Equestria's Spartan guardian.

by Dieser117

First published

Spartan-117 get's stuck in Equestria, with no possible way home.

Spartan John-117 crashes in Equestria, more specifically in the Everfree forest at night where the fully grown Princess of the Night watches his ship crash into the forest, the Forward Unto Dawn while he's in cryosleep. John wakes up and finds Princess Luna waking him up with Cortana's help and ask's him to help her for unknown reasons.

This takes place Eons before Nightmare Moon and before all the season's and in an alternate universe where Princess Celestia is a filly.

Prologue. (Revised)

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Do you know what hell is? Well I'll tell you what my hell is, my hell is sleeping when your only ship is breaking up and you are in cryosleep and you can't do shit. And then waking up to an indigo horse, they prefer to be called ponies as I found out later, with a black splotch with a crescent silver moon on the side of her flank waking me up, and telling me that I crashed in a forest that's called Everfree forest and that she saw the section of the ship I was in, called The Forward Unto Dawn. And I'll fill you in on it, whether you like it or not, even if I have to strap you in.

Before I begin let me introduce myself, I'm Master Chief Petty Officer Spartan-117, UNSC Navy. Now where was I? Oh yes the story. I was in cryosleep sleeping the journey the Dawn was taking me to Reach after the destruction of the Halo ring and after a sweep and destruction of any Convent tacking devices, or so I thought, after destroying the controlling Halo ring, and since I can't remember anything during the journey, or entering the atmosphere of a planet of talking ponies, since I was in cryo, as I said before they prefer to be called that instead of horses. I awoke to the cryopod hissing open and seeing Cortana on her little pedestal.

"Hello Chief. How did you sleep?" My oldest friend and A.I. asked with an indigo pony with a black splotch on her flank, or ass in human language, with a silver crescent moon over it. She, as I could tell, had a royal blue star filled flowing mane and tail, with black shoes, a necklace with her cutie mark, don't ask me that's what they call them, and a black crown on her head. She also had a long sharp horn that could pierce the Miljoner Armor that I was wearing if the shields went down. "This is who helped me get you out of cryo Chief" She added to try and break the silence that had built up while I was looking over the winged unicorn, Alicorn's is what their called, I found out later.

"How was thou's frozen induced sleep? We hope thou doth makes a speedy but full recovery from this mechanical bed" The winged unicorn asked and in perfect Shakespearean English no less. "We would like to ask for thou's and thou's companion's help, it's a matter of national security of my lands. And I haven't introduced myself, I am called Princess Luna the ruler of Equestria, and soon to be co-ruler when my sister, Princess Celestia comes of age" She added, in which case after she introduced herself I bowed respectfully. "There is no need to bow strange creature. We just wish to get to know each other as civilized ponies, or what ever species you are from" The indigo Princess said politely, as I was standing up straight after bowing to her. I looked over at Cortana who just shrugged.

I pulled Cortana's A.I chip from the pedestal and put it in my armor's A.I. port in the back of my helmet, Cortana as usual popped up in a corner of my helmet's visor also with a map of the destroyed ship along with a map of the country side courtesy of the Princess of the night herself along with a detailed map of the whole continent. "Thanks for the map. And his name Master Chief or just Chief. And the specie name are Human or Homo Sapiens if you want to get technical" As Cortana spoke the Night Princess jumped, literally jump completely forgetting about Cortana. I chuckled lightly at the little scene.

"Don't startle us like that, we doth not like surprises. Especially Humans and spirit's that helps Humans" With fear and relief in her voice, and body language. I turned around to pick up my assault rifle and pistol once I turned around I could see the fear in her eyes, I just put the rifle in it's magnetic holster on the back portion of my chest piece and the pistol on my right leg armor, the fear went away from her eyes, I also picked up extra mags for it and also my plasma sword I got from the arbitrator. I started walking out of the wrecked hulk of the Dawn lazily waving for Luna to follow who nodded and started following making sure to carefully put her hooves as we made our way out of the Dawn, or what's left of it. "So how advanced is your country? If I may ask your majesty?" Cortana said not wanting to piss her off right off the bat.

"We are in the medieval age I believe is what you humans call it" She asked while making it look like she's not looking over my suit, which she fails at of course hehe. I nodded placing a hand over her shoulders as a sign of respect which she picked up on and allowed me to touch her physically, she only recoiled a bit from the touch of my suited latex hand. Which I could feel so I gently pulled it away. "No, no it's quite alright, even though our guards are quite protective of me, We-I've hadn't had the touch of another in quite a while" She interjected, so I put my hand back over her shoulder's gently soothing her with my thumb stroking her fur which caused her to hum with delight. Both me and Cortana smiled at her playfulness and letting me touch her which I would have been killed if I did that with one of the Covenant's own ruler and future successors. They don't take shit from anybody, even though we have an alliance with them.

When we came to the jagged edge of the ship I saw the forest where the section crashed along with a mountain and a city hanging off the side of it, yes I said a city hanging off the side of a fucking mountain. "That is the capital of Equestria it's called Canterlot, and the mountain it's hanging off of is Mount Canter, hence the name" She informed me, and Cortana just nodded confirming what the Princess had said. Before me and Cortana knew it we were Teleported, yes Teleported from the wreckage of the Foward Unto Dawn to the edge of the Everfree Forest. Once the teleportation spell had worn off my stomach was churning and I gave Luna the death glare which my helmet covered my head and face so she didn't know. "From this point onward we walk from here. Since I can't see any wings or a horn protruding from your armor, and to let you know we-I am called an Alicorn" I just slowly nodded and the indigo Alicorn started walking to the capital city, I just shrugged and started walking with her to the mountain city.

To be continued...

Sneaking into Canterlot.

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"Thou aren't much of a...talker...as the commoners put it" The Princess of the Night asked, as me, and her are walking across the plains. I didn't respond as usual because I didn't want to talk about the Human-Covenent war and the billions of human lives lost.

"The Chief doesn't talk because of the shell he put up. And because of the war, which me and him doesn't want to talk about" My oldest and most trusted A.I friend had said, the Night Princess was about to say something about the war before Cortana interrupted her. "I'm sorry your majesty I'm afraid we can't talk about anything related to us, including our war that we just got out of. And if we did you wouldn't trust us if you found out what the Chief and the rest of his kind and the 'aliens' that we were fighting for our lives to prevent them from killing all of us" She quickly summarized causing the alicorn to cringe from her summery. "And that's why we don't talk about it" After Cortana saw the Princesses reaction, and to also see her determination to find out about the war.

Cortana smirked at the Princesses determination even after her reaction to her summery of the war as the three of us, well two of us started walking up the mountain path to the newly finished capital, thanks to my armors built in binoculars with 200x zoom which I could already tell the city, and castle was finished recently or some time before. "Does thou's armor have any enchantments that will allow you to become invisible as not to arouse suspicion or to put fear into the populace of Caterlot?" The Princess asked before we came into view of the main gate, for which I simply nodded, activating my armor's cloak and placing a hand on her shoulders causing her to jump a little after seeing the amazement on her muzzle, her face mind you. After a moment she smiled and the two of us started walking up to the gate where two guards wearing medieval night armor, yes night armor.

The two of them bowed to Luna and quickly opened the gate to let the the three of us, if you are including Cortana, but unbeknownst to them they were letting a bipedal creature and his 'ghost' A.I. in with their beloved princess. As soon as we passed the gate and what I saw once we passed the double door gate, which was massive, was a beautiful multi-tiered city that was made out of chiseled stone and marble, the castle itself was made out of white and black marble, somehow merged together with gold trimming and golden roofed towers or what I thought was gold.

I made sure that my suits cloak and energy supply was still going and still in the green, the energy supply was in the middle of the green, so I lightly patted the princess to let her know to try and speed it up with all of the more smaller ponies bowing to her, she quickly got the message and the two of us, including Cortana, picked up our pace to the castle.

By the time me, Cortana, and Princess Luna had gotten to her room and Luna closing the door, along with dismissing her guards the cloak had dropped surprising Luna a bit, which brought a smirk to my face which was hidden by my helmet so Luna didn't see it. "Don't scare us like that, we-I don't like to be scared unless it's something important or it's a prank" She stated with a smirk on her muzzle. That brought a devious smirk and a prank along with it. Since Luna can't see my face because of my helmet she couldn't tell what I looked like or what I was thinking.

"Dear sister!" Came an unknown high pitched obviously feminine voice then a small alicorn filly with an alabaster coat, a pink mane and tail along with the rising sun on her flank, she ran to Luna and gave her a hug on one of her forelegs, Luna gave the smaller alicorn which was her sister a hug in return lovingly nuzzling her as well.

Then the filly turned her gaze to me with curiosity in her magenta eyes and slowly made her way over to me, I look up at Luna who has fear in her eyes then I lock back down at the small filly who is already sitting down with her forehooves extended out like a hug. I bend down and gently picks her up and hesitatingly but gently pulls her in for a hug, she energetically and friendly wraps her forehooves and legs around my neck which catches me and Luna by surprise.

I gently start rubbing her little back, being careful not to use enough force to break her back, she giggles as my gloved hand goes up and down her little back and her little wings to extend outwards and stiffen causing her to break the hug and blush, causing me to smile widely but is hidden by my helmet as usual. I gently put her down and she quickly runs over to Luna's bed and curls up on it. "It looks like you made a new friend Chief" My old friend quipped with a smile of her own.

"I was not expecting that" Luna said after a awkward moment of silence. "And don't you worry you can stay in the guest suite across the hall. And I'll let my guards know not to attack you, and to let them know that your are friendly" I nodded politely, turned around walked over to the door, opened it where a small group of her guards had been piled up against it fell to my feet, they quickly stood up and raised their spears at me. "What do you think you are doing!!" The Princess of the Night screamed in her authoritative voice.

But the guards didn't respond so I quickly grabbed their spears, broke them and knocking them all unconscious breaking two of their legs causing them to slump to the floor with concussions, with each of them bleeding from their mouths and their broken legs, I broke open a few blood vessels causing them to bleed internally, which I wasn't wanting. I walked over their unconscious bodies making sure I didn't crush their skulls or any of their bones and made my way across to the open suite, after I nearly closed the door I heard more hooves on the marble floor, then I saw what looked like doctor and nurses who heard the commotion. And this was before I completely closed the door.

To be continued....

Verbal rampage. 117 is going native?

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I was in my room with Cortana field-stripping my assault rifle and pistol, you know cleaning/maintaining them that sorta thing when Princess Luna barged into the room with two of her guards flanking her with a pissed off expression. " Does thou know what thou did to the squad of our guards!!!" The Night mistress screamed causing me and Cortana to jump, and I'm a certified badass since I've taken on the Covenant and destroyed a fucking Halo."Thou are lucky their internal bleeding and their broken legs have been healed by our best doctors" Man I can't believe that she's still pissed after I took out a squad of her guards, and it's only been a fucking hour at best I was wishing that she wouldn't still be this pissed off about that.

"Your majesty if I may say and not to sound rude, could you-and pardon my language here-calm the fuck down please. I'm not trying to threaten you here, the Chief was just only defending himself. In his mind your guards were threatening him, and they still are" I nodded to the two guards that she brought with her, she looked at the both of them with a surprised look on her muzzle with their spears leveled at me, during all of this I took the chance of putting my magnum handgun back together and putting the mag in racking a round in the chamber with the safety off and at the ready, to be on the safe side if her guards attacked me with out any warning.

"I want you two to stand down" As I placed the magnum on my left side of the bed but still within arms reach. "And I want the both of you along with the rest of the guards and staff to treat our guest here as he should be. A guest is that understood" Before they could protest they simply nodded and bowed before exiting and spreading the news to the rest of the guards and all of the castle staff which brought a smile to my face and what surprised me was that she quickly calmed down and quickly shifted her mood. "I would like to apologize for my outburst earlier. Chief was it?" I just simply nodded and dismissively waved her outburst away, which for a pony that's several thousands of years old she could easily pick up on body language and hand well in this case hoof gestures. This caused her to smile and I just went back to cleaning my assault rifle with her sitting next to me on the bed watching me clean it with extreme curiosity.

Cortana had started explaining what the rifle and the magnum are which caused her to flinch and back away a little but still watched me clean the rifle with curiosity.

To be continued....

The Chief's bonding time with Celly.

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In the morning when I was exploring the castle to find the dinning hall of the sprawling building I came across the adorable little Princess Celestia bawling her cute little eyes out, yes I said adorable and cute I don't give a flying fuck, and I also saw a couple of other ponies, they were servants by their uniforms, so I snuck up on them and I saw Celestia look up at me, but those one of those two fucks just punched her. "Why are you look up at us you little runt" The one that punched her sneered and laughed along with the other who agreed with her, now I don't normally hit or lob of limbs of ladies, so I made an exception in this case. I picked up the both of them by their necks and slammed them up against the wall, Celestia ran as fast as her little legs could carry her to hide behind me.

"Who are you!? What are you!? You freak!!" Othe other female servant screamed out which caused me to go over the edge and pulled out my plasma sword and lopped off their hind legs causing them to scream in pain and blood started poring out of the stumps causing Celestia to flinch and pale at the sight of blood. So I let the both of them go and re-sheathed the sword turning around and pick up the little filly causing her to press her snout into my jumpsuit covered neck bawling her eyes out.

I started and tried to calm her down and tried telling her that they won't be hurting her anymore. I saw Princess Luna and a small squad of guards running towards us, the guards surrounded me in a semi-circle once they saw the two female servants, which I found out that the females are called mares, they took my sidearm and rifle but not my sword because they didn't know that it's an actual weapon.

"What happened here!! Why are two of my servants bleeding out and their hind legs detached from their bodies!!" She asked in her Royal voice, before I could respond the alabaster little filly answered for me, leaving out the sword, that those two servants were bullying her, insulting her and threatening to kill her, as she finished a small contingent of medical ponies, since their cutie marks, what they call them, were medical related and took the nearly unconscious and dead servants to be treated. "You are hereby confined to your suite until further notice or those two mare servants are fully healed and jailed. Is that understood?" I nodded, as I was placing Celestia on the ground she started protesting.

"If your going to ground him Lulu I'm going with him whether you like it or not" The brave little Princess stated boldly and before Luna could answer Celly, one of Celestia's nickname, interrupted her. "And I'm not going to take no for an answer" The royal little filly stomped her little hoof down standing in front of me bringing a smile to my face. I quickly scooped her up and started walking back to my suite putting little Celly on the back of my neck and shoulder's letting her stand on the back of my chest piece and my helmet letting her get a feeling of what it's like from my point of view. "Whoa...Is this what it looks like for you?" I just gave her a thumbs up causing her to smile.

When we got to my room I picked up the while little princess and put her on the spare bed I sat next to her, with her staring at me. "I don't want to sound rude or mean but. What species are you?" The extremely bold little filly asked laying next to my leg placing her little head on top of my leg looking at me curiously.

"I'm a Human, or to get scientific Homo Sapien" I spoke for the first time to a pony, or in my career besides the time I spoke to the UNSC Officers and admiral during the war causing her to jump literally four feet and I mean four feet off the bed, and landing on the pillow of the bed. "And yes I can talk but I choose not to talk" Silencing her before she could even speak again. The Princess cautiously made her way back over to me laying down against my armored leg and placing her little head atop it dozing off to sleep.

Seeing her white little sleeping form brought a smile to my face, so I gently moved her to where her head was resting on the pillow and I pulled the sheets up so that she would snuggle with them and she did, once that was done I sat down at the desk and started writing into the journal I was given and made the first entry recounting me first arriving, meeting Princess Luna, exploring a little portion of the countries capital and the castle, excluding the two mare servants for obvious reasons, and did I tell you that the journal was a fucking tome well it was. I didn't notice Princess Luna looking at the scene through a viewing spell since I didn't know about until later and I'll talk about that later down the story.

To be continued....

Some lunar talking and a turn of events.

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A few hours after my confinement started I made sure Tia, Celestia in case you forgot, had gotten out of my room before her old sister had came in and found her still with me and punished her, several minutes after she left Luna came into my room with an obvious scowl etched on her face so I made sure I played silent but that would most likely kill me since I would have to talk some time.

"You seem to be befriending my little sister, but I would like to request that you don't do anything that would harm her in any bodily way. Am I understood?" She said in a stern but motherly tone, I nodded and her scowl vanished to a friendly and motherly smile, which utterly confused me, I mean how can an Alicorn be stern, mean and intimidating quickly pull a 180 and be all friendly the next second, but I'm getting off track.

"Good, that's what I want to know. Now I want to know more about you 'humans' what cultures, societies and beliefs your race has" With extreme eagerness and curiosity in her voice, she walked over to the bed I'm sitting on and sat next to me waiting apparently impatiently on wanting to learn about humans, since she was fidgeting and squirming next to me.

"Princess.....I'll tell you what you want to know, but I'll won't tell you about our technology but that we are an advanced race, and that we're a violent yet peaceful race that'll only defend ourselves, for example our spacing protocols we'll only fire if you breach a certain amount of steps like now I would've had already killed you without a second thought" I saw the horrified look on her face when I finished she scoots away from me not wanting to look at me. "But I haven't, have I?" She quickly looks at me and nods scooting back to me still wanting to learn about human society and cultures. "There's many different cultures, societies and beliefs among us humans, so where to start?" As I obliged with Cortana's help.

After telling the Night Princess, to the best of my abilities, about human culture I began to yawn and the Princess picked up on it. "I best let you get some sleep...Chief" The Princess said and before I could respond the raised a hoof to cut me off and to seal the deal. She got up from the bed and started walking to the door. "Sweet dreams guardian" As I lay down and fell asleep as she exited the room and close the oak doors.

Dream sequence...

"What the fuck is going on? I've never had a fucking dream...." My voice echoed as I looked around, I looked down at my body and sees that my armor was gone the only thing that remained was my standard issue military boxers. I looked up and saw a bright light and six blurry figures which looked like humans but as they kept walking up to me, I covered my eyes with one of my forearms, once the light faded the six figures became clear they were Alicorn's and they were all mares as well.

I saw on their necklace's they had differently shaped gems, one was shaped like a star, another was shaped like a butterfly, one shaped like a balloon, one like a lighting bolt, one an apple, and the last was a diamond. "Welcome to Equestria John Spartan 117 we are the Elements of Harmony, we need somepony not of this world to help Equestria in it's time of need, and we have chosen to be it's guardian" The leader of them had said, before I could respond the gems light up and a rainbow shot out of them once they connected, it surrounded me and started transforming me painfully, I could hear my bones moaning and creaking like they shouldn't.

I felt a pain shoot through my forehead, my mouth and nose began elongating, I felt the skin on my forehead and back split open and a pair of wings began growing along with a horn coming out of my head. My body began transforming into an equine as my lower legs dislocate and two bones began growing to attach my lower legs with my upper legs, I felt my tail bone extend a little and a royal greenish-blue asteral tail and my hair began growning out and turn into an asteral mane matching my tail much like Luna's mane and tail, my skin began turning into a deep green colored fur and a tattoo which are called cutie marks formed on my ass shaped into a spartan helmet and a plasma sword behind it, and my eyes stayed their royal blue color.

Once the transformation was complete the leader of the six Alicorns spoke up. "Now then John-117 when you wake up your ghostly companion will be your alter ego, your consciousness and your armor will not be on you when you wake up it will be on the opposite bed from you. We will speak again, until then learn how to control your new body. Farewell" Before I could say anything everything went black.

End dream sequence...

To be continued...

Waking up, training and sexual tensions rising...

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When I woke up I had a throbbing headache. "Oh man, what a headache" I groaned out as I opened my eyes and saw a bit of dark green between my eyes, so I didn't think much of it as I arched my neck up and without thinking about it I levitated, yes levitated, the sheets of the bed off with a golden glow and what I saw shocked me, I saw a lean, but muscled Equine body which looked like a mares body.

I saw the Spartan helmet and Plasma sword on my ass so I assumed that they were copied on the other side of my other cheek, I rolled off the bed and gently placed my left forehoof and hind leg on the floor I gently moved so I could place my other forehoof and hind leg on the ground, once all of my hooves, yes hooves I didn't have my hands or feet, my legs wobbled as I slowly walked over to the mirror, what I saw shocked me and my iris's went to the size of pinpricks, don't ask me how, and my eyes went to the size of plates by what I saw.

I saw a deep green Alicorn with a greenish-blue flowing mane and tail, or an asteral mane and tail to be more specific, I had a muzzle that was the same kind of muzzle as Princess Luna, I looked over at the opposite bed sat my armor, plasma sword, hand gun, and assault rifle, I looked back at the mirror and screamed, causing the guards outside to come running in and their eyes turned to the size of plates for a few moments but returned to normal and they run up to me and point their spears at me, and my scream caused the Princess to run into my room as well, when she got three steps into it her eyes widened in shock.

"Who art thou! Answer me!" She hollered in her royal voice. "We give thou to the count of three or we will kill thee! She added still using her Royal Canterlot Voice charging up her horn, I looked her dead in the eyes. "Thou gives us no co-" Before she could finish her statement I interrupted her.

"Princess it's me Master Chief, John Spartan-117" I said in my smooth yet gruff male voice causing her to completely forget her spell and look at me in complete shock, I saw the same expression on her guards faces, which caused me to smile widely. "I know it a complete shock to you and your guards Luna but it is me, and it's a complete shock to me as as well, when I was asleep I was visited by these 'Elements of Harmony' and they transformed me into the Alicorn you see in front of you" As I said the Elements of Harmony Luna's and the guards eyes widened in pure shock, I wobbled my way over to Princess Luna pushing her shocked guards out of the way as I did so I became more accustomed to walking on all four hooves and I made my way over to her more steadily.

"How, how can the Elements of Harmony talk to an outsider like thou and transform them into one of us Alicorns" She stammered out as I made my way over to her with a neutral and serene expression on my new muzzle, without thinking I lowered my horn so that hers and mine would touch, with the gold glow of my horn I showed her what transpired during my dream, from when I first appeared there to the Elements showing up and finally transforming me into an Alicorn.

"I have no clue why they would do this to me and my A.I. Speaking of which, I haven't heard from her" After I showed Princess Luna I tried to 'wake' Cortana up. Cortana you alright? I mentally said to try and wake up Cortana from her sleep. Cortana you awake? I tried again but to no avail. "It appears that Cortana it out cold. I don't know what to do now" I sighed, I was surprised that I could use magic when I just remembered that I had just used magic, I heard the patter of small hooves running up to my room to see what the commotion is, what we saw was Princess Celestia skidding to a stop and the look of surprise and a some shock on her face.

"Chief!!" The little white filly said with joy as she ran up to me and embraced one of my forelegs in a hug, so I craned my neck down and gave her a neck equivalent of a hug with a smile on my face. "Is it really you Chief?" The little alabaster Alicorn asked as we broke away, I have a nod confirming it causing her to beam with happiness bringing a smile to my face along with Princess Luna's face as she ordered her guards to stand down, so with concentration I enveloped Tia in my gold aura and gently placed her on my back which brought a smile to her little face. When I looked back to Luna she motioned for me to follow her so I did.

As me and Luna walked down the corridor with Tia on my back, the two of us were talking about how to teach me to learn how to use my wings and horn, and along the way Luna was bumping me with her flank seductively, I ignored her advances because of Celestia. "We-I will help you with your training hoof step by hoof step, wing beat by wing beat" With a sultry tone in her voice, so I decided to let Celestia down to the ground by sliding her off my free wing that wasn't being trapped by Luna bumping her flank into mine, yes I'm saying saying flank instead of ass it's the slang I've picked up. So Celestia say we'll play later so I nodded agreeingly.

So me and Luna walked to the training grounds to teach me how to use my magic first then flying, while I worked on the different spells Luna gave me to use I've spotted her eyeing me up and down seductively which I just shrugged off as her being only seeing my body as eye candy, once I finished the lesson Luna had me do she walked over swaying her flanks and producing sexual hormones. Once she walked over I was about to say something but I was cut off by Luna kissing me passionately trying to gain entrance for her tongue. I gave the kiss back with my tongue entwining with hers as we both passionately kissing in broad daylight.

"How about we take this to my bedchambers" She said breathlessly as if commanding me, so I just followed her as she started walking back into the castle, still swaying her hips and flanks along the way.

To be continued...

Private time.

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Once me and the princess had gotten to her bedchambers she immediately used her horn to use to put a soundproofing and a locking spell on the room, since I recently got a horn along with a pair of wings. "Princess I don't think we sho-" Before I could finish my sentence the princess cut me off with a passionate kiss which I was hesitant to return as the both of us layed down on her bed.

When the two of us were kissing I started smelling something strange which caused my member, or dick in layman's terms, to start becoming erect and stiff and prodded the princesses marehood, don't ask me to clarify, which got a reaction out of her. "Oh...my someponies excited" She said in a sultry voice, she moved down to where her warm breath brushed against my member causing it to twitch excitedly in anticipation.

She started lick my member from the tip down to the base, and playing with my testicles with her mouth and tongue causing me to moan and shudder with pleasure. Once she was done lubricating my member and testicles she her head so that her mouth was hovering over the flared tip with her warm breath to entice my member causing it to twitch again and the next thing she did shocked me, she placed the tip in her mouth. The wet warm orifice was sending pleasure up my spine, and she started bobbing her head up and down entice involuntary moans, she also started using her tongue to help lubricate as she bobbed up and down.

She started bobbing her head slightly faster with her lips and tongue passing the medial ring of my dick causing it to stiffen even more. With each bob of her head and slurp of her mouth on my dick was bringing me closer and closer to climax, she started using her magic to play with my testicles causing me to moan even more. My member flared up, with Luna noticing causing her to double her efforts. "P-Princess I-I'm going to..." Was all I moaned out before I released my full load into her mouth, filling it up with really ropy cum.

She started gulping it down as much as she could before she had to remove her mouth from my now becoming flaccid member. "Maybe I should help you become more rock hard again" She panted out, she moved up sultry, brushing her indigo coat against my limp member causing it to become more stiff as she got up muzzle to muzzle she kissed me still with my cum, or seed as the ponies called it, it tasted salty and musky.

And without me making the first move she pressed the tip of my member against her marehood and pushed down moaning loudly in the process as my long, wide and meaty member enter her, her moaning caused me to go over the edge and I started pounding away at her causing her to moan with each thrust. "Oh buck yes! Thee's member feels good in side us!" She screamed out, as each thrust became faster and faster I placed my forehooves on her firm yet squishy flanks to get a better grip and to add more power to each thrust, my member flared again with each powerful thrust I pounded into the night princess, enticing moans out of her.

With all my strength I kept pounding away at the night mistresses marehood, I rolled the both of us on the other side of the bed so that I was on top. With my forehooves on her flank, they raised it so that the experience was more pleasurable, my member flared up again I was about to climax again. "Princess I'm going to..." I grunted out, a loud moan was all I got as a response as I reached my climax as well as the princess as we both came together with me releasing inside her, I rolled onto my back as the both of us finished climaxing and Luna rolled onto her side and snuggled against me with her head in the crook of my neck with her horn nearly shanking me in the process, which probably wasn't intentional and the both of us were soon fast asleep.

To be continued....

The dream race and accident.

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My dream wasn't like my previous dreams where I was fighting the Flood and the Convent, it was a peaceful dream it was Equestria but at night with the full moon out and it was a blue moon, which was rare even on Earth, from the times that I can remember from my time on Earth, and it was beautiful, I shit you not it was beautiful even with the blue moon, and I wasn't alone I was with Cortana sitting on a cliff near the mountain attached city of Canterlot. "It's beautiful John" My old companion said sitting down next to me transfixed with the sight of the blue moonlight illuminating the gold trimmed white and obsidian marble capitol, I nodded in agreement which Cortana seems to always catch. And of course I'm an Alicorn since my transformation last night is apparently permanent and was performed by these 'Elements of Harmony'.

"Thank you my translucent friend" The night princess, who is also the protector and watcher of dreams added scaring the two of us shitless, not literally but nearly, trotting over to us and sitting next to me and nuzzling me lovingly as well as leaning against me, with our dual-layered furs, or coats, meshing together, as well as placing a wing over my slanted back which I returned the gesture, the wing portion of it, and since Luna has been training me to use both my horn and wings they've become like an extension of my mind and as an extra set of shoulder-blades, the wings to feel like shoulder blades so I can just give a wing shrug instead of an ordinary shrug, which is cool as fuck by the way which I hope is like giving the fucking finger to the other ponies including the nobles Luna told me about, but I'll save that for later.

Cortana watched the scene with a smile on her face. "Do you mind if we, meaning the Master Chief went out on a dream flight?" My snuggle buddy asked, which Cortana shook her head no and saying it was okay for us to spend time together. "We-I thank thee Cortana" After that being said the both of us took off and took a nice leisurely slow flight, since I wasn't all that really good with my wings but good enough to keep up with the Princess at moderate cruising speeds, but the two of us decided to take a slow flight so I could get in some training time, even though it was a dream, the two of us just enjoyed our time during the slow flight.

"You seem to have taken naturally to your new wings...John" She said saying my name softly and hesitatingly, causing me to look over, with a blush obviously across her muzzle, causing me to chuckle which caused her to look back at me not caring about the blush across her face giving me a small glare. "What's so funny?" She said while still giving me the small glare.

"It's your blush princess" I said in between chuckles, causing her to blush even more and push me playfully which I saw out of the corner of my eye a small smirk on the corner of her mouth and flying a bit ahead of me, prompting me to give chase which I obliged her but I knew I couldn't keep up with her at higher speeds she could do, but I could tell that her wings are for gliding, for some reason I didn't know, it's probably because of my new-found instincts and I could tell my wings were for the mixture of gliding and speed, so back to the dream race, as I said before I obliged the princess for the race as she began to pull away I quickly followed suit and the next thing I knew the both of us were doing a circuit type race, don't ask me the fuck how, the two of us were doing tight turns and speeds up to 100+ miles per hour on the straightaways, the next thing I heard was the Princess laughing her royal butt off.

During the corners I pivoted my wings like the rotatable engines on the Pelicans so I could easily catch up with the Princess besides just on the straightaways, as soon as I got close enough I placed both of my forehooves on both of her flanks which was a stupid move as I elicited a gasp and a buck right to the face, if you are wondering it's done with the ponies hind legs, like the apple farmers down in Ponyville who use their hind legs to shake loose apples from their apple trees in their orchard. As the princess did that I was dazed and I fell to the ground hiting it hard rolling, and it sure was painful as fuck, it was getting hit by a tractor trailer truck at full speed, it hurt that fucking much, even though this was a fucking dream it still hurt like as I said before like a tractor trailer hitting you at full fucking speed, just add another truck hitting you at full speed when I hit the dream tree.

It was enough to jolt me awake with a splitting migraine, and a loud dragged out moan coming from my throat as I rolled off the bed and onto the floor of the actual castle causing my moan to be dragged out further as Lulu, her nickname if you can't remember, to jolt awake as well aside from jolting awake from bucking me with her hind hooves. "I'm so, so sorry that I did that to you" She cried out as she glided off the bed, next to me pulling me into a hug with her horn alight with her deep royal blue magic, I felt the migraine fade away along with the pain of me hitting the floor I rolled down onto. I was fortunate enough not to roll onto my fragile yet sturdy wings since I was told that Alicorns wings, yet sturdy enough to keep an Alicorns full weight aloft they were fragile and sensitive and needed to be preened, keeping them cleaned, pulling out the old feathers and show worthy to the non-Alicorns and Pegasuai, no offence to the Unicorns and Earth ponies. So after the little fiasco we both decided to go back to sleep after telling the guards that everything was fine and to try and keep competitions and accidents like that from happening again, that we would practice my magic and to get me used to using my horn like second nature and my wings later in a safe environment like the guard training grounds.

To be continued....

Morning sex, and flight training.

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A little after I woke up and had breakfast I decided to put on my armor, I put on the jumpsuit first with my magic, which apparently was modified so it won't be uncomfortable even if it was pressing my coat against my skin, my shoes, since I had hooves, then the gauntlet's for all four of my legs then the crotch piece which had a small hole in the back of it to allow my tail to poke through it, then the chest piece which was also modified to allow my wings to poke through the back and what surprised me was that my wings were, from what I could tell were made out of plasma like my plasma sword, and finally my helmet which of coarse was modified to accommodate my new horn.

"Oh...my" As soon as I heard that I looked up and saw Luna looking at me with a seductive look and with a deep red blush across her muzzle, and her mane and tail draped heavily down with water, and from what I could tell she had gotten recently out of the shower and she looked lovely, I don't care what you say she looked damn sexy with her mane and tail draping down heavy with water. "You look...menacing in your armor" With lust filling her voice and eyes, I could feel my dick becoming hard and pressing against the crotch piece of my armor I could smell pheromones even with my helmet on and I could tell that the princess was in heat so I didn't want to say no to her so I started taking my armor off, the reverse of how I put it on, as I took the jumpsuit off last the princess tackled me with a passionate kiss which I returned and she moaned into my mouth as my long and meaty member pressed up against her marehood.

The next thing I knew my member was engulfed by Luna's warm and wet folds, the both of us broke our kiss to breathe and the princess let out a prolonged seductive moan causing me to place my forehooves on her flank causing her to go down further and my member to go deeper in her, she looked at me with lust filled yet loving eyes. I could tell that she was in fact in love with me, I quickly rolled over to the other side of the bed with me on top, I was thrusting harder and faster into her she was loving it the only thing that was could be heard was loud moaning and wet slapping of our skin hitting each other with split second intervals, turning the princess on even more causing her to moan even faster and louder, the princess wrapped her hooves around me as I was plowing her hard.

I wrapped my forehooves around her supple flank so I could get more of a grip so I could lift her rump off the bed so the pleasure could try and be drawn out for the both of us, and it was, I was panting softly with the excretion of using all of my stamina and strength.

"Oh yes, yes!!! Like that!" The princess screamed out in heavenly bliss, I cast a sound proofing spell on the room so that anyone, or anypony won't hear us having sex, and the princess moaning loudly in pure heavenly bliss. "I'm cumming!!" The princess screamed out as I was climaxing as well after a few hard and fast thrust's into her, my dick became harder as I was getting closer with Luna, I came with the princess, the both of us moaned as we both climaxed, I rolled off of her onto my back panting heavily with her. She rolled onto her side cuddling up to me with her snout nuzzling into the crook of my neck as her horn came close but didn't whack or impale me.

So about an hour or so later the night princess woke up and smiled as she saw my forest green coated body and gave me a peck on the cheek which brought a smile to my face, the both of us stayed laying with her cuddled up to me for a few minutes before we both silently agreed to get up and to continue my training, or what's left of it since I've already mastered flight and the use of my horn, so the only thing I had to do was to learn how to fly and to cast spell's while I'm on the fly, to multitask, basically learn how to use magic while on the fly and to watch where the fuck I go so I don't crash like I did before in the shared dream me, Luna and Cortana had, the two of us walked to the Pegasui area of the guard training grounds so I can learn how to multitask in flight.

When we both entered the Pegasui flight training course from what I saw, the princess took flight I soon followed after I took in my surroundings, Luna was already at the course's start/finish line. "This is where thou will be training with our Pegasui division you will be using the training version of the spell's I taught you. The Pegasui division will be training several new squadrons of Pegasus recruits so please be careful with them, they are new and haven't seen another Alicorn before. As I said before, and if I didn't I'll say it again, it is only I and my sister that are the only known Alicorn's, the royal guards and servants who have seen you and any and all new servants and royal guard's are sworn to secrecy and have been ordered to keep quiet as well" The princess lengthy added, which I don't mind it's just that the indigo blue Alicorn had a point, she and her baby sister were the only recorded Alicorn's in known Equestrian, in fact Equius history before the collapse of the Alicorn's way before Equestria even existed.

As the princess hovered in front of me and explained what was the plan for my training as an Alicorn I could feel the eyes of the other ponies boring into me and I could hear murmuring from them I could hear things as "I thought there was only two Alicorn's." "He probably was in hiding and decided to come out and make himself known." "I hear he's rutting the princess so they can repopulate the Alicorn's." Those kind of comments unnerved me and I was a Spartan, a fucking super soldier, I just tuned those comments out and just focused on the matter at hand, or hoof, I was just wanting to get this training out of the way as soon as fucking possible, after the princess explained what was going to happen and ordering them to take it easy on me me and the squadron's took our places on the starting line and I saw several death glare's from a few of the Pegasui.

After the unicorn captain of the unicorn division of the royal guard had shot off the starting spell which was like a starting gun going off that looked like a green flare, the pegasui and me took off of the line in a blur leaving behind different colored trail cloud's that lasted for about a few minute's. The multitask flight training was supposed to kick in after the first lap, the pegasui who gave me the death glare's, one of them slammed into me knocking the air out of my lung's sending him to his buddy one of the other pegasui who gave me the death glare bucked me in my opposite side and sent me onto a cloud where those two and several of their buddies flew over as I was standing up trying to catch my breath. "Hey freak, you're going to get a pounding like you've never had before in your life, it'll be so brutal that you wish you were never born" The leader spoke out with his cohorts chuckling as they neared surrounding me on all sides.

Before I could raise the shield bubble spell that I learned the pegasui lunged at me and started landing hit after hit, with each hit bruising my muscles on impact sending pain, actual searing pain, from a tribe of flying ponies these light and 'frail' motherfucker's sure do hit hard, with each hit they were actually damaging my titanium skeleton and were on intent of killing me, and this all happened within view of the fucking castle as well, before I knew it a few of my titanium ribs had punctured my lungs causing me to cough up blood and start bleeding internally the agony was like magma, it was more searing that being shot and nearly beaten to death by the covenant elite's.

I saw in the distance the pegasui squadron's were wondering where I and a small group of their buddies were until it was too late and they saw that I was being savagely beaten and I also saw through the clusterfuck of legs and hooves the princess and quite a few guards following her, this cloud I was being beaten on was in the middle of a 100 mile stretch of the track, I saw blackness start creeping around my vision I was loosing consciousness I tried staying awake for as long as I could as the pegasui bigot's kept punching away at me, I saw the large group of pegasui and Luna with her escorts coming closer and by the time they saw what was going on I had already lost consciousness.

To be continued....


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I apologize to my followers but I'm afraid I'm going to have to cancel this story, I know you guy's were wanting to find out what happens, but I'm afraid I can't continue this story it's taking up some if not much of my time to go back and to try and fix any mistakes or misspellings you guys point out. So as of right now I'm cancelling this story, again I apologize.