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Feasting Love

*Somnambula’s POV*

It’s… It’s been so long, since I last saw him…

Atem chuckles "I waited a thousand years to say this though but Somnambula my love, will you marry me?"

I couldn’t help but smile as I gave him my answer with no need for words. The two of us embraced as our lips connected, overjoyed with their contact.

A bundle of pink fur and blue fur had tumbled through a portal since Vincent had tackle hugged Roll.

Roll had pinned Vincent down.

Roll giggles "Pinned ya."

Vincent spoke "Hey, let me up."

Roll walked off with a smirk on her face just before Vincent tackle hugs her again but he was pinned down again.

Roll spoke "Pinned ya again."

Vincent spoke "*Notices us* Oh, hi."

Roll spoke "Catch me if you can Vince!"

Roll flew off somewhere.

Vincent chuckles "Hey!"

Vincent followed Roll before we saw them enter a door to someplace.

Roll had turned invisible.

Atem chuckles "Crazy Abyssinians, am I right?"

“Yes, but where does that door lead to?” I wondered.

Atem asks "What are your thoughts on foals?"

It… It was like my body had a mind of his own, but as soon as Atem asked that, I took him to the door and went in before finding ourselves on two legs, clothes and our front legs were different.

A mare spoke "Ah. Talk about timing when we had a suite ready for you two."

A Pegasus mare showed up.

The mare spoke "My name is Helia, and welcome to the Chuddle Hotel. But you can call me Hana."

Vince and Roll were going at it in a different room.

Atem spoke "This feels weird..."

“I agree, but why does this feel natural?” I wondered.

Hana spoke "The portals I or Vera make kinda help with that. Anyway, we got a suite all ready for ya, should help you both feel at home."

Atem asks "But if a foal was conceived in this place... Would it be born an anthro?"

Hana spoke "Probably, but it’ll still be a pony in Equestria on all four hooves."

A little hippogriff filly was crying since her brother had bit her.

Hana spoke "Oh dear… If you two could excuse me for a moment."

Hana went over to the two infants.

Dawn cries "Mist bit me!"

Mist spoke "You ate my chicken leg! Still hungry!"

Hana sighs "What am I gonna do with you two? Do I need to make you two immobile again?"

Dawn whimpers "*Sniff* No mommy."

Mist spoke "N-No mama."

Hana spoke "Okay, but please don’t do that or pick on each other like that again. Since you both are still hungry, I’ll go make some food."

Dawn and Mist ask "*Starry-eyed* Ice-cream too?"

Hana spoke "Only if ya eat your veggies."

Dawn and Mist spoke "Aw…"

Hana spoke "Well, looks like my husband will help you lovely couple get to your suite since I’m off feeding my kids."

Garth chuckles "My mom had a hard time getting me to eat my veggies though and it seems the squirts took after me for dietary behavior."

Hana giggles "Hey, I don’t like veggies either, and neither did my parents, but we gotta care for our kids, right?"

Garth chuckles "You bet, Honey."

Hana giggles "Heehee! Thanks, Garthy."

The two shared a kiss before Hana and her kids went off.

Garth spoke "Okay you two, follow me."

Atem and I followed the gryphon.

Garth spoke "Well, here we are."

We saw the door to our suite, and it looked truly Egyptian.

Garth spoke "Don’t worry, if either of you need any food, just use the food summoner, and fresh spare clothes are available in the room as well."

An orange furred anthro alicorn mare with blue eyes and a rainbow mane flew past in a panic.

The mare spoke "HANA!!!!"

Garth spoke "Oh boy. I better help her. We hope your enjoy your stay!"

Garth took off after the mare.

Atem chuckles "Shall we, my love?"

“We shall.” I giggled as both of us opened the door, seeing… a camping site that’s practically a house right next to a large oasis in the desert? Needless to say, both Atem and I were surprised.

A pained roar had split the air since somecat had gone into labor.

“That sounded like…” I noticed.

Atem spoke "Jinxie..."

Hearing Jinxie’s roaring suddenly made me more eager before our stomachs growled.

Atem spoke "Let's eat."

A male sphinx had darted into Jinxie's room to calm her down.

“Agreed.” I smiled as we changed to some different clothes that made us rather… attractive. Both of us blushed at the mere sight of each other.

Atem started tickling me.

I started tickling Atem back as both of us laughed before our stomachs growled again, this time like lions.

*Some time later,*

Atem yawns "I'm tired."

After our meal, we were ginormous and extremely fat, at least the size of the entire desert weighing at least one million pounds, and yet our room were as big as we were, including the oasis, as the clothes we changed into had many rips and tears in them, ready to fall apart any second as I noticed only two grapes left. “There’s only two left, my love. Why not finish the grapes before getting some drinks while relaxing in our oasis for a while? It should help us stay awake.”

Atem had drifted off to sleep.

Well, I’ll have one of the two last grapes. I ate one of them, right before my clothes burst to shreds as I was wearing a bikini, which wasn't damaged at all, underneath them. But then I noticed Atem ate the grape while fast asleep, as his clothes burst to shreds too, as I noticed him wearing a speedo, which was undamaged like my bikini, underneath all that. Atem then got up and sleepwalked into the oasis waters, before inviting me in.

I giggle "*sigh* What am I going to with you Atem?"

I got in the oasis waters, smiling at my fiancé, who smiled back while still asleep. We swam with each other for away, both on the water surface and underwater, before we got some drinks that don’t seem to end, all the more satisfying. We enjoyed our drinks, not having a care about how much bigger and fatter we were getting, nor the tears our swimsuits were starting to gain. I’m still surprised we’re as mobile as we can healthily be, makes it better though as we’re were on our last drink, and it had a straw for two mouths as we started sipping it up. It was delicious.

Atem sleepspoke "Last thing we need is a fat nekomata.... I heard rumors that Danyelle's counterpart hates being overweight."

“I see.” I giggled as the two of us were close to finishing our last drink together.

Atem had jolted awake right as the speedo got shredded.

Atem spoke "*covering his lower area with his wings and hands* How embarrassing..."

Well, can’t say I’m surprised that happened since we just finished our final drink of the night right before all of my bikini got shredded too. The two of us were as big as a continent, much larger than when our clothes bursted open to reveal our swimsuits while being as big as Egypt before, each weighing 2 billion pounds. The two of us right now individually probably weight 3 trillion pounds, being as big and fat as we are. “What’s wrong, hot stuff? Feeling a bit shy? There is no need to hold back.” I flirted with a blush.

Atem spoke "Oh you're so gonna get it!"

*Two hours later*

Atem asks "Ready to check out?"

“Yeah, but I really think we should rest for now.” I answered with a yawn as the two of us individually were as big as our planet, weighting four quadrillion pounds from how our… milk/juice drinking and fun went for two whole hours, even if that felt like two entire weeks nonstop. And our room was still as big as us before Atem yawned in agreement.

Atem spoke "Uh Somnambula, you might want to look in a mirror."

“You too, Atem.” I replied as I saw my reflection in the oasis water. I truly was quite enormous and extremely obese, but I was still as healthy and mobile as I could be. Every single part of me was gargantuan, including my head, arms, hands, legs, hooves, wings and tail. Everything of my body felt incredibly doughy as my head, hands and tail were as big as my belly, chest, and derrière. I remember Mistmane’s words about anything can be beautiful, and in all honesty, I thought I looked quite beautiful, even as I am right now, especially in my birthday suit.

To my surprise, a bonafide horn was on my head.

“Oh my! It must’ve happened when we…” I realized quickly as I couldn’t help but smile, with Atem smiling too.

Atem chuckles "Old Starswirl will spit his bridle once he sees this!"

“Indeed.” I chuckled in agreement as both of us yawned. “Why don’t the two of us sleep like this under the wonderful stars tonight?”


Garth asks "Hana?"

Hana asks "Hmm?"

Garth spoke "We got another alicorn, a mare this time!"

Hana asks "Hmm… Ah, Somnambula, right?"

Garth spoke "Yeah and we got a new baby sphinx."

Hana spoke "Oh! We must plan a party for Jinxie, Silvervine and their new kitten."

Applebloom crashed into Hana.

Applebloom spoke "Hey Hana! Ah got mah cutie mark!"


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