VIP Access

by Shadowflash

First published

A lucky human gets to meet the Wonderbolts!

For years, a portal was created by human scientists to find new life in another dimension. As they opened said portal, they found the world of sentient-life forms; Equestria. After the many debates and arguments between the horse-beings and humans, the two have finally accepted to co-exist, together.
A recent airshow, performed by the Wonderbolts, has attracted a lot of ponies, and even humans. Many humans have to watch via-blimps or balloons, but, one particular had access to a more... VIP encounter.
Anthony is this said VIP. He will be one of the first humans to traverse the cloud-stadium and even meet the Wonderbolts themselves! How will this end for Anthony, though? Just wait, and read.

Artist: Quanno3

Ms. Fire, Setting My World Afire

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VIP Access

Ms. Fire, Setting My World Afire

By -- Shadowflash

Edit/Pre-read by -- Gunsmith

Special thanks to -- Guy_Incognito, NeoAlicornofTwilight and Regidar for being very helpful with this

It's been years since I've been anywhere near Equestria. It's so hard to avoid, what with having ponies cross over constantly, alongside humans. I find it worse that the ‘bronies’ make a big deal over it. I mean, they're just fluffy, adorable little ponies; I don't see the what all hubbub is about. Anyways, better start off with introductions.

My name is Anthony. Born and raised in Canada. Beautiful country; free health care, decent wages, and above all -- snow. But, I won't go into detail about that. I mean, there are a lot of bad things in Canada. Our government is a bunch of redneck hicks who can't figure out how to give the natives proper reprimand for stealing their land, and alongside that, they can't make laws worth shit.

I should really explain more about me, though. I'm twenty-two years old, brown hair, green eyes, and have a stature of six foot-ish. I find myself to be a decent guy, but I tend to get uneven in heated debates; especially over politics. The state of it, mostly, and how I could probably run this country better than Harper Junior.

I enjoy playing games, what guy doesn't, really? I'm into the female persuasion (bow-chicka-bow-wow) and I enjoy the company of animals. I even have a pet dog named Rex, because Rex is Latin for ‘king’ (Original, amiright?). Anywho, it's time to really delve more on this Equestria thing I mentioned earlier.

Just around a few years ago, a massive portal opened up. Quite a few, actually. They just sprouted up everywhere, and everyone started to panic. The religious yelling out their propaganda about their God, the conspiracy theorists shouting about aliens and the end of days, scientists baffled, stock crashes, et cetera. After the portals fully opened, what comes out? Harmless ponies. Many of them.

People gathered around each portal like a campfire, glaring at the many ponies coming out of them in confusion. Pegasi, unicorns, and the ‘basic’ ponies we have here, on Earth. Problem is, these ponies look like marshmallows compared to our horses (probably why I'm calling them ponies instead of horses, really). And to top it all off, the ponies started to speak English.

Nearly everyone fainted; literally, I was at one of those portals. Baffled by their sentience, scientists started asking billions of questions, and even tried to experiment on the ponies. I felt bad for them, and even harboured a few in my care for a while until the worst of it blew over. After a year of them coming to Earth, scientists’ experiments died down, and the ponies started living among us.

Shortly after, maybe a couple months after they began living in our society, humans started crossing over into their world. We had to get a certain pass to cross over, but we eventually did. We found that the environments and resources there were ripe, rich, and beautiful. Many humans wanted to take the free resources for themselves, seeing these ponies looked defenseless. They were wrong.

No, in fact, these ponies knew how to protect their land with . . . well, magic. The magic overcame our human advances in weapons and basically made humans withdraw out of fear. The ponies of the world, which was named 'Equestria', never invaded, but simply stopped visiting.

Another few months passed, and another problem was out of the way. Seeing humans couldn't take the resources, the world leaders decided to talk to the Equestrian diplomats and make peace; trade was established between our worlds to build trust. It really enriched our lives, and let us humans experience something completely new.

Which takes us to today. I visited Equestria once, and it was wonderful. I've taken the liberty of buying tickets to an airshow called the 'Wonderbolts Bananza'. They're supposedly this group of Pegasi that flies amazingly well. Not only did I buy tickets, I bought a VIP pass. People kept telling me I was crazy, since the passes were meant for Pegasi that could walk on clouds. I just smiled at them and laughed.

I have a few tricks up my sleeve, clever bastard that I am. Not only do I have VIP passes, but I convinced a unicorn to cast an apparently simple spell that allows me to walk on clouds. I bought him a 'Honourary Pass' as payment, which puts him in the front row. He accepted the deal and told me to meet him near the stadium on the day of the show.

Well, it's that day, and it's time to meet this team. I've always been one to enjoy flying marshmallows! Ha! Oh, I crack myself up sometimes . . . Goodness . . .


I arrived at the Air Balloon Centre. Basically, humans ride in the balloons to access the airshows. They're free of charge, because you pay for the ride with purchase of the ticket. I'm flying my balloon straight to the city of 'Cloudsdale', where the show is being hosted.

The Balloon Centre was filled with many deflated hot-air balloons and their pilots. They all sat an even distance from each other, from what I could tell, and both ponies and humans were talking, as the show was about ten minutes from starting. I walked up to one of the balloons, seeing the unicorn I spoke to a while back standing there.

He has a chestnut-brown mane, and a milk chocolate brown coat. On his flank -- though I try not to stare -- is an hourglass, a ‘cutie mark’ representing their special talent. His tail was the same colour as his mane, and was medium-length, and frizzy. Was adorable, even if he was a stallion.

"Hey, good to see you made it." I said, seeing him jump. Clearly spooked.

"By Celestia, don't sneak up on me like that!" I laughed, mainly at his little British accent.

"Sorry, sorry. Anyways, I have your ticket here, ready to cast that spell?" I asked, and he looked at me worriedly.

"Well, I've done some research, and there may be some very minor side-effects, lightheadedness, mainly. Is that fine with you?" I nodded. Shouldn't kill me to have a light head. Too much info in my brain, anyways.

"Well, alrighty. This'll take a moment, stand still." He said as he dipped his horn downward, pointing it at me.

His horn vibrated as a yellow glow emanated from it, and electricity started to flow around the base, to the tip, in a small ball of light. It bounced through the air to my feet, and I could feel it tickling me. I held back the urge to laugh my ass off from the tickle torture in my shoes. This continued for about a minute, then his magic dissipated.

"There. Don't worry about me, I'll cast it for myself on the way up. Ready to go?" I smiled and nodded to him. He was pretty friendly, and I'm glad he took my offer.

I passed him his ticket, and he took it within his golden glow once more. We walked over to the balloon basket, and told the pilot that was standing there to ready up. He did so, turning on the flame for the balloon and making it inflate, rising in the air. After a minute or two, the pilot gestured for us to hop in.

I jumped in, and helped the two in afterwards. The pilot started to pull some switches, and undo the ropes connected to the sandbags that held the balloon to the ground. Slowly, but surely, we ascended into the sky. Luckily, I'm not one afraid of heights, and the sight was beautiful.

The sun beamed in the sky upon the emerald-green plains, the amethyst mountains, and the golden city that stood upon the mountain to our northeast. It was beautiful, how this world looked. Not as industrial as the humans, still intact and filled with life. I admired every minute in that sky.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I looked over at that British unicorn and smiled.

"Beyond beautiful. Words can't describe the sight. Looks better than my world, that's for sure!" The stallion laughed and I joined in. I even heard the pilot chuckling.

"Well, I enjoy your world, too. You have many luxuries our world just can't supply. Although it smells bad in the more industrial areas . . . I think that's what you call it, right?" I nodded, and he gave a small smile, his blue eyes darting upward as something caught his eye.

I looked up as well, and saw the city of Cloudsdale. Streams of rainbows were flowing downwards to the ground, dissipating in a misty cloud of colourful smoke. The entire city itself was structured of clouds, and basically sang Pegasi-only. I never thought it'd be this mind-boggling, though, and I really couldn't describe it.

"So," came a gruff from behind me, "The stadium is just over there, and should take a minute to get to. I saw ya two get some special ol' spell, so, want me to set you down?" I look to the stallion, and then back to the pilot.

We both nodded, and the pilot started to flick some switches and levers. The balloon started to gain a bit of speed and altitude, then steadied itself towards the 'stadium' the pilot was referring to. It looked much like the Colosseum back in Rome, only made out of clouds, really. Cloud pillars and a bunch of flags, nothing too special.

A massive platform is beneath the stadium, though. Stairs went upwards to the entrance, and many 'B' spots were laid out, most likely for balloons with Pegasi that were too old, or too young, to fly. Took us a minute or so to land, and I slowly hopped out, placing a foot on the cotton candy-like floor. It felt soft, but dense, like a carpeted floor.

"Guessed the spell worked. Perfect!" I smiled with glee, looking over to the stallion walking away.

"Hey! I never got your name!" I yelled, and he turned around.

"Just call me . . . Smith." He smiled, before he disappeared in a flash of white.

Smith? What kind of pony is named Smith? Sounds like I've heard it before . . . Bah, nevermind.

I shrugged off the thought, and the odd scene, and went to the entrance. I was greeted by a lot of odd stares by the Pegasi here. Many of them just looked at me like I was a stick in the mud; assuming that stick was fucking huge. I just saw a massive line, labeled 'Regulars' and a small gate to its left labelled 'VIPs'. I assume that's where I'm suppose to go.

"Halt!" A wing stops me, and I look over to see a burly stallion, at my head-level, staring at me.

He's wearing black shades, and a black shirt of some kind on the front of his body. His coat is a sickly black, and his mane is white as paper. He just grunts at me, and speaks.

"Show me your pass, human." He says, and I pull it out of my pocket, presenting it to him.

He reads it over, and I see his wing unlatch the gate. He gives me a light smirk, and a grunt of displeasure.

"Enjoy your show." So much for customer service. Must not be a fan of humankind. I sigh, walking through, into the large corridor.

As I traveled through the cloud filled corridor, I could hear the roar of excitement from the stadium. The light of the exit in front of me was collapsing around me, and filled my eyes with a beautiful sight as I passed through it. Many ponies were cheering and roaring for the ponies that sat in the middle. They were all wearing a blue, spandex-like suit which covered them from head to toe. Some of their muzzles, their eyes, and their manes and tails showed, though. Seven of them were in the centre, and they all looked brilliant.

I looked around and found the pit for VIPs. I walked into it, and saw a few ponies sitting there, taking up seats next to name reserved places. I took the one most appropriate, and the name of a plane back home; ‘Spitfire’. I smiled as I watched the show begin, clouds flying overhead to darken the stadium.

This is going to be good . . .

"Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadies and Gentlemen! Fillies and Gentlecolts! Humans and Ponies! Welcome to the Air Show Twenty-Four-Seven spectacular!" The crowd roared around me, and I clapped, smiling at the group in the middle.

"Now, let's introduce some of the newbies to the team!" Spotlights, coming from the openings in the clouds above, lit up the ponies in the centre.

"Fleetfoot, fastest pegasus to race against the Wonderbolts and win!" A spotlight fell on a pony with a bright blue mane and tail, with hints of white in it.

"Soarin', an electrifying stallion who just loves to crack jokes and eat pies!" The spotlight moved over to a dark blue mane-and-tail pony, who was smiling at the crowd.

"Rainbow Dash, a new member to the team, and the only Pegasus to create a Sonic Rainboom!" The crowd cheered as the spotlight moved over to a rainbow-maned pony, and she stood on her hind-legs, waving to everyone in the stadium.

"Aero Cloud, a Pegasus who just loves to chill on clouds, and enjoys creating smoke with his tail!" The spotlight flew over a white maned Pegasus, who started to swish his tail around. I swear I could see a cloud forming from the speed of his tail.

"And the Captain. The lean, the mean, the phoenix-fire creating machine . . . " The crowds cheers died, and the announcer took a breath before speaking, "Spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitfire!" The crowd exploded as the spotlight fell onto a pony with a fire-like mane and tail. It was orange and yellow, and waved gently in the wind that flew through the stadium.

"Now, are you ready for some entertainment, everypony, and human, alike?!" Cheering erupted everywhere, and the announcer soon chuckled.

"Quick, hit the music!" As that command was given, the announcer's voice went away, and music erupted from seemingly nowhere.

As the music started, the five in the middle immediately jumped off the middle platform, diving downwards before quickly pulling upwards. They all started to perform a ‘cuban eight’, which is just two circles put together much like a figure eight, at extremely fast speeds. Rainbow Dash and Spitfire brushed past each other where the circles met, and soon, sparks erupted; sparks of fire and colorful light.

They all pulled out of it, except the Captain and Dash. Soarin and Fleetfoot started flying into the centre of the figure eight, creating a circle themselves. After they all gained the same speed as Spitfire and Dash, Aero Cloud started to whirl himself in a complete barrel roll. Clouds started to spin out of him like crazy, mixing in with the massive show below.

Soon, mini-tornadoes were occurring, and as this happened, all of the Wonderbolts exploded outwards, causing the tornadoes to explode in a flurry of clouds and rainbows. I saw Spitfire and Dash look to each other, and immediately shot upwards into the dark clouds. The other three started to perform a set of hammerhead turns, and inside loops; most likely to buy time.

Fleetfoot was starting to race in a circle around the base of the stadium, slowly moving up to where the stands were. Her wing was grazing over the many pony-children that were excited to be there, and she let off smiles, as she passed by the VIP booth.

Soarin' was spinning wildly in the centre, around the cloud platform. Small bolts of electricity were exploding upwards, and falling around him in an orb. To help him, Aero was encasing the electric bolts in his clouds, soon exploding into a mass of fireworks.

After all of this, they stopped, pointing upwards to the sky, moving to three points of the base. The dark clouds dispersed as I could see Spitfire and Dash flying in a nose-dive at incredible speeds. As they neared the stadium, I noticed cones forming around their hooves they held in front of them. Soon, they immediately exploded forward, an explosion of rainbows hitting the crowd, and fire pushing upwards into the sky.

Spitfire and Dash pulled up at the last second, intertwining themselves in a fire-rainbow. The flames gave great compliments to the rainbow spiral, as I looked upwards. The flames were slowly dying out, and soon, the group was on the platform in the centre.

Everypony cheered in excitement, clapping (their hooves, I guess) together wildly. I couldn't help but join in the commotion, and the announcer came on the PA.

"Unfortunately, folks, we need to cut this short. Turns out that the group has to help Cloudsdale's factory out for delivering rainbows! However, we're willing to each give you Wonderbolt dolls for free, and an extra pass to visit their next show in two weeks! Have a wonderful day!" The crowd cheered, even if the news was a bit upsetting, it was still a very exciting show.

The music was off by now, and I could see the group heading towards the VIP pit. They all had pulled off the hood of their suits, and their goggles. The captain walked straight to me.

"Well, I'll be, a human. How'd ya get up here?" She asked, with her adorable and raspy voice.

"I had a unicorn help me out. Pleasure to meet you Miss . . . erm . . . Fire." I held out a hand and she put her hoof in it. It felt odd, since she was still wearing the spandex suit, but I shook her hoof anyways.

"No need to call me by Miss Fire," she laughed, and the group joined in, "too formal." I smiled and the other ponies behind me were watching.

"Look, I'll take the human. You guys handle the rest?" The team behind her nodded, and Spitfire gestured for me to follow her.

Oh boy, fun stuff. I get to meet the Captain herself. What a day!


"One moment, going to remove this suit. Kind of sweaty in it." I nod, as she walks into a locker room.

She had lead me to a large room, filled with the pictures of each Wonderbolt. Fleetfoot, Rainbow Dash, Soarin', and Aero Cloud. Along with these pictures, there were quite a few couches, and even a couple beds. I assumed since they're a big team, they get exhausted and basically collapse after a show. I know I would.

I hop onto one of the couches, feeling its texture, finding it’s made of some sort of cotton material. Felt comfy, that was sure. Better than that springboard crap at home. I lay my head in my hand for a moment, only to be greeted by Spitfire once more. My eyes widened.

Her mane was gorgeous out of that suit. It flew backwards like fire, and was orange and yellow. It matched her bright yellow coat, which looked freshly cleaned. Her eyes were a gentle amber colour, and her body shape was very toned for a mare. If I had to choose between a horse and a pony to look at, I'd choose pony.

"See something you like?" She laughs and I shake my head.

"Sorry; you look a lot better without that suit." I smile, and she just giggles.

"Yeah, I get that a lot. By the way, what's your name?" she asks, moving next to me and sitting on her rump.

"Anthony. You can call me Andy or something. Up to you," I say, looking at the way she's sitting.

Much like a dog, on their butt, back legs spread to the side a bit, and their forelimbs just between their back legs. It was much more adorable, though, considering she's basically a yellow marshmallow... God, I gotta stop thinking of them as that, it’s making me hungry.

"So, anything you want to do, Andy?" Spitfire's amber gaze looks into my eyes, and I smile.

"Well, I want to know more about you, you know? Ponies are still new to our world, and I'd like to get a better look at you." I smile, then realize my mistake. "N-not in that sense, though!" I laugh, nervously. I can feel heat rise to my face.

She just giggles. "Sure, sure. Well, about me, really not much to say. I was born a flier, and love flying more than anything. I eventually built a big enough reputation and joined the Wonderbolts. Back then, when I was a bit younger, the Wonderbolts was lead by Thorn Cloud. Thick-headed guy, but he was nice enough. Always made sure we did it right." Spitfire smiled, and I nodded.

"But, about us ponies? Really, I don't understand how the portal thing worked. I heard Celestia and Luna planned on opening a portal to a new world, for us ponies to explore and enjoy. It was a harsh two years in the beginning, but, I'm glad we can co-exist now. Although I've met a lot of angry humans. I also keep getting humans to take pictures with me, too. What's up with that?" Her head cocks a bit in question, and I just laugh.

"There's these people called 'bronies'. They love the shit, pardon my French, out of ponies. Before, you were just a cartoon to us. They didn't think you were actually real. But, whatever. I'm not one of them. I just find you ponies adorable to look at." I smile, and then shake my head, "Err, not in that way, at least! Heh . . . " I feel heat rise to my face again.

God, I'm stupid.

"Keep fumbling on your words, you might land somewhere you don't want to be, Andy." She giggles, and I just shake my head.

"What about you, Andy? Tell me about yourself." I smile and nod.

"Well, I was raised in Canada. Beautiful country, just an awful government. I think myself to be a decently educated fellow, but I always find it hard to focus on one thing. I usually branch out to something new every minute, and it bugs the crap out of me when I do. It's like I have a dog in my brain yelling ‘squirrel!' whenever I try to focus on something." I sigh and just shake my head.

"But, to go over my occupation and what-not, I'm just a simple office worker, at the moment. Took a bit to land that job, but it's decent pay. I just fill out some easy paper work, do some math, and bam, Done." I laugh. It actually wasn't that easy. But, for the sake of not going over how shitty my job is, I just lied.

"Sounds like fun." I see her roll her eyes slightly. Was she not wanting to be here . . . ?

"Erm . . .yeah . . . " I cough for a moment, then see her staring off to another part of the room.

"Look, if you don't want me to be here, I don't have to be." I say as politely as I can. She just looks over to me with a frown on her face.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Spitfire growls at me, and I back down.

"N-nothing . . . You just seem bored." Honestly, I thought I was a little fun. Guess not.

"Nngh . . . I'm . . . I’m just tired of doing these stupid VIP things. It's always boring. I either get awkward little kids, adult ponies who obsess over me, or just some colt who wants to get me in the sack." She crosses her forelimbs over her chest, and I raise a brow.

"You don't have to be here. You can just let your team handle it." I suggest, and she shakes her head.

"No, I can't. They'll screw it up. Besides, I have to be strong for my team. I just wish somepony would realize maybe it’s hard to be strong. Maybe actually understand what I have deal with." She sighs, her eyes falling to the floor.

"I hear ya . . . " I realize I’ve said that out loud, and she looks over to me.

"What do you mean?" I sigh, seeing as I can't withdraw my statement anymore.

"Well, I'm not famous, but people expect a lot out of me. They think I'm perfect, some smart kid who landed a job with nothing. They don't realize I worked my ass off for my education, had to pay off loads of debt, and basically load myself with paperwork every night so I don't lose my job." I take a breath, and then continue.

"I just wish they didn't expect so much out of me. I swear, if I was a boss of a company, I'd know how it feels to be piled in work, and would give my employees a bit of a break. I'm expected to work on holidays, too!" I sigh, and clench my fists. I really do hate my job, sometimes.

"Well, we I guess we have something in common . . . " She smiles a little. We sit quietly for a minute as I think about this.

"What music do you like?" I ask.

"Anything, really. Except co--"

"--ountry?" We both say. She laughs, as do I.

"I really hate country. It's awful. Your country music is ten times worse, though." Spitfire giggles after she says this.

"Do you play any games?" She nods.

"I've tried out some of the games you humans have, on those console thingies. I enjoy that game with the little hackie-sacks and you build things with materials. It's adorably fun." I laugh, knowing she's talking about Little Big Planet.

"That game is amazing. I enjoy playing it when I don't have to work, and need a stress relief." She smiles, and I see her move a bit closer to me.

"Maybe we have a little more in common than I thought." She looks at the ground then starts to speak again.

"Favourite sport?"

"Dodgeball," we both answer.

"Favourite board game?"

"Monopoly." We both answer, again.

"Favourite prehistoric creature?"

"Pterodactyl." Again.

"Wow, we really do have a lot in common." I laugh, and Spitfire joins in.

"Yeah . . . " She moves a bit closer to me. I can feel the heat of her flank against my thigh. I look down, and then back at her. She's smiling, giving me 'bedroom eyes'.

"Heh . . . uhm . . . Why're you looking at me like that?" I ask, a bit afraid of the answer.

"Like what?" She continues to stare at me with her half-closed eyes, and I can feel her starting to move herself on me. I start to move away a bit, and she just giggles.

"Oh, come on Andy. Let's have a bit of fun. We have plenty in common . . . And you aren't a complete jerk about it, either." She moves closer, and I relax a bit, but remain uneasy.

"It doesn't seem right. You're a . . . a p-pony . . . I don't know if I want to have that weight on my shoulders," I say, sighing a bit.

"What weight?" she questions.

"Being the first human to have sex with a pony?" I half answer, half question.

"Pfft. Like it matters too much. C'mon, nopony is here, and nopony will know about but you and I." She moves closer, and I find myself laying on the couch, and her on top of me.

Her head moves close to my neck, and I can feel her kissing it. This is happening, isn't it? Well, shit . . . At least she's sentient . . . Fuck it, whatever. Let’s see what happens. I don't push her off, after this thought, and let her continue. She pulls away for a moment, and looks at me.

"How about it, Andy?" I smile and nod.

"Why the hell not? You only live once." Fuck me for saying that. Such a quirky saying.

She giggles and returns to kissing my neck. Her lips were softly brushing against the scruff, and it felt amazing. I can feel the moisture her lips gave off, and the tenderness in each kiss, as if she meant it. I felt her hooves slide my shirt upwards, so I lifted my arms to let it slide off. Spitfire looked down at my stomach, and glancing it up and down. I have to admit, I'm not a toned guy, but, I was decently skinny.I felt some pride when she continued kissing.

Her kisses slowly moved downward to my chest, kissing in between my pecs and slowly moving down to my stomach. Her hooves gave my sides a graceful touch, and warmly tickled them. I emitted a laugh and I could hear her giggle as she met my pants. Her mouth was nibbling on the button, undoing it with her tongue.

I was surprised when she did, slowly unzipping my pants and pulling them down, and off of me. All that was left were my briefs. I was kind of erect from the kisses, and she just looked at the lump in my briefs.

"I don't think I should be the one pleasing you first . . . I think you should earn it." She giggles, and I roll my eyes. Why is it that girls always do this? Whatever.

"Shouldn't be hard . . . I hope." I smile, as I see her lay on her back. "Come here . . . Show me what those fingers can do . . . "

I smile, and move forward, close to her. I lean down and kiss her on the lips, slowly repeating kisses and making my way to her neck. Softly nip her neck, and she lets off a soft moan. Slowly, I make my way down her chest, all the way down to her soft stomach. I see her teats, and decide to ignore them, seeing as they aren't really the same as human breasts.

I slowly and gently kiss down to her vulva, slowly lapping at her lips. I can hear her moans and cries for more as I gently tease her. If I have to work for it, I want to make it as painful as possible for her. Slowly, I treat her labia to gentle vibrations from my tongue, and gently, I caress her clitoris with a small vibration, quickly moving off of it.

Spitfire lets off another moan, growling lightly. "Stop . . . I want . . . Ahh . . . I want it . . . " I chuckle as I gently continue licking everything but her clitoris. I always move close to it, and just as I am about to lick it, I move away. Her moans change to groans, as I know she wants it badly. The wetness from her marehood is showing clearly, and I just laugh at her efforts to woo me into moving in.

But, after a few more minutes of doing this, I feel her push my tongue onto her clitoris, and I just laugh internally. I start licking her clitoris, and feel her wetness increase. Spitfire's moans become louder and louder, as I push and prod my tongue against her clitoris. I bring a couple fingers to her sexes entrance and slide them in, gently caressing their insides and feeling her internal warmth.

I hear Spitfire moan louder, letting out soft screams. I speed up, pushing my fingers deeper, and start pushing against her clitoris with my thumb and my tongue.

"Oh, Celestia, Andy...!" Spitfire lets out a scream, and just before I know she's about to peak, I pull away.

She looks at me, frowning.

"Hey, you have to earn that, you know . . . " I wink at her and she just smiles, devilishly.

Slowly, she clambers over to me, removing my briefs and showing my erect member. I grew hard in the process of pleasing this little bonfire, and she knew it. Spitfire glared over my penis, breathing hotly upon it. The breath just made my already warm sex increase in temperature, and she knew I wasn't enjoying it.

I kept shifting as I wanted her to push forward. She didn't attack me back with teasing like I did to her, but, instead took it in her mouth. All of it. It felt amazing inside her mouth. I could feel her large tongue encasing my member in its velvety goodness. The warm liquids in her mouth and the back of her throat made the experience even better.

Spitfire pushed on and off of my member, and I felt a hoof rub my jojos below. The rubbing of those, along with the sucking just overcame me. My heartbeat was increasing and her speed was, as well. I felt her bobbing push further and further; her gagging was becoming more prominent, as well.

I felt as if I was going to explode. "Oh . . . God, yes . . . so close . . . " I wish I didn't say this, because Spitfire pulled off immediately, grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh . . . co- . . . come on . . . " I sigh, and she just laughs.

"I think we can move on to the real sex, anyways." I don't even need to nod, because she moves on top of me.

I can see her glistening marehood hover above my member, teasing it with its wetness. Slowly, I place my hands on her flank, and grab the evenly toned muscles. Even for a horse, she still had quite a plump butt, and I was okay with this. As I grab Spitfire's butt, I push her marehood onto my manhood. They both meet, and slide together; a squishy sound that I wish I didn't hear was emanated as I push her onto me.

"F-- . . . fuuuuu~uuuck!" Spitfire clenches her eyes shut, as I slowly push it into her.

But, as I fully entered her, she lets out a moan of relief and joy. I started to moan, as well, feeling her tightness. My God, she's tighter than a virgin at a school for all girls . . . that's Catholic. She slowly pushes her groin on mine, and I thrust in opposing force inside of her.

Spitfire continues to let out moans, and she leans downwards, kissing my neck. I can't help but kiss her fuzzy neck back, and grip her flank tighter. Her soft body against mine felt perfect. The couch being soft added for even more relaxation to the euphoria drilling into both of us.

I can feel her wetness peak further, I know she's close, and we've barely started. I'm close again, too, and I start to increase in thrusting, pushing deeper into her and making her moan louder. Spitfire's vagina clenches around my manhood as I push further into her. Her moans start to turn into screams, and I roll us over.

She's now under me, as I push in and out of her, gripping her flanks within my hands. Spitfire's eyes are clenched shut, and I'm gritting my teeth to hold out. I feel the urge to explode, but I'm forcing every muscle in my body to relax to make sure she goes first. As the saying goes 'ladies first!'.

"Oh, Celestia! YES! ANNNNDY~" She sings my name as she screams in orgasm. I finally burst, unable to hold it.

I feel my member push a lot more than I expected into her. I could literally see the fluid leak out of her marehood, and onto the couch. I can't help but pull out -- which was my mistake. As I removed it, spurts gently landed on her stomach and chest, and I facepalmed at my mistake.

"Heh . . . sorry . . . " I say, smiling gingerly to her.

I see Spitfire drag a hoof down to the semen, and bring it to her mouth, licking it. God, that's fucking hot. "It's fine." She giggles and I fall on my back.

"Th- . . . that was a lot different than human sex, that's for sure . . . " I sigh, and I feel her snuggle on top of me. Her breathing is heavy, and sporadic, but gently falling onto my chest.

"Andy . . . ?" I hear her quietly ask, my eyes closed now.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" I laugh, quietly, and hear her giggle.

"I'd . . . love to, Spitfire. I really would." I smile to myself, wrapping my arms around the plush pony named Spitfire.

Ms. Fire, Ascending The Flames of Desire

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Ms. Fire, Ascending The Flames of Desire


So, after about my little 'fun time' with Spitfire, we set to meet up in a few days for a date -- seeing as she had to help out with that Rainbow Factory thing. Whatever that meant. Anywho, I decided to take a visit to the nearby areas of the place. Turns out, there's a nice, quiet, town of Ponyville where a historical landmark is placed for a few big events that happened in the past few years.

I took the liberty of having my pilot fly me there; of course I had to pay him extra... After the little fiasco over the CAD to BITS deal. I hate currency exchange... Anyways, on our way there, he pointed out some hotspots for me to check out near Ponyville. The Ponyville Town Hall, it's Library, and the Bakery. Apparently 'Sugar Cube Corner', as he called it, sells a lot of varied foods that taste absolutely delicious. Guess I can indulge in my sweet tooth...

"Say..." I spoke over to the pilot, who just raised an ear to me.

"What's it like? ... To be a pony, I mean." Stupid question...

"What are you? Some bigot?" He growled at me, and I clearly saw my mistake.

"N-no! I-I'm just curious! That's all!" I tried to pick myself up, only for him to laugh.

"I'm kidding. Sheesh, take a joke." He laughed, lowly, and I just let out a nervous sigh.

"It's fun. Although, I took a lot of crap from you humans when you tried to take our lands. I'm glad it's behind us, though. You humans have a lot to offer to us ponies, and your women... Well..." He laughed loudly, and I could see his cheeks flaring red.

"They're something else. I'm surprised I haven't broke one." I just shake my head.

"That's gross." He just chortles at me.

"Pfft, that's what you think. Should've seen this one girl: had me tied up to her bed, and slowly paced her way down to my stall--"

"Enough! Jeez-louise..." He looks as though he's trying his best not to fall on his ass in laughter.

"Anyways, here we are, human. Enjoy your stay." He pointed a hoof outwards, and I could see we've landed in the 'sweet' town of Ponyville, as the brochures stated.

I make my way out of the basket, seeing that we've landed in the epicenter of it all. There's stalls set up all around, selling various foods, jewelry and flowers. Alongside that, all the houses that surrounded the stalls (some of them looked like stores, considering they had names on them) all had an odd, and symmetrical, look to them.

Each house had a thatched roof, and all the wood material that was used to hold it up had a, dull, yellow colour. Every now and then, there'd be whites, or blues; Mostly all the houses were the same. One stood out, however, as I made my way through the market-like area.

Is that a gingerbread house...? I thought as I stood outside a large, icing and baked-goods looking house. The roof looked to be made of ice-cream like shapes, all various colours, such as white, pink, and dark brown. The walls looked to be made of a gingerbread material, and the glass looked like sugar!

I shook my head, as an aroma started to fill my nose from inside the bakery. It smelled delicious, and I couldn't help but make my way inside. I opened the door, having to duck under the frame to fit in, and found myself surrounded by cases of delicious treats!

"Jesus..." I said, as I looked around, eyeing each treat.

Cakes, cupcakes, muffins, chocolate, candy-pizza, sugar-fountains, coated fruit, all of it was... Amazing! I've never seen so much ... good looking food in my life at once! As I was about to move close to one of the cases, I hear a female voice speak to me.

"Oooh! A hoo-man! Err... Or, was it human? Silly me!" I turned to face giant, blue, eyes glaring at me. I jumped in surprise, nearly falling onto the glass case.

"Gah! Don't scare me like that!" I yelled, the pony moving back to the ground.

When she made her way onto the ground, I could see that she had a pink mane, and a light pink body. Her mane was curly, and looked like cotton candy in texture. Her tail was much the same, and on her flank was three balloons; Two blue and a yellow.

"Sorry! Just never seen a hoo-man before!" I shake my head to her.

"Hue-man. Hue-man." I say to her, and then she nods.

"Poo-man!" I shake my head furiously.

"No! Hue! Man! HUMAN!" I say again, and she just giggles.

"You're silly! Anyways, my name's Pinkie Pie! How can I help you, today?" I watch her bounce behind the counter, standing on her hind legs and placing her hooves on the glass.

I move to the counter, and look through the glass, eyeing some glazed donuts. I point at them, "how much?" I ask, and she pulls them out quicker than a jack-rabbit.

"For a dozen? Thirteen-bits!" Huh... That's the equivalent of around four bucks in Canada. I pull out a small bag from my pocket, and start counting them out.

She swipes them from me, and opens the cash register. Surprisingly, a receipt prints out and she rips it off, placing it on the box and handing it to me. She smiles, "Thanks! Anything else?" She questions, and I think it over. Seeing as I'm in a land of Ponies, I should ask about where I can learn about them...

"Yeah, do you know where I can find any history on you ponies? Some library? I heard there was one, but, not sure where." Pinkie Pie nods to me, and pulls out a map from her mane.

I look at her in question, and she just giggles, "In case of map emergencies!" She laughs, laying it out. I shake my head, glaring at everything she's pointing at. Eventually, my mind draws a map of its own, pointing the directions to the library. I thank the mare, and take my delicious donuts out of the bakery.

I open the box they were placed in, pull one out, and take a chomp from it. I feel the glaze ooze in my mouth, and slide down my throat with its frost-like texture. The donuts were nice and warm, as if freshly made, and the texture of the bread was soft, and spongy.

"Tim Hortons needs to make donuts like this..." I talk to myself, heading off in the direction of the library.


Surprisingly, I got lost. I spent the next hour looking for the library, and having asked around after letting my pride step aside for a moment, I found that the library was a tree. A motherfucking tree. A large oak, at that, too. I made my way to it, seeing as it stuck out like a sore thumb, and eyed it up and down.

Birdhouses, bee's nests, a telescope on a balcony and a couple other, critter-like, homes were all over the oak. There was a set of doors at the base, and a sign to the left stating "Twilight Sparkle's Residence / Ponyville Residential Library." I shrugged and walked to the door, knocking on it.

I was greeted by nobody, or pony (in this case), standing there. The door was just opened and I looked around. The inside was filled with books in a large circular room. To the right was a staircase, and a bed-like study to the top of them, and to the left were a few couches. As I was about to walk in, I felt my knees being poked at. I looked down to see a purple and green reptile thing.

"Hey, can I help you?" The thing said, it's green, cat-like, eyes glaring at me.

"Oh, yeah... Sorry. Didn't see you. Uhm, I was wondering if I could look at a few books? Trying to get a vi--" He sighed, and turned around, walking in.

"Twilight... Another visitor..." The thing sighed, and I walked in.

"Uhg!... They neve--" I saw a lavender unicorn jump at my right, and upon seeing me, she stopped talking.

Her mane was a dark shade of purple, with a few red and pink streaks through it. Her tail was the same and on her flank was a star-like mark thing. I glared at her, and she glared at me. After a moment, she sighed, and shook her head.

"Look, I'm not going to have, what did you humans call it? Inter-species relations? Just because you made some whacky little clu--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy lady. Sheesh. I'm not that creepy. Jesus..." I sigh, shaking my head as I interrupted her.

"I'm just here to look over you ponies. Your history and what-not. Trying to pass the time for my date tonight." The lavender unicorn, by now I assume it was 'Twilight', smiled lightly. Her horn shined a bright magenta and I found myself holding a set of books.

"These are history books. It'll tell you everything you want to know. I'm glad you are interested in our history... The last few humans I've met are... Crazy." She shook her head, and I couldn't help but laugh. Funny... Had sex with a pony... Now I have a date with her.

"Mind if I read it here? I just want to do a long read while I wait for..." I pull out my digital watch, seeing that it was set back a few hours. 6:12 PM, "fourty-eight minutes." She nods to me and I walk over to one of the couches, plopping myself down.

I open one of the books, feeling its cover made out of a thick, card-board like, paper. I'm greeted by the table of contents, and I start to intently read, looking at my watch every now-and-then...


So, I've found out a little bit about these ponies. They have two princess': Celestia and Luna. Celestia is the ruler of the day, Luna of the night. The world here is controlled by magic, thus the sun and moon are moved as such. Celestia and Luna eventually had a fall-out, Luna turning into some 'Nightmare Moon' character, and eventually locked away in the moon.

Thousand-years forward, Luna came back, as the same character, and tried to put her 'Eternal Night' upon all of Equestria. However, she didn't expect somethings called 'The Elements of Harmony' to stop her, once more. The elements were all made by the power of six ponies, bound together by friendship, and eventually used to defeat her.

After I made sense of all this, I realized it was time for me to leave. I promptly gave the books back to Twilight, and made my way out of the house. I looked at the sky, seeing it was dimming to an orange-hue, and shrugged.

She said meet at High Fly Dine. Might as well figure out where that is, now...

Ms. Fire, Being My True Desire

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Ms. Fire, Being My True Desire


Alright, so, I found out this "diner" was in the damn sky. Above Ponyville. Like, really goddamn high. To not bore anyone with the details at the hour I spent trying to find another balloon, I made it there. Thankfully, Spitfire was just arriving as the balloon was coming near the diner.

The diner was made of clouds, like Cloudsdale, and looked like a common truck-stop diner back home. Yet, I kept seeing lots of ponies flying in and out of the place. Considering it had a massive neon sign advertising it, something you'd see in the sixties or something, I assumed this was more than a normal "diner".

As the pilot landed at the diner, I looked to the pilot to pay him, "Mind coming back in an hour? I assume that's when I'll be finished."

"Sure thing, bub. Two hundred bits for the ride." I handed over a bag of bits and he smiled as he felt them.

"Heh, leavin' me a tip, huh?" He grinned.

"Yeah, why not? I feel good today. Take it easy." I hopped out of the basket and waved to him as he started the balloon and flew off.

"Jeez, what took ya so long?" I turned around to see Spitfire smirking at me. She was wearing a brown bomber jacket. Which is cool, since she's named after a type of plane that bombs stuff.

"Sorry. Had trouble finding this place... Kind of spent an hour reading before I bothered to look. I saw you just fly in, though, so I must be on time?" I chuckled softly and she giggled.

"Yeah, I just arrived too. Glad you were late. Was worried that you would've thought I was sticking you up." I shrugged.

"I would've stayed longer. You're a Wonderbolt, not a normal civilian." I started to walk towards the diner and she trotted next to me.

"Heh, yeah. But, being a Wonderbolt is far more than performing tricks." I only nodded to her response.

Once at the door of the diner, I opened it for her and let her trot on in - keeping an eye on the buttocks of hers. Ah... So glorious... I thought as I walked in behind her.
The diner was like every classic diner I've seen in a movie. A large counter in the middle where people were served coffee or on-the-go food and booths spread out around the center where they can watch people cook. The flooring was checkered red and white, which complimented the booth's red colour. Other than that, the lights that illuminated the place had funky shades to them. They were either long, string-like, lamps coming from up the side of the walls and shining down the ceiling or they were small, fat-bulbous based, lamps with black shades over them.

"Well, this is refreshing." I said, walking next to Spitfire.

"It is, isn't it? Dad used to bring me here when this place was small time. Now, you need reservations to even get in." I looked at her in worry. I didn't reserve anything!

"Don't worry, I reserved for us." She gave me a small wink and I sighed in relief. Close one...

I let Spitfire lead the way. She brought us around the main counter and to a booth that sat along a row of windows. A small card said "Reserved for guests: Spitfire and Anthony". We sat down and a waitress immediately trotted on over to us. Her mane was a dark blue colour with bright blue highlights, along with her coat being a pale cream colour. She wore a sailor-like hat and a red and white t-shirt. Well, the pony-equivalent to a t-shirt.

"Hi! I'm Milky Way, and I'll be your waitress for the evening," she held a bright smile on her face as she handed us menus.

"Would you like anything to drink? We just started serving alcoholic beverages." I look to Spitfire, and she shrugs.

"Sure, why not. Whatchya got?" Milky Way pulled out a small notepad and her eyes gazed over it.

"We have Apple Family hard cider, Griffon Export rum, many types of Coladas available for drinking, and then we have all virgin versions. Other than that, we have sodas and such."

I looked over at Spitfire, who only shrugged again. I guess I choose what we get I sigh.

"Alright, uh, how about some hard cider? Start us off a bit easy. Not really wanting anything fruity right now." Milky Way noted it down as I finished.

"There we go. I'll be back in a few moments. In the meantime, figure out your dinner!" She then trotted off happily

We both decided to look over the menu. Thank God they were dinner menus. I hate restaurants that give you a mix during the nighttime hours. It was filled with many types of food - varying from pony-only to varieties of meat. All things considered, it makes sense, seeing that Equestria does deal with griffons.

"What're you getting?" I asked politely.

"Mmm... I think I'll get a veggie burger. Haven't had one in a while and I think I deserve it." She set down her menu, "what about you?"

"Uhhh... Probably a steak. I think I deserve that. Hope you don't mind." She shook her head.

"Nah, I know a few griffons and watch them eat it all the time. Besides, the cows that offer it do it willingly. They're usually too old to offer anything else." I smiled softly.

Interesting. At least it isn't brutal murder.

"Alright, here's your drinks!" Milky Way popped up and placed two mugs on the table. I jumped slightly when she appeared, though.

"Oops! Did I scare you?" She giggled.

"Yeah. Sorry." I scratched the back of my neck as she pulled out her notepad again.

"So, ready to order?"

"Yup. She wants a veggie burger and I'll take a steak." She wrote it down after I told her and then looked to Spitfire.

"Would you like any sides? Hay Fries? Salad? Soup?"

"Yeah, some fries, please." Spitfire nodded.

She then looked over at me, "would you like a salad, some hay--... Sorry, potato fries or perhaps some soup?"

"Yeah. Salad is good. Gotta balance it out." I chuckled and she joined with a giggle.

"Alrighty! It'll be out soon!" She then trotted off, leaving me alone with Spitfire.

I watched her for a moment and then started to stare off into the distance; I was looking at the decor at the center bar area, mostly watching the flames rise from stoves or food bounce up and come back down. I was pulled away from this as I felt Spitfire's hoof gently press against my hand.

"Whatchya lookin' at?" She smiled.

"The cooks. I find it cool that they can do much of the same thing us humans do." I stated.

"Well, you didn't figure that out from last night?" She burst into a giggle fit and I couldn't help but join in.

"Nah, was too busy with you." I felt a gently tap on my hand.

"Geez, keep it private." Her eyes were laughing but her face was angry.

"Nice try." I felt my hand gently grip her hoof.

It was... Unique. I felt like my fingers should be intertwining something. Instead, it was just solid with a bit of fur trailing from her legs. I compensated this odd feeling by gripping it with my other hand and bringing her hoof to my lips, kissing it gently.

She only giggled. Some might find it gross back on earth - technically, these were their feet - but the gesture is still the same. How do I know this? Well, she was blushing. Sadly, we were interrupted.

"Here you are!" I jumped again at Milky Way's voice.

"Boy, you're sure scared of waitresses! Did you have a bad experience?" She placed the steak in front of me as I shook my head.

"God, no. You just pop out of nowhere." Her only response was another giggle. Damn. Do all these mares own the same giggle? It's cute.

"Enjoy your meal!" She trotted off again as Spitfire and I started to dive in.

Took only a good ten minutes for us to eat. We didn't really talk - only look at each other and laugh whenever we made silly faces. I felt like I was a fourteen again on my very first date: making the girl laugh by doing the stupidest shit ever. All well, Spitfire is fun and I'm glad she's laid back right now. Harder when the girl is tense.

After finishing our meal Milky Way placed the check in front of me:

Total due: 150 bits

"Wow. Fifty bucks back home. Sheesh." I pulled out a bag of bits and placed it on the bill.

"Thank you and enjoy your evening!" Milky Way picked up the bag in her mouth and trotted off happily.

Spitfire and I still had our drinks, though. So, I decided to talk to her for a bit.

"So, you said your dad took you here?" I asked.

"Yup. He was a great guy. Always bought me ice cream for doing well in school, brought me on camping trips, taught me to fly, the basic father-daughter stuff." She smiled softly.

"Huh... Was, though...?"

"Yeah... He passed away a year ago. I was upset when I found out. Really punched me in the face. But, I always talked to my dad. I always reserve my parents and family members VIP passes to any of my performances." She smiled as she looked up in thought. "Dad would always show up. I loved seeing his face when I performed a stunt. Really pushed me to do better. Sometimes my mom or family would pop on by, too."

"But, you always felt closer to your dad?"

"Yeah. Just... Something about him and I clicked well. We were always close. He was always happy. Both him and my mom. To be honest, my family barely fought. Maybe over the last slice of pizza. Usually a hoof wrestle or something." She then leaned in closer, looking around slyly, "between me and you, I always stole the last piece. I'd say mom took it."

I laughed and she joined in with a giggle. "Your dad seems like a cool guy. Wish I could've met him."

"Yeah. He would've liked you. I guess he was... Charismatic in a way. Just very cheery and living life to the fullest. I'm sure, wherever he is, he's happy to look down on me and see me doing well. Although I had to put off a month of training for his death. But, that's not a burden." She sighed contently.

"What were your last words to him when he was... Alive? You don’t need to answer if you don’t want to. I’m just curious." I asked delicately.

"Dad, you're silly at times. You're silly, whacky, filled with joy, and making all of us laugh. You really made my fillyhood special. I love you." She smiled and continued, "That was during a small reunion we would have every month. To keep each other close. It was his birthday that reunion, so, I made it special with a little speech. Also, don’t be afraid of asking stuff. I’ve gotten over it."

"Damn, I hope I get a speech like that." I chuckle.

"Pfft, be a good parent, and maybe." Tch. Yeah right. I laugh at my own thoughts.

"What about your parents?" Spitfire smiled.

"Eh... They're wibbly-wobbly. I had a strict childhood, but, it was for a reason. I still keep in touch with them. Phone calls or straight up visiting. They'll get angry if I don't." I laugh.

"Still alive, then?" I nodded to her question.

"Yup. Alive and healthy. Ain't going anywhere soon!"

"What would they think about what you did last night?" I felt heat rise to my face for a moment before answering her question.

"Well... I don't know. I mean, plenty of humans started doing it and they never said they hate it. They just find it weird." I shrug.

"So, if you were to introduce me to them one day and said you had sex with a celebrity pegasus, they wouldn't care?" I nodded to her question.

"Most likely."

We sat in silence for a little bit longer, finishing our drinks. After about five or ten minutes, I decided to talk.

"So, what plans do you have for tonight?" I asked.

"Well... I kind of want to get closer to you." She answered.

"In what way?" I wink and she rolls her eyes.

"You already know." She let off a giggle before sliding out of the booth.

I lead her out of the diner and back to the hot air balloon. Thankfully, it was just landing and she hopped in it with me.

"Where to?" The pilot asked.

I looked over at Spitfire and she answered, "the Curiosity Motel."

The pilot nodded and started our flight off. Wherever this motel was, I was going to enjoy my time there.

She pulled me into the room and tossed me on the bed. Her eyes were burning with passion as the door slammed shut. Her jacket flew off and the next thing I knew, she was on top of me, kissing me furiously. I couldn't help it - she was on fire! I returned every bit of that by caressing her athletic form and taking in every single kiss.

I felt the motion of her lower body grind against my crotch and her tail wrap tightly around my left thigh. The heat emanating from her body was boiling my own body. During the entire time she was kissing me, I was attempting to get my damn shirt off so I didn't die from heat stroke.

She eventually pulled off, still grinding against my crotch. I ripped my shirt off immediately and she slid herself down to my crotch and started to unzip my pants. Well, she kind of just ripped them off... And then ripped my underwear in half... I'll replace it la--- before I could finish my thought, I felt Spitfire's mouth completely engorged with my ever-present erection. My God, her rushing the sex just makes it better.

She pounded my member in and out of her mouth, gagging every so often. Whether she really was gagging, or faking it to exaggerate my size, I didn't care. This felt fucking terrific. Her tongue caressed all around the shaft of my cock, and swirled against its head.

"Holy Mary, mother of God... Jesus Christ..." My heart was racing with euphoric adrenaline.

She kept going, not even paying attention to what I said. This was beyond description now - her sucking me off at this fast pace and gagging on my cock... Well, it was beyond description until she pulled off, looking up at me.

"My turn..." She gave me a look of lust as she hopped onto my body and sat on my chest - her marehood in plain sight.

"Go on... Return the favour..." She giggled, and I only nodded.

I grabbed her legs and pulled her into my face. My tongue rose to her marehood and gently tickled the folds, making small circles on them. I decided to take it slow, since she was going so fast.

"Mrm..." She let out. I felt a hoof brush through my hair.

I gently started to vibrate my tongue against the delicate folds to increase the small amount of pleasure she's getting. I made sure to lead my way very slowly upwards to her valuable clit and assuring each moan, or noise, she made caused me to slow down to increase tension.

"Dammit Anthony... Stop... Mmmm... Stop teasing..." She moaned softly, only for me to chuckle in the back of my mind.

I continued to slowly retract and then go back to nearing her clit. She eventually figured out making noise was causing me to avoid her pleasure point and my tongue started to grave it; my tongue lathered it in saliva and slowly vibrated against it. Spitfire started to let out moans by now.

"Oh... Celestia...!" She gasped as I started to push my tongue into her marehood and caress the underside of her clitoris.

I gently brought my hand to her sex and slid a finger into her delicate hole, pulling my tongue out to lick the outer part of her clit. She let out beckoning moans, leaning herself back, and I could feel the heat of her marehood press against my face.

I felt her slide down my body, a trail of her juices flowing down my chest to my stomach, and watched as she stood up, turned around and laid her plot back on my chest.

"Time for double the fun..." She giggled as I felt her tongue gently lick at the head of my cock.

It was gentle, slow, and I know she was waiting for me to return the favour. So, I did. I gently started to lick her clitoris and heard her moan softly. I felt my whole head enter her mouth, her tongue dancing across it. I instinctively returned the favour my pushing my tongue into her crevice, warmly caressing the underside of her clit.

Spitfire moaned louder, now, and went all out on my sex. I felt her bob off and onto my cock - deep-throating it every few seconds. Again, I returned the favour by pushing two fingers into her pussy, removing my tongue and go back to vibrating it against her elegant folds. However, I felt a new factor push into this.

Spitfire's hoof. I felt it pushing into my anus and trying to hit my g-spot. I'm not one for anal play, but, fuck it. Gotta try everything once. Besides... The way her hoof was pushing into me... Dear God, it felt good. Thankfully, she only push in a little bit. I know how big her hoof is... That'd destroy my ass.

Being a gentleman, I brought a finger to her own anus. I pierced it with ease due to the recently lubed up finger and started to push all the way in. She moaned lightly, but, I know she can take more. So, I eased two more fingers in. That's when she really moaned.

We went at this, together, for a couple minutes. I wasn't ready to explode into anytime soon, but, when I felt her pulling off, I knew her tongue was getting tired... So was mine, to be honest.

"Ready for the final course...?" Spitfire gently laid herself on her back next to me - her golden eyes giving me a lusty gaze.

"Yeah..." I smile, rolling on top of her and readying myself.

I gently rubbed the shaft of my cock against her glistening lips. My hands wandered her delicate sides, feeling ever curve, muscle and the softness of her coat. She elicited soft moans as I moistened my shaft with her juices. Gently laying myself on top of her, I connected our lips and we kissed.

After that I pushed my sex into her. I felt her body shake lightly as I pushed deep into her - the shaking causing her pussy to clash against my cock. Spitfire was tight like last time; the only difference was how moist she was. Dear Lord, I couldn't contain myself just laying on her like this.

I started thrusting, unable to contain myself anymore. Spitfire's light moans changed to ones of explicit ecstasy. The euphoria was bursting between us as I continued to push harder and faster.

"Oh, Anthony!" She screamed loudly as I pulled away from our kiss.

It encouraged me to push more. I was thrusting at my maximum speed, was pushing as deep as I could, and was making sure she'd be pleased. Moaning, screaming and pure euphoria was all that filled this room now. Her pussy was clenching tightly around my cock as we started reaching our climaxes.

"Anthony, I " Was all I heard until she screamed again.

She climaxed before I could, but, I had energy left in me. I pushed harder and faster. My heart raced and pumping with sexual adrenaline. I couldn't help but tire myself by doing this, but, it was worth it. I quickly pulled out of her and, without warning, ejaculated onto her. I didn't really want to: it just happened.

Breathing heavily, I looked at her with a heat rising to my cheeks, "heh... Sorry."

"It's fine, Anthony." She giggled, coating the tip of her hoof in semen. She then brought it to her mouth, licking it off.

"Well, that made my day." I chuckled as I watched her.

"Mine too." I felt her pull me in and our lips collided.

I felt the salty sweetness of my own semen mix between us as her tongue dived into my mouth. It wasn't expected, but, what the hell? After a few seconds I stared at her in disbelief. Only for her to giggle.

"I'm going to shower." I watched her slide off the bed and some semen from her stomach drop onto the floor.

Laying down, I sighed in blissful euphoria. This day... These two days... Jesus, they've been great.

"Oh, Anthony?" I heard Spitfire call.


"Will you be staying in Equestria? Or am I going to have to convince you not to go back?" That thought hadn't crossed my mind.

Really, it didn't matter. I could just hop back and forth anyways to visit family... Besides, this sex was ten times more exciting when it's a crazy horse. Well, pegasus, but, whatever.

"Yeah... I'll be staying." I smiled as I watched her prop her head on my chest.

"Good. Because we've had sex twice now and only been on one date. Not nice to ditch a girl." She giggled.

"Nah. I'm a gentleman!" I gently stroked her mane and chuckled at my small joke.

"Heh... Yeah. Want to help wash me? This is your mess." Spitfire looked at me with a small glare, but, jokingly at best.

"Pass up a shower with a chick? Hell no. Count me in." I hopped off the bed and we went for the shower.

Best. Decision. Ever.

The End.