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Fog's Danger Part 2

*OC-verse Danyelle's POV*

But the attack went straight through Hidzume without an injury.

We suddenly found ourselves at the lobby of the Enaga Inn, with Past Hidzume confronting Ms. Riyu.

Riyu asks "…Who’re you? And what’s this “something important” you called me out here for?"

Past Hidzume asks "What they say on the news isn’t true, is it? All that talk about you having an affair and whatnot… It’s all a lie, right?"

Riyu asks "Why do I have to explain myself to you…?"

Past Hidzume spoke "*Walks forward, making Riyu back up* I see… So you don’t deny it. You caught my eye, but it turns out you’re another worthless female…"

Riyu spoke "*Backs up* What’s wrong with you…? D-Don’t make me call for help!"

Past Hidzume spoke "*Angrily* Ugh, shut up, shut up, shut up. *Smile with narrow eyes* I think you need to see what it’s like to fear for your life… It’ll get your head straight."

Riyu was then against the large mirror behind her. “Wh-What’re you going to do…!? No!” Riyu yelped before she screamed as she was shoved into the mirror like it was a portal and vanished into it, much to Past Hidzume’s surprise.

Past Hidzume spoke "Sh-She fell in… She fell all the way in… Ha… hahaha… Wow… So creatures can go completely inside…"

We were back at the apartment.

Hidzume spoke "Good thing for me no one else was around there in the middle of the night."

Shima asks "That… happened in our lobby…?"

Hidzume spoke "I learned about the Midnight Channel through some rumor. You hear a lot of fishy stories like that on the force. But it was pure coincidence that I touched the screen and discovered my power. I burst out laughing when I found it. I knew right away that this was going to be interesting!"

Kaze spoke "So you tested it out on Junsei Riyu."

Hidzume spoke"Nah, it was nothing like that. I’m a very sincere fellow. I was just trying to punish the stupid bitch a little for betraying me. Yeah, putting them inside the TM was never the plan… But y’know, both Junsei and that dippy high school fully with you struggled for no reason…"

Kiko spoke "Then you ordered that male griffon and female kirin to shove me in there!"

Hidzume spoke "Oh yeah… I sorta remember you. And first I called ya in ‘cause of work-related stuff. You being the one who found Junsei’s body and all. And naturally, if there was any chance you’d seen something, I’d need to know, right? So I was all set to be a nice stallion to ya."

We suddenly found ourselves in an interrogation room, with Past Hidzume questioning Past Kiko.

Past Kiko asks "What’s this about, anyways…? Didn’t you call me in for more questions…?"

Past Hidzume spoke "Well, we’ll get to that. But you know, I saw you this afternoon. You were getting pretty cozy with that Shokubutsu…"

Past Kiko then slapped Past Hidzume.

Past Hidzume spoke "Huh… So I’m not good enough for you? Well, I know how to deal with fillies like you…"

Past Hidzume walked out of the room before a male gryphon accompanied by a female kirin walked in.

The gryphon spoke "Heh, this is gonna hurt."

The gryphon grabbed Past Kiko.

Past Kiko stammers "N-No…!"

The Kirin spoke "It’s pointless to struggle against death."

The gryphon shoved Past Kiko into the small mirror, sending her into the Mirror World as Past Hidzume came in.

Past Hidzume spoke "Not bad, Barak, Zombire Wandagger. But Faust, these high school fillies today. This world’s gone straight to shit. When I was in school, I wasn’t allowed to do anything by study my ass off… I was supposed to be the best of the best, but instead they stuck me in the boonies… But I guess I got this sweet power to make up for it. *Chuckle* Life’s not so bad after all."

Past Barak spoke "Heh, I’ll go taunt her. *Sticks head into the mirror* Why don’t you scream and beg, then maybe I’ll free you. *Takes head out of the mirror* Not. Hahahaha!"

Past Zombire giggled at that.

Past Hidzume spoke "Yeah, like that’ll happen. *Chuckle* As if any of us would walk into a deathtrap like that."

We found ourselves back in the apartment room.

Lightning Edge, Flaring Blade and Umbra Chains growl "Zombire Wandagger…"

Therron growls"Barak…"

Hidzume: It was a lot easier the second time. High school girl creatures are thinner, y’know? Lighter.

Kaze: You son of a mare…!"

Hidzume spoke "C’mon, gimme a break. Neither my two allies or I knew it was dangerous inside the TM. It’s not like we were trying to kill them. I mean, I’m sure they hit on Shokubutsu, not the other way around. A council secretary will one day rise to public office himself. Junsei and Kiko were just gold digging. They got exactly what they deserved. I didn’t do anything wrong at all. But that umbra chick sure broke Kiko outta there."

Kaze spoke "Shut the hell up! You knew from what happened to Junsei Riyu that creatures die in here!"

Hidzume asks "*Sigh* So what if I knew?"

Miran asks "Did you trick Shokubutsu?"

Hidzume spoke "Nah… He called the police in the middle of the night, just after Kiko returned alive. The rest of the force had their hands and hooves full with a homicide, and it happened that I was the one who took the call."

Sunao spoke "Shokubutsu said the police refused to take him seriously… You were responsible for that, then."

Hidzume scoffs "Oh, quite the contrary. If anyone else had taken the call, sure, but I actually did believe him, y’know…?"

We then found ourselves in Shokubutsu’s house as his past self was calling the police while looking at a static mirror.

Past Hidzume asks "Huh… That’s the pattern between the two disappearances so far? And now you’re seeing a female Ornithian in a kimono on that weird program, and you think she’ll die too. Is that right? Shokubutsu-san… Do you seriously expect us to believe something like that?"

Past Shokubutsu spoke "B-But… it’s true! If there’s any way the police can protect her…"

Past Hidzume spoke "Listen… There’s no way the police are going to make a move based on a fantasy story like that. ……It does sound interesting, though…"

Past Shokubutsu spoke "B-But…"

Past Hidzume spoke "Oh, I have an idea… If you really want to save her that much… Why not do it yourself? Like… You could shelter her somewhere. Some place where no one could find her."

Past Shokubutsu asks "Where no one could find her…?"

Past Hidzume spoke "Save her yourself… You can do it. I’m busy now, so I’m hanging up now. Bye."

The call ended as Past Shokubutsu stared at the mirror before we were back at the apartment room.

Hidzume spoke "Isn’t that amazing? Of all the creatures who could’ve received Shokubutsu’s call, it ended up being me. Talk about luck! All I did was give him a little push… and he completely bought into his vision of this world. The more creatures you guys saved, the more he’d kidnap… Both sides had best of intentions, so the game of cat and mouse would never end… Haha, it was awesome."

Kanji spoke "You gotta be shittin’ me…!"

Yukiko asks "Why…? what reasons could you have for doing that!?"

Hidzume scoffs "Reasons…? None, really. I could do it, that’s all. And it was fun… I guess that’s my reason?"

Emerald gasps "Y-You murdered creatures just for the fun of it!?"

Hidzume spoke "C’mon… All me and my two friends did was put creatures in here. We didn’t murder them. And Shokubutsu did most of it. I had nothing to do with any of you."

Goryuu spoke "You’re only sidestepping the blame!"

Hidzume asks "Yeah? Then how would you prove it? “He put creatures inside TMs”? Haha, you think the police are that stupid?"

Teddie growls "Grrrrr, what a jerkwad…!"

Hidzume spoke "I do admit, though. I never thought you guys would manage to track me down. I like that. Games like this gotta have surprises or they get boring fast. It’s like when I dealt with that Tsukamu colt. That was fun, too."

Kochuu asks "So… you’re saying that you’re behind Gēmā Tsukamu‘s disappearance too?"

Sunao asks "I did sense something odd in his course of action… If he had special powers and wanted attention, why resort to a regular copycat crime? But that wasn’t the case… Tsukamu had no such powers. In fact, he was thrown in by you… Am I correct?"

Hidzume spoke "It had been a while since I last put someone inside the TM, so I really got a kick out of that one."

“Why do that though? And why didn’t Gema mention you at all?” I asked.

Hidzume laughs "Haha, you think that it didn’t occur to me before I did it? C’mon, I’m a detective. I led him through to a room at the station with a mirror, switched off the lights, and did it quick while he was still startled. As long as he didn’t see me push him in, and no one else did either, no one would believe him… even if he survived. Of course, I don’t think that Tsukamu colt ever figured out what happened, haha."

Kaze asks "Wait, the police station…?"

Hidzume spoke "Yeah… he turned himself in pretty quick, actually. This was back when we didn’t even know enough to issue a search warrant. But the other officers decided it was just a prank, so they pawned him off on me. I didn’t blame them… I mean, a colt coming and saying “I did it all! It was me”? Who’s believe him? But it looked bad… I didn’t think anyone would come forward and take the blame for all the incidents. The police were desperate to pin it on anyone… If this colt really did it, they might have announced the case was closed. And if that happened, Shokubutsu would stop “saving” creatures. I couldn’t let that happen, or the game would be over. That’s why I told the others I sent him home. I came up with the idea to put him inside the TM on the spot."

Shima: The game would be over…? You threw him in just so your fun wouldn’t end!?

Hidzume: You gotta have some excitement in life, don’t you agree? But the you guys put your foot and hoof in it yet again and ruined my fun. Thanks to you, Tsukamu was arrested again, and everyone acted like he was the true culprit behind it all. Tch… Couldn’t they see how badly he copied the crime scene? It worked out in the end, though, because good ol’ Shokubutsu kept saving creatures. I guess the stallion started to develop some kinda messiah complex, huh? What an idiot.

Kaze: This is all a game to you… How dare you murder creatures… try to kill Kiko for such a stupid reason! You bastard… I’ll never forgive you!"

Hidzume spoke "You can keep your forgiveness. Our world will probably become just like this place soon enough anyways. Didn’t you notice? The fog’s leaking out. Everything on that side’s pretty much screwed… The two words will merge soon, and there’ll be no difference, no “sides” anymore."

Kanji asks "Wh-What the hell’s he talking about…?"

I ask "More importantly, why did my Chaos Spear phase through him like nothing?!"

Karei spoke "This isn’t his real body… The real Hidzume is somewhere else."

Teddie spoke "But this guy feels different from an ordinary Shadow… It doesn’t seem like he’s going berserk…"

Hidzume asks "Wow, you can tell that much? This me is just to greet you guys and thank you for wasting your time by chasing me in here. I’d say this world has taken a real shine to me… I feel like it’s given me everything I’ve ever wanted. And the monsters don’t attack me at all. Maybe they can tell we have the same goal…?"

Shima asks "The Shadows’… goal?"

Hidzume spoke "By the end of the year, the world will disappear completely into the fog. Soon, this place will be reality. I’ll be in this world with those two allies of mine, so if you want me, come and get me. This world has a mind of its own. We’ll see which of us it favors."

Kanji spoke "Keep your bullshit to yourself. It’s about time you shut the hell up. We’ll finish this right now!"

Kanji ran to punch Hidzume, only for the stallion to disappear.

Hidzume’s voice taunts "What a chump. Didn’t I just tell you the real me is somewhere else? Don’t even think about teleporting to me or teleporting me to any of you, because long-distance teleportation is impossible in this world. I’ll be expecting you all… We’ll put an end to this."

Emerald growls "Get back here, you…!!"

Kanji came back to us as we decided to discuss this.

Kaze asks "That stuff about the world’s mine, and how this place will become our reality… Was he serious?"

Sunao spoke "The rest of his confessions were consistent. We’d best proceed under the assumption that it’s no lie."

Karei spoke "It felt like… he’s gained some strong power after coming here."

Teddie spoke "Not only that… Maybe he got taken over by that power."

Shima asks "So what he said about two worlds becoming one… That’s really gonna happen?"

Emerald asks "Didn’t he say that it would happen by the end of this year!? What happens then!?"

Heifa spoke "He meant that this would will devour the real world."

Teddie spoke "Yeah; the creatures in town are acting weird. It’s like when the Shadows that emerged from creatures went berserk. If the fog gets thicker and the word is completely shut off from reality… Then… the other side might become full of Shadows, like over here…"

Karei gasps "You mean, everyone’s gonna turn into Shadows…!?"

Kaze spoke "Dammit… Damn that bastard!"

Kiko asks "Why…? After all we went through to get here, we find out he was manipulating us the entire time!?"

Miran spoke "No more."

Seiko spoke "Let’s end this."

Kaze spoke "Yeah… It’s about time we finished this. I don’t wanna feel this way ever again."

But then the window suddenly turned into a red and black portal with concrete and signs as a gate around it.

Karei spoke "There’s a path we can take now. I sense Hidzume’s presence from that direction… He’s taunting us."

Goryuu spoke "Bring it!"

Kanji spoke "Let’s go kick his ass, right now!"

Sunao spoke "Wait! I suggest we prepare ourselves first. We can’t let him stab us in the back ever again… we must face him with all the power at our disposal, and defeat him without fail!"

Emerald spoke "I’m a little worried what he means, “by the end of the year”… But now’s not the time to freak out! Let’s get prepared! Let’s get OVERprepared and leave footprints, paw prints and hoof prints all over his stupid smug face!"

“Hehe! Hay yeah!” I agreed without a doubt as all of us agreed to ready ourselves for a new maze.

Spottedleaf growls "He's gone TOO far!"

I spoke "Let’s do this!"

We went into the maze before hearing a voice.

Hidzume’s voice taunts "Ahaha! I told you to come after me, and you actual came!? Don’t you guys have anything better to do? What a bunch of losers… “Let’s find the culprit ourselves!” “Let’s meet up at the special headquarters today!” Am I right, or am I right? Man, it’s embarrassing. How old are you guys? Ahahahahahahahaha! Oh crap, my stomach’s hurting… C‘mon… You’re students, royalty and adventurers, right? Shouldn’t you be doing what those three kinds of creatures do instead of wasting your time with this? Students study hard, get into a good college, work at a respectable company, marry a cute chick… Royalty do nothing all day, just prance around, doing whatever they want at their castle, giving orders… Adventurers just do reckless things, go into weird places, get weird things, almost get killed and so on… Why are you guys so desperate when it comes to something so useless? Won’t you regret it later on?"

Karei spoke "What’s up with this guy? Out of all the things we’ve dealt with in this world, he pisses me off the most! We’re not letting him get away!"


Spottedleaf hisses "I may be a healer by nature but I'm also a royal AND A BADASS WITH THE MOTHER-FLIPPING ROAR!!!"

We went through the labyrinth of mazes, and boy was that stallion taunting us about “truth” and “what creatures see”, and that was really angering me! We beat a shadow that prevented us from getting past a gate earlier and soon went back to that gate to open it.

Karei spoke "Please open…!"

We attacked the gate of caution/danger tape, slicing them apart and opening the gate as we saw a portal ahead.

Karei spoke "We did it, everyone! It’s open! Alright, now we’ve got him cornered! Let’s get him!"

We can tell that Hidzume was past that portal.

I spoke "Truth and ideals... Wait a minute guys! I figured him out! We need the dragon of truth and the dragon of ideals to help us stop him!"

I whistle loud before a warp ring opens up as Zekrom and Reshiram fly out of it.

“What the?” Rainbow asked in confusion.

Azure spoke "Woah..."

I ask "Something wrong?"

Rainbow asks "What kind of crazy cat has powerful dragons like that?!?"

I giggle "Guess that would be me."

Spottedleaf giggles "Hehe, you certainly are good."

I spoke "I'm not that kind of cat to mess around. HIDZUME!! QUIT HIDING LIKE A SHITTY LITTLE COWARD AND FIGHT ME!!!"

We went through the portal, finding ourselves at a path leading to an area as we saw a desolate and abandoned Ineighba in ruins around us.

Karei asks "Hidzume is just up ahead with two others… This is it, Senpai! Everyone ready?"

All 19 pieces of my Stand appear, ready to fight.

I spoke "Let's tear that fucker a new one!"

Gekigami, Reshiram and Zekrom roar loud.

We moved forward, before seeing Hidzume at the area with a male gryphon and a female kirin.

Therron spoke "Barak…"

Lightning Edge, Flaring Blade and Umbra Chains spoke "Zombire Wandagger…"

The gryphon had a black jacket hanging on his shoulders like a cape, a right eyepatch and chain tattoos while wielding chains and claw weapons. The kirin had black and purple clothing with metallic skull-like features on some of them while wielding a combination of a wand and a dagger. Hidzume clapped his front hooves as he turned towards us.

Barak spoke "Been a while, little brother."

Zombire spoke "I see you haven’t changed, sisters."

Hidzume spoke "Wow, I’m surprised you all made it this far."

Sunao spoke "Allow me to confirm the crimes you and your cohorts committed thus far. You had suspicions that this world was dangerous, yet you threw Junsei Riyu into the TM. Knowing full well that Ms. Riyu died there, you allied yourselves with Barak and Zombire Wandagger and attempted to do the same to Kiko Hayai."

Hidzume sighs.

Sunao spoke "Not only that, but you duped Shokubutsu into taking over you and your group’s murder attempts, while you watched like a spectator at a game. When the disappeared stopped dying, you sent a warning letter to ensure more victims. Even when a copycat killer arose, you had the gall as a detective to eliminate a suspect under investigation. One pony died in the last six months, and a young filly was almost in critical condition… But that’s not all. If at any turn something had gone wrong, many more would have succumbed… All for some foolish “excitement,” like a criminal reveling in the chaos he creates!"

Hidzume asks "Yeah? So what’s your point? All we did was put creatures in here. It’s the world that really kills them, isn’t it? This world reflects mortals’ thoughts… Which… Oh dear… Does that mean the real culprits are everyone on the outside, including you?"

That caught us by surprise.

Kaze asks "To hell with that! You and your buddies did that stuff knowing full well that creatures were gonna die! If that’s not a crime, then what is!?"

Hidzume spoke "Haha… You’re so self-righteous."

Emerald asks "How can you say that…!? Aren’t you a police officer!? Out of everything you could’ve been, didn’t you specifically choose to join the police!?"

Rainbow Dash snaps "Yeah! What’s up with that?!"

Hidzume spoke "Don’t make me laugh. Just because someone joins the police doesn’t make them some kinda “agent of justice.” Y’know why I applied? So I could legally carry a weapon… That’s all. You’d be surprised how many are like that. I thought it would be fun, too, but to tell the truth, it was a wash. Everyone around me was such an idiot… I made one tiny mistake, and they all got on my case and sent me out here to Nowheresville as punishment… I was bored shitless and wondering what to do next… when I discovered this power."

Kanji asks "For crying out loud… why a bastard like you!?"

Hidzume spoke "A gift for having to put up with this lame job out in Nowheresville, I guess. I did that stuff ‘cause I could. And it got interesting, so I watched."

Shima gasps "That’s your reason!? You can’t be serious…! You really don’t care what happens to our world!?"

Hidzume asks "Let’s be honest. There’s nothing great about the real world, is there? It’s just dull and annoying as hell. No one accepts that’s the way things are… They’re stuck with it because they can’t deny it, either. Those who actually succeed in life… They just happen to be born with the magic ticket called “talent,” cutie mark or not. If you don’t have it, even with a cutie mark, you can either accept or deny that fact until you die. That’s your only choice. Once you realize that, all you have left in your life is despair. The ultimate game over. Wouldn’t it be better if that kind of reality was wiped away?"

Karei spoke "That’s complete BS!"

Hidzume spoke "Brats and stubborn creatures like you are damned naïve… You piss me off. Listen… You might have hopes and dreams right now, but that’s only because you know nothing about reality. One day you’ll see… You’ll be faced with a boring reality that boxes you in, no matter where you go."

Goryuu growls "The only thing that’s boring here is you and your two buddies!"

Kanji spoke "If you wanna disappear, go ahead! Stop dragging us into it!"

Hidzume sighs "Stop yelling, punk. I understand you’re all afraid and gotta act tough to cover it up, but geez… I’m telling you this based on my own experience in life. Think about it for a second… Once everyone turns into Shadows… they’ll still keep on living, oblivious to all the things around them… So how’s that different from the way it is now? No, this’ll make things much easier for everyone."

Kiko gasps "Easier…? Easier?! How is that gonna make things easier!?"

Hidzume spoke "C’mon! How many creatures out there actually think about what’s real, or what’s right and wrong? Next to none, I bet. It’s useless to think about those things in the first place. You don’t get anything out of facing reality, and there’s no way to change it either. I mean, what could be more boring than brooding over things you can’t change? It’s better to just ignore them and believe only what you want to believe in life. Doesn’t that sound a lot easier? It would be awesome if everyone’s life could be that easy. No matter who you are or if you’re immortal, your lifespan before getting killed is about 80 years or so, right? Maybe longer? Then it’d be easier if we all just became Shadows. No need to hold back anything… No more pretending we don’t see things. Honestly, we don’t need our world anymore. Better to let it be swallowed up and for mortality to turn into Shadows… That’s what all those creatures who’re scared to death really want… So it’s my duty, and the duty of my two companions, to see that they get it."

Emerald spoke "Nobody wants anything like that! It’s just you three, dumbasses!"

Hidzume growls "Geez… Don’t you remember what it was like when your Shadow came out? It must’ve been enjoying life far more than you!"

The three enemies suddenly gained black and blue auras.

Teddie spoke "Be careful! I dunno what’s happening!"

Hidzume’s eyes turned golden and suddenly gained alicorn wings.

Hidzume spoke "You all saw Shadows as mere monsters, didn’t you!? These things move on pure instinct! They go wild because you defy them! You annoying brats and creatures are the ones who aren’t wanted in the new world!"

Shima spoke "Speak for yourself!!! Living is too painful for you, but you don’t want to die… Of course no one would understand! It makes no sense! You’re just throwing a tantrum like a child who can’t have his way!"

Kochuu spoke "Creatures need each other."

Sunao spoke "Indeed. If you give in and sever your ties with society, it will naturally become hard to live in it. Yet you refuse to face life and admit your own fault, running from your own mortality like a coward. And though you claim to find life troublesome, you caused nothing but trouble for many others! Your twisted logic is that of an immature, egotistic brat!"

Hidzume spoke "Sh-Shut up! Stop trying to act all tough… You guys can’t even stand on your own unless you deny everything I said! S-Stupid teenagers and creatures…! You have no idea what kinda shit we’ve been through!!"

Kaze spoke “Favored by the world my ass… I’m gonna say it flat out. You’re just worthless criminals!"

Hidzume, Barak and Zombire growl "Ngh… Aaaaarrgh!"

The three then had black and red auras on them.

Karei spoke "Here they come! This’ll probably be our last battle… Let’s hit them with everything we’ve got!"

Seiko spoke "Let’s go!"

Miran spoke "Time to settle this!"

We readied ourselves for battle as Hidzume was wielding a crossbow.

Hidzume spoke "The world is about to change… Your existence won’t belong there! I thought I could just leave you be, but you’re like the plague… We’ll have to get rid of all of you!"

Barak spoke "Let’s see how you like claws, chains and poison!"

Zombire spoke "None of you will stand a chance against us!"

Emerald and Rainbow Dash growl "You’re the plague!"

Hidzume spoke "Shut up…! Get lost! Get the hell outta our sight!!"

Looks like we’ll need to beat those three without killing them.

Reshiram growls in anger as if to say "That's far from the real truth!"

I snarl "And put all of the alicorns in danger? I DON'T THINK SO!!"

Karei spoke "I can’t believe he’s the one…! That bastard! We can’t lose, no matter what!"

Hidzume growls "Grr… GRAAAARGH! Magatsu-Izanagi!"

Hidzume summoned… a persona?! The persona suddenly increased all of Hidzume, Barak and Zombire’s stats.

Karei gasps "A Persona!? But that can’t be!"

I yowl loud as I engulf myself in fire, taking on my Danyterasu form.


I roar loud, boosting the speed and power of my allies 20-fold.

Karei spoke "Watch out! They don’t have any weaknesses, plus Hidzume is immune to light and dark attacks!"


I shot white-hot flames from my mouth at Hidzume.

Hidzume dodged the attack. “Heh. Is that really all you got?”

A high-octane Windboom was soon seen as Azure curls into a ball as he rams headfirst into Hidzume, knocking the faux alicorn into a stone wall.

But the alicorn looked like he didn’t get a scratch.

Barak suddenly chains connected to his claws to the ground and pulled them out with his legs wrapped in chains, pulling out chunks of earth as purple liquid appeared on the surface. “Cursed Quake!” Barak shouted as he grabbed the chunks of earth with chains and swung them to the ground, smashing them with a stone explosion, hitting us as the ground we were standing still had that purple liquid before we suddenly felt weak.

Karei spoke "Oh no! The battlefield has poison!"

I roar loudly "CHAOS REVERSAL!!!!"

The poisonous effect was removed from my allies while severely weakening Hidzume and his two allies.

A dark spirit suddenly appeared in front of us with thousands of souls behind before it started charging up power.

Zombire spoke "Phantasm Storm!"

The spirit went back to being behind Zombire as a pillar of dark souls erupted underneath us, dealing damage to us real good as Hidzume summoned his persona and strengthened the stats of him and his allies again.

Hidzume spoke "Damn brats and so-called heroes… Shut up and let us finish you off! Magatsu-Izanagi!"

Hidzume summoned his persona again as it felt like it was smiling evilly at us.

Kanji stammers "Wh-Wha…?"

Karei spoke No! Kanji’s scared!"

It looked like some of the others got scared too from that evil smile.


I rear up before slamming my front paws, sending out a solar shockwave to paralyze the trio of bad guys.

I spoke "It doesn't have to be this way! Without heroes, the amount of villains would be too great!"

Hidzume spoke "Dammit… You’re all such a pain in the ass! I’ll kill you, just like I did to her!"

Hidzume summoned his persona as it swung its weapon once before it felt like we were attacked by dozens of blades.

But the attack failed since Hidzume was paralyzed.

I shot white fire at Hidzume's persona, destroying it.

Hidzume winced. “Bastards! There's no way I can lose ... it makes no sense! I can't lose!”

Man, they are still at it, looks like we’ll have to beat ‘em onto their last legs.

I roar "Your ideals don't belong in this world! OR IN MY WORLD!!!"

Rainbow and the other yell in agreement with me.

Seiko and his friends summoned their personas as I saw Kochuu’s persona, known as Vamana.

We then attacked the three at once, knocking Barak and Zombire out could as Hidzume stepped back and dropped his weapon before falling to his knees.

Hidzume spoke "D-Damn… This is lame… Ngh… Oh well… Our world’s gonna disappear soon, no matter what… I didn’t have anywhere to go back to anyways… Everyone’s gonna become Shadows… Heheheh… Urgh!"

Hidzume then looked like he was struck by something before he started floating into the air, covered in darkness with his golden eyes shining through.

Emerald gasps "Wh-What the…!?"

Hidzume? spoke "All mortals… will become Shadows. And I shall descend upon the united world… as the master of order."

Kaze asks "Descend…? Order…? What’s with this guy all of a sudden…?"

Kanji asks "What’s happening!?

Karei: Guys… This isn’t Hidzume…! It’s someone completely different!"

The being spoke "Both this world and yours will soon be enclosed in a fog that never lifts. It will be the peaceful world that mortality has longed for…"

“Who are you!?” Sunao, Rainbow Dash, Spottedleaf and I asked.

The being spoke "I… am Ameno-sagiri… One who rules the fog. One awakened by mortality’s desires. Do what you will, but your world’s erosion cannot be stopped. It is an inevitability… You played your part well, stirring up the will of the masses into madness. But that will soon come to an end… Mortality will soon become Shadows and live on in the Darkness of the fog, oblivious of their reality…"

Kaze asks "What the hell are you!? Why are you doing this…!?"

Ameno-sagiri spoke "I am the one that shepherds mortals to their true desires. Though their hearts longed for peace, it could never be attained… So they tore down the wall between image and reality. Indeed, this is the outcome desired by mortality. And mortality’s desires are my desires. That is why I decided to expand this world…"

Goryuu asks "Hold it! You mean you made the Mirror World?!"

Ameno-sagiri spoke "This is part of the sea of unconsciousness that exists within mortal hearts. A hollow forest born from bloated desire and false imagery. Mortals view things as they see fit. They wish not for truth, but rather prefer the undesirables be hidden in fog… Still, mortals fear what they cannot see. That brief yearning for truth becomes a ray of light which breaks the fog and torments the Shadows…"

Shima asks "That’s why they attack and kill whoever’s nearby at that time… A hollow forest… Then… this place isn’t simply affected by creatures’ hearts… It actually exists inside them?"

Ameno-sagiri: Mortality abandoned its pursuit of truth, placing itself in the depth of chaos and falsehood. Thus, my strength has grown, and the fog will not lift. Your world will be engulfed by the hollow forest."

Rainbow: Just shut your muzzle already! We’ll only have to beat you with our power, then boom! Done!"

Ameno-sagiri spoke "It was I who made it possible for you to bring about this destiny… I bestowed power onto those who could brave the hollow forest. That is what allowed you to come in contact with this world… And you all have done very well since."

Spottedleaf gasps "Wait a minute… You’re saying the ability to go into the Mirror World?!"

Sunao asks "Then, the Midnight Mirror… Was that phenomenon also your doing!?"

Ameno-sagiri spoke "Mortals fail to see things as they truly are. They choose to see only what they wish. I acted only in support of this. A world filled with desires… Viewed through a window, from which one sees what one wishes to see… Mortals departed from reality of their own volition, craving more false images."

Kochuu spoke "A window… What they wish to see…"

Karei spoke "So that’s why those who got famous suddenly appeared on the Midnight Mirror, one after another… It was all in creatures’ minds…"

Sunao spoke "I have to say, it must be true… The Midnight Mirror we saw in Shokubutsu’s hospital room… That kept bothering me since. What we saw there wasn’t Shokubutsu’s true intentions at all…"

Tyson asks "So that’s because you thought he was an unforgivable killer, huh?"

Sunao spoke "Ngh… We let ourselves be deluded…"

Ameno-sagiri spoke "Exactly… The more false images one yearns for, the more one stops yearning for reality… And so the forest grows on… That is the expansion of this world."

Kanji spoke "Enough talk already! Long story short, you’re the one behind all this!"

Kiko spoke "I don’t know either, but you’re done!"

Kaze spoke "Creatures want to become Shadows!? Their desire is your desire!? To hell with that! When did we wish for that crap anyways!? We kept fighting and fighting like morons to get to where we’re standing!"

Ameno-sagiri spoke "Yes… That I did not foresee. The ability to master your own Shadow that emerged to kill you, and use its power… A new and uncertain facet of mortality… Is it worthy to put my trust in, or not…? It must be tested…"

Ameno-sagiri started merging with Shadows before he vanished, then emerged from black shadowy water as a giant eyeball with fog coming out of its pipes.

Karei asks "So this… is the cause of all the fog…?"

Ameno-sagiri spoke "Indeed… I have come to put you all to the test and judge your worth…"

Kaze spoke "Like we give a damn what you came for!"

Kiko spoke "You won’t beat us!"

Kanji spoke "You’ve done what you want so far… But that’ll end when we crush you!"

Goryuu spoke "You’re going down, hard!"

Sunao spoke "Precisely!"

Kochuu spoke "Without a doubt!"

Emerald spoke "Then we know what we gotta do now!"

Teddie spoke "I don’t want creatures to turn into Shadows!"

Heifa spoke "Neither do I!"

Shima spoke "We’ll defeat it for sure!"

Karei spoke "I’ll back you guys up with everything I’ve got! This thing has no right to exist!"

Miran spoke "Right!

Seiko spoke "Time to end this, for good!"

We readied ourselves for battle.

Ameno-sagiri spoke "To defy me is a senseless act which goes against your world’s wishes… Now… Let everything vanish into the sweet fog of illusion…"

Miran spoke "This time, we’ll finish this!"

Seiko spoke "Agreed. Let’s end this!"

Ameno-sagiri spoke "Let us begin…"

I spoke "This is the final countdown guys! The fate of my world and my counterpart's world hang in the balance!"

I had the Divine Retribution hovering on my left arm, the thunder glaive in my right hand and the devout beads around my neck.

I howl loudly as I charge full speed at Ameno-sagiri, slashing him.

The enemy regenerated instantly.

I spoke "HARMONIC SLASH!!!!"

Ameno-sagiri's head was cut clean off.

But it still regenerated. “No one wishes for the fog to lift. Why act against the wishes of your fellow mortals? Consider... is that truly just?”


The combined attacks followed by a powerful Ice Beam hits Ameno-sagiri hard, causing him to explode.

But he instantly regenerated anyway. “How foolish... your actions will draw many back into suffering and strife! Why will you not understand this?”

I run the thunder glaive through Ameno-sagiri.


Ameno-sagiri regenerated again. “You fools! Then I have no choice! I will bring about the deaths of those who will keep true peace from the world!”

My will was starting to fade before Seiko put his hood on my shoulder.

Seiko spoke "You shouldn’t fight him alone. We’re with you."

The rest of the Alicorn Alliance was cheering me on.

I spoke "I'm never truly alone."

All of my Pokemon pop out of their Pokeballs.

A lone Mew was among all of my Pokemon.

But then the personas of Kaze, Emerald, Shima, Goryuu, Kanji, Karei, Teddie, Sunao, Miran, Kochuu, Heifa and Kiko appeared before they suddenly changed, as if they grew stronger. They each thrust out one of their palms, both for Teddie’s persona, as they sent out attacks that hit Ameno-sagiri that somehow prevented him from regenerating as Seiko started a persona summoning. Everyone was cheering for me, Seiko, Rainbow Dash and Spottedleaf as the latter two summoned their personas.

Seiko spoke "…Persona!"

Seiko shattered the tarot card, summoning a HUGE persona!

Spottedleaf spoke "Danyelle! Dash! Seiko! Get ready!"

All of my Pokemon charge up their most strongest attacks.


I let my strongest attack fly at the same time as all of my Pokemon let their attacks fly as Seiko, Rainbow Dash and Spottedleaf attacked alongside us while Lucifer, the persona Seiko summoned, thrusted out his right palm before clutching it, as all of our attacks hit the enemy causing Ameno-sagiri to explode completely as his eye was still intact.

Ameno-sagiri spoke "I see… Your powers are strong. Power comes from the heart… You have proven to me mortal potential… Very well. I will lift the fog from the place where you will return to. Mortality’s desires are my desires. If mortality so wishes, I will return at any time… I am always at your side, watching…"

Teddie spoke "Well, don’t wait up! We’ll keep that from happening no matter what!"

Ameno-sagiri spoke "Time will show the path mortality takes… Children of the new potential…"

Ameno-sagiri then suddenly faded away into light disappeared, leaving behind Hidzume as he fell onto his back.

Emerald asks "You think… it was controlling Hidzume-san?"

Sunao spoke "Who can say…? I believe it was at least partially his own intention as well."

We approached Hidzume and the unconscious duo of Barak and Zombire.

Hidzume sighs "So that’s it, huh…? Fine… Live however you want… If you think… you have the power to change the future… then go right ahead…"

Kaze spoke "Everyone has the power to do that."

Hidzume asks "Heh… Get outta here… The Shadows will finish me and the other two off… Just leave us be… You came to kill us in the first place… didn’t you…?"

Kanji spoke "No, dumbass."

Kaze spoke "If we leave you three here dying… and three dead bodies eventually appears, then what? What’s that accomplish for anyone…? Your stupid game’s over. We’re taking you, Barak and Zombire back. Live and face your punishment… That’s how it works in our world."

Hidzume spoke "…Right."

Sunao spoke "I’m sure that’s the outcome Kojima-san wishes for as well."

We did it. We won.

I spoke "Look dude, everyone makes mistakes at times but we learn from those mistakes and grow to be better."

Seiko spoke "Danyelle’s right about that."

Hidzume spoke "We have the same power, but things turned out so differently for us…"

Seiko spoke "It’s because I had my friends. But you can still start over. Same with Barak and Zombire."

Hidzume spoke "Friends, huh…? Haha, that’s the last thing I want to hear about right now. But… maybe if I had been more like you, things wouldn’t have gone this way…"

Hidzume smiled weakly, as I can tell that Seiko, Rainbow Dash, Spottedleaf and I can sense Hidzume’s sincerity… The four of us feel as if we finally understand him.

Sunao spoke "Let’s go back…"

Spottedleaf spoke "Explaining this to Twilight isn't gonna be easy."

Rainbow spoke "Hey, you don’t have to explain it alone."

Spottedleaf counters "You're one to talk Skittles, how in StarClan's name are we gonna explain to Twilight that Hidzume was a nascent alicorn?"

Twilight calls out "I HEARD THAT LEAF FLANK!"

But we noticed the alicorn wings on Hidzume were somehow gone.

Twilight's right eye started twitching.

I spoke "Oh shit...! SIT GIRL!!!"

Twilight was soon face down on the ground.

Rainbow spoke "Well, no point dwelling on it now."

I spoke "True there but alicorn wings just can't up and disappear. It doesn't work like that."

Rainbow spoke "This is the mirror world. Who knows what could happen."

I laugh "At least it's not the distortion world where everything is messed up!"

The others ask Huh?"

“Nothing important you need to know about.” I shrugged off as I mentally added to myself, {Yet.}

Giratina bit back a snicker.

“Come on, let’s get you guys back home. All of you.” I smiled as we grabbed Hidzume, Barak and Zombire and headed back to the real world.

I recalled all of my Pokemon.

I spoke "Well, I should get going before my world's Ben freaks the heck out."

*After OC-verse Danyelle went back to her universe with all of her Pokemon*

*Twilight's POV*

I groan "There are times I hate that nekomata..."


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