• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 8,636 Views, 482 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight A's - PurpleProse

The Second Season of MPLT. Magical girls meet little ponies. The Wolkenritter appear!

  • ...

Chapter 5: Shall We Take To The Stage?

Dawn crept slowly over Equestria. The morning sun lit the horizon on fire, painting the sky rose-pink, orange and gold, while the puffy clouds that laced the sky glowed like baubles of spun glass.

Chrono had to admit the sunrise was pretty spectacular, particularly from his view at the top of the Palace’s western tower. A puff of breath scattered the rising steam from the cup of tea he had just poured. Mornings were a rare time of peace for him, giving him a few moments to think on his own before having to dive back into his work.

He sipped his tea, frowning slightly at the taste. Someone must have switched out his regular blend. He dropped a few cubes of sugar into the mix and stirred it. The spoon clinked gingerly against the delicate porcelain as his mind wandered.

Everything was set-up, for the most part. All they were waiting for now was for the Arthra to reach HQ. Once there, they’d open a direct dimensional transit link to Equestria, allowing direct access to HQ’s resources… with a slight time delay, of course. Once that was ready, they would begin the search for the Book of Darkness in earnest. All in all, things were going smoothly.

If everything’s going so smoothly, then why am I worried? He watched the contents of his cup swirl lazily, the sugar dissolving away. The china clinked as he lifted the cup and made his way to the window, looking out over the palace grounds below. Guards were doing their rounds, switching out for the day guard as servants tended the flowers and grass, or otherwise went about their business.

Then he noticed something. A navy blue figure slowly making its way down the side of one of the towers.

Princess Luna

And there‘s the reason, Chrono thought to himself as he sipped his tea. Princess Luna’s behavior had caught his attention, starting with their talk on the Arthra. Her behavior the night prior only roused his suspicions further. She was hiding something. He wasn’t sure what, but whatever it was it had to be important.

Not that he’d bring it up without evidence. He’d have to be delicate about it; provoking somepony like Luna would be hazardous both to the diplomatic mission and the investigation, not to mention his health.

He swallowed the remaining contents of his cup and strode towards the door, picking up his black tunic and pulling it on as he walked. He needed information. Information, and something more substantial in his stomach than tea.


“Sister Schach, you’re looking lovely this morning as usual. Good to see you‘ve joined me for breakfast.”

Schach shook her head as she took a seat at the table with Admiral Graham. Having a small, private meeting room attached to his quarters was one of the few benefits of rank, even if he had to share it with Schach. It was a cozy nook, the small window over the table covered with dark violet drapes to keep the sunlight out. “You know, it’s poor form to flirt with a Sister, Admiral,” she replied with a smirk. “I might have to discipline you.”

“A gentleman can’t compliment a lady? For shame. What has the world come to?” Gil smiled playfully, sliding the tray of pastries closer to the Sister-Knight, a steaming cup of tea resting in front of him. “Danish?”

“No thank you. I’m not particularly fond of sweets. I will take some tea, however.”

“As you wish. No sugar?”

Schach nodded as Gil poured. “I’ve asked the kitchen to prepare some poached eggs and potatoes,” he continued, “though I utterly despair at getting any bacon or ham. Rather bothersome, living among herbivores…”

“How terrible.” Schach’s reply was deadpan as she picked up her tea cup, quaffing its contents. “Though if they’re serving you eggs, then they’re probably not completely herbivorous.”

“Fair point. However, that gets me no closer to bacon.”

Schach chuckled softly as she set the cup down, regarding the admiral as he leaned back in his chair. “I suppose you have something to discuss with me, other than your lack of meat for breakfast?”

“I’d just like to hear your opinions on our prospective allies. We’ve been talking with them for about two days now, so I’m sure you’ve formed some preliminary observations.”

“Observations, eh?”

“Indeed.” The Admiral poured Schach another cup of tea.

Schach leaned her head back and closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose as she gathered her thoughts. “Well, I must admit, my expertise is hardly expansive. However, I can draw a few comparisons. These ponies are remarkably similar to the ancient Belka… in some ways.”


“Diarchy instead of monarchy, but revolving around a powerful set of individuals, with a largely magic-using population.” Schach nodded to herself as though in affirmation of her statement, resting her hands in her lap. “However, they lack the aggressive militaristic focus that the Belka had. In many ways, they’re nearly their polar opposite. And if what they say is true, they’ve been at relative peace for longer than the Belkan Empire was at war, which I find rather shocking.”

Schach ran her finger along the rim of her teacup as she continued. “Their technology is also nowhere near as advanced. Compared to Mid-Childa, it’s like night and day. It’s almost like they’re trying to subvert the mistakes the Belka made, though I doubt they know it.”

“You seem shocked, Sister.”

“I guess I’m not completely used to non-human sapients having their own form of government, much less a successful and peaceful one.” Schach sighed, shrugging her shoulders.

“I think it’s actually quite refreshing, seeing a civilization with minimal need for a military.” Gil paused in thought, nibbling on a danish as he did so. “Or much else for that matter. Have you considered extending the Church’s influence here?”

“I considered bringing it up, but I’m being cautious about it. I’m not sure how they’ll take the offer of the Church having an actual presence here.” Schach sighed. “That’s another thing that bothers me. There’s no real uniting faith, other than their love for the Princesses. Usually on Non-Administrated Worlds there’s at least some form of religious organization; if the Saint Church isn‘t already set up there, than there’s local animist or folk religions. But here…”

“Cult of personality, perhaps?”

Schach shrugged. “I guess. To be fair, the sisters do have a certain… presence. You’ve felt it too; that instinctive response to kow-tow to them?”

“Oh yes.” Gil chuckled. “Especially Princess Luna. You should have seen the room when we interviewed her at HQ. Bewitching, really.”

“I’ve heard stories. Sister Carim said it was like seeing the stars for the first time…and I have to say, I agree with that comparison.”

Schach paused as the door opened, a unicorn with a sherbet-orange coat in servant’s livery entering with a tray balanced on her head. “Your breakfast, sir,” she said as she levitated the tray over to Gil before looking at Schach. “Oh! Good morning ma’am. Would you like breakfast as well?”

“I’ll have what he’s having.” Schach replied, gesturing to Gil.

“Of course! Right away!” The unicorn bowed low before she trotted out, the door shutting behind her. Gil’s eyes followed the petite equine as she left, before turning back to Schach.

“How’d you manage to convince them to bring food to your private quarters?” Schach quirked an eyebrow at Gil, who chuckled.

“I asked them politely. They’re quite amenable, once they get to know you. Even our guards are rather genial for military men… er, stallions.”

Schach sighed. “At any rate,” she continued, “I’m just having trouble connecting with them. Maybe I should try a different tact…”

“Nothing wrong with being flexible, Sister.” Gil poked a fork into his egg, cutting it and taking a bite. “Mmm… have to give the royal cooks my complements… I’m still glad that you’re here, Sister. It’s always good to have a different perspective on things”

“Be that as it may, I think it’d be best if I left the formal negotiations up to you. I‘m not very skilled at politicking like you seem to be.”

“We all have our talents, Sister Schach. When you get to be as old and gray as I am, you learn where your strengths really lie.”

“Hah. I notice your familiars aren’t here.” Schach noted, glancing past Gil to peer into his bedroom.

“They’re around. They tend to get up earlier than me nowadays. They’re probably downstairs checking in with the others.”

“Just so long as they’re not up to any mischief.”

“Oh, they won’t be. They’re usually on their best behavior, though I did have to give Lotte a bit of a scolding yesterday.”


“Yes. Lotte got in a bit of a scuffle with Fate’s familiar. It got nasty from what Aria told me.”

“That’s what happens when cats and dogs fight, I suppose.” Schach replied, causing Gil to chuckle.

“Quite. Hopefully there won’t be another incident.”

“Let’s hope so. Now, as to the meeting today…”


“He’s right over here, Miss Sparkle.”

Twilight followed the Royal Librarian through the tall shelves, her escort trailing a few steps behind her. The smell of paper and dust was comforting to her; Twilight remembered spending hours in the Royal Library’s archives, reading books in-between her classes. Carefully woven spells kept the huge room at a comfortable temperature in order to prevent damage to the older tomes held within.

Twilight paused as she entered one of the clearings amongst the shelves. Spike lay slumped against the table, mouth wide as he drooled onto a parchment page. Books were stacked around him at least six deep, some of them open or filled with impromptu bookmarks. A quill hung limply in his hand, the tip dripping ink onto the floor.

“How long has he been here?” Twilight glanced at the librarian.

“Since early yesterday morning. I would have told him you were awake, but he insisted on not being disturbed.” She sighed. “He’s emptied out a good chunk of the magical theory and medical sections. It’s going to be a pain to reshelf them.”

“Oh Spike…” Twilight shook her head as she approached the table, nudging the sleeping dragon with one hoof.

“Huh?! Wha?!” Spike woke with a snort, wiping his mouth before picking up his quill. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to sleep,” he muttered as he scribbled on the drool-soaked page. “I’ll be outta here inna minute…”


That seemed to get the dragon’s attention. He spun around, then launched himself at Twilight, knocking her to the ground with a pounce.

“TWILIGHT!” His arms squeezed around her neck as he nuzzled her cheek.

“Hehe! Careful Spike, careful…”

“You’re awake! When did you wake up? Are you alright? Are you hurting anywhere?” Spike’s questions came out in a panicked torrent of words, only stopping when Twilight gently pressed a hoof to his lips.

“I’m fine Spike…” Twilight gently pushed the baby dragon off, climbing to her feet. “Well, mostly fine. My magic…”

“Yeah…” Spike rubbed one of his ear frills, looking down. “I heard about that. Chrono told us after you arrived. That’s why I was in here.”

“In here?”

“Uh huh.” Spike climbed up onto the chair he had been using and pulled one of the books from the stack. “I grabbed every book on magic and healing I could get my claws on. I figured one of them had to have something that could help… I couldn’t make much sense of them, but… well…”

Spike paused as Twilight leaned in and nuzzled his cheek.

“Oh Spike… you really are the best assistant a pony could hope for.”

“So you’re not mad that I wasn’t there when you woke up?”

“Of course not! You went to all this trouble just to try to help me out…”

“Well… I did kinda feel bad for not being able to…” Spike bowed his head slightly, only for Twilight to rub a hoof on his crown.

“Uh-uh. None of that. You did your best, okay? So no sulking, got it?”

“Got it.” Spike blushed, rubbing his eyes as he did so. “Um… if you want to look at my notes…”

Twilight sighed softly. “I would, but I probably wouldn’t understand a single word you wrote.”

“Hey, my handwriting’s not that bad…”

“No Spike, I mean I’d literally be unable to understand it.” Twilight interrupted. “Whatever drained my magic also weakened my special talent. Until it comes back, I‘m about as book-dumb as I was when I was a filly.”

“Wow…” Spike frowned. “But… you‘ll get it back, right? I mean…”

“Eventually… but right now, I can’t do much.”

“At least you’ve still got your friends. And me.” Spike sighed, picking up his scribbled notes and rolling them up. “Maybe I can give these to Celestia, then.”

“Sure.” Twilight paused as she heard the librarian cough loudly. “But first, let’s put these books up. No use in leaving things a mess.”


“Miss Sparkle?”

Fate blinked, her attention pulled away from the window and back towards the teacher, much to the soft giggling of her peers. She’d forgotten how early classes for Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns started; the sun was rising, and they were already mid-way through first period. Maybe sleeping in so often during her visit to Mid-Childa wasn’t such a good idea.

Or maybe it was because she had History of Unicorn Magic first thing in the morning.

“Sorry, Mr. Cuneiform,” she replied quietly. “I wasn’t paying attention.”

The teacher, a stout chocolate-coated unicorn stallion with a graying brown mane and a tan clay tablet cutie mark, snorted softly. “I noticed. Would you like me to repeat the question?”

“Yes, please.”

“Could you explain the difference between the amniomorphic and the omnimorphic spells, in a historical context?”

Uhh. I know this one. I think… Fate rubbed her forehead as she tried to think. “Um… one came after the other?”

“Yes, but which one?”

“Um…amniomorphic was first, then omnimorphic?”

Cuneiform sighed. “Mostly correct. The amniomorphic spell was created by Starswirl the Bearded in the Pre-Classical era. His apprentice, Clover the Clever, is credited with later creating the omnimorphic spell, more formally known as the omnimorphic polyform spell, by building on Starswirl’s research into shaping magic. Now, can anypony explain the importance of the omnimorphic spell in the history of Equestria? Yes, how about you? Come on, speak up…”

Fate sighed softly, quietly tuning out the voices. Compared to her education under her mother and Linith, Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns was almost pleasant in its mundanity. She got up, ate breakfast, went to classes, had lunch with the other colts and fillies, had more classes, then had free time for the rest of the day. She had expected something far more drastic and dramatic than this. There was no dangerous combat training, no desperate struggle to satisfy extreme goals like when she was being taught in the Garden of Time. True, there were assignments and deadlines, but all that meant was she had to practice and study hard.

She shook her head. It wasn’t a good idea for her to dwell on the past. She had a happy life now, with a loving family that included two older siblings and a pair of kind parents…


There was snow everywhere.

Fate stared out the window at the flurrying snow, eyes wide and her nose pressed to the glass. She’d seen snow before, when she and Linith were out and away from the Garden, but never like this. The weather pegasi must have put in a lot of effort to get so much snow ready.

Then again, with Hearth’s Warming Eve approaching, they had to get things ready. The decorations were already being set-up throughout Canterlot, much to Fate’s excitement and curiosity.

“Fate! Dinner!”

“Coming!” Fate called over her shoulder from the window. She trotted over towards the fireplace, where Arf lay curled up on her side with her belly facing the fire. “Arf. Dinner time.”

“Mmf.” The wolf snorted, opening a sleepy eye. “But I’m comfortable and warm…can‘t I just wait for the leftovers?”

Fate giggled, leaning down and nudging her familiar. “Come on lazybones, get up.”

“No.” Arf gave a grumpy whine as she rolled over, presenting her back to the fire. “Too comfy.”

Fate frowned, rubbing a hoof against her lips in thought before she leapt on Arf, causing the wolf to bark in surprise.

“Hey! Get off!”

“Hehehe! Make me!”

“Grr!” Arf chuckled as she growled playfully, tussling around and nipping at Fate’s mane as the filly laughed. “Oh, I‘ll make you alright!”


“What in Equestria are you two doing in here?” Twilight Twinkle peered into the family room, smiling faintly at her adopted daughter.

“Arf’s being lazy and won’t come to dinner.” Fate replied, laying atop the dire wolf’s back with her forelimbs around her neck.

The older unicorn laughed. She’d long since accepted the fact that her new daughter was different than most fillies. Most fillies her age didn’t have huge wolves as companions, after all. “Now Arf, you know that dinner time is family time. Come along now.”

Arf whined softly, but acceded, trailing behind the unicorn mare with Fate riding atop her back. “You win this time.”

“I always win.” Fate replied, resting her muzzle atop Arf’s head. She dismounted as they entered the dining room, taking a seat at the table as Twilight’s father, Night Light, trotted in with the food.

“Dandelion and herb quiche, anypony?” Night Light smiled, setting the dish in question on the table before levitating a knife up and dividing the pastry up. “Go ahead and help yourselves while I get the salad.”

“It smells delicious.” Fate levitated a slice over to her plate, steam wafting from its surface. Night Light handled most of the cooking duties at the house, which seemed to suit Twilight Twinkle just fine. Fate ‘mmm’ed softly as she took a bite of the quiche, eyes closing as she chewed.

“So Fate, are you excited about Hearth’s Warming Eve?” Twilight Twinkle said as Night Light returned with the salad.

“Mhmm.” Fate swallowed, nudging the plate away from Arf’s sniffing nose. “All the decorations are so pretty, and so is the snow.”

“Yes, they’ve done quite well this year.” Night Light grinned, scooping up some salad and dropping it onto his plate. “I’ve heard that this year’s pageant is going to be special, considering they’re getting the Elements of Harmony to be in it.”

“Twilight and her friends are going to be in the pageant?” Fate blinked. “Wait… can they even act?”

“Well, it’s mostly for publicity.” Twilight Twinkle replied. “The Princesses usually ask celebrities or national heroes to take part in the play. It helps when the ponies on stage are regularly recognizable to the audience.”

“Oh. I guess that makes sense. Hey!” Fate frowned as Arf snapped up her slice of quiche. “I thought you said you weren’t hungry!”

Arf swallowed and grinned playfully. “No, I said I was comfortable. I didn’t say anything about not being hungry.”

“Now now, there’s plenty to go around girls.” Night Light floated another slice over to Fate’s plate. “So no fighting at the dinner table.”

“Yes papa.” Fate blushed, digging into her food.

“Say Fate,” Twilight Twinkle leaned against the table as she looked at Fate. “I was thinking that after the Pageant we could go out and have some fun. You know, ice skating, things like that? There’s going to be a lot of things to do on Hearth’s Warming Day.”

“Ooh. I’ve never been ice skating before. Will Twilight and Shining be coming with us?”

“Probably. We’ll have to see what Shining’s schedule is like. He does have his duties after all…”


Fate blinked, shaking herself out of her thoughts as the teacher announced the end of class. There was a rustle of paper as the other students put their books and notes away.

“Hey Fate!” She glanced up as a couple of the other ponies approached her. “Yes?”

“You’ve seen the humans, right?”

Fate blinked. “The humans?”


“Don’t pretend you haven’t seen them yet. Everypony’s heard about them.”

“What’re they like? I heard they look real funny…”

“Do they use magic like us?”

“Um… Well… “Fate stammered slightly. Even after nearly a year at the school, she still wasn’t comfortable with being the center of attention. It’d been the same way when she first joined the classes; a barrage of questions seemingly designed to overwhelm her. At least this time it wasn’t questions about her past and her current living situation. She could only imagine their reaction if they knew that she used to be a human

“Come on Fate, you of all ponies should know!”

“Isn’t your big brother the captain of the guard?”

“Yeah, tell us!”

“I…” Fate blushed, glancing up as the door swung open.

“’Ey, everypony!” The next instructor, a grizzled, gray-and-white coated unicorn mare with an eye patch over one eye and a short-cut dark-blue mane, called out. “Back to yer seats, tha lot o’ ya! I hope all o’ ya been doin’ the advanced telekinesis exercises over tha break. ‘Cause if ya haven‘t, yer in fo‘ a world o‘ hurt.”

Fate exhaled as the other colts and fillies returned to their seats. She settled into her seat, giving the new teacher her full attention. Ms. Hightower’s Kinetic and Energy Control Magic class was only stalling the inevitable, however. The other students would just keep pestering her until she started talking.

It was going to be a long day.


“Vita, wake up.”

Vita grumbled softly, opening an eye as she was shook. Part of her wanted to summon Graf Eisen and smash the fool that dared to interrupt the precious sleeping time of the Knight of the Iron Hammer. However, that would require her actually getting up.

Instead, she chose to roll away from the speaker and grumble loudly.

And then, for some odd reason, she found herself unceremoniously dumped onto the floor.

“Ow!” Vita growled, untangling herself from the sheets before clambering to her hoofed feet. “What was that for?!”

Signum looked down at her with a faintly irritated look on her face as she touched a hoof to her lips, glancing over at the prone, sleeping form of their Mistress.

“What was that for?!” Vita repeated in a hiss, lowering the volume of her voice as Signum levitated the sheets back up and onto the bed.

“It’s morning. You should have been up by now,” Signum replied in a low tone, “if nothing else than to make ready for the day.”

“I could say the same to you.” Vita countered, inspecting the general clinically. Signum’s coat was smooth, but even it couldn’t hide he faint traceries of healing wounds. Nor could she hide the fact that she was favoring her left front leg. “You look terrible.”

“I’ll heal.”

“When did you get back?” Vita grumbled as she followed Signum out of the room.

“A few hours before dawn.” Signum swung her head, shutting the door with a push of her telekinesis. “I’ve acquired thirty-seven pages.”

“Thirty-seven?” Vita squeaked, her eyes widening slightly.


“Wow…” Vita coughed, trying to recover her aplomb. “I mean… wow, I shouldn’t have expected any less.”

Signum grunted in reply. “By the way, Shamal is preparing breakfast.”

“Good. I’m starving. Let’s just hope she doesn’t burn anything.”

“She did well with the soup last night, Vita.”

“That’s because Zafira was keeping an eye on her. You didn’t leave her alone in the kitchen, did you?”

Signum didn’t reply, causing Vita to groan. “You did. Didn’t you? So much for breakfast…”

“If you don’t like it, then don’t eat it. Nopony’s forcing you to gorge yourself like you do.”

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t eat it. I’m still growing after all.” Vita sniffed, head high in the air as she walked.

“You really do take after our Mistress.” Signum shook her head, causing Vita to stop.

“Signum,” Vita’s voice lot her usual sarcasm, becoming softer, “do you think…”

“I don’t know. I haven’t brought the book to her yet. There’s always a possibility.”

“After breakfast?”

“Of course.”

Vita shivered, then inhaled. “Assuming that Shamal doesn’t poison us.”

“It takes more than poor cooking to defeat us.” Signum replied, walking past Vita. The petite unicorn glanced back at the bedroom before following, trotting behind the pink unicorn in an attempt to catch up.


“So you girls are leaving today?”

Breakfast was a relatively quiet affair; just Twilight, Spike, Yuuno and their friends. Celestia was already tending to the Day Court, and Shining Armor had the guards to inspect, which left the eight of them alone in the great dining room.

“As much as ah hate tah, yeah,” Applejack sighed, nudging her plate morosely, “Ah’m sure everypony’d love to stick around, but some of us got responsibilities back in Ponyville. All this kinda got dropped on us all sudden-like…”

“I really don’t want to leave, but I’ve got to take care of my animals. I haven’t been there for nearly three days; the poor dears must be so frightened.” Fluttershy ducked her head slightly. “I’m sorry, Twilight…”

“And I’ve still got to help the Cakes out too.” Pinkie Pie pouted prodigiously as she looked at her purple pony pal.

“It’s alright girls.” Twilight smiled. “I understand. I can’t really ask you to stay in Canterlot. This isn’t like the Jewel Seeds, where everything’s in the Everfree Forest...”

“So you’re going to be staying in Canterlot?” Fluttershy looked at Twilight curiously..

“I don‘t have much of a choice.” Twilight shrugged. “I still have to get my magic back. Plus, Chrono and Fate and everyone else is staying here too. If I’m going to be involved in stopping those people, I’m going to have to stay here in Canterlot for a while.”

Twilight paused as Pinkie’s pout grow more pronounced. “It’s only for a while! Really! Once this is all over, I‘ll come back to Ponyville. Promise.”

“Pinkie promise?”

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Twilight grinned as she mimed the actions, causing Pinkie to cheer up a bit.

“’Kay. It’s settled then. Just don‘t forget, okay?”


“You girls can go. Me though? I’m staying.”

The other ponies looked over at Rainbow Dash, causing the pegasus to blink. “What?”

“Um…but what about your job in Ponyville?” Fluttershy asked.

“What about it?”

“You’re… well, the weather manager?”

“I figured I could just ask the Princess to send them a note telling them I have important royal business and stuff. Otherwise… hey, I’ve got vacation days saved up. They can cover for me for a while.” Rainbow shrugged and crossed her arms, fluffing her wings up as she did so. “Anywho, I’m the only pony here that doesn’t have a whole lot of responsibilities, so I figured I’d be better off sticking around and helping out, you know?”

“Rainbow, I-” Twilight paused as Rainbow held up a hoof.

“Ah-ah! There’s no way in Equestria I’m just going to leave you to face those guys alone. Besides, I owe those wolky-ritt jerks a good couple of punches to the face.”

“Wolkenritter.” Yuuno corrected.

“Whatever! Point is, I’m staying, whether you like it or not.”

“Well…” Applejack frowned in thought, shifting uncomfortably. “I guess it’d help if one of us stuck around… ya know, just tah be on the safe side.”

“What about you Rarity?” Rainbow Dash turned to the pale-coated fashionista. “You’ve been pretty quiet.”

“Mm, well…” Rarity dabbed her lips daintily with her napkin, inspecting the remains of her breakfast before replying. “I was thinking of staying at least until tomorrow.”

“Why? Don‘t you have, I dunno, deadlines or something?”

“Nothing that can’t wait, darling. I had been planning to come to Canterlot eventually, just to see if I could get my hooves on some new material for my dresses. And since I‘m already here…”

Applejack shook herself, giving Rarity a glare. “’Since yer already here?’ Rare, ya do realize the reason why we were here in tha first place, right?”

“Of course Applejack,” Rarity frowned at the farmpony, “but I do have a business to run, after all, so I might as well take advantage of the current situation…”

“Takin’ advantage of the current situation? Whatdya mean by that?!”

“I was here in Canterlot for one reason. I’m no longer needed for that reason, and I’ve yet to return to Ponyville. So why not take care of some business while I’m here?”

“Shoppin’ ain’t business!”

“Could we please not fight at the breakfast table?” Spike sighed, interrupting the pair of them. “Please?”

“Sorry Spike, but ah jus’ think it’s ah mite tacky to lollygag round town fer no good reason while all this is goin’ on.”

“I am not ‘lollygagging,’ I’m keeping my hoof on important trends.” Rarity sniffed.

“If ya ain’t stickin’ round cause o’ Twilight, then it’s lollygaggin. Sides, ya’ll jus’ wanna excuse to see that Fancy Pants feller again.”

“And is there something wrong with that?” Rarity’s voice rose up a few decibels higher.

“Enough, the both of you!” Twilight slammed a hoof into the table, catching their attention.

“Sorry Twi, but it jus’ don’t seem right to take advantage of-”

“Applejack, I’m not on my deathbed. I’m fine. If Rarity wants to go shopping while she’s here, then that’s up to her. I know you’re trying to not hurt my feelings, but I’ll be fine, really.”

Applejack sighed, rubbing her hooves together. “Sorry Twi… it’s jus’… yer like family. An‘ it ain‘t right to just abandon family like we‘re doin.”

Twilight rose from her place at the table and walked around to Applejack, giving the mare a hug. “I know. I know you don’t want to go; none of you do. But I’ll be fine.”

“Twi…” Applejack sniffed, returning the hug.

“I can take care of things here, alright? With any luck, this won’t take long to resolve. And then I’ll be back in Ponyville before you know it.”

The other ponies gathered around the pair, leaning in and wrapping Twilight and Applejack in a hug, soon followed by Yuuno and Spike as they hugged their arms around the small herd of colorful equines.

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

Twilight peaked her head out of the huddle as Chrono stepped into the dining room, nudging the door shut behind him with his foot. “Oh. Good morning Chrono!”

“Good morning to you as well. Don’t let me interrupt, I’m just looking for breakfast.”

“Well, you’re welcome to join us.” Yuuno replied, returning to his seat at the table. “There’s plenty left: eggs, steamed vegetables, three different kinds of potatoes, fruit, muffins…”

“Thanks.” Chrono took a seat, glancing over as several of the ponies began to file out. “Going somewhere?”

“Well…” Fluttershy blushed. “We’ve already eaten… and a couple of us are going to go and get some things ready so we can return to Ponyville. Don’t mind us. Unless you want us to stay, I mean…”

“It’s alright.” Chrono waved a hand gently. “Go on about your business. Don’t let me stop you.”

“Are ya’ll comin’, Twi?” Applejack looked over at the lavender pony.

“I’m still hungry. I’ll join you girls in a while. You’re not leaving yet, are you?”

“Nope, just askin’. ‘scuse us Chrono, Yuuno, Spike.”

The leaving ponies said their goodbyes before exiting, leaving Chrono alone with Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Spike and Yuuno.

“So… um,” Twilight looked at Chrono as he spread some jam onto a slice of toast. “How are things going? With the… you know, investigation.”

“Well enough,” Chrono replied, folding the toast in half and taking a bite, chewing experimentally before nodding in satisfaction. “Once we have a direct dimensional link set up at HQ, we should have the resources to launch a full-scale search for the Book.”

“A what?” Rainbow Dash raised a hoof. “Sorry, not really up on all the magic stuff you guys have.”

“A direct dimensional link is… well, it’s essentially a shortcut from here to HQ. Eliminates the need for a transport ship and allows for us to get anything we need directly from there to here.”

“Uh huh…”

“So once you have a link up, then…” Twilight tilted her head.

“Then we can get resources and men we need for the investigation. Unless I miss my guess, we’re going to need a lot of both, even with the assistance from the Royal Guards here.”

“Have you talked to the Princesses about that?” Spike piped up as Chrono finished his toast. “I mean, having a lot of guys from the Bureau here might be… well…”

“I have. Most of what the Enforcers will be doing is scouting patrols in conjunction with the Royal Guards, as well as scans of nearby worlds.” Chrono helped himself to a large helping of the eggs and reached for the pepper. “They won’t be doing much of the actual fighting mind you…”

“Well, yeah.” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “If these guys can beat you, Twilight, Fate, Yuuno and everyone else, I don’t think your guys can take them on.”

“Rainbow!” Rarity gasped.

“What? It’s true.”

“But you don’t have to come out and say it like that. Show some tact…”

“I have no problems admitting my own weaknesses, Miss Rarity. I knew what I was getting into when I engaged them in combat.” Chrono replied, setting the pepper grinder down and forking some of the eggs into his mouth.

“So… is there anything you need us to do, Chrono?” Twilight looked at him curiously.

“Right now, it’d be best if we use this time to prepare ourselves.” Chrono pointed his fork towards Twilight, resting an elbow on the table. ”Which means I want you to focus on your recovery. If we‘re going to fight against the Wolkenritter again, I‘m going to need you on our side.”

“I’ll get right on that.”

“No worries Chrono.” Rainbow Dash grinned, slipping an arm around Twilight’s withers. “I’ll get her whooped into shape in no time flat. Just you wait and see.”

“Same here!” Spike grinned. “You can count on us to get Twilight back to her normal, slightly crazy bookworm state in no time.”

“I don’t have a say in this, do I?” Twilight grumbled.


“Whatever works.” Chrono shrugged nonchalantly, forking some more eggs into his mouth.


“…and please send somepony to remind the delegates from Manehatten that their appointment is two days from now, not today. If they‘re unhappy with it, then have them take it up with the chancellor to reschedule.”

“Of course your majesty.”

Celestia nodded politely as her chief of staff exited, sighing comfortably as the mare slipped out. Running Equestria was a such a chore sometimes; she didn’t mind handling the day-to-day affairs of the nation on most days, but whenever there was something major occurring it became a drain on her mental resources.

And now she had to handle the diplomatic relations with the Bureau and worry about the Book of Darkness. Mercifully, that day’s Day Court had been brief, with few ponies making requests. It had allowed Celestia a few brief moments to recover in her quarters before the official diplomatic talks started up again.

Her horn lit up with its golden glow as she levitated her tea cup to her lips, sipping daintily. Her ear twitched as a faint, cool pulse of energy trickled past her awareness. She didn’t even turn to look at her sister as she entered the room.

“Good morning Luna. I see you’ve been busy as usual.”

“Good morrow, sister. I need materials.”

To the point as usual, Celestia mused as she set her teacup down and looked over at Luna. The Princess of Night was decidedly less than immaculate; her starry mane fluttered in a lazy tangle of light and shadow, her crown was slightly askance atop her head, her coat was slightly smudged and she smelled of hot metal. However, she seemed quite pleased with herself.

That was enough to make Celestia smile. “Materials? Luna, have you been at the forge all night?”

“I have.” Luna smirked slightly.

“I see. Well, far be it for me to interrupt such artistry. What do you need, Luna?”

“I require Orichalcum.”

Celestia paused. “How much?”

“At least three pounds worth. Though I would prefer four, were I to err on the side of caution.”

Celestia frowned slightly. Orichalcum, or solar steel, was no common metal like iron or gold. It was a thing of magic, synthesized from pure sunlight and magic. Its rarity was due to royal prerogative; only Celestia knew how to create it. The material’s beauty meant that it was a key component of her crown and collar, while its magical traits made it exceptionally important to the settings of a certain set of precious jewels. “And what would you need that much for?”

“It is for my work on your apprentice’s device, sister.” Luna replied calmly. “Already I possess the necessary Ferrum Noctem for my own apprentice. However, I lack the materials for Twilight. Hence, the request.”

“Ah. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to create Orichalcum.” Celestia smiled playfully. “Do you plan to dress our apprentices up?”

“Nothing so much. Only Orichalcum and Ferrum Noctem have the required tensile strength and mana conductivity for my designs. Nothing else will suffice.”

“I see…” Celestia looked over at Luna, a mischievous look in her eyes. “Very well. You’ll have it by the end of the day…”


“Provided you can ask me nicely.”

“I have already requested-”

“Nicely, Lulu. And cutely.”

Luna squirmed. “I’ll do no such thing. I do not do ’cute,’ and please refrain from calling me such childish names.”

“Come on Luna, indulge me just a little…”

The dark princess sighed softly, then pouted her lips and gave her elder sister a beseeching look. “I beg your indulgence Tia,” she simpered, “but might I please have some Orichalcum to work with? Please, big sister? Pretty please?”

“See? That wasn’t… so hard,” Celestia strained not to break down into a helpless fit of giggles, “was it?”

Luna said nothing, her face still contorted into a childish pout, her eyes wide and glimmering with reflected light.

Celestia lost the battle and began to laugh, rolling rather ungracefully onto her back as she did so.

“You are so amused by the simplest of things, sister.” Luna frowned, her face returning to normal.

“Sorry… sorry.” Celestia tittered, wiping her eyes. “I needed that. Thank you Luna. I’ll have the metal for you by sundown.”

“I await it with bated breath.” Luna fluffed her wings slightly

“By the way, sister.” Celestia slid up beside Luna, causing the night princess to pause.


Celestia leaned in and pecked her on the muzzle gently. “You are cute, when you‘re not frowning.”

“I am not cute.” Luna sniffed.

“You are so cute.”

“Tia!” Luna grumped, causing Celestia to laugh.

“Alright, alright, if you insist. I assume you won’t be attending the diplomatic meetings today?”

“Nay. I have far too much work still to do. Moreover, you know that my traditional approach to diplomacy is… lacking. Best to leave it in your hooves.”

“Fair enough. Just make sure to pop in for a meal or two. No reason to ignore food during your work.”

“I shall.”

Celestia sniffed, then snorted disgracefully. “And maybe a bath as well. You stink.”

Luna huffed, rolling her eyes. “’Tis the reek of toil and labor, sister,” she countered with a hint of levity. “Something you are quite unsuited for, no doubt.”

“Hardly my fault, you know.” Celestia preened. “Beauty such as mine should hardly be tarnished. There‘s a reason why I delegate such responsibilities.”

“Is that so?” Luna replied with an arched brow. “Perhaps I should press you into service at my workshop. I could use an assistant, and you could use the exercise.”

“I think I’ll pass.“ Celestia grinned, nudging her sister’s side. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have diplomacy to conduct. Good day, Luna.”

“Good day then, Tia.”

Celestia chuckled to herself again as Luna left. She had to admit, Luna rarely did things by halves. If she planned on using solar and night steel for their apprentice’s Devices, then so be it. At least Luna had something to take her mind off things.

She turned away, her hoof-steps light as she headed for the baths. She had negotiations to prepare for.

She glanced over her shoulder as a voice called out to her; one of the serving ponies with a sherbert-orange coat. “Your majesty?”

“Hmm?” Celestia smiled. Right on schedule.

“You requested I give you a report as soon as I could?” The orange mare asked nervously.

“I did. Please, walk with me…”


The sun’s position had shifted well towards noon, and Canterlot was bustling as usual. Rarity hummed cheerily to herself as she trotted along the sidewalk of the shopping district, a keen eye inspecting the contents of the various shops and boutiques on display.

The three of them, herself, Twilight and Rainbow Dash had seen the others off with a fond farewell on the Friendship Express. Rainbow had then dragged Twilight off back towards the palace, leaving Rarity to her own devices. She didn’t mind; after all, neither Rainbow nor Twilight had any real eye for fashion.

However, she wasn’t completely alone. She had three companions; two of which were the white-coated pegasi surreptitiously perched on a nearby rooftop. The third was trailing a few steps behind her.

“Over here, Spike! Hurry along now.”

“At once, my lady!” The little dragon trundled behind her, several large bags piled up in the small wagon he was pulling.

“I must say, it’s nice to have someone else along to carry my packages. Especially if it‘s such a sweet dragon like yourself.” Rarity reached over, rubbing one of his spines gently.

“It’s no problem Rarity, really.” Spike blushed.

“I’m just surprised you wanted to come shopping with me.” Rarity glanced back towards one of the shops, looking curiously at the dresses on display behind the window. Looked like lace was in style. “Shouldn’t you be with Twilight?”

“Well, me and Rainbow worked it out.” Spike replied, reaching over and adjusting one of the bags before it teetered out of his wagon. “Rainbow makes her work out until noon, and then I get her until evening.”

“I suppose that‘s one way of doing things…”

“Actually, I wanted mornings, but Rainbow beat me in a game of tic-tac-toe, so she got to pick.”

”At least you’re not a sore loser about it.”

“Nah. Besides, it lets me be with you for a while…” Spike sighed softly.

“I’d hardly call being my bag carrier ‘being with me' Spike-Wikey.” Rarity turned to face him, pouting slightly. “Tell you what; once all this is done, I’ll go to the jewelers and find you a nice ruby for you to nibble on. My treat.”

“Oh Rarity, you don’t-”

“Ah ah! No buts. Now come along, we have a lot more shopping to do!”

“Yes ma’am!”

Rarity giggled. Spike was always so eager to help her out, even more so since his confession. There was no real harm in letting him. She glanced back over her shoulder to make sure he was keeping up.

Only to suddenly smack headlong into somepony else.

“Ooof! I say…”

“I’m so sorry!” Rarity shook her head as she stumbled back slightly. Whoever she had run into must have been quite large. “I-”

“Ah, Miss Rarity!” The voice was familiar; cultured, male and warm. “Fancy bumping into you once again.”

“F-Fancy Pants?!” Rarity’s eyes shot up to the older stallion as he levitated his monocle off of the street.

“We really must stop running into each-other like this,” Fancy Pants chuckled playfully. “Otherwise, I might have to invest in more monocles.”

“A-hah… I’m so sorry.” Rarity blushed.

“Hey Rarity, are you alright?” Spike asked as he approached, still pulling the wagon before giving Fancy Pants the once-over. “Who’s this guy?”

“Spike, this is Fancy Pants. He‘s an… acquaintance of mine.”

“How do you do, young dragon?” Fancy Pants nodded to Spike.

“Okay. Wait, acquaintance? You mean this is the guy you met during Twilight’s birthday party?”

“Indeed.” Fancy Pants replied, polishing the eyeglass before setting it back in its place. “And you must be the young fellow that assists Miss Sparkle, yes?”


“Charming. Though I must say Miss Rarity, I hardly expected to see you in Canterlot today. You should have sent me a letter telling me of your arrival!”

“Sorry. I didn’t exactly plan to be here.”

“We’re here because of Twilight and the diplomatic talks.”

“Oh yes! The much-vaunted humans. I’d heard mumblings of their presence here.”

“You have?” Spike blinked, causing Fancy Pants to chuckle again.

“The upper crust of Canterlot has done nothing but speculate and gossip about the subject, my good boy. Being the sort of pony I am, I can hardly escape hearing of them.” The well-to-do stallion perked up slightly. “Say, it’s nearly lunch-time. Would you two care to join me for a meal?”

“Well… I wouldn’t want to impose.” Rarity blushed a little brighter.

“Not at all! Company makes the experience all the sweeter!”

Spike glanced over at Rarity, then back at Fancy Pants, his ear-frills pulling back against his head. “Just so long as it’s not too frou-frou or anything.”

“Of course, of course! I know just the place. Allow me to lead you…”


“How terrible. How simply terrible.” Fancy Pants shivered visibly before levitating a glass of water to his lips. “You simply must extend my condolences to young Miss Twilight.”

Rarity nodded quietly as the well-dressed waiters presented them with their salads. She hadn’t expected to be treated to such an opulent restaurant for lunch. The salads alone had a hefty sum attached, much less the main course. Plus there was the slight fact that they had one of the best tables in the house, next to a window overlooking the street. “I’ll let her know.”

“To be so fiercely wounded by an unknown foe... No wonder you were under watch.”

Rarity coughed, a bit of her drink going down the wrong pipe. “You noticed them?”

“Oh yes. The two of them are currently perched on the rooftop across from our window.” The unicorn stallion gestured towards the glass separating them from the outside world. “They blend in well, but not enough to escape my eyes.”

Rarity peeked out the window. Surely enough, the pegasi were on the roof, their heads barely peeking over the edge as they kept an eye on them.

“So you don’t think it’s weird that Rarity’s being watched by the Royal Guard?” Spike mumbled around a mouth full of cucumber.

“Of course not. Miss Rarity is a pony of national importance.” Fancy Pants replied, forking a piece of lettuce. “If I were in charge of such things, I would have most certainly put her under guard as well.”

“Could we perhaps talk of other matters?” Rarity sighed, impaling a radish on her fork. “Something other than the events in the palace? How have you been, Fancy Pants?”

“Oh, quite well. I’ve been busy with a few recent acquisitions of mine.”

“Acquisitions?” Spike swallowed. “So you‘re a businesspony or something?”

“Of a sort. Being a gentlecolt of independent means, I do my best to use my wealth to further certain interests.”

“So you’re a philanderist?”

“Philanthropist.” Rarity corrected politely as Fancy Pants laughed.

“If you want to call me that, then yes. My most recent project has been in the area of theatre. I‘m something of a patron now.”

“Oh, you mean the opera?” Rarity perked up slightly.

“Nothing quite so posh, my dear. I’ve recently acquired and refurbished an old theatre, which I plan on using to introduce fresher, more experimental acts to the public consciousness. The ponies of Canterlot need some,” he paused, rubbing his moustache as he searched for the proper word, “novelty. Yes, novelty. Symphonies and operas are all well and good, but it’s a mite too esoteric and staid. And with my little community theatre, I hope to provide something new. Something, dare I say, ‘hip?’”

“Well, I have to say, that sounds lovely…”

“Indeed. In fact, the first act will be performing tonight…” Fancy Pants paused, then smiled faintly as he settled his gaze on Rarity. “I risk sounding gauche, but would you care to join me at the premiere?”

Rarity hmmed in consideration. It was just for the night… Surely Twilight would understand.

“Of course! I would love-”

“Ahem.” Spike coughed loudly, drawing their attention. “And what about me?”

“Of course, you’re welcome as well young Spike!”

“Cool.” Spike nodded. “So, what exactly is this ‘act,’ anyway?”

“A rather clever and charismatic mare I had the pleasure to make the acquaintance of. Her name is-”


“Trixie?! Trixie’s here in Canterlot?!”

Twilight winced at Rainbow‘s shout, almost taking a bite out of her cup of water. She was somewhat grateful for Rarity’s interruption of her ‘training session’ with Rainbow. Twilight didn’t mind the exercise or the karate training, but she had to admit Rainbow was being a bit overzealous in her eagerness to make up for the lost time during her stint of unconsciousness. Not only that, but the practice area was starting to grow more-than-pleasantly warm thanks to the early afternoon sun shining in through the windows.

However, this new distraction was something else. Who would have thought that Trixie, of all ponies, was in Canterlot. And doing well for herself it seemed.

“It certainly seems so.” Rarity replied, her lips twisted in distaste. “Believe me, I was shocked too. To think that a pony as good, generous and decent as Fancy Pants would associate with somepony as…as… vulgar as Trixie… I just don‘t know what to say!”

“Um, girls?” Twilight interrupted. “Don’t you think you’re being a little too quick to judge?”

“Twilight, Trixie made us look like foals!” Rainbow countered, stomping one hoof as she did so.

“And she ruined my mane! You remember that, right?”

“And that was, what, over a year ago?” Twilight replied snippily, her rejoinder causing her friends to grumble. “I‘m not saying that what she did was right, but we don‘t really know much about Trixie outside of what happened that day. Do we really want to treat her like we did Zecora?”

“This is completely different! She ruined my precious mane…” Rarity whined.

“Rarity,” Twilight replied in an even tone, ”if Fancy Pants is as good, generous and decent as you say he is, then maybe he sees something in Trixie that you and Rainbow haven’t yet. At least try to give her a shot.”

Rarity sighed. “I suppose you’re right. I suppose it’s bad form to hold a grudge over something like that. I‘ll try keep an open mind about this.”

“Doesn’t stop me from doing it.” Rainbow snorted, blowing a bit of her short mane up.

“True, but that sort of hot-headed behavior is expected of you, Rainbow Dash.”

Twilight sighed. Sometimes she hated being the voice of reason. “Girls, calm down, alright? It’s not like you have to go to the performance, Rainbow.”

“Good. Last thing I want to see is that smug little showmare’s stupid face and listen to her stupid voice.” Rainbow tilted her head up haughtily, swishing her tail as she tried to mime Trixie’s voice. “’Oh look at me, I‘m the great and powerful Trixie, myeh-myeh-myeeeeh.’”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Yeah, it’s probably a good idea you don’t go. I don’t think Fancy Pants would appreciate somepony heckling the performer.”

“Indeed.“ Rarity paused, then brightened up slightly. “Maybe you should come with us to the performance Twilight. After all, you‘ve been cooped up here in the castle for quite some time now...”

“That’s nice of you to ask Rarity, but that might not be a good idea. Besides,” Twilight set her cup down gingerly. It was still a bit of a pain not having her telekinesis. “I’ve got plans.”


“Yes. Shining and I are going to walk Fate home, and I’m going to spend the night with my parents.”

“Aw!” Rarity giggled. “That’s so sweet of you! Brother and sisters all together like that…”

“You know, come to think of it, I haven’t seen the pipsqueak around much…” Rainbow ruffled her mane slightly.

“Well, she does have classes. I would be surprised if she was hanging around just watching us.”

“You’d think that being involved in all this and being Luna’s personal apprentice would mean she’d get some sort of reprieve.” Rarity replied.

“Oh no.” Twilight shook her head. “Even I had to go to classes. No excuses for the School for Gifted Unicorns. It doesn’t matter if you’re Celestia’s personal student.”

“Wow. Rough.” Rainbow commented, Rarity nodding in agreement. “Anyway, we should probably get back to work. We still have a lot of stuff to cover-”

“Oh no you don’t!” Spike interrupted as he walked into the practice room, hands on his hips. “It’s after noon. Which means it’s my turn.”

“Oh come on…” Rainbow started to protest, only for Spike to shake his head.

“Hey, you got the morning session, just like we agreed. Remember, Twilight’s magic is more important than her physical well-being.”

“I… wouldn’t go that far.” Twilight arched an eyebrow. “And since when did you become my tutor?”

“Since… well, it doesn’t matter. Come on Twilight.” Spike trotted around, planting his hands on Twilight’s rump and pushing her along, her hooves hissing as she slid.

“Not even going to try to stop him?” Twilight deadpanned as she looked over at Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

“Nope. Agreement, remember?”

“Just make sure not to be late for the performance, Spikey-wikey!” Rarity cooed, waving as Spike pushed Twilight out of the practice room.

“Don’t worry Twilight,” Spike chirped as he slid the unicorn along the carpet rather comically. “I’ve been doing a lot of reading. I’ve got all sorts of ideas to help you get your magic back. But first, maybe we should get you a shower. You’re all sweaty.”

Why do I get the feeling this won’t end well? Twilight thought to herself as she was scooted along.


“I’m afraid not, Admiral Graham.”

Gil frowned slightly, resting his clasped hands on the table as he stared at Celestia. The diplomatic staffs, both his own and Celestia’s had gotten rather quiet as they watched. Gil didn’t know why they bothered showing up; the Equestrian officials deferred to Princess Celestia almost by instinct, while the diplomats on his side of the table seemed too frightened or enraptured by the alicorn to put up much of a defense. Only Sister Nouera seemed to resist whatever glamour Celestia was projecting.

A gentle breeze from one of the windows stirred the curtains and rustled a few pieces of paper on the long, well-polished meeting table. The afternoon sun provided the proper lighting as the Princess and the Admiral squared off, yet again.

“I understand being cautious about this proposal, your majesty, but please consider the possible benefits.” Gil tapped his index finger against the table as he spoke, his voice calm and clear. “A Bureau base stationed here in Equestria would allow for far easier interaction between our two realms, as well as access to a greater scope of technology than is currently available to your subjects.”

“At the risk of unnecessarily involving our subjects in Bureau affairs.” Celestia smoothly countered. “Never mind the fact that, from what I’ve gathered, much of the Bureau’s facilities are militarily focused. Equestria doesn‘t need a military base, especially one belonging to a foreign power.”

There it was again; that argument of Celestia’s. That had been a common thread in Celestia’s objections. Gil understood her stance; Equestria had been independent and peaceful long before the Bureau’s arrival, and Celestia wanted to maintain that independence and peace.

Gil understood that, but he still had an agenda to fulfill. The Bureau’s higher ups were interested in Equestria, and they wanted some degree of influence. He’d already gotten some concessions from Celestia; she had no objection to outer-dimensional patrols by Bureau ships and hadn’t immediately turned down the offer of joint training of Equestria military personnel. However, Celestia seemed all too willing to make him fight for anything else.

“I don’t suppose you’d reconsider a military alliance, then?”

“Not at this juncture. We‘ve already discussed that option.”

Gil cleared his throat. “Very well. Let’s assume that we limit it to a civilian magical-technology center. Things like research, development and so forth. Would your government be more open to the idea?”

“We would, but that would openly violate your Bureau’s cultural and developmental non-interference policy, wouldn’t it?” Celestia smiled faintly.

“Not in this case. Since Equestria would be considered a self-governed ally of the Bureau rather than a non-administered world, the policies dictating cultural and technological non-interference would be lightened. I can hardly imagine your people wouldn‘t want some of the innovations we have to offer. Economically-”

“Yes, but introducing advanced technology from your world would throw off the balance of ours,” Celestia rebutted, giving her mane a slight, flippant flick. “I’d hardly want to stifle innovation on our end just because we can acquire it pre-fashioned from another realm. Or isn’t that what the policy in question is designed to prevent?”

Why does she have to be so damned clever? Gil thought to himself irritably, a hand going to his beard as he rubbed it. Celestia’s calm, cool demeanor was starting to drive him up a wall. It’d be one thing if the pony princess was stubborn or intractable. That he could deal with.

It was more the fact that she seemed to know the best way to counter any point that he made. He was pretty sure she wasn’t using her magic to scry on him; he’d been careful not to hold meetings in the open air or in front of any windows. Still, somehow she always managed to gain the upper hand… or hoof, as it were.

Gil stretched slightly, considering his options carefully before speaking. “Academics then.”

“What of it?” Celestia arched an eyebrow.

“Instead of technology, we offer research. Opportunities for cooperative learning and research with Bureau personnel.”

“I fail to see why such a facility would need to be located in Equestria. Cooperative academic affairs were covered under our negotiations on immigration and travel to and from Bureau administrated worlds, if I remember correctly.”

“Not every pony would have the resources for such a trip.” Gil pressed in. “Such a facility would allow easier access to such resources without having to leave Equestrian dimensional territory.”

“Mm.” Celestia nodded. “Go on.”

“Of course, your government would have final say in the matter, and likely have administrative approval. However, I don‘t think ponies would mind having easier access to such knowledge.”

“I see. I’ll have to take it up with the relevant individuals.”

“So you’ll consider the proposition.”

“I shall.”

Gil let out a slow breath, accepting the small victory with some degree of grace. “Excellent, your majesty. We‘ll leave it up to your consideration.”

“Thank you, Admiral Graham.” The sun princess nodded her head politely, her eyes closed. “I think it’d be best if we adjourned for the day. This meeting has been quite productive, but there are duties that must be attended to.”

“As you wish, Princess.” Gil stretched his legs slightly underneath the table, only to pause as Celestia focused her gaze on Schach.

“Sister Nouera, do you have anything you wish to add before we halt the proceedings?”

“Um…” Schach paused, glancing over at Gil.

“I’ve noticed your caution, Sister Nouera.” Celestia’s lips quirked in a gentle smile. “You’ve been rather reticent for the past few meetings. Surely you have something to add?”

Schach hesitated slightly, her eyes flicking over towards Gil.

How did she know? Gil’s mind raced as he nodded in reply, watching Schach steel herself.

“I might, yes,” Schach replied in a slightly more confident voice, “I simply didn’t wish to interfere with the talks without…”

“Without?” Celestia’s voice was calm and even, like a teacher trying to pull an answer from a reluctant student.

“Without having a good reason to. There are cultural differences at play, after all.”

“Of course, Sister Nouera. However, there’s no need to worry. The purpose of these talks is to smooth out cultural differences between our peoples. Now, did you have something you wished to talk about?”

“Yes. It’s about the issue of facilities…”

“I see.” Celestia didn’t seem the least bit surprised. “Go on…”

I thought so… Gil frowned slightly as Schach spoke, his eyes locked on Celestia. That’s why she’s been so adept at these negotiations. She’s been keeping tabs on our conversations.

It did explain why the ponies were so willing to serve him food in his private quarters, not to mention the unobtrusive-but-still-present security provided by the royal guards. They were listening.

“Well, I can hardly object to the presence of the Saint Church here on Eqeustria, so long as its interference is kept to a minimum.” Celestia smiled. “I’ll have to confer with your suprior to hammer out the details, though.”

“Of course, your majesty.”

Celestia nodded, turning her dawn-pink eyes towards Gil, smiling playfully at him.

“Yes, Admiral Graham?”

“Hmm?” Gil centered himself mentally. “Nothing. I was just lost in thought.”

“Ah?” Celestia tilted her head curiously.

“Considering what I should do about dinner tonight.”

“Well, I’m sure the royal kitchens will provide something appropriate.” Celestia smiled playfully, her eyes half-lidded. “Assuming you wish to dine privately…”

Either way, I‘d still be at a disadvantage. Of course, you won’t be so gauche to come out and say it. Gil smirked slightly as he rose to his feet. He had to admit, he felt a faint hint of admiration for the diarch. “Perhaps not. After all, I wouldn’t want to put too much of a strain on your staff and your hospitality.”

“Entirely up to you, Admiral Graham.” Celestia rose gracefully to her feet as well, the various other officials on both sides quietly making their way out. “I do hope you’re enjoying your time here.”

“It’s been very educational, your majesty.”

“Oh, good. Now, if you’ll excuse me?”

“Of course.“ Gil replied, bowing slightly as Celestia walked out, her long aurora-like mane and tail fluttering as she went. Gil glanced at her retreating form and shook his head.

“Why do I get the feeling she’s toying with us?” His voice was low as he grumbled under his breath.

“She is.” Schach replied in a hushed tone. “It’s no coincidence that she brought up my qualms after we discussed them this morning.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

“Should we confront her on it?” Schach continued talking quietly as they approached the door to leave.

“I’m not sure. Best to tread carefully around the subject…” Graham glanced towards the door, then tapped his finger against his lips. The unicorn guards glanced up at him as he stepped through the door and nodded politely. The pair of stallions quickly fell in behind the sister and the admiral, trotting behind the taller humans wordlessly.

If I didn’t know better, Schach’s telepathic voice echoed in Gil’s mind, I’d think she’s wanting us to confront her.

It’s possible. Maybe she’s attempting to see how we react, studying us…

Schach frowned, clenching her hands slightly as she walked. Why? What does she have to gain from toying with us?

She doesn’t have to gain anything Sister Schach. Diplomacy is, in the end, a game of wits and forethought.

Feh. If I wanted to play chess, I would have brought a board. Schach’s mental reply was prickly with irritation as the pink-haired knight walked beside Gil, the pair of them stepping out into the courtyard.

Patience, Sister Schach. Gil sighed softly. I do think, however, that we should take some precautions. Telepathy only when discussing these matters.


“I don’t suppose you have plans for the rest of the day, Sister?” Gil asked aloud, cutting the mental link.

“The Scrya boy did wish to speak with me about something, yes.” Schach replied, running her fingers through her short hair.

“Very well. I have to check in with the investigation group and see how things are going. So, until later?”

“Until later.” Schach nodded and turned slightly, breaking away from Gil. One of the unicorn guards peeled off wordlessly to follow her.

Gil stopped, turning and glancing down at the unicorn guard. “Excuse me.”

“Yes sir?”

“I’m not sure I caught your name.”

“My name is Lieutenant Glory, sir.” The gray unicorn stood at what could have been considered a parade rest for a pony; gait spread, head up and at attention.

“Lieutenant Glory,” Gil folded his arms behind his back, “I don’t suppose you could accompany me while I meet with the investigation team?”

“Yes sir, if that’s what you require, sir.”

“Very good.”

If Celestia wants to spy on us, Gil thought to himself, then I’ll just have to oblige her.


Twilight tried to stay absolutely still, which was a bit difficult given her uncomfortable position. She was seated on her rump on the carpeted floor of her room, her hind legs bent awkwardly and crossed before her, her front hooves pressed together and her head bowed.

All she had to do was stay absolutely still and clear her mind.

That was easier said than done.

Come on, she thought to herself. Let’s just see if I can stay still. Still and calm, just like the book said. Still and calm.

Her nose itched. Her tail twitched. A bead of sweat tickled her skin as it trickled down her neck. She was acutely aware of the fibers of the carpet poking her in the rear end.

“I don’t think this is working.” Twilight grumbled under her breath.

“Come on Twilight,” Spike complained, setting the large, leather bound book down in front of her, the sound, causing her to open an eye. “We’ve just started. I know this isn’t fun, but we’ve got to at least give it a shot.”

“I am giving it a shot. But we’ve been doing this for hours!”

“It’s only been ten minutes.”

She sighed. She appreciated Spike’s enthusiasm, but their first ‘training session’ hadn’t been very promising. A lot of the ideas he had were interesting in theory, but failed in execution; he had trouble reading The Beginner’s Building Blocks of Magic to her, his attempt at aromatherapy had nearly caught the bed on fire, and she refused to let him get anywhere near her with the acupuncture needles.

Now they were trying Zebracan meditation techniques, which was also starting to grate on her nerves.

“I’m trying Spike, honest.” Twilight reached up, rubbing one nostril. “But I can’t quite get myself in the mindset.”

“Have you tried clearing your mind?” Spike pointed to one of the passages in the book.

“I couldn’t clear my mind with a broom and dust pan.” Twilight grumbled and tried to shift her weight. “I’m just so used to thinking and… well, doing things. Besides, I think my rump’s fallen asleep…”

“I don’t get it.” Spike hefted the book and looked at the contents of the page. “Zecora can do this no sweat. Says here a zebra can enter a meditative trance even if balancing upside down.”

“Unfortunately, I’m not Zecora.” Twilight groaned and rolled onto her side before pushing herself up to a standing position, stretching her legs and hearing the joints pop softly. “How is this supposed to help me get my magic back again?”

“Well, it says that when a pony is in a meditative trance, they become one with the world and can understand themselves…” Spike flipped through the pages. “Or at least, that’s what this chapter says. I think.”

“I don’t need to understand myself, I need to get my magic back.” Twilight huffed, pausing as Spike glanced downwards. “I’m sorry Spike.”

“I’m trying my best you know,” the baby dragon pouted.

“I know you are, and I appreciate it.” She leaned her head down and nuzzled him. “But maybe we should try something simpler. Something not so exotic… or likely to set things on fire.”

“Yeah yeah…” Spike sighed, shutting the book. “How about we take a break or something? I’m kinda starting to get hungry.”

“Spike, it’s hardly dinner-time yet. Besides, you had that ruby Rarity gave you…”

“I‘m saving that!”

Twilight rolled her eyes and giggled. “Fine. I guess we can wander over towards the kitchen and see if they can spare something for a growing baby dragon.”

Spike stood up and walked ahead of Twilight, opening the door for her.

“Thank you, Spike.” Twilight stepped through, glancing down the hallway. It’s so strange, having Spike do things like open doors for me. I’m so used to moving things with my magic that I never considered not having it.

“Excuse me, Twilight?”

“Huh?” Twilight’s ears stood up as she shook off her thoughts. She turned quickly to find herself looking towards Chrono.

“Oh! Chrono. Sorry, I was a bit distracted.”

“Hey Chrono.” Spike waved as he shut the door. “What’s up?”

“I just wanted to speak with Twilight about something, if that‘s alright. I assumed you‘re still doing your training or whatever…”

“Actually, we‘re taking a break. I hope you don‘t mind walking.”

The navy-haired young human nodded and fell into step beside Twilight and Spike.

“So, uh,” Spike peered up at Chrono. “What do you wanna talk about?”

“I’m just curious. How much do you know about Princess Luna?”

“Princess Luna?” Twilight blinked. “Why? What do you want to know?”

“Whatever you feel comfortable telling me.” Chrono’s arms were tucked behind his back as he walked, his strides slow and careful as he kept time with Twilight and Spike.

“Um… to be honest, I don’t know much about Luna. She’s not exactly the most public pony.”

“The most I think I saw of her was during Nightmare Night,” Spike added. “She’s really intense, but I think that’s because she’s old-fashioned.”

“Mm,” Chrono grunted softly.

“Why do you want to know about Luna?” Twilight glanced up at Chrono, causing the Enforcer to pause.

“I’m not sure if I should say. I don’t want this getting out, and I don’t want to offend you.”

That caught Twilight’s attention. The mare turned around to face him, the sunlight from a nearby window causing her to cast a shadow against the nearby wall. “You’re not sure you should say?”


“Because you might offend me?”


“Look Chrono. We’re friends, right?”

Chrono hesitated, then nodded.

“Well, friends shouldn’t hide things from each other, alright?” Twilight stamped a hoof gently. “So out with it.”

“I think…“ Chrono stopped as he glanced at the window, then took several steps back, standing well outside of the sunlight’s direct path before continuing. “I think Luna’s hiding something.”

“Well, yeah. Like I said, she’s kind of private…”

“More than that.” Chrono folded his arms across his chest. “I think she knows something about the current situation with the Book… or at least has some insight that she’s not sharing.”

Twilight gaped. “You… think she has something to do with this?!”

“ I didn’t say that.” Chrono held up a finger. “I just have my suspicions that she’s not being… completely honest with us.”

“I…” Twilight then stopped, her face creasing slightly as she frowned.

“You’re joking, right?” Spike stepped forwards as Twilight fell silent. “Why would Princess Luna of all ponies have anything to do with-”

“Actually… now that you mention it…” Twilight’s frown deepened, taking a seat and rubbing a hoof along the underside of her muzzle. “I did notice something.”

“Oh? You mean last night and her sudden departure?”

“Well… her behavior during dinner last night for one… but there was something else.”

“Something else?” Twilight had both Spike’s and Chrono’s attention.

Twilight shuddered. “During the attack…”

SAMMELN. The book’s voice was feminine but forceful and eerily familiar. Twilight had heard the voice before. It hadn’t clicked until now, though…

“It was the Book. The Book’s voice was really familiar. I… I don’t want to say for sure… but it sounded a lot like…” Twilight took a deep breath. “Like Luna’s voice. It was distorted, but it did sound like her. A lot like her.”

“Are you certain?”

Twilight shook her head. “It could have just been shock, or my memory being fuzzy… but… I don’t know. I don’t want to be right.”

Chrono exhaled and closed his eyes, his arms crossing and tightening against his chest. “That complicates things.”

“Have you tried talking to Princess Luna?” Spike stepped towards Chrono.

“Not yet. I don’t want to confront her yet… and with the Bureau and Equestria being in diplomatic talks…”

“Something like this would be dangerous to discuss.” Twilight finished the thought, eliciting an affirmative nod from the young man.

“That and…” Chrono sighed. “She sort of scares me a little.”

“She does that.” Spike deadpanned. “You should have seen her during Nightmare Night. Creepy central right there.”

“If I do end up having to confront her,” Chrono continued, “do you think I can rely on you to give me some sort of back-up?”

“I… guess so? I mean, I don‘t want to go against Luna like that…”

“I won’t force you to… I just need to know you understand my position if it comes to that, at least.”

“Alright.” Twilight sighed. “I don’t like it, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.”

Chrono nodded. “Thanks.”

“Chrono,” she called out as he began to turn away.


“Luna isn’t a bad pony.” Twilight approached him, looking up at him. “I don’t know if she had anything to do with the Book of Darkness, but… she’s not evil. She just wants everypony to accept and appreciate her. Just remember that, alright?”

Chrono didn’t say anything, but nodded silently.

“Alright?” Twilight pressed him gently, trying to get a response.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Chrono turned away fully and began walking off.

“Sheesh…” Spike grumbled. “Luna’s not the only one keeping secrets if you ask me.”

“That’s putting it lightly. Come on Spike, I think I need something to eat too.”

If nothing else, Twilight continued her thought as they resumed walking, it’ll fill up the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.


“I hope it’s not too much trouble. I know the talks are important and I don’t want to take any time away from that.”

“It’s alright, Mr. Scrya.” Schach replied, trying to put the young man at ease as they approached the training area. “I hardly mind helping someone with this sort of thing. It’s a nice distraction from the political arena.”

“That’s good, because I’m kind of at a loss myself. We already share similar spell sets, so I don‘t really know what to teach her…” Yuuno glanced towards the figure waiting for them.

Arf was dressed down, more than she usually was. Her barrier jacket had been replaced with a loose pink tank-top and a pair of athletics shorts that clashed with her bright orange tail and hair. She was busily stretching, her legs splayed out before her as she bent forwards.

“Miss Arf?”

The wolf-girl glanced over her shoulder, then untangled herself and climbed to her feet. “Yes?”

“Mr. Scrya asked me to help you practice.” Schach folded her hands before her as Yuuno blushed.

“Oh he did, did he?” Arf glanced at Yuuno, then back to Schach. “I actually expected him to get Chrono, not you.”

“Is that so?” Schach quirked an eyebrow slightly.

“Well, yeah. I know Chrono knows how to fight.” Arf gestured towards Schach’s clothing. “I'm a bit less sure about you.”

“You’re not familiar with the Saint Church, are you?”

“Not really,” Arf shrugged. "Me and Fate weren't really social people when we were growing up."

“This was a bad idea.” Yuuno sighed, his face hidden by the palm of his hand.

“It’s alright Mr. Scrya. I don’t hold it against her.” Schach approached Arf calmly, her black dress rustling. “Though I suppose a demonstration is required. Young lady, I want you to hit me as hard as you can.”

Arf barked a laugh. “Seriously?”

“Yes. I’m quite serious.”

“I could hurt you, you know.”

Schach raised her hands slightly and shrugged her shoulders. “We’ll see.”

“Well… if you insist.” Arf shrugged before lunging towards Schach.

There was a rush of air as Schach sidestepped around Arf’s punch, the air pressure of the blow causing her hair to flutter slightly. The second was just as easily dodged. The third was stopped as Schach struck the side of Arf’s arm with the underside of her own, deflecting the blow as she stepped around it, followed by driving a palm strike into Arf’s chest and sending her sprawling.

Arf winced, a hand going to where the strike landed as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. She froze as Schach’s hand extended down to her, looking up at the small smile on Schach’s face.

“I think I’ve made my point.”

“Yeah, I think so…“ Arf grabbed her wrist, letting Schach pull her to her feet. “I have to admit, you're really skilled.”

“I’m a Knight of the Church, yes. I'm also Sister Carim Gracia’s personal bodyguard,” Schach replied, gently dusting off Arf’s shorts. “I wouldn’t be that well-respected if I wasn’t somewhat skilled. Do you want me to teach you?”

“Absolutely. Think you can work with a useless pup like myself?”

Schach frowned. “Lotte called you useless?”

Arf whined, her ears folding back. “How did-”

“Admiral Graham said you got in a fight with Lotte yesterday. Is that what started it?”

Arf winced. “Well… it was a sparring match. But yeah, she did call me useless… after she beat the stuffing out of me.”

“Hmph. And that reminds me why I’m not a big cat person.” Schach clicked her tongue and stepped back. “Let’s start with your form. Show me how you throw a punch.”

“Yes ma’am!” Arf nodded, taking her fighting stance.

Well, at least Arf’s getting some help. Yuuno pulled away slightly as the knight talked to Arf, a hand gently correcting the familiar’s form. “Um, Sister Schach? Is there any way I can help?”

“Hmm?” Schach glanced back over at him. “Well…not presently. I think I can handle things from here.”

“Well, if you need anything, I’ll be in the library…”

“Of course. Don’t let me keep you.”

Yuuno shrugged and left the girls to their practice. He let his thoughts wander as he made his way towards the library, his hands tucked into his pockets as he walked, nodding to the ponies that crossed his path.

I’m glad to be back in Equestria, but I didn’t want it to end up like this. I just wanted to spend some more time with Twilight and her friends while all these negotiations were going on. To be honest, I don’t even know why I’m even here…

He sighed heavily as he turned the corner towards the library’s entrance when a voice knocked him out of his reverie.

“I figured you’d be here.”

Yuuno glanced upwards. Chrono was leaning against the wall across from the library’s double doors, his eyes hidden slightly by his navy-blue bangs, his arms folded loosely in front of him.

“Chrono?” Yuuno approached the young man. “What’re you doing here?”

“Looking for you, obviously. I figured you’d find your way towards the royal library eventually. Can we talk?”

“Sure, I guess.”

Chrono pushed himself off the wall, striding across the intervening space before opening the door, his eyes locked on Yuuno. Telepathy only, his voice whispered in Yuuno’s mind as he stepped through.

Is something the matter? Yuuno thought back as he walked through, nodding to the librarian as he walked by. The unicorn gave him a distracted nod as Chrono closed the door behind him.

Yes and no. I need to ask you a favor. Chrono glanced at the books as they made their way amongst the shelves, a finger idly tracing along the spines.

A favor?

I need you to do some digging into the records here. See if you can find me any information that might suggest a link between Princess Luna and the Book of Darkness.

“What?!” Yuuno gasped aloud.

"Shh!" Chrono shot him a glare, pulling a finger to his lips.

“Don’t 'shush' me, and don't give me that look!" Yuuno hissed under his breath, glancing furtively in the direction of the librarian's desk before glaring at Chrono. "You can’t just expect me to go along with that request without a very good explanation!”

“What did I say about ‘telepathy only?’” Chrono whispered in reply, then sighed. “Fine… I have reason to believe Luna may have something to do with the Book of Darkness. I don’t have the evidence to confirm my suspicions, but what little I do have points in that direction.”

“You’re joking, right?”

“No, I’m not. Twilight, for what it‘s worth, thinks that it‘s something worth following up on.”

Yuuno stopped. “Twilight agrees?”

“She’s agreed to support me if it turns out my suspicions are correct.”

Yuuno glanced around slowly. “Who else have you told about this?”

“The only people that know are you, me, Twilight and Spike.”

“Chrono… this is crazy. You’re going to accuse Princess Luna, one of the rulers of Equestria, of-”

“Not without strong evidence. I’m not a fool, Yuuno. Leveling an accusation like that without proof could put the ties we’re trying to build with Equestria in jeopardy.” Chrono leaned in closer towards Yuuno. “Which is why I want to see if there’s any further proof before I even consider bringing this forth. And for that, I need your help. You’re an archeologist. You’re good at… ferreting out lost information…”

“You really couldn’t resist that joke, could you?” Yuuno replied dryly.

“Focus Yuuno.”

“I am. But why me?”

“Because if I start snooping around for information about Equestria’s past, I might draw unwanted attention. I’m supposed to be focusing on finding the Book, remember? However, if you do it...”

Yuuno sighed, rubbing his forehead. “Yeah, I get it. But I don’t like it. What if you’re wrong?”

“Then I’ll be wrong. Trust me, I’d like to be wrong too. I don’t like thinking the worst of anyone, but it’s my job.” Chrono pulled back slightly. “So… will you help me?”

Yuuno grimaced and shook his head. “I don’t know. Can I sleep on it before I give you my answer?”

“Fine. But I’ll need an answer eventually.” Chrono began walking off, then paused. “And Yuuno?”


“I wouldn’t have asked you for this if I didn’t trust you.”

Yuuno gaped slightly as Chrono strode off, leaving him amongst the tall bookshelves.

I wonder about him sometimes. Yuuno shook himself, trying to get rid of the sudden chill. What Chrono had just asked for was uncomfortable… digging into Equestra’s past looking for something like that, especially as it pertained to the Princesses, seemed like a violation of some unspoken trust.

Still…it was the duty of an archeologist to discover lost and missing pieces of history. He had returned to Equestria to find out more about its past… which Chrono already knew.

Yuuno sighed. Curiosity was starting to overcome his caution, as usual. Damn you Chrono, he thought to himself as he began walking towards the front desk. I hope you’re wrong.

“Excuse me, ma’am?”

The librarian peered up at him. “Yes?”

Yuuno smiled weakly. “Could you point me towards the history section? I seem to be a little lost.”


The sun overhead continued its course through the sky as the ponies and people below went about their business. Afternoon gave way to evening as the moon began to rise.

Luna closed her eyes as she set the sphere on its course through the heavens. The day had been interminably long, but fruitful. The initial design stages had taken much less time than she had expected, given that she had pre-existing structures to work with. It was the last few pieces that were giving her trouble; the transition from Mid-Childan to Equestrian design she had in mind would require a heavy degree of modification…

“A beautiful moonrise as always, Luna.”

Luna turned to look as Celestia entered, her presence gently pushing back against the blue-white light she usually used to illuminate her room. An odd, lantern-like container hovered beside her, its cylindrical surface mirror-polished.

“Your complements are appreciated, sister-mine.” Luna smiled faintly, her eyes flicking over to the container. “As is your gift. Is it the agreed-upon amount?”

Celestia blushed. “It took me a while, since I’m a bit out of practice, but yes. Five pounds of Orichalcum. Remember, it will only stay malleable as long as it produces light. This container should keep it in a workable state, however.”

“I remember, sister. Though it seems that you are being overgenerous. I only requested three or four pounds of the substance…”

“Are you saying I should be stingy with my gifts?” Celestia smiled playfully as she floated the container over to Luna.

“You read too much into things, sister.” Luna hovered the container over towards her bed-side table and set it aside. “I was merely commenting upon your beneficence. How have your talks with the humans progressed?”

“Quite well. They’re still trying to convince me that they need to set up a military base here in Equestria.”

“Is that so?” Luna arched an eyebrow. “And how did you respond?”

“I talked them down to something less overt. They try to couch it in terms of security or mutual advancement, but I know what they want; an extension of military power here. I don‘t think we need a formal military base here in Equestria, especially one belonging to an off-world power.”

“A pity,” Luna sighed wistfully. “I would actually enjoy the sort of trouble that would invite.”

Celestia shook her head. “Luna, I know you miss the bad old days, but…”

“’Tis but a fleeting fancy, sister. Nothing more.” Luna snorted, arching her wings as she climbed onto the bed, her legs folding beneath her. “I see that you’ve been enjoying yourself. How long do you intend to play with them, sister?”

The pale diarch laughed softly. “Until they confront me. Admiral Graham will likely be the one to do so; he’s one of the few I don’t immediately cow just by sitting there… I imagine it won‘t be much longer. I think he‘s become aware of my games.”

“It gladdens me to see you in such spirits, Celestia. Though I must admit, I fail to understand how you can take such joy in such banal proceedings.”

“It’s hardly ‘banal’ Luna,” Celestia countered. “Diplomacy is a game. It’s always exciting when you square off against a new player.”

Luna frowned. “Is it wise to treat a topic such as that as you would a filly’s past time?”

“I was being metaphorical.”

“Forgive me if I doubt the truth of that statement.”

There was a knock at the door.

“Enter!” Luna called out, smiling slightly as a petite golden filly stepped through the door, setting her saddle bag down. “Ah, Fate, such excellent timing.”

“Hello Princess Celestia, Teacher.” Fate nodded politely as she approached. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

“Of course not,” Celestia cooed. “How was your day? Anything interesting happen?”

“Kinda… I just wish all the other foals and fillies would stop pestering me.” Fate sighed, her neck hanging low. “They want to know about the humans…”

“Hmm… is that so?” Celestia smiled faintly.

“Oh shooting stars,” Luna groaned. “I know that expression. What horrid plots are you producing, my dear mischievous sister?”

“Nothing.” Celestia replied in a sing-song tone. “I think I should excuse myself. Good luck with your lessons, Fate.”

“Thank you, Princess.” Fate replied as Celestia made her way out.

“No doubt she has some dreadful plot in mind.” Luna shook her head before turning back to Fate. “But that is of no concern to us. Are you prepared for this evening’s lesson, apprentice?”

“I am, Teacher.”

“Very well. Lay yourself beside me, and we shall begin.”

Fate nodded and clambered up onto the bed, settling herself beside the princess of the night. She closed her eyes as she felt the familiar, cool creep of Luna’s power draw her inwards.

The world sank away as she entered into the dreaming darkness. Luna was waiting for her, her hooves sending out slow ripples of moonlight along the black, shadowy surface of the dream world. Luminescent ripples of light drifted outwards as Fate landed lightly, her mane and tail fluttering slowly down in defiance of air resistance and gravity.

“We will begin with a review of our previous lesson.” Luna said calmly. “Please generate the lightning as you did previously, apprentice. As many as you feel you can handle.”

Fate nodded wordlessly and focused. There was a loud, ominous crackle as an arc of golden lightning lanced outwards into the air, stopping a good six or seven feet from Fate’s horn.

Fate drew her neck back, leaving the crackling line of lightning hovering in mid-air. It felt easier this time. She glanced back at Luna, then inhaled and drew a second line of lightning into the air before her. Again, the streak of golden plasma hovered in defiance of gravity, connected to two invisible points in the air.

She managed to get to a third line before she stopped, looking towards Luna.

The moon princess nodded. “Well done. It seems that you’ve become more comfortable with maintaining the lightning. I must admit, I had not expected you to be so swift to disconnect the bolts from your horn.”

“Thank you, Te-”

“Dodge, please.”

Fate’s eyes went wide as she sprang sideways. A blue-white bolt of lightning slashed across the ground where she had been standing, barely missing her.

Luna smiled faintly, electricity sparking from the tip of her horn as she glanced at Fate’s lightning. “Excellent. You still maintain them even when surprised…”

The princess glanced back at Fate and frowned. The little filly was panting heavily as she got back to her feet, her red eyes watching Luna warily and with quite a bit of fear. “Are you distressed, apprentice?”

“A… a bit. I didn’t expect you to attack me like that.”

“It was intentional. I wished to see if you could maintain your focus and be aware enough to evade.”

“And if I hadn’t dodged in time?”

“Then it would have likely been rather painful.”

“You could have at least warned me.” Fate shook herself, her eyes closed as she tried to calm down.

“I could have, yes. However, that would have defeated the purpose of the test. In combat, such niceties will not be followed, Fate.” Luna replied, walking around towards the filly.

“I know that much.” Fate replied harshly, looking up at the alicorn with a glare. “I don’t need to be reminded.”

“If I have angered you, then I apologize. However, you were forewarned that my lessons would be harsh. I take no pleasure in trying to harm you, apprentice, but combat instruction must by necessity be harsh.”

“Okay.” Fate sighed, shaking herself. “Sorry…”

“Apologies are unnecessary. Do you feel ready to move on?”

“Yes, Teacher.”

“Very well.” Luna nodded. “Then let us continue with the next lesson.”

Fate exhaled and nodded. “Alright.”

“Since you have demonstrated proficiency with maintaining the lightning, we shall now move on to manipulating existing voltage and manifesting them unconnected to your horn. Follow my instructions, if you would.”


The Community Theater of Canterlot was filled to the brim with ponies that night. A soft susurrus of small talk filled the arena as ponies took their seats, both in the arena and in the boxes along the wall. Most of them seemed to be regular city ponies, though the more prestigious boxes were dotted with ponies in much finer garb.

“I must admit, Fancy Pants has gotten quite a turn out,” Rarity noted as she trotted into the theater, Spike at her side.

“Yeah. I guess when you’re as popular a guy as he is, you can get a lot of attention from other ponies.” Spike replied, grumbling slightly.

“Well, he is something of a trend-setter. Oh! There he is! Come on Spike, this way!”

Their destination was a small, private box set just above the arena, just to the right of the stage. Fancy Pants rose as Rarity and Spike entered, extending a hoof to Rarity. The stallion was in slightly less formal clothing; a navy blue turtleneck without a coat. “Welcome to my little theater, Miss Rarity, Sir Spike. So good of you to join me on this occasion.”

“Thank you for inviting us.” Rarity blushed as the stallion gingerly kissed her hoof. “Do forgive my appearance. I would have dressed up, but it was such short notice and I didn‘t have a thing...”

“I’m hardly one to judge on appearances, Miss Rarity. Please, have a seat.”

“Thanks.” Spike grumbled as he climbed up into his seat between Rarity and Fancy Pants.

“So, how exactly did you meet Trixie?” Rarity asked as she sat beside Spike, glancing over his head at Fancy Pants.

“I came across one of her performances a few months back while on a business trip. She had a certain… magnetism that I found particularly fascinating. After talking to her and hearing about her problems, I offered her a spot in the theater.”

“Her problems?”

“Financial difficulties. She‘d been living hoof-to-mouth for a while, which is a tad difficult for a traveling performer.”

“I see…” Rarity frowned thoughtfully.

“A bit for your thoughts, Miss Rarity?”

“Um… I think I might know why she was having difficulties.”


“Yeah,” Spike piped up. “Trixie came through Ponyville a while back. Her wagon got wrecked by an Ursa Minor and she ran off.”

“An Ursa Minor?” Fancy Pants replied in confusion. “What’s-”

“Giant bear made of stars.” Spike added.

“My word…” Fancy Pants shuddered.

“Well, she would have gotten help, but I think she had irritated some of the local ponies with her antics,” Rarity continued.

Including me, she added mentally.

“Well, it’s a good thing I discovered her then. I can only imagine, living with three other ponies like she was…”

“Three other ponies?” Rarity interrupted, only to glanced up as the house lights dimmed.

“Shh… it’s started.” Fancy Pants watched the curtained stage as a loud female voice rang out across the theater, quelling the few noisy audience members

“Fillies and gentlecolts, welcome one and all to my theater!”

The curtains began to draw back, the stage still dark as a shadowy figure, the source of the voice, stood center stage. Soft violin and woodwind music began to build underneath the speaker’s words, slowly rising as she continued.

“Tonight, each and every one of you will be struck dumb with wonder, as my fellow ponies and I perform feats of magic, skill and dare-devilry that defy the very laws of nature! For tonight you will gaze, in awe, at the glorious, the unbelievable, the Fantastic Follies of the Great and Powerful TRRRRRRRIXIE!”

A bombastic fanfare boomed at that last word. Pyrotechnics flared to life, sending rooster-tails of gold, red and blue sparks into the air as the stage lights flashed on. A pale blue mare with a silvery mane and tail stood tall and proud on her hind legs, clad in a lavender witch’s hat and cloak that glittered under the stage’s illumination.

“I must say,” Fancy Pants whispered to Rarity, “she certainly has the pageantry down, doesn’t she?”

“Indeed…” Rarity replied, sotto-voiced. Though she still has that ridiculous hat and cape. You’d think she’d have picked something more tasteful, the egotistical-

Rarity’s eyes narrowed as she caught herself. No, no. None of that. Twilight says I should give her the benefit of the doubt, and I shall.


“Poor Fate, she looks so worn out.”

Shining Armor laughed softly, looking over his shoulder at the slumped filly laying against his back. His steps were slow and careful as he walked beside Twilight and a shrunk-down, puppy-sized Arf, careful not to jar his adopted little sister. The streets of Canterlot were lit and glowing softly as ponies went about their evening, running their businesses and entertainment under Luna’s moon.

“Princess Luna must have given her a work out tonight.” Shining Armor commented, glancing at Twilight. “Then again, a full day of school, plus special training with one of the Princesses? That would be enough to wear anypony out.”

“Hey,” Twilight huffed. “I handled it just fine.”

“Yeah? And how many times did I have to carry you home on my back when you were starting out?”

“Well…” Twilight blushed.

“I thought so.” Shining chuckled softly.

Twilight laughed as well before sighing happily. “I missed this, Shining. I missed you too.”

“Hey, maybe if you visited more often, we could hang out sometime.” Shining needled Twilight gently.

“I know. I keep meaning to visit, but… well…”

“Yeah, I know. I’m the same way.” Shining sighed. “Things get busy.”

“So…uh… how’ve things been for you?” Twilight ventured.

“Good. Being Captain of the Royal Guard is pretty cool. Good pay, lots of responsibility, snazzy armor…”

“Cute mares throwing themselves at his hooves.” Arf added with a soft, playful growl, causing Shining’s cheeks to turn bright pink.

”Shining!” Twilight giggled as he shot Arf a glare. “I didn’t know you were such a playcolt.”

“I’m not a playcolt!” Shining grumbled.

“Come on,” Twilight teased, “you’re telling me my big brother, Mr. Prince-In-Shining-Armor, hasn’t found himself a special somepony?”

“It… It’s not for lack of trying.” Shining Armor blushed.

“That’s not what me and Fate have heard from the gossip at the school.” Arf grinned wolfishly.

“Don’t you dare.” Shining replied warningly.

“I heard he’s something of a heart-breaker.”

“My brother? A heart-breaker?” Twilight gasped. “Shining!”

“Hey, if you knew how many propositions from noble mares I get a week, you’d be a heart-breaker too.” Shining grumped. “’Would you like to come visit my parent’s villa when you have leave, Captain?’ ‘Won’t you join me for a private dinner, Captain?’ ‘Oooh, the streets are so dark, won’t you walk me home Captain?’ Bleh. It’s getting to the point where I’m not sure I’ll ever find somepony that wants me for me, instead of wanting to get together with the Captain of the Royal Guard.”

“Wow Shining, that’s pretty rough…” Twilight trotted closer, nuzzling against him.

“Yeah… So what about you? Find a special somepony yet?”

“Uh…well… oh look, we’re almost home!” Twilight grinned nervously, then darted ahead.

“Hey, that’s hardly fair!” Shining called out as Twilight dashed up the street, then slowed to a trot as she approached the front door of her parent’s house.

She inhaled and reached up, knocking a hoof on the door.

A few moments passed before the door opened, a familiar pale mare smiling as she saw her daughter.

“Hey mom…” Twilight blushed as her mother pulled her into a hug.

“Welcome home, Twilight,” the older mare whispered, hugging Twilight tighter.

“He-hey… not so tight…” Twilight paused as she felt something wet trickle onto the back of her neck. “Mom? are you crying?”

“M-maybe a little…” Twilight Twinkle sniffed as she let go of her daughter. “Come in… come in darling.”


Okay. I have to admit, Rarity thought begrudgingly, Trixie certainly seems to be different.

Trixie’s outfit and showmareship was still outrageous and ostentatious, but there was something decidedly different from the show she’d seen in Ponyville. The show-pony seemed to play more to her audience now. There was no jeering and taunting, no pulling ponies up on stage for humiliation. Instead there were actual tricks, and good ones too. Rarity particularly liked the little vanishing trick Trixie performed with the mirror-covered box. Making a full-grown stallion disappear was quite a feat.

Maybe she’d been wrong about her.

“And now, fillies and gentlecolts,” Trixie called out as the props for her previous trick were taken drawn away by a pale green mare, “the Great and Powerful Trixie presents the first of her assistants. Hailing from the east, please welcome to the stage the graceful, yet oh-so-deadly swordsmare, Sword Dancer!”

This should be interesting… Rarity leaned forwards in her seat as the lights dimmed slightly.

Music began to play; harps and heavy drums and an electronic beat leading into horns and keyboard.. A solitary rocket shot through the air, flying over the ducked heads of the audience from near the doors and streaking towards the stage.

There was a flicker of light as a thin, curved blade sliced through the missile, the halves of the firework exploding on either side of a tall, muscular unicorn mare clad in a flowing white robe. The audience applauded as the mare flicked her tail, her sword hovering in a neon-pink magical aura.

“Wow…” Rarity whispered as the mare went through her routine, demonstrating her skill with the sword.

“Indeed…” Fancy Pants replied to no-one in particular. Objects flew from off-stage towards Sword Dancer’s head; balls, dishes, pieces of fruit and other similar objects. All were neatly and cleanly bisected as the mare performed, her movements elegant and flowing to match the flashing action of the blade.

“I’ve… I’ve never seen a unicorn do something like this before.”

“Neither have I… I’m surprised she’s not in the Royal Guard.” Fancy Pants whispered back, his eyes never leaving the pink mare on stage.

Rarity nodded and leaned in. The mare’s performance was like night and day compared to Trixie; despite her apparent serenity, her motions were intense and focused, lacking Trixie‘s ostentatious flourishes. She directed her sword with both her natural magic and with one limb as though guiding a tame hawk. It was captivating in its simplicity, to be sure.

“Fancy Pants…” Rarity leaned over, her mane brushing against Spike as she did so. “Do you think we could meet Trixie and her… friends after the show?”

“I don’t see why not.” Fancy Pant replied quietly as Sword Dancer paused, a many-branched candelabra carrying a dozen thin, lit candles floating out slowly onto the stage. The stage spotlights dimmed, until the only light came from the flames of the slender tapered candles.

Then the flames moved. The lights went up, revealing the tips of the candles balanced on the flat of Sword Dancer’s blade.

‘I don’t know where Trixie found them,” Fancy Pants called out over the sound of applause, “but I’m glad she did!”


“An excellent job! Truly spectacular! I knew that you could pull off a stellar performance and my stars, you didn‘t disappoint!”

Rarity watched as Fancy Pants congratulated the blue mare. Now that she’d lost the hat and cape, Trixie looked decidedly less garish. If anything, she seemed a little embarrassed about her patron’s effusive praise.

“Trix… Trixie thanks you for your appreciation, sir. You had nothing to worry about! Trixie will always deliver on her promises, you can rest assured.”

“Oh, I will. If you can keep this momentum up, I have no doubt that you’ll be successful. Why, you might even make the stages of Las Pegasus…”

“Of… of course!” Trixie grinned weakly. “But Trixe couldn’t have done it without your support…”

“I only provided the funds, my dear. Oh! Do forgive me. Trixie, this is Miss Rarity, an acquaintance of mine.”

“Hello Trixie. It’s nice to see you again.” Rarity put on a friendly smile as she extended a hoof, which Trixie shook.

“Again? Trixie doesn’t remember meeting you before...”

Rarity’s smile became slightly strained. “We met in Ponyville. You turned my hair green, remember?”

Trixie froze, her eyes going wide. “S-sorry… Trixie must have forgotten. It’s been a very long time since Trixie has been in Ponyville. Haha…”

“I noticed. Don’t worry, I’m not mad about that. I know better than to hold silly little grudges.” Rarity ignored Spike’s eye-roll as she bounced her violet curls gently.

“Trixie is… thankful for that, she supposes.” The sapphire mare stammered in reply. “Were you entertained by Trixie’s show tonight?”

“Oh yes! It was definitely a step up from your previous material. I really should tell Twilight to come to the show sometime.”

“T-twilight?” Trixie’s eyes went a little wider. “You’re one… of Twilight’s friends?”

“Indeed. Is there something the matter dear?”

“Oh… Um… Trixie is fine. She was just surprised, that’s all.”

“Oh don’t worry darling!” Rarity chortled. “She doesn’t bear any bad feelings about the last time we met. Far from it. I’d imagine she’d be glad to see you’re doing so well.”

“Trixie is… sure she would.”

“I think that would be splendid.” Fancy Pants interrupted smoothly, moving up beside Rarity. “I hate to be a wet blanket, but I really do think we should be going, Miss Rarity. I have reservations for us at Les Trois Couronnes, and I’d hate for us to be late.”

“Les Trois Couronnes? Oh Fancy Pants, you didn’t have to-”

“Now now, it’s my treat. Come, Miss Rarity, Sir Spike...”

“Trixie bids you good night.” Trixie replied as the trio made their way out the door before she sighed.

Did they suspect anything? Signum’s voice whispered inside of ‘Trixie’s’ head, causing her to quirk her lips in a sneer.

Not a thing. Thank the Kaiser that Shamal’s disguise magic is as good as it is.

Good. Come to the room, Vita. She’s awake.

‘Trixie’ shook herself before slipping out She crept along the hallway as she heard the few remaining members of the crowd leave the theater, then bolted the rest of the way into the small quarters they shared.

She passed through the living room quickly and into the bedroom, a faint emerald glow forming around her as the disguise magic fell away. Pale blue gave way to scarlet and black as Vita took on her human form, crouching down beside the bedside alongside Zafira. Signum and Shamal crouched by the opposite side of the bed, heads bowed in reverence.

“Trixie?” Vita whispered as the sheets rustled. Trixie, the real Trixie, smiled weakly as she rolled over to face Vita, reaching out a trembling hoof to the young knight’s cheek.

“Did… the… performance… go well?”

“Excellently, Mistress.” Signum replied as Vita clasped her hoof. “A standing ovation. You would have been proud.”

“Good.” Trixie laughed, her voice raspy from disuse. She glanced back at Signum, rolling back onto her back. “Did you… enjoy it, Signum?”

“I did, mistress. You were correct.”

“I told… you so…” Trixie exhaled slowly. “How long… have I…”

“A while.” Shamal answered. “Don’t you remember?”

“No… it’s… it’s like a blank.”

“Don’t worry. Once the book is complete, you’ll be back to normal again.” Vita replied, still holding onto Trixie’s hoof. “Just… just stay with us, okay?”

“So hard to stay awake… So hard to wake up…” Trixie’s eyelids fluttered. “I’m… I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, Mistress.” Zafira growled, his tail swishing.

“I’m… a terrible mistress… for making you… work like this.”

“It is the duty of the Wolkenritter to serve our Mistress,” Signum replied, “without hesitation for the good of her-”

“Oh cut the crap Signum!” Vita hissed.

“Vita!” Shamal gasped.

“What?! We all know why this is happening! If it wasn’t for that stupid Book, none of this would be happening! Trixie wouldn’t be-”

A hoof touched Vita’s lips. The red-haired knight turned to look at her mistress.

“No fighting.” Trixie replied. “I… don’t know how long I’ll be awake this time. Please… no fighting. There’s… there’s plenty of Trixie to go around…”

“But it isn’t fair.” Vita whimpered. “It isn’t fair…”

“Enough Vita.” Shamal sighed, rubbing her forehead.

Trixie laughed softly. “Trixie… is so lucky… to have friends like you.”

Her eyes closed again.

“Trixie? Trixie, no…”

Vita climbed onto the bed, pushing the sheets aside, revealing Trixie’s bare flank, the place where her cutie mark was discolored and mangey. “Wake up… wake up! Don’t go back to sleep! Wake up dammit!”

Trixie's breathing slowed into a soft, steady rhythm. Her eyes remained closed, just like they'd been for the longest time.


All music is (c) its respective owners.