• Published 2nd Jan 2018
  • 31,307 Views, 23,998 Comments

The Maretian - Kris Overstreet

Mark Watney is stranded- the only human on Mars. But he's not alone- five astronauts from a magical kingdom are shipwrecked with him.

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The Sparkle Drive is ticking over nicely, this time at a sustainable level, even considering that it’s moving all of Hermes. We’ll be in position to begin aerobraking passes in two days. That means, if all goes well, we’ll be downside in a week.

I had a lot of time to think during my weeks on the pony planet. And it’s a really different planet from Earth. For all its nations and its many intelligent species, it’s surprisingly empty compared to Earth. There are the cities in the clouds, the huge castle city perched on the sheer cliff, and all sorts of other things.

But in a more fundamental way, it’s so very much like Earth.

I got to see the underground caverns and the castle under construction of the changelings. I rode in a balloon piloted by Cherry Berry to the pony version of Las Vegas. I met the Dragonlord and the Princess of Friendship. I got to watch two ponies literally raise the sun and moon. And I’ve eaten apples which, if cultivated on Earth, would drive every other cultivar out of the market within a decade.

And everywhere, all the ponies and changelings and dragons, and also buffalo, yaks, hippogriffs, griffons, minotaurs, or other stuff, were just like people on Earth. Some are dicks, but most of them are good people. And when they see one of their buddies in trouble, they do everything they can to help.

I’m only alive today because the people of two entire planets, not even in the same universe, did everything in their power to save my ass. The same goes for Cherry Berry, Starlight Glimmer, Fireball, Dragonfly, and Spitfire. NASA’s equipment, their work with Pathfinder, their design of the Whinnybago; the pony space agency’s magic tech, advice on spellcasting, and of course the final rescue.

I’ll probably never see my Martian pony friends again, but the year and a half I spent with them gives me hope for our future- for our universe’s future. We have met aliens, and it turns out they are very much like us. We learned each other’s languages, shared each other’s culture and jokes, and risked our lives for each other. We shared the same concepts, the same values, the same feelings.

The next time we meet aliens, we may not be so lucky. But my experience suggests that we’ll find a way. People are people. You can’t build a society that can reach the stars without first learning how to work together and treat each other right. Honesty, generosity, loyalty, kindness, laughter- these aren’t just virtues. They’re requirements.

I don’t think we have to worry about Klingons. At worst, we have to worry about us. We humans have a lot of black spots in our history. But I believe we’re getting better.

Now that I’m about to come home, after two years in space, I think I’ll always be grateful for this experience. I’ve been part of the greatest adventure imaginable, and I shared that adventure with five wonderful people. And we survived it all by working together and being the best friends to each other we could be.

I’m glad it happened, and I’m fucking glad it’s over.

Goodbye, friends, and thanks.

Mark Watney
aboard NASA exploration vessel Hermes
July 11, 2037

Dear Mark,

Thanks for your message! It’s good to know the enchanted diaries work across worlds! I was afraid the low-magic environment on your side would break the enchantment, but I guess not, obviously, since I can read what you write in your book!

My life is beginning to get back to normal. I’m not chipping my teeth with my spoon anymore, and I don’t rip doorlatches off with my magic now. I’m helping Twilight Sparkle study the computer Fireball kept. She thinks she can use a more complex version of the enchantment we use for our version of television to replicate the operating system- and even network multiple devices across Equestria! (Though we’re on the lookout in case two particular unicorn brothers come snooping…)

I’m sorry you won’t get to show us around Earth the way we showed you around Equestria. But I’m also glad I didn’t have to go. It’s been such a very long time since we all left. I for one am still meeting ponies I haven’t seen in a year and a half. Every day I look at some thing or place and think, “This isn’t Mars anymore.”

The worst thing is when I’m casting a spell, and all of a sudden I freak out because there’s not a battery anywhere in sight and I’m about to drain myself dry again- or worse- and I panic. Twilight and Spike are helping me through that, though. I don’t know what I’d do without them- probably try to conquer the world again- .

The wild magic crystals seem to like Equestria very much. The castle is so enchanted that the rainbow enchantment can’t catch there, but my friend Maud (you remember her, right) loves how they brighten her home. Still, we’re going to keep them in controlled settings until we’re sure how to erase the enchantment should it mutate or get out of control. Discord says he’ll be happy to take them off our hooves if that happens, but… well, we’ll see!

Glad to hear you’ve landed all right. Write me often!

Starlight Glimmer

Dear Mark,

No, I’m not jealous that you have lots of sexy women trying to throw themselves at you. After all, they’ll never have what the two of us had together, will they? No matter what happens, we’ll always have Hazzard County!

Thanks for asking how I am. Physically, I’m doing better. I’m getting my strength back. I’ve even visited Spitfire a couple times so we can work out together. She’s getting better too, but she’s not satisfied. We both want to get back to our peak performance.

Mentally is another matter. Oh, I guess I’m better than I was- I’m not hearing voices from things anymore. (Though my queen didn’t so much as crack a smile when I told her about it. She was very interested in that dream I had coming out of the cocoon, though.) But… well… I don’t like my fellow changelings as much as I used to.

To be honest (and don’t tell my queen!) I’m thinking about moving out.

I haven’t done it yet because there are still some changelings I like being around. Occupant is nice enough, and Lucky Cricket, and some others… but way too many of my brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and whatever are still the same kind of monster we were in the Bad Old Days Which, I think, Are Not Over Enough. They still see ponies as food or the enemy, nothing else. And I don’t want to be around them, because I feel like I might go back to that too if I stick around.

My queen is kind of in the middle. She still talks about conquest and about how ponies or changelings must rule, one or the other, like that… but every day she asks after Cherry Berry. And there are other ponies, like Moondancer at ESA for instance, who she respects and might actually like. I keep asking myself which is the real Chrysalis… which is probably one reason why she’s a queen and I’m not.

But the biggest reason I’m still here is, I want to fly again. Even just once, I want to fly again, just to show that the last time wasn’t the end. Also, I’m curious to know if, once I’m far enough out in space, I might hear the voices again.

Yeah, maybe I’m not as much better mentally as I thought. Sane people don't want to hear voices in their head. I’ll keep you informed.

In the meantime, I’m training someone for future missions- one of my younger sisters, Ocellus. She’s very smart, but she’s so shy you’d never know it. Would you believe she actually got a degree from that school of Twilight Sparkle’s? (I can’t believe my queen even let her go! And I really can't believe she let her come back after!)

Let me know when your people work out a way of getting here! I’d love to see you again! (See what I did there?)


Dear Mark,

I have a plant now. It is a cactus. I am calling it Venkat because it is prickly. It sits in my windowsill above the chest I keep my hoard in.

I am taking catchup classes at the University of Manehattan. I don’t know what degree I want yet, but it all seems interesting. I never would have thought I would find pony school interesting before my time on Mars.

Whatever else happens, when I am done here I will be useful to a lot more people- ponies, dragons, or whatever. I won’t have to settle for just being the guy who picks things up. I will be good for something. Good for what I don’t know yet.

I went to visit the bug last week. She’s doing well. We might get together once a month, the five of us. We’re still talking about if it should be Cape Friendship, Canterlot, or Ponyville. Spitfire and Cherry can’t come to Manehattan without a crowd of ponies bothering them.

I wish it was the six of us. I think I might have quartz sprinkles on my lunch today to remind me of Mars. Not all of it was terrible. Maybe you could eat some potato and think of us.




Thanks for write me. Sorry my English bad. I do not practice. I work on flying.

Practice is hard. One hundred wing push, twelve times around track on hoof, then fly. Still too slow. Much much too slow. Mars steal that from me.

But I remember you say: if I give up, Mars wins. So I keep work working. I will be a Wonderbolt again.

Good luck with your thesis, what that is.


Dear Mark,

Congratulations, Dr. Watney! You earned that degree!

How’s training astronauts going? I’m now helping teach the new generation of astronauts for CSP. I don’t know if I’m ready to go up in a rocket again yet. I’m in no hurry. I know you wanted to see Mars, but I was never interested in seeing other worlds. I just want to fly. But, because I wanted to fly, I’ve now stood on four different worlds, and that’s the only thing any pony cares about. I’m really not interested in a fifth.

Starlight told me what you told her about being a hero. It’s all true. Why don’t everybody chase Starlight or Fireball or Dragonfly? They were all more useful than me, and they have their lives back. I didn’t do anything other than survive. You could have made the farm work without me, and aside from that the only thing I really did was get the ship down in the first place.

But that was enough. There’s not that many places I can go anymore and be left alone to do what I want. I used to be an ordinary, uninteresting pony, and that’s how I still feel. That’s how I want to be again- just a pony who flies a balloon now and then.

I still fly, of course, whenever I can. I have my balloons, which you saw. I never did get to show you my biplane or my helicopter. I go up a lot just to be up, by myself (except for passing pegasi). I spent so long on Mars without the privilege. And I carry lunch. Cherries still taste wonderful at ten thousand hooves, but now it’s because of two reasons. The old reason is, they’re cherries. The new reason is, they’re not hay or potatoes.

Part of me wants to fly a rocket again. I am the most experienced pilot in our world- Chrysalis and Rainbow Dash have more flight time now, but neither of them have piloted a MAV. But I’m afraid that if I go back up, next time I might not come back down. I was stranded on Mars for so long. Where will I be stranded next? If flying a rocket means giving up cherries or flying balloons or living in Ponyville, the price is too high… but I still want to fly. I don’t know what I think, really.

So for now I’m enjoying just being home, and putting up with signing things for ponies and teaching new astronauts the basics of rocket operations. There’s a dragon called Smolder that has potential. She has a pony friend- a classmate from Twilight’s school, I understand- who’s interested in ground support. And they have a griffon friend who just kind of hangs out. He’s not a flight candidate- he can’t stand being in a closed place. And there are changelings, several pegasi, a couple of hippogriffs, another griffon, and even an Abyssinian named Tom. (I haven’t let him hear those Earth songs about Tom- it might be bad luck.)

I hope your students are as interesting as mine. I know your people are pickier than we are, but I think we’ll do all right. We’re making plans for a return to Bucephalous, to orbit and study for a future landing. We’re taking ideas from Project Ares, but with Concordia and the Sparkle Drive instead of Hermes. I’m looking forward to the mission… from the ground, I think. I’ve had enough red planets.

Hope to see you again one day.

Cherry Berry

Author's Note:

Almost done (although I'm considering adding an appendix to help explain all the CSP and Martian tech in this story, considering how very, very many questions were asked about both in comments over the course of the writing).

Obviously the above messages don't take place at the same time. The first is Mark's final log entry. The last is obviously after Mark defends his thesis on Martian agriculture with alien influence.

I just wanted to give a glimpse of how Mars affected our characters, long-term.

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