• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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With a sharp breath, Rainbow Dash dodged several of Flam's blasts and punched the stallion in the face. She grabbed the stallion from behind, but the son of Shindig cast a dreamweave spell, causing the floor of the stage beneath them to turn to liquid. The two dropped through, disappearing wetly underneath.

Wincing, Stu crawled over towards Flim, attempting in vain to stop him from channeling the spell. "Please... you can't do this! She has a real life—"

Flash! Flim unleashed a force field, knocking Stu back.

"Ooof!" Stu rolled to the side. Mulia and Donut rushed towards him.

"What's going on?!" Mulia stammered.

Stu hollered above the howl of rushing winds. "He's trying to summon the door!"

"You mean the one that could claim Applejack's life?!" Mulia exclaimed.

"Well, ain't gonna happen!" Frowning, Donut Joe marched towards Flim. "This guy's got a hoof up his butt with his name on it—"

"You can't stop him!" Stu exclaimed. "None of us can! For some reason, only Rainbow is powerful enough!"

"Yes... but..." Mulia looked at the thinning battle to the side of the stage. The Ponyvilleans were winning, though it was getting hard to tell them apart from the enemy. "Just where is Rainbow Dash? Where did she go—?"


Right at that moment, Rainbow came bursting out of the liquid part of the stage, shoving Flam against the wall with He Who Bags Well and several other buffalo.

"Ooomf!" Flam held his breath then returned with a volley of energy, transforming the buffalo into incendiary fireworks. P-P-P-POWWWW!

Rainbow Dash winced, caught fire, and had to twirl several times to extinguish her sizzling wingfeathers. Before she could re-engage Flam, she heard Stu's shouting voice from behind.

"Rainbow! The door!"

"Huh?!" The pegasus flung a glance behind her, eyes sparkling. "What door?!" Something thin and black reflected off her gaze. She looked up, jaw dropping. "Ohhhhh Luna poop..."

Just then, Flam tackled her from behind, shoving her to the floor. He hadn't much time to pummel for, because within seconds—

THUDDD! The door landed like a missile, channeling its way through the stage and sundering the ampitheater in two. It left a wake of ethereal blue energy—a veritable chasm of thought and comprehension that rapidly devoured the remaining matter.

As the deathly smoke settled, Shindig and Apple Jewell stopped flinching. They gazed at the portal Flim had summoned in confusion and fear.

Up above, Gustave was still recoiling from the otherworldly shockwave that the landing door had caused. He collapsed awkwardly on a windowsill, and within seconds Epcot was perching beside him.

"Merde!" he exclaimed, gawking down at the black shape leaning awkwardly within the niche where it had come to a halt. "What in Goddess' name is that?"

Epcot stared at it, her expression paling and paling. "...beyond me," she eventually murmured.

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