• Published 2nd Aug 2013
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The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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Chapter 26: Words of Wisdom


Hardly past noon and it was already business as usual at the Salt Block Saloon for it's lead bar tender. The black mare with a red fringed mane busily filled more drinks and juggled salt licks during happy hour. Thalia was her name, and she had just now managed to beat back to swarm. Least it was until a familiar gryphon pushed his way through the double doors and she noticed Rodan wasn't looking like Rodan. Picking up on somepony's body language was practically a job requirement of hers, and though her friend was a gryphon many of the same rules applied. His wings were slouching, he was holding his beak shut tightly, eyes were looking ahead but unfocused; and most notably of all he wasn't skittish about getting inside a building like he usually was. Thalia paused what she was doing and sighed, shaking her head slowly.

-Oooooh dear, something's definitely up.-

"Came to say my goodbyes."

He chirped, still with a half glazed look on his eyes.

"Headin' out of town already Ro'?"

"Yeah. Sorry, I'm a klutz with this sort of thing. And a scatterbrain, ehehe... Well, see yah around."

He turned and started to walk off, mentally cursing at himself in a manner that was all too audible to the older mare. Thalia sighed, pulling her work apron off her front and bringing up two filled mugs out from behind the counter. She barked a request to her coworkers after getting out from behind her work station.

"Hold down the fort gentlecolts, I'll be back in a moment."

Thalia marched after Rodan and despite her smaller frame, nudged him to the side just as they got out the double doors and the kaiju found himself parked at a table on the patio before he could even protest. Thalia passed him a cup before perching herself on the chair across from him.

"Missus Thalia, Iiiii really need to get going. The train's rolling up in a bit and-"

He attempted to get up but his host wasn't having any of it, holding up her hoof calmly while closing her eyes.

"Come on Rodan, we both know that wouldn't be a worry for you. You could probably be out of here and to the station faster than my salt licks at happy hour. That's not what's troubling you. Try to bolt off early from here and I'll show you the lasso trick my husband showed me."

"Dallas really showed you how to do that?"

"Depends on if you want to chance finding out."

She quipped, sipping from her mug before opening her eyes and seeing Rodan just staring at his cup. Having known better than to try and back talk, he just shrugged and pawed at the cup. Thalia reached across the table and put a pale hoof on his shoulder, casting a motherly smile.

"Come on dear, what's plaguing you?"

"Well, I've been roped into something suddenly and I'm not sure what to think of it. It's either the greatest idea I've ever been included in, or the worst idea I've ever heard."

Thalia raised a curious eyebrow, the dark colored mare leaning back in her seat a bit..

"And what's that?"

Rodan momentarily raised and then slouched his wings.

"Your Princesses want to put me in an air show."

A big grin crossed the bar mare's muzzle, fondly remembering the stunts her friend had been pulling off not long ago to entertain the town children. After a few 'showings', many of the town had started coming out to watch what some considered their own little Wonderbolts exhibition. This seemed like a perfect idea! Rodan certainly got a kick out of all the attention and he certainly had a talent for it. Another reminder of the occasional times she wished she was born a pegasus, at least temporarily.

"Oh wow! Must be that stunt show I heard about them hosting up at Neighagra! Congratulations! .... Whyyy is this bad? If that show you put on for the fillies and colts was any indicator I'd gander you loved flying."

"Well, it's the motive. They want me in to try and help clear the air and calm the situation down after Chief's debacle at Canterlot. A lot of ponies are afraid of the kaiju and they think this can help. Problem is, well, I'm a kaiju."

Rodan grunted, resting his cheek on one paw while swirling his brew with the other.

"Typical reaction I get while flying over was to dive for cover."

"But aren't you one of the good guys?"

"Y-Yeah, the folks back home don't exactly shoot at me, but let's just say applause is a gift Appaloosa was the first to give me.

-Helps I'm small enough any sonic booms trailing me wouldn't flatten any buildings...-

Rodan puzzled with a sullen expression, dipping a claw into his drink and churning it around in the cider; too focused on other matters to drink even absentmindedly.

"And, don't take this the wrong way; but even then I wonder sometimes if it'd be the same if folks around here saw me how I really was; like what the princesses want me to do."

Thalia knew Rodan's true form was far different than what she saw before her, and the general idea that kaiju were larger than normal animals. But matters about true states always were kept out of the conversation. After all, her mother raised a mannered mare; and she thought it would be rude.

Well, first time for everything.

"Well, just how big are we talking here? Size of the saloon? Size of a whale?"

Rodan lifted his head up and idly glanced at the wide double doors to the establishment before speaking in deadpan.

"If you remove the framing, that doorway is about the size of my eyeball..."

"Oh..." Thalia chirped before looking at said doorway and putting the context together, noticing that meant said eyeball was about two meters across. Her own eyes widened and she lurched her neck back from the surprise.

"OH! WOW! Haha! Someone was eating their vitamins!"

She snickered, too surprised to notice at first that Rodan was holding his wings in closer than normal, the gryphon's tail uncomfortably curled around himself. Thalia's smile disappeared and her jaw flattened, speaking in a much quieter voice that barely carried on past the table.

"Sorry... I take it that's a big part of what's bugging you?"

Rodan nodded, taking in a breath before continuing.

"Folks are afraid of those more powerful than themselves...-"

He flinched and jolted up, reminded all too much about just what exactly the word 'kaiju' amounted to for a lot of humans. Didn't just mean 'Giant Beast' to many, for good reason it often meant 'Monster'.

"-W-With good reason a lot of times mind you! My flock and I aren't the norm in a lot of cases. But... I don't know, I just worry I can't be an exception enough to keep the Princesses' plan from failing. I know how it is now, in this town. I like not being so enormous that I stick out in a lot of places. If this ploy doesn't work, I'd never get the feeling I get in this town back ever again.... I like having a big flock."

He drooped noticeably, and probably would have been resting his chin or forehead to the table had Thalia not outstretched a hoof to catch him.

"Maybe not. Listen up."

She pitched his head up somewhat, speaking in a mothering tone.

"You wouldn't be all wrong about the power and fear thing. If you shifted back into a titanic repto-bird in town square right now, I'm not going to lie and say no pony would be afraid of the walking mountain suddenly standing amongst them."

"I'd probably break town square if I was 'standing amongst them'..."

Rodan grumbled under his breath, earning a gentle bap on the beak by Thalia's hoof.

"Hush. Let me finish."

"Yes ma'am."

"As I was saying, I actually think it's something else besides the power that causes fear. It's not because the individual or force is so powerful that makes them afraid, if the uncertainty of what a force would do with that power that makes them afraid. And it's that uncertainty that fuels that fear."

She lifted Rodan's head up by his chin and helped prop him back against the back of his seat.

"However, I think the Princesses know what they're doing. I grew up around Canterlot and from those old days I remember, one of the things I remember most was Princess Celestia. She's a distinct mare alright. Immortal, literally and figuratively standing heads and shoulders above everypony, immensely powerful, and, at least until Luna and Cadance came along, completely unlike anything else in the world. The closest things Equestria had to her were mythological monstrosities like Nightmare Moon and malign warlords like Chrysalis. For over a millennium, Princess Celestia was and probably still is the strongest pony in Equestria by a wide margin."

Memories flew back to the, incident, at the Castle against Xenilla and Destroyah. Namely what caused the fighting to stop almost instantly. Rodan unconsciously shuddered slightly as the phantom sensations of being thrown and pinned against a wall by a tidal wave of magic returned momentarily.

"Ehehe yeah I'll buy that last part."

"And yet would you believe some ponies were once terrified of her? The Nights rebellion 1,000 years ago called Celestia a 'Tyrant Queen' after she banished Nightmare Moon, and there was a growing uprising that declared her the greatest threat to Equestria. There was almost a civil war!"

Rodan's jaw snapped shut and his eyes widened. This just didn't compute.

-Civil War?! Or let alone war at all! Here?! This place looked so peaceful!-

He gave Thalia a good long look, his left eye twitching somewhat.

-Good Tanaka! These ponies are so cute though, how the Daiei could they try to kill each other like that?!-

"Y-You're kidding. You mean like a 'pie war' right?"

Thalia blinked several times, trying not to snicker considering the 'war' that almost broke out in Appaloosa several years ago.

"No. I mean full blown, armed conflict. The Nights rebels were well supported at the time, they were gearing up to take Canterlot, force Celestia away; and were ready to do so with their hooves dirty if need be.... But, that didn't happen. Princess Celestia stopped it."

"How? I doubt intimidation would have worked at that point."

"She actually did the exact opposite. Ponies were afraid of her because they didn't fully know her yet. When she banished Nightmare Moon, the nation realized just how unique the sisters were and thought that if Celestia could beat the Nightmare, by logic she was even worse! Celestia dispelled that by showing them just how she was. She's been holding festivals, renovating towns, putting on shows, and holding galas for almost a millennium now. And since her return, Princess Luna joined in on these endeavors, and ever since then fears of Nightmare Moon Round 3 died within a year."

Rodan pondered it all for a moment, starting to pick up on the train track he sensed Thalia was laying down before him. If the Princesses once had a similar problem that he and his companions were facing, maybe their methods could work out for them too. Would explain them being the ones to send the letter after all.

"Sooo, they threw a bunch of parties and the rebels gave up?"

"To an extent, like the Gala and Chucke-Lot. The parties, the shows, and holidays showed everypony that the alicorns didn't see themselves as unknowable forces. They could dance, smile, laugh, and celebrate just like the rest of us. You can't say something is a monster if it's just like you. And, there were other important events too. Like the Summer Sun Celebrations and nowadays Nightmare Night. They are times the Princesses showcase just what gifts they possessed and what powers they have that makes them unique."

"Showcases of power tooo, what?... You sure they weren't trying to intimidate and keep you all in line? I thought you said they did the opposite."

"Oh nonononononono!-"

Thalia snorted and sputtered, waving her hoof in front of the confused gryphon whilst restraining herself from laughing aloud.

"It's not like that at all! The showcases are entirely harmless and are done to amaze and thrill, not intimidate. If the parties and galas were meant to show just how similar the Princesses are to the rest of us, these sort of celebrations exhibit that yes, they are still unique, but in a fantastic way. A way that shows how they can do things few to none others can. My mother took me to several Summer Sun Celebrations when I was a little filly and bless my word they were fantastic! The anticipation, the beautiful set up, and then Celestia rising into the sky with the rising sun behind her oooh!"

The mare closed her eyes and giggled in nostalgic glee of years past, the warmth washing over her being proof positive about the moral she was driving home. Impacts had been made. She took in a deep breath, still beaming as she continued.

"And nowadays I hear Princess Luna joins in on the festival as an equinox with the moon. I couldn't even think about how many colts and fillies are growing up now with such a spectacle ingrained into their memories.... Now, are you starting to follow what I've been saying Rodan?"

The gryphon thought it through and bit by bit, the trail Thalia blazed began to make more and more sense. Nerves a bit calmed, he took his first swig of the drink he'd been given.

"Yes, yes I think I might be. If you show folks who you are, how you are both the same to be relatable and different to be cherished for your skills, even great power can be looked up to."

Thalia's beaming turned into a grin after an affirmed nod.

"Might can be imposing, but it can also be beautiful. After all, a rainbow follows every storm."

"And, you think I could pull this off?"

"Equestria is a land built up by the use of talents my little gryphon. If there is something one can do well to help others, they should do it. If you don't get into that air show I'm gandering lots of folks would be missing out on something special. Play on that, show them your good side while trusting them; and it'll all work out in the end. Just promise me one thing."


Thalia playfully punched at Rodan's shoulder, speaking with a smirk.

"When you take to the air at Neighagra, you can only fail if the cheering isn't loud enough for me to hear it from here!~"

Rodan took it all in for a moment before downing his entire drink in one gulp, before sitting tall and puffing his chest out with spread wings.

"Allllright! I'll give it a shot! Cynicism is for idiots anyways."

Thalia muffled a laugh with her hoof, the mutual excitement and optimism was infectious both ways.

"That's the spirit!"

The air was ruptured by a steamy whistle, causing both mare and gryphon to look towards the station. Sure enough, the sight of both the frontier train pulling into station as well as a confused Applejack galloping down the center of town greeted the duo.

"Ohp? Looks like you've got a train to catch."

"You were stretching out your speech just so you could say that, weren't you?"

"I shall neither deny nor confess."

"Riiiight, "A rainbow follows every storm.", you come up with that or hear it from someone else?"

"A lady has her secrets."

Thalia's snickering was cut short by a pair of scale-covered arms wrapping around her neck and shoulders. She opened her eyes to find Rodan crawled around the table and was hugging her neck.

"Thanks for the peptalk Missus Thalia."

He whispered, a low pitch sound akin to cooing or purring seeping out of his throat. Thalia beamed and returned the gesture best she could, patting the kaiju on the back.

"Anytime Rodan. Just remember, if it all goes south, you just head on south to Appleloosa. We're always eager for newcomers, and family is more than welcome here. I'll make sure my husband keeps the roof open."

Reinvigorated, Rodan left Appleloosa that day with spirits high as he could fly. His new flock in the frontier town gave him, Applejack, and the other aid workers a family's send off.


Ponyville was enjoying some peace and quiet in stark contrast to the storm it weathered not long ago. With Discord's assistance, the 'Great Baby Attack of 1013 A.A.' had been mended within a single afternoon. Probably would have taken even less if Fluttershy didn't take several tries to convince the chaotic spirit that raspberry flavored chocolate Jell-O didn't make for a good material to patch the broken walls and roofs with. Life returned to business as usual, at least as far as the town's measure was concerned.

That is until Derpy Hooves delivered a napping weather mare her mail. Well, there goes Friday.


A cyan blur streaked across the sky with a rainbow trail following her, gaining speed again and again despite the accelerated turns, dives, and spirals. Vibrant explosions of colored sonic booms shattered clouds and tore the sky apart in the airspace above town. Having gotten used to it after the first hour, most of the towns folk outside just put in ear plugs and kept doing what they were doing. Rarity however found herself grumbling and marching to the front door, picking up a mannequin that had fallen over on her. The unicorn stepped outside, a startled Opalescence still clinging to the back of her owner's head, looking more like a cotton ball with eyes due to her puffed out fur and dilated pupils. One glance up at the sky confirmed the suspicions she had formed the first time the sonic booms rattled her studio

-Yep, she's at it again. Wonder what it is this time..-

Rolling her eyes, Rarity winced momentarily while prying her cat off her scalp and thanking Faust she got her off before the claws came out. Picking up a megaphone Pinkie Pie had stashed next to her porch, of which Rarity didn't feel up to questioning why, she trained it on the stunt show blur.


She got only static from the phone and a barrel roll in oblivious response. Grumbling, Rarity played with the switch to try and turn the volume up.

"Rainbow Jennifer Dash Jr.!-"

The unicorn was nearly knocked off her feet by the gales of wind her speedster friend was kicking up after a squealing aileron roll. Coming out of her maneuver, Rainbow Dash slowed down just enough for her to stop breaking the sound barrier and started doing what can best be described as subsonic dancing. Rarity shrugged, blowing her bangs out of her eyes and picking herself up.

-Alright, time to bring forth the big guns. Mentor don't fail me now!-

She dialed the megaphone to full blast.

"Cus! I'm the bestest! And-And they know i-"

Her self cheering routine and frolicking was cut short by a blare of a sing-songy voice.

"Rainbow Dash Always Dresses In Style!~"

Pavlovian conditioning instantly caused RD to stop, coming to a screeching halt midair about twenty feet above a snickering Rarity. She scowled, groaning in her words.

"Dang it Rares, you're using my Ma's lines on me? Mood killer! Mood killer!"

"Not my fault her description gets that reaction out of you.~"

Rarity snickered, the near memetic phrase attributed to her mentor, Rainbow Dash Senior, having done its job. Her daughter might have had her body color and multihued mane, but nothing ever proved the apples could fall far from the tree than that family. Rainbow Dash, the junior, hovered down to the unicorn as Rarity tossed the megaphone away.

"Forgive me, but someone had to get you to slow down a moment. Another sonic boom and you'd probably have sent Opal up the wall, claws and all."

"Ehehe, sorry about that."

The weather mare awkwardly sniggered whilst landing, rubbing the back of her head.

"Now, what seems to have gotten you so excited deary?"

Rainbow's face instantly returned to a mile wide grin, wings shooting out to either side so fast Rarity thought she'd have to retrieve the megaphone again. Thankfully, she just snapped out an unfolded letter for the unicorn to levitate up before her.

-Salutations Dame Rainbow Jennifer Dash Jr. ... Protector of the Realm ...Bearer of the Element of Loyalty.... Invitation ... represent Canterlot and Ponyville... join Wonderbolts at Neighagra Air show... End of week... Your talents would be greatly appreciated... Official request by the Equestrian Alicorn Diarchy!!-

Rarity, filled with glee, sprung up into the air with a loud -


With heir mane and tail sticking up on end before landing and glomping Rainbow Dash. Had the bear hug the surprisingly strong unicorn gave her not pinned her wings down, Rainbow probably would have shot up into the air with Rarity along with her. Instead the two just started prancing around mid-hug. The excitement was contagious.

"OOOOH OOOH! You'll need a costume! Flight regalia! PresenTATION!"

"IKNOWIKNOWIKNOW! Gonna look awesome! Fly out with the best! Strut my stuff! Crowds cheering me on!"

"You and your teammate will be the best fetching flyers in all of Equestria!"

A record scratch sounding off mentally within the pegasus's head. Rainbow Dash froze up momentarily, plopping them back down on the ground.

"Wait, teammate?"

Rarity, still jittering at the enticing thought of designing attire for a national show, managed to magically whip the dropped letter back between her and Rainbow as they separated. She reread the short paragraphs a few times to confirm it to herself.

"Yes, you'll be flying in a two flight team alongside one of the kaiju; aaaaa Ro-dan fellow."

Rainbow Dash pawed for the letter and was given it, busily reading it over. In her excitement over the first paragraph she'd completely missed that detail. Rarity rubbed her chin with the side of her hoof, pondering at her shop.

"Must have been that gryphon fellow that went with Applejack. Have to either make a custom mannequin or get live measurements once he gets back, don't believe I have a gryphon one-"


Rainbow Dash cut her off with a drawn out groan, falling over on her back.

"Oh whatever is the matter darling?"

"I have to fly with someone in front of the Wonderbooooolts..."

She grumbled in an annoyed tone, flailing her free forelimb in the air. Rarity blinked a few times before tilting her head.

"And that's a problem, how?"

"Means I'll have to slow down for them and not do all my most awesomest stunts, that's the problem! If I'm stuck with a slower flyer I can't go all out or I'd worry I'd make them look bad and then I'd look bad!"

"...Darling, I can't tell if that's selfish or selfless of you."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahrg! Oyeeeeeeee..."

She lurched up off the ground, a noticeable slump in her face that looked of both sadness and annoyance.

"Just let down..."

"Well, Rainbow, you might be getting ahead of yourself a little. If the Princesses included you in this, that gryphon must have some talent for sure!"

"Yeeaah, I guess. Still gonna have to slow down, and I don't mean to sound like Gilda on this; but aside from one or two ponies I'm probably the fastest flyer in Equestria! Nopony except the Wonderbolts themselves or those in the academy could keep up with me. Oye this is gonna be weird, I don't want to make 'em feel like a turtle."

A stray thought crossed Rarity's wandering mind and she drew up a smirk. Experience had taught her, somewhat, how to reason with Rainbow.

"You know, you are probably right. You are one of the fastest, if not the fastest flyer in Equestria. Buuuut-"

She quipped, putting an arm around Rainbow Dash's slumped shoulders.

"- The kaiju aren't from Equestria, are they?"

Rainbow Dash lifted her head up somewhat, her pout flattening slightly as she raised a previously flopped ear.

"You're right, they're aliens. Which means-"

"-That this one is talented enough that the Princesses had faith he could keep up?"

"-That he could be just as cool as I am! He could be like the me from their world, like that weird mirror place Twilight talked about!"

"W-Well let's not get ahead of ourselves now-"

Rainbow's eyes widened and she started to grin, Rarity awkwardly giggling as she felt the pegasus start to jitter. And then Rainbow Dash's expression of glee turned to fear.

"If he's the fastest from To'rra and is like me, what if he's even faster!? That changeling is just as big of an egghead as Twilight so what if this Rodan guy is like me 20- no 40% cooler!?"

"N-Now now Rainbow, remember how confident you were going to the Academy? Plenty of other great flyers there you knew you'd outspeed!"

"Yeah but the Wonderbolts Academy is in Equestria, not To'rra!"

Rainbow lurched out of Rarity's grasp, darting up into the air. Her wings began to buzz fast enough to form into a blur as she wound herself up.

"Gotta go! Be back soon!"

"But what about your flight attire?!"


And with that Rainbow bolted up several dozen yards above Carousel Boutique before making a 90 degree turn into a sonic boom to speed off to Celestia knows where. Rarity just stared at the sky before slowly shaking her head. She didn't even react to Pinkie Pie spontaniously popping out of the shrubs in front of her house to retrieve the megaphone.

"What's the problemo Rarity?"

"I fear I have awakened a sleeping giant, and filled her with terrible resolve...."

"What, a kaiju? Where?!"

"No.... Rainbow Dash's ego..."


Making their way down a long haul, Princess Celestia and Godzilla Junior trekked their path towards the barracks, the former having caught the kaiju between her meetings and was heading the same direction.

"So, who exactly is escorting who here?"

"Yes. Now, are you sure being up at this hour is not an issue?"

Junior shrugged his shoulders, having been jostled awake a good five hours before schedule by some distant booming that passed by the castle.

"I never did have a normal sleep rhythm. Terra always kept me on my toes so I usually just grabbed a short nap whenever I could and was a light sleeper. Threats don't have a morning to evening schedule."

Celestia knew this song and dance well enough, restraining herself with her usual poise to avoid narrowing her vision.

"I can understand that logic. Equestria was a regular mess until around 900 years ago and filling in for Luna over a millennium was anything but normal."

"Don't worry, I can still keep watch over Princess Luna tonight just fine."

He grunted, having predicted some of the reason for Celestia's concern. What he didn't predict was her poise momentarily breaking into mild snickering and a hushed voice he couldn't quite make out.

"Oh I hope you will~"

"Come again?"

"Oh, nothing of importance, hehe."

Once again, confirmation in Junior's mind that ponies were weird. Kind, very generous, but weird. Shifting the subject's gears, he retrained his focus on other recent events. He kept his tone controlled through his speech.

"Princess, about the memory spell."

Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow, glancing over at the kaiju and hoping this wasn't some last minute regrets of his memories going public. They were past that threshold already.

"Yes? Is there a problem?"

Instead, yellow eyes looked up at the alicorn as a small smile crossed the edge's of Godzilla's lips.

"..Thank you, it was nice to see my mother again."

Celestia returned the smile as relief and happiness returned to her after the momentary worry.

"You're quite welcome. It was a good choice of memories in my mind. The others have taken a shine to it as well."


"I aired it before today's noon court amongst the noble heads and elected officials earlier today. It had a favorable reception and helped to edge in some more favorability."

"I'll consider that a victory."

"There will be another one if the plan for your friend Rodan works out."

"I wouldn't worry too much. He always was the type who liked to fly around and cut loose, and you just gave him an excuse to. If he agrees to it, he'll deliver."

"Comforting, seems like the plan is falling into line. However we can't slow down on the plan just yet. Some of the noon court requested your presence so you probably will be called in tomorrow for it. There was one minor detail some of them were hung up on."

"What is that?"

"Your title."

Junior grunted and raised an eyebrow in brief confusion. Celestia looked away from him and turned her vision to straight ahead, her face growing noticeable stoic.

"Equestria has had an-"

Godzilla notice there was an odd pause in her speech. Her emotion was unreadable but there was an occurrence there that between her posture and height obscuring her face and the forcefully controlled tone, Junior couldn't make out. Something was going through Celestia's head she wasn't wishing to be known.

"-,off, relationship with the last large unicorn who called himself a king. And your title is "King of the Monsters", a combination that could raise some alarms. And yet, Luna tells me it's mostly just a title. So tell me again, why are you a king?"

Well this certainly was an odd question. Fortunately, it was an odd ball ordeal he'd been pondering over since he was given that title. Time and consulting with Lea had given a few satisfactory answers despite how much the title confused him first time he heard it.

"To be honest, I never set out to become one. That title was placed upon me not by my own volition. Maybe it's because of power, maybe it's because of experience, or something else but over time others came to trust and follow my lead. I really can't say what caused it. But, I'm told a good king looks out for the well being of those around him and I've been trying to do that for as long as I've had the power to. Both for my allies and world, as well as here if need be. My mother believed in making the world better by doing what you did best for the benefit of others. My father believed in carving out your own path by your own choices. I like to think I've done both."

Junior took in a deep breath, closing his eyes before exhaling slowly. The edges of his lips were beginning to turn upwards to a small degree. As stressful as life like his could be, leaving plenty of physical and mental scars behind, it was his life after all. Junior cast a sideways glance out the window and at Canterlot proper. Seeing the city alive, let alone thriving and not being reduced to a pile of gyaos chewed bones lifted his spirits. San Francisco, Sydney, Manilla, Tokyo at least four times over, Mumbai, Busan, and more cities that he hadn't learned the names of, Canterlot was another to add to the list. If his choice in another fight and another scar meant another land kept breathing for awhile longer, there was no room for argument.

"I have the powers of a monster and I know it frightens a lot of folks; but I'll use them in the best ways I can think of. As far as I'm concerned, because I have this power the well being of those who don't should be my responsibility. If that burden makes me a king, so be it..... Just don't expect me to annex anything though. I had my hands full with just one world."

Junior let himself take a minor chuckle from the slight jest, but it was cut off almost as soon as it was birthed. Something seemed amiss about his audience. Celestia has been listening, but now had turned her head opposite of Godzilla to the point he couldn't see the expression she was cracking, despite clearly not looking at something else in that direction. A moment of silence passed over the duo before Princess Celestia sighed.

"You remind me of another good king I once knew..."

She half whispered in a tone Junior couldn't quite place. It seemed saddened and happy at the same time. Junior pitched his head up somewhat and raised an ear.

"I thought Equestria had a fickle relationship with recent kings?"

Celestia shifted her attention, still holding her head very high but tilting her head just enough for Junior to see a slightly damp eye atop a tiny smile.

"He wasn't exactly from around here. I'll tell you about it another time, 'King Godzilla'."

As mildly confused and curious as he was, the kaiju opted not to prod at the details to play it safe. Instead he just chuckled lightly under his breath and returned the smile.

"You're the one wearing a crown here Princess Celestia."

"Just Celestia will suffice. After all you aren't exactly a subject of mine Godzilla. Consider this a peaceful conversation between leading bodies."

"Then you can just call me Junior, my friends do."

"Ah yes, how could I forget after Lulu told me."

She snickered, mood noticeably lifting. It took Junior a moment to pause and notice she brought up someone he didn't know.

"Wait, Lulu? Who's Lulu?"

The barracks were just ahead, several of the guards just inside already noticing the approaching diarch and kaiju and calling up the captain. Celestia raised a hoof and looked over at Junior, hiding an enormous smirk.

"Say the name next time you're alone and near my dear little sister. You'll see what I mean."

"Um, if you say so."

They stopped at an intersection not far from the barracks and departed with a mutual bow, Celestia heading off to tend to her next court planning and Junior trotting up and into the guards' training hall. An all too familiar, boisterous voice chimed in with a Dixie accent.

"Well buffer my hooves in, look who's up! Why aren't you racking out till sundown?"

Captain Blueberry Frost strode up beside the kaiju and gave him a friendly whap on the spine; earning a metallic clang from hoof greave meeting back plate. Normally Junior would be a tad cautious about the lance secured to the captain's armor being so close, namely when it was waving around near his head due to Captain Frost having it pointed up when at rest; but by now he'd gotten used to it. In truth he hadn't ever seen her without it and word from the other guards was she slept with it on.

-Yeesh it's like a pony version of Raiga... Huh, a Raiga pony, now that's a weird thought.-

"Good afternoon Captain. I was restless so I just figured I'd come here."

"Glad ye' showed up, some of the more rambunctious guards wanna try somethin'."

"What's that?"

Captain Frost tugged on Junior and helped guide him over to the emptier part of barracks. Or at least it was usually empty.

"Ye' ever play a game called tug'o'war where y'er from?"

She pulled her hoof off his back and stepped to the side to reveal a line of guards and even some night guards standing on one half of a stretched out chain with a line dividing it and the empty half of the chain. Most of the attendees' expressions ranged from cheeky grins to confident smirks as the line of stallions and mares awaited their turns. Swap out the chain for a reinforced length of nylon and the guard staff for Lieutenant Koji and some of the nicer G-force operators and Junior was getting some fond memories from his youth. Life in the Kyoto Institute wasn't all tests after all.

Captain Frost elbowed Junior's side with a whispered laugh.

"Settle a bet will ye'? I put down fourteen bits against Hammerbodlt that it'd take 'least ten to budge you, beat that and I get to take the mares out for rounds tonight."

A grin crossed Godzilla's face and he moved over to his side of the line as a large white earth pony stallion with a blue mane took up the chain on the other side. Briefly combing through his recollections, Junior recognized his face and momentarily felt a slight unease. This wasn't a stallion he'd seen before in the barracks, and that also went with several other guards waiting in line behind him.

"You're the one who grabbed my hoof after the crash landing aren't you?"

The stallion nonchalantly smirked and nodded his head.

"Yep, that'd be me. First contact with an alien and he knocks me out. Just got cleared from the medical ward."

"Sorry about that..."

"Naaah don't be. We wouldn't have signed up if the job didn't have good medical. Mistakes happen. Besides the nurses ar-ARK!"

He was cut off from whatever he was saying by the mare behind him kicking him in the flank. Figuring there wasn't a problem Junior picked up his length of the chain, having a bit of awkwardness of holding it in his hooves at first, and waited for his new compatriot to do the same... Before promptly yanking him off his hooves and over the line.

With one victory, the next challenger stepped up in the form of a duo. A gray pegasus mare with a red and white mane grasping the chain alongside a brown earth pony stallion with a red mane. Junior recognized the pair as Cached Ire and Hammerboldt. They smirked and yanked on their end and Junior felt a momentary tug, but held firm without pulling back. Instead he looked over at the giggling Captain Frost watching the little contest.

"Aren't you participating?"

"I'm stubborn, not stupid."

"Well alright then."

Junior pulled hard on the chain.

Ten minutes, ten rounds of yanking stallions and mares off their hooves, and ten bits in Blueberry Frost's satchel later....

Twelve guards of every subrace and size imaginable were pulling as hard as they could on the wrought iron chain with a kaiju pulling on the other end. The group effort had paid off in that the initial pull only pried a few of them off their feet at first and they'd since started to hold steady. Junior's hooves just started to budge forward when the central link to the chain snapped and both parties fell backwards onto their haunches or in the case of the guard team, a dog pile. Captain Blueberry Frost blew harshly into a whistle, waving a small bit of cloth like a flag.

"Aaaaalrighty, that there's the fourth chain we've gone through so let's give them blacksmiths a break!"

She shouted with a trailing laugh, collecting a second bet she'd place into a now full satchel. However before any further action could be taken, an unfamiliar shout billowed out of a speaking funnel and into the courtyard.

"Announcing the presence of the Archduke Prince!"


"Speak of Tirek and he shall appear.."

A small group of guards in different attire than the royal and night guards marched up to and through the entrance to the barracks, stopping several feet inside and facing inwards. Amongst their midst a white unicorn with a blonde mane filed out with his head held high. Captain Frost marched up to Blueblood with a curious facade on her face.

-Oh great let's see what it is this time...-

"Can I, help you?"

Prince Blueblood lowered his vision to the mare for a moment, but kept his head high and closed his eyes again before speaking in a dignified tone.

"I wish to see the one known as Godzilla, I had been told he had been recruited to the Royal Guard Canterlot Garrison and presumed I'd find him here. Is he present?"

Captain Frost waited a moment to hear the heavy hoofsteps behind her before giving him his answer.

"That'd be him."

Blueblood opened his eyes to see the good captain smirking as she held a hoof up, a tall shadow eclipsing her frame. Blueblood, a very tall stallion looked up slightly, until he realized he was eye level with a shoulder plate and proceeded to keep raising his head to see Godzilla Junior towering over him. He backpedaled slightly.

"Wow ho!-.... Ahem, my my, someone's a specimen. You certain you're not an earth pony with a crooked horn glued on?"

"As far as I know it's attached. Why did you call me out?"

"Princess Celestia had much to say and show about you in the Noon Court meeting. So, I have thusly come to do what should be done."

Blueblood affirmed, shaking himself off slightly to regain his gentlemanly poise. Junior tilted his head slightly as Captain Frost shrugged whilst mentally bracing.

-Yep, here comes a Blueblood rant. Let's see if this one tops that time an impersonator swiped his ticket and got into the gala...-

She nudged Junior, whispering out of the corner of her mouth.


Before Junior could ask why, Blueblood started chewing the scenery.

"As Archduke Prince heir apparent of the Canterlot Unicorn Monarchy lineage of my ancestress and Canterlot founder Princess Platinum, I astride forth and enact encompassing illegitimation and redaction of all outside financial and judicial accusations and or legal intrusions into your personage and those of your compatriots for the actions partaken in days prior and to come. In association with your royalship as the apparent crowned authority body of the Terran refugees, I, Archduke Prince apparent Auric Leon Blueblood of the Platinum Noble Household of Canterlot extend to you this commemoration in the service and preservation of house and resources."

Gold hued magic glimmered over Blueblood's horn, a pendent with the family crest levitating up before flying over and clipping itself to Godzilla's chest plate. Blueblood, having not yet had his fill of the background, continued chewing the scenery and talking through it all.

"In further endeavors and altercations to come requiring further compensation and assistance, the Platinum Noble Household of Canterlot will entrust a share of funds to the refugee leadership under the reign of King Godzilla the 2nd for ensured admitted assistance. Have a good day your lordship."

And with that, they left before the flabbergasted Junior or Captain Frost could react. Godzilla blinked several times, glancing down at the captain.

"... What just happened? I could barely understand a word he was saying."

Blueberry Frost's jaw had dropped slightly and her eye was twitching somewhat. She regained her bearings, still blankly looking wide eyed at the closed door.

"I... think, ye' just got a thank ye' from a world class prick."


"If I'm understandin' his fancy talk right, because you didn't let those gyaos buzzards break his stuff."

"Sooo, good right?"


She managed to nod and smile lightly, elbowing Junior playfully.

"-I think so. Yeesh if you could get a medal out of blonde hair bleach brain, you might get Bold Rush to rejoin...."

Blueberry Frost turned around and was about to take a step before pausing. Her tone dropped to a threatening grumble, her lance lowering back down.

"Second thought, do that and I'm demoting you..."

Motel Parking Lot

The faint buzzing of the waking world slowly helped to ease Monster X back into consciousness. One by one his senses started to filter back in, giving him the feel of his surroundings. There was a tightened feeling across his chest and arms, pulling him up against the force of gravity. His head slumped over, blurry vision briefly clarified before it faded out again, just long enough to unveil several lengths of cord and cloth wrapped around his torso. The buzzing in his ears began to fade away and he heard voices.

"He's coming to!"

"Back up girls.."

-Who... where-

"Stay calm."

-I know that voice...-

X growled and shook his head to force it to clear. The haze lifted from his senses and he looked up to see three sets of eyes and three gemstones looking back at him.

The sirens stood still as their 'guest' wordlessly looked about his surroundings, noticing the impromptu bindings they'd made from bungee cord and a few jackets to tie him down to the car seat. He began to shift, seemingly forcing himself against his bindings all while casting a blank glare at the trio. The sirens stood several feet away from the side of the van, looking at the bound kaiju through an opened window to a locked door. Still didn't help much for their nerves, poor Sonata was trembling and stood further back than her companions, partially hiding back as Adagio and Aria stood front and center. The former held one of her arms out to shelter her little sister while the latter crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared back.

X stopped his subtle shifting and looked back at the three, still without muttering a word. Sonata's discomfort might have been the most obvious, but to her credit none of them were in high spirits. Aria and Adagio might have been better at hiding it, but the taut muscles under violet skin and the pale knuckles in Adagio's free arm were clues that X picked up on. Worry could be forgiven after all. It is few in number who'd look at a predator through an open window and not worry about it pouncing through it. Even monsters have monsters.

After some time, X averted his vision. He didn't struggle against his bonds, but instead started looking around in all directions, peering out the windows. Aria Blaze narrowed her eyes at the kaiju.

-Well, he didn't make a lunge for our necklaces yet. Something else have your attention?-

"..Hey Masky."

She grunted, knocking on the window's edge and getting X to whirl back around to look in her direction. The stress in his eyes was obvious.

"If you're looking for tall, cold, and murdery; we drove about 160 kilometers out of town. Unless you're about to tell me it has a learner's permit, it will take awhile for it to get here on foot."

She grunted, moving back only slightly when bloody cinnabar looked into violet. It would have taken a lot to coax Adagio into willingly getting any closer to the thing sitting in the back passenger seat, Aria stepping on her word would be one of them. Plus there was the side of wanting to make sure the creature didn't get his hand free while they weren't looking and reach through the window to throttle her cousin, that too. She stepped up beside Aria, putting herself in front somewhat while coaxing Sonata up with her. Safety in numbers after all. There was a slight snap in her voice, but it was hard to tell who it was directed at.

"We pulled you in after you fell out of the window and hit the car next to us. We left that shadow thing behind a long ways back."

X took in a breath and finally spoke, abet in a voice far too calm for the siren's liking.

"Why have you taken me?"

"We need answers, you have them."

"You assume too much."

"Off words from the one tied down with about twenty bungee cords."

"A number high enough to indicate worry. You must be very scared of the fact your kind can't mind control me like you can the humans."

Adagio's eyes widened and her jaw sneered. Not even half a dozen full sentences with this thing and she was already getting her buttons pushed. Apparently Aria and Sonata forgot to mention how irritating this thing was in their first encounter.

"We're not tal- URG! Just start talking!"

She snapped, but only got silence in response. X moved his attention away from her and back to his bindings, shifting in his seat slightly and leaving Adagio debating if they should risk opening to door or leaning in closer to see if he might be undoing his binds somehow. As the orange siren seemed to puzzle over their next move, Aria sneered. She dropped the bottom of her fist on the car's paneling with more force than one of her size would be expected to exert, causing Monster X to flinch.

"Listen up jackass! The only reason you're still breathing was due to us turning around to pull your tail fin out of the fire! Now are you going to be a courteous monstrosity or do I need to start putting back all those glass shards Sonata had to pull out of your back where we found them!?"

The outburst earned a wide eyed surprise from Adagio, enough that she didn't even notice she was letting a subordinate have an outburst; and caused Sonata to cringe under her grimacing.

"Jeez Ari.."

Monster X stayed perfectly still, looking up and ahead blankly.

"... Last thing I remember is blacking out after flying backwards, and now I am here in relative safety... Hmp, point has been made."

He muttered with a shrug, looking back at the trio as they all breathed a sigh of relief. Or least Adagio and Sonata did, Aria was still glaring knives at him.

"I do not know the exact individual, but there is only one thing I've encountered in this world with that kind of power. If I had to guess, it's a kaiju."

"... A what?"

"Loose term, giant beings of great power. If it's come here, your realm must have changed it like it did me and I presume you three, only less so."

Sonata shrugged her shoulders, thinking back to the hospital. Getting hit, impaled, and thrown out a window hardly seemed to slow their attacker down.

"Yeah! Not even the cup check worked like it did on you!"

Adagio grumbled, trying to force back a growing headache after shushing Sonata.

"Shh! ... What does this 'kaiju' want with us? It came after Aria in the hospital when we came to pick her up."

"If I had to guess, same thing I was after. A power source no one else in this realm has."

He grunted, briefly glancing at the dim red glows coming from the three sirens' hearts; causing all three to uncomfortably raise a hand to clutch their necklaces. X lifted his head back up and looked them all in the eyes.

“Which leads me to wonder, why not let one enemy kill another?”

Uneased glances were cast amongst the group.

“Don’t suppose we could talk you out of the hunt in repayment for saving you, can we?”

Sonata mumbled with a hint of meekness, lowering her head between her shoulders. X shrugged.

“The mission isn’t mine to quit.”

Brushing aside some minor confusion about what exactly the kaiju was talking about, Adagio cleared her throat to call in attention.

“Aside from hoping you knew something about our mutual attacker, two things became apparent. Firstly, you and it were obviously not on the same side. Secondly and as much as it pains me to admit this, our magic isn’t enough to overcome it. Our powers were diminished upon coming to this world and we’re still working to get them back. What magic we have however didn’t even faze it.”

Her train of thought was quickly picked up upon, X slowly nodding his head as the logic came to him.

“And because I was able to hold off and actually fight it, and you are clearly unable to control me, you three wish to strike up a bargain. You help me, I destroy the mutual threat. Is that correct?”

“Yes, that is the jist of it.”

“Even when you know about what I’m after and my assurance to you that I won’t quit?”

Monster X expected them to flinch back. He didn’t expect a retort from Adagio.

“You told me we were no use to you dead. That thing after us though? No such qualms. We go, what you came here for goes. You say you aren’t ready to quit. So how ready are you to fail a mission?”

A slow silence crept amongst the four. X closed his eyes in a brief moment of contemplation. The logic was sound enough, and they seemed willing to work with this. It had an appealing sales pitch and that last point was solid.

-Clever witch…-

Adagio broke the quiet, looking down at her gem that she still hadn’t let go of.

“And as you hold it back, we’ll focus on getting our powers back. You destroy it or we get strong enough to do so ourselves, either way it’s out of the picture."

“… If you think you have any reason to trust me, you shouldn’t.”

X grunted, looking at the three out of the corner of his peeking eye.

“Trust us, we don’t.”


“Not even as far as I could throw you.”

“Feeling is mutual.”

X cracked his neck, speaking in collection.

“I don’t tolerate threats to mine or my allies’ goals, and I probably wouldn’t leave until that shadowy creature is dead anyways.-”

He slowly nodded his head at the three.

“This alliance is temporary, but acceptable. No harm or attempts will come to you three until the problem is dealt with. If you seek to gain more power, the prize would be greater anyways. Just know this, by one way or another, the cease fire is off as soon as it is killed.”

Adagio crossed her arms, looking to her little sister and cousin. Sonata’s lips pursed and puzzled for a moment before she nodded her head rapidly, still looking a tad skittish at the pair of red eyes looking back at them. Aria took a bit longer to react, both in noticing Adagio after an elbow nudge and to give her answer; but her simple head tilt was enough. Adagio looked at X with an affirmed look upon her face.


“It is so then, though I do have one request for this.”

“And that is?”

“I have powers of my own, but something seems to be wrong with them. If I could take any guess, it’s because of this body change. I’ll require some time to readjust. Give me a few days to regain control, and the creature will be killed that much easier.”

The sirens cracked cringes and sneers, Sonata moreso on the former and Adagio more so on the latter, Adagio’s protective grip on Sonata growing a tad stronger. Aria just kept glaring.

“This wasn’t brought up before. You expect us to just let you to grow even stronger?”

X rolled his eyes and he flared his nostrils slightly under his mask and scarf.

"I'm giving you the same luxury. Call it extra assurance that I will be able to kill that thing. And, I'll add this one promise."

"That being?"

"No matter how strong you three get, threat to me or not-"

If looks could kill, the red hued glare could impale. Little strands of alerted graviton flow churned the cold winter breezes as Monster X's eyes glowed slightly under the shade of his brow and mask.

"I won't kill you when I come to collect."

Adagio took in a long breath, reaffirming her wit, both confidence and ego; after getting several of her buttons pushed.

"Well, aren't you a cheery one?"

She muttered in a deadpan tone. Aria took a step closer, now just outside the window and joining her siblings in shooting a strong look back at the kaiju. She growled lowly.

"It's a deal-"

Unseen by Adagio or Sonata, a momentary glow settled upon her violet eyes. Monster X momentarily raised an eyebrow, glancing over at the other sirens and noticing they lacked this trait. Her voice dropped to a half whisper, partially masked by a passing breeze.

"-just don't expect the same from us."

Sonata felt a bead of sweat drop down her brow.

-Jeeze guys, let us get the rooms first before you start something...-

Adagio eventually broke the unsettling mood with an awkward chuckle. First the creep in the back seat and now Aria was acting weird. Today was not a good day.

"Eheh allllllright then... We're far enough out of town and it's late. That thing doesn't seem to be the hitchhiker type so it'll be following us on foot if it knows which way to go. Even then it'll take over a day or so to get here. We'll check into this motel for the night and move out by noon tomorrow."

The siren alpha female held herself high and walked away from the car, calling over her shoulder.

"Sonata, with me; Aria you keep an eye on our guest."

"Coming sis!"

-Well today's just f***ing peachy. Random monster attacks, we just struck a deal with something straight out of Tartarus, and now Aria reacting to something. McCarthy above I need some hard cider...-

The duo departed, leaving Aria and X in a perpetual glaring contest that lasted for a good minute before either of them budged. Aria took the final step forward and reached out towards X's face. She smirked when he leaned away slightly but was unable to move back enough to keep her from reaching his mask.

"That thing creeps me out."

Just when her fingers were about to curl around the edge of the shroud, a strong grip shot up and snapped around her wrist. Aria flinched momentarily, but held her ground. Monster X gently but unflinchingly pulled her hand away with his freed hand.

"The cables were quite secure, took me awhile to undo the hooks without alerting any of you."

Aria kept her face flat despite the setback, instead glancing down into X's raised sleeve. Sure enough, she saw a tell tale, golden, metallic glimmer in the faint light. She peered through X's eyes as she managed to lift her arm up slightly despite his grasp.

"Don't think I buy that nonlethal bullshit. I remember last night."

Trails of memory coursed through X's head as he tried to recall what all had unfolded upon the last moon rise. But, past a point where he blacked out on Zenith, it was nothing but a hazy blur no matter how much he tried to strain his memory. All he could recall were a few scattered still images. One of which was Aria cornered inside a tree trunk, but the context and connection was still lost upon him.

"What are you talking about? What happened?"

She took X's sleeve in her free hand and slid it down slightly, revealing Kaizer Ghidorah's golden bracer still clad upon his forearm.

"Other than you not acting like you? I attempted a hex and.. well.."

X's attention was drawn away from wondering about the armor and back to Aria. The subtle glow upon her eyes metamorphosed. Trickles of red overtook the violet in her irises as another waving stream of stray graviton churned the air.

"Got a few changes."

She spoke with a stern expression. X looked at her for some time. He was facing Aria Blaze, but it felt like he was visually squaring off with something else entirely. He didn't like it one bit, let alone why she was bringing this up in private.

"So I can see... Does the alpha siren know?"

"Adagio...doesn't...need to."

"You're planning something, aren't you witch."

"Only keeping it less complicated. If Adagio knew she'd just try to take control again and muddy the waters. Back at the hospital, this power was the only thing we had that could hurt it. It came from you, so you are going to show me how to use it."

X let go of Aria's wrist, speaking in words of caution as he looked at something he did not know.

"Let me guess, so you can protect your family from our enemy?"

Aria let go of X's sleeve and turned around, crossing her arms. She turned her head around, eyes still glowing red for some time until it slowly started to dissipate.

"And then protect them from you..."

Reader Works!

I've always been honored to have entertained such talented people. I'm even more honored to have my and my co-creator's efforts end up in someone else's art collection. Now because many pictures have been made and many of these artists have turned out HUGE numbers of pictures, but Bridge related and unrelated; I'll put some of my favorites here and leave the links to their profiles. And hey, this way you take the link and get to see all there cool artwork besides the gifts granted to Bridge. Win win for everyone!

Also updating is the next chapter to the Spin-Off to The Bridge detailing the epics back on Terra, by our own SMJames- Humanity's Stand Chapter 7-9!

FallenAngel5414 is launching the shipping lanes!

Falljoydelux is proving you can make a Ghidorah adorable with their version of a Equestri-fied Guardian Ghidorah

Veteran Artist Pyrus-Leonidus is doing a whole series of kaiju'fications, so I'mma bee greedy and pot his take on my OC! :rainbowlaugh:

LionPatriot proving Azusa Gojo is an almighty mom. Beware.

Saurian96 dumping more jet fuel on the ship fires in hopes of melting steel beams.

ParadoxalOrder doing their take on an Ponified (or is it Kirinfied?) Manda =D

Zeroviks has a humanized Lea trolling Junior epically!

SpawnZillaFinalWars doing a great animation for Bridge's first transformation!

Redlin Ranger giving us a nice slideshow of Bridge up to that point to a kickin' soundtrack!

Author's Note:

NOTICE: Thalia is an OC of a friend of mine. A married OC. So please shippers, grant my one request here and do NOT make ship pics of her and Rodan. I based their interactions off myself and my big sister so on top of messing with TGB's ship, you'll be creeping me out.

Proofreading by LanceOmikon and Faith-Wolff
Illustrations (COMING SOON) by Faith-Wolff
Thalia by TGB-Jerga
Blueberry Frost by Akashic Brony

Rainbow X Rodan - Airspace SOS (now with 100% less Rainbow Factory involvement!)
Congratulations Aria Blaze, you just agreed to boot camp to a dude with issues.... A lot of issues.

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