• Published 2nd Jan 2018
  • 31,308 Views, 23,998 Comments

The Maretian - Kris Overstreet

Mark Watney is stranded- the only human on Mars. But he's not alone- five astronauts from a magical kingdom are shipwrecked with him.

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Sol 249


Cherry Berry watched Mark compare dots and dashes drawn on the whiteboard to the cheat sheet he’d written on one of the sample container labels (seven left) and taped to Amicitas’s gutted control panels just above the intact radio controls. “Well?” she asked. “Is Pathfinder talking yet?”

“No,” Mark said. “Not really a surprise. It took two full days of power and heat for it to wake up the first time.”

“Aw.” Cherry’s ears flattened.“I wanted to send a letter to Dr. Shields.”

Mark blinked, setting down the whiteboard. “Having trouble dealing with the storm?” he asked. “I can understand that.”

“No, about the dream I dreamed last night,” Cherry said. “I was back home, and-“

“If it’s a good dream about being home,” Mark said, “I think I don’t wanna hear it. We all have those every night. Well, every night we’re not waking at 3 AM with the cold sweats after dreaming about one of the ten billion ways this planet can kill us.”

Cherry Berry glared at him. “Can I go on?” she asked dryly.

“Oh.” Mark took a renewed interest in the last couple words of the NASA message. “Sorry, go ahead.”

“I was home,” Cherry said. “I was running as fast as I could from Ponyville to… er… to the princesses’s… um…”


“Yeah, that. I was running late and was afraid I wouldn’t get there in time. But when I got there, I was YEARS late. And the princess said, ‘I will send you to the moon!’ I said I’d already been, but then she said I would go with magic and wouldn’t have a rocket to come back on.”

“That could be a problem,” Mark said cautiously.

“And then she said she… um… word for when a ruler says you have to leave the land and never come back?”


“Exile? Okay. The princess said she would exile me. I said I already was exile, on Mars. Then she said she would send me to the moon of the place she exile me to!”


“And then I’m on this little moon, and there is Mars, just like the first time we saw it through ship windows. And the worst part is…” Cherry took a deep breath to steady herself before exploding with, “The moon was shape like a big potato!”

“That sounds about right,” Mark said.

Cherry’s mental train jumped the track, with widespread destruction and calamity, if her face was to be believed. “What?”

“Mars has two itty bitty moons,” Mark said. “They’re both shaped like potatoes. Really.”

Bits of Cherry’s brain began slotting back into place. She stared at Mark. “Mars has potato moons?” she said.

“Well, one’s about ten miles across and the other is about half that, and they’re made of rock,” Mark said. “But they look like potatoes.”

Cherry’s stare became a glare. “Potato. Moons?”

“Afraid so.”

“Mark, I do not feel like jokes now.”

“I’ll show you the pictures. You can judge for yourself.”

Cherry Berry took a deep breath, let it out slowly. “This would not be thing,” she said, “if you had princess to guard dreams like a proper species.”

“Um. Yeah. Okay,” Mark said, picking up the marker to begin composing his reply message to Earth.


Starlight Glimmer put her hooves over her ears as Cherry Berry’s nonstop flood of invective ran into its second minute.

“I tried to tell her it wasn’t a joke,” Mark said. On the screen in front of him were several images of space rocks which, if you were of a certain mind, looked like slightly shriveled and pitted potatoes.

Starlight didn’t answer.

“I don’t think I’ve heard the same word twice,” he continued. “Has she repeated any?”

“No.” She’d been at ground zero three times when Cherry blew her top, and she never repeated profanities during her fits.

“Does the pony language even have that many bad words?”

“No.” Cherry had already exhausted Equestrian, Prench, Germane, Japonese, and Griffon and was currently working her way through ancient Minotauran.

“Would you teach me some of-“

“NO.” Not that Mark hadn’t used several of them by accident during his attempts to learn and speak Equestrian, but for the sake of avoiding mutual embarrassment she was never going to explain that to him.

At about that point Cherry began the English profanities, straight from the glossary Mr. Mitch Henderson had sent upon request.

In fact, she took them in order. Perfectly. Without missing one, skipping one, or taking any out of order. And then she went into Annie Montrose’s appendix.

“You’d think she was the one eating fifteen spuds a day instead of five.” Mark commented.

Starlight grit her teeth, pushed her hooves a bit harder against her ears (not that it helped), and refrained from explaining how Cherry might have responded if Mars had a third moon that in any way resembled a hay bale.

The Hab might burn down.

Author's Note:

I'd intended to skip this sol, but just before bed last night I had this idea.

Buffer still at one.

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