• Published 15th Feb 2024
  • 185 Views, 24 Comments

The Brothers Journey Through Space - Big Imagination E

Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!

  • ...

Brothers Missing and The Second Planet

Back on Earth we see Velvet, Night Light, and Twilight coming home for it was Monday. When they entered the house they placed their belongings down and when the living room to relax.

"Boys! Were home!!" Night Light shouted.

But there was no answer.

"Spike? Inferno? Come on boys. Look I'm sorry about telling you to come to my presentation. I was so busy with getting a good record for a college that I wasn't paying attention to my brothers." Twilight said.

Then when she entered the boys room they weren't there. Twilight worried and looked everywhere around the house. She searched high and low but she couldn't find them anywhere. She screamed as her parents heard that as she came running down the stairs.

"What's wrong sweetie?! Is everything okay?" Velvet asked.

"No. My brothers are missing! I looked everywhere around the house but I couldn't find them!" Twilight cried.

"Now dear calm down. I think maybe they went on a walk and probably forgot to tell us that they were. I'm sure they'll be back. Just relax." Velvet assured.

Twilight sat down on the couch and tried relaxing til the brothers got home. But after 30 minutes they all hadn't heard anything from them. And Twilight worried that brothers weren't on a walk after all.

"Ok. I don't think they were on a walk. I need to call my friends. I want to see if they are ok and I hope my brothers are alright. We need to find them." Twilight said pulling out her cell phone.

Back in space the brothers ship slowed down after they left the portal and Inferno deactived the hyperspeed. They were in a different galaxy but this one was far different. The stars were actually star shaped, the planets had arms and faces in the galaxies, and even one planet they saw was square!

"Wow! Is it me or is everything in this galaxy a little weird?" Spike asked.

"Well maybe but look on the bright side. At least we didn't end up on some freaky planet like Darwin IV." Inferno shuddered.

"What is Darwin IV?" Spike asked.

"Trust me you really don't want to know. But long story short Darwin IV is a grassland like planet that's 6.5 light years from the Earth, with two suns and 60% gravity. It was also depicted in the series ‘Alien Planet’ based on Wayne Barlowe’s book Expedition. According to the story, after identifying Darwin IV as a world that could support life, Earth sends a pilot mission consisting of the mothership Von Braun and three probes: Balboa, Da Vinci and Newton." Inferno explained.

"Oh. Yeah I think were better off not exploring that planet." Spike said uneasy.

"Yeah probably not. But hey be grateful that we are so not going there. Besides this galaxy made look a little weird but it's also fun." Inferno replied.

Then the rocket flew deeper and they came across a galaxy where they see the planets acting really silly. Being that the planets are sentient, they always act very silly. Though they don't have official names, fans have given them their appropriate titles. Spike and Inferno saw the funny acts the planets did and laughed a little.

"Ok that's a little funny. Look at them do those silly things!" Spike laughed.

"Yeah hehehehe." Inferno giggled.

The planets continued to do more silly acts and the more they did the harder it was for the brothers to contain their laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh my!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! That planet hit the other on the head with a star! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Now that's so funny!" Inferno laughed.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Man this galaxy is so funny! It's almost like they were born to act all goofy! They oughta call this the Galaxy of Goofs if this keeps up! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Spike said.

Then the rocket left the galaxy and the brothers got their last giggles out before calming down and getting back on track to see what planets their were to explore.

"Ok. Ok. Let's see what lies in store. If that goofy galaxy wasn't the only thing around these comsos then let's see what else they're is." Inferno said.

So they continued onwards to see what else in this galaxy there was to see. Then suddenly they heard a beeping going off on the monitor. Spike worried that it was something evil.

"Um Inferno? I think something is close." Spike worried.

"Now relax. Lemme see if I can get a closer look on this." Inferno said.

He typed in something on the keypad and adjusted some switches to get a clear picture. At first it was glitching with something brown on it.

"I think you're getting something." Spike replied.

Inferno then tried to get the picture to not be glitchy as he made the final adjusts and the photo stopped being all songy and we see a brown ship flying around the comsos. They looked at it closer and they can tell it was made of cardboard with two rockets wrapped around with rope. It zoomed pass them and they wondered where it was going.

"Was that a cardboard rocket? How can it be in the comsos?" Spike asked.

"I honestly have no idea Spike-O. But I do have a feeling that I know two somebodies that fly around in that rocket. Let's see where there going." Inferno said.

He then calculated a route to follow the cardboard rocket and the two ships went on traveling through the night sky and after two hours they see a planet with different color lines on it and they caught a sweet smell to it. Then they saw the cardboard rocket enter it's atmosphere.

"Mmm Spike do you smell that?" Inferno asked.

"I sure do Inferno. It almost smells exactly like ice cream! We gotta check that planet out!!" Spike beamed.

"Okie dokie artie chokie! Let's enter this sweet looking planet!" Inferno said.

So their rocket started to come into it's atmosphere and they were excited to see this planet. I know they will have a sweet time there.

Author's Note:

They entered the second planet! Next chapter they will meet the swellist kid around and explore the planet.