• Published 15th Feb 2024
  • 185 Views, 24 Comments

The Brothers Journey Through Space - Big Imagination E

Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!

  • ...

It's A Wiggly World

The rocket landed on the ground and when the brothers hopped out they saw an incredible sight. There were trees and clear blue skies, different wacky streets, and of course funny looking buildings that most people don't see everyday. And they was also different places where you can actually play on. The brothers feel like they were younger again.

"Wow! Look at this world Spike! It's exactly like what we see on TV! Ohh! I feel like were little kids again!" Inferno smiled.

"Me too! This is mind blowing! Hey I wonder if we will run into some friends the Wiggles made." Spike wondered.

"Who knows Spike? We'll have to look around and see!" Inferno suggested.

But just when they were about to explore this world....


A voice echoed through the Wiggly World and the brothers definitely heard that.

"Did you heard that Spike? It sounds like someone is in trouble!" Inferno asked.

"I did. I think we should help out where this person is. But where?" Spike wondered.

"We better follow that sound and help out whoever is in trouble!" Inferno suggested.

The brothers nodded in agreement nd together they ran off to locate the source of that voice calling for help. Like their sister they never leave anyone in danger.

They kept on running fast as they can to try and find whoever needs help. Then suddenly they saw another group running in the opposite direction and everyone crashed into each other. They all groaned and rubbed their heads from the impact and the brothers decided to help them back up.

"Oh goodness! We're so sorry. Are you alright?" Spike asked.

They helped everyone get back on their feet and when they were standing again the brothers got starry eyed as they recognized them so well.

"Wait! You're The Wiggles! Greg, Anthony, Jeff and Murray! And that's Wags the Dog! And Henry the Octopus!" Inferno smiled.

"Yes! That's us. But who are you two?" Anthony asked.

"I'm Inferno and this is my brother Spike. We came from another galaxy and we were trying to locate a mysterious voice that was calling for help." Inferno explained.

"Well we happen to be trying to locate the same sound too." Greg replied.

"Since were all trying to find that sound why don't we team up and look for it together? That way we can all help whoever is in trouble!" Spike suggested.

"Great idea!" Murray said.

All the others agreed and they heard that sound again. Led by Inferno and Wags they ran off to locate the source of that voice again. They kept running til they saw a green dinosaur with yellow spots hanging on a rose bush crying for help.

"HELP ME!!" The dinosaur said.

"Whoa! It's A dinosaur!" Spike replied.

"That's not just any dinosaur. That's Dorothy the Dinosaur! And she's in trouble!" Greg corrected.

"Well we better help her get down from that rose bush!" Inferno suggested.

The group all headed to where Dorothy was hanging and they all worked together to try and gently get her down. But they were having a hard time doing that. Then a pirate came and everyone fell down and the dinosaur let go of the bush and fell on top of them.

"Oh. You saved me thank you. Oh im not hurt at all." Dorothy said.

"Neither are we." The Wiggles said in unison.

"But we kinda are. Could you guys get off us?" Inferno asked.

The Wiggles apologized and they all picked themselves up and helped the brothers stand on their feet again.

"Dorothy. You have to be more careful when pick roses." Anthony started.

"And always make sure that the ladder is not wobbly." Murray added.

"And never stand on the top step." Greg finished.

"I won't guys. I promise. But who are these two? Are they your new friends?" Dorothy asked.

"You can say that. These are Inferno and Spike. They wanted to help us find you when we accidentally bumped into them earlier." Greg answered.

"It's true. But were glad that you're okay now." Spike said.

"Hey guys? Since you helped us save Dorothy we gotta do something for you two." Jeff replied.

"What exactly did you have in mind?" Inferno asked.

"We're planning on having a party later in the rose garden. Would you two be interested in helping out and joining us?" Greg asked.

"We love too Greg! We'll can take care of getting a cake if you want." Inferno answered.

"That be wonderful boys!" Murray smiled.

"Come on Spike-O! Let's go get us a cake!" Inferno replied.

The brothers nodded and headed off to find a bakery so they can get the cake. During their way there they saw lots of crazy streets they went on. Like first they were on Sneezy Street which made them sneeze a lot, then they were not Windy Street where the wind was blowing like crazy in their faces, Slow Street where they tried going faster but for some reason can't, and finally they were on Twirl-Around Street where everything and even they were twirling around and around.

They finally reached the bakery and went in and bought a huge vanilla cake. The brothers worked together to hold the cake so they won't accidentally drop it.

"Woah! This is one huge cake. But I really don't wanna go down those crazy streets again. Let's try and find a shortcut back to the rose garden." Spike suggested.

"Good idea Spike. That's probably wise." Inferno agreed.

So the brothers went off looking for a shortcut to head back to the rose garden. Of course they ran into different streets with all sorts of crazy stuff happening. But they did they're best to make sure that they don't drop the cake when they got on those streets.

They finally reached the rose garden and they see everything all decorated and ready for the party. Then they placed the cake down on the table and high fived for a job well done.

"We did it. Nice work bro." Spike smiled.

"Thanks. And you did a nice job too Spike." Inferno agreed.

Then they saw Greg coming towards them with someone else. The man next to him was brown skinned, has dark brown hair and is wearing a tuxedo.

"You both did a nice job getting the cake. And I have a wonderful friend for you two to meet. His name is Kamahl." Greg said.

"Hello boys." Kamahl greeted.

"Hi. I'm Inferno."

"And I'm Spike. Nice to meet you."

"Kamahl here sang in many places all over the world but here something very special is gonna happen. What's that Kamahl?" Greg asked.

"Well here at this party for the very first time, Dorothy the Dinosaur and i, we are going to sing a song together." Kamahl answered.

"Wow. That sounds cool. Well I say that we should get everyone and Kamahl to sing with Dorothy. Come on Spike! Let's all sing with Dorothy!" Inferno smiled.

"Let's do it!" Spike agreed.

So the gang all headed in there positions and got ready to dance and sing with Dorothy. After they did the music started.


The Wiggles, the brothers and all there friends danced to this tune and on some verses we hear Kamahl singing. And boy was everyone grooving to the beat and near the end we see some people forming a little tunnel and everyone went under it and went off the garden which ended the song.

Nighttime came in and everyone went home in their houses to rest. The brothers were back in their rocket soaking in all the excitement from the party.

"Was that a terrific party or what Spike?" Inferno asked.

"It was Inferno. But I think it's time we check out the next planet." Spike answered.

"Right you are bro. Lemme just get this baby started and away we go man!" Inferno said.

Inferno actived the boosters and warpspeed and off they went to the next planet in the Musical Galaxy. Where will they go now?

Author's Note:

What a wiggly good time for the brothers! Maybe next planet they can go underwater and maybe meet some cute mermaids.