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Bizarre Blizzards/ A Hollow Forest Part 1

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

Well, tomorrow was another ski and snowboard day. We had a lot of fun, although Ted did try to slide down the slopes on his belly, only to crash. Soon, we all met back up with each other.

Phantom spoke "We should be careful, I sense a blizzard coming and for once... It's not Blizzardstar's doing..."

“Hold on, where’s Emerald and Goryuu?” I asked as we soon realized that they must’ve gotten lost.

Danyelle asks "But what if that kitsunepony story was real after all?"

Sunao spoke "N-No, it’s not. Still, we should start finding them by looking around the outside of the lodge."

Danyelle spoke "Maybe it was that time of month for Emerald? You know how she-cats can be when they're in heat..."

Karei spoke "*Blush* Okay, let’s not jump to conclusions here."

Danyelle spoke "Metaphorically speaking..."

“Come on, let’s get looking.” I said as we split up to look for Emerald and Goryuu. When all of us met up again, we found a storage shed behind the lodge. Good thing the blizzard already passed when we regrouped from searching.

Danyelle asks "Find them?"

"Well, let's check the shed out." I said as we suddenly heard voices from inside the shed.

Emerald's voice gasps "Huh...? H-Hey...!?"

Goryuu spoke "Calm down, Emmie."

We then suddenly heard a crash inside.

Emerald spoke "I don't think this is the place for that..."

Goryuu spoke "I know what I'm doing, sweetie."

Emerald spoke "Seriously, we should wait until we get home..."

Goryuu spoke "This is the perfect time, babe."

Emerald spoke "It's just not safe...!"

Goryuu spoke "It's real safe, Emerald."

Most of us were shocked to hear what was going on before Kaze and Teddie forced the door open and went in before we followed them.

Kaze spoke "W-Wh-What're you guys doing!? I won't allow it!"

Teddie spoke "Stooooooooooop! Don't throw away your friendship in a moment of passion!"

We went inside... only to see Emerald and Goryuu perfectly fine.

Emerald gasps "Kaze...!? Everyone else too?!?"

Karei spoke "...They're still dressed."

Kanji asks "Why would they take their clothes off in this freezin' weather? And dude, why're you guys so flustered? What's up with you guys?"

Shima asks "Yeah, what's up with you guys?"

Kochuu spoke "Uh..."

Sunao asks "D-Do we really have to spell it out for you?"

Danyelle spoke "Great StarClan... Talk about embarrassing..."

Emerald asks "Wait, what? What're you talking about...?"

Teddie spoke "Don't tell me... Were you waiting for an audience!? What daring lovers...! *Blush* H-How shameless! But, okay! I'll take a front-row seat, and-"

Emerald spoke "You're the shameless one!"

Goryuu asks "Hold on, were you all eavesdropping?"

Kaze spoke "Nah... I mean, not purpose. It would've been awkward to interrupt before, but-"

Emerald spoke "Then you WERE listening! For your information, it was a matter of life and death!"

Kaze spoke "Sorry, but we were worried about you two, that's why we came here."

Seiko asks "Anyway, what were you two doing in here?"

Emerald spoke "The TM came on..."

Sunao spoke "...It isn't connected to anything."

Emerald spoke "No, I'm serious! You're totally misunderstanding what was going on here!"

Emerald and Goryuu desperately explained what happened in the shed.

Karei spoke "Huh... So, you got lost, found this building, and then things started heating up."

Miran spoke "Geez... Doing stuff like this behind our backs while we were worried sick."

Emerald spoke "You still don't get it. Look, even if the TM isn't connected to anything, it suddenly turned on by itself! That's why we were checking it out... We wouldn't risk our lives out here in the middle of nowhere just on a whim!"

Shima spoke "Middle of nowhere? This is right behind our lodge."

Emerald and Goryuu were definitely surprised at that.

A howl rang clear as another blizzard kicked up.

Shima spoke "Hmm... Another blizzard? Anyway, it's some kind of storage shed. I think they keep it unlocked because the workers need to come in and out all the time."

Kaze spoke "Okay, other than what we just heard outside, why would the TM turn itself on? That whole case is over. I bet one of you tapped it, then you started freaking out."

Emerald spoke "We're not lying! Fine! I'll check it out myself then!"

Kaze spoke "*As Emerald went in front of the telemirror* H-Hey, wait a sec..."

Emerald reached out and touched the mirror, only for the reflection to ripple at the touch before a pony leg with a hoof emerged and grabbed Emerald's arm and started pulling her in as we grabbed Emerald, but found ourselves being pulled in too.

Goryuu spoke "Emmie!"

Shima gasps "Emerald!?"

Kanji asks "What the hell's going on!?"

Teddie spoke "It's not letting go!"

Sunao spoke "What power...! At this rate..."

All of us screamed as we were all pulled into the TM. Soon, we started getting up.

Kaze groans "Ugh... That hurt... Huh!?"

Kaze suddenly saw a strange statue.

Kaze gasps "Wha-!? Wh-What the hell is this!?"

Teddie spoke "Whoa whoa whoa..."

Shima asks "What is it?"

Sunao spoke "Haniwa... It seems."

We then found ourselves in a strange place.

A mare spoke "My..."

We turned around, only to see... Margaret?!

Margaret spoke "Excuse me. Please forgive the slightly impolite invitation."

I was definitely surprised.

Danyelle spoke "Even my own strength wasn't enough..."

Emerald asks "Now’s not the time for gawking! I think she’s the one who grabbed me. …Who is she, Seiko? You know her?"

Seiko spoke "A friend, of sorts."

Kaze asks "F-Friend?"

Seiko spoke "Yep."

Kaze spoke "What type of friend is she…? You and your bro got one mysterious life."

Margaret spoke "Forgive me for not introducing myself sooner to new faces. We meet for the first time. My name is Margaret. I am a helper on this young stallion’s journey… I meant you no harm."

Emerald asks "Er, well… …Can we trust her?"

“We can definitely trust her.” I nodded.

Seiko spoke "Of course."

Shima spoke "I-I see."

Margaret spoke "Do you remember? I have come to fulfill my promise."

Miran asks "…You mean about Marie?"

Margaret spoke "Yes, I have come to guide you, your brother and all of your friends. I apologize for the amount of time it required me to prepare."

Miran asks "Where’s Marie?"

Margaret spoke "…This is the Hollow Forest. The “closed realm” created by her in the TM world, the “world of the living mind…” It would seem that after Marie left us, she shut herself in here."

Miran asks "Shut herself in? Why?"

Margaret spoke "I do not know everything. But, as you know, she was searching for her memory. And by opening her heart to you, she finally regained that memory… It would seem that what she found was not what she had been hoping for."

Kaze asks "Whoa, hold on. What is this all about?"

Kiko spoke "Yeah, I don’t understand."

Kaze asks "Marie? You mean Marie-Chan? The one who was with you…?"

Emerald asks "I remember her. That fashionable filly with the hat, right?"

Shima asks "What do you mean, she’s here? And what was that about her memory…?"

Seiko spoke "Okay, I’ll explain."

Seiko told us that Marie lost her memory and is missing right now.

Teddie asks "Emmy-Chan has amnesia…?"

Heifa spoke "Oh dear…"

Shima spoke We are inside the TM right now, correct? A missing creature ending up in the TM…"

Karei spoke "Don’t tell me… I mean, we put an end to all that…!"

Margaret spoke "I do not think this is the same situation."

That got our attention.

Spottedleaf pops up suddenly.

Looking at Margaret, Spottedleaf spoke "Hey! I remember you!"

Margaret spoke "Ah, Spottedleaf. Good to see you again. Now as I was saying, I believe Marie's disappearance is unrelated to the "kidnapping incident" you all were following. She was not taken away by someone. Rather, she came here of her own volition."

Now THAT caught us off guard.

Danyelle spoke "Maybe it had something to do with that kitsunepony rumor that I heard..."

Sunao asks "She willingly came here... Does that mean Marie-san has the Persona ability as well?"

Margaret spoke "No. Marie is originally a... "resident" of this side."

Okay, that surprised us more.

Spottedleaf spoke "Maybe she's of the same category as Teddie."

Kaze asks "What kind of filly were you showing around town!?"

Shima asks "Hold on. This is inside the TM, right? Then, aren't there Shadows in here...?"

Kiko spoke "No way... That would mean..."

Miran spoke "Marie is in danger."

Kochuu spoke "Yeah, no doubt. If Marie gets attacked by Shadows..."

Margaret spoke "I will not say that she is not in danger. However, the same goes for you... If you are to proceed ahead and search for Marie, you must have adequate resolution."

Seiko asks "Is that why you brought my brother and friends?"

Margaret spoke "The path ahead will be relentless. You alone will not be able to reach her. ...If you wish to see her again, then it is my role to help you. And to do so, I decided to invite everyone who has accompanied you on your journey... here."

Sunao spoke "...I see. I was wondering why you didn't bring just our leader here... Now I understand. You're giving us all the information and letting us choose what to do from here... You aren't here to stop us."

Margaret spoke "Exactly."

Sunao asks "One more thing... Well, this isn't going to affect whether or not I plan to help, but... You are also like Marie-san? A... "resident of this side"?"

Margaret spoke "The living mind contains more than Shadows. I believe you all witnessed that in your last battle."

Emerald spoke "Are you talking about those things that came out of Shokubutsu and Hidzume-san? Well, they WERE different from the Shadows we know about..."

Margaret spoke "It does not matter how you choose to interpret it. What you see and what you believe are up to you. I know that you can supply yourselves with answers... As I know that you have been capable of coming this far. One more thing... As I just said, the Hollow Forest was originally a "closed realm". It is not the case now, but in time, this place will seal itself again."

That made us realize something.

Kaze asks "In other words... We can't come in and out of here forever?"

Margaret spoke "Exactly. It would seem that little time remains before the Hollow Forest completes itself. Once that time has passed, this place will be closed forever, and you will never be able to visit here again. If that happens, Marie's existence will be entirely expunged form your memories."


Spottedleaf spoke "Damn it all to the Dark Forest! Danyelle, Rainbow and I have kids that still need us! If we get trapped here... then Bold Lightning, Mint Leaf, Irene, Mistheart and Tidefur WILL be branded as orphans and put into an orphanage, regardless if Ben, Azure and Frostleaf are near them!"

Shima gasps "We'll lose our memories!?"

Kanji asks "Hey, what the hell are you talkin' about!? She's just gonna end up and vanish form our heads?"

Seiko spoke "Explain."

Margaret spoke "It is exactly as I said. The closing of this forest marks the fact of Marie's erasure. Any memories you have of Marie will disappear, and you will return to your peaceful days. None of you will become trapped here."

Emerald spoke "No... This doesn't make sense!"

Margaret spoke "I merely have come to fulfill my promise. What you do is up to you. ...I have made a link from the telemirror in the mountain cabin to this world. That is the only conduit through which you may reach this place."

Karei asks "Huh? So we can't get here through the TM in Junes!?"

Margaret spoke "Exactly. This world and your world's reflections are linked, place to place... It is a fact."

Teddie spoke "Hrmmm... I can't smell the other places from here... It really isn't connected!"

Margaret spoke "I am repeating myself, but it was Marie who shut herself in this world. There is no need for you to think that you must risk your lives for her... I am sure she would not wish that, either. Please, treasure the normal lives you have. That is what Marie would want. ...Now, if you would excuse me."

Margaret started to leave.

Kanji asks "H-Hey! Wait! Er... Please!?"

We moved toward Margaret, only to find her already gone as we saw the mirror we saw in the cabin.

Sunao spoke "...It's a TM. The same type as the one in the cabin. This must be the exit, like the ones Teddie and Heifa have."

Emerald asks "So now what!?"

Goryuu asks "Seriously asking that? Marie's here, right?"

Kanji spoke "If she's in danger and being attacked by Shadows, then we've gotta get in there and find her."

Sunao spoke "Hold on. It might not be that simple. Let us leave for now, at any rate. We cannot blindly run ahead so suddenly."

Kaze spoke "...Yeah. Plus, we're totally not prepared, right? If we're gonna do it, let's get ready and take this on full-force!"

Looks like we completely agreed as we entered the mirror and found ourselves back in the cabin.

Karei asks "Owwwwwww... Ugh, who was pushing me?"

Kanji spoke "Shut it. There's a ton of us, and it's a tiny frickin' TM."

Spottedleaf spoke "Teddie, you have five seconds to get your hoof away from my ass before I zap you!"

Teddie got off Spottedleaf and back into his bear suit.

Teddie asks "Oooch... I dented my head in. Anybody wanna touch it?"

Kaze and Kiko spoke "Uh, no."

Emerald spoke "What are you guys clowning around for? C'mon, get up! We got a meeting to hold!"

The rest of us got up.

Kanji asks "We do? What're we gonna talk about?"

Emerald asks "Uh... I don't know! But we always have one, right?"

The rest of us had beads of sweat on our heads at that.

Kaze spoke "I guess she just wanted to be the one to say it."

Kanji spoke "Yeah, it would really mess with my head if Emerald-senpai was coming up with good plans."

Emerald spoke "Shut up! That's rude, you know!"

Goryuu spoke "It's okay, Emmie."

Spottedleaf teleported before reappearing with Scootaloo and Quick Fix.

Danyelle spoke "First off, we should consult with Shima's parents about that kitsunepony rumor."

Quick asks "Did you say kitsunepony?"

That spooked Danyelle a bit.

Spottedleaf spoke "Wow Dany, I had no idea you were such a scaredy-mouse."

Danyelle spoke "I just don't like creatures sneaking or popping up behind me!"

Spottedleaf spoke "Try telling Discord that!"

Another howl was heard and it was closer this time.

Danyelle asks "Hey Shima, do your parents know about kitsuneponies?"

Shima spoke "Oh yes. A lot of legends were told to us about them."

Kaze spoke "Still, that was a surprise. Y'know, that whole "Marie being from the other side" thing."

Kanji spoke "Wait, so the TM world is the "world of the living mind," huh? It's not really sinking in, though..."

Teddie spoke "Heifa and I couldn't even tell."

Seiko spoke "Sorry for keeping this a secret, everyone."

Sunao asks "No, it couldn't have been helped. That sort of thing isn't something that can be easily explained to others. It would be like the first time I met all of you. ...The issue here though is Marie-san's motive. Why would she risk her life to shut herself in a place like that?"

Karei asks "I could see it if she was thrown in like we were, but why would she do that to herself?"

Seiko spoke "Her memory is the key."

Miran spoke "Yeah, I think so too."

Kanji spoke "Yeah, that blue chick did say Marie lost her memory."

Sunao spoke "Maybe she remembered something that made her do that."

Quick spoke "I have a bad feeling about this guys..."

Emerald asks "Hey, I just thought of something... If the world she's in closes, she'll disappear from our memories, right? ...Isn't that the same as dying?"

That really caught our attention.

Kaze gasps "Wha-wait...! You mean, sh-she's trying to...!?"

Emerald spoke "I-I don't know, but it just feels that way to me..."

Shima asks "She wants to kill herself and make us forget about her...?"

Kochuu spoke "So she's basically erasing her very own existence..."

Teddie spoke "I think... Emmy-chan's like me and Heifa."

Heifa spoke "Yeah, Ted and I were worried when we couldn't be able to figure out who were truly were..."

Teddie spoke "When we found out the two of us were Shadows, it was traumatizing... I don't think Emmy-chan's a Shadow, but I think she feels the same way Heifa and I did... That she... shouldn't exist."

Karei spoke "Teddie..."

Yeesh, the atmosphere in here was definitely heavy.

Seiko spoke "I need your help."

Miran spoke "Yeah, we can't leave her like this."

Karei spoke "Senpai... You're right. I can kind of understand how she feels. Not having anyone know the real you, being alone all the time... Even when someone's friendly to you, you feel like there's something wrong... If I didn't meet all of you, I might have thought the same as her."

Kanji spoke "Same shit with me. I was always being misunderstood, so I toughened up and started biting back... I was scared that no one would accept the real me if I ever showed it to them. In the end, I couldn't admit it when I was showing myself. ...Pointless."

Shima spoke "Yeah... We're all like that. Everybody's suffering in some way."

Sunao spoke "Yes, but we were able to change..."

Kochuu spoke "Right, it doesn't matter how much hate we had for ourselves, we faced and accepted ourselves."

Goryuu spoke "Yeah, and it's because we had important friends."

Emerald spoke "Yeah...! I know now. There's nothing to be afraid of. We're the only ones that can save Marie-chan. If she's really thinking the same way we were, we have to go stop her!"

Spottedleaf asks "But what about Rainbow, Danyelle and I?"

I spoke "We don't have any memories of Marie."

Danyelle spoke "Regardless... My sensei told me that a strong man stands up for himself but a stronger man stands up for others."

The devout beads swirl around Danyelle's neck.

Kaze spoke "That's that, then. We should go find out exactly what we're getting into, first. It's better to know anything than to go in knowing nothing. It'll at least make things easier on us."

Kiko spoke "Right."

Sunao spoke "...We should devote a day to it. Teddie, Heifa, Karei-san, can you scan that world? From the usual spot, of course. The rest of us should rest up to prepare for the exploration. ...If there are Shadows in there, then we can't avoid fighting them."

Kanji spoke "All right, let's do this! Heh... This takes me back. Even though it hasn't been that long since we finished the other stuff."

Teddie chuckles "Yeah! All right, it's super-sniffy time together with Heifa and Karei-chan! Heheheh... My superultramegahyperuber Teddie nose can pick up even the slightest scent! But... This skill is not without its drawbacks. After three minutes, I get just an ungodly amount of snot..."

Karei spoke "*Shoves Teddie* Ewwww!"

Kaze spoke "Hey, don't damage the bear before showtime. At least he's actually useful in a fight."

Teddie asks "How rude! What do you mean, "at least"!?"

We couldn't help but laugh as that definitely lightened the mood.

Danyelle spoke "My nose is just as keen. Same with my eyes and ears."

But then the wind howled louder with a stronger blizzard outside.

Quick spoke "Something about that howl rubs my fur a certain... Wait..."

Quick heads outside before howling back, getting a response howl.

“What’s going on out there?” I asked, confused.

Scootaloo spoke "I'm just as confused! Quick never talked much about his parents though."

Danyelle asks "Hey Dash, wasn't there more to that kitsunepony story you told us?"

“I dunno, it’s hard to remember.” I responded.

Spottedleaf spoke "I think that just after Lucy lost her mother, the kitsunepony from that story lost her husband and 3 year old son..."

“Wait a minute… Azure, how old was Quick Fix when you found him?” I asked.

Azure spoke "Given that I'm 19, I was 9 when I found Quick all by himself. He was only 3 at the time plus there was a dead pony by him..."

“…Say what now?” I responded, not sure if I heard that right or my mind went a little crazy.

Danyelle spoke "Maybe we should ask Celestia-hime about the census some time."

Azure asks "Wait a minute, 3 years old when I found him?"

Danyelle spoke "The timing fits..."

It was definitely starting to get much for Azure and I.

Spottedleaf spoke "You guys might want to look outside, the blizzards have stopped!"

Emerald asks "Huh?"

To our surprise, Quick was nuzzling the adult kitsunepony while crying.

"What the...?" I gasped in surprise.

Azure spoke "Dashie, I think that's his mother."

Next thing I knew, Scoots and I fainted from the shock of that.

*Meanwhile with Quick*

Quick cries "I missed you so much mom..."

Winter Frost spoke "To think you were alive all this time..."

To Winter's surprise, a genuine horn was poking through Quick's mane.

Winter spoke "I see that you're an alicorn now."

Quick spoke "Not just that mom."

Quick started flying with his wings.

Winter was in happy tears.

Quick spoke "Wow, Scootaloo’s gonna be so pumped."

Winter spoke "It's been 10 years since I lost you, I don't want to lose you again."

A bright flash of light engulfs Winter Frost as she grows out a horn and a pair of wings the same color as her body.

Winter gasps "What the?!"

Quick spoke "Wow! You're an alicorn just like me."

Winter asks "But how…?

Danyelle spoke "I'll answer that question ma'am, I was the one that ascended you since I sensed you were a nascent. Oh, I'm Danyelle Hikari."

Quick asks "You okay mom?"

Winter spoke "I... I'm just not sure what to say."

Danyelle explained everything to Winter that she knew about the search for other alicorns.

Danyelle spoke "So yeah... I may look like a Pegasus-Abyssinian hybrid but I'm actually an alicorn-Abyssinian hybrid."

Winter spoke "Okay… This is a lot to take in."

Danyelle spoke "Any alicorn would say that but let me be the first alicorn-Abyssinian hybrid to welcome you to the Alicorn Alliance. Oh, that's something Twilight came up with roundabout the time Tigerclaw attacked. It was also at that time we had help from another universe."

Winter asks "*Smirk* Hmm… Did Quick meet someone?"

Danyelle giggles "Yeah, she's an alicorn filly I've been looking after since her parents are always busy."

Danyelle's claws glow with magic as she drags Scootaloo over.

Quick spoke "DANY!!! You're EMBARRASSING ME!!!"

Winter giggles "What’s wrong, Quicky? Feeling shy around the filly?"

Danyelle snickers as she whispers into Winter's ear about the whole "butt-copter" thing.

Winter giggled too.

A loud pop was heard as a third tail suddenly appeared on Quick.

Quick spoke "Whoa!"

Danyelle spoke "Give it another 600 years and you'll have all nine tails."

Quick asks "Wait, seriously?"

Scootaloo suddenly blushed at a thought before I realized what it was with a smirk. "Wondering how it would feel being hugged by nine tails at once, squirt?"

Danyelle spoke "*happy purr* It's just as cozy as being wrapped up with a good blanket..."

Now Scootaloo's head blushed beet red with steam coming out of her ears.

Danyelle laughs "You just got trolled Scoots!"

But Scoots didn't hear that at all as the rest of her body started blushing with smoke comically hissing out of her ears.

"Oh boy, I think you overloaded Scoots, 'cause she might be thinking about more and more tails holding her." I said.

Danyelle laughs "Good thing Quick's not old enough for the naughty stuff yet."

"*Shiver!* Maybe I should snap Scoots outta fantasyland while I still have the chance." I admitted.

Danyelle pops a balloon with a claw, scaring the crap out of Scootaloo.

Scootaloo yelps "Gah! W-Wait, what was I thinking about again?"

"Nothing." I simply told Scootaloo as she shrugged in acceptance.

Danyelle snickers "Well, don't look at me!"

Danyelle's ears pin back as she growls suddenly.

"Ugh... Now what?" I groaned in annoyance.

Winter was also growling since the forest was acting odd.

Azure asks "You feel that too Dash?"

"Yeah." I confirmed as I sensed energy that was similar to Thorne's element.

Spottedleaf quickly teleported back to the lodge with the colt, warning Emerald and the others.

Kaminari suddenly appeared in a bolt of lightning. "Careful, everyone. We could be battling Sporestruck enemies, and that means an Agarus could be on this mountain, in the tallest tree."

Danyelle growls "Given that I'm an electric-holy class Abyssinian-alicorn hybrid, terra attacks hurt me more."

Kaminari spoke "But you are also stronger against those of the Terra element, but be careful. Some of the Sporestruck may have poison attacks due to the mushrooms they have on them."

Danyelle stomps the ground, causing an earth spike to appear.

Danyelle gasps "Did I just?"

Kaminari spoke "Huh, guess that nullifies your Terra weakness on its own without the armor."

Winter spoke "Since my affinity is ice, that would put me in the Frost element."

Danyelle spoke "*ears twitch* I could have sworn I heard a Boreus' roar."

But then a Boreus suddenly landed as Danyelle gasped.

Danyelle spoke "That was the Boreus with Bone!"

To the Shock-Radiant cat's shock, Bone was on the Boreus' back!

Bone chuckles "Nice job, Berg!"

Berg spoke "Thanks."

Flintfur pops out of my shadow, scaring me.

Flintfur spoke "Hey Bone."

“Gah! Don’t do that!” I yelped.

Flintfur laughs "Scaredy-mare."

Oh… I am SO gonna prank him later!

Danyelle baps me on the back of the head.

Danyelle spoke "No cucumber pranks Rainbow Dash."

“Fine.” I groaned.

Danyelle spoke "Last thing we need is five Clans worth of Abyssinians freaking out."

“Okay okay.” I said.

Flintfur spoke "But it would be funny to see how Fireheart reacts."

“Who now?” I asked.

Spottedleaf spoke "Oh, he's one of SkyClan's warriors."

“Oh.” I noted before ponies and other creatures showed up, looking like they were made of wood and mushrooms.

Kaminari spoke "Yep, those are definitely Sporestruck."

Danyelle laughs "Let's see how they like a devout bead to the face!"

Danyelle switched the devout beads to a secondary weapon while the divine reflector became the main weapon.

Danyelle fires a devout bead at high speed at a Sporestruck, inflicting damage and purification.

Kaminari flew past some Sporestruck really quickly, shocking them with electricity and knocking them out cold while reverting said Sporestruck back to normal.


Several Sporestruck infected ponies revert back to normal after getting hit with Danyelle's attack.

Winter howls "ICE KITSUNE HOWL!!!"

Several creatures got trapped in ice.

Kaminari spoke "Now we just gotta find the tallest tree."

Bone spoke "It's at the top of the mountain but the guardian is extremely tough and won't let anyone pass unless they have an affinity for Frost, Blaze, Terra, Radiant, Shock and Umbral elements."

Danyelle spoke "I have an affinity for five of six since I hate using dark magic."

“What’s this guardian? A vortex of elements or something?” I guessed.

Danyelle spoke "In a nutshell, it's the ultimate Behemoth with affinities for all six Elements. I have affinities for Shock, Blaze, Frost, Terra and Radiant though."

Kaminari spoke "But nothing’s known about it to me or any other Behemoth, we didn’t even know it existed. Not even the humans knew about its existence."

Danyelle spoke "Many think it's just a rumor at most."

To be Continued

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