• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 8,636 Views, 482 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight A's - PurpleProse

The Second Season of MPLT. Magical girls meet little ponies. The Wolkenritter appear!

  • ...

Chapter 4: What Happens Now?

Fancy Pants was in a good mood. It didn’t take much to put him in a good mood, but today was a particularly good time. His typical ‘admirers’ from the Canterlot upper crust were busy with their own business that evening, leaving him to walk about the streets of the capital mostly unmolested.

Not that he didn’t have his own business to attend to. The unicorn entrepreneur inspected one of his most recent ventures from the street, smiling faintly. Like most of the structures in Canterlot, the Community Theater of Canterlot was made from gleaming white stone. True, it had taken quite a few bits to get the old theatre back up to scratch, but Fancy Pants was satisfied with the result. It lacked the pomp and circumstance of the Royal Concert Hall, but he didn’t need it to. The theater was meant for a more humble and common audience, after all.

An audience that he hoped the first act would draw in.

The door opened as Fancy Pants nudged it with his telekinesis, walking into the lobby, the grass-green carpet muffling his hoof-steps. Everything certainly seemed to be in order; the restoration had left much of the original structure in place, though the walls had been re-varnished and the carpet replaced. Everything from the box office to the wide benches glittered under the lights hanging from the ceiling above.

With a satisfied nod, he continued inwards, entering into the theater proper. The theater would easily seat at least two hundred ponies comfortably in the arena. A modest theatre, but appropriate for the venue.

Fancy Pants’ attention was drawn up past the proscenium as somepony stepped out from behind the curtains.

“Ah, Miss Lake!”

The unicorn froze in mid-step, quickly turning to face him. Fancy Pants chuckled softly.

“M-mister Fancy. I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.” Miss Lake hopped off of the stage and approached him carefully, giving Fancy Pants a few moments to admire her. She was soft and graceful, with long, slender legs and a graceful arch of a neck, though she did have a degree of pleasing roundness to her posterior. Her coat was a pale, light green, which contrasted with her short blonde mane and darker green eyes. The only clothing she wore was a small necklace, a thin chain supporting four small golden rings. “Is there something the matter?”

“Oh no, not at all. I was simply checking in on you lot, to see if things are going well.” Fancy Pants carefully adjusted his monocle. “After all, last I checked you were still getting things prepared. I see that most everything‘s ready now.”

“Yes, yes it is. The technicians you sent over earlier have the lighting set up, and we’ve already checked the… um… the acoustics.” The mare shuffled from hoof to hoof as she talked, not quite meeting his eyes.

“Excellent! Though I must say, Miss Lake, you do seem awfully jittery.”

Miss Lake smiled, blushing a little. “It’s just nerves, really. Everything should be ready for opening night, sir.”

Fancy Pants chuckled. “Excited about the upcoming performance?”

“Oh yes! Sword Dancer and Mallet are really excited as well.”

“And what of your boss? I’d imagine she’s simply ecstatic to be performing on a proper stage for once.”

Miss Lake laughed, though the laugh did sound somewhat forced. “Of course sir. Of course!”

“Is she here at the moment?” Fancy Pants peeked past the mare, looking at the stage’s curtained backdrop.

“Sadly, no,” Miss Lake sighed, “you just missed her.”

Fancy Pants arched an eyebrow. “Again? Where in blazes did she run off to this time?”

“I think she went to pick up a few things for her pyrotechnic display. She’ll probably be gone all day.” She frowned, almost pouting a little. “We’ve been under strict orders not to let anypony disturb her until the performance. You know how dramatic types are.”

“Oh yes, I‘ve had to deal with divas before. Well, I’ll simply have to talk to her another time.” Fancy Pants smiled. “Give her my well-wishes when you see her, if you‘re allowed to, that is.”

“Of course sir.”

“Lake.” A firm, calm voice called out to her from behind the curtain, one that Fancy Pants recognized as Sword Dancer. “Can I talk to you?”

“Coming!“ Miss Lake turned back to Fancy Pants, blushing slightly. “Um, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go do…”

“Oh, of course! Don’t let me distract you, Miss Lake.”

The mare nodded and dashed off, giving Fancy Pants a fleeting glimpse of her cutie mark; a dark blue ‘puddle’ with what looked like a white swan floating on it.

Darling mare, that Miss Lake. Fancy Pants’s mouth quirked up in a small smile. I wonder if she’d be interested in dinner sometime…


Shamal peeked through the rear curtains at Fancy Pants, watching him surreptitiously as the stallion made his way off, his flowing blue tail swishing as he walked. She had to admit that the kindly stallion made her swoon, just a little bit. Not that she’d ever admit it to the others.

What are you doing, mooning over him Shamal? Her thoughts turned slightly bitter. Getting involved with someone like him is out of the question, especially after the other night…

“Do you think he suspects anything?”

Shamal turned around, facing the unicorn mare that had addressed her. Signum’s disguise was slightly comical given her temperament, with a ludicrously long magenta mane and her rose pink coat. She was built closer to an earth pony than a unicorn, with her stubby horn protruding from her bangs. Only her icy gaze and her cutie mark, a pair of crossed silver swords, gave any indication of what was hiding underneath.

“I… I don’t know.” Shamal shifted uncomfortably under her general’s gaze. “I don’t think so, but we can’t keep hiding things for long. Opening night is tomorrow. Has there been any change in her?”

“Not as such.” Signum replied neutrally.

“You’d think that the pages we’ve gathered would have had some effect…”

“It will. We simply need to gather more.” Signum turned away, flicking her tail as she did so.

“Signum…” Shamal took a step forwards, causing Signum to halt.

“Yes, Shamal?”


The pink mare turned about to face Shamal, her expression still neutral as she waited for the Knight of the Lake to gather her thoughts.

“I… I don’t think we should attack any more ponies. I mean, we only barely escaped from… them, last time.” Shamal shivered. The memory of the events at the library sent a chill up her spine.

“I see.” Signum pushed a few strands of hair back, our of her eyes.

“Plus,” Shamal continued, “when I pulled out her Linker Core… it was… different. I’ve never handled something quite so pure before. It wasn’t like the ones in the past…”

Signum didn’t reply, which only made Shamal more uncomfortable. “I… I just think it’d be better if we didn’t have to hurt anypony else, that’s all. We're already disobeying her orders... Let Twilight Sparkle be the first and last one.”

There was a brief moment of silence as Signum regarded Shamal, her expression neutral, until she spoke at last.

“It depends.” Signum replied. “But I agree with you.”

“Y-you do?”

“You are not the only one that finds our current status difficult.” Signum glanced off to the side. “Were it not for the cloaking that the book grants us, we would have already been discovered. It would be better if we try to operate outside of Equestria. Try to draw attention away.”

“So… we’re not going to hurt any other ponies?”

“That remains to be seen. However, as your General, I will take full responsibility when the time comes.”

“Signum…” Shamal fell silent as her general raised one hoof.

“You know that we must. See to our mistress, and inspect Vita’s new disguise. There is still much to be done.”

“Of course…” Shamal lowered her gaze and walked around Signum, making her way towards the small apartment they five of them shared.

Still so much to be done…


Twilight felt numb inside. Her usually neat mane flopped lifelessly in her eyes, her back against the pillows stacked behind her. The once-neatly rolled up parchments were scattered on the floor at her bedside like fallen leaves, the now incomprehensible writing mocking her every time she glanced at the scrolls.

She was a unicorn without magic.

She’d been without magic before. When she’d faced Discord in the hedge maze, the spirit of disharmony had spirited away her horn. But this was different. In many ways it was worse than what Discord had done. Discord hadn’t tried to tear her magic out of her body. Discord didn’t try to erase her special talent…

Well, he might have given enough time…

Twilight slid downwards onto her back, her head cradled by the stacked pillows. The girls had done their best to cheer her up, to keep up her spirits and provide comfort, but she felt numb to that too. Numb and bitterly, bitterly cold. She wanted to be alone in her misery. No, she needed to be alone…


It was just after Pinkie had tried to start a musical number that Twilight had said something rather uncharacteristic.

“Just go away…”

Those three words had all but stalled the festivities. Even Pinkie Pie had stopped mid-song.

Applejack glanced across the bed at Rainbow Dash as Twilight slumped back against the wall, her eyes red and her mane disheveled. “Sugarcube, ah don’t think that’s ah good idea…”

“Yeah. I mean, you don’t look too good. I don’t think you being alone-” Rainbow’s voice cut short as Twilight interrupted her.

“I know you girls want to help me feel better, but I just want to be alone right now, so go. Away!”

“Twi…” Applejack reached out a hoof, only for Twilight to swat it away. Her hind leg kicked, sending the assembled notes fluttering off the side of her bed.

“Go away!" Her voice was slightly hoarse as she shouted at them. "Just go away! Please!”

Applejack started to speak, then stopped as Rarity touched a hoof to her shoulder and shook her head.

“Darling, we understand. Come on girls, let’s give her some peace.”

“But Rarity-” Rainbow Dash objected.

“If Twilight wants to be alone, then we should respect her wishes. Right girls?”

There was an uncomfortable silence as the other four glanced amongst each other, then slowly nodded in agreement. The five of them slowly filed their way out of the room, Pinkie giving Twilight a quick hug before leaving.

Rarity was the last to leave. “If you need us, Darling, we’ll be outside, alright?”

Twilight grunted in reply.


“Alright.” Twilight replied in a low mutter.

Rarity gave her another, cautious look before she stepped out, closing the door behind her.

The voices of her friends became muffled, then distant, then nonexistent. Silence fell over the room like a fog.


Twilight rolled onto her side, tucking her legs up against her undercarriage, her eyes shut tight as she shivered. She heard voices on the other side of the door, but tried to tune them out.

It was hopeless. She knew she couldn’t just stay in hiding forever. For now, however, she didn’t want anypony around to see her or talk to her. Especially not her friends. Part of her just wanted to curl up and die.

That was a tempting prospect in and of itself.

Maybe I should just end it. Twilight thought to herself. The window’s right over there…I could just hop out and nopony would be the wiser.

Part of her whispered that such thoughts were ridiculous, but they were so tempting…

The door creaked open slowly, causing Twilight to clench up, her eyes shutting tighter. Maybe if she stayed very still, they’d think she was asleep. She could hear hoof steps approach her bed, then a long, pregnant pause followed by the distinct noise of a unicorn’s horn activating.

She stopped cringing as she felt a gentle warmth suffuse her body. The bed creaked softly as what felt like a cloak of feathers folded over her. Her eyes slid open slowly as Celestia nuzzled her neck.


Celestia nodded quietly, drawing Twilight closer as her horn glowed. The purple unicorn shivered, huddling closer to the alicorn. She felt like a foal, which was especially appropriate given her current state. However, there was something different. There was a sense of comfort now, like a warm blanket that was muffling her despair. Twilight knew that it had to be Celestia’s doing, but she didn’t care.

“Princess, I’m so sorry…” Her voice came out in a small, trembling whisper.

“For what, Twilight?”

“I… I’ve failed. I’ve failed, and now my magic’s gone…my magic and my-”

“You didn’t fail anything. You were beaten, yes, but you’ll survive.”

“Without my magic?! You call that surviving?!” The hurt flared up, pushing against the warm, comforting aura that Celestia radiated. Had she any left, tears would have fallen from Twilight’s eyes. As it stood, she had none left. “My magic’s gone Princess, it’s-”

“Shh. Shush, my faithful student,” Celestia placed a hoof to Twilight’s lips before nuzzling her again, “your magic isn’t gone.”


“Hush. Let’s not get upset again, like you did with your friends.”

Twilight’s mouth shut with a click as Celestia continued.

“Your magic, like your body, was wounded. You’re familiar with the concept of the Linker Core, correct? It’s the term the Bureau uses for a being’s magical source.”

“I…” Twilight frowned. The concept seemed familiar, but she couldn’t place it.

“Your Linker Core was forcibly drained,” Celestia continued. “However, unlike a human, a pony’s Linker Core is tied to their special talent and their cutie mark, which is why you’re in this state to begin with. Surely one of your friends told you?”

Twilight frowned. Applejack had said something about it, but she hadn’t been listening to her. She’d been too busy panicking and crying to listen.

"C-can… can you fix me?” Twilight ventured timidly.


“But your magic-”

“Would be too much for you to handle in your current condition.“ Celestia shook her head. “Your magic and your talent will return on its own as you get better. Trying to hurry it along would do more harm than good at this point.”

Twilight whimpered softly, only for Celestia to nuzzle her again.

“I know you must feel horrible right now Twilight, but believe me, things will get better. You just need to take things slow, alright?”


Celestia nodded in satisfaction. Twilight pushed her face against Celestia’s neck, her eyes closed, letting herself sink into the Sun Princess’s warmth.

It seemed like hours passed before Celestia spoke again. “Feel better?”

“Mhmm.” Twilight mumbled softly.

“Good. Now, I think it’s time for you to get up, don’t you think?”

The wing folded up and away from Twilight as Celestia climbed off of the bed. Twilight slowly followed, stumbling slightly as her hooves met the floor. She shifted her weight experimentally as Celestia quietly gathered the scattered bits of parchment, rolling them up neatly into a single roll.

“I hope you don’t mind if I borrow these, Twilight.” Celestia smiled faintly.

“Go ahead.” Twilight replied. Not like they’re doing me any good, she thought morosely.

“Now, why don’t we go outside? Do you feel comfortable with that?”

Twilight nodded. Her broken leg seemed to be fully healed, at least, so walking was no problem. Celestia followed close behind, opening the door for her.

The other girls were waiting outside, glancing at the door expectantly as Twilight stepped outside. The purple unicorn glanced over her five friends, then sighed, her ears drooping as she spoke.

“Sorry about earlier everypony. I…”

“Hey, it’s alright.” Rainbow fluttered over, setting down beside Twilight and resting a hoof on her shoulder. “Not like it’s the first time you blew up with us around.”

“We understand you’re going through a rough patch, darling, but we’re here for you.” Rarity smiled as Fluttershy nodded in agreement.

“I’ll make sure to turn the volume down next time, ‘kay?” Pinkie quipped, flanking Twilight as the unicorn walked further into the hallway.

“Thanks girls. I just…” Twilight sniffed softly.

“Hey now, don’t ya’ll start feelin’ all sorry for yerself sugarcube.” Applejack nudged her, lifting her chin up. “No use gettin’ all sad an’ grumpy, ya hear? You just concentrate on gettin’ better.”

There was a gentle cough as Celestia shut the door behind her.

“I don’t suppose you girls would mind joining Luna and I for dinner?”

“Of course we would!” Rarity grinned. “Dinner with the royal sisters? How could I resist?

“If it’s not to much trouble…” Fluttershy blushed.

“I was gettin’ kinda hungry myself…” Applejack adusted her hat as the group began to make its way down the corridor, conversation starting up again.

Twilight shook her head. Her depression seemed so… overblown now. Why did I ever send them away?

She glanced back as Celestia smiled down at her. Twilight smiled back, but for a brief moment, she felt troubled. For some reason, it felt like the Princess was inspecting her, watching her behind her polite smile...


The castle’s western tower was, for the most part, an unassuming structure. The average pedestrian wouldn’t notice much change, save for the heightened degree of security and the comings and goings of its inhabitants.

On the inside, however, the tower had been modified. A good third of its rooms had been modified into an impromptu command center for the Bureau personnel stationed there. Low tables now supported broad-based magi-tech computers and holographic terminals, all of which were tied together into a digital net that spanned across the entire structure.

All things considered, it was a respectable headquarters. Chrono tapped on the holographic screen hovering before him, doing his last run-through of the security protocols as people quietly bustled about on their duties. With his mother back aboard the Arthra and en route to HQ, and Admiral Graham handling the diplomatic talks, it had fallen to him to run things.

A soft cough caught his attention.

“I was told you wanted to speak with me, Chief Enforcer Harlaown?”

Chrono glanced up from the small console on his lap at the white-coated unicorn in purple and gold armor. Captain Shining Armor was a very impressive unicorn, which Chrono had expected from someone of his rank. He was professional, and did everything in his power to make things run smoothly for Chrono and the other members of the Bureau. All in all, he was the model of a military pony, which was probably why Celestia had spoken highly of him when she had introduced him the day before.

Of course, it wasn’t Shining Armor’s qualifications that was bugging him. It was something of a more personal nature. Shining Armor’s courtesies were stiff and overly formal, and though he’d been professional, he’d also been intentionally distant and cool, limiting his interaction with Chrono and the others to strictly business dealings. And despite how well he was hiding it, Chrono could tell that the stallion wasn’t getting any sleep. Chrono understood why, of course.

Shining Armor is Twilight’s older brother, the Princess had whispered to him surreptitiously after the introductions had been made..

He slid the device away, resting it on the table next to his arm. “Indeed, Captain. I hope I’m not interrupting anything important, but I wanted to talk to you about a few things. We haven‘t exactly had a chance to introduce ourselves properly with all this busywork.”

“We were introduced to each other formally. At the moment, that’s all that’s necessary.”

“Captain, while I appreciate your professional demeanor,” Chrono countered, “I feel that we’d both be better off on a more social footing. Formality has its place, but I think it may be better if we could talk frankly with each other without having to worry about excessive decorum. Do you agree?”

“I suppose so.” The unicorn’s straight face betrayed nothing as he stood before Chrono. “What did you want to talk about?”

“Since the two of us are in charge of investigating this… incident,” Chrono chose his words tactfully, “I think it may be best if we get a few things out of the way. Personal things, just in case they interfere with the investigation.”

“I wasn’t aware that that was necessary.”

“I think it might be.” Chrono drummed his fingers on one leg as he looked at the stallion. “We both have a personal stake in this case, after all. Though to be fair, your personal interest is a bit more immediate than mine.”

Shining Armor said nothing for a few moments, his face still stoic and unemotional except for a slight narrowing of his eyes. “Are you saying that I shouldn’t be involved because Twilight was hurt?” Shining Armor’s tone was as carefully neutral as his face.

“I’m not questioning your professionalism, Captain. Far from it.”


Chrono raised a hand as he continued. “I’d just like to offer my sympathies for your current situation. I know what it’s like to have someone in your family hurt by those people.”

Shining Armor closed his eyes and glanced downwards. “That so?”



“My father. I was a kid when it happened.”

Shining Armor shook himself visibly. “Same people?”


“Thanks…” Shining Armor sighed as he let the stoic look drop. “Sorry. When I heard Twilight had been… you know…”

“Yeah. I was like that after my dad. Couldn‘t sleep either.”

Shining Armor took a seat, shaking his head as he removed his helmet, smoothing his dark blue mane as he did so. “Was it that obvious?”

“It was to me. You hid it pretty well, though.”

“Heh. I’ve had practice.” Shining Armor smirked faintly as he set his helm aside. “You don’t look much better, kid.”

“I’ve had practice too.”

“I bet you have. From what I’ve heard, you’re as big an overachiever as Twilight is.”

Chrono shook his head. “I doubt it.”

“Yeah, I kinda do too.” Shining Armor chuckled softly, then sighed, looking up at the young Enforcer. “She’s going to get better, isn’t she?”

“I’m sure she will.” Chrono reclined back slightly in his chair, rubbing one of his eyes as he did so.

“So,” he continued, glancing at the unicorn before him, “you’re Twilight’s big brother? I didn’t expect her to have siblings other than Fate.”

“Yeah. It’s been a while since we’ve been together. You know, me being the Captain of the Guard, her being in Ponyville...”

“Were you two close?”

“Inseparable. I was probably the only friend she had when she was a filly. Well, other than Smarty Pants.”


“Her doll.”

“She had a doll named Smarty Pants?” Chrono arched an eyebrow.

“Came with her own notebook and quill so you can help her with her homework.”

“You’re joking.”

Shining Armor did his best to look serious. “Chief Enforcer Harlaown,” he intoned formally, “I never joke about Smarty Pants.”

There was a brief second before the two of them broke down into chuckling.

“I’ll have to remember that. Speaking of which… I assume you and Fate have been getting along together?”

“When I get a chance to see her. It took a bit for her to warm up to me.” Shining Armor frowned again. “I’m just glad she’s alright now.”

“Just one more thing for us to pay the Wolkenritter back for, Captain.”

“Shining, please.”

“Chrono.” He extended a hand, which Shining met with a hoof. “I look forward to working with you, Shining.”

“Same with you, Chrono. Was that all you wanted to cover?”

“For now. I’ll make sure to tell you if anything relevant comes up.”

“I’m sure you will.

“Enforcer Harlaown? Captain Shining Armor, sir?”

Shining Armor turned and Chrono peered past him as one of the liveried serving-ponies the palace employed approached them. “Yes?”

“Princess Celestia requests your presences in the royal dining hall. She also asked me to inform you that Miss Sparkle has awoken and will be joining them.”

“Twily’s awake!?” Shining Armor blurted out, jumping to his feet.

“Twily?” Chrono arched an eyebrow as Shining Armor glanced back at him, a hint of pink reaching the stallion’s cheeks, even as he rose to his feet. “Please inform her majesty that we’ll join her as soon as possible,” he continued, addressing the servant.

“Very good, sir.”

Chrono glanced back at Shining Armor, smirking slightly. “Twily?”

“Hey, I bet your mother has all sorts of pet names for you.” Shining Armor snorted, his cheeks still pink. “Please don’t call Twilight that, though. It’s just a me-and-her thing.”

“Duly noted.” Chrono chuckled, arching his back and stretching his arms above his head. “If you don’t mind Captain, I think I’ll go make myself a bit more presentable. It shouldn’t take too long.”

“Go right ahead, Enforcer.” Shining Armor levitated his helmet up and settled it onto his head. “I’ll join you at dinner, then.”

“Of course.”


It was a familiar darkness Fate walked in. The shadows under her hooves rippled slightly with each hoof step, the ripples glittering with moonlight in lazily expanding concentric circles. She’d been there once before, nearly a year earlier, when she had first met the Princess of the Night.

Said Princess now walked beside her, her mane flowing about her head like a navy-colored field of stars.

“Is this where you’re going to teach me, Princess?” Fate’s voice echoed oddly in the dark void as she glanced up at her mentor. She knew she wasn’t actually ‘looking’ at Luna. Neither of them were real in this strange void.

“Correct. This dreaming darkness serves as a area of connection between our minds.” Luna smiled gently, her wings fluffing slightly. “And these dark depths will provide a safe place for our instruction, without regard to the safety of life and limb.”

Fate swallowed, drawing Luna’s attention. “So… it means we could hurt each other?”

“Indeed. There will likely be pain, but it will be phantasmal and brief, without scars. There will likely be a bit of strain afterwards, due to the nature of our connection. Does that bother you, Fate?”

“Only a little, Princess.”

“Worry not, fair Fate. I will not be needlessly cruel. But understand that some of the lessons I will teach you will be harsh and painful. I would understand if you come to hate me for what I will do.”

Fate stopped, looking up at her. “I’m used to pain, Princess. But…”

Luna turned about to face Fate. “But?”

“Can we just… put some guidelines in? Just as a precaution?”

Luna frowned, then nodded. “Very well…”

“If I ask you to stop, will you stop?”

“I shall.”


Luna nodded, resting a hoof on her breast. “I swear upon my moon that I shall not abuse thy trust, child of lightning.”

“Then you’re well ahead of my previous curriculum.” Fate smiled faintly. “I trust you, Princess.”

Luna exhaled slowly, then nodded. “My heart is gladdened to hear you say that, Fate. Do you feel ready for your first lesson?”

“I think so.”

Luna gestured for her to sit, then turned, standing with her profile presented to Fate. “Your mastery of lightning, Fate, is impressive for a pony of your age. When armed, your abilities to manipulate that element are unparalleled.”

“However, deprived of your Device, your prowess diminishes greatly.” Luna turned her head to look at Fate. “This must be rectified. You will learn to channel lightning as I do, to feel its currents flow forth at your command and bend to your will.”

The air around Luna crackled, a spark of blue-white lightning springing forth from the tip of her horn. Voltage danced along her horn, then lashed out as Luna rose up on her hind hooves, arcing to her hooves in a shower of sparks. Fate felt her eyes widen as she watched the electricity dance over the Moon Princess’s body without touching her skin, before lashing upwards in a great bolt as she thrust her hooves skyward.


“Indeed.” Luna lowered herself back onto four hooves. “Stand, apprentice.”

Fate quickly rose to her feet as Luna approached.

“Why do you think the lightning did not harm me, apprentice?”

“Um…” Fate frowned. “Because you didn’t allow it to?”

“True, but unfortunately imprecise. What does lightning always seek?”

“A ground.”

“Correct. Lightning always seeks a target to strike-”

“So you’re providing it with a ground? Something stronger than the surrounding air or the ground below you?”

Luna arched an eyebrow questioningly, causing Fate to blush. “Sorry.”

“You are indeed Twilight’s sister,” Luna quipped, “but yes.”

Luna’s horn lit up in a deep blue glow as she stood beside Fate. “I first create a target, a channel of mana that provides a strong, artificial ground. I then convert mana into electrical energy,” Luna continued, another spark forming on the tip of her horn, “and release it!”

There was a thunderclap as the bolt shot outwards, sizzling through the ‘air’ of the void before it collided with an invisible target. Luna glanced downwards at Fate. “Do you understand the principle?”

“I think so. Can I try?”

“Of course.”

Fate nodded and steadied herself, pointing her horn forwards as she concentrated.

“Picture the target in your mind, apprentice. Form it carefully…”

Fate remained silent as she focused. Lightning was her element, after all. She possessed a natural mana affinity for it. To her, turning her natural magical power into electricity was as easy as flexing a muscle. However, channeling it raw, without a Device to assist her, was a bit more difficult.

Difficult, however, wasn’t the same as impossible, especially as she listened to Luna’s quiet instructions.

Power coursed up her body and into her horn as she formed a small pinpoint of energy at range. She could just barely see it, like a slight distortion in the air. With an exhalation of breath, she channeled her energy towards that point. There was a loud crack as she released a golden streak of lightning, the voltage flashing across the intervening space in a rush of energy.

“Good.” Luna nodded in satisfaction. “Once again, your natural talent shows. Now, we shall see if you can maintain the charge.”


“Indeed. Like so.” Luna flicked her head forwards, her nostrils flaring slightly. Another blue-white bolt flashed out, coming to a halt about a dozen feet away. However, the arc of energy persisted, crackling in the air. Luna smiled, pulling her horn away and leaving the line of lightning hovering in mid-air.

“A persistent charge allows for a wider variety of tactical actions than a brief blast. Your turn, apprentice. Concentrate on maintaining the charge.”

This shouldn’t be too difficult. Fate narrowed her eyes in concentration. It’s just like Bardiche’s Scythe Form…

There was a loud crackling as a golden bolt of lightning streaked outwards from her horn, coming to a halt at a point several feet from Fate’s horn. Fate held firm, casting an eye up at Luna.

The dark alicorn raised an eyebrow at her. “Extend the ground.”

Fate grunted, pushing the bolt further, extending it as she moved the artificial grounding point. She felt herself straining the further the point in question moved from her.


Fate grimaced. This was a lot harder than she expected. Her teeth clenched as the bolt of lightning grew longer, like a lance of superheated plasma. It lengthened slowly, though, the lightning crackling and arcing outwards the longer she strained.

A bit of dark blue star-stuff tickled along her cheek. The bolt vanished in a puff of ozone as her concentration faltered. Her horn’s golden glow winked out as her neck went limp.

“Hmm.” Luna eyed her, a faint frown creasing the moon princess’s lips. “Your concentration is lacking.”

“I.. think it’s because I’m used to Bardiche handling spell control duties. I’ll try harder.”

“Please do. It is imperative that you be able to maintain the spell no matter what happens. Now, create the bolt again, and maintain it.”

“Yes ma’am.” Fate steadied herself, summoning her energy as she repeated the spell. Her eyes narrowed as she felt Luna’s mane tickle along her neck, trying to maintain control.

This is going to take a while, Fate narrowed her eyes as she tried to ignore the tickling, I just know it.


Yuuno winced slightly as Arf bounced off the defensive field for the fourth time, a brief flicker of green rippling outwards from the point of impact. The wolf girl’s breath came out in loud huffs as she got back to her feet, glaring at her opponent.

“Are you alright, Arf?” Yuuno called out as Arf’s tail swished, brushing the back of her hand against her mouth to clean off her bloodied lip.

“Fine. Just fine. Stop asking me, you’re distracting me!”

“Sorry.” Yuuno sighed. It’d been a simple request, really; Arf wanted to do some training to try to get herself back in fighting shape and asked for Yuuno’s help. The Royal Guards had given them permission to use their training area after Yuuno explained the situation, which gave Arf plenty of room to work out in.

Then the Liese Sisters had shown up, and Lotte had challenged Arf to a friendly sparring match. Or at least, it had started as a friendly sparring match. If Arf’s mood was any indication, it was rapidly becoming unfriendly.

Lotte Liese smiled playfully as she maintained her stance, her right side presented in profile as she bounced slightly on the balls of her feet. The feline didn’t even look winded, despite the fact that she was effortlessly clobbering the larger wolf-girl. “Are you having fun, Arffy? ‘Cause I’m having fun!”

“Don’t call me Arffy, you overgrown pussy cat!” Arf growled, her fluffy tail puffing into a bottle brush, her ears flattening against her skull.

“Aw, but Arffy sounds cuter!” Lotte giggled, her tail swishing. “Don’t you think so Aria?”

“Leave me out of this,” Aria sighed, shaking her head as she sat cross-legged beside Yuuno.

“Rrrgh!” Arf snarled, pointing a finger at Lotte. “You’re not even taking this seriously!”

“Well, yeah.” Lotte grinned, hopping slightly and changing her stance, presenting her left side in profile. “’Cause if I got really serious, I might actually hurt you. Well, more than I already have.”

Arf snarled and charged forwards. Yuuno watched as Arf attacked, Lotte ducking, blocking and dancing away from Arf’s punches and kicks. Arf did have a reach and size advantage, but neither seemed to help; she couldn’t land a solid blow on the much quicker and smaller cat girl.

“She’s too emotional.”

Yuuno glanced down at Aria as the feline familiar watched, her tail still and her eyes on the fight.


“Arf. She’s letting Lotte get under her skin. Bad decision. Getting emotional means you get sloppy. See?” She pointed a finger towards the dueling familiars. “Arf’s strikes are too easy to read. She’s telegraphing them. She’s also trying to close in when she should be using her height and reach advantage to keep Lotte at bay.”

Yuuno glanced back, rubbing his chin. “I guess I see what you mean. I’m not really good at close-ranged fighting, though.”

“Lotte is, though.”

“You two were Chrono’s instructors, right?”

“Mhmm.” Aria nodded. “One of our best students, in fact. I taught him magical combat, while Lotte taught him Strike Arts and close-ranged combat.”

“No wonder Chrono’s so good, if he had instructors as skilled as you two.”

Aria nodded in agreement. “I’m a little disappointed, though.”

“Huh?” Yuuno blinked.

“Chrono should have been able to take down that girl.” Aria’s lips turned down in a slight frown. "If it had been me and Lotte, she wouldn’t have stood a chance. I wonder if it’s because he’s letting his feelings interfere with his duties…”

“I can’t really say.” Yuuno turned back towards the fight. “Chrono hasn’t exactly been forthcoming on that front.”

Yuuno winced as Lotte caught Arf’s leg, trapping the limb between the crook of her arm and her waist. A quick sweep of her foot and Arf fell backwards. Lotte pounced, releasing the leg and launching a series of rapid fire punches to the wolf girl’s stomach. The cat-girl rolled free as Arf grabbed at her, springing to her feet as the wolf girl recovered and rolled back up to a standing position, only for Lotte to launch a powerful straight-kick into her chest, launching Arf backwards into the wall for a fifth time.

“Okay, I think that’s enough!” Yuuno called out as Arf landed on her hands and knees, coughing as one hand went to her midsection. Yuuno swung his hand outwards, dispelling the protective field around the two fighters before walking over to Arf, kneeling beside her. “You alright, Arf?”

“Do I look like I’m alright?”

Yuuno backed away slightly at Arf’s snarled reply, hands raised slightly. Arf pushed herself up, then stumbled slightly and sunk into a seated position, arms cradling her stomach. “Ugh… I can’t believe this. How can I be this useless!?”

“Hey, you’re not that bad.”

Arf growled softly as Lotte approached, crouching down in front of her with a smirk.

“You’re just out of shape, Arffy," Lotte continued teasingly. "If you want, I could give you some pointers when you practice…”

“No thanks.” Arf grumbled, causing Lotte to frown and narrow her eyes.

“Well, alright then." Lotte sniffed, raising her nose as her tail swished. "Just don‘t blame me if you keep being as useless as you are right now. I‘m sure your Master won‘t mind.”

Arf’s ears folded back against her skull. “You take that back!”

“Make me. Oh that‘s right, you can‘t…”

“Enough!” Yuuno stood up, looking down at Lotte with a stern frown. “I think you should stop. Now.”

“Oooh, The ferret boy’s standing up for the cute doggy!” Lotte stuck her tongue out playfully as she looked up at him.

“Only because that was a low blow, and you know it.”

“Do you want to play too, little ferret?” Lotte’s eyes brightened as she ran her tongue along her lips. Yuuno glared back, watching as Lotte's eyes shifted to a more feline and predatory look.

“Lotte, enough." Aria rose to her feet as well, dusting her trousers off. "I find myself in agreement with Mister Scrya. You’ll behave yourself sister, or I’ll have to notify our Master.”

“You‘re no fun…” Lotte rose to a standing position, her ears pulling back.

“One of us has to be mature about things. Now apologize to Miss Arf.”

“But Aria…” Lotte pouted, only to wilt slightly under Aria’s gaze. She scuffed the ground with one foot as she turned to look at Arf. “Fine. I’m sorry Arffy. It was mean to call you useless.”

“Damn right it was.” Arf grumbled as Yuuno helped her up.

Aria bowed to Arf slightly. “I apologize for my sister as well, and wish you luck on your training. Now come along Lotte. I think you’ve had enough fun for the moment.”

“Aww, but- ow! Let go!”

Yuuno shook his head as the sisters left, Aria calmly leading her sister by the ear. He sighed, his hands lighting up with green energy as he activated his healing spell. “Now I can see why Chrono got nervous when Lotte was around. Are you going to be alright Arf?”

“I don’t know.” Arf sighed, whining softly. “I mean… I guess I’ll be okay. Just didn’t need to get completely demolished a second time after…”

Yuuno sighed, reaching over and rubbing Arf behind the ear, causing her spine to stiffen.

“Ooh… yeah, right there.” Arf groaned as her lip slowly knit itself back together, her leg twitching.

“Don’t let Lotte bother you , alright?” Yuuno smiled as he continued rubbing and scratching. “You just need to practice. That’s why we’re here in the first place, right?”


Yuuno tucked an arm under Arf’s and helped her up as best he could, his Physical Healing spell fading. “Feel better?”

“A bit.” Arf stretched, flexing her arms slightly. “Think you can teach me some of those tricks you’ve got, Yuuno?”

“I don’t see why not…”


Golden lightning crackled in the still air of the dark void, radiating outwards from a single point like cracks from a bullet hole. Fate felt cool sweat drip down her sides as she maintained her concentration, her legs wobbling from the strain.

Time seemed to have no meaning. In the back of her mind, Fate knew that all of this was an illusion, a dream. But the physical stress of maintaining multiple bolts and targets felt all too real to her. First, it had been one bolt. Then two. Then three. And now, seven branches of lightning were connected to her horn like spokes from a wheel.

Of course, that was the least of her efforts. Luna’s instruction wasn’t simply on how to contain and expand the lightning. She’d been testing her concentration as well, inflicting various sensations on the filly; tickling her with her mane, blinding her with light and shadow, striking her with shocks of pain and cold, even deep, bloody wounds that healed up as soon as they were made. Fate’s current success was attributed less to her skill and more to the fact that she’d become numb to Luna’s little torments.

“I believe that is enough, apprentice.”

The lightning vanished as Fate collapsed onto her side, her chest heaving as she drew in breath after shuddering breath. She felt exhausted, drained to the point of numbness.

I’m pretty sure I couldn’t lift a quill with my telekinesis, much less anything else right now… Fate thought to herself as she heard Luna’s hoof steps approach. Her eyes rolled around to meet her mentor, watching the alicorn kneel down beside her and inspect her with a clinical eye.

“You have done quite well.” The moon princess’s expression shifted to quiet satisfaction. “Your demonstration has filled me with naught but confidence in your abilities. A lesser unicorn would have likely buckled far before this point.”

“Thank… thank you, Princess.” Fate tried to control her breathing as she was righted gently by Luna’s magic.

“Are you in inordinate pain, my apprentice?”

“No. Just tired…”

Luna nodded, folding her wings against her back. “We shall continue your instruction in lightning magic when next we meet. Until then, I advise you to resume your classes at the school.”

“Of course, Princess.” Fate nodeed, then glanced up at the alicorn. “I do have a question, though… if I may be so bold.”


“This magic is hardly something dark and evil, like you said. Are-”

“I hope I’m not interrupting.”

Luna blinked as a faint glow illuminated the void, coalescing into a vaguely equine shape with wings and horn. A glittering waterfall of color emanated from where its mane and tail would be, shifting in a non-existent wind. “Sister. What brings you here?”

“I simply wanted to invite you and Fate to dinner. Twilight has woken up and will be joining us.”

Fate looked up sharply, turning to face the sending. “Twilight’s awake!?”

“Indeed. You may want to collect Yuuno and Arf as well. I believe that they‘re still in the guard‘s practice area.”

“We’ll be there post haste, sister.” Luna replied cordially, causing the shape of light to dissolve away.

“Well then. I suppose that this ends the lesson for now.“ Luna continued, her horn dimming. The shadows rippled and swelled up around Luna and Fate like a rising tide, causing Fate to close her eyes in reaction.

When she opened them again, she was back in Luna’s quarters, the beams of the twilight sun glinting just over the horizon. Luna was at the table, quietly stirring a pair of spoons in what looked like a tea-cups.

“You may want to drink this.” The moon princess hovered a cup over towards Fate, the murky contents still spinning from the spoon’s movements. “It will help relieve any pain remaining from our session. Psychic training without a strong artificial buffer can be a bit taxing on the brain.”

Fate nodded, wincing as she felt the beginnings of a painful, throbbing headache. She swallowed deeply, gagging for a moment at the concoction’s bitterness. Luna quietly drank her own cup, grimacing briefly.

“Princess…” Fate spoke as she levitated the cup over to Luna.

“Our next session will be at this time tomorrow, every evening.” Luna interrupted as she set her cup down. “You will arrive on time, save when other obligations interfere. Am I understood?”

“Yes, Princess.”

“Good. I also expect you to practice on your own time. Psychic training is well and good, but there is no replacing practical, physical practice. ”

“I will, Princess. If I can ask you something…”

Luna sighed. “You may.”

“You said something about dark and wicked magic… are you going to teach me that as well?”

Luna closed her eyes, falling silent. Fate frowned. “Princess?”

“In time, Fate. One must be prepared before… delving into such topics. The last time I did so the results were... less than satisfactory. I hope you understand this.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Please refrain from asking again, if you would.”

“Yes ma’am. Sorry.”

“Come. We are expected in the dining room.”


The royal dining hall was typically used for formal dinners of state, the sort that required three dozen or so chairs to seat everyone. Despite lacking the traditional décor of such an event, the high ceilings and graceful stone pillars lent an air of majesty to the proceedings. Twilight glanced upwards through the skylights above as the stars twinkled to life in the sky above, tuning out the chattering of her friends as they sat down. Her momentary distraction was interrupted when she heard the doors swing open and a loud voice called out.


Twilight turned and smiled as her big brother surged through the doors, barely dodging one of the serving-ponies in his haste. She let out a loud ‘oof’ as he slung his front legs around her neck, squeezing her tightly as he nuzzled into her neck.

“Hey Shining…” She blushed, hugging him back as best she could. “How’ve you been?”

“Getting better,” Shning Armor blushed as he let go, wiping one of his eyes slightly. “Especially now that my little sister is awake and walking around.”

"Sorry that I worried you.” Twilight flushed, leaning in and nuzzling under his jaw.

“You should have seen him when you arrived.” Chrono noted as he walked up behind Shining Armor, a faint smirk on his lips. “It took four guards to pry him away from your bedside.”

Twilight blinked. “Really?”

“Not one of my prouder moments.” Shining coughed, releasing Twilight. “Are you sure you’re alright? I mean-”

“I’ve been better. Nothing that some rest won’t take care of, big bro.”

“Um… Twilight?”

The lavender unicorn glanced over at Rarity as she spoke, blinking as she noticed the amount of attention her friends were giving her and her brother. “Yes?”

“You didn’t tell us you had a brother.” Rainbow Dash quirked an eyebrow as she looked at Shining Armor.

“Or that he was so… impressive.” Rarity sighed, leaning against the long table as she inspected him as well.

“Heh, sorry girls… not the sort of thing that comes up in regular conversation. Girls, this is my big brother, Shining Armor. Shining, these are my friends from Ponyville.”

“A pleasure to finally meet everypony properly.” Shining Armor nodded cordially.

“Oooh!” Pinkie Pie clambered over the table, peering down at Shining Armor’s barding. “Shiny! Are you like some kind of super guard or something? Is that why your armor is all purple-y? Huh? Huh?”

"Pinkie, gidyerself off tha table!” Applejack snorted.

Shining Armor chuckled. “Actually, I’m the Captain of the Royal Guard, which is why-”

“He’s tall, gorgeous, and Captain of the Royal Guard.” Rarity swooned, pressing a fetlock against her brow. “Be still my heart…”

“Do I need to get some cold water to dump on you, Rar? I mean, the guy‘s right there.” Rainbow Dash smirked, both at Shining Armor’s blush and Rarity’s quick recovery.

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity cried out, stomping a hoof daintily. “How rude, implying that I’m thinking salacious thoughts like that.”

“Oh come on. You’re standing there getting all hot and heavy over Twi’s brother...”

“I am not getting ‘hot and heavy.’ I’m just… admiring his… um…” It was Rarity’s turn to blush. “His… er…”

“His outfit?” Fluttershy quietly supplied.

“YES! Yes, that’s it. Nothing more.”


“Your friends are quite interesting, Twily.” Shining Armor muttered softly to Twilight, causing her to blush.

“That’s just Rarity. But yes. They’re all really nice.”

“I bet they are.”

Twilight’s ears turned slightly as she heard the doors open again, another group entering the dining hall. First came Princess Luna, tall and stately as usual. However, she was quickly passed by a slender golden filly with a long, flowing mane and tail.

“Twilight!” Fate shouted as she pounced on her big sister, hugging around her neck as she nearly knocked Twilight prone.

“Fate!” Twilight laughed, righting herself as she returned the hug.

“Twilight, I was so worried…” Fate cuddled tight against her, the slender filly having a death-grip on the taller mare’s neck.

“I think we all were.” Yuuno said as he approached, kneeling down and hugging Twilight as well.

"I’m just glad you two are okay, really.” Twilight blushed, wrapping her front legs around the pair as best she could. She leaned her weight against them, closing her eyes at the warmth.


The curtains were drawn over the windows of the playhouse apartment, the thick fabric muting and concealing the soft greenish glow emanating from the low table Shamal sat at. The knight’s eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, one hand hovering over the small cartridge resting on the table, a small triangle slowly rotating around its base.

At least recharging the cartridges is simple this time around, Shamal thought to herself. With so much ambient mana, it’s relatively easy to re-stock.

“Are the cartridges ready, Shamal?”

The Knight of the Lake glanced up as Signum stepped into the room, the General’s form glowing softly as she shed her equine disguise. “For the most part, yes. Are you sure it’s wise to go hunting right now, Signum?”

“The longer we wait, the worse things become.” Signum looked past Shamal. Shamal knew what she was looking at; she didn’t have to glance at the door behind her. “Has there been any change since earlier?”

“She’s stable. For what little good that does.” Shamal sighed, the glow of her magic dispersing as she picked up the cartridge, rolling the smooth metal cylinder between her fingers before placing it next to the others she had re-filled.

“All the more reason to hunt.” Signum strode over to the low table, plucking several cartridges from the surface.

“Just don’t be away for too long.” Shamal cautioned gently. “Our first performance is tomorrow evening, after all.”

“Understood. The book, please?”

Shamal nodded slowly, reaching over beside her and producing the Book of Darkness. Signum reached out, tucking the thick tome under one arm. Shamal raised one hand, Klarwind’s gems gleaming on her fingers as it extended into Pendelform.

“Mirror of travels, guide her to her destination.” Shamal whispered. A circle of blue-green light formed under Signum’s feet. The general nodded, then fell downwards, disappearing from view in a quick rustle of cloth and hair. The mirror dissolved as Shamal retracted Klarwind’s wires.


Quiet conversation dominated the dinner table, which Luna was thankful for. She sat quietly at her sister’s side, nibbling at her salad as she observed the goings-on.

Twilight was the center of attention, of course. Yuuno was trying to hand-feed her, though he had to compete with Shining Armor and Fate for her attention. The fact that Twilight had lost her natural telekinesis had caused quite a stir, especially with Shining Armor. Chrono, meanwhile, was quietly conferring with Arf. Rarity was still staring adoringly at the Captain of the Guard, much to Rainbow Dash’s amusement.

All in all, it was a relatively happy scene.

How does Twilight look?

Luna stiffened slightly as she heard her sister’s mental voice whisper to her. She kept her expression calm as she ate, trying not to show her distraction. As always sister. Why do you ask?

You weren’t there earlier. Celestia’s mental voice was cool. Luna could feel it. Something was bothering her.

What happened?

Twilight was in the grip of despair.

Given her situation, I would not be-

A very familiar, chilling despair, Celestia continued, her eyes half-closed as she nibbled on a carrot. You know what I’m talking about.

It felt like someone had poured cold water down Luna’s spine. Are you certain?

I am. It was a lesser version, but the numbing quality was still there.

Luna closed her eyes. Emotions had power in Equestria; the sisters more than anypony knew of that truth. However, Luna knew there were far more powers than friendship and love. She’d used those powers before. Quite effectively as well.


“Peace? Unity? You dare to dictate this to us?!”

The hall of the Griffon King was high and arched, the domed ceiling supported by great wood-and-stone pillars carved with the ancient laws of the clans. Their capital of Alce perched atop a steep spire of rock bordering a vast, rocky expanse of grassland, the height of the hall allowing one to see the high outcroppings and small forests nestled in shallow valleys below.

Lovely land, were it not for its inhabitants.

The voice of Griffon King Galdas echoed off the high chamber walls, drawing equally raucous cries from the assembled chiefs of the clans. Luna’s honor guard of pegasi bristled as the predators roared and shrieked in the voices of birds and beasts, adding their displeasure to the mix. The diplomat that accompanied Luna was trembling behind his princess as the griffons made their displays.

“We do indeed, King.” Luna replied coolly, her enhanced voice echoing over the din. “Or dost thou misremember events that have occurred? It was thee that initiated the hostilities, sending the forces of thy clans forth into our sovereign territory, disregarding the treaties that thy predecessor had upheld!”

“We hold no treaty with you or your sister, witch-pony.” Galdas screeched. The king rose up, a massive beast with an impressive wingspan wider than Luna’s own. His chest plumage puffed up as he stepped forth from the dais which he nested on, his leonine tail bristling. “The royal line is no more! Everyone knows this.”

“Thy bluster is naught bellows-air, King. Or do you not remember that it was we that routed thy forces. Equestria is our kingdom-”

“Only because you pretend to rule!” Galdas laughed, gesturing with one claw. “You pretend to play at queenship, but you have no right, save the fact that you proclaim it so!”

Luna’s eyes narrowed. “Thou dost mock us.”

“Not even you can keep the predators out forever!” Galdas sneered, drawing approving chuckles. “You can’t protect all of your little ponies at the same time, especially if you don’t have the stones to kill like we do!”

Luna felt anger well up in her stomach. This had been a fool’s errand. Her sister had thought that the griffon king would see reason, that the peace treaty could come together neatly without any fuss. After all, the last few assaults had been repelled easily and, surprisingly, nonlethally, thanks to her magic. That had been Celestia’s request, of course. Surely the griffons, having seen their armies routed, would seek peace.

How wrong she was.

“Then we presume you will attack our lands once more?”

“Indeed. Take your precious treaty and take it back to your pretty pony princess, nightmare.”

“So be it.”

There was a rush of power as Luna called forth her Tome. The cover snapped open with a flick of her magic as the shadows began to deepen.

“Guards! Seize her!” Galdas snarled as Luna began to whisper. The griffon guards began to surge forwards, halting when black chains sprang up from the deepening shadows, wrapping around them like spider webs.

“Unbreakable dark, heed these words. Let no heart be filled with warmth, let no soul be filled with joy. Bathe the earth in sorrow’s tears, and may cold despair reign on all…”


The wind became frigid cold as Luna chanted, her eyes locked on Galdas. The anger and bravado-filled cries of the griffons began to change as Galdas stood there. The screeches turned to sobs, battle cries changed to mournful keening as a faint tracery of black frost began to spread outwards from Luna’s spell circle.

It didn’t stop there. The black frost continued spreading, sliding under the doors and around the windows. The air was as cold as mid-winter at midnight.

“What sorcery is this?!” Galdas squawked as a nimbus of dark-blue light flared about him. The massive half-lion, half-eagle slammed backwards, his limbs pinned wide against the smooth wall over his nest-throne. “What have you done?!”

What indeed?” Luna’s armor clinked softly as she approached, a grim smile on her lips. “The terms of the treaty are changed thusly. Your military shall henceforth set no claw nor paw upon our lands, nor wings within our skies. Do we make our terms clear?”

The pressure on the king intensified, causing his bones to creak. His pupils shrank as Luna drifted up towards him, her dark wings flapping as she hovered eye-to-eye with him.

“Should you choose to harm our ponies, then there will be no quarter. No mercy.”


“We wouldn’t?“ Luna let out a mocking laugh. “Look about you, king. In a brief few seconds we have turned your subordinates and guards into helpless, mewling wrecks. And this is but the barest minimum we can do!”

“Head us well, king of griffons.“ Luna hissed, bringing her muzzle close to the griffon king’s beak, her eyes glowing like blue-green torches. “Should you continue this path, we shall descend upon your people in the veil of night. We shall fill their hearts with despair and woe, such that no joy will give them respite. We will chill them to the very marrow, and bring the wind and the cold upon their fields and towns. You will be the king of naught but husks and shades!”

Luna’s voice rose to a roar, blasting the griffon’s feathers flat with sheer volume. “And in the end, you alone will watch as your people dash themselves upon the rocks to escape the wretchedness of their lives! AND THAT WILL BE THE END OF IT!“

Luna fluttered and slowly set down, releasing the king and letting him tumble down the wall into a sprawled heap. “What then is your answer, King Galdas?”


“I heard thee not, griffon. What is thy answer?”

The griffon whimpered as he prostrated himself before the alicorn. “Mercy. I beg you, nightmare, spare us...”

“Then remember this agreement, and let none violate it.”

Luna turned away, the black rime receding as she walked. She frowned as the guards ponies cowered away from her, their eyes wide and wings stiff. She saw her reflection in their polished armor. For a brief moment, her eyes were slit-pupiled like a dragon’s before they returned to their normal shape. She shook her head, thinking it some trick of the light.

“Come.” She ordered, recalling her Tome of the Night Sky. "We have much to do.”


If it was indeed the despair you felt, Luna exhaled slowly, then it is indeed my tome.

It looks like it. Celestia swallowed her carrot. What do you want to do?

I… I don’t know.

At the very least we should tell them.


No? Celestia sounded surprised. No? What happened to ‘forthright and honest,’ little sister?

The current situation is delicate. To declare myself familiar with the book as they know it would bring the kingdom further under its shadow. We could be considered co-conspirators…

I do believe you’re overreacting.

Perhaps, but my point remains. Luna closed her eyes and sighed, nudging her plate away. If my tome had remained here, where it belonged, it would not have become such a bother…

Now it was Celestia’s turn to fall silent.

“Not hungry, Princess Luna?”

Luna turned to glance down the table at Chrono. The human was watching her intently, a piece of lettuce neatly speared on his fork.

“Sadly, no.” Luna rose to her feet, nodding to the others. “Please pardon me everyone. My appetite seems to have left me. Mayhap I should take some fresh air... Forgive me.”

"If you want, I could send something from the kitchen to your room later.” Celestia called to her as she made her way out of the room.

Luna nodded, nudging the door to the dining hall open with a push of telekinesis. Servants passed by her, nodding politely to her. Moonlight trickled in through the windows, welcoming her as she stepped out of doors.

The cool night air felt good on her coat as she paced in the darkness. Her thoughts were far more distracting than the quiet, gnawing hunger of her belly. Her boots bent the grass underhoof as she walked in a slow, lazy circle, trying to collect herself.

The thought of dealing with something of her own creation troubled her. Many of the things she had created in the time before her banishment were gone now. Celestia had seen to that. It had been a necessity; that much was true. Better to destroy her many, many works, rather than risk them being used to harm ponykind. Only a few remained; the armor she and her sister wore, her workshop… and her Tome of the Night Sky.

No, that wasn’t its name now. Now it was the Book of Darkness.

Once more, my follies have put my subjects into jeopardy, she thought bitterly. I will be ever-so jubilant when my past ceases to haunt me.

Patience, Luna, she chided herself. Show patience. There is work still to be done.

She shook her head, her starlit mane fluttering before she strode off. She had work to do. But first, she required a few things...



Laevatine’s enthusiastic announcement clashed with Signum’s current feelings. There was a soft clicking noise as her blade reassembled itself into a solid length of metal. The alien moons above her glowed in the night, covering the world in a faint luminescence.

Her target groaned weakly before her, sprawled out on the rocky ground amid the sundered limbs of his summoned monsters. The massive red wyrms had been an interesting stumbling block, with their many ropy tentacles and their armor of overlapping dark and bright red scales. Her Knight’s Clothes stank slightly of smoke and sulfur from the fire they had belched at her.

Unfortunately, they had fallen rather quickly. Even their thick scales were no match for Laevatine’s sharp blade.

Signum slid her Device back into its scabbard before approaching, digging a toe under the sprawled mage and rolling him onto his back. The old man gasped for air, chest rising and falling as he gripped his wounded side. His eyes widened as Signum produced the Book of Darkness, leaving the ominous tome hovering in the air above him as its covers opened.

“No… no, please…”

Signum closed her eyes. “Begin collection.”


The old mage cried out in pain as his Linker Core emerged, soon joined by the cores of his summoned beasts. The blank pages began to fill with writing, flipping rapidly along as the transcription continued. Signum exhaled, doing her best to tune out the sound of the man writhing, pebbles skittering from his thrashing limbs.

“Enough.” Signum reached out, taking a hold of the Book and closing it. The man’s thrashing stilled as he went limp, the now greatly diminished Linker Core sinking into his chest.


“Sixteen pages. That’s some progress, at least.” Signum slid her fingers along Laevatine’s sheath, returning the weapon to Standby Form as she turned away, leaving the unconscious mage where he lay. The night was warm, and it was unlikely that anything would hurt the mage, considering the sheer amount of noise they made.

With a push of mana, Signum took to the air, the wind rushing through her Knight’s Clothes. The night was still young, and she had a ways still to go before the book was complete.


“You know,” Twilight spoke up, “you don’t need to walk me to my room, Shining.”

Twilight and Shining Armor’s hooves clip-clopped on the smooth stone floor of the castle hallway, echoing off the walls as they walked. The Night Court wasn‘t in session that night, so the hallways were mostly empty save for passing servants and the night watch. The guards they passed nodded deferentially to Shining Armor as he passed, his younger sister beside him. The stallion’s eyes shifted cautiously as he walked, inspecting every shadow and window they passed.

“I don’t have to, but I want to.” Shining Armor replied, glancing over at Twilight. “It’s my duty to keep you safe after all.”

“That’s sweet of you, but-”

Twilight stopped as Shining raised a hoof, halting at a junction in the hallway. He peered down the offshoot, then nodded and began walking again. Twilight arched an eyebrow as she trotted up behind him.

“Shining, I think you’re being a little too cautious.”

“Sorry Twily, but I’m just making sure things are safe.”

“Shining, you don’t have to-”

“We can’t be too careful with the current situation...”

“We’re in the Palace, Shining,” Twilight countered wearily. “You know, the stronghold of the Princesses? The seat of power of all of Equestria? You’d need an entire army just to get inside it‘s walls. Somehow I think that we’re safe in the hallway…”

Twilight paused as Shining Armor came to a stop and turned to look at her. Her ears folded slightly as she saw the look of pain on his face.

“Shining, I’m sorry. I just…”

The stallion took a deep breath and sighed, his face switching to a more stoic expression. “It’s okay Twilight. I just want to make sure you’re safe. If someone were to hurt you again, I don’t know what I’d do…”

Twilight leaned over, nuzzling him gently. “You’d probably come and try to rescue me, wouldn‘t you?”

“In a heartbeat.” Shining Armor flashed a winning smile at Twilight. “And I’d succeed.”

Twilight giggled softly. “That’s my B.B.B.F.F.”

“And you know it.” Shining Armor’s smile faded slightly. “But seriously, this is for your protection. You don’t have your magic right now, so you’re vulnerable.”

Twilight winced slightly. “Don’t remind me.”

“Sorry, but it’s true.” Shining Armor began walking again. “So long as you’re in Canterlot, you’ll be under guard. If you leave the palace grounds, you’re to be accompanied either by me or at least two guards, minimum. Celestia’s orders, not mine. The same goes for your friends and Fate.”

“And Yuuno and the others?”

“They have escorts, but lighter ones. I know it‘s a burden, but-”

“I understand.” Twilight sighed as they approached another doorway, this one flanked by a pair of unicorn guards.

“I hope you don’t mind using one of the guest rooms. It’s not the library, but it’s better than the room you were using. More secure.” Shining Armor nodded to the guards, who opened the door for Twilight as she approached.

“I don’t mind.”

“Your friends will be just around the corner on the right, and there will be patrols in the hall. So if anything happens-”

“I’ll scream.” Twilight smiled, leaning up and wrapping her forelimbs around Shining’s neck.

“Good night, Twily.”

“Good night, B.B.B.F.F.” Twilight replied as she walked into the room.

The guest bedroom was nicely furnished; not as nice as a lot of the other rooms in the palace, but palatable and cozy. Twilight walked over to the small window and pushed the drapes away, glancing upwards at the moonlit sky above.

Wish I still had my telescope with me. Twilight thought as she leaned on the window sill, resting her chin on her forearms, her hooves still pressed slightly against the glass. Though it’s probably scrapped like the rest of the library.

What happens now, though? What do I do?


Vita stared quietly up at the starry sky, barely listening as Shamal talked to their Mistress. Of all the indignities that had been visited on her, a change in form was the most irritating. Thanks to Shamal’s alteration spells she was now canary yellow with a mane and tail that looked like lemon-flavored candy floss. Shamal thought she looked adorable. She thought she looked ridiculous.

The sky didn’t care, though.

She had no real love for her fellow knights. She was the youngest of them, the least mature and the least developed. They insisted on treating her like a child, even after they had served… Kaiser-knows-how-many masters together. If it weren’t for their shared bond, she wouldn’t have had anything to do with them.

You’re doing it again.

Vita frowned, her eyes narrowing as she heard Zafira whisper in her mind. Doing what?

Looking at the stars.

So? I don’t remember needing permission to look at the sky.

Zafira remained quiet for a moment before responding.

You do it a lot. Ever since our Mistress woke us. Why?

I… Vita frowned. I don’t know. For some reason, the night sky seems… comforting to me. Okay? That’s all.

I see.

That’s all? No witty comment, Zafira?

No. I was merely curious.

Vita huffed, closing the connection and looking up at the pale moon. Before, the sky was the only thing she had, considering she had no real possessions to speak of. When they had been previously summoned there was always fighting. It was always darkness and clouds and warships and smoke, no sunny skies or quiet nights. That was why she cherished those brief glimpses of blue and the hint of stars. But here, on this world, the skies were clear and welcoming, an endless tapestry of blue and violet. And the nights. Vita especially liked the nights. She found it comforting for some inexplicable reason.


Vita turned back, looking at her Mistress’s prone form on the bed. If it hadn’t been for her Mistress, she wouldn’t have such a pretty sky to look at. “Is she alright?”

Shamal sighed, sliding the sheets up to their Mistress’s neck. “She woke up for a while. I managed to get her to drink some soup, but she’s still weak.”

Vita frowned, approaching the bed and climbing up onto the mattress, curling up beside her Mistress. “I’ll stay with her tonight.”


“I said I’ll stay with her tonight, okay? Go… get some sleep or something.”

Shamal paused, then nodded and stepped outside, leaving Vita in the dark with Zafira curled up at the foot of the bed.

Damn the book. Vita cursed to herself as she lay beside her mistress. Damn the book for what it’s done.


There were places in Canterlot that few ponies knew about. Many of those places were lost to memory and time, or hidden by magic or masonry.

Princess Luna, of course, knew where most of them were. However, there was one she valued above all else. Which was why she quietly strode up the steps to one of the empty spires that dotted the palace grounds, a black saddlebag perched on her side. The only doorway on the spire was at the top of the tower, which opened into a windowless, dome-shaped room beneath the minaret.

Nopony remembered what the room was originally for, and it was too small for storage. However, Luna knew. She exhaled slowly into the blackness as she closed the door behind her, stopping in the center of the room.

“I bid thee, grant me entrance.” She spoke aloud, her horn lighting up with magical energy.

There was a soft hum as a circle of silver light formed beneath her hooves, the old stone grinding as the floor began to open, shutter-like, beneath her. Luna spread her wings out and let herself fall, floating slowly into the room beneath.

Concentric rings of blue-white light sprang into being, lighting the tall, cylindrical room. Ancient machinery, outlined in silver light and constructed millennia ago, began to glow and whirr, spinning ambient mana into holograms of moonlight. Tools levitated into the air as Luna landed, her boots clicking on the silver circle embedded into the floor, the crescent moon and many-pointed star lighting with lambent light.

If anypony saw her workshop, they would have been shocked. Such equipment had not been seen in Equestria for centuries.

However, there was little time to worry about such trivialities. With a swish of her horn, Luna opened her saddlebag and levitated the contents. First came a collection of parchment pages, neatly ordered and stacked. Then came a pair of small objects; a marble-sized red jewel and a golden triangle. Both hung in the air quietly as Luna inspected them, her gaze clinical and calm.

“Wake, machine-spirits. I do seek to address thee.” Luna spoke in a commanding and formal tone, addressing the two Devices.

“I HEAR.” Raising Heart chimed in reply.

“I HEAR.” Bardiche responded.

“Good. I bid thee listen. I seek to restore thee and grant thee the strength to defend thy wielders. Upon thee I shall bestow powers long unseen since the ancient times, when my sister and I did walk upon these lands as guardians and protectors. As I was, so shall you be; the sword and staff forged to defend the weak. What sayest thou?”



“Very well. Vouchsafe unto me administrative authorization.”


Luna smiled, closing her eyes as her power flared. “Then let us begin…”