• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Given the Dash-Off

Fibb was an extremely large griffon who took remarkably short steps. As a result, the trip through the branch's crystalline interior took far longer than Rainbow Dash could have otherwise desired.


Rainbow groaned, sagging in mid-trot. "For once," she murmured to herself. "That doesn't even remotely sell to me..."

Gilda glanced over her feathery shoulder. "What's the matter, sissy-lumpkins?"

"I think we have slightly more pressing concerns at the moment," Rainbow Dash said.

Gilda looked ahead. Fibb's pace was a sluggish one, and it allowed the two a great deal of distance between where they currently shuffled and their ultimate destination at the far end of the crystalline platform. "If you ask me, this stroll here is long enough."

"Long enough for what?" Rainbow muttered.

"For you to explain to me where the Hell Rainbow Dash is and what you've done with her."

"Mmmfff... what are you even talking about?"

"Don't give me that sass, Dweeboid," Gilda grumbled. "The Dash I always knew would never say crud like 'we have slightly more pressing concerns.'"

"Just let it rest, Gilda..."

"What ever happened to the Rainbow Dash who got her jollies from a gorge caving in or a loose raincloud monsooning all over a pony picnic?!"

"I left her way... way the heck behind," Rainbow grumbled. "And, to be perfectly honest, she's not exactly here right now."

"Then who is?"

"A pony who really really really really doesn't like you telling Mr. Mountain McMuscles over there that you can use her head as a friggin' bullseye!"

Gilda chuckled, her voice taking on a merry pitch.

Rainbow only scowled. "What is it now?"

"For a second there, I could have sworn that the ol' Dash was back!" Gilda sighed, looking ahead as they traversed a wide chamber full of glittering cyrstal. "But now I see that the colors have faded. All that's left is the 'rain' and none of the 'bow.'"

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash frowned. "If you're calling me 'joyless,' think again!"

"I wasn't exactly going for that, but, you stole the words right out of my beak, dweeb. Congratulations."


"For realsies!" Gilda glanced back again. "The old Dash would have gotten a kick out of all of the stunts I'm pulling right now!" She looked ahead, making sure Fibb didn't hear the current conversation. "Remember that one time we glued the two bully stallions' muzzles together in their sleep and convinced the rest of the Junior Speedsters that they were 'preparing for a trip to Mareami?'"

"No," Rainbow grumbled. "I don't."

"Yeah you do!" Gilda smirked. "You used to boast about it all the time! Heck, it was the last thing out of your muzzle the day you stormed out of Flight School for good—"

"And the last thing I need you doing is reminding me of the stupid mistakes that I made!" Rainbow's voice cracked. "I was a moron with no respect for friends, back then, Gilda. Whatever I did, it was for stupid, pointless reasons, and I've been through enough crud as of late to realize that my life could have benefited from a way-friggin'-better-foundation!"

Gilda turned around to glare at her. "So was that all I was to you back then?" She arched an eyebrow. "Stupid and pointless?"

Rainbow sighed. "What's this interrogation all about, Gilda? I thought you didn't care."

"I thought so too," the griffon muttered, shuffling forward again. "But then I saw what a dull-ass wuss you had become."

"To you, maybe."

"And to others around you?" Gilda remarked. "If this is the sort of thing that 'true love' has mutated you into, Dash, then I'm finally glad."

"Finally glad?"

Gilda nodded. "That I got off the damn train just in time. Hmmmfff... whoever this little filly is that you're saving, I hope she's got way cooler stuff to live for you than you."

"Go break your beak on a boulder," Rainbow spat. "You don't know anything about the stuff I've been through as of late."

"Does anypony know? Anypony at all?" Gilda muttered. "Or is the mare you love gonna fall off the stupid train before you allow yourself to even hug her as well?"

Rainbow was silent.

"Doesn't take magical friendship to know when a pony's being lame," Gilda said. "And—hate to break it to ya, Dash—but it ain't the same as what you inherited from your dad."

"Are we done here?" Rainbow grumbled.

Gilda took a deep breath. "Apparently we are." She nodded ahead as Fibb reached the final chamber, within which several dozen sources of glittery light loomed. "Eyes front. Things are about to get sticky."

"Mmmmf... oh joy..."

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