• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 116,936 Views, 9,637 Comments

The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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Chapter 15: The Guardian's Flame

Mothra Lea
Twilight Sparkle
Godzilla Junior
Blade Dancer
Cached Ire
Captain Blueberry Frost
Princess Luna
Princess Celestia

Outside Canterlot

Streams of nuclear radiation and heat seared through the midnight air and lit up the airspace like a barrage of firework. The burning lights fried anything they hit, roasting their way through a dozen or so gyaos that attempted to charge its owner head on. There were tales in Equestria, tales of behemoths and monsters, giants of fables who moved like living mountains. Yet in a world of dragons and ursine, none in Harmony's realm had seen anything like what was unfolding outside of Equestria’s capital right now. The days of titans had returned, and they were at war with each other.

Streams of yellow light sliced through the air, the beams of visibly condensed sound screaming into the night as they raked across the valley floor. Boulders were slashed in two and trees were bisected, but the towering figure half obscured by smoke refused to be cut down. Sparks flew out whenever the gyaos flock’s rays hit a scaly hide that had withstood the wrath of his home world's nuclear fires. The few rays that did manage to slice through a few layers of scales were shrugged off like paper cuts, any bleeding near instantly halting from the juggernaut’s healing ability. Pain, both from the few injuries sustained and the rapid mending of them; only fueled his inner fires.

Unleashing a roar that eclipsed any thunder crack, Godzilla charged forward to meet a diving portion of the gyaos flock head on; the earth below his feet pounding at each footfall. Lunging forward, he grabbed a cackling Super Gyaos by the neck as he ducked and raked his jagged back spines across another to a shower of gore. Ripping his hand to the side, he batted away another score of gyaos with the one he'd grabbed onto, the cracking sound between his fingers signaled he’d snapped the first Super’s neck like a dead twig even as he bludgeoned others with the corpse. Tossing aside his improvised club, the monster king continued rushing headlong into the flock, his back spines began to glow with burning might.

All over he was getting surrounded, hit with cutting rays that deafened him, raked with claws, and suffered dozens of teeth gnashing into the opened wounds.


Canterlot had always been a city of admixture. Varying fashion trends, dozens of different professions, innumerable travels from every nation under Celestia’s sun and as diverse as Luna’s stars. But for the moment, every single soul in the city save for a single changeling and a few alicorns had the same expression. Nothing but shock. Pure, unadulterated shock as their eyes stayed glued to the sights occurring beyond the golden barrier that encircled the city in a bubble. Gnashing fangs, sparks of fire; and bloodied claws held all of their attention in a death grip. It took the blaring voice of Celestia and Luna, both calling out in a voice of older days that yelled down at the entire city from castle’s peak, to rip everyone’s attention away.


Many were wise to follow through, quickly seeking the sturdier buildings of the capital such as the barracks and castle. Still, no small amount of chaos was beginning to break out. And for every soul who lost rational and panicked, two more were frozen in place where they stood; looking upon the war zone outside that had previously been the steps to harmony itself.

Dark forms outside the golden barrier shifted as Godzilla battled it out against the main body of the flock. Rising up from below to hover before the barrier, several gyaos hissed and cackled greedily as they looked down at the terrified ponies behind the fortification. One of them snarled, clinging to the side of the barrier before furiously pecking at the shield of solid magic. Waves and ripples coursed through Celestia’s shield as the crowds scrambled to get away. The barrier was holding, but as more and more gyaos joined in on the attack; the eldest alicorn was beginning to grit her teeth. Distant energy flowed through Celestia’s body, Luna’s presence reinforcing her prowess far beyond anything she could muster alone. Still, fending off an attack on this scale while making certain not to weaken the barrier at any inch of its span was strenuous even for her. But if there was one thing Celestia had a lot of, it was will. And in a realm of magic, will was power. She had a city, a citizenry, and a sister to protect. She had been prepared to fight the swarm in Godzilla’s place earlier, and still would if needed. For now though, the solar diarch would settle for not granting this ravenous flock a single foothold in her city, and not get within an inch of her beloved ponies.

Sparks of golden magic ripped forth from Celestia’s horn and impacted the barrier, drastically reasserting her power into it. Pure energy ripped across the entire force field and coursed into any soul from the outside who dared attack it. The gyaos, who had been so previously hell-bent on clawing their way through the shield, where shocked and burned repeatedly by strands of magical wrath. Several additional gyaos broke away from the main battle and attempted to try their luck at forcing their way inside the bubble of energy, only for a beam of white energy shot out of the Lunar tower to join Celestia’s in further charging the barrier to withstand and repel more of the assault. Luna looked down at her sister with a knowing nod and a smile, fueling more of her power into the barrier.

-I might have lent most of my power to the beast, but doesn’t mean you’re alone in this Celly-

Celestia stole a moment to smile, before the roar of more gyaos and their gargantuan attacker stole her attention back. Mighty and voracious as the newcomer was, the flock numbered in the hundreds. This was going to be a nail biting night.

Lea and Twilight watched on from a separate balcony. Several doctors and nurses were beginning to arrive to tend to the changeling’s shoulder, not bothering to ask why one of her kind was present. Seeing an ongoing conflict of giant monsters battling it out in front of one’s capital tends to distract someponies from the native strangeness, such as a changeling in the castle; at least for now. Twilight couldn’t rip her gaze away from the stream of burning blue and slashes of yellow. Lea said he was big, but she didn’t say he was something that could swallow a bus.

“So this is… what he normally looks like?”

Lea took a calmed breath, being the only soul in Canterlot probably used to seeing what was unfolding before her.

“Since the day I met him.”

Twilight was speechless. Even after seeing four different types of kaiju now she should have been a bit more used to the sight. She still wasn't. After several silent moments however, she finally managed to steal a glance down at the city below at the hundreds of ponies streamed into the barracks and lower regions of the castle itself. There were still those who looked upon the battle. Reactions were mixed. Some ponies stood mortified at the carnage unfolding just beyond a wall of magic, not caring who or what was fighting for whatever reason. Upon hearing the word ‘ally’ from their rulers, some ponies even were taking moments to cheer for the saurian creature. Most however, stood in silence; caught between shock and awe. It was a fact of life that most of the more dangerous events in the realms, a thunderstorm, a volcano, a wild fire, or an enraged alicorn; all held a visual draw to them. Perhaps it was the visual sight of so much raw power, perhaps it was the subtle fear inspired by that power. One way or another, it was hard to look away.

Twilight had fear, but for something rather than of something. She feared for those she was looking at. Their fate was in a leviathan's hands. And while there was no pale alpha to fight here, there seemed to be no end to the flock.

“Can he do it? Is he strong enough?”

Lea closed her eyes, able to sense the status of her best friend even from the distance. He was holding well, ushering the changeling to give a nod.

“I know him, he’s strong enough.”

The guardian opened her eyes, unable to quench the feeling of longing to aid in Junior’s fight as tiredness from before began to catch up to her. The changeling queen half fainted before Twilight and the doctors could catch her, the last image she saw in the flickers of her eyelids was Godzilla roaring defiantly at the hovering flock. She remembered the conditions of the transformation, of how it was temporary. She prayed Luna had given him enough of a charge to make it count. Otherwise her friend’s fight was with both the gyaos horde and against time itself. He couldn’t afford to lose either. Lea's vision faded, shifting into unconsciousness at the trumpeting of her oldest ally.

-Just please be fast enough too… Goji…-

Back up at the Solar wing, Captain Blueberry Frost had been glad she issued earplugs to everyone before the ruling alicorns let it rip with the Royal Canterlot voice, otherwise the world likely would be more muted and ringing than it was already. After giving the motion to pop the plugs out, the earth pony mare’s face hardened up. She addressed her lead formation of guards, ironically made up of the same members who’d escorted Junior to Luna earlier. The captain of the guards need only a brief glance to and an exchanged nod with Celestia to know the solar diarch was going to be fine, freeing up her little posse for other matters.


Cached Ire, Incognito, Blade Dancer, and Hammerbolt all snapped into attention. Hearing their captain in this snappy of a voice would rip their attention away from anything. Captain Frost’s normally amicable expression was all gone as she looked back at them.

“Alright ya’ll, no standin’ ‘round lookin’ wide eyed and slack jawed at the big lizard and bats on my watch, we got a job to do. So congrats, you lot are getting some overtime hours! Right now Canterlot's going to Tartarus and back with all these ponies running scared, ya’ll and I need to get the other guards on duty and sort this mess out best we can. This is an A-rank mission detail!”

Incognito shakingly raised a hoof at the last part.

Captain Frost snapped around towards him, “Whaaaaaaat is it, Private?!”

Incognito quivered, “Ma’am sir- ma’am! A-rank?! That’s a bit ab-ove me. I mean I WANT to help a lot! I really do! But I’m just a private! What if I screw u-”

One could practically see the fire shooting out of the captain’s eyes as she gave her response, “GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF CORPORAL! This is no time falter!”

Incognito’s eyes widened. Some self assurance was trickling back in.

He still sputtered, “C-Corporal?”

Frost was unfased, “You damn well heard me right, I’ll give ye’ the new badge and star later if you pull this off. But for now I need you to go get Second Lieutenant Starlight, head down to the barracks and clear it out for all these refugees. Heck with it, tell him he’s promoted too if he goes with you, just get hustlin’!”

Incognito practically jumped up and saluted before bolting off. Blueberry turned to Hammerbolt, completely ignoring the stallion’s height overstepping her own.

“Sergeant, I need you to go round up some of night-watch and go help Kickback and the other medics clear out the hospital. Escort them all back here as fast and smoothly as possible. Got it?”

Hammerbolt saluted, brushing aside the half joking request for a promotion as well but sensed this was no time for even his dry humor.
“On it ma’am!”

As the stallion rushed off with speed betraying his size, Blueberry Frost turned to the two pegasi mares, “A’right you two. Special task. Luna was ‘posed to make an appearance at the School for Gifted Unicorns but obviously that’s been scrapped due to 'weather'. However the night class is still probably there and on lock down since the shield went up. I need you two to round them up, and escort them back here to get them with their parents. Bring any teachers ye’ find too, Lord Bonnie knows we’ll need the magic help.”

"Ma'am yes Ma'am!"

Blueberry Frost stole a look out into the battleground outside before rushing off to the front gate herself to aid in the evacuation, throwing on her lucky overcoat as she went. The air shook as the leviathan roared, roasting several demons with its blue flares before head butting another to the ground.

-Come on big guy don't let us down...-

Outside Canterlot

Godzilla quickly had to fight back to keep his footing as he stumbled forward due to 15,000 tons of Super Gyaos having dive bombed and slammed into the back of his head, dazing him and making the world tilt sidewards. Managing to glimpse the beast before it ducked back behind the dark shrouds emitted by the horde, the king of the monsters snarled. Flocks always had an alpha, and in the absence of the Hyper Gyaos that Mothra had taken out; the largest Super was a likely candidate. Heat and light crackled across his spines, roasting several smaller members of the flock who foolishly tried to gnaw at his back. The burning corpses rained down his body and into the forest below, igniting parts of it. Just before he could lock onto where he presumed the alpha had flown, several large forms blindsided Junior from the right at full speed.

Godzilla had to try his hardest not to fall over as four other Super Gyaos rammed into him and went on the attack. One clamped it jaws firmly down on his wrist, another began clawing at his upper thigh, and two more grabbed onto the back of his head and shoulders to try and yank him off his feet. Pain shot through the dinosaur's arm, heralding trickles of blood to signal the demon had managed to bite through his hide. Judging from the pain in his legs and the shriek of sound in the air, the second Super had fired her beam in a stream at a claw wound with enough concentration to cut into his muscle slightly. His healing factor would quickly patch the wounds, but he needed to get them off first. Ignoring the claws and fangs gnashing at his neck and shoulders, Godzilla snarled and grabbed the gyaos locked onto his arm. Fishing his claws under her top jaw, he bit back the wince inducing jolts and yanked back. The bat-like beast yelped briefly from the whiplash before being cut short from the loud crack of a broken neck and skull. His arms freed, a firm hammer-like fist collided with the skull of the second gyaos, cutting off her attempts to slice into his abdomen before he promptly acquainted the ravenous beast's head with the bottom of his multi-ton foot. A bony crunching sound was very audible.

The hissing in the air behind his head signaled one of his remaining attackers attempting to charge up her beam while poised at his throat. A similar sound to his right shoulder signaled her cohort had a similar idea. Junior braced his legs and flexed his tail. No time to charge a nuclear pulse, no range for his claws of beam. No problem. Jumping up and turning around midair as his attackers held on, Junior demonstrated why attacking a creature with sharp spines on its back was a bad idea, as he hit the ground back first. Gasping hisses behind him were all he heard as the charging beams were silenced. Rolling out of the way of several more sonic beams as his now crimson spattered spines burned with heat and evaporated their liquid coatings; Junior growled at the flock. Rising to his feet before smacking aside several fliers with his tail, he took aim.

-Four down-

The night was re-lit with burning lights. He swung his head around as another Super Gyaos lunged at him. It was either too slow or too determined to pull away in time as the side of his face caught it across the midsection. With a feral snarl, fangs tore into and pulped the hard sternum with a sickening crack of bone. Thrashing back and forth to ensure it was dead, in a manner not unlike a fox with a rat, Godzilla whipped around and hurled the gyaos into several other of its kind with so much force they impacted the mountain bedrock like a mortar!

The Monster King chanced a tired shrug, trying to ignore the pain he was in while bleeding all over.

-About one hundred and ninety four to go-


Blade Dancer and Cached Ire hovered above the ground as they held the school gates open, ushering the School for Gifted Unicorn's denizens out into the night a small parade. The captain's intuition had proved valid, the entire academy having gone on lock down and hiding in the auditorium as soon as the golden shield spell went up. Some of the staff and students hadn't known why the barrier had been put up exactly, only having heard noises through the walls or caught fleeting glimpses of blue-white light through the windows. As soon as they were outside however and became acquainted with what amounted to ring-side seating due to their placement on the city's edge, any speculations were squashed. Most adults were shocked or horrified at what they were seeing. And while some of the colt and fillies shook and cried at the sight of what was happening in front of them, upon hearing the words 'Monster Fight', most of the school children were giddy to watch had the adults not been quick to usher them out. Cached Ire kept a mental tally of the last group heading out.

"Aaaaand forty nine students and fifteen teachers. We're one kid short."

"Did you miscount any?"

"Probably there wa-"

An earth trembling boom and reverberating roar vibrated the ground and shook the air. All eyes cast themselves to beyond the barrier in time to see Godzilla slamming his tail down on a fallen gyaos repeatedly, before spinning around to fend off another lunging at his head. Cached managed to keep a flat look and tone regardless of the situation.

"... You always did chase after the odd ones but I think this one is a definite record setter."

Blade Dancer chewed on her lip with a dipped expression. There was a lot of things going through her mind right now, and if she focused on any one of them she could almost feel her mane drooping. Pursuing a strange, foreign unicorn was one thing. Finding out that the true form of said unicorn was the size of a battleship, had fangs as tall as she was, and was currently killing everything in its way was a whole different level; even for her. Her friend's words, intended for her feelings or not; only helped slightly.

"Well... least he's still on our side..."

Cached gave a half nervous chuckle, looking out into the city itself. The initial panic had definitely taken its toll. Emergency sirens blared into the night almost as much as the monstrous roars, as small firefighting teams and ambulances crisscrossed the city. Canterlot had been attacked by giants they couldn't have hoped to have prepared for and all hell had broken loose before the emergency crews managed to restore order.

"Talk about not in the training manual huh?"

"I doubt even Frost could have thought up a drill for this sort of stunt."

"Well best we can do is keep at it. This groups gotta roll out soon as possible. I'm going to escort this group over to the main halls. Sturdy walls, lots of guards; they'll be safer there. What about you?"

Blade Dancer rubbed her chin for a moment, glancing back at the school.

"Hmmm.... Can you handle the group by yourself?"

Cached Ire smirked, playfully punching her friend in the shoulder.

"Do you even know who you're talking to?~"

Blade Dancer couldn't help but chuckle, thankful she got what translated to a 'yes'.

"You go on ahead, I'm gonna do another sweep of the classrooms and make sure we got everypony. Don't wait up for me."

Cached Ire nodded, some worry being all too obvious on her face. Given the roaring echoing across the skies above, it was obvious why.

"Hey, Bladey listen. Tonight's going south at rainboom speed. I'd hate to come back to another terror tonight. So take care of yourself, okay?"

Blade Dancer didn't need to verbally reply. Raising her hoof and returning Cached her classic shoulder punch with a smile was clue enough. She promised. Cached's face warmed with relief before she turned back to the small crowd, hovering out above them before taking point.

"Alright fillies and colts, everypony step lively and keep a cool head; you're all getting a field trip. Looks like you lot might see Princess Luna tonight after all."

Blade Dancer sighed as Cached Ire spirited away the small parade into the night before flying back inside. She sailed down the darkened main halls, scanning empty room after empty to make absolutely certain and put her conscious to rest. The flares of blue and yellow light outside that shown through each window constantly reminded her of a subject she'd rather not think about at the moment. She had a duty to perform, and the sound of a tiny whimper amongst the screeches and roars reminded her all too much of it. Reversing her wing beat and rapidly flapping backwards, the pegasus halted herself before a small class room at the end of the hall. A small cry echoed out of the half closed door, confirming her suspicions. Nudging the door fully open, she entered and quickly spied how badly the room had been turned over in the initial evacuation. The teacher's thick desk was the only thing still on all four of its legs in the entire chamber, most of the student desks having been knocked over on their side or clumped together in crude masses. It was behind one overturned desk, next to some precariously tilted bookshelves that she heard a small, half shushed sobbing seep out.

The source was easy enough to spot. A bright yellow little foal, not even close to double digit age, was curled up next to the bookshelf with his head held between his hooves. The poor little colt was a shaking wreck, obviously having been alone and crying for awhile.

-Must have accidentally gotten left behind in the initial panic-

Blade Dancer pushed the desk aside a bit, speaking up.

"Hey, little guy, up here."

The colt was quick to shrink away at sudden noise and gasped, but looked up none the less. In the low light however, all he saw was the gleam of golden metal looking down on him. Fright obvious on his face, he backed up more into the base of the shelf. Blade Dancer thankfully was just as quick to wise up, and slipped her helm off just in time for a blaze of light outside to illuminate her calmed, smiling face. She held out her head armor away from her.

"See? Just a normal pony. I'm here to take you back to your teachers and parents okay?"

The little colt stopped backing up, swallowing back some drying tears as he nodded. At that sort of age in this sort of situation, any kind adult tended to calm a kid down some. Blade Dancer chuckled a bit to herself, setting down her helmet in front of him before kicking it over to the colt.

"Why don't you hold onto this for me while I get you out?"

His eyes lit up at the new treasure, eagerly pawing at it before attempting to pick it up. His fear was quickly dispelled.
"Coooool! Okay Miss."

She had to resist the urge to squeal at seeing the little one try on the armor only for it to be grossly too big and heavy for his head; causing the helmet to swallow up most of his upper body and make him flop over. Unable to reach the colt by hoof, she nudged the desk aside. However, due to how the tables, massive bookshelf, and desks were overturned; a lot of them had semi-locked into place. Moving one was like trying to move aside all of them. Grunting, she finally managed to shove the principle desk out of the way; only for a woody, creaking sound to screech out from the bookshelf above the colt. Trailing her eyes up, she was quickly met with the sight of several hundred pounds of wood shift several inches forward before stopping. Blade Dancer stayed trained on the shelf for several moments to make sure it wasn't going to tip any further. Few inches more was all it would have taken for it to lose its base it and have tumbled over on top of them. Thankfully it moved no more.

"Oh thank Celestia..."

Canterlot Valley

Godzilla was not having a pleasant night. True, he'd had harder times. Final Wars, fighting the specter of a previous namesake, Xenilla's surprise visit. And then there always was that time he died nineteen years ago. That hurt a lot. But this, this was quickly rising in ranks as one of his least favorite outings. Charging his beam, the successor king unleashed another tidal wave of radiation and pure heat into the shadows. Still, as he swept it to and fro into the spiraling horde above, ushering another avalanche of burning gyaos to plummet to the ground dead and dying; the darkness seemed without end. With each and every terror he cut down, two more went on the assault. Every moment he kept alternating between healing up his injuries and accumulating more of them, unable to dodge the torrents of yellow rays raining down on him every second. Turning aside to bat away a diving Super with his tail, Junior hissed.

-Note to self, thank Gamera for dealing with these things most of the time when back home-

Just as he spun back around to keep the city at his back, he spied what he was looking for. The presumed alpha Super Gyaos. It was flying under cover of the flock at most times, but yellow and red eyes tracked it through the darkness as it was busy shrieking orders to its cohorts. The flock being oddly more organized as of lately despite that big albino one being absent only confirmed the dinosaur's suspicions. Jagged back spines flickered with blue light, Junior ducking out of the way of another charging Super to get a lock onto his target. Throwing open his jaws with a booming roar, he would have hit his quarry dead center. He would have. Had five smaller Supers and at least a dozen normal gyaos not barreled into him from a blind spot at the last possible moment. Godzilla's beam swung wildly and missed its aim, only nicking the alpha on the side of its crest and earning a shriek of pain, before firing off erradically into the sky. Junior fell over onto his back with the ravenous horde on top of him, and 60,000 tons of dinosaur crashed down right into the base of Canterlot mountain.

School for Gifted Unicorns

Blade Dancer only had time to register a flare of light shining through the outside window before a thundering crash shook the building like an earthquake. Paintings and posters fell off their mounts, windows cracked from shifting frames; and a sizeable piece of wood framing tore itself free from the wall. Unfortunately said chunk of wall was right behind the row of bookshelves. She could have flown back in time, but the colt was still grounded. There was two seconds to act, and process of time slowed down. Ripping a wing-blade from its holster at her side, Blade Dancer tossed the sword up into the air several inches in front of her. Twisting her body around with a flap of her wing and aiming just right, her kicking hoof met the blunt of the hilt at just the right angle to send the blade rocketing forward point first. Slicing through the top of a binder, the sword buried itself into the back of the bookshelf and forced its way through the wood and out the back. Now having nailed the shelf to the wall and holding it back for a moment, Blade Dancer was quick to hustle. Not minding at all now about what as in her way, she threw the remaining desks aside and grabbed the colt. Jumping back as creaking wood hissed, she barely managed to dive out of the way before the shelf freed itself from its impalement and came crashing down where they had been. Splinters flew every which way as the guard darted out of the room.

Hovering outside the doorway, she took a moment to catch her breath as the colt clung to her shoulders. The school room was a complete wreck but the situation could have been worse. Had her aim been a bit off, had she been a bit slower, or had she not kicked hard enough; something told her there wouldn't be two ponies outside the classroom right now.

-Woah, thank dad for being an earth pony...-

She sighed to try and slow her heart down.

"Well that happened, phew! Next time how about you pick a hiding spot that's a liiiittle closer to the door, heheh. Now, how about we get you back to your class, okay?"

Still trying to wear her helmet best he could, the little one gave a tiny nod and salute before they were on their way out. Darting out of the school as fast as she could, Blade Dancer kicked open the front door. Cached Ire had listened up and was nowhere to be found, having headed off to the castle as requested. Looking up and around to try and find the best flight path to take up to the castle to join up with the main group, Blade Dancer felt a tugging on her neck. She looked down at the wide eyed colt, who had his gaze firmly planted on something behind them. A tall, dark shadow cast itself above them and swallowed up the front half of the school. Putting her free hoof on her remaining wing blade, Blade Dancer turned around and looked into eyes of pure blood.

It was a Super Gyaos, a massive one, standing just outside of the barrier with a fang filled grin. Half of its head crest was charred, blackened, and smoking; as if that part of it had been blown off. Bigger than almost any adult dragon, the Shade of Atlantis greedily eyed the pair in front of it. It was less than twenty feet away from them, close enough for the pegasus to feel the bat's hot, dank breath slipping through the barrier. Blade Dancer tried to keep her breathing and heart slow, backing up a bit with every wing beat while keeping her blade on a quick draw. She'd seen the power of the combined sisters in action, and knew the monstrosity couldn't get to them. Knowledge however couldn't quell how unsettling it was, seeing crimson eyes stare down at you with clear intent to devour. The barrier held, but judging from the gyaos' puffing chest and the steadily growing hiss that signaled an oncoming beam; the demon was about to test it. So focused on the prospect of a meal, that the alpha didn't notice an even larger shadow eclipsing its own. Blade Dancer recognized the outline in the darkness.

The flicker of blue light clued the gyaos in and it quickly turned around to try and meet its threat. She didn't have time to react when a bloodied and enraged Godzilla lunged down at her and clamped his jaws down on the kaiju's throat. Snarling and roaring, the dinosaur thrashed the smaller monster around in his jaws like a perverse parody of a dog playing with a rope toy. Spines glowing brighter and brighter despite several other gyaos diving down to try and rescue their cohort, Godzilla threw the alpha down out of Blade Dancers view. Curling his lips back and ripping open his jaws, the dinosaur hosed down its fallen foe as the heat from his spines drove back the other attackers. The beam continued for several seconds, the shrieks of the alpha being cut off midway. He stopped, the glow of his sails slowly fading. Blade Dancer was paused in midair, frozen. Trails of smoke seeped up from below the titan and the pegasus smelled something burning. The blood spattered across his jaws evaporated into wisps of smoke.

The living mountain stayed where it was for a moment, the death of the alpha having pushed the flock back slightly. They would resume their attack soon, their shrieks still calling out into the night heralding it. But for now, Junior had a moment to catch his breath. He lifted his head back up and noticed someone he hadn't, red-yellow eyes meeting blue ones. He paused for just a moment as his breath returned, looking down at the small form before turning back to return to battle. In that moment though, Blade Dancer shared a stare with and looked over the creature she'd known and not known over.

The comparison was jarring. She'd been used to the oversized, socially awkward; somewhat shy unicorn. Not this walking mountain of a juggernaut. Gone was any semblance of fur or mane, with only color being consistent with memory as familiar hues stretched themselves across cobblestone sized scales and scutes. All with a head and back not capped with a crooked horn or caped with a white shoulder patch, ushered out batteries and rows of sail-like spines that heralded unworldly fire. But it wasn't just the natural state that caused her eyes to widen, but what had happened to make him the way he did now. Claws and fangs, that were frequently spattered with red. Judging from the numerous cuts and scrapes across his hide, some that closed right before her eyes, it was as much his own as it was his foes. The fangs were what caught her attention most. Each curved, sharpened, and at the close distance she could even tell they were serrated. She'd seen first-hoof what they were for, when they buried themselves into the alpha's throat and half near tore it out. Teeth of a predator. Blade Dancer's mind would have sunk into fear had she not noticed something just before Godzilla turned away. She noticed it when he noticed her and the colt before going back to his battle.

His eyes. Two big, red and yellow eyes. For a split second when he'd calmed down to catch his breath, his pupils had uncontracted back into circles. Back into the eyes she had seen. Eyes of intelligence, of the amicable; of the benign. She'd glimpsed two windows back to a certain unicorn she'd known, one she'd so far been attempting to court. Familiarity mounted on the head and body of a creature she nor any Equestrian had ever seen before. A form she was afraid of. It was a mixed sensation, and Blade Dancer didn't know what to feel.

Instinct and mind in conflict, her reaction was mixed. She didn't know how long she'd been hovering in place when the voice of the colt snapped her back to her senses.

"Do you know that big lizard?"

Blade Dancer could only sigh. The truth was as clear as tar.


She started back on her duty, flying up through an alley to get back to the castle. The flare of light behind them indicated another burst of their protector's might, as the colt watched on from over his rescuer's shoulder. He adjusted his helmet, waving goodbye at something that could never have hoped to notice.

"Gooo get 'em big guy!"

Later in the waning hours of night

The battle had been raging on for hours now, and though war still brewed outside the barrier, a sense of calm had returned to Canterlot. Well, as calm as a city could be watching giant monsters fight it out just outside of a inch thick wall of alicorn magic. A duel to decide the city's fate. The slight calm quickly lead to many resuming their tasks. News cameras flicked on and reporters were put on live across the country. Soon, all of Equestria was watching what was unfolding at its capital's doorstep. Luna grit her teeth as she focused as much as she could on the barrier, shocking its surface and forcing another gyaos that had managed to get past Godzilla off it. Her night was not being kind.

Her city was under attack, the citizens she'd sworn to protect for the next millennium were under constant threat, Celestia's plan to try and keep the kaiju truth contained was dead the moment the gyaos showed up, and effectively extinct once the news cameras started rolling. She and Celestia had been toiling under constant assault for awhile now, keeping the barrier up to deflect multi-ton impacts and rays of energy that could slice a steel pillar in half. Even with the two sisters reinforcing each other and doing most of the brunt work behind the shield, the lunar diarch's power was beginning to wane. And having used up a sizable portion of her power to super charge and change a unicorn into a thirty five story tall monstrosity had been taxing enough.

A sound of thunder caught her attention, catching a glimpse of Godzilla stampeding over a few fallen gyaos to tackle another of their rank out of the air. The duo soon came crashing down into and flattening the outer portion of the hedge mazes, the impact shaking the mountain city with another small tremor. Not wasting a moment, the giant rolled to his feet and tossed away the crushed gyaos to turn around and fry another diving at his head with a stream of blue and white light. Princess Luna's nose scrunched at the memory of the burning light roasting her wing.

After watching the creature for several hours, she came to the conclusion his title of 'King of the Monsters' was accurate. So far he'd manage to prove to be far larger and more powerful than near anything she'd ever seen. Was hard to imagine the unicorn and the saurian were one and the same. She should have been more wary now. And true, every time flames danced across his spines she held her breath least one of his torrents of burning wrath hit her city. If he was a powerhouse before, he was at least a hundred times stronger. Still, some relief was present in her mind. The battle had been raging and at least the titan was keeping his word so far that he would protect Canterlot. The fight against the flock had been a valiant effort, and despite having all the strength to exact the revenge she still suspected he harbored towards her; not one flare of his flames or one vengeful claw had impacted the shield or city. At the very least he was honest.

Luna and Celestia shared a strained expression as they winced a bit from exhaustion. Reinvigorating the barrier to deflect a few sonic beams impacting its surface, ripples were sent flying across the bubble of magic. Victory was approaching. The flame was overpowering the shadows. But, it wasn't over. About forty or so gyaos remained, the battle was still joined.

Outside of the city, Godzilla turned and crushed a diving set of gyaos into the ground under his tail as his back spines flickered back to life. It was taking noticeably longer than normal for him to even summon a minor glow. Truth be told, even the King of the Monsters was not without his limits. He'd been fighting tooth and nail against a very unorthodox foe for what was quickly amounting to the longest battle of his life. Between constantly being attacked from all angles, accumulating wounds that required more and more energy to heal, and keeping his beam charged at near all times to shoot down foes beyond his reach; he was tired. And slowing down considerably.

-Only a few more left Junior, you're almost home free-

Trying to conserve power, he lunged at the nearest Super and ravaged it the old fashion way. Just after he'd managed to set it fumbling into the ground with a punch to the face and a stomp to the spine however, the desperation on the side of the gyaos flock became obvious. Rather than attack the kaiju in small groups like they had been, partly to avoid hitting each other and partially because too many had previously been distracted by the barrier shield; the sky above Godzilla blackened as all thirty nine members of the flock rushed him at once. Unable to get out of the way in time, Junior struggled to stay up right from the bulk of thirty something car sized and ten freight train sized kaiju piled onto him from every angle. Teeth gnashed and claws held firm as all members got a firm grip on his form. Struggling to loosen the coating of demons upon him, Junior quickly busied himself with grabbing two of the Super's by their necks, even resorting to biting another on the shoulder as he thrashed his tail. Anything to try and free himself. He managed to kill the first two, but not before all the flock began to flap in unison. Trees below were flattened and uprooted from the gale force winds that blew down in a single direction. Godzilla slowly began to feel his connection to the ground lightening under his feet. The flock shrieked and cackled, halting any fruitless assaults to further breach the dinosaur's hide and focusing everything they had into flapping harder and harder. Soon enough, Junior felt his body leave the ground, and begin to levitate higher and higher.

Relentless in his assault, Godzilla roared into the waning night air, thrashing and slashing every which way to cut more and more of his attackers down. Yet still, however many he killed, he continued to rise up. When a vulture wants to eat marrow but can't break open the bone it has; it will pick it up and fly off. Once it has risen high enough and is over a hard surface, it will drop it to crack the bone open. This is what the gyaos, lacking any other option they had in mind, planned to do. And Junior knew it. Lord knew he didn't take falls well. One killed him once. Brushing aside memories of destroyers and meltdowns, the dinosaur's mind raced.

-Almost out of energy, I can feel it. Have to get them all in one shot. I can't let them get back at the city! -

Rising above the level of Canterlot's highest tower, Godzilla's back spines began to slowly hummed into a blue glow. The light grew and grew with power as it slowly spread along his spikes and eyes, then virally spreading to his back. He was charging as fast as he could, all too conscious of his altitude.

-Come on come on! Can't let them drag me too high up!-

Godzilla ceased his thrashing, devoting all power to his growing charge up. By now the glow was seeping into the scales along his shoulders and hips, moving down his limbs. The gyaos began to cackle with glee as they broke the low cloud line. Low hanging stratus and cumulous swallowed up their forms from view. Cackles turned to shrieks of burning pain when the glow spread along the entirety of their captive's body. Still, they refused to let go. Bad idea. Very, very bad idea.

From Canterlot's perspective, all was quiet for several moments as the hole in the clouds patched itself. The glow amongst the atmospheric shroud ceased to falter, growing larger by the millisecond. It suddenly shrunk and near completely vanished for a moment. And then, a fragment of a moment later; there was a blue sun in the night sky.

Clouds were torn apart in an erupting shock wave that burst down from above, their fluffy masses being torn asunder. The black mist of the gyaos that had so long surrounded Canterlot was abolished, being scattered about every which way into strands so thin they evaporated into the sky. Following the shockwave was the single most enormous, explosive bang any of pony kind had ever heard. It violently shook the air in and outside of the barrier, breaking numerous windows, cameras, and glassware throughout the city. The thundering rolled off into the distance, and there was calm.

Little by little, ash began to fall from the sky. Then bits of flaming materials. And then, a downpour of burning, barely recognizable, almost entirely vaporized bodies of gyaos. Smoking pyres rained down on the valley floor like a batch of falling flares. A slow groan rolled across the air as something big tumbled through the air after them. Godzilla, riddled with wounds, partially blackened and smoking from his final assault. His eyes were shut and his falling call wasn't an imposing, thundering roar. It was a slow, pained, tired bellow. He made no effort to stop his fall, looking like he was barely conscious. His eyes closed.

Princess Luna's expression slowly changed from shock to dread by default. She remembered something. One of the last words she heard out of the beast before he went off to battle.

-"I can't fly, at all..."-

Godzilla's groan was cut short when he hit the valley side first, kicking up a massive dust cloud of upheaved dirt and rock. The impact of his fall rattled the earth in all directions for a kilometer. Finally, there was quiet. A lasting quiet. The gyaos flock lay scattered across the foothills and basins surrounding the capital, most burning away into ashes. There was no movement in the dust cloud that refused to wane.

The rattle of the monster king's impact partially woke the local changeling, rousing her momentarily to the realm of the awake. Lea's eyes flittered for a moment, earning her the quick attention of a frantic Twilight. She couldn't hear what the alicorn was saying, the world was still spinning and ringing. She muttered only one sentence before exhaustion took her again.

"Where's... Goji?..."

Half An Hour Later

The barrier still hung over Canterlot, most of the city still holding its collective breath. The story was raging across all of the major news lines flowing out of the city, a tale of monsters and emergencies. The dust cloud stubbornly refused to thin at anything resembling a speedy pace, obscuring the fate regarding the biggest topic on everypony's mind.
Celestia looked on from high in her tower, the captain and her returning company of guards surrounding her. As much as she wanted to be thankful in the survival of her city, and she was, sadness was trickling in. She'd succeeded. She'd protected her ponies again. But so had someone else. Someone whom she'd foreseen in a nightmare and prevented one from happening. The pale alicorn closed her eyes, deep in thought.

-Flame of my vision, have you burned out?...-

Maintaining the shield for safety's sake, Celestia managed to scrounge up enough energy to shift the sky itself. The moon kissed the horizon before it and its silvery glow departed. Skies above shifted from light purple to growing hues of orange and yellow, warmth trickling in from the horizon. The growing light was a beacon of hope and relief to most of Canterlot that the end of a chaotic night was over, but it was a signal of pain to another group. A group that showed the sisters' decision to leave the barrier up for a bit was a wise move. Movement stirred in the valley below as numerous forms dug themselves free of their resting places, sometimes shoving aside the burnt ashes and skeletons of their fellows. A little over a dozen normal gyaos, ranging from bear size to carriage sized, screamed in pain from the growing light. Apparently having only been knocked out or partially crippled as opposed to killed, the tiny fragment of the once mighty flock wasted not a moment before taking to the air and beginning a retreat over the mountain range from whence they came.
Almost as if their pained, retreating shrieks summoned her back into the conscious world; Lea's eyes snapped open as wide as dinner plates. She sensed something was amiss. Not minding at all what was going on or who was in her way, the changeling sprung up like a popped cork and began bolting for the balcony with a surprised Twilight in pursuit. The bandages on her wing unraveled with each step and wing beat, revealing fresh epidermis and scales having replaced her now almost invisible wounds. When the duo reached the balcony, halting as the sun peeked over the horizon. The changeling's heart was pounding, despite not fully knowing the events of last night. She knew something was wrong, quite possibly terribly wrong, looking around the valley frantically.

The gyaos retreated over the mountains while a welcoming sun rose further into the sky. Celestia and Luna, confident the danger had past, relented their power over the barrier. All eyes were on the dust cloud as it began to dissipate.

Godzilla, still riddled with injuries that were slow to mend, began a slow march back to the steps of Canterlot. Some citizenry held their breath, some dove for cover; and some roared into the air with cheering. The passive radiation he reabsorbed from the battle ground as well as the trickles beaming down from the sun was a warm comfort to him, seeping into his spines like a gentle hug. It wasn't nearly enough to restore him, he was far too exhausted for that. But it would help patch matters up. At this point it was nearly the only thing keeping him on his feet, the draining of having to heal half his ribs and pelvis from the fall having sapped all of his remaining stamina. His march was slowed, almost with a notable limp; but still he kept his head held high and relaxed. He'd won, and because he did; they had all won. Granting them a tomorrow for the pain of a yesterday was always worth it.

While the crowds who'd taken shelter in Canterlot's castle and barracks were slow to exit, a small group was far outpacing them. The moment she'd seen her oldest friend rise and advance, Lea shot out like a rocket. Twilight, half eager to welcome the kaiju at the gates herself and half wanting to make sure the changeling didn't hurt herself, pursued. Behind her Luna and Celestia, both shrugging off their own exhaustion to tail the young alicorn. Before long, all four had made it to the front gate, far ahead of any others; as they watched the King of the Monsters march up.

As he paced up towards the front gate, a surge of blue and white light overtook the kaiju's body in a wave. In a fragment of a second, the light shot out of Godzilla's form and into the chest of a flabbergasted Luna. As the light left him, the dinosaur's body grew smaller and smaller. With the fading flare, the kaiju was gone, and a unicorn with a bent horn limped up to Equestria's capital. A confident, smiling smirk was clad on his face despite blood trickling down from his lip and his eyes being half closed.

Less than four meters away now, the unicorn's hoof caught on the ground under him. He half fumbled over his legs, and would have fallen if a light green changeling not caught and helped hold him up. The alicorns approached as Junior chuckled, patting Lea's shoulder; looking his closest friend in the eye.

"You look like you'd been crying."

Lea's face scrunched up, her left eye twitching.

"Oh and I'm sure you'd be just peachy if these shenanigans were reversed?! Don't you dare scare me like that again you big dolt!"

Junior's ears flattened and despite bruised ribs, he couldn't stop laughing at watching the changeling spas out.


"Oh don't you 'Lele' me mister! You pull a stunt like that again and I sweeeear!"

Junior jokingly put a hoof up to protect himself.

"Okay oookay, I'll gladly leave the airborne stuff to you and Rodan!"

Lea grumbled, hugging the unicorn lightly as her wings fluttered. Junior smiled, returning the gesture lightly. He could feel her heart beat, previously racing, starting to slow. He chuckled before breaking the hug and trying to stand back up on all four hooves. He failed horribly and required the changeling half holding his form up to even stand straight. The unicorn looked up at the city as it looked back down to him at a distance.

"Is everyone alright?"

Princess Celestia sighed in relief, the previous exchange indicating her city's defender was in decent health. There was a great many things on her mind. A cleanup operation would be mandatory for the several thousand tons of ashes and charred bones in the valley below, there would no doubt be a press conference soon or she risked news sensationalism running out of control; and they might need to do something quick about the changeling before someone saw her. From a distance she might pass as an alicorn or large unicorn, but as the paparazzi undoubtly would be getting closer now; hiding her might be necessary. Canterlot had just had a giant alien attack, last thing the citizens would need to know is a royal changeling in their midst after the wedding fiasco. Still, despite the thoughts of troubles to come; she smiled. Some gyaos had gotten away, but the plan worked. Canterlot was saved without a single life taken. And thankfully, her city's champion still stood. There was no loss tonight on either side of the shield today. She approached, nodding her head slowly; unable to hide a smile.

"Yes, everypony is fine outside of some initial chaos. Thank you."

Even the King of the Monsters knew honesty when he heard it. He sighed contently with the new knowledge.

"Don't mention it...."

Exhaustion hit the unicorn like an oncoming train. For a moment his eyelids flittered, his legs wobbled. And then he was out like a light for some well deserved and much needed rest. A white aura partially wrapped itself around half of Junior's body, Luna walking over to his side and aiding Lea in holding him up. There wasn't a hint of hostility in her face or movements. She may not have fully liked the situation at hoof, but it had churned out far better than she'd hoped. Time for insight would come, but that would be later. For now she only looked over at the now sleeping unicorn with a tiny smile.

"Here, we'll take him to the Lunar wing and get the royal physicians on him. For one who has aided Canterlot, it's only right Canterlot shall aid him."

Lea sighed in overdue relief, a gesture Celestia and Twilight mentally shared. She knew full well how the dark mage felt about her friend. Seeing her magic around him without any ill intent was a godsend for her worry. Just as they began to advance up through the gate and walk back to the palace, Twilight's eyes widened for a split second upon spotting an approaching crowd coming down the distant streets. Apparently having shared one of her teacher's worries, Twilight's eyes darted around until she spotted something to alleviate her worry. A large cloak that had been discarded at the gate's head during the evacuation, possibly left behind by someone making haste. Taking a moment to levitate it up and clean it off, she draped it over Lea's shoulders. The changeling may not have known the alicorn's reasoning, but she trusted it and didn't reject the gesture.

"Just trust me on this one, I think Canterlot's seen enough for today."

The small group started their way up the main street in a silent parade. Far ahead the guards did their duty and herding the crowds to the sidewalks to keep the street leading to the castle clear. Some eyes were on the cloaked form standing beside Luna, whispering amongst themselves questions of mystery and speculation. Many more were on the limp body between them. It took only a few whispers and a couple observations about color for most of the citizenry to put two and two together.

If Celestia could have, she'd be rubbing her temple to passively ebb away an oncoming headache she felt coming. The masquerade she'd planned to try and avoid as much issue as possible for both the kaiju and the ponies' sake was dead and buried, and she could read the expressions of Canterlot's populace. A young yellow colt smiled and waved, tugging on his mother's leg while whispering something to her with an ecstatic expression. A news reporter chewed her lip as she jotted down notes, occasionally peeking up with frightened grimace. A familiar, red haired guard's face was broken from any signet of stoicism with obvious concern after stealing a glance at an ivory hued mane. Glee, cheers, fear, uncertainty; and worry. The battle was over, but something told the ruler of the day that this was only the beginning.


It never ceases to amaze me the hard work a lot of you put out. It never ceases to make me blush and jump for joy :twilightsmile:
So here's to you all!

Pyrus Leonidas
"Blade Dancer is grinning and the smile will never cease."



"I play this, in attack mode!"

"And now we know what could happen if Dimension Tide worked in reverse."

"Kaiju Converts! Roll Call!"



"And now I know who's pony design is a fan favorite."

"Now that's what I call 'Rainbow Power'~!"

"For those curious what may be going on across the barrier."
Link to FanFic

Author's Note:

What is it with me and saying I'll make the chapters shorter so I can shoot out more of them, then turning around and making them the largest yet? :twilightoops:
Ok BEFORE the Blade Dancer shippers come out of the woodwork with torches and pitchforks for her reaction in-chapter, lemme explain. She was aware a certain weird unicorn was far from a normal pony. She wasn't prepared to see a 350 foot killer dinosaur, let alone up close. She still recognizes some features, but the rest of it conflict with both her memory and her instincts as to what's safe. Sorta like an equine version of 'Uncanny Valley'. It causes a mixed reaction. I am not torpedoing you shipping, I'm just trying to give it a realistic reaction.

Proofreading by Skylark and Faith-Wolff
Artwork by Faith-Wolff

Mothra and Godzilla, as well as related roster property of Toho Studios
Gyaos property of Daiei
MLP:FiM property of Hasbro Studios
Guard OCs by Fiddlesticks, Akashic Brony, Vadram, Bluemoon1996, and Omega-Wing
'Waiting for Superman' song by Daughtry, used under fair use


Odd days in Ponyville when Anguirus runs an errand and Destroyah can't get a trio of fillies to leave her alone, rain ensues.

Please do check out the Reading List by Lance Omikron to navigate the Amalgam Universe most clearly :raritywink:

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