• Published 15th Feb 2024
  • 185 Views, 24 Comments

The Brothers Journey Through Space - Big Imagination E

Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!

  • ...

The Cool Blues Planet

The rocket landed yet again and the brothers jump out. They see all sorts of people wearing jazzy outfits. Some wore fedoras, while others have on sunglasses. The brothers were loving the style of this planet and couldn't help but dance a little to some of the tunes.

"Now I get it! It's a jazzy planet!" Inferno said.

"It sure is! Blues music is everywhere here! I think we should go look around and see what this funky planet has to offer because this is so cool." Spike smiled.

Inferno nodded and they went off and looked around the planet. They first were at a shop with all sorts of instruments they use for playing blues music. Inferno tried out the saxophone and Spike tried out the trumpet. They played very well and even got a few fans cheering. Next they tried on some fedoras and sunglasses and boy they looked cool. Then they even tried doing a few jazzy dances and got some people grooving along with them. And finally they got to meet some famous musicians and they gave them autographs. The brothers were happy and they loved what the planet has to offer.

"Wow. Im liking this planet bro. It's got a lot of jazzy things to do here. And boy these people do not joke around when playing the blues." Spike said.

"Me too man. I wonder what else we might run into while were here?" Inferno asked.

He suddenly got his answer as the brothers hear someone singing a swinging beat.


They saw a man with a dice for a head. He is wearing as purple suit jacket, dark purple pants, purple shoes, a dark purple vest, and a tie. This was King Dice. The brothers heard him singing and were grooving to his song and after he finished he posed and the audience cheered for him as a took a bow and left the stage.

"Oh that guy was cool! And he sang real good." Spike replied.

"You bet. That's King Dice! He's from the Cuphead video game and show where is was supposedly the Devil's right hand man. I wonder what he is doing here." Inferno wondered.

"I don't know. But we shouldn't bother him. He's a very busy man and I wouldn't want to get in his way of playing blues music." Spike suggested.

"Yeah good idea." Inferno agreed.

"Oh you ain't bothering me boys. In fact I always have time for fans." A voice said.

They turned around and saw King Dice in front of them.

"Whoa! When did you did there? We thought you were on stage." Spike asked.

"Oh I was. But I couldn't help but overhear you two commenting how great I was singing that jazzy blues tune. And any fan of mine is also a friend of mine." King Dice explained.

"Really. Well it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Inferno and this is Spike."

"Pleasure meeting you boys. I'm Mr King Dice. The gamest in the land and famous blues singer. Any chance you two can swing by for a big show I'm doing tonight?" He asked.

"Sure but we gotta ask. What are you doing here? We thought you were working for the Devil." Inferno asked.

"Well that's a long story boys. You see I used to work for him but during the years I realized that he was never fair and I quit. That's when I found my real passion to be a blues singer and start fresh on this amazing place." King Dice explained.

"You certainly have many fans adoring you for sure." Spike smiled.

"Absolutely Spike. Anyways come by the Blues Music Hall later tonight and I will do a grand performance that all of the Cool Blues Planet has ever since!" King Dice insisted.

"Sure King Dice. We'll be there." Inferno said.

"Great. I'll be seeing you two in a little bit." King Dice said as he took his leave.

"See ya tonight King Dice! Bro can you believe that we are gonna see a jazzy concert?" Inferno asked.

"I can't believe it. This is gonna be a great show! And knowing King Dice he's gonna do great on that stage!" Spike replied.

Night rolled in and we see everyone getting their tickets to see King Dice's big show. In the Blues Music Hall we see the brothers standing and waiting for the performance to begin. Then after a few minutes they lights went dim and we see King Dice and his band members coming on stage as everyone cheered.

"Thank you everyone. We appreciate you all foe coming here. To kick things off we will start with a little tune I call The Lovesick Blues. Hit it boys." King Dice said.

As he said that all the members began playing.


As King Dice was singing all the people were grooving along and the brothers joined in and pretended to play the saxophone and the trumpet making it look like they were joining the band and having a fun time. And after the song ended King Dice posed and everyone cheered for that jazzy tune.

After two hours the show ended and everyone left leaving the brothers the last two people that left the building and before they left King Dice came to them.

"Thanks for coming to my show boys. I really appreciate that." King Dice smiled.

"You're welcome King Dice. Now we gotta get back home to our galaxy." Inferno said.

"Sad to see you go. Why don't you guys stay here? You seem like you can be great musicians." King Dice insisted.

"We appreciate the offer but we have a family waiting for us back home and we've been away long enough." Spike replied.

"Well in that case I hope you two make it home safe and tell your friends I said hi." King Dice said.

The brothers nodded and waved goodbye to King Dice as they took their leave. King Dice waved goodbye to them and headed inside the Blues Music Hall and locked up for the night. The brothers arrived back at their rocket and went back inside. Once in Spike and Inferno sat down and smiled at each other from a wonderful adventure.

"Spike. This was the best adventure I've ever been on with you. You made a great wish." Inferno said.

"Thanks Inferno. I can't believe we saw many new planets and made new friends. Wait til we tell mom and dad about our journey." Spike smiled.

"Yeah. Hey Spike? It doesn't have to end on short notice. What do you say we head back to our galaxy and head to the moons on Earth, and Jupiter? Consider this as the final planets we will explore before we head on home." Inferno asked.

"You know what? Yeah. Let's go see what they have to offer before we head back to Earth." Spike agreed.

So he actived the ship and blasted back into space and Inferno actived the hyperspeed and the space portal blaster once again and began traveling through another portal and getting ready to head on back to their galaxy and explore the moons of Jupiter and Earth. Their space adventure is coming to an end soon. And also they might need to help their sister later on the Moon.

Author's Note:

The brothers are coming back to their galaxy. Be prepared folks because we are nearing the end.