• Published 2nd Aug 2013
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The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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Chapter 44: Righteous Clash

The ride in Flash Sentry’s car and the reunion were alike in one measure: they were both rushed. The reunion was met with much enthusiasm, at least after the initial shock the remaining Human Five and Flash Sentry had upon seeing Twilight Sparkle back wore off. But while elation was a welcome change of pace for both groups, the reality sunk back in quick when Flash Sentry brought up the urgent text messages the group had gotten from Sunset Shimmer.

There wasn’t much time to catch up or explain what was going on with Mothra Lea, something Lea herself was privy to when she pushed past Twilight and motioned to the car.

“For now, all that is essential is that I am called Mothra, I’m a friend, and I’m here to help. There might be something very dangerous around here and I need to talk to your friend to find out if it’s what I think it is,” the Guardian of Mortals noted as she awkwardly tried to climb into the car.

Applejack popped the door open for her, “And what do you think it is, sugarcube?”

Lea shrugged as she tried to ignore the sheer oddity of being inside a car for once, “Well to put it in terms understandable given past situations…”

Spike thankfully picked up what she was laying down as he hopped into the car, “For now, let’s just say big monster, probably counts as an alien, in a human skin.”

Already being acquainted with magical entities, she-demons, and enchanted equines either through experience or observation, the Human Five and Flash Sentry just glanced at each other, then towards Lea as she was petting Spike, and finally at an awkwardly shrugging Twilight.

“... Works for me!”

A few minutes later, Flash was trying to get them to Sunset Shimmer’s apartment at the speed of his namesake. As they rode, Lea was able to observe the five humans in detail. While she hadn’t spent as much time with the Element Bearers back in Equestria as she did with Twilight Sparkle, she was familiar enough with them personally and by word of mouth to figure out their characters. For the most part, things seemed fairly similar with this group to an almost uncanny degree. The differences seemed more slight than anything else, such as the human Applejack not having as thick of an accent due to possibly growing up in a town rather than raised in a barn or this Fluttershy being marginally even less talkative than her equine counterpart.

Flash Sentry was a bit of an outlier as the most she knew of his Equestrian counterpart was that he was tutored by Twilight’s older sibling and was mostly in the Crystal Empire as part of Princess Cadance’s entourage, as Lea never really met him in person. One thing she did notice however was this one’s interactions with Twilight. The hint of red in Twilight Sparkle’s face when they spoke and her adjusting her hair subconsciously was obvious to both Lea and, evidently, the other females in the car. But what got Rarity muttering something to Applejack was Flash’s reactions; or lack thereof.

-He’s being courteous enough, definitely a kind soul and acknowledging her; but his mind is elsewhere even if he’s trying to hide it.-

Lea puzzled as she saw how even when the car was stopped and Sentry was talking to someone, even Twilight, he barely looked over at anyone to talk and instead had his eyes transfixed on something unseeable ahead.

-Sentry’s not ignoring her but... He’s not nearly as reactive as she is, or receptive. Everyone’s focus is on Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash mostly, but there are some things unspoken.-

She sighed and leaned back in her seat, trying to relax and meditate to both make light of the situation and focus on her powers to try and rein them in. They were there for sure, but in this new body she could tell she wasn’t at 100 percent. She’d need to practice or at least hone herself. Fighting without flight, if it came to that, was going to be hard enough. And then there was the matter of Rainbow Dash’s attacker.

“Applejack,” Lea noted calmly whilst keeping her eyes closed.

“Hm? Ye’?”

“What was Rainbow Dash’s description of her attacker again?”

Applejack pursed her lips and tapped at them as she drew up her phone to double check the text from Sunset. It was a morbid one in content and she couldn’t fight a frown, Sunset stating she sent it after she finally got Rainbow Dash to sleep or pass out after 4:50 AM.

“Let’s see ‘ere… Tall, masculine soundin’, really damn strong and quick on ‘is feet, red eyes… er... glowing red eyes.”

Numerous other passengers cringed at the descriptor and Lea puzzled as she put her palms together.

Twilight looked over to her friend and saw her meditation, “What’s up?”

Lea kept still and her eyes closed, a slight glow forming around her hands that grabbed everyone’s attention. Mothra maintained a steady breath and focused as much as she could, feeling at the auras and energies all around her.

“Thinking it over to see if I can narrow down the list of who the attacker might be, if they’re from where I’m from. All living things give off an aura of mana, which I can detect,” she explained.

“Ah, like that spell Princess Celestia and Luna know that showed ours?”

Lea nodded, “I used to use something similar on Terra while meditating to figure out if an attack was approaching and warn the other Defenders. Kaiju give off a much stronger aura than other beings on Terra, and that holds true even in these forms.”

She strained slightly, “Though, this world has a lot more free flowing energy than Terra does. It’s harder to detect the contrast.”

Twilight Sparkle’s brow furrowed, “Wait, but this world doesn’t have any magic.”

Rarity tilted her head, “Um, Twilight? Then what about that last Fall Formal?”

Twilight cringed and rubbed the back of her head, “Oh oh no! I mean, free flowing magic to the degree of Equestria. What we pulled off I always chalked up to my crown being here and you all being Element Bearers back in Equestria. Besides, wasn’t it the first time it’s happened around here?”

There was an awkward silence amongst the native humans, Flash Sentry glancing at the girls in the rear view mirror.

“Sooo, you girls wanna tell her or should I?”

Twilight paused and looked between them while Lea went back to focusing on her scan, “... Tell me what?”

Fluttershy giggled apprehensively and pulled out her phone, flipping through her files to get a video she started before quickly holding out the device for Twilight Sparkle to see. The video showed them at a music room with apparently Fluttershy holding the camera and showing it focused on Rainbow Dash.

~”Okay, r-ready. Pony-up sound check”~

Rainbow Dash spun around her guitar, ~”Alright time to shred!”~

She smirked a wide, toothy grin before ripping the pick across the strings. The electric model guitar let out a quick series of musical pings to an impressive tune Twilight was soon nodding her head to slightly as she wondered what was the matter. She promptly got her answer when Rainbow Jennifer Dash Junior the human started to glow.

The former alicorn’s eyes expanded, “No… Way…”

With another loud riff of the guitar, the light burst from Rainbow Dash’s back. Her ponytail grew out more to resemble its namesake, her ears lengthened and pointened, and a pair of cyan wings came into existence. The rocker bellowed in delight as she started to lift off the ground. Unfortunately before she could begin to fly, her foot caught in a loop of her guitar cable.

~“WAHOOO-huh?!”~ she yelped before the cable went taut and yanked her off in a different direction, ~“What the-!”~

The video froze as she began tumbling to the ground, the blurry forms of Applejack and Flash Sentry rushing in to frantically try and catch her from her airborne spill. Twilight Sparkle was still speechless and slack-jawed a good ten seconds after the video ended.

“Aaaand closing up,” Spike muttered as he pawed up on Twilight’s chin to make sure she closed her mouth.

“Been happenin’ whenever we play music a lot,” Applejack shrugged.

“Sunset Shimmer, the only one of us who knew much about magic after you went home, said it might be tied to the last Fall Formal,” Rarity added in while scratching the side of her head.

“Only ones who know are the Flim Flam shopkeepers, the D-Dog boys, Trixie, Vinyl Scratch, and yours truly,” Flash Sentry added in, "The gals wanted to only try this out in a few spots just to be sure until they knew exactly what was going on.”

“Has Sunset had any instances of this? She was exposed to magic at the Fall Formal too.”

All the natural humans alternatively shook their head or groaned in confusion slightly.

“Eeeeh... we don’t really know, she’s never tried playing anything. Least not while I’m there,” Flash shrugged.

“Yeah because she doesn’t even try when you’re not around lately, Flashy,” Pinkie Pie half whispered and half muttered in a way not lost upon Twilight.

But before much more could be said the kaiju in the car chimed back in, “Well there is a lot more magic about than just a few spots. Something other than you lot must be using magic or spreading it. Or it was already there dormant and something is waking it up.”

From Lea’s perspective, half the town was covered in blots of it. Random passersby had bits of it clinging to and fusing to them without any of their notice whatsoever. Mana was all around like a fog of variable thickness almost to the same degree as Equestria in a few spots.

“There is mana and magic all around us,” Lea winced as she noticed an oddity, “And…”

Spike leaned in closer, “And?”

Mothra Lea grunted and forced her detection through the fog. She glimpsed something. A high energy source, one that was moving but distant. Or at least it had been. It went away for a moment, only to come back in another spot for the briefest glimpse through the fog.

“Agh, wh-what’s on our left?” Lea muttered.

Fluttershy, the one sitting further to said left, looked over through her window, “Uuum... uuuh... strip mall... Vinyl on a grooving walk... and, huh?”

Applejack leaned over closer to try and see to little avail, “What is it?”

“There’s,” Fluttershy tilted her head to look around, “Someone on the light pole?”

The dark form lurched its head down and instantly she felt a line of sight go straight through her with a gleam of red. Fluttershy shrank back instantly and yipped, “Eeep!” as everyone looked a bit to their left and Flash slowed the car down.

A glimpse was caught of something atop a roof jumping behind a store’s edge but its fall seemed off, like it floated for a moment before hitting the rooftop several streets away. The wave of energy it used was picked up by Mothra and on instant, all the hairs on her body stood up.

She recognized that type of energy, and she recognized that aura. A graviton discharge from a massive body of energy. She started to tremble from memory both fourteen years ago and from Final Wars.

“No… no no no!”, she gasped, earning Spike and Twilight’s attention.

“Huh? Lea? Lea are you okay?” Twilight grimaced as she tried to shake her friend out of the meditative trance.

“He’s dead... He’s supposed to be dead!

“Lea!”, Spike yelped as the former kaiju started to act almost hysterical, shuddering and quivering. Soon, she was thrashing.

“He’s dead! He’s dead!”

Twilight yelped as she tried to hold her friend still with Spike, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie soon joining in.

“Hold ‘er still!”

“I’m trying! She’s in a trance!”

“Well, snap her out of it!”

Fluttershy looked to a confused and worried Flash Sentry as she held onto her seatbelt, “Um, brake jolt?”

Flash Sentry grimaced as he turned them into a side road where he could safely speed up, doing just that.

“Rarity, grab the pooch! Hang on folks!”

Rarity rapidly nodded and did just that before Flash suddenly slammed on the brakes. The whole car roughly rocked forward, but thankfully everyone’s seatbelts saved them from the worst of whiplash. Lea was jostled forward and then thrown back, her eyes snapping open and she was forced into the fully conscious realm.

She panted hoarsely, breathing heavily, “... Why is the car stopped?”

Flash glanced back at her through the mirror, “You were losing it. Are you oka-”

Lea huffed and shot up towards him, her eyes and tattoos glowing and sparkling, “We have to go, NOW!”

“Lea’s what’s-”

“He’s coming! King Ghidorah’s coming!” she shrieked with a flashing glow forming across her eyes.

Flash Sentry didn’t know who or what that was, but her fright, the fact her powers were acting up, and her previous freakout gave him all the convincing he needed. He revved the gas back up and soon they were trucking along at a brisk pace through the emptier part of the town. Gradually, Lea’s panting became quieter and more contained. Twilight placed a hand upon her shoulder and frowned, hoping the terror had passed.

“It’s- it’s okay Lea, that monster is dead…” she whispered, remembering all too well what was said about the happenings at that fateful plateau.

Lea’s wide eyes didn’t close any and she was breathless, “No, he’s here…”

In the span of a second, a blur was glimpsed and something landed on the hood of Flash Sentry’s car with enough force to dent the body covering and crack the windshield. Fluttershy yelped and Flash swore, leaning back due to being in the front seats, the latter fishtailing the car in an effort to keep it going straight. Gold and black blew across the visible windshield as piercing red eyes glared through the glass. A form unfamiliar to any Terran looked over the passengers before his eyes sharply darted to Twilight Sparkle.

She expected a demand to get out, some beastial snarl, or a raging growl. She got nothing, and that silence was even worse. The monster leaped off the hood and climbed over the convertible roof, his feet bending the metal supports out of shape. The car was filled with pure pandemonium of surprised squawks, shouts, and screaming, especially when the monster’s fist burst through the roof, tearing a massive hole in it that he soon widened. Eyes locked upon the purple young woman, he reached out to seize her and Twilight threw herself to her left where Applejack was yanking her towards. Lea stared at the attacker, seeing familiarity and difference all at the same time. The distorting gravity that twisted the air and caused loose objects to begin to freely flow and burning red eyes were all the same, but the composure was completely different. The first two words in Grand King Ghidorah’s name were at least deserving in how he carried himself, a regal poise that exudes power and confidence. This was rage, as pure as it was focused with its epicenter directly locked on Twilight Sparkle.

Bending the metal frame of the car roof between its fingers, the attacker lurched forward to grab Twilight when Lea reacted. Throwing herself upwards with so much force it burst her seatbelt and bent a dent into the car’s floor with her heels, Lea launched herself at the monster and tackled him away. The dark-clad figure and Lea tumbled off the roof of the car and into the air, crashing through a wooden fence leading to a demolition yard. Wood fragments and dust flew across the ground as the two rolled several yards, but quickly shook off the effects without any lingering daze. Teal and red eyes quickly looked to one another and both transformed kaiju slowly started to rise.

About seven meters away, Lea studied the entity. The raw power was undeniable, but the manner and appearance were all wrong. This wasn’t Grand King Ghidorah, but it seemed just as dangerous. And honestly, that unnerved Lea just as much.

She drew up her breath and got to her stance, her tattoos and palms beginning to trickle with light that collected in her eyes and forehead as well.

“You’re a kaiju, aren’t you?”

It paused, but she couldn’t tell if it was listening to her or not. She could only hope for the best while bracing for the worst.

“I don’t know which one you are, and I feel crazy for saying this, but we don’t have to fight. A lot has changed as of late and I’ve seen some kaiju change in ways I never expected. You’re after magic for energy-,” Lea paused at her own thought.

Her own analysis of the surroundings confirmed magic was about in this world, and the reveal from the video showed beings beyond Twilight Sparkle were capable of emitting it. They had speculated this kaiju was after Twilight because she was the sole source of it and it was gunning for the energy. A theory that had just been disproven by the video of Rainbow Dash as well as all the trace magic suggesting another powerful source was nearby that exceeded Twilight’s current output.

Lea looked to the kaiju, seeing it was looking past her and instead focusing on something else. She followed its line of sight, looking and seeing Flash Sentry’s car working its way to turning around after the impact of the kaiju landing on it apparently damaged the axel or engine. Its eyes began to flash and glow with a golden light Lea was all too familiar with. Suddenly, the actions and its rage made sense of what a faulty theory had not.

-It doesn’t want Twilight for energy so it can return to its true form. It attacked her friend, sent a message, to draw her out while it could get what it needed elsewhere. It wants her for something else!-

And it was charging a graviton beam in the same direction of the car containing Twilight and the others. Lea’s face hardened and her teeth grit with fury.

-Oh no you don’t!-

She threw herself forward with an explosion of light.


Kaizer X wasn’t quite sure if the rage he felt was purely on account of the threat to his beloved and her family, the fact Sonata nearly died in a horrid fashion because of what this witch did, or if it was the side effects of being in this form and giving some of Kaizer Ghidorah’s personality more influence. Frankly, it didn’t matter.

What was beginning to grip his attention was the interference, the source of it being the woman who’d tackled him off the car. She was saying something to him, but he paid her almost no attention. Her raw force proved a threat, but there was something more dire at the moment he needed to tend to. He couldn’t let that witch get away after managing to track her down.

He was trying to be thorough and quick about this. The less time he took to capture the offender, the quicker the sirens’ situation improved with three magic users to help assure their safety and the quicker he might be able to track down what he had been deployed here to find. His master had detected a source of unique magic that wasn’t the sirens and sent X after it, even if it was weaker than the sirens.

-Was confused then. The master seems more set on acquiring powerful magic, but I’ll take the good fortune that I wasn’t aimed upon Aria and her pod again. The master has its reasons and might even have known of Sonata’s attack given I was sent in right after the fact…-

X could briefly entertain the hope that his wise, benign employer was aware of his ties to Aria and knew such a bond would motivate him to attack the transgressor. He had already speculated the siren’s attackers and the magical source he’d been tracking were one in the same.

-Those with power either cultivate it or crave more. This is the latter.-

He took aim at the back of Flash Sentry’s car. He was sure he could outpace Twilight Sparkle on foot and he knew he had already damaged the car as intended when he landed on it judging from the smoke and mechanical grinding he heard from the undercarriage, but he was unsure of the extent of the damage. He might have a good grasp on how strong he was in this human form as normal Monster X, but in his enraged state using Kaizer Ghidorah’s power, he was trying to be careful not to overshoot. There were three souls he knew he had it out for, Twilight Sparkle and her two cohorts; and there were seven in the vehicle. That meant there was a bare minimum of four innocents in the crossfire and he wanted to minimize the chaos in Aria and company’s home range. Still, he had to disable the vehicle and was thus taking very precise aim at the backend of the automobile, focusing on the closest rear tire.

The intent was to loose a small burst of a graviton flare and destroy said tire, crippling the human’s car. But his aim was thrown off when a surge of mana and plasma struck him in the chest. Kaizer X barked, his eye beams raking across the ground and hit the side of a parked wrecking ball crane right on the joints that attached the crane to the base. The metal warped and buckled from the impact, a few locks snapping and the crane head with the sphere attached came crashing down on the fence. Amidst the dust and debris kicked up by the tumble, Kaizer X stumbled back to his feet and glared at the neon rainbow glow leering back at him. He shrugged off the smoke coming off his torso and arm.

Red eyes narrowed and became shrouded in gold.


Back in the car, Flash Sentry scrambled to gun the engine and turn the car about to dodge the falling crane.

“Hang onto something!” He bellowed whilst frantically turning the wheel about so they were clear of the debris and hunks of flying fencing.

The human five complied, but in the heat of the moment Twilight Sparkle glimpsed and heard something. A flash of golden light and a feminine yell coming from the construction site with a blur of green hair visible in the smoke and dust being sent flying back. It was a stupid reaction, but she impulsively jolted up and screamed.

“LE-!”, she was cut off sharply.

The car whipped around, dinged on the side by a large hunk of fence crashing into the side. Everyone who braced shuddered from the impact, but Twilight’s rise meant her seatbelt wasn’t taut. The former alicorn whipped back and got whacked in the head by a piece of wood debris with an audible thud before going limp. Applejack noticed immediately as soon as the car stopped.

She screamed in horror, seeing a trickle of red seep from the purple woman’s head under her hairline, “Twilight?! Twilight!”

As Applejack held her, all attention soon turned to the injured. Fluttershy, the one with the most medical knowledge due to training to be a veterinarian, quickly surveyed the limp teen’s wrist, throat, and put her ear to her chest. A slow, groaning, delirious moan seeped from the former alicorn’s head.

“Scalp cut is only skin deep, I-I don’t think her skull or brain is hurt. She’s concussed bu-but I think she’ll be okay,” she muttered whilst trying to stop the bleeding with her shirt.

Another boom rang out and all eyes turned to the demolition yard in time to see two beams of gold and neon green streak off into the sky in different directions.

Pinkie Pie spoke for everyone, “That... That can’t be good.”

Rarity turned to their driver, “Flash, can we still move?”

Applejack’s head whirled around to her friend with wide eyes, “We can’t leave Ms. Mothra- Lea- Whatever her name is with that thing!”

Rarity rapidly shook her head as she helped take Twilight into her arms to keep her supported, “I don’t plan to! But we all, and more importantly Twilight, have to get away from it. That’s the thing that attacked Rainbow Dash and now who it was after is right here! Flash?”

Flash Sentry tried the engine as it had flicked off, but the car only groaned and trembled. He caught a distinct smell and popped his door open to hop out and check. Except he only needed to step one foot out of the vehicle to realize the petrol smell was coming from his car and there was a metal pipe sticking out from the undercarriage in front of the tire.

“Crap, I think the gas tank is punctured! We’re leaking fuel!” he barked while jumping out and popping the hood open to confirm it, “I-I’ve got a back up tank but I need to reconnect it all!”

Applejack worryingly looked to the demolition yard as another shout rang out, “How long?”

“Four, five minutes if I rush!”

Applejack went still before motioning slightly to Rarity, “Flash. Rush. Here Rares, hold ‘er.”

“What on earth are you-?! Not the time for bravado Applejack!”

Jackalyn Susan Apple kicked her door open and got out of the car, adjusting her hat and pulling up the sleeves on her muscular arms. There was a slight surge of energy about her even as she was terrified.

“Pfft, nah I’m terrified but I’m still givin’ that bumpus a piece o’ my mind!”

Being honest with one’s own fear tends to do that. As Applejack stormed off for a way into the demolition zone, Rarity looked to Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy before very carefully starting to pass Twilight to them.

“Hold her, I’ll be right back with both of them!”

Pinkie Pie swore she saw Rarity glimmer for a moment like she was about to “pony-up” despite the lack of music, only blankly nodding a full second before the unicorn counterpart ripped herself out of the car. Fighting was unlady-like, but one couldn’t be generous without being selfless enough to not want to see others hurt.

Fluttershy skittishly held Twilight close to her, having stopped the bleeding and continuing to check her over. She felt a surge in her veins, one she hadn’t felt since picking up her tamborine at the pet shop. She-

“Hold her! I got an idea!”, Pinkie Pie yelped as she shifted more of Twilight onto Fluttershy, flashed a thumbs up, and literally bounced out of the car.

“O-Oh, okay then,” she muttered whilst crossing her fingers and looking to a very confused looking Flash Sentry who was holding a wrench and visibly wondering why have the girls just evacuated the car, “You um.. might wanna hurry.”


The dust abounded and the air was thick around Mothra Lea as she dodged to the right to avoid a wide plank that had been lobbed at her. Coughing in a fit after rolling off her side and scrambling up, she homed in on the dark form rushing her and unleashed a barrage of prism beams from her forehead and eyes. Kaizer X grunted as he caught the beams across his shoulder and left arm, but largely avoided them after a brief impact, tanking through the pain to rapidly gain on Mothra Lea.

Less used to moving on two feet swiftly, the Guardian of Mortals was completely blitzed by the Xilian Vanguard. X’s powerful arm caught her around the middle in a clothesline to scoop her off the ground and send her reeling back while he kept a hold of her. After a short time of flight, he let go and spun around on his toes in the opposite direction. Lea could barely brace and cried out as a spinning roundhouse kick smashed into the back of her hips and launched her into the ground.

She gagged and spit after rolling across the ground, a metallic taste trickling into her mouth. The world was still spinning as X came charging back in again. A quick burst first of her prism beam caught him in the leg and caused the attacker to grunt and stumble in pain. But he didn’t fall. One look back at the former moth kaiju and he was on his feet and advancing in a weaving pattern that dodged any projectile fire Lea launched at him. Lea cursed and clasped her hands, thinking an incantation as her tattoos glowed.

Kaizer X snarled when he saw the kaiju doing something new, ignoring the burning pain in his leg that was slowing him down. The back of his mind was prickling with observation and recollection. Based off her coloration and energy blasts he thought this was probably the current Terran guardian moth, one of the six who went missing after the battle at Solgell he was dropped into.

-When I first reunited with Gigan, he said he detected Godzilla and others with him in the equine world. How is she here?!-

He saw her rise, wounded but still capable.

-She’s allied with Twilight Sparkle and was one of the strongest on Terra. I can’t take this lightly, even if she doesn’t fit the description of that wretch’s collaborators. Terrans don’t die quick, I’ll have to be pragmatic. Hit her hard enough to disable or cripple and then get Twilight Sparkle.-

He jumped up in his charge to cock back a foot, intending on stomping down on Mothra’s gut or chest to stun her. But that plan was averted when his foot was intercepted by a transparent shroud of teal energy as a cross-like shape formed under Mothra’s body. He cocked his recoiled leg back and stomped again, sending a rippling wave through the barrier. But after several stomps with no give, he leered and opted for a different approach. Jumping away to dodge a pair of golden beams Mothra fired after him, Monster X braced and sprung into the air and spun about. As he did so, his leg became wrapped in golden light and in turn the familial crest of Mothra's dynasty illuminated the ground below her. Reeling back, a jolt of crackling golden energy collected in his leg.

A barrier was thrown up and the graviton kick crashed into it with a resounding crash akin to a gong going off; air splitting and light flashing. The barrier held but X wasn't sent back, an unmovable object struck by an unstoppable force. Not letting the blow back take him away, Kaizer X didn’t fight a minor smirk when he saw the surprised look on Mothra’s face when a second graviton kick charged up in his other leg and he stomped it down. Had she time to reinforce the barrier, double it up as he had his attack, it would have held but the force exceeded her hasty shield. The blast hit her strained barrier and smashed through it like shattering glass, sending her flying back.

She was losing. Not without making some wounds on her opponent, but not enough to be definite. This was definitely a kaiju, who exactly she didn’t know other than it had some relation to DesGhidorah or Grand King Ghidorah, and it almost certainly was the one who attacked Rainbow Dash to draw Twilight Sparkle out. He was bigger, very durable to tank multiple energy blasts from her, and clearly more adept at moving around and using his powers in human form. And she couldn’t use her usual strategy of high speed bombardment with her mobility options limited due to loss of flight and awkwardness running, along with the fact his powerful blows meant she was becoming increasingly disoriented. Even if she outclassed him at range, he was all but blitzing her in close combat completely unlike any Ghidorah she’d ever encountered.

Monster X hadn’t ever changed into his alternate persona during the Final War years back or the subsequent battles because the Xilian controller kept him on a mentally tight leash, at the cost of degrading the sanity of one of the most powerful psychic mortals in their universe. And no one but his own team and master were even aware of the merged state of both personas that balanced Kaizer Ghidorah’s bulk and raw power with Monster X’s precision and agility at only minor loss to either compared to their pure forms.

This battle was slanted against the magical moth before it even started in their current states. But that hardly counted her out. Kaizer X, as he approached to see where she had been thrown to, paused upon seeing a glimmer of light coming from the dust cloud. As the dust settled, he could distinguish it was coming from a crack of light that burned like a charm where Mothra's sternum was.

She clasped her hands again but this time, the cross shape appeared on the ground below Kaizer X and erected the barrier around him like a bubble. Kaizer X paused, throwing out a punch and striking the barrier to create a resulting ripple effect across its surface. Soon after, the barrier started to shrink, contract. Mothra Lea held out hand out whilst gripping her wrist with her other, slowly closing her open hand’s fingers.

Mothra Lea gasped as she desperately tried to multitask. She was trying to keep the kaiju restrained and pinned down to buy Twilight more time to get away or get help, while trying not to get overwhelmed, while keeping an eye on her surroundings to not get cornered, while trying to charge up her best chance in this fight. The crack of glowing mana forming across her solar plexus and sternum would hum to light momentarily before fading, then repeating with incremental growths in intensity.

And her opponent was not making it easy for her in any regard. After several more strikes she saw it whip back and collect energy across its leg. Huffing and knowing the blowback might weaken her or her focus if it shattered her barrier like last time, she swung her arm aside and canceled out the sealing magic and caused the graviton kick to whiff empty air. The enemy looked confused for a moment but didn’t hesitate, immediately turning around to rush the fence.

-No you don’t!-

Lea grunted and set the seal back up to encircle the kaiju. However, it was moving so fast that she was forced to make this seal especially wide. It gave her opponent enough room to whip around and fire the graviton flashes from its eyes and mouth. Unprepared for it, Lea yelped as the force of her barrier shattering caused her to stumble back and huff in breath like she just had the wind knocked out of her.

Perhaps knowing it had to disable or kill her fully before going after Twilight, this time it charged her and closed the distance. Lea strained, erecting another hasty barrier that was smashed open with a quickly charged roundhouse, graviton kick. She backpedaled and put up another one that was destroyed in short order by a variant of the same move in the form of a lunging punch. An implacable advance ensued and while the strain of it having to bash down each seal with brute force and energy burst was visibly beginning to slow it down, Lea was tiring out quicker due to divided focus.

Kaizer X felt his muscles burn from exertion at having to use what amounted to his coup de grace over and over again, needing to mix it up from the type right leg roundhouse and dive kicks he usually used just to divide up the pain and recoil across his limbs. Flashes of vision came to him each time he crashed through one of the seals this infernal witch tried to bind him in. While he interacted with Aria the most, he had long since gotten an understanding of what her two cousins were like. After the first week, Sonata Dusk’s fear of him had allayed, either out of familiarity or perhaps catching on to what was developing between him and her cousin. She was the friendly one, the life of the group much like Megalon. The image of a beaming, blue siren offering a ‘tack-co’ contrasted so heavily from his first time seeing her upon his second return he could scarcely believe the broken, scared, reclusive, sobbing individual was Aria’s cousin and Adagio’s little sister.

He could still feel the swelling gravity and taut muscle from when he saw that. It helped him bite back the exhaustion. True, he himself had tried to take the necklaces once; but that might as well have been a long time ago.

-That fate for her and the other two? Not on my watch!-

He perked his first vocalization, a scowling snarl at the mothra who impeded him. He was still about ten meters away and closing, but this was far too tedious a task for his desire. He wasn’t going to tire himself out here and risk Twilight Sparkle getting away, not without a fight. Good thing this was an empty area.

Changing up his pattern, X tensed his legs and released all the force in them to run up a pile of barrels and launch himself into the air instead of charging forward. Judging from the wide-eyed look he saw slowly forming across Mothra’s face as the milliseconds ticked by, he could tell he’d surprised her. He could see every piece of sweaty hair move across her face as she looked up to him in slow motion, having put the seal too low and to the side. She started to panic and move her arm up to realign the barrier, but X gave her no chance. Curling himself up momentarily his aura flared. For a moment one might have seen what looked like a pair of wings and twin tails form across his back that delayed his fall. A brilliance of gold flared up across his face and this time the beam came from both his bellowing throat and glaring eyes. It stabbed into the ground, that torrent of energy which soon swung up and raked across a diving Mothra’s side.

Amongst the dust and debris the beam kicked up, X lunged down with a fist and aimed for the now smoking Mothra’s stomach to smash her between the blow and the ground. However as soon as contact was made he found himself continually moving forward through her stomach. But instead of a gory instant with a lethal outcome, no ichors spilt and no lives were taken as instead X’s fist struck and impacted the dirt behind Mothra amongst a shower of glowing butterflies swarming around him.

The insects scattered about, moving around and re-condensing a yard behind X moments before a toned leg kicked him in the back of the head.

Mothra Lea, recombined from her fairy swarm after kicking X in the head and trying to see if the swarm ability worked out of sheer panic, choked on her own breath. She in fact was having trouble breathing, like the wind had been knocked out of her. She’d been fighting now whilst effectively holding her breath the whole time. And that was all she needed to do. The Ghidorah shrugged off a prism beam to the back and spun around to land a kick of his own, only for him to strike dead air as Lea quickly broke into her fairy forms and avoided the blow. The monster unleashed a briefly charged eye beam again, swinging wide to rake them through the air and across the demolition site. It managed to scorch a few fairy moths, eliciting a mental cry of pain from Lea as she endured and reformed behind him to strike at him again or blast him from point blank.

It worked. Once. On a follow up attempt to try physically bashing a barrier on top of him, the kaiju caught on to her tricks and spun around. Grabbed by the leg, Lea could only yelp as she was swung down and back-first into the dirt before being dragged back and hurled towards a wall. It took all the concentration she had to not lose a grip on her still charging energy pool and be aware enough to shift into the fairy swarm one last time to slow and lessen her inertia so the impact didn’t hurt as much.

Mothra Lea cried out as she hit the wall, at last able to breathe. She tried to rise, but strength left her legs and she collapsed face first into the dirt. Her beautiful form was marred in blue bruises and ugly cuts, dirt and some dried blood messing her hair, with several noticeable burns across her arms and left leg. She heard the footsteps and the Guardian of Mortals could only do two things. Focus and pray she did her duty, that Twilight and her friends were safe.

Kaizer X wheezed in breath several times before managing to rein it back in. He was riddled with burns, bruises, and cuts. Rawness in his knuckles from punching through so many barriers indicated he might have broken a few wrist bones and he certainly had a few fractured ribs from the surprising force in the Mothra’s blows or energy blasts.

-Race is stronger than they look. Gigan said this one managed to lift and throw him around.-

He pulled down his damaged scarf and spat out a wad of blood that pooled in his mouth, glaring at the fallen Mothra through his darkened and damaged mask.

-This battle is over.-

But he advanced just to be sure, releasing his hold of Kaizer Ghidorah’s power to avoid exhaustion in a large, bulkier form. Kaizer X began to visibly shrink several inches and lose some muscle mass under his coat. The yellow rings around his eyes and black sclera lifted and Monster X paced over towards Mothra. He stoically grabbed her by the back of the head and pulled her up by that and the collar, letting her dangle in his grasp. She was alive, but dealt with. Too much trouble to kill and if her allies were about he’d never get them off his or his loved one’s back if he tried to ensure she was finished off.

“Don’t. Interfere,” his low and tired tone, the first time he’d spoke in hours, growled.

He noticed a slight illumination visible on the wall across from the limp kaiju. Perked curiosity caused him to slowly turn Mothra around to see if it was coming from her, only to be interrupted by a loud voice behind him.


There was a brief flash of orange light and X could sense a spike in energy from what in this realm he could only assume was Equestrian magic. Something very hard and sturdy smacking him across the back of the head. Monster X dropped the moth-turned-woman and stumbled forward, the surprisingly heavy force was far above what one would expect from a normal pitch. He paused for a moment.

Ten meters away, Applejack looked at her arm as Rarity looked between it, her, and the heavy whiskey bottle she had somehow just hurled at a speed similar to a pitched fastball. She was a strong young woman, but not that strong.

The Xilian-Ghidorah cracked his neck, holding back fatigue and whipping his head around to give them a burning glare. Rarity grimaced and hid before a still frozen Applejack as Pinkie Pie looked up and away at something.

“I’mma... I’mma be back, yep. Whatever you did, keep doing it!” she chirped before cartwheeling away.

An inhuman growl one would expect from an angered panther came hissing out of the kaijin-human and he started to turn their way to advance, his patience long since worn out with his injuries.

Jacklyn "Applejack" Susan Apple never was so honest, "Ah shit."

X charged, wincing from the effort to push himself fast enough to close the distance as a blur. Even if he was able to reach the pair in a matter of seconds, he was slowing down. He still came at them quick enough Applejack only had time to shove Rarity out of the way and brace instead of even try to dodge herself. Her crossed arms got hit by X’s extended backhand as it sent all 75 kilograms of her skidding back several meters and through several tarps.

“Applejack!” Rarity yelped as she saw the cowgirl’s trademark hat settle on the ground, eliciting X’s attention.

Adrenaline allowed her to hoist up half of what had been a door frame for what good it did her when X’s fist burst through it. She yelped as it was torn out of her grip, his hand grasping her head and hoisting her off the ground.

-Purple hair, pale skin. This is one of the other members of that group Twilight and that rainbow colored one associate with.-

Monster X hid the strain well beyond his arm shaking while holding the young woman up and hoisting her off the ground by her arm. He could practically feel the energy coming off her. It was there, but it was like comparing a candle to a bonfire when put up against the likes of the Mothra or Aria when she used her magic. It was markedly far more than he could sense coming off the other humans and in a time less wasted he might speculate the reason, but for now he just had to deal with the present. He lifted her up more and tossed her up slightly, cocking back a hammerfist.

-Half strength, enough to daze her and knock the wind from her lungs. Keep her down and Twilight Sparkle won’t run.-

After whirling around for some momentum to compensate for endurance spent sapping some strength, the back of X’s fist poised for Rarity’s midsection just below the ribs. She reflexively hollered out and put her arms up for some meager defense, but he could already tell she was the weakest physically of the trio sighted earlier. Judging by his hefting of her by her head, he’d gauge her to be a fair twenty kilograms lighter than the orange one and her thin build compared to the larger’s muscular frame implied that difference was mostly muscle. So he was quite surprised when his knuckles were stopped by something extremely dense and hard after the air seemed to be flooded with magic for a moment. X looked over as time slowed. Rarity had her eyes closed and hands out in front of her, and set before them was a wide, thin sheet of crystalline substance similar to diamond.

The momentum still caused her to sail back a meter or so and hit her back on the dirt, leaving Monster X even more momentarily flummoxed as the miraculous construct deconstructed before his eyes. As she flailed her arms, more crystals formed, firing in his direction as a barrage of projectiles that he shot out of the air with several quick graviton flares from his eyes while he dodged the rest. Even still, X had to block and shrug off multiple gem stones cutting and bashing him across his limbs and chest.

-How did...?-

A shout cried out and he felt it again, another burst of magic coming from the tarp. X turned and reactively threw up a guard.

-Now what?!-

Applejack’s legs kicked out with far more force than was typical of her already strong form, sending her out at alarming speed in such a way even her own expression showed surprise. She came at X less like a high speed sprinter, as the moment of enhanced strength wouldn’t permit such due to the physics of friction necessary for running. Instead the first few steps her legs took launched her off the ground with such velocity she practically slingshot herself. X’s forearm hit hers head on. He was heavier and very stable after locking himself down, but her momentum was so great it overcame the loose earth he stood on. Applejack knocked them both back with such force that the kaijin’s heels dug trenches half a meter long into the dirt whilst slowing down.

The irises and sclera in the young woman’s eyes were replaced by an orange and green light and she swung a right hook in tandem with her opponent. Between X already having damaged his hand and Applejack’s sudden burst of power being erratic at best, they both ended up recoiling with broken knuckles. Fueled by drive for the mission and will to protect friends, both lurched out with their good arm and grabbed the other by the collar. It was a deadlock for a moment to two, Applejack lurching up and kicking him several times in the leg to make it buckle. X grunted and felt a metallic taste of blood in his mouth, holding out and locking his shin against hers as he pressed back. Applejack did admirably, but the tide shifted. The power surge was fading and the Apple struggled valiantly, but was forced to her knees and then onto her back. She kicked and fought in vain to free herself.

X’s lips curled behind his scarf, which soon fell off his face as he lurched up and looked at a hole in the fence, spying the crippled car and roaring out to blanket this empty edge of town with his bellow, “TWILIGHT SPARKLE!”

A pair of violet eyes slowly started to flutter open and a slow groan leaked out as Twilight Sparkle held her head. Even through the spiral of dizziness and headache, she could hear the challenge.

Fluttershy whimpered as she tried to hide the still groggy Twilight under her as the monster bellowed out again, “I CALL YOU OUT!”

Applejack tried to force his chin and neck back, but he reacted by grabbing her wrist with his hurt hand and pinning it down under one of his feet.


Mothra Lea limply started to rise to her feet, blood trickling over one of her eyes as the charge she built reached its peak. The voice seemed vaguely familiar now, but the speaker’s human form and condition made it impossible to distinguish.

“I know where your lackeys are, you can’t hide behind them!”

“... Who are you?” Twilight whispered whilst trying to stand.

“I’m holding back! No one has to die today or any other day,” he roared. It was partially true, while he couldn't afford to against the Mothra and the two humans had surprised him, he was currently trying to apply just enough strength in his pin not to harm Applejack needlessly. If he did the other one and the Mothra might attack together and he wasn't sure if he could handle that in his state. Tiredness was sapping his ability to restrain himself as well.

Rarity winced as she rose, eyes wide in shock at seeing Applejack’s legs flailing behind the one pinning her down but she made no movement for risk of harming her friend, be it with a power she didn’t understand or her captor escalating it. Instead she froze, until her eyes picked up on movement high above.

“I won’t hold back soon enough,” he growled as he felt tiredness taking hold and knew there was a chance this might not end in capture.

Best he could do was what he did last time: send a message.

She almost died today because of what you stole, and for that you will never be rid of me until you give it back!”

X’s eyes caught movement to his right and he spotted Rarity trying to circle behind him. She gasped and winced, line of sight betraying another. That’s when his eyes shot around and he glared at Mothra Lea with glowing gold in his eyes. He snarled, tightening his grip on Applejack and eliciting a painful grunt from her even as she fought back. His lips curled and revealed almost fanged canine teeth with bits of his hair threatening to turn golden and black. He forced both women to back up and was deciding if he should fire or not when a new voice cried out.


Monster X looked in its direction to see a wincing Twilight Sparkle, a dead ringer for the photograph Adagio showed him and Sonata identified, standing up from the car even as Fluttershy and Flash Sentry tried to pull her back down or hide her. She grabbed the two by the shoulders and held her breath, giving them a dead serious look in strong stares. They were powerless as she pushed them aside and stepped out, limping a bit towards the demolition yard with a hand on her forehead.

“L-Let her go…”

Monster X’s eyes narrowed.

Twilight Sparkle, thoroughly terrified, let herself show it. She frowned as her eyes glistened at seeing Lea, Rarity, and Applejack hurt. Hurt because something had it out for her. There were no spells, no magical items, and no training she knew of that might help her in this situation. She could only use actions that made her the Princess of Friendship in the first place. She lowered her brow and head as a glistening came down her cheek.

“Please, don’t hurt them. They only wanted to protect me… I-... surrender,” she spoke brokenly.

“Twilig’ don’t yo-”, Applejack pleaded as she struggled, only to be cut off by her friend and not her enemy.

“I CAN CHOOSE FOR MYSELF APPLEJACK!” she shouted with a stomp, looking up with a face leaking liquid from her eyes and nose. Fear and helplessness had gotten to her. Applejack froze.

She panted, looking directly at the masked monster looking back at her with burning fury. His words and rage spoke of anger born of righteous indignation, not aimless wrath. Just like she was at the situation. Feeling anger over an injustice done to a friend was indicative of the ties that bind, and if Cadance could detect different types of love, perhaps she was beginning to gain something of an equivalent as she grew. Her body seemed to momentarily glow in much the same way Applejack’s and Rarity’s had.

Her leer at Monster X softened to remorse, almost sympathy, “Let her go…”

The tight grip on the Element of Honesty loosened and a foot was removed from her arm. As commanded, Applejack stayed still. Monster X scowled and stood up, half stomping and half limping towards Twilight Sparkle, who made no attempt to run. As he approached, the glow about his eyes lessened and she was almost taken aback by their appearance. Cinnabar, bordering on blood, red as they were; they were far from threatening even as his demeanor shifted to neutrality. His sclera was half bloodshot, either from the battle or from stress, and there was a dampness at the corners. There was anger, there was strain, there was exhaustion, and there was fear in those eyes.

The same type of eyes stared back at him from Twilight Sparkle’s.

“You are coming with me,” he growled quietly.

Twilight inhaled and slightly nodded, “... I’m sorry.”

X loomed closer with an outstretched hand that bore a grip she’d never escape. Twilight looked to the oncoming hand, and then into his eyes with an honest frown.

“Whatever happened, I’m so sorry. I promise, I’ll fix it,” she whispered.

Monster X paused, his shaking nerves relaxing. His hand curled to a fist as hie eyes darted about in clear contemplation, feeling at her sincerity with a mix of apprehension and confusion. He exhaled and spoke without threat, while extending his hand towards her with the palm up this time, “... You’d better.”

Twilight nodded, reaching for him, “...”

“... NOW!” Rarity screamed out.

“HEADS UP, CHICKEN BUTT!” Pinkie Pie yelled as she kicked over a mass precariously stacked on the edge of a rafter a story up.

It all happened at once.

There was a flash of magic from two sources. The first was from the left, in Rarity’s direction. A wall of several diamonds phased into existence and kept the kaijin from grabbing Twilight. It flickered, straining to hold up and threatening to fall at any moment. The second magic burst came from someone wanting some payback. A boot crashed into the back of Monster X’s hip, Applejack huffing from effort as the magic faded from her as Monster X went flying forward and slammed into the diamond barrier, cracking it and falling over in a heap. Applejack yelled out and she fell to the side, grabbing at her leg that had been hurt by the recoil.

“Wait! Stop, what are you-!?”

Twilight’s eyes widened as she saw what Pinkie Pie kicked over come sloshing down from the wheelbarrow she’d carted up during the fight. A whole load full of wet cement. The blocky, heavy liquid clung to and coated the kaijin, who thankfully kept his mouth and eyes closed while thrashing to free himself from what was weighing him down and tripping him up. By the time he rose he glimpsed Rarity running past, supporting a hobbling Applejack and the both of them grabbing Twilight Sparkle on their rush for the car. Flash Sentry shut the hood and hopped into the driver’s seat as Fluttershy help the girls into the back.

A glare of pure rage came over X as he tried to rise. A swarm of blue butterflies blocked his path and Mothra Lea materialized before him. The glow from the battered and bruised woman’s sternum was like the sun.


She commanded and he was sent flying back from the fully charged buster cannon firing directly into him. There was a foreign flash of red before the tsunami of neon teal, green, and blue hues sent the dark form flying back and through several fences across the demolition yard. Lea kept firing until he was blown and burned back so far he hit some scaffolding support pipes. With the attack cut off, the entire structure groaned and collapsed atop him.

Huffing, panting, and near her end, Lea stumbled to the side but was caught by a returning Pinkie Pie.

“Is the meanie?!-” she cried whilst looking at the dust cloud and pile of crushed pipes and wood.

But as the dust cleared, Monster X was nowhere to be seen. Just his tattered cloak and wet cement. There was a distant flash of red as Lea fell to her knee in exhaustion. Someone had seen the energy bursts from a distance and entered the fray. Lea looked up to see a red pair of sunglasses looking down at her from a familiar adornment of spiny, silvery grey. Only this time it was a set of grey hairs and bangs rather than metallic horns.

“No...”, she struggled in doomed disbelief.

Gigan stood on the edge of the rooftop, a battered Monster X in his arms. Having arrived detecting his teammate in battle, he had rapidly teleported into the scene and grabbed X just as the buster cannon was about to hit, pulling him to safety. The injured kaiju said something inaudible from the distance and seemed to point Gigan to something. Lea followed the indication and saw he was pointing at the car. At Twilight.

“GET OUT OF HERE! GET HER OUT OF HERE!” she screamed and waved her bruised arm as she shoved Pinkie Pie towards the car.

Flash Sentry reluctantly floored the gas just as Pinkie Pie vaulted herself inside, but it was too late. A red flash and set of sparks appeared above the car and even though he was clearly straining, Gigan lunged down. Mothra Lea made horrified eye contact with her friend. Twilight Sparkle didn’t turn around as she was grabbed. As the milliseconds ticked by, she just smiled and nodded.

Gigan vanished, appearing back on the rooftop to grab Monster X and enact one last jump. And then he, they, Twilight-

Were gone.


“Sorry Ms. Daisy, Sonata has come under a severe health problem,” Adagio Dazzle sighed as she held the phone between her cheek and shoulder whilst cooking.

“Oh dear, must be serious if she can’t come in this weekend. What happened?” the voice chimed after a gasp.

“It’s a touchy subject, runs in the family.”

“Well, Timber and I can manage. Business has been sporadic since the bridge went out-”

Adagio shuddered at the memory of why exactly the bridge was out for awhile.

-Yeah because my cousin and her fifteen story boyfriend had to fight a giant demon gorilla.-

“-we can just put her down for a vacation until she recovers. Keep us posted!”

“My thanks, should cheer her up,” Adagio muttered curtly and clicked the phone off, tossing it to the couch behind her.

She shrugged and tried in vain to focus entirely on the cooking.

-Sonata was so chipper to be a lifeguard at that camp this season, then she goes and nearly….-

Adagio Dazzle pursed her lips as she stirred up the kelp in the boil pot and mixed in some chopped fish, careful to modify the recipe in the cookbook to remove any disgusting milk curds or peppers Sonata hated. She focused as hard as she could on just the recipe to try and keep the bad thoughts at bay. It was a pretty simple recipe back home, but she was trying to elaborate it, show some effort. It certainly was taking some, given Sonata was usually the one who liked cooking and this was her comfort food upon returning from the doctors.

The eldest siren tried her best not to focus too much on the events of the morning, but it was an impossible endeavor. She couldn’t pry her thoughts away from what almost happened to her beloved baby sister.

“She almost drowned…”, Adagio whispered to herself as she stared at the boiling water, “A siren, almost drowned…”

It seemed like a complete impossibility, something so ungodly wrong it couldn’t and shouldn’t exist. Such a thing harming her sister was unnerving enough, the fact she could have lost her, one of the only two remaining family she ever knew, was even more so.

-W-what was she thinking?!-

She winced. Remembering the circumstance.

-She’s hurting, grieving, and broken. Of course she couldn’t think straight…-

Adagio rubbed her palm against her forehead and eyes, feeling a dampness and tiredness there.

-Take our eyes off her for an hour and that happens… we need to monitor her. Or be in a place with more people. It’s... good X returned, but he can’t be everywhere if he’s out hunting Twilight. And she managed to slip past me and Aria even with him here… Can’t be public though, might risk exposure and Twilight Sparkle finding us again.-

She shuddered, both in disturbance and rage. They’d been laying low since the attack, no concerts, no performances. They needed somewhere with more people to look out for Sonata if she had another episode. But it couldn’t be more people than they could keep tabs on, lest some of them blurred into the crowd, or worse, Twilight Sparkle and her cohorts found them again. A temporary move wasn’t a bad idea even if few knew where they lived. A change of scenery and some things to do might even do Sonata some good to keep her occupied and mentally recover. Trauma didn’t go easy.

-Huh, wonder if I could ask X to get that Megalon to return, they seemed to hit it off well. In weirdness.-

As she turned off the stove for the pot, a stray memory struck her from the very phone call she’d been having just a few minutes earlier.

-Of course! How did I not think of that before?!-

Her brow perked and the eldest siren jogged into the small living room to the stack of coupons and mail they’d picked up at the office. She scanned the titles as she sorted through, remembering a brochure that was obnoxiously abundant, like they were desperate to advertise. Sonata had seen it and was set up with the job almost instantly, further vindicating her sister’s idea that the group was desperate. Usually she would scoff at such things, but it actually seemed to be exactly what she was looking for. And she found it, scanning it over for several minutes and finding herself nodding in approval.

“Perfec-”, she was cut off by a knock at the door.

The sun was low in the sky and extremely few knew where their residence was. It never hurt to be a little cautious. She quietly clicked a button on her phone to send a notification to her cousin, who had been in the bedrooms keeping Sonata company. Adagio Dazzle slowly got up and very slowly paced towards the door, waiting until she saw the dim glow of Aria Blaze’s gem in the hallway across the door from her. A stain of red crossed Aria’s eyes and her coloration darkened marginally by use of the remnant powers Kaizer Ghidorah had granted her. Specks of red also emerged in Adagio’s eyes as she looked through the peephole and prepared for the worst.

Her head recoiled back, causing Aria to tense up, but the look Adagio cast to her was more confusion than fright. The door locks were undone and she opened it to reveal a sparking and smoking Gigan carrying a limping, burnt-smelling X over his shoulder.

“Help me with him will yah?” He barked whilst stumbling in.

Aria sprinted past Adagio before her cousin could so much as get a word out, rushing over to Gigan’s other side to hold up her significant other. Adagio quickly followed suit, yanking the first aid kit from the shelf and fetching a wet towel before pulling the front door closed, ignoring how it didn't properly latch shut.

"Get him to the couch!”

Aria Blaze was shaking in a festering anger even as she all but picked him up herself and laid him out, “What happened?!”

“Big fight downtown, was already happening when I got there. There was a bunch of dames dogpiling him to keep away from some purple girl.”

“One of them was a kaiju, a mothra,” X grunted as he ignored the stinging antibiotic applied to his forehead, “Aria I heal quick, I don't think you need to-”

“Put a conch in it!” She snapped, more out of fretting concern than genuine anger. Though she was more than a bit of the latter as this made him two for two on running into fights without her.

Gigan winced from his own sparking, “Wondered why she looked familiar. I know what it's like to take her assault so when I saw her about to loose another blast I teleported him out.”

He was smoking from a few joints and sparked again, causing Adagio to wince as she tried to focus on bandaging a cut across X’s forearm, “When did you get here and why are you doing that?”

Gigan scoffed, “Nice see you too- Adagio was it? Overtaxed my warp drive with teleport jumps. Haven’t had time or chance to stop the feedback to it...

He noticed the blank stare from the lead siren and rolled his robotic eyes, "I broke myself. Anyways, I'm here because let's just say X and I’s employer detected a magic spike entering this realm. Must have been that mothra. Knowing X had been here several days, I thought he might need backup and suggested I go so it wasn't like last time.”

X grunted and nodded, “You had good timing, old friend. Are the others?”

Gigan nodded, “After the last time you ended up here, I made a case to not take chances and the master noted the power source you were sent to seize is elusive. Four hunters are better than two or one so we all came but spread out to try and find you with Irys and Megalon going the other way. I'll send a signal out for Megalon to rendezvous here…”

Gigan looked at Adagio behind his glasses and raised an eyebrow while deadpanning in expression like he was expecting an objection. Adagio rolled her eyes, “I stopped caring about aliens when one showed up. As long as X's agreement extends to you lot and my van doesn't get totaled for the third time, I'm fine. We're going somewhere with more space anyways.”

Aria briefly shot her a curious look and Adagio motioned towards a brochure she'd set on the table her cousin looked over before turning back to tend to X.

Gigan shrugged, “Well given that damn moth is no doubt going to call for help, it's a good thing we dropped in. You'll need the extra space for one more as well. There's someone you'll really want to talk to I've been questioning since I started heading here.”

Adagio cocked an eyebrow at the cyborg as he held up his wrist, her just now noticing he had a cable coming out of it that had been dragging behind him since they walked in. It had been extended to something outside the door and had been the reason said door didn't shut when Adagio tried to close it. A metallic grinding seeped out of Gigan’s wrist and the cables started to retract in tandem with the sound of footsteps. A young woman stepped through the door with the other end of the cables tied around her midsection, pinning her arms to her sides above the elbows. Evidently not in much discomfort nor being yanked forward, she reached out with her lower arm and closed the door behind her.

When Aria Blaze and Adagio Dazzle got one look at Twilight Sparkle they both experienced a flashback at the image of her Sonata Dusk identified as her attacker. It overlayed the teen and matched perfectly.

“Um,” she muttered cautiously as she saw the staring the two young women were giving her, “Hello? I spoke to these two and I think-”

Adagio Dazzle squeezed the edge of the first aid kit so hard she broke the plastic as she roared, "YOU!"

Reader Works!

It's that time! Time to brag about you awesome folks I have the honor of entertaining! Here's to you everyone!

First up is a spectacular animatic by the one and only Mystery Shadow with the pairing the readerbase strongarmed (jk) kindly suggested I make canon! :rainbowlaugh:

Scarlet Spectrum and WarScarDragon give us this lovely piece of Xenilla and Blade Dancer's daughter and God-Daughter together!

Good ol' Pyrus Leonidas, illustrator of Bridge's timeline continues to prove his master craft in all things kaiju and beyond with his extensive pieces of original and inspired art! Check him out, he does some of the best monster vectors I've ever seen!

FallenAngel has made enough pictures of inspired and original work to fill an art gallery! Wall to wall feels, comedy, and adorableness in all series to be found! Try to avoid the diabetes and prep the insulin when checking in. To avoid posting 20 something pieces, I'll just post this one and direct you to her gallery!

SPECIAL NOTE: I originally had a very different ending for chapter 44 planned but after the heartbreak of one of FallenAngel's pictures and suggestion by Faith-Wolff, I changed it to how you see now. If you worry about the drama and emotion set for this arc, blame dem dames!

Ever wondered what it be like to have a Three Stooges Act with the Bridge's kaiju cast? HolyCross9 wondered and dared to answer it! Have a laugh!

What's better than one Godzilla? Two Godzillas! Least that's what Wandzioch thought!

Zeroviks needs no introduction at this point. What with his awesome videogame inspired series of pieces with dames and dudes from both of Bridge's franchises and plenty of original characters to boot! Ever wanted to see Godzilla Junior looking like he just stepped out of a Tekken game? It's there. Ever wanted to see him make the Shinomura kaiju his own? Got that. Want an idea of what a grown up Chibi Moon look like in cosplay? Have a ball! As for here, we got Princess Pouty herself, a Chibi'd Destroyah!

Bridge isn't the only transformed roster on the block! Check out LionPatriot's Pokken'verse which includes this lovely piece in the Bridge's style for his personal Godzilla!

Bagan might be the lead villain of The Bridge, but I hardly have a monopoly on usage. Kahnac, the man with one of the coolest sounding names on the internet, has run the gauntlet of usage of Tanaka's most infamous unused creation!

You guys like the Mirror world from Sound of Thunder? You like Ki Seong and company? Want to see more of it? Well that guy named ThatGuyVex has you covered in this official Canon spin-off that I am extremely proud to give my stamp of approval!
Tales of the Amalgam'verse: Mirror Image

And because I forgot and feel like an idiot for doing it, closing out our jaunt is Invader Franky with our main hero threatening the viewer (me) with bodily harm for forgetting!

Did I miss your piece? Let me know immediately and I shall joyfully add it in!

Author's Note:

Proofed by Faith-Wolff and Lance-Omikron
Artwork by Faith-Wolff!

NEXT TIME ON THE BRIDGE!: Some things familiar, some things drastically different. Momma Tia is comin' to town!

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