Adagio Soccer MILF Redux

by Steel Quill

First published

Defeated by the Rainbooms, Adagio yearns for that feeling of victory. Hondo Flanks has plenty of feeling to spare.

In the aftermath of the Battle of the Bands, the Dazzlings were left in the dust by the Rainbooms and forgotten by Canterlot High. The trio was now magic-less, forced to adjust to a world and life without such aids. They could survive, but for Adagio, the haunt of defeat clung to her spirit. She needed a victory, something to quell her woes and let her feel in control of something, anything, again. The Siren wanders the streets of Canterlot while searching, and stumbles upon someone who might give her that opportunity.

So what if he's married?

Pre-read by NotaPonyPerson, Erebus Cantillon, and Speculore! Cover art by Sunnysundown! Featured 4-13-2021!

Tags/kinks: MxF, Infidelity/cheating, seduction, unfulfilling marriage, seductive femdom, BBW, big time Dad Hondo Flanks energy, skimpy swimsuits, big tits, huge ass, sweat, ass worship, hotdogging, oral, deepthroat/facefucking, cunnilingus, reverse cowgirl, creampies, excessive cum, cumshots

A Siren and Some Flanks

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Some defeats were acceptable, and some were not. Adagio Dazzle found herself in the midst of the latter, and wished for the former.

Defeat wasn’t a word that the Siren enjoyed saying, especially when it was applied towards herself. She’d made plenty of others feel defeated before: the amount of times that that old buffoon Starswirl lost to her and her sisters was countless, and drove him to the point of outright cheating and banishing them to this realm. One could argue he had the last laugh, but in truth, he was nothing more than a belligerent unicorn whose beard got too big for his horn. If any sort of luck or willing deity was watching, they’d have paid him back tenfold for his lashing out at her and her sisters.

Now they were here, in this human world, and due to the efforts of those ridiculous Rainbooms, not only had their latest plan gone awry, but their magic was gone! No more ensnaring easy marks with their voices, no simple sways of the mind with a gentle note. It was demeaning to expect them to just thrive on their own. The Rainbooms didn’t even try to harass them further; after their humiliating defeat at the Battle of the Bands, the trio was just...forgotten! Rejected!

No one rejects Adagio Dazzle. One day, some way, she’d find a way to make them each pay.

For today, though, the Siren was content to wander along the city streets. It was actually fairly easy to blend in with the “normies” as Sonata put it sometimes; the flashy way the Sirens used to dress themselves made them stand out - as they deserved to! - but now it was more important to just keep on surviving. They moved away, far away, from anywhere near Canterlot High. There was a second school not far off they could’ve tried to fit into, but in truth, all three of them were sick of the high school ways of life. They were centuries old, for Sun’s sake! Now Sonata had found work in a fast food restaurant, and Aria somehow landed a job as a fitness assistant at one of the local gyms. Why on Tartarus that girl would want to be somewhere like the gym was beyond Adagio, but then again, Aria always did like putting others through physical strain.

Stopping by one of the shops that dotted the street, Adagio peeked inside the window. The jewelry shop was one of the more higher end jewelers in town; you had to either have an inheritance backing you, won the lottery, or one hell of a sugar daddy to afford one of those rings. They would’ve looked so good on her before. But nowadays, things were different. Sonata and Aria were not as affected when their magic had been broken, but Adagio seemed to have been hit the hardest. She could chalk it up to being the eldest, or perhaps this realm’s punchline.

Where once stood a youthful, perky, and enticing girl now stood a woman who had no chance of fitting in amongst her young peers again. She’d filled out: sinewy, thin limbs were now packed with a mix of muscle and fat, balanced between the two precariously. Long legs still gave her good height, but were capped with thighs the likes of which made all her previous pants cry in protest. The high waisted denim shorts she had on were comfortable at least, but they did bring emphasis to her rear end. It was one of the focal points of her body now, it seemed; a wide rump that she could swear was some sort of cruel punishment, judging from how it could stretch out the back pockets of her shorts over only half of each cheek. Going up from there, the thin waistline she once relished now had a layer of fat over it, one she took care to hide when she could.

The white sleeveless top did it’s part to keep her decent, even when dealing with the impressive bosom she now sported. Going up that many cup sizes meant old bras were trashed, and finding a proper and comfortable fitting one cost good money. The few she had, she saved for if an occasion called for it. A sunny, warm day like today meant going without. Her eyes looked to her face; if there was one saving grace to the matter, Adagio could still reckon she had a pretty face. The rest of her might have felt like it took the brunt of the damage, but she avoided any wrinkles or unsightly blemishes to her complexion. Pale wine-red lips were turned into a light frown, analytical as raspberry red eyes inspected the light eyeshadow and makeup she’d applied that morning. If she missed anything, it was her old hairstyle. The poofy, thick curls had lost some of their oomph, and now only served as a large mass of hair that she kept out of her face with a well-placed spiked hair tie.

“Tch. You fell pretty hard off that stage, Ada.” she told herself as she pulled back from the window. Tan heels click-clacked on the sidewalk beneath her as she stepped away. “As if life hadn’t smacked us hard in the face already, thanks to Starswirl, that senile bearded, know-it-all, holier-than-thou-”


Adagio’s ranting was cut off early by the flyer that launched itself into her face, making her stop and clutch at the paper to get it off her face. A quick skim of the paper mentioned the words “soccer tourney” and “all invited”. She groaned; they always had such a time in this realm, making everyone happy. You’d think there’d be at least a little general negativity around, but it was all sunshine and rainbows and annoying colorful brats who think they can rock better than you and-


“Oh come on!” The former musician snarled as she pulled another one off from her face, now growling. “What’s with this town and fliers?!” It was a duplicate of the first, and Adagio looked about to see if there was someone intentionally, somehow, throwing them into the wind and at her. But no such evidence came forward, and the woman sighed to herself. “You know what? Fine. I could be entertained by a bunch of brats chasing a soccer ball. It worked in the olden days.” she muttered. “...wonder if they kept the sacrificial part of it?”

To Adagio’s distaste, they did not in fact sacrifice the winning team or even the goalie who failed to block the ball to some deity in the sky. But she couldn’t fault them; the old practices were there in the past for a reason. Although the screams sure hadn’t faded away, that was for sure.

The entire event seemed like one big hub of activity beyond just the game taking place in the field between two large metal audience stands. While the youths were running up and down the field chasing after the soccer ball with many a weak kick or fumble of feet, the stands were packed with families and sports enthusiasts alike. The turnout surprised Adagio as she claimed a place to sit on the right side of the field, being of sound enough mind to keep away from the speaker system set up on one end of the area. The blaring announcements of names and numbers were only half comprehensible at such a potent volume, and she focused instead on just watching the game unfold.

At another end sat a concession stand with a seemingly never ending line of hungry fans, smoke wafting up from behind the small brick construct. The wind carried the scent of cooked hamburgers, hot dogs, and popcorn through Adagio’s senses, making her stomach rumble in sudden want. She rested a hand on her midriff but tuned out the idea as best she could. Spare money on hand wasn’t something to be done away with so casually, and she might not even stay long enough to enjoy it. There seemed to be almost too much positivity in the air. Her siren senses could interpret it as thick as molasses in the air: cheers for the kids of supporting moms and dads, sports enthusiasts hoping their younger sibling or a neighborly friend find their talent in playing the sport.

“Ugh. I’m almost nauseous.” Adagio muttered under her breath before leaning against the concrete bricks that constructed the metal stands’ outline. She closed her eyes as a referee blew a whistle, and some of the audience made some noise in response. She couldn’t tell for sure if it was in support or in protest with all the bells ringing and horns blasting, let alone the metal clatter as feet jumped and slammed on the metal stands.

“Come on, ref! Give her some slack!”

The shout from nearby her made Adagio turn and look at the perpetrator. She’d expected it to be a dad, going off the deep male voice, but she had to stare at what she saw. While some of the parents had on what she guessed was team shirts or school-related wear, this particular man had on a basic floral t-shirt, a base blue with flowers of yellow, a lighter blue, and white dotting around the shirt’s surface. It was collared, matching the white wrist sleeves, and seemed to work for his pale complexion. He had dark brown hair, a trim but bushy mustache resting above his mouth. Cerulean eyes were locked on the field, wide and attentive as he continued to call out. “She’s doing the best she can! Come on, Sweetie!”

Adagio had seen her fair share of...odd beings in her long lifetime. But of those many individuals, few seemed to match up to the sheer “Dad” energy coming off this one. No doubt cheering for his daughter, if she had to guess. He had a bulky physique, large arms, and strong legs covered by a basic pair of khaki shorts. The fella had a bit of a gut to himself though, leaving Adagio to guess he wasn’t opposed to frequent stops by the concession stand or takeout after games like this. The top of his head was covered with a tall straw hat, one that just seemed to work for this...odd fan.

His gaze swiveled to her, and Adagio realized she’d been staring too long. Before she could think of a reply, the man guffawed and waved a hand at her.

“That’s my daughter out there! Youngest one, anyway. I always get real worked up rootin’ for her.” He proclaimed.

Adagio decided it was best to just play along. Shoving down the snark in her throat, she nodded like she understood his idea. “I’m afraid I just got here. I must’ve missed what happened.”

“Well, the ref’s call there was saying Sweetie went offsides. See, the ball has to stay in play within the boundary lines, or else you get a penalty. Sweetie there tried to go for it and keep it in play, but the ref apparently thought she went too far out.” He explained, nodding at the field. Adagio tried to follow his look out there but had little to go on.

“Which one is your daughter?”

“Number 34, with the pink and purple hair there. Go on, Sweetie Belle! Give them heck!” He shouted. Adagio looked out again at the field and caught sight of the colored hair signifying the man’s daughter. But it was the name that caught her attention more: Belle. She knew a Belle. A very troublesome, aggravating, and downright feisty Belle.

“You know, that name rings a...well, bell.” Adagio gave a light cringe at her own pun. “Does she have an older sister?”

“She sure does! Her name’s Rarity, she goes to school up at Canterlot High. Real proud of her. She couldn’t make it today, on account of bein’ busy with schoolwork and doin’ other things.” The mustached man said. “Oh shoot, I’ve not even introduced myself, miss. My name’s Hondo Flanks, but you can call me Hondo. What’s your name?”

Adagio nearly flinched at seeing his outstretched hand reach towards her, but she held her ground. It took all of a second to think for herself: did he know about their Battle of the Bands? Did Rarity tell her parents about magic and everything else? Composure returned as she schooled her features into the best calm smile she could manage.

“Ada...Ada. Songbird.” She clipped out before nodding. “Ada Songbird. I’m new around this area. New to, well, everything really.” She claimed an open seat that was available on the metal bench below Hondo’s.

“Well, welcome to the neighborhood, Ada!” Adagio’s eyes widened as Hondo scooted himself down a row to seat himself beside her. “Gotta admit, you’re a face I don’t know myself, so you must be new! Did you just move in?”

“A… a few days ago. Me and my family.” She replied, pressuring herself to keep up the facade. “We all kinda stick together. Where one goes, we all go.”

“That’s a good little mentality there. Good family dynamics!” He appraised, making Adagio relax a little. “I’d say my family tries to follow that, but well. Sometimes it doesn’t work out.”

A familiar sensation ghosted over the back of Adagio’s neck, and she sat up straighter at the feeling that hadn’t been sensed in some time. “O-oh?”

“Fraid Sweetie’s mom’s out on business, and Rarity’s off doin’ her thing with her gal pals. We used to all spend some time together, but nowadays, it’s hard to get ‘em all together.” Hondo told her, his gaze on Sweetie Belle as she passed the ball to another of her teammates. “Family time isn’t always family time if we’re all away.”

Adagio carefully reached out and put a hand to Hondo’s shoulder. The gesture on the outside was a comforting touch, one you might expect from anyone wanting to give a hint of sympathy to the father figure. Adagio had zero interest in how he felt about his family; she focused more on that hovering, almost dangling feeling of energy coming from Hondo. Touching him made a connection, and it drifted through her fingers and up along her arm, making her shiver.

Angst. Irritation. Magic.

The gears turned in Adagio’s head as quickly as they could while she spoke in response. “I’m so sorry. You must really love your family. Maybe they can come next time around?”

“Well, I always hope so, but there’s always somethin’. Fashion week one week, then another trip for the ladies to go out. I’ve got my friends I can go visit at times like that, but you know, a man’s allowed to want time with his family.”

Another slight tingle ran up Adagio’s arm. Her heartbeat quickened, and she let go of Hondo to rest her hand on her lap. “Well, I might not be a Belle. But how about a friend, Mr. Flanks?” Adagio offered.

“Well, shoot! I’m always happy to make a friend.” Hondo beamed at her, a broad smile under his mustache. “And you can call me Hondo, miss Ada.”

Adagio allowed herself a smile in kind, while internally, she withheld the urge to grimace at another “friend happy” individual to deal with. Still, it couldn’t be denied as she turned her gaze back to the field to watch Hondo’s youngest daughter make a dash for a loose soccer ball. She knew her body and what it could detect. Hondo might not be able to exert or express magic, but magic was still within him. And if it couldn’t find a positive outlet, well...sometimes it chose another path.

The smile grew on Adagio’s face, but it had nothing to do with the soccer game.

There were a few benefits to be discovered, Adagio reasoned, for her new if larger form compared to the teenage self she was used to being in. Being an unknown face was one in its own right: she didn’t need to worry so much over being recognized as one of the failed temptress trio from Canterlot High. A little stretch of the truth was all that was needed: she did attend the school, but it was some time ago. Adagio could let them infer that she meant it was years and years ago, and not only a few month’s time. Not like anybody here was looking at her past.

Which led to another surprising benefit: when Adagio and her sisters had first come to this realm, it seemed the proper fashion to adhere to the styles and bodies of the era they found themselves in. This meant adopting the right fashion, the right hair, the right figure, all an effort to make sure they blended in as naturally as possible. However, Adagio was beginning to think much of the fuss they read about in the so-called “fashion magazines'' was all a bunch of hot air. She still had gorgeous hair, of course, but her more prominent figure and casual clothes brought many eyes to her, more than what had been present at Canterlot High. All it took was just the right exposure of skin and posing to make a few wandering eyes linger longer than was polite, just the way she liked it.

But of all the benefits that Adagio enjoyed so far in her new identity as “Ada,” getting to taste those scrumptious bites of magic off Hondo was the icing on the cake.

It took two more instances on Adagio’s behalf to confirm it for what it was, and not just the shock of genuine human contact, but the truth was plain as the hair on Hondo’s face: she could still drink up negative emotions and indulge in them to invigorate herself. It was both enticing and challenging: enticing because every droplet of magic she could soak up was another droplet that kept her feeling more alive and herself. She was nowhere near the point of where she was before, but given the circumstances, something had to be better than nothing. Having no crystal to aid in collecting the magic meant that this slow drip of concentrated essence was all her body could absorb for the time being. But it would do.

The challenge, however, was also Hondo.

The soccer tournament was apparently only just starting when she’d first met Hondo. So that meant that for Adagio to keep up these continued - if brief - instances of magical gain, she’d have to continue attending the events. It was a pain to listen to Aria explain the ins and outs of soccer to her, almost as much a pain to explain why she needed to know it. But the knowledge did help improve her improvised persona to not look so out of place. Posing questions to Hondo seemed to open a door of interest in the bulky man, who seemed to appreciate having someone to talk to about the sport. He’d explained his own past with being an athlete, even though it had Adagio questioning how long ago it was with the round belly he sported now.

Adagio just let it work itself out that “Ada” was trying to be a part of the community and support local teams, and so she’d offer the occasional cheer or clap for Sweetie Belle on the field when she was present. The younger child wasn’t as much a pain as her sister was, she could admit. If anything, she was almost as adorably naive as Hondo seemed to be about Adagio’s public persona. A few shared conversations had the little matchstick of a girl as open as her father, although with none of the magical benefits, to the point they were on a first name basis with each other.

“Come on, Sweetie! The clock’s ticking!” Hondo called out. Much of the stands were in a similar fervor, the last few minutes of the game going forward. Adagio remembered this one was one of the more important games for Sweetie’s team. She continued to watch as the opposing team tried to swarm around Sweetie Belle’s position, only to watch as the ball soared overhead to another teammate and moving the swarm to follow after. “They need to score to even things out!”

Adagio gave a light clap of her hands out of polite support before calling to Hondo over the crowd’s cheers. “You said if they win this, they move up? Right?”

“That’s right! From quarter-finals to semi-finals!” He replied.

“I think the other team wants it almost as badly as you do!” Adagio commented, but Hondo was more fixated on the game right there and then. He’d become more accustomed to Adagio’s presence, and were it not for the close timing of the end of the match, he’d have his eyes on her. In fact, Adagio reasoned, he’d have his eyes all over her.

The siren was no fool when it came to men and their wants. Hondo may have been a married man as he said he was, showing Adagio family photos and wearing his wedding band plainly on his ring finger always, but that did nothing to stop him from looking at Adagio on the odd occasion when he might’ve thought she wasn’t paying attention. Her attire was never anything scandalous since she could scarcely afford it or want to wear it out for something as simple as a soccer game, but the “Neighborhood MILF” aesthetic certainly came off from her excessively strong. Just enough of a peek of cleavage or bending over in her seat or in front of Hondo was enough to get his mind off the game and on her, if briefly.

Adagio could feel it every time, and the thrill of enticing the married man was a game of cat and mouse she enjoyed stringing along with him. The bubbling sensation of negativity that’d come from him afterwards was one she’d always soak up, and it pepped her up more than any of the soft drinks or fried foods at the concession stand could manage to do. It was a balance, in a way: try to ramp up positivity in the crowd and in Hondo by cheering for his daughter and being company to him, and then soaking up his negativity when he’d get angry at a referee or feel shameful lust directed at his pretty new friend.

He’d already given a few choice yells at the referees when Sweetie had been knocked over by another player, and Adagio had done her part of being a sympathetic ear for his grumbling. The nibbles of magic that came off him underlined her soothing assurances that his daughter would be alright. But now, his focus was entirely on the game before them. You could call it petty, but Adagio felt he’d given more than enough attention to his daughter. She might have to try something a little more...drastic.

“She’s going for a penalty kick! This is her chance!” Hondo cried out, getting to his feet and seemingly prompting others to follow his example. Adagio followed suit, sticking close to the burly man and keeping an eye on the game. Sinister motives aside, Adagio did sympathize with the girl trying to do her best. She wanted to win for herself and for her father, cheering for her in the stands. You couldn’t fault someone for trying to earn a win under their belt for themselves.

“If she’s lucky enough to get the goalkeeper at the right angle, she can win this!” Hondo exclaimed.

Adagio’s brow furrowed as she looked to the goalkeeper in question. Blocky was a kind enough word to apply to the larger girl, who looked every bit ready for the ball to come her way. If it were a matter of Sweetie maneuvering around the girl on the field, she’d have a fair chance. But with the stage set, it seemed to stack the odds against the girl. Sweetie wouldn’t stand much chance up against that.

But luck can change. If it has the right push.

Adagio’s arm latched around Hondo’s, catching the larger man by surprise as Adagio held onto him. She put on a faux worried expression and looked to Hondo. “Do you think she can do it?”

“I’ve got no doubts in my baby girl. I know she can!” Hondo declared.

Adagio nodded at this before smiling to herself. A quick look to her left showed the rest of the crowd behind them occupied with watching the penalty kick unfold. She took her chance and leaned close enough to catch Hondo by surprise as she pecked him on the lips for all of two seconds. The bulky man’s face lit up like a firecracker while Adagio grinned at him.

“For luck!” She told him, his questioning look quashed with embarrassment. Then came the swirl of magic from him, absorbed into Adagio through their continued contact as she held onto his arm still. The way she had it pressed against her chest bore no resistance from him and only let her feed more off him like a sponge. There was much more there than usual, the sudden intimate contact seeming to penetrate deeper than past flirtations had. Adagio reveled in it and spared a look to the goalkeeper as Sweetie Belle surged forward.

Casting magic in her state was nothing like how she once used to wield it. Everyday feats like levitation, teleportation, conjuring all were far beyond what she had for now. But little stunts, like diffusing confidence and instilling illusion? That’s Siren Magic 101. Adagio focused on the goalkeeper, letting her magic work its way through the metal stand and into the ground before making a zip for her. It crashed into an aura of confidence and self-assurance like a freight train through traffic, making the goalkeeper flinch physically and lose her focus as sudden doubts assaulted her mind.

Sweetie Belle took full advantage and launched a kick into the goal, soaring the ball over the keeper’s shoulder and into the net, provoking mass cheers from the audience surrounding Adagio and Hondo. The mustached man joined in only a moment later, Adagio releasing him to offer her own robust joy for the youngest Belle. The goal was the necessary point needed to secure their win, as the final minutes ticked down, and no further goals were scored by the opposing team.

Sweetie quickly gave her father a flying hug as soon as she broke away from her teammates, the father embracing his daughter with both arms and swinging her light form about. Adagio refrained from rolling her eyes and let the two bask in their moment of victory. “Good job, squirt. I knew you’d make it!” she chose to offer instead.

“Thank you, miss Ada!” Sweetie squeaked out while Hondo smiled in kind to the orange-haired woman. “I’m glad I got it in before that goalie could catch it.”

“That’s my girl. Go on, I see your friends waving at you over there.” Adagio spared a look down the stand to where two other young girls, one a redhead and the other purple, were trying to get Sweetie’s attention. When she’d left and was out of earshot, Hondo looked at Adagio and cleared his throat. “Um. Miss Ada?”

“Yes?” Adagio only grinned at Hondo’s discomfort.

“You uh...what was that? Earlier?”

“Oh, Hondo. Don’t look so flustered!” She patted his arm lightly and gave him a grin. “Can’t a gal give a good luck smooch to the father of a player?”

“Well, uh, if you wanted to, but, y’know…”

Adagio stepped closer and put a finger to his chin. “I won’t tell the wife if you won’t. It’ll be our little secret.” She assured him. “Just between good friends.”

“Good friends. Right. Yeah, sure!” Adagio held back a cackle at his relief. Married man or not, every man has a weak point. And unfortunately for Hondo’s wife, it seemed Adagio found it.

What a shame.

Adagio By The Pool

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From that point on, Adagio found that it was becoming easier and easier to entice Hondo with the little touches of affection she threw his way. He seemed to eat them up like a hungry dog yearning for scraps from the table. Sweetie Belle had her Championship game, but Adagio had to skip it this time. She felt for the little squirt, but seeing the presence of not just Hondo’s wife but also Rarity being present as well meant it was too risky to try and be around. She told him later she’d had a nasty stomach bug and was cheering from her sofa.

But while she’d missed that opportunity, she could still see her hooks stayed in him. During the game, a peek at the family told Adagio plenty of the dynamics going on: Rarity would cheer when called upon but seemed to only give it half of her attention compared to her phone. The large woman, who Adagio guessed to be the wife, talked plenty with her eldest daughter but seemed to have trouble following the game. She was constantly on Hondo’s ear and appearing to ask him questions, leaving his attention consistently split between the action, his wife, and a third distraction.

He was looking for her. She could see it in the sneaky way his eyes would roam the stands, trying to find her. Admittedly, if he’d gotten up to come around the stairs, he would’ve found her. But Adagio could imagine explaining to the wife why he was looking for his pretty new friend wouldn’t go over so well. Sweetie Belle, too, seemed to search for her when she raced over to them, victory on her shoulders as their team secured the final win of the tournament.

It was almost comical, seeing so many fracture points that she could exploit in the family. But for right now, there was just one that she was after.

“1800 Horseshoe Lane...huh,” Adagio remarked after checking her phone. The technology in this age definitely made life easier in finding someone than in the olden days of beaten paths and treelines. It was a large home, a nice neighborhood surrounding it that felt almost picturesque. Part of Adagio sneered at the well-to-do-ness of the area compared to the much less friendly housing that she and her sisters had. The yard was well kept, flowers blooming and bushes lining the house’s front trimmed and looking proper. She could wager it was Hondo’s doing; she could hardly see Rarity or her fellow females even trying to take on such chores without whining.

As tempting as it was to just go to the front door, instinct told Adagio to check the rest of the area first, for safety’s sake. A simple walk to the side brought her to the fenced gate, which opened with ease, allowing her to walk into the backyard. Her ears heard the sound of food being cooked before she smelled it, the rich and demanding scent of meat being grilled over a fire. She licked her lips and peeked around the side of the house out to the backyard.

“...what the heck?” She murmured.

She was expecting to see some of the family presence, when she’d gotten Hondo’s invitation to come by. They’d exchanged numbers some time back, though he didn’t seem the type to be quite phone savvy going off the misspelled attempt at saying “neighbor.” But the rest of the family wasn’t there. Not a soul to be seen surrounding or swimming in the large pool that occupied a fair portion of the backyard. Lined with white tile and even a walk-in stepping path at one end, it looked fresh and just filled with clean water. The urge to get in the pool resonated with her Siren nature, but she tore her eyes off the water to look at the figure at the grill.

Over time, Adagio had gotten used to Hondo’s presence. She could even be pressed to admit he was cute, in a way. Not like boy band cute or that, but more like...someone you could feel good seeing. He clearly had to have some kind of attractiveness if he’d had two kids. Right now, though, the pure “dad” energy coming off him was almost comical. He still had his straw hat on atop his head but now had one of those floral vacation shirts on. A cooking apron was strung up and hung over his front, letting her make out “kiss the cook” on the front when he turned to adjust a setting. The grill itself was football-shaped, wide, and a bright-colored brown with handles to open it as needed.

Her eyebrows twitched as he hefted the lid open and adjusted a piece of meat with a spatula that had a football-esque grip for him to hold the tool with. The Siren reasoned with herself that had she donned a cheerleader outfit or maybe even football attire herself, she’d have bagged Hondo ages ago. Seeing the big lug give a sigh as he looked out at the pool prompted her to act finally, pushing aside the odd ideas for later.

“Whatcha cookin’, good lookin?” She called to him. Hondo gave a start, almost dropping his tool and fumbling for it before he turned and saw her standing there. Her choice for casual attire today was an easy selection, the same white sleeveless top and high waist denim shorts she’d worn before. Of course, it was totally a choice and not a call from a minimal wardrobe, not that Hondo seemed to complain when he got a peek of her body at just the right times.

“Ada! Well, come on in!” He beckoned her in with a smile and took a moment to check the food before speaking again. “Glad to see somebody’s around here today! What brings you by?”

Adagio rolled her eyes at the seemingly forced positivity in his voice. He was lonely. She could hear it plain as day. “Well, I was in the neighborhood and thought to try and visit you and the squirt. Seems like everyone’s run off on you, though. What’s the deal?”

“Aw, well...Rarity wanted to take Sweetie out for a girl’s trip, and Cookie thought it’d be fun for them all to go together. Course, I’m the dad,” he stated matter of factly, “so I stayed out of it. I told them today I was gonna grill and set up the pool to kinda convince them to stay some, you know? But, it’s hard to get Rarity’s eye off the prize when she’s so focused.” He flipped a slab of burger and let the fresh sizzle fill the air. “Her and Cookie.”

“Well, that’s just...a darn shame,” Adagio commented, stifling down the crude first remark that came to mind of just what exactly they could go do. She had to stay focused on the idea ahead; a yearning man left all to his lonesome. “I’ve got no plans today. Why don’t I keep you company for a spell?”

This made the burly man perk up, a wide smile spreading on his lips. “Really? You sure?”

“Sure I’m sure. Besides,” Adagio said as she drew up close to him, a playful smile making Hondo pause, “who else is gonna kiss the cook?” She pecked his cheek this time, keeping it easy on the older man. “Isn’t that what your apron says?”

“Y-yeah. It uh. Heh. Yeah.” He mumbled out before clearing his throat. The redness in his cheeks could’ve been an effect of all the heat coming off the grill, but Adagio knew better. “You do like grilled food, right?”

“Oh Hondo, I’d eat your meat anytime.” The metal clang as he missed where to put his grill fork made Adagio laugh, though she covered her mouth with her hand as he recovered. “How’s about a nice juicy burger to start with?”

“S-sure! One burger, coming up!” He replied. “Do you want any extras on it? Tomato, onion, lettuce? I got it all!”

“Hmm...tell you what: surprise me, Hondo.” She said. “Let’s see if all that talk of being a grill hog means anything.”

“You kiddin’? I know how to grill any kind of meat you’d want. Hot dogs, burgers, salmon, steaks, you name it!” He boasted as he went about prepping her sandwich. “I can get it to just the right degree where it’s cooked all the way through, but you’d swear you’d be eating a cloud; it’s so soft!”

Adagio considered what she recalled of Equestrian society from the olden days and trying to make clouds edible. The metaphor must’ve meant something else in this realm. “You know, I’ll take your word for it.” She replied as he brought a plate over to her, along with a glass of lemonade. “Ooh...look at you, remembering my drink without me even asking.”

“Well, you can’t chow down without something to wash it down!”

Shaking her head, Adagio allowed herself a healthy bite into the sandwich. She wasn’t the most ardent seeker of meat compared to other foods, but there was an appeal in anything that was better made than re-heated toaster pastries or Sonata’s rain of tacos. The tastes that ran over Adagio’s tongue made her sit up in surprise before she chowed down on the rest of the sandwich, quickly going through it and giving off an ecstatic if mouth-filled moan from the taste. By the time she was done, and the plate was clean, she stopped and took a healthy swig of the lemonade provided for her by Hondo.

She looked up at him, straw in her mouth. He was watching, partially struck by how she’d eaten the food so quick. She sipped a little more before speaking to him.

“It’s delicious.”

He laughed, snapping out of his stupor and shaking his head. “Hey, lil lady, you’re more than welcome! I got sausages and all kinds of meat for you.”

Adagio stretched in her seat, enjoying the feeling of the warm sunlight coming down on her. This really wasn’t a bad idea at all. Let Rarity and her family miss out on this if they wanted: if Hondo was gonna feed her good like that, she wasn’t going to say no. In fact...she should reward him.

“Oh! Hondo, hun,” she adopted a surprised look and pointed at the pool, “you never did tell me about the pool you had installed. Keeping all the goods for yourself?”

“Hah! I only just got done a couple days ago. But yeah, she’s ready for anybody to have a swim in her. I’d offer to let you, but uh, I don’t imagine you’d wanna go home in soaked clothes.” He pointed out before taking a moment to look her up and down. “You know, chafing and all.”

“True...oh! I could borrow one of the girls’ swimsuits! I’m sure they’ve got one I can make work.” It seemed the thought of Adagio in swimwear flustered the grillmaster, and she pressed on. “You can keep at it, and I’ll go change. I won’t be just a bit!”

“O-okay, sure. You know, they got so many, I’m sure they won’t mind.” He replied. Adagio stopped before getting too far and came up behind him as he turned back to the grill to work on some sausages.

“You know, I’ve heard of a trick with sausages,” she remarked, continuing when Hondo looked at her over his shoulder. Her hands rested on both shoulders as she grinned at him. “You gotta boil them slowly, first, to keep them juicy. Swells them up, real big,” she explained as he listened, “keep them juicy, and plenty to work with. Then when they’re ready, finish them hot and fast.”

There was just the sound of the grill for a moment before Hondo nodded dumbly, leaving Adagio to give a playful giggle and kiss his cheek again. “Food for thought, Mr. Grillmaster!” She told him before stepping inside the house.

Finding the room that Rarity called her living space was hardly a challenge. Honestly, no wonder she acted so spoiled; she had everything a girl her age could want! The urge to simply trash the room hummed in the Siren’s mind for a few minutes as she stared at the fashionista’s closet but quelled the thought for the much more suitable revenge waiting outside. Sorting through the choices Adagio had, she felt she had the correct number when she came upon a rather flimsy set of cloth one could argue was a swimsuit. On Rarity, it could look fashionable maybe. On Adagio though, it might just break poor Hondo.

Not that he minds if those roving eyes mean anything.’ Adagio told herself before stripping off her clothes and donning the attire. It was a stretch to call it “attire,” as much of a stretch almost as the purple cloth was making to cover her figure. Being a one-piece string suit meant that her nipples and her nether regions were the only things really covered. All the rest of her was exposed from head to toe, showing off her wide hips and the rear end she had that basically engulfed the back end of the string piece. Her generous chest wobbled if she took even a deep breath. One good jump would probably make her slip out of it, and anywhere else, she’d refuse the thing. But given the circumstances, this was actually the best she could ask for.

She came back out to the pool, fully expecting to catch Hondo off guard. The haughty air she was ready to carry herself with deflated at seeing he was gone for the time being. Adagio frowned while standing under the radiant heat from the sun above, letting her shoulders slump for a moment. The water of the pool called to her, and she gave it only a moment’s thought before choosing to indulge herself. Sonata would’ve leaped right into the pool like a child, but Adagio took it gracefully, using the steps and letting the cool water rise up over her form before she closed her eyes and sank entirely under the surface of the pool.

The leader of the Dazzling trio couldn’t stop the serene smile on her face as she let herself move through the water in the deep end of the pool. Of course, being a private pool, it only went deep enough that she could stand on her tiptoes to peek out above the surface. Being a Siren meant the water felt like a taste of home, far away from her and her sisters. The yearning for oxygen didn’t really bother her as she opened her eyes to look up at the shimmering surface. Only when it had that little burn of pain did she finally force herself up, breaching the surface and tossing her curtain of hair back out of her face.

“Hey! Looks like you like the pool!” Hondo’s voice called out to her. She turned her gaze from the treeline to where Hondo stood by the walk-in stairs for the pool, lifting his hat up a smidge to regard her better. “How does it feel? Be honest now; I can take criticism!”

Adagio watched the burly man before deciding to answer him. She swam up to where she could walk and stood up to let her upper half emerge from the water first. With her hair now down and framing her voluptuous body, she did her best to put on a show for him. Every step through the pool seemed to resonate through her body, the cool water trickling down through her cleavage and along her arms as she kept watching him, Hondo’s eyes entirely glued to her.

“It’s wonderful, Hondo dear.” She appraised, smiling wider at feeling his eyes roam over her chest and pale skin. She gave a flourish of a stretch, bringing her arms up and behind her, which made her chest rise and jut out just a smidge more. The strings keeping her decent could only just manage to keep her that way before she relented and walked the rest of the way out. His gaze fell to her back, then her hips and rear as she got out from the water. There was a thought to maybe trip onto him or take a moment to bend over before him, but that would be too excessive. Better to keep things moving along for her plan to work.

“Could you bring me a towel? I’d love to lay down and get some color on my skin. I must look awful.”

“Y-you don’t at all, Ada. Um, right, towel. Lovely soft-looking towels somewhere.” Hondo replied, soon finding one that he must’ve brought out ahead of time. Perhaps the burly man had an idea to go for a swim himself. But letting him cool off wouldn’t be to Adagio’s benefit. She would need to keep him around and out of the water for now.

“Thank you, Hondo. Now, could I just ask for one more teensy little favor?”


Adagio brought the towel down over one of the tanning chairs laid out nearby, spreading it out before laying herself down onto her belly first. A little fuss with her hair had it waved off to one side over her shoulder, allowing her back to be totally exposed to the sun. The final touch she applied as she glanced over at him, pulling the strings aside from her back and allowing the tops to slip down her shoulders ever so enough to tease the man’s imagination.

“Give a gal some sunscreen, would you? I’d hate to burn while we’re out here.”

Hondo’s own cheeks burned red, but he didn’t voice opposition to this idea. His eyes wandered again, Adagio tracking their progress to the covered but prominent sides of her breasts resting against the chair. She brought her lips into a playful pout when he looked back up to her.


His will of resistance, meager as it was, gave in to that point. He had to go inside to find some but came back where Adagio was waiting. She had to push down the urge to laugh; he was making such an effort to try and walk the tightrope between a hot-blooded male with a near-naked beauty before him and a devoted husband who should know better. The hot-blooded male was making more persuasive arguments, she had to reason, as he seemed to drink up every bit of skin she had to show him. Hondo returned with a dollop of lotion squeezed out onto his hands, and he went to work on her body, starting at the shoulders. He had to lean over her while doing it, shading her some and letting the sunlight frame his torso from her perspective.

All things considered,’ Adagio thought as she allowed a sigh to leave her lips, ‘He’s actually not that bad. Terrible dork and a father if I ever knew one. But still. It’s nice to be appreciated.’ His hands, warm and with just a hint of a rough texture belonging to a working father, massaged the lotion along her shoulders with a practiced circular motion. No doubt he’d done this before for his wife, or his daughters even.

“Make sure you get all of me, Hondo, hun. I don’t want to burn out here.” She told him. He didn’t give a vocal reply, only adding more of the cool lotion to her back and working to spread it along. It felt delightful to have him rub the expanse of her back, and she was tempted for a moment to try and let that be enough. But it wasn’t enough for either of them: she wanted to push him further, and Hondo seemed to privately be yearning for permission to do more.

He seemed to slow as he got to the lower end of her back, his motions easing as he took care to go up along her sides. But the Siren wasn’t going to let him slip away that easily. She allowed a pass over her legs, the way he squeezed her thighs making her shiver in anticipation. She didn’t need to instruct; he seemed plenty practiced. Looking from her spot while he was distracted did allow her to see what she was hoping for: a tell-tale bulge against the front of Hondo’s shorts, aimed down and to the side but undeniable for what it clearly was.

Now I’ve got him. We just need a little more honey…’

She waited until he was coming back up the slope of her thigh before she brought a hand up and touched the man’s own thigh herself. He freezed at the contact, but she only smiled when he looked down at her.

“Now Hondo. You’ve been a gentleman all day long. But a gentleman doesn’t leave a job undone, does he?”

“, ma’am?” He tried. A guilty glance at the one area he’d yet to cover communicated plenty.

Adagio’s grin widened. “Yep. Don’t worry, Hondo. It won’t hurt you to keep being a good gentleman. You’re just helping keep me from being sunburned, aren’t you?” She dangled the excuse in front of him. Adagio could see the front of his pants twitch just a hair. “We’re grown adults. Both willing and able.”

“B-but miss Ada…” His voice was a protest, but a weak one. It wasn’t the type that felt guilt because of the wedding band on his finger or the preconceived notions about marriage Adagio considered to just be so boring. It was the one you used while you stood in front of the line at the deli, eager to sink your teeth into those delicious morsels waiting behind the glass. You could just stick to the grocery list, but with that much meat in front of you…

Adagio’s fingers squeezed a little firmer. He was just brimming with enough energy for her to use with the right push. Or maybe pull was better, as she gave her rear a little shake he didn’t look away from.

“Go on. I won’t say a word to anyone. Enjoy it.”

She let the offer hang in the air and lowered her head again, but gave his thigh another tantalizing squeeze before dragging her fingers down the side of his leg and letting him go. She gave him credit for holding on for at least a few seconds before one hand came down, smoothing out a plentiful amount of lotion on her ass before a second hand joined. The fact the second hand had zero lotion to put on the other cheek didn’t seem to matter to Hondo’s wandering fingers.

“Ooh…” Adagio allowed a moan to escape her as his fingers sunk into the plush fat of her rump, the expansive ass she’d grown into finally being good to her. Hondo’s lust was driving him moreso now, the pace of his motions still vigilant, but now hungry. He’d moved to sit himself on the tail end of the chair between her legs, and she spread them further to accommodate him. The idea of putting herself on display for him was warming up to her, especially as his hands seemed to sink further down and closer to her nethers.


“Yes, Hondo?” she cooed out.

“I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for-oh!”

Hondo had suddenly gone in for the kill, his hands gripping two rich handfuls of her ass to spread it wide, exposing her only half-covered pussy and asshole. She felt him briefly stare before diving for her muff to slip his tongue into it, the unexpected invasion making her head shoot up as she clenched her hands on the chair for support. She didn’t stop him, letting him lavish her folds with all his tongue had to give. The sensation was heightened by the tickling feeling of the man’s mustache brushing against her skin in spots she’d never felt before. It was new, intriguing, and had her toes curling more than she’d have expected to.

He was sloppy, ravenous, and searching like her pussy was the only cure for his soul. He barely relented for a solid minute before coming back up, giving Adagio a chance to look over her shoulder before he dove back in. She couldn’t help a gasp as he worked her over, burying his head as deep as he could into her ass. The Siren wasn’t sure what to do in either encouraging him or trying to control him but found that this lustful drive was doing wonders to speed up her plans. A shake of her hips bounced her massive cheeks against his head, and he groaned into her nethers, the vibration of his voice adding to his efforts.

Too soon in her opinion, he stopped, and she looked back again to see why. Hearing a zipper come undone caught her attention before she spotted a thick-looking cock emerge as he threw down his shorts. Thinking he was aiming for the main deed, she braced herself. But Adagio only felt confusion as his hands parted her ass cheeks again, slapping his cock into the valley they made before squishing them around his length. Hondo’s ecstatic moan brought Adagio back, and she was quick to keep herself up while he stroked his length through her ass cheeks.

“So good...oh god, it’s been too long. I gotta...oh!” He grunted out as he thrust without rhythm or control, the slaps of his groin against her butt filling the air. The suntan lotion was helping to keep him slick and slippery, and his hands never stopped groping and kneading whatever of her rear it could get ahold of. This was different for the Siren than she’d been expecting, but she could roll with it. Really, she was just being used more as a tool to get him off right now, but he was eager.

She could work with eagerness.

With their position, she could easily reach under her and finger her still hungering snatch, the digit working as a smaller substitute for the tongue that had been in it only a little bit ago. She moaned, letting her voice carry to him as he hammered away at her ass. The sound just pushed him on, her ass almost clapping in a quick rhythm to his efforts. She was actually getting into it now, now that she could actually do something about it. A second finger joined her first, and she felt heat and pleasure surge up all throughout her body, emanating the strongest from her core.


Then came a strangled cry from Hondo before liquid started to splat and run along the length of her spine and down her backside. It made Adagio stop and look to see Hondo’s face tensed up as his cum flowed from the swollen tip of his dick that peeked out beyond her voluminous ass. It just kept going, telling the Siren this man wasn’t just in need but clearly backed up something awful. More and more of his seed rained upon her back, then as it slowed, it pooled at the small of her back before flowing over both sides as he finally eased his grip.

“Well. Guess that means you’re a hot dog guy and not just a burger guy, huh?” She remarked.

The question seemed to snap Hondo from his stupor, and he looked down at his cock - still half-hard even - resting over the slope of her rear.

“Oh god. Oh god, what have I done?” He questioned.

Adagio didn’t give him a moment to try and pull away or retreat. Instead, the Siren acted by bringing herself up and back, plopping herself on Hondo’s lap, and making him grunt in surprise. She was surprised too, but moreso about the chair keeping them up and not collapsing from their combined weight focused in one spot.

“Nah-ah-ah. You stay right there, mister.” She said as she reached up and behind to take hold of the back of his head, entangling her fingers in his hair beneath his hat. “You want to know what you did? You finally cut loose. It was about time too; I was beginning to think you weren’t playing my side of the football field.”

“A-Ada! I swear I don’t know what came over me. I...I-I’m not a bad man, I swear!” He insisted.

“Of course you’re not. Few men here actually are.” She agreed. “Just a lot of good men, with maybe a little bad in them.”

“It’s just...I just haven’t in so long...Cookie, she...she’s always so busy…”

Before he ran the gauntlet of excuses she knew to expect, Adagio brought her other hand up to stop him, gently covering his mouth.

“Don’t worry. I know exactly what you want to say. So let’s cut to the chase a bit quicker and spare the soap operas for the rest of the world.” Adagio replied before smiling at him. “You’re a man with needs that need addressing. I’m a woman who is...equipped,” she gave a light bounce of her hips against his lap, “to address those needs. We can help each other. It’s not fair to just leave you hanging like that.”

The physical contact she had with him let her feel that swell of negative magic within him, coursing and trying to worm its way through his willpower. She almost had him, the delightfully dim-witted dear.

“B-but my wife…”

“Doesn’t have to know a thing. No one does but you, and me. The way I see it, Hondo,” she said as she brought her hand down to find the one that bore his wedding band and lifted it up to face level, “this here? This is yours and hers. I’m not interested in playing homewrecker today.” Adagio held his stare as she brought his ring finger to her lips, and slipped the digit between her lips and into her mouth. A simple grip with her teeth dragged the ring back along with the motion of her full lips around the digit.

Once she had his finger free, she spat the ring out and let it fall to the ground beside them. Hondo watched the entire display without blinking, but Adagio felt his cock twitching against her rear end.

“So how about we make the best of this sunny day, and let you cut loose for once? I promise you, I can do things your wife would do only in your dreams.” He twitched again, making Adagio give a sultry soft laugh as she pressed back into him. “How long’s it been since she touched you? Stroked you? Sucked you off?”

“...can’t remember…” he mumbled out. The lust was winning out in his head, she could tell. His hands were running along her front, resting on her belly. She withheld the instinct to brush them off for now and focused instead on magnifying the negativity inside him.

“I can help you remember how it feels. I’ll give you the pleasure you’ve only dreamt of. It’s right here for the taking.” She whispered. The magic inside him hummed in resonance with her suggestions, and she decided to seal the deal with a kiss on his lips. It was the tipping point for Hondo, as he kissed her back and embraced her tighter against him, letting his dick be squeezed between them while she ground up against him.

“Good. But first thing’s first: you’re gonna finish what you started.” She instructed once she broke the kiss off, extracting herself from him and standing up for the moment. A simple shrug and tug on the straps of the one-piece string suit let it fall to the ground in a heap at her feet, leaving her bare naked before his view. She returned to the chair, Hondo making room for her to lay down again but now on her back. Adagio brought her legs up and hooked them over the sidebar armrests on either side of the sun chair. Hondo was left with the delicious sight of Adagio’s exposed pussy, her lips spread by her fingers in a clear invitation.

“You’re going to eat this pussy out until I’m satisfied. And if you do a good enough job? I’ll reward you for it.”

Hondo nodded mechanically and then set upon her in a dash. His haste surprised her a little, expecting he might be more apprehensive. But the worries were pushed aside as he buried his face into her muff again, this time without fighting her rear for access. Adagio allowed him to grab for her thighs, helping keep her spread wide for him to enjoy with abandon. The yearning tongue returned to her depths, and she let herself be awash in how much more aggressive he was in trying to please her. Before was desperation, but now, it was all about reciprocation.

“That’s a good man. Get in there. Get real deep!” She encouraged him, knocking aside his hat to weave her fingers into his hair, pressing on the back of his head to make him stay put at her entrance. Hondo gave no sign of stopping, his wide tongue making good work of her sensitive folds with every rough stroke and lick he gave her. Adagio voiced her approval in her moans, the sound carrying around them in the empty backyard. If someone looked in over the fence, well, it wasn’t her identity at risk, was it?

Hondo’s grip shifted, getting Adagio’s attention as he pressed on either side of her hips in a gentle but firm push. Thinking on it took the sexual Siren only a moment before she relented her grasp on the armrests and made to squeeze Hondo’s head between her wide thighs. Her instincts proved right as Hondo groaned into her pussy, the vibrations making her body shiver as he thrust his tongue in and out as quick as he could.

“More! I want more from you!” She demanded. Her pleasure was rising but still needed more. Hondo was happy to provide it, and had Adagio squealing when his fingers worked their way by his mouth to further stimulate her pussy. The tight fit only served to work Adagio up more, the Siren grasping tightly onto his head with one hand while the other held onto the chair for balance.

“Yes! Yes! So good! Lick that pussy! Eat my pussy out!” she cried out. Hondo’s tongue waved and slid back and forth, crisscrossing over the roof of her tunnel before circling back and giving her clit a brief flick of motion. Every touch on it sparked Adagio’s fire all the more, making her hips buck upwards into his face every few seconds. She gasped for air, the peak already surging towards her. She took deep breaths to try and slow its approach, but Hondo’s efforts overwhelmed her. With a high-pitched cry, she arched her back as her orgasm slammed into her, drenching Hondo’s chin and mouth in her femcum while she rode out her ecstasy.

When she could finally get herself to come down from the orgasmic high, Hondo had extracted himself only just enough to lovingly dote on her sensitive folds while she laid there. He was careful to not go hard on her again, but she appreciated his tender approach no less. Only when she pulled back on his head did he relent, panting for air a little himself as his flushed countenance looked up at her from her groin. It was a perspective she liked seeing him from, admittedly. But she did promise to repay him back.

“Stand up here next to me, Hondo. Let’s get a good look at you.” He got up from the chair, fumbling a bit as he tripped over the abandoned suntan bottle, before coming to a stop at her right side. Adagio sat up and regarded him with a scrutinizing look, or to be more accurate, regarded his bobbing penis that was before her.

Having most of her experience with males belonging to the Equine variety, Adagio was a little curious of just how well a human stacked up in comparison. Up close, there were plenty of similarities, but delightful differences that were working up her appetite. Instead of a blunt tip for the head, this realm’s males had a swollen tip like a mushroom head, deep red in color. The length beyond it was thick, matching three fingers wide from a rough guess. They did not have the length that her old equine acquaintances had, but to have a cock that long would’ve been just ridiculous and uncomfortable. She brought a finger up to run along the length’s underside, enjoying how Hondo’s cock gave a light throb as she experienced the soft, smooth texture. He had some hair fuzz at the base, but nothing that put her off.

“Hmm...your wife’s a fool to disregard a lovely toy so quickly. But don’t worry; I’ll take very good care of him.”

Adagio took hold of his wide member and used her grip to make him walk closer. He obeyed, and she rewarded his obedience with a loving smooch to the tip. The taste that greeted Adagio was...curious. Certainly less bitter than stallion dick to her memory, prompting another kiss. She was quick to open her maw and bring him into it for her tongue to caress in a simple, slow sweep. He kept it clean, a positive point in Adagio’s mind compared to other men who rarely would take the time. And he did all this for a wife that barely touched him anymore.

Well. Her loss really.

Adagio’s other hand came to rest on his hip to balance her as she bobbed her head on his cock, lavishing it with similar loving attention that he’d given to her. She was slower than he’d been, but her relaxed pace had its purpose. Why rush a delightful treat when you can get that satisfying climax on a slower, more seductive path? Reaching the middle of his cock, she sucked hard and pulled back, dragging her plush lips along him until she got to the tip. Her eyes peered up to him, seeing him watching her suck him off with a desperate lust in his gaze.

She rewarded his attention with a hum around his tip before diving back down again. This time, she took up the self-imposed challenge of swallowing all of him. Once she got to the middle, she inhaled through her nose and dove further into him, evoking a moan from him and a fumbling feeling of his fingers getting lost in her hair. She didn’t stop him and pressed on. When she felt the tickle of hair against her nose, Adagio opened her eyes and found herself right at his crotch. She swallowed around him, feeling his tip twitch in her throat and making him groan again while she pulled back.

“You want it, don’t you?” She asked after pulling off to stroke his spit-shined dick.

“’s so good…”

“You wanna convince me? Show me you want it.” She suggested before engulfing him again. The fingers at the sides of her head tightened their grip, and Adagio gave a surprised grunt as Hondo thrust his cock into her throat with a shift of his hips. The lubricating she’d done with her spit kept him moving smoothly, turning Adagio’s mouth and throat into his personal toy as he humped into her face. He wasn’t as rough as he could’ve been with it, which Adagio appreciated. There was a time for getting a real throat-swabbing and a time for indulging lust. Hondo had the sense of mind to not be so bestial, but the yearning he had was clear.

The only thing Adagio didn’t account for was the work of keeping the air in her lungs while giving Hondo the room to hump her face. His cock was thick enough to almost block her airway, giving that slight edge of panic when he’d fill her up that enhanced her body’s lust. With Hondo doing all the work, Adagio was free to rub at her leaking pussy, her fingers dousing themselves in her juices as he worked himself up. He’d huff and groan as his hips rocked back and forth, making Adagio’s head shake in his grasp. She never once stopped licking and sucking at his cock the entire time, drinking up his desire for her as much as she was his pre-cum and negative magic.

Only when Adagio felt his cock swell up as he reached his climax did she panic just a little, as he cut off her ability to breathe. The panic sent a tremor through her body, but she kept her focus and willed herself to ride it out. Hondo never once let go as his cockhead throbbed and then burst with thick spurts of cum to be shot right down into her belly. The feeling made Adagio light-headed as she kept still, managing a weak moan that was overshadowed by Hondo’s relieved grunts. He finally withdrew, freeing her airway for a second before it was coated in his cum. Only a Siren like her could handle so much fluid so well, and she swallowed him down before he pulled out of her lips’ grasp.

Adagio opened her mouth to give some sort of quip she had in mind of “stuffed sausages” but it was cut off from a surprise splash of cum from Hondo’s dick catching her in the face. It streaked across her lips and cheek, and she flinched before reaching up to wipe the seed off her face. Hondo had let go of her now, his hands swinging limply at his sides as he beheld the cum-dripping woman before him. She licked her fingers clean and gave a small laugh at her would-be partner.

“Good boy. But we’re not done yet.”

“I-I...I need a minute.” Hondo breathed out. Adagio wasn’t going to give it to him, not how he wanted. She stood up and had the burly man seat himself on the chair before she claimed his lap again. The back of the chair creaked as Adagio leaned into him, taking advantage of her position to shove Hondo’s face into her sweaty cleavage while she ground against his lap.

“You can spend that minute worshipping my body,” she told him, “the body you’re gonna keep on pleasing as long as I like.”

The half-command, half-boast was met with Hondo nuzzling her breast before latching onto an erect nipple, sucking on the nub as his rough hands came up to palm her wide rear end. Adagio gave a chuckle but returned the effort with a continuous grind against his front, her wet pussy smearing his cock in her juices and working him up to an erection again. He might’ve been an older man, but he was healthy enough and yearning enough that she could feel him returning to hardness already.

“Your wife can’t take care of you like I can. I can offer so much more than her. All that you can take hold of.” Adagio whispered to him. The groping of her ass intensified as she worked against his lap, the erotic contact of skin on skin imbibing her lust as much as his. “I bet you’d love to see this butt bounce for you, wouldn’t you?”

He moaned into her breast, and Adagio reached for his cheeks to bring him back off her with a light pop as she held his wanting stare. “Answer me.”

“Yes. I do.”

“Hmph. Typical for you boys. But I guess it can’t be helped when you look as good as me.” She taunted before reaching behind her and down to find his rising cock. “Lucky for you, I’m enjoying this. So I’ll indulge you this time, Hondo honey.”

The burly man was left to lay back against the seat while Adagio turned about in his lap, settling again but now able to grind her wanting pussy against his cock. The tip brushed against the light fuzz of hair she had around the top of her nethers before she reached down to align him properly. There was no need to talk about if he wanted it anymore; he was entirely in her thrall now. He even helped support her as she rose up to position him, then helped bring her down as she took his cock into her wanting depths. The way he spread her pussy’s depths made her quiver, her face warming at the sensation before coming to a stop when she was in his lap again, now wholly impaled on his length.

“A-Ada…” Hondo weakly groaned out.

“Just sit back and watch.”

She allowed him to keep his hands on her sides, his sweat-lined fingers keeping a grip just barely as she rose up to work him more. Adagio allowed herself to moan, the thrill of his cock filling her so neatly doing wonders for her own lust. If he’d had the length of a proper Equestrian, she’d be ruined for days. Thankfully, he wasn’t, and so she bounced back down to hilt him again and squeal as the chair creaked underneath the pair. Up and down, up and down, she rode his member as the clap of her ass cheeks started up as well.

A look over her shoulder after tossing her hair out of her way left her to see Hondo entirely enraptured with the sight of her jiggling ass cheeks, and she sought to invigorate his desire moreso. She picked up the pace, going from easy full thrusts to short bounces that kept him sheathed in her yet made her rear bounce for his viewing pleasure. The steady claps that followed filled the air between the two, over Adagio’s soft moans and Hondo’s grunts as he took every full bounce she did atop his lap. If it hurt him, he didn’t give any sign of having trouble in favor of reaching down and squeezing the thick cheeks before him.

“Oh fuck! Oh, honey!”

“Mmm, oh daddy~!”

The utterance of the word made Hondo throb in her depths, and she almost cackled. Hondo’s lust made him all the type of deviant she favored toying with, the magic feeding he was giving her only being the icing on the cake. She rode him faster, the claps speeding up before being stopped if only due to Hondo’s hands palming her rear with two handfuls of her bountiful flesh. He was thrusting up as well now, fully beholden to her whims and his desire to rut her. It really was a shame he’d been blue-balled so long by his wife to so easily fall into her clutches.

Oh well.

“C’mon, daddy. Fuck this pussy good. Fuck it like your wife won’t. Because she’ll never be as good as me!” Adagio got out her taunting between bounces and grinding in his lap. She was burning hot under the sun and working up so much heat with her and Hondo’s romp about the poolside. Were she in a less dominant mood, she’d entertain letting him claim her from behind. But she wanted to cement it in his mind, that he’d never get it as good as Adagio could give, not even from his own wife.

“Aw heck. Ada! Fuck!” Hondo growled out. He lurched up, throwing off Adagio’s rhythm and catching her by surprise as he threw an arm around her waist. It braced the Siren well enough as he pulled back to lay back with her atop him still, keeping her balanced before he started to thrust upwards into her. Adagio couldn’t look back at him with his face buried against the back of her neck and in her hair, but she could hear the desperate grunts, the yearning in him as he bucked her with all he had to offer. His show of strength was a pleasant surprise, but she let the worry go away in favor of riding the ecstasy of his cock jackhammering into her pussy.

“Hondo! Harder! Fuck me harder!” she pleaded, and he obeyed. The chair was skittering and bouncing now in place while she took everything Hondo was giving her. A burning sensation built in her back and in her core, echoing both the strain of their position and yet also her building orgasm. Face red and vision blurring, Adagio held onto what she could for a grip, finding it in the chair and Hondo’s leg. The lack of control almost was worrying, but she was still on top of the lustful married man.

When her orgasm did finally pierce through her awareness, she wasn’t prepared for it. It hit harder than a sledgehammer, rocking her body and making her arch her back more while Hondo continued his relentless pace. With him rocking her body, it only made her climax extend all over herself to every nerve she had, rendering her a screaming, gasping mess of a woman before Hondo finally gave in and hilted himself inside her for his own climax.

“Yes...yes, daddy, yes…” Adagio beckoned as she felt pulse after pulse of his cock echo from her nethers while his seed splashed and flooded her pussy’s walls. Hondo could only hold on for a few seconds before he let go of her, utterly exhausted and spent. Being released by the large man left a wobbly Adagio to find some balance as she pulled off his spent cock. A thick river of his seed began to trail down her leg as she stood up, if on shaking legs while Hondo was left to lay on the chair, pantsless and dick soaked in her and his combined juices.

“Well. Always with the surprise last play, huh Hondo?” She quipped, but he didn’t reply. The Siren decided it was for the better, but came to his side to whisper in his ear. Her fingers pressed to his temple, her magic working its way into his vulnerable state with ease. He wasn’t going to need any control from her, but instead, a loving reminder of what had transpired.

“You’ll remember this always, Hondo Flanks. Your wife can keep your hand, your house, your family. But miss Ada will always keep your cock wet and warm better than anyone. Remember it.” she whispered. His head turned the other way and he mumbled incoherently, but Adagio was satisfied for now. She surveyed the backyard and then her prone lover with a thoughtful look. “...well. Let’s not be heartless.”

By the time she’d left the house to go on her way, magic brimming under her skin as well as a renewed confidence and devious plans for the future, Hondo was dressed again and left under an umbrella for his slumber. His ring sat in his pants pocket, and for all intents and purposes, looked no more than a slumbering husband left outside to lounge.

He could come up with an explanation for why Rarity’s swimsuit was in the pool himself.