,” Lotte chirped. There was a smile on her face, but the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. Her gaze flicked to the unconscious Wolkenritter Shining was carrying in his telekinesis. “Though I guess you didn’t need much help, did ya?”

“Not really,” Shining Armor chuckled as he removed his helmet, letting out his mane. “So, I assume you’re here to help with keeping him under control?”

“Um…” Lotte glanced at Aria, “well…”

“Our instructions,” Aria picked up coolly, “are to take custody of the prisoner immediately and escort him to HQ for holding.”

“To HQ? You mean the TSAB headquarters?” Shining Armor blinked. “I was under the impression we’d be keeping him here for questioning. That was what was agreed to during the meeting, after all.”

“Plans change, Captain Shining Armor,” Aria replied.

“With all due respect, Aria, Lotte,” Schach said, crossing her arms, “I don’t think that’s wise. If he wakes up during transit he could break free and attack us, or escape to an adjacent dimension. There’s also the matter of containing him…”

“HQ has the appropriate facilities for containing beings like him, Sister Schach.”

“So do we,” Shining Armor frowned. “Why would you want to take an extra risk when we can keep him under wraps here? That doesn‘t make any sense.”

“Hey, don’t blame us,” Lotte shrugged. “This comes from up the chain of command.”

“Does it? Alright then. I’ll just have to speak to your Master then. For now, however, he,” Shining nodded at Zafira. “is going to the dungeons.”

The twin Familiars glanced at each other silently, ears pulled back then and tails stiff. Their eyes flicked to Shining Armor, then back to each other.

They’re nervous, Shining Armor thought to himself as he watched them. They’re well trained, but they can’t hide all the signs… what in Equestria is going on?

“Okay,” Aria exhaled. “Lotte will accompany you to speak with Master. I’ll accompany Sister Schach to your containment facilities, if that’s alright with you.”

“That’s fine. I’ll send for some guards to carry Zafira to the Royal Dungeons.” Shining Armor’s lips were set in a neutral frown as he set Zafira onto the ground. Aria stepped over, placing her hands on the unconscious Wolkenritter as her hands glowed blue.

“Sealing spell,” she said as Shining Armor quirked an eyebrow. “It should keep him from casting any magic if he does wake up.”

“Ah. Right. Schach, keep an eye on him. Miss Lotte, if you’d lead the way?”


Purple embers sprayed up, fountain-like, from Laevatein’s burning blade it clashed and pressed against Fate‘s scythe. The smell of super-heated air was mixed with ozone from their battle. The battle was at a stand-still; neither she nor Fate could land more than a glancing blow. Fate’s speed was unmatched, allowing her to dart out of the way, while Signum’s own defense was still holding steady.

Fate drew her scythe back, then whipped the blade upwards, the grand blade of plasma curling upwards like an uppercut towards Signum’s body. The Knight dodged backwards, her chest rising and falling with her loud, steady breath. She regarded her opponent as she held her sword in a defensive stance, purple flame wreathing up the length of her blade.

Both of them were breathing hard. Fate’s narrow frame quivered under the crackling aura of yellow lightning given off by her Barrier Jacket, several broad scorch marks and thin cuts decorating the armor-like surface. Signum, meanwhile, was in similar shape; bands of blackened ’cloth’ decorated her white coat and purple tabard, and some of her long pink hair had been burned off. Her knuckles ached from the tight grip she kept on her blade, while her off-hand was slightly burnt from a barrier-breaking slash Fate had landed. Her body still ached from the lucky shots from earlier; her sternum in particular throbbed as she breathed.

Signum chuckled softly. “How strange…”

“What?” Fate replied, her scythe at the ready.

“To think a child your age would give me so much trouble… I’m impressed. Were this another time, I would have been proud to call you a friend.”

“You say that like it’s impossible,” Fate replied, Bardiche’s blade crackling in the still air. “Trust me, I’ve made friends with the ponies I fought here. We’re really not that different from each other, you know?”

“You think so, child of lightning?”

Fate nodded. “I know so. I know what it‘s like to fight for someone, to do what they tell you to do even if it‘s wrong. Surely you understand that doing this is wrong, even if you were ordered to…”

“I do, but you are sadly mistaken.”

Fate blinked as Signum sighed. “I was not ordered to fill its pages. We weren’t ordered. We chose to do it. But if we’re to save our Mistress’s life, we must complete the Book. If I must be a villain to do so, then so be it.”

Fate‘s eyes widened. “What did you say?”

Signum opened her mouth to speak, then glanced downwards as she saw a glint of orange flash over her sword blade. She dodged backwards as several orange bolts of light streaked up past where she was floating. A familiar orange-haired wolf girl flew upwards and came to a halt beside Fate, hands raised in a defensive stance.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Master,” she said.

“Arf? What’re you doing here? I thought you were handling Zafira.”

“Not any more,” Arf grinned, flashing fangs at Signum as she answered Fate. “Zafira’s already been handled. He’s probably back in Canterlot, locked up somewhere nice and cozy.”

Signum frowned. “That’s unfortunate.”

“Yeah, it is,” Arf’s grin faded, her expression becoming serious as she clenched her fists, her knuckles popping as she did so. “Which means that I get to take out my aggression on you, since I didn’t get my rematch.”

“Arf, wait,” Fate warned, “just wait a moment…”

Now’s my chance.

“Why should I wa-HEY!”

Signum only heard a brief bit of the shout as she streaked away from Fate and her Familiar, the wind rushing through her hair as she accelerated. She had to regroup with Vita. If they could work together, they might have a better chance. Only slightly better, but at that point any improvement was welcome.


Signum swung her blade up, Fate’s scythe barely intercepting the blow in time. Sparks of mana and purple embers sprayed forth as their blades connected. Signum’s gritted her teeth as she attacked and parried and countered, their strikes coming so fast that the air between them seemed to turn into a haze as they flew, circling around a horizontal axis as they fought. Signum increased her flight speed, doing her best to beak free of the melee, only for Fate to break off first, darting upwards and away in a flash of golden light. A sudden blaze of orange light soon announced why as Signum spied Arf floating ahead of her, the orange-haired Familiar grinning as several orange spheres of light popping in around her.

Signum braked as the Photon Lancers launched towards her, swinging her off-hand up to call up a shield. The blasts of orange light splashed harmlessly around the triangular shield as blast after blast collided with it.

She’s just distracting me… Signum thought irritably, her eyes darting about. Where’s her Master? Where’s Fate?

Signum got her answer as she heard the tell-tale crackle of Fate’s scythe. She turned half-way, holding her shield up as she slashed Laevatein upwards to catch the incoming strike. The outer edge of the plasma blade only barely missed her head as she clashed with Fate’s blade, both of them locked together.


Signum glanced back, grimacing as Arf barreled down on her shield. The Familiar’s fist ignited in orange light as her fist landed on her triangular shield.

“Like that’s going to stop me,” Arf shouted, pressing her fist against the shield. Orange cracks rapidly spread across the surface of the shield before it broke under the weight of Arf’s Barrier Break spell, making a noise not unlike shattering glass.

Signum bent her arm, letting the Familiar’s fist land against the flat of her forearm, only for Arf to grab her wrist with both hands.


“Arf, wait!”

Signum’s bicep flexed as she turned, spinning Arf towards Fate. The little unicorn blinked, pulling her scythe away as the larger wolf-girl collided with her, sending them both flying.

“I cannot let you stop us Fate. Not now. Roar for me, my dragon,” Signum called out, swinging Laevatein backwards as the familiar crack of a Cartridge being triggered filled the air. The sword’s bade elongated and segmented as it switched to Schlangenform, the snake-like chain-blade extending out as fire wreathed up it’s length. Signum whipped the chain above her head in a wide arc, lengthening it outwards before swinging the chain towards Arf and Fate. The purple flames roared as the chain approached, whistling through the air like an uncurling bullwhip.

There was a flicker as the pair quickly untangled themselves, an orange contrail darting to the left and a yellow one darting to the right, only barely dodging the flaming chain strike. Signum bit back a curse as she yanked Laevatein back, the chain retracting rapidly as Fate came in for another strike.

Yes. Things were not going well at all for her.


“I’m afraid so, Captain.”

Shining Armor tried not to let his feelings show as he looked up at Admiral Gil Graham. The three of them had, mercifully, stepped out of the hub that the others were monitoring the battle so that there wouldn’t be any disruptions. Which was good, because Shining Armor was starting to get irritated.

“Forgive me Admiral,” Shining Armor kept his voice carefully neutral. “But I understood that we had an agreement. The Wolkenritter were to be housed here in Canterlot upon capture, so that we could question them about the location of the Book and it’s Master. Now you’re saying that your people at HQ want them be housed there?”

Gil sighed, even as Lotte made a little growling noise. “I’m afraid so. HQ wants the Wolkenritter safely under their control as soon as possible. I understand that the situation isn‘t ideal, but orders are orders.” The older gentleman reached into his coat and produced a folded sheet of paper. “A copy of the request. I just received it an hour ago…”

Shining Armor frowned as he looked over the document. He was used to looking over parchment scrolls, but the dispatch looked to be legitimate. The text was backed by a pale watermark of what he assumed was the TSAB’s coat of arms, and had an official signature as well.

“Why was this not brought to our attention immediately?” Shining Armor replied, floating the paper back to Gil.

“I‘m afraid that‘s partially my fault” Gil sighed, tucking the paper into his pocket. “I hadn‘t expected for us to encounter the Wolkenritter so soon. By the time I received the dispatch and confirmed it with HQ, Chrono was ordering the mobilization.” Gil gave the unicorn a slightly sheepish smile. “Nor had I expected us to actually capture one of them…”

Shining Armor sighed, pawing the ground with one front hoof. “Right. Right. I see your point.” Then he straightened himself, shaking his head as he looked up at Gil. “But I must protest this. This isn’t a good idea.”

“I understand, Captain Shining Armor, but my hands are tied.”

“Is that so, Admiral Graham?”

Shining Armor turned at the voice, the bowed his head in deference as Princess Luna stepped out into the hall. Her horn still burned with a silvery-blue light, though the brilliant light had faded from her eyes. “Forgive our interruption, but we have heard of this matter and wish to add our own opinion.”

“Of course, your Majesty,” Gil bowed his head politely.

“Though we agree with Captain Shining Armor’s assessment, given the handling of the prior incident, we must unfortunately defer to the Bureau in this case… once certain affairs have been concluded, of course.”

Gil blinked. “’Certain affairs?’”

“Indeed.” Luna nodded sagely. “Our sister, Celestia, has issued a standing warrant for the arrest of the Wolkenritter. They must, after all, be brought to trial for their assault on our subjects and destruction of property. We are certain that the Bureau will recognize the validity of our legal system in this matter.”

"With… all due respect, your Majesty,” Gil spoke carefully, “the Bureau has a greater legal claim to the Wolkenritter than Equestria does. You can‘t simply ignore a request like-”

“True, but you forget that we are not, as of yet, formally allied with the Bureau. Under your very statutes, Equestria is still considered a Non-Administered World until such a time as negotiations have completed. Ergo,” Luna looked Gil straight in the eyes, “we are not required, as of yet, to abide by the Bureau‘s requests.”

“I… I see.” Gil coughed, folding his hands behind his back. “I’ll bring this matter to Celestia’s attention in the morning, then.”

“If you seek to have her override our decision, you will be disappointed. You will find, Admiral, that she will be in agreement with us,” Luna replied coolly. “But by all means, do try. Your attempts to circumnavigate our rightful authority, both as co-ruler of Equestria and as the one in charge of military operations, will win you no favors with our sister.”

Gil’s eyes widened slightly, before he coughed again. “I’ll… notify the Bureau then. I’ll leave the prisoner, or prisoners, in your hooves Captain. If you’ll excuse us?”

“Of course.”

Shining Armor coughed softly. “Um, Admiral? Mind I keep a hold of that dispatch from the Bureau?”

“Oh. Sure.” Gil produced the paper again, letting Shining Armor take it from his hand.

“Thank you,” Shining Armor replied as Gil and his Familiar stepped back inside the room. His eyebrow quirked as Lotte shot him and the Princess a death-glare, however.

“Captain, would you show us the dispatch?” Luna turned to face Shining Armor.

“Of course, your Majesty.” Shining Armor nodded, unfolding the paper and floating it up so Luna could read it.

“Hmm.” The Princess of the Moon frowned slightly, her eyes flicking over the text. “Strange,” she murmured, “the timing of this dispatch is most peculiar…”


“Preserve well this document, Captain,” Luna closed her eyes. “We may have need of it in the future. Now return to your duties.”

“Yes ma’am,” Shining Armor drew himself up to attention as the dark alicorn turned and re-entered the room. He turned as well, making his way quickly down the stairs.

I hope Zafira hasn’t woken back up yet… he sighed heavily as he trotted down the stairs. I hope Twily’s doing well too…


Vita screamed as she was propelled backwards at high speeds, her body impacting against the cliff-side with a thunderous crash and the sound of shattering stone. A fuchsia-colored nimbus pinned her to the cliff-face like a butterfly pinned to a cork board. Her limbs were splayed out, her mallet half-embedded in the rock as she groaned, a few pebbles bouncing off her hat. She was hardly in the best shape; several blue-white blades of mana were embedded in one arm like arrows, and smoke drifted wispily from her Knight Clothing from where Twilight Sparkle’s magical blasts had landed, making her look like the burning end of a cheap cigarette.

Twilight Sparkle floated closer, the wings of her flight spell flapping lazily as she hovered in the air. Her horn and Raising Heart’s core glowed brilliantly, the thin tether of light linking them together almost lost in the brilliant magenta light of the ENTD.

“Alright,” Twilight huffed, blowing a few wayward strands of her mane out of her eyes. Her Barrier Jacket had a thin coat of silver dust, and her breathing was shallow, probably due to the lucky shot Vita had landed with a Schwalbe Fleigen sphere. “Okay. I think this has gone on long enough, don’t you?”

Vita coughed, gritting her teeth as she strained against the unicorn’s telekinesis. “How… I can’t…move…”

“I’m using Raising Heart’s control systems and the ENTD to boost my magic‘s applied pressure and cohesion,” Twilight explained, then paused as Vita stared at her. “I’m using my Device to make my telekinesis stronger.”

“Oh.” Vita replied.

“Anyway, you’re not going to be going anywhere until I let go of you,” Twilight continued. “I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to break out of my grip this time. And since you can’t move, you won’t be able to reload your Device’s cartridge system.”

“Oh, you think, nnngh, you’re so, rrrgh, clever huh?” Vita grunted as she wriggled.

“Would you please stop that?”

“No!” Vita snapped, still struggling as best she could. I am not going to be beaten by a Bureau brat and a nerdy pony with a big shiny stick! I’m Vita, Knight of the Iron Hammer! There’s nothing me and Graf Eisen cannot smash!

“Look,” Twilight sighed. “It‘s really difficult to talk to you when you keep trying to get loose and hit me with your mallet…”

“Why would I want to listen to anything you have to say?” Vita snarled. “”You think I’ll believe you if you talk loud enough, liar?”

“First, I’m not lying to you about anything. Second, despite what you might think I‘m on your side. And third,” Twilight frowned. “I‘m trying to be your friend.”

“Oh, sure.” Vita rolled her eyes. “Like you‘d want to be friends with me.”

“You’re not the first human to swing something at my head, you know.” Twilight paused. “Well, technically Fate was a human that had been turned into a pony, and you’re not technically a human, but a construct created by… never mind. Point is, I wouldn‘t mind being your friend if you were open to the idea.”

“Please,” Vita replied sourly. “Do you think I’m stupid?”

“No. And for the record, you seem real quick to jump to that conclusion. Why?”

Vita blinked, then shut her mouth, staring defiantly at Twilight.

“Okay, you don‘t have to tell me if you don‘t want to,” Twilight sighed. “I just think that this is really silly. Things would go much smoother if you stopped treating us like we’re your enemies.”

“I don’t think that’s going to happen, Miss Sparkle.”

Vita’s glare switched to the black-coated human that drifted up beside Twilight. Chrono, as expected, returned her glare with a similar look of disgust. His free hand pressed against his other arm to cover up the large hole torn in his Barrier Jacket’s already-tattered sleeve. His hand gripped tight around his black staff, as though his fingers were fused to the metal. “You’re expecting too much from them, if you think talking to them will work,” he continued.

“Chrono,” Twilight replied irritably, “can you please hold off on the hostility for just one minute?”

“Oh drop the act!” Vita shouted. “It’s not like I don’t get it. You both hate us. I don’t blame you.”

“You’ve got that right, Vita,” Chrono growled. “Even if I ignored all your other crimes, what you did to my mother and me would be more than enough to make me hate you.”

“Not this again,” Vita groaned. “Look, Hardhead or whatever your name is-”

“Harlaown!” Chrono snapped.

“Fine, Harlaown!” Vita glared at Chrono. “I get why Sparkle hates me, but what’s your problem with me? What’d I do to you, you whiny little brat?”

Chrono stared at her in shock for a few moments before his eyes narrowed, his brow furrowed, his teeth clenching in rage. “You…”

Vita quirked an eyebrow. “Did I hit a nerve there or something?”

“Chrono,” Twilight floated in front of him. “Chrono, don’t…”

“You and your friends killed my father you monster!” Chrono balled up a fist with his un-injured hand, pushing past Twilight as he lunged.

Vita shut her eyes, feeling her head tilt sharply to the side as the punch landed.

“My mom watched him sacrifice himself to kill you and that stupid book!”

Another punch. Vita felt a tooth go loose in her mouth. She tasted copper.

“Chrono! Enough!”

“No! It’s not enough! It’s not going to be enough!”

Vita cringed as she heard the rage and pain in his voice. Her head jerked again as another punch landed. And then she heard a mechanical voice intone “STINGER BLADE - IMPALE SHIFT.”

Vita steeled herself. “You don’t even have the decency to remember him! Or his name! I’ll make sure you never forget the name Harlaown again! Die you-”


Vita heard a hollow popping noise. She cracked open one eye to look at a very irritated Twilight Sparkle.

“What…” Vita garbled, then spat out a mouthful of blood. “What did you do?”

“Teleported him away. Don’t worry, I sent him to Yuuno’s location. It’s just you and me right now.” The unicorn tilted her head down, floating closer. “Hold still.”

“What? You gonna hit me now too?”

“I didn’t plan on it.” Her horn flickered brightly as she spoke. Vita felt an odd, tingly warmth as magenta light flowed over her face, then winced as she felt the loose tooth pop back into place.

Vita frowned, running her tongue over the tooth experimentally. “You’re…healing me? Why?”

“Don’t get any ideas, I just healed where he punched you,” Twilight replied, drawing back. “I’m still getting Yuuno’s healing spell down, so it’s not perfect.”

“But why?”

“Let me ask you something,” Twilight countered. “When you asked him what his problem was, did you already know the answer?”

“What? That I killed his dad?” Vita frowned as Twilight nodded. “Not really. I mean… I guess I could have, but it’s not like I remember… hey!” A growl escaped her throat. “I see what you’re doing. You’re just trying to trick me, aren’t you?!”

“No Vita, I’m not. I’m trying to understand you.”

Vita stared at her. “You’re serious, aren’t you? Even after I tried to kill you, you’re being nice to me? What the hell?”

“I wasn’t lying earlier Vita,” Twilight sighed. “Despite what Chrono might think, I think that we could probably work something out if we talk about this rationally.”

Vita continued to stare at her, the gears in her brain turning. There had to be some catch here. This had to be a trick. Nobody would actually be foolish enough to try to talk to them, right?

And yet…

“So…let’s say you’re telling the truth,” Vita grumbled. “What about that brat? Is what he said true too? Does the Book of Darkness really…”

Twilight nodded. “As far as I can tell, yes. I don’t have any real reason to doubt the facts. I’m surprised that you didn’t know that yourself.”

Vita looked away from Twilight. “So… now what?”

“Well, given your current situation, I’d likely count this as you being beaten. I’ve got you pinned, you’ve got no cartridges in your Device so you won’t be able to use the boost to break free of my grip, and unlike you my mana levels are still high enough that I can keep fighting for a while.”


Twilight rolled her eyes. “Anyway, your options are coming peacefully with us, or I blast you until you do. Non-lethally, of course. I don’t really like the second option, but I’ll do it if it’s necessary. Your choice.”

Vita glance from Twilight to her staff, then back to Twilight as she weighed her options. “I’d rather go out with a bang than just surrender. Gimme your best shot.”

Twilight stared at her, then shook her head. “Alright. If that’s what it’ll take for you to come along with us, then I guess I’ll just have to oblige you. Raising Heart!”

There was a loud crackle as the Device’s head shifted, dissolving away from around the glowing red core. Gold and white metal re-formed around it, expanding into a long, two-pronged, arrow-head like shape. A long golden fin extended backwards from the top, between the cylindrical exhaust vents. The Device looked less like a staff and more like a spear crossed with a tuning fork.

“PROMINENCE FORM,” the Device called out, “STANDBY READY!”

Twilight floated back, a trio of magenta wings unfurling from where the shaft met the Device’s head. “This is probably going to hurt. Are you sure you don‘t want to surrender?”

Vita smirked defiantly, even as she was pinned by Twilight‘s telekinesis. “I never surrender. So come on. Do it!”

“Don‘t say I didn‘t warn you.” Twilight flew backwards further and further, then came to a stop a respectable distance away. The unicorn’s energy wings flared as a Mid-Childan spell-circle wove itself into existence underneath Twilight’s hooves, several ribbon-like loops of energy appearing in front of her as she took aim.

Hey Signum? Vita telepathically sent to Signum.

Vita? Signum’s reply was terse.

Vita winced as she felt a sudden force slam into her, a blast of air buffeting her and forcing her to shut her eyes. When she opened them again, the air had begun to sparkle and glitter with magenta motes of light. Twilight hovered level with her at a long distance, a sphere of magenta light glowing before her like a captured sun. I think we might be outmatched.

“PROMINENCE BUSTER!” Twilight’s command easily reached Vita’s ears. “FIRE!”

A river of pink light slammed into Vita, the roar of the blast drowning out Vita’s scream. There was a few seconds of searing pain, and then blackness.


“Alright Rainbow,” Yuuno smiled, patting the pegasus’s side gently. “I’ve got you patched up. There’ll be a medical team waiting to receive you once you arrive at Canterlot; make sure to let them check you out in case I missed something.”

“Right,” Rainbow groaned, rolling over and slowly wobbling to her feet, her metal boots clinking softly as she steadied herself. “Thanks for the helping hand Yuuno.”

“No problem. Glad I could help.” Yuuno smiled, then rose to his feet. This is Yuuno Scrya to base, I have one pegasus for transport. We clear?

Acknowledged Yuuno Scrya, came the reply. Beginning transit now.

Yuuno exhaled as Rainbow vanished in a flash of white light and mana. At least she was safely out of the way. He glanced upwards as three lines of color crisscrossed and collided overhead; pink, orange and yellow.

Looks like Fate and Arf are still duking it out with Signum. He exhaled. I just hope they’re okay up there. Maybe I should check in on Twi-

His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden flash of purple-pink light. A long, sword-like blade of blue light whizzed harmlessly through the air as Chrono emerged from the teleport.

“-bit- GAH!”

Yuuno only had a few moments to react before Chrono stumbled into him, knocking him to the ground. Chrono’s staff clattered on the ground as they landed with a thud..

“Get off of me Chrono!”

“What the,” Chrono scrambled off of Yuuno, then cried out as his arm buckled underneath him, forcing him to roll onto his side, then onto his back as he held his injured arm. “Argh! Dammit, Sparkle!”

Yuuno blinked, crawling over to the prone Enforcer. “Chrono? Are you alright? Talk to me.”

“That stupid unicorn… rrrgh!” Chrono hissed as Yuuno reached down, touching his arm. “Don’t… touch it, you idiot!”

“What happened? That looked like Twilight’s teleport spell… is she alright? What happened to your arm?”

“I’m fine. Just dandy.” The sarcasm was thick as Chrono started to sit up, still clenching his arm. “That damn unicorn teleported me away while I was teaching that little bitch a lesson…”

“You mean Vita? Wait… Twilight teleported you away?!” Yuuno blinked, then frowned. “Chrono, what happened?”

“Nothing happened! Now get me my staff. I need to get back down there and finish punching that smug little brats face in.”

“Uh, no.” Yuuno reached over, pressing a hand onto Chrono’s chest. “I don’t think so. Not until you let me see that arm.”

“Get your hands off me, Scrya,” Chrono growled, slapping Yuuno’s hand away.

Yuuno countered by grabbing the tattered sleeve and rolling it up, even as Chrono protested. He recoiled slightly from the sight; veins of red, swollen flesh coiled up Chrono’s forearm and up to his bicep like ivy. He could feel the heat radiating from the tissue even under his gloves. “What in the name of-”

Chrono winced. “It’s…not as bad as it looks.”

“Like hell it is. Can you even move your fingers?!” Yuuno inhaled, pressing one hand against the back of Chrono’s burnt appendage, green light filtering over the Enforcer’s flesh as he applied a healing spell. “What did you do?”

“Feedback from the Cartridge system…” Chrono winced, looking away as Yuuno’s magic did its work. “I guess I might have overdone it.”

“If it’s done this much damage to your body, I have to agree.” Yuuno turned his attention back to Chrono. “So, why did Twilight teleport you away? Are you hurt elsewhere?”


“Then why-” Yuuno stopped as Chrono closed his eyes.

“I… attacked Vita.”

“Well,” Yuuno replied, “that’s usually what happens when you’re in a-”

“No. Twilight had her pinned down. She was talking her down, and I…” Chrono shook his head and let out a shuddering breath. “I lost control.“

”Twilight was right. I am letting my emotions interfere. I didn‘t want to subdue her Yuuno. I wanted her to hurt. I wanted to kill her. If Twilight hadn‘t warped me away…”

And then the ground shuddered violently underneath them. Yuuno let out a squawk as he landed on his side, then shielded his eyes from the brilliant pink flood of light that erupted over the edge of the cliff.

That was Twilight’s magic, no doubt about it, Yuuno thought as he blinked, trying to clear his vision. The brilliant light slowly faded as the shuddering ground began to calm, letting Yuuno stumble to his feet. So much power, though…

There was a soft whooshing noise as Twilight slowly rose over the edge of the cliff, the segments of her Barrier Jacket clicking back into place. Vita, her body limp and smoking, hovered beside her in Twilight’s telekinetic grip.

“Twilight!” Yuuno called out as the unicorn landed. “Are you alright?”

“Fine,” Twilight exhaled, setting her Device’s butt on the ground and letting it lean against her side. “I’m fine. My ribs could do with some work, but I’ll live for now. Where’s Chrono?”

“Over there.” Yuuno gestured over to the prone young man, then let out a loud ‘oof’ as Twilight pushed Vita over to him. He cradled the petite girl carefully, curling his nose at the smell of super-heated stone that wafted from her clothes.

“Here… keep an eye on her, would you? She’s hurt pretty bad.”

“Um…sure.” Yuuno nodded as Twilight turned and walked towards Chrono, Raising Heart hovering up and following behind her of it’s own accord. He sighed, setting Vita down and giving her a quick once-over as he listened.

“So…” Twilight sounded deeply irritated.

“I know what you’re going to say.” Chrono replied, sounding rather exhausted.

“I’m sure you do. “

“I’m not going to make any excuses Twilight,” Chrono sighed. “I screwed up. You were right. I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry too. I should have tried to stop you before you got this far.”

“I probably wouldn’t have listened to you anyway.”

Yuuno heard Twilight gasp. “Your arm, it’s-”

“It looks bad, I know. It’ll heal.”

“Chrono, wait, don’t get up…”

Yuuno shook his head as he heard Chrono climb to his feet and limp along. There was a clatter as Chrono no-doubt collected his Device, then more footsteps as he trudged over to him. He glanced up at the Enforcer, the young man holding his staff in his good hand as he leaned on it. “So,” he said to Yuuno, “how is she?”

“Pretty badly beaten up and unconscious. You guys worked her over pretty hard. I’m not a doctor, but I don’t think she’s going to get up for a while…”

“Good.” Chrono knelt down and placed a hand on Vita’s stomach. There was a bright blue glow as bands of light wrapped around the Knight’s limbs and Device. “There. I’ve put a temporary seal on her. I’ll take her back to Canterlot and make sure she’s locked up.”

“Chrono,” Twilight murmured as he stood up with a groan.

“It’s okay Twilight. I should get some medical attention anyway. You two go give Fate a hand. See you back at base.”

“If you say so,” Yuuno stood up, stepping back as Chrono and the unconscious Vita vanished in a blast of white light. “Think he’ll be alright?”

Twilight sighed, shaking her head as she leaned against Yuuno. “You know Yuuno, I’m not really sure.”

Yuuno slipped an arm around Twilight’s neck, giving her a gentle side-hug. “He’ll be fine. Chrono’s made of tough stuff. He’ll recover, I’m sure. You alright?”

Twilight nodded. “I just need a second to catch my breath. Even with the upgrades, fighting Vita took a lot out of me. I forgot how intense this sort of fighting can be.”

“Well, you might want to catch it quickly,” Yuuno glanced upwards. “I think Fate and Arf could probably use a helping hoof.”


“Set her right there.”

Shamal nibbled nervously on her lower lip as the pair of unicorn maids carefully lowered Trixie onto the bed, then drew the soft covers up her thin body when she shivered. The bedroom was quite large, the furnishings a bit baroque with the deeply embossed curves and foliage-like patterns on the cabinets and chairs.

Of course, given that this was Fancy Pants’ home, she should have expected things to be fancy. She glanced over to the stallion in question, his monocle firmly in place as he watched over his servants.

“That should be all for right now. Feather Duster, Sterling Silver, if you’d excuse us?”

The maids bowed their heads courteously and stepped out, their matching black dresses rustling gently as they did so.

“That should be that,” Fancy said, drawing Shamal’s attention away from the leaving maids. “Proper Practice should be here in the morning to check on Trixie’s condition. If what you’re saying is true…”

Shamal nodded. “I know. I know it’s too early to tell but… I know I felt something different this time when I used my magic on her. I just hope she wakes up soon…” Shamal exhaled, steadying herself as she stepped away from him. “But that’s beside the point. You’re sure this place is secure?”

“Swan,” Fancy smiled wanly, “this is my manor. Even if somepony knew that Trixie was here or followed my coach back here, they’d need to actually get to her first. Don’t worry, she‘s safe.”

“I can’t help but worry. But… now that Mistress is secure and safe, I have to go.”

“To help your friends?”

Shamal nodded. “If they’re in danger… I have to go help them.”

“I understand,” Fancy stepped up beside her, gently nosing her mane. “But your rings are still malfunctioning from… whatever it was that happened earlier. Without Klarwind, how are you going to…”

Shamal reached out with her telekinesis and lifting the Book of Darkness from its place beside Trixie‘s bed. “If I have to, I’ll use the Book.”

“What do you mean?” Fancy Pants eyed the tome warily as it hovered beside Shamal.

“It’s usually a last resort… but I can access the Book’s programming and use it to cast a spell from its archives.” Shamal shook her head. “But if I do…”

“If you do, what happens?”

“The Book would consume its pages to cast whatever spell that’s used. I don’t know how many pages would be consumed… or if it would affect the Mistress…” Shamal began to pace, her hooves thumping gently against the carpet. “I just wish I knew what was going on. I can’t even contact the others…” She stopped, her eyes going wide. “What if they’ve been captured?!”

“If they’ve been captured, then perhaps you staying here would be wiser.”

Shamal shot Fancy Pants an incredulous look The stallion closed his eyes as he continued. “If they’ve been captured by the royal guards or those loyal to the Princesses, then there’s nothing to worry about. The Princesses are merciful; they won’t come to any undue harm.”

“But… but I just can’t abandon them!” Shamal turned to face Fancy Pants, eyes glittering in the dim light. “They’re my fellow Knights!”

“But if you go to aid them and you get captured, then who will help Trixie?”

Shamal paused, her mouth open as her response quickly died. Fancy Pants was right; if she did leave, and something happened to Trixie she’d never forgive herself.

But if she didn’t, and the others were captured then she’d be alone...

Fancy Pants approached, gently tilting her head up with one hoof. “Swan… I’ll accept whatever decision you make. I just don‘t want you to rush off and get yourself hurt, not right now.”

Shamal inhaled slowly, then nodded. “You’re right… I don’t like it, but you’re right. If the others are captured, I’ll be the only one to help our Mistress.”

Fancy Pants leaned in and nuzzled her cheek gently. “I know it’s hard, but maybe it’s the better course of action. After all, you’re still free.”

Shamal closed her eyes. She had to admit, Fancy Pants did have a point there. She was still free, and she still had the Book of Darkness. If she did rush out to help and got captured, then that’d be it. Checkmate.

Her ear twitched as she heard a groan come from the bed.

“Trixie?!” She pushed past Fancy Pants, causing him to stumble and nearly fall over as she rushed to the side of the bed. She climbed up part-way, her hooves resting on the edge of the bed. She watched with wide eyes as Trixie’s eyes fluttered open.

“Sha… Shamal?” Trixie groaned softly, looking up at the Knight of the Lake. “Where… where are we? This…doesn’t look like my room.”

“That’s because it isn’t,” Fancy Pants coughed as he righted himself, levitating his monocle back up to its resting place. “Hello Trixie. Good to see you’re back with us.”

“Fancy Pants?” Trixie’s eyes widened as she looked up at the stallion. “I… I can explain this.”

“I’m sure, though Shamal and her friends have done an excellent job of updating me recently.”

Trixie stared at Fancy Pants for a moment, then switched her gaze to Shamal. Her expression was… unhappy. “What did you tell him”

“E-everything, Mistress.”

“Everything?!” Her shout was strangled, but enough to make Shamal cringe back. Trixie glowered at her for a few moments, then let her had slump back against the pillow with a groan. “Well…this is a mess. Where are the others?”

“Um…a-about that…” Shamal stammered nervously.



Signum controlled her breathing as she slipped her last cartridge into her sword, the chamber hissing and clicking shut as she removed her fingers. Normally, the eight cartridges she carried on her person would have been more than enough for her purposes. She very rarely needed to go through her entire stock.

Five cartridges spent on a single fight, Signum thought to herself as she eyed her opponents. Both Fate and her familiar hovered a ways away from her, both of them looking tired. Fate’s breathing was heavy, her cloak sliced nearly in half from one of Signum‘s near-misses. Arf was little better; the Familiar’s Barrier Jacket showed definite signs of wear, and a long, blackened cut ran up one of the wolf-girl’s thighs. Yet neither of them were about to break off.

Even if I had the opportunity, I don’t have enough cartridges to use Sturm Falken, Signum thought quietly as she raised her sword, the gleaming metal showing her reflection as she took her fighting stance.

Hey Signum?

Vita? Signum replied to her fellow Knight telepathically, her mental voice terse.

I think we might be outmatched.

Signum began to reply before she heard a thunderous explosion. She glanced downwards, her eyes widening as a brilliant flare of pink light lit up the ground below.

Vita? Vita, respond! Vita!

No response. Signum gripped her sword tighter, turning her attention back to Fate and Arf. “Vita has been defeated as well, I see.”

“Looks like it‘s just you now,” Arf grinned even as she panted, her fangs showing as she did so.

“Indeed,” Signum replied flatly, her eyes narrowing as she raised her sword, holding it point-out towards Fate and Arf.

“It‘s over, Signum,” Fate breathed deeply, then brought Bardiche into a defensive position, the scythe-blades dissolving away as the axe head rotated to it’s standard position. “You’re outnumbered. You don’t need to drag this out any further. There‘s no shame in stopping now.”

Signum closed her eyes, letting out a soft chuckle. “How funny. I never expected to hear my own words repeated back to me, especially by one so young. But as you said before,” she continued, swinging her arm back as she shot towards Fate and Arf, “neither of us give up that easily!”


There was a loud crack as lines of lightning flashed into existence, forming a web in front of Fate and Arf as Signum charged. The General of the Blazing Flame swerved around each bolt, her long hair and white coat fluttering in the wind as she zigzagged through the forest of electricity.

Fate raised her Device before her as Signum closed the distance, then swung… only for her blade to collide with a bright green shield in the shape of a Mid-Childan spell circle.

“More interlopers?!” Signum hissed as she pulled back, then blinked as she felt something hard wrap around her legs. Looking down, she discovered a set of green chains wrapped tightly around her ankles, the links of which lead back to the young blonde mage from earlier.

“Got her! Twilight!”

There was a bright flash as Signum found herself promptly gripped in a powerful field of magical light, her arms pinned out to either side. Her teeth gritted as Twilight Sparkle floated up beside Fate, her horn glowing brilliantly.

“Sorry I’m late, Fate, Arf,” Twilight smiled wearily, though she kept her eyes firmly on Signum. “Are you two alright?”

“A bit burnt, but I’ll heal,” Arf chuckled, wincing as a hand went to her injured leg.

Signum grimaced, trying to pull against Twilight’s telekinesis. “Laevatein,” she growled, “Cartridge Load!”

“EXPLOSION!” There was a loud crack as the cartridge fired. However, instead of the sudden rush of power she normally felt there was instead a tiny trickle of magic. Signum’s eyes widened in shock.

“I’m sorry, but that won‘t help,” the young mage said as he floated up to join the rest of the group, the glowing green chains of his spell crackling loudly as their glow intensified. “My Struggle Bind spell acts as a magical grounding point, so I’m afraid you won’t get any benefit from that cartridge or your Device.”

Signum sighed, letting her limbs go slack. “I suppose, then, I have been well and truly defeated.”

“I guess so…wait,” Twilight frowned and she looked Signum over. “Are we going have to blast you into unconsciousness too? I’ve already had to do that once, and I’m not a big fan of hitting others while they’re down.”

“No,” Signum shook her head. “There is nothing else I can do. I admit defeat. I will honor our agreement.”

Twilight sighed, though she did smile faintly. “Finally, a bit of sanity. I was worried there for a moment.”

“Like I believe that,” Arf growled, eliciting a look from Twilight and Signum. “You’re buying this? She just wants you to let go so that she can attack us again.”

“Though I admit I would like to continue this battle,” Signum replied, “I have already conceded defeat. You will find me an honorable opponent, young Guardian Beast.”

“I don’t suppose you’d mind proving it?”

“Of course.” Signum unwrapped her fingers from around Laevatein as she looked to the golden unicorn. “You may disarm me, Fate Testarossa-Sparkle.”

Fate blinked, then turned her head slightly. There was a slight tug as Laevatein pulled free from Signum’s hand, followed by the scabbard from her belt, both wrapped in a pale yellow aura. Fate frowned in concentration as she tried to sheathe the sword, missing slightly on the first pass before sliding it home in its scabbard.

“Does that answer your question, Arf?” Signum glanced back to the wolf-girl.

“I guess so… but I’m going to keep an eye on you, just to make sure.”



Amy grinned, pumping a fist in victory as she let out a gleeful squeal. She turned to face Princess Luna, a big grin on her face. “Amy Limietta to all points,” she chirped into her headset, “we’ve done it! Targets have been captured and neutralized!”

Princess Luna smiled, closing her eyes as her horn dimmed, the barrier on the monitor dissolving away along with the Moon Princess‘s horn-glow. “Well, Admiral Graham,” the dark alicorn said as she glanced towards the older man, “are you satisfied with our results?”

Amy blinked. Graham looked distinctly uncomfortable as Luna. “I must admit,” he replied quietly, “I’m very impressed, your majesty. Congratulations are in order.”

“Indeed. Now, if you do not mind, I wish to retire to my quarters. Good evening, Admiral, Miss Limietta.”

Amy nodded as the alicorn swept out of the room, her feathers rustling softly as she did so. She leaned back against her chair as she did so. They’d done it. They’d captured not one, but three members of the Wolkenritter! If Pinkie Pie were there, it’d be cause for a party.

But why didn’t Admiral Graham seem as happy as the rest?

“Excuse me, Miss Limietta.” Gil’s voice was subdued as he rubbed his forehead. “I think I need to excuse myself for the night…”

“Of course, s-” a yawn interrupted her sentence. It was getting rather late. “Sorry. Of course, sir. Good night sir.”


In the black depths of the unconsciousness, a pale mare shuddered as the darkness surrounding her vibrated with rage. A noise, half rushing wind and half animalistic scream filled the void, causing the nameless being to hide beneath her wings. The darkness was angry. It’s malice poured outwards like black fire, the rage being held back only by the trembling pool of light emanating from the pale mare’s horn.

The nameless mare’s red eyes turned upwards, her silver horn still burning. Maybe there was still hope left… maybe this time, things would be different…

That was her small wish.