Chronicles of a brave heart

by MaverickHunterZero

First published

Braveheart, a pegacorn, must find the power within him to protect all that he holds dear.

Braveheart lost his parents, and having nothing else, he decides to have his revenge on the culprit, not knowing that he is part of a bigger plan set in motion by destiny, possessing both the magic of the unicorns and the flight of the pegasus, he will learn the power that can be gained when you are willing to give your life to protect your loved ones.

Chapter 1: Resolution

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Chronicles of a brave heart.
Chapter 1: Resolution.

“Braveheart go to your room and hide!!!”
“But mom I've got to help dad he can’t do it on his own!”
“Don’t worry sweetheart it will all be alright. I’ll go help him, just promise me whatever you hear you won’t come out of your room”
“But mom…”
“No buts dear this is very important”
A loud clank sounded.
“I’m sorry dear but dad and I need to keep you alive no matter what. You have to live; now I’m going to join your dad and fight that creature off. Even if I have a broken wing or my whole body is reduced to nothing I will never stop protecting or loving you.”

“NO MOTHER!!!!” Gasping a young stallion woke up. “That dream again… mom, dad if I had only been stronger…”
He was all sweaty and injured. But more importantly he didn’t know where he was.
It was small room, a wooden bookcase adorned the wall opposed to the bed, a big window just above the bed, and a big mirror at the corner end of the room. Braveheart took a gaze from the window, and saw the Everfree Forest spreading through the horizon.

When he turned to look into the mirror he finally saw all the damage that had been done to his body: he was all covered in bruises, lots of bloodstains on his once silvery coat, and his blond mane was made a mess. His wings seemed to open and close just nicely, luckily they didn’t seem broken, and his horn…
“Wait a second what happened to my horn” said the confused stallion. “Oh forgot about the concealing spell, must have casted it before I lost consciousness”.

Afterwards he tried to move, only to find more pain than what he had imagined, his sore muscles giving in, although he had been asleep for what he could recall were more than six hours looking at the sunset through the window. “Ugh… horse apples!! I need to get out of here and return home.”
Suddenly Brave caught the sounds of hoofsteps coming closer, and then a voice was heard at the other side of the door. “Oh Angel I hope that Pegasus is ok I found him lying on the outskirts of the forest, I don’t even know how he got there on the first place.”

With a soft knocking on the door a butter colored Pegasus with a pink straight mane and aqua colored eyes entered the room followed by a small white bunny, the mare squeaked seeing the injured Pegasus trying to stand on his hooves, “oh. No no no, please sir, you need to rest you have been gravely injured, I-I mean if that’s alright with you…”

The silver stallion looked to the female Pegasus with confusion on his blue eyes. He didn’t knew what to say, it was his first time meeting another pony other than his parents, he just blushed and said. “Umm… sorry to have caused you so much trouble but I need to return home.” And finished with an awkward grin.

The pink maned Pegasus was lost in her thoughts concerned for the stallion; she certainly hadn’t hoped he would be awake for a couple more hours, let alone standing up and speaking. Should I let him go or ask him to stay, I don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable, but he can’t go anywhere with those injuries. She just kept looking at the ceiling when she felt a patting against her hoof, it was Angel Bunny ‘stomping’ his paw at Fluttershy to get her attention, she then turned to meet gazes with the white little bunny.

The little critter just frowned at her and the butter colored Pegasus understood what the little bunny meant. Angel’s right, I can’t let him go until his injuries heal.

Okay Brave you can do this just introduce yourself ask her her name and then thank her for her hospitality.
“Um…” started the silver Pegasus. “M-my name is Braveheart. May I ask what your name is?”
The butter colored Pegasus was returned to reality with such a question, and lost what little confidence her little bunny friend had given her. Brave was answered by a whisper that was almost inaudible even for the long eared bunny that stood beside the meek mare, “um... my... my name i-is fluttershy.”

Surprisingly enough the Pegasus had managed to hear her and greeted back “Well nice to meet you Fluttershy but I really need to get going. *groan* ouch it hurts a lot” Brave was testing his wings to see how bad the damage really was.

With that Fluttershy remembered why she was there and her concern replaced her shyness, and with a demanding tone she said “no you can’t leave. You have several injuries, you shouldn’t even be able to sit, but somehow…”she trailed off inspecting the now visible body of her guest, he was bulky, but still managed to look aerodynamic, he looked stronger than anypony she had met, but there was something that caught her attention that she hadn’t noticed before… Braveheart didn’t have a cutie mark.

Just as she was going to ask, there was a knock on her cottage’s front door.

“Wait here please.” and with that Fluttershy went to see who had knocked, Angel hopping behind her.

“Sorry Fluttershy but can’t do that” whispered Brave.
After watching Fluttershy and the white rabbit leave, and still with pain he climbed out of the window and flew to the depths of the Everfree, stopping every few moments to rest his battered body before continuing his journey, after what seemed hours he arrived at a clearing in the forest, somehow the forest seemed to avoid growing inside the clearing. Just in the center was a cottage, Brave finally arrived home.

As he walked inside, Brave noticed a golden set of armor resting on a mannequin, and a sword. They both looked like they were made of pure gold, still there was a magical aura that surged from those items, he smiled at them and continued to the backyard, where he met a gravestone.

“Hey mom, hey dad…. I’m sorry.” declared the exhausted Pegacorn lowering his head. “I’m still not strong enough to avenge you; I tried to fight two manticores at once today. And even though I managed to defeat both of them I ended up badly injured, if I continue like this I won’t be able to face the 'creature'. I also met a new pony today but couldn’t stay and befriend her like you wanted me to, I don’t have time for friends…” Brave stopped for a moment, and then rose his head, fire burning in his eyes “at least not until I slay that Ursa Major....”

Brave undid the concealing spell revealing his horn, then casted a spell over his parents’ gravestone and flowers started blooming, all the dust on the stone was cleaned and the slate looked as if it had been recently polished.
He walked back inside, rubbed his injuries with some sort of herbal ointment, ate some fruit he picked up on the morning and headed to sleep hoping not to have the same dream again.

On the gravestone it could be read:
Here lies Dawnstar and Swiftheart beloved parents

May you find peace wherever you go

A/N: this is story begins before the return of Nightmare Moon, and will involve Braveheart in some of the conflicts the Mane six had on the actual episodes, it will also include totally unrelated stories, from those shown in the series.

Chapter 2: The power to protect.

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Chronicles of a brave heart
Chapter 2: The power to protect

“Braveheart!! Where are you? Brave-”

“I’m here mom”

“Now listen to me. Your father and I told you to never wander this far on your own.”

“but mom there are houses over there, why can’t we go and live there?, and I’ve seen some ponies pass by, some had wings like you, or a horn like dad, but some didn’t have any, what’s wrong with them?”

“Tell you what brave, let’s go back to our house and I’ll explain everything.”

“Ok mom….”

“Well to begin with, those ponies without wings or horns don’t have anything wrong.”


“Yes really, they are called earth ponies, and are one of the three breeds of ponies, there are also Pegasus like me, and Unicorns like your father. They also possess different traits, as you already know unicorns can use magic to control the environment, and Pegasus can fly and even control the weather, and while the earth ponies doesn’t have any of those, they share a special connection with the earth, also they are the strongest ponies physically.”

“WOW!! Really? ... Hey wait a minute, what about me, I can use magic AND I can fly, isn’t there a breed of ponies like me?”

“looks like you got your dad’s smarts Brave, according to princess Celestia you are a rare breed almost one of a kind, it’s called a Pegacorn, you have both the traits of a unicorn and of a Pegasus; and that’s the reason we can’t go to town, it could endanger you if you are not prepared.”

“And why is that?”

“Because you are different, you aren’t like the rest of the other ponies, and somepony could feel threatened by you. Although I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt anypony else.”

“*sob*… I’m sorry.”

“And why is that my dear?”

“B-Because of me *sniff*you and dad can’t live with other ponies…*sniff*”

“Don’t be sad sweetie. That’s a decision your father and I took thinking on your well being. Hmmm... I’ll tell you what, I’ll ask your father to create a spell and teach it to you so you can hide your wings or your horn, and that way we can go to town.”


“Of course sweetie at least until the world is ready to see you for who you are. Oh look we arrived home already. Dawn I found him, and I need to talk to you about something important.”


“Thank you mom.”

“Had forgotten about that. he he” said the Pegacorn as the sun rose through the window.

It was a foggy morning as always on that part of the forest, Brave got up from his bed, and headed towards the kitchen stopping to gaze upon the armor and sword that rested on the walls of the living room.

After some hay with carrots and a glass of water the young Pegacorn went out to the backyard, looked at his parent’s gravestones and said to them. “Good morning dad, good morning mom. It has been almost a week since I met that Pegasus called Fluttershy, and I’m no longer sore so I’m going to go train. I hope that soon I’ll be able to avenge you, I just need a little more skill… love you both.”

The Pegacorn started stretching and flexing his legs and hind legs, also flapping his wings to warm them up.

When he finished his warm-up he started flying towards the forest at the fastest speed he could get while dodging trees, bushes and the occasional animal, always pushing himself to go faster. He needed the speed to best the Ursa Major that had killed his parents that dreadful night almost two years ago, almost a week after he had mastered the concealing spell his dad had created for him. After a couple hours flying at low altitude he rose up to the sky and when he was almost 500 meters from the ground he stopped and dove vertically unto the ground trying to get to his max speed until an invisible cone of air tension started forming around him getting sharper by the second.

Brave thought that today would be the day that he would finally break it, but just about a second before that happened the tension stopped him and flinged him backwards just like a rock being thrown away by a slingshot.

“Well today’s not the day where I’ll surpass my mother’s speed…” grunted the silver stallion as he struggled to stop his momentum, when he succeeded, he decided it was time to fly back home and start his swordplay training.

When Brave finally arrived home, he went in and took a wooden greatsword. It was about the same size as the one on his living room, and around the same weight, and spent around 1 or 2 hours practicing using both his muzzle and his horn to wield the blade, the first proving much more difficult than the latter.

After the swordplay he started to practice spells creating magical shields and arrows, even shooting fire and ice beams from his horn, his father had taught him all he needed to know about offensive and defensive magic, but he hadn’t forgotten about illusion and telekinetic, and the other kinds of magic unicorns could perform. The only spell Braveheart hadn’t been able to master yet was his father signature spell: The Shining Ray. It was a spell that if used without care it would drain all the mana, or even injure the caster itself, but it could be an incredible weapon, if used correctly.

It was around two or three o’clock when Brave finished and decided to rinse himself in the nearby pond before re-casting the protective enchantments that kept his house safe from the forest. After cleaning and casting the enchantments Braveheart headed back to eat some of the food he had harvested last week.

Just as he was going to begin studying, a scream was heard somewhere close.

Brave recognized the voice as that of a mare and decided to grab his father sword and casted his concealing spell on his wings, what he did not expect to see was an earth pony running towards him.

“Excuse me sir haven’t you seen a mint colored unicorn pass over here?” asked worriedly the cream colored pony.
Just when the pony though she had found somepony who could help her, she noticed the sword the unicorn in front of her was carrying and started shaking and pleading even before Brave had a chance to answer her question.

“Please sir forgive me, I didn’t mean to bother you, please don’t kill me.” Cried the earth pony, the stern look on Brave became a comforting smile as he said trying to look as confident as possible “Don’t worry I mean you no harm, this sword I’m carrying is just for my protection, it’s not easy living here.”

The cream colored pony started to relax a little looking at the unicorn with some worrying eyes. “Please you must help me. My friend got lost in the forest”

“Calm down, my name is Braveheart, and I will help you, just tell me what happened.”

“Thank you kindly Mr. Braveheart…”

“Please, I’m about the same age as you just call me Brave”

“Okay Brave” nodded the earth pony.

“My name is Bonbon and this morning I had a fight with my friend Lyra, I said some hurtful things to her, and she ran towards the forest. She once told me that whenever she became upset she would go to a secluded place where she could play the lyre and relax, but I haven’t heard her music since I came in to look for her, and she has been gone for far too long, I fear for the worst.”

“Your friend Lyra, what does she look like?”

“She’s a minty green coated unicorn, with a short silver mane and has a lyre for a cutie mark” then Bonbon realized something, the unicorn in front of her didn’t have a cutie mark.

“Oh sorry I hadn’t noticed you hadn’t earned one yet…”

“Don’t worry about that, I’ve managed so well without one until now, I know it will appear when the time is right, at least that’s what my mom and dad used to tell me…” said Braveheart with a saddening face that just lasted for a second, to which then changed to one of determination and continued “well we won’t find her just standing here and talking, let’s go”.

As they went off they started to search on the nearby areas, they went through the lake, a cliff, even near the ancient castle ruins that once had hosted the royal sisters.

In all the places they had paid close attention to their surroundings hoping to see or hear the musician, with no luck whatsoever.

After what seemed like three hours of search Brave and Bonbon arrived at Foggy Bottom Bog, it was then when they heard a beautiful melody, Bonbon’s face which had been displaying sadness and regret, suddenly changed to one of happiness and joy as she ran to where the music was coming from with Brave running just beside her. And there she was the minty colored musician mare sitting over a rock on her unusual manner, playing one of the most beautiful melodies Brave had ever heard.

“Lyra I’m so sorry” screamed Bonbon as she ran towards her unicorn friend, surprised the unicorn turned around just to receive a tight hug from the now crying earth pony. Lyra started crying as she nuzzled her friend.
“Bonbon you came looking for me? Oh sweet Celestia, I didn't think you still cared about me”

After Lyra packed her lyre in her saddlebag the two ponies started apologizing to one another and Brave as happy as he was that he had been able to help somepony else find her friend, couldn't help but feel uneasy.

It was quiet; too quiet actually. The birds wouldn’t chirp, there weren’t any croaks from frogs or toads, nothing but the quiet sobbing of the two friends… he found the reason as he caught a glimpse on 2 heads lurking in the mud waiting for a chance to get their dinner, two ponies ready to go.

Reacting as fast as he could he yelled “GIRLS MOVE!!!”
Brave took the sword out of its scabbard using his magic and rested it on his muzzle so he could cast a barrier spell to fend off the enemies, the two fillies ran and hid under the bushes watching terrified at the scene. The two heads had long necks which were joined by one body; Lyra had read about the monster in the bestiary book in the library, it was a Hydra.

With some swift movements Brave jumped backwards just as he broke the spell to let one of the heads lung at him, as he predicted the head hit the ground giving him enough time to climb it and start running to the place where the two necks connected, the other head was trying to stop Brave by lunging its whole neck at him, but a little too late as he took the sword out of his muzzle using his magic and made a slash that went through scales flesh and bone, tearing off both necks from the body cleanly, the three severed parts of the monster fell and gave some spasms before remaining motionless.

Just when Brave turned his back at the seemingly defeated monster, he heard a cry from the unicorn he had just found
“Careful!!! It’s a Hydra no matter how many heads you cut it will grow more”

Just as Lyra had predicted the body somehow got on its feet, and 4 heads grew where there only had been two. The four heads glared in the direction of the pony that had attacked them and hissed with anger, and hunger.
“Bonbon, you remember how to get back to my cottage?”

“y-yeah…” replied the scared earth pony.

“Ok then. Lead your friend over there; I’ll distract the Hydra so you can get away, when I give you the signal run.”
“But what about you…”

Not even daring to take one eye of the creature Braveheart said in a reassuring tone.“Don’t worry I’m not ready to die just yet, heh heh I’ll meet you there." Brave stopped to take a deep breath."You ready? NOW RUN!!!”

While the words he had just yelled still hung on the air, Braveheart broke into a full speed gallop towards the Hydra giving enough time for the two mares to get away from there. Why am I risking my life for two ponies I barely know? Somehow I think that was the right thing to do… well it’s not time to think, time to act.

Finishing the sentence in his head Brave sheathed sword back in its scabbard and started gathering all his energy on the tip of his horn, which then fired a stream of fire. The Hydra was taken aback because of the heat and started to retreat to the bog, just as the hydra was knee-deep within the murky waters of the bog Brave cancelled the fire spell and casted an ice beam targeting the water surrounding the beast.

“That should hold you off” said the silvery stallion with a smirk on his face and retreated.


It had been half an hour since Bonbon and Lyra had arrived at Brave’s cottage, when they finally heard movement coming from the direction they had come from.

They saw the silver coated unicorn that had helped them now drenched in sweat as he clumsily walked towards the cottage.

The two ponies ran to meet him with Lyra crying “Oh sweet Celestia, are you ok? I’m sorry you got hurt because of me…”

“*huff* don’t you worry, I just used a lot of energy, seems like freezing the hydras legs to the bog didn’t stop it for long, I had to use a last resort spell to drive it off, it’s actually the first time I pull it right, all I need is some water and food.”

“We could use some water too, if that’s not much trouble Brave.” Asked Bonbon kindly.
After handing over two glasses full of pure crystalline water Brave started filling his own.

“I think they never introduced us properly, my name is Lyra Heartstrings, but everyone calls me Lyra.”

“Nice meeting you Lyra, my name is Braveheart, but you can call me Brave” said the stallion after he finished his own glass. Then he proceeded to clean the blood out of his sword, it truly was a massive blade, but what got the curiosity of both ponies was the black bird engraved on the blade, it looked regal, and at the same time ready for battle.

“What kind of bird is this?” asked Bonbon.

“This is a Phoenix, it’s a mythical bird who can resurrect from its ashes, my dad told me he used an actual phoenix feather to make the sword as strong as it is now, he called the sword Dawnbreaker. My father always told me that no matter what, he would use this sword, to fend off the darkness, and help bring a new day.”

“Cool” said Lyra, her usual cheeriness back reflected by her golden eyes. “So do you live here by yourself?”

“Well I used to live here with my mom and dad, but since they passed away I have been alone.” said the tired Unicorn.

“Sorry I asked…” replied Lyra, her cheeriness replaced by a look of regret.

“Don’t you worry, you didn’t knew.” Smiled the unicorn at her.

The three of them spent some time chatting, mostly of the adventures Brave had on the forest. Lyra played a couple songs, as Bonbon sang them for Braveheart.

Looking at the sunset Brave finally spoke “Well I better walk you two out of the woods before it gets any darker”

“We would certainly like that.” Said Bonbon cheerfully

After some time walking the three ponies arrived at the edge of the forest, and just as they were parting ways the earth pony asked

“Why don’t you come visit us sometime? We would like to see you again.”

“Thanks I would love to but right now it’s impossible for me to leave the forest.”
Then brave broke into a trot and eventually galloped into the forest.

“Hey were those….”said Lyra at some pair of wings that seemed to grow from the now running unicorn’s sides “Nah I must be more tired than what I thought I was, let’s go home Bonbon”
And so the two ponies walked home and the rumor of a pony that guarded the Everfree Forest started to spread around Ponyville.


Brave arrived at his house and stopped by his parents’ graves. “Mom, dad. Tomorrow will be the day that I avenge you, I finally feel ready, after all I just discovered a new power within me, the power to protect everypony from any harm.” Brave took some time to reflect and continued “while I’m doing this mostly to avenge your deaths. I’ll also do it to prevent any future pony from running into the same fate as you.”

As he finished his flank started to glow, finally revealing his cutie mark. It was a red shield crossed over a blue long sword.
“It was revealed to me today that I should defend those who can’t. Mom, dad... maybe I’ll even leave the forest soon” and with that he went to his room and fell asleep, the next day was going to be a rough one.

Chapter 3: The dawn of a new day.

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Chronicles of a brave heart
Chapter 3: The dawn of a new day.

“Dad I’m tired I need to rest *pant*”
“Not yet son, you almost had it”
“But dad…”
“Come on Brave you almost have it. I know I seem to be tough on you but it’s because I want you to be able to defend yourself, you got to be able to break the shield and counter attack with a repulsion spell.”
“A repulsion spell??? Wouldn’t it be easier to use a fire or thunder spell?”
“Son, there is a lesson to be learned about offensive magic. It must always be your last resort, casting it is much more complicated than using regular magic, it not only empties your energy, it also damages your body if you are not focused enough. Also you must never try to kill somepony else, you must always first try to reason with them, and if by any reason you can’t you must try to stun or knock unconscious, offensive magic can kill the pony or creature it affects, and you should only use it when somepony else is in immediate danger. You understand?”
“Ok dad… I think I understand… well, here goes nothing”
“I DID IT!!!!”
“Well done son, you finally got it. Ok. You have an hour to eat, drink and rest. Afterwards we will have a swordplay session.”
“Sir, yes sir.”

It was a cold morning in the everfree, as always the fog rose above the trees, making visibility almost cero, almost all living creatures still slept soundly. Almost all except for Braveheart, who was already stretching out to start his training.
This time around his flight training was different; he now was sporting the golden armor that resided in his living room, with razor blades along the wing protectors, a full body plate, and a shining gold helmet that belonged to his father. He also was carrying his father’s blade Dawnbreaker, a Zweihander, with a black phoenix engraved on it.

He started flying low. Wielding the sword using his magic, he hacked the blade on the small trees, opening a path through the canopy, while building speed. The Pegacorn stopped at the nearby lake, looped and darted full speed back towards the house.

Just before he arrived at the perimeter of the house he was met by a contraption of his own that was designed to automatically shoot arrows at a high speed, Brave stopped dead on his tracks and used his magic shield to reflect the arrows, and as soon as he saw the gap between the attacks, Brave broke the shield and fired a repulsion spell towards the contraption, making it fly towards a tree trunk and shattering it.

“Hmm…. That was ok for the warm-up, now to get some breakfast and then hunt that Ursa down” Brave told to himself, he then walked towards his home, leaving the armor placed carefully on a mannequin in the living room and the sword rested against the wall.

After eating a large meal, Brave was ready to go. The young Pegacorn grabbed the armor and the sword and stepped out, the fog was gone, and some critters could be heard nearby.

Well here goes nothing thought Brave, and he flew off to the direction the lair of the Ursa was located. Brave had found it almost half year ago, but knew he wouldn’t be able to do nothing in his current state, but now with the skills he had been honing for so long, and having found his special talent he was ready to face the creature that he had sworn to kill.

About half an hour later Brave arrived, it was a cave big enough to fit a humongous creature, adoring the entrance were piles of bones of different creatures, some were from bunnies, deers, even from manticores, but what really caught Brave’s eyes was the skull of a pony already bleached by the many suns that had shined above it.

That settled it, the Ursa needed to be taken down, not only for Brave’s selfish reasons, but also to prevent another pony to fall to the Ursa’s clutches.

Brave remained hidden behind a bush nearby while he waited for the Ursa to come out.
Brave knew that he needed to strike the Ursa when it had its guard down, and that he wouldn’t stand a chance if he fought inside the cave.

The hours passed and when Brave was about to leave thinking the Ursa had moved from the cave, the Ursa finally stepped out.

It was massive, with sharpened claws, enormous fangs, and filled with scars along its cosmic fur. Two scars got Brave’s attention, one of them was on its back, a razor-sharp cut, that could only have been achieved by her mother’s razorblade armor protection, and a scar that resided where the creatures left eye should have been, made by his father when he fired a spell on the Ursa to get its attention so Brave could go warn his mother.

The memories started to flow on Brave’s mind, remembering what was happening before him he shook his head to get rid of all those memories.

There will be a time for grieving and remembering, but this isn’t.

The Ursa moved to a clearing looking for food, unaware of the pony behind it trying to get a good spot to start his attack.
Brave took out Dawnbreaker and wielded with his magic, he started to fly and struck the beast making a deep cut on its left rear leg.

The beast howled in pain as it felt the cold steel hacking through the muscle, and the smell of blood that surged from the wound. The Ursa turned to find the one that had injured it, before Brave could react the Ursa hit him with its claws sending the Pegacorn flying towards some trees.

The Ursa approached the dirt cloud that formed from the crash, just to find Braveheart standing up on all fours, all covered in bruises, some blood dripping down his brow, but still, there was a fiery determination in his eyes.

With a speed that would impress the wonderbolts, Brave bolted towards the Ursa and using the blades he had on his wings made a sharp cut that went from the Ursa’s chest to its chin, making it roar as blood stained its cosmic fur. The beast countered by swinging its claws at Braveheart, this time injuring him and sending him back to the tree line.

The Ursa now really injured and pissed off by the attack, began limping towards the injured Pegacorn.
Darn… I guess this is it, I have a broken wing and leg, I can’t move, there is only one choice… it is now or never.

Brave picked up his sword using his magic and threw it at the wounded Ursa, the sword pierced the socket where its left eye had been, the creature roared as it felt the steel of the sword was embedded on its skull. But it kept limping towards Brave determined to see the small creature that had caused so much pain die in its clutches. As the creature approached, Brave gathered all his energy on the tip of his horn and released it forming a chain of lightning directed towards Dawnbreaker making it act like a lightning rod. The creature started howling in pain.

“COME ON COME ON COME ON” shouted a rather exhausted Braveheart trying to send all his energy towards his horn he just had to kill the Ursa, and nothing else would matter.

The stink of charred fur filled the air as the struggle of Brave and the Ursa continued.

After 15 seconds, the Ursa just couldn’t take anymore and fell just a few feet away from Brave. The face of the creature was completely charred because of all the electricity that had ran through the blade incrusted in its eye socket.

Now exhausted and on the brink of death Brave reached to his magic once again to take the sword and place it beside him.

The last thing brave saw before blackening out was his sword glowing in a strange aura, and two familiar silhouettes emerging from the sword.

“Where am I? Am I dead? Well at least I did it. Mom, dad you can be proud of me…”

Brave opened his eyes to find himself in a white hallway, filled with windows that allowed some kind of warm light to pass though them, the light wasn’t that of the sun, but had almost the same warm glow. At the other side of the hallway in front of a huge doorway were two familiar ponies.

“Mom, Dad!!!” Cried Braveheart. He ran towards the ponies, leaving tears of joy on every step.
The two ponies turned to reveal themselves as Swiftheart and Dawnstar.
Brave reached them, and nuzzled them both.

“Hey there champ. It’s good to see you again” said the proud unicorn.

“Sweetie it’s good to see you again, we have missed you.” Said the young Pegacorn’s mother.

Taking a second to inspect the hallway they stood in brave finally asked “Where are we?”

To which his father answered “Son, this is your mind. I managed to seal part of your mother’s and my soul into Dawnbreaker, so we could help you if you ever needed us. At this very moment we are using all our remaining strength to heal you, you really got battered up.”

Swiftheart, who had been quietly nuzzling her son up until now spoke “I can’t believe you got so strong my dear I’m so proud of you, still you are quite foolish, just like your dad.”

“I can’t believe you actually killed an Ursa Major. You’ve grown strong, my son.” said Dawnstar warmly. After making his horn glow his expression changed to one of worry. “Honey we have to hurry our magic is starting to fade.”

“Damn. I thought we were going to have more time to spend with Brave” replied Swiftheart.

“What do you mean dad? Mom, what’s wrong?”

“There is nothing wrong son… it’s just the spell is fading, and we won’t be able to maintain this form much longer”

“I’m sorry dear; I wanted to hear all about your adventures…”

“Don’t worry mom, I’m just happy that I was able to see you again, and that now I can say goodbye.” Cried Braveheart.

“Son, I’m proud of you, and I really hope that you will live a long and happy life, well sweetheart it seems our time is up”

“Goodbye my dear Brave. I’m so proud of you.”

“Goodbye mom, goodbye dad I’m going to miss you so much”

The two figures of Brave parents hugged and kissed their son before starting to disappear, the three ponies were shedding tears as the loving parents disappeared, leaving Brave in the hallway.

Time to go home thought the young Pegacorn smiling and cleaning the tears that remained on his face. He approached the huge doors, which started to open as he walked towards them.

Just as the doors opened Brave walked outside, just to find himself on the very same spot he had fainted. In front of him resided the beast he had just slain a couple of minutes ago, and between the two the blade that had fostered the souls of his parents laid on the grass reflecting the moonlight just like new.

Struggling to stand up Brave noticed that just as his parents had told him, his wings and legs were fine as new and the cuts on his body were nowhere to be seen, still, most of his energy was gone.

Brave approached and picked up the blade with his muzzle and sheathed it in its scabbard.

“Well it’s a long walk back home, so I better start moving” said the young Pegacorn with a smile that reflected the lack of the burden he had been carrying with him for so long.


It was a cold morning and the fog was rising over the trees of the everfree.

Brave finally arrived at his cottage just as Celestia’s sun was rising on the horizon. He was able to see the last stars disappear to leave an orange sky slowly turn into the morning blue.

Brave could barely hold himself together, just wanting to get some rest after the events of last night. He walked slowly, with his wings hanging, still, he had certain energy that kept him going; wondering what he would do now he approached the cottage just to find an odd turn of events.

The door is open? But I swear I closed it before I left…

Using some of the now scarce energy brave had left he grabbed his sword using magic, and stepped in cautiously.
Everything seemed in order, no mess that would indicate some creature of any sorts had snuck in to his house, and then, he noticed the back door opened.

As Brave stepped outside he was met with something he wasn’t prepared to see.

Just beside his parents gravestones stood a pristine white pony, taller than Brave or any other pony brave had met, it was a mare, with a flowing multicolored mane, and a sun for a cutie mark.

A sun for a cutie mark? My dad told me that the only pony in the world with that cutie mark is…

Before brave could finish his sentence the mare in front of him took notice of his presence and turned to meet gazes with the now confused Braveheart. All doubts of the pony’s identity were erased from Braves mind, when he noticed the wings and horn that possessed the Alicorn in front of him.

There was some silence, the birds that usually hanged near brave’s cottage hadn’t woken yet, and it was as if the whole forest was watching the two ponies, until finally the Alicorn spoke.

“You must be Braveheart. My name is Celestia. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you” said the princess with a sweet tone, which made Brave feel comfortable

Remembering his manners Brave made a bow and spoke “it’s a pleasure meeting you too, princess.”

“I’m sorry about your loss, I know it’s a little late, but your parents were the most courageous ponies I ever met”

“Thanks your highness. It means a lot to me to hear you say that.”

“I have to be blunt here Brave, I want to know what happened to your parents, and why are you wearing your mother’s armor, and wielding your father’s blade.”

Brave just nodded and said “please come inside your highness, I’m famished and I could use something to eat and drink. I know it won’t be as much or as good as the food or drinks you get on your palace, but, would you care for some?”

Celestia smiled “just a cup of tea.”

Brave nodded and headed back inside, left the armor and the blade on their respective places and headed to the kitchen to prepare some tea, and some food for him.

When everything was ready Brave started telling his tale to the princess. About how his parents had died defending him, his training afterwards, how he met Fluttershy, Bonbon and Lyra. How he had gotten his cutie mark, and finally his confrontation with the beast, and his re encounter with his parents.

Through the whole story Celestia remained silent, just nodding as a sign of understanding, after some minutes reflecting the Princess spoke.

“You truly are a remarkable pony, I would like to take you to Canterlot, and have you train with the best of Canterlot’s royal guards.”

“Huh? Do you really mean that princess?” Brave was more than surprised by the princess proposal; he didn’t knew what to say.

“Of course dear, I know you will make a fine knight.”

Brave reflected on all this, it was just too much to handle at once.

First he had seen his parents again, then he returned alive from the most challenging battle he ever had in his life, and now the ruler of Equestria was having herbal tea in his house offering him a chance to become a knight just like his mother and father.

After some minutes pondering on his options, Brave looked back to the Alicorn, a flame of determination in his eyes. “I would like that princess, on one condition though.”

“What is it my dear?” inquired the sun princess with an amused look on her face.

“I would like to be free to return here from time to time, more specifically, I would like to be stationed in the town just outside the forest.”

“Ok then, I’ll send some guards to pick you up tomorrow, you must rest tonight.”

“And Brave….” Brave faced the princess again “I’m glad you accepted”

With that being said the princess teleported herself away. And the young pony headed to bed wondering what would await him the next morning, when he would finally leave the forest.

Meanwhile in Canterlot.

A young unicorn was running franticly through the hallways of the castle, until she reached the terrace on the tallest tower and witnessed as princess Celestia materialize just in front of her.

“Princess where were you? I was worried about you.”

“Just taking care of some errands, let’s go my faithful student, you have lessons to take” Celestia glanced one more time towards the forest and with a smile she walked side by side with her student.


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It was a cold night in Canterlot castle, 2 soldiers were standing next to each other, a young unicorn stallion with a grey coat and red wild mane, and a Pegasus mare with a white coat and long blonde mane, they were giving each other nervous glances, as they headed towards the royal chambers where the sun goddess and ruler of the land resided.
When they were just a couple feet away from the door, one of the guards standing next to it spoke. “Commander Dawnstar, commander Swiftheart, what an honor to meet you. The princess has been expecting you.” The guards proceeded to open the door for the commanders and saluted them as they stepped towards the room.
Inside the chamber they saw a young unicorn couple around their same age, and the princess of the beautiful land the two soldier ponies had sworn to protect.
When the sun goddess spotted Lightning and Swiftheart she directed to the unicorn couple: “I’m thrilled to know that the both of you will have a baby Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle I hope she is born with the beauty of her mother and the skills of her father.”
Both unicorns looked at her with surprise, mouths agape until the stallion spoke “excuse me your highness but... May I ask how do you know it’s going to be a filly?”
“It’s just a hunch.” answered the princess in a playful tone. Both unicorns bowed before her and turned around to leave.
As the two couples were passing beside each other, the two commanders congratulated the Sparkles.
Celestia then proceeded to turn her attention to Dawnstar and Swiftheart.
“Dawnstar, Swiftheart. How can I help you?” the two soldiers looked at each other uneasily trying to come up with the words to say it until Swiftheart finally spoke.
“Well your highness as you may know my husband and I…” after saying those words both Swiftheart and Dawnstar blushed, they weren’t used to calling each other by their marital titles just yet “have been blessed with the baby I am carrying now, but in some months I won’t be able to work as a soldier anymore, Dawnstar and I would love to retire together, I can’t help but feel that this baby is the reason I was born for.”
After those words the sun goddess remained silent pondering, sure they had their reasons to leave, it was also truth that they were the most skilled ponies she had under her ranks and losing them would lower the morale of her army. Dawnstar had not only been one of the youngest commanders in her army, but he used to be her protégé. The gray stallion had mastered most of the spells regarding offensive and defensive magic, and was more than an adept at the other schools of magic. And Swiftheart was not only stronger and faster than the average Pegasus, but if she had been willing to could have become not just a member, but the captain of the Wonderbolts, her flying skills were unparalleled within the militia.
They had managed to stop revolts using both military and diplomatic skills, avoiding using the first whenever possible.
They had defeated packs of diamond dogs, convinced the sleeping dragons to go take a nap somewhere else, they even led an army to stop a group of revolutionary gryphons that wanted to overthrow the princess. Everypony that had worked beneath their ranks knew that their reputation was true, and that they were just as fierce in combat, as they were kind and loyal.
After considering all this, the princess made her horn glow and suddenly Swiftheart’s belly began to glow. The glow lasted for two or three seconds, after realizing nothing was wrong with her they both turned to look quizzically at the sun princess, then they noticed the weird look on the princess face.
Princess Celestia kept a confused look for what looked like a couple of minutes until she finally said. “The foal you are carrying is indeed a special one, it has not only taken the Pegasus genes, but also the Unicorn ones, this baby is both species at once. This hasn’t happened in almost 500 years.”
“Your highness do you mean that our baby will be born with both wings and horn? Just like yourself?” asked Dawnstar, trying to find other words to explain he said “like an Alicorn?”
The princess just smiled at that conclusion.
“Not quite like an Alicorn young one, Alicorns aren’t born like this, but that is a story for another time. Your baby is of a rare breed called a Pegacorn.”
The couple looked at each other with relief knowing that nothing was wrong with their baby.
The princess spoke again with a stern look on her face. “I already know he’s going to be a colt, but his future is still clouded to me, he will have an important role in the near future. There has never been an occasion where a Pegacorn was born that didn’t involve him or her in a future conflict. I think it’s better if you leave to a secluded place where you will be able to raise him, teach him both flying and magic, and love him.” Not resisting herself to make a little joke out of the conversation she ended up saying “Also, it would be a total disaster for your personal life if the paparazzi knew you had such a special baby.”
After hearing those words the couple were more than sure that this was a personal mission that the princess had given them. They both exclaimed “thank you, your highness, we will come to help you if you ever need us”.
They both bowed down and turned to leave.
“Dawnstar aren’t you forgetting anything” asked the princess just as the couple had started their way towards the exit.
Dawnstar stopped trying to remember what the princess meant, then it hitted him, the true reason they had gone to the chambers of the princess. Dawn slowly turned the word embarrassed could be read on his face. “Oh, it’s true. Dawnbreaker. Is it fixed already your highness?”
The princess smiled and made her horn glow and took out from a chest a great sword with a golden hilt and a red orb at its top, the whole blade was golden with the craving of a black phoenix. It was sheathed in its scabbard and given to him.
Dawnstar bowed and spoke. “Thank you your highness. I’m sorry they needed one of your phoenix’s feathers to fix it, but is a special blade that took me some time to enchant and sharpen.”
“Not to worry my dear. Philomena was just starting to shed her feathers so it was no problem at all, I must say that the blade you carry is quite the special one, I just hope you don’t have to use it ever again.” Replied the princess
“So do I princess”
After one more bow the lovers left the royal chambers and the door closed.


“So now that we have permission where should we go?” asked Swiftheart.
“I have no idea honey…. We don’t have any close relatives near a quiet town and if the princess is right it would be dangerous for our son to stay on a big city at least for now, I think that we should follow our princess advice and train him to be able to defend this wonderful place.”
The couple was now walking to their house; now that they weren’t wearing their golden armor their cutie marks could be seen. Dawnstar had a ray of sunlight piercing through a white cloud, while Swiftheart had a blue bird with razor sharp wings diving into a cloud.


Several months passed and after some time wondering where to head and where to go the couple finally came to an agreement.
“We will go to the everfree forest and set a cottage in the very depths, from there we will be able to supervise this little child’s training and no harm shall come to him from nopony, and the dangers there shall keep us both my wife and I fit and ready to fight if ever needed.” The red maned soldier told the ruler of Equestria.
“The everfree forest?” exclaimed the princess shocked by the decision of the two ponies “I never expected that you two would go to somewhere that secluded to raise your child. As you remember I did told you to get away from the capital, but not from society. Also are you not worried that your son won’t have any friends to play or share with?”
“Your highness.” this time it was Swiftheart speaking “We are well aware that the forest is dangerous, but is the only place outside the castle grounds where we will be able to train him without attracting attention, also we wanted to introduce him to society after he had learned all the basics so he could explore without having any real danger, that’s why we are going to stay near the small town of Ponyville.”
Soon the stern look from Princess Celestia changed into an understanding one, she then bowed before the couple and said. “you two are really courageous to go there, I’m not going to stop you, I can only wish you luck. By the way have you chosen a name for the young foal?”
To that the couple bowed down and said at the same time “Braveheart.”
“A fitting name, I hope he will live up to it”.
The couple gave the princess one last bow and left knowing they wouldn’t see her for a long time.

Chapter 4: The beginning of a new life.

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Chapter 4: The beginning of a new life.

Dear Mom and Dad:
I decided to write this journal to have a way to communicate you my adventures, and what I have learned through the passing of time.
I used to have dreams about you two before the Ursa incident, but since then, they have become less frequent.
It has been a couple months since I met Princess Celestia. She is as magnificent as you described her to me in your stories.
She invited me to join the royal army, at first I had my doubts, but it has proven to be the right decision.
At first I didn’t fit anywhere, the Pegasus squad didn’t took me in, because I couldn’t maintain a formation with them, they said I wasn’t disciplined enough, and the unicorn squad said my wings wouldn’t let me concentrate enough ( lousy statement if you ask me).
But then I met this small squad, it’s a squad that consists of the three pony races; they call themselves ‘The Dawn Warriors’. They are Celestia’s Special Forces, when there is a problem the normal squads can’t solve they send in the Dawn Warriors (or DW for short) to take care of the business. They made me feel like I was part of a family right away, and had taught me a lot. Some of them even served under you. When they heard that I was your son, they thought even better of me, they said my abilities did resemble yours.
The squad leader is an Earth pony named Siegfried, quite an unusual name for a pony if you ask me. Anyway, he said he was the one that came with the idea to form the DW when you left; he is a remarkable swordspony, the princess told me he is one of the best in all Equestria. We have sparred a lot, and he has taught me some tips to improve my swordplay, but I have never been close to beating him.
While I’m currently part of the DW, princess Celestia wants me to join her personal guard especially to protect her young pupil, she is a young lavender unicorn with a purple long mane and a pink stripe running through it, I’ve heard that her special talent is magic, and that she surpasses even at her young age some of the most experienced unicorns in Canterlot.
Today is the day I will take the examination to see if I will be able to serve as a Personal guard, so I will have to leave you, I hope to be able to go visit you soon, but until then words on paper will have to do.

“Wake up, Brave. Hurry, we got less than four hours to prepare you for your examination”
Brave snapped out of his trance, just to find Siegfried by the door in his room. He had a tan coat, a long blonde mane and green eyes, a scar adorning his left eye, and his cutiemark was a Claymore with a silver colored cross shaped crest, and a red hilt.

“He he, sorry Captain, let’s go” apologized Braveheart with a sheepish smile.
The Young Pegacorn who now had stopped concealing his horn or wings from everypony else, found himself in a special place the DW liked to call Zone Zero.
Zone Zero were the training grounds used by the Dawn Warriors. It was a vast green field outside the city; it had been modified by the members of the Dawn Warriors, to be the perfect training grounds for all the pony races. It was located in a vast green plain, with strong winds, that would help the pegasus to gain strength on their wings, as it pushed them for an extra effort so they could move forward. The unicorns used the plains along with the Earth ponies to build their muscle strength. Plus, all the obstacle courses that had been built were used by everypony.

The other eight members of the DW squad were already training by the time Brave and Siegfried left the tent. Two earth ponies were running laps; three unicorns were using their magic to throw plates as fast as they could, while three Pegasus used their wing blades to cut the plates while performing different aerial maneuvers.

The eight ponies stopped when they noticed Brave and Siegfried closing in. they stood in line, with Braveheart taking his place among them, they saluted their Captain as he saluted back.

“As all of you know, Brave is the newest member of our big family, but, he has been given the opportunity to defend our beloved princess as one of her personal guards, so it’s our job to ensure that he is ready for such responsibility.”
As Siegfried ended his small speech all nine ponies cheered Braveheart with encouraging words like ‘show them what you’ve got’ or ‘Make us proud.’ But the one that caught Braveheart’s attention the most, was the one said by Siegfried as he looked him with a warm smile: “you would make your parents proud.”

After some warm-ups and a collective sparring match that ended up with all the other ponies being KO’d except for a unicorn, Siegfried and Braveheart. Everypony left to rinse themselves, and to get ready for the big event.

Brave stood beside his bed, gazing at the armor and sword that belonged to his parents. They looked just like new, with a flash from his horn he levitated his armor and used a spell to put it on, then proceeded to levitate his sword, and hung it on his back.

“Hey Brave are you ready?” Asked his roommate, a pegasus stallion called Windbolt.
With a nod and determination in his eyes, he replied “let’s do this.”

It was a short walk to the Canterlot coliseum, where a variety of events took place. It was an elliptic shaped building, with enough seats and rows to fit in almost all the citizens of Canterlot; it was built in memory of commander Hurricane, who died in a long war to protect the nation she and the other pony leaders had founded so long ago, at the entrance a golden statue of commander Hurricane had been erected, in memory of one of Equestria's first war heroes. All along the hallways were paintings of some of the famous ponies that had performed there, from famous play actors like Neighspeare to musicians like Beethhoofen, and most recently, famous bands like Stratomareious, or Sonata Marectica.

The benches that would normally be filled with citizens, now were full with soldiers from all platoons, some to root in for their companions, and some other just to get a distraction on their free day. In the first row, all the Dawn Warriors were cheering for their youngest member, as he stepped into the arena.

Being one of the Princess’s personal guards was a big responsibility, so only the best of the best could join.
In the arena were five ponies aside from Braveheart: one Pegasus, two earth ponies, and two unicorns.
They stood in a single row. And as the sun princess appeared in front of them, they bowed.

“Rise soldiers, you have been chosen because of your abilities, to become a personal guard. This is not an easy task, and if anypony thinks he or she isn’t up for the challenge you may leave.” None of them moved, there was a big tension on the air. Even the spectators, were quiet. And silence reigned all over the arena. None of the ponies dared to move a muscle until their princess spoke again.

“Well then, good luck to the six of you, and may the best pony win.”

The princess rose to the air, and flew to her balcony where she was met by her student.

“Princess why do you host such a barbaric event?”

“Twilight maybe you don’t understand this because you have never seen war, but everypony in this army shares some bonds with each other, and this ‘barbaric events’ as you call them, allows them to make those bonds stronger.”

“If you say so princess….” Just as Twilight was about to speak she was interrupted by her eager dragon assistant. “Oh yeah finally something interesting, who do you think is going to win?”

“I don’t really care spike” exclaimed Twilight with a bored look on her face “I just came here because I wanted to spend time with you and the princess.”

“Oh c’mon Twilight lighten up, I think that silver coated pony is going to win…” Spike stopped to scratch the back of his head “what was his name again?”

“His name is Braveheart, and he is quite a remarkable pony if I do say so, he’s got more magic than most of the unicorns of his age, but I don’t think he surpasses Twilight, at least not in normal magic.” Replied the sun princess.

“Wait!? He can do magic? Isn’t he a Pegasus?” inquired the young student.

“Not at all, he is a Pegacorn, and son of two of the most remarkable ponies I have ever met.”

“A Pegacorn huh? Is that even possible? I had never heard of it before!”

“Well then my faithful student why don’t you just take a look at the fight then and figure out for yourself.”

As soon as Celestia landed on her balcony the five ponies broke their formation and headed to different parts of the coliseum.


The referee teleported away as the match started.
The Pegasus flew up high trying to avoid all combat, meanwhile one of the earth ponies charged at one of the unicorns, and before the unicorn could cast a barrier, he was tackled by the earth pony, sending him to fly several meters before he landed chin first against the ground, the other earth pony mimicked his equal, but the other unicorn was ready and used a barrier to stop the earth pony on his tracks just before levitating the earth pony and throwing him against Braveheart, who was up till now watching the fight.

With a swift jump he got out of the flung pony’s way and decided to rise to the skies and bring the Pegasus down. Just as he started to fly Brave noticed the wonderbolt known as Spitfire tailing him

As the Pegasus flew up he could see Soarin tailing him to make sure he didn’t leave the combat area.

Feeling relieved by the height he were, the Pegasus relaxed and…
He was hit in the stomach by the young Pegacorn's extended front legs. The Pegasus recovered quickly and bucked Brave away almost sending him past Soarin. Braveheart managed to keep himself from exiting the ring. Brave readied some magic but the Pegasus was moving too fast for him to keep his aim on, so he opted to an easier way to hit the Pegasus. He grabbed his sword not removing the scabbard, and just when the Pegasus stopped to buck Brave on his flank, he turned and swung his blade with a strong downward motion, making it crash against the Pegasus’s armor, and sent him straight to earth, unconscious.

Seeing the mistake in his plan, Brave dove to rescue the Pegasus before he crashed to the ground. Being followed by the two Wonder bolts and feeling the tension and adrenaline, pulling himself to the limit of his flying abilities, Brave managed to catch the body with his magic just inches before it crashed against the ground, and left it to rest on an empty bench near him.

An announcement was made just then by the referee “ONLY THREE PONIES REMAIN”

Brave then took notice of a damaged Earth pony defending himself from a slightly tired unicorn.
Taking his chance Brave gathered magic on his horn and launched a stunning spell against the unicorn.
The unicorn broke his spell over the damaged earth pony and raised a shield just in time to dispel Brave’s enchantment. The earth pony took that chance and tackled Brave with all his strength, the impact was too much to bear for the tired earth pony and fell unconscious after the hit.

The young Pegacorn was sent flying to his side some feet away, he was trying to refill his lungs with air when the unicorn took hold him using his magic.

Brave started to feel a sleeping spell taking over his body, his legs going numb, his vision getting blurry.
Is this it? I’m going to lose… maybe I wasn’t fit to be the princess’s guard.
Huh? Is that Sieg?
Everyone, you’re right I can’t give up like this. Not now.

“NOT EVER!!” roared the Pegacorn reaching to whatever energy he had left, Brave got on his feet and as the other unicorn was starting to celebrate his victory he was met with an ice beam radiating from Brave’s horn that left him frozen in a cube of ice, then Brave levitated the ice cube and dropped it to the ground revealing the unconscious unicorn. The young Pegacorn gasping, trying to reach to whatever energy he had left, still felt numbed because of his opponent spell, but the feeling was fading now.


Everyone on the stage was cheering at Braveheart, not only he had broken a strong spell that already had a grip on him, but managed to defeat the rival with one spell. A spell that was considered to be ‘Rank A’ magic, and that no pony could ever hope to master at such a young age.

Feeling relieved Brave fell on his rump and started to relax himself. He had won; he was going to be one of the royal guards.
Still he felt uneasy, the Dawn Warriors had been like a family to him, and now he was leaving them.
Siegfried and the others ran towards Braveheart, gave him pats on his back, hugs, and praises.

“You did it little foal” “way to go Brave.” “We knew you could do it.”
All this words meant a lot for Brave, but there was one pony that made him remember that no matter what he would always be a part of the family of the Dawn Warriors.
“You are as impressive as your parents were at your age. I’m sure they are as proud of you as we are right now.”

“Thank you everypony. Siegfried, can you help me get up? I need to go get my prize he he”

“No problem.” Said Siegfried with a smile, and then proceeded to act as a support for Brave, who was still trying to recover from the damage he had received during the fight.

“WOW” exclaimed an exited Spike “did you see that Twilight, Braveheart was spectacular!”

“I see it, and I don’t believe it.” said twilight while rubbing her eyes “where did he learn that spell? I thought the only ponies that were allowed to the knowledge’s of rank A spells, were unicorns with a high level of command within your ranks princess. And not only that, but he broke the sleeping spell that was casted on him, and with all the numbness he managed to cast and hit his target.”

“I knew you were going to get caught in the event Twilight” teased the princess “now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go congratulate our winner.”

Celestia took off the deck and descended on the arena, just in front of Brave, and Siegfried.

“Siegfried, you did a great job, I knew that I could count on you to refine Braveheart’s abilities.” Praised the princess.
“It was an honor your majesty.” Replied the earth pony.

“Braveheart you displayed, enormous feats of agility, strength, kindness, control, and focus on this test, and because of that it is an honor to bestow upon you the title of Royal Guard, now kneel young Braveheart.”

As being told Brave knelt in front of the princess, and the princess’s horn glowed as it touched the pauldrons of Braveheart’s armor.

“It is an honor to be able to protect you princess; I will do my best to keep you safe.” Said Braveheart in a gentle fulfilled tone

the princess looked at the tired pony, with a warm smile on her face. “I’m sure you will, but enjoy the rest of the week, you will start on Monday.”

“Thanks your highness” with one last bow Braveheart said goodbye to the princess, and left with Siegfried and the other Dawn Warriors to celebrate.


“Well Brave here you are, about to start your new life as a royal guard.” Brave told to himself.

He had spent the whole Sunday giving his goodbyes to his platoon, and had even sparred with each one of them before leaving, as a parting gift Siegfried had polished his armor, and sharpened Dawnbreaker.

Brave stepped inside the Canterlot Castle, and decided to head into the castle barracks to meet his co workers, and the pony in charge of coordinating the castle guards.

“You must be Braveheart” said a middle aged stallion, a grey unicorn sporting a golden armor. “My name is Stonewall, and I’m in charge of giving every guard their chores,” Stonewall levitated a clipboard infront of him, and after reading it he directed towards Braveheart again “you are to keep company to the princess's pupil, and help her in any way you can.”

“Sir, yes sir.”

After asking some of the maids and butlers for directions Brave finally found the library, which acted as a home for the lavender unicorn.

Brave approached the marble white tower, and knocked tree times on the door.

“Spike could you please get that?” was all that could be heard from the other side of the wooden door.

After a couple seconds the door was opened, and Braveheart was greeted by the baby dragon named Spike. “Welcome to the library how can I……” the young dragon was shocked by the pony in front of him. “Sweet Celestia you are Braveheart. I saw your examination the other day, you were totally awesome. Oh where are my manners, my name is Spike.”

“Nice meeting you Spike, I had never seen a talking dragon before. I came here to talk to Twilight Sparkle” Replied Braveheart

“Well what are you waiting for come in” the baby dragon stepped aside to let the pegacorn step in, and proceeded to call the lavender mare “Twilight! You are not going to believe it. Braveheart came to visit the library!”

“Uh-huh. I’ll be right down, I’m finishing some studies”

“He he sorry about that, Twilight is always like that when she’s studying.”

“Not a worry. This is quite a nice building.” And it was. It was marble white tower, filled with bookshelves and those were filled with ancient knowledge, as well as some of the most popular stories in all of canterlot. it was adorned with white columns that ended in the bust of a different pony, and right in the middle was an enormous hourglass.

“Sooo… Brave do you need anything? Something to eat or drink? I can get it for you.” said an eager Spike.

“Not really I’m just here to…” just as Brave was about to finish his scentence, there was a flash of light, and the lavender unicorn appeared.

“Hello my name is Twilight Sparkle, protégé of the princess, how can I help you?”

“well let’s see.” said the Pegacorn in a playful tone trying to be as friendly as possible “First of all it's nice finally making your acquaintance miss Sparkle, I’ve heard great things of you and your abilities, and to answer your question I give you another. How can I help you?”

“What do you mean?” said a confused Twilight.

“Stonewall sent me to keep you company, and help you in any way I can.” With a cold gaze Twilight looked Braveheart in the eye, before speaking.“Thanks for the offer, but I’m going to have to decline, as you can see I’ve got Spike to keep me company and to help me, now if you’ll excuse me I have some research to do.”

Making her horn glow Twilight teleported away leaving just the baby dragon, and the Pegacorn alone in the room.
“Sorry about that, well it was nice to meet you Braveheart.”

“It was nice meeting you too Spike.” Said a disappointed Brave, and left the library. What had he done wrong? he had been polite and friendly, but even so he had been turned away.

Brave decided to explore the castle a bit, he had to know the terrain he was supposed to defend, after a couple of hours exploring he headed to the barracks and decided to call it a day.

“Hey, Braveheart.”

Huh? What is it Stonewall?”

“She turned you down again, didn’t she?”

“How did you know?” inquired the Pegacorn sarcastically.

“You are not the first one to be turned down by Miss Sparkle. It’s been a week already, why don’t you give up?”

“I’ve never given up before. So why would I start now?” answered the Pegacorn proudly

“I really admire your foolishness.” Teased Stonewall.

They both shared a small laugh, and as they were saying their good byes a scroll materialized in front of Stonewall. After
reading the scroll the unicorn turned to Braveheart. “Looks like you won’t be resting right now rookie.” Said the gray unicorn

“What do you mean?”

“The princess wants to talk to you; you are to go to the terrace located in the east tower. You have one hour to prepare.”

“What would she want from me?”

“How the hay would I know, the princess almost never asks to meet somepony personally after the sunset.”

“I better go then.” Brave went to his quarters to rinse himself, and afterwards headed to the tower.

Celestia was admiring the mare in the moon and her four Guardian stars seemingly closer than what they had been last night, wondering what would happen at the summer sun celebration a few days from now.

“Princess did you want to see me?” asked Braveheart as he reached the top of the tower and bowed before Celestia.

“Braveheart… can I trust you?”

The question took Braveheart off guard, and with a quizzical look on his face he managed to ask. “Whatever do you mean princess?”

“Your father used to be a great advisor, he would find answers, where no pony would ever have dared to look, and so I ask again. Can I trust you like I trusted your father?” Asked Celestia with a stern look on her face.

“I don’t know if I’ll ever be as helpful as my father, but of course. What is the matter princess?”

“Well I guess it’s better to start from the very beginning…. Have you ever heard of the tales of ‘The Two Royal Sisters’ and ‘The Mare in the Moon’?”

chapter 5: Calm before the storm

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Chapter 5: Calm before the storm.

Dear mom and dad.
Strange things have happened. After just one week since I started my job as a royal guard, the princess called me. For safety measures I can’t give you the specifics.

The princess decided to send me to Ponyville to help with the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. She even arranged my staying in the library, until Twilight Sparkle arrives there.

My job is to give duties to five ponies, those being: making sure the sky is clean for the celebration, preparing a local food banquet, the decorations for the main event, designating somepony to play a song for the princess, and the after party.

I have spent a week here already, and I couldn’t believe when this Pink pony called Pinkie Pie threw a party, just because I moved there. She can be hyperactive and a little unbearable at times, but she has a good heart. After the welcome party, I asked her to plan the after party, and she agreed before I even finished the question.

I managed to meet Lyra and Bonbon again! It was a little awkward to explain them about why I concealed my wings at the time I met them, still, they said I had nothing to be ashamed of. I have been spending most of my free time with them.

I just finished giving the last chore: The sky clearing. It was such a drag, the princess asked specifically for a Pegasus named Rainbow Dash. At first she evaded my request, she would give me an ambiguous answer or act like she hadn’t heard me, it was not until I pursued her for more than two hours at full throttle, that she finally acknowledged me, and agreed to do the job. Man, she’s the fastest flyer I have ever met, even faster than you mom. Still she lacks the control and focus you had, those errors allowed me to keep close on her trail.

The pony in charge of the decorations is a designer that goes by the name of Rarity. She’s one of the most beautiful mares I have ever seen, she may seem a little annoying at first, but she genuinely worries about everypony else, she even insisted on taking my armor to polish it for the celebration, she said and I quote ‘we can’t have one of the princess’s escorts looking like an awful mess on that dusty armor, now, can we?’. She even offered to do it free of charge, calling it a welcome to Ponyville gift.

The food preparations rests on the shoulders of an earth pony by the name of Applejack, she is one of the most trustworthy ponies I have ever met, maybe even more than some of the Dawn Warriors. She’s awfully strong, and won’t hesitate to help anypony in need. Even at her young age, she is already the head of the Apple clan farmers on this side of the Everfree Forest.

The music job was given to Fluttershy…. Yes the same Fluttershy that nursed me back to health… I still feel awful for disappearing from her cottage like that, but she says it’s all right. She is really nice to be around with, even though she doesn’t speak a lot.

It’s already 12 p.m. Twilight must be about to arrive according to the princess estimations, so I’m going to go and meet her.
I hope to be able to visit you soon

With love,


The warm air that swept into the library brought distant memories to the Pegacorn, as he finished the entry on his diary. He decided to let the happy memories through while keeping away the sad ones.

“Well time isn’t going to wait for me, now is it?” said the young Pegacorn as he got on all fours, and headed towards the library entrance.

Just as the stallion approached the door, the doorknob started to turn, and with ease the door opened revealing at the entrance a tan colored mare, with blue eyes, gray mane, and a scroll adorned with a blue ribbon as her cutie mark. Brave recognized the mare as the Mayor of Ponyville.

“Well hello there Braveheart.” Greeted the Mayor, rather hastily. “Sorry to intrude like this, but we seem to have a situation on our hooves.”

“What is it mayor?” asked the Pegacorn.

“There have been reports of howling near the Everfree Forest, we are worried that some creatures may be getting near the borders of the forest, and may attack a resident.”

Brave stood there, and listened. As the Mayor finished there was a look of concern on the Pegacorn.

“The only creatures I can think of are the Timberwolves, but they usually dwell on the eastern edge of the forest. The most probable thing is that one of the wolves went astray and is looking for food.”

“Could you take care of it Brave? It would be terrible if one of those creatures made a disaster of tonight’s festival.”

“Do not worry mayor; I’ll take care of it. But first I need to go meet a very important pony, after that, I’ll head straight to the Forest.” Braveheart reassured the mayor with a warm smile.

The mayor smiled back and after both ponies bid their farewells, they departed on opposite directions.

As Brave walked towards Sugarcube Corner, he was intercepted by the marshmallow white unicorn, Rarity.
“Well hello there, sir Braveheart.” greeted Rarity, her Sapphire eyes fixed on Braveheart’s own. “Fancy meeting you here.”

“Sure is miss Rarity. How is my armor coming along?” Replied Brave politely, in truth Brave only acted that proper when he was around Rarity, it seemed to please the mare, and he didn't mind working on his manners.

“Oh, it’s almost done; it’s a really beautiful armor. I assure you, you’ll look dashing.” Boasted the pristine white unicorn, proud of the work she had done. “You can pick it up whenever you wish. I have to go and decorate the town hall right now, but Sweetiebelle will be at Carousel Boutique.”

“Thanks Miss Rarity, how much am I going to owe you?” Asked the Pegacorn. “I insist on paying for the services you provided me.”

“Oh really, it’s nothing dear, but if you insist, you could invite me to breakfast tomorrow, after the celebration.”

“Sure thing” said the Pegacorn smiling “now, if you’ll excuse me I got to run, or I’ll be late. I’ll go and pick up the armor later.”

The two ponies bid their farewells and parted ways.

Braveheart could see the chariot arriving as he reached Sugarcube Corner, with the Princess’s Protégé on board, as well as her dragon assistant. As the chariot came to a stop, Brave approached the two Pegasus that pulled the cart, and greeted them, he then approached Twilight, and stood firm at the side of the chariot until the unicorn noted his existence.

“Braveheart reporting for duty, miss Sparkle.” Said the Pegacorn, giving the traditional royal guard salute.

“Braveheart?” started the startled unicorn, before continuing on an annoyed tone “Ugh. What are you doing here?”

Ignoring the offending tone of the question Braveheart, still saluting answered “I was sent here by Princess Celestia, to prepare your accommodations, as well as to help with the preparations for the celebration.”

“Well ok then, you are dismissed.” Twilight motioned the Pegacorn to lower his salute. “I won’t need your services-”
Twilight was interrupted by her young dragon assistant. “But Twilight, remember that the princess told you to be nicer to Braveheart, he has done nothing but trying to help you.”

“Don’t worry Spike,” reassured guard, before turning to see Twilight in the eye. “I have other matters to attend to before the celebration. I’ll meet you at the library when I’m done.”

Braveheart turned and started walking in the direction of carousel boutique, but stopped as soon as he heard Twilight say his name.

“…Braveheart, Spike is right, I’m sorry.”

Not even turning to see her, the Pegacorn just replied. “Don’t worry, Princess Celestia explained why you don’t like me, and I don’t judge you.” The Pegacorn turned to lock gazes with the lavender mare, a reassuring smile on his face. “Still, I got a job to do, and so do you. See you later.”

Braveheart then continued his walk towards the boutique leaving the unicorn, and her assistant behind. As he trotted by, he waved at a certain pink pony, a couple of seconds later, a loud gasping sound was heard behind him, and the same pink pony passed flying beside Braveheart, leaving him with a surprised look. Should I worry? Nah, it’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.

After a couple minutes Brave arrived at Rarity’s clothes store. The sign on the lavender door read open, and so the Pegacorn proceeded to open the door the bell ringed as he entered, as he was greeted by the blue walls that adorned the circular room, along with all the dresses, saddles, and suits that were on display, still there was no sign of the ivory unicorn's little sister.

Brave then heard a squeaky voice greeting him. “Oh, oh. Welcome to Carousel Boutique where everything is um…. Chick and magnifico?”

The voice belonged to Rarity’s little sister Sweetiebelle, a young filly with a white coat, Jade colored eyes and a pink colored curly mane.

Braveheart chuckled at the performance of the small filly. “Hello there Sweetiebelle, nice to see you. I came to pickup my armor.”

“Hi Braveheart, it’s nice to see you too.” greeted the small unicorn filly. “Rarity isn’t home, but she told me you would come by, just a second.”

The small filly focused energy on her horn, and a jade aura appeared around it, but just as the aura had appeared it disappeared. “j-just hold on a second, I’ll get it” said the ashamed unicorn filly, gathering more energy on the tip of her horn, just to have it disappear again, leaving the unicorn filly exhausted.

“Take it easy Sweetiebelle, you still need to learn to control your flow of magic, just tell me where it is and I’ll pick it up.” Brave looked at her with the most reassuring smile he could muster. “I’m sure you’ll get the hold of it in no time, just keep practicing”

“Really? Oh thanks Braveheart.” The happy filly hugged Brave, and as she let herself go, she leaded Braveheart into the back room, where his armor, as well as some half done dresses resided.

Using a telekinetic spell Brave levitated his armor and stored it way in a box that Sweetie had brought.
“Thanks again Sweetiebelle, have a nice day.”

“You too Brave.”

Brave headed towards the library, to leave the armor in his room, and to pickup Dawnbreaker. He still needed to explore the Everfree to find that stray Timberwolf.

“HeythereBravey!!Ohmygoshididn'thopetomeetyouheresosoon,youwontguesswhat,Imetaponywhoisgoingtolivehere,itwasthemostexitingthingever,shewaslikewhaandIwentlike*gasp*andthenIknewshewasnew,andifshewasknewshedidn'tknewanyponyaround,soIhadtothrowherawelcomeparty,andnowyoureherecanyoubeliveit?” Brave was suddenly attacked by a random Pinkie Pie that happened to be in front of the other side of the door of the library as he opened it. “Whoa! Take it easy Pinkie, I could barely understand you.”

Pinkie took a deep breath and re acted the whole story, now making spaces between words. “- and then you asked me to slow down, and the author explained again what we just did and… Hey! Are you even listening?”

Braveheart took his head out of the fridge, with a daisy sandwich being levitated. “Sorry Pinkie, it’s just I have to do a quick run into the Everfree, and I needed something to eat before I go.”

“Oh you silly pony, you should just had to tell me you were in a hurry and your dear auntie Pinkie would have gotten outta your way.”

“Auntie? No, never mind that. Thanks Pinkie I’ll just go grab my sword and I’ll be gone, so you can continue organizing the party.”

“okie dokie lokie! Just be sure to return for my party.”

“Sure. I wouldn’t miss it.”After finishing his sandwich Brave hurried upstairs grabbed his sword, opened his window and took flight towards the forest.

I can’t believe I'm finally going to set foot on the Everfree again.

Braveheart was just at the borderline between Ponyville and the Everfree Forest; he felt a chill run down his spine. It seemed ages since he moved out of his house to go and train as a soldier. Dismissing the unsettling feeling that ran down his spine, the Pegacorn walked cautiously into the forest, trying to find any kind of tracks that would lead him to the wooden creature.
Brave took a deep breath as he welcomed the familiar scent of the trees and flowers, the feeling of the long grass beneath his hooves, even the sounds of the creatures that inhabited the forest.

After a short time Brave heard a howl, it came from the all too familiar path that leaded to his former home. As Brave got closer, he finally entered clearing that had once been his home.

The once clean grounds that surrounded the cottage now had all kinds of plants and trees growing, the cottage now looked like it had been abandoned for years, almost falling apart.

Brave scanned his surroundings, but failed to find any wolf nearby. Brave opted to go into the clearing to lure the creature out of its hiding spot. The Pegacorn approached the house, but nothing happened, no creature appeared. When Braveheart was a few meters away from the doorway he noticed two glowing golden orbs, shining through the dark veil that shrouded the body of the creature inside the house.

The creature growled as it lunged towards Braveheart, sending his sword flying, and pinning him down to the ground. The Wolf stood on top of the pony, preventing the pegacorn to move in any way. The creature growled in satisfaction as it began savoring its new meal, letting some of its sap like drool drop on top of the Pegacorn's cheek.

The Timberwolf had taken Braveheart by surprise, he was now immobilized as the strong wooden creature tried to bite him with its sharp fangs. Not wasting any second, Braveheart gathered magic on the tip of his horn and released a weak fire spell that managed to hit the wolf in its face making it light up, the wolf cried in pain as it rolled on the ground trying to prevent becoming a living torch, releasing the trapped pony.

Brave found his sword, took it out of its scabbard and wielded it with his muzzle. Then, proceeded to look his attacker in the eye. The burnt creature stood ten meters away from Braveheart; both took a deep breath and charged, none of them would back down.

A loud splintering sound echoed through the forest as the Timberwolf fell motionlessly, with a severed abdomen, splinters between both halves of the broken body.

Brave used his magic to pile up the remains of the wolf and casted an incinerating spell, as to give it a proper burial.
He then pressed onward towards the house, memories of his time living there flooding inside his brain. Be it happy memories, sad memories, or both. Brave took it all in, letting the nostalgia hit him hard. The abode seemed like he remembered, every door inside the house was still locked tight, except for the front door, and everything was just as he had left it except for the leaves and mud stains all along the floor on the foyer.

Brave explored his home, letting mixed tears fill his eyes, while he revived memories on each room he visited. After his tour was done the Pegacorn headed towards the door leading to the backyard, and to his surprise the only enchantment that seemed to have lasted since he departed was the one he casted on his parents’ gravestone. The grass was trimmed and kept, and flowers were blossoming all around them.

“Mom, dad... I'm finally back....” cried softly the Pegacorn. “I hope you have been all right, I have to go, but I'll be back as soon as possible, to tell you all about what has happened in my life.” Braveheart smiled towards his parents’ grave before spreading his wings, and taking flight towards Ponyville, he still had a party to attend to.

Brave arrived at the party, an hour after the celestial orb had hidden beneath the horizon, he greeted everypony that passed his way, and made small talk with Lyra, Bonbon, and others.

After an hour of socializing, Brave decided to call it a night; he would have a lot of work to do during the celebration.

Later that night.

“You should lighten up a bit Twilight, it IS a party” Upon hearing these words Brave woke up, got on his hooves, shook himself up, and decided to head outside.

As he came out of his room he saw the baby dragon heading downstairs and decided to have a little talk with the young student.

“I really hope it’s just an old ponytale.” Said twilight, while looking towards the mare in the moon.

“I hope so too, for the sake of all of us.” Upon hearing those words the young student turned her neck to meet gazes with Braveheart.

“Huh!? You know?” inquired the lavender unicorn.

“Yeah, I had my guesses, also the princess told me about your letter..” before Braveheart had a time to finish the baby dragon re entered the room.

“Hey Twilight… oh sorry didn’t knew you were having a conversation.”

“Not a problem Spike, what’s up?” Reassured Braveheart.

“The summer sun celebration is about to start we gotta go.” the young dragon proceeded to leave the room in haste.

“Well Twilight, we will have to end this conversation later I got to go get ready, job waits.” Not even waiting for the lavender unicorn to say goodbye the Pegacorn left the room, and headed towards his own to get ready… It was going to be a long night.

Chapter 6: Light up the Night.

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Chapter 6: Light up the Night.

“The night shall last forever!” Echoed an evil voice through the dark halls of the town hall, where Braveheart laid unconscious.

“Huh? What happened?” Brave struggled to stand on his legs as he awoke. He was outside the chambers that princess Celestia was using to prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration.

That’s right… I was guarding the princess, and then I was struck by a spell, just what the hay happened?
The menacing voice was heard again as it roared. “Stand back you foals!”
Darn. That must be Nightmare Moon. Braveheart gathered all the energy he could muster at the time, and broke into a gallop towards the direction of the shout. Still feeling a little clumsy because of the spell, he almost tripped more than once.

By the time the brave pegacorn arrived at the balcony, the Nightmare alicorn was gone, as were the six bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

As Braveheart gazed upon the crowd, he noticed Lyra and Bonbon waving franticly at him, not hesitating a moment he decided to approach them.

“Brave are you ok? What happened? Where’s the princess?” cried both mares.

“That’s what I’m trying to find out girls. Did you see where Twilight went to?” replied the worried Pegacorn, scanning through the crowd, trying to find the lavender unicorn.

“That’s the name of the new pony right? I think I heard her saying something about the library.” Answered Lyra. “You’ll find the princess, won’t you Brave?”

“I’ll do my best; you stay in a safe place until I return.” Not even staying for a goodbye Brave spreaded his wings and took off, while swearing in his head. How the hay did I not notice Nightmare Moon entering the hall? And even worse casting that spell on me, dammit.

As Brave came within a few yards of his destination he heard the familiar voice of Pinkie singing “it was under eee~”

He approached the door and heard the lavender pony explain everything about the elements and its location.
“… it is located in what its now….” The student gulped “the Everfree Forest.”

“Whoa Nelly, the Everfree Forest? That’s jus’ plum dangerous.” stated the nervous cowpony.

“Not to mention icky.” Complained the fashionista.

“A-a-and scary.” Whispered the meek Pegasus, hiding behind Pinkie Pie.

“Well, I’m not scared of any forest!” declared the daredevil Pegasus.

“And I'm not scared of anything, except candies running out…” the cheerful pink pony’s face changed into one of utter terror, as she grabbed Rainbow Dash by her shoulders and shook her like a pair of maracas “ARE CANDIES RUNNING OUT???”

“I'm scared too girls,” admitted the student “but I have to go, the only way to stop Nightmare Moon and save Equestria is with the Elements of Harmony”

The other five mares looked between each other, and silently nodded, as Applejack approached Twilight. “Then we’ll go with you sugarcube; we are not letting any friend of ours goin' into any spooky forest ba’ herself.”

“I’ll guide you into the castle” said Braveheart finally crossing the door, letting the wooden door close behind him, his golden armor reflecting the candle’s light. The six ponies inside jumped by the sudden intrusion of Braveheart.

“What? Do you even know the forest?” snapped the purple unicorn.

“Easy there Twi, he’s jus’ tryin’ to be helpful.” Scolded AJ, she then directed towards the pegacorn with a warm smile “Thanks, for offerin' your help Braveheart.”

Brave nodded, and gave a confident smile.

“Well? What are we waiting for?” started Rainbow Dash, an eager expression on her face “Let's move out.”

The six mares and the pegacorn galloped of towards the edge of the forest. “Ok girls, stay together, the forest is very dangerous at night.” instructed Braveheart as they entered the Everfree.

Brave knew the forest very well, and the fastest route he knew to get to the castle, happened to cross right through his old house. The seven ponies walked for minutes, all of them looking nervously at their surroundings, except for their guide and the carefree party loving earth pony.

Finally Brave found the familiar markings on the trees that had helped him and his parents find their way back home so many times before. As they approached the clearing Brave spoke again, “I need to cast some protective enchantments around the perimeter.” He turned to see the group before continuing “Twilight, Rarity. Could you help me please?”

“Sure we can dear.” Replied the ivory unicorn before the student could question the pegacorn.

“Ok then. Everypony else, go inside the house and grab anything you may need, sorry If it’s a little dusty, I haven’t been here for months.”

The four mares gave him quizzical looks before nodding, and heading towards the house to grab whatever supplies they could find inside.

As the three ponies outside were done casting the spells, Brave gestured the two unicorns to go inside. Once inside, the seven ponies made sure they had everything they needed. Applejack grabbed a rope she had found in the storage room and everypony else had some water to drink.

Some time passed before the question came, but from one of the least expected muzzles. “Umm… Brave how did you know about this place?”

Brave took in a deep breath as he remembered some old memories of his life in the house as he answered “Well Fluttershy, this here used to be my house until a couple months ago….” Brave was interrupted by a loud thunder like sound that was heard on the back side of the house. His face went pale, as he rushed towards the back door, catching a glimpse of a black mist moving towards the forest.

The six mares ran towards him, they watched as he stood in front of a broken stone, staring towards the forest with rage shown on his face, every muscle in his body tensed, his wings flaring. Everypony was too scared to even try to speak with Braveheart.

The silence lasted for what seemed minutes until the pegacorn broke it. Trying to conceal his emotions, Brave instructed in what seemed a calm voice. “Twilight. To get to the castle, just follow the road to the east until you find a cliff, head down, then continue crossing through the east, cut through the river, and use the bridge to cross the cliff, there is a dirt road, so it can’t be that hard to miss.”

“Braveheart, why are you telling me this?” inquired the now worried unicorn.

“Because I’m giving chase to Nightmare Moon, and guiding you towards the castle will take too long, this way I’ll buy you some time.”

Not waiting a single second, Brave spread his wings and started flying towards the direction of where the black mist had gone into the forest. He flew at full speed towards the trees, dodging them, the speedster pegasus could only look with her jaw hanging almost at ground level, as she saw the stunts Braveheart had just performed at such high speeds.

“Umm... girls” called the ivory unicorn “I think I found why Brave left us behind, come and take a look”
The six gathered over the broken slab of stone, Rarity levitated the part that was broken by Nightmare Moon, fidgeted with it so it would match the crack on the rest of the stone, and read “Here lay Dawnstar and Swiftheart. Beloved parents, may you find peace wherever you go... o-oh my…” her eyes became misty as she realized. “This must be Braveheart’s parents…..”

Everypony looked down as the lavender unicorn realized “I had been so harsh on him, and I didn’t even know that he had such a life here on the forest… I-I feel awful”

“Hey gals I hate to break the mood, but we have to hurry. We can be sad later; Brave is buying us time so we can find the Elements of Harmony. ” Exclaimed the party pony expressing some seriousness, that until today, none of the other five mares had never thought she had.

With a nod Twilight lead the group, through the woods, to what would be known as the challenges that determined they were indeed the Elements of Harmony.

After some minutes flying, Braveheart arrived at the castle, Dawnbreaker unsheathed, held in his magic grasp, as he approached the majestic stone doors.

“Where are you? Come out wherever you are and face me!” growled the pegacorn, finally letting all his built up anger explode within him.

“Mwahahaha! Am I supposed to feel threatened by you? You foal! Do you even realize who are you messing with? I am Nightmare Moon, Ruler of darkness, vanquisher of the sun, and since today the new ruler of Equestria!” echoed a sinister voice through the dark and empty halls of the castle, the only visible thing was the monument dedicated to the Elements of Harmony that stood in the middle of the room.

“Do you really think I care who you are? I know all about you, but you know nothing about me. And what you just did in my old home is UNFORGIVABLE!” roared the Pegacorn letting the rage he felt take control over him, searching every corner of the main hall for any lead that would take him to the evil princess.

“Oh my.” smirked the evil voice hidden in the shadows “you are quite the energic one, aren't you? Are you mad that I broke that stone?” Brave was sure that Nightmare Moon was teasing him, and he wouldn't have any of it anymore.

“Show yourself!”Growled Braveheart as hatred filled his eyes.

“Oh how marvelous, you are still at it aren't you? Are you aware that you are dealing with the ruler of darkness?” the evil princess was lost in delight, as she mocked the frustrated pegacorn.

“Come out and fight me, no one disrespects my parent's resting place, and goes unpunished!” Braveheart was now fuming with anger, his sword still readied in his magic grip. “Now come out you coward.”

“What?” Nightmare Moon was caught off guard by the last comment of the pegacorn “How do you dare to call me a coward, foal? I think it's time I teach you a lesson.”

The hall started rumbling, a whisp of smoke appeared and engulfed the pegacorn in a tornado of darkness. Brave opened his eyes, to find him not in the same entrance hallway, but in the throne room, face to face with the dreaded Nightmare Moon.

The mare had snake-like aqua colored eyes, a coat as dark as the midnight sky, and an astral flowing mane that reflected the night sky, her cutie mark was a dark nebula, even darker than the rest of her coat, and a crescent moon floating above the nebula, still she showed no signs of possessing a tail.

“Now prepare yourself little pegacorn, as you now face the power of the night!” the mare of darkness made her horn glow, and out of thin air appeared a blue long sword, with the same symbol as her cutie mark engraved in the center of the hilt, some old equinic runes could be seen on the blade of the weapon. “You'll learn that there is no hope.”

“SHUT UP AND FIGHT!” roared the wrath driven pegacorn, as he galloped towards the evil mare. Sparks flew as steel met steel.

“Heya readers, I bring you some music, for the next action packed scene!!! , well see ya all later.”

“Pinkie what are you doing? Hurry we got to catch up with Brave.”

“Okie dokie lokie Twilight! Oh I almost forgot. Hey reader…. *grin* U mad?”

The swords clashed through the halls, as the two ponies fought.

The two ponies were locked in combat, it was clear that Brave was inferior to Nightmare Moon in every way. Braveheart started to sweat after five minutes of fighting, not being able to inflict any kind of damage on Nightmare Moon.

Brave felt the adrenaline rushing inside his body, making him feel like he was in slow motion, and helping him cool his head off. If he wanted to stand a chance against Nightmare Moon, he would need to save all the energy he could, so that meant no spells, and he had to keep distance, as the mare of darkness had an exceptional physical strength.

The pegacorn docked as the evil mare tried to slash him, hitting a column, and making it fall down just a couple inches away from Braveheart. He rose to his feet, and dashed towards the evil mare, dodging the blue sword as he got closer, when he was just a couple hooves away from his target, Braveheart jumped and made somersault to gain momentum for a downward slash, but was blocked by the blue floating sword controlled by Nightmare Moon.

“You now see, there is no way that you can beat me. From now on hope rides alone.” the evil princess mocked the panting pegacorn.

“Maybe so, but as long as you can't break the will of one pony, you will never win.” Braveheart took a deep breath before continuing. “Even if my bones are broken, and my spirit is trampled on. I will continue to rise, and to oppose anything that may harm this land.”

“Broken bones, huh? You know? That isn't a bad idea.” mocked the evil mare, as she slashed her sword towards the pegacorn’s wing.

Then the sound of a bone breaking came along with a sharp scream of pain, as the silver stallion fell on his left side.

“That's a good armor, if it hadn't been for it, you wouldn't have your wing anymore”

Brave took in deep breaths as he looked at his right wing, now twisted in an unnatural way, blood dripping from the wound caused by the splinters of the bone that stuck out of his plumage. The wing blades her mother used were now in shambles, but, still on place, they had saved him from a far worse injury.

“I think it's time for you to say good night, young pegacorn-” Nightmare moon was interrupted by a small whisp of blue smoke that flew through the room and attached to where her tail should've been ”seems like your friends arrived, maybe I should go greet them.”

The mare teleported away, leaving Brave alone trying to get on his feet. His face became pale as fear overtook him, he couldn't allow her to harm any of his friends.

Not more than fifteen seconds passed before Nightmare moon returned to the throne room, with the Elements of Harmony, and Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight looked at Braveheart, who was still struggling to stand, and then turned her gaze at Nightmare Moon, she took a deep breath, and released all the air in a single short blow with her nose digging one of her front hooves on the ground, earning a mock from the evil princess “you're kidding, right?”

Not thinking twice, the lavender unicorn broke into a full speed gallop, while channeling magic into her horn. Nightmare Moon decided to play her little game, and broke into a gallop, but as the two mares were about to collide Twilight released her spell and teleported to where the Elements rested.

“Come on, I need just a spark.” she pleaded her horn, as she focused.

“You just focus on the spell Twilight, I'll hold her off.” Said the tired Pegacorn, who was now standing between Nightmare Moon and Twilight.

“Do you really think that you can stop me? Have you not learned anything?” There was a note of panic in the voice of the alicorn.

“Maybe so, but I would gladly give my life away to protect any of my friends.” Twilight perked her ears as she heard the pegacorn. After I treated him so badly, he still considers me a friend? She felt a tear slide down her cheek, but kept her focus, the spell was almost done. “And as I told you before, even if you break my bones, I'll rise again.”

“So be it, I'll finish you and that unicorn with one single spell.” The midnight alicorn channeled magic into her horn, and let out a beam as dark as the outer space.

Not wasting any second Brave shouted.”SHINING RAY!” as his horn started glowing in a golden aura, from the tip of the horn a golden ray, seemingly as intense as the sun itself was released. Brave felt how his remaining energy was being sucked away by the spell he had casted.

The two beams clashed, and none seemed to move for a little while, but as time marched on the beam of darkness started to beat the golden ray, Brave saw this and gave more energy to his spell, he just needed to make this fight last a little longer and Twilight would do the rest.

After some seconds both beams ended, the strains of such spells became too much to bear for the casters. Braveheart had withstood the attack of the evil alicorn, but for a price, he was exhausted, low on energy and struggling to remain standing.

On the opposite side of the room Nightmare Moon was panting, how could a mortal pony cause her so much trouble?, she rose her gaze and saw the pegacorn, struggling to remain standing.

Seeing no point in trying to face Braveheart, she teleported in front of the lavender unicorn to disrupt her spell, but a little too late. As she appeared just in between the five Elements of Harmony, Twilight finished her spell, and a spark crackled from her horn, making a shockwave that gave power to the orbs.

The shockwave was so strong that it sent Twilight flying towards Braveheart and with a loud thud! They both fell on the middle of the room.

“No! Nooooo~!” screamed the evil princess, as the elements were being activated. Just as they were starting to gather power, the five orbs stopped working.

“Huh? But where is the sixth element?” exclaimed Twilight, as Nightmare Moon laughed at the feeble attempt of the unicorn to use the elements.

She kept laughing as she stomped the orbs with her hooves causing them to shatter, becoming rubble. “All your efforts were fruitless. How do you feel now young pegacorn? Knowing that all you just did was in vain. And you little foal, thinking you could defeat me? Now you'll never see your princess or your sun. THE NIGHT WILL LAST FOREVER!”

Braveheart was exhausted he couldn't even stand, Twilight was destroyed on the inside, wondering why had the elements failed her. Brave perked up his ears, as he heard the noise of the all too familiar ponies that accompanied Twilight. And with a smirk on his face, Brave answered under his breath. “It's not over yet.... Luna.”

The sounds of the ponies nearby brought Twilight back to reality, causing a spark within her. She turned to Nightmare Moon, confidence showing in her eyes.

“Do you think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that?” asked the lavender unicorn as she turned to see the midnight alicorn. “Well you are wrong! The spirits of the Elements of Harmony are right here!” the five other ponies gathered beside her, and as Twilight explained why each pony represented an element, some of the rubble of the Elements of Harmony would float towards that pony, and engulfing it in an aura.

Brave, too tired by his fight, fainted at this point, the last thing that he heard before blackening out was the shrieking voice of Nightmare Moon as she was hit by the power of the Elements of Harmony.

“Braveheart, you did great.”

“Huh? Who's there?”

“It’s me Celestia. Right now Twilight and her friends are purifying the body of my dear sister.”

“So they did it, they saved Princess Luna.”

“It's all thanks to your efforts, if you hadn't fought Nightmare Moon, then maybe she would have won, you gave Twilight and her friends the time they needed, to discover who they were, and for that I'll forever be in your debt.”

“It was nothing princess, I'm just glad you are safe.”

“Rest now Braveheart, I will use my magic to heal you as best as I can.”

Brave started to wake up, he felt the cold stone floor that was under his frame. The smell of moss and humidity that reined the gloomy halls of the abandoned castle. Then he heard eight sets of hooves, each clicked against the ground in a different manner. Finally regaining control over his body Braveheart shook his head and groaned. As he opened his eyes he saw all the ponies in the throne room looking at him except for the lavender unicorn, which was looking to the floor, relief visible on their faces.

“Hey look! He’s waking up! Hiya there sleepy head!” exclaimed an over hyped Pinkie Pie.

“Oh my! I-it’s good to see that you are ok.” said Fluttershy a weak smile on her face as she blushed.

“Oh My Gosh! Braveheart you’re so awesome. Even as awesome as me” this time Rainbow Dash with a grin that resembled that of a foal looking at his/her idol.

“You should participate in the rodeo; you gave quite a show sugar cube.” The honest smile of Applejack shone brightly.

“Oh, Braveheart! You had us all worried.” Cried Rarity.

Brave smiled to them all as they spoke, and stood up as Rarity ended. He inspected his body, and found that all the small injuries that he had received during the battle had been healed, his wing was no longer twisted and broken, but was still sore; he wasn’t going to be able to fly for a short while. He then looked at Princess Celestia, then to Princess Luna. And as he was going to bow before them, Celestia stopped him.

“You don’t need to bow Brave. I can’t thank you enough for helping saving my little sister. ”

“It was nothing your highness.” Said Braveheart. “I was just doing my job.”

“I-I wanted to apologize, sir Braveheart, for all the inconveniences that my other self hath given thou.” Spoke the princess of the night in an apologetically tone. As Brave took a closer look at her, he noticed that she now possessed half the height that Nightmare Moon had, her coat color was a blue several tones brighter than her alter self, and instead of possessing a cosmic mane, she had a regular blue mane, and tail. “Especially the incident with your parents’ burial site.”

Brave looked at the midnight princess in the eye before bowing. “It wasn’t your fault princess, it was Nightmare Moon’s, I’m just glad this is all over.”

Brave turned his gaze towards Twilight, who was away from the entire group staring through one of the windows of the hall. Twilight’s ears perked up as she heard the clicking of Braveheart’s hoof steps closing in.

“We did it Twilight.” Exclaimed Braveheart satisfied, as he approached the unicorn from behind.

“You said that you knew and understood why I didn’t like you. Can you tell me the reasons?” said Twilight in a gloomy tone, not even turning to see Braveheart.

Brave took his right hoof and placed it under his chin. “Well, ever since you rejected my help the first time, I went and did a little research on you, I asked the guards, consulted the royal archives, and even asked Princess Celestia when I had the chance.” Brave took a deep breath before continuing. “It’s because of your brother Shining Armor, who joined the ranks of the royal army, it pains you to see him marching towards some mission far away, and fearing that he would never come back. And all the guards that tried to help you were just a constant reminder of him to you.”

“That is all true, but I also was jealous of you.” Replied Twilight as she turned around her cheeks stained from the tears she had shed.

“Huh? Me? And why is that?” asked Braveheart.

“When I first saw you on the Canterlot Coliseum, seeing you use rank A spells with such ease, made me feel uneasy. I had been the only unicorn up until now that had been able to cast a Rank B spell at such a young age; I guess I was a little intimidated too. Can you forgive me for being such a jerk?” pleaded Twilight.

Braveheart stared her with a warm and friendly smile, as he reached with his right hoof towards her left shoulder. “Of course I forgive you, and there is no reason to feel intimidated, I may know some rank A spells, all of them are combat related. But I don’t know much more magic aside from that, only a few shield spells, and then all is rank D magic. I can’t even teleport.” That earned a soft chuckle from the lavender unicorn, who then reached to give a hug towards Braveheart.

All the other mares were watching the scene now, some giggling, and some dawww’ing.

Braveheart broke the hug, and said “C’mon Twilight we need to move before all the creatures in the forest wake up.” Brave turned his head and directed to the whole group. “Let’s move, we have a lot of walking to do.”

“Yeah! And don’t forget that we need to throw a super-duper-pinkielicieous welcome back party for Princess Luna” cheered Pinkie.

It had been a while since they returned to Ponyville, and Pinkie wasted no time in making the party. Streamers, balloons, whatever party supply you can name was already adorning the streets of the town.

Braveheart was looking at the scene, as Celestia gave Twilight Sparkle the mission to stay in Ponyville, and learn about the magic of friendship.

Noticing the pegacorn all eight mares came closer, as also did Lyra and Bonbon.
Princess Celestia was the first one to speak as she came closer “Braveheart, you have done us a great favor, and I think it is finally time that I stick to the end of our bargain.”

The Pegacorn gave her a quizzical look as he tried to make do of the princess words. “Whatever do you mean your highness?”

“Well,” the princess breathed some of the warm air that surrounded Ponyville. “When we met, you told me you would join the guard on one condition. To be stationed here in Ponyville.”
All the other mares fell silent as they heard what the princess was saying.

“I will relieve you from all your other duties as a royal guard, but, you still have a responsibility with the Dawn Warriors, so if needed you will be called to service.” She kept her gaze upon the now beaming face of the pegacorn. “Do I make myself clear?”

Brave’s face turned into one of seriousness as he gave a salute. “Sir, yes sir.”

“At ease soldier” said Celestia between giggles.

All the other ponies then came and congratulated Braveheart, as things quieted down, Twilight finally asked. “Hey Braveheart, just who were your parents? Their names sound very familiar to me. That is if you want to talk about them.”

“Yeah, I’ve always wanted to know!” chimed Lyra in succession “They must have been terrific ponies.”

Braveheart just smiled as he took in some air. “Well, my parent’s names were Dawnstar, and Swiftheart. And they both used to be commanders of the Royal Army.”

“No way, that is so cool!” Exclaimed Rainbow Dash, in a fascinated tone.

“Wait just a second…” interrupted the lavender unicorn. “Are you talking about THE commanders Dawnstar and Swiftheart?”

“He sure is.” Interrupted Celestia “They were some of the most valorous and most caring ponies I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet.”

“Ah knew since the first day ah met ya that you were made of tough material.” Said AJ in a teasefully as she punched Braveheart on the shoulder. The silver pegacorn just smiled back.

“Oh oh! I know, tell us a story about them princess!” said Pinkie as she hopped around princess Celestia.

“Oh, I would really love to hear a story about them,” said Fluttershy, and in a tone that went almost unheard she said “that is if you don’t mind”

“I would love to hear about Braveheart’s parents.” Exclaimed Rarity.

“Yes sister, please indulge us.” Said Luna, curiosity in her eyes.

Braveheart turned his neck to see Celestia. “I would also love to hear them princess.”

“Okay then.” giggled Celestia “Since everypony is so eager to hear about Brave’s parents I’ll tell you of their first mission together….” Celestia told the story of how the two ponies met, and how their first mission went, about how they started to develop a relationship. And time passed as more anecdotes of his parents were stored into Braveheart’s soul.