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Bizarre Blizzards/ A Hollow Forest Part 2

*Spottedleaf's POV*

The others and I regrouped at the inn despite one or two freakouts from Emerald and the others about Berg.

"So we know where the tallest tree is, but how are we gonna get past the guardian?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "I heard that only one with all six element affinities can get past the guardian."

Flintfur spoke "Given that I'm a Frost-Umbral hybrid, I can't get past the guardian."

Rainbow Dash asks "Think we can get to the top of that tree by sky?"

Bone spoke "Not all of us can fly featherbrain."

Rainbow asks "But we can carry those who can't fly, right?"

Azure spoke "It's not that easy Rainbows."

Bone spoke "The guardian appears once every 500 years though..."

Danyelle spoke "Talk about bad timing."

Danyelle sneezes, causing her to fade into Berg's shadow for some odd reason.

"Guess we found the one." I noted.

Danyelle leaps out of Berg's shadow.

Flintfur spoke "That was shadow movement!"

Danyelle asks "How did?!"

I spoke "Your pet Fenrir's able to use it no problem so my guess would be that skill rubbed off on you."

Danyelle spoke "Yeesh..."

Koa was laughing from inside Danyelle's shadow.

Danyelle spoke "Guess it's up to me to deal with the guardian..."

"Looks like it." I agreed.

Danyelle flew off to the top of the mountain alone to fight the guardian.

Kaminari spoke "We should be able to sneak to the top of the tallest tree now."

I spoke "About that, the tallest tree is protected by the guardian..."

Kaminari spoke "I know, and we should get there to help Danyelle against the Agarus when she beats that Guardian."

I spoke "Right!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Nice!"

Bold asks "Mom?"

Rainbow asks "Huh?"

Bold spoke "Want another sibling..."

That made Rainbow and Azure blush.

Azure spoke "*Whispers to Rainbow Dash* We should talk to Spitfire about this."

I teleported Rainbow, Azure and Spitfire to the Hotel.

Emerald asks "Huh? Where'd you just send them?"

I spoke "To a place run by a friend, the food there is amazing! And each suite is different too! My preferred suite is the Herbal Forest one since I'm a healer."

Goryuu asks "Why am I sensing there is a "but" in this?"

I spoke "The effects from the food only lasts until you leave the Hotel."

All of the girls ask "Effects?"

I call Vera's name.

Vera appeared. "Yeah?"

I spoke "The others want to know about your hotel."

Vera asks "Whoa, really?"

I spoke "It was just after I sent Rainbow and Azure there."

Vera asks "Well, as much as I would tell them, why spoil the surprise for newcomers?"

I spoke "I see."

To be honest, Vera has a point and Pinkie would agree with that.

I spoke "It is what it is."

Vera asks "So Kaminari, how're you and Aeon Ocean?"

Kaminari blushed at that.

I giggle "Girl's got it BAD!!!"

Vera spoke "Heehee, you can see why Cadence and I get along so well."

I spoke "I've known Cadence since I was 7 years old. In a way, she was like my foster mother."

Vera spoke "Huh, that's odd. I thought you two were like sisters."

I spoke "Twilight's my adopted sister, Shining's my adopted brother."

Vera spoke "And last I checked, Twilight and Cadence were like sisters."

I spoke "Yeah."

Kaminari spoke "Anyway, we should get going."

I spoke "I haven't heard a response from Danyelle yet."

My compact went off.

Danyelle spoke "*staticky* H-HELP!!!"

"Sounds like that's our cue." I said.

Flintfur spoke "It's time I live up to the Knights of Harmony rank, it's what my cutie mark is after all."

I spoke "We should be careful."

Emerald spoke "Come on! Let's go!"

I spoke "Emerald, we don't know what is going on so we shouldn't rush in blindly."

Seiko spoke "Spottedleaf is right right about that."

Emerald spoke "But we need to help Danyelle right now!"

Flintfur spoke "It could be a trap though."

Emerald spoke "We don't have time! We gotta go!"

Blue spoke "Don't be so reckless Emerald!"

Emerald already flew off.

Blue groans "Oh come on!"

Yosuke asks "You don’t like getting blown off either, huh?"

Blue spoke "Alicorn or not, that recklessness will get her killed one of these days."

Goryuu spoke "Don’t worry, I’ll protect her."

Blue spoke "But you won't be around forever though."

Goryuu already ran off.

“Let’s just get going already.” I sighed as I started heading out too.

Flintfur spoke "Good freaking grief..."

“That’s Racing Thunder’s line.” I quipped as we went off to get to Danyelle.

Flintfur spoke "I don't know how to fly yet!"

Scootaloo spoke "I can help carry you."

Flintfur spoke "I don't like heights...."

Quick spoke "Don't worry, we won't let you fall."

Winter spoke "Scaredy cat..."

Flintfur growls "*Angrily* What?!?"

Quick spoke "Cool it Flintfur, you don't want to provoke my mother."

Flintfur suddenly started flying.

Sugar gasps "Flint! You're flying!"

Flintfur gasps "Whoa! Really?"

Sugar spoke "Totally!"

Flintfur spoke "AWESOME! LET'S GO!"

A lot of yowling and roaring was heard.

"We're close!" I noted as we soon arrived to help Danyelle.

Danyelle yowls "STAY BACK!!!"

"Huh? Why?" I asked.

It was clear to the others that the guardian had taken control of Danyelle and she was fighting to get it out of her body.

Emerald spoke "Aw man! I knew she'd need our help!"

Vince and Lan bar Emerald's path.

Vince spoke "She has to do this herself."

Emerald spoke "But-!"

Vince spoke "Danyelle's a tough she-cat, she can pull through this."

Lan spoke "Trust us on this."

Danyelle soon passes out from the fight after the guardian's spirit settled down.

Emerald asks "Dany! You alright?"

Vince spoke "She just needs rest now since she's now the new guardian of all Behemoths."

Kaminari asks "Wow, did NOT see that coming. But that still means that something's driving the behemoths crazy, but what?"

Lan spoke "Only the guardian can figure it out since it's like an alpha in the sense of things."

Danyelle groans as she woke up before letting a cry that only behemoths could hear.

Kaminari spoke "Uh-oh, that just set off a beacon."

Flintfur spoke "But the behemoths refuse to attack the guardian though, it's hardwired into their brains."

Kaminari spoke "*Fearful shiver* I don't know. Something might go over that hardwire and make them attack Danyelle anyway."

Bone spoke "It varies with temper. But I know Berg wouldn't attack the Guardian."

But then we saw some kind of green energy from the sky flowing to the top of the tallest tree.

Danyelle teleports to the top of the tallest tree to get a better look at the energy.

What Danyelle saw looked like a tree, but the branch that was absorbing the energy was actually a large left arm.

Danyelle calls out via telepathy to her friends "{This tree isn't a tree at all! It's the Terra Behemoth!}"

Kaminari spoke "{It is a tree, but the smaller tree at the top is an Agarus.}"

Roots around the top started moving around before withdrawing toward the Agarus as it revealed its real form, having a small stretchy right arm and big mushrooms on its back before it pushed itself upward, hopping back a bit before readying itself for battle.

Danyelle glares hard at the Agarus, making it submit.

From the Agarus' point of view, Danyelle had the aura of the Guardian.

But then something started clouding the Agarus’ vision, taking it over as the behemoth gained a red aura with its eyes glowing red before it roared in fury.

Danyelle glowed blue before roaring thrice as loud, shattering a few far-away windows.

The seams in the Agarus’ wood started glowing green with the mushrooms oozing poison while mushroom bombs grew on the treetop with a barrier forming around the wooden Minotaur and three roots stretched out.


A bolt of heavenly lightning crashes down on the Agarus, purifying it.

But then Danyelle saw that it was tired as the Agarus started to stiffen, then stopped.

Danyelle places a paw on the Agarus' head while pouring healing magic into it.

Agarus groans "Ugh... What happened?"

Danyelle spoke "Long story short, you went berserk so I had to stop you."

Agarus asks "Really?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I may not look it but I am the new Guardian of all Behemoths."

Agarus spoke "Wow, that explains the weird aura you have."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Agarus spoke "My name is Acacius."

Acacius looked like a dryad/minotaur hybrid.

Danyelle spoke "My name is Danyelle Hikari, leader of the Abyssinian division of the Alicorn Alliance."

Acacius asks "What's going on?"

Danyelle plugged her nose.

Danyelle asks "Hey Emmy! What is that StarClan forsaken smell?!?"

Emerald spoke "For once, I wish it was Teddie."

Teddie whines "GAH! Does Teddie discrimination never end?!"

Danyelle spoke "You want some cheese with that whine, stupid bear? Shut up!"

Lan laughs "Nice one sis!"

Danyelle giggles "Heehee! Thanks, Lan."

A manager from one of the Neighpon orphanage centers restrains the three alicorn-Abyssinian hybrids with magic.

The manager spoke "I finally found you three pieces of shit!"

Danyelle spoke "Hey! Let me go! This is a crime against the Alicorn Alliance!"

Sunao and Kochuu suddenly restrained the manager, stopping him cold as the two freed the three siblings.

The Manager throws the two off him.

The Manager spoke "These three have evaded me for the past ten years and Alicorn Alliance or not, they are GOING into new homes!"

Volt, Jazz and Irene gang up on the stallion, biting and clawing him.

Danyelle spoke "That's my girl!"

Vince spoke "And my kids too!"

Irene bites the stallion on the horn, canceling out the magic thus freeing the trio.

Sunao spoke "*Brings out cuffs* Looks like we'll have to take this manager into custody for trying to capture royals. Besides, I can tell Danyelle has been taking good care of herself and her brothers for the last ten years."

Danyelle spoke "Not only that..."

Danyelle pulls out some papers that were signed by Rising Sun herself that stated that the first gen Hikari Trio were not be put into separate homes.

But the manager grabs Irene with magic.

Danyelle snarls "You threaten my brothers and I... you grab MY daughter... THERE IS NO PEACE FOR A BASTARD LIKE YOU!!!"

Danyelle flies at the stallion at high speed as she curled into a ball, slicing through the stallion's neck thus killing him.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry you all had to see that but he had it coming."

Acacius spoke "Ugh, that is not pretty."

Danyelle spoke "That jerk's been after my brothers and I for the past ten years and he wasn't going to give up until I was put into a family... Away from my brothers..."

Lan spoke "Whatever that attack was just now, I had a feeling that stallion was the one behind Marie's decision to go into hiding."

Seiko spoke "No, I think it's because of her memories that Marie went into hiding."

Sunao spoke *Investigates the dead manager* Hmm... There isn't any mention of Marie or her appearance on any of his notes. Seiko-Senpai may be right about this."

Lan spoke "Regardless, you guys just CAN'T forget her like that!"

Danyelle spoke "Lan's right."

Sunao spoke "Still, we can’t just jump in knowing nothing. We need to find out more about our destination and what we’re up against."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah and whoever is hiding better come out now before they get ripped apart."

To the shock of the group, what seemed to be a pony with a skunk tail steps out of hiding.

Heifa whispers "*Softly* Nobody better have a white stripe on the back from mane to tail."

Danyelle whispers "Try telling that to Snowstripe.... Shi's got black fur and a white stripe down the back..."

Heifa whispers "Shi isn’t here, is shi?"

Danyelle whispers "Oh StarClan no, shi's not that fond of skunkponies."

Heifa spoke "Then we don’t have much to worry about right now."

Danyelle spoke "But with only one healer, it will be harder if we all got hurt."

Teddie spoke "Hey, you have more than one healer here."

Danyelle spoke "I have some healing magic at least."

Lan spoke "I'll stay back at the inn with my nieces and nephew since they can't fight that well despite the fact the three of them helped stop that unicorn."

Danyelle's left ear twitched.

Danyelle spoke "Shock behemoth approaching from the north, 25 meters, badly injured."

We then noticed a male changeling with blades on his front legs like a mantis, who was weakly walking before he fell unconscious.

Kaminari spoke "Looks like a Sahvyt, the insectoid species of the Shock Element."

Danyelle uses healing magic on the Changeling, closing the wounds up.

I spoke "I'm impressed, Danyelle's the keenest cat we know and she's compassionate to those in need of help."

Emerald spoke "I think she got even keener."

I spoke "We're lucky to have her with us!"

Danyelle asks "Hey, you okay?"

The Sahvyt groans "Ugh..."

Danyelle supports the Sahvyt with her magic as it got back up.

Danyelle spoke "Easy does it, you were in pretty bad shape when you found us."

Sahvyt asks "Oh... Who are you?"

Danyelle spoke "My name is Danyelle Hikari, leader of the Abyssinian division of the Alicorn Alliance. I'm also the current guardian of all Behemoths."

Sahvyt spoke "W-What? I don't... understand... I thought that was only a myth."

I spoke "Kaminari also thought that too since the guardian only appears once every 500 years."

Danyelle spoke "Well, now that's all settled with, we better get ready for that Hollow Forest and I mean really ready as in finding out more about the place."

I spoke "StarClan willing, we will save Marie!"

I led the group back to the TM.

To be Concluded

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