Journeyman's Journal: Adult Edition

by Journeyman

First published

Scraped stories and deleted scenes from various pony-related works. And also there's porn one-shots. One can never forget about the porn.

For some reason I write about ponies. Despite me writing about ponies, not everything I write about ponies ends up in a published story. For one reason or another, whether it be a lack of inspiration, a great love for a single story idea but no real story plot in general, or simply because I need to write something just to get it off my chest and get back to work, I occasionally write a piece that I cannot justify publishing.

Here's my collection of the more adult scenes and scraps that I have written, from the bloody to the sexy. This is also the place where I toss the clop claptrap that springs to mind.

I am a slippery, dirty old man.

Descriptions and context for all chapters can be found in the author's notes.

The Dead Don't Shuffle: Job Appreciation - [GORE] [zombie pwnage] [moderate viscera] [traumatized children]

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The Dead Don’t Shuffle: Job Orientation Day

It was a small, yet packed red and white schoolhouse. Sunset Grove was never a town that boasted much in terms of eager young minds ready to learn. When were the young ever ready to delve into math and science when a carrot on a stick wasn’t involved anyway? Still, the twenty seat single room schoolhouse was packed to the brim with fillies and colts of every age. Some bore whittled wood dolls or hoofmade toys. One aspiring bronze colt had a steel contraption crafted together from scavenged parts. The whirligig took up his entire desk and more, yet he was almost vibrating in his seat with excitement.

The only adult present, a maroon mare with a horrendously garish green mane, was giving a little filly an encouraging smile. “And where did you get it, Sunshine?”

Sunshine was a tiny little cream-colored filly who barely reached her teacher’s abdomen. “Daddy brought it back from Canterlot!” she exclaimed. She nuzzled the orb in her hooves with her snout and it began to rise before the children’s eyes. A cascade of ‘Ooooohs’ echoed across the short walls as it began to emit a timid glow. “If it’s too dark, I’ll have this!”

The filly was all smiles and eager to share her own little gift to the class as she escorted herself back to her seat. Sunshine’s classmates doted upon the filly and her prized gift for show and tell until their next classmate stepped up in front of the chalkboard. “Thank you for sharing, Sunshine. Now, who’s next?”

A blue colt with a messy mane raised his hoof in the air wildly. “Me, Miss Melody! Me me me!”

Melody smiled warmly and beckoned the little one forward. “Alright, come up here Cle—” Her voice was cut off as the door to the schoolhouse shook violently. Whatever was on the other side growled menacingly and dove at the door again, shaking the hinges.

Screams echoed through the classroom as the door next Melody’s desk burst into a cloud of shrapnel. The foals were peppered with bits of wood and Melody, ever vigilant guardian of her charges, rushed forward to greet the threat. Old, motherly instincts reared their head and she pawed the ground.

Before she could even react the intruder bull rushed her and clamped its powerful jaws around her throat. The teacher scream died to a quick gurgle as the beast wrenched its head side to side, spraying the room in a thin mist of red. Most of the foals were frozen in shock and horror at the sight. After a fraction of a second, one filly screamed in resolute terror. The beast stopped gorging itself on the teacher’s throat, its equine muzzle streaked with blood. Melody moaned weakly with her injuries, alive but in no condition to move.

“There you are you little shit!” A new figure had streaked through the broken remains of the door and crashed into the zombie. All other foals, and even Melody, were of hardy Earth Pony stock. Sunset Grove was an old town saturated in the Earth Pony way of doing things, so the newcomer’s horn identified him as well as easily as his spade cutie mark. Mors, the resident grave digger and mortician, smashed into the zombie to get it away from the downed pony. Limbs flailed wildly, most striking Mors and his lousy cloth barding. The crack of broken ribs sounded across the small room before the pair stopped. Mors had managed to come out on top, holding back the zombie by the throat. It paid no attention to the offending limb and roared through its sunken, rotted face and missing jaw, spilling maggots onto the floor.

As the zombie thrust its weight against Mors in one more blind attempt at savaging the stallion, Mors parried the strike, putting all of his weight into forcing the zombie into dashing forward even faster. He smashed the zombie’s skull against Melody’s desk, scattering papers and splattering thick, coagulated blood over the wood. Mors put a hoof behind the zombie’s head and smashed it into the desk again. Next came the crunch of bone and other unmentionable fluid. The zombie’s considerable will to fight had not vanished, so Mors responded with yet another violent smash of desiccated pony to oak desk. The corner of the desk sunk several inches into its its skull, spilling brain matter and blood across the desk and the floor in thick chunks. The zombie gave one more twitch and stopped moving as the last hiss of rotten air exited its lungs before falling to the floor with a meaty thump.

Mors stood tall and picked off a bit of brain from his withers. He was a hair shorter than most adult earth ponies and had a rust-colored coat under his grey barding which had torn in the struggle. It didn’t look like there was a shred of body fat on his body. He winced, holding a foreleg to his chest before realizing he wasn’t alone. The entire room had gone silent, save for the occasional moan from the fallen teacher.

Mors picked up the fallen zombie by its only remaining ear and brandished him for the class. Blood and viscera leaked from the gaping face wound.

“Hey kids, wanna see a dead body?

Mors fell to the floor with a heavy thud, swearing profusely. Lengths of gauze were tapped to his chest. The center was tinged crimson and black with both fresh and dried blood.

“About time your fat ass gets up,” came the voice of a disgruntled mare. Her white coat was tinged just the slightest bit of grey. Her copper curls were moist from a good morning shower and she was currently in the kitchen cooking something, giving him a nice view of her shapely flanks.

“I happen to know there’s not an ounce of fat on my ass. Yours, on the other hoof, looks like it has its own gravitational pull.” Coming from somewhere in her direction was a ladle that hit him squarely between the eyes. “Give me a break; I got to sleep two hours ago.” His injuries protesting with burning in his chest and legs and just about everywhere else for that matter, he slowly got up and moved back onto the couch from which he had fallen.

“It’s eight in the morning. You got done with the crawlers by midnight.” Mors peaked out the window. Was it his house? Come to think of it, why the hell was Triage, the town doctor, here? Yeah, she was the only pony who knew about his nightly and profusely violent wanderings into the town crypts every night. Whatever. A thought for another night. Time to sleep through another morning. It was way too early for this shit.

“I was doing stuff. And things.”

“What things?”

“You try repairing a shitload of gravestones. It’s not as fun as busting heads every night. Thirty motherfuckers means fixing thirty gravestones.” That smell... Mmmm, pancakes... Sleep or pancakes? Was that the smell of applesauce? Pancakes it was, then.

With a groan, Mors rolled himself off the couch. Despite it being intentional, he still landed on his side as his footing failed him. Cussing loudly, he got to his hooves and shuffled over to the dining room table. His small house already felt crowded with just one occupant, and with two the confined quarters made it even more so.

Triage moved away from the wood stove with the pan handle in her mouth. With a trio of pancakes for both of them, Triage removed her apron and settled herself down. Why did she always have to look so damn smug about everything? “You look like shit. Mind you, you always look like shit when you wake up, but damn.”

“Feed me,” he whined blankly, getting into his own chair. Still to early to deal with her ribbing. Staying up all night had the unfortunate side effect of making completely nocturnal. Dawn was only a couple of hours and the bright rays of Celestia’s sun burned like the worst hangover.

Triage complied by stuffing a pancake into his gullet. Choking on the offering and glaring at the smug fucker, Mors caught his breath and started munching on his pancakes. Despite the early hour, he never denied a free meal.

“What were you dreamin’ about?” she asked, pouring herself a bowl of applesauce and liberally sprinkling it with cinnamon. “You were mumbling in your sleep.”

“Just thinking of something funny.” Dreams... Mors thought for a moment. “Hey, what day is it?”


Monday. Something tugged at his memory. The dream? Blood, guts, and violence. That summed up just about every night. Triage rolled her eyes at whatever look he was giving her.

“Oh, what the hell now?”

“It’s the school's job appreciation day!”

Farmhand - [Applejack] [Humanized] [Futa] [Handjob] [Masturbation]

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Applejack dropped her bag and workboots in a messy heap as she opened the door. Harvest season was brutal, no matter how a mare looked at it. Even something as simple as selling apples required hours upon hours of work gathering apples, cleaning them, sorting the premiums from the number twos, storage, advertising, selling; it was enough to give her a headache just thinking about it. An actual headache throbbing behind her temple didn’t help matters.

She picked up the water bottle on her nightstand and drained half of it before taking a breath. The sun had a good two hours until dusk, but today’s chores were over and done with.


She reeked of sweat, compost, and other unmentionables. She was exhausted, and no doubt filthy as a bull’s back business. She shut her door with a click and proceeded to the bathroom. She was already waddling by the time she made it to the door. Even if the dried sweat irritating her crotch and thighs wasn’t enough, the steady throbbing of her stallionhood was demanding attention.

“Ah know, ah know.”

She wondered how males, ‘specially her brother, dealt with the other head wanting to think for her. Despite the shock of her new “equipment”, the result of one of Twilight’s experiments gone wrong, she had practiced getting herself off every now and then just to relieve the tension. Applejack wasn’t sure of the technical aspects of the spellcraft, but somehow the spell to heal her after a nasty run-in with a tiller was thrown out of whack after Spike entered the room mid-spell and thrown in some “erroneous genetic material” into the mix or whatever. Applejack loved Twilight like a sister but even she admitted she had no idea what she was saying some of the time.

Her cock throbbed against her trousers. The image of Twilight, dorky and perky as she hovered over her books, was enough to give her a new flash of arousal. Her heart-shaped rear and small but still pleasing chest brought the blood flowing south.

“Consarnit, settle down!” she yelled at her dick. It throbbed a “no”.

She couldn’t help it. She was acting more aggressive, more vulgar. More and more she was getting the mental image of stuffing herself into her friends and pumping them full of Apple foals. She shuttered at the thought. Never had she dared act on such thoughts, but the eroticism was still there, the siren call to breed a ripe, fresh ass and bring the next generation into being.

Her pants were already painfully tight. The cock would wait no longer. Closing the bathroom door behind her, she took her time taking off each little bit of clothes. Anything to spite the cock. Untying her knotted flannel shirt let her impressive D-Cup rack bounce free of its confinement. She took just a moment to look at herself in the mirror. She was never one for vanity--that was something prissy little Rarity and her fine, sculpted ass worried about--but she had to admit she looked good with a thin sheen of sweat covering her chest and ruffled blond mane. She could see in her reflection she was already tenting her pants, so after she did away with the shirt, next came the pants.

Rarity, fully aware of her new predicament and after a full round of giggles, had her fitted for several sets of boxers. She wasn’t sure why stallions did so at all considering even the slightest hint of a chub would make them stand like soldiers.

It was nice and airy, though.

Dropping them left her naked before the mirror. Her own stallionhood was a light pink with a large brown splotch hear the base. Already several little drips were running down the shaft and soaking her bountiful ballsack. It was wrinkled, but still very plump and swung with every little movement like water balloons sloshing with cum. Her cock bobbed a little bit in time with her own heartbeat, a seven inch testament to how much she wanted the warmth of a mare.

Steam filled the room as she got the water at the proper temperature. Now was the best time to rub one out, but she did want to get clean after all. Even she could tell she was rushing through the basics. She shampooed in a minute and could stop herself from slowing down once she started soaping near her thighs.

Lathering up, she bent down a little until she could fondle her nuts. Each one was primed and ready to deliver a load. Gently squeezing her sack, her other hand dropped to her twitching shaft. She sucked a breach as s shock of pleasure went straight through her system, but it still wasn’t enough. Normally all she needed to get off was a quick couple minutes and a slight gust of wind with her hair trigger.

Her hand was slick with lather and her dripping pre and soon the air was full of a ‘schlick schlick’ noise as she made her strokes up and down her shaft. She squeezed hard and pumped out a small burst of precum. She never really cared for her own taste, being a mare or a stallion, but whenever she was deep into it the act alone was enough to get her dripping.

Pinkie’s massive, jiggly ass entered her thoughts and she moaned. Every little crease and crevice was perfect, even if she looked like she had to be poured into her clothes every morning. The hand on her balls moved to her tits and she gave the left one a pleasant twist. She would do several little shakes and gyrations in an enchanting dance, never getting close enough to grind her titanic butt against her cock, but close enough to tantalize, to tease the shemale with her own wiles and the scent of her own lust in the air.

Next came Rarity walking down an aisle. Instead one of her dresses, all she wore was a single large ribbon that hid her perfect breasts and untouched cunny. She would strut and strike poses until she’d thrust her cunt towards Applejack where it was hidden by a neat little bow. She’d pluck it and everything would fall away. All she’d need to do is stand and give a little thrust and she’d be inside.

Applejack has to remove her hand from her tit just to support herself on the wall. Gosh, her friends were so damn sexy. Sure, she and Rainbow Dash had spent the occasional night drinking cider and so shitfaced they spent the night grinding their cunts like rabbits. But she’d never outright pictured her friends in pornographic acts just to beat one off. Hell, even flicking the bean when she still had it didn’t conjure up anything obscene. Her hips were now thrusting her length into her hand like a true stallion.

Her strokes came a little harder and faster as Twilight came back. It was another sleepover and all six of them were sprawled out in random places, most noticeably Rainbow Dash with her head coddled between Fluttershy’s titan titties. The nerdy little thing would wake up and crawl towards her, moving the blanket aside to reach her meat marecock. She’d circle the head with her tongue before slowly bobbing deeper and deeper. Then her dick would pop out of her mouth before she’d start licking the base of her sack. She’d slowly work her way up the entire shaft, using a hand to stroke the length she wasn’t slathering in spit. The horny librarian would smile and lick the tip before bottoming out Applejack’s shaft to the back of her throat.

Applejack moaned loudly as her own ballsack shrunk in preparation for delivering her load. She erupted all over her hand and the walls, painting them in several long strings of gooey cum. Her hips bucked as load after load splashed against the shower walls. Perverse need stronger than any rational thought, she aimed her dick upwards and caught a blast in her waiting mouth. A healthy diet of fresh fruit gave her own seed a wonderfully sweet taste and she gulped it down like ambrosia.

She panted as the rampant lust finally died down. Her knees were shaking and the air was thick with the scent of her spent lust. Her senses came to her soon after and all she could get was a pleased smile and a chuckle after seeing the mural she painted.

She cleaned up and stuck her clothes in the chute that would take them to the basement laundry. She hadn’t brought her own clothes or towel--they were still in her room. She didn’t mind, as the Apple family had seen each other in their birthday suit plenty of times growing up.

She opened the door to be met with the surprised face of Big Mac. Her brother looked down and saw her cock slowly withering back to normal size, and the little drips flowing from the tip. He’d been aware of the situation, but he hadn’t seen the results of Twilight’s blunder for himself.

“Yup, yer still bigger then me, bro.”

And the Booze Runs Like A River - [fPony/fHuman] [breastplay] [lesbianism] [stealth sex] [Alcohol]

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“Ya could prob’ly feed mah farm with those.”

Sophia thumped her chest playfully and began to draw swirls in the soft fur. “I suppose I could just put them away then. She reached for her shirt.

AJ didn’t even give her the chance as she got up and embraced the woman. She was still considerably smaller than a full grown human like her, but indulging herself seemed to be what Sophia wanted anyway. She hugged her forelegs around Sophia’s back, took one magnificent breast into her mouth, and began sucking and nibbling as she saw fit.

The tables had turned. Even though Sophia had used her size to pin Applejack down before, now she had to contend with a pony latched onto her breasts like a babe. Now she was the one in control while the human hissed and bit her lip in order to not wake up their mutual acquaintance. “Applejack...” she hissed through clenched teeth.

She smiled as she switched breasts and lavished that one with affections. Soft moans mixed with the exquisite taste of her skin. She wasted like sweat and various cleaners, with a dashed of a critical amount of alcohol. Oh, how she was going to regret this in the morning. The hangover-induced missing memory, anyway; listening to Sophia melt under her touch was something she wanted burned into her mind forever.

Not feeling like being left out, Applejack maneuvered herself to lean against Sophia’s kneeling leg and thrust her sopping wet cunt against the course material. Sophia twitched at the contact but did not shy away. Soon Applejack felt Sophia thrusting herself in harmony with her. At the peak of her thrust her clit smashed against her leg and caused her to moan wildly into the tit in her mouth.

It was an uncomfortable position to be sure and her legs began to ache and protest as she grinded her pussy into Sophia like she was some kind of hot-blooded sex toy. The constant assault and Sophia working her up prior was taking its toll on her ragged body. Sweat, slapping bodies, and the silent panting of needy bitches in heat clouded her senses as the oncoming orgasm began rushing towards her like a freight train.

“Come for me, Applejack,” Sophia muttered huskily. Her hands began to wander some more, stroking Applejack’s back and backside. her hands drifted further south and wrapped around Applejack’s tail in a firm grip and she pulled. It hurt slightly but that quickly blended together with the delirious pleasure coursing through her system. “I want to see you come.” And with that she leaned down and nipped Applejack’s ear.

It was she needed to push her over the edge. Applejack tipped over the edge as she felt a sudden spurt of fluid between her thighs. She released Sophia’s nipple and clenched her teeth to avoid making a noise or biting her bedmate as the pleasure rolled out from her in a sudden shocking peak of ecstasy. All she could do was whimper quietly while pressed against Sophia’s warm flesh. Sophia must have been feeling particularly adventurous; all of a sudden her own dripping cunt, now slick with arousal, received a lavish stroke from a woman’s delicate touch before flicking her little clitoris.

The motion snapped another orgasm onto the first. Applejack bit her lip so hard to stop herself from crying out she swore she tasted blood. She wasn’t sure if it had lasted seconds or minutes but by the time Sophia’s rapturous teasing of her hypersensitive clit had ceased she was exhausted. Sophia was hugging her into her massive chest with an utterly pleased look on her face.


“I’m going to need a new pair of pants.”

Applejack looked down to see that Sophia’s entire leg had been absolutely soaked with her fluids. With a wicked grin Sophia stroked her luscious legs and gathered a dollop of marecum on her finger. Slowly, as painfully sensuous as she could undoubtedly, Sophia liked her finger clean.

"I've always loved eating apples."

Mafioso - [OC] [Blowjob] [Cock Vore] [Herm Pred] [Male Prey] [Futanari] [Unwilling] [Fatality] [Cum Digestion] [Huge Balls] [Huge Cumshot]

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Don Falcone smiled as he felt a knock on his hotel door. Fixing his tie, he ran his hooves under water and slicked back his mane. Finding nothing else wrong, he clip clopped to the door and opened it. Two burly stallions with a constant, stony scowl on their face looked at him before staring down the beautiful mare standing between them. She was a gorgeous, yet sweet little thing. With a light pink coat and a dirty blond mane, she bore the youth and vitality of a teenager. His groin throbbed, pleased. He didn’t expect her to look this young.

“Madam Beaumont, thank you for your prompt arrival.” He tipped his fedora to her respectfully.

“Aw, I love it when they have manners,” she said giddily, tapping her perfectly manicured hooves against the soft carpet in a light applause. She smiled that perfect smile and wrapped her scarf tighter around her coat collar.

“Please forgive the hired help. They worry too much about me.” He looked at his two door guards.

“Just checking her pockets to make sure she don’t got a piece, boss,” the bigger one defended.

“That’s fine, boys. Please come in, madam.”

“Aw, thanks!” And she sashayed past him, swiping her tail across his nose. He couldn’t help but blush and feel like a young colt again on his first date. An old buck like him with a youngin’ for the night. It wasn’t often he wanted some company, but there was nothing quite like the warmth of a mare in a cool set of sheets in the morning.

“I am not to be interrupted,” Don Falcone said. Both guards nodded.

Falcone shut the door, leaving him and the delightful madam together. The coat she was wearing a damp with the night’s rain. “Let me get that for you,” he said.

She surprised them by kissing him fully on the lips. A curious tongue tapped against his own, not outright demanding access to his mouth, but merely hanging a sign describing the events to come. She pulled back and gave that infectious smile. “Sorry about that. I get excited. I don’t get gentlecolts that often so when I do I try to make things extra special for them.”

To say he was flattered was an understatement. The coltish colt stirrings were causing his sheath to twitch in satisfaction. “I’m glad you appreciate the company, madam.”

She giggled excitedly, tucking a lock of of her mane behind their ear. “Not a problem.” She saw the small setup he had established for her. The beds and the endtables were relatively untouched candles dotted the room and the room’s crystal silverware was out for a nice, relaxing dinner. “But, to touch up on business for just a moment, you have me for the rest of the night. I’m curious if you’d like to have dinner now and play later or... get the fun out of the way in order to relax for the rest of the evening?”

That... actually sounded pleasant. Normally the mares he took the bed were classy enough to wish for a little wining and dining first before engaging in their trade. This one though... her sheer vitality and girlish charm was enough to make him shed the manners and just want to take her now. The tabloids could say whatever the wanted about the mob or his business, but every mafioso knew how to treat a lady with her due respect.

She had noticed his change in demeanor and her gleeful smile turned mischievous and predatory. “I think I know the answer to that now.” She was eyeing his flanks were just a little pink of his stallionhood was exposed from his sheath.

Her muzzle nuzzled his neck and he smelt the soft scent of mulberries. She pushed him backwards onto the bed.

“Madam?” he said breathlessly. She was taking this rather fast. Not that he was complaining—he really liked where this was going—but those stirrings of proper courtship and manners were still there.

“Shhhhh,” she said seductively. She was positioned on top of him now, but was slinking lower and lower until she was above his stallionhood. “I know this wasn’t in our contract, but this one’s on me.”

Making sure she never broke eye contact with those wonderful topaz orbs of hers, she extended her tongue and gave his sheath one long lick from root to stem. He gasped in delight and this only made her smile all the more as she brought a hoof up to play with his balls. Soon enough his own cock had emerged from its sheath, enticed forth by this snake charmer of a vixen.

With delicate care she popped each ball into her mouth and swirled them around with her tongue, playing with each one before she continue her trip up his shaft. Never did her eyes leave his. She was watching to see how he reacted, seeing what worked on him and what didn’t. Never did he dare break their connection for he felt the magic would be undone. Helplessly his hips bucked against her ministrations. He was to be taking care of her this evening just as much as she was to be working him, but she was all too eager to take the reins. Running a syndicate was hard work, and to let another take charge was liberating.

By now he was at full mast and with an accidental buck as she gave a delightful squeeze of his balls, his dick smacked her against her cheek, the precum on her cheek marking her as his own. As he was about to apologize, she only giggled and stuck her tongue out to taste the stallion’s essence.

“It’s alright. I don’t mind getting a little dirty or rough.” And with that she all but swallowed his cock to the medial ring. He wasn’t sure what deity he praised as she slathered his shaft but all he could do was endlessly moan as she worshipped his stallionhood. After each bob she sunk lower and lower, her hungry lips suckling him like a foal.

“I’m...” he trailed off, far too gone for words.

“Where do you want it, honey?” she asked before before circling her tongue on his engorged flair.

For a moment he pondered his choices. No doubt he could have the pick of the litter if he so chose. To feel young again, the coltish vigor and perverse delight of having the simple pleasures, the sheer eroticism of colthood conquests. “Swallow it, please.”

“Since you asked nicely...”

As he leaked pre from his tip, that familiar fire in his gut that signified his coming release. His sac shrunk as it prepared for release and a literal fountain of cum erupted from his cock as Beaumont continued sucking him down like a champ. The first blasts hit the back of her throat and she coughed, but soon she got back into the groove of things and she swallowed each strand of baby batter.

He gave a sigh of relief as his breathing returned to normal. “You are quite talented.” She would have undoubtedly gave her cheerful smile and a token gratitude had her mouth not been full. He could feel her throat clenching against his shaft as she swallowed the remnants of his seed. His flare exited her mouth with an audible pop and she proceeded to lick his shaft clean.

“I try my best.”

“My dear, you performed wonderfully.” Indeed she had, for he could feel the stirrings of excitement deep within as she cleaned him. “So much so, I’d like to return the favor.” It wasn’t something he did to his other flings. It was hard to remember the last time he did so it had been so long. Like many of his more carnal dealings, it was a result of youth. Rusty he may be, it would be enough to thank this beautiful mare for what she’d done for him.

“My, my, not often I get to meet a colt willing to go the extra mile.” She licked her lips, pleased at his words. Straddling his chest, she removed the scarf. In all of the excitement Falcone had forgotten she was still dressed. Strangely enough, he felt something hard in her coat. Strange; he hadn’t requested any additional toys...

“When I got word I’d be little, ol’, me with you tonight, I expected you to be this gruff, no-nonsense lowlife I see on occasion. But all through today you’ve been the perfect gentlecolt.” She had been crawling up his torso the entire time, slowly undoing her coat. He licked his lips in preparation.

“After all, you’ve been selling a lot of big guns to a lot of very bad ponies.”

She had taken off her coat. He wasn’t sure what surprised him more, the frosty tone of voice, or the current throbbing erection staring him in the face.

“Gu—” He never got a chance to call for help as she thrust her dripping cock at his head. He wasn’t sure what she intended to do, make him suck her off? That proved not the case as the slit of her cock widened and enveloped his head as the moist tip slid across his snout.

He tried to scream, but his voice was muffled by the hot interior of her cock. Now bound to her as he was, Beaumont had the upper hand in controlling what he could and could not do. She gripped his forelegs with surprising strength and gave her hips a powerful buck, forcing inch by precious inch further into her hot, sticky depths.

“I like you, I really do,” he could hear her say outside of his fleshy prison. “You’re sweet, but a job’s a job, and quite a few powerful ponies want you out of the picture.”

Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! The delicious tugging of her shaft promised he’d only be going one direction. Each undulating pulse sent him little by down into her already slick shaft. It was hard to breathe; the air was hot and muggy and saturated with the scent of her delicious seed. Falcone tried to thrash against her, but she firmly held onto his forelegs. He tried kicking her with his hind legs, but she was smart enough to stay out of striking range; she’d done this before.

“Just relax, hun. Trust me it hurts a lot more if you struggle.” Her cock greedily sucked him down as she humped him further and further down her ravenous cock. The shear stimulation of getting getting head and the eroticism of being eaten alive by a shemale’s dick, unwilling or not, had gotten his own cock at attention. “Aw, little Falcone is giving one final salute.”

Falcone gave one last little yelp and tried to thrash backwards away from the hitmare, but it only seemed to accelerate the pace of getting devoured. More and more of him was getting pulled in down the dark passage of her dick. He could feel her now ensnaring his chest as she grasped his hindlegs to force him further and further inside. She gave a playful lick of his shaft and it betrayed him by giving a pleasant throb of delight.

Beaumont’s ballsack had expanded to accommodate its new guest, filling out more and more as Falcone slowly coasted down her member. Save for her package, she was a mare through and through and it gave her a savage pleasure to feel the blood of a stallion running through her veins. She bucked her hips again and again, feeling the ripple as he prey sunk into her hungry shaft and down to his final, fleshy prison. Beaumont felt more than saw him pop into her cum-filled ballsack into her digestive seed. A pleasant sigh came from her lips followed by a vicious thrust of her hips as her cock began devouring his own.

She looked down to see the thrashing face and limbs of Falcone in her balls. The sloshing and churning of cum began working, and he would never escape her prison. Her potent seed had already began its work, softening bone and melting fur. Beaumont smiled and pushed his hindlegs, the only part of him outside her all-consuming cock. She couldn’t help but give a pleasant coo as Falcone sunk further and further. She always loved the pleasure of a job nearly done.

A delicious spasm filled her cock, balls and all. That nearly made her cry out in delight, not that it would matter to the guards outside. That thought in mind, she satisfied her urges and gave a squeal. Then all became still as the first portion that went down the hatch dissolved into cum and moved no more.

“Finally,” she said. It certainly made the remaining work a lot easier. She leaned back, her massive balls inflating with each little bit of Falcone entering its cum-soaked confines. With her shaft now engorged to massive proportions with its cocksnack, gravity was doing all of the work for her now as Falcone sunk inch by inch into her hungry balls.

She ran a hoof over her gurgling nuts. She could feel the odd bit of her prey that hadn’t digested into her next load, but she was content to just lie there and wait as nature did its work. Soon her cock slurped up his tail. Most of him was nothing but a mushy cum mixture now and she spent the remaining minutes stroking herself.

With a final gurgle, what was Don Falcone, head of his very own crime syndicate, had lost his form completely and was nothing but a delightful load of hot cum for her enjoyment. Now came the fun part. Not that she hadn’t enjoyed her fun with Falcone, but this was the sugary treat after a delicious meal.

Her sack was already larger than her. With a tremendous effort, she managed to get herself off the bed, her balls dragging against the floor obscenely. Going slow enough to not cause a rugburn, her own cock twitched in excitement. She opened the bathroom, a lavishly polished stone beast that belonged in a mansion more than a hotel room. Although beating one off in the toilet was an option, she felt it wouldn’t survive the load she intended to blow. The bathtub would do just nicely.

“Sorry, sweety, for the undignified disposal. But no body, no crime. Not that you’re around to complain, anyway.”

She grasped her shaft with her hooves. She was already rock solid after giving him a BJ to blow his mind and eating him afterwards. She stroked up and down her shaft as her cock twitched. She was already on a hair trigger after her previous escapades, but she did want to take the time to enjoy Falcone. He was sweet. A job was a job, but she wanted to enjoy him. She thrusted her cock against her hooves, dabs of cum and pre splattering her undercarriage as she intended to hump herself to climax. A long, low moan echoed in the room. Little bits of cum, whether her own of bits of Falcone, spurted out of her shaft. Most likely it was little bits that got stuck as he made the plunge. She couldn’t help but feel satisfied that what she ejected alone was enough to put most stallions to shame. Now she had her own sac, bloated with a new, creamy load.

Before she knew it she had outright exploded. Thick ropes of cum in a near constant stream splattered the tub. Very soon most of it was painted white with her own release and she cried out in ecstasy. No doubt the guards were smiling and bumping hooves at the height of pleasure the boss and brought her to. Well, they wouldn’t be wrong. Hard pulses continued to spurt out of her shaft, but soon enough it petered off to a slow drizzle. Her sac, once full of one of the most dangerous men in the city, was now satisfyingly empty. Her own shaft retracted into its sheath, its work done. The last bits of Falcone circled the drain and vanished.

She sighed contently. She really did like him.

As she gathered her things and trotted to the door, voices came to her careful ears; they were unfamiliar to her. She grabbed a lamp and wrapped the cord around her foreleg as a bludgeon. She sprang from the door ready to subdue her ambushers, only to see two entirely different stallions. The two guards she had seen upon entering, one gasping for breath in a stallion’s chokehold and the other unmoving on the floor with a garrote mark around his neck, lay in before her. What stopped her was she recognized one of them, as he payed her for the job in the first place.

“I told you, I had this covered. And I work alone.”

“I’m afraid I had a team in place to confirm a job well done, Madam Beaumont. They were spotted and before they could alert Don Falcone, steps had to be taken.”

She sighed. Always someone thinking they had a bigger dick. She swore, the entire mafia and by extension the gang wars entirely, were a result of a massive dick-measuring contest. A contest in which she had a distinct advantage.

“Bring them inside. And I charge extra for emergency disposals.”

An Apple's Cider - [Applejack] [Big Mac] [Breastplay] [Lactation] [Cider Tits] [Implied Incest] [No Sex] [Anthro]

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Applejack couldn’t stop the blush enveloping her face. She wouldn’t be nearly so nervous about the situation if one, her aching chest wasn’t causing her no end of grief. Two, what it would take to relieve said ache. And three, her brother standing directly behind her.

“Yer back turned?”

“...Eeyup.” She could hear the nervousness in his voice. Consarnit, as if it were more awkward for him than it was for her to ask him to help. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to get it over fast and be done with it, or slow so her nerves would settle down, but her shaking hands had enough trouble unbuttoning her flannel shirt as it was. She tried to take a breath to steady her nerves, but stuck here out in the barn alone with her brother to fix this little problem of hers didn’t feel like a balm for the situation.

She undid her flannel shirt and tossed it aside on the hay bales. The fields had already been reaped and bound tight with twine. Already an entire wall of the barn from wall to wall, floor to ceiling, was flush with hay. But what was in front of her was what mattered now. A piece of plywood had been placed on a pair of sawhorses with a single tin bucket resting upon that. Alone they meant nothing to her, but what was about to take play was a whole ‘nother matter.

A baggy, white undershirt meant mostly to absorb excess sweat was her last little bit of clothing shielding her chest from the stale, stuffy barn air. If she could get hayfever it would have been a nightmare. A hind hoof stomped nervously as she grasped the hum of her shirt and pulled, ignoring the two large splotches across the surface amidst the sweat stains.

Her breasts popped free from their confinement. Normally a decent C cup, her breasts had bloated to a ridiculous G cup. Even the slight rustle of fabric over her chest, especially her tender nipples, had caused her to moan unintentionally.


“Never you mind,” she said in a huff. This was bad enough already without her body thinking for her. She approached the sawhorses and placed the bucket directly in front of her. She couldn’t help but give a sardonic cry as she couldn’t even see it; her breasts were enough to hide her shoes, let alone the bucket meant to alleviate her burden.

“A-alright then,” she said, a hitch rising in her throat. She heard Big Mac approaching her from behind. For the briefest moment she pictured an entirely different scenario with her burly brother approaching his topless sister. She quickly shook that thought form her mind. Things were doing to get dirty enough without her mind wandering in the gutter.

He was hesitating. Boy had plenty o’ reason to, but now she wanted this over and done with. “Just come on now, Mac.”

Her tits ached with their load. Even now she could feel herself leaking and hear the drip of her lactating breasts, the sweet scent of the freshest apple cider the farm had to offer. Big Mac had shook himself out of his stupor and was now standing directly behind her. Now she wanted to turn around and get his rear and gear so they could go back to the house and forget the milking altogether, but she was afraid one of them was going to chicken out should their eyes meet. Not looking made it feel impersonal. Business.

Celestia, her pants were damp.

Big Mac’s calloused hands glossed across her chest. She gave a reflexive gasp of surprise and his hands twitched away. She was so very full it was almost painful. Certainly she had let it go for far too long, dreading this very moment. That and every other previous moments she had to ask her brother to come out to the barn with her with a bucket in hand. But like a real trooper, Mac had never once turned her down.

His hands returned to the sides of her tits and she had the strength to not squirm or moan. His hands moved forward across her supple flesh until they stopped on her leaking nipples.

“Jus’... jus’ keep goin’,” she moaned shamelessly as he teased the sensitive bud. With that he wrapped a hand around each tit and began to squeeze.

She bit her lip to stifle the squeal. The farm’s milking equipment was built for a cow’s udders, but it was in no way equipped to deal with her assets. This was the only way to lighten the load. Little by little using brief tugs and squeezes, Big Mac milked his little sister. Her breasts were already so sensitive and being milked like a common cow for her bounty... as much as she hated it, heat flooded her abdomen. Soft coos of pleasure graced the air and she couldn’t help but push her chest into her brother’s rough hands.

“Oh, Mac.” The words were past her lips before she could stop herself. He was always so gentle with her. There was no way she’d be able to trust her friends with such an act. Hell, Rainbow Dash would want to drink straight from the tap. Here she felt safe, as awkward as the first steps usually felt.

Something hard poked at her backside and she froze up a little. She knew exactly what it was. A part of her was scared of what it might mean, but the part or her that took over during every milking took delight in the fact that her brother took pleasure in her body. He just stood behind her like a true gentlecolt, gentlely milking her swollen tits as she filled the pail.

He stopped for a moment to get a better grip and she could swear he was stroking her boobs. Nevertheless, he rubbed the fluid between his fingers and finished his job, milking the endowed farmer until he breasts returned to a more manageable size. All the while she could feel that hardness throbbing in the small of her back, the reason unspoken between them.

“Ah... Ah think yer just ‘bout empty.”

She blinked. She had lost herself in the moment that felt like it normally took a lot longer than it did.

“Thanks, bro.” His hands removed themselves form her tits and she felt the cold air across her nipples. The warmth was now gone from her and despite her mammaries shrunken to a more manageable state, feeling another’s touch was much more preferable. Only a slight dribble fell from her nipples now.

He wasn’t looking at her, and she wasn’t looking at him. The moment had passed and the rush of weirdness and familiar taboo returned. Until next time, when the milking would begin again.

Breastia - [Celestia] [Breast Fondling] [No Sex] [EQG]

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Principal Celestia stretched in front of the mirror. Soft pops cracked up and down her spine as she thrust her chest forward. It was one of those little morning rituals she had, even if she wasn’t quite sure why she did so.

The summer heat was upon the town in full force. Her air conditioner worked fine, but outside the covers would then be too cold, and inside much too hot. She thusly compromised by snuggling under the covers with little more than a bra and panties. She never considered herself a nudist, but there was still a liberating feeling of being in so little. It was made even more appealing by the fact none would chastise her in the confines of her own home.

Her hand fell to her hips. She really was much too skinny. Luna had inherited her mother’s curves, but Celestia was a stick from top to bottom. Very leggy with not much separating her waist from her hips, her only defining attribute was what she was staring at in the mirror. Luna got got the curves, but she got the rack.

Celestia’s hands trailed up her smooth stomach. No matter what, she could never put on enough weight to even out her proportions. Her delicate fingers tickled her belly button and she giggled a little. Her bed head made several errant strands of her rainbow mane spill across her front in waves, but they all parted to let her massive assets stand proud.

Each hand cupped the bottom of a breast and held it there. Taking the time to play with herself was always an option, and she knew by past experience that her breasts were enough to send her to orgasm when handled correctly, but she wasn’t quite in the mood for a morning rubdown. She lifted each one slowly, watching her tits gyrate in the mirror like a lava lamp.

She reached between the valley and undid the clasp. Her breasts sprang free from their confines and she gave a pleasant hum of appreciation as the cool air brushed across her nipples. She took the moment to brush her lengthy locks behind her until she had an unobstructed view of herself.

Bright pink nipples were rapidly stiffening as they felt the AC cooling her skin. She placed a manicured hand below each breast again and started circling each tit. An ember of excitement lit in her gut, but she did nothing to stoke the fire other than feeling the soft skin under her fingertips. She could the contrast of color between her hands and her breasts where she had gotten a light tan. She wondered what she’d look like if it was even out across her perfect tits, those globes standing proudly before her. Age had given her a noticeable sag, but their sheer size, far larger than her hands could hold, was enough to give her a sense of pride. There was something about her large breasts that intimidated other women. Even Abacus, as frigid as she was, faltered when Celestia made her generous, gorgeous bosom more noticeable. No doubt even a fair portion of her students had fantasies about her. Not that she minded, as long as they kept them to themselves.

Her admiration reached its peak and she finally glomped her own tits with a gentle smack. A coo escaped her lips and she shifted back and forth, rolling the nipples between her fingers. She wondered what would happen if one of her students ever got to see her as she was now, playing with herself shamelessly. She wasn’t even masturbating, just giving herself her daily appreciative grope before dealing with the usual paperwork droll that came with running a school. They respected her enough to probably not say a word and swear to silence. Still... the thought crossed her mind if one wanted to push their luck. Rampant teen hormones were notoriously one-tracked when it came to the pleasures of the flesh. Even the fairer sex had caught her eye on occasion after a certain Friendship Games with a certain dean.

But students were still students. Far too young for her, yet the idea of being admired still stood, to see her students worship her not just for holding the school together after repeated magical incursions but for finally seeing her as a woman.

She pinched each nip firmly and the brief moment of pain quickly turned to pleasure and she moaned into the air. But that was it. Playtime was over. Gathering her clothes and utilities she prepared for a shower. She had to be at school in a hour, but she enjoyed the moment nevertheless.

Where did she put Cadance’s number?

TimberJack - [Applejack] [Fluttershy] [Timberwolf] [Lycanthropy] [Bestiality?] [Non-con] [Breeding] [Rough Sex] [Cunnilingus] [Monster Sex]

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Where had Applejack gone? It was a question that had always plagued Fluttershy. For the past several months, one day a month, Applejack completely vanished for the entire day. No pony ever had any idea where she went. Until today, that is.

Fluttershy had made the mistake of meeting Zecora a little later than normal for her order of herbal medicine. By then the sun had already set, but even then very little could penetrate the canopy of the Everfree Forest. She knew the path by heart, but even she knew that getting caught after dark in such a place was bad enough.

She was ambushed before she even knew it, tackled to the ground before she could even react to the sound of groaning wood. Timberwolf! It was strange to have one alone and not in a pack. Perhaps it like her was caught alone in the twilight hours.

It took just a moment for her to catch her footing and her remaining limbs were safely beneath her shaking knees. If there was one thing she was good at, it was running away. She could always perform the Stare, but she couldn’t see it in the dark underbrush. All she could hear once she had orientated herself was the slight rustle of the underbrush.

Fluttershy turned tail and ran. She wasn’t brave, but she knew enough about survival. She knew where she was in the woods. She was still on the path and could return home to the safety of her cottage in no time at all!

Everything was thrown off kilter as the wolf caught up to her again, sending her sprawling into the dirt. That didn’t make any sense; Timberwolves were not this fast! Nor were they this aggressive. They were pack hunters; they attacked with ambushes, and certainly didn’t use these hit and fade solo maneuvers like the one currently tailing her.

Was she in a new wolf’s territory? Did she intrude on a fresh kill? No, she would have smelt something. A solitary timberwolf driven from its pack or had its pack killed off by another predator? It was possible, but at the same time the other packs should have driven it out very quickly.

Fluttershy froze as she heard the wolf issue a creaky growl of warning. The groaning and creaking of its voice along with slow, measured steps signified its approach. She needed to see it to gauge how best to react. Normally they wanted intruders just to leave them alone, but perhaps the best course of action was simply use the Stare.

Inch by very careful inch she turned her head, not daring to get up for fear of reprisal. Doing so might be interpreted as a sign of challenge. Her jaw dropped the moment she saw those glowing green eyes.


The timberwolf faltered slightly. It was Applejack, that much was plain to see, but she had no earthly idea what happened to her. Was this some kind of curse? Bark covered just about the entirety of her forelegs and barrel, but her cutie mark was present as clear as day. What fur she did have left was long and shaggy. Another bark-like infection covered most of her eyes and forehead like a mask where nothing but the timberwolf’s unearthly green nature magic made their eyes glow in the dark. Twigs, leaves, and brambles dotted her normally immaculate mane.

But what concerned her most was the long drooling tongue and the pony molars that were now lengthened into large canines.

Timberjack clawed at the ground and advanced, barring her teeth at the timid pegasus.

“A-Applejack, it’s me! Don’t you remember? What happened to you?”

Again, Timberjack hesitated, the remnants of her old life struggling to pierce the primal call of the wild singing through her veins. She had stopped her advance though, her twitching wooden ears betraying the thoughts going through her mind.

Timberjack placed a paw forward and sniffed the air. Fluttershy didn’t dare move. She didn’t even breathe as she was approached by the animal that was her friend. She struggled to not shudder as she was poked and prodded with a cold nose. As Timberjack sniffed her barrel, Fluttershy reflexively twitched away. A paw found its way onto the small of her back and forced her down. She could feel the claws pinching through the belts of her saddlebags and a single trickle of blood where one broke the skin.

She forced herself to hold still no matter how much her body wanted to run. This was her friend, whatever happened to her notwithstanding. Timberjack circled her, sniffing and prodding where she pleased.


Try as she might, she couldn’t stop her hips from pumping as a cold nose was shoved in her crotch. Timberjack was having none of that and place her snout right on the back of her neck, growling menacingly. It wouldn’t take much for a wolf to tear out her throat. Even if she managed to survive the encounter, there was a real chance she might bleed out before she got proper medical attention.

She was just checking her out, she told herself. Smell was how canines recognized each other best. Fluttershy bit into her foreleg to muffle any further cries she might make and to ease the pain of Timberjack clawing up her back.

Timberjack proceeded to nuzzle and sniff her crotch. Fluttershy bit down as her nose was shoved into her clit unintentionally. Then came the licking. Flush with the scent of a female, Timberjack drew her long, rough tongue across Fluttershy’s lips in a single stroke, making her squeal into her leg. Her hips bucked into the lick, an act Timberjack didn’t seem to mind. The lycan was panting in between sloppy licks, the noise only adding to the depravity. Up and down she licked for one minute, then two. As inappropriate as it was, Fluttershy moaned in ecstasy as she was pleasured by this pony-turned-beast. Perhaps in her feral mind Timberjack recognized a friend and wished to clean her appropriately. Whatever the reason, running still wasn’t an option so she was forced to endure the lycan licking her to orgasm. That familiar burning spread from her abdomen down to her hooves in an all-consuming force.

“Applejack...” she moaned into her hooves. She could feel herself winking and dripping profusely, which only stirred the lycan into continuing her work. Her own tongue was lolling out of her mouth like the panting lycan, mindlessly enjoying herself as the pleasure built and built in her loins until she screamed her release into the forest.

She gushed against the muzzle between her legs as the mare orgasmed. Her breath caught in her throat as all she could do is wait as her mouth was opened and nothing came out but wordless grunts.

Fluttershy collapsed with a smile on her face, her pussy still winking in delight after a wonderful orgasm. The fact it came from a cursed friend didn’t even cross her mind, especially with that wolfish tongue still running across her pussy lips in earnest. Fluttershy lay on the forest floor, content to lie there as her lycan friend cleaned her nethers of her sexual fluids.

Timberjack seemed content to do just that, but even she had to end her escapades eventually. The lycan gave one final lick and pulled away, seemingly unaware of the result her actions had on the mare. Walking to look at Fluttershy from the front, the lycan’s demeanor had changed significantly. That wild animalism was still there, but she was no longer barring her teeth. She sniffed Fluttershy and gave her a lick. Fluttershy didn’t even recognize that she could taste herself on the wolf’s tongue.

TimberJack (Extended) - [Applejack] [Fluttershy] [Timberwolf] [Lycanthropy] [Bestiality?] [Non-con] [Breeding] [Rough Sex] [Cunnilingus] [Futanari] [Knotting] [Monster Sex]

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Where had Applejack gone? It was a question that had always plagued Fluttershy. For the past several months, one day a month, Applejack completely vanished for the entire day. No pony ever had any idea where she went. Until today, that is.

Fluttershy had made the mistake of meeting Zecora a little later than normal for her order of herbal medicine. By then the sun had already set, but even then very little could penetrate the canopy of the Everfree Forest. She knew the path by heart, but even she knew that getting caught after dark in such a place was bad enough.

She was ambushed before she even knew it, tackled to the ground before she could even react to the sound of groaning wood. Timberwolf! It was strange to have one alone and not in a pack. Perhaps it like her was caught alone in the twilight hours.

It took just a moment for her to catch her footing and her remaining limbs were safely beneath her shaking knees. If there was one thing she was good at, it was running away. She could always perform the Stare, but she couldn’t see it in the dark underbrush. All she could hear once she had orientated herself was the slight rustle of the underbrush.

Fluttershy turned tail and ran. She wasn’t brave, but she knew enough about survival. She knew where she was in the woods. She was still on the path and could return home to the safety of her cottage in no time at all!

Everything was thrown off kilter as the wolf caught up to her again, sending her sprawling into the dirt. That didn’t make any sense; timberwolves were not this fast! Nor were they this aggressive. They were pack hunters; they attacked with ambushes, and certainly didn’t use these hit and fade solo maneuvers like the one currently tailing her.

Was she in a new wolf’s territory? Did she intrude on a fresh kill? No, she would have smelt something. A solitary timberwolf driven from its pack or had its pack killed off by another predator? It was possible, but at the same time the other packs should have driven it out very quickly.

Fluttershy froze as she heard the wolf issue a creaky growl of warning. The groaning and creaking of its voice along with slow, measured steps signified its approach. She needed to see it to gauge how best to react. Normally they wanted intruders just to leave them alone, but perhaps the best course of action was simply use the Stare.

Inch by very careful inch she turned her head, not daring to get up for fear of reprisal. Doing so might be interpreted as a sign of challenge. Her jaw dropped the moment she saw those glowing green eyes.


The timberwolf faltered slightly. It was Applejack, that much was plain to see, but she had no earthly idea what happened to her. Was this some kind of curse? Bark covered just about the entirety of her forelegs and barrel, but her cutie mark was present as clear as day. What fur she did have left was long and shaggy. Another bark-like infection covered most of her eyes and forehead like a mask where nothing but the timberwolf’s unearthly green nature magic made their eyes glow in the dark. Twigs, leaves, and brambles dotted her normally immaculate mane.

But what concerned her most was the long drooling tongue and the pony molars that were now lengthened into large canines.

Timberjack clawed at the ground and advanced, barring her teeth at the timid pegasus.

“A-Applejack, it’s me! Don’t you remember? What happened to you?”

Again, Timberjack hesitated, the remnants of her old life struggling to pierce the primal call of the wild singing through her veins. She had stopped her advance though, her twitching wooden ears betraying the thoughts going through her mind.

Timberjack placed a paw forward and sniffed the air. Fluttershy didn’t dare move. She didn’t even breathe as she was approached by the animal that was her friend. She struggled to not shudder as she was poked and prodded with a cold nose. As Timberjack sniffed her barrel, Fluttershy reflexively twitched away. A paw found its way onto the small of her back and forced her down. She could feel the claws pinching through the belts of her saddlebags and a single trickle of blood where one broke the skin.

She forced herself to hold still no matter how much her body wanted to run. This was her friend, whatever happened to her notwithstanding. Timberjack circled her, sniffing and prodding where she pleased.


Try as she might, she couldn’t stop her hips from pumping as a cold nose was shoved in her crotch. Timberjack was having none of that and place her snout right on the back of her neck, growling menacingly. It wouldn’t take much for a wolf to tear out her throat. Even if she managed to survive the encounter, there was a real chance she might bleed out before she got proper medical attention.

She was just checking her out, she told herself. Smell was how canines recognized each other best. Fluttershy bit into her foreleg to muffle any further cries she might make and to ease the pain of Timberjack clawing up her back.

Timberjack proceeded to nuzzle and sniff her crotch. Fluttershy bit down as her nose was shoved into her clit unintentionally. Then came the licking. Flush with the scent of a female, Timberjack drew her long, rough tongue across Fluttershy’s lips in a single stroke, making her squeal into her leg. Her hips bucked into the lick, an act Timberjack didn’t seem to mind. The lycan was panting in between sloppy licks, the noise only adding to the depravity. Up and down she licked for one minute, then two. As inappropriate as it was, Fluttershy moaned in ecstasy as she was pleasured by this pony-turned-beast. Perhaps in her feral mind Timberjack recognized a friend and wished to clean her appropriately. Whatever the reason, running still wasn’t an option so she was forced to endure the lycan licking her to orgasm. That familiar burning spread from her abdomen down to her hooves in an all-consuming force.

“Applejack...” she moaned into her hooves. She could feel herself winking and dripping profusely, which only stirred the lycan into continuing her work. Her own tongue was lolling out of her mouth like the panting lycan, mindlessly enjoying herself as the pleasure built and built in her loins until she screamed her release into the forest.

She gushed against the muzzle between her legs as the mare orgasmed. Her breath caught in her throat as all she could do is wait as her mouth was opened and nothing came out but wordless grunts.

Fluttershy collapsed with a smile on her face, her pussy still winking in delight after a wonderful orgasm. The fact it came from a cursed friend didn’t even cross her mind, especially with that wolfish tongue still running across her pussy lips in earnest. Fluttershy lay on the forest floor, content to lie there as her lycan friend cleaned her nethers of her sexual fluids.

Timberjack seemed content to do just that, but even she had to end her escapades eventually. The lycan gave one final lick and pulled away, seemingly unaware of the result her actions had on the mare. The mare would have happily lie there for a good ten minutes to recover had she not felt the jagged pieces of bark gripping her midsection as Timberjack mounted her.

“Silly, I’m a mare,” Fluttershy drolled, her mind still recovering from cumming. Her mind was back in her cottage with her animals. Occasionally one of the animals under her care, especially the more excitable ones, didn’t see the differences in pony anatomy. Her mind didn’t even consciously recognize that Applejack herself was a mare.

She felt something hard poke the back of her leg.

That was enough to bring her back from the pits of pleasure. Blinking the haze of arousal out of her eyes, she turned her head to see what she knew couldn’t possibly be there.

A slick, dripping doggy dick dangled from between Applejack’s hindlegs.

“What!?” Fluttershy cried out. Whatever caused Timberjack’s current complacency had vanished and the lycan bit into Fluttershy’s shoulder, once again drawing blood. The lycan thrust her hips into Fluttershy, missing the mark she was aiming for. She tried repeatedly pistoning her hips only to end up stabbing her friend in the back of her leg with a hard doggy dick. Fluttershy whimpered in pain and fell silent, letting the lycan have her way with her.

One of the many mysteries of the forest was that there appeared to be no female timberwolves, and yet the population remained relatively stable with the current predators. Why weren’t there any females? She had never seen any pups, so it was a thought that this curse of Applejack’s was how they reproduced given her new... equipment. But she’d seen her yesterday! She was fine! That can’t be it then...

Her thoughts were interrupted after a particularly painful stab to the thigh. Even Timberjack seemed to be getting irritated for even though she released Fluttershy’s shoulder, she was growling almost constantly. She felt the hot breath and wet drool on the back of her neck. Despite the feelings of arousal, that fear of being mauled was back in her system. Timberjack knew how to mount a female, but she needed help to get it right. It was either get knotted by a wolf penis, or the threat of getting attacked by a disgruntled animal. Neither sounded good, but one had a significantly less chance of a messy demise.

Fluttershy adjusted her hips as Timberjack pulled back. This time she finally met her mark and the hot prick found its mark. Fluttershy howled into her forearm and bit until she drew blood. There was no letting her adjust as the lycan hammered her dick into the mare again and again, eager to breed her like a bitch in heat. It wasn’t normal Timberwolf behavior at all, but given Timberjack was on some level still a pony, and so was the pegasus, something had changed in her friend’s bestial mind.

Animalistic impatience had taken over as Timberjack tightened her forelegs around her broodmare and thrust her hard cock deep within her core. Fluttershy tried to move in time with her, wanting to get her friend off as quickly as possible so she could get home, clean up, and forget the breeding ever happened. She could hear the distinct squelching slaps as Timberjack’s hips collided with her own and she could feel the hard ball of flesh at the base of her penis. She was well enough aware of canine anatomy to know what that knot of flesh was used for. With her earlier orgasm, girlcum and a generous helping of sweat and other fluids, the doggy knot slipped inside.

A scream once more echoed into the forest, both in pain and Fluttershy’s utterly shameless arousal. She hadn’t felt the warmth of a male inside of her for quite a while and the utter perverseness of her current situation was sending her heart aflutter with forbidden desire. Glistening strings of sex connected her ass with the cock currently ramming itself into her cunt. Sex was supposed to be a loving, gentle affair, but to get violated like this, to get senselessly rutted like an animal....

She hated to say it, but she felt it in the back of her mind. It felt marvelous.

Fluttershy barely noticed as Timberjack’s thrusts grew shorter and her panting grew more and more pained. What she did feel was the knot currently inside her expanding to lock the two of them together. Timberjack began licking the back of her neck as her balls surely drew up in preparation to deliver a load to fill her broodmare full of its potent seed. Fluttershy cried out as it grew big enough to lock past her pelvic bone, but she didn’t care.

“Fuck me,” she whispered. Very rarely did she indulge in dirty talk but the sheer depths she was being penetrated with the expanding knot stretching her walls was bringing her closer to a second climax. The feeling of not only being fucked but straight up ravaged was too much as Timberjack gave one final thrust and delivered her load.

Fluttershy was too exhausted to even cry out as she came along with her friend. The intensity was enough to make the darkness encroach on her mind and she collapsed once more. Timberjack stood above her still bitch as her cum filled her to the brim and more. Fluttershy spasmed around her shaft, her vagina violated beyond all measure. As her belly filled with cum, Fluttershy drifted off to an exhausted sleep as her alpha watched over her through the night.

Low and Long - [Fluttershy] [Futanari] [Stealth Sex] [Masturbation] [Exhibitionism] [EQG]

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Fluttershy struggled to retain her composure. No one ever goes to her special place, which was exactly why she chose it in the first place. It also didn’t help that her hands were currently wrapped around her throbbing erection as a blind man sat down next to her. Blind. Good, so he wouldn’t be embarassed and call her a deviant freak for jacking off in public.

“Sorry for disturbing you. Who is that? Forgive an old man, but my sight’s not the best,” he said. Given his milky eyes, he couldn’t see at all. No doubt that was what the cane in his hand was for. Fluttershy’s cock had withered like a dying snake the moment the moment she thought she was caught, but not that most of the danger was moot, it began stirring back to life. She was fine. She could actually cum and this old man wouldn’t even know it! The thought was just too much to pass up and judging by the fact her cock was achingly hard by not having been jerked off in the past couple days, it agreed with her sentiment exactly.

“M-my name’s F-F-Fluttershy,” she stuttered as both hands returned to her cock. Dealing with her penis had always been difficult primarily because it was set off by either gender. And considering she was large enough to need both hands to properly wield her equipment, she put to shame just about everyone she ever met. Her penis was her secret, and this secret spot where she took care of her special needs.

She slowly stroked her shaft up and down but kept her eyes locked on the old man. He was looking over the hill where he would have seen a nice picture of the hillside. He must have seen it in his youth then before he went blind. Her hands went just a little bit faster.

“Hmmm, that’s a nice name. Apologies for the intrusion, but I came here in my youth. Every year for the anniversary of my last term of service.” He was sitting in the spot where she had blown her load countless time. The thought made her cock twitch in her hand had make her take a sharp breath. He must have heard it. “Oh, don’t mind me. I’m glad some youngins like this spot as well.”

Fluttershy put a hand to her plump balls and started fondling them relentlessly. She could hear her own heartbeat beating a thousand times a minute and the slight pants of exertion. Pleasure arched down her shaft and she could feel her tight pucker tingling against the wood. Her panties lay around her right ankle as her cock swayed in the light wind.

“I didn’t think anyone else came up here.”

He chuckled. “Neither did I. No one knows who put this here,” he slapped the bench just a bare fraction of an inch away from her naked thigh.

Fingers rubbed her flared head to collect the generous helping of dripping pre. She rubbed it along her entire shaft to lube it up, taking the special time to cup her balls to feel her virile load ready to be released. He was right there, and he had no idea what she was doing. The thought excited her so very much her pumping increased. She bit her lip so she wouldn’t pant or moan.

“S-so you were in the army?” she stuttered anyway.

“No need to be nervous.” Certainly no need with a cock in her hand. “Navy, actually. Served four terms of service.”

Her breath was already starting to catch in her throat. That tightness in her loins was tingling so very much and she could feel her scrotum tighten as she prepared her release. She spread her legs obscenely. There was no one there to see her splayed like a whore showing her wares. Up and down she pumped. She was so close, so very close. Just a little bit more and she could spray her hot load over the grass and no one would be the wiser.

“How... W-what happened...uh ohh.... to your eyes? If you don’t mind me asking.... mmm.”

He must have interpreted her arousal as nervousness for his wrinkled old face scrunched in what she could only assume was amusement. “Nervous little one, are you? No need to be. And it’s alright to ask. White phosphorus. Somethin’ that burns pretty hot. Didn’t outright blind me at first but it did enough damage to make it fade with time.” He turned to her and she saw the other side of his face had several healed burns. “Not pretty, but it’s healed up pretty good.”

Oh, she was about to cum. She squeezed her balls just slightly and her other hand wildly pumped and down her cock. She tried to slow down so the slick squishing sound wouldn’t carry nearly so much, but by then she was far too gone. Her cock twitched as a single large rope of sticky cum flew through the air. A perverse smile crossed her lips as she admired the distance. It was quickly followed by spasms and blasts of cum staining the fresh grass a messy white. Fluttershy sighed in relief as her cock began to droop slowly, the occasional drip of messy spooge dripping from her head.

His head was turned toward her, frowning slightly. Had she made too much noise? Did he know what she was doing?! She female so that was not enough to make the immediate leap, but he could still interpret it as flicking the bean, as Rainbow so eloquently put it. Damage control time, even as she gently stroked her massive dick.

“S-sorry, I’m a bit of a coward.” If there was one thing she knew how to do, it was appeal to how others saw her. Being weak and useless, while an impediment, could also be used to her advantage when the need arose.

He was still frowning, but nodded in understanding. “S’alright. It’s not a life for everyone.”

There was something oddly satisfying at seeing several ropes of her cum stain this place. Is was as if she was marking it as her own, claiming it under the scent of her masculine musk.

Oh crap. He might smell it.

“I’m sorry, but I’ve been here a little too long as it is,” she said in a rush. “I-I’m a student so I better be going. I’ve got homework to do and... things.”

He waved her off. “Alright, alright. I was young once too.”

Did he know!?

The thought screamed through her mind. Or was he referring about going to school. Either way, she reached down to put her panties back on only to realize her dripping cock had left a large patch of white cum across it. Well, she’d being going home commando, which wouldn’t be so bad if she wasn’t already tenting her skirt. She quickly escaped, an erection already forming as she thought of where else could she masturbate under prying eyes.

Pinkie's Fat Ass - [Pinkie] [Ass Worship] [Huge Ass] [Praise Be To Pinkie's Phat Ass] [Ponyville Trembles Before Dat Ass]

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Pinkie smiled as she skipped through town. Everypony was just so friendly today! Everywhere she went, from Roseluck’s greenhouse to a trip to the local apothecary, she’d been getting nothing but greetings from all of the locals. Caramel opened the door for while she was leaving Sugarcube Corner to go about her business. Even though he was looking at rear when he said it, he said she looked great today.

Well, Rarity was the one who always tried to spruce herself up no matter what the occasion, but that didn’t mean she didn’t try to look nice on occasion. She was helping run a business after all so she at least needed to look presentable. A little extra scrubbing and conditioner during her daily bubble bath and she was good to go.

Even as she came back from Zecora’s place she was still getting eyed. She supposed that was just a result for knowing everypony in town. She had a bear trap of a memory and could remember the details of everyone she met. Twilight said it was something like “photogenic memory” or something like that. Being friendly paid off and it didn’t cost a single bit. Although being friendly towards the stallions made the mares a little more angry. Although, now that she thought about it, all the one who got snippy with her were married.

Did they think she was a homewrecker!? Pinkie gasped where she stood, startling Roseluck as Pinkie passed by her stall. The mare had the constitution of a fainting goat and jumped so bad she knocked over one of her display stands carrying several ornamental display wreaths. They were very pretty maybe she’d get one when she got her next paycheck.

“Sorry about that Rosie!” Pinkie proceeded to help pick of the mess while a stallion perusing the arrangements, Toe-Tapper, graciously got out of the way. As she finished, Toe-Tapper she saw was also busily looking at her rear as well. What was up with everypony looking at her butt?

“If you like it so much, why don’t you marry it?” she taunted. That’d show him! Wait, she know how to really show him! She proceeded to shake her massive ass in his face. The soft supple flesh shook and rolled, the generous layer of fat and love handles moving like some fleshy lava lamp to enchant the eyes. He quickly stuttered and crossed his legs, excusing himself from the two of them.

Jitters - [Shining Armor] [OC] [Infidelity] [Creampie] [Royal Guardpony]

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Blitz Star grunted as she leaned into the staff portion of her spear. All guards had plenty of practice at staying immobile for hours at end, but given that she was currently getting plowed by a hunk of a stallion, it was forgivable.

She had been noticing her captain had been distracted for quite some time. He’d been making mistakes, biting back at his subordinates. He needed to get his head back in the game. That’s not to say he didn’t have reason to be distracted. Canterlot intercepted credible intel of a coming invasion. To make matters worse, it was on the eve of his wedding. Cadance, as fun as she’d been the rare few times Blitz had seen her, had turned frigid to all but the princesses. Invasion, wedding plans, and a blue balling wife. As if one of them alone wasn’t enough to fuck with their lives, Blitz had to deal with three. And when one of the brass was dealing with shit, it always found a way to run downhill.

Thus her offer to help her captain blow off a little steam. It wasn’t as if she was asking to be a part of his relationship with his wife, or even a royal consort. Given the skewed population demographic, open relationships were a dime a dozen in Canterlot. Her goal was to get him right in the head and relieve some frustration. If she managed to enjoy it along the way, well, all the better.

Shining barely managed to shew her into one of the unattended supply rooms before he all but tore off most of her armor. It was just enough to get at her hindquarters, but that was all either of them needed. She wasn’t the smallest of mares, but he was still much bigger than her, very tall and broad shouldered. Her lips had already started to wink as he mounted her and she could feel his cock’s warmth. It was all she could do to stay upright as he rammed his length into her.

“Fuck!” he swore as just a little over his medial ring slammed into her. She did her best to just grit her teeth and bear the brunt of it. He was always courteous of his staff, so she expected him to be a little more attentive to her needs and go at a slower pace. Not so, apparently, but some of her was still happy that he was enjoying himself enough to lose himself in her warmth. He must have been really pent up if he was this desperate for a lay. “Goddesses above, I needed this.”

She gripped her spear tighter and smiled. ‘Join the Royal Guard today!’ she said to herself. ‘Get fucked by your horny boss!

Standing around with nothing else to do all day made one’s mind wander, and so the chances of it going in amorous directions was guaranteed at least some point every week. Hell, for those elite few that joined the Sacred Band, having a significant other was a requirement. The hot ass of Celestia, the cute little clerks that ran errands, spruced up diplomats day in and day out; the guard, invisible by mere occupation to the point they were decorations, had the pick of eye candy when they needed as long as it didn’t affect their job.

Given that he was a little larger than her, he dick kept hitting the roof of her vagina and that delightful little spot that send tingles through her crotch. She sure had one of the best to work with right now and a memory that would moisten her up for the rest of her life. She could smell his strong, masculine musk, the slap of his pendulous balls across her thighs as he finally hilted her now prepared vagina. He was ready to go the moment she asked, but she had to warm up, but she was getting closing the gap.

He gripped readjusted himself to his hooves were grasping her cutie mark. She liked her flanks. It had actually become a game in the barracks after extensive workouts to bounce a bit off of each other’s flanks just to see who could make it go the highest. She had the pleasure of having the record of among her sisters in her tent. Shining admired the lean muscle for just a few moments as his hooves slid across her sweaty fur. Tossing his mane back, he started thrusting once again.

Given that he was quickly becoming short of breath, he wouldn’t last much longer. She didn’t mind. The goal was after all to get him off, even if she didn’t finish along with him. He was still hitting that delicious, hoof-curling spot within her nevertheless so she closed her eyes and let her mind wander as she was getting plowed. Celestia’s fine ass sauntering to her throne. Her more amorous sisters going into each other’s beds after lights out and those on post were away. That adorable little filly in accounting who would always rub one out in front of her just to get her to react and break her impassive facade (their eventual violent, drunken scissoring in a closet when she was off duty notwithstanding). Images flowed through her mind to make herself reach her peak a little bit faster.

She could feel Shining hold his breath as he gave a few more thrusts before burying himself to the hilt. His cock head was flaring up to make the seal and he all but burst inside her sheath. She wasn’t there yet but the feeling of warmth spreading through every crevice was certainly helping. His body made him give a few more bucks out of sheer reflex and Blitz met them to the best of her ability.

Come on...’ she encouraged. Goddess she was horny. She still had another three hours at her post and if she was going to be pent up the whole time she was going to have to blow the scant little bit of her paycheck on the closest whorehouse just to make the burning in her loins stop.

Even though all that was left of his orgasm was a few weak spurts out of his deflating cock, she hit her peak as he started withdrawing. As he popped out she bathed his dick in her own feminine juices and the dribbles of his own seed. He at least had the gentlemanly sense to shove his dic back in for what it was worth despite it not being at full mast anymore. Still it was enough to scratch that itch and soon her own orgasm faded.

The room smelt like sex and sweat and she wouldn’t have had it any other way. Despite being in one of the more isolated parts of the castle, anything with a working nose would have been able to tell what she was up to. She could still feel his seed within her and it brought the fires of arousal back. She hoped that her cute little clerk was off duty because she was going to fuck her senseless when her shift was done.

“Thank you,” he said, gratitude clear in his voice. “I... I needed that.”

He straightened his red dress uniform as best he could. He wasn’t stained in the slightest, but her scent was still on him. He pulled out and she saw he mottled black and white cock slowly receding into his sheath. He’d need to take a shower before meeting Cadance. It gave her a perverse thrill that she had marked him. “I’ll find some pony to take the rest of your shift. You’re free to go for the rest of the day.”

Hot damn. Fine clerk ass, her Blitz Star comes.

Night Shift - [Tenderheart] [Redheart] [Octavia] [Vinyl Scratch] [Anthro] [Futanari] [Huge Cock] [Huge Balls] [Handjob] [Penis Milking] [Anal] [Cum Inflation] [Deepthroat]

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Nurses Tenderheart and Redheart opened the double doors to their last examination room in the Ponyville hospital. It still beat an endless deluge of clinic duty but it had been a long and frankly exhausting shift rotation. It didn’t help that they had been short on staff as it was so the two of them had been pulling double shifts. Sweetheart and Coldheart were at the opposite end of the hospital taking care of the clinic.

Inside the room were two ponies, a charcoal grey earth pony with a raven black mane and an odd looking white unicorn who looked like she had dyed half of her hair. Both of them were without a threat of clothes and had a long, thick cock that feel to their knees. Tenderheart checked her sheet and did her best not to stare. “Missus Octavia and Scratch?

“That would indeed be us,” Octavia said and she bore one of the thickest Canterlot accents Tenderheart had ever heard. “Forgive my crassness but can we get this over with quickly?”

A shame; milking the futa girls was one of the highlights of the night shift. Most came at night in order to have a little more privacy. Given that the only viable seed for ponies to even reproduce came from them, every last drop helped. They were more than productive anyway given the last males of the species had died out centuries ago.

There were three support bars in the room in order for futas to lean again for support should they require it. Octavia picked the first, her cock dripping slightly as she crossed the distance. Her clothes were neatly piled on the nearby bed in perfect Canterlot fashion. Redheart approached Vinyl Scratch, for she still looked incredibly nervous about the whole ordeal.

“I can get you your own private room if you would like some privacy, she said gently.

Vinyl shook her head, her cute ass twitching back and forth as she watched her comrade lean against the support bar, her ass in the air and cock swaying. “Tavi’s my friend and I... I’m not sure I can do this without her.” Her ears were almost prone against her skull to attest her skittishness. If her memory served her, Redheart recalled that Vinyl was a DJ with a rather boisterous public persona. Seeing her like this was rather cute and endearing.

“Perhaps if you watch your friend first, you will see how things turn out.” It was a good enough idea as any. If she was far too nervous she wouldn’t even achieve climax if she had such a mental block.

Vinyl nodded and watched her friend, the blush already on her face and slowly growing as she saw what was going on before her. Octavia had splayed her hind hooves to give her a firm base. Tenderheart had put on a pair of latex gloves, kneeled, and had started stroking her cock slowly. Even before she had touched her dick, it was already dripping with pre by the spoonful into the collection bucket. Octavia used one hand to play with her nipples, her other resting on the bar to keep herself upright.

Tenderheart removed her blouse and shirt. She still wore a bra underneath but she proceeded to rub her tits up and down the side of Octavia’s thigh. The endowed mare opened her eyes in surprise and saw the nurse rubbing up against her.

“Just relax, deary,” she said, “Let it come naturally.” Her other hand slid down to her plump balls and began fondling them in earnest.

Redheart had already prepared Vinyl’s bucket and was watching her charge. She was at least interested if her twitching cock was any indication. “May I?” Redheart asked for permission to touch her. Playing with her hands nervously, Vinyl nodded.

Rather than reach straight for the joy department, Redheart took off her own shirt and pressed her firm titties into Vinyl’s back. How to arouse the shemales was one of the lessons required for the night shift and coaxing those with performance anxiety was a tricky task. She started slow by running her hands along Vinyl’s thighs, ignoring the rising cock entirely. She stroked, rubbed, and prodded, seeing how each little bit would make the shy mare react. Her shoulders were slowly relaxing but she still wasn’t too receptive to being touched so intimately.

Redheart lay some kisses on her neck. That was often a money spot on most mares, dicks or not. Vinyl sucked in a breath and her cock gave a twitch. A single dollop of precum dripped into the bucket.

Octavia on the other hand was halfway to cumming. Her heaving tits were going up and down with her pants and Tenderheart was using both hands to stroke her shaft. She needed to considering it was longer and thicker than her forearm. Octavia always liked her dick. It was a status symbol showing that she was a breeder, and a very productive one at that. Uptight teachers and bickering coworkers tended not to argue when there was a snake between her thighs and she made no attempts at hiding it.

She thrust her massive tool into the hands supporting it, wishing she had the soft, inviting warmth of a female to stick it in. That was the unfortunate downside to such a massive cock; it limited wear she could stick it. Oh, there were still plenty of mares that were size queens, even in stuck up Canterlot, but it was like being fucked by a lamp post. The image of her thick prick stuffing a mare and watching a mare inflate as she pumped buckets and buckets of cum into her inviting sheath. Tenderheart seemed to know how close she was for she had added her tongue into the mix, licking all the soft, tender spots she had found in her brief foreplay before going straight for the massive balls hanging tauntingly before her.

Vinyl was almost panting now. Currently Redheart was playing with her chest, tweaking the nipple, while another had kept straying dauntingly close to her engorged cock. She wasn’t bigger than Octavia in the dick or even chest department, but she still had an impressive length going for her. Still, Vinyl’s eyes had been on Octavia the entire time. Not Redheart, not even Tenderheart. Hmmm.... There may be a way to make this work.

Redheart stopped her ministrations for just a moment. That was enough to get a displeased whine from Vinyl and an involuntary stop of her hooves, but Redheart used it to strip off her remaining clothes and stand in front of her. “Just keep your eyes on her,” she whispered. She wasn’t sure if Vinyl was attracted to Octavia or merely comforted by her presence, but she could use that to her advantage. Her soft butt was pressed against the cold support bar. She was almost sitting on it as she caught Vinyl’s cock and started rubbing her moist slit all over her cock’s length. The effect was immediate and Vinyl bucked her hips against Redheart. The nurse smiled as Vinyl wrapped her arms around her for support. Redheart continued nipping at Vinyl’s throat as another hand slid down the shemale’s soft rear.

After a handful of Vinyl’s own productive juices lubbing up her hand, Redheart pressed a finger to her tight pucker. Vinyl gave a cry of surprise, the first sound out of any of them other than the slapping of wet flesh and sweet nothings of encouragement.

“Should I stop?” Redheart whispered in Vinyl’s ear and then proceeded to nipple on it affectionately. That caused a spark of magic cascading down Vinyl’s horn.

“Oh... Ugh, no, please no,” she moaned. Redheart slipped a finger in and a long, low moan came out of Vinyl’s mouth. Her eyes were glazed over with arousal; she probably didn’t know where she was anymore. Redheart squeaked as hands lifted her by the ass and plopped her down squarely on the support bar. Vinyl lined up her cock with Redheart's cunt and slipped it in without a second thought.

Vinyl wasn’t as large as most girl’s but her dick was still enough to make even her stretchy walls cry with protest. Given the two of them had been going at it for almost ten minutes she was plenty excited, but a little forewarning would have been nice. Still, she was ready to pop and if this was what it took to get her off, then so be it. Redheart wrapped her legs around Vinyl’s slender backside and held her close. She thrust her hips in time with Vinyl’s own shaky thrusts as she still kept up her play. She pulled out her finger currently penetrating her ass and gave her cheeks a firm spank. She was rewarded by a cry of arousal and all but a gush of precum filling her vagina.

Octavia had turned to see what the fuss was about and smiled upon seeing her friend was finally getting into the swing of things. Vinyl was looking at her, but she was so deep into things she might not even realize what she was doing. Happy at her friend opening up, Octavia turned her attention to the mare servicing her. Tenderheart had also removed her top and her tits were painted in a fine layer of Octavia’s generous precum. She was doing an impressive job deepthroating her cock, a very surprising turn of events considering she was as thin as a stick. Octavia watched the obscene bulge in her throat every time she inhaled her massive cock. She was talented to say the least. Given that she must have had practice milking hundreds of mare cocks, it was no question that she’d be gifted. She’d take a breath, open up obscenely and look Octavia in the eye as her cock slid down her throat. She was currently at the medial ring before she started to gag. It was enough to send her over.

Tenderheart must have felt the flare expanding in her throat and tried to pull it out, but doing so was difficult as it rapidly expanded to lock in place. Almost a pint of cum burst out like a firehose and that was only the first spurt of cum. It was quickly followed by a second and third twitch that came so fast it was almost an uninterrupted stream of cum directly into her gut. Tenderheart felt her belly bulging under the swell of seed and did her best to make the massive tool in her lips pull out. She was already running out of air and falling unconscious while a cock was down her throat, not a single bit collected, was enough to put a mark on her record. Again.

The sheer amount of spooge was enough to lube up her throat enough for her to wrench the beast out. This quickly painted her entire face and chest in pearly white cum as she quickly pointed the cock towards the collection bucket. By then she looked a good three months pregnant with the bulge in her tummy. She rubbed the cum blasted to her chest. Oh, this had been fun enough that just rubbing it onto her nipples was enough to make her own juices spurt as she came.

Seeing Octavia paint a mare with her seed was all Vinyl needed as well. Already her cock was kissing the entrance to Redheart’s womb and making the entrance buckle under the strain. Vinyl was still looking at her friend, which she didn’t mind. Given the sexual attention, she was more than fine. She could see the bulge in her tummy where Vinyl’s cock was making her flesh stretch.

Vinyl hilted herself began to unload. Flared as she was, her generous bounty of cum had nowhere to go but explore the confines of her velvety snatch. Already Redheart could feel her stomach expanding to accommodate the vast quantities of seed. All the unicorn could do was hug the nurse and ride out her orgasm, her moist cunny not spilling a drop. The burst of warmth was enough to send Redheart over the edge as well and she coated Vinyl’s dick in her own juices along with the white wonderland filling her.

By the time Vinyl was done Redheart looked full term with child. She smiled happily as she caressed her bloated belly and the potent seed she had been given. Vinyl pulled out and good thing the collection bucket was below her as cum came spilling out of her as the plug was pulled.

Two more down, and now the rest of Ponyville to go.

Button Smother - [Button Mash] [Button's Mom] [Sleep Molestation] [Impregnation] [Trigger Warning] [Kinda rapey]

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Milano Mash cracked the door open to her son’s room. Like most nights he had shoved a blanket under the door in order to block the dim light stemming from his TV set. Only now that the door was open she could hear the dull murmur of late night cartoons. She would normally stamp that out quickly, but given the white noise helped him sleep most nights, she let it be as long as he could wake up on time.

She crept into the room as quietly as she could and was all the more soundless with the combination of TV and plush carpet beneath her hooves. She wasn’t sure where this cancerous idea in her head started that made her walk into this room at all. Long ago when her boyfriend ran out when she was with child? When she saw Button Mash for the first time in swaddling cloth? As she watched him grow? Every errant thought she had whenever she was in heat and missing the touch of a stallion. She swallowed.

When Button said he might one day want a brother to play with?

Button Mash was always a fussy sleeper and would always end up with half his blankets and pillows across the floor by the time he woke up. Now was no difference as he lay on the other side of the bed, limbs spread eagle in sleep.

The loving mother gulped and took a look at her son. Her beautiful pride and joy. Sure he had a one track mind but she loved him like no other. He snored softly as sleep made him twitch occasionally while his mind was occupied by boisterous dreams. As carefully as she could she put her weight onto the bed with her eyes ever upon her son’s sleeping form. The squeaky hinges would surely make enough of a racket. It would wake up up for sure and he’d question why his mother was hovering over him in the middle of—

And she was fine. As her full weight was finally leveled out only the light shift of movement caused the creaky metal to hiss at her. She could feel the blush on her cheeks, but perhaps that was another feeling entirely.

“Momma loves you, sweetie.”

Some parents questioned the parenting abilities of the kids with certain bumpy traits. Those three troublemakers in Cheerilee's class, that little brat bully and her sycophant, Button and his confounded obsession with useless things. Raising a child was more than just making them not make mistakes, it came with a photo album of treasured memories. The first step, the evenings around the fire over hot cider and stories, the first A+ on a school paper, that time where they master an art their parent knows nothing about. She loved her son exactly the way he was, quirks and all.

“Momma loves you, sweetie,” she repeated as a mantra to settle her nerves. She could give Button exactly what he wanted and she would be all too happy to help. She started by nuzzling his crotch where he had already had a slight part of his head peek out of his prepubescent sheath. “Momma has so much love to give.”

Now she wasn’t sure if she was trying to promise Button or reassure herself.

It wasn’t long before he was at full mast. The benefits of youth and hormonal changes. She tried to keep her steps steady as she inched forward. He might still wake and that was exactly what she didn’t want. He might not understand just what she wanted to share with him, all those years of caring and devotion condensed into a single act of love.

His eyelids were twitching but that was it. She could swear her heart was about to beat right through her throat and hemorrhage over the bed. Her coat was sweating but she wasn’t sure if it was due to her own nerves or the overwhelming fear of being caught.

She backed into his length slowly. At his young age he was likely no more than four inches in length. Still the sheer act of intimacy as her son’s warm penis entered the place where he was birthed was almost indescribable. It wasn’t enough to satisfy her, but it was his. Now it was hers

“Oh, Button...” she moaned as she slid up and down. He slipped out of her more than once but with a little patience he was right back in. It would have helped if he were larger than he was with the sheer amount of fluid she was leaking. That was the one thing she hadn’t anticipated. Well, that and what to say if he woke up hilted in his own mother.

She leaned down and took a hearty sniff of her son’s intoxicating scent. She was being careful to not put her full weight into her thrusts. It was causing her legs to become a little bit sore so she wanted to finish this sooner rather than later, or risk waking up Button. Her own juices glistened in the light of the TV. She brought a foreleg to her lips and prepared to bite down on it should she need to in preparation for her orgasm. All she needed was for him to come, to deliver that load of juices back into her. Everything was coming full circle and she could only picture herself full with child, a child that her own son gave her. Her cutie mark proclaimed she was a mother after all. She was a good mother.

She had to be...

It was just the barest spurt of fluid but that was enough to make her feel like she had been claimed by the biggest cock in all of Equestria. She bit herself to stop herself from screaming as she twitched and spasmed all over her son’s rapidly withering penis. She was mixing juices with her son and that thought alone was enough to trigger another orgasm from deep within. She was gushing so hard she almost collapsed on Button as she surrendered to the pleasure. She recovered minutes later and got off her son, quietly making sure she didn’t make enough noise to wake him in the eleventh hour of their mating. His crotch and sheath were drenched, so she saw no other means to hide her deed rather other than to slowly lick and groom him clean. The gift of a child once again.

“I love you so much Button,” she whispered and she gave her son a kiss on the lips. “So much.”

Consort - [Princess Cadance] [Trixie] [Courtesan] [Lesbian] [Kissing] [Humanized]

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There were many different ways Trixie thought her life could go after not one but two humiliations at the hands of Ponyville. But this... actually this was one of them.

The fledgling Crystal Empire, renewed from its dormant sleep under a tyrant, had been looking for plenty of staff to help run the empire. Sure, Trixie had submitted her talents during the campaign, but didn’t expect to actually be selected.

“Entertainer for the Crown.”

Well, not glamorous, but it would do.

A nice royal pad and putting food on the table aside, she was taken aside by none other than the princess herself to explain that there was one additional caveat, one more duty that was asked of her under the condition of utmost secrecy should she decline. It was how she ended up naked on a bed in one of the royal suits while being looked over by the Princess of Love herself.

Turning tricks for bits. Always an option, even if royal consort to the crown was a step up.

Trixie had covered her breasts out of nervousness before swallowing and dropping them. She had faced down plenty worse than getting her naughty bits eyed by a still clothed Cadance. The woman had a gentle smile on her face with just the slight twinge of arousal in the corner of her eyes. Did the little harlot even know what to do with her? Trixie never imagined nobles ever having that much fun in the sack. That wasn’t to say Trixie ever slept around, but even she had needs. She was the Princess of Love after all so maybe she had a trick or two.

“Don’t worry, Trixie; this is just between us girls.” That was part of the problem. Very nice supermodel figure aside, Trixie had never bedded a woman before. Not that the occasional female wasn’t pleasing to the eye, there was a difference between getting an eyeful and getting a handful.

“Trixie isn’t worried!” she told herself more than Cadance. “Um, Highness,” she added.

Cadance giggled as her evening dress was shuffled off with a touch and soon she too was naked as a babe. “In these walls I’m just Cadance.”

She got onto the bed with her and the way she seemed almost excited made Trixie feel like they were girls having a sleepover.

“Can I kiss you?” Cadance asked hopefully.

It wasn’t as if Trixie could say no. For a moment she wondered what would the woman do if she did. Kick her out? Fire her? Have a go at her anyway?


Trixie never understood why Ponyville hated her so much. It was an act! All performers put on an act! Exuding confidence and flare was what separated performers from each other and the best got the most patronage. Of course any performer worth their salt was going to shoot down hecklers the moment they became unbearable. That loudmouth pegasus brat couldn’t even understand that everything was for show and challenged her in front of everyone. Then came that hick and the fussy supermodel.

This... this wasn’t for show. Here the walls and the act came down. This was more real than any of her public personas. Why couldn’t anyone see the real her?

It was part of why she accepted the offer, or at least wanted to try it out. To let down her guard and beckon intimacy in was something that had been missing in her life for quite some time. To be appreciated not for being a face on a stage, but just being her, appreciated for just being her. Standing in front of hundreds can be quite lonely at times.

Cadance smiled and leaned forward. It was little more than a gentle peck on the lips, but it helped ease the tension in her shoulders. She parted before it could become anything more intimate and Cadance watched her to see how she would react. The princess did look cute after all...

Trixie leaned forward slightly, causing a Cadance to break out in a wide smile. She didn’t move and instead let Trixie decide the pace for how things continue. Swallowing down the ball in her throat, Trixie leaned forward until she touched those full, kissable lips. She was quite warm and inviting, everything about her exuding what defined the ideal woman. Her perfect breasts, a youthful face that shaved off years from her appearance, the tight, womanly figure. Trixie could see the appeal of chasing skirts if they all looked like the princess.

Her courage wasn’t enough to be adventurous enough to make the kiss anything more meaningful than that, but by the time she parted she gasped for the breath she didn’t know she was holding. Cadance was blushing and it was slowly consuming her face as well. Looking down at her chest she could see the princess’ nipples were erect and waiting.

Cadance crawled forward on the bed. It felt right, so Trixie leaned onto her back and Cadance was soon looming over her prone form. Her breasts hung tauntingly, swinging with each movement.

“I... I’ve never... been with a woman before,” Trixie confessed. She had never told Cadance she had, but at the same time neither had she not.

“That’s fine,” Cadance leaned down to nip at her neck and Trixie moaned in delight, only to realize how girlishly she could sound if her princess played her right. “This night’s for you, and I have plenty to teach you.”

With that, Cadance lined a trail of kisses up her throat to her lip while a hand descended down her stomach. This was going to be a night to remember.

Homesick Shimmer - [Sunset Shimmer] [Bestiality] [Huge Cumshot] [Oral Sex] [Vagianal Sex]

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There were a lot of things Sunset didn’t like about a human body. The higher center of gravity made her trip on an almost daily basis at first. Humans were so much slower than ponies. Why was it so easy to get fat? By Celestia, she wished she could bleach what a period was form her mind.

Yet one thing she did like was how much easier it was to get off.

These fingers were a magical little thing once she had figured out how to use them right. So many toys, and positions, and places. When Sunset discovered the internet she hadn’t left her room for a week. Not all of it was spent sating and exploring her kinks, but she was pretty sure it occupied a fair chunk. Women had needs, whether they looked like horses or not and Sunset was still flush with teenage hormones when she had left Equestria. A teenager’s horny mind, no form of rules to obey, and an appreciation for the equine form led her to the place where she didn’t need her imagination: the local farm.

It was occupied by a senile old lady who only had her grandkids to help around the farm, and they were at school. As long as she wasn’t too loud, she had free reign whenever she broke into the place; she just needed to come during class hours. Every time her destination was the same: the stables.

Sunset’s pants were already down to her thighs as she leaned forward to suckle the black and pink speckled dick before her. She wasn’t up to date on earthen breeds, but he was a fine specimen. Strong and lean, he had the figure of a runner and racer. It made her think back to her very early fillyhood when she imagined marrying one of the Wonderbolts. Ugh.

She never quite understood why people said horses weren’t intelligent. Dim, yes, but not stupid. She could see it in their eyes, the flick of their tales, the shifting of weight. Perhaps it was her own natural affinity for their body language, but they were smarter than humans gave them credit. Even this stallion, Strider, if the crazy coot’s name for him could be taken at face value, had willingly gave her permission to have their moment together.

The stallion nodded and she grasped the large, bobbing head with one hand and brought it to her lips. Full grown earth stallions were almost twice as large in the package department as Equestrian ponies. Sunset didn’t care; she was young, horny, and she wanted to fuck now.

Strider liked it as she made contact and gave an appreciative winny. Flared as he was, she had trouble fitting him down her throat, but that was what practice was for. Her other hand was busily stroking her nethers and Strider’s pen was quickly flush with the scent of feminine and equine arousal. She paid special attention to that little nub hiding under the hood, its name lost to her clouded mind.

She took his prick as deep as she could before gagging and pulling back. She felt disappointed that she had barely fit anything at all in her mouth. If ehr strained jaw was any indication it almost felt like she had bottomed out.

It was rude to leave him hanging as he was so she went back to work with slow, steady bobs. His powerful musk overwhelmed her senses and shot pleasure straight to her dripping slit. She stroked what she couldn’t fit in her mouth as quickly as she could without hurting him. Strider proceeded to stomp, egging her on faster and faster.

Already her own hand had two fingers up her snatch while her thumb rubbed circles around her button. Being pent up for so long was having its effect on her and with a loud cry she released all over her hand. She wasn’t nearly as voluminous as she could be if she still possessed a pony body, but the little trickle was still satisfying to feel in her horny mind. Her hips bucked her thrusting fingers as if they were the dick she currently had wedged down her throat.

Strider was disappointed as she took her lips off his dick. no doubt she had been far more attentative than and brood mare he had ever received, but it was something she intended to remedy.

She didn’t even need to speak her intent as she removed the rest of her pants. Already there was a large wet splotch but it was nothing that could be washed later. She could not imagine life denied the ability to speak, but doing so now, especially one who couldn’t vocalize back at her, seemed... wrong, far too likely to spoil the precious mood. Strider eyed her curiously before he knickered in appreciation. Different body as she was, it was nice to feel wanted like that.

Removing her precious jacket in order to not sully that as well, she leaned against Strider’s gate and presented her rear towards the stallion. Like a true gentleman he waited a moment for her to get situated in his domain.

The best part about her lover for the night, she thought, was that no matter how hard or how long they went at it, she couldn’t get pregnant. At least she was pretty sure she couldn’t; there were a few interesting pictures and videos in the darker corners of the internet.

Strider walked up to her and gave her a soft bite on the rear. She gave a slight hiss of delight as the brief bout of pain turned into pleasure. She repaid it by sticking her butt into his snout to give him a full draft of her arousal. This was the mare who wanted him tonight, this is the scent that would be driving him to orgasm within her velvety walls.

He leaned his strong forehooves against the gate outside her own trembling hands. SHe didn’t fear what was about to happen. No, this was what she was waiting for. She leaned back to nuzzle his chest. She inhaled his scent, hay and sweat mixed with a hint of manure. She could feel his long shaft dripping on her back. He slid it back and forth a little, almost teasing as his hot length warmed her soft, supple flesh.

Even Strider has his limits and soon his twitching flare lowered until it kissed the entrance to her innermost depths. She spread her legs as far as she could to grant him the best access.

The first thrust wasn’t painful, but it sure wasn’t pleasant. He was a gentle enough lover to not thrust it all in one go. Sunset thrust herself back a little bit, gyrating back and forth to accommodate herself to his impressive length. He was already as painfully hard as he was going to get and standing at an impressive sixteen inches in length. She’d be fortunate to be able to fit half of that inside her. Strider thrust his cock back and forth, rocking his strong and powerful legs in a gentle rhythm. Sunset met them stroke for stroke. She had ever felt so full in her entire life! Even the odd toy or stray object... she was just curious... that she had fit inside her could and never would match the epitome of male might resting within her vagina. This was sex, this was what the rest of the world was missing.

She could feel his beating heart through the connection they shared. Hers was quick and thready, built form a cocktail of nervousness and excitement. His was strong and firm, a testament to his powerful nature. Despite having rubbed one out she was close to coming again.

Strider’s thrusts sped up as she adjusted to his massive girth. The flare atop his penis was enough to rub every square inch of her walls and she squeaked as it hit a particularly sensitive spot deep within her. He must have picked up on that for her continued to thrust until he hit that sweet spot again and again.

He gave her a whinny of warning but she didn’t need it with his head flaring up inside her. It was nothing like she had ever imagined it would be. She had anticipated a more than generous load, but nothing like the thick streams of cum currently filling her up. The feeling of her virile stallion’s hot essence filling her up caused another orgasm and her wall tightened against his equine pride. More and more she was filled until she was dribbling his prized seed from her lips. There was little she could do about it for there seemed to be a endless supply of cum to be drained from his balls.

Sunset’s legs gave out and she slid against the door. No matter how hard she tried the strength to stand had been fucked right out of her.

And she felt glorious.

When Strider was finished ejecting his load, his penis shrunk and exited her vagina with a light pop that started a giggling fit. Before she knew it she was openly laughing, something that made Strider look at her questioningly. She shook her head and leaned against his side. This had been more wonderful than she could possibly have imagined. Throwing caution to the wind, she curled up against Strider as he settled down and drifted off to her first peaceful sleep.

Flutterbat's Feeding Ground - (Vanilla Version) [Fluttershy] [Roseluck] [Hypnosis] [Masturbation] [Blood] [Non-con] [Oral Sex] [A freakishly long tongue] [Monster Sex]

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She was hungry.

Who was it tonight? She was never certain. At first, maybe, but as the song of the hunt burned through her veins, that animal inside her always took over. Had she been cognizant, Flutterbat might have questioned if letting that monster inside her out was a good thing. It might hurt somepony, but at the same time, she’d have to remember what happened the next day if she was in control of herself.

Flutterbat hissed at the lantern her meal had been carrying. She had knocked it away already when she tackled her prey to the ground. Stupid ponies and their awful lights.

She had a pale coat and a red mane. Mare. Mare? Why did Flutterbat know that word? No matter. That was about all Flutterbat could gather before she focused on her struggling prey. It was going to yell again, only this time the fear of pain wasn’t going to help. Flutterbat focused her gaze and spread her great, leathery wings to their absolute fullest. She was in control. She was the predator and the stupid little pony was the prey. Fluttershy might have been impressed with her power of the Stare as Flutterbat prepared to feed. She bared her fangs and roared, and the prey stopped fighting her as it froze in abject fear.

Good. Hunger was already twisting her insides up in knots. This was already more difficult than it needed to be. She had been waiting in the shadow of one of the buildings for hours now, hoping to catch prey out alone in the night and not inside with the bright lights and bad smells. She wasn’t that desperate for a meal, but she was getting there.

The pony was already deeply under her sway and did nothing but stare vacuously forward. She wouldn’t have too much time as it was. Already the anticipation had her panting and sticking out her long, forked tongue. She licked the side of the pony’s neck just to taste it. It was a little too sweet and tasted like the forest. It wasn’t the worst Flutterbat had, but certainly better than the nothing she had so far. She ignored the moans coming from the prey as she continued licking. They always did that whenever they were under her Stare.

Flutterbat grazed her fangs along the neck of the pony. It made more noises but Flutterbat ignored them. Now was the time. This was what she was waiting for. She could just about see that throbbing vein just beneath the surface of the skin that held that that delicious treat that was so good even the apples tasted awful in comparison. As good as they were, this was better. This was ambrosia. This was the pulse of life directly beneath her.

Flutterbat wrapped both sets of legs around the pony in case it broke out of her influence. There was nothing worse than a meal that woke up. She licked the spot again and again. There was another smell coming from the prey, but Flutterbat didn’t care. Everything felt dry and empty. Everything hurt. From her dry throat to the painful throbbing behind her fangs, all that made her world was this moment.

The monster bit into the pony’s throat. Rather than tear into the flesh, she just nipped cleanly through it. Ponies became angry and annoying if she hurt prey too bad. It was good to take care of them. Stay secret. Stay out of sight. Stay safe.

As the first drop of nectar graced her tongue, Flutterbat growled against the throat. So very sweet with just the tang of iron for flavor. Whatever this pony did for a living made her blood taste good and the vampire drank it down greedily. She ran her tongue along the wound to gather every last little fluid.

Thick, warm, delicious blood coursed down her throat, some of it soaking directly into the thirsty flesh. As it settled into her stomach she felt a warmth flow throughout her that heated her cold skin.

That beastial hunger eased as she choked down mouthful after mouthful of the pony’s life essence. Despite it being the thing that kept prey going and looking utterly disgusting when they wounded themselves, blood tasted far better than it should have. The raging beast within her calmed as she gorged herself.

Even the prey seemed to enjoy being bitten. She could smell it. They always made that smell when she bit them. It was almost spicy. Very musky, like the smell of an animal’s den in the forest.

The pony twitched against her and ground into Flutterbat. Already most of her body ached with hunger. Different kinds of hunger. Vampiric, craven need, and something more base.

The steady pulse of blood across her fangs grew weaker and weaker as she fed. She hated stopping, but it would be even worse if she killed one of them. They would bring their lights and their fire. Secrecy was her greatest weapon. Flutterbat released her grip on the prey’s throat and licked the wound. That helped seal it so the ponies wouldn’t notice and get in her way. Still, there was that tightness in her stomach that couldn’t be satisfied by blood. While she was feeding, each gulp it only seemed to make it worse. Rivulets of red fell down her chin and stained her coat, but she didn’t care.

Already the prey was coming to. Doing the same trick again might not work if she was so far under, so Flutterbat performed the next trick in her vampiric arsenal and kissed the mare. Even she wasn’t sure how it worked. Fluttershy might know, but Flutterbat only knew that it pulled the mare deeper into vampiric seduction. The mare reached out with her own tongue to greet Flutterbat, and for the moment she indulged that craving. Her tongue snaked along the mare’s like a wicked serpent before releasing her. She craved another prize.

There was something about that new smell the prey was making that was itching and twisting her stomach. Not hunger, not hunger for blood anyway, but it still came with that hedonistic desire. Flutterbat only needed a few sniffs to find out where it was coming from. She had to release the pony but it wasn’t like she was going anywhere lost in the quagmire of vampiric seduction.

It was coming from a small cleft between her legs. Not quite as heavenly as blood but no less appealing. Her long tongue gave her lips a long, slow lick from top to bottom, taking her time to sample the pony a second time.

The pony bucked her hips and whispered, “Please don’t leave me.”

The sheer desperation in that voice pushed through the animal’s feral mind. For a moment Fluttershy broke through the haze and saw the state they both were in. Roseluck was on her back looking at the stars with a blissfully detached look on her face. The fur on her heck was wet from where she had licked it clean and her saliva repaired the damage she had inflicted in her feeding frenzy.

Blood ran down Fluttershy’s chin and chest in rivulets, although mostly cleaned from her own much longer tongue. She licked up the little droplets that she could and her wings, taut leathery things without a single feather to behold, twitched in pleasure as the pleasing liquid coursed down her throat.

“Ohhhh... mmmm...” she moaned to herself. That was why she never tried to wake up when the other part of herself was in control. Taking the life essence of another, their very shreds of humanity that composed a pony, was simply too much to bear. Feeding off another pony like some parasite desperate to sustain itself for no other reason than to survive was her every waking dread. These were her friends, neighbors, and colleagues, but while she obeyed those dark, wild cravings and glided through the darkness on one of her hunts, they were nothing more than cattle.

She hated herself for it. It was... wrong. Yet no matter how much she tried, the instinct to survive brought back the beast to feed once again.

Fluttershy was only partially aware of the fire in her own loins as she extended her long, serpentine tongue once more and resumed licking the prey; already Flutterbat was resuming control. Quick as a viper, Flutterbat slid her tongue into the moist folds. The pony tasted almost sweet. Not like apples, but like something from the forest. This one was near plants, she assumed, and left it at that.

She swirled her tongue inside her depths, gathering every little bit she could to swallow it down. She soon had to hold her prey down by the hips due to the stupid pony moving her hips, but she would have none of that until she had enough. It didn’t have the sweetness of blood, nor was it anywhere near as filling, but it was a treat she hadn’t been granted and wanted her fill while she could.

There was a particular spot inside the pony that made he make more noises, but also made more of that delicious treat appear. She kept stroking that spot with her tongue as she was gifted with more and more. The burning in her rose more and more, something that was remedied by lowering a hoof and stroking her own inflamed nether.

Something happened, although Flutterbat didn’t know what. The prey made more noises and she was suddenly flooded with more than she could handle. With just a little bit more effort she soon stroked herself over the edge as both kinds of lust were sated for the night. She licked her lips to clean up what was left, the blood on the pony’s own juices making a potent and heady cocktail that made her swoon. Using her own prehensile tongue she cleaned her hoof and made her prey presentable.

With the thrill of another conquest running through her veins, fueled by the very life energy of a fresh meal, Flutterbat roared into the night. The moonlight broke behind the clouds and with a great unfurling of her wings, Flutterbat was off to the forest. She had left her mark on the small town, her feeding ground, once again. They would whisper their fears and hide, but come next moonlight, the bat would hunt again.

Flutterbat's Feeding Ground - (Futanari Version) [Fluttershy] [Applejack] [Hypnosis] [Futabat] [Blood] [Non-con] [Vaginal Sex] [A freakishly long tongue] [Monster Sex]

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She was hungry.

Who was it tonight? She was never certain. At first, maybe, but as the song of the hunt burned through her veins, that animal inside her always took over. Had she been cognizant, Flutterbat might have questioned if letting that monster inside her out was a good thing. It might hurt somepony, but at the same time, she’d have to remember what happened the next day if she was in control of herself.

Flutterbat hissed at the lantern her meal had been carrying. She had knocked it away already when she tackled her prey to the ground. Stupid ponies and their awful lights.

She had an orange coat and a yellow mane. Mare. Mare? Why did Flutterbat know that word? No matter. That was about all Flutterbat could gather before she focused on her struggling prey. It was going to yell again, only this time the fear of pain wasn’t going to help. She had made a mistake tonight. She’d grown too greedy, too desperate. By her hunger or due to sheer desperation to feed the monster within her, she had attacked a pony that was, for once, a physical threat and stronger than her.

Currently she had the prey on her back but with a swift kick that was remedied. She caught the wind with her great, bat-like wings and swiftly came to a stop. The stupid pony was going to scream. No. No!

Flutterbat focused her gaze and spread her wings to their absolute fullest. She was in control. She was the predator and the stupid little pony was the prey. Fluttershy might have been impressed with her power of the Stare as Flutterbat prepared to feed. She bared her fangs and roared, and the prey froze as it got to her hooves.

Hunger was far too great a burden to bear so Flutterbat threw caution to the wind and straight up tackled the pony to the ground. Hunger was already twisting her insides up in knots. This was already more difficult than it needed to be. She had been waiting in the shadow of one of the buildings for hours now, hoping to catch prey out alone in the night and not inside with the bright lights and bad smells. She wasn’t that desperate for a meal, but she was getting there. This one just had been a true challenge to wrangle.

The pony was already deeply under her sway and did nothing but stare vacuously forward. She wouldn’t have too much time as it was. Already the anticipation had her panting and sticking out her long, forked tongue. Positioned on the pony’s back to avoid being kicked again, Flutterbat wrapped all legs and both wings around her meal for the night to avoid any chance of escape. Flutterbat licked the side of the pony’s neck just to taste it. She all but moaned at the familiar scent. Apples. Once enough to sate her beast, they had long since ceased to satisfy. She ignored the moans coming from the prey as she continued licking. They always did that whenever they were under her Stare. Having a prey taste like apples and blood was like being able to go inside and feed without being hunted, or having them just line up while she had her way with them. Already the length between her legs had hardened and prodded the pony’s backside.

Flutterbat grazed her fangs along the neck of the pony. It made more noises but Flutterbat ignored them. Now was the time. This was what she was waiting for. She could just about see that throbbing vein just beneath the surface of the skin that held that that delicious treat that was so good even the apples tasted awful in comparison. As good as they were, this was better. This was ambrosia. This was the pulse of life directly beneath her.

She licked the spot again and again. There was another smell coming from the prey, one that sang to the other lust she’d be all too willing to satisfy. Her cock’s length was growing damp from the juices exuded from her prey’s own arousal at being so deep under the sway of a vampire’s seduction. Flutterbat thrust her hips so her cock was rubbing up against the pony’s nether lips. Already the dry, hot feeling that came when she hadn’t fed for the longest time was back. Everything hurt from the base of her fangs to her full, aching balls. Tonight she would slake her inner monster.

The vampire bit into the pony’s throat. Rather than tear into the flesh, she just nipped cleanly through it. Ponies became angry and annoying if she hurt prey too bad. It was good to take care of them. Stay secret. Stay out of sight. Stay safe.

As the first drop of nectar graced her tongue, Flutterbat growled against the throat. So very sweet with just the tang of iron for flavor. Her eyes rolled up in pleasure as she drowned in its sweetness, the unshakable and ever-present call of blood.

Already her cock was achingly hard. Tilting her hips back to aim, she moved around until she could feel the wet warmth on the head of her dick. In a single movement she thrust herself inside until she could fit no more. This pony was tight on the inside. The pony’s warmth wrapped around her and it felt so pleasant while feeding that she almost came right there. She seesawed her hips back and forth against the pony’s supple rump, one not like the other pudgy little things that ran about town.

Thick, warm, delicious blood coursed down her throat, some of it soaking directly into the thirsty flesh. As it settled into her stomach she felt a warmth flow throughout her that heated her cold skin. She continued to lick the prey’s throat for being good and not trying to run. There wasn’t anything worse than a prey that wouldn’t sit still during feeding time.

That beastial hunger eased as she choked down mouthful after mouthful of the pony’s life essence. Despite it being the thing that kept prey going and looking utterly disgusting when they wounded themselves, blood tasted far better than it should have. The raging beast within her calmed as she gorged itself.

Even the prey seemed to enjoy being bitten. She could smell it. They always made that smell when she bit them. It was almost spicy. Very musky, like the smell of an animal’s den in the forest. The pony twitched against her and ground into Flutterbat as she made a particularly deep thrust into the prey. Already most of her body ached with hunger. Different kinds of hunger. Vampiric, craven need, and something more base. She would relieve them both tonight.

The steady pulse of blood across her fangs grew weaker and weaker as she fed. She hated stopping, but it would be even worse if she killed one of them. They would bring their lights and their fire. Secrecy was her greatest weapon. Flutterbat released her grip on the prey’s throat and licked the wound. That helped seal the wound and the ponies would stop chasing her and getting in her way. Still there was that tightness in her stomach that couldn’t be satisfied by blood. As she swallowed each gulp it only seemed to make it worse. Rivulets of red fell down her chin and stained her coat, but she didn’t care.

Even the prey seemed to enjoy being bitten. She could smell it. They always made that smell when she bit them. It was almost spicy. Very musky, like the smell of an animal’s den in the forest. Flutterbat didn’t mind indulging the pony as long as it would help sooth her aching loins. Now that the edge of hunger was finally gone, she concentrated on breeding the mare below her. She hadn’t had her fill but it was best to let this sweet little thing live if for no other reason than to sample her later.

Flutterbat readjusted her forelegs to provide better leverage and resumed thrusting her cock into the pony’s warm vagaina. The prey was making no end of noise but she didn’t care as long as she didn’t try to run. Already their thighs were slapping together; the prey had managed to take Flutterbat’s entire length. All the monster needed was to make the aching stop. Fluttershy didn’t take care of herself due to her ever-present fear of the beast within, so it was up to Flutterbat to relieve the tension of her swollen balls. She could feel her bouncing sack tighten in preparation to deliver their load. Not being able to stay quiet, Flutterbat started to hiss and grunt as she approached her climax.

The first shot of cum all but painted the pony’s inside’s white with sheer volume. The next shot was quickly followed by yet another load of cum. Flutterbat moaned as she got as much traction as she could and pushed her cock in as far as it would go. The pony’s soft insides were squeezing her in the best way possible and soon she felt a rippling wave of contractions from deep within.

Flutterbat collapsed on the pony as she recovered her breath. She liked feeding off of this one. It would take a lot of time for prey to recover properly from the rutting and lose of blood, but she was just too delicious to pass up again. She pulled her dick out regretfully. Already it was turning soft and retreating back into her sheath. Flutterbat took the time to clean the mare’s nethers with her own lengthy tongue. She could reach all the little nooks and crannies within her soft, velvety walls and soon she was presentable. Flutterbat tasted her seed on her forked tongue. Combined with the pony’s blood and the fruits of her sex, delicious.

The vampire nuzzled the pony’s neck and licked what little droplets remained away. Ponies hated her and chased her when they saw her shadow. She always hid to protect Fluttershy, but the only ill will she bore them was for being stupid for chasing her. She only wanted to sate her hunger. Soon enough she would find this one and do it again.

Second Chances - [Queen Chrysalis] [Fluttershy] [Slight feels] [Lesbian]

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Everypony deserved a second chance.

From the highest lawmakers, to the lowest constables, the law was finite and absolute. It was blind, fair, and reasonable. Should a pony be punished, it was well within the right of the accused to be granted a second chance at freedom and redemption after they paid their debts to society. No matter the offender, anypony could atonement for their sins.

When Fluttershy finished scouting the Everfree for animals one night less than a week after the royal wedding, there was no means of expressing her surprise when she encountered none other than Queen Chrysalis herself. Weak and wounded, she couldn’t even stand, let alone walk. The holes that adorned her form, a sign of her race’s steady starvation, had grown to consume most of her body. The forest itself had done its damage and great slashes covered most of her weakened chitin.

For a while, Fluttershy pondered the consequences. If she turned in the queen to the authorities, she’d be punished for her crimes, but not likely survive the trip to Canterlot. There was still one other option. The humane option.

The days were little more than keeping her hydrated and changing her bandages. Chrysalis was in and out of her fever dreams most of the days and babbled nonsense. Despite Fluttershy’s constant and attentive care, she was progressively worsening. Changelings needed the one thing she could give but was scared to.

There were still other complications, most noticeable how her friends discovered she’d disappear into her cottage for hours on end. She’s cancel dinner dates, picnics, and her weekly spa treatments with Rarity in an effort to keep Chrysalis breathing for one more day. Contagion and sickness were her go-to excuses, but even that would not hold under scrutiny for long. Eventually somepony would discover the secret.

But no matter what, no matter the bounty on the queen’s head, she could abandon her or turn her over until she had recovered enough for travel. Chrysalis’ night were consumed with chills and delirium. Lying on her spare bed, she was as helpless as her most wounded animals. How the mighty had fallen. Where once she commanded an army, here she was little more than an invalid.

Still deserved the chance.

That single thought propelled Fluttershy’s efforts. She deserved the chance. Who was she to decide who was worthy of death? Even through inaction by turning her over to the authorities, she’d never survive the trip. She deserved the chance. Everypony deserved a second chance.

Even if they squandered it.

It took almost a week for her fever to break and regain some semblance of consciousness. Of course the queen tried to run, but those hallowed, earthy walls, didn’t even need to be locked. It was pitiful the way she started crying and begging. The desire to feed had become so great, she pledged she would become anyone Fluttershy wanted for just the tiniest morsel of love.

A starving queen desperate enough to attack a kingdom to survive. When driven to such an extreme, it was easy to lose track of one’s moral compass. Even as Fluttershy approached the queen, the only request she made of her charge was to not change her form at all.

Fluttershy admitted that the first time they rutted wasn’t that good, but it was enough to help stabilize Chrysalis’ condition. She expected the experience to be somewhat gross and disgusting, but she possessed all of the same sexual organs as any mare. Trying to prevent any harm to her charge took most of the gratification out of the encounter, but she was still far too weak to endure a traditional rutting. Still, Fluttershy lost track of time as their bodies intertwined, the sweat from her own body intermingling with the queen’s. The strong musk of her own arousal was soon joined by the queen’s in a gentle dance of rubbing and moans.

The experience was far more draining than Fluttershy had anticipated, but that was expected when she was allowing an empath to feed off of her love. Fluttershy could see the vitality return to the queen’s features. Her chitin, once almost a milky grey, had gained a solid black hue.

Oddly, the queen was quiet for the rest of the night and the following day. When she hadn’t dipped back into sickly dreams, Chrysalis watched her calmly. It wasn’t until the sun set that she asked why Fluttershy was willing to go through so much trouble to take care of her. The answer came to her readily, that everypony deserved a chance to redeem themselves. And because she needed it.

Fluttershy expected some sort of reprisal of quick-witted remark, but was met with nothing but silence. Chrysalis said nothing for the rest of the day even while under the spell of her fragmented dreams. Later that night, Fluttershy had to ask if she required more love to recover.

It became a nightly occurance then, wrapped up in each other’s hooves, moist marehoods kissing each other as both parties panted for breath. On their fourth session, Fluttershy was surprised when Chrysalis pulled her head close and embraced her in a deep kiss. The changeling’s forked tongue caressed her own, but it was not a battle for dominance. There was something slow and careful, almost grateful, to the queen’s movements as they ground their heated flesh together in carnal satisfaction. Fluttershy, due to the queen’s sickness and wounds, was normally on top and ground her own marehood into the changeling’s leg. She felt her other leg touch a damp spot close to her thigh every time.

Fluttershy wasn’t sure where it changed, but she was certain it did. It did start as something little more than healing the wounded queen, but their nightly lovemaking became something more. Actual lovemaking. She found herself almost looking forward to the sunset and she’d join Chrysalis in her bed. Even the queen’s demeanor improved a smile broke out whenever the pegasus entered the room. Everytime left her drained beyond belief, yet she felt content in the queen’s embrace.

Soon enough the queen was strong enough for travel. It was a day she had been dreading for some time. She had to report her to the authorities, or at least Twilight. Chrysalis had to have detected the change in her mood, being an empath. Her wounds were mostly healed, but Chrysalis asked for one more thing: one last night to remember her by.

One more night of passionate embrace, of soft kisses and and the dual thrumming heartbeats pulsing as one. Chrysalis spent most of their time either kissing the mare or nibbling her throat. Fluttershy shuddered every time those fangs grazed her throat, but the queen never performed the killing stroke. Legs intertwined around her back, the queen seemed desperate for closeness and intimacy.

Fluttershy could feel a light splash against her legs as Chrysalis moaned her release. Fluttershy wasn’t too far behind, but continued their slow pace of kisses and muted breathing. Their first few lovemaking sessions were quick and dirty in order to give the starving queen the meal she needed. Now they took their time and to enjoy their tender moments together.

It wasn’t much longer until Fluttershy squealed with her own release. She could feel Chrysalis’ hot breath on her throat. As her body weakened with orgasmic release, she felt the distinct draining feeling as Chrysalis began to feed. Fluttershy expected her take the usual amount, but the feeding continued. Fluttershy’s strength left her and soon she was limp in the queen’s legs.

Her body was rolled off the hard chitinous hide. Fluttershy thought she heard quiet sobbing as she tried to lift her legs. Whether it was from herself or the queen, she did not know. She was by no means drained enough to cause permanent damage, but she wouldn’t be going anywhere for several hours in her weakened state.

Fluttershy felt raw fear as she heard the approaching hoofsteps and was rolled over. There she saw the eyes of the queen looming over her, fangs peeking past her lips. She lowered her head until they were snout to snout. She could easily kill her with those fangs, or simply drain every speck of emotion from her.

She felt soft lips press against her own, a taste she had come to enjoy. It was nothing more than a peck. Nothing that promised further romance, but was simple and pure in its meaning.

The pegasus felt hot splashes on her face. As Chrysalis moved away, Fluttershy saw hot tears streaking down her face.

“I’m sorry.”

They were her only words as she opened the door and left with nothing but a backwards glance at her caretaker. Her hooves froze at the door when she looked at Fluttershy on the floor. The queen’s legs were shaking and Fluttershy could see indecision tearing across her face, the desperate desire to stay in another’s warm and loving embrace.

She soon steeled her nerves, and said something as she left. Fluttershy wasn’t sure if she was supposed to hear it, but she did nevertheless. Regardless of her parting words, Fluttershy was soon left alone with nothing but the fading smell of the queen to keep the memory alive.

Sunny D - [Sunset Shimmer] [EQG] [Stripper] [No Sex] [Exotic Dancing]

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It was rather difficult to make money in the human world, but like Equestria, there was one occupation that would never die. Sunset Shimmer had no job references, history, or official identity whatsoever, but there were always occupations that were willing to overlook “minor” inconveniences as long as she performed well.

Figuratively and literally.

Being a student to Princess Celestia didn’t prepare her for the finer points of the sex business, let alone give her the skill set to make a living for herself. Carpet bombing downtown with requests for jobs was the only real way to get a bite, and it was mere luck that she managed to get a nibble on the line.

It was called the Sin Bin and was in one of the certainly less reputable parts of town. It was the first place that offered her somewhat stable pay, and it was near the abandoned warehouse she was living in. She didn’t have a place to live, as most places at least tried to check out her background before even letting her even get through the front door. The strawberry blond who didn’t exist didn’t make for a good credit check.

Sunset could tell before she even walked in the place that she might regret it. Both N’s in the neon sign were dead and even the very door smelled like cigarettes and cheap whiskey. She didn’t have much grounds to complain \due to the lack of funds, so she hesitantly opened the door.

The Sin Bin wasn’t that bad of a place, even if the front made her think she was going to be ending up in several garbage bags. What few patrons were left were laughing in chatting in their seats, most with either a cig or glass of something in their hand. The enterprising individuals had both. There was a singular stage with three poles with the center closest to the crowd, but it was empty. She imagined her shoes would stick to the floor but the place almost shone with its cleanliness. Even the bartender was well groomed and dressed.

The owner was in the back in a scummy office that looked more like a converted closet. He was a sow of a man with a single scar across his chin that drew Sunset’s eye just so she didn’t have to look at his horrible, oily hair.

Were you wounded in a card game gone wrong and nursed back to health on nothing but cold cuts and pasta?’

Despite the alarm bells already ringing, her interview consisted of three questions: “Do you object to the job description?”, “Do you have transport?”, and “When can you start?” She started next week.

And like that, Sunset Shimmer became the newest pole dancer at the Sin Bin.

Even she didn’t say anything until she was safely back in her ramshackle home. Her first action upon coming back was sit on a wooden crate and stare at the wall for the next thirty minutes. Ever since she left the club’s tobacco-tainted air, a single thought had been running through her mind.

...That was shockingly easy.’

She had even managed to pay for a fake driver’s license with some stolen money. She didn’t like to steal, but between not stealing and not having money to eat, the former seemed less important.

“Fatass didn’t even ask for it.”

And like that her job began. Sunset all but begged the other dancers to teach her anything they could, all the tricks and dance moves of the trade. Most didn’t question her youth, and those that did made the fake license worth the investment. She was given precisely one day of on the job training before she had to shake her money maker on the stage for the first time.

Confidence in herself wasn’t something Sunset lacked. Even she knew she was bitchy and crass. That was probably why the owner only asked just enough about her to give her physical description to the cops in the event of her disappearance. Sunset expected the Sin Bin girl to be down on their luck and depressed enough to be one step from obligating the cops to visit the owner for said description. On the contrary, they were quite catty and close knit, with some looking after her almost like a little sister.

A woman by the stage name “Lis” began teaching her some of the more common dance moves. She was very nice to Sunset, who always wondered why someone with a supermodel’s physique was working in such a dump. She was doing it for the money, but Lis looked like she could have strung around a harem merely by walking outside.

She had taken Sunset to one of the practice poles in back. Sunset was still getting used to the heels she was given by another girl. They were scuffed red ones, but workable. It matched her hair along with the one size too small dress that made her B cup breasts look a size larger than they were. Lis brushed aside her grey and white locks and tucked them behind an ear.

“Alright, Sunny,” Fleur said, using an affectionate nickname the girls had given her, “this is another invert. Watch my hands and thighs.”

That wasn’t hard. It wasn’t as if she needed more reasons to see these fine specimens of women. Sunset never thought of herself as gay or anything. In fact, relationships never interested her at all, even in Equestria. Here she was just trying to survive, and in Equestria she was Celestia’s student 24/7 first and foremost; she didn’t have time for one. Sex was a part of her job now and she’d have to deal with it, and plenty of the girls like Lis found it flattering to be admired. She wasn’t allowed to go topless until she had more time on stage, but given the empty box of fucks the owner had, she could probably get away with it. While on stage people would be ogling her. Catcalling her. They’d be watching her ass and butt shake and twirl while her smaller chest tried to burst from her tight shirt. Even Sunset couldn’t stop the lewd thoughts about her coworkers leaking in through the cracks.

She did as she was told and watched Lis wrap her thighs around the pole and proceed to pull herself upwards. Once high enough, she maneuvered her legs to one side of the pole, and with sheer arm strength, hoisted both legs above her head until her crotch was flush against the steel.

Lis’ eyes were now on Sunset and the older woman let go with her hands. She slowly slid down the pole until her palms came into contact with the floor, never breaking eye contact. She crawled towards Sunset as her perfect ass approached the ground. “And that is how you do it.”

Sunset’s first time on stage was almost fun, if she’d actually gotten paid that much. As one of the new girls, she wasn’t assigned to the busy hours. It was still a night of fun where her own bitchiness translated into a confidence that worked in her favor. It was always her theory that boys liked to be dominated by a woman. Being glared at like they were nothing while she was wrapped in little more than a smile.

It was almost easy. Look, but don’t touch. Fall under the spell of the flesh. Under Celestia’s tutelage, she knew one of the universal facts was that knowledge was power. Yet here, she had power over a baser need that clouded the mind of those under her gyratory spell. Sex was a weapon, and a potent one indeed. She didn’t make much money after Fat Bastard took his cut, but a good thirty seven dollars in mostly sticky ones was still thirty seven dollars she didn’t have before.

Thus concluded the first day as a working girl for the newest performer, “Sunny”.

Sunset practiced her dance moves whenever she could. Platinum, a girl with pink and gold hair but an otherwise plain face--but yet an utterly fantastic set of breasts, Sunset noted--claimed that the best way to earn some extra cash was to work on her dance moves. Sunset felt the best way was to use her dancing to emphasis her assets. Lis said her breasts were cute, but Sunset didn’t like them all that much. Her butt on the other hand was to die for and everything she learned was how to best make her rear take on a life of its own. She’d shake it in their faces, sometimes even the occasional woman who’d step inside.

Life was slowly turning around. She had come to like her job and the girls she worked with. She found out Platinum had some form of teaching job and this was something she did on the side, although Sunset didn’t know what she taught. Lis modeled online in her free time. Bubbles was a mother of two little girls. Candi made, well, candies for the local church.

It was unfortunate that fate took a turn and disrupted her job, or maybe not giving how things turned out. Princess Twilight. The Sirens. “Sci-Twi”, as Sunset called her. Sunset had friends for the first time in, well, ever. The girls at the club weren’t quite friends. More family than anything. Still, family and friends were two entirely different breeds.

But what would these six think about her job peddling flesh on the side? It was her only real skillset, and magical learning didn’t buy a whole lot when magic was acting so weird on this side of the gate. As much as she wanted to let her friends in on her job, she was still utterly terrified of what they’d think. Applejack was very traditional, and for Rarity it would be unladylike or whatever she’d spout. Twilight was a nerd and about as asexual as a girl could get. Pinkie might be accepting, but she was such a loudmouth Sunset’s secret might not stay secret for long. Her job was fun, and it was nice to feel wanted there by the girls or regulars. She didn’t want to give that up.

Thus began her agonizing days of whether she should or should. She practiced her dances at the Sin Bin, in her newly paid for efficiency apartment paid in scummy singles and fives to a scummy landlord, and even at the school. Strangely enough, dancing in the school brought her an almost zen-like peace. It was there that all three fragments of her life came together: her profession which paid her way in the human world, her school life, and her friends.

“Well, life sucked enough in Equestria. At least nothing’s changed,” she moaned one evening. No, life wasn’t bad at all. It was actually pretty good, but that nagging feeling about the inevitable discovery of her job never left.

She was currently in the library where the steel support columns provided the best poles outside of work that she had access to. The school’s automated system shut down the power to the school’s network after classes every day, and thus no one ever came back to the library when their precious internet was denied to them.

Sunset began her routine with a few stretches to limber up. After that and shedding all layers except a tank top and her shorty shorts, she got down to business. The first thing she always practiced was some floorwork. She got on her knees and gyrated forward and back, always making sure her fine ass was sticking out exactly where she wanted. Each shake of her hips or shoulders, every breath and movement went unwasted as she pushed herself to an imagined beat.

She always imagined the movements of a pole dancer as those of a snake. Every twist was meant to enchant the eye. With practiced ease, a shake of her ass sent her onto her side which she quickly followed up with a wide stretch of her legs. Her crotch was always covered in her performances, but the thought, the thrill, always remained that she was flashing her audience with her most sacred of places.

Sunset slunk back into a sitting position with her back to the pole and leaned her weight into it. She rose up a ways before catching an ankle and hand on the opposite side and swung around the pole. She stopped after two full rotations around the pole and ground her womanhood into the cold steel with the metal lodged between her breasts. She gave a show to an imaginary crowd in front of her, her breasts split and pussy covered by the offending pole. To her rear the crowd would cheer as her ass hypnotically danced to the beat.

A tiny voice gasped from behind as something clattered all over the ground. Sunset whirled around to face whoever it was. No one was supposed to be here!

Twilight Sparkle still wore that cute little bun and uniform. Sunset found it strange that her first thought was to look at her hair when one of her friends had just caught her pole dancing. Her mouth had opened into a wordless plea of surprise. The shock had caused her armful of books, all reference material, to spill to the floor in a heap.

Of course the other Twilight would live in the library, too.

Both of them had frozez. Sunset had no idea how to explain, and Twilight no doubt lost on what to say. A hand covered her mouth after she gasped in surprise. What exactly was Sunset to say? She had seen videoes and wanted to try them out? Certainly not that it was her job and she needed to stay updated on her moves.

Minutes passed before one of them spoke. “S-S-Sun...” and the words immediately died in Twilight’s mouth. Her face had blossomed crimson and her legs were shaking like an excitable animal.

Sunset wasn’t sure what came over her. One minute she was staring at her friend from across the room, the next she was striding over to her confidently and giving her a shove. Twilight landed with an ‘oof’ in the chair behind her and she stared fearfully at Sunset. That old feeling was back, that arrogance that came with knowing Sunset had an advantage over another.

Sunset walked a little closer until her legs were directly touching Twilight’s the shy girl’s breath caught in her throat. Sunset could see Twilight’s nipples hardening and poking through the fabric of her uniform. She was panting slightly and the blush grew deeper and redder.

The dancer couldn’t help but smile as she slid her legs across Twilight’s until she was all but sitting in her lap. Sunset could smell the lilac detergent she used to wash her clothes and the musk of books. She could see the flush across Twilight’s face and the point where she suddenly forgot to breathe as Sunset slid her legs across Twilight’s thighs. This had gone in the absolute last direction she’d ever expect, no doubt.

God, Sunset never felt so wet.

“Shall I give you a private dance?”

Mr. Sandman - [Fluttershy] [Rainbow Dash] [EQG] [Breastplay] [Suckling] [Sleep Sex] [Sleep Molestation?]

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It wasn’t often Rainbow Dash stayed the night at Fluttershy’s house. If anything, Dash almost avoided her house when it was close to her bedtime. She was never sure why. Did Dash just not like the smell of her house with all of the animals? It was clean and she made sure she was stocked with air fresheners. Perhaps Dash just wanted to hang out with some hooligans at the skate park. Fluttershy never did try to find reasons to criticize her friend, but she did hang out with some, oh, how to say it... “unsavory” crowd?

But Dash was a growing girl and very nearly a woman, as Fluttershy always concluded. She had the right to make her own choice, and even her own failures. That was her prerogative, as was the tongue piercing, the tattoos on each thigh, and her first puff of something that was almost certainly not medical. All of them were also described to Fluttershy after Dash had cornered her, all in very explicit detail whether she wanted to hear it or not.

Still, Dash was her friend. Dash was always there for her when being picked on at school. She could deal with it. It was no bother. They almost always called Fluttershy a slut for her heavily endowed chest, and that was about the extent of their creative insults. It wasn’t her fault she was running a 34D and not even out of high school.

That didn’t matter to Dash. Be it in the middle of practice, class, or anything, Dash would drop what she was doing and beat the stuffing out of anyone bullying her. She’d gotten into trouble plenty of times for fights, but no detention deterred her when Fluttershy was involved.

They were friends. Thinking fondly, Dash would always stop in her tracks if she so much as smelled trouble heading for the coward’s direction. There was something nice about having her as a protector, a guardian to call on in need, a safety net to catch her should trouble become too much to bear.

What was strange was that Rainbow, unlike tonight, never wanted to go over to her house.

It was Fluttershy’s choice to entertain guests to relax over tea, de-stress, and maybe watch a movie. Sedentary was never Dash’s style. Fluttershy knew she was boring. Excitement was scary, being adventurous amounted to riding her bike to class rather than taking the bus.

So it confused Fluttershy to know end when Dash stopped by at eight at night and asked to crash until the following day, Blinking back her surprise, she gratefully obliged the request. Fluttershy was in her nighty, and Dash was in her school clothes still. Tired, but still dressed as she was that morning.

The usual pleasantries passed, but Dash remained rather tight lipped about why she had stopped by so late. Fluttershy didn’t press the issue. That would be rude, and her friend would tell her when she was ready.

Fluttershy didn’t have an extra bed, and both the cushions for the couch and the extra bedding was still wet from going through the washer. Neither girl minded getting a little close and sleeping in Fluttershy’s bed, so together they hopped under the covers as the digital clock inched past ten.

A queen sized would have let them both sleep comfortably, but a budget didn’t afford her the extra space. There was barely enough room for them both but it wasn’t a bother. Anything for a friend. Fluttershy could feel Rainbow’s warmth as she settled under the covers. Only inches of space separated the two and even then there wasn’t much room to spare. Dash was tired enough to drift off almost immediately. Fluttershy relaxed as she too felt sleep claim her.

Dreams weren’t something she paid attention to. Sure, she had them, but that was rare and even when she did, it was difficult to remember what they were after Mr. Sandman had his way with her. Something felt strange.

Awareness came upon her in slow, steady waves. She always hated when she occasionally jumped out of sleep like a girl possessed. Nice and easy was the way to go, just how she liked it. Her head turned towards her digital alarm clock.

“Only two?”

It was Friday so neither needed to worry about class, but it was still far too early to think about getting up. Fluttershy blinked the sleep from her eyes. She still felt warm and toasty. Too warm.

She squeaked high enough that Spike no doubt heard from across town. Rainbow Dash was lying on top of her, body splayed across her form like some satisfied lover. That wasn’t what concerned Fluttershy. No, what concerned Fluttershy was that her nighty was pushed aside to free her generous chest with her friend latched onto a nipple like a hungry child.

“D-D-D-D-Dash?” she stuttered. Her friend’s eyes were closed and she mumbled in her sleep. What was that sliding across her stomach? Hands?

Oh, bad touch. Bad touch! Bad touch!

Rainbow Dash had wrapped her arms around Fluttershy to steady herself as she nursed from the breast. Fluttershy wasn’t lactating, but that didn’t stop the suckling and nipple licking. Dash groaned in her sleep. Fluttershy really didn’t want to know what was going through her head.

Fluttershy’s panties had immediately moistened. Despite the bullying she got from school, she was rather proud of her chest. She had always wanted to be a mother some day. Animals, so soft and sweet. To have a child of her own one day had been a fantasy for some time. She always felt the desire for a kid of her own whenever she was going through her period, something mother always said would pass.

It never did. Teenager in school or not, the call to care for one of her own was there.

Dash released the little nip and gave it a lick. Fluttershy saw both of her nipples standing erect. Dash licked her left tit once and resumed nursing for milk that wouldn’t come. Fluttershy couldn’t stop the moan that would have brought no end of teasing from Dash, or boasting if Dash thought she was thinking dirty thoughts about the athlete.

What was she supposed to do? She couldn’t let a sleeping Rainbow Dash manhandle her like this, even in sleep. At the same time, Dash would be mortified if she found out if she assaulted her friend while they were both supposedly asleep. Dash couldn’t be woken, or left to her own sleepy desire to breastfeed.

Fluttershy shoved a first in her mouth to stop herself from making noise; Dash has switched breasts. Given her position atop of her, Dash’s leg was pressed right against the cleft in her legs.

“This is not the sleepover I wanted!” she mumbled from behind the obstruction. Dash’s only response was to hug her closer.

Oh, what to do? What to do? Fluttershy pressed the palms of her hands against her eyes as shame and arousal burned from deep within. It wasn’t like Dash was ugly or anything. She was very pretty. Friends just...

Friends did not breastfeed from friends without asking permission!

A thought came to her mind. What if Dash did ask for permission? She could feel the heat rising in her face at the prospect.

For now, Dash was lost to Mr. Sandman. She had freed one of her arms from her bearhug and used it to grab a breast and hold it in place. Dash would sometimes alternate between licking her hard nipples and sucking. Fluttershy shivered whenever she felt Dash’s teeth nibble on a tit. She never bit, for which Fluttershy was thankful, but it did not stop the warmth blooming in her loins.

Dash shifted up, which had the consequence of pressing harder into Fluttershy’s vagina. She gasped in delight as her clitoris was pinched between its hood and Dash’s warm thigh. Fluttershy brought both arms up to Dash’s shoulders to gently push her back onto her side of the bed. She tried to ignore the feeling of a pair of nips pressing against her own stomach. After getting her off, as in removing her from her own body as much as her leaking womanhood desired otherwise, she was considering finding father’s stash of whiskey and downing a glass or two in hopes of burying the memory.

Dash just clutched her harder.

Fluttershy moaned her defeat and went limp. She couldn’t escape without waking Dash. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she steeled her courage and let her sleep-fondling friend have her way with her. By no means did she want to—honest!—but it was slightly better than making her friend deal with the knowledge she was overly fond of Fluttershy’s breasts when she slept.

She blushed. Why was Dash trying to nurse? Did she just like breasts? Maybe, but they slept together before and this never occurred. At least while Dash was sleeping; occasionally Dash did express a desire to have a bigger chest, given she had trouble filling even an AA cup bra.

The questions came, but she’d never get any answers while Dash was asleep. Even then, the answers may be more trouble than they were worth. Fluttershy gasped as Dash’s lips slipped off her breast and tugged the nipple with her teeth. It hurt at first, but in her aroused state of mind, the pain quickly turned into a buzz of pleasure. Dash returned to suckling, planting her lips around a tit and sucking hungrily. Fluttershy watched with perverse fascination and delight as she saw Dash’s jaw move with each attempt to draw milk from her breast.

Soft hairs brushed between her fingers. She blinked. Without ever realizing it, she had been stroking the back of Dash’s head with one hand. Dash was her friend, and yet the blooming feeling of motherhood had been sneaking up on her ever since she awoke. That feeling of closeness between mother and child, so easily was it shifted when someone older was latched onto her breast.

Dash’s crotch was straddling her thigh. She could feel a damp patch where fabric met flesh, the burning coals of Dash’s own sleepy arousal. If her blush had gotten any more intense, she’d explode. Taking advantage of Dash would be... well, impolite.

Getting Dash off might make her stop, but if she ever woke up, that’d bring forth questions Fluttershy was sure would have no answers until the heat death of the universe. Perhaps even Dash even desired Fluttershy and just didn’t have the will to say anything. Yes, that would explain why she was so protective of her.

One hand remained on Dash’s head, while the other slunk down to her own crotch. Sliding a hand into her nighty, she was met with the slick feeling of her own girlcum coating her inflamed lips. She slid a finger across them gently to enjoy the spike of pleasure that shot up her spine. Her own clit was standing at attention and strained to be touched by either girl.

Dash was also thrusting her hips into her leg with increasingly jerky movements. Sexual or sensual, whatever impulse triggered Dash into nursing, it was getting her hot and bothered. That might be good; if she orgasmed, it might exhaust exhaust her enough to stop her from licking her boob.

Fluttershy panted into the pillow as she rubbed her clit in circles under her clothes. She desperately wanted to tear off her clothes, spread her legs, and rub one out until she was moaning into the night. She ran her fingers through Dash’s locks, encouraging her to have her way with her. However due to previous sessions late at night with her talented fingers, she knew better than to let herself vocalize her passion. She removed her hand from Dash and bit down to muffle the pants of pleasure. Faster and faster she circled her clit while Dash lavished her chest with affection. The peak was getting closer and closer. The tightness in her loins was just about unbearable. All she would need is a little more to push her over the edge.

Fluttershy was glad she had bit down on her hand because she wouldn’t know what curses she would have said once Dash bit her breast. Just like before, the pain quickly morphed into pleasure and as she hissed, her hips jerked up as she came. Dash had cum and bit down out of reflex; her own body was shuddering as she lay cradled in Fluttershy’s chest. She felt the damp patch of Rainbow’s undies suddenly drip her release which was joined by her own. Rather than circle her little love button, she began fiddling with it with all her strength before her hand could start cramping. The first orgasm was quickly followed by another and her fingertips were very nearly drowned in the flood of sex.

Like a snapped bowstring, her body became limp. It was all she could do to not drift off to sleep, one hand drenched in girlcum and the other sporting a large bruise where she had bitten too hard. Her unstained hand drifted to Dash’s head and caressed her now limp body. The exertion must have been too much for Dash, for she had ceased trying to suckle. Fluttershy did her best to fix them both up and dry her hands on an already soiled shirt before the effort became too much and sleep claimed her as well.

I Should Stop Watching (Original Draft) - [Fluttershy] [Rainbow Dash] [Twilight] [BDSM] [Hate Sex] [Voyeurism]

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For the third time, some nagging thought in the back of Fluttershy’s mind prevented her from just opening the door and rushing to their aid. She could hear the two of them at it again. She had hoped to catch Twilight alone so they could have a private chat without being interrupted. That wasn’t going to happen anymore.

She had flown up to the large gold balcony that almost doubled as Twilight’s courtyard, the go-to entrance for most winged visitors. She liked crystals well enough, and the castle was a nice enough home fit for a princess, but she preferred the cool earth under her hooves anyday. Still, she was happy Twilight had a home now that her precious library was destroyed.

She could hear muffled yells coming from within. Did Twilight do something to Rainbow again? She held a hoof to her chin in thought. She knew not to say anything about it, but did Twilight perhaps ask Rainbow if she dyed her mane her signature rainbow color? That was always a touchy subject in flight school that made her beat up the colts. Maybe Rainbow did something to one of Twilight's special books?

More importantly, why was she even here? It was close to nighttime, and Rainbow Dash always went to sleep early. Twilight, counter to Rainbow, was always up far past the witching hour; the two had almost opposite sleeping schedules. The double doors opened without so much as a squeak, revealing a large, empty corridor. Twilight still hadn’t gotten around to furnishing most of the place. The shouting had gotten louder; definitely two ponies.

Fluttershy had taken but a few steps before she turned back and closed the courtyard door. “No need to get drafty.” Her hooves clip-clopped across the granite floors, following the sound of bickering. Twilight’s yell was easily distinguishable, as the hard crystal walls made screams carry. The abrasive return shouts undoubtedly belonged to Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy winced as she heard something fragile break. At least it was someone she knew and Rwilight was not alone with some stranger.

The arguments were the reason she was here. Well, discussing it with Twilight was, anyway. She and Rainbow Dash had been fighting off and on for weeks now. They hadn’t let their little squabbles spill over into the public, but the tension was there regardless. Fluttershy and the others would come to a group picnic or meeting and find Rainbow and Twilight already there and neck-deep in another spat. Then came the smiles and the apologizing, always constant assurances that nothing was wrong. Something was indeed wrong with their relationship and had been for some time.

Screwing up her courage, Fluttershy approached the new living room Twilight had made. She put her hoof on the handle.

It was locked.

Of course...

“Come on, Rainbow!” Twilight shouted from the other side of the door. Yup, they were fighting again. Now was the time to help her friends. Twilight was always so willing to help her if she had a problem, and Rainbow Dash was her very first and bestest friend. They shouldn’t be fighting!

Fluttershy almost knocked on the door before she stopped herself. Twilight had said that the castle was open to her at all hours, but she wanted to find out why Rainbow Dash was here.

“Geez, get off my back.”

She could hear Twilight huff angrily. “I’ve had two homes here in Ponyville and I let you sleep over whenever you wish. Is it too much to ask you to clean up after yourself?”

“You know, who helped you move in here in the first place? Put this here, find this and put it here, no that’s in the wrong place so put it over here, here’s food but clean up everything while I take a shower; I’m not your fucking slave! Yeah, nice pad, Twi. I hope you have fun moving in by yourself next time around. Helping you move in, mind you, because you asked me to for both your houses. Knowing your luck I give this place a year before it turns into a crater. I’m tired, so back off!”

Ah, so that was it, at least this time around. Well Rainbow Dash could be a bit of a slob at times. More than once when she was in trouble at home, Rainbow was to blame, which resulted in no end of teasing by Fluttershy’s mother. It always took a while to wash her extra dishes and clean up the mess Rainbow left behind, but Fluttershy didn’t mind. Rainbow was always fun to have over, despite what mother always said about grandchildren immediately after when it came to her friendship with Rainbow.

Still, it was nice of Rainbow Dash to help Twilight move despite her busy weather schedule. Twilight could cut her a little slack, especially since she invited her friend over.

“This isn’t a one time thing!” Twilight shouted. “Do you ever clean up after yourself? Do you know how many times you’ve crashed into bookshelves back when I lived at Golden Oak? After a while I started to keep count.”

“Twi, I believe you,” came the acidic reply. “Everything’s constantly routine and numbers and stuff to you! Trips, your bro’s wedding, Winter Wrap-Up, everything. You keep talking about how the rest of us are so important to you yet you really have no idea how we think, do you!? You know, perhaps we don’t want to be reminded every single Celestia-forsaken time we fuck up! You kinda sound like an uptight brat when you keep trying to force us to see your way and don’t even care seeing it ours. Yeah, keep rubbing your friends faces in their failures; that will teach them. That’s not hurtful to hear at all. Just how long have you had that silver spoon in your mouth, ordering around ponies in Canterlot to do whatever you want? We’re not your servants, Sparklebutt. Stop treating us like dogs every time we do something you don’t like.”

What was wrong with them? This was completely different from their previous fights. At least then they managed to keep it under control, but was this how they acted behind closed doors? How many shouting matches like this had they gotten into when nopony was around? Were they hurting so bad that this was the only way they could deal with those issues, or was something else the culprit?

Even though the six of them had only been friends for a couple of years, the impact of their time together had left such an impression on Fluttershy that it felt like a lifetime. She couldn’t imagine a life in the quiet town of Ponyville without the rambunctiousness of their adventures. Twilight, a little awkward, was one of the nicest ponies she knew. Rainbow was still her oldest and most faithful friend that followed her here after Flight School. They’d faced all kinds of trials and tribulations together, unsung horrors and monsters from across the land.

How could it get this bad? Was she truly so blind to the troubles in her friend’s hearts that she could be blindsided so badly? Perhaps the very times she looked so fondly upon was their undoing in the first place. Anger and jealousy could become cancerous if masked by a blind desire to see only the good things.

Fluttershy couldn’t stop the bile rising in her throat and she did her best to swallow it down. If her friends were beginning to hate each other, it made a twisted sort of sense they wouldn’t tell her. It was to keep what precious sense of normalcy they had, to hold what friends still remained. Even if that meant keeping her in the dark. For Twilight she didn’t agree for doing so, but understood. Fluttershy always had a weak constitution and accepted that. She was used to other ponies hiding the truth from her in certain matters knowing how she wouldn’t be able to take it, how she may very well agonize over small slights and insignificant details.

Fluttershy could feel the waterworks coming and the tightness in her chest. Over the course of Rainbow’s rant what she had heard steady pounding, only to discover her own hyperventilating breaths. That didn’t even matter to her. Rainbow. Twilight she understood, yet Rainbow hid this from her? Her oldest friend who followed her to this quiet town? Twilight simply didn’t know better, but Rainbow knew very well how much this would hurt her. Why keep this a secret for so long? Was she waiting until the levy broke and the remaining four were drowned in the aftermath of hurt feelings? That wasn’t loyalty to her friends, that was desperation to retain them as long as possible.

Fluttershy knocked on the door. “G-girls?” came her plaintive plea after she fought down a hickup of misery. It was no use as Twilight was only just getting started and drowned her out.

“If you’d get your head out of the metaphorical clouds for once you’d realize just how blatantly hypocritical you’re being. Not everything’s about you! I can deal with these things on my own but what I don’t sympathize with is your irritating attempts to gain sympathy and glory over such benign tasks. If you can’t help out every now and then, that’s fine, but stop with this holier-than-thou peacocking that you deserve better. Not realizing how others think? You should take a look at yourself Dashie. Perhaps living like a slob and destroying your friends property is fine in your book but your friends have stopped tolerating your “accidents” after the third or fourth time.”

Twilight’s words were cut off with a loud thump. Fluttershy’s ears twitched as she heard the sound of shattered parchment and breaking glass Then came another thud and a series of ruffling noises, followed by several grunts.

“Get off me!”

“Girls!” Fluttershy shouted out of reflex. It didn’t help in the slightest as the pair of them were occupied in their scuffle. She tried the door once more. The lock rattled but the sound was was overridden by the noise of the fight in the adjacent room. She banged on the door but it was no use.

There had to be a way in. There had to. Her friends were fighting each other. How to get in? She certainly wasn’t strong enough to shoulder the door open.

An idea struck her: outside! She knew the castle well enough to know there was a small balcony on the other end of the living room. With a little luck it might be open.

Fluttershy scampered back down the glossy floors as quick as she could. For a brief moment she lost her footing and slipped onto her face. Shaking it off, she returned to the courtyard and with a great unfurling of her feathers she took to the air. After about a quarter of the way around the tree she found the right door. That too was closed, but Fluttershy froze just a moment before despair ate through her. She could see the lock in place, but the door wasn’t quite shut all the way; Twilight didn’t shut it correctly before locking it.

Fluttershy knickered in glee at finding a way in. With a light push the door noiselessly swung open. The living room had to be Twilight’s new study. The few salvaged couches and tables from Golden Oak decorated the room, including a pile of cushions Twilight let her guests sit on while entertaining them. A few white oak bookshelves covered some of the walls, some of the titles she recognized from the old library. Wedged into the far corner was a large oak desk, everything placed exactly as her old house had it. The acrid smell of smoke and earth wafted slightly in the air, an ever-present reminder of Golden Oak’s fate.

“Girls, please! Stop fighting and uuuuuuuuuuuuah...”

As stupid as drawing out that first syllable sounded, her brain had locked up and refused to comprehend what she was seeing.

They were kissing.

Rainbow Dash had Twilight pinned underneath her, a hoof in her back with a vicious snarl on her face. Twilight looked equally livid and her wings spasmodically flailed against her captor. She wasn’t sure they even realized she was there, let alone heard her cry of protest.

They were kissing.

With a foreleg putting Twilight in a headlock, Rainbow had wrenched the princess back at an uncomfortable angle to meet her in a rough but deep kiss. Twilight’s look of fury did little to show that she was trying little to resist. Her earlier despair had finally pushed out some of the tears yet her surprise was so great she didn’t even notice.

They were kissing.

As quietly as she could, eyes glued to the scene before her with a prayer to Celestia to bleach the image away, Fluttershy closed the door again, careful not to accidentally engage the lock.

Why were her friends kissing? They were arguing, and then immediately kissing.

What was going on?

Her thoughts were interrupted by another thud, and Fluttershy cracked the door to see what was going on. Twilight had managed to toss Rainbow Dash off and pawed at the ground angrily. Fluttershy was watching for the stirrings of a spell, but that was quickly stopped by a tackle from Rainbow Dash. The angry pair tumbled about until they managed to come to a stop at the base of a dresser.

Despite the attack, it was Twilight who came out on top. Rather than try her magic she instead managed to get on Rainbow’s back and hold on for dear life. Said pegasus started to get up.

“Uhh!” she cried out. Fluttershy wasn’t sure if it was a cry of pain or a squeak of arousal. Twilight had bitten Rainbow’s ear, but a wide smile was on her face. Next, Twilight continued to tease her pegasus friend by playing with her wings. She used a soft, little stroke to caress the feathers, all the while her hind leg descended and proceeded to grind itself into... oh.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy felt her cheeks flush and the start of a fire kindle in her loins. Just what kind of relationship was this? She had expected anger or friendship, each separated by some personal disagreement between the two mares, not... whatever this was. What kind of perverts were her friends?

“What’s the matter? Does my little tramp have oversensitive wings?” Twilight taunted. Rainbow once again tried to get up but Twilight was one step ahead of her by planting a hoof on her feathers. If Rainbow tried to rise there was a real chance that she’d pull one out by the base.

Fluttershy was torn on whether to try and step in. They were fighting, but at the same time, if the kiss was any indication and with Twilight’s behavior, they were almost enjoying it. What kind of deviants were they to take pleasure in tearing each other’s throat out?

Something else interrupted her thoughts: from the room slowly getting destroyed came a distinct, musky aroma. She almost didn’t smell it with the heat and sweat permeating the room from her friend’s battle, but now she was hit by a wave of it and backpedaled a little bit.

It was more than just enjoying hurting each other, they were getting aroused!

Love and romance was supposed to be a caring, gentle affair. Despite her own nethers moistening up a little, seeing something sexual like kissing and getting aroused by proxy was natural. But this... Fluttershy had no idea what to think about this.

Despite the jokes Rainbow occasionally made about her, sometimes with her in the same room or to her face, she wasn’t alien to the pleasures of the flesh. There were times when she had decided to rub one out or use her one, solitary toy to assist her. It was natural, and an animal caretaker new better than most about an active sex drive.

That was nothing more than sexual release, a byproduct of need every mare or stallion faced. This... this was debauchery! What kind of sadists were these two were they wanted to hurt each other with hooves and words only to violently start making out?

Fluttershy struggled to understand what was going on before one of them spoke. Rainbow’s angry expression was momentarily twinged with a smirk and she said, “Twi, remind me to teach you how to swear.”

Fluttershy stood there, stunned. She was enjoying it. By Celestia, Rainbow was enjoying her treatment at the hooves of Twilight. The sheer carnal outrage, the massive burst of emotion followed by sexual release. It was all a game to the two of them. A twisted, messed up game.

A shudder darted through Fluttershy and with the deepest shame she felt the familiar burning of arousal spike. This wasn’t love. This wasn’t tender. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. If she had caught them in a touching embrace, perhaps even in each other’s thighs, it would have made sense. Why were they hurting each other? And why couldn’t she stop watching?

Twilight was still grinding herself into Rainbow’s nethers. Fluttershy couldn’t see the fruits of her labor but she certainly did see the wet rivulets running down her leg. Twilight was in control, mostly because Rainbow didn’t look like she wanted to fight anymore. If it came to a battle of strength, the pegasus would easily win, and a battle of magic would declare Twilight the winner by default. But Twilight hadn’t used magic. That was odd.

Fluttershy moved her hind legs back and forth to help alleviate the discomfort she was feeling. She shouldn’t be watching, that she knew, but she just couldn’t help herself. Despite the raw violence it was something she had to see, to understand. Take a mate, get married, live a long and happy life together; that was how it worked.

And yet what made this relationship tick? No, that wasn’t the right question. Why hadn’t she ran away screaming, or demanded an explanation? There was just something about the two of them together, writhing and moaning like primal animals lost to their instincts. Maybe it was just the siren call of taboo, but she couldn't deny the effect it had on her. This was something vile. It was pure unabashed emotion laid bare and oh, gosh, she was getting wet. Already she could feel her pulse quickening as the two of them screwed each other senseless. One trickle of her own excitement slid down her leg, sending a thrill through her body as her own increasing arousal cut through her shame.

“I’m going to fuck you like the arrogant little harlot you are.” Fluttershy almost missed the words Twilight whispered. Rainbow only smiled, whether at the challenge or Twilight sounding uncomfortable swearing Fluttershy didn’t know. Rainbow Dash adjusted herself to buck off her rider, but Twilight held firm with the hoof on her feathers. The princess bit the back of Rainbow’s neck.

Rainbow didn’t scream. She moaned.

The abuse continued as Twilight dominated her friend, although Fluttershy wasn’t even sure she could call it abuse if Rainbow Dash was enjoying it as much as she seemed. Panting and cheeks flushed, Rainbow had leaned down with her rear raised in the traditional mating display. Rather than letting Rainbow continue to enjoy her ministrations, Twilight moved her limb away as she lined up her crotch with Rainbow’s tail and thrust herself into the soft hairs.

Rainbow wasn’t just taking it, she was getting off on it. As Twilight thrust her folds against her tail, Rainbow followed suit by rocking herself back to match her rhythm. Satisfied that her target was no longer going to rebel against her, Twilight stopped pinning Rainbow and instead grasped her barrel with both forelegs, wrapping her in a tight grip to better leverage her thrusts against Rainbow.

It wasn’t like Rainbow was willing to fight her anyway; she too had fluids running down her legs, although now that she thought about it, Fluttershy assumed that they might be Twilight’s just as much as they might be Rainbow’s. Again and again she timed herself to Twilight’s humping as a slow trail of drool dripped from her lolling tongue. As a slow stream of grunts and whispered curses of delight babbled through her lips as Twilight’s pace picked up.

“Ughhh... fuck!” Rainbow exclaimed. She wasn’t even touching herself. Not even Twilight was bothering with returning the favor, and yet Rainbow Dash, prized flyer of the Wonderbolts, was getting off at being turned into Twilight’s bottom bitch. Fluttershy could feel herself winking as her own neglected lips begged for some attention. She couldn’t, not that she wanted to stave off the urges anyway. She wanted to see this. Her eyes were glued to the debauchery and wanted—no—needed to see the conclusion. She closed her hind legs tight and rubbed her thighs together to try and hopefully stave off the burning. Goddesses knewows she might just abandon trying to reason with the two and lock herself in her bathroom for some quiet time.

And that was when everything went wrong. Denying her rampant horniness or simply trying to analyze what her friends were doing ceased being the centerpiece of her goals as the worst happened. Rainbow, lost to the world in pleasure, was rising to her own peaek of ecstasy as she squirmed on the floor. She was moving so much that in her writhing, her eyes ventured to the supposedly locked door Fluttershy was peeking through to where she saw Fluttershy the Peeping Tom.

Fluttershy’s Her heart froze. Here she stood, frozen at the door, almost masturbating herself to her friend’s private time. Maybe arguing time; she still wasn’t sure. Was thatis foreplay to them?

The thoughts rushed through her mind in an attempt to find a solution, to desperately explain to her oldest friend why she was there watching them have sex while she watched like some sick voyeur. She could see the lust slowly lift from Rainbow’s mind as if each slapping thrust coming from Twilight was fucking sense right back into her horny mind. Then came the surprise, and the realization. Fluttershy felt like a knife was being thrown at her as Rainbow took in a breath.

She winked.

Fluttershy’s wings immediately spread in a wide, painful fear boner. Rainbow laid her head back on the ground, still humming and grunting as Twilight had her way with her. Twilight, still locked onto Rainbow’s neck, didn’t see the silent exchange. Rainbow smile widened as Fluttershy didn’t look away, run, scream, or hide behind several small rocks.

She wanted to be watched.

“Come on, Sparklebutt, is that how you fuck a mare? Do I have to get on top and show you how it’s done?” Rainbow taunted. She was still looking at Fluttershy with a dreamy look on her face.

Of course. Rainbow always had one hell of an ego. Now she had an audience.

Rainbow hissed as Twilight bit down harder before releasing her. “Today’s my turn, Rainbow Bitch.” And with that she gave another particularly vicious thrust that caused Rainbow’s legs to buckle under the strain.

“And you kiss your mother with that mouth, egghead?” Rainbow giggled. “Although I wouldn’t mind seeing you get railed by that hunky brother of yours. He and I can share your hot ass all night.”

Well, she was putting on a show alright. After just a few more thrusts against Rainbow Dash’s now dripping tail, Twilight released her hold on Rainbow’s neck and howled in pleasure as she released. Twilight’s hips thrust against Rainbow’s wet flank out of instinct, little spurts of feminine fluid dripping onto the floor in a small stream. With the look of satisfaction stretched across Rainbow’s smug face, Fluttershy could swear she climaxed along with her.

Twilight collapsed onto Rainbow’s back, exhausted from the whole ordeal. With her eyes closed, she looked about ready to sleep as she panted for breath. Rainbow turned to the little puddle of Twilight’s essence and, making sure her eyes were back on Fluttershy’s, she gave it a lick.

Fluttershy squeaked and all but forced a hoof into her mouth.

“You taste good, Sparkles.”

“Hmmm...” Twilight mumbled back. Rainbow walked to where the two had set, or quite possibly thrown in anger, several of the room’s cushions hours prior, . Rainbow got to her knees and slowly slide Twilight down upon them.

Despite being on her back and looking ready for sleep, Rainbow wasn’t done with her. She opened Twilight’s forelegs to gaze at her prize. Twilight mumbled something but Fluttershy couldn’t hear it from where she was hidingat. The unicorn’sShe could see her fur was glazed in a thick layer of fluid. Rainbow made sure to shake her rear in Fluttershy’s direction before letting their nether lips meet in a delicate thrust.

“Rainbow, I’m a little sore,” Twilight moaned.

The pegasus didn’t respond with a quip, but gave Twilight a rather tender lick across the face. “It’s fine; I’ll be gentle.”

With that Rainbow started to grind herself against Twilight to sate her own ravenous need for release. Gone was the usual violence and now she was soft and careful with the exhausted mare beneath her. She was no doubt already close to release after her earlier treatment and soon she too was grunting like before with a swiftly approaching climax. Her eyes kept darting back to Fluttershy’s crack in the door. No, she wouldn’t have left. Now Fluttershy wanted to see this concluded, but for entirely different reasons.

Rainbow met Twilight in a soft kiss. Twilight’s forelegs wrapped around her neck to hold it for as long as possible before she had to break away for breath.

“Are you close?”

Rainbow pecked her on the lips again as she ground her vagina into Twilight’s. “Yes.”

Rainbow was panting and her thrusts were getting shorter. It was like she was in pain and getting off was the only way to release the pressure. The sound of her slapping thighs, the cocktail of arousal and sweat was making Fluttershy heady. The call to relieve herself was almost unbearable. Already a small puddle had formed to attest to her need.

“I want to tell you something, Twi.” That woke Twilight up. She snapped to attention faster than Fluttershy could realize was possible, especially while getting fucked. For a moment she could see nervousness in her eyes that was slowly replacing the affection.

“What is it?”

Rainbow nibbled on Twilight’s ear, an act the mare didn’t seem to like nearly as much Rainbow did. “We have a visitor.”

With that Rainbow thrust her hips as hard as she could into Twilight’s cunt and held them there. Pinching her clit like that along with getting so worked up before had caused her own climax to burst forth with the strength of a hurricane. It was at that specific moment that Fluttershy discovered what the term squirter meant.

Twilight seemed confused at first, before she lookinged at the locked doorwaydoorway to see it locked. Looking the other direction, an act made more difficult due to the mare cumming on top of her, her eyes widened upon seeing Fluttershy huddled behind the door.

Twilight waited for Rainbow to finish her business. Rainbow seemed to want it done quickly as well for as she stopped painting Twilight’s midsection in her own fluids, she helped the mare to her hooves. She gave Twilight another affectionate lick as she saw Twilight had made the same discovery she did.

“You’re clingy after sex,” Twilight said, although there was no malice in her voice. “Now, Fluttershy.”

Now her tone changed. Fluttershy squeaked and closed the door. Twilight just unlocked it with her magic and opened it as wide as it would go. Fluttershy was hit with the full force of their scent, a fact confirmed as Twilight walked out and saw Fluttershy’s puddle of shame where she had been standing moments ago.

“Fluttershy.” She must have seen what her words had done to her and made her tone much more gentle. Well, she was hyperventilating, fearful, and aroused beyond belief, but that was normal. The first two were normal anyway. Fluttershy had backpedaled to the railing and was looking out towards Ponyville, but her wings refused to open.

“Fluttershy,” she said softly. She turned toward her alicorn friend. There wasn’t anger in her eyes. Only concern. “I’m not mad.”

The burden didn’t lift from her chest and her panting increased. Everything was starting to sway

“Fluttershy, just close your eyes and take deep breaths. Everything will be okay.”

She did so. It took a good minute or two for her panic attack to subside, but it wasn’t the first she’d had and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. She opened her eyes to see a patiently waiting Twilight and a very smug Rainbow Dash.

“Sooooo...” she said, drawing out the syllable. “We got some explaining to do, don’t we?”

For chapter updates and my ramblings, visit my page on Fimfiction HERE.
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The Pink Blob - [Pinkie] [Cherilee] [Anthro] [Tentacle Rape] [Goo Pony] [Anal Sex] [Vaginal Sex] [Oral Sex] [Gangbang] [Some really fucked up shit] [Monster Sex]

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Cheerilee dashed her way between trees, hoping to put as much distance between the pair of them as possible. She had spent close to an hour after school correcting papers and preparing next week’s schedule before going home. It was a brief walk back to town, barely even a quarter hour, and yet that was enough time to be caught off guard by some creature of the forest.

She saw it only briefly in the red light of the falling sun, but the creature had already blocked the path back to town. It oozed and slid across the earth with remarkable speed, enveloping everything that came across it. It almost reminded Cheerilee of a big blob of pink jelly that was deposited on an incline and left to roll down a slope. Only it was moving and coming straight towards her.

Cheerilee had dropped her armful of books and reference material and booked it towards the trees. Monster attacks were uncommon, but they were frequent enough that most Ponyville residents were required to have some rudimentary knowledge to avoid them. This creature was a large, pulsating mass of pink goop rolling and undulating for movement. Large, pink tendrils helped lighten and move the bass mass, something far larger than a pony itself. It was still large enough to not be able to fit between trees, thus her chosen path.

Despair clung to her heart once she looked over her shoulder and saw the blob part around trees, only to reform once it passed. The creature simply plowed over everything in its way and moved straight through it. A big rock? Thin the mass and move over it. Trees? Simply reform as it moves through it. Rough terrain meant nothing to the beast.

Cheerilee’s breath was coming in pants now, as she wasn’t in the best shape to begin with. She yelped as she felt a cold, slithering feeling across her bare calf. A sundress was not the best article of clothing to wear when escaping monsters.

It slithered and lashed it’s pink tentacles every which was. Was this thing even alive? Was it some animal, or could it think like a pony? She’d never heard of a monster like this.


The blob had lashed out with one it its pink tentacles and grabbed ahold of her leg. Unlike passing through her like before, this time it seemed to hand on. Cheerilee had the wind knocked out of her as she tripped and fell onto the cold forest ground. She shivered as something wet and cold slithered up her leg

Her first recourse was to scramble away from the Blob. A large offshoot shot out of its mass and clung to her back. “No!” She screamed. Was it going to eat her? Her fingers scraped against the ground as she tried to pull away, yet it’s grip on her held firm.

Cheerilee’s skirt ripped open to expose her bra and bosom to the cool air as the blob tugged. She wasn’t that well endowed—even the sundress didn’t do much to make her turn heads. Hoping that the failed attempt was enough to loosen the blob’s grip, Cheerilee lurched forward with all her might.

...Only to fall flat on her face once again. Grose, sickly pink tentacles quivered and slid up her thighs and held fast. She was all but locked in the monster’s grip. Her body tingled where it slid across her smooth skin. The ooze itself seemed to grow warmer the longer it came into contact with her own violet fur.

Cherilee gasped for breath as the blob prodded the cleft between her legs. As much as she dreaded, or maybe even accepted it, the creature was going to eat her. This, however, clung just a little longer than simply enveloping her like everything else in its path. She felt the cool gob of jelly poke and prod at her nethers tentatively. She was wearing a simple pair of panties—wearing something far more risque to class under her clothes had been a private kink of hers for some time—that the monster had not yet torn.

That was solved quickly enough. Her panties were town with a tug and her nether lips were quickly doused in the cool, viscous goop. For some absurd reason, the violation didn’t cross her mind. What was brought to the forefront was that the creature, wherever it touched her skin, was quickly growing warm and tingly to the touch. It felt like every nerve ending was buzzing with excitement, and given she was receiving a healthy dose right across her clit, her mind was slowly filling with warmth that could only come from a dazed arousal.

Cheerilee yelped and screamed for help. Going through the blob wasn’t an option; trying to evade it was her only shot, and now that that had failed, trying to get another’s attention was next. No one was there to save her.

The pink blob slithered up her legs and tail, and soon her chest was enveloped in the slimy beast. Her nipples hardened at the coolness, and were quickly tingling as the more enticing effects settled in. She could feel her insides moisten as the monster’s biology forced her own body to work against her.

Cheerilee bit her lip as a prehensile tendril forced its way into her tender slit. Curiosity stronger than shame, she looked back at the beast. For a moment she swore she saw the face of a pony across its amorphous surface before her eyes were drawn to the cleft of her butt. Her rear was already enveloped fully and the monster was just forcing itself inside her already tight cavern. She could feel the slick, smooth surface drill inside her tender cunt, and twist just enough to force out a tender moan from her own lips before retracting back into the blob’s central mass. With no texture, there was no pain as she was violated, only a great sense of fullness as the blob once again forced enough of itself to stuff her like a turkey.

Cheerilee felt something prod her ass. Her yelp was quickly silenced as the blob rolled over her and cut off all noise. She gagged reflexively as part of the monster was forced down her throat but that wasn’t enough now that it had her trapped within its body. For a moment, Cheerilee thought she heard a childish giggle.

It almost tasted sweet. In fact, delicious! Why could she breathe inside the monster? Oh, Celestia, why was she absolutely soaked? The blob’s own electric effects on her skin were lost to her as its effects slowly took over her brain. Not even the slithering tentacle of pink slime penetrating her ass was enough to break the slow, spellbinding effects of the goo.

Another tentacle of goo prodded her lips and she eagerly opened her mouth. Her throat tingled as the blob forced the tentacle down her throat. Soon everything was tingling in excitement and the pieces she swallowed were vibrating in her gut. The cry of “Fuck me.” Was silenced in the now comforting warmth of the blob as she was fucked in all three holes. She was rocked inside the monster like a seesaw. A tentacle of goop piledrived her ass and dripping cunt, whereas she was quickly rocked the opposite was as another was forced down her throat.

She could feel cunt twitching at the stimulus. She was close. So very close. Each tentacle drilled her in that perfect, toe-curling, cum-inducing way. Her pussy and ass stretched as far as they could go before being slammed full. Every part of her felt on fire. Being so completely restrained as she was inside the creature only seemed to make the waves of pleasure building inside her, each thrust making them stronger and stronger for her impending release. She suckled on the tentacle in her throat while the monster twirled around her insides, looking for each little corner to explore. The goo massaged her body and tits. This was better than any lover or her secret filly flings during college. It was caressing everywhere. Her tongue was already lolling out as she deep throated the monster’s sweet, tasty member.

As her insides began to clutch around those delicious goo tentacles in her behind, they only seemed to go faster. Helpless as she was, all she could do was try to buck her hips against the offender. Her orgasm hit her harder than any she’d ever had in her life. Her vision went white and she almost chomped on the tentacle she was fellating. She wasn’t sure how long she blacked out, but once she came to, she saw the little bit of fluid that her own cunt had expelled inside the pink blob. She deliriously giggled at having been fucked so thoroughly by a shapeless monster.

Once again, Cheerilee swore she heard another pealing laugh of delight. It sounded familiar, but muffled in the blob’s confines, it was lost to her ears. The blob flexed with her inside and her own girlcum quickly dissolved. The monster itself expanded ever so slightly as it fed on her cum.

“You were just hungry, weren’t you?” she asked, but her voice was once again muffled. Cheerilee gave her ass a wiggle that translated into only a slight swish of her hips within the suffocating space. “I can help with that.”

She felt the blob prod against her ass once more as it prepared to give yer one of many orgasms yet to come.

Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body [Octavia] [OC] [Mild Blood] [Pit Fighting]

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The mare felt the abrupt surge of splinters and pain as she was forcibly slammed into the wooden barricade. The barrier had faced far worse abuse since its inception, but protested as her weight was violently shoved into it. The mare could feel the wood creak and groan, but the noise itself was lost to her when the crowd was split between delighted hoots and groans of disappointment. The taste of iron was heavy in her mouth. A thin line of spittle and blood trickled down her lips, and she spat out a wad of blood into the dirt. The padding on their hooves took out some of the hard keratin’s bite, but not all of it.

“Oh! Raven’s going to be feeling that one for the next couple nights. Give one up for Amethyst; the mare’s got a mean kick!”

Fresh roars of delight accompanied the MC’s remarks. Raven, her lengthy ebony mane done up in a ponytail—chopsticks, needles, and other such instruments were illegal in a fight—took a brief moment to scan the ring.

During her bullrush charge that knocked Raven into the ring walls, Amethyst had kicked up a cloud of dirt. Ten feet above the walls and a chain link cage separated the pair from the packed stands of onlookers. Raven couldn’t see them or the MC past the lights shining down on her, but she didn’t care; her attention was needed elsewhere.

Throwing her head back, Amethyst jerked a lock of oily violet hair out of her eyes and charged again. Being pinned against the wall was the absolute worst place to be in the ring and Raven was still shaking off the shock of the blow. A few bounds covered the distance between them, but Amethyst switched attacks mid stride. The mare twirled, forcing all her weight into her forehooves as a fulcrum. Her rear hooves, using her forehooves as a means to push off the ground, shot through the air and straight for Raven’s sternum.

Raven slid across the wall. Dirt and dust trailed Amethyst’s hooves and crashed into the wall right where she was a fraction of a second ago. Her foe did not let up and turned on Raven, but by then she was ready. She blocked a right hook with a foreleg. Amethyst took the intercept with ease and threw a cross. Raven blocked that one two, locking their legs together in the crook of her elbow.

Having their forelegs locked together, and their hind legs bracing themselves against their foe, Raven did the only thing she could think of: headbutt Amethyst

A gout of blood caked Raven’s hair and iron-gray fur as something broke in her foe’s nose. Amethyst momentarily went crosseyed, stunned from the blow. A line of blood trailed after the blow. The pressure slackened on Amethyst’s end. Raven jumped and kicked, ready to deliver the final knockout blow that would have ended the fight. Dazed as she was, Amethyst blindly waddled in random directions. Raven’s kick glanced off the side of her head and connected with her shoulder instead. Far less than optimal damage, but it was enough to send Amethyst reeling as pain overwhelmed everything. She staggered for a few steps before her knees buckled and set her sprawling. She moaned, getting her ragged locks filthy with blood and dirt.

“And Amethyst is down! What an upset! Nice hit! I’d ask Raven out if she wasn’t able to kick my lanky ass.” The crowd roared with hoots of delight. “ Come on everypony, start the count! One!”

The crowd chanted with the MC as the countdown began. As per the rules, Raven stayed away from the downed mare in order to give Amethyst a chance to stand on her own four hooves. It wasn’t sporting to attack a downed foe, after all.


Raven sat on her haunches and used her precious and hard-won seconds to take a moment to catch her breath. She wiped the sweat from her face and spat another dark gob of blood.


Amethyst’s slow writhing had become more focused and controlled. She managed to get all four hooves flat on the ground, but still needed to muster the strength left to stand. Raven wiped a leg across her brow and her charcoal fur came away with a dirty smear of red. When did that happen? Right; that wasn’t hers.


Raven ran a hoof across her breast and chest. Stabs of pain followed in her wake, but nothing a little time, her special ointment, and her roommate’s magic couldn’t cure. At least nothing felt broken or cracked.


Amethyst’s legs were shaky, but she was finally back on her hooves. Raven also rose.

“Give the mare a round of applause! It looks like we’re going to have a winner shortly!”

Stomps thundered from the stands above the blinding ring lights. As much as she hated to admit it, the MC was right. Her muscles were screaming from fatigue just as much as pain. Amethyst was what the biz called a chisler. Her preferred tactic was to drain the stamina of her opponent and finish her off when she couldn’t put up so much of a fight.

It was working.

Come on, ladies; it’s not a staring contest. Nor is it a time to lock lips, although I admit that would be equally entertaining.”

The two mares simultaneously spat in the direction of the MC’s voice.

“Sorry, I’m pissed off. It’s hot up here and my boss won’t even give me a glass of water until the match is done. Tell you what, your next shot’s on me.”

She really wanted a scotch right about now.

Amethyst charged first. Letting her momentum carry her, she raised both hooves for a kick. It was a fake out. Just as Raven braced herself to guard, Amethyst immediately sunk low and struck Raven’s left knee.

Grunting in pain, Raven wrapped a leg firmly around Amethyst’s neck and brought a knee to her face. Amethyst blocked, but Raven kept up the punishment, hammering away at her defenses. Her opponent brought a foreleg up to shield her face. Again and again she struck, but she wasn’t breaking through her defense just yet. She could feel herself beginning to slow down.

Instead of preparing to attack again, she let go of Amethyst to disengage and find another opening. That was the opening Amethyst was looking for. Digging her hindhooves in, Amethyst shot forward and brought Raven to the ground. Both sides flailed wildly and Amethyst got a shot in on her gut before pulling away again.

Not this time.

Amethyst could not be allowed to turtle up and wait out a beating. That was a cornerstone of chisler strategy.

Raven dashed forward and stumbled. Cursing silently to herself for the oncoming blow, she felt somewhat relieved and confused when it did not come. Amethyst chose defense over offense and waited. Disappointing. Raven may have gotten an advantage then,

She rammed a hoof forward, only for Amethyst to counter and deliver a kick of her own into her shoulder. Her ribs had started to complain. Broken?

No time to think of that right now. She tried one of her few attacks that seemed to get through the mare’s defenses and headbutted the mare. Amethyst had closed the distance and overextended herself. Raven felt something give and her opponent snorted in pain, and then again. Raven had full on broken something in her snout this time.

Raven dug in again, but this time pirouetted in place for a vicious kick. Amethyst blocked and fumbled a grapple. Redistributing her weight, Raven kicked out her other hindhoof and broke through her defenses.

Amethyst’s guard dropped for only a moment as she’s been pushed back into the wall. The crowd hollered for blood. Blood they had been given and more they shall receive. Raven twirled around and reared her legs up for a stomp. Amethyst suckerpunched her in the ribs just as she was falling and felt a burst of pain shoot through her side.

Now that felt like a broken bone.

It didn’t stop both hooves from smashing into Amethyst’s collarbone. Her hooves buckled and she took a knee. That wouldn’t be enough for the MC to start the countdown. Raven raised to her hindhooves once again. Her gut spiked with pain and her cry was swallowed by the exuberant crowd. She stomped once more. Then again. Again . Something broke under her hooves, but until Amethyst tapped out or downed, she was fair game.

Each was weaker than the last with her side splitting like it was, but Raven couldn’t let up. Raining blows was the only way to keep Amethyst under control. It took just one instance of Raven’s rearing hooves taking too long for Amethyst to roll out of the way. Her face was completely drenched with blood from a broken snout. Raven was wearing down and her broken gut wasn’t helping. Amethyst’s eyes were tight and hard, but even she looked tired.

“Looks like our lovely ladies are winding down!”

Pieces of the crowd had broken into a drinking song while the rest shouted obscenities and cheers. Raven had learned to ignore the crowd if for no other reason than to tune out the catcalls.

Amethyst was just a split second from getting to her hooves. Before she even knew it, Raven was airborne. All four hooves came down on her foe and Amethyst screamed and crumpled.

“Damn! Amethyst is down! Start the count. One!”

Raven’s momentum caused her to stumble, but a quick roll brought her to a stop. Her hooves buckled. Standing was hard with the pain splitting her hard. She realized how labored her breathing was and she collapsed to her knees.

Four! Raven ain’t lookin’ too hot. Are we gonna have a dual KO?”

By the rules if Raven collapsed within the count, it applied to her as well.


‘Just five more seconds,’ she chanted to herself. She managed to get one hoof under her.

“Atta girl! Six!”

Another hoof. Each breath felt like a spike driven into her side.


Amethyst stirred.


There wasn’t enough time.


One of Amethyst’s hooves moved to push.

“Ten! We have us a winner! Give Raven a round of applause!”

The bloodthirsty crowd exploded in cheers, laughter, and cries. Boos and catcalls intermixed with the jubilation but were overwhelmed by the winners and those lusting for blood. Raven couldn’t help but swell with a little bit of victorious pride. Adrenaline ate through her veins, and with the battle over, she was overcome by a feeling of pure, primal exultation. To overcome an enemy out for your blood, a foe willing to stomp you into the dirt in order to win....

Oh, she had some really good feelings right now.

Raven took a victory lap around the ring, the pain in her side all but gone from memory as the victory sunk in. As she circled around, she stopped in front of Amethyst. Her snout was caked in blood and dirt. Raven noticed Amethyst favored her left hind leg more than the right.

Raven extended a hoof. They were all stars in the ring.


“Just hurts. A little more there. Ouch!

“Alright then.”

Bonesaw looked about as scummy as a back alley unicorn surgeon could be, but there was no doubt of his skill. With a brown mane and a pond scum green coat, along with the perpetual smell of tobacco smoke wafting in his presence, Raven was always worried that the ring’s doctor and surgeon would end up going to work drunk and getting one of the fighters killed. Time after time, fight after fight, the stallion proved his worth after every bout.

But if the veterans could be taken at their word, Bonesaw was even better when he was drunk on the job.

“It’s not broken as far as I can tell, but you’ve got some pretty severe bruising. You can shrug off everything else easy enough; it’s mostly superficial. But I’d advise no strenuous activity for a month in order to let it heal, and get an X-ray at a hospital. No fights for six weeks, but I know none of you little bastards listen to me anyway, so I’ll just preemptively say ‘I told you so.’”

Bonesaw kicked his hooves out and rolled his office chair rolled across the locker room and to the medical cabinet. He opened a freezer and tossed her an ice pack.

“Thank you, Mister Bonesaw,” she said as she set it down on the bench and lay across it. She winced as the cold bit through her fur, but the dulled throbbing was more than worth the price.

He shook his head. “Canterlotians and their manners.”

“There is nothing wrong with a little common courtesy.”

“Tell me how good manners are when you’re missing teeth.”

He kicked against the wall and rolled his chair over to Amethyst. Raven’s own raven locks still needed a good washing, but Amethyst’s mane was absolutely filthy. Dried blood caked her mane and snout and was acting as a glue keeping the two together. Bonesaw had washed off most of it prior and told the mare to hold a roll of gauze against her nose.

Bonesaw put on a pair of gloves over his hooves and moved her hoof aside. Using his magic, he carefully pried the gauze away from her nose.

“Let me see... well, the bleeding’s slowed. You’ve got something broken alright, but I can fix that in a jiffy. Looks like Raven came out on top in more ways than one.”


Raven smiled. “The better mare won, Amethyst.”

Amethyst chuckled. “Let’s hope no one breaks your perfect little Canterlot face or breaks in that rump, you uptight little virgin.”

“You are terrible at trash talking.”

“Fuck you I’ve got a broken face.”

A sickly green hue encircled Amethyst’s mouth to shut her up. Bonesaw levitated a needle and thread. “Quiet. I know you’re both going to ignore what I say and get back in the circuit as soon as rent’s coming up, but ignore me after I’m done. Raven, you’re good to go.”

Raven slid off the bench and winced when she put her weight on her legs. Holding the icepack with a foreleg, she limped out the locker room.

Book the bookie waited for her outside. His parents were either geniuses or scumbags to name him as such. Or it could have been a simple fake name. It wasn’t like hers was any bit real.

“Well ain’t you a sight for sore eyes, Canterlot. Doc give you the all clear?”


Book was a tiny stallion. Raven wasn’t all that big herself, but she did have a bit of lean muscle under her plush gray coat. He still had to look up to meet her tired eyes.

“Well,” he filched through his jacket for some papers and handed them to her. “Here’s your cut. Three hundred on yourself? Ain’t you on a budget? That’s a little risky of you.”

Octavia took her winnings in her mouth and walked to a row of lockers. Finding her own and opening the lock was all muscle memory by now. She shoved them inside and said, “Amethyst hasn’t been through as many fights as me. Betting odds were in my favor two to one.”

“Yeah, Amethyst was the underdog in the fight but three hundred down the drain and only bruises to show for it?”

“Rent’s due.”

Book shrugged. “Rule of two.”

“Money and blood,” Raven finished. There were only two reasons to enter the Pit.

“Yeah. Anyway, I’m heading out and gotta talk to Bonesaw. See ya.” He nodded and walked past Raven.

Raven walked returned to her locker and removed her effects. Bags, prize money, a small medkit to help supplement items Bonesaw doesn’t comp, a spare set of clothes if needed, and a bottle of whiskey. Setting down her icepack, she unscrewed the cap and took a long slug.

It was a cheaper painkiller than morphine.

Sighing, she packed everything up, walked up the steps, and stepped through the door guarded by a particularly large stallion named Kronk. The janitorial staff were having a time cleaning up after this week’s round of fights. Trash and broken bottles littered the stands, and while the locker rooms were restricted to fighters and staff, that didn’t stop unruly guests from breaking the rules every so often. Thus, Kronk had a job. The stands themselves and the visitor entrances were all on the top floor, with the fighters and staff having the lower levels to themselves. Each pit fighter had their own set of fans, but there was a time and a place for mingling. Getting beat to all hell and being tired did not make her a good conversation partner.

Raven picked at the adhesive patch on her flanks. All pit fighters fought under stage names and masked their cutie marks. Anonymity was an asset for both their safety and reputations. Disgruntled fans with an axe to grind, other fighters, or even the long arm of the law were all things to watch out for.

The Pit.

Book and Bonesaw knew of doctors, clerics, lawyers, and priests that entered these shady and bloody walls. Smiles, happiness, music, and manners. Some people just snap and and want to let out that animal within. In the Pit, all fighters were anonymous, all patrons were equal. All that primal rage, regret, and anguish were allowed to come to the surface as two ponies beat their hooves against each other until they could taste blood in the air. One night where you could do what you want instead of what was proper.

Perhaps that was why Bonesaw spoke of manners with derision. He’d seen a thousand so-called noble ponies come to the Pit looking for bloodshed.

After all, what would the world say if the renowned and excruciatingly dirt poor Octavia of the Canterlot Philharmonic was found in a bloodsport?

Octavia sighed. She was too tired for philosophy. It was time to leave the raven-haired Raven in the Pit where she belonged. Octavia needed to talk to her room mate.

Rent was due next week.

TimberJack (First Story Draft Cut)- [Applejack] [Fluttershy] [Timberwolf] [Lycanthropy] [Inappropriate nuzzle] [No sex]

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There was something foul in the air. Some nagging little tick had lodged itself in Fluttershy’s brain and was holding on for dear life. Some unseelie blessing came with this moon. There was something wrong this night. Something bad.

Despite the full moon casting the skies in a dim blue glow, tonight was not a good night to be venturing out. It never was in Ponyville. Whereas the light allowed ponies to see and gave farmers slightly longer hours, so did it benefit the creatures of the forest. The still night air did nothing to silence the beasts awakened in the forest.

Fluttershy had made the terrible mistake of alerting Zecora to recent events. Wolves and attacks, investigations and murder. Zecora whispered some poem in her native tongue and cast a sign to ward off evil. Fluttershy had found her on the trail back to her hut in the forest. It was up to Fluttershy to find her way back home. By then the sun had already set, but even then very little could penetrate the canopy of the Everfree Forest. She knew the path by heart, but even she knew that getting caught after dark in such a place was bad enough. Staying home would have been the safe choice, but Zecora needed to know.

The quiet was on her side. She was small and quiet; a little one such as her wasn’t worth the trouble of a meal or considered a threat. As much as Rainbow Dash wanted her to be more extroverted, being as she was was a considerable advantage.

Roots and moss softened each step. Fluttershy quickly and quietly cast her head about. Her ears twitched back and forth, but sound wouldn’t be of much help. Although ponies had very keen hearing, the primordial woods held beasts that called this place home long before the arrival of equines. Stealth was second nature to them. No, she was looking for the bushes and plants, the telltale sign of disturbed shrubbery—

Oh no.

She was ambushed before she could react, tackled just as she heard the sound of groaning wood. Timberwolf!

But only one? It was strange to have one alone and not in a pack. Perhaps it like her was caught alone in the twilight hours. Or was it the wildling, a mystery beast that had attacked Applejack and not Noteworthy after all?

It took just a moment for her to catch her footing and her remaining limbs were safely beneath her shaking knees. If there was one thing she was good at, it was running away. She could always perform the Stare, but she could barely see in the dark underbrush. All she could hear once she had orientated herself was the slight rustle of the shrubbery.


Fluttershy turned tail and ran. She wasn’t brave, but she knew enough about survival. She knew where she was in the woods. She was still on the path and could return home to the safety of her cottage in no time at all!

Everything was thrown off kilter as the wolf caught up to her again, sending her sprawling into the dirt. That didn’t make any sense; Timberwolves were not this fast! Nor were they this aggressive. They were pack hunters; they attacked with ambushes, and certainly didn’t use these hit and fade solo maneuvers like the one currently tailing her.

Was she in a new wolf’s territory? Did she intrude on a fresh kill? No, she would have smelt something. A solitary timberwolf driven from its pack or had its pack killed off by another predator? It was possible, but at the same time the other packs should have driven it out very quickly.

Fluttershy froze as she heard the wolf issue a creaky growl of warning. The groaning and creaking of its voice along with slow, measured steps signified its approach. She needed to see it to gauge how best to react. Normally they wanted intruders just to leave them alone, but perhaps the best course of action was simply use the Stare.

Inch by very careful inch she turned her head, not daring to get up for fear of reprisal. Doing so might be interpreted as a sign of challenge. Her jaw dropped the moment she saw those glowing green eyes.


The timberwolf faltered slightly. It was Applejack, that much was plain to see, but Fluttershy had no earthly idea what happened to her. Was this some kind of curse? Bark covered just about the entirety of her forelegs and barrel, but her cutie mark was as clear as day. What fur she did have left was long and shaggy. Another bark-like infection covered most of her eyes and forehead like a mask. Unearthly green timberwolf’s nature magic made her eyes glow in the dark. Twigs, leaves, and brambles dotted her normally immaculate mane.

But what concerned her most was the long drooling tongue and the pony molars that were now lengthened into large canines.

Applejack clawed at the ground and advanced, barring her teeth at the timid pegasus. Her cursed friend’s leg tightened, the jaw of sharp teeth opened wide.

Fluttershy didn’t think, she just reacted. Wings open, eyes wide.

“Sit down!”

Applejack snarled and whined under the force of Fluttershy’s Stare. She swiped pitifully but there were still much too far apart for one of those dangerous paws to connect. Applejack took a step away and her ears folded back. A growl, earthy and flanged, dripped from her lips but there was little menace behind the cowed cursed pony.

“A-Applejack, it’s me! Don’t you remember? What happened to you?”

Again, Applejack hesitated, the remnants of her old life struggling to pierce the primal call of the wild singing through her veins. She had stopped her advance though, her twitching wooden ears betraying the thoughts going through her mind.

Fluttershy saw the signs coming far in advance. Applejack’s rising hackles and lips pulling back to bear teeth was an aggressive posture. What little fur she had left in this new form was beginning to puff out.


Fluttershy bored her gaze into Applejack’s. She wasn’t some pup to be pushed around by an animal testing an alpha’s mettle. The forest animals were er responsibility, its animals under her care.

She was the alpha here.

Applejack backed down again, her mystical green eyes giving her side glances. Direct eye contact was considered a threat by most canines.

“Applejack, I am here to help you.”

Applejack’s ears perked at the name. The lycan sniffed the air.

“I know you’re in there, Applejack.”

Applejack was slow to get up this time. Fluttershy shook her head and returned to the matter at hand. Applejack’s head was low and her tail between her legs in the typical posture of submission, but that could all change in an instant. Fluttershy struggled to not shudder as she was poked and prodded with a cold nose. As Applejack sniffed her barrel, Fluttershy reflexively twitched. She needed to stay still and let Applejack inspect her new alpha. She forced herself to stay calm matter no matter how much her body wanted to run. This was her friend, whatever happened to her notwithstanding. Applejack circled her, sniffing and prodding where she pleased. Fluttershy’s animal care instincts were in full swing. This wasn’t Applejack, not fully. She had the instincts of a beast.


Like a wolf...

Recent events intermingled in her brain as she tried to come down from her fearful high. Applejack was attacked by a beast, but a pony was found instead. A silvered mirror. An imprisoned monster. A monstrous Applejack.

The lycan in question crept forward and sniffed the air, wary of the creature that could dominate its will. Fluttershy didn’t dare move, but that was because her mind had just made a thunderous revelation. Of all things, why a mirror shard? Because it was a mirror that contained silver, and she spent enough time with Twilight to know about alchemy. It was a symbol of purity. An element that weakened monster regeneration abilities.

Most importantly, it was a symbol of the moon.

Fluttershy’s eyes went skyward. It was difficult to see, but rays of moonlight pierced the canopy and clouds. Noteworthy was found dead one month ago, right after a full moon.

He had to have known what happened to him. Did he catch Applejack’s scent in the marketplace and couldn’t stop himself as he turned? No, he didn’t run right away. There was another piece of the puzzle. Something about Applejack made him run afterwards, something that likely made him break Twilight's mirror in order to give Applejack a defense against him. He had to have known what kind of monster he’d turn into. Applejack may have been marked for death in Note’s beastial mind...

...Just like Applejack went straight for her.

“Oh no.”

It was too late. Once more, Applejack blitzed Fluttershy and brought her to the ground.

Fluttershy held sway over animals, but not over a curse. The needs of a wolf were survival and reproduction. A mad beast would lash out at everything. Noteworthy hunted down Applejack accidentally stabbed him with a silvered item.

Applejack’s lupine form straddled Fluttershy’s prone body. Bared fangs hung close to her throat. A bite, a wound that Applejack claimed to have, but was missing. A bite transmitted the curse.

“A-Applejack?” Fluttershy’s breath caught in her throat. A thin sliver of drool dripped down Applejack’s bared teeth.

She was challenging the alpha female, Fluttershy, to her role. Fluttershy had made the mistake of thinking that was the end of things as soon as she dropped the Stare. Wolves had a hierarchy. What did a pony/wolf hybrid have? Was Applejack looking for food? Was Noteworthy? Or was she looking for a kill? A pack?

“I have no idea what I’m doing,” Fluttershy bemoaned. Nothing in her vast knowledge of animals prepared her for animal curses or moon-related illnesses. Another thought was shot down before it even had time to surface. No, she didn’t have any silver.

Fluttershy went limp. If she was right, the curse was spread through a bite. Biting was a wolf’s primary method of offense and play. It would take so little effort for Applejack to infect her with the same fate.

“Please, Applejack...”

The lycan whined. For a second, the fangs vanished, but were out a moment later. Fluttershy could get through to animals, unlike Applejack, which was likely why Noteworthy was deaf to Applejack’s pleas.

Applejack sniffed her throat and Fluttershy shut her eyes. Could she risk a Stare? Would she have enough time? All it would take was a flick of the eyes. Or a snap of Applejack’s teeth. Fluttershy shivered. To end up like Noteworthy, alone in the woods...

A wet, rough tongue licked Fluttershy’s jaws where the tears had begun to streak down her face.


The teeth were there, but there was something in the wild eyes. Something.

‘Think, Fluttershy.’

Why did wolves lick others? She knew why, but trying to recall anything was like trying to catch smoke. Affection and submission. That was it. Well, Applejack had her dead to rights, so that ruled out the latter.

An idea so nonsensical clung into her brain that she carried it out without thinking. Fluttershy leaned in and licked Applejack’s cheek.

‘Friend?’ she pleaded.

Applejack sniffed her again.


Try as she might, she couldn’t stop her hips from pumping as a cold nose was shoved in her crotch. She was just checking her out, Fluttershy told herself. Smell was how canines recognized each other best. Plus, it wouldn’t take much for a wolf to tear out her throat. Even if she managed to survive the encounter, there was a real chance she might bleed out like Noteworthy before she got proper medical attention. Applejack was acting like a pup that didn’t know its limits, so there was no telling what she’d do.

Applejack backed off. Fluttershy’s heart began to beat at more manageable levels and with the slowness of a coward, she got to her hooves. Another Stare?

Maybe. She was getting somewhere.

Fluttershy bowed her head in submission and slid her tail between her legs.

A Sweet Surprise (First Draft) - [Sweetie] [Rarity] [Hondo] [Cookie Crumble] [Incest] [Cum Inflation] [Impregnation] [Orgy] [Vaginal Sex] [Anal sex] [Dildos] [Blowjob] [Anthro]

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There was something wrong with Rarity.

Sweetie could always discern her sister’ mood with ease whenever she was working on her clothes. If she ignored Sweetie and was talking to herself, she was busy. If she was just talking to herself, she was frustrated and needed heavy doses of ice cream. If she was quiet and yet didn’t complain about the ruckus of Sweetie falling down half a flight of stairs, something was bothering her dearly.

Sweetie let her light steps pitter-patter down the remaining stairs and into the boutique proper, shaking off the last twinges of pain. The large showing room was still its usual impeccably clean self, a side effect to Rarity’s self-imposed demand for orderly chaos.


Her sister twitched and turned around, idly sucking on a pen. Rarity often complimented her by saying she had a model’s hourglass physique, but Rarity was not someone to shake a stick at either. Perfect cheekbones and full lips, pert breasts, ivory fur groomed to a gleaming sheen, and a narrow waist that just seemed to make her hips saunter no matter how hard she tried. Rarity could bait anypony she wanted just by walking outside.

“Sweetie, sorry dear. I’ve just been a little distracted working on an order,” she said. “There’s a letter on the kitchen table you should see.”

Really now? It might provide answers for why Rarity was bothered by something. Sweetie had a job with a modeling agency every weekend, but being a tuesday, she wanted to hang out with Applebloom. Scootaloo had unfortunately moved to Manehatten with her father a few years back.

Resigned and with a little time to kill, Sweetie wandered into the kitchen and resisted the urge to eat one of the a cream-filled eclairs Rarity had on a platter; her weight was unfortunately strictly maintained. The letter itself looked like cheap stationary one would find in a strip mall. The return address was near Hoofington, but it was the pair of names that explained everything.

Sweetie Belle loved her parents. Rarity’s feeling were a little more... complicated. No wonder she was distracted.

Their parents were coming home. Tomorrow.

“Ah don’t get it. Why wouldn’t Rares like her folks?”

“I don’t know. She always just brushes me off and makes excuses, but I can tell.”

Applebloom pulled out around four sandwiches and started wolfing them down on the shores of Ponyville Lake. Whereas Sweetie was as slim and svelte as a dancer, Applebloom had followed in her sister’s footsteps in terms of physique. She had lost much of her girlish youth and charm and had grown into a lean and muscular mare.

“Y’know, you never talk about yer folks all that much,” Applebloom commented.

Huh, now that Sweetie thought about it, Bloom was right. Most of their youth was devoted to finding their cutie marks and helping others. Talks about Bloom were usually about the farm. Scootaloo talked about the next big adventure and tried to convince Sweetie to bat her eyelashes and lie her ass off; a pretty face was very useful when Sweetie wanted something she couldn’t have.

Sweetie dredged her brain for the memories. “Mom got into some money—I don’t remember how—and wanted to see the world. She and dad have been traveling ever since. Griffon Kingdoms, Zebrica, a guided tour of bits of Mareasia and their steam ponies, the frozen north. They’ve been all over the place and send pictures and postcards and all sorts of cool stuff.”

“Sounds pretty awesome.”

“I know, right! I’ve got boxes of awesome stuff back at home. When Dad was in the Badlands, he sent some musket balls and a shell casing he says was from Big Iron himself. Rarity just...” Sweetie waved her hand back and forth. “Just sort of waves off everything they send her and ends up giving most of it to me. It normally takes her a week or so to read their letters. I don’t think she likes them all that much. She doesn’t yell at them or anything when they stop by, but she gets sort of, I dunno, frosty.”

Something shifted in Applebloom’s expression. “How often they come back?”

“Most major holidays. Rarity’s all lovey-dovey, pretty Miss Perfect when dad’s around, but I don’t think she likes mom.”

Applebloom drummed her fingers. “Sounds more like she wants first crack at yer folks.”

“What do you—”

“Jus’ hear me out. Rarity all but raised ya, Sweetie. She loves ya fer sure, but that don’t mean she ain’t bitter about it.” She shook her head. “Jus’ me guessin’, anyway. There’s one way to know fer sure.”

“And that is?”

“Take a leaf out of Scoots’ book. Break in when nopony’s the wiser.”

Sweetie the lounge singer. Applebloom the builder. Scootaloo the burglar.

They were far too much of a bad influence on each other.

“Onto more pleasant things.” Applebloom interrupted. Sweetie nodded her agreement; there was no use theorizing about Rarity’s ire until she knew more. Applebloom pulled out a contraption with a series of several belts. She flicked a switch and showed it off. Sweetie felt her face go crimson as a fleshy bit of the mechanized cylinder started pumping up and down on its own in a suggestive manner.

“Finally got the bugger workin’.”

Nights with Applebloom were always vigorous in the most toe-curling way, but as much as Sweetie wanted to say yes to everything the farm filly had to offer, doing so would often leave her without feeling in her legs. Enjoying time with a friend was top of her list on how to spend her day, but Applebloom kicked her out after morning chores came rolling by. Sweetie munched on an apple as she meandered her way through town, her legs bowed slightly to alleviate the slight burning in her bum from Applebloom’s contraption.

Sweetie wanted to walk home barefoot and feel the course dirt grains and leafy grass between her bare toes, but there was a shoe line job she was hoping to get and they’d have a conniption if her legs were anything less than flawless and uncalloused. She knew very well she was pretty, and a lot of doors opened up to her because of that, but it came with its own bag of annoyances.

Sweetie stopped.

Cookie’s silhouette was in the Boutique window.

The mare was milling around their kitchen judging from the shadow. Sweetie’s first instinct was to throw open the door and greet her, but that wasn’t the goal. This would require secrecy and a fair bit of rusty skills dredged from the back of her brain. If she wanted to listen in and find out what Rarity might be hiding from her, now was the chance.

Her next deed would have Rarity go into seizures: she spat into her hands and rubbed them together. She gave herself a good twenty paces before sprinting full tilt at the Boutique. Sweetie learned a lot of things in her life. Rarity taught her the power of allure and a sharp mind, Applebloom could build just about anything, and Scootaloo taught her the finer points of breaking and entering.

Sweetie jumped at the last minute, clawing for the small awning. It took a second try, but her slim arms managed to hoist herself up and onto the first floor roof. Her own window wasn’t locked and she slipped inside, quietly landing on her room’s carpeted floor. She heard voices almost immediately. Gently closing the window to dim the sounds of Ponyville, her ears twitched and perked to catch the wandering voices. Hondo had joined Rarity in her her room while mother remained downstairs.

Sweetie opened her closet and shuffled past her many dresses and shoes. There were only two layers of thin dry wall between her room and Rarity’s if she slipped inside her closet. Even before she pressed her ears against the wall, nestled in a small cocoon of old CMC costumes she could bring herself to throw away, she heard their voices.

Rarity’s voice chimed first. Sweetie knew her elder had an encyclopedia of charms, moods, and smiles, but the one she heard had no precedent: resignation. “...just came of age last year. Sweetie’s made a life for herself now. I’m plenty capable of professing gratitude, father, but understand my caution when stopping by for a visit feels like an attempt to reinsert yourselves back in our lives.”

“Rarity, I—”

Rarity overrode him. “You left me alone!” she hissed. Sweetie could hear Rarity’s gentle step pacing in place ever-so slightly. Hondo, it sounded, was sitting on Rarity’s bed.

Sweetie just barely heard Rarity’s practiced and dainty sigh. She continued, “I’m sorry, you did not deserve that, but it’s hard to let go that you left me to raise Sweetie myself. I’m not angry. I’ve let that particular baggage go.”

Rarity walked to the bed and settled herself down, the bed squeaking under the added weight.

“I sense a ‘but’ coming.”

“I’m not angry, but I just...” Rarity trailed off.

“Coming back brings up old wounds?”

“Indeed. I love Sweetie Belle. I will burn my store down before letting anything harm her, but mother just stopping by and hoping to be a family at her convenience doesn’t bode well, but I expect that of her. I did not expect it of you.”

Ever the daddy’s girl. Whenever their parents visited, Rarity went to Hondo first, said thanks to him, was happy to see him. There was always love in her voice, even if it was strained at times. Cookie was an airhead to match Derpy, but Sweetie never saw that as a reason to dislike her.

There was a slight smack of a kiss and the sound of a hand rubbing against fur. Rarity must have leaned into him and he was comforting her. “I understand if you still feel a little bitter, honey. I know it is not an excuse, but your mother is a bit of a... free spirit. I fell in love with that, and she’s given me you, just as you’ve given me Sweetie Belle. You wanted to raise Sweetie yourself.” Another little chaste kiss. “I love you for that, but someone needs to look out for your mother and her impulses.”

Rarity gave a very undignified snort. “Let us not beat around the bush, father. Mom’s a little on the dim side. I don’t fault her for it, and I understand you needed to look out for her more than be at my beck and call—”

“I am sure you could string about half of Ponyville’s males by showing your navel,” Hondo interrupted.

Sweetie stuck her fist in her mouth to stop herself from giggling, a problem Rarity did not have as her laughter chimed from the adjacent room. Showing skin was Rarity’s way of getting gifts she wanted but couldn’t afford.

“—and,” Rarity continued, the mirth evident in her voice. After they died down, her she took on a more somber tone. “I accept mother’s wanderlust cannot be tamed. I wouldn’t trade Sweetie’s troublesome streak for anything, despite the property damage she has incurred over the years. And I wouldn’t change you. There is no such thing as a perfect family. A family is perfect once you accept them for whom they are.”

“That is... surprisingly mature and philosophical, honey.”

“Sweetie Belle said that to me the day after she tried to make Applejack her sister.”

Sweetie couldn’t stop the laugh before she clamped a hand over her mouth. The cold sweat already ran down spine before she realized Hondo’s simultaneous laughter hid the sound.

“Atta girl. Have to say she follows in your footsteps more than mine. I recall you making a police getup from newspaper once and trying to arrest me when I had to go out to a PTA meeting.”

“An unfortunate incident that will not fall upon pony ears other than our own.”

Sweetie rubbed her hands together. Not a chance in hell.

“Can you forgive your mother?”

Rarity sighed. “For Sweetie, yes.”

Their discussions seemed to be over, however, if the ensuing silence was any indication. She had missed no doubt a good chunk of the conversation beforehand, but Rarity’s grievance was easy to identify. Cookie was an awesome mother. She was so full of life and wonder every time she visited, but Rarity felt abandoned. Cookie was always so happy and devoted every time Sweetie saw her, but where she treasured those moments together, Rarity saw the absences more.

What was that?



She must be mishearing things.

Sweetie twitched an ear and pressed it full against the wall. There was no way she actually heard...


Oh dear.

Oh god no.

That was a sound she knew, and knew well; the last time she heard it, Applebloom was making it when she was getting her chest massaged.

A little bit of wet smacking confirmed it. Rarity and Hondo were kissing.

Every fiber of her being locked in place, even her breath as her brain struggled to reboot and process what she was hearing. Despite the shock, she felt her nethers moisten a little as the current acts of lewd desire mimicked her own wanton desires last night with her fillyhood friend.

The bed squeaked. Sweetie imagined Rarity letting herself fall to the bed as her father rolled on top of her. Sweetie remembered her sister saying it was generally best to not be too assertive; letting others take the lead was often its own reward in a lover’s eyes, proof that they’ve conquered something. To get what you want sometimes involved letting something go.

“I suppose this is pity sex or something?”

A bolt shot through Sweetie’s heart. Rampant guessing was one thing, but open admission?

“Anything for my beautiful daughter.” Rarity doesn’t complain. She giggled. “I’ll come back every year and show you much I love you, baby.”

Sweetie bit a finger to keep herself from making any noise. The blossoming sounds of amorous lovemaking were leaking through the walls and violating her virgin ears.

‘You’ve just let your friend ride your ass last night,’ she reminded herself. Each of the crusaders had their own kink. Scootaloo liked to be mock arrested and fucked, Applebloom liked to bring in toys, and Sweetie had a fondness for anal sex. Once, Applebloom mounted her and rode her backside while Big Mac and Applebloom were upstairs. The thrill of getting caught had her whimpering in seconds and the orgasm more thunderous than any before. The taboo of getting caught, the embarrassment of Applejack finding out, was absolutely irresistible.

Rarity it appeared had a forbidden taboo of her own.

Sweetie sniffed the air. The familiar scent of her own arousal brushed by her nose, refreshing the memories of her session not one day prior. This was something even more unacceptable than getting caught with her pants down and ass in the air, it it was making it so very wet.

She couldn’t say why she hadn’t already jumped out the window. She didn’t even know when her hand slipped into her pants and started rubbing against her moist pussy lips. She swore she could smell something far more musky than her own delicate scent. Her mind immediately conjured up a picture of her father stallionhood caged behind his pants, rubbing up against Rarity’s crotch. The musk of a stallion ready to breed.

“Just let me take it off.”

“Wait, I don’t want it to wrinkle!” Sweetie could hear movie fabric, but it didn’t take long for a loud crack to cut the air and Rarity squeal in pain and delight. “I will never understand your desire to play with my tushie.”

“I like seeing the white turn red, hon.” Another spank and Rarity’s cry of passion set Sweetie’s own diddling into double time. Sweetie admitted her sister was attractive, and Rarity taught her how useful being a flirt could be. Rarity’s perky ass was the focus of more than one fingering session. There was something hypnotic about butts to Sweetie, from Scootaloo’s lean booty in booty shorts, to the Pinkie’s badonkadonk that seemingly had its own gravity.

Rarity’s next cry of lust was muffled conjured the image of her lying down with her ass in the air, biting a pillow as she presented herself to Hondo. Rarity would swish her tail to spread her marehood’s sweet aroma around the room, beads of arousal running running down her leg and ruining her perfectly conditioned fur. Hondo hummed his approval, and when that too was muffled, Rarity’s pants and groans told Sweetie exactly what his mouth was doing.

Sweetie pulled down her top and started massaging her little chest. She wasn’t quite as endowed as Rarity, less curvy and more pixyish, but she loved her boobs. She rolled a nipple between her fingers and gave it a slight pinch as her other hand pushed her pants down to her thighs. She was far too horny to discard them entirely and quickly busied herself by curling a finger inside her wet cunt. She found that sweet spot inside that made her hips buck against her palm, grinding against her clit. The idea of a prim and proper lady and socialite that beds her father was a fetish she didn’t know she had.

“Daddy!” Rarity moaned. Sweetie could tell she was biting her lips as Hondo went down on her, eating out the foremost untouchable Ponyville mare. Perhaps it was less she was looking for the perfect marriage, and more Rarity already had a stallion she wanted to bed more than any other. The one stallion she trusted, always there for her when she needed, always willing to give her a good, hard dicking if she batted her eyelashes and pulled up her dress.

Sweetie cried her release into the afternoon air, manhandling her tits while her sheath contracted around her slick fingers. There was always something lovely about having her own fingers coated in her own love juices, the exciting feeling of slickness.

She clamped her hand over her mouth. The heat from her self love session now turned into a frigid cold sweat rolling down her back. SIlence filled the air and every second felt like a little tightening of the noose now fastened around her neck.

There were two types of Rarity hustles: dainty mare and ‘oh shit’, the latter of which was reserved when she was absolutely sure no one was around. Before Sweetie could so much as get up, let alone make it back to the window, Rarity was already throwing open her door. Sweetie’s shirt was rumpled, her mane was no doubt in disarray, and she had yet to pull her pants up. After a few steps, Rarity had eyes on her and could see everything down to the slickness coating her hand.

Rarity was only wearing one of her lines of stockings and lingerie, a vivid ebony that contrasted with her pure white fur. She was disheveled and messy, the fur running down her legs matted with her own marecum. Rarity possessed a mother’s set of breasts, but they were perfect in just about every way down to the erect nipples. Sweetie’s efforts to button up her pants froze when their gaze met, Sweetie still wedge into her own closet.

“How much of that did you—”

If she was talking about the conversation or the sex, Sweetie couldn’t tell. Rarity also froze as another pair of footsteps came up the stairs.

Cookie was watching her from the door.

Sweetie Belle turned herself away from the doorway. She had seen Rarity naked plenty of times after they’d taken turns for the shower, but mother was in the doorway, and Sweetie didn’t want to call attention to the fact that her pants weren’t all the way on by trying to do them up. Rarity seemed completely unconcerned that her butt was towards Cookie and the results of the coupling with Hondo were currently running down her leg. No, Rarity ignored absolutely everything except her.

After so many years in each other’s company, Sweetie found it strange that she couldn’t identify what exactly Rarity was thinking. There was panic at first, but the thin line formed by Rarity’s luscious lips quickly shifted to a neutral expression.

Rarity held out a manicured hand. Seven hells, what did she hope to do to explain away what was going on? Jumping out the window felt ill-advised now that she had a crown. Sweetie met her sister’s grasp and Rarity’s warm fingers curled around her own.

Cookie didn’t say anything as Rarity led her out of the room. No chastising Rarity for her state of undress, or Sweetie for masturbating herself to orgasm. Hell, a little dim as Cookie may be, it wasn’t hard to figure out who Rarity was shagging giving the number of people in the house.

Oh gods, she grasped Rarity’s hand with the one that fingered herself!

Rarity did not protest the slickness of Sweetie’s fingers, questioningly enough, something just as puzzling as Cookie following in step behind her as Rarity’s magnificent, globular rear led the eldest and youngest in the family to Rarity’s room. She was grounded hard enough to be sent to the salt mines, soa visual grope wouldn’t hurt.

Hondo was thankfully dressed and standing in the far corner of the room, stroking his mustache. Thank god he was clothed, but she could still see a firm outline in his pants. Her father's erection wasn’t the biggest obstacle to overcome, only realizing far too late that was the wrong way of describing the situation to herself. The real distraction was Rarity’s nervous twitching of her tail. Getting an eyeful of that ass by accidental or deliberate intent was appreciated, but not appropriate given the circumstances and the twitching was spreading Rarity’s womanly scent with every nervous flick. The scent of arousal was still in the air and easily picked up by a pony’s keen nose.

Rarity’s room was fairly standard for a beautician and socialite, containing much of her usual flair. Despite it being her safe space, a single mannequin was pressed into the corner near Rarity’s expansive walk-in closet. It was so much bigger than Sweetie’s own bedroom, a minor grudge it took a long time to bury. Bigger it may be and filled with only four people, it still felt claustrophobic as Sweetie sat down on a loveseat to stop her knees from shaking.

“I suppose we have some explaining to do,” Rarity said.

But it was Cookie, not Rarity, that started explaining. “Rarity always was a bit of a daddy’s girl.” Rarity puffed her cheeks and pouted. "She’d give him valentines, make modifications to his suits, and all sorts of little things. One night, I heard Rarity actively engaging in a stress relief session. My dear Hondo’s name was called more than once.”

Rarity was ivory cheeks were now beet red. Even Hondo looked embarrassed.

“Now Rarity was almost as much of a shut-in as Twilight and never socialized with anyone outside us, so I proposed a little something to Hondo in order to have Rarity work out some frustrations. She was getting to that age where suppressing her libido would be unhealthy. He took some convincing, but agreed.”

Rarity taught her the wisdom of wathcing her words. For a half second, the ‘SHUT UP’ filter shorted out. “After all the times I’ve seen her fawn over dad, I bet she enjoyed that,” she blurted.

“Sweetie!” she protested. Hondo was sniggering quietly to himself.

“She sure did,” Cookie smiled at Rarity, who had the gall to look indignant after screwing her own father while mom was downstairs. “She might as well have been flying with the spring she had in her step the next few days.”


Cookie laughed, but gave her eldest and Hondo a warm smile before turning back on her. “It’s a sort of become a tradition of ours, Sweetie. Whenever we have a get-together, we take the time to enjoy the pleasures of each other’s company. You are old enough to join if you wish.”

She saw the brief flash of hope in Rarity’s eyes. Yes, Sweetie liked thinking about her sister’s body more than once, appreciative of physical beauty. Could Rarity feel the same? She turned to Hondo, whom gave her a look that said it was her choice, but she still saw movement in his groin. Sweetie shifted her legs back and forth to try and soothe the new burn between her thighs. She had a chance to feel that same passionate love her sister felt.


“Yes, Sweetie?”

“Can I... can I watch you and dad?”

Rarity stepped forward to hug her, and then came in for an electrical kiss. “Of course.”

Rarity twirled happily and dove for Hondo’s lips. Heh, she even did the little leg pop as she wrapped her arms around his neck and secured herself to him. Listening was one thing, but seeing it was completely another.

Just as Rarity led her by the hand before, Cookie guided her to Rarity’s plush bed. Sitting down first, Cookie pulled Sweetie Belle into her lap and hugged her close. Mother was still clothed, but it provided her with the perfect angle when Rarity finally parted and drew him to the bed. It was the look on Hondo’s face that made Sweetie watch. He did not care that he had an audience, or that he was making out with his own daughter with his wife in the room. His eyes never drifted from Rarity and drank in her naked, alabaster curves. She was his mare, his mate, his love.

“Look at that,” Cookie said as they climbed into bed. “Some may view our family’s love as wrong, or immoral, but look at my darling. See how he worships the very ground she walks on? Look at her and tell me she has ever loved a pony more than him. Why would I take this away from them in the name of decency?”

Despite performing at her request, Sweetie didn’t see Hondo or Rarity even acknowledging they weren’t alone. Rarity continued to kiss her father for as long as she could until she pulled his hastily thrown on shirt over his head. Age was creeping up on him with the tinge of gray in his mane and mustache that was his pride. He didn’t retain possess the same sculpted physique as his daughters, and it was none more evident than in his slight beer belly, but neither sister cared. He was their father and loved them both dearly.

Sweetie jumped a little as Cookie’s hands drifted from her stomach to the bottom of her breasts. Looking up, Cookie was giving her a questioning glance. As Sweetie gave her a nod, a pair of hands drifted under her shirt and played with the little tuft of fur on her sternum. Sweetie always liked to groom it; it felt as soft as goose down between her fingers. A magical pair of fingers worked her breasts and rolled her slowly hardening niples under their delicate and experienced touch. Perhaps mom had practiced her technique on Rarity. The thought alone made her pussy tremble.

Rarity pulled away from Hondo, panting and sweating, eyes alight with fresh lust. Now that she thought about it, it didn’t sound like Rarity or Hondo had climaxed earlier when she came. No doubt the two of them were far more pent up than she realized, now realizing she’d interrupted some delicate lovemaking. Rarity was wasting no time, tearing at Hondo’s pants and popping the button off. Sweetie gasped as Hondo’s cock flared to life like a dragon waking from torpor. It was very much like a tankard, fat and stout, suffering in terms of length but thick enough to split a mare in half. Sweetie saw several sticky splotches in his pants along with several rivulets running down his rigid white shaft.

“Where do you put it all?” Sweetie asked Rarity admirably.

Rarity’s laugh chimed like a bell. “I’ve had practice, and plenty of it.”

Rarity’s now messy locks scattered as she shook her head to prepare for the plunge. It reminded her so much of Applebloom’s sweat body after a day of hard labor, or the occasional sneak peeks she stole of her brother and sister. Rarity dropped like a gavel and all but inhaled half of Hondo’s dick in one gulp. Sweetie could see the outline of Hondo’s stallionhood bulge in her throat. Sweetie placed a hand on her pussy and rubbed her fingers along her lips, feeling the wetness gather between her fingers as she watched the show.

Back went Rarity’s head and a few more inches disappeared on the downstroke. An ivory hand cupped Hondo’s balls and rolled them gently in the palm. Reverent was Rarity’s worship of the stallionhood that served to create both sisters; sinking that magnificent dick down her throat was equal parts desire and duty. Sweetie sunk a finger into her own moist depths as Cookie pinched her nipples and a little moan escaped her lips, joining Hondo’s as Rarity deepthroated her father. Gagging and squishing came from the mare as she impaled herself until she finally released the beast from her welcome lips. With a great gasp of breath, she plunged one final time and sank herself all the way down to the hilt.

There Rarity lay prostrated, mouth enveloping the fattest dick Sweetie had ever dared imagine, her ass in the air waiting to be mounted like a common harlot. Sweetie sunk another finger into her depths and bucked her hips as she found that sweet spot deep inside. The palm of her hand rubbed against her own aching clit. Pimp and proper Rarity, now displaying a mix of whorish lust and marital love. It was the last thing she ever expected out of her sister, and the memory of today was going to go down as the hottest thing Sweetie had ever seen.

Rarity’s eyes met her own. Beads of sweat rolled down her face and made her perfect mane stick. Her lips were still spread around cock, but Sweetie could still see her smiling.

“Sis, you are so trashy and I love you for it.”

A faint chuckling rumbled from Hondo’s dick and Rarity slid herself off and gasped for breath. Several strings of spit and precum connected her mouth to her favored cock as if trying to lead her back. “Let us start the main event for you, Sweetie. Do enjoy yourself.”

Rarity swung a leg over and straddled Hondo. Hondo’s dick was trapped between the warm lips of Rarity’s dripping nethers. Violet locks scattered every which way across Rarity’s back and stopped just short of her full bum. Goddesses, that disheveled look worked so well for her. Sweetie jumped and squeaked as Cookie affectionately bit her neck. Sweetie forgot to continue her ministrations altogether as her mother pinched her nipples and pulled them out from her chest as she slid her tongue all along her neck and to her jawline.

“Now, now, don’t let yourself cum too quickly, honey. We’ve only just started.”

Sweetie pulled her hand from her cunt and grabbed her mother by the back of her head, smearing her mane with marecum in the process. It was all worth it as she drew Cookie in for a kiss and their tongues twirled together in a time-honored dance. She might have just been waiting for Sweetie to take the initiative, but Sweetie immediately took the advantage and pressed the momentum, dominating her mother’s tongue.

“You’re a good kisser,” Cookie panted as they parted, faces flushed.

“I’ve had practice kissing mares.”

“Are we going to see a pretty little filly gathered into the herd?”

Sweetie shrugged. “I swing a little both ways.”

Mother and daughter were distracted by the almost frantically mating pair before them. Rarity was lubing up her father’s dick with a layer of her own feminine juices in addition to a fine layer of spit. They were already kissing and moaning like animals in a rut. Sweetie’s eyes were drawn to Rarity’s fantastic ass. She’s grown fond of Applebloom’s muscular buttocks, so the light fat clinging to Rarity’s butt didn’t appeal to her as much. What Rarity had going for her was although they may be shaky, they were perfectly round and stuck out from Rarity’s backside like a pair of watchful eyes. She could probably settle a wineglass within the space of that asscrack with room to spare. Rarity’s tits were big enough to make her look like she’d already been pregnant, but her fine ass was Sweetie’s favorite feature.

Rarity raised her butt and poised her dripping slit over her father’s cock. It sprang upwards upon finally being released from the confines of her wet cunt and fat ass. They finally parted their lips, but from the way it sounded it was less from desire to show off and more because they were running out of air. “Now I always love a kiss from my darling daughters, honey, but don’t you think you should turn around so Sweetie Belle can see you?”

“No need, father. I happen to know Sweetie has a certain fondness for looking at derrieres, be they belonging to mares or stallions. I don’t think she’ll mind when she sees my butt moving up and down your nice, hard cock.”

It was the first time Sweetie had ever heard her say something so profane. Sweetie gave her mother one more kiss and then wrapped a hand around Cookie’s manicured fingers before placing her hand between Sweetie’s legs. Cookie obeyed the command and slipped a finger into her daughter’s cunt.

A high keening noise cut the air as Sweetie let her head rest between her mother’s breasts. Hondo’s fat cockhead slipped inside Rarity and she announced that she had finally been coupled with her stallion. Sweetie had a much smaller waist than her sister, while the eldest had large, child-bearing hips and a narrow waist. Desperation and not having gotten off earlier clung to the pair like a cloak; Rarity put both hands on Hondo’s shoulders while he held her thighs, both of their tails intertwined like lovers. The air was filled with the sound of smacking flesh as Rarity’s cunt swallowed her father’s dick even easier than her slutty mouth did. Cookie was matching pace with them, now up to three fingers and thrusting into Sweetie’s cunt with abandon. Sweetie bucked her hips and gasped while she was penetrated.



Both girls rapidly ascended the slopes of pleasure under the deft touch of their parents. Sweetie’s eyes were glued to Rarity’s bouncing ass and the cock that slid into her stretched marehood. Ever bounce sent her butt rippling up and down, swaying back and forth every time she rode that cock like a true cowgirl. Every ripple and vein of his dick was swallowed by that tight but cavernous cunt. As Rarity’s ass rose, Sweetie saw that magical dick coated in a thin sheen of marecum. It was a monster roaring to life as it was released from its prison, Sweetie’s own cunt feeling an envious, jealous twinge. Rarity’s nether lips suddenly parted and revealed the cock head that had speared her.

Rarity rose too far and Hondo’s dick popped out. Rarity reached behind her to grab it and direct it at her empty flower, but Sweetie got there first. Hondo’s dick was far warmer to the touch than she thought. She could feel every little crease and vein under her delicate fingers. It was so very wet and slick, clinging to her fingers far more than her own excitement; that must have been Hondo’s precum rather than Rarity’s. Rarity’s bedroom was hotboxing her with the smell of arousal, every twitch of the tail spreading it about, but now her face was almost flush with both pairs of genitals. The wet and feminine slit was something she was quite familiar with, but she’d only played with an actual dick a grant total of twice. The present was the best time to learn as her fingers passed over Hondo’s medial ring. Now that she thought about it, it was the first time she had ever taken the time to properly examine a dick not attached to Scootaloo or Applebloom.

“I’ve got it for you.”

Rarity blew her a kiss and settled her rump to make another plunge. Cookie’s ministrations were lost on her now. All she saw were those magnificent globes. Rarity shrieked as Sweetie’s tongue lapped at her clit. Nostrils filled with her heady, musky scent, Sweetie’s tongue stroked from the very top of her clit to the cleft of her butt.

“A little distracted, honey?” Hondo teased, watching her from under Rarity’s legs. Rarity’s reply was a thoughtless grumble of syllables as Sweetie went back for another taste. Rarity was often oiled and perfumed like a Canterlot nance, but now all she could smell was that scent Sweetie associated with breeding time. A little salty and tart, but her mind was so delirious with lust she couldn’t have cared less. The sisters had shared everything with each other, and now they were sharing love.

Sweetie put a hand on her butt and guided her down to Hondo’s throbbing prick. She could feel his heartbeat and the twitching that had come from her tonguing Rarity. Instinct took over and Rarity began riding her father again, clearly ready to cum. Cookie shifted and now she was on her back, taking advantage of Sweetie presenting her ass to the air. She smiled at her mother underneath her as Cookie licked her cunt and started sucking on her clit while her fingers worked their magic. Sweetie humped her mother’s face as her own orgasm approached like a freight train. Both sisters were ready to pop.

She contented herself by lying her head on the bed, watching the spectacle unfold as Cookie pleasured her. She wanted to take one of Hondo’s balls into her mouth, to lick his cock clean. She wanted to dive into Rarity’s snatch and drink her dry, but she dared not interrupt the magic occurring between father and daughter. This was something special, something the two of of them. If only Rarity’s magical ass didn’t look so goddamn appealing.

Sweetie couldn’t stop herself. Butts had possessed her tonight and were making her do unspeakable things and Sweetie had come to one conclusion: that ass was a witch.


Rarity cried out in delight and pain as Sweetie spanked her hard enough to leave a reddish tinge to her skin behind her fur-covered buttchecks. Rarity looked behind her, eyes glazed with lust, pleading an unspoken wish.


Her little hand gave the other buttcheck a mathcing print. Rarity seized up and screamed her release. Sweetie could feel Cookie bite her ass, marking her as the fingers curled in her cunt and stroked her g-spot. She joined her sister’s cry of release while basking in the pleasant warmth of sister and mother, bucking her hips into the hand pleasuring her marehood.

It wasn’t enough. As she came down from her peak, more content than ever in the loving hands of family, that itch of lust still wasn’t satisfied. She’d grown used to a mechanic’s hands and devices plunging deeper than that. She wanted to be filled utterly and truly, more so than ever before. The perfect means of doing so was before her.

Rarity rolled off Hondo and giggled. Her hair spread like a halo, the satisfied smile on her lips, and the light blush touching her countenance She was almost glowing.

“I’m glad you had fun, honey, but I’m still a little....” Hondo trailed off and nodded towards his dick. It looked swollen and painfully hard, forced to endure two sessions with a daughter and still hadn’t blown its load.

“Sharing is caring, lover. I thought is best Sweetie would finally get a turn and see why I love you so.”

“Did I wear you out, Sweetie?” Cookie asked kindly. “You don’t have to ride your father if you don’t want to.”

Like hell she’d pass it up. She gave her mother one chaste kiss before crawling over. Hondo was covered in a thin sheen of sweat as well. She could tell exhaustion was starting to settle in by his breathing, but her little breasts bouncing with every crawl invigorated him.

“Come here, honey. I’ll take care of you, too.”

“You might have to work on pleasing your mares full time, Hondo baby,” Cookie giggled. “You’re up to three of them now. You’ve got quite the harem.”

Sweetie leaned in and gave her father a kiss. She laughed a little as his mustache tickled her lips, only to jump as hands gripped her ass. Cookie was guiding her onto Hondo’s cock while a now roused Rarity wrapped a hand around his stallionhood to keep it steady.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuck!” Sweetie squealed as the head of Hondo’s cock brushed against her lips, stretching her father that Applebloom or Scootaloo had ever stretched her before.


She squealed as she was spanked. Rarity smirked at her as she finished tightening the belts of a strapon. “Fair play, dear sister.”

Hondo placed one hand on her hips and another on her left breasts, squeezing the delicate titflesh. “I’ll take care of you any way you want, darling. Just tell me how.”

A singular thought had been on her mind for the past half hour. “Just fuck me, daddy!”

Hondo smiled at her happily, the beginnings of tears in his eyes. She met him in a quick kiss and their tongues joined. Sweetie could taste Rarity on his lips. She squealed like a stuck pig as he pistoned his hips back and impaled on... she wasn’t sure, but it felt like there was a soda can wedged in her pussy.

Cookie crawled around her to face her. Her own breasts, sagging a little with her age, greeted her. Hondo was about to say something but that was quickly cut off as she sat on his face. “Umph, the whiskers always tickle a little.” She ground her hips onto his face. “Just take a breath and ease into it, honey.”

Sweetie gulped, held her breath, and pistoned her hips up and down that rock hard shaft. It was slow work—at times painful—but every fiber of her wanted to see this through to the end. Sweetie rode her father, Cookie was getting herself tongued by her husband, and Rarity decided to lube up the strapon and peg her ass.

Rarity’s soft hands stroked and plucked at her breasts, but it was the love bite to her collarbone that made her moan in desire to feel her sister’s flesh. The little rubber cockhead pushed gently at her pucker. Rarity was so very gentle, until she decided to lean her hips back and thrust.

She squeaked so high that only dogs could hear. Everything felt so incredibly full down below, even though she had only half of each cock wedged inside both holes. Cookie kissed her cheek as Sweetie stopped riding.

Hondo tried to say something, but was muffled by his wife’s pussy and thighs sealing over his mouth. She lifted herself just enough to let him speak. “Are you okay?” he asked, his hands on her hips and ready to pull her off if needed.

“Y-y—” Sweetie’s breath caught in her throat. Both dicks felt like they were pressing against her lungs. “J-just let me... rel-l-lax a little.”

She’d taken strapons from both of her friends before, but nothing as thick as Hondo’s dick. Rarity’s faux phallus was longer, but it was father that was splitting her in half. She gyrated her hips against both family members as Cookie kissed the tears away. Rarity and Hondo left her to her own devices and get use to everything.

“Just think about it, daddy,” Rarity whispered in her ear. Sweetie stole a glance. Rarity looked at her, then back at Hondo. Rarity licked the side of her neck, daring Hondo to look away from the copulating sisters while another hand trailed down Sweetie’s furry chest until she touched Hondo’s cock.

“Mother had me, I gave birth to Sweetie, and now you’re inside her.”

Sweetie moaned and rose her hips just slightly, wincing. It still hurt a little, but the pain was fading as Rarity goaded Hondo.

“Another mare to breed, belly growing big with your great granddaughter. Just look at her. Light as a dancer and stuffed full of daddy’s nice, hard prick.”

Every word seemed to send shivers of pleasure straight through her cunt and down Hondo’s cock. She felt him twitch deep inside, stretching her more than she’d ever gone before. She thought of her growing stomach and the patriarch that had started their family, growing it a little at a time with his potent seed. She felt Rarity spread her labia just enough to show the slick juices, the combined effort of two mares and Hondo’s great stallionhood.

Rarity nibbled on Sweetie’s ear. Jeez, what a whore her sister turned out to be in private. “What do you want, Sweetie?” she whispered.

The air that had been fucked straight out of her by those two cocks came rushing back. “Breed me!” she screamed.

Cookie sat back down. Sweetie thought she heard some kind of complaint, but Cookie’s content sigh told her Hondo was more than happy to get back to pleasing his wife.

“If we’re lucky today, I’ll be a great grandmother in nine months,” Cookie happily squealed.

She sure will... wait, “great”?

“...Have to say she follows in your footsteps more than mine.”

“...she’s given me you, just as you’ve given me Sweetie Belle.”

It couldn’t be...

A look to Rarity confirmed it. A body built for motherhood, Rarity’s unending love for her no matter what she did, a love that transcended sisterhood. Rarity smiled weakly at her. “I wanted to tell you when you came of age.”

The filter short circuited again. “So I guess I can call you mother now?”

Everyone snorted, a sound that sounded distinctly odd coming from Hondo with his mouth buried under his wife’s ass.

“It honestly explains a lot, mommy.”

An odd look crossed Rarity’s face. “I’d never thought you’d call me that. I know our relationship isn’t something that shouldn’t be made public, and it is indeed strange—”

If Hondo taught her anything, there was one thing to do to shut Rarity up. It was the third deep kiss she’d had of the day, one for a different pony each time. She had that smoky taste that she’d come to identify as Hondo. She swirled her tongue about, tasting the strands of precum from her earlier blowjob.

She parted. “Mommy, or sister, just finish fucking me.”

Hondo gripped her thighs and thrust into her cunt in earnest. The pain was already fading and turning into a toe-curling pleasure, and coupled with Rarity fucking her in the ass and Cookie’s embrace and kissed, she was enclosed in family members loving her in their own special way. Rarity thrust into her ass with quick but measured strokes, supporting herself by wrapping her arms around her and pinching her nipples. She could feel dad’s medial ring starting to slip in and out of her abused snatch. He wasn’t getting very deep, but by the gods had nothing bigger stretched her inner walls.

Sweetie could feel herself racing towards a quick climax, the third of the morning so far. Rarity rammed her fake cock up her ass and Sweetie could feel the two dicks inside her rubbing together behind a thin layer of flesh. Her ass clenched around the fake dick every time Rarity dutifully plunged deeper to pleasure her. Rarity’s soft fur was pressing against her ass; she’d hilted herself. Seized by a stallion’s animalistic desire to inseminate and breed, her hands refused to let go of Sweetie’s hips to ensure her nonexistent seed had a proper chance to thrive. Cookie embraced Sweetie, rubbing her fingers through her hair as she was barely able to support herself upright. Sweetie managed to latch onto a nipple and old instincts kicked in, sucking a licking. No milk met her lips, but the animalistic desires inside her demanded satisfaction.

“She’s almost there, s-sweetheart,” Cookie said, her voice unsteady under the oral assault she was receiving.

She could feel dad’s warm balls underneath her rear. She managed to bury that entire, ungodly length. She tried to rise, but was cut with a feeling in her loins so intense she almost passed out. She was stuck there. Rarity was gasping and grunting like a dog like a buck ready to drop a load in her needy cunt. No one was far off.

“Cum in me, dad. Cum in me!”

“Fuck her full of kids!” Cookie cheered as she screamed her own release and squirted a handful of marecum all over Hondo’s face.

Shot after shot of deliciously hot cum flooded her womb, but it was Rarity biting into her shoulder and screaming her release that set of Sweetie’s own. Rarity tensed up and hugged her back while Hondo’s grasp on her hips was hard enough to leave bruises. Every spasm of that great cock and Rarity’s hips only sent Sweetie into higher planes of pleasure. Her father’s payload of life-giving cum seemed endless and quickly enough her belly began to inflate until it touched his chest. No wonder Rarity got pregnant. The most important ponies in the world hugged her as the most important gift she would ever receive expanded her womb. Even as she started to look well and truly pregnant, Sweetie didn’t wish for the rushing seed to ever cease, it even triggering a second orgasm right on the heels of a second.

Hondo’s fat cock was large enough to plug her tight little cunt so every drop was forced to plunder her womb and seek her prize. Just as she felt full to bursting, she felt Hondo’s cock give one final pulse of life and finally still. Rarity collapsed across her back, panting and groaning, smearing their combined sweat across her tits. The added weight didn’t matter as long as Sweetie was being held up and in place by Hondo’s turgid cock. She looked ready to burst, full term and read to push out new life into the world.

Sexually satisfied at last, the family relaxed on Rarity’s bed in the mess of fluids they’d all added. It didn’t take long for Sweetie’s father and two mothers to curl up to her and bask in the gentle afterglow of post coitus bliss. Sweetie put a hand on her bloated stomach and was greeted with the slender digits of her sister. Hondo’s cock still plugged her womb as the sisters’ intertwined hands silently wished that another seed was planted.

“I’m glad you could make it!”

Sweetie bounded towards the door and embraced Scootaloo. Rarity was fussing and saying something about how a pregnant mare shouldn’t run, but Sweetie Belle ignored her. Her birth mother was just jealous that Hondo knocked her up on the first try, while it took a few more attempts to put a child in Rarity’s womb. Sweetie knew that Rarity was perfectly willing to bed Hondo several more times, child or not. Motherhood seemed to agree with the sisters quite well; Rarity’s influx of suitor requests doubled, and Sweetie was scheduled to model in two magazines to the theme of motherhood, the clothing crafted to highlight and flatter her new curves.

“Hiya, Sweetie! Every bit the fatass I remember you to be.”

Sweetie gave her friend a playful shove before standing on her tiptoes, hugging the other mare. Both felt sluggish and big, and so utterly loved the feeling of life growing in their bellies. Their bumps grinded together as they hugged, and in an irregularly tender moment for the tomgirl, Scootaloo ran a hand up and down both of their expanding stomachs.

Sweetie giggled as she pulled away. Motherhood suited Scootaloo well. “Come in!”

There was only a small smattering of people in Carousel Boutique for Sweetie’s baby shower. Scootaloo had come early, but her presence was welcome nevertheless. Azure, Scootaloo’s father, followed right behind the troublesome pegasus. Sweetie watched as Azure eyed her belly, and then Rarity’s before settling on Hondo as he walked into the room. Sweetie let the two fathers be. It was an open suspicion of hers that they had many things in common.

Scootaloo had joined Rarity in shamefully indulging herself with fruit punch and tacos. Scootaloo had to worry more about the baby fat than the fat that would go to her own thighs. Rarity was just glaring at anyone who dared question her extra helpings. “Not a word,” she whispered. “I didn’t indulge myself when I had you, so I’m making up for lost time. Rainbow Dash would give me no end of teasing if she learned about that.”

Mother. Sweetie had two mothers, and never before that day when she was impregnated had she felt as loved as then.

“Relax, Rares!” Scootaloo said upon seeing the eldest give her a look as she piled more onto her plate. At least Scootaloo was in high spirits. The mare looked between the two sisters’ bellies. “Damn, you two look neck and neck. Who’re the two lucky bucks?”

Rarity joined her in bashfully looking away. Scootaloo turned her head towards her dad, who was laughing jovially with Hondo. “Ahhh... Don’t worry, I won’t tell,” she said as she rubbed her belly fondly.

Rarity stared at the implication and the cocky smirk. Sweetie just couldn’t stop herself from beaming; it was another thing that bonded her and her Crusader pseudo-sister together.

“How far along are you?” Sweetie asked. She was wearing a yellow sundress made by Rarity. It had just enough extra material around the middle to cover her bump, but still flatter her growing child.

Scootaloo patted what looked like a gym shirt that didn’t even cover her belly. She wanted it to be seen. “Four months. Let me guess... you and Rares are five?”

Rarity was munching on a mouthful of taco, daring Scootaloo to say something. “Yup!” Sweetie answered. “But I’m a week ahead of Rarity. With a little luck, maybe we can pop them out on the same day like dad says.”

“Ha! I’m on my second foal. You’ve got a ways before you catch up to me.”

Heh, Scoots had no idea. Mimicking her and patting her belly, Sweetie held up not one, but two fingers, one for each comforting heartbeat beating under her palm.

Zebradom - [Shining Armor] [Size shaming] [Gay] [Blowjob] [Cuckold] [BBC Undertones] [Infidelity] [Ambiguous Consent]

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Shining ears wanted to fold themselves across his skull, but curiosity and sheer force of will kept them at bay. He hated that he was listening. He hated that he could do nothing but listen. Even if he wanted to turn away or stop listening to the squeaking bed frame or amorous cried of his wife, there was nowhere to go. Cadance’s voice rang like a bell even if she was being plowed by a half dozen stallions. He loved her even if she was being defiled, but that didn’t change the fact she was being used by ponies that neither knew the name of.

He couldn’t rush to his wife’s aid. He couldn’t rip off the bucks abusing the holes only he had seen in all of her womanly glory.

Shining lay prone on the floor while a zebra stood over his body. Shining didn’t know his name either, not like that would ease matters. The tumultuous storm that was his own conflicted and anguished thoughts raged in the background as his eyes were focused on the one thing obstructing everything: the zebra’s cock that throbbed in time with his heartbeat.

The very sight made his own stallionhood throb in response. The scent of arousal filled his lungs and he breathed deep. It was instinctual, primal. The desire to breed was buried deep inside all of ponykind and impossible to remove.

He’d seen other dicks during his time in training. It was impossible to not catch a glimpse of another stallion’s sheath. A few times he’d even met one of them in a quiet corner at night. It was just boyish curiosity, nothing more.

Nothing more...

Most ponies had a respectable length when fully erect, but this piece of meat before him... that was something else entirely. Just looking at it made his knees feel weak and ready to collapse if he wasn’t already laying down. The zebra was approaching thirteen inches in length, far and above what his own stallionhood could achieve. Gosh, he wasn’t even fully erect yet. He’d heard stories about zebras being hung, but this was ridiculous, and he still wasn’t at full mast! He heard growers always beet showers, but... damn.

It throbbed. The zebra was impatient and Shining had a job to do. The zebra hadn’t even spoken yet, but it was clear what he wanted to happen. He made his cock throb up and down again and Shining lay there transfixed at the sight. It really was a beautiful thing. For some reason he thought it would be striped as well, but is was entirely bone white with a large grey splotch on the underside of his flare. It stood over a large ballsack that was more akin to a small pillow than a proper scrotum. Two freakishly large eggs hung low in the wrinkled sak, brimming full of potent zebra seed. As it pendulously slowed to a stop, Shining was helpless to look away.

He flushed and squirmed in place. The zebra even smelled like a pony. Strong and musky, muscled more lean and lanky rather than stocky. He was built for stamina rather than strength, and the consequences of that thought made his own stallionhood slide down his belly as it grew. He got to his hooves, shaking like a leaf as he tried to get a better look at that massive dick before him. The zebra made no move to force him down.

Shining didn’t consider himself gay. He had the hottest mare in all of Equestria as his wife. The wife currently going through a herd of zebra bucks, he reminded himself. His ears shrank back to his skull as he fully comprehended the scope of his cuckold. Here he was, subservient to a zebra schlong while Cadance was getting piledrived in every hole. Hell, if the others were swinging pipe like this one, she’d never tighten up enough to be satisfied Shining fucking her ever again.

His cock started dripping as he managed to kneel and starred the zebra dick down like it was a snake. Closing his eyes, he inhaled. Strong, earthy musk sprinkled among varying herbs and homemade soap. There was just something about it that was distinctly male and made him feel safe, protected. The more he breathed in, the more it clouded his thoughts and made him hump his shaft against the empty air. Vivid fantasies of burying his face in those nuts and savoring that scent danced behind his eyes.

Warmth. Shining didn’t even consciously know he was doing it until the zebra’s warm ballsack hung over his muzzle. There was no more timidness now. Now he took a great lungful of the breeder’s scent and let it wash over him. Shining never felt so horny as he was nuzzling those superior jewels.

He wanted to go further, but wasn’t sure if he was supposed to.

No, he didn’t want to. Never. These zebras were taking advantage of his wife and him.

But there was only one way to get this over with.

He felt the comforting weight of both balls on his face above his eyes. Opening his mouth just slightly, he flicked his tongue across one large apple-size nut and backed away. Salty, but what excited him more was he got another heavy dose of that heavenly smell.

His ears instantly became erect as he watched that snake dance and more before his eyes. A large dollop of precum slid from the breeder’s urethra and slide down his shaft. Shining’s ameteur play had caused the dick to firm up a little and push the flare closer to him. He saw the spot of precum collect on the bottom of the flare and began to drop. Cadance’s ravished yowls turned into gurgling as something was done to quiet her in the adjacent room, enabling him to hear the little plop of precum splash on the floor.

The zebra stepped forward a little more so that magnificent cock blocked his view of his stripped, hardened barrel. The frighteningly large cock was directly over his head, the shaft running directly over the middle of his face. He could feel its warmth, taste its musk. Another dollop of precum began to fall, but this one was suspended from his slit by a strand quite like spider silk. Shining leaned back and opened his mouth to catch the droplet on his tongue.

Shining cringed under the cocktail of humiliation at tasting another buck’s cock and how strong his musky precum really was. He rolled the droplet around his mouth, sampling the zebra’s exotic scent and rubbing it across his gums. The cock swayed back and forth, or perhaps he was under some strange zebra spell that he was beginning to sway where he kneeled.

He knew what was coming when his mouth opened. This was what he needed to do to see his wife again. This was what he needed to do to be permitted to stand.

Another dollop rolled down the breeder’s dick but this time he captured it before it could escape its home. It was every bit as warm as its presence suggested, but infinitely more burning to the touch. He could feel little veins under his tongue and tiny bumps making up the flare. The zebra shuffled back and forth as Shining stroked his tongue up and collected what he could around the zebra’s wide flare.

He flushed ever harder as he moaned into the cock head. He swallowed and felt the thick mix coat his throat. Pleasure coursed through his brain and he thrust his cock into the space between his forelegs, dabbing his perfectly groomed coat with dabs of his own precum.

The zebra breeder’s hips bucked forward and the flare prodded Shining’s open mouth. He stretched his jaw as wide as he could and felt it creaking as he tried to work himself around three inch diameter of meat. Swallowing hard, he rocked his head forward, wincing as the flare pushed past his teeth.

Like that, the warmth of another stallion was safely in his mouth. The two of them stood still as Shining acquainted himself with the cockhead that slipped past his lips. His mouth was open painfully wide. It was like a summer sausage that just wouldn’t fit but the zebra gave a content sigh as he was successfully sheathed. As the uncomfortable feeling in his jaw started to abate, he rubbed his tongue along the flare, collecting what little bit of precum he could. His next moan rumbled along the soft flesh of that might dick and the zebra knickered in approval.

Swallowing hard, Shining bobbed his head and took a half inch of dick into his eager and waiting maw. Grumbling his pleasure, Shining rolled his tongue along the flare’s great length. The zebra shivered as Shining continued his oral work and a strange sense of satisfaction shivered up his spine upon realizing the breeder was pleased with his work. He half expected the zebra to put a hoof on the back of his head and facefuck upon. His tail twitched, loving the visions that thought gave him.

Shining moaned in eager anticipation as the cock hardened and lengthened in his mouth. Taking a breath, he pulled back and sunk himself as far as he could. He felt his jaw creak again, but he managed to sink a good three inches into his mouth before surrendering to the pressure.

It was just like a breathing exercise in boot camp. See how long you can hold your breath underwater. Learn how to breath when pushing or pulling weights, or preparing a kick. Now he was trying to control his breathing with a superior cock trying to work its way into his throat.

Their pace was slow and rhythmic. Every little push of the zebra’s hips, every little nod of his own head and the two of them copulated, worked to draw out the zebra’s life-giving seed. No seed would be able to grow where it was going to be planted today. Sweet, musky flesh stabbed and stabbed deeper. He wanted to put both hooves on his own stallionhood and empty both nuts all over the floor, but the taste of hot stallion flesh was making him throb and near cumming with the sheer eroticism of his blowjob.

The flare was reaching the back of his throat and he thought he would start gagging. He forced the impulse back and took a deep breath through his nose. He zebra pulled his hips back and the wet length slid across his tongue and prepared to escape. Shining leaned forward to try and recapture the hard member and circled his tongue around its inviting length, wanting to at least keep the memory of it forever buried in his mind. The flare passed his lips with an audible pop and he saw webbing made of spit and precum connecting his lips to that perfect penis. It was as if it was made to fill his mouth, not too large enough to hurt, but large enough to be a challenge to take.

The zebra thrust his hips back and Shining sighed as his mouth was filled once more. A hoof stroked the back of his mane and the zebra withdrew before thrusting again, now well and truly facefucking the defenceless prince. Shining wrapped his forehooves around his zebra’s hard flanks and held on tight, unwilling to let the breeder go until he spilled his creamy load down his throat, drinking every last drop of hyper virile seed. Holding his stallion’s flanks, Shining pleaded with a face full of cock to fuck his throat harder. As each thrust stopped in his throat, Shining circled his tongue along the length to add what little bit of pleasure he could. The flare was already reaching the back of his throat and his stomach seized up every time. He focused every particle of his mind to force his gag reflex down. He needed to see this through, to feel the results of his labor sink into his gut.

He wanted to feel the zebra’s balls swinging against his chin, to know the feeling of well and truly sheathing that powerful breeder cock in his mouth pussy. The flare was swelling in his mouth. Spurts of precum filled coated his tongue and he swallowed what felt like a mouthful during one of the strokes.

The zebra whinnied and knickered as he tried to pull out for another mighty thrust before realizing his flare had swelled to such an extent it could no longer slip past his teeth. There was only one thing left to do now: finish the job.

He stumbled slightly as the zebra’s other forehoof grasped his mane and forced Shining to support his entire weight. Now it was easy to piledrive thrusts into his open maw and Shining loved the girly squeals he made. He was getting facefucked by a zebra keeping him from his wife, just as she was being forcefully shown the pleasures of other stallion flesh without any concern for her own pleasure.

He screamed as his own orgasm overtook him and his cock forced off salvo after salvo of spunk. Half delirious with pleasure and lack of oxygen he humped the empty air and begged to bury his length in something just as the breeder was. He would not be granted that satisfaction. Unending shame welled up in him as he realized he was cumming while another stallion screwed his throat without any regards for his consent of wellbeing. The last of his seed dribbled down his shaft as the flare swelled to the max in his mouth and he was flooded with heavenly bliss.

Thick globs of burning seed ejected from that sweltering dick and Shining’s eyes widened as his brain short circuited. Even the first shot felt like a good half cup of raw, empowering babybatter that could fertilize a dozen mares. Cadance’s own pussy would have been stuffed with a good three loads by now, and Shining held no doubt that he could have a stripped son this time next year. Even just tasting the creamy richness across his tongue, caressing it and worshipping that steaming load was enough to tell him its potency. He’d been well and truly cuckolded, facefucked by another better penis while his wife was impregnated by superior sperm.

By the second shot of cum, he realized there was no way it was going to escape his mouth with how far the flare had expanded. It was like trying to swallow a whole grapefruit. There was only one thing to do. He tilted his head back and swallowed as much as he could, flooding his senses with the taste of musky cum. He dropped one hoof down and fondled those full nuts, feeling as they pulsed and worked overtime to fill him to the brim. Rope after rope of cum splashed the back of his throat and he forced himself to swallow. It was a race against time. He was running out of air and couldn’t escape until he drained both nuts dry of their precious load. Every swallow filling his stomach was replaced by more and more cum with each throb of the zebra’s prick. With both hooves holding his head in place, he couldn’t move.

He could feel his dress garb stretching as he drank cum straight from the tap. He choked on one swallow and felt it come out of his nose, well and truly willing his lungs with the smell of virile male essence. He almost sighed in relief as the flare started to die down, signaling an end to the healthy breeder’s own orgasm. The zebra was rubbing the back of his head now like a pet.

The last few spurts dribbled off the cock and onto his tongue, but the zebra did not remove himself. The message was clear: clean it. Shining tried bobbing his head a little, but the flare was still much too large to maneuver around fully, so he settled with rolling his tongue along its fat length and swallowing everything he could find. It already felt like he had a full meal, but he dutifully ran along every nook and vein he could find, cleaning the zebra of spit and cum.

The flare popped out of his mouth and started to retract into the large sheath. There is dangled as if taunting him and as the thick tip began to recede, he gave the cockhead he had pleased so thoroughly a chaste kiss.