Altogether now!

by EvilMattStories

First published

Matt/evil matt is having a great family now, hes having a good family (check the long see)

continue: because hes spending time with the ponies and getting along with them. but some Crazy things happen some scary,funny, and akward moments!

Part 1-Spending time with ponies

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Matthew was in Equestria and in ponyville, Matthew Was saying "Hi" to all the ponies because he was so nice.
His Best Freinds Was The "Main 6" Well...Aka Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity Fluttershy,and Rainbow dash even spike is with them. Matt came over by the CMC house and thats where the main 6 where, even spike! Matt said "Whats Going On?"
They Kept Talking. Matt shouted "WHATS GOING ON!?" The Main 6 Even spike looked at him with a strait face "Please dont shout, Fluttershy is having a baby!" Matt eyes opened wide and stepped away Twilight said "Are you ok?" Matt said " sorry about the shouting, uhh.." and matt walked away slowly tiptoeing, Fluttershy said "Please come back...." Matt eyes opened wide and gulped "O...O....ok.." Matt walked slowly at her and heard a baby crying and it was fluttershys baby! Matts eyes opened wide because he saw blood "Ahh! never seen this before!" Matt covered his eyes
Twilight said "Its Ok, its part of nature too! they become pregnate can i explain this..S..E...X..." Twilight blushed.
Matts eyes opened wider "s...s...s...i know what that means!" Twilight whispered in his ear "want to do it with me?" matts eyes were wide enough as they can be and said "well i reeeaaally have to do it? because this story is for everyone..." Twilight said "Oh Ok its fine!" Matt was thinking "whew..that was..close" Matt was feeling a snuggling mood that he wants to snuggle with somepony Matt tries to hold it and it came out accidentally and snuggled with twilight "Awww" Twilight said
*The Next Day* Matt was sleeping next to twilight and suddenly Twilight blushed and was looking at matt. Matthew woke up and matts jaw dropped and he was thinking himself questions, Did he do it to twilight? was he sleepwalking? was i was tired and slept next to twilight and do it in my sleep!? i hope not because this is for everyones story! Twilight said "You did it to me last was pleasurable.." "it was just a dream!" matt shouted and he woke up at the place he was sleeping at the floor and everypony was staring at him and they kept saying "are you alright?' and matt said "yes, yes" matt walked away normally but more....different the main 6 even spike shouted "AHHH!!! Matt are you ok!?" matt looked like his foot was turning to his back of his leg and his leg was backwards and was still walking his leg turned normal and his eyes were red from tiredness...and slept on the floor again. This time its the same dream...but in fluttershy in it. Matt woke up in horror did...did...HE MARRY FLUTTERSHY?!?! Matts eye twitched and well..hes normal but has weird s...e....x....dreams..Matt decided to go to the therapist.

Part 2- The Therapist

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Matt Decided to go to the therapist because he was having too many S..E..X dreams he walked to the therapist and told the therapist what happened before the S..E..X dreams started the therapist said "When you saw fluttershy having a baby, that got stuck on your mind and somehow your mind generated S..E..X dreams" Matt was surprised and the main six +spike was looking at him blushing and weirdly. Then things start going weird, Pinkie pie was starting going "cupcakes" on everyone, twilight started talking about Freindship help something like that, Fluttershy is wanting animals and she is angry and forcing the animals to love her, rarity is complaining or sad because she thinks her dresses arent good, but i told her it was good, annd
rainbow could i explain this....Fear, applejack is...tired..she what i havnt told her...i cant explain..
they were in a group acting this way. Matt came over there and told them "what has happened to you all?"
They responded "everyone knows our true colors now..." Matt said "Not mine" They responded again "SHOW YOUR TRUE COLORS!" Matt said "ok...if you say shouldnt have made this choice." Matts eyes turn red and started to look like a shadow and his teeth were sharp and the "slenderman" tenticals grew from his back and you know what he has become?..his true color is Evil matt. Evil matt grinned as he saw them like crazy and stuff. Evil matt said in G-major "BOO!!!" the main 6 and spike ran as fast as they can and screamed "WE ARE DOOMED!" Evil matt teleported in front of them "Yes...Yes..YOu..ArE!" They ran past him and screamed more and Evil matt said "I CAN FEED FEAR" the main 6 and spike stopped running and they were normal. They Said "Oh My Gosh..what has happened to you?" Evil Matt said "I REAVEALED MY TRUE COLOR AS YOU WANTED...SO...DI-" as before he could finish the sentence he turned normal.Matt said " know my true colors..." matts head was down and was tearing up blood.
He put his hands in his pockets and walked and walked and walked till he was tired and in ponyville town, The main 6 + spike followed him. Matt said "We Need to fix this..another therapist see your true colors and how you got them.."
But matt was hungry and told them where we want to eat, Pinkie Pie said "Oh i know! What about my place! Sugarcube corner!"
Matt Looked at pinkie pie in delight "That sounds Wonderful! i Looove candy!" But, theres a feeling in matt that was never felt before...nervous he kept thinking of the word "Cupcake" it reminded him of the story "Cupcakes"
it was worrying him..what if pinkie pie is in her cupcake state and she was lying? Matt was now afraid of cupcakes because it might have poison in them that makes him go to sleep and gets tortured by pinkie pie but if pinkie pie knows my colors, will she not do it to me? but the others?

Part 3- The Oppointment

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Matt and the Main 6 + spike went to sugarcube corner, it was night, we had enough time to eat but there was a sign saying
"Closed for the night" But pinkie pie has the key to open the door. She unlocked the door and we came inside, it was dark but pinkie pie turned on the lights, hoping ms and mr cake wouldnt wake up. So we ate...oh no..C-C-Cupcakes! Once the main 5 (pinkie pie didnt eat cupcakes) + spike ate the cupcakes they fell down Unconscious. It was actully happening, Pinkie pie was actully in her CUPCAKE state! but i refused to eat it as i watched everyone collapse (except for pinkie) She looked crazy/Insane
Matt said "Please dont do this to me, or i will reaveal my FRIKEN true colors!" Pinkimena diane pie said "Oh no..i wont do this to you i promise!!!" But matt said "Unless you retrieve my freinds i will HAVE TO kill you." Pinkimena diane pie said "Please dont!"
Matt said "Its ok BUT retrieve these freinds or know..i already told you KILLING YOU' Pinkimena said "YES SIR!" Matt said "Make sure you DoNt Lie Or ElSe" matts voice started getting eviler as he talked and pinkimena started to get worried "Matt...Im sorry..." Pinkimena kissed matt on the lips as matts eyes were wide and his voice turned normal "Thanks for calming me down" Pinkimena said "Your welcome~" she said in a delightful voice But matt said "are you getting H..O..R..N...Y.? cause let me know cause...urrghh i can...fix...that..." matt started to get alot more..(you know) they were in bed together and...*7 hours later* Matt says "That...was...pleasurable" Pinkimena said the same Me (matt) and pinkimena fell in love but you know what happened? the main 5 +spike (except for pinkie) woke up and i sensed it "they woke up" pinkimena looked at me pleasure "ok thanks for telling me~" we got up from the bed and walked to the living room (inside sugarube corner) and pinkimena said "YOU KNOW WHAT WE DID? WE "DID IT"! " i blushed as she said that and the main "5" +spike looked at us surprised and you know what i did? i thinked about something W-W-What? we..did it? im going to make pinkie pie pregnet same as fluttershy?! and i (matt) said "woa..ok.i didnt notice that i did it to you" pinkimena said "what? remeber last night?"
i said "no i was too....pleasure feeling to know" but you know what? OUR OPPOINTMENT!
me and the main 6 +spike ran to the therapist and the therapist said "Your late" i said "Im very sorry we were eating-" the therapist interuppted me as he changed the topic "so..whats the problem?" i said "we...we..have our true colors..but not....its a demon.. am i crazy?" therapist said "Yes..but the demon part..isnt my job, im looking for problem of dreams of whats wrong with your body and stuff...but not demons im not a priest or something-" my evil side interuppted him as i said in g-major
"WOULD YOU GET ME SOME HELP WITH THIS SIDE!??!?!?!?" i yelled the therapist said "GAHH! GO AWAY DEMON! GO AWAY!" i turned normal "see? thats my true color!"

Part 4-The cure of replacing

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So i and the therapist talked about my demon and what my demon does and therapist figured out what to do "Hey! why dont you see a scientist?" i said "ok! good idea!" so me and my main 6 +spike ran to the scientist and told the scientist what was happening and the scientist said "Why dont we REPLACE your demon of yours with a funny side of you?" i said "OK!" i went to the tube and he cloned me and put my clone a few modifications that i will be funny. The transaction started. after it finished, it was a success! i walked out of the tube wiggling and i was normal! my funny side was inside of me! and i said "Thanks scientist!" the scientist said "Call me doctor max!" i said "Thank you doctor max!" Doctor max said "Your welcome" as i left he happily waved at me, i waved back. we all went to twilights house partying and i got funny and said "Knock knock!" they said "whos there?" i said "adore!" they said "adore who?" i said "Adore stands between us open up!" everyone and me laughed.
Me and my main 6 +spike friends lived happily ever after!


Alternate ending

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Matt and the main 6 +spike are happy again! we were telling jokes and making smores and telling scary and funny stories.
we had a extremly great time, we sang songs that i know and the CMC came to twilights house and said "Can we party with yall?" the 3 said at the same time and twilight said "what do you think matt?" and i said "Sure! its for everyone!" and the CMC joined in with their smiles and i danced with happyness i said "So applebloom , scootaloo, and sweetiebell why dont we have smores!" the CMC said "YAAAY! SMORES!" I covered my ears a bit beause they were to loud and we ate smores more.
We partied more and after we were tired we gone to sleep.

The Alternate End