• Published 2nd Aug 2013
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The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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March 32nd Special Part 1: You Broke the What?!

The following is a non-canon joke chapter. Don't think about it or anything in it too hard.

Megalon sat on his haunches, tapping the tips of his drills together as the Nebulan ship surrounding his containment pod shot across the galaxy. Sighing to himself in boredom, the cyborg touched his drills to the floor and sensed the vibrations going through the ground. Able to detect everything moving on the ship, he could literally see the comparatively tiny and insectoid personnel, the Nebulans, moving about the hanger and halls. Across the hanger, he could faintly pick up a detection of Gigan’s pod. Still as a statue, his brother was likely sleeping. Megalon shrugged and regarded his surroundings, those being a blank metal coffin that would give a claustrophobic a nightmare. Having nothing to do in his pod and knowing he couldn’t play with his brother, Megalon could only look forward to the next deployment; something he knew was coming based off how fast the ship was moving. He didn’t always like his deployments; Gigan was usually a constant professional in them and wouldn’t let him fool around too much. Still, they might see X again on the assignment. Sometimes he could get X to laugh and he liked that. Still, the hope of stretching his legs didn’t quell the sadness taking hold of him due to the dullness of his situation.

Megalon clicked his mandibles and leaned against the back wall.

-Wish I had someone to play with…-

Glancing over to what few others could see, Megalon looked at the fourth barrier.

-Hm.. Wonder what’s up past there?-


Meanwhile in Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie was cursed with the worst fate imaginable. A slow day and not being able to move. Resting her jaw on the counter as she half-heartedly hummed to herself, a very unwelcome experience had over taken her and caused her mane to deflate halfway. Boredom. There were no customers coming in, Mr. and Mrs. Cake were out on errands that would last 'till the end of the day; and they’d taken the babies with them. But with no one else to pony the store, she couldn’t leave and go about the town today. And she’d already gone through all the leftover bags of flour and sugar cooking up more sweets to kill time. She was completely out of recipes to do! The typically spastic pony even made licorice. Li-cor-ice!

Reaching up and taking off her chef’s hat, Pinkie Pie let out a long groan and rolled herself upside down over the counter. She looked up at the ceiling with a small frown.

-Wish there was somepony around…-

Having nothing else to do, she shifted her attention to what lay beyond. Raising an eyebrow at what she saw, she raised a hoof up to it.

-Hm… Wonder what’s up past there?-


Back in the human realm of Equestria, Sonata Dusk leaned back into her car seat as the highway sped by them. Driving them back into town after an excursion, Aria was at the wheel and was already passive-aggressively arguing with Adagio after one snide remark from the eldest siren caught her attenton. Frowning and shrinking back into her seat as her cousin and big sister argued for the fifth time this week, Sonata pulled out her cellphone and headphones. Flicking on the screen, she put on some music to drown out her fellow sirens. Leaning on the nearest window, the youngest of the sirens cracked a neutral expression. Despite listening to her favorite song, the boredom and the fact Adagio and Aria were riling each other up again were being a real downer.

-Wish everypony loosened up some, this choir is getting droning...-

With literally nothing on her mind, Sonata regarded the fourth barrier. Usually blank, this time she could swear she saw something on it. Or rather, something through it. She reached out with a raised eyebrow.

-Hm… Wonder what’s up past there?-

At that moment, Nebulan drills, a hoof, and a hand all touched the wall at the exact same time and broke it like none of them ever had before.


All three looked about their surroundings as they walked about, the bright pink pony, bright blue human, and the 3 meter tall cyborg beetle miraculously not noticing each other.


They spoke at the same time, finally hearing the other presences. Sonata, Pinkie, and Megalon froze up and turned around at the same time and spotted one another. Staying perfectly still otherwise, they slowly turned themselves around and stood in a perfect triangle. Keeping like that for a full thirty seconds, the stillness was broken by Megalon, Pinkie Pie, and Sonata Dusk all raising their right forelimb. Each of the three started waving their limb, and upon seeing the other two do the same; each of the three were convinced that it was some sort of weird mirror.

“Huh, weird.”

The unintentional mimicry was broken when a curious Megalon did what pony and human couldn’t, revving up his drill and causing his forelimb to spin around at its base. Pinkie Pie and Sonata Dusk both stood up straight in such a jolting motion one could swear there was an exclamation point above their heads. Their surprise tipped off Megalon to the fact he wasn’t looking at a mirror and he joined in on the shocked reaction. The trio of wall breakers screamed and yelped in fright, at first pointing and screaming at one of the three before pointing and screaming at the other. Megalon jumped up, configured himself to his burrowing position and tunneled under the white void. Pinkie Pie and Sonata Dusk levitated several feet off the ground while running mid-air to gain traction like some sort of Hanna-Barbera cartoon, before bolting off in opposite directions. After a stint of running away in a panic, both Equestrians noticed they weren’t being chased.

Stopping and skidding across the ground, Sonata and Pinkie halted their run and looked behind themselves and at each other. Megalon poked his head out of his new hidey-hole and looked back and forth between the two. After some shared glances in silence, the Equestrians walked back to where they were. Megalon, staying in his burrow, ducked back into his cover. Pinkie Pie paused a meter away from Sonata, looking up at her with curious eyes and sniffing at the human.

“You’re not gonna attack me, are you?”

Sonata shook her head and peeped.

“Uh uh.”

Sonata reached out with her hand, eliciting Pinkie to lean out and rub her head against it. Smiling, the former siren scratched the pony behind the ears. Now standing together, they turned their attention to the third party member. Leaning over the edge of Megalon’s burrow, the two could see a pair of yellow eyes looking back up at them as Megalon chirped like a cricket. Sonata puzzled for a moment before crouching down and addressing the shadow veiled cyborg. It did look dangerous when they first noticed it, but judging from its reaction it was just as spooked by them as they were it.

“And you? You gonna hurt us?”

Megalon tapped his mandibles with his drill for a moment to think things through. After a short while he shifted and climbed up the edges of his burrow enough to poke his head into the light. He had been startled earlier, after all he hadn’t exactly ever seen a human or equine this color or around his size before, and on top of that they looked like something from one of the cartoons he data-mined off Terra’s internet. He couldn’t tell if he’d shrunk down to only a few meters tall or if they were of similar gargantuan proportion. Then again the barrier rarely did make sense so he’d given up trying to understand it fully awhile ago. Looking between the two, he replied shortly.

“Hmm…. Uh uh!”

Sonata and Pinkie backed up as Megalon fully climbed his way out of the burrow and dusted himself off. The trio stared at each other for a time, occasionally looking around to the white void surrounding them. Megalon clicked his mandibles while thinking things through. Years ago he’d hacked into Terra’s internet like his big brother had. Gigan said it was to learn and form strategies, though there was one big difference between the two. When Megalon encountered the safesearch option, he didn’t follow Gigan’s logic of turning it off for quicker results and thought it was a neat thing to have on. And he was starting to recognize some features on the pair in front of him from the old results.

-Bright palettes, colorized outlines, cute proportions… They're certainly from a cheery series…!! Maaaaybbeeee...-

Megalon cracked his equivalent to a grin, raised up, and swung one of his drills towards Sonata. He aimed it at her face, stopping short just before impact and causing the young woman to yelp and jump back. Undaunted, Megalon leaned over on his toes and gently booped the tip of the startled siren’s nose.

“Tag! You’re it!”

The Nebulan cyborg chirped before running off. Sonata Dusk blinked for a few moments before touching her nose. A short contemplation later, Megalon’s grin spread to her face and she twisted her head over to a curious Pinkie Pie. Gently bapping the earth pony mare on the shoulders, Sonata Dusk yelped-

“You’re it!”

-before bolting off after Megalon, happy her wish had come true. Pinkie Pie blinked for a few moments, her entire body starting to vibrate and shake as a massive, cheshire grin crossed her muzzle. She squealed and hopped up into the air, going through a running motion mid-air as if to gain traction, before hitting the ground sprinting.

A good half-hour of play, ranging from tag, to blind hide-and-go-seek, to keep away with an inert grenade Megalon spat up later and a fourth entity puffed into existence amongst the trio. Discord, reclining on a couch that hovered in the air thanks to the orange juice filled fishbowls on its legs, caught the grenade.

“Aha! I thought something was up.”

After a quick application of some powdered milk, the chaos being plopped the dud explosive in his mouth and didn’t react to the smoke coming out his ears afterwards. Dabbing his mouth with a feather boa he pulled out from the couch seat, Discord looked down and regarded the trio below him.

“Looks like you three really screwed the pooch on this one.”

Pinkie Pie, the only one to know the chimera from experience, was the first to speak and bounced up to the couch.

“We did what now to the puppy?”

She quipped at the peak of her bounce before falling down. Megalon caught the pony with his upper arms as to avoid her falling on his drills, still looking perplexed up at Discord. He hadn’t seen season 2 in a long time.

“And who are you?”

Discord puffed out of existence on his couch and materialized in front of Megalon. Now clad in a Star Trek fleet uniform, he shook the cyborg’s drill.

“Discord Q. Draconequus, spirit of chaos, rule breaker, and resident moderator of this portion of the quartential barrier a.k.a the fourth wall a.k.a comedy. You three observers all broke it at the exact same time in the same way, the girls yanking you through the wall to break it and you pulling them through the resulting hole in with you. Thus, now we’re in a space-time-dimension wedgie called a paradox…. So, why’d you three do it? Not that I mind breaking cosmic rules mind you, but am I to presume there was a dire event at hand to necessitate this?”

Looking between themselves for a moment, the trio responded in a short, deadpan tone.

“We were bored.”

Discord’s eyes widened with shock and dread.

“... Well that is a travesty! Even I got a few apps to kill time during my rocky rest!”

“Nothing going on and no one to play around with or talk to!”

Discord’s jaw dropped to the floor and he had to wind it back into place by rotating his tail around behind him. Truly, he had just heard the worst fate he could possibly imagine. Reclining back to the previous topic, Discord snapped his fingers and phased a cartoonish alarm clock into existence in his hand. He put on a pair of spectacles and read the time.

“Hmmm, well these paradoxes aren't too big of an issue. We get these sort of things at random all the time. The wall will clear itself and we’ll get a time reset in about, ooooh; 87 minutes 51.99008 seconds.”

“Why that time?”

“What? Did you expect a flat number from me?”

“Point made.”

“Reset huh? So what happens exactly.”

“You all will be returned to the exact moment you ruptured the wall with no memory of what happened since.”

“S-So I’ll just go right back to being stuck in my container and forget everything!?”

Megalon muttered with a pout, hugging Pinkie Pie closer to him as he held his head a bit lower than before. The sour mood infecting her, Sonata Dusk stepped closer to the duo and patted Megalon on the shoulders while petting Pinkie Pie, whom responded by holding the human’s hand in her hooves and rubbing her head up against Megalon’s bicep. Discord raised an eyebrow at the sudden tone shift.

“Why the long mandibles?”

Megalon clicked the referred body part, speaking in a hushed tone as he tightened his hold on the Equestrians.

“I only got two friends back home and I don’t ever really get to play with them. I dun’ wanna lose two news ones so soon!”

Sonata Dusk shrugged, starting to cartoonishly tear up.

“Same song, different choir. Everypony’s too serious back where I am. I haven’t been able to be with anyone lively in a while.”

Pinkie Pie popped up her up, stretching her neck far too long than one would think possible as she fought back tears. Despite being the physically smallest of the group, she somehow managed to reach out and pull the other two into a hug.

“And I don’t want my new friends to be unhappy! Even if they don’t remember, they’ll still be sad like they were before and I wouldn’t be around to throw them a party! They aren’t meanies, they deserve to be happy!”

Spoken from the mouth of the Element of Laughter herself. Discord took his head off like some sort of MacBeth parody and scratched his chin.

“Hmmmmm…. Reset is inevitable, but we could arrange soooomething.”

On cue, Megalon, Sonata, and Pinkie all shot up to him and shouted in unison so loudly it startled Discord enough to drop his head into Megalon’s burrow.


“Doof! Oh I hate it when this happens.”

Discord’s voice echoed out of the burrow. His still standing body pulled out a plunger and stuck it into the hole as he continued talking.

“We can armmgm mh mrossmvmr.”


Discord fished the thankfully unused plunger out, now with his head attached to the other end by his face. Popping it off, he screwed his head back on, albeit backwards. Unfazed by having it attached the way it was, he continued.

“I said, we can arrange a crossover. Equestria gets a bit dull sometimes,-”

He pointed forward in a way that had he not had his back to them, he’d be pointing at Megalon.

“-maybe we could bring in a bunch over from your realm for some fun. Yes the reset will still kick into gear, but if you lot set it up for a convergence, you three will cross paths eventually.”

Sonata, Pinkie, and Megalon exchanged a look before cracking a grin and raising a hoof, hand, and drill up in excitement.

“Let’s do it!...”

“.... How do we do it?”

Discord rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers. Instantly what looked like a giant elevator box folded up around them. With a ding, it took off in an unseen direction and after a few minutes of travel time, dinged again at their stop. Once the doors opened, the surroundings outside had changed. Discord held his paw out to the rows of doors and walkways set up like a hotel, or at least he would have if he were facing the right way. Instead he swung his lion paw out backwards and whapped Megalon on the horn.

“Welcome, to the Hall of Media!”


“Isn’t this a bit off the wall even for our norms?”

“Non-canon and happy March 32nd… Aaanyways, step lively now.”

Discord walked forwards, or rather backwards, and lead the trio out the elevator. Sonata looked around at their new surroundings. Like a hotel, the largely white walls were lined with doors that bore simple symbols upon them. To the side of each door were panels that contained what looked like colorized keyholes, and below each door frame was a line that bent and weaved into the central walkway like lines in a computer circuit. The hall the doors went down seemed to be endless.

“So, how are we supposed to make a crossover here?”

“Simple really, you cross the doors.”

Discord stated while walking up to a door that bore an alien insignia with a beam sword poised in front of it.

“Each door represents a different series or closely related group of series, including crossovers. We got books, television, film, games, comics, you name it. Each door has a series of slots beside it that show the basic elements, the core principles and concepts of the series and how it had affected both other media and its viewership. What you three will need to do is find both the doors to Equestria and the kaiju realms and find a common element between them. Then all you need to do is pop the elements out, swap them, and the doors will link together in a time-space-dimensions blur and spur a crossover.”

“And it works?”

“An imp dressed like a bat and that Wilson guy pulled one just a while ago to get the Avengers and Justice League to obligatorily butt heads. Trust me, this is how all crossovers happen.”

Megalon looked down the lines of doors, seeing no end to them in sight; and in this weird realm he could seemingly see for dozens of kilometers at a time! And the situation wasn’t being helped by the fact that while he could recognize some of the door symbols, he suspected they were standing in front of Star Wars, he saw nothing within eyesight that matched Godzilla or My Little Pony.

“But how are we supposed to get the right doors in time? There’s gotta be millions of them in here! Is there a map or something we can use?”

Discord snickered, patting Megalon on the head.

“You lot just need to not think about the series themselves, but who made ‘em and why. You can’t sequester anything. Ohp!”

He stopped as his horns began buzzing like an alarm clock.

“Happening again, best of luck you three. Ta-Ta now!”

“Wait you’re not helping us?”


“I’ll tell Fluttershy on you!”

Pinkie Pie belted while bouncing up to Discord's eye level and pointing her hoof at his face. Discord just shrugged.

“Sorry, my pool's on fire and the cat got the launch codes again. I’m off!”

And with that he snapped his fingers and puffed himself out of existence like he had before. The intrepid trio shared a long, deadpan groan as they hung their heads and looked at the daunting number of doors ahead.

“Ooooh boy, where do we start? We can’t check each and every door individually till we find the right one!”

“Well, he said we need to think of the creators and the influences.”

“Yeah, he said you can't sequester anything.”

“What did he mean by that?”

Pinkie Pie rubbed her hoof along her muzzle for a moment of contemplation. Her mane was starting to flatten from the sour mood, but suddenly a lightbulb went off in her head as she remembered all of what Discord had said and it caused her mane to poof back out.

“I got it! Nothing is new!”

“Eh?” “Huh?”

Pinkie Pie bounced up on her hooves as she spoke, motioning to the doors with her left forehoof at the peak of each bounce.

“Every series or creation was influenced by what came before it and was coming out at the same time as it. One series inspires another, one creator sees something and makes something in reaction; media is everywhere and influential to everything that comes after it. Everything is connected!”

“Huh… I think I’m following yah!”

Megalon muttered and pointed to a door.

“If these doors all lead back here, then they might also be connected to each other. We just gotta find which doors link to our series through those connections. As we narrow down the connections and jump world to world, we’ll eventually find the right series!”

Sonata Dusk nodded a few times before shrugging her shoulders. In this whacko world with this trio, that sort of crazy logic from a chaos monster just might be the one thing that worked! She grabbed hold of Pinkie Pie and Megalon, making for a door with an M/DC symbol on it.

“Well we better give it a go! We’re on a time limit!”

They pounced forward and hopped through the doorway.

“Tally ho everypony!”


The world around them swirled, twisted, and pulsed for a few moments before they found themselves standing in a city street. They paused for a moment to look each other over. It seemed the form shifting traits indicative of Sonata’s exile realm played true here as all three had been turned into humans this time around. They seemed to be in a fortunately empty alleyway inside a metropolis, with scores of people walking past them. The three poked their heads out of the alley and had a look around. It was definitely a big city, with skyscrapers visible in every direction. Megalon spotted the Empire State Building, recognizable from his data banks, poking out from the skyline. However this clearly didn’t seem to be a very, for lack of better terms, normal world. Aside from the distinct, large tower with a distinct “A” emblemed on the side, there was the newspaper headline on the stand that made it abundantly clear they weren’t on a slow newsday; “New World Beyond! Avengers vs. JLA!”. It also didn’t help the wall breakers were all clad in very colorful costumes one wouldn’t expect for street wear.

“Welp, there goes our first try success.”

“I think we jumped into that Marvel-DC crossover Discord mentioned.”

“Just my luck, I jump us into a double trouble.”

Sonata grunted, then had to fight the cape she had attached to her back flying up into her face from a stray breeze.

“Pffbt! And great, I get the guy who thinks a pair of glasses and idiot coworkers is a good disguise.”

Megalon, while trading the cape and S symbol Sonata had for a body suit and spider symbol, was having to worry about the bronze and brown, web patterned jumpsuit giving him a wedgie. He squirmed and pulled at it to try and get comfortable, his voice slightly muffled by the mask.

“Why do they wear these things again?”

Pinkie Pie, clad in a similarly patterned pink and blue body suit that left her hair poking out, with a pair of swords on her back; shrugged.

“Fight crime and foes?”

Megalon held up his hands in befuddlement, “Yes, because nothing screams defense against injury and bullets like spandex.”

Sonata tapped at her chin before picking up and flicking a pebble into her face at a extreme speed, letting it just ping off her eyeball, “Well I’m already bulletproof without this sooo...”

Pinkie Pie and Megalon were about to shout, “I’m not!”, when Megalon noticed something about Pinkie’s mask. Whenever she changed expression, the eyespots on her mask moved with it like they were her actual eyes. Discord baffled him, but this did that and creeped him out.

Megalon shot back, “Gah! Pinkie, your mask!”

“What about it?”, Pinkie Pie tilted her head and squinted an eye, the mask’s eyespots copying her movements somehow. Megalon didn’t know if he should be concerned or curious.

-Good Tanaka is she okay?! What, did Wade Wilson glue his eyelids to his mask? Oooow!-

Before he could verbally express his reaction to a confused Pinkie squinting her mask at him, Sonata interjected.

“Seamstrestry second, portals first. We’re in a Marvel and DC story so that means we’re in American media. That means Hasbro’s closer so I vote we go for that one first.”

Megalon, still not able to look at the cockeyed expression Pinkie’s mask was giving him with a straight face, did his best to jump topics.

“Um, okay we’ll go with that. Now if the worlds are connected, that means we gotta find a way to link the degrees of separation between this and My Little Pony.”

“Okie dokie Asgardian-Loki! So what links this to something tied to Equestria?”

The trio looked down and murmured as they pondered, oblivious to the dumbstruck crowd they were attracting. A distant hum of turbines caught Sonata’s attention and she was hit with a eureka moment.

“I got it! Clench up and hang on!”

It was her only warning to the two before grabbing them around the middle and spring boarding off the ground.


About twenty seconds later they were well above the Manhattan skyline and rapidly approaching what looked like a flying aircraft carrier. Suspended by several massive turbines on either side of the craft, it had the acronym, “S.H.I.E.L.D.” clearly written on the side.

“The shield helicarrier!”

“How’d you know it'd be here?”

“It’s New York in a comic book. Half of everything in big cities with comics happens in New York. Seriously it’s got like five A-lister super teams in the state alone.”

“And villains still attack this beehive? Why not just go after Jersey City or something?”

“Yeah, villains are kinda stupid like that.”

Pinkie Pie, no longer having her hands in the air and screaming joyfully like she was on a rollercoaster, was quick to spot a familiar glowing doorway on top of the helicarrier deck.

“Portal dead ahead!”

“I see it!”

Sonata landed and the three hit the ground running, completely ignoring the dumbstruck and surprised SHIELD personnel they rushed past as they dove into the doorway.


Emerging on the other side in the world connected to the last, the trio still found themselves in human form. However, the surroundings had completely changed. Where they once found skyline and city, it was now what appeared to be a darkened warehouse. The trio were now clad in slightly stylized military uniforms, save Pinkie Pie, who was wearing a black body suit with a visor. The former earth pony looked around, spotting nothing distinct about their surroundings save for a symbol resembling a stylized snake on top of a doorway. That and the tank parked in front of it.

“Mmhmhm mphrw?”

“Eh? Pinkie speak up.”

“Mmhmhm hmhm mphrw?”

Sonata, recognizing the outfit Pinkie Pie had been tossed into, was quick to lurch over and help her cohort roll up her mask a bit to uncover Pinkie’s mouth.

“Oh! She got Snake-Eyes, never talks so I guess he wouldn’t mind a muffling mask. Hang on!”

The mask was rolled up and Pinkie Pie let out an exasperated gasp. Catching her breath, she repeated her first question with clarity.

“Phew! I was asking, where are we now Sonny? Hard to see out of this thing.”

Pinkie Pie muttered while adjusting Snake-Eye's visor to make the outside world more visible.

“G.I. Joe. Looks like I got Ripcord. Back in the 80s, it was planned to tie it into the Marvel Universe’s Nick Fury and SHIELD, but they went an alternate route. So a lot of stuff from the early Joe series was based on SHIELD’s stuff.”

Megalon, clad in Tunnel Rat’s suit, helped the two off the ground they landed on and scratched the back of his head.

“Well least we’re in Hasbro country. Now what?”

Pinkie Pie raised her hand with a chipper smile on her face that showed she knew exactly what to do.

“We just need to get to a franchise the 80s Joes were tied to. And fortunately, since this is 80s Hasbro, there should be one we can use not too far away. Though I think we’ll need a ride.”

“And where do we get one of those?-”

Sonata Dusk was cut off by a legion of masked mooks popping out from behind the boxes and containers surrounding them, all armed and pointing rifles right at the three. The portal, in its infinite wisdom, had dressed them up like Joes and dumped them in the middle of a Cobra base. Pinkie Pie, Sonata Dusk, and Megalon stood back to back in a triangle as they were surrounded on all sides. They could have gone for their weapons to fight back, they could have dove for cover. But instead, Pinkie Pie belted an order at them when she remembered something.

“Put your hands in the air, stand up straight and don’t move!”

She shouted, doing as she asked. Sonata was less willing to jump along with her.

“What!? Are you crazy?!”

“Yes! Now do it!”

Not having any other option, she did as instructed and Megalon followed suit. The three closed their eyes and heard the Cobra mooks all open fire with their laser guns and hit everything… except the three they were aiming at. In fact their aim with their guns was so horrendous they ended up all taking each other out and dropping to the ground twitching and spasming from the shocks before passing out. The jumper trio peeked out one eye each, even Pinkie being dumbstruck at their success.

“Huh, that actually worked!”

“How did you know they’d all miss?”

Pinkie Pie leaned over a downed mook and nudged him with her boot, eliciting a dizzied groan.

“Simple; even with family friendly firearms, against named characters mooks can’t aim at all in these sort of series! They’ll hit everything except what they aim at!”

Megalon snickered after breathing a sigh of relief.

“Plot armor is the best armor.”

Sonata, heart still racing, looked over at the tank and had some ideas crossing her mind.

“Well what works works, now about that ride you said we needed. I hope-”

“Haha! We are almost finished, the commander will be pleased!”

The three whirled around to see Cobra sub-leader, the metallic faced Destro pop his head out of the tank hatch. Oblivious to absolutely everything around him, he started monologuing about something involving another superweapon being made at the base. At least that’s what the trio thought he was saying, they honestly weren’t paying much attention as they looked at each other and then started sneaking up behind him.

“Is he seriously monologuing to himself right now?”

“Iiii think so. Hey Pinkie, he’s a named character. That mean he can aim?”

“Yep, we should probably knock him out and tie him up before he gets to his third paragraph and pulls out his gun.”

“And we steal the tank?”

“We steal the tank.”

Destro got to his second paragraph when he finally took a look around and noticed the room full of KO’d troops along with the three ‘Joes’ rapidly approaching him.

“Oh no…”

“Get ‘im!”

Several minutes later, a pair of headlights shown against the warehouse door before the stolen Cobra tank burst through it Dukes of Hazzard style. And Pinkie Pie was at the wheel, something that concerned Megalon.

“Hey, have you ever driven one of these before Pinkie?”

Pinkie Pie, either from having so much fun barreling down the thankfully empty road or still amped from the taser backfire Destro tried on her, replied in a cheery tone.

“Not in my life Meggy, have you?”

Megalon felt a bead of sweat drop down his face and he rolled his eyes.

“Eeeeh nevermind, so where we heading boss-pony?”

Sonata, having finished shoving the unconscious and tied up Destro off the back of the tank, climbed back down the ladder and joined the conversation.

“Yeah you said something about other Hasbro properties but didn’t specify.”

Pinkie Pie, whom by some miracle of god didn’t swerve her driving despite not looking where she was going, waved her hand at the siren in a nonchalant manner.

“Silly Sonny, we’re in an 80s Hasbro cartoon!”

“Which means?”

“As I said earlier, they reference and tie into each other like, all the pancake flippin’ time! And there’s one that should work for us!”

Fishing through her still wild hair that poked out of the Snake-Eyes mask, she pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it off to Sonata. Sonata unfolded it and held it up to the tank’s internal light, revealing an inexplicably, stupendously detailed, hand drawn road map made from crayon.

“Did you have that on you the whole time or did you make it just now?” Sonata said as she tilted her head.

Pinkie Pie waved her off, taking a hand from the tank's steering wheel, “Whipped it up while Megalon had Destro in a headlock. Just tell me which way to go to get to the star!”

Leaning over to see the map, Megalon cocked an eyebrow at the name under the star label.

The cyborg puzzled, “... Who’s Megan Williams and why are we driving a tank into her house?”


A short time later and they were rapidly closing in on their destination at the same time the heroine of the household was. Megan Williams, humble farm girl, multi-time savoir of Dream Valley, the first modern wielder of the Rainbow of Light, and staunch ally of the ponies, was flying back home on Firefly’s back. They had just crossed the Rainbow Bridge and touched down beside the Williams house when a loud rumbling roared down the street. Looking in the indicated direction, Megan and Firefly’s jaws dropped as an oncoming tank tore through the William’s property fence and barreled past them. Soon as the mobile hill of metal touched the tip of the bridge leading to the valley, it disappeared in a flash of light.

The Cobra tank, transformed into a carriage with a cannon strapped to the top, emerged through the doorway into the new world. Rolling to a halt, Pinkie Pie popped her head out of the front window.

“Here we are! My Little Pony, Generation 1!”

She yipped while hopping out the window and onto her hooves. Finally back to a pony, she closely resembled her old self; just in with some changes to her proportions and sporting a less wild mane.

“This is more like it, but different. My body feels… more accurate. Miss the colored outlines though. Weird.”

Sonata Dusk found herself pouting upon her exit of the carriage however, for both she and Megalon were still human. Sonata had changed out her military uniform for what could best be described as a pair of pink overalls with a white undershirt. Megalon meanwhile was stuck in a pair of jeans, a blue T-shirt, and baseball cap. They also looked noticably younger than their previous bodies, more in the 11-13 year old range. Sonata grumbled, undoing her hairties to get her hair out of the pigtails and into her previous form’s signature ponytail. If she was going to still be human, she wasn’t going to be taking her cousin’s look gosh darn it!

“Aaawww! We got hitched with Molly and Danny. Why’d you get a pony and we’re still humans?”

“Hmmm, well G1 had humans but didn’t have any sirens. Unless you’d prefer to get turned into a seapony-” Pinkie Pie beeped as she looked over to the siren.

“NO!”, Sonata belted in what seemed like an honestly upset reaction, throwing her hands out and causing Pinkie to jump back a bit. After a few moments of awkward silence and glancing about at her outburst, Sonata quickly recoiled.

“Um, no. Sorry. I guess it just be useless here, am I right?”

Pinkie Pie pouted a bit, knowing she’d hit a nerve from the way Sonata reaction and then tried to laugh the subject off. She knew a fake laugh when she heard one, but she also didn't want to prod.

“Um, right. And G1 certainly didn’t have….. Megalon, don’t take this the wrong way, but what are you anyways?”

Megalon’s eyes widened and his tone shifted into a robotic playback despite being completely flesh and blood at the moment. Maybe some programming persisted in his conscious or maybe he’d just done this every time the question was asked of him to the point it was Pavlov symdrone.


He affirmed, causing a bead of sweat to drop down Pinkie Pie and Sonata’s faces and the girls to rub the back of their heads.

“Um, let’s just say Megalon is a megalon… Back to business.”

Megalon was oblivious to their awkwardness and just carried on with a smile.

“Alrighty! So we’re in the first generation of My Little Pony. To get to the link for you two’s world, we need to jump to the fourth generation, right?”


“Oh oh oh oh oh!”

Megalon and Sonata looked over at Pinkie Pie, who was grinning and bouncing up on her tippy-hooves in an admittedly adorable manner. Sonata put a hand on her knee and snickered, placing her free hand on Pinkie’s head to get the excited pony to stop bounding around.

“You don’t have to raise your hoof Pinkie. What’s up?”

“We just need Spike!”

“Who’s got a spike and why do we need it?”

“No no no, the Spike! He got used in all other generations and he started here. We find him, we find a portal to a later generation!”

Megalon, after a couple tries as he was still a tad unused to having digits, snapped his fingers and pointed his finger. Or least he attempted to, he’d forgotten it was the index finger that did the pointing and he accidentally did something else before the gasping, shocked expression on Sonata’s face told him he’d fudged a detail. Ignoring that, he just closed his hand and continued on.

“I remember now! He was a core cast member so he should be in Dream Valley right?”

“Okay so we just follow the road and we should get ther-”

Sonata was cut off by a wide eyed Pinkie Pie jumping up in front of her, waving her hooves in obvious distress.


Megalon tilted his head.

“What’s the rush?”

“We landed in the G1 movie!”

Sonata tempted fate and shook her head while waving her hand in an off gesture.

“It’s an 80s children’s cartoon with colorful ponies in a place called Dream Valley, what could be a problem here?”

Pinkie shrieked, grabbing both humans by the side and whirling them around to look behind them. On cue, a living tidal wave of purple and black mass poured out from over the distant hills. Populated by moaning, goopy mouths and disassembled eyeballs among the dark muck; the force spread out and consumed everything it touched like a plague.


Five minutes later and the trio were still running for their lives. Having been forced to ditch the carriage and unable to both ride atop their equine party member, Sonata and Megalon had hoisted Pinkie Pie over their heads and were sprinting down the golden road in a way that would make Usain Bolt proud. Sonata clearly was not happy about the situation.


Pinkie Pie, held up by her shoulders and hips by her friends, could only point and shriek at the living mass barreling down the road behind them and trying to swallow the three up.


Beyond them, in the exact direction they were heading to, the Dream Valley inhabitants were abandoning the castle and settlement around it the moment they saw the Smooze coming down from the hills. Spike, who had been practicing his piano with Lickety Split, grabbed the dancer filly by the hoof and bolted off the stage together. Unbeknownst to him however, there was a telltale glow coming out from around the seams of his piano’s roof that the oncoming trio spotted and tipped them off.

“Portal up ahead!”

“Inside the piano!”

"Get in quick!"

They didn’t break for a breath for even a second after the moment they got to the piano with the Smooze hot on their heels. Sonata lifted the roof open, revealing it to truly be the portal’s doorway. Grunting from the effort, she tossed Pinkie Pie through the portal before climbing up on the piano keys and hopping in herself. Megalon clawed up the piano after her and swung himself inside of it, keeping mind only to reach back out and slam the cover shut just before the Lovecraftian-Horror-For-Kids swallowed up the stage.


The world around them changed, but in some ways stayed the same. Namely they were still stuck inside of a now grand-piano as opposed to the little homemade, ramshackle-y instrument the original Spike owned. With fatigued groans, the three shifted across the wires and keys to lift the piano lid open and spill out of it and onto the floor. There were no humans in sight this time. Pinkie Pie was still an earth pony, though now Sonata had gotten her turn with the hooves and had been transformed into a blue and navy unicorn. In a twist of irony, Megalon was currently the tiny one. Barely a twentith the size of the girls, he got shifted into a butterfly winged breezie. Still, thankfully they were out of the Smooze mess aside form some gunk stuck to Pinkie Pie’s tail that she was quick to kick off and confirm it to be inert.

The surroundings beyond were a bit more urbanized than before, with a good many more larger houses or businesses. Instead of the very pink, but still somewhat realistic Dream Castle; they were now at the footsteps of a very, very saccharine, smaller citidel that bordered a town. A town that just looking at it too much was risking giving someone a cavity. There were more ponies visible in the distance, going about their business or out playing across the town. Oddly enough though there wasn’t a single stallion in sight.

Oh and a mirror image of Pinkie Pie had noticed the trio and was trotting up to them after running in place for a moment like she was revving up. The duplicate wasn’t a perfect replica of Pinke, being a hotter shade of pink for her body coat and having a tamer, light pink mane. Still, the blue eyes and balloon cutiemarks were virtually identical. ‘Pinkie’ looked the three over with a tilted head, noticing the smooze gunk on the ground and then turning her attention to the piano as if she already knew something was up. Megalon and Sonata shared a glance before looking forward to address the newcomer, but before they could speak Pinkie Pie and ‘Pinkie Pie’ had already locked eyes. Pinkie picked herself up and mutually narrowed her eyes at her copy. Both mares stood up and reached behind themselves like they were about to have a high-noon showdown-

-before promptly whipping out two sets of confetti poppers and balloons for each other. The Pinkies of the third and fourth generation shared a grin, throwing their hooves up in the air and glomping each other. Soon they were holding hooves and spin-dancing around on their hind hooves. Sonata breathed a sigh of relief even as some popped confetti fell on her muzzle.


The third generation 'Pinkie' bumped flanks with her counterpart and snickered. Her voice had some of the same hyper active energy as the Pinkie Sonata and Megalon had been trekking with, but slightly more reigned in and placid.

“Looks like someones’ not just been breaking the fourthie, but jumping it too! Discord send you here?”

The trio’s eyes widened and they realized ‘Pinkie’ the elder was referring to the Smooze residue as said pony walked over and closed Spike’s piano like she knew exactly what was what. It appeared they could add their ‘Breaker’ count to five.

“W-Wait, are you a-”

Megalon stammered, being hushed both at the surprise of just how squeaky his voice was and from ‘Pinkie Pie’ gently hushing him with her hoof.

“No need, I got a squink telling me you were coming, so I already guess why you’re here.”

She smiled before turning and trotting towards her house, turning her head and calling out behind herself.

“Balloons all fired up! Follow me everybody!”

Pinkie Pie the younger bounced after the mare with a chipper grin.


‘Pinkie Pie’ gasped a bit and closed her eyes with a snicker.

“Awww, that’s such a cute way to say it!”

Relieved that there was no mayhem going on, Sonata and Megalon were quick to follow the pair. Several minutes later, they were sailing across town and the surrounding countryside in ‘Pinkie Pie’s’ hot air ballon. The intrepid trio all looked down at the passing sights as ‘Pinkie Pie’ called them out. They weren’t alone in the air for long. The many chipper townsponies saw them passing overhead and soon took to the air in their own balloons. While all were hot air balloons, one pony passing them by was being held up by three party balloons tied to her tail.

“How does that even work?”

Sonata quipped as Minty flew past them while waving, not showing the least bit of distress at her situation.

“Hey, I’m somehow smaller than everyone, just saw a functioning hot air balloon get pulled out from behind a building half its size, and we’re in the presence of two Pinkie Pies; and you choose to question the gravity?”


“Oh oh! Who’s that one?!”

Pinkie Pie, in her own little conversation, chirped while pointing at a pony sitting at an artist’s stand. True, she already knew most every pony by sight alone, but she was Pinkie Pie being taken on tour by ‘Pinkie Pie’. Factual knowledge be thrown out the balloon, she was going to have a fun tour!

“Oh that Toola-Roola! Looks like she’s painting away at some flowers and bunny rabbits! Oh! And there’s Rainbow Dash's House of Adventure and Style! And there’s the Christmas Peppermint mixing patch! And there’s the Posey Parlor! And over there’s the flowery Breezie glade! And-”

Sonata Dusk looked down at the sights below while rubbing her head. True, much of it reminded her of Equestria. But everything seemed so cheery and cutesy that it seemed, off.

“Yeesh, living in this place you could get diabetes from all the sugar in the air…”

She mumbled to herself while resting her chin on the edge of the balloon, unaware Megalon had heard her. The former kaiju pawed at his friend’s ear to get her attention, intentionally lowering his voice not out of any negative emotion, but to keep himself from sounding like a puppy’s toy.

“Oh it’s soft and sugary and different alright, but look over there.”

He whispered while gesturing to the balloon’s other passengers. Pinkie Pie and ‘Pinkie Pie’ had paused their tour as they drifted along and were hitting each other with rapid fire gag humor and returning it with laughs and giggles. A lot of the gags were different, but that didn’t stop one from making the other laugh. And, every so often they pulled the same one on each other. Random musical instruments, Groucho Marx masks, and rubber fowl galore. All while having such a good time the two were starting to laugh themselves to tears.

“When you really look at two things that might be very different, maybe sometimes you see more similarities than you’d think? Just look at our little trip. You’re an ancient mythological hybrid, I’m a giant cyborg bug, and Pinkie Pie is a pinkie pie. Yet we got some things alike and that must be good. This place is different from the Equestria you and Pinkie are from, but for it to be this big it had to have done something right and done some good in its own way.”

Megalon let a smile draw across his tiny cheeks, seeing the two Pinkies laughing and high-hoofing each other.

“After all, this is the third generation of My Little Pony. Just like with the first generation, there wouldn’t be a fourth one without this one!”

Megalon’s smile spread to Sonata as she looked down at the original Ponyville again. What he said seemed right. This was different, but, good in its own way. Certainly was nice to have a portal search that involved a peaceful balloon ride and not them having guns pointed at them, or being forced to outrun eldtrich abominations, or having to flag down Helicarriers.

And it was about to send them exactly where they needed to go. Coming into view up ahead through the trees was a sparkling castle atop a mountain. ‘Pinkie Pie’ operated the balloon’s controls to set them down on the peak of the twisting road winding down from the mountain top to the town below. The castle itself was fairly large. With a medieval-like structure, it was primarly pink in color with an aqua hued roofing and trim. Many parts of the castle had a crystalline sheen to them, that beautifully reflected the arching rainbow going over the top of the mountain. ‘Pinkie Pie’ hopped out of the balloon, with Pinkie Pie, Sonata, and Megalon soon following her.

“Oooooh! Reminds me of the Crystal Empire!”

Pinkie Pie gasped with a beam, seeing her reflection in the castle’s crystal-like heart emblem clad across many parts of the structure.

“Welcome to the Crystal Rainbow Castle of Unicornia! Princess Rarity lives here.”

“Rarity? Princess?! Pfft… Pftt……. Pfff-PWAHAHAHA! OAHOHOHOHO! AHAAHA!”

Pinkie Pie let her breath out with enthusiastic laughing, falling over and rolling on her back at the thought of her fashionista friend becoming royalty. Megalon quickly noticed a glimmering coming from the castle wall just below a heart emblem, his eyes soon training upon a doorway portal. ‘Pinkie Pie’ saw it too.

“That should be the right one for you three!”


Sonata neighed a bit with glee before heading for the portal.

“Alright! Let’s go everypony! Thanks Pinkie!”

Megalon soon followed suit.

“Thanks Pinkie!”

Pinkie Pie rolled back to her hooves and bounced after her friends, turning and waving at ‘Pinkie Pie’ despite still cracking up like a lunatic at the mental image of Rarity in a gaudy frill.


‘Pinkie Pie’ giggled and waved goodbye to them.

“Best of luck you three!”

The world swirled and shifted again, this time the trio falling out in the courtyard beneath a towering castle of crystal. All around them were glimmering buildings and shining streets, with the snow capped mountains visible in the distance. The trio who spent the voyage since the Hall of Media with at least two of the three looking the same were now all completely different. Sonata was the longest of the group now, flopping around a short time on her siren tail before mentally lifting herself back up to levitating. Megalon was still an insectoid Equestrian, but now took the form of a brown, slightly oversized changeling drone. With his brown and yellow-like wing covers, rhinoceros beetle horn, and metallic tips to his forehooves however; it was abudently clear he was no ordinary changeling. He more or less looked adorable, even more so after looking over his new form and squealing.

Pinkie Pie had changed to her old self, complete with an even poofier mane than usual. And she was still laughing senselessly at the thought of ‘Princess Rarity’ giving her decrees of fabulousness.

“This is the correct place right?”

Sonata, squealing not only finally being in the right world but also at having her old body back, pulled both Pinkie Pie and Megalon into a bear hug. True, it will be a bit of a bummer to lose her flippers again when they leave this place; but without Aria and Adagio here it wasn’t as important to her. Still, she was plenty happy.

“Yeeep! One world found, one more to go!”

Pinkie Pie gasped and finally opened her eyes, drawing out the gasp as she recognized the Crystal Empire around her. And once she had her breath in her, she promptly resumed laughing.

Author's Note:

Proofreading by Lance-Omikron and Faith-Wolff
Illustrations by Faith-Wolff

World's Jumped!
Marvel/DC -> G.I. Joe -> MLP: Gen 1 -> MLP: Gen 3 -> MLP: Gen 4
Up next, trying to track down Godzilla's world. It's father reaching than you'd think!

And who sent me all these apples?

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