"Being the new kid ain't so bad here"

by SolidFerret

First published

Two brothers just moved in and their new school can be the least of their worries.

HUMANIZED When two musical brothers, Electronic Notes and Hard Chord, move to a new town that has been known for horse migration and given the nickname Ponyville, they are put into a new school.

Meeting new and old friends is a basic. Mean teachers and enemies add to the fun. It's average everyday stuff for high school.

Bro, my god

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A woman called to her two sons as she dragged a suitcase down the stair and out the front door. For upstairs, two younger boys, both in their teen years, frantically stuffed clothes into a bag. One shook his hair out of his eyes as he cursed to himself as the younger, by a year, rushed around the room in fear of forgetting something of value.

This time, a male voice called upstairs, very agitated.

The two cursed to themselves as they did a third check around what was their old room.With little nothing left, the older patted his brother on the back once as he ran out, the younger following.

The two rushed into the hallway, shoes skidding on the floor as the rushed down the stairs, the younger even tripping at the bottom. He his brother helped him up while he got his dark brown hair out of his eyes.

The two ran out the door and two the car, which was packed with many bags. they opened the door and stuffed the bags in the trunk. Closing the door, the car drove off, leaving behind the once was, home of the family.

The two caught their breath while listening to music. The oldest, his messy, black hair covered his eyes as he slept while the younger stared out the window beofe eventually falling asleep as well, finding his hoody comfy enough for a nap just like his brother.

A girl, teen years, with electric blue hair, walked into her room as she took her shades off and looked our of her window and towards the night sky. the moon, stars and the light of her Ipod was the only light visible in her room at the moment. It was simply another night before school started.

She noticed a car driving. Bored, her eyes followed it. To her surprise, it pulled up to the house that had recently been bought. She only had the thought of new neighbors as she laid in her bed, resting her head on the pillow while looking at her phone.

The two woke up and quickly brought their bags in. Not bothering to unpack, they ran to their room. Saw two beds, claimed a bed, stripped to nothing but boxers and dove in to sleep for the night.

A/N Difference from the original stories

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Haven't read them, yeah me neither. If you haven't caught on, this is based off the adventures of my OC's in the Pony-verse. So obviously, there are some differences.

Notes and Hard Chord have a better relationship then what we used to see.
Following up that last one, their mother is still alive.
Last one on the first, dad isn't a depressed drunk.
Nova Burst isn't going to be so nervous. Still will, but not as bad as he was as a pony.
Sharp Edge will be more distant.

Not much I can think of. I'm sure you'll see them though.

Sticks and Bricks

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Hard Chord groaned as the painful realization of waking up came upon him. He tossed and turned slightly before realizing what had happened last night.

"Notes, what's the fucking time?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes.

In the bed at the other side of the room, the younger, Electronic Notes stood up.

"8:25. when does school start?" He asked his older brother.

The two looked at the door to see a note that read "School starts at 8:30."

"Fuck!" Hard Chord cursed as he shot out of bed and hurried to find clothes to put on. He opened the bag he packed to find a pair of skinny jeans, a shirt and shoes and socks. He put them in a hurry as he stumbled over to Notes bed.

"Get up!" He nearly yelled as he dragged his brother out of bed.

"Wha, it's only 8:26." He said, clearly still trying to sleep.

"What time does school start." Hard Chord said. As the question sunk in, Notes began to frantically get his clothes on and get ready.

They had found that their mother had left their backpacks by the door. The two grabbed them and ran out the door and into their new town.

Ponyville, nicknamed for the large horse migration every summer.

"Where is it!?" Notes asked, panicking on being late.

"Relax, I saw it on the way here last night. Follow me." Hard Chord said as he lead his brother down the street.

The two ran to the school. There were no kids out in front, making Notes scream out in failure.

"We're late!" He yelled. Hard Chord shoved him a little.

"Shut up. It's our first day here. Hopefully they have a tolerance level."

"Hey, you two." An older woman called. The two ran over.

"I was told you'd be here." she said, she had dark blue hair and seemed middle aged. "I'm Vice Principal Luna I'm here to give you two you're schedules."

"Thanks." Notes panted.

"Guessing you two had quiet the run this morning." She joked as she reached for two papers and handed them over.

"Good luck." She said as she walked off and back to the office.

"See, what did I tell you." Hard Chord said.

"Alright, lets see. Homeroom is F4."

"Same." Hard Chord said.

"Lets move." the two ran off.

They pushed the doors opened and were met with cool air as they rushed around.

"Probably should have asked where F4 is." Notes said.

"Well lets just look." Hard Chord said. The two ran off, passing and pointing out the order of the rooms to see if they were going the right way.

Hard Chord was running so fast that at an intersection, he bumped into someone else, knocking papers everywhere.

"Shit." He swore as he looked to help them up. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." she said rather quickly. Judging by her voice, and by the way she hid her face, she was embarrassed by the incident.

"Let me help." He said as he gathered a stack of papers and handed the last of the papers to the girl.

"Thanks." she said as she walked off.

"Wait, do you know where room F4 is?" he asked.

"Keep going where you were going. To the left." She said without turning around.

The two brothers ran off to find the room they were looking for. They opened the door to have the whole class look at them. Silence filled the room as they both stood there.

"Uh... hi." Notes said with a wave of his hand.

"You must be our two new students. I'm Ms. Greene." The teacher said. She was a rather old lady. They could see gray in her hair and her skin was wrinkled slightly.

"Hard chord."

"Electronic Notes."

"Well, you two, why don't you tell the class about yourselves."

"Oh..." he two brothers would rather not.

"Uh... yeah you see..."

"We don't do that." Notes said. Earning small laughter from the class room.

Ms. Greene gave them a firm stare. The two turned to face the class.

"Hi, I'm Hard Chord..."

"...and I'm Electronic Notes. We done?"

"No, tell them about hobbies and other stuff." The teacher ushered on.

"Yeah," Notes looked back at the class, "we like...stuff."

"Thangs." Hard Chord said. Someone quietly shouted that it was a Walking Dead reference, making a few kids chuckle.

"Like what?" Ms. Greene asked, getting agitated.

"Music. Big music fans." Hard Chord said.

"Any instruments?" Someone asked.

"Oh, I play guitar." Hard chord said.

"Synthesizer." Notes said.

At the back of the class, a girl with lightning blue hair sat up a little at the mention that Notes liked electronic music. she grinned at him, though it was unseen.

"Well, that was lovely. Anyways, if you haven't already heard this a thousand times, welcome to Ponyville high."

The Betrayal.

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"Well, you two can take your seats," Ms. Greene pointed to two, ironically empty desk right next to each other. "There's two spots right there."

The two shrugged and walked over and sat down. Slumping in their seats, they listened (slightly) to what the teacher was telling them.

"Well, you two. Again, I'm Ms. Greene. Welcome. I teach history. We learn about the recent to way pack of pony times."

"Whats pony times?" Hard Chord asked.

"You don't know?"

"No ma'am, i'm from the 21st century." Hard chord replied, earning a few chuckles.

"Unbelievable, where are you two from originally?" Ms Greene asked, shocked that they didn't know.

"Big city by mountain top." Notes said, not showing any care to the subject.

"Canterlot." Hard chord corrected.

"And you still don't know the subject?" she asked, surprised.

"Nope. But do tell." Hard chord asked as he feigned interest.

"Well, many archaeologists have found remain in our DNA that have shared common traits to that of a pony. They also recently have found artifacts that show that once, horses were the dominant species." (A/N: Basically, same world as MLP, but now no more ponies. Human yes. Pony no.)

Notes was confused on the subject, yet touched all his fingers together, leaned back and said,

"Go on," In a fancy way. His ears manage to catch the sound of a girl trying her hardest not to laugh.

"Well, we're studying that in this class." That was all she had left to say.

The two stood there, heavily confused on the subject.

"Well it's not like we'll be paying attention so... alrighty then." Hard Chord said with a small, slow clap.

"I don't think she likes us." Notes said as they walked out of the class.

"Maybe if you weren't mouthing off the entire time, she wouldn't have been glaring at us." Hard Chord said, causing his younger brother to snicker.

"You were doing it too." He pointed out. "In fact, I got that from you." He said, proving his point even more.

"Just be glad they put us together for a few classes. Mixed classes can and will be bitch to deal with sometimes. Speaking of which, what is your next class?" Hard Chord asked.

"Math." Notes said. His older brother responded with "Language Arts."

"Aw, tough shit little brother. Looks like I won't be there to save you when you get your ass whooped." Hard chord commented with a sly grin.

Notes glanced back at the room they were just in before turning back and saying, "Yeah, did ya see how bad we got our asses kicked in homeroom." He said with sarcasm. "God damn, it was like that one part from Aliens. We barely got out of there." He exaggerated, getting a chuckle from his older brother.

"Whatever. I gotta go find where," He stopped to look at his schedule. "room A3 is."

Notes give his brother a fake, sad look as a joke. "This is where we depart. I will miss you." He said in a fake-sad tone of voice.

"Later, bitch." Hard Chord said as he shoved Notes away and walked off.

Note's point of view

What an ass. Eh, screw him, I got this. So lets see, where is room, hold on, give me a moment, B4?

Well, as much as I hate the whole asking new people for help, I have to, no choice. So lets see, ah, over there.

I walked over to see a girl, all alone. She had pink hair that flowed, one side past her shoulder, the other behind her shoulder. She had on a sleeveless yellow sweater with pink and purple sleeves that went past her elbows. Pretty thing, but I wouldn't date her. She turned and saw me and let a small gasp. Is it my good looks. Not a question, an answer.

"Uh...hi." I said as I waved a little. "I uh... need to know where room B4 is?" I asked rather quickly.

"Oh, uh... I have to go there now. You can just follow me" She said.

"Okay then." I said as I nodded my head. We walked off towards the class.

Man, I am good when it comes to girls.

Hard Chord's P.O.V.

Wow, Notes sucks at talking to girls. Odds are, she thinks he's a loser by now. Though she seemed as shy, if not more, than him.

Whatever, I gotta find room A3. Shouldn't be two hard, just ask for help. Something my brother managed to screw up, slightly.

I looked over to see a guy. Muscular, blue hair, so my main goal will be to not piss him off. I walked over, he saw me and gave me one of those quick, upward, nods.

"Sup." He said.

"Hi, do you know where room A3 is?"

He looked over to see. "Down the hall and to the right."

"Thanks" I quickly walked off.

"Ey," He called back. "what's your name?"

"Hard Chord." I answered as I walked back over.

"Nice, name's Soarin." He said as he held out his fist.

Ah, the fist bump. As my fist connected with his, a secret bond of bro-manship had been established. In reality, we just fist bumped and I walked off.

We're still bros.

A girl bounced around the halls, searching up and down for something. Her wardrobe consisted of a pair of pink shorts, a pink shirt and pink shoes, and blue and yellow sleeves that went up to her elbows.

"Pinkie, what are doing?" A girl with purple hair asked. Pinkie turned around from searching inside a locker.

"Rarity, have you seen the two new students?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"No darling." She said with a shake of her head.

"Drats. I need to find them." She said as she slammed the locker, leaving an angry student who went to opening their locker.

"Can I ask why?" Rarity said.

"Oh Rarity, you know why." Pinkie said as she bounced around. Leaving a very confused Rarity. Twilight walked over.

"I think I saw them this morning. One bumped into me." She said. "I was to embarrassed to look at his face though."

"Hm... shame. Well, i'm off to class. I'll see you around, Twilight." Rarity said as she walked away.

"Twilight, what class do you have next?" Pinkie asked.

"Language Arts." Twilight answered.

"Okie dokie loki. Keep and eye for the new kids." Pinkie said as she skipped away.

Twilight only rolled her eyes and walked to class.

On the wing

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[A/N] I assume those dislikes are from the moderators. Next chapter.

Note's P.O.V.

When I walked in to Math, I honestly expected math to be a physically person, who would turn and shoot me. But, first day, I should be fine. I looked over to the girl I followed and said,

"Hey, thanks for showing me the way uh..." Expecting a name.

"Oh... i'm Fluttershy" She said it rather quietly.

"Okay, thanks." I said, not in the mood for asking her name again.

"Hey, are you Electronic Notes?" A very short, man asked me. Light voice, would thought he was an LP.

"Present." I said as I put up my hand.

"Good, i'm Mr. Rusky." He shrugged. "Simple enough. Take any empty seat." He said as he walked to his desk.

I merely sat down behind someone who fell asleep from the looks. They laid their head on the desk with a hood to hide their face.

The teacher began talking. When I say that, I mean, all I saw was his mouth moving and there were sounds. Had no damn clue what I was doing. Might as well sit here, crossing my eyes and wondering how to hold a pencil and-

Never mind, there's a girl here who's crossed eyed, and she seems to know more than me. So I guess I can do nothing more, sit here and try to learn something.

"Psst." I heard in front of me.

"Huh?" Couldn't have been for me. Hardly anyone talks to me at all.

"Hey, new kid." The girl in front of me whispered.

Or, there's that.

"What?" I whispered over the lecture.

I felt something brush against my hand from under the desk.

"It's my number, take it."

SWEET! First day and a girl gives me her number.

"Give to your brother too."

AW! It isn't just for me, damnit.

"Okay, but why?"

"I'm friends with everyone here. You don't have to keep that number if you don't want to."

"I'll keep it." Hey, a girls number is a girls number. It's as far as the socially awkward usually get. The farthest I've gotten is asking girl out, her saying yes, and then never hearing from her again.

I'm a sad person.

"Kay, names Pinkie Pie. But my friends call me Pinkie."

No shit.

"Alright, Pinkie." I said as I pocketed the number. I saw her do a small happy dance in her seat.

Hard chord's P.O.V.

Found the room. Was very easy to find. Walked in, sat at available spot. Confused the hell out of the teacher. So she had to talk.

"Wasn't really informed you would be here today." she said. "I'm Mrs. Lowin. I teach Language Arts. There's a spot over there by Twilight you could take."

I looked back. "Which one is Twilight?"

"Twilight." She called.

A girl in a lavender sweater looked up. She had a straight cut, purple hair with a pink stripe.

"Her." Mrs. Lowin said.

Yes, I know. It's the girl I bumped into the is morning. I'll play it cool.

I sat down, she glanced over to me and said "hi."

"Hey." I responded. She seemed ever so slightly nervous. Why the "ever so slightly"? 'Cause I wanted to. Duh.

"So uh..." she stuttered, clearly wanted to try to start a conversation.


Well go on, don't be shy.

"Where are you from originally?" She asked. Seemed simple enough to get an answer.

"Canterlot." I said.

"Oh, i'm from there too." she said, perking up at the topic.

"Cool, how long have you lived here?" I asked.

"For about three years." she stopped for a moment, then she asked "Did Pinkie find you and your brother?"

"Who?" I asked.

"Oh, okay. So one of my friends, named Pinkie Pie, she likes to make friends. She's friends just about everyone in the school." She stopped to take a breath. Twilight also seemed shocked that I was still listening. "Whenever there's a new student, she's usually the first one to greet them."

"Well, me and my brother were late."

"My brother and I." She corrected.

Boy, you're when of those people, huh, Twilight. I'd make a joke about how you probably don't have a boyfriend, but that just seems immature.

I only blew air out of my nose as I look over to see her trying not to laugh, so I naturally, thought of something.

"Thanks for the grammar correction, now I know who to copy off of for this year." I joked, causing her to laugh at such a boring joke in my opinion.

"Hey, can you two love birds be quiet." Ms, Lowin said.

Twilight's face went a small shade of pink. I spoke up. That's not good.

"Yeah, babe. We better keep it down." Causing the teacher to giggle.

As for Twilight, she hid her face. Even then, I could still see how red it was. Whoops, my bad... not really.

She turned around, giggling madly, almost, and smacked my chest weakly.

"I assume that was supposed to hurt so I'll play along." I quickly clutched my chest while saying very calm and quietly "Ow."

She only started laughing again.

3rd Person Perspective

Twilight and Hard Chord walked out of class, the two happily chatting away.

"Hey, what's your next class."

"It's break but I have math next" She said.

"And I have..." He stopped.

"What, what is it?" She asked, concerned a little.

Hard chord looked at her, a very sad expression on his face. "No, don't worry, okay." He said looking away.

He turned back and said "I'll miss you."

Twilight grabbed his schedule to see. She nearly facepalmed at what she saw.

"You have P.E. next." She scolded.

"Well, it will be the death of me." Hard chord said blandly.



"Well thanks for your number, I'll make sure I'll give it to my brother." Notes said to Pinkie as they walked out of math.

"Okie doki loki. What's your next class?" She asked.

"Let me check." Notes fished the schedule out of his pocket.

As for Pinkie, she saw a boy passing. She took off the black hoody she had on and gave it to him.

"Thanks for letting me borrow your jacket, Blaze."

"You're welcome." He said as he walked off.

"I have P.E." Notes said in sorrow.

"Darn, I was gonna throw you and your brother a party." Pinkie said.

"Really?" Notes said.

"Yep." Pinkie chirped.

Notes looked at her and said. "I'll make it to that party."

"Oh, good." Pinkie patted Notes head.

"Gotta head out." She said as she skipped off.

Burn it Down

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"Bro, next class. 3, 2 ,1."


Hard Chord and Electronic Notes went down the hall to the gym. Clearly nervous about their next class.

"Just hope whoever the teacher is isn't a damn army dude or something." Hard chord assured his brother.

"I'm still not that athletic." Notes pointed as they ran down the hall.

"Chill bro, we got this." Hard Chord said as they walked into the gym.

"Hey, you two. Into the locker rooms." A muscular man said.

"A well built dude inviting two boys into the locker room, Hard Chord!" Notes began to get scared.

"Shut up." Hard Chord said as they walked in. Noticing how no a single person was in there, Notes asked.

"Are we early?"

"Yeah." The teacher said as he stepped into his office. (yes. My school had the teachers office in the locker room.)

"You two can get loaners for the day. You will not be marked down. Bring a check for that tomorrow. I also advise bringing better running shoes than..." He looked down. "Converse and Vans. Worse type of shoes for P.E."

"Not something you want to hear on the first day but okay. Got it."

"By the way, I'm Coach William." (Me again, yes, I called Iron Will William) "And your names are?"

"Hard Chord."

"Electronic Notes."

"Got, feel free to change. Oh, you're gonna need a locker."

The next moments were spent with Notes and Hard Chord getting his locker number, lock, lock combination etc.

The two changed as the room locker filled with other boys. After getting changed, they ran outside to see a small number of those that already changed. The number grew quickly as more got changed and went outside.

The sun shined down on them as the two stood there. While the others went off to a group of friends, Hard Chord and Notes stood there.

"Dude, whens lunch?" Notes asked.

"I don't have my fucking schedule so I don't know." Hard Chord bickered. "But I wonder too. I'm getting hungry."

The two only stood there, waiting for something to happen. That's when Notes noticed a few athletic kids coming over.

'Play it cool, Notes. Say nothing and they won't want to kill you.'

"Hey, Hard Chord."

'Oh thank god. He's here for him.' Notes thought.

"Oh, hey Soarin." Hard Chord said. The two fist bumped. He looked over and saw Notes.

"Who's this?" He asked.

"My brother, Electronic Notes." Hard chord told him.

"Nice, I'm Soarin." He said as he, yet again, fist bumped Notes.

The whistle blew that signaled the class to go sit in an area for their assigned teacher. There were four, two guys and two women.

"Uh, where do we go?" Notes asked Mr. William.

"You two, lets see..." He checked his list.

"Notes is under my class, Hard Chord, you have Ms. Serny. She's over there." He pointed.

"Alright, try to stay our of trouble." Hard Chord said as he walked off. notes seemed disappointed that he didn't at least wish him luck on his own, but he shrugged it off.

Notes walked over to see several rows of kids. Most if not all hardly knew he was there. He sat down and put his head on his knees.

Unknown to him, a girl with lightning blue hair looked up to see him in front of him. Feeling rather friendly, she said.

"Hey, Notes." As if she already knew him.

Notes looked up and turned to see a sight that caused him to stop. Beside the hair color, this girl had pale, white skin. Hey scarlet eyes stared at him with kindness. Her lips shined in the light from obvious lipstick. Her eyeliner gave her eyes a blue shade to them. (yes, I admire a girl with makeup on. I have to much of these.)

"Do I know you?" He said quickly, nervous at the girl talking to him.

"Oh, I forgot. I'm Vinyl Scratch. I was in your homeroom."

"Oh." Notes said.

"So you like electronic music?" She said enthusiastically.

"Yeah." Notes said while trying to keep his cool.


"What about you?" Notes asked.

"Well, I'm a DJ." Vinyl said with pride.

"That's freakin cool."

"Yep. I do parties. Call me sometimes if you need a DJ for a party." Vinyl said as she leaned back.

'Play this right Notes.' He thought.

"I don't have your number." He said.

"I'll give it to you later." She said.

'Point Notes. Man, I am on fire.'

"Okay, remember that."

"Why would I?"

"Most girls forget when it comes to me." Notes admitted.

"Aw, you pour thing." Vinyl said teasingly.

As for Hard Chord, he saw the conversation unfold.

"Huh, looks like Vinyl found herself a new friend." A girl commented from behind him.

Hard Chord looked over to see a girl with Rainbow hair.

"That's my brother." He said.

"Oh, I was gonna say-"

"He's a nervous wreck. I know."

"Well at least I don't have to say it now. Name's Rainbow Dash."

"Hard Chord."

Mr. William walked out. "All right, just a reminder, boys basketball try outs are next week. Other then that, we have basketball, soccer on the field or walk the track. Now go to one lap."

In an instance, all of the classes were up and running.

Hard Chord waited around the corner of the lockers.

"Where the hell is Notes?" He asked out loud.

"Over there with Vinyl." Pinkie pointed out.

"When did you get here?"

"I just got here. Hi, i'm Pinkie Pie. What's your name?" she said, dancing a little.

"Hard Chord."

"Neato. So you two are brothers."


"Cool. I gotta get to Class. See ya and Notes around."

Hard Chord went back to looking at his brother with Vinyl. The two had smiles practically branded on their faces. They laughed as if they didn't have a care in the world.

"Lucky bastard."

Stick Stickly.

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Hard Chords P.O.V.

As I walked over, I could see why the two were instant friends. They both had a love for electronic music. It was a simple formula like mixing coffee and sugar.

But man, he was starting to break a sweat. My brother was a very shy boy growing up. I've seen him ask girls out. When they said yes, he would walk away as if he just got a weight off of his chest.

To bad they played the "i'm busy" card or just rarely text him. Poor bastard, he used to cry himself to sleep while listening to sad music. Was afraid he'd turn out like me, the emo lookin kid. He got close, it was scary.

"Hey Notes." I said with an arm around his shoulder. I'm only gonna get this one chance to embarrass the crap out of him.

"Please go away." He said in a fake but kind voice.

"Who's this?" Vinyl asked.

"He's my brother." Notes said blandly.

"I could tell." She said. See, it brings joy to my heart when people see the pain in his face and know it's a brother thing.

"Hard Chord, a word darling." Notes said as he dragged me away.

"Please. Please. Please." He said.

"I only introduced myself."

"I do not get much, so please don't take this away from me." He said.

"Fine, but you're responsible for this friendship." I mocked.

"Shut up, you treat mine like they're pets or something." He said.

"Well, you suck at keeping both alive so I feel the need to." I responded.

"Chill man, I got this." Notes said as he walked back to her.

"Do not fuck this up." I said with a pat on his back.

Ah, lunch hour. I was quiet surprised by the selections. Today, they had cheeseburgers, bout the only thing I like. Notes went with nachos that I assumed were gonna suck. Turns out, they were so-so. As for the cheeseburger, was pretty good. Eating it wasn't the main highlight of lunch.

"Where the hell do we sit?" I thought out loud.

"Hey, you two! Over here!"

Looking over, I could see Pinkie Pie waving at us. She was sitting near the corner of the cafeteria with a group of friends.

"Over there, bro." I pointed to them as I walked over.

We sat down and began eating. We weren't used to sitting with a large a group.

"So hows your first day been?" Pinkie asked.

"Better than expected." Notes said.

"Oooh, goody." Pinkie said. "Wait, you need to meet the others." she quickly got up. No use in ignoring her, we're clearly gonna be seeing this group again.

She stopped at a girl with really, clean, stylish hair. Her makeup work was a tad overdone but could have been worse.

"This here is Rarity."

Rarity waved at us. "Hello darling." She said in a fake British accent.

Well...maybe fake. Can't call total bullshit.

Pinkie bounced over to a girl with blond hair in a plaid shirt and short cut jeans. (if that's what you call them.)

"She's Applejack. she run the Apple orchard near here."

"Howdy yall."

Southern accent, hell yeah! And it wasn't one so thick you would start making fun of it behind her back.

"This right here is-"

"Twilight." I said.

She looked up from her book and saw me. "Oh, hey." She said.

"You know each other?" Pinkie and Notes asked.

"Yeah, we met in English class today."

"Yay! Now for..." Pinkie looked over and put her arm around a girls shoulders.

"This is Fluttershy." She said. The girl only waved and sunk back in her seat. I recognized her as the girl who Notes talked to earlier. Pinkie zipped over and across the table.

"Say hello to Rainbow Dash."

"Sup." She just said that, not even noticing it was us.

"Hi." I said back. She was busy looking over at some dude.

Oh, that's Soarin. Still gonna call him "some dude" though.

"Rainbow Dash, it's me." I said. she looked and laughed to herself.

"Oh hey." She commented. "Didn't know it was you and you're brother."

I decided to be a bit of a uh... what's the word. I want to say troll, but that just seems immature.

Dick, that's what i'm looking for.

"Maybe if you had quit chekin out Soarin, you would have seen it was us." I said, causing her face to go red. Notes and I high fived from the act.

"Oooooh, he got you, Dashie." Pinkie said as she sat back down.

I looked over to my right to see a kid sitting with us. Since Pinkie put me in a rather friendlier mood, I decided to introduce myself. And avoid the greeting 'sup' while doing so.

"Hey there." I think it's going pretty well.

He looked over, his brown hair and freckles gave him the appearance of a shy kid. Surprisingly, he was actually quiet friendly. His name is Caramel.

Whatever, the rest of the day was a blur. Although Notes did an inner-success dance when Vinyl remembered to give him her number.

I gotta admit, i'm kinda happy for him. Up until now, most people knew him as my brother. But the attention was a little to much which made him a bit shy and paranoid. It was a cold day in hell for him when I would have a bunch of friends while he sat in the corner alone.

But now, he has people who actually want to talk to him. So I guess this move ain't all that bad for him.

Whatever, the day was over. We rushed on home along with some other kids who lived in our neighborhood. Didn't know them so they just ran to their houses.

Most of our shit wasn't even unpacked yet from moving, so it was just a bunch of boxes. Can't wait to build a kickass fort when we're done.

But, we had our traditional 'after first day' nap. Yep, back into bed.

"Wow Notes, no one ever told me you were so good at making music." Vinyl said as she wrapped her hands around Notes body.

"Well, I just save it for people who want to hear it. Like you." He said as he starred into her violet eyes.

"Oh, so you're saying I'm a lucky girl?" She asked.

"And I'm lucky or being with you." Notes said.

The two began to close the gap between their faces with the setting sun's light slowly shrinking as they got closer. the two met for a highly passionate kiss that only lasted until-

"Boys, wake up."

Notes gasped awake.

Note's P.O.V.

Some dream, not really gonna think about it.

Whatever, I need a soda to wake up. Hard Chord and I walked down stairs to find mom in the living room.

"So, how was your first day?" She asked, in her 'i'm a mother so I have to be curious' tone of voice.

"The morning was rough. It started like this." I went over to the phone and pretended to talk to someone.

"Doc, did you say it's 8:25? I gotta get to school in five minutes!" I then got off.

"I grabbed my skateboard..." Though I stopped my story, my mom got it.

"It went better then expected. Only ONE teacher hates us." Hard Chord said.

Mom could only role her eyes. "Hooray." She said.

"See bro," I said, "she's proud for once."

"Did you make new friends?"

"Yes. You'd be quiet surprised." Hard Chord said. "We haven't even made enemies yet. Except for Ms. Greene." I added.

"Well good, now I can have Friday nights to myself."

"What could you possibly do?" Hard Chord asked.

"Have peace and quiet for once." She said.

She has a point. I'm usually here because i'm never invited to anything.

"Well, first day and it wasn't so bad from what I hear. Good luck for the rest of the year." She said as she walked away.

I thought back to that dream, I'm sure I didn't feel that way about Vinyl. I just met her.

Plus, the last time I asked a girl out, I sat all alone on Valentines Day. I still wonder if she even opened the card I gave her.

Okay, enough of the sob story, i'm not gonna date Vinyl and fuck up a great friendhsip. No matter how hot she-



All Birds

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New morning for us, Hard Chord and I woke up with an alarm this time. We quickly got dressed and ran down stair for breakfast.

"Alright bro." He called as he got out cereal. "Better day then yesterday."

I stopped eating and looked at him. "What are you talking about? Yesterday was great." I declared as I finished my bowl.

"Notes, it may have been. I'm referring to you texting Vinyl all damn night." He said, rather annoyed as I tried not to laugh.

"She was relaying Pinkie's texts to you cause you wouldn't pick up your phone." I stated.

"Why didn't Pinkie just text you?" He asked.

"I guess she had more fun that way? I'm not to sure." I said as we walked to the front door.

"Whatever. Come on, lets go." He said as he unlocked the door. We quickly ran off to school.

*September 14*

It wasn't all that great. Get bitched at by Ms. Greene for doing nothing, go here, got there. I'm bored already and it's my second day.

Hard Chord was already being bombarded with girls who wanted to meet him. Point a few my way you ass. Whatever, for some reason, the thought of them overshadowing Vinyl made me a little sad.

I can't have a crush on her. Second day, remember. Sure I texted her all night and we both like Electronic music. I guess we're a good match-

Nope nope nope nope nope. Not gonna happen. Not fallin for that shit again.

I'm gonna try to forget I said that. What's a good story to tell...

Oh! So I was walking down the hall when I saw a kid, little guy probably 13, getting picked on. Naturally, being the awesome kid I am, I stepped in. Needless to say, I made some new enemies, I met Spike. He was actually kinda cool. He skipped a grade, almost didn't believe him until he told me he's Twilight's adoptive young brother.

I know, right.

Whatever, need to stop using that. Unless I haven't said it already then... whatever.

Nothing particular today, if you were expecting some crazy adventure, sorry to disappoint.

Can I say I think Hard Chord was flirting with Twilight during lunch. I'll say it anyways. He tired to win her over by bragging about how good he is on guitar. I think he was making jokes off the top of his head just to make her laugh.

I think Notes was trying to score with Vinyl during lunch. Can't blame him, it's rare a girl talks to him for once. He usually awkwardly approaches them and tries his best to not fuck up. Sadly, those girls kindly told him off.

Okay, they didn't. Notes was to awkward to hold a conversation with-

Okay, you're probably sick of hearing how much he was a loser so i'm gonna stop.

Though if I can say, Vinyl is a different story. She actually likes to talk to Notes. I guess she introduced him to a really good friend of hers. Kinda makes me think my brother is growing up until I realize he's only a year younger than me.

Well, today was boring as hell. School, right? But after school, we were given a tour of the town by Pinkie.

There is a bakery that, shit you not, is like a heaven for people with a big sweet tooth. Sugar Cube Corner, of course Pinkie works there. Still, cupcakes, donuts, and cinnamon roles, oh my!

I'm going there for breakfast on the weekends. It has to be so great there, the people who run it, husband and preggers wife, are also very nice.

Also, I hear it's twins.

Our next stop was Sweet Apple's Acres, where Applejack lived. Seemed like a good family-ran business. Her grandma, while a bit confusing, was real nice. Her big brother looked like someone who could easily kill me. Dude was huge.

Her little sister was nice. Though, I can only wonder as to why she was leaving in such a hurry. School had ended half an hour ago.

Friends I guess. Though she seemed to be running deeper into the orchard. Is there something back there?

Oh, it's a clubhouse for her and her friends. Cool. Not much back here though besides it.

Next stop was the library. Home of Twilight Sparkle. Man, was her face red when I walked in. Why though, I'll never know.

Spike seemed to recognize Notes. Guess the two met earlier.

Though I had to smack my brother upside the head when he ask "is there wi-fi?"

Yeah buddy, now you can have a place to spend your lonely Friday nights.

We left, wasn't much to it except it was also the place where Twilight lived. She seemed happy there.

Next was Fluttershy's place. Tons of animals. That's all I gotta say. She had her shyness as usual but that's normal for her. But dude, I mean, bunnies, beavers and birds, snakes even. You're telling me she'll handle snakes but won't even shake my hand.

Am I that scary looking?

Rainbow Dash lived on the top of a hill. Was a simple house. Outside, she was doing a bunch of flips and what not.

But the worst was to come. We were dragged to Rarity's. Spike was there, and he wasn't even mad. As for us, we hated it. I'm not a fashion nut like Rarity. So it was boring as hell.

As for our place, two story house. That simple.

What have we been missing from not living here?

Break down the walls

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*Sep. 17*

"It's Friday."

"And only ten minutes left of class."

"Where we can go home."

"Be free."

"Stay the hell away from people."
"Go hang with friends."

The two brothers looked at each other.

"We obviously think differently." Hard Chord told his brother.

"Well, not entirely. I mean, we the first part we-"

"Yeah, but we're not 100%"

The two waited and waited. The last minutes being the slowest of every class before getting out for the weekend.

"Well class. Might as well pack up." The teacher, Mr. Brian announced.

"Finally!" Notes yelled a little to loud, earning him a few laughs.

The two packed up quickly.

"Hey, have you seen Pinkie today?" Hard chord asked. "She said she and Twilight needed to see me."

"Lucky you."

"They also said to bring you." Hard Chord told him.

Notes got a little excited but had a question. "Is Vinyl gonna be there?"

Hard Chord tried not to grin as he said, "Maybe?"

"Better then nothing." Notes said.

Shortly after that moment, the bell rang, setting free the students from classes.

"Well, where the hell are they?" Notes asked.

"I don't know. I say we just go to the front of school." Hard Chord suggested.

"Alright." Notes said.

The two made their way through the crowd, occasionally waving to a few friends or two. But when they got outside, both felt their phones go off at once.

"We're being targeted." Notes thought out loud. They both checked their phones to see the same message.

Hey you two, you guys just meet at my house at 7 tonight. We had some things to take care of.

Got it, we'll see you there.

Hard Chord hit send and the two walked home.

"What the hell are we gonna do now?" Notes complained as they sat in their room. He simply played random keys on his Synthesizer will Hard Chord strummed his guitar.

"Wanna go climb on the roof?"

The two noticed the opened window that had an overhang. They could easily climb to the roof from there.

"And do what?" Notes said.

"Good point."

Notes checked his phone, Vinyl hadn't texted him all day.

"She ain't responding to me either." Hard Chord said.

"Who's "She"?" Notes pretended to not know who his brother was talking about.

"Mom, the one you usually text."

"Fuck you."

"Don't worry bro. I think she likes you too." Hard chord said with a pat on the back.

"1. I don't like her in that way. 2. No girl ever has, I don't think a girl I've known for a few days would like me right away." Notes said as he slumped in his bed.

"1. Got it." Hard Chord said with heavy sarcasm and a nod of his head with a wink and an "ok" signal with his fingers. Notes rolled his eyes.

"And 2., you do the same sometimes when you meet a girl, why would they not do the same?"

Notes thought for a moment.


"I know, I'm a genius." Hard chord said as he laid down in his bed. Eventually drifting off.

Notes closed his eyes to think, until he fell asleep as well.

"I'm telling you, it's breathtaking Vinyl." Notes said, barely able to contain himself in excitement.

Vinyl shook her hair out of her eyes. "Is it worth waking me up at Seven in the morning?" She complained.

"Yeah, it is." Notes grabbed her hand, the warm feeling of her hand calming him.

"Just get out here and see it." He pleaded.

"Fine, then I'm going back to bed." She said.

Vinyl was almost pulled out of bed with how fast Notes ran while holding her hand.

The two ran outside, Vinyl started to laugh at how fast Notes ran. They ran out to the patio deck of the cabin.

There, within the mountains was the brightest, largest, rainbow the two had ever seen. It had a sparkle of stars instead of glitter.

"Kay, you were right." Vinyl said. The two staring up at the sky. "It's beautiful." She said.

"Yeah... beautiful." Notes said, looking at her.

Note's eyes snapped opened. He laid back in bed and closed his eyes.

'No brain. Take me back to that dream.' He thought. He felt so happy he thought his heart was gonna burst.

'Oh, so you like Rainbows and Vinyl. I see how things are.'

'Screw you brain. I don't have to take that crap from you.' Notes thought.

Notes couldn't go back to sleep. He sat up, his brother was missing from his bed. Notes saw the clock that read 6:07.

"I got a few minutes to kill." He said out loud. He glanced at his keyboard and thought, 'Was it because I was trying to play Rainbow Veins before falling asleep?'

Shrugging it off, Notes simply got on his PC and played games.

About a few minutes later, Hard Chord walked up stair and showed Notes his phone.

"Time to go. Got a text to meet them."

"Sweet." Notes said excitedly as he got up.

The two walked downstairs, they called out that they would be heading out to hang with friends.

"Have fun." Their mom called, clearly glad that she would have the house to herself.

"So what are we doing anyways?"

"Have no fucking clue. Just don't say or do anything stupid." Hard chord said as he read the directions from his phone.

The two rounded the corner, Hard Chord ran up the sidewalk till he saw the numbers on the house that Pinkie said was hers.

"This the place?" Notes asked.

"It better." They walked up to see a note on the door.

"Come in you two."

"Must be it, pink marker." Notes pointed out. He heard no noise coming from the house.

Notes took the paper off of the door. "Figured." He said as they walked in. Not noticing that the lights were off. "Cause if the note was left on the door, people would just walk right on in an-"


The two jumped as the lights turned on to see several kids there with Pinkie, Twilight and the rest of their gang. there were at least 30-40 other kids there as well.

"You made it!" Pinkie exclaimed as she bounced over.

"What the hell is this?" Notes asked.

"It's a party. I told you I'd throw you two one on the first day." She said with a smile.

"I didn't think you actually would." Notes said.

"Well looks like I proved you wrong. Haha." She taunted before skipping away.

Music started playing. Hard Chord and Notes walked around for a few minutes, seeing where drinks and food was before they were found by Caramel and Soarin.

"Hey dudes." Soarin called. Caramel waved them over.

"Hi guys." Notes said.

"So, enjoying yourselves?" Caramel asked.

"Yeah. Does Pinkie usually do this?" Notes asked.

"Hell yeah." Soarin nodded. "Be ready, she'll throw them for just about any occasion."

"Looking forward to it." Notes responded.

As Notes looked around, he saw a stage for performances. He quickly began to dream of performing with his keyboard, impressing Vinyl and becoming popular at school.

Notes snapped out of his trance when he saw who the DJ was.

"No way."

The lighting blue hair waved back and fourth to the beat as she spun the records. Note's jaw nearly hit the floor. Her eyes hidden behind a pair of purple shades.

"Took you long enough to figure out." Soarin said as he slugged Notes in the arm.

The song ended, Vinyl put the track on a loop and hopped down to meet Notes.

"Hey there buddy. Was hoping you'd be here." She said with a hug. Notes thought back to his dream and felt his face turn red.

"Yeah." He said, not able to get much words out.

"Well, I'm taking a break for a bit. Feel free to hang if you want." she said as she ran off.

Notes waved a little. The sound of music drowned his voice out as he yelled for.

"I'm here!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Pinkie, Do you think I could perform with my keyboard?"

"Oooooh, that'd be great!" She squealed. "I'll go tell Vin-"

"NO!" Notes yelled, a smile burnt to his face. "Let it be a surprise."

Pinkie gave him a salute as he ran out the door.

As for Hard Chord, he looked around to see Twilight hanging out with Applejack.

'Didn't think AJ was much of a party goer. For all I know, she just some girl who sings about Sunshine and Celery stalks.' He thought.

"Hey." He called. Twilight turned and smiled at him while AJ greeted him.

"So you like the get together Pinkie threw you?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, 'get together'." Hard Chord said. "It's pretty fun."

"Cool." Twilight said.

The two just stood around, Applejack had walked off, Caramel following after.

Notes climbed up and onto the overhang where he snuck in to his room. He quickly grabbed his keyboard and ran off.

"Hey Pinkie, have you seen Notes?" Vinyl asked.

"Nope." She simply said.

"Are you sure? I've been looking for him everywhere."

"Sorry Vinyl. I'm sure he'll find you eventually. He loves you."

Vinyl face turned red. "Uh... please don't say something like that again."

"Why, I mean, you two are really good friends."

"That doesn't mean we're dating!" Vinyl snapped.

"I never said dating. I meant he really cares for you." Pinkie patted vinyl on the head. "Silly Vinyl." She skipped off.

She heard several notes being played from a keyboard, the party goers started cheering. Vinyl looked to the stage to see Notes playing his keyboard.

"Wow." She said, caught off guard.

Notes was playing a simple dance beat. The synths and drums sounded nice to Vinyl's ear as she got up on stage with him. She hugged him from behind, making him jump a little.

The rest of the night showed the two performing a mix of DJ and synth notes. By the end of the night, Notes had one thing on his mind.

"Man, you were great. You and I will have to perform together again." Vinyl said as the party was getting wrapped up.

"Yeah." Notes managed to breath out.

"Well, I'll let you know if anything for that comes up." She said.

"Okay." Notes said, staring into her eyes.

"Oh, you goof." She said, pulling him into a hug.

Notes relished the moment while it lasted. Vinyl pulled away and waved off with a simple "see ya 'round." As she ran down the street.

Notes stood there, awe struck by the events of tonight. Only one thing was on his mind.

"I'm in love."

That didn't last long.

Early Birdie

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Notes opened his eyes to a well nights rest after the night before.

"Man, that was so boss last night." He thought out loud.

"Tell me about it. You and Vinyl did a good performance last night." Hard chord said from the bed at the other side of the room.

"Thanks dude." Notes said as he rested his eyes. "What the hell are we gonna do today?"

"Breakfast at Sugarcube Corner?" Hard Chord suggested.

"Might as well." Notes groggily as he tried to wake up.

"Come on, get up." Hard Chord said as he jumped to his feet. He went over and dragged Notes out of bed.

"Wake up, food will probably go fast." Hard chord said to his brother, who tried to fall asleep on the floor. A swift kick to the side got him up. "Get you lazy ass up boy." Hard Chord taunted as he threw a shirt on.

Notes groaned in pain as he clutched his side and got up. "Alright you bastard." He said as he got up. "No need for force." He grunted as he stood up and put his shoes and a shirt on.

"Oh shut up, Lover boy."

'Shit' Notes thought. 'does he know?'

Notes ignored whatever his brother meant, though he hoped he wasn't referring to Vinyl.

"Now le's go." Hard Chord said as he grabbed his wallet. the rattling of it's chain ringed through the halls as the two walked downstairs.

"Where you two going this early?" Their dad asked.

"Breakfast." Hard Chord answered quickly.

"You know where to find breakfast here already?" Their father.

"Yep, we'll bring you back something. Maybe." Notes said as he walked out the door.

Hard Chord had the directions memorized from when Pinkie showed them the way. The two walked in and were greeted by none other than the pink menace herself.

"Hey guys!" Pinkie greeted as they walked through the door.

"Sup." Notes waved as the two took their seats. The bakery had only few people in it. Clearly due to early hours. Pinkie skipped over with a notepad to write down their orders.

"So you two, what will it be?" She asked.

Notes thought for a moment and said "Cinnamon roll."

"Doughnut." Hard Chord said.

"Okie dokie loki. Coming right up." She sad as she hopped away.

The spent the rest of their time with their earbuds in, still a little drowsy from sleep. Both unaware on the girl creeping up on them.

With the music loud enough, Vinyl pulled up a chair next to Notes and sat down. Hard Chord looked up and saw finger to lips notion from her. Hard Chord gave the "ok" sign and simply put his head back down. Notes was completely unaware.

Notes decided to pull out his phone to text Vinyl. The funny part being she was peering over his shoulder as he typed it.

Notes: Good morning.

Vinyl rolled her eyes. "Buddy, you gotta try better than that." She said.

"Well I li-" He turned his head and started laughing as he realized Vinyl had been sitting next to him.

Notes P.O.V.

"Oh, hey." I said. On the inside, I'm really screaming, I hope she didn't find out. Wouldn't want to fuck up another friendship like last time. So I think I'll just try not to be completely nervous around... her eyes... her face... her body... her.

Shit, if you couldn't tell, I may be a loser, but that don't mean I'm a total loss. (I said Don't mean on purpose.)

"Hey you." She said and greeted with a hug.

Again, I'm lost.

"Well, last night was freakin awesome." She said as our food was set on the table.

"I know." I said as I took a bite.

"Oh, and so there's a dance coming up in a few weeks. I think you and I can perform there."

A common subject between me and my crush. Something to talk about, am I lucky or what!

"Sweet." I said. I try to keep it casual. I don't want to not stop talking to her. As much as I like to.

"Not much for words as usual." She said as she sipped a coffee.

You know what, just don't even say anything. Besides "this sucks."

"Alright. I'll give you the Kings speech everytime you say something, sound good." I replied sarcastically.

"Oh tehe." She said sarcastically. Man, it rubs off on people. My mom says me and my brother got it from our Grandpa.

"Well, what else is there about this dance?" I asked.

"It's called the "colors of you" or something stupid like that. Basically, kids paint crap on themselves. and where colorful shirts and dye their hair for it.Yadayadayada." She said with a wave of her hand.

"Well, I'll perform with you anytime." I said.

Okay, let me just tell you, bad choice of words my friends. Should have worded it better.

"Oh, I see how things are then." She said in a rather, flirtatious tone a girl has ever said to me. To make me blush harder, she brushed her fingers underneath my chin.

"Wow. For once, I'm the third wheel." I hear from my brother, both me and Vinyl turned away from each other, why did a voice tell me she was blushing too.

This is the house that doubt built

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*Hard Chord's P.O.V.*

Guess where we got dragged into going to?

The mall. Whoever writes this crap has no clue about having a social life. (Screw you emo kid OC, I don't have to take that crap from you.)

Notes was all on board cause Vinyl was going. Whatever gets her out of her pants I figure.

Yeah... Notes couldn't if he tried. I've never seen a girl ever interested in him at all. Though if I must say, Vinyl was the first to talk to him first.

I for one hope he hooks up just so I can quit hearing about he lonely he is. I'm the depressed one, not him.

Well anyways, we were on our way. I thin it was Twilight who we ran into with... Applejack?

Wait no, Fluttershy. Yeah, that's who it was.

When we got there, we happen to run into Rarity as well. Of course we happen to run into our friends outside of school by pure coincidence.

Sorry for my complaining. Again, the whole "depressed" thing. That, and this is just getting stupid.

Whoops, there I go again.

Anywho, we walked around and stuff. There were a few shops I was interested in. A theater and the beloved food court.

And what do kid do when there is a foodcourt, get food even though they aren't hungry.

I lied at that last part. I am fucking starving. Breakfast wasn't enough so I got burgers and fries.

I saw Vinyl and Notes get their food first and though 'Wouldn't it just be great if we all decided to not sit with them and let them have alone time'?

You know what mind, you're goddamn right it would.

I walked over to Twilight and Rarity and said "Lets find different seats."

"What about Notes and Vinyl? They'll be alone." Rarity pointed out.

"Exactly." I said. "Tell Fluttershy to do the same." I said as I found a lone spot to sit and watch as the chaos ensues cause I'm so damn evil like that.

So we gathered and watched. Notes and Vinyl were talking just fine as usual. But as time went on, Notes began to look around in a bit of a panic.

*Note's P.O.V.*

Yo I'm not sure, but I think Hard Chord is pulling a trick on me.

For starters, there is he watching me. I see you asshole. Quit laughing cause I know why he did this.

That fucker knows! I am going to-

"Notes?" Vinyl snapped me right out of my trance.

"Yes?" I responded, hoping she didn't catch on in my small panic attack.

"Why are they just staring at us?" Vinyl asked. "And why did they find a different place to sit?"

I wanna say, cause my brother caught on that I have feelings for you and he wanted to be a dick about it.

"Hard Chord thinks he's being evil. But I have no clue." I answered.

I play hard to not get when it comes to girls.

"Well I like it like this. It's nice."

I nearly choked on my soda. "By "this" are you referring to just the two of us?" She didn't mean that.

"Yeah, just the two of us. It's nice."

The Heavens above are like "Notes, it's your lucky break." In the clouds I hear them chorusing hallelujah.

I loosened up eventually and got comfortable with talking to her. We chatted about several stuff from music, school, how much of a dick my brother is, etc. I saw Rainbow Dash and some girl with hair that looked like fire walk by. Was there a hello? No. Typical.

*Hard Chord's P.O.V.*

When your brother isn't in you thoughts, nobody knows you're plotting his demise. Nobody!

Well Notes seems to be getting out of his comfort zone. Mainly cause I pulled him out of it. To add good measure, I made sure RD and Spits did not acknowledge him in order to boost his paranoia.

I'mma mindfuck him.

Well those two sat down and were forced to watch us eat cause they weren't here for food. Nope, not even one french fry.

I was so into that torture that I felt something off. I looked and.





They were gone.

Oh my god. Mom is gonna kill me. I know, I should have kept a leash on him. But I didn't think.

"Hard Chord, what's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Notes and Vinyl are out of my vision." I told her.

This is deep shit. Notes isn't ready for the real world. What is he gets a job at a Coffee place that isn't Starbucks? Could you imagine.


"And, guys. this isn't that big of a deal but I am mildly concerned." I told them.

"He'll be fine." Spitfire assured.

"If he comes home with his tail between his legs you are to blame." I said.

"So now he's a dog?"

"You know what, yeah." I said. "He's a dog. It's now cannon."

"Whatever." Spitfire just didn't not get my sarcasm or just had enough. It looked as though something caught her eye cause she looked up.

"Is that Blaze?" She looked to see a kid with a fiery hair. What are the odds that he has identical hair colors to Spitfire.

Well she got up and ran over, tackling him into a hug. Not in the mood for yet another romance so I turned back to my food.

*5 hours later*

The two walked through the door and were greeted with none other than...

"Hey dad." Notes said as he walked happily up stairs.

"Where have you two been?"

"Out." Hard Chord answered.

"Well call next time."

"Got it." He said quickly just to get away.

"Hey!" Lighting called.

"What?" Hard Chord asked, trying to hide the annoyed tone in his voice.

"You listen to me when I talk. Got it?" Hard chord nodded his head. "Don't get smart with me."

Hard chord sat through yet another one of his fathers lectures. On how he felt like he was the unappreciated member of the family and that he feels the need for respect.

'Well if you weren't like this all the time, you'd get it.' Hard Chord thought.

Eventually, it ended. Hard Chord trudged upstairs and jumped into bed.

Notes on the other hand was smiling happily to himself for obvious reasons.

Born to Lose

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Hard Chord's Point of View.

So here I am, uh... it's gonna start raining any minute now. Didn't get a jacket. All alone, you know. Just me. Chilling on a bench in the middle of town.

Oh, you probably want to know why I'm out here huh. Actually kind of a funny story.

Not really funny. More like sad.

Well after I got home, dad came upstairs and felt the need to bitch at me again for something I did a few hours ago and already was bitched at for. Notes did his usual key of putting his earbuds in to drown us out. Eventually dad said something along the lines of saying I'm just 'some depressed emo kid' and well, now I know it's not true and that never works, I'm pissed that it came from my dad.

So much for being supportive of your son, asshole.

I climbed out the window and ran off as I heard Notes yelling at dad for saying that. Stick it to him brother.

Stick it to him.

Well shit though, it's getting dark, it is bound to rain and I have no where to go.

I usually stayed at a friends house when I run/get kicked out but I've been here for only a few weeks. Don't wanna be that kind of asshole who pops up like 'hey, now that we're friends I need a favor'.

Plus how am I gonna explain to their parents whom I haven't met at all.

I don't know, that tree looks like it has good cover from rain. To bad it's fall and the leaves are gonna be gone by the morning.

So let me name off names here. Soarin is a no go cause from what I hear, he's not home this weekend. I don't know Blaze well enough for this kind of stuff so shit. Caramel so forgetful he'll forget I'm there next morning. Who else was there?

And no, I'm not gonna say a girl cause lets be honest, it isn't gonna happen. The girls I know aren't into me like that. (Who the fuck said they had to just to let you stay the night?)

Maybe I could sneak into Applejack's barn, set my alarm and be out before she wakes up. Seems like a good pla-

"Hard Chord?"

Shit, I know that voice.

But I gotta ask myself, why am I scared by it?

I turned my head to see Twilight in a coat and carrying an umbrella. And in that moment, it started to rain.

"Hello." I waved awkwardly. Great, I think I'm turning into Notes.

"What are you doing out here this late? It's starting to rain." She said as she pulled out her umbrella.

"Dad pissed me off so I ran out for the night. First time it happened since moving here." I said.

"This has happened before?" She sounded shocked. I thought I had the vibe of arguing with parents.

"Yeah, back in Canterlot. I usually stayed with friends." I said.

"Well do you have a place to stay?"

I see. No no, I see. I know.

"Nope." I said. The rain was starting to pour at this point.

"Well... I guess... if you want to..."

"Out with it. I know what you're gonna ask." I said. Wasn't gonna say it in my head for once.

"Well, it's an offer." She said, her face turning red.

"I don't see any other option so I'll take it." I said as I stood up. She put me under her umbrella as we walked off.

"This doesn't me we're... you know, together." I said.

Lets just say that she wasn't happy with that comment.

Not happy because it was true.

Well we got there and were greeted with the sound of...


"Oh no." Twilight said as she ran upstairs dropping everything she had.

Turns out Spike was throwing up because he had acid reflex disease.

So I had to pretend that I showed up moments later to not embarrass the little guy. Turns out I'm a good person sometimes.

Twilight led me to the guest room. She told me something about studies and walked off. Spike went to bed in his room so that just left me.

Well it was late as it was. Not much to do except a ton of books. So I went to bed early and by early, I mean like 9 or something. I'm usually up till like One or something. Thanks for killing my Saturday night Twilight, you suck.

I woke up with a bit of a gasp. It was still dark out and the rain was calmer that when I fell asleep.

One thing was to get something to drink. Hopefully Twilight won't mind me stealing her water.

Or the fact that I only have my underwear to sleep in. Didn't exactly pack a bag when I left.

Well I hate looking for stuff in other people houses. I used my phone for light. Ignored texts from my mother that were from three hours ago wondering when I'd be home. she acts like I'll be back within an hour.

So back to the looking, had to check cabinets for a glass. Bowls, plates, there's only to cabinets, which one could-

Oh, they're on a shelf. Good eye Hard Chord.

God bless tab water at midnight when you just woke up. This invention will still be forgotten in a few years so I couldn't actually care less despite what I just said.

Drank a few glasses. Decided that bed sounded good. But as I got up, I heard someone mumble in their sleep. Who the hell was down here?

I shined the light of my phone on the couch and saw none other than Twilight asleep. A book laid on the ground. I picked that up and set it on a table.

As for Twilight, the couch was more for sitting. It looked like a pull-out but Twilight fell asleep before she could do such action. She was likely to fall and hit the ground and then I would laugh like the evil bastard I am.

But then again, she let me stay here for the night. So I guess I might as well do a good deed for her like the nice bastard I am.

She seems thin, I think I got this.

I picked her up in my arms, resting her head on my shoulder, I carried her upstairs and hoped I would find her room.

Finding a door, I put my ear to it and heard the sound of snoring. So Spike had that room. Up the hall was another door, I opened it and saw that it was the bathroom.

Third time was the charm when I found her room. Lit by nothing but street lights from outside.

Well I set her in bed, tucked her in, kissed her forehead and went back to bed.

Yes, you read that right.

Dead and Buried

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Hard Chords p.o.v.

Was I woken by the sound of birds chirping?


Was it the lovely sun shining gently in my eyes?


Wanna know what woke me up?

Well I was busy dreaming about food. Was nice and all but it was interrupted.

Wanna know why I don't give a shit?

Well Twilight barged in loudly and woke me up. I would have been mad but I remembered that it was her home, so she had a right to like be that.

But here's the factor that benefits me.

She forget to get dressed.

She was in a night gown.

So that means I was getting lectured by a girl.

In a night gown.

Oh, she was mad because of how she didn't remember going to bed.

"You don't have right to that." She exclaimed.

Overreaction was the key issue here.

"I thought I was abducted by aliens or something." She held her hand on her forehead in frustration.

I ,for one couldn't stop smiling at this.

"What's so funny?"

I've been caught.

"You're uh... not... how do I not sound like a creep but you're not dressed right now."

I informed, not said.

Well her face lit up with red so fast, Rainbow Dash couldn't top it when it came to speed.

She squeaked in embarrassment and grabbed my blanket for cover.

Twilight should have considered the factor that while I was awake, I was still in bed.

That means I wasn't dressed either. I was in boxer shorts.

Hey, she should be glad I don't sleep naked. Did that once when Notes decided to wake me up like this, was not fun. Had a real awkward few days with each other.

Luckily, I managed to cover myself in time, but not soon enough to warn her.

She ran out of there, with the blanket, after seeing me in my underwear.

It's cold right now.

Whatever, I'm getting out of here.

I got dressed and told Twilight thanks for the hospitality and walked home.

Was early so I figured I'd go back to bed when I climbed in through the window.

Still, why did Twilight look so cute lecturing me earlier? My brain is trying to fuck with me.

*Sep 20*

"How do I look on this fine day?" Notes asked he walked out of the bathroom.

"With your eyes, Notes." Hard Chord answered as he got in to brush his teeth. All while laughing inside his head.

'Fuck you, asshole.' Notes thought as he ate a poptart and waited for Hard Chord to finish getting ready.

Now, the reason being for asking how Notes looked was for an important reason.

He was hoping to ask Vinyl out. 'And this time, not through a text message' he thought.

"Lets go." Hard Chord called as he poked his head around the corner. Notes finished his food and ran out the door towards school, watching as the school bus passed by.

Inside sat a kid, male, about 15 with orange hair that only stared outside the window. He saw two, in his words, emo looking kids running down the sidewalk.

'Shouldn't call them that, not until I meet them.' He said as the bus turned.

As he looked, the boy jumped a little when what he thought was this girl wearing a lot of Pink seemed to stare right at him as if she knew who he was.

'Impossible', he thought. 'I'm knew here.'

He merely decided that it was a coincidence as the bus pulled in to the bus loop.

As he got off, he looked at the printed map of the school on a piece of paper and ran off the the office to get his schedule as the crowd cleared, leaving Pinkie standing there with a huge grin on her face.

"A new kid!" She shrieked as she ran off to find the others.

'Where is she?' Notes asked in his head. Kinda like Batman.

He ran up and down the halls in hopes of seeing Vinyl before class started.

And there she was. Smiling and giggling happily.

Except she was talking to someone else.

'Son of a BITCH!' Notes yelled in his head. 'If she had a boyfriend all this time I am gonna RAISE HELL.'

Notes began to shove his way through the crowd (with a bit of aggression) to see who she was talking to.

As it turned out, it was another girl.

'Heavens to Betsie, I still have a chance.' Notes thought. He stood around and waited for the two of them to stop talking.

'That, or I could go introduce myself.' He thought.

"Oh, there he is." Vinyl exclaimed as she walked over, Notes still lost in his thoughts.

'Who knows, maybe I can ge-'

"Notes!" Vinyl greeted, scaring the teen a little.

"Gah!" He jumped.

Vinyl giggled while grabbing his wrist and pulling him over.

'I take it back. Meeting new people sucks and I'm horrible at it.' Notes thought.

"Tavi, this was the kid I was telling you about." Vinyl pulled Notes over and shoved him forward towards her.

"Well go, don't be shy." she slugged him in the arm.

'Forget asking you out. More than anything, I just want this moment to end.'

Notes shook a little from anxiety as he did a small wave at the girl, who stood there and waited patiently. She seemed to be more sophisticated then Vinyl and seemed like the kind of girl Rarity is.

"Well uh... hi." Notes gave a small nod to her. "I'm Electronic Notes." He stuck out his hand.

The girl took it without hesitation and shook it. "Nice to meet you, I'm Octavia." She spoke with a very elegant voice.

"Pardon his awkwardness." Vinyl said as she hopped up and threw her arm around Notes shoulder, "He's been like ever since out night together."

"What!" Notes yelled out. Thankfully, the noise was drowned out by the crowd.

"Relax, I was only joking." She laughed.

'Oh HAAAhahahahaAAAAhaaAAAA. I'm not laughing.' Notes thought.

"Vinyl, you may not be giving a good first impression if that's the joke you first use." Octavia pointed out.

"And here I thought my awkwardness was going to ruin it." Notes thought out loud.

"Nah." Vinyl said as the bell rang.

"Well, we need to head off." Vinyl said as she gave Notes a quick hug before running off. Notes stared back.

"I know you like here." Octavia said.

"Seriously. It's like I have a damn thought bubble over my head." Notes said in frustration.

"Hey relax, I knew it before I even talked to you." She said.

"So you won't tell?"

Octavia shook her head.

"Good. Because I'll be honest, she must never know." Notes said.


Notes thought for a moment.

"It's personal." He said as he walked off, leaving a rather curious Octavia standing there.

"So you're Nova Burst?" Celestia asked.

"Yes ma'am." He said nervously. The Principal nodded and went over and grabbed a slip of paper.

"I'm gonna assume you'll get lost, so I have a student here who will help you find your way." She said as she walked to the back of the office.

"Hard Chord, how would you like to get out of detention early?"

The black haired teen looked up, "Oh boy, would I!" He faked, sounding like an excited kid.

Celestia grinned. "Well then, go show the new student around to his classes."

He shrugged, "Easy enough." Hard Chord got up and walked out of the room.


Nova looked to him. "Oh... uh... Nova Burst." He said nervously.

"Schedule?" Hard Chord held out his hand.

Nova looked at which hand it was in before giving it to Hard Chord, who studied it for a moment.

"Oh shit, I was just there." He said. "Ms. Greene for Homeroom."

Celestia quickly chimed in. "Do not say anything." Causing the rebellious teen to start grinning.

"My lips are sealed. Hers weren't."

"Just show him the way." She snapped.

Seeing the hint of anger, Hard Chord wore a smug grin on his face. "Ohhhhhhh." He said as he walked out of the office.

"Thank god you came, I would have shot myself if I was in there any longer." The teen said as he walked through the hall.

"Name's Hard Chord. Nice to meet you, Nova."

The boy only remained quiet.

"Don't talk much?"

Nova shook his head. "No."

"Have a brother who's almost like that."

"Does he go here?"

"Yeah, you two will get along just fine. But he's mostly been drooling over this girl lately so odds are, it won't be easy to get his attention for a while."

The halls were empty as the students were in class. But besides the two, a blur of pink hid in the shadows.

"And... here it is." Hard Chord said as he arrived at the room. "Now don't be shy, but be warned the teacher is a total bitch."

The door swung open to show a rather stern teacher standing in the door way. Several students leaned forward to see, including Twilight, he put her hand on her forehead when she saw Hard Chord.

"Don't mumble under your breath, she hears everything. Hard Chord told Nova, pretending that the teacher wasn't there.

"Perhaps you should let the new student decide how my teaching skills are." She told him.

Hard Chord continued to ignore her. "She says she's married, I believe her and think her husband is living a life worse than death."

A sound of laughter came from the class room.

"Back to the office." She pointed.

"You know what, it's actually better than being in your class." Hard Chord said as he walked off.

Nova walked in and Ms. Greene closed the door, just for Pinkie to slam into it.

"Darn, to late." She said as she walked off.

Notes walked to the table with his lunch and sat down.

"You're a damn fool, bro." He said.

"Nope." Hard Chord said to him.

"In the middle of class. Twice!"

Hard Chord nodded. "I was there for that part."

Notes pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm not even gonna bother."

"Hell yeah you shouldn't. Now Notes, before you drool over Vinyl like you usually do."

Both of them blushed.

"I'd like you to meet our new friend, Nova Burst."

A kid with a green sweater and orange hair waved. "Hi." He said nervously.

He jumped when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. Pinkie squeezed him in a tight hug.

"I like him!" She squealed in excitement.

Hard Chord could see the anxiety in the poor kid.

"Go easy on him Pinkie." He said.

"Oh.... sorry." She said as she let him go. the pink girl hopped onto the seat next to his.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, very nice to meet you." She said with excitement.

"Uh... hi." He waved a little. Pinkie only giggled at his nervousness and proceeded to get to know him better...

Notes sat down with his hands on his head.

"Fuck." He said to himself as he realized he had completely missed his chance to ask Vinyl out.

Yet, he told himself that it was a good thing.

So hey, r we gonna make it to the movie tonight?

I'm sorry, I'm busy again tonight.

Oh, again? Well maybe tomorrow night.

Notes put his phone down, he was getting sick of having that same text conversation for the past few night.

"Hey... Rose?" Notes walked up to the girl.

"What?" She said as she kept walking.

"So do you think that we can hang out some time?" Notes asked quickly.

"I'm busy." She said fast as she kept walking.

Notes stopped for a moment, took a breath and turned around to go home.

Odds are, what was gonna be different than last time. He laid down only to hear his phone buzz.

"Hey, was there something you wanted to ask me today?"

- V Scratch.

Notes quickly replied with "No." and turned his phone off.

Megawacko 2.1

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*Sep. 24*

"Ugh, someone kill me." Twilight moaned as she put her head in the book she was reading.

"And I here I thought that was my saying" Hard Chord said, putting an arm around Twilight's shoulders.

"Tell ole' me what the matter is?"

She only threw his arm off of her.

"My parents are visiting." She groaned, muffled by the paper from the book.

"Again, something I would complain about. At least you don't live with them." Hard Chord said as he leaned in close to her.

"Now tell me, are there issues between you and your parents?" He whispered, imitating a therapist.

"No, just that we got invited over for dinner to some family's house." She groaned and hit her head a little on the desk.

"Man, you hate life right now don't you?" Hard Chord asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah." She muttered.

"Don't worry sweet heart, I'm sure whoever invited your family are good people."

"Did you just call me Sweet heart?" Twilight asked, raising her head off the desk.

"I see where your priorities are." He said.

Total silence for the rest of the period.

Notes paced back and fourth nervously ever since the teacher told them to pack up.

'Ask her. You will be kicking yourself for no do-'

"Hey Notes?" Vinyl approached him.

'God help me.'

"Yes?" He responded.

"Wanna come over and try some tricks for when we perform?" She asked, a little nervous edge in her tone.

'A girl wants to hang out with me? My has time has come!'

"Sure... I guess." He said nervously.

'Nailed it.'

"Great!" She exclaimed, quickly giving him a hug as the bell rang.

"We'll go to you house and get your synthesizer, then we'll go to my place. Now lets go." She said excitedly.


"Yes, haven't you hung out with friends after school?" She asked, laughing.

"No." He said, still confused.

Vinyl sighed and shook her head. "Poor thing." She said as she squeezed the life out of him.

On the other side of the room, Hard Chord watched the two.

'This is a good chance for me. I can make things really fucking awkward for my brother right now.' He thought with a serious look on his face.

"You don't look to happy." Rainbow Dash pointed out as she walked over. "You okay?"

"I'm fine, just always like this." He told her.

"Well, don't come crying to me when you become such a grouch." She said as she ran off.

Hard Chord looked around and saw the two gone, along with the rest of the students leaving.

"Well, I guess I'll take my leave." He said as he went home.

Hard Chord's p.o.v.

God damn, I was on the verge of killing someone today. Mostly myself, but still, killing someone.

Had to deal with a bunch of idiots in my math class. Why does the kid next to me feel the compulsive need to drum with his fingers on the desk and his notebooks. Tried giving his desk a kick to tell him to stop, but he kept going to I kicked it so hard I stubbed my toe.

Besides the usual day at school, I got home to find out we're having guests over for dinner.

I usually leave, but my parents won't let me cause they have to have a son over when guests are here to represent them.

Did they not now they were asking me?

You know what, I never want to see whoever is coming over here again. Best part, I know a way to make sure they stay away.

I walked to the bathroom with a bag of "things".

I used to be bullied a lot in Canterlot, but that was because of something I used to do.

Zipped it open, and pulled out....

Eyeliner and mascara.

Yep, I was emo looking then, now I'm about to level up in emo looks.

And now... put some on and.....

Boom! I look awesome!

When they see that they have an emo son with makeup on, they better never come back.

My parents were also pissed. Big news there, though my dad found it a bit funny. Still mad though.

But found it funny.

We set up the table, as if we rarely eat as a family anymore. A table cloth? What is this, Thanksgiving?

That's when the door bell rang. Show time!

In a band t-shirt, tight black pants with a metal studded belt and chains, hot damn. I am fashionable.

I opened the door and

Holy shit.

Twilight was there.

Oh yeahhhhhhhh, she said her parents were invited over to some peoples house.

Small, cliche world I guess.

"Oh my goodness," I say in one of those voices that fakes excitement, but still being happy. "Twilight! What a pleasant surprise for me."

Yah, for me. Her face ran pale when she saw that I answered my front door.

As for her parents.

"I guess you two know each other." Her mom suggested.

I think she's happy that Twilight has made a man friend. Even if he wears eyeliner and mascara with black finger nail polish, but still a man friend. Ahahahahahaaaaaaa.

I hope this night never ends.

"Come on in, Mister and Misses Sparkle." I said as I stepped aside and watched them enter our home. "Welcome to our Humble Abode."

Wow, a moment ago, I was hoping whoever was at our door never came back, but seeing Twilight makes me rethink all of it.

Now, she will have to try to convince her parents to not come to my house.

Time to be charismatic mother fucker.

"Hi." My mother greeted as she set the plates. My dad went over and shook Mr. Sparkles hand.

"So," I walked over to Twilight. "What's going on in this neck of the woods?"

Her face lit red. "I...I... wasn't.... a..aware we were going to your house."

"Really? Not even a hint?"

"They told me there was someone around my age." She gritted. "That was it. I was afraid they would try to hook me up with the-"

I stopped her there. "I understand, and now you're hoping they hook you up with the kid, who is me." I teased as she smacked me lightly and tried to hide her blush.

"Why are you wearing makeup by the way?"

"Oh yeah, I was hoping the family would be creeped out by it and not want to come back to our house. But now, I hope you all return." I said as I walked over to the table.

"... turns out, you can't put the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song in your poem." I concluded, causing everyone except for my parents to laugh.

"That made you fail English that year, making you miss the End of the Year activities."

"Yeah, I got the same talk from the Vice Principal, who wanted to 'help me' that year."

"He said you just barely managed to fail." My mom told me.

"I know, he tried talking to me about it, but I said 'I'm sorry, but just barely caught my attention when you started talking'."

Crash and buuuuuurrrrrrrnnnnnnnnn.

"Well, we need to get going now." Mr. Sparkle announced.

"Alright, see again some time." My mom called to them.

"See ya around." I called back, hearing one last goodbye before the door closed.

Then, I trudged up the stair and into the bathroom where I took off the makeup. That's when I heard my window open and close.

Notes was laying in bed, looking a little down.

"What's wrong?"

"Was gonna ask her out, words got caught in my throat, stuttered like a total idiot."

Not like that's new.

"That's just a sign to have a better try next time, little brother." I said as I got into bed.

I feel as though I missed on asking something tonight.

The District sleeps alone tonight

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[Hard Chords P.O.V.

Ya know, I actually liked the makeup look on me, so I did it again the following Tuesday at school!

*Sep. 27

Pissed Ms. Greene off, and the kids who were assigned to my group for the project that day, including Electronic and Twilight.

"Uh... really?" Twilight asked.

"He's done this before, whenever our parents came to our school." Notes told her.

He's right. I did, also hooked up with a girl who was also pissing off her parents. Then I met her boyfriend that following weekend.

He's actually a nice guy. Still beat the shit out of me. I had to get make-up to cover the bruises. My dad didn't find the irony funny.

That being said, Twilight didn't like it. We were working on a bit of a group history project in class today.

"Dude, you know kids are gonna make fun of you for that." Notes told me.

"Wow Notes, welcome to the 21st century." I said as I wrote down some notes (no pun intended), and looking over to see Twilight had wrote down every single one of them.

"Woah... you wrote down-"

"all the notes. Yes, it was easy." Twilight told me.

I've never had someone finish my sentence outside my family. Good for Twilight.

"So...what now?" Notes asked.

I would have answered, but Ms. Greene said the one name of someone that not even wild horses could drag Notes from.

"Ms. Vinyl Scratch, you better have an explanation for being late."

She probably, like the rest us, didn't want to go to your class.

"Sorry, I accidentally slept in." She said while trying to laugh off the situation.

"Sit down over...." Ms. Greene pointed, "since you're late, you can sit with Hard Chords group."

What the fuck teacher? I heard some kids laugh. Laugh all you want, I will make sure to point out all of you as enemies in my graduation speech.

"Is that a punishment?" I asked out loud.

"Yes." she told me flatly and went back to whatever her papers were on her desk.


As for Vinyl, she walked over-


Uhm... she is showing some skin today... not doing well on hiding her bra strap...

It's making me awkward, wonder what Notes is thinking.

[Notes P.O.V.


[Hard Chord''s P.O.V.

I'm sure he's fine... maybe. He is prone to getting the shakes when talking to girls.

"Hey guys." She said as she sat down.

"Hi." Notes said quickly.

I figure today is the day he finally gets a girl friend or he gets turned down and commits homicide.

"So what are we doing-"

"Done. Did all the notes." Twilight said.

Vinyl shrugged and put her headphones on.

"By the way, Applejack said she needed help with some delivery tonight. She said she'd pay." Vinyl said as she bobbed her head to music.

Notes, I see where your eyes are. Quit staring.

But I might have to take that job.

That was when Ms. Greene spoke up.

"Class, I should inform you that my husband is sick, so I will not be here for two days." she announced.

"Oh god, someone married you?"

Shit! I said that out-loud.

"Office. Now." She pointed.

I could see Vinyl and Notes trying not to burst out laughing while Nova and Twilight face palmed.

I love High School sometimes.

I walked through the halls, trying to ignore the voices of what sounded like a fight.

"Give it back!" A small, childish voice yelled.

Wait a sec, that was Spike.

I took off and rounded the corner to see Spike trying to reach for a notebook of sorts.

Three kids, one really goth, one looked like a trouble making teen with saggy pants, another was someone with a similar style to Spike but with red and orange clothing and hair respectively.

"Give it back Garble." Spike yelled as he jumped up and tried to catch the notebook as it was tossed around.

"Hey Discord! Think fast!" The Goth killed yelled.

"Nice one Sombra." Discord yelled.

The notebook got tossed back to Garble.

"Give it!" Spike said as he shoved the kid really hard.

Suddenly, the kid punched Spike in the stomach, making him fall to the ground and clutch his stomach. I had already began to take steps to the kids and kick their asses when I saw something that made my heart race.

Spike held a fist to his mouth to force it close as his cheeks inflated.

His acid reflex disease, he's gonna puke!

"Spike!" I yelled as I ran over and knelled down by him. "Are you alright?!" I yelled, making sure to get attention.

I heard a gulp as he nodded his head and got up, shaking a little. I looked over to the trio.

"What the HELL is wrong with you!?" I yelled at them.

"Pfft, lets beat it guys." Discord said as they walked away.

"Nice make-up!" Garble yelled, despite the fact that Sombra looked like Mariyln Manson.

Black lip-stick looks ugly on everyone.

"Hey get back here assholes!" I shouted, almost ready to run at them.

"Leave em." Spike told me as he grabbed his notebook from the ground.

"Where were you going?"

"The office." He said.

"Sweet, walk with me." I told him, throwing an arm around his shoulder.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked.

"Sure." I said.

"I think Twilight likes you."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Really now?" I said, my tone said 'I'm curious. Do continue.'

"Yeah, she talks about you a lot. Most of them not positive."

"Ha! Figures."

"Don't tell her I said that. It might not be true."

For some reason, I wouldn't mind if it was true.

"Sure, but I might have to tell her about this."

"Fine." He groaned.

"But hey, if they give you trouble, let me know. I used to knock some heads around back when my brother was bullied."

Spike looked at me and gave me a hug. I could even hear him sobbing a little. I only hugged him back. I've been through this with my brother.

"Thank you." He whispered.

For reporting and defending Spike, I didn't have to stay in the detention room. Score one for me!

I pranced into that classroom with pride. Ms. Greene asked.

"Why are you back?"

"Good deed." I proclaimed and strutted to my seat.

That's when serious mood came in. I looked at Twilight.

"Hey, you might want to talk to Spike later." I told her, all serious like.


"Let me ask you, does he get bullied often?"

Twilight gasped. "It happened again?"

I nodded.

She looked distraught, having to catch her breath for a moment. I gave her a pat on the back.

"Okay, thank you." She said.

The night air was cool as I unloaded crates of various apple-related food and drinks into the cafeteria.

It's to damn late for this. I better get my twenty dollars.

"Thanks for helpin me you two." Applejack said as she carried a crate inside and back out.

Caramel and I helped in the last of the crates before stopping outside for a rest.

"They'll take inventory, then we can leave." Applejack told us for the umpteenth time.

"Sweet." I said.

"But can I ask yah? What in tarnation is going on with Vinyl and your brother? I've never seen two be so madly in love with each other and not be in a relationship."

This one hits home.

"Well you see, Notes sucks at girls. My grandpa always said "it's in the breed' when it came to them. Sadly, he has the desire to be in a relationship, and Vinyl seems like the perfect match."

"Funny, Vinyl seems to be handling her last break-up well then."

"Do tell." I said, interested.

"She dated a singer last year. But he treated her poorly, only wanting the psychical part of the relationship more than the emotional. Vinyl wanted the emotional part."

That also hits home for me.

"So lets see, we have the boy who wants to be in a relationship just so he can feel what it's like. Then the girl who wants to have what she wants that she never got from the previous relationship."

"Pretty much." She said with a shrug.

"Well, this is a case of 'pressure love'."

"What does that mean?" Caramel asked.

"It's simple, much like a pressure valve, the two are so in love, that they have to show it. But overtime, pressure will build up, and kissing and such will let that off. Except they're not doing any of that. So when they finally do, I imagine it will be them making out non-stop, or more."

"You know a lot about this." Caramel told me.

"I learn."

"You're all good!" A worker called to us.

"Finally." We all sighed with relief. We all got in the truck and left the god forsaken place known as school.

Goats On A Boat

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Oct. 3rd

Notes awoke with a gasp.

"Shit..." He muttered out as looked and didn't see his brother in bed.

He had yet another dream about being in love, only it wasn't Vinyl.

In fact, the dream was a bit... psychical.

He ran downstairs a few moments later to find his brother on the couch, watching TV while eating a bowl cereal.

The windows showed no light, as an overcast sky gave haze to a lazy Saturday morning.

"Come on Dana, your only crime was not banging that guy while he was still alive. just die already." He said before eating another spoonful of cereal. He looked over to see Notes distraught face.

"What happened?" He simply asked.

"I need to talk to you about something a bit disturbing to me." Notes told him.

"Oh boy," Hard Chord rolled his eyes. "What?"

"I dreamed about... a girl... last night who wasn't Vinyl." He said.

"Wow Notes, thank you for sharing that. Now I can tell Vinyl she doesn't have to reject you now."

"Fuck you." Notes growled.

"Well there shouldn't be a big fucking deal. Look at yesterday."

"That doesn't count. You were part of it too!" Notes nearly yelled.

"Calm down... it's not that big of a deal. Yesterday was almost a life lesson in fact... not taught by me...."

Oct. 2nd... or just Friday

"No... Hard Chord... please don't."

*bite* *rip*

"Awwww nooooo. I said not to but you did anyways." Notes said quietly, knowing that no matter how loud he was, he wouldn't stop Hard Chord.

Everyone who sat at the table looked at him with disgust, except for Twilight who had pure horror in her eyes.

"What?" Hard chord asked. "I do this all the time."

"That doesn't mean people are gonna react normally to it!" Notes yelled in his face.

Hard Chord only did this to freak people out.

He ate paper.

"I may never allow you at the Library ever again." Twilight told him as she tried to bury her face in her book.

Vinyl Scratch found Notes reactions a bit amusing. Blaze Streak had to admit he had seen worse.

"I think that if this was The Breakfast Club, you'd be the criminal." Notes told his brother.

"and you'd be the virgin." He responded.

Notes slammed the locker shut in anticipation for the end of the day. Hard Chord and Blaze Streak stood near him, discussing important matters.

"No dude, I don't care what tour they're on." Hard Chord argued. "If they think they fit in with the line-up, I say let em play."

"No! They're a Warped tour band. They can't tour with big heavy metal names." Blaze responded. "They need to stay in the demographic."

Notes looked over to Spitfire and Vinyl Scratch, whom only the latter was interested in the question.

"Gentle men please." Vinyl stepped between the two and put her hands up. "Just enjoy whoever is in the line-up. Please." The two were shocked to have been interrupted by her, but agreed to disagree.

"That right there," Notes said quietly as someone walked by, "is why I love her."

"Well we got to get to class." Vinyl told the three. "See ya after school." she waved to Notes as they walked off, joining Octavia.

"I for one still think that...." Hard chord lost his train of thought as he saw the most hottest woman he had seen. The three looked and all at once their jaw nearly hit the ground.

Her brown hair was tied into a pink bow, her pale skin was flawless. She had a wide pair of hips that swayed with every step she took....

.... at the trio of boys.

"I know her..." Blaze Streak told us quietly.

"Hello again Blaze." She said, sounding a tad unamused to see him. She looked over to the others.

"I assume Button is in trouble again." Blaze said under his breath.

"Hi there. I'm Milano Mash." She held out her hand, that Notes took almost instantly and shook it.

'They feel so soft.' He thought as he let go. "I'm Electronic Notes." He told her.

"Nice to meet you." She smiled and turned to his brother. "And you are?"

"I'm his brother, Hard Chord." He introduced himself.

Milano smiled at him before looking over to Blaze. "Say, I have some work I need done-"

"No." Blaze immediately told her.

"Not even if I get pizza?" She asked.

"Still no." He told her.

"Did someone say pizza?" Notes asked.

"Yes, Blaze used to work around my house after he broke one of my windows." She explained.

"Ha!' Hard Chord taunted.

"I'll do work for pizza." Notes said while he raised his hand.

"Ya know what, I'll do it if they come along." Blaze pointed to his friends.

"Well sure. Come by my place at six." She turned around and walked off.

Notes was speechless, Hard Chord had a smug look on his face and Blaze Streak realized he might have made a huge mistake.

"I can't believe I got talked into wasting my Friday doing this." Hard Chord complained.

"She said pizza right?" Notes asked Blaze as they walked down the sidewalk.

"At times, she would bring pizza. Though her son would eat most of it."

"Notes, you're used to not doing anything on Friday night. Why don't you take this one."

"Nope." He simply said.

"Over there her's house."

"Ugh... lets get this over with. I suggest a montage or a jump-cut." Hard Chord said as he knocked on the door.

Milano opened the door and smiled.

"Come in boys."

"Thanks for taking my advice." Hard Chord said as he opened a box of pizza.

"Thanks boys. In honesty, I could have done this on my own but I wanted to torture Blaze again." She grinned.

"Forget this, I'm out." Blaze said as he grabbed a piece of pizza and walked out.

Hard Chord suddenly had a great idea on how to get back at his brother for convincing him to come over. He snuck over to the front door.

"Want to freak out my brother?"

"Hell yeah. How?"

"Easy, step out the door. He'll freak out once he realizes he's alone with Milano."

"Like with Vinyl?"

"Exactly." He said as he closed the door.

Notes heard the door close and looked over and saw his friends missing.

'Oh no. Alone with hot lady. Code red. Code red.' He started to shake a little.

"Huh? A good bye would have been nice." She grinned and looked over to Notes, who did a bad job at not showing that he was checking her out when she wasn't looking.

"I need to talk to you. Follow me."

From outside, the two watched from the window.

"What the fuck is she doing?" Hard Chord asked.

"That's her room." Blaze told him.

The last they saw was he closing the door.

Milano turned back to see Notes standing in her room.

'I'm in her room! Code black! Code black!'

"So, yo must think this is the part where we do it?"

"What!?" Notes yelled.

"I'm not a fool." She told him, her tone staying calm. "But I can tell that's what you want. I didn't tell you that Blaze purposely broke my window because he wanted to be closer to me. And after a few kids coming to my house, and some arrests made, I knew how kids were really looking at me."

Notes gulped.

"But I can tell that you don't want that secretly." She said.

"How can you tell?"

"When I was walking, I saw you looking at a girl and saying you loved her."

Notes knew who she was talking about.

"There's someone else, Notes. Isn't there?"

Notes nodded. "We're not... together. But you're right."

"Well, Notes. You're a nice kid." She got up and put a hand around his head and kissed his forehead.

"Now go get her!" She cheered, only to see his bright red face.

"Have you never been kissed before?" She asked.

"No." He shook his head.

"Well that needs to change, now get out of here." She said playfully.

As he turned to leave, he told her "Thanks."

"Anytime. If you need someone to talk to, I'll be around. Just don't hang around to much my husband might get mad." She joked as Notes left.

Outside, Hard Chord and Blaze came running up.

"Dude! Did you really just-"


"Well, what was that?" Blaze asked.

"She knew about Vinyl and me." He told them as they walked home.

"Wow, even chicks you try to pick up know about it." Hard Chord said.

"Yeah, it was more of a lecture. She was nice still."

On the way, Blaze was hoping she didn't tell him about him purposely breaking her window.

[Back to Saturday]

"So what's the deal? Yesterday you would have been all over a hot mom and now you're worried about girls on your dream that aren't Vinyl?"

"It's just that after that talk, why am I not dreaming about Vinyl?"

"You're brain is just thinking about other girls. It does that. Mine did it when I got my first girlfriend."

"It did?"

"Yeah." Hard Chord looked around saw that they were alone.

"So who was the lucky lady in you dream?" He teased.

"I'll tell you this. There were two."

"Damn!" Hard Chord yelled.

"Shut up! You'll wake mom and"

"Quiet!" A voice yelled upstairs.

Clint Eastwood

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Soarin sprinted down the track at high speeds, taking deep breaths as he turned to the final stretch. Spitfire held a stopwatch while Notes, Blaze Streak, Hard Chord watched the two run.

And by two, Rainbow Dash who zipped past Soarin within the last few seconds, getting ahead of him and finishing the lap!

"Time!" Spitfire yelled as she stopped the watch, Soarin, who was panting as he finished his lap fell down and sat on the ground trying to catch his breath.

"Told ya I was faster!" Rainbow Dash boasted as she grabbed a water bottle and took a sip, Soarin crawled over to the field and still tried to catch his breath.

"Not the only things she faster at with him, I bet." Hard Chord commented, making Blaze nearly spit out his soda and Notes face palmed.

"Wow..." Notes shook his head before chuckling.

"Something funny?" Spitfire asked.

"I was implying that Rainbow Dash is also faster in bed." Hard Chord called back.

"I'm out." Notes raised his hands as he got up and walked away." Goodbye."

Blaze fell on the ground laughing. Spitfire covered her mouth so she wouldn't laugh so loud.

Only two found this not very amusing. Rainbow Dash and Soarin both were red as a tomato and couldn't even look at each other.

"That... may be true." Spitfire commented.

"WAIT WHAT!?" Rainbow Dash screamed as she passed the water bottle to Soarin, who pored some on his face.

"Don't act like you don't know what we're talking about. I see how you look at him." Spitfire give a sly grin to her, followed by a wink.

"N-n-n-no! I don't have a crush on Soarin." Rainbow tried her best to deny.

"Look at that, now she's trying to run from her feelings." Hard Chord called.

"Or trying to catch up to Soarin." Blaze added, earning them a laugh from Spitfire.

"Shut up..." Dash yelled at the three, while Soarin passed her back the water bottle.

"Relax, we're just playing around. Besides, you two would be cute together. You're both athletic, you're even sharing that bottle."

"What!" Rainbow Dash and Soarin both looked at the bottle, then at each other before she threw it to the ground.

"Hey Scratchy, you home?" Notes knocked on the door. He told her he was coming over for a bit to talk about the upcoming dance and them playing at it.

"Hello?" Electronic opened the door to see no one, only thing was muffled music.

"Guess it's just me and her." He thought out loud as he went upstairs, the music getting louder.

The opened door showed a light along with a dancing shadow. Vinyl Scratch jumped swung her body to the beat. But the thing that surprised Notes came when she started to sing.

"You've got to press it on you. You've just think it. That's what you do, baby. Hold it down. Dare!

She jumped and turned around and yelped at the sight of Notes standing in her door way, which also scared the crap out of him as well.

"Shit! I forgot you were coming." she yelled.

"That doesn't mean you scream!" Notes exclaimed.

"I'm sorry." Vinyl hid her face behind her hands. "It's just that I was dancing alone and hoped no one would think I'm a weirdo."

"Are you kidding me? I do it all the time. Hard chord used to give me hell for dancing in my room all the time." Notes said as he walked over and lowered her hands. "Besides, that was some kick ass singing."

"You think so? I always thought my voice wasn't meant for singing." She said, sitting down.

"I think everyone can sing if they practice enough." Notes said as he leaned against the wall.

"So what are we gonna do for the performace? And don't say I sing, I'm not going to."

"Great, because I want to."

"You can sing?"

"Yeah, but the point is I have a vocoder I can use. Live remix of my voice!" Notes exclaimed as he pulled a flash drive from his pocket and went over to Vinyl's computer.

"Check it, I have some samples I did of singing Daft Pony songs." He said as he clicked play...

And made Vinyl looked as though her mind entered a new state of bliss.

'Oh my... his voice...' she thought as she listened.

'I love this boy... I want him to sing in this voice at our wedding.... I want to-'

"You look like you're enjoying this way to much, I'll leave a copy for you to drool over."

"Sorry, but your voice sounds so nice with this effect." She said, already trying to figure out how she was going to remix Notes voice for Friday.

"It sure is, we'll do yours next." He said.

'Tell her you love her singing and ask her out!' Notes yelled in his mind.

"Why? I like yours more." She said.

"Well, I want to work with female vocals too."

"Hm... I know someone who can help with that, someone with a way better voice."


"Her name is Sapphire Shores."

"I'll talk to her some time, though I think I'll stick with you."

"You would."

"I meant music wise!" Notes said, flustered a little.

"Relax, I'm just teasing." Vinyl giggled.

'Her laugh is adorable, man up already.'

"I gotta go soon but hey... uh... I was hoping before we go to the dance we could hang out a little....?"

"Yeah! They encourage tattoos and stuff. Come over and we'll paint stuff on each other."

"Alright. See ya." Notes said as he walked out and back home.

'That wasn't asking her out, but at least I get to hang out with her some more.' Notes thought as he walked home.

[Vinyl's point of view]

I don't know why, but I think I'm in love with that boy. He's so shy yet cute, he's adorkable.

And when I heard his voice I wanted to shove my tongue in his mouth and make him mine.

I know, to much. But can you blame me?

Only light in my room was my computer, and I was on Notes social media profile.

Yep... I'm stalking him.

Well, he recently mentioned me when he posted.

Hella excited to perform with Vinyl this Friday. Come see us!

And yet, I went to looking at pictures of him. Yet there were a few with my, some right net to him.

I can't believe I like someone so much and don't have the guts to tell them. It's like stupid fanfiction or something. Write a scene where we make out, Ferret.

(Shut up!)

Until then, a girl can dream, which is what I plan to do.

I took my clothes off and crawled into bed, cuddling a pillow and shamefully pretending it was Notes.

One day, we will be able to lay in bed wearing nothing and eat pizza all day while watching movies and I get to touch his butt. And he gets to touch mine,and more...

Oh... don't act surprised that I don't see him in every way.

I would show you what I mean, but that's private. I know, a tease aren't I?

All signs point to Lauderdale

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Notes woke up and knew immediately that something was wrong. He wasn't woken by an alarm or anything, it was like he had slept naturally.

"What time is it?" Notes said as he checked his phone. It read 7:24 and classed started in five minutes.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Notes shot out of bed and ran over to Hard Chord. "Wake up. Fuck, we're late." He yelled as he he struggled to pull a pair of jeans on.

"Wha... what?" Hard Chord shook himself awake.

"Wake up! We slept in. We slept through our fucking alarm!" Notes yelled as he through on a shirt.

Hard Chord finally got the words in his head. "Oh shit!" He yelled as he frantically got up and got dressed.

By the time the two got out the door, they only had three minutes to run like hell to school. The two ran across streets with no cars as they sprinted up the path to Ponyville high.

Oct. 8th

The two nearly crashed through the door to homeroom as the bell rang.

"Boys, please don't break my door on the way in, please." Ms Greene nagged.

"Ms. Greene, please don't break me emotionally and fuck my life up on your way to retiring, please." Hard Chord mocked as he sat down.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Won't happen again." Hard Chord called back as he sat down.

Twilight looked and glared. "I heard that."

"Did you think it was funny?"


"Your loss, I thought it was funny which is why I said it." Hard Chord said.

Notes took his seat next to Vinyl, who gave him an excited grin.

"Tonight's the night." She whispered to him.

"Tonight!" He whispered back, just as excited as her.

"Mr. Notes." Ms. Greene scolded. "Just because you are performing tonight means you get to be the most coolest kid in class and get a lot of attention from cute girls even though Vinyl is in love with you."

To prove her point, Vinyl leaned forward kisses Notes, who began to reach up her shirt.

"Notes... Notes... NOTES!"

Snapping out of his fantasy, Notes looked to see a stern looking teacher.

"Just because you are performing tonight does not give you an excuse to dilly dally in my class."

Turning back to the lesson, Notes glanced at his brother, who pointed at him and Vinyl and then made a motion about them making out.

"You''re just lucky I don't make you stay after class."

'Nuuu, I plan to hang out with Vinyl after. I never spend one on one with a girl."

"Now class, the battle of Dodge Junction took pace in..."

Vinyl nudged him, mouthing a vulgar insult to her, causing them to giggle silently.

On the other side of the room, Twilight noticed them and poked Hard Chord.

"Those two are gonna make out by the end of the night, aren't they?"

"Oh hell yeah. Remember, the whole "turning the valve to release the pressure" thing I've talked about, they better make out fast before the first thing they do when they see each other is tear off all of their clothes."

Twilight giggled, before realizing she was behind on the notes and began to scribble away. Hard Chord chuckled, and leaned back in his chair.

The bell rang, both Nova and Hard Chord waked out of class.

"So dude... big night tonight."

Nova was lost in his thoughts as he walked by him.

"Hello. Equestria to Nova." Hard Chord snapped his fingers at his friend.

"Huh! What!?"

"You coming to the dance tonight?"

"Oh uhm... I-I-I don't really know..."

"How come dude?"

"I don't know, I've never considered myself to be one of those people who would affect others moods if I was there or not."

"Ah hell no!" Hard Chord proclaimed. "You are gonna go. I'll even get Pinkie to be with you 24/7 through out the whole time."

Nova sighed. "I'm sorry... back at my old school- wait, what did you say about Pinkie Pie?"

"Hey pinks! Can you come over here?" Hard Chord waved.

"I don't even see her arou-"

Pinkie popped up between the two without warning, scaring Nova.

"What's up?"

"Nova here thinks we won't be affected by his absence at the dance tonight."

"Aw no." Pinkie frowned.

"Which is why I want you to be his BFF for the night. Cause he just luvs you."

While Hard Chord explained to a giggling Pinkie Pie, Nova had a deep red blush on his face.

"Aw, of course I will."

"Thank you. See Nova, Pinkie cares. She doesn't have a date, and now she does."

"DATE!" Nova exclaimed.

"Now come on." Grabbing both of his hands, he put them around Pinkies waist. Pinkie immediately hugged back.

"Come on you two, hug it out. Rub her back Nova, just not to low. Remember, be a gentleman."

Pinkie giggled and rocks back and fourth in Nova's hold.

"Okay, now me." Hard Chord joined the hug. "I like hugs, this is nice." He commented.

Nova wasn't sure if this was humiliating or the nicest thing someone has done for him.

As the last bell for the day rang, it only now occurred to Hard Chord that 'if I could hook up someone as shy and nervous as Nova, why didn't I with Notes?'

'My bad! Hahahahaha!' He thought.

"Hard Chord! Problem!" Notes yelled from across the hall as he ran at his brother.

'Did she say no?' He thought

"Okay... you remember that group of bullies you defended Spike from?"

"Uhm... yeah."

"Okay... so they were making fun of a kid. And I stepped in, and when they saw me and recognized me and I guess one of them has a thing for Vinyl and they said they were gonna mess up the show tonight!" Notes finally breathed in.

"Wow dude.. that sucks. Especially the fact that-"

"So... I told them you and the others were gonna be my bodyguards."

"Oh really?"

Notes nodded, unaware of the group of friends being behind him.

"Of course I will." Hard Chord pulled his brother into a hug.

"Don't worry buddy... they won't hurt you."

"Awww, that's so sweet of you Har-"

Without warning, Hard Chord kneed his brother in the groin, causing Notes to make the most anguished sound of coughing and gagging as he fell the floor in extreme pain.

"You're fucking stupid. They are banned from school events. Thanks for making me and you look fucking dumb." He growled as he looked up at the group watching.

"Hey Twi. See you tonight." He said as he tossed Notes over his shoulder, who had tears in his eyes.

"Sorry Vinyl, he'll be fine later."

He walked out, leaving the group with mouths hanging open, or closed trying to suppress laughter.

Vinyl pulled Notes into another make-out session, not even trying to hide the moans coming from her.

Notes pulled away, looking at her before laughing. Vinyl stared a moment before she went into a giggling fit.

Notes held her against his bare chest, which she ran a fingers across.

"You know I care for you... I'll ever stop." He told her.

Smiling, Vinyl kissed him again.

"I won't stop either..." She whispered in his ear.

Notes gasped as his eyes shot open, he was alone in his bed with an ice pack on his crotch.

"Hey Sunshine, have a good nap?"

Notes groaned as he got up and stretched. "What time is it?"

"I dunno... I should have left by now... I think the dance starts in an hour."

"WHAT!" Notes looked at the clock. "Shit!" He got out of bed, pushed Hard Chord out of his room and changed before grabbing his bag of musical equipment and jumping out of his window and running of to Vinyl's.

"She's gonna hate me! That asshole!" He yelled as he ran.

"Okay... 5772... 4.... 6!" He shouted as he ran up to the front porch.

"Okay..." catching his breath, he rang the doorbell.

Instead of Vinyl, a taller man who looked like he was in his early twenties answered. He had read hair and golden ring piercings. He seemed to examine Notes before calling inside the house.

"Vinyl! Your friend is here. He also happens to be a boy. Which is funny cause you're single and..."

Turning back to Notes, he asked "are you single?"

"I'm not here to answer those questions." Notes answered.

"Just let him in!" Vinyl yelled from upstairs.

"Alright dude, just relax." He said as he lead him to their living room. "She's busy."

"Okay... uhm... you're her... brother?"

"Oh yeah, sorry dude. I'm Long Play." He reached out his hand to shake, which Notes did.

"Don't be nervous dude, Vinyl was a bit upset you weren't here, and also concerned for your future children after she told me what happened."

"Oh yeah... that was my brothers doing."

"Ah... well dude, if there's anything I should tell you, it's that our mom will most likely try to get you two together."

Notes blushed a deep red as some sort of rummaging was heard upstairs.

"That must be her now. Good luck." Long Play got up, patted Notes on the shoulder and went into the kitchen.

A woman, who looked to be in her mid thirties, walked down the steps with a camera in hand.

"Oh hi! You must be the lucky guy!" She went over and gave Notes a hug, who returned it, his mood lightening up a bit.

"Mom! It's not like that!" Vinyl yelled at the top of the stairs as she walked down. She had a green streak of color in her hair and green and blue make up on.

"Sorry I'm late, I passed out from pain."

"Yeah, its okay dude." She told him.

"Come on Vinyl, I really want to take a few picture of you two. You look cute."

"Okay mom, just don't take to long." She said.

"Okay... you two get next to each other. Notes, arm around her waist. Vinyl both arms around his shoulders." She waved her hand to motion them together.

The two posed, pictures were taken.

"Thank you, and don't worry Notes I'll send you the picture when they're developed."


"Come on Notes, we can paint each other when we get there!" Vinyl called as she ran out the door and he followed.

"Have fun you two!" Vinyl's mom called from the porch. Her son appearing behind her.

"They're gonna make out by the end of the night. Aren't they?"

Looking at the picture of her daughter smiling sweetly and Notes giving a shy grin she responded with "They better."

The two had just finished painting designs on each other. Vinyl added lighting bolts under her eyes and paint a heart on her breast. Notes let her paint his nails rainbow colors and paint an arrow on his face as well.

"Okay dude... ready?" She asked.

"Yep." He smiled confidently.

Putting on her shades, the two walked out on stage.

Twilight and Hard Chord watched the two perform, dancing. Pinkie got Nova out of his shell, swing dancing.

Rainbow Dash and Soarin went wild, Caramel and Applejack also danced as Fluttershy mingled around.

After the set, the two bowed hand in hand before running off stage, gasping for air.

"That was awesome!" She yelled over the cheering crowd.

"I know!" He yelled, barely able to hear himself. "Lets go someplace more quiet."

The two left the school with their gear, running through the neighborhood and cheering loudly at the success of the performance the two gave.

They eventually stopped at Vinyl's front door. Both out of breath and tired, they chuckled at how much fun they had.

"That was great!" Notes exclaimed.

"Shh" Vinyl shushed as she tried to find her keys. "But yeah... it was."

"We gotta do this more often. Tell Pinkie to keep throwing parties."

"Yeah dude, you're like the best ever." She told him.

"Are you kidding? You're amazing."

"Me? amazing? Lets talk about your awesome vocals. Their awesome to listen to and remix."

"You can remix anything to perfection." He told her.

Vinyl got her keys out, only to drop them. Both of them reached down to grab them, Notes hand accidentally grabbed Vinyl's tightly.

The two looked at each other, blushing a deep red and caught in an awkward moment. Notes broke the silence quickly.

"You're also... the best friend I've ever had... like a partner in crime... a companion..." He told her.

Vinyl smiled at him. Leaning closer, she said "You're the most supportive guys I've met. Very sweet... and willing to conquer his shyness to be there..."

The two leaned forward... the cold air burning their cheek as their lips finally met.

The kiss lasted a good few seconds, which was enough for it to stay in Note's mind forever.

"Notes... I've always thought you were a neat person... and as time went on..."

"I can't believe... she likes me..." He said out loud.

"And I've always had a thing for you... it should have happened sooner..."

"And my first kiss."

"I guess I should say that... I lo- wait... you're first kiss?"

The door swung open to see the father of the house. Vinyl's dad had red hair, a beard and diamond piercings.

"Your first kiss?" He jokingly asked.

"DAD!" Vinyl yelled so loud the whole neighborhood could have heard her.

"I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry sir..." Notes said, red with embarrassment, before running down the street.

"Damnit Dad!" Vinyl angrily shoved her father before going to run after him.

"He's a keeper!" He called to her.

Vinyl caught up to Notes, stopping him. "I'm sorry, my dads a joker. He did it with my first boyfriend."

"I'm sorry I ran... I was scared... I've never-"

Vinyl put a finger on Notes lips, which made him blush more. "It's okay, Notes. I understand."

"Thank you." He hugged her tight. "Uhm hey... I was gonna ask if you'd like to meet at Sugarcube corner tomorrow morning."

Vinyl looked at him. "Of course, I'd love that."

"Okay... I gotta get home. But does this mean we're... a thing?"

"Well yeah." Vinyl said in an obvious tone.

"Okay well... good night... s-s-sweetie..."

"Nice one. A for effort."

"I just started. Give me a break."

Vinyl giggled before pulling Notes into another kiss.

"Goodnight." she whispered in his ear.

"Goodnight." He whispered back.

Hard Chord laid in bed when Notes finally got home.

"There you are! That was great, dude! Everyone had a fun time and...."

He noticed the look of pure lovestruck on his brothers face as he collapsed in his bed.

"You did it... didn't you?"


"First kiss?"


Hard Chord got up and patted Notes on the shoulder.

"Congrats dude. Don't get her pregnant."

Notes only glared at him. But he could only stay angry for so long before going back to remembering the kiss he just had.

His dreams were with her, as they always were.

Peppermint Winter

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Dec. 23

Notes sat alone at a table, a cup of barely touched hot cocoa on the table. Sugarcube corner had closed ten minutes ago, yet he only sat there.

Pinkie Pie came and put another mug on the table, she was dressed in a Santa-like outfit, as the shop just had it's annual Christmas party. She gave him a pat on the shoulder, seeing his somber look on his face.

She pulled him into a hug, his head leaned on her stomach as he finally began to cry.

It had only been two months...

The day after the dance, Vinyl and Notes spent their Saturday together to celebrate becoming a couple.

They sat at a table, sharing a milkshake with two straws, Vinyl giggled as Notes blushed, not use to romantic and playful gestures such as this.

Pinkie popped up in front of the two, pulling the string to a popper to celebrate their new relationship.

"GAH! Pinkie!" Notes yelled, clutching his chest in fright.

"Tee hee. Sorry, but a lot of were for sure you two would be together by the end of the night. Hey! Wanna throw a party to commemorate your first relationship?"

"Oh... P-P-Pinkie... I'm not ready to be open about it that much..."

"Okey dokey lokey. Just try not to have a kid by the end of the year-"

"PINKIE!" Notes yelled, turning completely red as Vinyl laughed.

The two walked hand in hand to school.

"Notes, can you chill out. I know it's your first relationship and all, but it isn't like everyone is going to point and laugh at us for holding hands." She reasoned.

"I know... just I'm not that huge on public display of affection." He said nervously.

"Okay then." She immediately let go of his hand.

"W-wait... I still want to hold your... hand..." Notes said, a little flustered.

Vinyl smiled and took his hand once more as the two walked into the school...

...and were seen by Octavia and the rest of the group.

"See, I told you all!" Pinkie cheered.

"Oh come on." Notes groaned under his breath.

Octavia gasped happily and ran over to the two. "I knew it would happen." She squealed

"Okay... them, I understand." Notes said, pointing to Octavia "but you?"

"I'm sorry... it's just that I had a feeling it would happen, and I was right."

"Aren't you two best friends, wouldn't you have told her?" Notes asked Vinyl.

"Well we were together all weekend, and you didn't want me going around telling everyone."

"Yeah... when I hadn't heard from Vinyl all weekend.... I thought you two... made a kid-"


Now everyone in the hallway was staring at them.

"You're not good at this, are you?" Vinyl whispered.


Notes frowned at the most recent memory. That was the day it started.

Turns out a talent agent was at the school. They saw them perform, and only wanted Vinyl to try and make her the net big name in EDM.

And that meant she was going to be away from six months, missing the holidays and several events.

But he couldn't have pressured her to stay. It was her dream to go big, perform at the biggest festivals and remix some of the biggest artists.

But the last memory was of them at her departure at the airport.

Vinyl and Notes were silent in limo that the was taking the two to the airport. They only held hands as they watched the passing street lamps. For what felt like the longest car ride in his life, it only took ten seconds to remember all of it for Notes. They just sat together in silence. Even the cab driver, who seemed like the most badass butler ever, was quiet also.

But pulling up, taking out her luggage and helping her to the front gate was the one of the hardest things ever.

"Hey Vinyl....?" Notes broke the silence during luggage check.


"Text me the address. I'll send you letters." He said.

"Of course..." she said, trying to hold back tears.

Those were the last things they said to each other. Not even a kiss, just a wave good bye.

Notes watched as she walked onto the plane.

"Mr. Electronic."

"Huh...? What?" He snapped out of his thoughts.

"Would you like me to take you home now?" The driver asked.

Trying to swallow the lump in his throat, he nodded.

Vinyl sat for an extra thirty minutes on the plane before it took off, the heavy snow delaying their flight.

She herself was thinking back to all the things she and Notes had done over the past two months. Watching the clouds on a hill at Sweet Apple Acres, the promise to watch the Hearth Warming lights at Ponyville square, give holiday gifts.

Vinyl was also gonna miss her family. They took all a liking to him, and he got along great with her brother.

It was gonna be the longest sex months of her life... and she didn't even want to go. Notes told her to pursue her dream. she knew he didn't want to keep her from that.

But she was just a teenager. She still had so much ahead.

She couldn't just get up and off the plane...

Actually she could.

Grabbing her suitcase, Vinyl got up and left the plane and was greeted by her cab driver.

"I knew you'd get off." He told her with a smile.

"Please... I don't wan-"

"I know, music company's just want the next young star." He told her as they left the airport.

"I assume you'll want to go to your house, Miss Scratch."

"Yes, I really want to see them right now." She told the driver.

Notes walked out of Sugarcube corner and into the cold night. His breath visible within the light snow.

Pinkie walked past him in a coat, off to watch the lighting of the Hearth Warming lights with the others. Notes waved to her as he walked off.

Ten minutes away, the limo sped through traffic as the driver made haste to Ponyville.

Notes was amongst the crowd at Ponyville square, watching some of his friends and other couples and sighing.

But as that's when he saw it.

Less than a minute before all the lights would be lit, a limo pulled up with a frantic passenger.

The door flew open, out stepped Vinyl. She pulled her bag out and closed the door before tapping the roof. the limo drove off as the two stared at each other.

"I couldn't... go." she told him.

"I know... I just wanted you to-"

She broke off into a sprint at him, arms open as the two tightly embraced.

"I couldn't... my family... you... the others...."

Notes wiped a tear from her eye as she looked at him.

Even though the scene was straight out of a romantic movie filed with cliches, but the two shared a passionate kiss as all the lights in town were lit.

After announcing her return to their friends, Notes and Vinyl knocked on the door of her house.

Long Play answered, and yelled for his parents.

"Mom! Dad!" Vinyl squealed happily as she ran over and hugged them tightly.

"Vinyl!" They both said happily, hugging their daughter.

Thinking his job was done, Notes turned to leave but was stopped by the whole family.

"Notes, stay for dinner." Her mom said.

"Yeah dude, after we eat, we're gonna watch ton of Hearth Warming specials."


"Come on, don't make me beg." Vinyl said, giving a cute puppy dog look.

"Alright alright!" He said as he walked back over.

"Come on... come on." Vinyls mom motioned her son.

"Okay mom, what's the big thing that I have to see?" He asked.

"Just look on the couch." She said.

Long Play peeked over, and chuckled at what he saw.

Both Notes and Vinyl were fast asleep on the couch, her head leaning against his shoulder while the two had snuggled up under a blanket.

"Okay mom, you keep obsessing with your daughters love life. I'm going to bed." He said as he walked off.

She only giggled and watched them for a while before turning in herself.

In her sleep, Vinyl snuggled closer to Notes, who leaned his head on the top of hers.