• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

  • ...

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Everypony Wants to Make a Bloomin' Statement

Pinkie Pie grinned back at the others in mid-stride. "And so she said, 'Oy! I wasn't chucking a sickie! My stomach was chockers from all the roasted macadamia nuts off the barbie, and so I had to spend all bloomin' afternoon making technicolor yawns into the thunderbox!'"

"Trixie doesn't get it," Trixie said.

"Yeah, Pinkie." Applejack blinked. "That's a mite bit obtuse. Even for you."

"Eh... it's all good." Pinkie bounced ahead of the wagon. "I just like saying 'Oy!' Oy Oy Oy!'"

Rarity rolled her eyes, then glanced aside at one of the pegasi floating by the wagon. "As you were saying, Fluttershy." She raised an eyebrow. "Something about phoenixes and kittens?"

"I'm just not sure what to make Apple Bloom for a 'get well' present," Fluttershy stammered. "I wanted to sew her a plushie—like I make for most little fillies—but when I asked Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle for advice, they just... gave me random animal ideas."

"Well, to be perfectly fair, darling." Rarity chuckled daintily. "She has gotten better."

"I know that."

"And you've showered her with plenty of gifts already. We all have."

"Yes. But this is different." Fluttershy smiled bashfully. "This is a gift to celebrate her getting well."

"I'm sure she'd be plum flattered in any event," Applejack said from the front of the wagon. "But she ain't a particular fan of phoenixes... or kittens." The mare's freckled face twisted. "Not sure where her lil' friends got those ideas."

"I wouldn't mind a phoenix plushie!" Twilight said with a grin.

"Sure thing, Twi..." Pinkie Pie giggle-snorted. "You just get sick from a super rare snake and we'll have a reason to whip you one up!"

"Pffft..." Twilight rolled her eyes. "I wasn't being literal, Pinkie."

"Trixie doesn't trust kittens."

"Well, I would very much like to make her something," Fluttershy said. "Your sister is so adorable, Applejack, and I like her to know that we appreciate her good health and... overall attitude."

"And I would very gladly lend you my artistic talents in the creation of said doll," Rarity said. "Assuming it becomes a complicated endeavor."

"Oh! I just remembered!" Applejack smirked over her shoulder. "Platypuses!"

"Egads!" Rarity grimaced. "You can't be serious!"

"Sure am! Apple Bloom's plum bonkers over them! Heheh! She's been beggin' for a platypus costume to wear at Nightmare Night. And I've no clue where to find one. I reckon a lil' platypus doll would be a find consolation."

"Oh! Sounds delightfully challenging!" Fluttershy smiled, clapping her hooves. "I'm all for it!"

"Pffft! Rubbish!" Rarity waved her hoof. "Why settle for a consolation we can get her the real thing!"

"Uhm..." Fluttershy blinked. "You want to build Apple Bloom a real life platypus?"

"No, silly! We fashion her a custom-made costume for Nightmare Night!" Rarity grinned. "I'm certain her friends will be thrilled!"

"Heehee! And she'd look soooooo adorable with the little bill and beaver tail!"

"I... will take your word for it, darling."

"Uhm, Applejack?" Fluttershy bit her lip pensively. "I... don't suppose you and the Apple Family household would be looking to have a new pet around the farm? Perhaps of the platypus variety?"

"Land's sakes!" Applejack grimaced. "Can ya even do that, Flutters?"

"Erm. It's not impossible, considering my connections. But... would you even be willing to consider it?"

"I'm supremely interested in the idea!" Twilight said. "I wouldn't mind seeing a platypus up close!"

"Eh... lemme chew on it for a spell," Applejack muttered. "I've always tickled with the idea of gettin' another animal that wasn't a herder or livestock, but I've always been a tad bit a'fear'd that Winona might turn it into a chew toy."

"Not if I train them both to bond together!" Fluttershy said.

"Well, shucks. Is there anythang ya can't do, Fluttershy?"

Pinkie giggled, hopping closer. "Just ask B—"

Applejack growled: "You say 'Ask Big McIntosh' and I'm buckin' ya off teh mountain!"

The girls giggled.

"Say, uh..." Rainbow Dash squinted, hovering above the group. "There's a cave up ahead."

"Wow! No kiddin'?" Applejack grinned. "We're makin' good time!"

"We are?" Twilight asked.

"I thought with all the rest stops and gabbin' that we was laggin' behind, but looks like we're 'bout to hit Winsome's Hollow!"

"What's that?" Rainbow asked.

"A darn good spot for the second night's rest," Applejack said. "I mean... we could travel the rest of the way to the mountaintop and see the falls, but it'd be right around sundown."

"So, what do we do?" Pinkie Pie blinked at the others. "Set camp here early and just... waste the rest of the day chatting with one another?"

Dead silence. The mares all exchanged blank expressions.

And then they smiled.

"Heh... works for me!"

"Sounds great!"

"Absolutely smashing!"


"Heh... awesome."

"Trixie loves sharing her waste!"

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