• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,833 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

  • ...

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A Modest Ponyposal

From afar, she looked like a smooth orange pebble along a green shore. Applejack pulled a wagon to a stop beside the barn, unhitched herself, and began unloading fruit baskets one by one.

Rainbow Dash exhaled slowly through her nostrils. A pair of wings quivered at her side, and she struggled to perch upright atop the lone tree branch . Her legs tingled beneath a deep-seeded numbness.

"'How ya doin', AJ?'" Rainbow Dash muttered into the breezy air. "'Been enjoying a good day's work while your best friend's clear across the kingdom, throwing down the gauntlet against a bunch of cursed wheels while tempting fate to repeat itself into oblivion?'"


Rainbow Dash sighed, her ears twitching. "So what if Don Canter's goons killed me and the Pies off? At least Lancie coulda given her a palace to live in..." She bit her lip. "This sucks. I should see Zecora."

She turned around, then nearly slammed into a pair of bright green eyes.

"Hiya, Rainbow Dash!" a young stallion beamed.

"Gah!" Rainbow Dash fell out of the tree.


A strong pair of hooves grabbed her at the last second. She dangled just a few inches from the grass, wincing.

"Wh-whoah! Hey... eheheh..." Stu Leaves stammered, holding her upright. "A thousand pardons! Didn't mean to scare you!"

"I'm sure you... d-don't mean to do a lot of things," Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and hovered upright, numb legs dangling. "What the heck are you doing here?"

"Was just swinging by to deliver a few things for Granny Smith."

"Uh huh..."

"But I'm glad I ran into you!" Stu Leaves smiled. "AJ's been looking all over for you!"

"Yeah, that's nice to know—" Rainbow Dash did a double-take, her fuzzy cheeks turning slightly red. "She... sh-she has...?"

"Mmmhmm! Well, so have I... so's anypony as of late... eheheh..." He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "You seem to be a rather elusive pegasus these days."


"But yeah! AJ's totally been meaning to ask you something." Stu Leaves looked over Rainbow's shoulder and waved a hoof, shouting. "Yo AJ! Look who I found on a tree branch just now!"

"Shhhhhhhh!" Rainbow Dash hissed. "Dude! Just chill! Don't be so loud!"

"Hey, why not? Applejack only snaps at me when I'm soft-spoken. It's a big far, after all. Best to throw one's voice."

"You say that as if you've been hanging out here a lot."

"Only because I have been hanging out here a lot." Stu smirked. "I tell you what, after a mundane day of delivering postage and kicking clouds, apple bucking sure is good exercise!" He chuckled. "I bet that's why you like showing up at the farm so much!"

"Uhm..." Rainbow Dash bit her lips. "And... wh-who says that I... sh-show up here so much?"

"Rainbow?" Applejack's voice drawled from a distance. "Rainbow, sugarcube, is that you?"

Rainbow's heart melted at the mere sound of her voice. She pivoted around, body dangling limply from her beating wings. "Yessssssssss..." she cooed with a stupid grin.

"H-hey! Great find there, Stu!" Applejack trotted over from a long distance. "What brought you to this neck of the woods today?"

"Uhm... erm..." Rainbow squirmed. "I-I was just..."

"Nah, I meant Stu." Applejack squinted. "Granny Smith got you deliverin' another batch of sewin' supplies?"

"Eheheh..." Stu Leaves nodded. "You know it!"

"Well, that's mighty kind of you." Applejack smirked, wiping the sweat from her brow. "Best be quick about it!" She motioned her head towards the farmhouse. "This late in the day, she's liable to be nappin'."

"Right!" Stu Leaves blurred off. "I'll try to wake her lightly."

"Remember to knock three times on the front door first so as not to frighten Apple Bloom!"

"I always do!"

Applejack chuckled. "Nice feller... although a bit clumsy." She turned to smile at Rainbow. "Just gotta step him in line every so often."

"Still lookin' forward to kicking clouds with you sometime, Rainbow!"

"Shhhhhh!" Applejack hissed from long distance. "Wake Granny softly, y'hear?"


Applejack sighed, then smiled at Rainbow. "See what I mean?"

"I... uh..." Rainbow Dash fidgeted in midair. "I-I heard that you were lookin' for me?"

"Darn tootin'." Applejack's freckled dimples showed in the afternoon light. "Just thought you might like to know that I spoke a bit with Fancy Pants' representatives..."

Rainbow Dash leaned her head to the side. "Yeahhhhh... and?"

"I wanted them to know that I'll be leavin' the farm for 'bout a week," Applejack said. "On account that I'll be makin' a long-distance business trip."


"To Orlandoats, Fillyda," Applejack said with a smirk... a smirk that lasted half-a-minute.

Eventually, Rainbow blinked... then brightened. "Oh!" She grinned. "Ohhhhhhhh..."

"Heheheh..." Applejack chuckled, tilting the brim of her hat back. "It's all thanks to you that I ever got to consider Shindig's offer to begin with. The family and I've been mullin' it over, and we think that this is just too good an opportunity to pass up. Why, if we can branch our cider-makin' business that far south, and inheritin' Shindig's mill to boot, then we'll spread the Sweet Apple Acres franchise into an industry. It'll put Apple Bloom through college. Shucks, it'll put Winona through college!"

"Heeheehee..." Rainbow Dash smiled, her sides tingling. "That's so awesome, AJ! So, you and Big Mac will be making the trip down south soon?"

Applejack's smile faded slightly. "Erm... well..."

Rainbow blinked. "What?"

"Big Macintosh is workin' on somethin' else on the one week that I can go," Applejack explained. "He got in contact with an aqcuaintance of Fluttershy's—a produce salespony who's willin' to set up a stall to sell our apples over in Trottingham. He and Fluttershy will be makin' a trip over there just a few days before I can make my trip down south. It's really the only way we could squeeze both trips in. Apple Bloom and Granny will be holdin' the fort here. With the way things have been goin', it's not like they have to do much work. But still—"

"Let me get this straight..." Rainbow Dash's muzzle twisted. "You're going to be making the trip to Fillyda all by yourself?"

"Ain't like I've never done a trip that long before." Applejack smirk. "I'll manage."

"Like... how?" Rainbow Dash touched down on wobbling legs. "It's a super friggin' long trip, AJ! Even for a pony with wings!"

"Why, you've ever flown there before?"

"Well... no... but I've flown distances half as long and it's still taken a lot out of me." Rainbow Dash glanced across the farm. "I'm willing to bet you won't be going alone alone."

"Beg yer pardon?"

"I mean, you're off to make an impression on Ms. Shindig in Orlandoats. Won't you be taking—"

"—a wagon full of apples?" The mare nodded. "You betcha. Ain't no sense tryin' to sell my apples without the Celestia-given fruit, now is there?" She chuckled. "And it ain't no sweat, sugarcube. I'll pack enough thangs so that I can nap on the side of the road at sundown."

"It... it just seems like such a long haul," Rainbow said, pouting. "You sure Big Macintosh can't go with you?"

"I'm afraid not. Besides..." Applejack rolled her eyes and smirked. "Reckon he ain't goin' to Trottingham with Fluttershy just for business."


"... ... ..."

Rainbow blinked. "Ohhhhhhhhh..." Rainbow winced. "Yeesh, I've been gone a lot lately."

"Mmmhmm. Sure have." Applejack smirked. "But I know you've just been busy." She chuckled. "Seems to be the way of things for everypony as of late."

"Still, AJ..." Rainbow muttered. "To travel to Fillyda alone..."

"Well, I sure wouldn't mind if Big Macintosh did come with," Applejack said. "Just to share of the load of these here apples n'all. But I know how things are. His heart's in another place, which is the least I can say 'bout his body... eheheheh..."

Rainbow's lips moved a century before she could stop herself. "Maybe I should come with you."


Rainbow's pupils shrank. "Huh?"

"Rainbow, that's too kind, but I ain't talkin' about no afternoon jog." Applejack chuckled. "This is a long trip with few too little stops and lots of swampland and mosquitoes."

"Yeah? So?" Rainbow's heart was beating through her chest. "What good would there be in you wearing yourself out before you even have an opportunity to chat with this Shindig mare?" She gestured. "This is only the biggest thing to come Sweet Apple Acres' way since Fancy Pants established a business agreement with you guys. Don't you wanna get to Fillyda in your best health and spirits?"

"Mmmmm..." Applejack tapped her chin in thought. "It does get mighty dense in them southern forests. I sure wouldn't mind havin' a pony with wings to help scout out..."

"Not to mention drawing the wagon!" Rainbow grinned. "You'll wanna have healthy legs to shake her hoof when she signs the cider mill over to you!"

"Heheh... Rainbowwww..." Applejack chuckled. "Ain't no guarantee of thangs workin' out that well."

"Yeah? So? Best to plan ahead anyways, right?" Rainbow Dash squinted. "After all, Big Macintosh has a 'travel buddy.' So... y'know..." She swallowed the biggest lump of her life down her throat. "Why shouldn't you?"

Applejack blinked. Blinked again. Then she smiled. "Y'know what... that sounds like a mighty fine idea." Her teeth showed. "I think I just might take you up on that offer, sugarcube."

"For real?"

"Shoot, why not?" She chuckled. "It'd give us a chance to catch up."

"Yeah." Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, okay..."

"I'll just talk it over with Granny and Big Mac," Applejack said. "If another pony goes with me, I just might be able to truck along a few more apples." She made a move towards the barn, paused, and glanced back. "Ya sure ya ain't gonna have enough on your plate with yer deliveries and cloud kickin'? I mean... we are talking about a whole week together."

"Yeahhhhhh..." Rainbow cooed.

Applejack raised an eyebrow.

Rainbow twitched. "I-I mean..." She cleared her throat. "Yeah, I can totally work it in, AJ. Don't you sweat. I mean... not anymore than usual..."

"... ... ..." Applejack smiled. "Well, if y'all ain't the loyalest there is." A guffaw. "I'll catch you later, Rainbow. Shucks... this week just keeps getting better and better."

"Heh... tell me about it." Rainbow summoned the strength to wave her forelimb. "Catch you next time."

"Eeyup!" And Applejack strolled off in a brisk trot.

Number than an iceberg, Rainbow Dash turned around, flapping her wings as she scaled the trees beyond. "Omigoshomigoshomigosh..." She squeaked to the prevailing winds. "I'm going to totally die."

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