• Published 15th Feb 2024
  • 181 Views, 24 Comments

The Brothers Journey Through Space - Big Imagination E

Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!

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Reunion on The Moon

The rocket finally reached the Moon and when it landed the brothers came out and had on oxygen packs so they can breathe in space. But then they knew that if Twilight was on the Moon they needed to find her. The two went space walking and searched everywhere for their sister. They suddenly Spike was a damaged space pod and thought that maybe that's where Twilight was.

"Bro. Is that the pod Sunset was talking about?" Spike asked.

"Sure is. And if Twilight is in there we gotta help her! I hope to God she has on her spacesuit and a oxygen pack cause there's no air in space." Inferno answered.

So they went to the space pod and Inferno pressed a button on the outside opening the pod. They saw Twilight's unconscious body and they sighed in relief that she was wearing her suit and oxygen pack. But the brothers needed to do something.

"What do we do man?" Spike worried.

"We try and wake her up. But we should get her out of the pod." Inferno answered.

So the brothers worked together and carefully got Twilight out of the pod and gently carried her to their ship. Once in they tried waking her up. It definitely took a few tries but finally they got her to wake up and Twilight smiled seeing her brothers at last and hugged them.

"Oh guys! I'm so glad you are okay! I thought you were dead!" Twilight cried.

"We weren't dead Twilight. But we had to come and find you. What happened? And how on earth did you get into space?" Inferno asked.

"I thought something horrible happened to the two of you. So I used my pod to see where you were in the galaxy. But suddenly something hit my booster and I went out of control. I crashed on the Moon and fell unconscious." Twilight explained.

"You must have went into a meteor shower. One of the meteors hit the boosters and crashed your pod. Rule one of being in space: NEVER go in a meteor shower." Inferno theorized.

"Noted. But I'm so happy that you are okay." Twilight smiled.

"As do we Twilight." Spike said and the brothers hugged Twilight.

"Hey guys. I don't see why we can't explore the Moon before heading home. Wanna go check it out?" Inferno asked.

"Sure. I wanted to see what the Moon is like anyways." Twilight answered.

So the brothers and sister all left the ship again and explored the Moon. Twilight was checking out all the craters and mountains while the brothers were moon walking ad seeing the planets from a distance. Then they all regrouped and saw the Earth in front of them and couldn't take they're eyes off of it.

"Wow. This is beautiful. I can't imagine seeing the Earth from here on the Moon with you guys. And I'm so sorry for worrying too much and came here." Twilight apologized.

"Don't be Twi. Accidents happen sometimes. And besides you should have seen all the galaxies and planets me and Spike explored. They were amazing." Inferno said.

"Really? What were they like?" Twilight asked.

"Oh we saw lots of cool planets. And we even made new friends there. First we went to Pandora and saw a clan of blue creatures called Na'vi. Then we went to the Ice Cream Planet and met Rolie Polie Olie and his friend Billy and his little sister Zowie. Next was Toompa and boy it was beautiful and we befriended a girl named Meebeedeep. But we call her Melody. After that we went to a cold planet called Cold Cuts. And it was chilly but our suits had thermal nuclear underwater. And the fifth planet we went to was The Wiggly World! We danced and singed and had a wiggly good time. The sixth was an underwater planet called Sealantis. There were all sorts of mermaids! You would love our friend Night Star. And finally we visited the Cool Blues Planet and it was jazzy there. So yeah. We did visit a bunch of different planets and made great discoveries." Spike explained.

"Wow. You boys really did had a great adventure. I can't believe you saw many different planets from the ones here." Twilight said impressed.

"Yeah. And it's was Spike's wish to go on a space adventure. He really made a great wish." Inferno smiled.

"Thanks bro." Spike said back.

"Well guys. I'm glad you had a wonderful time in space. But I think we should head home now. And I promise that the next time you go on a space adventure I won't do anything that puts me in danger." Twilight replied.

"Were glad to hear that Twilight. And hey maybe next time we should tag you along with us. So you can see the crazy and new planets and galaxies." Inferno offered.

"You know what? I would really like that brothers. And I can bring my friends with me and we can all explore the comsos. As family and friends." Twilight agreed.

"Now that is an adventure we will be sure to do in the future. But for now what do you say we all head on home and tell our parents about the adventure we had? And tell them that we all witnessed being on the Moon?" Inferno asked.

"That I agree with. Let's go home brothers." Twilight replied.

They all smiled and headed back to the rocket. And before Twilight got in she took a few moon rocks and went inside. Once they were all in Inferno first actived a special strong claw and grabbed Twilight's damaged pod and then actived the boosters for the last time and left the Moon's atmosphere. On the way home Inferno pressed the purple music note button and played some music.


Since they were all heading back to Earth they needed a little tune for returning home. Spike, Twilight and Inferno all grooved along to the beat and danced to the tune. Then after they reached the end on the tune they finally see Earth and they all entered the atmosphere and couldn't wait to see their parents and friends again.

Author's Note:

The gang is finally home!! One more left for the ending of this space adventure!!