The Moon Need Friends Too

by sindragon

First published

Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the new world. Even though she made a few friends in

Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the cultural changes of a world 1000 years in the future. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some of the younger children, she is still greatly struggling to fit in.

On Earth a Human is struggling as just as much as Luna. He is shunned by many people because of his life choice of living on his own to care for a cheetah cub and wolf pup after the death of his family in a car crash.

Struggling to support himself and his wards the boy prays to God under the light of the full moon to wake in the morning to a better life.

Pairings include OcxLuna OcxOc and others, If this is against your tastes, then fair warning.

I own Sin,i,Dragon and any Oc charters.
Bri is own by my friend Rafiki

Thardoc will be beta my chapters for me ^.^ .So thank you to Thardoc.

Also I have payed for the cover art for my story, so I own it along with the Artist who made the pic for me.

The cover art was made by the cool penmark

The light of the Moon (Updated chapter Beta by Thardoc )

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The Moon Need Friends Too

Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the cultural changes of a world 1000 years in the future. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some of the younger children, she is still greatly struggling to fit in.

On Earth a Human is struggling as just as much as Luna. He is shunned by many people because of his life choice of living on his own to care for a cheetah cub and wolf pup after the death of his family in a car crash.
Struggling to support himself and his wards the boy prays to God under the light of the full moon to wake in the morning to a better life.

Pairings include OcxLuna OcxOc and others, If this is against your tastes, then fair warning.

I own Sin,i,Dragon and any Oc charters.

Bri is own by my friend Rafiki

Thardoc will be beta my chapters for me ^.^ .So thank you to Thardoc.

Also I have payed for the cover art for my story, so I own it along with the Artist who made the pic for me.

The cover art was made by the cool penmark

Chapter 1 The light of the Moon

Luna sighed sadly, and looked up at another beautiful night sky. She wiped away a small tear as she thought of all the work she had put into it that would only go unnoticed and unappreciated...again. She turned her eyes from the heavens to gaze over the inhabitants of Canterlot. While lights still remained throughout the streets, many of its inhabitants had already slipped into peaceful slumber.

Those still awake partook in the vices of drink and company, treating her night like a time of debauchery. It seemed very little had changed in that regard since her banishment. Most still saw the night as something to be feared and preferred the imagined safety of the indoors, out of the glow of her gentle moon. Even the night princess herself still held the stigma of her past deeds as Nightmare Moon as many still thought of her as that monster. Luna turned her head away from the city, looking once more at the sky.

"Whats the point." she spoke, as if voicing her thoughts would give them weight. "Maybe they have been right all along, and the night will always be something to fear."

I will always be something to fear.

"No!" Luna chastised herself for her negative thoughts.

She had changed. She was not that evil mare anymore. Luna stood with a look of determination on her face, her breath coming in quicker bursts.

She was Princess Luna, goddess of the night. Co-Ruler of Equestria with her sister Princess Celestia, goddess of the day. She was an integral part of harmony and balance in the world and she would not let her jealousy corrupt her again. She stamped her hoof hard at the last thought, its echo lingering for a few seconds before fading back to silence. Her breath began to slow as she calmed herself, turning towards the interior of her room. Luna walked over to one of the large mirrors in her bed chamber, the room itself matched the night sky with varying shades of dark blues and blacks, broken by individual points of reflected light.

Luna used her magic to throw the mirror across the room smashing it into a wall. Breaking it into thousands of pieces. Luna cantered out of her room, running past the voices of her night guards. Not stopping to reply to them, she carried on her run until she came upon the throne room. Only to be surprised to see her older sister Celestia up. Who looked at her with concern, and a hint of fear seeing the pain in the face on her sister.

“ Luna are you ok?” Celestia asked in a worried tone, as Luna slowed to a stop next to the Sun Goddess.

“ We are fine sis, how art thou?” Luna replied to her, in quiet tone.

“ Luna please, it's ok, you don’t have to hide your worries. You can tell me little sister” Celestia cooed in a motherly tone, as she warp her wings around Luna.

Celestia gave a nod to the guards silently ordering them to leave them alone. As they left she then look into her sister's blue eyes.

“ It's her again" Celestia asked softly ,knowing all to well.

“ Yes sister, we are seeing her again” Luna said softly, as she teared up in her sister's embrace.

“Shhhhhhhhhhh” Celestia said softly.

As the two sisters continued ot hold each other, Luna cried her heart out listening to Celestia's soothing words.

Earth – Island of Wight UK, 10/08/12 11pm

A young 23 year old human was resting outside his house sighing deeply as he gazed at the moon like every night. The human's skin was an unbroken pale white. He was nearly 6 foot tall and 12 stones. His hair, a messy brown red that cascaded down his back and slightly obscured his greyish-blue eyes.

He wore a ragged old Manchester United football home shirt. It had lot of tears, mostly from claws marks, he also wore short blue jeans,with black and red skater shoes.

He had given up his birth name at his families death, and gave himself a new one, Sin, beacause deep down he blamed himself for their death. He had have a happy life before the car crash. His family helped raise and protect endangered animals, caring for and breeding them to protect their species, before releasing them back into the wild.

But after their deaths, it had been a struggle for Sin. He still had his job at the zoo and the little par . He used on he received helping the animals and his remaining family members.

“Bri, Dragon, Time for bed, the both of ya” Sin called to his closest friends.

Sin heard a bark and a chirp, as through the moonlight two small animals came running over to him. They nipped and played along the way, as they did so Sin then layed down on the soft grass, watching as the young fluffy looking female Cheetah cub with red ruby eyes jogged towards him. She was 6 week old Bri, who was rejected by her mother as a kit. Sin had token the role of mother for her. As he had done for Dragon, a five week old black and red Alaskan wolf pup.

He had green eyes, Dragon had lost his mother to a poacher, and had been taken in by the zoo as a transfer. Sin was chosen to look after him, since he had Bri already. Both Bri and Dragon had gotten along like a rocket, they simply couldn’t be separated from each other.

Out of the two Bri was the dominant one. Sin smiled as he saw them closing the distance to him, before Bri pounced on top of his stomach.

“Oof” Sin said with bit of wind taken out of him, he couldn't help but chuckle while gasping for air.

Sin stroked their heads as they rested on him, sighing as he look at the moon. Money was running out for Sin, he had no time to earn more money to pay the bills. Plus, he refused to sell his family members to make up the difference.

Sin looked at the moon once more before closing his eyes.

“Please God, help us” Sin whispered intently before falling a sleep, holding onto his family.

Unbeknownst to him, a blue glow was enveloping his sleeping form. He lifted slightly off the ground and rose towards the moon before disappearing into thin air.

Canterlot: the royal throne room.

After a few minutes of sister bonding, the two finally broke apart. Luna looked up at Celestia and nuzzled her, honestly trying to put a smile on her face.

“We thank you sister, you have help us very much.” Luna said.

“You're welcome Luna, you know you can talk to me any time“ Celestia replied calmly.

Luna nodded her head. "I-"

BANG CRASH THWACK. A loud sound echoed around the room, as tiles came crashing down to the marble floor, followed by a body, and two small other creatures it was holding.

Luna let out a yelp of surprise, and subconsciously hid behind her sister's bigger body slightly rattled. Celestia simply stood there shocked, at whatever had just crash into their throne room. The royal guard ran in shortly after the crash, searching for any potential threats.

“Sis... what are they” Luna asked, with a bit of fear.

“I'm not sure “ Celestia replied.

End of chapter 1
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Big and Small (Updated chapter Beta by Thardoc )

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The Moon Need Friends Too

Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the cultural changes of a world 1000 years in the future. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some of the younger children, she is still greatly struggling to fit in.

On Earth a Human is struggling as just as much as Luna. He is shunned by many people because of his life choice of living on his own to care for a cheetah cub and wolf pup after the death of his family in a car crash.
Struggling to support himself and his wards the boy prays to God under the light of the full moon to wake in the morning to a better life.

Pairings include OcxLuna OcxOc and others, If this is against your tastes, then fair warning.

I own Sin,i,Dragon and any Oc charters.

Bri is own by my friend Rafiki

Thardoc will be beta my chapters for me ^.^ .So thank you to Thardoc.

Also I have payed for the cover art for my story, so I own it along with the Artist who made the pic for me.

The cover art was made by the cool penmark

Chapter 2 Big and Small

Luna hadn't moved from behind her elder sister, worried about what the creature was. What problems could it cause, where had it come from, and so on. She remember the old days which were filled with evil and fear, she shuddered at the thought of it. Remembering what creatures roamed 1000 years ago, and the horrors they could cause.

Luna felt a hoof touch her face, looking up she saw it belonged to Celestia. Her sister, giving her a reassuring look, as if to say that everything would be ok.
As the Royal Sisters were having their moment together. Celestia'a Royal guards, a mixture of Earth, Pegasus and Unicorn Ponies. Who bore a mix of white and black coats, adorned with gold and blue body Armour, which had the Sun Goddess' cutie mark on the side.

They had formed a circle around the new creature, who was covered in the fallen tiles and dust. It had small cuts over his body, they were not very deep. But they were serious enough that blood was dripping out onto the marble floor. So they could protect the sister guards held steady, facing the creature in case it was feral.

"Meeewww" said a voice by Sin's body.

"Huh? You are in the presence of the Royal Sisters, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, identify yourselves!" Shouted one of the Royal guards.

The sisters turned around to find out what had made the noise, only to see one of the smaller creatures had woken up, it look like a ball of fluff to the sisters. They had never seen anything like it before.

It was Bri who had woken up first,as her small legs stumbling on the marble floor. Feeling a bit dizzy from the tumble through the ceiling, as well being confused on were they where. She turned around to see her friend Dragon, all the while black and red fur nuzzling their adopted father body.

She smelt the blood before she saw it, but immediately knew it was coming from her father. Mewling in fear that he was hurt, or worse, she was about to look for help, when she heard a loud strange scary voice.

Turning her head to look what had spoken, she saw a much bigger creature than her on 4 legs. That also had a stick on it head and wore something like their father did. She then looked around to see other creatures like him, either with sticks on their heads, Or none at all, some strangely had bird wings. This confused the poor young Cheetah cub. Daddy had not spoken, about these kind of creatures before. Plus there were two, much bigger and scarier creatures behind them.

They both to seem to have sticks on the heads and bird wings too. But the white one who was a whole lot bigger, and was very intimidating to the small cub. When the blue one was less large, she was dark and reminded her of the night and stars that her, Dragon and their father slept under every night.

She the heard the voice of the creature, speak again more forcefully at her. It was getting closer to her. Mewling in fear she walked backwards, bumping into her father body. She felt Dragon let out his best yip as a warning. Warning the thing to stay away from them. But it continued coming closer to them.

"Who are you, what are you doing here, can you speak?" The Royal Unicorn Pony asked her in a stern tone.

"Bright Star that's enough, they seem harmless enough. I doubt they are going to attack, stand down, that's an order" Celestia said loudly.

She could see the fear in the creatures eyes, also it seemed that the larger creature was out cold, plus it looked injured. She also could not sense any magic energy like what a unicorn, or even an earth pony would possess.

Luna came out behind her sister, to look at new creatures. The two smaller ones, looked very cute. While the larger one filled her with fear and curiosity of what it could be, would it want to be friends with them, Or would cause trouble as Discord had done?

Bright Star looked at his leaders with worry, he didn't want to argue with the rulers, but he still saw these creatures as a potential threat. As he moved closer to Bri, she mewed in fear and rolled into ball shaking in fear.

"But my Lady they have sharp claws like dragons do, and appear to be carnivores as well. They might bring chaos just as Disco- Ouuuch" Bright Star was saying to the Princess, before letting out a hiss of pain.

He looked back to see a black and red creature snarling, as it bit onto his tail. It was the weight pulling on his tail that was causing the pain. This caused a gasp of shock from Luna. While the other guards just chuckled at Bright Star's misfortune. Celestia just glared at Bright Star, for braking the order she had given him.

"Get off my tail" Bright Star shouted at Dragon, who was shaking his head side to side with the tail in his mouth.

He held on for dear life as the other Guard Pony's continued to laugh. Bri mewed in fear for her friend, she thought he was very brave for protecting them, but she knew Dragon couldn't do much damage to the creature considering its size. She just hoped he would be ok.

She looked at Sin again, whom she was still worried about, The bleeding had stopped, but that was still a lot of blood that had come out of him. she knew that wasn't good. She just hope the bigger ones wouldn't hurt them.

Dragon closed his eyes in fear, He was biting as hard as he could. So he could stay on the creatures tail as long as possible despite being flung about on Bright Star'd tail, who just about had enough of his tail being bitten.

"Get off me you creature!" Bright Star shouted angrily, as his horn light up red preparing to use his magic to forcefully pull Dragon of his tail.

Bri mewed with fear for her friend. Seeing him flying high in the air and about to crash head first, into the cold marble floor. Before he hit the ground though, Luna's horn glowed a dark blue, as she used a spell to stop Dragon's crashing. She slowly rotated him right side up, blue aura still around him.

Dragon look around after opening his eyes to see he was floating. He yapped in surprise at both the blue glow and the hovering bit. Luna grunting as she landed the wolf pup down by her legs. As Celestia walk past her guards to Bright Star, who was shaking in fear of Celestia's possible punishment.

"Princess Celestia... I" Bright Star tried to say before getting silenced by the Sun Princess.

"Silence Bright Star, you have disobeyed a direct order. Because of this you will be punished. Guards, escort Bright Star to my chamber,were I will speak with him later." Celestia ordered, not quite using her Royal Canterlot voice, but it still was loud enough to tell she was unhappy.

The Guards nodded their heads, knowing not to argue to the Princess.They walked Bright Star out to Celestia chamber, as Luna's Night Guards walked in, to see if their Princess was ok.

"I am ok my guards, but I need thee To take this large creature to Doctor Fast Heart, For treatment for his Injury's" Luna said.

"As you wish Princess" They said together, with a dark tone to their voices.

The group of guards walked over to the creature, a tiny bit scared of it. But determined not to show weakness in front of their Princess. They then carried Sin out to the first aid room, To get healed from his injury's.

Both Dragon and Bri saw their father being taken away from them. They mewed and whimpered in a worried tone, and tried to run after them, only to be stop by the two princess'.

"Don't worry little ones, your friend is just going to be healed. You'll be able to see him soon" Celestia cooed to the obviously young animals.

She sat down, reducing her height so as to not scare them any further. Knowing she was an intimidating figure.

"Thou are right, my sister and I don't want to hurt you young ones, I guess you can't speak our language?" Luna asked them, in the same tone as her sister.

Both Bri and Dragon nodded their heads. They don't understand much, but they spoke like the father did.

"We take this as a yes then. Can your friend speak like us?" Luna asked them

Once again Dragon and Bri nodded the heads in confirmation.

"Well that is good, I think we shall now go see you friend. To see if he's ok, would you like that?" Celestia asked them, smiling at younger creatures.

Dragon gave a happy yip, and nuzzled Luna's leg. As Bri did the same to Celestia . Both of the sisters smiled to each other as they started to walk Bri and Dragon to the Hospital to check on that other strange creature.

End of chapter 2
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What are Thou? (Updated chapter Beta by Thardoc )

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The Moon Need Friends Too

Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the cultural changes of a world 1000 years in the future. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some of the younger children, she is still greatly struggling to fit in.

On Earth a Human is struggling as just as much as Luna. He is shunned by many people because of his life choice of living on his own to care for a cheetah cub and wolf pup after the death of his family in a car crash.
Struggling to support himself and his wards the boy prays to God under the light of the full moon to wake in the morning to a better life.

Pairings include OcxLuna OcxOc and others, If this is against your tastes, then fair warning.

I own Sin,i,Dragon and any Oc charters.

Bri is own by my friend Rafiki

Thardoc will be beta my chapters for me ^.^ .So thank you to Thardoc.

Also I have payed for the cover art for my story, so I own it along with the Artist who made the pic for me.

The cover art was made by the cool penmark

Chapter 2 What are Thou?

As the two Alicorns and the pup/cub were walking down the hallway to the Royal Sisters personal hospital. The two leaders were whispering to each other, discussing what had just occurred, and what would the plan be going forward.

"Big sis dost thou know what these creatures are? I never seen them before." Luna asked her big Sister about,their guest.

"Im not sure Lulu, but I remember mother talking about mythical creatures in the books, and the incredible variety that used to live on the planet. Before mother came to this planet, to live and have us." Celestia said softly, remembering the past.

"I miss mum too sis" Luna said sadly as she cuddled her sister, nuzzling her fur comfortingly.

Celestia pulled her into the hug ,as her large white wings wrapped around Luna, as the two sisters took comfort in each others company remembering their kind mother from before she had been taken away.

They both then felt a nudge on their hoofs. Taking them out the moment together, They looked down to see a sad questioning look on Dragon and Bri muzzles. They were making sad whimpers and mews, picking up on the emotion of the Royal Sisters. Celestia quickly got sense on what was going on, so she knelt to speak to the baby animals. "It ok little ones, we're ok. Let's go see, how your friend is doing." Celestia said. Luna looked on brushed her tears away with one of her hoofs, and regaining her composure.

Bri looked at her friend Dragon, who still had a look of worry on his face but he eventfully nodded his head, as did Bri. She let out a small mew, vocalizing her agreement. The Royal Sisters gave them a nod back, and they started on their walk again.

It took them another five minutes to walk to the Sisters hospital where Sin was being treated.The majority of the entryway was dominated by a large door, which showed on one side of the door, the sun and Celestia, and on the other side, the moon and Luna. Both Bri and Dragon mewed and barked with excitement at the door, for the main reason of seeing Sin, when they then spotted two of the white guards, that had threatened them before.

Neither guard was Bright Star, but to the young animals they all looked alike. They small animals semi consciously backed up slightly behind Luna for protection.

"At ease." Celestia said kindly to her guards.

"Yes princess" The Guards replied together in perfect synchronization, as they closed their wings to let them into the hospital to see how the creature was doing under Doctor Fast Heart's care. Luna used her magic on the doors,lighting them up a light blue and making them appear to open of their own accord, spooking both Dragon and Bri. Their antics caused both Celestia and Luna to chuckle.

"It ok little ones, there's nothing to be afraid of." Luna said to them.

The two Royal Sisters walked in to the hospital, followed by Dragon and Bri. The animals looked back and forth with poorly concealed excitement and worry, searching for the room that contained Sin, and thanks to Dragon's nose it didn't take long and they rushed into a room near the back of a corridor.

Luna and Celestia smiled at their concern, guessing that the small creatures looked up to the bigger one as their father. Entering the room they saw the entertaining scene of the decidedly adorable creatures trying ot hop up onto the bed with their faith, as a red unicorn with a medical aid box cutie mark tried in vain to stop them. When he saw the princesses enter he comically tried to both block the animals and bow at the same time.

"Don't worry about them Fast, they're family to this creature." Luna said, to the Royal Doctor.

"How is the patient Doctor?" Celestia asked, the red Unicorn.

As they were talking to him, Bri and Dragon had gotten on to the bed. They had then walked over to Sin face, nuzzling him, checking if he was ok. Sin himself was in better shape, compared to when they had first crashed landed in to the castle at least. Fast Heart had cleaned Sin wounds, as well wrapping bandages around Sin's bod, to both stop the bleeding, and protecting from further injury.

"He's suffering mainly bruising to his ribs, there are small cuts on his body, but mainly his back, it appears that those are the extent of his injuries though. Princess... what are they may I asked? I've never seen their kind before." Fast Heart asked the Princess.

"That is a very good question, and one we don't currently know the answer to, but we plan to ask him when he wakes up." Celestia answered.

The Doctor just nodded his head, knowing not to disagree with the Princess's choice. They stood silently and watched Bri and Dragon lick Sin face. A few seconds later they heard a groan, and froze as Sin awoke and slowly pulled himself to a sitting position.

"Damn, what did I drink." Sin asked himself, rubbing his face in attempt to wake himself up.

Luna and Celestia jumped a bit at hearing their language spoken so fluently. How was this possible, how was this... creature, speaking perfect Equestrian? Fast Heart was in even greater shock, having thought that he as treating an animal, as the sister's have no need for a Royal Vet because Celestia refuses to allow anyone but herself take care of her phoenix.

He was about to use his magic to form a binding spell, but Celestia stopped him with a shake of her head.

The three ponies, minus a confused doctor walked towards the side of the bed, as they watched Sin get his bearings.

"Damn why do my ribs hurt so much, oh hey guys, how are you. Wait where the hell are we.?" Sin asked himself, then looked to Bri and Dragon. Sin smiled deeply as he stroked their fur, taking comfort in their presence.

'Looks like a hospital, how the hell did they end up here? Last thing he remembered was resting with Dragon and Bri in their backyard. Now they were in a hospital? That didn't make any sense.'

As Sin played with his children contemplating what had happened, he glanced around the room, and got a shock. Sin then saw something he never seen, in his life before. A unicorn in Doctor clothes? He must be heavily drugged. Unicorns were myths, not real at all.

But standing in front of him was one, in a doctor's clothes no less. That made no sense at all, he pinched his arm to test if he was dreaming, and was more than a little worried when all that happened was him wincing at the pain.

Sin was on the verge of freaking out, and stared a the unicorn, making him more than a little uncomfortable. Because of this he didn't spot the two Alicorn princesses standing just off the the side of his bed.

"Hello, I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria." Celestia said to Sin.

"And I am Princess Luna, also co-ruler of Equestria ." Luna added.

Sin whipped around to stare at the two horses next to him, and tried to digest what they had said, but all he could manage to think was 'WTF IS GOING ON?!?'

He guessed he should reply, but he was too occupied trying to understand how on earth they could speak English at all. Equestrian animals shouldn't even have the physical ability to speak, forget intelligent enough to start a conversation.

Deciding to go with it he replied, "Um, Hi? I'm Sin and im a Human, this my family Bri and Dragon. Bri is a cheetah cub and Dragon is a male wolf pup."Sin explained, not sure if it was even necessary. All three equines looked at him in shock.

"But I thought humans were a myth..." Doctor Heart said, with a bit of uncertainty in his voice

"Same with Cheetahs, and are wolves not wooden constructs, not of flesh and blood?" Luna said adding in her bit.

"Wait, Humans and Cheetahs are a myth and wolves somehow wooden? You're supposed to be a fairy tale, and I have no clue what you two weird things are. What's next, magic exists to?" Sin said chuckling to himself, thinking he was going crazy.

Luna eyes narrowed in slits and she used her magic to pick Sin up. Causing Sin to let out gasp of shock at being lifted into the air. He was watching the blue pony horn glow a blue colour, similar to the glow that was holding him to afloat in the air.

"Thou should learn some manners, yes magic is real as you can see. Me and my Sister are Alicorns, I'm going to put you down, but I ask that you be more polite." Luna said in a stern tone to Sin.

Sin looked at Luna with a frightened look on his face and nodded his head. Revealingly he felt himself being lowered back down on the bed. Bri and Dragon came over to him, to see if he was ok. As Sin tried his best to reassure them he was ok, Celestia looked at the Doctor and her Sister, who looked at her with sadness.

Celestia walked over to her, telling her she didn't do anything wrong. Luna smiled and nuzzled her Sister. Celestia then told the Doctor, he was allowed to go. Leaving the Sisters, Sin, Dragon, and Bri alone in the room.

"Im sorry about the force we had to use on you. It wasn't really necessary" Luna said looking at Sin.

"It ok, sorry for insulting you." Sin replied.

Luna nodded her head accepting the apology, as she quizzical looked at Celestia, wondering what she was planing. Celestia walked over to Sin, and looking at his eyes. The princesses sudden closeness was more than a little awkward for Sina and he was grateful when she stepped back by her sister.

Would you please take our guests, to your spare room to rest. I will finish the duties for today, plus to sort out the small problem with Bright Star. So we then can talk to our guest more, if that ok with you Mr Sin." Celestia said to them both in a kind tone.

"Um sure Sis." Luna said a bit unsure.

"Ok um Princess Celestia." Sin said to her,trying to nurse his injured ribs.

"Good I will take my leave, I will see you soon. Have fun Luna." Celestia said playfully to her sister, before she teleported herself out the room.

Sin's eyebrows nearly hit the ceiling when he saw large white pony teleport into thin air.

Luna caught his expression and chuckled before speaking to the human.

"Shall we get going?" Luna asked Sin.

End of chapter 3
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Punishment and Night joy (Updated chapter Beta by Thardoc )

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The Moon Need Friends Too

Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the cultural changes of a world 1000 years in the future. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some of the younger children, she is still greatly struggling to fit in.

On Earth a Human is struggling as just as much as Luna. He is shunned by many people because of his life choice of living on his own to care for a cheetah cub and wolf pup after the death of his family in a car crash.
Struggling to support himself and his wards the boy prays to God under the light of the full moon to wake in the morning to a better life.

Pairings include OcxLuna OcxOc and others, If this is against your tastes, then fair warning.

I own Sin,i,Dragon and any Oc charters.

Bri is own by my friend Rafiki

Thardoc will be beta my chapters for me ^.^ .So thank you to Thardoc.

Also I have payed for the cover art for my story, so I own it along with the Artist who made the pic for me.

The cover art was made by the cool penmark

Chapter 4 Punishment and Night joy

"Sure Princess Luna" Sin said politely to the lunar princess.

"Thou can call us Luna, Sin." Luna replied to him amused at his uncomfortableness around royalty.

She guessed it was much different where the human came from as she watched Bri and Dragon jump off the bed to follow her and Sin. They were very cute, but she did wonder why Sin was looking after them. Did something happen to their family? Was that the reason? Why are they even with the Human, or is that normal where Sin is from?

She resolved to ask him this and more at a later time, perhaps after some trust, a friendship, or at least some respect was built.

"Follow me Sin, we shall bring thou to the room that thou will be staying in while you are here." Luna said to Sin, while opening a door with her magic.

"Yes Pri- uh, I mean Luna." Sin replied to her, catching his mistake.

Luna smiled, as they walked out the hospital. Celestia's guards took Sin by surprise, seeing an actual pegasus was still strange, even though he had already met two stranger pony-things moments ago.

"Sin, would you mind if I asked you a bit about your life?" Luna asked Sin, who cringed a bit.

Sin looked at her guessing she want to know if I was a threat,or something. Which was reasonable for a Princess,wanting to defend her people from danger.

"Um, sure Luna, well it started when-" Sin said, beginning tell his life story to Luna as they walked around a tower between the hospital and the castle.

Celestia's Tower, Celestia's Bedroom

Bright Star was shaking deeply, thinking of the punishments he would receive from the Sun Goddess. Just because some other creatures burst into the throne room unnannounced. He didn't udnerstand how doing his job, and protecting the princess from obviously unintelligent animals could get him in trouble.

They were below Pony's, as were Dragons and Griffins. Ponies are the dominant species, so they should be able to do what they wanted. Why didn't the Princess see this? Maybe that traitorous Sister of hers had made Celestia weak! Maybe after this talk, he could sort out the, weakness that was affecting his Princess.

Bright Star look over at the other Sun guards keeping him from leaving while waiting for their Princess to arrive, when he heard hooves arriving at the door. A few seconds later, a bright light fill the room. As Celestia made her entrance, causing all her guards to bow to the sun goddess.

"Thank you my little Ponies, you may leave us. I would like to talk to Bright Star alone." Celestia asked her guards in a kind tone, but in way telling that she wouldn't take "no" as an answer.

"Yes Princess." The guards said in practiced unison, leaving their Princess with Bright Star.

Despite knowing he was in the right, Bright Star couldn't help but gulp at the glare Celestia was throwing his way.

"Bright Star why did you disobey a direct order?" Celestia said in a stern tone, as she looked at her guard.

"Princess, I was attempting protecting you from those carnivores, in case they decided to attack." Bright Star said softly, bowing his head to her.

"You think if it came down to me or Luna, we couldn't defend ourselves? Do you believe me and my sister are weak?" Celestia asked him in the same tone, but slightly louder. The one thing that her and Luna, hated was being thought of was weak and defenceless, it was bad enough that they had so many doting on them like priceless vases already.

"No no my Princess I don't mean that at all, It just a fact meat eaters can be mean or nasty creatures." Bright Star replied trying to cover, his mistake.

"So my pet Philomena and my student's adopted son Spike are monsters, simply because they can eat meat?" Celestia said coldly, obviously restraining herself.

The room physically warmed up from anger of the sun goddess, she could usually could keep her anger in check, she had too, but she hated, when intelligent ponies like Bright Star acted without thinking.

Bashing creatures for,just what they ate or if they were a different species. She had fought this for a long time,even before Luna return. She never understood,why some of her Ponies acted with such narrow mindeness.

"No Princess it's just, what if these creatures bring chaos to this world, possibly reviving Discord." Bright Star said, retreating from Celestia's glare and the uncomfortable heat in the air near her.

"If they do, they will be dealt with by the guard or the elements. Bright Star, I am not happy with your automatic assumptions about our new guests. Even if it might be with good intentions. You are blinded by your hate." Celestia said to him relaxing slightly

"But Princess-" Bright Star was trying to say but got stop by Celestia glare, as she carried on talking to him.

"Bright Star you are relieved of duty until such a time comes that you can be more open minded and reasonable about other races, I cannot force you to change your mind, but I suggest you do..

Before Bright Star could respond, he felt himself being teleported by Celestia magic, sending him to the castle entrance, as Celestia shook her head sadly.

"I'm sorry my little pony, this is the best way." Celestia said softly as she went to lower the sun, So Luna could begin the night. Today had been very stressful for her, she need to remind herself too write a letter to Twilight, perhaps to help her with equestria's new guest.

Back to Luna and Sin

It had taken them a short while to travel to Luna's tower, which was guarded by Luna stallion guards. She nodded towards her guards and they bowed in response, magically opening the doors to grant them entry. Sin was bit surprised to see they had bat wings? Strange, maybe it's just aesthetic, them being night guards?

Bri and Dragon walked inside too, but barely noticed the guards, as they were too entranced by Luna's mane. It was like watching the galaxy and the stars flowing through space. The effects in her mane, he decided, was some of the coolest and most beautiful things he had ever seen.

Also it seemed to blow in some invisible breeze, so had Celestia's, Sin had no idea what could cause that but chalked it up as just more magic. Luna herself didn't mind the animals playing with her mane, she thought it was cute. She was happy as well, that they were not scared of her. It made her feel happily, that someone beside her Sister or the mane for her and were not scared of her either.

They started to walk up the stairs to her room, just as Sin finished sharing a basic background about his life with Luna.

"So Thou are like Fluttershy." Luna stated, as they watched Bri and Dragon play with Luna's mane.

"I'm sorry, who's Fluttershy?" Sin said asked confused.

Luna looked at him confused a moment, before blushing for her mistake.

"Oh im sorry, thou don't know Fluttershy. She is a pegasus with similar interest with wildlife." Luna replied to Sin still blushing, as she hid her blush behind her mane.

"Oh, she seems to be a very kind person." Sin said to her, it was nice to know that ponies looked after other animals.

"She is the element of Kindness." Luna replied to him.

Sin just gave her a look of confusement, having know idea what an element of kindness might be.

"Oh sorry, she apart of... uh, I will tell you tomorrow. You will see what I mean." Luna said trying to explain to him.

"Ok?" Sin eventually replied, still a bit confused.

Luna smiled deeply at him as she used her magic to open her door to her room. She gestured for them to enter, and they walked in, and were taken by surprised at the design of her room. While Bri and Dragon climbed on Luna bed to play on it. Sin decide to to take a look around Luna's room.

"Wow it's so beautiful Luna, do you like the moon as well?" Sin asked her.

Luna looked at him a bit surprised, few ponies took an interest with the night.

"Yes, it is because I control the night and raise the moon." Luna said to him, trying to keep her excitement in control.

"You can control the moon?" Sin asked in shock at the idea.

"Yes, would you like to see?" Luna asked him calmly.

Sin nodded his head causing Luna to smile at his response.

"Yes please Luna, if you don't mind." Sin asked her.

"Sure, follow me." Luna said as she walk out to her balcony and towards the sunset.

End of chapter 4
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Rising the Moon and setting the Sun

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The Moon Need Friends Too

Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the cultural changes of a world 1000 years in the future. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some of the younger children, she is still greatly struggling to fit in.

On Earth a Human is struggling as just as much as Luna. He is shunned by many people because of his life choice of living on his own to care for a cheetah cub and wolf pup after the death of his family in a car crash.
Struggling to support himself and his wards the boy prays to God under the light of the full moon to wake in the morning to a better life.

Pairings include OcxLuna OcxOc and others, If this is against your tastes, then fair warning.

I own Sin,i,Dragon and any Oc charters.
Bri is own by my friend Rafiki

Thardoc will be beta my chapters for me ^.^ .So thank you to Thardoc.

Also I have payed for the cover art for my story, so I own it along with the Artist who made the pic for me.

The cover art was made by the cool penmark

Chapter 5 Rising the Moon and Setting the Sun

Sin followed the Princess of the Night out to her balcony, and stood next to her watching as Luna closed her eyes. He looked out admiring the fantastic view when he saw her sister Celestia standing on her balcony across the way performing the same action. Sin was very confused, was this some kind of ritual? Maybe this had something to do with what Luna said about "controlling the night"

Sin continued silently watching them when he saw Luna's horn glow a dark blue, while Celestia's horn lit up with a radiant golden color, both of their wings extended as the light around their horns continued to intensify. Luna's mane began blowing almost wildly next to him and he took a step back when Luna spoke up. "Thou might wish to look up, this might not be something thou would wish to miss" she said with a light strain in her voice.

Sin said nothing, not wanting to interrupt whatever it was they were doing. Taking her suggestion he turned his head up to watch the sun, which strangely didn't hurt his eyes to look near, or even at. He gasped when he saw the entirety of the sun take on a golden sheen similiar to the one around Celestia's horn and begin moving, Sin was speechless at the spectacle.

He looked over at Celestia to see her horn pulsing with a golden glow, a look of concentration on her face as she apparantly was moving the sun! While Sin kept on watching with amazement at something no human had never seen before. The sun being physically moved praparing for the night. By someone no less, not just some illusion from the rotation of the earth.

Sin then saw the Moon coming over the horizon also bearing a glow around it similar to the sun's. But instead of the golden glow, It's glaze was of a cool royal blue. This amazing change from day to night was one of the most beautiful sights he had ever seen.

As the Moon rose higher and higher, taking in place in the sky. Darkness grew, and as Sin watched the stars flowed across the sky like a milky river into thier positions. The Sun was now gone, and Celestia's horn had stopped glowing, the sun having completely disappeared. Both Celestia and Sin watched Luna as she completed her job, straining slightly with the effort.

It was so amazing to see her work, it was like she was painting the night. As her horn magic glow slowly dimmed and disappeared, she reopened her eyes and surveyed her work before turning to him, wings folding back into place. W

"Did thou enjoy, our show of changing the day and night?" Luna ask him softly, breathing only slightly harder than normal.

Examing the sky he determined that it was much the same as his night back home, but the sky was more clear than he had ever seen it, and the moon and stars shown much more brightly, but instead of feeling cold it was soothing.

"It's a masterpiece Luna, It's simply amazing." Sin happily said.

Luna was blushing bright red from his comment, and pulled Sin into a hug with her magic. Taking him by surprise, being hugged by the princess of the night caused him to blush as well.

"Thank thou thank thou, thou don't know how much this means to me." Luna said joyously.

Sin was getting over the shock action of Luna, before hugging the lunar princess back. Letting her embrace him while Celestia watched on with worry but happiness too. That the human was their, and knowingly or not was putting to rest one of Luna's greatest fears.

Ceelstia it was time for her to take her leave for the night, and she gave Luna a quick telepathic message telling her that she as off, before returning back into her bedroom to rest, Leaving Luna and Sin hugging outside under the stars.

" Your welcome Luna, but I don't understand" said Sin, "Who would consider something like this to not be beautiful?"

Luna sniffed pulling back off of Sin's shoulder before looking at his face.

"Thank you it just... it will be a long time before they forgive me. For my mistake of changing into Nightmare Moon and forcing upon them eternal night. I fear they may never forgive me for my mistake."Luna said sadly, hugging Sin again.

Her body shook deeply, though with joy or sadness Sin couldn't tell. He could only hug her in return and let her regain her compoure on her own. Sin had found out about Luna's darker history when he had told his own past. Luna had givne him a brief summary on how she became Nightmare Moon. He didn't know how she had returned to herself instead of being lost, but the point is she was no longer a monster.

"Luna listen please, you may have done evil things in your past life. But whether the reasons were your fault or not, you overcame it, returning to what you are now. Besides, you have shown me and my family nothing but an incredible amount of kindness and trust since we've arrived here.

It is said in my world, that great power comes with great responsibility. And to me it seems you only had learn that lesson Luna. It's teh painful truth that not everyone is going to love you, everyone has people who just do not like or trust them. In time I'm sure your ponies will welcome you with open arms." Sin said softly but in a no-nonsense tone to her.

As he finished his speech to the Princess of the Night. He broke out of the hug while Luna digested what he had said, eventually a small smile graced her face.

"Thank thou, we needed that." Luna said to Sin quietly.

" You're welcome Luna, I'm happy for you." Sin said back to her.

Luna smiled more before remembering something she too often was forced to do by alone. She looked at Sin for a moment wondering if he would join her in the task.

"Sin before you go to bed, would you like to play some games with me."Luna asked him, attempting to recreate that new foal trick she had heard about a while back, something called "puppy eyes".

"Sure Luna, I'd love to play a game with you."Sin said chuckling a bit at her only slightly successful attempt at puppydog eyes.

"WE TOO! oh, sorry" Luna blushed, accidentally engaging her royal canterlot voice, forgetting herself in her excitement at finally having someone other than her reluctant guards to sped some of the night with. She turned and walked back towards her room with a happy bounce that surprised even herself, checking briefly to make sure Sin was following.

Celestia's Bedroom

Celestia had just finished her letter to Twilight, she wrapped it up, sealed it, and with a small exertion of magic sent it on its way.

"Done" Celestia said to herself, yawning deeply as she nearly stumbled over to her queen size bed. Using her powers once more, she lifted her sheets and slipped into bed, snuggling up before falling asleep.

Luna's bedroom

"I win again." Luna said happily, having beaten Sin at chess for the twenty-fifth time.

They had been playing chess for a good 3 hrs. Bri and Dragon had snuggled each other, and had fallen asleep on Luna's bed. As Luna and Sin played their games together, chatting about unimportant things. Sin had given up on explaining to Luna about computer games. Since there was nothing like it that he was aware of in Luna's world. Though they did share a passion for older games like Chess, checkers and some card games. There was only one issue for Sin, she was very good at all of them. She's probably be a top computer gamer too if she had access to one, she was that good.

"That is 25 to 1 to you." Sin said chucking a bit, at how badly his ass was being kick by her.

"Yep, sorry, well I think we should play a new game. This one I invented, but I need to get some drinks for it. We will be right back, Sin." Luna said to him happily.

"Ok." Sin replied leaning back in his chair.

Luna had not been this happy for a long time she thought as she walked over to where she kept her drinks.

End of chapter 5

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Thanks for Thardoc for Beta the chapter ^.^

Drinks and games

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The Moon Need Friends Too

Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the cultural changes of a world 1000 years in the future. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some of the younger children, she is still greatly struggling to fit in.

On Earth a Human is struggling as just as much as Luna. He is shunned by many people because of his life choice of living on his own to care for a cheetah cub and wolf pup after the death of his family in a car crash.
Struggling to support himself and his wards the boy prays to God under the light of the full moon to wake in the morning to a better life.

Pairings include OcxLuna OcxOc and others, If this is against your tastes, then fair warning.

I own Sin,i,Dragon and any Oc charters.

Bri is own by my friend Rafiki

Thardoc will be beta my chapters for me ^.^ .So thank you to Thardoc.

Also I have payed for the cover art for my story, so I own it along with the Artist who made the pic for me.

The cover art was made by the cool penmark

Chapter 6 Drinks and games

Sin watched Luna rifle through her drink cupboard as she pulled out 2 large glass bottles. Which were filled with some type of alcohol, they were followed by a set of some posh looking shot glasses. They looked like to be made out of crystal, with her cutie mark engraved on the sides. While the bottles had the same design as the shot glasses. The alcohol itself seemed to be clear, so could it be the pony version of vodka?.

While they floated in Luna's magic hold she continued to dig around in the cupboard. Before she admittedly cutely pulled her head out with a pack of cars trapped between her teeth. She walk back over to her bed, drinks and shot glasses floating behind her.

"Do you need any help Luna?" Sin asked her gently moving the sleeping Bri and Dragon, placing them on some of Luna's pillows to make them comfy .

"No thank thou, I'm fine."Luna said politely to him through the deck of cards as she place the glass bottle and shot glasses on her side table.

Luna hopped back onto the bed and sat down as she placed the playing cards on the bed between her and Sin.

"Ok... um Luna what kind of game are we playing?" Sin asked her, wondering if ponies played much the same games as humans.

"Oh sorry, we are playing Drunk Poker. The loser of each hand has to take a shot until they either fall unconscious, or surrender." Luna said explaining the rules to him.

She started to shuffle the cards with her magic before dealing out the first hand. Once she had finished Sin then picked up his cards, while Luna did the same, both of their poker faces excellent, considering neither knew much about the others species.

"Um Luna what is the alcohol may I ask, Is it a type of Vodka? "Sin asked her while watching her magically placing the other cards down from the deck.

"Oh, it's Moonshine." Luna said replying to him, deciding whether or not her hand was worth betting on.

"Moonshine, wait isn't that nasty stuff? I thought people put some messed up things into Moonshine." Sin asked her in a worried tone.

"Oh no, maybe in some, but not mine. This moonshine I created myself as a hobby for some money I can spend without nobles taking notice. Luna said explaining, as she picked up the bottle with her magic to show to him.

"A princess brews alcohol?" Sin asked Luna in a confused tone.

"Yes I do, my taste in alcoholic drinks is very unique, other beverages just don't taste good to me, with the possible exception of hard cider from the Sweet Apple Acres farm. I found it pretty witty calling it moonshine.

"Cool, these cards are interesting too.." Sin said to Luna while examining the unique cards. Instead of the normal spades, hearts, clubs and diamonds. Their was a white Unicorn, with a diamond cutie mark. Another one was a yellow Pegasus ,with some butterfly cutie mark. The third set portrayed a cyan pegasus with a rainbow lightning bolt cutie mark. The final set of the 4 was an orange pony with three apples for a cutie mark.

In the place of the king was Celestia, and instead of the queen, there was Luna herself. standing in for the Jack was a purple unicorn with... well Sin wasn't sure what it was. Finally the joker card had be replaced by a pink pony with balloons on its rump.

"Thank you, they were made by a friend of mine as a birthday gift. She called Pinkie Pie, you will most likely meet her in the future." Luna said in a kind tone to him.

"Huh, so what cards have you got." Sin asked her,while placing down his cards.

"Flush." Luna said in a smug tone, showing her hand to Sin.

"Crap, only two pairs." Sin said in a annoyed tone, but lightened up quickly.

Luna let out a giggle, and used her magic to open the bottle, pouring some moonshine into Sin's shot glass. Sin thanked her as she passed the filled glass to him.

"Bottoms up." Luna said happily, as she waited for him to taste her drink.

Sin let out a sigh, looking at the shot and then at Luna. He raised the glass to his mouth and downed it in one go, Sin quickly felt very light head, but not in a bad way. Like if you ever breath in helium, minus the effect of the funny voice.

"Woo that's a powerful kick." Sin said to Luna, feeling the effects of her version of Moonshine. It didn't burn at all,but instead it was very sweet, almost like toffee Sin decided.

"Dost thou like it?" Luna asked him,wondering what he thought of her drink.

"Yes it was very sweet, definitely not what I was expecting."Sin replied to her, trying to ignore the effects of the first shot.

"Thank thou." Luna said happily.

"Your welcome, shall we carry on our game? I do look forward to seeing how a princess acts when drunk" Sin said in a playful tone to her.

Luna to lightly hit him with a hoof and chuckled, she hadn't had this much fun in a long time.

"Na thou will not because I get to study. On how thou are when thy drunk." Luna said ,as she giggled deeply.

"You're cute when you giggle like that." Sin said in a teasing tone. He got another hoof to the chest in response from Luna.

"Oh it is so on, im so going to kick your flank." Luna said to him in a confident tone.

Bring it Luna." Sin replied mimicking her confident tone.

One hour later...

After playing some nonstop poker, a drunk princess of the night and Sin were resting on her bed, completely out of energy. They had eventually stopped playing Poker, but had carried on drinking Luna's Moonshine, leaving them more than just tipsy. Luckily Bri and Dragon had somehow not been awakened by the noise.

"Haaaaa I can't believe you super glue, your Sister head to her pillow." Sin said bursting out in a fit of drunken laughter.

"Hee yeah, it took weeks for her mane to go back to normal." Luna said giggling at her prank.

Sin chuckled back as Luna snuggled up to him. If he wasn't so drunk, Sin would have been worried of being that close to Luna. But he wasn't and he draped his arm over her body and snuggled as well.

Luna let out small squeak, but giggled again from the effects of her drink. Sin had lost most of the games, but he could hold his drink better than Luna, having practice from a darker time.

"Mmm I better go to bed Luna, it's getting late." Sin said to Luna, even drunk he knew better than to stay too long.

"You're too drunk Sin, you can stay with me tonight. Then thou can sleep in my guest room tomorrow. It is a long walk to the guest room." Luna said in a truthful, but drunken tone.

"Um, you're going to make me stay in here?" Sin asked Luna with a drunken chuckle.

"Maybe" Luna replied in a cheeky tone.

"Ok I give, you win Princess." Sin said to her.

Luna smirked before giving him a quick kiss, but the kiss turned out to be a long one, and they broke a part blushing deeply.

"Um, night Sin." Luna said, still blushing.

"Night Luna." Sin said in awkward tone.

They both lay down the bed to sleep,unbeknownst to them, they would cuddle up again in their sleep.

Early next Morning

Luna slowly started to wake up, she moaned quietly and massaged her aching head. Opening her eyes she saw Sin sleeping next to her. Blushing deeply, she started to recall last night's fun games with Sin. She was about to wake the human up when she then heard the voice of her sister. Luna panicked, Celestia was generally a very calm pony, but when she does go over the edge, it usually ends with a few new things orbiting earth, there was probably a cartload of tax papers up there by now. Before she could hide Sin however, her bedroom door opened, revealing her sister and the elements of harmony.

"Oh sis your finally up, I had to lower the moon for you. Also Twilight and her friends have arrived to mee-. WHY IS HE IN YOUR BED?!" Celestia said in a happy tone first, then switching to her Canterlot voice seeing Sin in bed with Luna.

The smaller ponies around her covered their ears at the outburst. Sin snapped awake and looked around for what had caused the noise. Only to see Celestia looking like she was going to kill him, 'I wonder why she's so angry' he thought before noticing Luna next to him.

"Oh... crap."

"Oh crap"

End of chapter 6
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Thanks for Thardoc for Beta the chapter ^.^

Celestia Rage

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The Moon Need Friends Too

Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the cultural changes of a world 1000 years in the future. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some of the younger children, she is still greatly struggling to fit in.

On Earth a Human is struggling as just as much as Luna. He is shunned by many people because of his life choice of living on his own to care for a cheetah cub and wolf pup after the death of his family in a car crash.
Struggling to support himself and his wards the boy prays to God under the light of the full moon to wake in the morning to a better life.

Pairings include OcxLuna OcxOc and others, If this is against your tastes, then fair warning.

I own Sin,i,Dragon and any Oc charters.

Bri is own by my friend Rafiki

Thardoc will be beta my chapters for me ^.^ .So thank you to Thardoc.

Also I have payed for the cover art for my story, so I own it along with the Artist who made the pic for me.

The cover art was made by the cool penmark

Chapter 7 Celestia Rage

"Well Human, what do you have to say for yourself?" Celestia said is her royal Canterlot voice, making everyone protect their ears from the volume.

Sin said nothing, mostly because he was fucking scared of Celestia. The way she was shouting alone felt like a physical ram. Who knew what else she could do to him. Stab him with her horn, trample him to death with her hooves, and let's not get started on how powerful her magic might be, if it took effort for Luna to move the moon, who knows how powerful Celestia must be to move the sun!

But not answering her straight away just pissed of the sun princess even more. As her eyes narrowed to slits her horn started to glow. Using her magic she levitated Sin several feet into the air. Bri and Dragon woke up from the noise and tried to reach their father, but he was too high up, and they had no chance of overpowering Celestia in the first place.

"Sis you are ove-"

"Silence Luna." Celestia said in a rage at her sister, we'll speak later.

Celestia's horn lit up once more. Using her magic she began to choke Sin, while the elements looked on in horror at the floating human. What was Celestia doing? They hadn't seen Sin do anything wrong and she was killing him and yelling at her sister? This wasn't the Celestia Twilight thought she knew.

"Well human what do you have to say for taking advantage of my Sister?" Celestia shouted, tightening her magic hold around Sin body. Causing him to yell in pain as best he could through his constricted throat.

"I diiid nooot ,weee." Sin said between breaths, desperately trying to get air.

"Lies, you have taken advantage of my sister, my generosity, and my trust, you will be punished." Celestia said still in her Royal Canterlot voice.

Celestia tightened her hold on Sin slightly more and he started to choke and wheeze due to the lack of air. While the Mane 6 look on with fear and confusion, not sure how to act or even what was happening. Bri and Dragon began to mew and whimper in fear at the state of their father. Luna was frozen in shock at Celestia's extreme reaction to a misunderstanding.

Her first real friend in over a millennial was going to be banished just as she had been, or maybe even killed, because Celestia refused to listen. Luna charged her own magic and used it to weaken her sister's before shouting with a much more practiced and powerful Canterlot voice than her sister could.


Celestia snapped out of her rage and looked at her sister, to see Luna crying while struggling to stop her from restraining Sin. Celestia looked around the room in a daze to see her little ponies looking at her not with love or happiness, but with fear and shock. With the exception of Twilight, who looked horrified.

Regaining her composure she immediately released the pale Sin and lowered him onto the bed, where he gasped and coughed. Celestia looked to Luna who had rushed to check up on Sin before turning away, unable to face her now that she realized her mistake.

"I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions Luna... I understand if you don't want me here right now, so I shall go be alone to think." Celestia said softly to Luna.
She turned to walk out the door, only to be stopped by a purple hoof. It was Twilight, who looked at her with concern written on her face.

"Princess what just happened, are you ok?" Twilight asked her in a scared tone, having never seen her mentor that angry before.

"I'm ok Twilight; I just need some time alone. I will be back to chat to you, don't you worry my student." Celestia said softly to Twilight.

"Ok Princess." Twilight replied unsure.

Celestia nodded her head giving Twilight a fake smile, before teleporting out of Luna's room. Leaving the Mane 6 with Luna, Sin, and the animals.

While the Mane 6 were trying to work out what the hell had just transpired. Luna rested her hoof on Sin's shoulder, who was only now getting some control over his breathing.

"I'm sorry about my Sister's behavior. She's just been overprotective of me since I've returned." Luna said to Sin as she watched Bri and Dragon checking up on their adopted father.

"It's (cough) ok Luna, I understand she was just looking out for you. I might have done the same in her shoes, if I thought someone harmed Bri or Dragon." Sin said in a soft voice, still feeling the effects of Celestia's magic.

While trying to reassure Bri and Dragon with cuddles and telling them he was ok, and that there was nothing to worry about, Luna sat back down on the bed.

"Thank thou." Luna replied as she gave him a hug, before breaking away upon remembering Twilight and her friends were in the room.

"Hello Princess Luna, um Celestia brought us to meet the human." Twilight said to the Princess, as she shook her head while bowing, pushing whatever it was that had just occurred to the back of her mind for later study.

Luna nodded her head to the 6 letting them carry on their introduction to Sin.

"Right like I said to the Princess, my name is Twilight Sparkle the Element of Magic, and these are my friends." Twilight said to Sin.

The first to introduce herself after Twilight was Applejack, who talked in an accent that Sin found charming.

"Howdy I’m Applejack, the owner of Sweet Apples Acres and the Element of Honesty. “Applejack said to Sin, and he nodded in hello before a Pink Pony bust into Sin's view, taking him by surprise.

"Hi there Human, I'm Pinkie Pie Element of Laughter, and I'm going to throw you an awesome party after all of this, there'll be streamers and balloons and cake, do humans like cake? I bet they do, but that's ok if you don't because I'll make cupcakes too, which are kinda like cakes, but with more frosting! Everyone likes frost-" Pinkie Pie said in her almost traditional by now way, before being stopped by a white hoof blocking her mouth.

"Pinkie you are going to scare him, sorry about my friend, she can be quite energetic and random much of the time. I'm Rarity by the way, Element of Generosity and clothes designer; it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sorry if this sounds forward, but would you allow me to design some clothes for you free of charge? It would be so refreshing to create garments for someone other than a pony for once." Rarity said to Sin in an upper class voice that held surprisingly small feeling of self-importance in it.

Sin was going to thank her when he heard Bri mewing happily. Turning to see the cause, he saw a yellow Pony stroking Bri's head. When the pony noticed him, she blushed and hid inside her mane.

"Oh I’m sorry I didn't mean to bother your family, I just love animals I sometimes get carried away with myself. My name is Fluttershy and I’m the Element of Kindness" Fluttershy said in a very quiet tone to Sin.

"It's no problem at all, just be gentle please" Sin responded as he turned back to the main group. He looked up at the last pony of the bunch, a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane, 'maybe she is related to Celestia?' thought Sin.

"Hey, I'm Rainbow Dash the fastest flyer in Equestria, and Element of Loyalty." Rainbow Dash boasted.

He paused for a second to register their names into his memory, and to decide what to say about himself.

"Hello, I'm Sin the human. I do like cupcakes and, and I would love to see how a pony creates clothing. This is Bri she's a Cheetah, and Dragon here is a Wolf pup... wait, where has he gone?" Sin questioned after introducing himself. He looked around but the dog was nowhere to be seen.

“EEP." Luna said, jumping up to see Dragon attempting to suckle one of her tits.

"Dragon! What are you doing? Luna I'm so sorry." Sin said in shock, pulling the wolf pup away from her.

Dragon finally let go, as Luna blushed while Dragon whimpered. Before Sin place the wolf pup back down he heard Dragon's stomach rumble.

"Oh, I see what happened, I'm sorry Luna, I believe he thought you had milk. Um, you wouldn't happen to have and baby bottles and some milk would you?" Sin asked completely embarrassed.

"Um sure, we have some in the nursery. I shall call my guards to fetch it for you." Luna replied, her blush fading.

End of chapter 7
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Thanks for Thardoc for Beta the chapter ^.^

Questions (Redone)

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The Moon Need Friends Too

Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the cultural changes of a world 1000 years in the future. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some of the younger children, she is still greatly struggling to fit in.

On Earth a Human is struggling as just as much as Luna. He is shunned by many people because of his life choice of living on his own to care for a cheetah cub and wolf pup after the death of his family in a car crash.
Struggling to support himself.

Pairings include OcxLuna OcxOc and others, If this is against your tastes, then fair warning.

I own Sin,i,Dragon and any Oc charters.

Bri is own by my friend Rafiki

Thardoc will be beta my chapters for me ^.^ .So thank you to Thardoc.

Also I have payed for the cover art for my story, so I own it along with the Artist who made the pic for me.

The cover art was made by the cool penmark

Chapter 8 Questions

Luna had called her Night guards to bring some baby bottles and milk, saying it was for the human and his family. Which they replied with a yes my lady before they then went off to fetch the items. While they waited for the guards to return, Twilight began to question Sin further.

"So, what are humans?" Twilight asked Sin,as she held a piece of paper with a quill in her magic.

"Um, we are part of the Homo Sapiens species, and on my world we are the dominant species. We advance technologically very fast." Sin said explaining a bit of human history to Twilight.

"Hmm, does your species use magic?" Twilight asked Sin once again, while writing down the response from her last question.

"Um, not real magic in my world magic is seen to be either a set of cheap tricks or illusions of some form." Sin replied to her, receiving a look of shock in return from her and the rest of the ponies in the room.

"Pfff yeah right what next, unicorns and pegasi don't exist in your world?" Rainbow Dash snarked.

"Well... you don't, I'm sorry but unicorns and pegasus are nothing more than myths in my world. Ponies do exist, but they aren't sentient." Sin said to Rainbow, not liking her attitude very much.

"What do you mean by that honey?" Applejack asked Sin,as she sat by Twilight.

While this was going on, Rarity was chatting to Luna about a new night clothing idea, as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were playing with Bri and Dragon.

"Well, they can't talk like us and they don't have a high IQ, like we do." Sin said bit awkwardly, trying not to insult them.

"What about your animal friends, can they talk too?" Twilight asked, while writing her opinions and hypothesis about the human world.

"Sadly no, but they seem to understand what I say. You could say they have their own language,that we haven't been able to unlock yet." Sin replied to Twilight.

"I see, interesting." Twilight replied back while writing down more on her paper.

After that Twilight along with Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, kept on asking question about his life and the functions of his world. While Princess Luna sat by her friend, trying to support him. Luna had nown him for long,but Sin had been really a close friend since he came to their world. Especially considereing the probably traumatizing change for him.

Sin had tried to give them a rough course of human history. Telling them about the different country's and their differences. Religion and War, which shocked the Ponies a lot. Sin guessed Pony's didn't like the idea of war at all. Though Sin had found out they also had a lot in common. From social acceptability, to material currency, ponies thrived much like humans did.

"Finally, what do you and your family eat?" Twilight asked Sin , looking up from her writing for a moment.

"Well... my kind our omnivores, while Bri and Dragon are carnivores." Sin replied to her, knowing it probably wouldn't get a positive response from a group of the herbivore species.

Hearing this Pinkie Pie and Twilight stepped back in worry and looked like they were going to throw up. While Luna, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy seemed to take it more calmly.

"You eat other ponies flesh?" Pinkie Pie asked in a squeaky tone.

No, I've never eaten a pony, and have absolutely no intention too, and for now at least Dragon and Bri can live largely on milk" Sin said to Pinkie Pie trying to calm her.

As this was going on Fluttershy was still playing with Bri more, who had flip on her back. While Fluttershy gave her a belly rub, getting a happy purr in reply, Dragon was sitting between Sin and Luna, still not comfortable with the strange new creatures.

"So you use these planes to fly, I bet they aren't as fast as me" Rainbow Dash said cockily, zooming flying around the room to show off.

"Well there was this one plane thing we built that reached mach 22."

"The heck is a mach?" Rainbow asked as Twilight's jaw forcefully hit the ground behind her "Sounds really slow" she continued cockily, "There's no way it's as fast as a sonic rainboom!"

Sonic Rainboom? isn't it called a sonic boom?. Sin shook his head trying to get rid of the thought, when he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." Luna said to the Pony's at her door.

A moment later the two large blue door open wide with magic, and in walked two of Luna's night guards, one holding a silver tray in his mouth. Atop the tray were several milk bottles of varying size. They then walk over to Luna's bed, and bowed to their princess. Luna nodded and floated the tray out of their grasp and onto a nearby table.

"Thank thou my Guards y ou may retire for the Night." Luna said in a kind tone to her Guards.

"Yes princess." The guards voiced in unison before walking stiffly out of the room.

"Hear thou are Sin, milk for your charges." Luna said to him kindly.

"Thank you Luna." Sin replied to her, as he picked up one of the baby bottle before picking up Dragon, who happily started to suckle on the bottle, while Bri looked on mewing for milk too. Seeing this Fluttershy look at Sin feeding Dragon, and saw he needed a bit of help.

"Um if you don't mind, if you want too, I can feed Bri for you if you like." Fluttershy said very quietly.

"Um sure, just be a bit careful, she might poke out her claws by accident ." Sin said to the Element of Kindness.

"It's ok, I'm used to feeding baby animals." Fluttershy said to Sin in a grateful voice.

Fluttershy picked up one f the various bottles and began to feed Bri, completely unaffected by her obviously sharp teeth.

Once he had finished his milk, Dragon padded over to Bri and lied down as Fluttershy pet both him and Bri, Even seeing Fluttershy in control though didn't stop the obvious uneasyness in the other ponies around carnivores. Understanding, Luna came up witha solution for the carnivore problem.

"Celestia has a pet as well, a phoenix that originally could only eat meat and some fruit, but after a spell to aid it's digestion it can now stomach a great many more things, perhaps we could look into that?"

"That seems like a good idea." Sin replied, relieved that it might not be as big an issue as he orignally thought.

"Also Twilight, Cadence and your brother should be coming back from their honeymoon today." Luna reminded Twilight.

"That's right! yes, I cant wait to see my brother and Sister in law again." Twilight said jumping up and down while her friends chuckled at Twilight silliness.

"If you like we can go to the gate to meet them when they arrive." Luna said to them all.

"Yes please Princess." Twilight said to Luna.

Luna nodded her head smiling as the rest of the gang agreed as well. Knowing how much she cared for her siblings

"Thou don't mind Sin?" Luna asked Sin as she watched Dragon and Bri snuggle up to Fluttershy.

"Sure I don't mind, I understand." Sin replied to the princess.

Luna nodded her head as she then stood up to lead the group slowly towards the entrance of the castle, so as to not bother the younger ones too much.

"Let us go."

As they gave the Princess a nod ,before fallowing the Princess of the Night out the room.

End of chapter 8

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Thanks for Thardoc for Beta the chapter ^.^

On a walk

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The Moon Need Friends Too

Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the cultural changes of a world 1000 years in the future. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some of the younger children, she is still greatly struggling to fit in.

On Earth a Human is struggling as just as much as Luna. He is shunned by many people because of his life choice of living on his own to care for a cheetah cub and wolf pup after the death of his family in a car crash.
Struggling to support himself.

Pairings include OcxLuna OcxOc and others, If this is against your tastes, then fair warning.

I own Sin,i,Dragon and any Oc charters.

Bri is own by my friend Rafiki

Thardoc will be beta my chapters for me ^.^ .So thank you to Thardoc.

Also I have payed for the cover art for my story, so I own it along with the Artist who made the pic for me.

The cover art was made by the cool penmark

Chapter 9 On a walk

The whole group walked through the castle as the young ones rested on Luna's and Fluttershy's backs, Sin tried to ignore the borderline hostile looks he was receiving from some of the guards. As well as the barely audible whispers he picked up as he walked by.

"Why do those creatures get to talk to our Princess?" One Night Guard said to a Sun Guard next to him.

"Yeah, what is it anyway?. A Monkey of some sort, plus why is that rat thing riding Princess Luna?" Said the Royal Sun Guard in disgusted and confused tone back to the Night Guard.

Unknowing they forgot that a Pony's hearing was very good, and Luna hearing was one of the best. While Luna kept on listening to the Guards talk as she walked past, not happy in the slightest at the Guards behavior towards Sin and his family. Luckily Sin had understood very little, since he was busy in conversation with Twilight.

"So, who is this Princess Cadence and Shining Amour?" Sin asked Twilight as they walked down the long pathway to were they would meet Cadence and Shining Amour.

"Oh, Princess Cadence is the niece of Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, she was also my Foal sitter. Like her aunts who can control the Moon and Sun, Cadence can help spread love to ponies." Twilight explained about her real first friend, if you didn't count family or Princess Celestia.

"Wait she can control love? So... is she some version of Cupid?." Sin asked Twilight, confused as to what she was implying.

"What's a Cupid? Do you have some Pony who can affect love like Candace where you are from?" Twilight asked, excited at the prospect of learning about a foreign world.

"Um no, it's a myth about a baby god, that represents purity and innocence, and what he does is shoot you and your potential partner with arrows that causes you to fall in love with each other, and is our explanation for love at first sight.

"Oh that is strange, it seems your Cupid can do few things like Cadence, but Cadence doesn't force Ponies s to love each other" Twilight said trying to explain the difference the best she could between Cadence and this Cupid thing.

"Hm, so now what about this Shining Amour?" Sin asked her,he already knew that he was Twilight's elder brother, but that was about it.

"He my BBBFF." Twilight said happily, only to see a confused look on Sin face.

"Sorry, what dose BBBFF mean?" Sin asked, having never heard the term before.

"Oh sorry, it means Big Brother Best Friends Forever." Twilight said explaining it, like it was normal.

"Interesting" Sin replied with a smile. "So what is it that your brother does?"

"He's the head of the Royal Guard and is married to princess Cadance." Twilight said, proud of her brother's accomplishments.

"Impressive! You and your family must be very proud of him." Sin said to Twilight.

"Yes we are, thank you." Twilight said happily.

As the two carried on chatting to each other about multiple harmless topics. Luna continued to listen in on the guards impressions of the human, growing slightly more agitated with every passing moment.

Fluttershy smiled as she turn her head around to look at the sleeping cheetah cub on her back. Who as if on cue, snuggled into her yellow fur, Fluttershy had quickly gotten along with Bri, like most any animal she met.

So enthralled was she in the large kitten's cuteness, that she failed to notice the guard in front of her, and she accidently bumped into him.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you, are you ok?" Fluttershy said worriedly, hoof held out towards the lunar guard.

He only glared at her, spooking Fluttershy into taking a couple startled steps back before returning to his position, encouraging the watching Rainbow Dash to defend her friend.

"Hey big guy you don't have to scare Fluttershy like that, she even apologized to you." Rainbow Dash berated the guard angrily.

"If you weren't one of Element holders or a filly, I would of hoof you in the face. Tell your friend to get the freak of a creature she has on her back away from me." The Guard retorted directly to Rainbow.

Hearing this Sin was about to respond to the Guard, when he felt a hoof on his chest. Looking up to see it belong to Luna and she looked pissed.

"SILENCE GUARD, speak further at your own risk, my sister and I have already ordered you to respect Sin and his family, and not only have you insulted them, but you have disrespected two elements of harmony as well!" Luna shouted in her Royal Canterlot voice at the guilty guards, causing everyone nearby to either twinge or cover their ears.

"But Princess, I." Said the scared Guard, but before he could finished he was interrupted by Luna.

"SILENCE! Thou art a digrace to the title of royal guard, all guards who participated in this are to report to the throne room immediately, that is an order." Luna said in a voice just below her royal Canterlot one in volume.

As soon as she finished talking to the Guards, they quickly left, fleeing from Luna's rage. The Guard who had been rude to Fluttershy squirmed around Luna and followed after them , while Rainbow Dash glared with anger at the Guard before he disappeared as well.

Luna was panting from her exertion before looking at the group, sighing at how often she was using the royal canterlot voice recently.

"Sorry about that." Luna said to the group.

"It's ok Princess Luna." Twilight said to her,as everyone else nodded their head in agreement.

Luna smiled a bit as she then look at Sin, who smiled at her. She then remember Dragon was sleeping on her back. As she turn her head around to see Dragon looking around still half a awake. As he let out small yawn, before falling back a sleep on Luna back.

Luna giggled at that before remembering what they were doing in the first place.

"Shall we get going to meet up with Cadence and Shining amour?"

"Yep, we are ready princess, lead the way." Twilight responded with a smile.

Luna was starting to walk off when she heard Sin calling Bri's name confused she turn to face him to see both Fluttershy and Sin with worried looks on their faces.

"What's wrong, where has Bri gone?." Luna asked them,wondering where the small creature had gone off to.

"I don't know, that scary guard spooked her, and I think she ran off." Fluttershy said, clearly upset.

As her friends tried to calm her, Sin was looking everywhere for his adopted daughter. Luna assisted him, checking in side rooms, and even Dragon had woken up and was whimpering, sensing everyone's distress.

The small female cheetah cub was running as fast as her small paws could carrying her to get away from the scary creature. Panicking she wasn't watching were she was going, zooming around a corner she crashed into something very large and solid.

Shaking her head she looked up, and was greeted by the emotionless face of Princess Celestia looking back down on her.

End of chapter 9
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Thanks for Thardoc for Beta the chapter ^.^

Fluttershy worries

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The Moon Need Friends Too

Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the cultural changes of a world 1000 years in the future. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some of the younger children, she is still greatly struggling to fit in.

On Earth a Human is struggling as just as much as Luna. He is shunned by many people because of his life choice of living on his own to care for a cheetah cub and wolf pup after the death of his family in a car crash.
Struggling to support himself.

Pairings include OcxLuna OcxOc and others, If this is against your tastes, then fair warning.

I own Sin,i,Dragon and any Oc charters.

Bri is own by my friend Rafiki

Thardoc will be beta my chapters for me ^.^ .So thank you to Thardoc.

Also I have payed for the cover art for my story, so I own it along with the Artist who made the pic for me.

The cover art was made by the cool penmark

Chapter 10 Fluttershy worries

Dragon whimper and looked around frantically, worried for his missing friend. Sin took Dragon from Luna both to comfort him and to assure he wouldn't run off as well. Sin knew that Dragon and Bri were very close with each other, they rarely did anything without the other nearby.

It was a bit funny that most Humans thought that Cats and dogs could never get along with each other when there were story's were lions or tigers had lived with dogs since they were little and were best friends. Just like Bri and Dragon had become best friends, Sin was very happy and proud of them.

"Sin." Luna said, interrupting her thoughts.

"Huh? Oh sorry Luna." Sin replied, snapping out of his pondering.

"I'm sure Bri will be fine, she won't be able to escape the castle. So she will most likely still be in the castle. I will also send a message to tell the staff to keep a eye out for her." Luna said to Sin in a calming tone of voice, knowing that he was stressed.

"Thank you Luna."

"You're welcome Sin." Luna replied to him, smiling.

Luna then closed her eyes as she concentrated on the spell, her horn lit up a light blue before firing a beam down the long hallway where they had just come from. Luna reopened her eyes when the glow around her horn faded.

"Done, the message it has been sent to the staff, they will keep an eye out for Bri." Luna told Sin, while giving Dragon a nuzzle.

"Don't worry little one, your friend can't have gone far." Luna said to Dragon in a motherly tone.

Dragon responded with a nod and then licked Luna nose, causing Luna to giggle at his cuteness. While this was going on Rainbow Dash along with the other members of the Mane 6 were trying to reassure poor Fluttershy.

"It's all my fault." Fluttershy said upset, and nearly on the verge of tears of losing Bri.

"Shy it not your fault, it was that stupid guard's fault." Rainbow Dash said to her best friend, upset that she was blaming herself.

"Dash is right, don't beat yourself up, ok?" AppleJack said to Fluttershy.

"Plus, the princess just sent a spell to help find her, it's going to be fine." Twilight said trying to calm Fluttershy down.

"Ok... if you think so." Fluttershy said quietly, trying to overpower her guilt.

The Mane 6 then saw Sin and Luna walking over to them.

"We are ready to go Princess." Twilight said in a politely.

"Good,I have sent the message to the staff to look out for Bri." Luna said to the Mane 6.

"Um, Mr. Sin." Fluttershy said very quietly, Sin looked down at the yellow pegasus.


"I'm so sorry of losing your daughter, it was my fault that she ran away." Fluttershy said apologetically barely withing hearing range.

Sin looked at her for a moment before moving a hand towards Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash watched him like a Hawk. Ready to stop him if he even thought of hurting Fluttershy in anyway. Fluttershy closed her eyes, knowing that her just punishment was coming. Only to feel someone stroking her head, she opened her eyes to see the Human now knelled down to her level stroking her mane.

"It's ok Fluttershy, it was not your fault, ok? As your friends have already assured you it was the guard that probably frightened Bri. I wouldn't worry about her though, even though she is small she can take pretty good care of herself, and Luna has the castle looking for her, it's only a matter of time.
I'm impressed that she took to you so quickly to be honest, Bri is usually very shy around other people. However she open up to you very quickly, it would appear that you were her first trusted friend in this world." Sin said to Fluttershy kindly.

"Thank you Mr. Sin, I needed that." Fluttershy said to Sin,who smiled at her.

"You're welcome Fluttershy."

Sin then stood up to let the other members of the Mane 6 give Fluttershy a big hug. When Sin felt something touch his arm, he turned around to see Luna'a hoof on his arm.

"Thank thou for doing that, I was worried for Fluttershy, she is easily the most fragile Pony I know." Luna spoke Sin, as they watched the Mane 6 group hug.

"She needed to know that it wasn't her fault. I'm just glad I could make her a bit happier." Sin told Luna, noticing the hug was breaking up.

Luna smiled at Sin as she started to walk again with Sin walking beside her, Dragon once again jumped on to Luna's back startling her for a moment to use her mane as a blanket. The wolf pup let out an adorable yawn before taking a seat on Luna back.

As the group carried on walking towards where Princess Cadence and Shining Amour would return from their honeymoon, The Mane 6 had kept mostly to themselves, chatting about unguessable things. Luna spent the time to tell Sin more about their world.

"There's have a Holiday based on your past?" Sin asked Luna with amazement.

"Sort of, it;s called Nightmare Night under the somewhat ridiculous idea that dressing up in monster costumes would scare me away and somehow protect them as they offered me items so that I wouldn't eat them, ridiculous, I wouldn't become a cannibal no matter what state of mind I was in. Luckily, thanks to Twilight and her friends, it is celebrated more as a fun joke than a serious event.

"Sounds just like the holiday Halloween we have on earth." Sin said to Luna.

"Halloween, what is that?" Luna asked him, confused.

"It's almost literally the exact same thing as your Nightmare Night, except we don't offer our "bounty" to anyone, but rather keep it.

"Interesting." Luna replied to him as they carried on walking.

"Maybe next time you could show me some things from your festival?" Sin asked.

"Sure if you would like." Luna replied a bit shyly, as she saw Sin nod his head to say yes.

They then came to a set of stairs that lead to the landing place for flying vehicles. They were wide enough that they didn't have to change their formation at all, and at the top were wide double doors that Luna easily opened with her magic.

They were now on top of the castle waiting for Princess Cadence and Shinning Amour to arrive. The nearest guard was patrolling a tower a hundred feet away, and the view was breathtaking.

They waited for almost half an hour before Pinkie spoke up "Look! their they are!" Pinkie bounced while pointing.

They looked up to see a carriage being pulled by four white Pegasi, heading straight for the waiting group.

"Shining and Cadence, are here? yes!" Twilight said excitedly.

The element of magic bounced in place nearly as high as Pinkie before she noticed the looks she was receiving.

"Uh, sorry, got a bit excited ." Twilight said blushing lightly.

Causing everyone to chuckled deeply,at her as they watched the carriage landed on to the castle roof. The Pegasus bowed in respect to Luna and the 6,while looking at Sin with fear. Luna waved a hoof to tell them ,it was ok that Sin was friendly.

Soon a door to the carriage open ,as a pink pony walk out fallow by a white pony. It was Princess Cadence and Shining Amour. Cadence look around to see one of her aunts as she than ran over to Luna.

" Auntie Luna." Cadence said happily,as she hugged her aunt.

Shining Amour saw his sister and was going to greet her,when he then saw Sin. Getting into a fighting stance, he then started to charge his horn.

" Who and what are you creature and why are you standing by Princess Luna." Shining Amour shouted to Sin.

Sin moved back in fear,not knowing what this Pony would do to him.

End of chapter 10
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Thanks for Thardoc for Beta the chapter ^.^

Friend or Foe

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The Moon Need Friends Too

Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the cultural changes of a world 1000 years in the future. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some of the younger children, she is still greatly struggling to fit in.

On Earth a Human is struggling as just as much as Luna. He is shunned by many people because of his life choice of living on his own to care for a cheetah cub and wolf pup after the death of his family in a car crash.
Struggling to support himself.

Pairings include OcxLuna OcxOc and others, If this is against your tastes, then fair warning.

I own Sin,i,Dragon and any Oc charters.

Bri is own by my friend Rafiki

Thardoc will be beta my chapters for me ^.^ .So thank you to Thardoc.

Also I have payed for the cover art for my story, so I own it along with the Artist who made the pic for me.

The cover art was made by the cool penmark

Chapter 11 Friend or Foe

Sin was frozen in fear, he was certain he was done for as he watched the magical energy atop the pony's head grow brighter.

Shining was furious, what was this creature and why had it been sneaking up on the princess? It mattered not to him, he would do his duty as captain of the royal guard at any cost.

"I will give you one chance creature, who are you and what are you doing here?" Shining Armour shouted to Sin as his spell finished preparation and was ready to be unleashed at a moment's notice.

Before Sin could respond Dragon leapt in front of him and began yapping at Shining, he was quickly dismissed by the captain as not being a threat, but Sin wasn't going to take any chances.

"Dragon? Stop, I won't allow you to get hurt."

Dragon glanced at his adopted father for a moment before denying the command and returned to barking at Shining across the platform

"Very well, if you will not explain yourself, I am forced to subdue you." Shining Armour angrily stated.

"Shining stop it!" Twilight yelled at her brother, not understanding why he was acting so violently and without warning.

Shining was unable to hear Twilight's cries, the crackling magic drowned out most all noise, rearing up and lunging forward he fired his paralyzing magical blast at Sin. Sin in turn grabbed dragon and turned his back to the incoming missile, prepared to take the brunt of the damage. He clenched and waited for what felt like an eternity, but the pain never came.

"Luna?" Sin questioned in a surprise, eventually he had turned around and saw that Luna had thrown herself in front of him and had countered Shining's attack with her own. Shining was utterly confused and horrified that he might have hit the princess.

"Princess Luna? what, I.." Shining Amour said, struggling to find something to say.

"Shining Armour stop this rage at once, Sin is not a threat cease this foolishness and all shall be explained, much has happened since you two left.

Shining nodded dutifully to the princess and released his remaining magical energy.

"Are you ok Sin?"

"Yes, thank you Luna." Sin replied to her, staring into her eyes, he could have sworn she blushed a bit before she took a healthy step back.

"You're welcome, I need to speak with Shining, I shall return shortly." Luna quickly informed.

"Sure, I understand" Sin replied as Luna turned back towards Shining, Dragon look back and forth in confusement, wondering what was going on between his leader and the nice horse lady.

Luna walked over to Shining, who was deep in conversation with Twilight and Cadance, Luna could see the emotions fly across his face, but eventually settling on shame.

He looked up an noticed Luna approaching, without hesitation he bowed, prepared to receive whatever she deemed he deserved for his rash foolishness.

"Princess I.." Shining started, but Luna cut him off with a hoof.

"Shining, I understand your reasons, which is why I don't plan to reprimand you, but understand that Sin is not a threat.

She suspected he already had an idea of who Sin was, but informed him from her point of view as well. Shining listened intently, but Cadance was paying attention to something else. Something about how Luna described Sin was... different than usual. She would keep an eye on this.

"I understand Princess, I must apologize to him."

"Good" Luna finished, before waving Sin over with a flick of her head.

Sin walked over and stopped a couple feet from the group, there was an awkward silence for a moment before Shining spoke up.

"I... I sincerely apologize for my horrible actions towards you and yours, and I ask your forgiveness.

"I understand why you acted the way you did, protecting family is of the utmost importance, I might have done the same in your shoes, all is forgiven.

"Thank you, friends?" Shining Amour said hopefully, while holding out a hoof.

Sin looked at the hoof for a moment before firmly grasping it, "friends"

The tense party let out a combined sigh as the palpable tension fell, and immediately burst into small talk. Dragon on the other hand heard a noise behind him and jumped out of Sin's arms.

"Dragon where are you going?." Sin shouted to Dragon, as he turned to run after the pup.

Dragon came to a stop next to a suddenly opened door and nuzzled Bri! Just above and slightly behind Bri stood Celestia with an expressionless face.

End of chapter 11
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Thanks for Thardoc for Beta the chapter ^.^


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The Moon Need Friends Too

Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the cultural changes of a world 1000 years in the future. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some of the younger children, she is still greatly struggling to fit in.

On Earth a Human is struggling as just as much as Luna. He is shunned by many people because of his life choice of living on his own to care for a cheetah cub and wolf pup after the death of his family in a car crash.
Struggling to support himself.

Pairings include OcxLuna OcxOc and others, If this is against your tastes, then fair warning.

I own Sin,i,Dragon and any Oc charters.

Bri is own by my friend Rafiki

Thardoc will be beta my chapters for me ^.^ .So thank you to Thardoc.

Also I have payed for the cover art for my story, so I own it along with the Artist who made the pic for me.

The cover art was made by the cool penmark

Chapter 12 Celestia

Luna looked at her Sister with worry, She had no what Celestia was thinking. Last time they had seen Celestia she had left the room in a rage, was she calmer now? Luna couldn't tell.

The proximity of Bri and Dragon with Celestia worried her, if she decided they were dangerous then there was nothing she could do from this distance, but then again Bri had arrived with Celestia, maybe she had calmed down, unless she was using Bri to lead her to Sin...

Luna didn't want to lose a friend after forming such a strong connection so quickly, and semi-consciously took a step in front of Sin.

"Sister, are you ok? where did you go?

Celestia said nothing to Luna, and only looked on. The ponies shuffled awkwardly and Shining watched seriously, since he had only been lightly informed of what had happened.

"Sis?" Luna continued, wondering why Celestia refused to answer.

Celestia slowly turned her head to Sin, and then back to Luna in the same motion.

"Luna stand aside please, I need to speak with Sin." Celestia said calmly, but with a tinge of sadness.

Luna was silent for a moment, Celestia was stronger than her, as Luna's strength was still years away from recovering fully from her Nightmare Moon form.

"Only if thou promises that thou does not intend to cause harm."

Celestia sighed sadly at Luna'a words, before turning her attention on to Twilight. Twilight didn't look scared per se, but she looked jumpy, having her student be uncomfortable just by being in her presence hurt Celestia deeply.

"Luna, I am not here to harm anypony. I'm hear to ask for forgiveness." Celestia said.

Everypony looked at Celestia with shock, it was a rare thing for Celestia to be apologetic, not because she was stuck up, but because she so rarely made serious mistakes. In fact the last time Luna had seen Celestia like this was after the elements had freed her from Nightmare Moon's influence.

Luna stepped slightly to the side without a word. Celestia was quiet as well as the walked slowly towards Sin, Dragon's ears splayed back and the beginning of a growl formed but Bri batted his head and told him in her own way that there was nothing to worry about.

Celestia sat down in front of Sin, and Luna did the same beside him, Celestia's hair flowed slowly reflecting the mood of the room.

"Sin I'm sorry for my actions towards you. They were uncalled for and I should have made sure I understood the situation first." Celestia said in a sad tone, her head hanging lower than usual.

Sin looked at Luna for a moment before turning back to Celestia and placing a hand on her coat.

"No apology necessary, although it was a little extreme, your shocked reaction in that... situation, was completely understandable.

"Thank you." Celestia said still in a sad tone,but stood up onto her hoofs.

Luna came over to her Sister, to give her a comforting nuzzle, which was returned. Celestia then walked over to Twilight, who smiled happily enough, but the skilled princess could tell she was still slightly unnerved.

"I'm so sorry that you saw me like that Twilight, even princesses make mistakes." Celestia said sadly to her student, as she came to a stop before her.

"It will be ok, I just need some time to think." Twilight answered sincerely.

"I understand Twilight." Celestia said softly and began to turn away when she was stopped by a hoof.

"Princess may I ask what calmed you down?" Twilight said quickly, hoping she didn't hurt Celestia or make her angry.

Celestia smiled down at Twilight

"I had some help from little Bri over there, showing me just how wrong I was."

Bri looked up from her play fight with Dragon and mewed as if she was pleased with herself.

End of chapter 12
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Thanks for Thardoc for Beta the chapter ^.^

A Goddess and a Cheetah

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The Moon Need Friends Too

Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the cultural changes of a world 1000 years in the future. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some of the younger children, she is still greatly struggling to fit in.

On Earth a Human is struggling as just as much as Luna. He is shunned by many people because of his life choice of living on his own to care for a cheetah cub and wolf pup after the death of his family in a car crash.
Struggling to support himself.

Pairings include OcxLuna OcxOc and others, If this is against your tastes, then fair warning.

I own Sin,i,Dragon and any Oc charters.

Bri is own by my friend Rafiki

Thardoc will be beta my chapters for me ^.^ .So thank you to Thardoc.

Also I have payed for the cover art for my story, so I own it along with the Artist who made the pic for me.

The cover art was made by the cool penmark

Chapter 13 A Goddess and a Cheetah

Bri mewed happily while dodging Dragon's clumsy lunges, while Sin looked at Celestia in confusion, how had little Bri changed Celestia's opinion of him after she had seemed so furious?

"If you don't mind Celestia, would you please explain how Bri changed your mind, it's not like she could talk to vouch for me or anything.

Celestia sighed and walked to the side of the platform before sitting down and turning to everyone present.

"It's a bit of a long story, you might want to get comfy."

Everyone nodded their heads before walking over to sit down, Twilight sat next to Celestia while Applejack and Rainbow Dash argued over who should get a shady spot, Dash eventually won when she grabbed Applejack's hat in her teeth and threw it off to the side, forcing AJ to run after it before sitting down.

Rarity was struggling to find a place to sit down at that wouldn't dirty her coat. Noticing her friend's plight, Pinkie pulled out a pink cushion covered in her cutie mark. Sin saw the huge cushion appear from behind Pinkie and began sputtering.

"How did she, where did she." Sin gesticulated wildly.

"Don't even try to figure it out, it's beyond understanding." Twilight said to Sin as she invited Shining and Cadance to sit next to her.

"Ok." Sin said to Twilight,as he then sat down next to Luna. Who blushed a bit, but she quickly shook it off.

But Celestia saw it as well as Cadence ,but both of them said nothing about it.

"Don't worry Rarity I packed my mat just in case if we were going to have a picnic." Pinkie Pie said to Rarity in her sprightly voice, as always.

"Why thank you darling,this shall be perfect." Rarity said in her posh way,as she then sat down onto the mat fallow by Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie then pulled out cupcakes out of nowhere, once again taking Sin by surprise. He quickly blinked the confusion away and graciously thanked her for the cupcake. He watched Luna take a bit first before trying it himself, needless to say it was delicious, somehow a lot softer than most of the desserts from back home, he looked to Celestia to see if she was going to begin her story and noticed with some surprise that her cupcake had already been eaten, with gusto if the icing she was dabbing away at near her mouth was anything to go by.

While this was going on Bri and Dragon had completed their play fight and charged back towards the group, Dragon leap onto Luna's back surprising her for a moment before she decided to let him stay, Bri simply lied down next to Sin.

Celestia was never disappointed by Pinkie's baking, if she had asked for a job in the royal kitchens Celestia would have hired her yesterday, regardless of the consequences of having Pinkie in close proximity with the rest of her staff.

"Well I was on my way to the throne room when." Celestia started slowly before gaining momentum as she dove into the story.

Celestia Flash Back

Celestia was raging inside about how the creature and taken advantage of Luna and she had defended him, she knew not whether or not her story was true, but either way it was uncalled for.

She was so deep in thought that she was not watching where she was going and felt her leg bump against something small and fuzzy, she turned to see what had caused her stumble and was surprised to see the Cheetah cub.

Hadn't Sin said her name was Bri? Yes, that was it. Celestia said to herself while struggling with her rage, trying to stop it from turning towards the cub for what her adopted father had done. She was helped by this and rapidly cooled off when she saw Bri quivering in fear of her certainly intimidating stature.

But she then remembered, the creature could not speak like she She thought for a bit to recall a spell to understand animal speech. Celestia horn then glowed causing Bri to mew in fear, trying to find a place to hide from Celestia's magic. Celestia saw the animal panicking and quickly halted the spell to calm Bri down.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just going to put a spell on you so that we can better understand each other, ok?" Celestia said softly to Bri, while keeping her anger in check.

Bri mewed as she nodded her head to say ok, trying to act tough in front of Celestia. Knowing there was no escape from the big horse thing. Celestia gave her a nod as she then lowered her head, as her magic glow touched Bri's head Bri let out mew of shock feeling the pulses of magic reverberate through her. Celestia smiled believing her spell had worked and began questioning the small Cheetah?.

"So young one, why are you on your own." Celestia ask Bri in a commanding tone.

"Because you guards were rude to me and my father, and to the nice Fluttershy, why are you being a big meanie to my daddy? I bet you told their guards to do that too." Bri said in a mixture of fear and anger at Celestia. Taking the Sun Goddess by surprised at the cub braveness considering she knew full well that Celestia could easily crush the cub with her hoof. But she was such a young age and was intent on protecting her family. But what did she mean about Fluttershy?.

"I didn't do such a thing, your father was courting my Sister while she wasn't lucid, and what do you mean about one of my pony's." Celestia said with a bit of anger at Bri. Who cringed but knew she must not back down for her family. Plus she had had enough of the way Celestia was treating her father.


Even though she was so outmatched against Celestia,she would go down fighting. While Celestia had a surprised look on her face. At what she had just heard from the small creature that she could easily defeat, but her words had an effect on her. Just like when Luna raged at her when she found the human in bed with Luna.

Celestia then felt the red mist lowering when something clicked in her head. What was she doing? She was the co-ruler of Equestria and she was acting like a spoiled filly. Luna was old enough to choose her own company, and she should of accepted in the first place that nothing had happened between Luna and the human.

Celestia started to cry at how stupid she had been to everyone. She had acted as bad as Discord. Would they ever forgive her for her actions? Would Luna ever forgive and show her the love they had got back from her turning into Nightmare Moon? She then looked at Bri who had a lowered her guard, looking confused by Celestia's behavior.

"I'm so sorry little one" Celestia said in a upset tone, as her mane dulled a little, reducing its glory.

Bri look on in confusion, was she really sorry for her actions? Bri knew this was all one big miss-communication that got out of paw. But as she met Celestia's eyes,she could tell that she was truly sorry for her actions, so Bri walked over to the sun princess nuzzled her leg.

"It's ok it was just a misunderstanding, but I'm not the one that needs an apology, and the others feel guilty too." Bri said in a worried voice, while releasing her anger towards Celestia.

"You are right, and I will take you to them. I can sense my sister's location easily when she doesn't try to block me. They are on the top of the castle waiting for my niece, shall we go?" Celestia asked.

Bri gave her a nod and fell into step beside the princess as she led them through the maze of halls.

End of Celestia Flash Back

After finishing her story she then look up at everypony, and was startled by a crying Pinkie Pie bursting into tears. Celestia then felt a set wings go around her, she turn to look to see Luna hugging her, smiling at her as Sin stood up and walked over.

"I'm sorry about what happened, maybe we can start over?" Sin ask Celestia kindly.

"I'd like that a lot." Celestia smiled before pulling Sin into a hug that took him by surprise.

"Awww, that so sweet, group hug!" Pinkie pie shouted, as she somehow pulled everypony into a hug.

After recovering from the brief shock of slamming into each other, they all chuckled at Pinkie's antics. Celestia took a look around, and saw nothing but more welcoming smiles targeted at her.She turned with some trepidation to her favorite student, and was relieved to see her smiling as well, letting her know that all was forgiven.

End of chapter 13
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Thanks for Thardoc for Beta the chapter ^.^

A spell

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Chapter 14: A Spell

As the group broke up their hug, there was a brief moment of awkwardness as nobody was certain what to do next. Celestia then remember about why Bri had bumped into her in the first place.

"Luna did you see what had happened with the Guards?" Celestia asked her little Sister, since she only had a rough story from Bri.

"Yes but I think it will be easier if I show it to thou through our link spell." Luna explained to her.

"Yes, that is a good idea Luna." Celestia replied to her.

"Princess Celestia what is a link spell? It’s not in any of the books that I have ever read." Twilight asked excitedly. Since she had read almost every book ever made in Equestria, the possibility of new magic thrilled her. Even though she was still uncomfortable to be around Celestia, the sound of a new spell intrigued her.

"My dear Twilight, it is a spell that only me and my Sister can perform. We developed it long ago as a way to communicate our thoughts better. It was the first spell linking our magic that we performed. The spell itself transfers the knowledge of one to the mind of the other, allowing them to see and experience a past event that has taken place through the eyes of the owner.” Celestia explained to Twilight in a soft tone.

"Um if you don't mind, can you teach me it please?" Twilight asked Celestia, reminiscing about the times Celestia would teach her spells as a foal.

Celestia looked over at Luna, who gave a smile and nod of approval. Celestia wanted to teach Twilight the spell that they had used to share memories? Taking into consideration the bond Celestia had with Twilight, she couldn't help but wonder if Celestia had a crush on Twilight.

"Twi, aren't you being a bit rude? That’s a personal spell that only the Princesses use" Shining Armor said to his sister, his worry about how the Royal Sisters might react to Twilight’s request showing through slightly.

"It ok Shining. When I have the time l will teach Twilight the spell she desires." Celestia said to both Twilight and Shining Amour.

"Thank you, thank You, thank you!" Twilight shouted out of happiness at the news, jumping with the pure glee at the knowledge that she was going to be privileged with learning a rare spell that had only been performed by Royalty. She was ecstatic, but her euphoric mind got slightly distracted as she heard a light chuckling. Turning around, she found the other laughing at her antics. She immediately stopped hopping and went bright red with embarrassment. However, she too started to giggle at her own silliness, knowing that she sometimes got over excited. Celestia smiled warmly at her, causing Twilight to smiled back, although her face was still flushed.

Celestia was glad that their bond was not broken, but was instead strengthening.

She then remembered why the link spell had been brought up in the first place. "Luna, are you ready to start the spell?"

"Yes, I am ready, sister," Luna replied.

Once they were ready for the spell to start, the two Royal Sister walked over to each other as everybody else watched on, wondering what was going to happen. The two Royal Sisters then bowed their heads. Their horns touched and each one's magical glow started to mix and curl around each other.

When Luna showed Celestia the scene of the Guards reaction to the encounter with Sin, Bri and Dragon, Celestia became upset and disappointed with them. But that disappointment quickly turned to rage seeing why she found Bri in the first place. As she watched the Guard not just bully Sin and his family. He then had the balls to threaten and nearly hurt Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

How dare they act like this?! Their handling of the situation would not go uncorrected. While this was going on between the two Royal Sisters, Sin and the others looked on with worried expressions At Celestia’s physiognomical reactions, it was just like when she burst into Luna’s bedroom.

But Sin could see the rage Celestia was giving off was not for him. But for whatever Luna was showing to Celestia. Soon the spell ended as the two Sisters broke apart to have some breathing space, and to let Celestia fully take in what she had been shown by Luna.

"Please accept my apology, Sin for my guards’ behavior. And I would also like to apologize to you Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash for the same reason, I assure you it will be taken care of." Celestia said in her regal tone, but everyone could tell she was not happy with her Guards at all.

"It’s ok Princess, it wasn't your fault." Fluttershy shyly squeaked out, still a little stunned by Celestia’s earlier expressions.

"Yeah it was those meatheads faults, they need a good lesson after what they did." Rainbow Dash said angrily, as she floated in the air.

"Princess you shouldn't blame yourself for other peop- er.. ponies actions. I doubt people of their disposition will always exist." Sin said to Celestia, as Bri and Dragon vocalized their agreement

"Thank you, but I agree with Luna on the decision to send the Guards to the throne room. Their behavior was beneath that of a royal guard, which would make it as much my fault as if I had carried out the action myself. Cadence, Shining Armor and I will handle it.”

"Huh? Are you saying that I won’t as well? Luna asked in a confused tone.

"You won’t because unless you wouldn’t like to, you will be escorting everyone back to Ponyville and making an announcement introducing him to the town.

"That seems like a fine plan sister, I have no issues". Luna replied to Celestia’s request as she subconsciously sidled closer to Sin.

"Good, hopefully we will catch up with you later after we have dealt with our little internal issue."

Luna gave a nod as her horn glowed a dark blue, and with an audible pop disappeared with all but the three named that would stay.

End of Chapter 14

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Chapter 15 Rage

Once they had left, Shining Armor, Cadence and Celestia walked down the steps heading towards the throne room while the pegasus guards who had flown the carriage took their luggage to their room. Since it would take a while to walk to the throne, Cadence decide to speak to her aunt.

"Celestia, except from the Guards and our new guests, has anything else happened while Shining and I were away?"

"Nothing really, except Twilight sending me her friendship reports. Even though I told her that following a strict schedule wasn’t necessary, they always arrive right on time. In fact, I may have used their evening arrivals to end court a little earlier than usual more than once,” Celestia said, chuckling a bit.

Cadence giggled at the thought. It was so like Twilight to always be on time, even when it wasn’t needed. Shining merely shook his head and continued walking.

"Sis needs to chill sometimes, we don't want another breakdown from her."

They all remembered quite clearly, whether through actual memory or retelling, just what levels of insanity Twilight could achieve when she does eventually snap. Luckily, the other Mane 6 and Spike, along with Celestia are able to work together to calm Twilight’s worries of punctuality all the time.

After the chat about Twilight ended, they then went on about day to day life. Things such as new laws agreed on with the Griffon and Dragons, as well as new laws being passed in Equestria. Plus, once again refusing Blue Blood's request/command of Ponyville to be destroyed due to the embarrassment he suffered at the hands of some of the residents; making a Prince like him look like a fool.

Even though he was a nephew/cousin to Luna, Celestia and Cadence; he was the bane of Equestria to them and Shining Armor, who had nearly attacked him once, only to be stopped by Cadence. But he was still family, so they all just had to bare with his snotty behaviour.

Soon they came up to the doors of the throne room. Celestia gave Shining a nod and he used his magic to open the doors. Celestia gave him a ‘thank you’ as she walked into the throne room, followed by Celestia and Shining.

As they walked in they all saw the group of Guards who quickly went into a kneeling position upon seeing their ruler, which annoyed her since most of the Guards saw her as more important than her sister. Only Luna’s Guards seem to respect her, which was much smaller in numbers than her sister’s Guards.

This had to lead to problems for Luna at the start, since she saw it as another way of the Ponies being scared of her.
"Rise," Celestia said in aggressive tone.

Without thinking about it, all of the Guards rose to attention, not wanting to upset their Princess even more. Most of the Guards present belonged to her. Out of the twenty-five in the room, twenty of them were hers, while only five were dedicated to Luna. This had shocked her, but she then remember that it was one of Luna’s own Guards that had lashed out.

"Where is the Guard that had been rude to Miss Rainbow Dash, Miss Fluttershy and out guests?" Celestia asked loudly, looking over the group of guards.

No one had moved or spoken due to fear and not being entirely sure of whom their Princess had meant. The guards’ silence only caused Celestia’s rage to increase, this had seriously hoofed her off big time. She was going to speak again when she felt Shining Armor’s hoof touching her leg.

"May I, Princess?" Shining Armor asked her.

"Yes, go on, Shining Armor." Celestia replied calmly, trying to keep her anger in check.

Shining nodded his head as he looked at his soldiers with disgust. He would give them all a hard time after this talk had been dealt with.
"You have the count of 10 for the Guard who had cause this problem to step forward, or all of you will be doing a 1000 mile run, with no wings or magical help at all," Shining Armor yelled to them all.

Since it was not a serious crime, Celestia could only give a small punishment. Shining could give harsher punishments when it was the smaller problems that the guards caused.

There was a shuffle as a group of Night Guards pushed one of their own in front of Shining Armor and the Princess. Guessing due to their pushing, this was the Guard that had cause the problem.

"Tell me your name, soldier," Shining Armor ordered of the guard in a strong tone.

The look on the Night Guard’s face was one of pure fear, seeing the looks Celestia and Cadence were giving him.

"My name is Night Blade, Sir." Night Blade said in a scared tone, his once confident attitude gone.

"Why did you act the way you did to the Princess’ guests and two members of the Elements of Harmony?" Shining Amour asked him in a cold tone.

"I did it to protect my Princess from danger, from the unknown creatures that could cause harm to her," Night Blade replied nervously.

Before Shining could carrying on, Celestia moved in front of him to take over the questioning. This caused the Guards to move away from Night Blade, to leave him to face the wrath of the Sun Goddess. Night Blade was tremblingly in pure fear, he could see the heat of rage coming off Celestia as she looked at him with hatred.

"So you don't agree on my sister and I’s choice of guest that we see as no threat to our kingdom? Are you saying that our choice makes us not fit to rule?!" Celestia shouted with rage, staring daggers at Night Blade.

"No, Princess Celestia, I would never think something like that." Night Blade quickly said, lest he be morphed into dandelion fluff.

The rest of the Guards quickly nodded too, not wanting to invoke her wrath. Since she had sent her own Sister to the moon. Her own sister who was just as powerful as her… Celestia could easily crush them like bugs.

Cadence looked on with worry, being the Princess of love so despised of hatred or fear. This was upsetting her a lot, but seeing this, Shining Armor went to comfort his wife in an effort to calm her.

"Night Blade, your punishment will be decided by Luna, since you are one of her Guards. You should be thankful. If you were one of my Sun Guards, you would be in the dungeon by now.

"Yes, thank you, Princess Celestia," Night Blade replied quickly as he bowed to her.

“However, you will be doing double the run Shining Armor has mentioned tomorrow. This is your punishment from me for all your actions.
The rest of you will be running The 1000 miles you are now allowed to go back to your post." Celestia snared to the Guards in the room.

The guards quickly nodded their heads and promptly left the room. The two lovers walk over to Celestia in an effort to calm her down. Before long, the group had made the decision to get ready to go to Ponyville to regroup with the others.

--Ponyville, Inside Twilight’s Library--

Only Twilight was left with Princess Luna, Sin, Bri and Dragon in the Library, because the other ponies had to sort out their jobs. Since they were all spending a day at the castle, they needed to deal with various activities. Celestia had to attend to royal duties, of course, while Shining Armor and Cadence more or less disappeared.

"Umm, Sin, do you mind if I ask a few questions concerning your species?" Twilight asked Sin, a quill and paper caught in her magic aura.

"Sure, I’m cool with it," Sin responded to Twilight, who in turn squealed with joy, causing Luna and Sin to chuckled and Twilight to blush as she then started to question him.


-Outside of the Crystal Kingdom--

In the coldness of the snow, a set of green glowing eyes appeared. A voice resounded, a voice so cold it could blend in with the frigid air around it.

"Soon my plan will come together, and the days of Ponies will be gone for good."

Deep laughter echoed through the snowy atmosphere.

End of Chapter 15
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More Questions

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Chapter 16 More Questions

--Twilight’s Library--

Sin sat down on the floor of the Library, as pony furniture was rather unfit for him, while Twilight sat in her seat. She was holding a piece of parchment and a quill in her magic, ready to start her questioning. Luna sat in a chair next to Sin while watching Spike attempt to stop Bri and Dragon from pouncing on his tail.

It was quite funny to everyone watching, minus Spike of course, but he gave up and let the two play with him as it would get him out of reordering all the books by alphabetic order again.

"So Sin, how old are you and where were you born?" Twilight asked while jotting down a few notes.

" Well I’m 23 years old and I was born in a country called England. Which is apart of the United Kingdom or UK for short. Or as we know as Great Britain.”

" Kingdom? Do you have a Princess like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?" Twilight asked excitedly.

" Umm, kind off. My country of birth has had for a very long time -I think over 1000 years or so- a royal family ruling over us. But nowadays the power they once had has been reduce a quite a bit. Now they share power with a government to run the country." Sin explained the best as he could about the UK Royal family.

Oh, are they the rulers of your world?" Twilight asked with interest, as she wrote down more on what Sin had been saying about his history.

"In a way yes. In another, no. It is hard to explain. My world has multiple countries run by all different types of governments. Some are like my country, called a monarchy, while others are run by the people, such as democracies. Even more still are run by religion rules. This has caused all kinds of problems between nations, some that have made me lose my faith in humanity" Sin said sadly, remembering the horrors of Human history.

"What kind of problems?" Twilight asked in a worried tone, glancing up from her writing.

"My kind has had numerous wars throughout our history due to countries varying viewpoints of many different subjects such as religion, racial standings and simple greed over wanting what the other has. Millions have perished in these conflicts, for nothing more than the lies and ideals of others; Protecting their love ones from danger and ensuring their freedom from oppression. But Humans in general do not show these characteristics. Most are kind souls that would do no harm to their fellow man. But history always look on the bad not good with my kind." Sin finished telling about the horrors of Human wars to the Ponies and Dragon.

Sin sighed sadly, knowing these Ponies would be sick of the Human history of war when he felt a set of hoofs warp around him. Turning around he saw them belonging to Luna, who had moved to comfort him with a hug while resting her head on his shoulder.

"Thou shall not be ashamed about you kinds history. We pony's have also had wars in the past that we are ashamed of. So it is normal for worlds to have wars and death, even if we wish not to." Luna explained while embracing Sin.

"Yes, Princess Luna is right. It quite common for the dominant species to fight each other." Twilight said, adding in her two-bits.

"Thank you for that." Sin said to them, blushing along with Luna as they broke from their hug.

Each tried to avoid the others glaze, seeing their red face while Twilight had look of amusement on hers, trying to work it all out. What was going on between Sin and Luna? She thought.

"Um is it true that your world does not have any magic? " Twilight asked, trying to get away from the war talks.

"Yes, magic doesn't exist in my world. We only have fake magic tricks to fool people. We see real magic as more of a myth. Actually, most of mythological stories of magic come from my home country. It is strange, as most creature is this world I have seen are considered myths in my world" Sin said, explaining to Twilight about Human beliefs of real magic and mythical animals.

"Interesting, so you're saying that our kind don't exist in your world." Twilight asked with interest, while continuing with her notes.

"Well ponies and horse live in my world, but aren't as intelligent as the ones from Equestria. Dragons, Unicorns, Pegasus and others that live here are known as mythical animals in my culture.

"What about my kind? Alicorns?" Luna asked, while getting into learning more about Sin’s world.

"I’m not sure, I don't know all the mythical animals but I guess so." Sin explained to the Princess of the Night.

Luna nodded her head, while seeing Twilight about to read off her next question.

"Um do your kind mate to reproduce, for your version of fillies and foals." Twilight said while going bright red from embarrassment.

"Um... um yes we uh mate to reproduce children." Sin said in a awkward tone, while blushing a lot. “How else would we reproduce?”

Luna was glad that her fur was such a dark blue or they could easily see how much she was blushing. But it the back of her mind she did wonder what Sin’s stallion hood looked like. She quickly put it to the back of her mind, trying to stop thinking the naughty thoughts.

"Twilight I think we don't need to know about that too much." Luna said to Twilight.

"I guess you right. Um... oh yeah look at the time. I just remembered AppleJack wanted us to meet her at her farm. She said that she has a spare bed for you that she needed help with to bring over.”

"Ok sure, shall we go then." Sin replied, wanting to get away from talking about his kinds sex life.

"Sure." Twilight quickly replied as she went to do her checks for locking the Library before they left.

They put Bri, Dragon and Spike to sleep on Twilight's bed as they left the Library. Twilight used a lock spell on the door before continuing their walk through the streets in the night as Luna had raised the Moon once again over Ponyville.

As Sin walked with the two girls, Twilight showed Sin Rarity’s and Pinkie Pie’s homes. Which to him, look straight out of a fairy tail; Most of the houses did. It took them about 10 minutes to get to Sweet Apple Acres. As they approached the farmhouse, Twilight knock on the door.
A few seconds later -to the surprise of Luna and Sin- Pinkie Pie burst out of the door with confetti that seemed to come of nowhere. Music was also playing in the background as she crashed into Sin. Knocking him to the ground as she smiled at him.


This caused Luna and Twilight to laugh and giggle, seeing the scared look on Sin’s face as they went to help get Pinkie Pie of him so he could enjoy the party.

End of chapter 16
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