• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 116,675 Views, 9,637 Comments

The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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Chapter 11: Royal

Author's Note:

Proofreading by Skylark and Faith-Wolff

Gigan, Megalon, Xenilla, and ????? property of Toho co.
MLP property of Hasbro

A bit of a dialogue heavy chapter, but the fun is just beginning~

Please do check out the Reading List by Lance Omikron to navigate the Amalgam Universe most clearly :raritywink:

Gigan (Millennium)
King Sombra
Princess Cadance
Shining Armor
Flash Sentry
Twilight Sparkle

Outskirts of Crystal Empire

Amongst the swirling rage of the snowstorm blowing over the frozen landscape, the air began to shift. A gale of frosty wind, colder than any blizzard, tore through the air. Like a claw rending flesh, a spike of black and red energy ripped a hole through the space above the ground. Like a gateway to another plane, two figures stepped out of the portal and fell foot first into the storm. Metallic claws dug through the snow as the portal closed. Cybernetic plating and exoskeletons meant to survive travel through space's void shut out the cold as Gigan and Megalon got their bearings.

"What are we here for again?"

Gigan would have rolled his eyes if he had any biological optics, his visor flickering up with his scanning systems; looking over the snow and ice like a heron hunting for fish.

"Our 'lord' detected something here we needed to pick up."


"We'll know it when we see it..."

Alert blips signaled across a red visor, showing a small object buried several meters under the snow, permafrost, and ice. The fact it looked a good distance away despite registering under ten meters away subtly reminded the annoyed cyborg of his diminished state. With a thought, he transferred the data to his sibling unit.

"Get digging."


Megalon jumped up into the air, putting his drill-like arms together above him. Folding his legs up and tucking his head in, the cybernetic beetle rapidly spun his body around like a drill and dove down. Plowing through snow, ice, and earth like it was water, Megalon rapidly dug his tunnel down to his target. After arriving at the appropriate depth, the younger Nebulian creation converted back to his normal form. Gigan looked down the dark pit, seeing Megalon's signature right next to the highlighted target. The young cyborg called back up in an echoing voice, the tunnel distorting his vocals like he was talking in a barrel.

"Found it!"

"Then pick it up and bring it back up here."

There was silence in the darkness below Gigan. His scans showed him Megalon was trying to get at something, but kept fumbling. After a full twenty seconds of repeated motion, Gigan finally got a reply.

"Big brother.... I don't have any hands, how do I pick it up?"

Gigan put his face to his scythe, grumbling in annoyance. He could practically feel his cognitive CPUs failing.

"Put it between your drills and carry it up."


"And be careful not crush it!"


Reverberating rattles seeped out from the tunnel. Megalon soon hovered out of the tunnel, fanning his insectoid wings under his rhinoceros beetle-like exoskeleton. Shifting forward to clear the gaping hole in the ground, Megalon landed in the snow before the bemused Gigan, still holding his drills together before offering up their 'target'. The object was small and shaped like a stretched out, curved cone. The bottom portion was gray, but the jagged and irregular base made it seem like the object had been snapped off of something. The upper portion curved back into a fine point, and was a contrasting fiery red. Scans on the composition were limited, but just eying it told the cyborgs it certainly wasn't metal or stone. Though he had never seen anything like it, Gigan felt he could best describe it as some sort of broken off horn or claw. He knew one thing though. While his scanners couldn't pick it up, he felt something radiating from the object.

Call it a vibe, but he did not enjoy being near it one bit. Turning back to the portal, the elder cyborg transmitted back to his new base.

-"Gigan calling in, I think we found it."-

The dimension tear leading back to Zenith flickered briefly. Like a hellish mockery of a snake, a stream of dark energy slithered out of the portal and dribbled onto the darkening snow below.

-"You have done well. The task for today was small and is completed. Drop the horn on the snow and return to Zenith now..."-


Megalon nonchalantly tossed the horn aside, reopening his wings and flying back through the portal. Gigan stayed for a moment to look at the odd tendril of energy as it wormed its way closer to the horn. He didn't know what was going on, and wanted to know. He shrugged, turning back to the portal.

-You're a merc Gigan, not in your business to ask questions-

Igniting his anti-gravity jets, Gigan kicked off and flew through the closing portal after Megalon. Had he stayed to watch, he would have seen dark magic afoot. The tendril, a fragment of the lifeblood of the master of Zenith, coiled around the horn before absorbing into it. Flashes of purple, green, and black shot through the blizzard as the horn levitated up. Shadows of storm were drawn across the ground like shards of metal to a magnet. The very darkness of the shadow leaped from the ground and began to take shape under the horn. Bone, muscle, skin, and hair melted out from the blackness before being cloaked into metallic armor and a regal cape. The horn mounted itself on a regenerating forehead, encircled by a red and silver helmet. Broad hooves stomped down into the packed snow, red and green eyes snapping open.

Cold breath hissed out from a dark maw.

There was a low growl as he looked to the distant glimmering of a glorious land.... his land...

He need not know or ponder why he was alive again. His studies of dark magic showed him it was a mysterious subject at best. Perhaps he had somehow managed to pull himself back together? King Sombra didn't care. Cape flapping in the wind, he glared through the storm with pure hatred flickering in his eyes as violet smoke seeped out from them. Slowly, like a melting wax statue, the dark unicorn shifted into a shadowy haze and sifted down just beneath the snow and ice.

-The Crystal Princess has returned and the crystal heart still poses a threat. Siege didn't work, perhaps assassination will...-

The dark shape, no more apparent in the dark blizzard than a thief in the night; barreled straight at the Empire. King Sombra chuckled lowly as old memories flickered forth.

-It's how I killed the last one...-

Crystal Empire Train Station

The blizzard outside the empire's boundaries hissed in the distance as a small crowd waited at the train station. It wasn't a cheery, happy group of family and friends ready to welcome the train riders, but almost half the crystal guard staff without a single smile amongst them. Despite the late hour, word had gotten around fast that something secret was afoot. Over four dozen guards and both of their rulers being present at the train station in the middle of the night, well past when normal trains were supposed to arrive; kept many awake and alert. Already the glimmer of telescopes peering out windows flickered through the rows of crystalline houses, curious eyes trained on the station. Princess Cadance had to keep herself from pacing to ward off some anxiety. The message from Celestia was urgent and told her exactly who and what was coming. Between what she knew and the residing pain in her head from the earlier day, she wasn't having the best night. The gentle pressure of Shining Armor's hoof on her shuddering shoulder halted her movements.

A subtle rumble passed through the ground as the train passed through the blizzard's cloak, shaking off the built up snow like a shed skin. Suddenly Cadance felt herself needing to pace again. As the train grew closer, a streak of yellow and blue flew over to the Crystal monarch and landed next to her. Flash Sentry removed his helmet and saluted.

"Mages report they have a small group ready at a moment's notice to activate the crystal heart at the command. They are all prepped near the heart's chamber to be ready within a minute should anything go awry."

Shining Armor nodded to his first lieutenant, a small smile visible under his helmet.

"Thank you Sentry-"

Shining Armor looked to the train as it pulled into the station, its breaks screeching to a halt.

"I think we all could use the assurance..."

The door to the only occupied car swung open, revealing its darkened cabin. The tension throughout the station could be cut with a knife. All the guards made ready, hooves, wings, and magic wrapping around the handles to their arms. The loud thumping of heavy footsteps echoed out of the cabin. Cadance and Shining ignited their horns as they built up a magic burst strong enough to knock out a manticore as a last resort. The foot falls grew louder, reverberating through the wooden planks and chilled metal, a shadowed form stepping into the doorway. Strands of telekinesis wrapped around its user, lifting his large hooves off the floorboards and hovering out into the night air, before settling down in front of the Crystal royals. Eyes widened slightly across the empire as the largest stallion many had ever seen towered over both Prince and Princess. Xenilla eyed the pair before him, noting the crown atop the pink one's head and remembering what had been told to him.

"I take it you are the Crystal Empress, Mi Amore Cadenza."

"Cadance works, Princess Cadance."

Many in attendance were prepared for Xenilla to do something extreme. Yes they knew of the "Refugee Plan's" conditions, but just hearing about how much raw firepower was inside one of his kind was not putting them at ease. Fears ranged from him exerting a show of force, to making demands to seize the empire, to even launching an all out attack the moment the train door opened. His resemblance to a most hated, former ruler was not helping calm any fears. But instead of unleashing hell, the massive unicorn merely cocked an eyebrow in honest confusion at the title his host had.

-That place called Canterlot had 'Princesses' but that had to just be a fluke due to their co-rule. Surely not everyone on this planet is as scatterbrained about royal titles-

"But... this land is an empire, correct?"

"Yes, yes it is."

"And Empires are ruled by Emperors or Empresses, correct?"

"Innnndeeed.. Your, point?"

"Sooo, there must be an Emperor or Empress to this empire as its central ruler. Your parents perhaps? May I request an audience with them?"

Cadance didn't know whether to be flabbergasted at the goliath of a pony's choice of topic, or confused as to what he was getting at.

"No, my parents are not ruling; I am the ruler of this land along with my husband."

Xen looked to the white unicorn standing next to Cadance. What he saw didn't match what he thought was being implied.

"So, then you must be the Emperor. Explains your wife's choice of title if she married into the monarchy."

Cadance's face flattered and her eyelids dropped. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out she was doing her best to hold in a grumble.

"No, I am Prince Shining Armor. Cadance is the royalty, I married into the family."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute.... So you, Cadance, are the royal?"


"And there is no one higher ranked or elder royal that stands above you in this country?"

"Y-Yes, I am the highest position."

"And this country is an Empire, a land ruled by an Emperor or Empress?"

Cadance almost grumbled at how many circles this conversation was going through.

"Yes it is, Mr. Xenilla, what is your point?"

Xenilla's response was blunt as it was true.

"So if you rule an empire from the top ranking throne, why the Daiei are you just a Princess?"

There was a silence amongst the crowd. The guards ranged from thoroughly confused to deep in thought. Shining Armor put a hoof to his forehead as Cadance looked up, pondering in a bewildered state. Flash Sentry opened his mouth and raised his hoof, like he was about to retort. Whatever he was about to say died in his throat once he figured out it would do no good. He stayed frozen like a statue for a moment before he closed his mouth, rubbing his chin with his hoof as he thought through what had been said. Two minutes in the empire and it seemed Xenilla had asked the one question no one could answer.

A slow breeze blew past the silent station. Xenilla grumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Regardless of title qualms, I assume the other two ruling alicorns informed you of my 'situation'?"

Cadance snapped out of her thought, jolting a bit back to reality like everyone else.

"Yes, Celestia and Luna sent a letter detailing what was going on. We came to escort you to the palace."

"Staying in the palace am I? I expected to be lodged in the capital but I see you ponies have quite the hospitality. Shall we depart then? I'm eager to see this.. crystal empire of your's, empress."

-Hospitality my flank, I'm not letting you anywhere near my citizens without me knowing-

"Princess!... And yes, it's late and we best get moving."

Shining Armor raised a hoof and waved it to his troops as Cadance and Xenilla began to walk towards the main street.

"Guards! Fall in!"

In unison the crystal guard turned and advanced back to the palace, combing through the empty streets as they flanked and tailed the royals. Needless to say, the 'parade' drew a lot of attention from the on looking shops and windows, most eyes falling on the shape standing a head taller than the other's in the crowd. As they walked, more and more crystalline structures came into view.

"Welcome to the Crystal Empire."

Xenilla gave a bemused smirk.

"Hm... For an alien realm this actually feels quite familiar. Yes, I think I'll be right at home here..."

With each step Xenilla felt the perfected earth under hoof. Lines of invisible power were streaming through the ground each time Xenilla passed a gemstone, spreading like an invisible web. Crystals were his element, his affinity. Everything around him was crystals, the houses, the furniture, even the ponies. Everything was crystal, and thus he could sense everything around him. The height of the apartment down the street, the number and locations of the doors in the bakery one block ahead; even the hidden crystal pony to his left, a mare judging from the build, hiding behind the pillar to sneak a peek at him. He humored himself, glancing over in the pillar's direction and sending the skittish mare ducking for cover. Xenilla couldn't help but chuckle. Shining Armor however, while unaware of exactly what was going on, was clearly not amused and broke the silence.

"We planned on getting you into the palace unseen due to the lateness and a called curfew, but judging from all the wayward glances I'd say that strategy is forfeit. We'll have to think of a cover story to explain your timing."


"At this time of night and with this many guards, I doubt the citizenry would buy your an old college friend Cadance and I came to pick up."

Cadance sighed, noting Xenilla's large build and familiar nasal ridge, reminding her of ages and rulers past.

"And the last time the empire had a giant unicorn with fangs in it, it didn't have good results. Some ponies might panic now that they've seen you and didn't get an explanation."

Xenilla glanced up at the houses, just as many crystal ponies gasping and ducking for cover as there were some staring at him wide eyed.

"I have seen your maps, there are other kingdoms with other denizens. Could I not pass as a different sort of unicorn from a distant land?"

"Could work, but might require a bit of role play to ensure you fit the part of 'important foreigner'. Not everypony might require a guard escort so large."

"Then I am important enough for it. One could say I am the first ambassador from ...'Terra', come to study the re-emerged empire. One wouldn't be lying to say so."

Cadance shrugged slightly, the visitor's slightly snide and deadpan attitude already beginning to rub her the wrong way.

"And if somepony gets too nosey about your life, 'ambassador'?"

"I won't give them the courtesy, I already seem to be giving you a negative vibe. I can manage my distance fine from most unless I need to speak."

"And what sort of skills can you employ? We have a role for everyone in the empire, but unless you're about to tell me you are crippled, ill, or elderly, we won't tolerate you being a free-loader to feed off of everyone else's hard work."

Xenilla couldn’t help but chuckle, both at the dry humor and the thought he'd be any semblance of weakness.

"Yes I believe one condition of Celestia and Luna's plan was we be a benefit to the society during our stay?... Well, we kaiju all have individual powers. One of mine is crystal generation and growth. Considering the architecture of your land Consort-"


"-Prince Consort, I'd say my talent might be useful in any construction projects..."

Shining Armor's eyes narrowed.

"We have some every few days. Could add to the cover story. If you already had crystalline abilities it could explain why you chose to come here."

"My thoughts exactly, Empress."

"Princess!.... And what, pray tell, do you plan on spending the rest of your time on?"

Once again, Xenilla completely ignored the title correction. Already he could tell he was getting on quite a few's nerves as they closed in on the palace, even if he was merely calling matters as he saw it. The kaiju looked up with an honestly impressed look, eyeing the beautiful spire.

"An empire this size, it sure must have a imperial class library. I would prefer to spend most of my time there."

Cadance didn't know what to make of her guest's gaze towards her homestead, unable to tell if it was some sense of awe a visitor from Ponyville might feel, or a sense of greed akin to another giant unicorn she knew of.

"Why so? Are you the scholarly type?"

"Despite my size and strength Empress, I do prefer to act with my brain before my brawn. If I am to stay here I best know of the land. Customs, etiquette, history. In addition it pertains to a goal of mine. One of my fellow kaiju is currently in a research project with the youngest alicorn to get us back to our home realm."

Both royals’ eyes widened and looked at Xenilla quickly, concern for family breaching professionalism. They may not have been crystal ponies, but it didn't take his sensory powers or the knowledge of their relation for Xenilla to feel their concern. Overabundance of concern could lead to irrationality, an outcome he'd preferably avoid as of now.

"Fear not. Aside from the conditions of the plan barring us from harming anypony, the kaiju with her, Mothra, is a very gentle soul. The two already seemed to be friendly towards each other when I last saw them. The alicorn is perfectly safe with her."

The married couple shared a calmed, hushed sigh, stepping into the entrance of the palace and out of view of the populace. Xenilla, after a moment's hesitation, followed suit.

"To return to my point. While I believe that pair's search should bear fruit based off their previous study, I much prefer to have some research on my own. After all, if I am an 'Ambassador' seeking knowledge; why wouldn't I attend your nation's reservoir of knowledge?"

Cadance thought matters through as she lead their small party up a flight of stairs, leading to one of the higher chambers.

"Would aid in the cover story, on charge the same rules applied to you in the palace apply to you in a library. You also will not be permitted to leave the palace for any reason without our knowledge and will leave with an escort; understood?"

"As you command..."

After several silent minutes of walking, they arrived at an isolated chamber. Turning the knob with a glimmer of light blue magic, the door opened up to show a medium sized room. Didn't take being told so for Xenilla to figure out he had been shown to his room and stepped inside. It wasn't an extravagant chamber and he knew what a bedroom was from his hacking into Terra's computers, but the fact it was his first room made it quite a new experience to be had. Eying the interior with a mix of fascination and inquiry, the former kaiju soon found himself looking out the window to the empire.

Cadance nodded to Shining, her husband nodding to report to the guards the full situation as she stood in the door way.

"...'Ambassador' Xenilla."

Xenilla broke away from looking upon the lands below, turning around.


Cadance's eyes narrowed at her 'guest'. She could sense the hearts of those around her, and this being before her was constantly varying shades of gray. Either he was a superb liar and was masking his emotions like a champion, or operated on a morality system unlike almost any other soul. She didn't like it.

"I knew of what my aunt did to you all. I know not if you can sense my strength, but I will admit I am not as powerful as she or Luna. If you acted out now, I'm not sure if I could restrain you."

Xenilla raised an eyebrow, the words pricking his curiosity. He had many thoughts about this empire. Why were its rulers not made of crystal? Why was most of the populace not winged or horned? Who came up with this hair brained royal title system? How did this empire spring about? But now he was just focused on one weird inquiry.

-I can tell she fears for the ponies with me around, but if she is the strongest being in her land, why confess to being weaker than one of the few beings in this world who could put me down? Usually the memo is to bluff and exaggerate about one's power to keep something in line-

"And you admit this why?"

Cadance took a breath, still able to sense the crystal heart's power running through the air of her beloved empire. The pink alicorn looked the space born monstrosity dead in the eye with a glare that would do an angered Celestia proud. Xenilla respected it.

"Because this is MY empire with MY ponies under MY protection. I would fight the prisoners of Tartarus for them. And I am not the only one who'd fight. The empire has its defenses and we've fended off threats just as powerful as you... Don't try anything."

Xenilla smirked, tipping his head a bit.

"Wouldn't dream of it Empress."

Cadance nudged the door with her magic, it slowly fanning shut.


Xenilla stood in silence, waiting for the hoof steps to walk away from the door a sufficient distance. Slowly, he nodded his head subtly.

-The mare has resolve, I'll give her that... Any sort of stunts right now would be more trouble than they are worth, a fool's gambit-

He turned, walking back to his window. He looked at two things at once. Both his own reflection glowing in the moonlight, looking over his equine form; and back to the vast city of an empire below.

-And a fool and his head are easily parted. But I am no fool.... Now... Let's see about this 'palace' of theirs-

Xenilla closed his eyes and concentrated, his energy traveling down his hooves and into the entirety of the castle and the other areas of the empire he'd covered on foot. He could sense the powers within his region of influence. One traveling down the hall to his right, likely Empress Cadance. Another standing before a large group of crystal ponies, probably her consort. There was something else though. Xenilla winced a bit as he directed his attention to it. It was stationary, and judging from his detection, not living. But it had more power than almost anything he'd sensed in this world.

-Seems the rulers weren't bluffing when they said 'other powers' -

Xenilla sighed, shifting his attention to the ambient crystals. With all the magic, a concept he still couldn't understand well, going about he didn't dare try to gain any power from the unknown source. For now, it’d just be good old fashion crystals; and he certainly wasn't going to run out of supply here.

-On Terra I'd need to set up a crystal field or run the risk of running out of energy too quickly... Doesn't seem to be the case here. Now let's try plan A...-

Invisible strands of energy flowed through the floor as Xenilla siphoned off ambient power from the surrounding crystals. He didn't take much from any single source, but the sheer range was slowly building up and replenishing his reserves. Sure enough though, as soon as he felt the power he'd expended fighting Godzilla return, he hit a cap off. The crystal kaiju gritted his teeth and strained, but try as he may he couldn't charge any further. As soon as he drained away more of the empire's passive energy and inched closer to his true form, not only was the empire's reserves instantly replenished but the extra energy immediately spilled out from his body like liquid in an over filled cup. Xenilla stopped, releasing the excess power and gasping under strain. His goal of reclaiming his full power shut away as thoughts shifted back to Mothra's presentation.

-Damn it... Seems the 'no self charge' theory is correct. There goes that plan...-

Xenilla growled under his breath, looking back into the empire outside. He wasn't feeding off of anymore energy, but could still passively sense it.

-All this power in this world, and I have a harvesting cap. What a cruel irony of life...-

For a split second though, amongst the wave of benign energy he detected; there was something else. Xenilla looked down at the city, scanning the darkened streets. He couldn't see it clearly, but for a brief moment before it hid back into the shadows; red and green eyes were looking back.

Xenilla curled back his lips and growled lowly as the dark force departed from his field of influence, his mood indistinguishable from a predator who had its territory intruded on. He knew there was something out there, and it knew he was there.

Ponyville Library

Spike shifted comfortably in his bed as Twilight softly nuzzled his scaly head. Purple magic cloaked around the little dragon's blanket, Twilight pulling it up and tucking her surrogate little brother into bed. It had been an awkward train ride back to Ponyville in the middle of the night. Aside from herself and Mothra, there had been a bandaged and recovering Rainbow Dash, fashion sketching Rarity refusing to be pried away from Mothra's wings, an already after-party planning Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy skittishly hiding in Rarity's bathtub, and an overactive CMC all tucked into the same train car as a thoroughly annoyed, much rather be sleeping Anguirus; and a stoic as a statue Destroyah. Between all the chaos, the general unease Twilight felt around Destroyah and the sense of distress she could feel Mothra and Anguirus were getting from the giant mare's presence; it was a less than stellar trip. On one level the young alicorn was glad it was finally over, on the other hand she did still feel unwell about all that had happened.

-Six visitors from another world show up, carrying mountains of new knowledge, and are on par with the celestial sisters in power-

Thoughts shifted back to the devastated main hall. Canterlot Castle hadn't had as much damage done to it in even the Changeling attack. Broken glass, snapped wood; and crushed tile coming to her mind.

-and they are at war with each other...-

Twilight looked down the staircase to the main library, a familiar set of butterfly-like wings glimmering in the moon light that cast through the window as Mothra slowly and silently flew around in circles. It didn't take an expert to tell the changeling queen was anxious. Minding her charge, Twilight fluttered the tips of her wings to lighten her steps as she made her way down the stairs and into the main library. Mothra sensed what was going through her friend's mind, hovering down to the floor with a tense look on her face.

"Mothra, it's past midnight and you're still pacing... What's wrong?"

Mothra chewed on her lip for a moment before sighing, keeping her voice hushed to mind the sleeping dragon.

"Xenilla leaves so he's out of sight by us and doesn't mind leaving his only ally behind to do so... He's definitely up to something."

"You sure?"

"I'd bet my both of my wings."

Twilight shrugged, walking over to the small stack of books she'd gotten ready for their research project. Her horn glimmered, levitating several volumes as she looked through them.

"At least he would still be stuck in his pony form, we did determine your type can't self charge."

Mothra paced over to the window, looking out into the distant, solemn night.

"Doesn't mean he wouldn't try..."

"Well, between Cadance, my brother, and the entire Crystal Empire; they should be able to keep a lid on him for awhile."

"Still, faster we can get all of us home; faster your kind won't be risked getting caught in the crossfire..."

Twilight's brow raised as a wave of sadness hit her. True, she had spent less than three days with the changeling; but they had managed to hit it right off from step one. Similar interests and complimenting personalities made it almost seem like the former kaiju was something of an elder sister to the mare; a feeling not unlike what she got from Cadance. Twilight knew the kaiju should go home and it was her duty to help them... It still didn't change the fact she was feeling some regret over it already. The alicorn turned to the page she was looking for, an old map to the Everfree forest with an all too familiar location marked.

"We've combed through my volumes here, tomorrow we can head out to the Castle of the Two Sisters. It's an older structure, once used by Celestia and Luna. A few of the older tomes there may offer a spell to help solve this problem."

Mothra turned back to her friend, nodding her head.

"Archaic knowledge is still knowledge, we can head out in the morning if you wish."

Twilight slipped the marked novel into her saddlebag and trotted over to the still visibly worried changeling, outstretching her wing and putting it across Mothra's back. The changeling sighed, but smiled.

"And I thought my friends said I over worried, hehe..."

"Sorry Lady Twilight. I do not necessarily oppose your princesses' decisions, but the fact I now know Xenilla is loose in your world and not in my sight to keep track of; your race is in my concern."

Twilight's ears perked up a bit, any sign of tiredness ebbing away at a stray thought entering her mind.

"Back in the castle, when you all started fighting, I'd never seen signs of such hatred. I doubt Equestria had so much violent rage in it since Tirek's campaign or the age of divided tribes."

"I am sorry you had to see that, I'm glad no one was hurt in the crossfire..."

Mothra sat down, looking back out the window.

"Your world, Equestria, is relatively at peace, Terra is not. Maybe once the war is over we will have similar circumstances..."

Twilight raised an eyebrow, sitting down next to Mothra.

"You didn't have time to tell me a lot about Terra or your kind until that fiasco with Anguirus kicked up. I'm all ears now."

"Well it's better you learned least the basic parts now than later... I guess one could say the driving force behind our world's events is Godzilla."

"That giant unicorn that fought Luna?"

"The same, the humans of my world even gave him a title, "Godzilla - King of the Monsters". It is arguably he and his family that are the root of all actions occurring on Terra today. He however is not the first of his kind to bear that title nor that name, only the latest incarnation. First there was his father over 30 years ago. And then there was the first kaiju of the modern age, his grandfather..."

Fan Works

Just wanted to give a shout out to all the fans, especially those; if by commission or their own effort; did things that warmed my heart. You're always guys and gals!

By TGBjerga, comissioned by fan IceStormy

By BlackFreya, commissioned by fans

By xXBlueFireDragonXx

by Moonsong18, commissioned by fans

{beginning to get the distinct impression someone out their likes a shipping...}

By Gsamalot

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